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S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Serena King

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 15, 2021, 04:45:34 PM

[Lt Ser Conley | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Drake."  Ser said as gentile as possible, as he sat sown in the co pilots chair.  On the main, he wanted staying out of the repour that was building between new officers.  Moments like these were special.  You never knew it when it happen, but sometimes you meet someone important to you talking about things like food.

"Sorry for the delay."  Ser said to both of them, trying to hide his smile with pursed lips  "My nose needed powering."

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 15, 2021, 06:17:01 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon looked up as he finished his meal, which, thank God, was small. He smiled at Lieutenant Conely and set aside the meal and got to work on the console. Naturally, he could see the hidden smile. His own father often made that expression, generally as a way to hide his praise. Hell, Lieutenant Conely just reminded Gideon of his father right then with that expression.

"S'all right," he said. "Glad you could join us, Leftenant."

With that, he set to work getting the Allegheny off the ground...well, the floor plating anyway.

Turning a shade darker, Serena picked up the plates and bowls from her and Gideon's console and put them into the replicator for reclamation. She also let out a small breath. This was a working area and they were on duty. A more by-the-book officer would have chewed them out at best. Pushing the thought aside, she slid into her seat and put her game face on.

"Systems on standby. C3 systems configured and on standby. Sensor package on passive record, data buffers receiving inputs, read/write nominal." She reported, as Gideon lifted the Runabout, forcing her to hang on to the console by reflex. The inertial dampeners work fine, but the moment we exit the doors, the difference in gravity fields is going to be the fun bit.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on April 14, 2021, 05:42:28 PM


"Aya, Sir" the EMH said to Dr. X.   Then it went off to check over Ms. Falleg's children.   It cleared everyone and cleared the Medbay as much as possible.

[Medbay - Katra Station]

Having managed to give the Orion Slavers the slip thanks to Kyan's quick thinking, they'd got back to the Munnin-Ra and finally home to Katra Station without further incident.

"Ooooh an EMH... I didn't even know we had one!" Nerys enthused always interested in new things.

"Can someone please feed me, can't this hologram figure out that I'm starving to death?!" the stomach on legs otherwise known as Tidu bemoaned.

"I have a hurty finger!" Lamar offered holding it up.  "Auntie Tess used to kiss my booboos better.  Doctor kisses are as special as Mammy kisses.  Magic!"

Hrafn rolled her eyes and smiled.  "I'm not sure if it will be in your remit doctor or Dr Xiiv's but you'll see a lot of that one, he's always got some bump or bruise to make better."

"Mammy.." she got a little hand tugging at her uniform pants and then pointing to where Sirol and Zex lay.  "...Are they dead?"

"I'm sure they aren't dead Lambchops.  Why don't you very nicely ask Dr. Xiiv.  That's the lady there with the black and white hair..."

"Which looks totally cool..." interjected Tidu.

"It does, but Lamar, if you ask her very nicely if you can let Nantie Sirol know you're alive, maybe give her a kiss to make her better..?" his mother suggested.

Lamar plodded over still holding his hurting finger aloft in a pointy pose, and strode over to Amarande.

"Please?  That's my Nantie Sirol and Auntie Zex." he said looking at the Romulan and the Deltan in turn. "Can I give them a kiss to make them better please, they are alive aren't they? I don't want them to die! That's even worse than my hurty finger!"

Meanwhile, James nodded to one of the medical staff.

"Didn't want to make a fuss or my fiancÁ©e and the kids would be making my life a pain, but... was playing the hero and got strafed a little on my buttock, didn't shift my ass quick enough I guess, so whatever them Orion Slavers use... that hit me... I'd appreciate being able to sit down comfortably sometime this week!"

Hrafn caught the end of the conversation and winked at James, turning Crista around and smiling at her and Ujosso.

"I know I've had you looking after the kids for a while now, but would you once you're done here, hustle everyone back to my quarters, get some sleep.  I'd better check in with Captain Kirok and see if he can fill me in on what's going on since we left and if he's any further forward with the investigation into what happened..."

"Can we please eat before we sleep?" Tidu wailed.

"OK, a meal, the gannet here can have cheeseburger and chips if he wants, followed by cake and ice cream for once.  Then showers, and bed.  Promise?!"

"Promise, Mammy!" Tidu said with a grin, happy that his protest had borne fruit... or cake anyhow!

"Right I'm off..." The CSO dropped kisses on the kids heads.  "We'll have a family day tomorrow, I think I'm scheduled off, but that might change!"

[OCC - Katra Station]

Hrafn walked into the OCC and looked around then saw Kirok.

"Hello, just dropped all the kids and adults off in Sickbay.  Other than Lamar having a 'hurty finger', Tidu apparently starving to death and James ah... well he got strafed across the buttock by the Orion Slavers... I think we'll all live.  They're a bit tired, worn out, but happy to be home.  So once released from Medbay I've told Crista to feed the bottomless pit known as Tidu, and then get them showered and all... kids and adults get some rest." the CSO said with a smile.

"So, any developments?  And yes I said Orion Slavers.  I'm pretty sure they might cause problems for us later but we can keep an eye on them, they're normally not in packs like some species we've come across, more like lone wolves but ..."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Ser Conley

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 15, 2021, 06:17:01 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon looked up as he finished his meal, which, thank God, was small. He smiled at Lieutenant Conely and set aside the meal and got to work on the console. Naturally, he could see the hidden smile. His own father often made that expression, generally as a way to hide his praise. Hell, Lieutenant Conely just reminded Gideon of his father right then with that expression.

