S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Quote from: Sirol on April 13, 2021, 06:37:57 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

For a little while longer, Sirol just sat there, curled up under her blanket, latching onto Doctor Xiiv's presence; her face seemingly frozen with a neutral, absent minded expression, while her mind was eagerly at work.
There had to be a way to make this work.
In fact, there were at least three potentially successful -, and two generally-worth-to-be-further-reflected-upon strategies to remedy the damage caused.
All of them however alarmingly above her privileges and clearances as a current Starfleet Ensign"¦

A ship"¦
A sufficiently modified deflector...
And at least one fellow scientist"¦
She needed similarly keen minds, to network...
...Yet with the thinned out staff, the sort of allies Sirol needed might be hard to obtain"¦

Eventually she slowly looked up to Xiiv, bidding her a hesitant nod.
"œI am not at home. I have no home."
The slender scientist calmly explained.
"œBut"¦ I appreciate you reaching out for me"¦
The Romulan language has no sufficient terminology for... This here, and I am still learning to utilise Federation standard without a translator to increase my linguistic precision, but"¦ I grasp; I see what you are doing around my mind"¦ And I welcome it."

When Sirol once more noticed the Commander's pet from the corner of her eye, she slowly turned around, giving it a curious look; only to see it seek shelter and go into hiding again.
It was adorable and instantly triggered protective feelings within Sirol (as to be logically expected from her when around children and small animals"¦), but also a fair share of new thoughts.

The poor little thing must have been overwhelmed with all the strange occurrences and faces on the MedBay"¦
"œWill it be alright?" Sirol quietly asked in Zex's direction, yet with her eyes still following the small animal.

Sirol hesitantly nodded, her eyes slowly returning her focus towards the medic.
"œAcknowledged. Thank you"¦"
She spoke calmly, rubbing her cold hands on her ankles, before she eventually added:
"œHow do I determine if I need you, Doctor?"
The question was almost even ironically childish; hinting towards Sirol's lack of chance to reflect; lack of someone to give her the proper feedback she needed to assess herself and her own situation. Yet her question was genuine...

Erika would craw under the bed thinking it had avoid kal and he would forget about it. Only it's stripes limbs were still visible along with its mandible catching a bit of the light above. It cocked its head to one side as it saw Sirol looking at it. Yet for some reason did not reposition itself again.

Despite being no bigger then a house cat now. It was house cat size bundle of sharp and point things. Backed up by ferocity and fearlessness only a creature of such limited intellect could possess. Yet perhaps with someone cybernetic augmentation it could become smarter.



< Katra Station / MedBay >

Quote from: Kirok on April 14, 2021, 05:42:28 PM

Zex grabbed Ka's arm.  More to help him understand just how certain she was of Sirol's innocence.  "I'm positive that it was not her" she said.

"When I first woke up, she looked similar to the person who attacked me.  She was a woman.  A Romulan.  But much older than Sirol.  She had wrinkles and some grey hair.  I'm 100% certain.  You need to believe me, right?" she added.

As Eydis was leaving, Zex made sure to say goodbye.  "Thanks for coming to visit.  And thanks for leaving your pet to guard me.  I will let you know when visitors can return or more preferably when I can leave, whichever comes first" she said.

"I am feeling better" Zex said to Kal after Eydis left.  "Shi is just here to guard me.  I wasn't aware of the police, but I will tell Eydis.  I'm sure shi would want assistance if it ever went missing" she said.

"Yes.  Shi will be fine" the Deltan said to Siro.

For a moment Sirol listened to the voices in the MedBay - not to any single one in particular, but just the collection of noises itself"¦
Only ever when she heard Ensign Zex mentioning her again, (she did not outright name her, yet Sirol could still tell it was about her) the scientist slowly looked up and followed her conversation with Ensign Jimrec.

