S3 - M4: Revival

Started by Kirok, April 01, 2021, 05:16:13 PM

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Kyle Briggs

[Operational Control Center]

Kyle had arrived at the Katra and almost immediately went into mission mode as he went planet side to help in the rescue and recovery efforts. Then he was in Sickbay for a check up so this made it the first time he actually stepped foot inside the Control Center. He paused as he entered and looked around. It was a beehive of activity with people moving all about, here and there. He looked over and saw Captain Kirok speaking with Hrafn Falleg so walked up and stood to the side quietly and waited.

Don Damien Addams

[Katra - Sickbay]

EMH was the smartest medical staff ever. "Doctor that would be good," he replied. After that he would be back on his feet. There could be action, but he would not place that doubt on the EMH. After all he got himself a get out jail card.

The EMH had placed the health monitor near his chest and his forehead near right side.

Kal was delighted the kids of Hfran was back and safe. He had decided to let them be and not draw attention to him.

Sirol told Kal he was correct. He would take the compliment. The truth was he was only sharing what he knew.

"Yes. A mentor told life is one long road we travel." He was hearing Sirol out and seemed Miracle had a liking for her.

Miracle was enjoying the attention. "You may I have Miracle," he told Sirol. Miracle was not understanding Kal gave it away. Sooner then Kal would know Miracle would find its way to him.

"Well. Excuse me," Kal said and nodded again to the EMH. As Kyle walked in. "Got a get out card," Kal tapped the monitor on his head. Then he was out of sick bay and way to OCC.


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 17, 2021, 09:03:23 PM

[Operational Control Center]

Kyle had arrived at the Katra and almost immediately went into mission mode as he went planet side to help in the rescue and recovery efforts. Then he was in Sickbay for a check up so this made it the first time he actually stepped foot inside the Control Center. He paused as he entered and looked around. It was a beehive of activity with people moving all about, here and there. He looked over and saw Captain Kirok speaking with Hrafn Falleg so walked up and stood to the side quietly and waited.

[Operational Control Center]

Kirok saw Kyle walk in.  He looked tired as the Vulcan had been before his much needed nap.  The half Vulcan offered him a slight nod to acknowledge that he had seen Kyle.

"I was just updating Ms. Falleg as to what has happened since before she departed to collect her children.  How is Ms. Sirol?  Did you learn anything new that might help us figure out who the culprit may be?" he said to the XO.

[Medbay - Zex]

Zex felt a sad for Sirol.  She used her free hand to cover Sirol's hand that was held.  Sandwiching it gently - just like Zex's mother used to do with her.

"I doubt that there is another scientist on the station who knows pocket dimensions better than you.  So you are irreplaceable when it comes to that.  But if you think you need some time off, I'm sure that they can find someone to fill in as a general scientist for a short time while you are here in the Medbay.  Ms. Falleg would be the person to speak to about that, but maybe we should ask Dr. Xiiv how much longer you will be here.  What do you think Doctor" the Deltan said and turned to Dr. X.

Zex shook her head slightly.  "Now that I am fully awake, my subconscious telepathy would kick in if you were any kind of threat to me.  You would see me as something you fear or love.  But I don't have that tingling feeling in the back of my head so I bet that you are seeing me as my normal, bald self" the Deltan added with a smile.

"But it might do you some good to talk to someone about these feeling.  I know that the previous head counselor is gone.  But I'm sure there is a new counselor on the way if he or she is not already here" she added.

[Medbay - EMH]

"You are excused" the EMH said to Kal.  He watched the man leave.  Then he turned his attention back to Kyan and the children.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 16, 2021, 07:36:30 PM

:: Present ::
:: Katra Station | Medbay ::

Kyan deplored the medical facilities on Katra, or anywhere else for that matter. But he didn't have a dermal regenerator thing, so coming here was an unfortunate necessity. The place was bustling with activity at the moment, with Falleg's children, the civilian guy... James, and several others vying for the attention of the medical staff. One of them had one of the tools in hand and was about to go to work on one of Falleg's kids with it so he ambled over to them.

"Hey whenever you're finished with his finger and.." he stifled a giggle "his arse, d'ya think ye can get this scratch on me neck" he asked, lifting his head to display the wound.