"S'all right," he said. "Glad you could join us, Leftenant."

With that, he set to work getting the Allegheny off the ground...well, the floor plating anyway.

'So am I, Mr. Drake.  Can't wait to see how you flight."  then Ser felt the runabout lift from the ground.

"Wait."  Ser said to Drake not looking at the man, It was a small mistake probably brought on by nerves.  Ser had made the same mistake a couple of times on the old Discovery, but that said, let the station know you were leaving was necessary bit of tradition and well procedure.

He tapped the COMM on the console.

=/\="Allegheny to Ops, requesting permission to Depart."=/\= He said.

=/\="Permission grant Allegheny."=/\= Came the reply.

"Alright Drake.  Let go." Ser said, still not looking at the man.  He had a feeling about this young pilot and waited to see how the young man acted next.  He knew it would tell him a lot about him.

Quote from: Serena King on April 16, 2021, 06:10:45 AM

Turning a shade darker, Serena picked up the plates and bowls from her and Gideon's console and put them into the replicator for reclamation. She also let out a small breath. This was a working area and they were on duty. A more by-the-book officer would have chewed them out at best. Pushing the thought aside, she slid into her seat and put her game face on.

"Systems on standby. C3 systems configured and on standby. Sensor package on passive record, data buffers receiving inputs, read/write nominal." She reported, as Gideon lifted the Runabout, forcing her to hang on to the console by reflex. The inertial dampeners work fine, but the moment we exit the doors, the difference in gravity fields is going to be the fun bit.

"Good job Ms. king, why don't..." Ser said as he turned to face the young lady.   When he saw her another pursed lips smile threaten his face.  "Are you ok King?  You're beat red."

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Serena King

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 16, 2021, 03:45:51 PM

'So am I, Mr. Drake.  Can't wait to see how you flight."  then Ser felt the runabout lift from the ground.

"Wait."  Ser said to Drake not looking at the man, It was a small mistake probably brought on by nerves.  Ser had made the same mistake a couple of times on the old Discovery, but that said, let the station know you were leaving was necessary bit of tradition and well procedure.

He tapped the COMM on the console.

=/\="Allegheny to Ops, requesting permission to Depart."=/\= He said.

=/\="Permission grant Allegheny."=/\= Came the reply.

"Alright Drake.  Let go." Ser said, still not looking at the man.  He had a feeling about this young pilot and waited to see how the young man acted next.  He knew it would tell him a lot about him.

"Good job Ms. king, why don't..." Ser said as he turned to face the young lady.   When he saw her another pursed lips smile threaten his face.  "Are you ok King?  You're beat red."

Serena tilted her head in Ser's direction without turning. "Lieutenant, I have a medical condition that affects my balance, one big reason I requested service aboard a Station or Starbase. When the inertial dampeners lag in battle, the crew can get knocked around a bit. For me, I get... More than a bit dizzy. I'm fine, just old habits die hard. Let's get on with the scans, please." Taking her own words to heart, she brought up a station schematic and started plotting key structural and likely affected areas that would need to be scanned.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 16, 2021, 03:45:51 PM

'So am I, Mr. Drake.  Can't wait to see how you flight."  then Ser felt the runabout lift from the ground.

"Wait."  Ser said to Drake not looking at the man, It was a small mistake probably brought on by nerves.  Ser had made the same mistake a couple of times on the old Discovery, but that said, let the station know you were leaving was necessary bit of tradition and well procedure.

He tapped the COMM on the console.

=/\="Allegheny to Ops, requesting permission to Depart."=/\= He said.

=/\="Permission grant Allegheny."=/\= Came the reply.

"Alright Drake.  Let go." Ser said, still not looking at the man.  He had a feeling about this young pilot and waited to see how the young man acted next.  He knew it would tell him a lot about him.

"Good job Ms. king, why don't..." Ser said as he turned to face the young lady.   When he saw her another pursed lips smile threaten his face.  "Are you ok King?  You're beat red."

Quote from: Serena King on April 16, 2021, 05:35:14 PM

Serena tilted her head in Ser's direction without turning. "Lieutenant, I have a medical condition that affects my balance, one big reason I requested service aboard a Station or Starbase. When the inertial dampeners lag in battle, the crew can get knocked around a bit. For me, I get... More than a bit dizzy. I'm fine, just old habits die hard. Let's get on with the scans, please." Taking her own words to heart, she brought up a station schematic and started plotting key structural and likely affected areas that would need to be scanned.

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon remembered that he didn't ask permission to depart. Inwardly, he kicked himself for forgetting. Every pilot always has to request permission to depart bays of any kind.

"Ah. Sorry about that, Leftenant," he said. And once that permission came, he departed the bay and kept up a sort of orbit around the station.

He looked back at Ensign King. He could understand why she came to a station, it's just completely different. Gideon wanted to work in a station chiefly because there's always a need for flight assignments.

"Right," he said, "let me know where to hover about for the scans to start."