She was fiercely stating Sirol's innocence.
It was almost even relieving to hear that the attacker apparently was someone older- Not that it negated the fact and gravity that Ensign Zex had been attacked in the first place, but at least it gave Sirol a more distinct trust into herself, and that - maybe - her memory gap had entirely different causes"¦

Thoughtfully Sirol bit her lower lip as - suddenly - she heard Ensign Zex addressing her to answer the question about the Commander's pet.
Sirol acknowledged it with a polite bow.
"œThat is good to hear.
Being in an artificial environment must be terrifying for an unsuspecting animal..."
Were her quiet words, once more looking at the small animal.

Quote from: Eydis on April 14, 2021, 08:19:30 PM

Erika would craw under the bed thinking it had avoid kal and he would forget about it. Only it's stripes limbs were still visible along with its mandible catching a bit of the light above. It cocked its head to one side as it saw Sirol looking at it. Yet for some reason did not reposition itself again.

Despite being no bigger then a house cat now. It was house cat size bundle of sharp and point things. Backed up by ferocity and fearlessness only a creature of such limited intellect could possess. Yet perhaps with someone cybernetic augmentation it could become smarter.

Unaware of it herself, Sirol smirked a little as she rested her chin on her bent knees again and calmly observed the little critter for a bit longer.
By now it seemed to have found an acceptable safe spot and remained still, and - from what Sirol could tell by it's movement so far -, appeared less erratic.
No wonder MedBays and hospitals were using pets to lift the morale of patients"¦ She thought"¦ Just as in any other aspect of life, watching animals had a calming effect on most people.
(And while this particular one may not have been soothing for everyone's taste, it worked for Zex and Sirol, and that was already a plus for everyone.)

As Zex spoke up again though, her inquiry baffled the scientist.
Her expression seemingly froze in awkward confusion.

Quote from: Kirok on April 14, 2021, 05:42:28 PM

"Would you like for me to sit with you?  Hold your hand until you are better?" she offered.

She could tell that Ensign Zex's offer was genuine, yet the fact that someone even did make such an offer to begin with surprised"¦ Even confused her.
She was not exactly the sort of person most people would willingly approach, not to mention comfort, and she was well aware of it"¦
Tilting her head, Sirol remained quiet for a second, trying to find the right words to portray her many thoughts at once.

"œI"¦ Am not sure"¦
I can imagine that being around me must still be"¦ Traumatic for you"¦ And I assume that my earlier question might even have offended you"¦
I"¦ Appreciate every sort of company. And if you wish to hold my hand, I would accept and welcome the gesture"¦
But I would also never ask anything like this of you unless you are sure that if will not cause you any distress"¦ I do not know how to conceal my emotions, and some of it may... Burden you..."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

Kal turned downward at his arm where Zex grabbed it. Her grip was sort of strong for an injured crew member. The Security fellow was taking the additional information what Zex had shared. "Older. Wrinkles. Some grey hair," he nodded his head. "I will add this to the report.

Miracle, the black cat who could had saved Kal from being miss by the search party. The cat was low as sneaking over to the Tholian pet. He leaned forward on its front as studying it. The tail was slowly waving showing Miracle was ready to quickly move.

Kal had noticed that Sirol had wanted to speak to Zex which was understanding had moved over to a computer console and typed the new information he had. How he wished he could be out of sick bay and do this investigation himself.

He rubbed his side as it was sore. He was wishing he would be able to go work out and make the pain go away. That would get doctors on his tail.

Then he sat down on a medbed and laid back on it. He placed his hands on his stomach and laced them together. Then he stared up at the ceiling. He was trying to run the scene in his head on this individual in his mind and he was trying to hear what Zex and Sirol was saying. Possible hints of something right or wrong.


Erika made a noise just like the ant did from honey I shrunk the kids. Adding a clicking of its mandibles it would slowly step out from under the bed and look around to see the titan Kal feet and legs from under the bed.