[As Falleg Kids, Tidu, Nerys and Lamar. James, Crista and Ujosso]

"Uncle Kyan has a bad head, Miss Nurse!" Tidu said.  "And Uncle James has a sore arse.  Good job it wasn't Crista, then it would be a mega-sore-arse!"  he ducked and dodged out of the way of the playful clip round the ear that Crista would have given him had he still been in arms reach.  She was laughing tho so he knew he wasn't in that much trouble.

James creased with laughter, holding onto the back of a seat to stay upright.  "Mega-...sore...arse.  I can't even..."

"Pretty good pun if somewhat crude!" muttered Ujosso approvingly.

"You wait Master Tidu... no treats for you!" Crista said waving an admonishing finger at the youngster.

"You know what Mammy said, she only teases if she loves ya, and we love you!" Tidu called back.

"Hmm, now sit down, be quiet and be good. Doctor,.. Ms Cool Black and White hair over there, the new doctor, won't want you running around like loons.  Even Auntie Tess would tell you off.  It's madness enough in here at the moment without you adding to it!"

"Tidu fancies the new doctor, I think!" Nerys teased, knowing her brother, with risk of being denied more treats, couldn't retailiate.  He did, by sticking out his tongue when Crista wasn't looking however.

Quote from: Sirol on April 17, 2021, 07:15:18 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

[Indefinite time before]

Within her phases of being passed out, Sirol fought herself through vivid dreams. Some more disturbing than others, and an assorted few of them pleasantly lucid; capable and ready to be manipulated and shaped.
Utilising lucid dreams as form of meditation had been as old as Vulcans and Romulans themself... Yet only someone like Sirol would be enough of a mad scientist to use them for simulation, trial and error...
What had gone wrong here?
Again and again she tried to repeat her fragmented memories from the events in the Docking Bay"¦ Tried to fill in the blanks; tried to walk her most likely route"¦ Yet with each try, maintaining a clear dream felt harder for her exhausted brain, and her memory seemed to instantly snap to the one person she had remembered:
The Starfleet Officer with the Blonde hair and the red uniform"¦ She did not know his name yet, but the clarity with which she could recall his face strongly indicated that he was real..

Once more she tried to relax; tried to ground herself and rest before her next repeat"¦ Once more she took in the noises and voices, unaware as to which one she dreamt up, and which one were actually real.
She dreamt of Hrafn and the EMH, and felt the tingling sensation of names she had not yet heard before"¦ Mackenzie"¦ Skaldyr"¦ Hurty Finger?!
Sirol instantly hesitated"¦ Trying to force herself to wake up.
Little Pioneer?
"œ...Lamar?!" She quietly mumbleed, almost inaudible; no more than a little whisper...

"NANTIE SIROL!!" Lamar cried happily when she spoke.  He lifted his arms up and asked politely to Dr. Xiiv, he only being 3 and not able to clamber onto the bed himself and also mindful that this lady... he counted the pips on her collar... only 1 but she seemed to be in charge, was boss here.

"I like your hair!  Can I be on the bed with my Nantie, pwease?" his joy at seeing Sirol alive was making his speech slip again.  "I'm her 'Little Pioneer'..." he said with something akin to pride at the nickname, "...and she needs cuddles, special.  If I can't have special doctor kisses to make my finger better, Nantie Sirol cuddles work!" he said, hopefully.

Quote from: Kal on April 16, 2021, 08:33:06 PM

[Katra - Sickbay]

Kal could not help but miss the conversation. He sat up and his gaze fell on the cat. "What is with you!" he moved his leg to get feline to jump off the bed. It did. Miracle leaped on Sirol's biobed and gently walked over to Sirol and poked his head against her body for cat affection.

"Sirol, you have to let go. Move on," he said. "You can't let blood stop you. You are innocent. Live it," he told her. "My God Father told me once about a falg and a scalQ. The scalQ told the falg it could not swim. He asked the falg to escort him across the water. The falg said to the scalQ you will sting me and we both drown. The scalQ mentioned he would not cause he wanted to get on the other side and not drown. So the falg had allowed the scalQ on the other side. And as the falg got on dry land. The falg felt a prick. You stung me the falg said. Yes I did. But why? Its my nature...other words...don't let your inner self  sting you."