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Orion Slaver Freighter | Main Bridge ::
:: Before going back to Katra ::

Kyan stood in the middle of the Ship's command center and surveyed his work. Which was pretty good, all things considered. He and the civilian had dispatched the bridge crew with only minimal injuries sustained to themselves. Thick acrid smoke intermingled with the smells of unwashed pirate and a strong ammonia smell from the one who'd voided his bladder while hiding behind a console assaulted the Onlie's nose as he looked around. "Tis a good day's work this." he opined, mostly to himself, then looking up at James. "And I'm sure the doctor types back on the station can fix yer arse if we've nae got a dermal regenerator thing on the ship so... " He chuckled at that, and remembering that the last time he'd seen a grup take a phaser to the backside it'd been that Ensign on Columbus.

Finishing his survey, Kyan noticed that one of the pirates had a jewelled blade on him that looked very out of place amid the otherwise thrown together mishmash of clothing and armor. And since the creature would have no further use of it now, he reached down to take it off him. as he did so, the man's eyes snapped open and a hand caught his wrist in a vice grip which sent a shock of pain up his arm. He still had his phaser in the other hand and brought it up to shoot, but the pirate released his wrist and smacked it out of his grip, sending the weapon clattering across the deck. In a flash, he sat up and grabbed Kyan's arm, spinning the ancient youth around into a chokehold and using him as a shield against James, who was just now leveling his own phaser.

"Federation Sons of Whores!" the pirate snarled, tightening his grip on Kyan. "Put your phaser down! Now!"

James made no move to do so, and the pirate went for the jeweled knife that Kyan had gone after, unsheathing it and putting the blade to his neck. "I'll kill him Human. Don't think I won't."

Kyan, despite seven inches of edged metal pressing against his neck, wasn't afraid. He did his best impersonation of someone who was though.

"Please sir... don't be hurtin me the now." he whimpered. "I just wanna go home!"

"Then you'd better hope this one is smart." the pirate replied cooly. "Because if he doesn't, you're finished."

James made no move to drop his weapon, nor did he speak to the pirate, which forced the man to focus on him rather than Kyan, who he had around the neck. Luckily, the pirate was on his knees, with Kyan likewise on his knees, with a little space between them. He reached slowly around behind him to where he knew the karambit was sheathed at the small of his back, just under his uniform jacket. James noticed him reaching, and made eye contact. Kyan indicated the
deck with a glance, hopefully getting the message across that he wanted him to drop the phaser.

Kyan felt a slight sting as the pirate's blade pressed against his neck a little harder. "What's it to be Human?" he asked angrily. "It'd be a pity if the boy paid for your stupidity."

James looked at Kyan again, who glanced at the deck one more time, this time a bit more urgently. Finally, after a few seconds, the man made a show of placing his phaser on the deck in front of him.

"Now kick it over there." the pirate growled, indicating the far side of the bridge. James did so, leaving himself defenseless. The pirate grinned like a predator who was about to score the kill. "You Humans are weak." He snarled with a yellow toothed smile. "That's why we have always been a step ahead of the Federation."

He then removed his knife from Kyan's neck and turned him around with his free hand, putting them eye to eye. The smile was quickly replaced by a momentary look of confusion when he saw the boy's face, which bore the same predatory grin as his own had just a moment ago. Confusion turned to a mask of shock and horror in an instant as six inches of damascus steel were buried in the side of his neck, severing the artery. Kyan then pulled toward himself, opening the man's neck and sending a geyser of his blood shooting off to the right. He clawed desperately with both hands at the wound, which of course was mortal, and quickly so. A few spurts later he crumpled to the deck, the horrified look still etched onto his visage.

For his part, Kyan offered up a small prayer of thanks to the Powers as he wiped his blade clean on the man's shirt and resheathed it. He then looked up at James, who stared wide eyed at him.

"Sure and I told ye tae be setting that thing for killin and not stunnin didn't I?" he said plaintively. Then he picked up thr jeweled blade and turned it over in his hands, checking the balance. "Nice this.." he offered to no one in particular.

He'd have gone for the sheath, which was also decorated in some gemstones, but was unable to grab it before the transporter effect began and the carnage before them disappeared.

:: Present ::
:: Katra Station | Medbay ::

Kyan deplored the medical facilities on Katra, or anywhere else for that matter. But he didn't have a dermal regenerator thing, so coming here was an unfortunate necessity. The place was bustling with activity at the moment, with Falleg's children, the civilian guy... James, and several others vying for the attention of the medical staff. One of them had one of the tools in hand and was about to go to work on one of Falleg's kids with it so he ambled over to them.

"Hey whenever you're finished with his finger and.." he stifled a giggle "his arse, d'ya think ye can get this scratch on me neck" he asked, lifting his head to display the wound.



[OCC - Katra Station]

Kirok looked up when Ms. Falleg walked in.  He listened to her report about her children.  Then her report about her mission.

"A staffing?  On your child without your consent.  There must be laws against that.  I can have Zex look into once she is cleared to return to duty.  If you should wish to pursue charges, that is" he said.

"As to what has been happening her, you have missed much.  Sirol was injured during the explosion and is currently in Medbay.  She was accused of being the perpetrator of the attack, but has since been cleared of any wrong doing.

Zex has indicated that a Romulan.  A female who is old, with wrinkles and gray hair.  So our search has turned to looking for someone over 100 years old.