((https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Rcf89x12fdU)) the ant and starship troopers inspired the creation of  Erika

Silly titans couldn't see things if they didn't move and hide under a bed. That the uropygi decide was a new rule of life. It would make the chittering gurgling noise again at zex. Quickly climbing up the side of the bed again. Peering over the corner as best it could to spy on the titan kal. It's entire mandible and most of its upper body and forelimbs were clearly visible atop of the bed next to zex side.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 14, 2021, 09:01:07 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon looked with interest as Ensign King talked. His interest doubled when she mentioned where she's from. Then when his turn came to talk, he replied, "I'm the latest of a long line of my family of naval officers and air pilots. Almost a millennium's worth of generations. That doesn't necessarily mean we're descended from Francis Drake, the naval officer and sanctioned pirate. It's also interesting that you should mention Hong Kong, some members of my family used to work there when it used to be a British Colony. Though even when it's long given back to China, we still come whenever possible.

"As I said," he continued, "we were all naval officers in my family, but since the origin of the planes and the Royal Air Force, we've been flying ever since. Though since the Warp Programs and the Romulan Wars, we've often considered it a bit of both. A naval officer and a pilot.

"As for me, myself," he added, "I'm downright wizard with anything that flies. Not a wizard with magic, mind," he added with a chuckle. "That's what my family's always told me. I've had more ambitions to join Starfleet rather than take on work in my family's shipping company. I too also enjoy a good constitutional; it's one thing I like about working on a station, besides the fact that there's no shortage of flight assignments. After all, if you choose the right place to be in, a station looks like a city.

"Food-wise," he continued, "I like chocolates, fish'n'chips, toad-in-the-hole (which technically doesn't have toads, by the way), and the occasional pudding."

He smiled at her as he spoke and as he worked. He didn't want to mention he liked both kinds of birds, he was very careful on that subject. In no time at all, the pre-flight checks were eventually complete. All they needed now was Lieutenant Conely to show up.

[Katra Station / Serena King, dreamstate]


Warmth. Somehow, this simple sensation is one of the first that every sentient being knows, even if they're not aware of it. An autumn day, with the few remaining leaves hanging onto near empty branches, a lone bird chirping song, a single stone, skipping across the surface of a pond, ripples spreading into eternity. The warmth of parents, cradling, hugging, nurturing. Loving.

Up very high, standing on the picnic area near the mountain top, but no matter how high papa lifts, no matter how hard you stretch, those fluffy white clouds are always just out of reach. The checkerboard rug on that bumpy, uneven ground, those one or two little insects buzzing about in annoyance. Somewhat soggy sandwiches of cold cuts, washed down by tangy and pulpy fruit juices.

Mama, arms wrapped protectively, that feeling of warmth, a simple flower dress, hair long and dark, eyes twinkling, a look of contentment. Papa, standing there, broad chest, arms crossed, surveying like a lion asserting dominance over all that he sees.

So... Why can't I see his face...?

[Katra Station / Runabout Allegheny, Shuttlebay, preflight status]

Serena suddenly jerked awake, stretched and yawned. "Sorry, Ensign. I couldn't sleep on the freighter during that last leg of the voyage. I must have dozed off for a minute. I also haven't eaten for probably a day. You want anything? Lieutenant Conley is taking his time, might as well get something to eat." She stood up and moved over to the replicator alcove, tapping for a menu selection and peered. "Fish sausage, with chips with dipped into chocolate pudding?" She glanced at him with a teasing wink.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 15, 2021, 06:02:45 AM

[Katra Station / Serena King, dreamstate]


Warmth. Somehow, this simple sensation is one of the first that every sentient being knows, even if they're not aware of it. An autumn day, with the few remaining leaves hanging onto near empty branches, a lone bird chirping song, a single stone, skipping across the surface of a pond, ripples spreading into eternity. The warmth of parents, cradling, hugging, nurturing. Loving.

Up very high, standing on the picnic area near the mountain top, but no matter how high papa lifts, no matter how hard you stretch, those fluffy white clouds are always just out of reach. The checkerboard rug on that bumpy, uneven ground, those one or two little insects buzzing about in annoyance. Somewhat soggy sandwiches of cold cuts, washed down by tangy and pulpy fruit juices.

Mama, arms wrapped protectively, that feeling of warmth, a simple flower dress, hair long and dark, eyes twinkling, a look of contentment. Papa, standing there, broad chest, arms crossed, surveying like a lion asserting dominance over all that he sees.