"KITTY!" Lamar said delightedly as the kitten jumped on the bed.  "You make my Nantie better, like Sapphy makes,  made me better." he said with a little sad look.  "Hi Uncle Kal!"
Quote from: Kal on April 17, 2021, 10:21:50 PM

[Katra - Sickbay]

EMH was the smartest medical staff ever. "Doctor that would be good," he replied. After that he would be back on his feet. There could be action, but he would not place that doubt on the EMH. After all he got himself a get out jail card.

The EMH had placed the health monitor near his chest and his forehead near right side.

Kal was delighted the kids of Hfran was back and safe. He had decided to let them be and not draw attention to him.

Sirol told Kal he was correct. He would take the compliment. The truth was he was only sharing what he knew.

"Yes. A mentor told life is one long road we travel." He was hearing Sirol out and seemed Miracle had a liking for her.

Miracle was enjoying the attention. "You may I have Miracle," he told Sirol. Miracle was not understanding Kal gave it away. Sooner then Kal would know Miracle would find its way to him.

"Well. Excuse me," Kal said and nodded again to the EMH. As Kyle walked in. "Got a get out card," Kal tapped the monitor on his head. Then he was out of sick bay and way to OCC.

"Is ... Miracle... your kitty, Uncle Kal?" Lamar asked.  "I'll make sure Miracle is ok, I like kitty kats!"
Quote from: Kirok on April 16, 2021, 08:07:08 PM

[OCC - Katra Station]

Kirok looked up when Ms. Falleg walked in.  He listened to her report about her children.  Then her report about her mission.

"A staffing?  On your child without your consent.  There must be laws against that.  I can have Zex look into once she is cleared to return to duty.  If you should wish to pursue charges, that is" he said.

"As to what has been happening her, you have missed much.  Sirol was injured during the explosion and is currently in Medbay.  She was accused of being the perpetrator of the attack, but has since been cleared of any wrong doing.

Zex has indicated that a Romulan.  A female who is old, with wrinkles and gray hair.  So our search has turned to looking for someone over 100 years old.

No person or organization has taken responsibility for the attack.  If it was the Tal Shiar, I would have expected them to claim responsibility, but they have not.  So, I may be some other Romulan organization or a Romulan who has gone rogue.

That said, if you wish to check on Sirol.  Or spend time with your children.  It would be well within your right to do so" Kirok finished with a hint of sympathy for the CSO.

[OCC - Katra]

"No, on James... Crista... my Nanny's fiance, an adult.  My kids are Ruthie - not here, she's the one by Christian Grix for all she's changed her name legally to Falleg-Tekin now and considers Nevir as her Dad... you'll rarely see her except when it's my 'turn' to have her for a longer vacation from Academy...or soon from duty I suppose... gosh when did I get to become Mam to an adult?!  Then the twins aged 6 as of November gone Tidu the boy and Nerys the girl, and my 'baby' who is fast growing up - Lamar who turned 3 in February.  Long story short I made an executive decision.  Mackenzie was all for going over to the Orion Slaver on his own, something I couldn't condone.  I couldn't really go over myself as someone had to man the transporter controls to get all the occupants of the Tigris off safely, and needed split second timing to get Mackenzie and whomever went with him off the Slaver in the tiny break in their shield cycle."  Hrafn started to explain.

"Had it been a simple matter of the transporter and just an extraction without the timing issues, I would have asked Ujosso Cunzicht to man the transporter and gone over myself, but I knew the children would be expecting to see me, and the crew I had recovered, were either injured or exhausted.  James was eager to help, so I asked and he agreed, the only other who volunteered was the pilot of the Tigris, and in lieu of Kyan Mackenzie we needed him to put pedal to the metal so to speak soon as we had Kyan and James back home."