No person or organization has taken responsibility for the attack.  If it was the Tal Shiar, I would have expected them to claim responsibility, but they have not.  So, I may be some other Romulan organization or a Romulan who has gone rogue.

That said, if you wish to check on Sirol.  Or spend time with your children.  It would be well within your right to do so" Kirok finished with a hint of sympathy for the CSO.

Quote from: Sirol on April 15, 2021, 09:51:22 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

She closed her eyes for a moment.
Once she opened them again, she noticed that one pet by now had become two.
Additional to Commander Eydis' pet, now also Ensign Jimrec's pet had joined the circle, and both were hesitantly getting to know one another.
Ensign Jimrec's pet was every bit as adorable as that of Commander Eydis, and - although Sirol had never before actually seen a cat - she liked it as well.
Their curiosity and slow approach was fascinating to the scientist. Once Zex called Erika back though, Sirol's eyes immediately focused back on the Diplomatics Officer.

Listening to the young woman's words, Sirol slowly nodded.
Her statement that she wanted to sit with Sirol made the scientist mentally ease up a little and give Ensign Zex a kind, welcoming look.
"œIt is welcome to hear that you are doing better. Once I will be"¦ Sufficiently resilient again"¦ I will gladly join the attempt to investigate the incident.
That is, if I will still be needed at that time of course"¦"

She paused a little, then observed how the Diplomatics Officer left her bio bed and slowly made her way over to Sirol.
She wanted to tell her to not potentially exhaust herself; worried as to how her medical condition was, yet once Sirol had sufficiently snapped out of her surprise, Zex already sat by her side.

Once she realised Zex's extended hand towards Sirol, the scientist stared at it for a second, unsure as to whether to accept it or not.
Certainly, Zex had stated that she in fact did want to, but Zex also had little to no idea of Sirol's current mental/emotional state, and the last thing Sirol wanted was to chase yet another moment of telepathic shock throughout her"¦

She took a deep breath, then however decided to go with it.
The other one was certainly more trained, and supposedly more social than Sirol, so she would know as to what she could and would want to take and what to refuse and block out"¦
She gently placed her hand into Zex's, giving the other officer a slightly helpless look.

[OOC: @ Zex / Kirok -
I did not catch you on Discord in time, so I sent you a message with what to expect from Sirol here if your character choses to"¦ Congrats, You and Xiiv are in for a treat"¦ xD]

In actuality, - despite her eidetic memory and her pedantic aspirations and ability to chronologically catalogue events in her mind - she did not remember the last time she had held someone else's hand, or whether even at all...

< Katra Station / MedBay >
[NPC Zex]

"Of course they will need you.  I'm only half surprised that they have not come to ask us to return back to duty yet.  We are short handed for sure, but with your skills - you're essential to the Science Department.  Ms. Falleg has told you as much, yes?" the Deltan said.

When Sirol finally accepted her had, it was tentative.  Like Sirol was afraid that physical contact was bad in some way.  Like it would contaminate either her or Zex.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly.  "I know the last few days have been hard.  Getting falsely accused could not have been fun.  But you should be relieved that you are no longer under suspicion of any wrong doing" she added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Serena King on April 16, 2021, 05:35:14 PM

Serena tilted her head in Ser's direction without turning. "Lieutenant, I have a medical condition that affects my balance, one big reason I requested service aboard a Station or Starbase. When the inertial dampeners lag in battle, the crew can get knocked around a bit. For me, I get... More than a bit dizzy. I'm fine, just old habits die hard. Let's get on with the scans, please." Taking her own words to heart, she brought up a station schematic and started plotting key structural and likely affected areas that would need to be scanned.

"œI'm sorry, King.  I thought you were blushing for some reason.  You're right, let's get to work."   Ser said turning around, and a sigh left his lips.   He didn't know what was wrong with him.

But something about Serena made him want to play the teasing older brother.  Maybe it was her serious nature.  He had a bad habit of trying to loosen people up.  An image of Revek popped in he's head drawn a frown.  He need to put his game face on.   Ser closed his eyes and took some deep breaths.  When they opened again, he was focus on the job.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 16, 2021, 07:09:09 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon remembered that he didn't ask permission to depart. Inwardly, he kicked himself for forgetting. Every pilot always has to request permission to depart bays of any kind.

"Ah. Sorry about that, Leftenant," he said. And once that permission came, he departed the bay and kept up a sort of orbit around the station.

He looked back at Ensign King. He could understand why she came to a station, it's just completely different. Gideon wanted to work in a station chiefly because there's always a need for flight assignments.

"Right," he said, "let me know where to hover about for the scans to start."

"œYou doing just fine Drake."  Ser said and meant it. I was glad to see the man own up to his mistake.    It meant the man had room to grow.  Ser wish more officer had the trait.

"œLet start are scans here at this shuttle bay.  Check for any structural damage that may have been missed in the initial sensor sweep.  I done care how minimal." He said

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kirok on April 16, 2021, 08:07:08 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >
[NPC Zex]

"Of course they will need you.  I'm only half surprised that they have not come to ask us to return back to duty yet.  We are short handed for sure, but with your skills - you're essential to the Science Department.  Ms. Falleg has told you as much, yes?" the Deltan said.

When Sirol finally accepted her had, it was tentative.  Like Sirol was afraid that physical contact was bad in some way.  Like it would contaminate either her or Zex.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly.  "I know the last few days have been hard.  Getting falsely accused could not have been fun.  But you should be relieved that you are no longer under suspicion of any wrong doing" she added.