So... Why can't I see his face...?

[Katra Station / Runabout Allegheny, Shuttlebay, preflight status]

Serena suddenly jerked awake, stretched and yawned. "Sorry, Ensign. I couldn't sleep on the freighter during that last leg of the voyage. I must have dozed off for a minute. I also haven't eaten for probably a day. You want anything? Lieutenant Conley is taking his time, might as well get something to eat." She stood up and moved over to the replicator alcove, tapping for a menu selection and peered. "Fish sausage, with chips with dipped into chocolate pudding?" She glanced at him with a teasing wink.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon smiled at Ensign King's offer. He had also noticed her nodding off, but he could understand.


He began with that, but he thought a moment. He decided on Fish'n'Chips, but at the same time, decided to be specific, as he learned the hard way around replicators: the first time he asked, it replicated the meal a little too exactly: a limp fish and wood chips. He learned to be specific ever since.

"Well, how about Fish'n'Chips. Specifically fried cod and spicy chips?" he asked.

It was understandable that Lieutenant Conely was taking quite a while. Unless they got the go-ahead to proceed without him from Lieutenant Ferris, they'd probably cut their meal short.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 15, 2021, 08:48:38 AM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon smiled at Ensign King's offer. He had also noticed her nodding off, but he could understand.


He began with that, but he thought a moment. He decided on Fish'n'Chips, but at the same time, decided to be specific, as he learned the hard way around replicators: the first time he asked, it replicated the meal a little too exactly: a limp fish and wood chips. He learned to be specific ever since.

"Well, how about Fish'n'Chips. Specifically fried cod and spicy chips?" he asked.

It was understandable that Lieutenant Conely was taking quite a while. Unless they got the go-ahead to proceed without him from Lieutenant Ferris, they'd probably cut their meal short.

Serena nodded and input Gideon's order in, which resolved itself after a brief whirl of energy and carried it over to him. "Hong Kong style borscht, medium size, hot, plus a plate of fried fish skin." The replicator hummed once more as she carried her meal over. "The problem with replicators is that no matter how much they transmute, the protein base is still just that. Sometimes there's just a bit of soy taste, but this isn't too bad. Not everyone can taste it, though" She held out the plate of fish skins to him. They looked similar in texture to the fried fish on his plate, but somewhat rectangular and as thin as potato crisps

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 15, 2021, 09:01:00 AM

Serena nodded and input Gideon's order in, which resolved itself after a brief whirl of energy and carried it over to him. "Hong Kong style borscht, medium size, hot, plus a plate of fried fish skin." The replicator hummed once more as she carried her meal over. "The problem with replicators is that no matter how much they transmute, the protein base is still just that. Sometimes there's just a bit of soy taste, but this isn't too bad. Not everyone can taste it, though" She held out the plate of fish skins to him. They looked similar in texture to the fried fish on his plate, but somewhat rectangular and as thin as potato crisps

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

"Fair point," said Gideon in regards to replicated food. Sometimes it's easy to tell when food is replicated. But, hey, if it looks exactly like a bit of home, he didn't mind a bit, no matter how much it tasted.

And that was brilliant-looking how quite a good job the replicator did. They looked exactly like the sort of fried cod Gideon enjoyed back home.

"Ah, well, if it looks like a bit of home," said Gideon cheerfully, "then it doesn't matter how well it tastes. Cheers."

Ser Conley


[Lt Ser Conley | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Drake."  Ser said as gentile as possible, as he sat sown in the co pilots chair.  On the main, he wanted staying out of the repour that was building between new officers.  Moments like these were special.  You never knew it when it happen, but sometimes you meet someone important to you talking about things like food.

"Sorry for the delay."  Ser said to both of them, trying to hide his smile with pursed lips  "My nose needed powering."

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 15, 2021, 04:45:34 PM

[Lt Ser Conley | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Drake."  Ser said as gentile as possible, as he sat sown in the co pilots chair.  On the main, he wanted staying out of the repour that was building between new officers.  Moments like these were special.  You never knew it when it happen, but sometimes you meet someone important to you talking about things like food.