[Katra - Sickbay]

Kal could not help but miss the conversation. He sat up and his gaze fell on the cat. "What is with you!" he moved his leg to get feline to jump off the bed. It did. Miracle leaped on Sirol's biobed and gently walked over to Sirol and poked his head against her body for cat affection.

"Sirol, you have to let go. Move on," he said. "You can't let blood stop you. You are innocent. Live it," he told her. "My God Father told me once about a falg and a scalQ. The scalQ told the falg it could not swim. He asked the falg to escort him across the water. The falg said to the scalQ you will sting me and we both drown. The scalQ mentioned he would not cause he wanted to get on the other side and not drown. So the falg had allowed the scalQ on the other side. And as the falg got on dry land. The falg felt a prick. You stung me the falg said. Yes I did. But why? Its my nature...other words...don't let your inner self  sting you."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Sirol on April 14, 2021, 02:41:34 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Sirol tilted her head, quietly following the Doctor's words and every now and then acknowledging them with a little nod.
What an odd way to comfort her, but she could receive Xiiv's good intentions like a comforting breeze.
"œIt"¦ Is alright"¦ I do not mind being judged.... Everyone judges in one way or another. It is a crucial part of independent and critical thinking, and - as long as it does take real and valid facts into consideration too - perfectly healthy."
She adjusted the blanket a little, so it covered her back and her legs, yet would hive her hands and arms relative freedom of movement.
"œIs there anything I can help you with for the final report? Or"¦ In general?
My mind is still working. For the most part that is...

Her words were quiet and still a little weak, signalling the toll the recent weeks, yet especially the chain of events on the MedBay today had taken on her.
While appearing quiet and timid for now, with her senses and thoughts latched onto the presence of the Doctor - and finding some almost therapeutic remedy in her presence, her mind was still - as usual - hyperactive. Willing; craving to be of use; to do her part"¦

Upn Xiiv's statement regarding her stay on the station though, the scientist paused for a second, just raising one eyebrow.
"œThat is one"¦ Exceptionally reactionary outlook on your place; and a pleasantly accepting one too.
Maybe I might"¦"

Depending on how my next project and the acquiring of suitable equipment and assistance may go"¦

"œ...My work as an exchange officer though suggests that - at any time - I might be transferred to a different place; into a new society the Romulan Free State sees fit to conduct research on.
I have been among Remans, Klingons, Nimbosians and... Ensign Murphy... Throughout the last four years"¦ Each culture has its merits and downsides"¦
I for example never expected to enjoy my time aboard a Klingon Vessel as much as I did"¦
But their level of"¦ Legitimacy"¦ Their genuine presence and honesty"¦ Whether for or against my person... Was remarkable..."

For a moment Sirol thoughtfully stared into the air, fondly remembering her time aboard the Gor'veng.
Had she been part of the crew? Of course not. But Captain K'Langa and his crew had been unconditionally honest with her, even the ones who hated her for her heritage"¦
No good or bad word from them had ever been masked in a vague indication or entirely hidden behind a wall of silence"¦
It had been the second closest thing to a real experience Sirol had had the honour to make"¦

"œ...But I digress.
What I mean to say here is, that - unless I decide to marry into a family somewhere, which is statistically seen unlikely due to my inadequacies"¦ Chances are, I will be assigned to an entirely different faction eventually.
My role as a xenologist and even my function as mediator do not exactly offer the privilege of a fix home, and the escapist fantasy of suddenly getting accepted for the cross culture adoption program and being assigned to a child and by extension a permanent faction"¦ Would be"¦ Counterproductive for this and any other future temporary assignment.."

"I have always felt home should be wherever you are and not a fixed place. That way, it's easier to move on," Xiiv said quietly, her expression faintly amused. "But in the end, the places we go when we leave we not only leave our mark, but they leave their mark on us. Friends help, too, in the making of a home. I would hope I number on your friends list one day, Sirol."

She smiled as Zex took a moment to speak with the scientist and Kal...well, she shot him a look.

"Any reason my medbay is now a hunting ground? Can we have some order, please?" Oh, she'd noticed the stalking going on by the cat. "You, please stay put." She pointed at Kal. "It's a miracle you're even drawing breath. Lay down for me, if not yourself, and stop poking about."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 16, 2021, 07:09:09 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Shuttle Docking Pad | Docking Saucer Pods | Katra Station]

Gideon remembered that he didn't ask permission to depart. Inwardly, he kicked himself for forgetting. Every pilot always has to request permission to depart bays of any kind.

"Ah. Sorry about that, Leftenant," he said. And once that permission came, he departed the bay and kept up a sort of orbit around the station.

He looked back at Ensign King. He could understand why she came to a station, it's just completely different. Gideon wanted to work in a station chiefly because there's always a need for flight assignments.

"Right," he said, "let me know where to hover about for the scans to start."

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 16, 2021, 08:24:06 PM

"œI'm sorry, King.  I thought you were blushing for some reason.  You're right, let's get to work."   Ser said turning around, and a sigh left his lips.   He didn't know what was wrong with him.

But something about Serena made him want to play the teasing older brother.  Maybe it was her serious nature.  He had a bad habit of trying to loosen people up.  An image of Revek popped in he's head drawn a frown.  He need to put his game face on.   Ser closed his eyes and took some deep breaths.  When they opened again, he was focus on the job.

"œYou doing just fine Drake."  Ser said and meant it. I was glad to see the man own up to his mistake.    It meant the man had room to grow.  Ser wish more officer had the trait.

"œLet start are scans here at this shuttle bay.  Check for any structural damage that may have been missed in the initial sensor sweep.  I done care how minimal." He said

As expected, the change in gravity fields from station to their own caused a slightly perceptible gap. Shaking her head, she focused. "Beginning scans... Nominal. Shuttlebay is within spec, although..." A few more taps and she leaned forward. The deep breath, Professional Assessment Rapid Monologue. "For inclusion in mission log. Reading some stresses along structural backbone. Issue is minor, repeat, minor and within specifications and tolerances to 0.0001%. Suspect explosion has caused torsional stress which cannot be easily accounted for. If station keeping thrusters required, may consider need to reinforce Structural Integrity Field along certain areas. Long term, structural design lifespan may decrease but only on the order of a perhaps a few days less than designed viability envelope performance and not statistically significant. Readings appended, general Engineering conclusion is stable, recommend 'second opinion' from structural engineering specialists for research into long term effects, end."

She turned around in her chair and stretched. "Imagine a wet towel. To try and dry it out, you twist one end towards you and the other end away. Torsional stress is twisting in opposite directions. Ready to move on."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 16, 2021, 08:49:36 PM

"I have always felt home should be wherever you are and not a fixed place. That way, it's easier to move on," Xiiv said quietly, her expression faintly amused. "But in the end, the places we go when we leave we not only leave our mark, but they leave their mark on us. Friends help, too, in the making of a home. I would hope I number on your friends list one day, Sirol."

She smiled as Zex took a moment to speak with the scientist and Kal...well, she shot him a look.

"Any reason my medbay is now a hunting ground? Can we have some order, please?" Oh, she'd noticed the stalking going on by the cat. "You, please stay put." She pointed at Kal. "It's a miracle you're even drawing breath. Lay down for me, if not yourself, and stop poking about."

[Katra - Sickbay]

Eydis pet and cat was about. Now they need Kirok's dog to be part of the fun farm! Then he was ordered to lay down. "The is the last thing I want to do," he growled. "Death can come, but staying in bed. Boredom it will be the death of me!"


Quote from: Kirok on April 16, 2021, 08:07:08 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >
[NPC Zex]

"Of course they will need you.  I'm only half surprised that they have not come to ask us to return back to duty yet.  We are short handed for sure, but with your skills - you're essential to the Science Department.  Ms. Falleg has told you as much, yes?" the Deltan said.

When Sirol finally accepted her had, it was tentative.  Like Sirol was afraid that physical contact was bad in some way.  Like it would contaminate either her or Zex.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly.  "I know the last few days have been hard.  Getting falsely accused could not have been fun.  But you should be relieved that you are no longer under suspicion of any wrong doing" she added.

Eydis would pause before answering the new commander of Katra station
It was not out of rudeness that shi delayed hir greeting, but hir concern for hir friend zex was paramount.  Yet Kirok deserved and answer. Welcome command caste Kirok it would be a honor to meet official with you when the time is right for you. Has the source of the Explosion be found . Shi said pausing the turbo lift shi was in heading to the docking ring

Erikafor the most part did notice the tiny furry terror observing it until it did. It's beady eyes locating the strange thing named miracle. Chirping at the feline the uropygi crawled close to zex for shelter from this new looming menace of the cat. Peeking it's striped carapace mandible over the waist of zex at the cat. It's upper scythe like arms twitching reflexively near its head. The tiny little fins protruding from either side of the back of its heads twitched like antenna of ant might
Skaldyr Was off course located on the other side of the med bay door likely near a slightly perplexed and worried federation security detail that kal might of brought with him to watch the door.


Quote from: Eydis on April 17, 2021, 03:40:48 AM

Eydis would pause before answering the new commander of Katra station
It was not out of rudeness that shi delayed hir greeting, but hir concern for hir friend zex was paramount.  Yet Kirok deserved and answer. Welcome command caste Kirok it would be a honor to meet official with you when the time is right for you. Has the source of the Explosion be found . Shi said pausing the turbo lift shi was in heading to the docking ring

Erikafor the most part did notice the tiny furry terror observing it until it did. It's beady eyes locating the strange thing named miracle. Chirping at the feline the uropygi crawled close to zex for shelter from this new looming menace of the cat. Peeking it's striped carapace mandible over the waist of zex at the cat. It's upper scythe like arms twitching reflexively near its head. The tiny little fins protruding from either side of the back of its heads twitched like antenna of ant might
Skaldyr Was off course located on the other side of the med bay door likely near a slightly perplexed and worried federation security detail that kal might of brought with him to watch the door.

[Operational Control Center]

Kirok instinctively looked down when he got the reply from the Tholian.  -//-The search continues.  I will be happy to share more with you in private.  I can make some time now for you.  Would you like to come to my ready room or do you need me to come meet you at your embassy?-\\- he asked.