"Sorry for the delay."  Ser said to both of them, trying to hide his smile with pursed lips  "My nose needed powering."

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon looked up as he finished his meal, which, thank God, was small. He smiled at Lieutenant Conely and set aside the meal and got to work on the console. Naturally, he could see the hidden smile. His own father often made that expression, generally as a way to hide his praise. Hell, Lieutenant Conely just reminded Gideon of his father right then with that expression.

"S'all right," he said. "Glad you could join us, Leftenant."

With that, he set to work getting the Allegheny off the ground...well, the floor plating anyway.


Quote from: Eydis on April 14, 2021, 08:19:30 PM

Erika would craw under the bed thinking it had avoid kal and he would forget about it. Only it's stripes limbs were still visible along with its mandible catching a bit of the light above. It cocked its head to one side as it saw Sirol looking at it. Yet for some reason did not reposition itself again.

Despite being no bigger then a house cat now. It was house cat size bundle of sharp and point things. Backed up by ferocity and fearlessness only a creature of such limited intellect could possess. Yet perhaps with someone cybernetic augmentation it could become smarter.

< Katra Station / MedBay >
[NPC - Zex]

Over the lattis, Zex was connected to Erika.  She could see the spider and cat introducing one to the other.  Still she did not want one to try to eat the other.

"Erika.  Come onto my bed" she called out.  Words were not necessary given their link over the lattis.  But she spoke them aloud nonetheless.

"Kal is doing ok" she said to the creature after it looked at the security officer.  "Settle and rest.  We are safe" she added.

Poor Sirol seemed so hurt by this experience.  Partly due to the Deltan.  Zex felt horribly guilty.

"I am ok.  Really.  I know now that it was not you.  So sitting with you is what I want to do.  I would have offered earlier, but" she added with a shrug, hoping the Sirol understood, really understood, the rest of the sentence.

Then the Deltan got out of bed and crossed the short distance between them.  She sat down beside Sirol.  Then offered her friend her hand.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kirok on April 15, 2021, 06:47:20 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >
[NPC - Zex]

Over the lattis, Zex was connected to Erika.  She could see the spider and cat introducing one to the other.  Still she did not want one to try to eat the other.

"Erika.  Come onto my bed" she called out.  Words were not necessary given their link over the lattis.  But she spoke them aloud nonetheless.

"Kal is doing ok" she said to the creature after it looked at the security officer.  "Settle and rest.  We are safe" she added.

Poor Sirol seemed so hurt by this experience.  Partly due to the Deltan.  Zex felt horribly guilty.

"I am ok.  Really.  I know now that it was not you.  So sitting with you is what I want to do.  I would have offered earlier, but" she added with a shrug, hoping the Sirol understood, really understood, the rest of the sentence.

Then the Deltan got out of bed and crossed the short distance between them.  She sat down beside Sirol.  Then offered her friend her hand.

[Katra - Sickbay]

Miracle was watching Erika like it was going to vanish in thin air. There was nearly no blinking from the cat. It watched Erika leap on the lap on the female. She seemed to be nice. However, Miracle had need to be more ready to pounce this other alien creature. It leaped up on Kal's bio bed to watch it.



[Operational Control Center]

Now that he was more or less rested, Kirok returned to the OCC.  His uniform looked fresh pressed and his shoes shined like they were new.  He looked about the room and greeted everone.

Dillon was at his side.  So he lead the dog to his ready room.  Then he returned to the central station alone.

After logging into the station, he picked up were he left off before taking a break.  The Bajorans and the Karemma had confirmed that they would be attending the re-opening ceremony.   The Bajorans would need transport while the Kamenna would arrive on their own vessel.

Now there was just one delegate he had yet to ask, the Tholians.  He knew that Zex had a good relationship with them, but she was out on medical leave for the moment.  So, it was up to the half Vulcan to contact Eydis on his own.