[Medbay - Zex]

"That was quite beautiful" Zex said to Kal.  Then she turned back to Sirol.  "I can have Eydis' pets come over to your bed if you want them close" she offered

[Medbay - EMS]

The EMS was feeling overworked as well.   The Medbay had been full for days on end now.  Luckily it had gotten a bit off  time to recharge the battery in its mobile devise.

But bed side manner was not its priority.  Triage and medical treatment, though, were.  Followed by quickly clearing the Medbay of walking wounded.

"If you do not wish to lay down, I can clear you for light duty.  By that I mean sitting at a duty station on the OCC.  But you will need to wear a monitor until we can fully clear you" it said to Kal.

Then it moved onto the other patients.  it used a dermal regenerator on Kyan, kissed Lamar's finger, gave ointment to the nanny for the child with the hurt but.  Then it passed out lollipop's to all the children and Kyan.

"You are all medical discharged.  You may eat as soon as you like. 1 kiss per auntie per child is allowed, but you all must leave immediately after that, deal?" it asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / MedBay >

[Indefinite time before]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 16, 2021, 10:35:28 AM

Lamar plodded over still holding his hurting finger aloft in a pointy pose, and strode over to Amarande.

"Please?  That's my Nantie Sirol and Auntie Zex." he said looking at the Romulan and the Deltan in turn. "Can I give them a kiss to make them better please, they are alive aren't they? I don't want them to die! That's even worse than my hurty finger!"

Within her phases of being passed out, Sirol fought herself through vivid dreams. Some more disturbing than others, and an assorted few of them pleasantly lucid; capable and ready to be manipulated and shaped.
Utilising lucid dreams as form of meditation had been as old as Vulcans and Romulans themself... Yet only someone like Sirol would be enough of a mad scientist to use them for simulation, trial and error...
What had gone wrong here?
Again and again she tried to repeat her fragmented memories from the events in the Docking Bay"¦ Tried to fill in the blanks; tried to walk her most likely route"¦ Yet with each try, maintaining a clear dream felt harder for her exhausted brain, and her memory seemed to instantly snap to the one person she had remembered:
The Starfleet Officer with the Blonde hair and the red uniform"¦ She did not know his name yet, but the clarity with which she could recall his face strongly indicated that he was real..

Once more she tried to relax; tried to ground herself and rest before her next repeat"¦ Once more she took in the noises and voices, unaware as to which one she dreamt up, and which one were actually real.
She dreamt of Hrafn and the EMH, and felt the tingling sensation of names she had not yet heard before"¦ Mackenzie"¦ Skaldyr"¦ Hurty Finger?!
Sirol instantly hesitated"¦ Trying to force herself to wake up.
Little Pioneer?
"œ...Lamar?!" She quietly mumbleed, almost inaudible; no more than a little whisper...

Quote from: Kirok on April 16, 2021, 08:07:08 PM

"Of course they will need you.  I'm only half surprised that they have not come to ask us to return back to duty yet.  We are short handed for sure, but with your skills - you're essential to the Science Department.  Ms. Falleg has told you as much, yes?" the Deltan said.

Sirol tilted her head, calmly listening to Ensign Zex's explanation.
A Zexplanation to say so.
"œIt is"¦ I suppose"¦ Flattering that you deem me essential for our current staff"¦ I mean, after all, we are indeed understaffed, yes"¦ It is up to question though, as to whether I am the one they need - with my niche skillsets... Or if it is more a general scientist they require.
In either case, I am ready, willing and - hopefully soon - fully enabled to resume my duties."

Yes"¦ Duties were what the scientist needed now"¦ Duties and the ability to find assistance"¦
"œ...Does this station have an index of civilian scientists?
Or generally non-starfleet personnel with a scientific background?
Someone that could be assigned to a task without removing even more Starfleet Officers from their current posts?"

Her question was as blunt as even possible, yet so was her idea and strategy of recruiting temporary associates...
Quote from: Kirok on April 16, 2021, 08:07:08 PM

When Sirol finally accepted her had, it was tentative.  Like Sirol was afraid that physical contact was bad in some way.  Like it would contaminate either her or Zex.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly.  "I know the last few days have been hard.  Getting falsely accused could not have been fun.  But you should be relieved that you are no longer under suspicion of any wrong doing" she added.

Sirol paused for a moment, giving the other one a wide-eyed, almost even apologetic look.
"œIt is not exactly the last days and the wrong accusations. They have merely acted as final metaphorical straw"¦
I do not know how far your capabilities reach, but I am worried I might damage you.
My mind and its vicinity are in an objectively devastated and torn apart state since my detachment"¦ I do not want to project this onto you"¦ Or anyone"¦
No one should feel like this"¦
Quote from: Kal on April 16, 2021, 08:33:06 PM

Kal could not help but miss the conversation. He sat up and his gaze fell on the cat. "What is with you!" he moved his leg to get feline to jump off the bed. It did. Miracle leaped on Sirol's biobed and gently walked over to Sirol and poked his head against her body for cat affection.

As she noticed Miracle hopping onto her bio bed and snuggling onto her, Sirol could not help but chuckle; her face showing an awkward but honest little smile.
Tilting her head she leaned a little forward, and extended her free hand towards the little critter.
"œHello, little Miracle. Welcome to Katra." She spoke in a quiet, soft tone towards the cat, and loosely held out her fingers for Miracle to sniff it and thus signal that she meant no harm to the little creature.
Quote from: Kal on April 16, 2021, 08:33:06 PM

"Sirol, you have to let go. Move on," he said. "You can't let blood stop you. You are innocent. Live it," he told her. "My God Father told me once about a falg and a scalQ. The scalQ told the falg it could not swim. He asked the falg to escort him across the water. The falg said to the scalQ you will sting me and we both drown. The scalQ mentioned he would not cause he wanted to get on the other side and not drown. So the falg had allowed the scalQ on the other side. And as the falg got on dry land. The falg felt a prick. You stung me the falg said. Yes I did. But why? Its my nature...other words...don't let your inner self  sting you."

When Kal spoke to her, Sirol looked up to him, attentively following his words and slowly raising one eyebrow in surprise.
His story - or rather metaphor in this case - was a fascinating one, and Sirol remembered related and even similar tales from many cultures she had studied over the years.
With a slow, polite nod she acknowledged his words.
Yes, letting the past go and fixing the damage done. That is exactly what I plan to do"¦
Once more looking down at Miracle and gently stroking the cat's head Sirol eventually began to speak.
"œYou are correct, Ensign Jimrec. Wise words to live by.
I remember a similar metaphor from the Qowat Milat scrolls from my own homeworld.
As well as part of of the collected rhymes from K'Sshar the Improbable, and even as a - although slightly distorted - chapter to be found in Grand Nagus Relg's "˜101 Arguments against Altruism'..."

She paused for a moment. Technically speaking she remembered at least five more cases of parallel narratives here, yet she believed that her explanation as of now was more than sufficient, so, instead, she continued:
"œ...Guilt and pain are huge, hindering factors in prospering and functionality of both, an individual as well as their system. I agree.
With my own pain though"¦ It is a bit different"¦ It is nothing I deliberately hold onto"¦ It is the result of a very real cause. A cause I wish to replicate once more - to solve the problem once and for all.
As soon as I reconnect, I think"¦ I might be able to function as a person again..."

I will be home again...
Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on April 16, 2021, 08:49:36 PM

"I have always felt home should be wherever you are and not a fixed place. That way, it's easier to move on," Xiiv said quietly, her expression faintly amused. "But in the end, the places we go when we leave we not only leave our mark, but they leave their mark on us. Friends help, too, in the making of a home. I would hope I number on your friends list one day, Sirol."

Upon the Doctor's words Sirol looked up towards the officer again and nodded.
"˜Our home is where we are. Our place of origin is not relevant, only where we chose to go together' - Ambassador Hedin, after the destruction of the Romulan core planets...... " She musingly quoted, still gently stroking Miracle's head.
"œI agree"¦
It is the way I see things too"¦ We all are subject to the immeasurable influence we all have on one another; shaped by things and events that are for the most part not even noticed"¦
...Counting you, and the people around us - Ensign Zex, Ensign Jimrec, Lieutenant Falleg and more - among those influences; among my friends"¦ Would be my honour."
Quote from: Eydis on April 17, 2021, 03:40:48 AM

Erikafor the most part did notice the tiny furry terror observing it until it did. It's beady eyes locating the strange thing named miracle. Chirping at the feline the uropygi crawled close to zex for shelter from this new looming menace of the cat. Peeking it's striped carapace mandible over the waist of zex at the cat. It's upper scythe like arms twitching reflexively near its head. The tiny little fins protruding from either side of the back of its heads twitched like antenna of ant might

Quote from: Kal on April 17, 2021, 03:03:12 AM

Eydis pet and cat was about. Now they need Kirok's dog to be part of the fun farm! Then he was ordered to lay down. "The is the last thing I want to do," he growled. "Death can come, but staying in bed. Boredom it will be the death of me!"

Sirol smirked a little, as she observed both of the little animals peeking onto one another; trying to find out as to whether the other was friend of foe.
Erika appeared by far more timid and cautious than Miracle, and Sirol's eyes came to a rest on it almost even hiding with Zex.
What a cute and charming sight! Sirol though, looking forth and back between the animals, giving both of them a warm little smile.

Upon Jimrec's statement though, her eyes instantly snapped back onto the security officer.
"œI can relate to you.
I would prefer to return to my duties as well"¦ But I suppose the designated medics are more experienced than us when it comes to assessing out current capabilities.
However"¦ If you think you need something to do"¦ I could offer you to look through some of my work in progress simulations.
I have one sandbox sim, two combat sims and one zero-gravity training sim in the making"¦
Maybe you could read the synopsis and look through the finished assets and tell me your opinion"¦?"

Quote from: Kirok on April 17, 2021, 12:48:26 PM

"That was quite beautiful" Zex said to Kal.  Then she turned back to Sirol.  "I can have Eydis' pets come over to your bed if you want them close" she offered

Looking back at Zex, Sirol gently squeezed the other ones hand and gave her a little smirk.
"œWell"¦ I am always glad to get to know fellow Katraneers - even the smallest ones"¦ But I can also see that Erika seems shy"¦"
It was not that Sirol really expected Zex to push the little critter against its will, yet the scientist still considered it important to mention it"¦
"œHow about you let Erika decide? I do not wish to scare the little one"¦
Maybe you can nudge her into my direction and we can see if she wants to, or if it is too stressful?"

She smirked towards the Commander's pet, gently extending her hand towards it in the same manner she had done towards Miracle earlier.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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