-//-Kirok to Eydis.  I am the new CO of the station and was hoping to meet with you.  Do you have time?  If so, where would you like to meet? -\\- the half Vulcan said over a com link.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / MedBay >

She closed her eyes for a moment.
Once she opened them again, she noticed that one pet by now had become two.
Additional to Commander Eydis' pet, now also Ensign Jimrec's pet had joined the circle, and both were hesitantly getting to know one another.
Ensign Jimrec's pet was every bit as adorable as that of Commander Eydis, and - although Sirol had never before actually seen a cat - she liked it as well.
Their curiosity and slow approach was fascinating to the scientist. Once Zex called Erika back though, Sirol's eyes immediately focused back on the Diplomatics Officer.

Quote from: Kirok on April 15, 2021, 06:47:20 PM

Over the lattis, Zex was connected to Erika.  She could see the spider and cat introducing one to the other.  Still she did not want one to try to eat the other.

"Erika.  Come onto my bed" she called out.  Words were not necessary given their link over the lattis.  But she spoke them aloud nonetheless.

"Kal is doing ok" she said to the creature after it looked at the security officer.  "Settle and rest.  We are safe" she added.

Poor Sirol seemed so hurt by this experience.  Partly due to the Deltan.  Zex felt horribly guilty.

"I am ok.  Really.  I know now that it was not you.  So sitting with you is what I want to do.  I would have offered earlier, but" she added with a shrug, hoping the Sirol understood, really understood, the rest of the sentence.

Then the Deltan got out of bed and crossed the short distance between them.  She sat down beside Sirol.  Then offered her friend her hand.

Listening to the young woman's words, Sirol slowly nodded.
Her statement that she wanted to sit with Sirol made the scientist mentally ease up a little and give Ensign Zex a kind, welcoming look.
"œIt is welcome to hear that you are doing better. Once I will be"¦ Sufficiently resilient again"¦ I will gladly join the attempt to investigate the incident.
That is, if I will still be needed at that time of course"¦"

She paused a little, then observed how the Diplomatics Officer left her bio bed and slowly made her way over to Sirol.
She wanted to tell her to not potentially exhaust herself; worried as to how her medical condition was, yet once Sirol had sufficiently snapped out of her surprise, Zex already sat by her side.

Once she realised Zex's extended hand towards Sirol, the scientist stared at it for a second, unsure as to whether to accept it or not.
Certainly, Zex had stated that she in fact did want to, but Zex also had little to no idea of Sirol's current mental/emotional state, and the last thing Sirol wanted was to chase yet another moment of telepathic shock throughout her"¦

She took a deep breath, then however decided to go with it.
The other one was certainly more trained, and supposedly more social than Sirol, so she would know as to what she could and would want to take and what to refuse and block out"¦
She gently placed her hand into Zex's, giving the other officer a slightly helpless look.

[OOC: @ Zex / Kirok -
I did not catch you on Discord in time, so I sent you a message with what to expect from Sirol here if your character choses to"¦ Congrats, You and Xiiv are in for a treat"¦ xD]

In actuality, - despite her eidetic memory and her pedantic aspirations and ability to chronologically catalogue events in her mind - she did not remember the last time she had held someone else's hand, or whether even at all...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams


[Deep Space Nine - Jimrec's prologue story]

Shahbaz blinked his eyes at the computer console. They had found the older sibling. Kal Jimrec. He will have to contact his identical brother, Hiatham.

Haitham was number two out of the quadruplets. Cazham was third. There would be a fourth identical but she died after her brothers. They would have been official quadruplets.

Shahbaz will contact Haitham the good news. Haitham was a counselor on the Discovery like Shahbaz is Deep Space Nine. Also Shahbaz will use his R&R to visit Katra.

The one problem was that they believe that Kal Jimrec was not aware he had siblings and his parents are still alive. He had learned Kal was taken by his Klingon God Parents. The identical brothers was not born a few years later.

He was not sure Kal would accept the news of his family he had lost and not know. Maybe he show up and say nothing and observe his brother afar. Maybe he had friends or crew might help him how to go forward with this. It could go right or blow up in their face.

It would be nice to find Cazham first before Jimrec but they will to figure where Caz vanished too.

🡱 🡳

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