The CSO looked a bit sheepish but grinned.  "It was successful, even James was happy and he's not pressing any charges against anyone, nor is Crista, tho the pair of them are going to be milking it for all it's worth in James's case and chiding about putting his arse in danger and 'you won't be doing that in a hurry, I need to implement a WONO on you like Ms. Hrafn' in the case of Crista! for a few weeks until the novelty dies down.  No one died, we're all back safe, James had his moment of glory, and wants a medal for it... jokily, not seriously.  I have a craft pattern, I'm going to make him one.  It's all for fun in that case.  The children are fine... at least physically and I'm sure the attacks on the station prior to your tenure were more psychologically damaging to them than their time on the Tigris.  Oh and Tigris we towed back into the station.  I semi promised Tidu that once he's cleared from the Sickbay, and they've all had some rest and I clear it with the CEO he could go down and maybe ask what it was that had gone wrong.  Our budding Engineer!"

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 17, 2021, 09:03:23 PM

[Operational Control Center]

Kyle had arrived at the Katra and almost immediately went into mission mode as he went planet side to help in the rescue and recovery efforts. Then he was in Sickbay for a check up so this made it the first time he actually stepped foot inside the Control Center. He paused as he entered and looked around. It was a beehive of activity with people moving all about, here and there. He looked over and saw Captain Kirok speaking with Hrafn Falleg so walked up and stood to the side quietly and waited.

She paused as Kyle walked up and grinned.  "I don't know if Nevir ever briefed you on WONO?? Wifely Order Number One.. basically not to take unnecessary risks.  Hmm, there's an idea.  I'm not sure when they have it planned for, it was kinda loosely 'whenever it's convenient for you Ms. Hrafn', as they weren't planning a Honeymoon off base, just some time off and lots of mini holodeck vacations and whenever dresses and such could be organised but... after what has happened here, once it's all sorted, and repairs and renovations are done, a wedding could be just what we need.  What say you?  And in the meantime, how are you two situated for an extended family dinner say... 3 nights hence?  We can catch up, reacquaint the children with you and you can get to meet the pets and extended parts to the family.  You can bring Dillon, Captain, so long as he's fine with cats.  Before the end of the year, two of them will be larger than him as they are crossbreeds, and will be the size of a small lioness but blue once fully grown, the other 2 are Siamese and would just look at him disdainfully!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Don Damien Addams


[Katra - Sickbay]

Before Kal stepped out of sickbay he said without a care in the world. "Miracle will be happy with anyone." Not with me, he thought. Anything to get rid of that feline.

[Katra - OCC]

Kal felt somewhat home when he walked in OCC to the tactical/security station. He ran his hands across the console admiring the new holographic system. He had started to check in with Chief of Security. Which the Chief reply and was glad he was back on board and on his feet. Then Kal was pulling up the footage of the camera view of the time of the explosion.

[transport toward Katra from Bajor]


Cazham was sitting in his seat with his mind a millions miles away. He had decided to grab the counseling assignment to Katra. Not knowing that his other identical brother Shazham on Deep Space Nine was planning to go R&R on Katra. That itself was going to be a fun reunion for the two.

Cazham had learned that Haitham was on Discovery and was unable to be dismiss on R&R. That was okay. It be best to be apart for certain 'protocal' position they in. [Plot twust of century here]

[Side - USS Discovery]

Haitham was puzzled that Cazham had contacted him. It was week after Shahbaz contacted him. This was odd indeed. When did Starfleet had allowed that?

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on April 16, 2021, 10:56:05 PM

As expected, the change in gravity fields from station to their own caused a slightly perceptible gap. Shaking her head, she focused. "Beginning scans... Nominal. Shuttlebay is within spec, although..." A few more taps and she leaned forward. The deep breath, Professional Assessment Rapid Monologue. "For inclusion in mission log. Reading some stresses along structural backbone. Issue is minor, repeat, minor and within specifications and tolerances to 0.0001%. Suspect explosion has caused torsional stress which cannot be easily accounted for. If station keeping thrusters required, may consider need to reinforce Structural Integrity Field along certain areas. Long term, structural design lifespan may decrease but only on the order of a perhaps a few days less than designed viability envelope performance and not statistically significant. Readings appended, general Engineering conclusion is stable, recommend 'second opinion' from structural engineering specialists for research into long term effects, end."

She turned around in her chair and stretched. "Imagine a wet towel. To try and dry it out, you twist one end towards you and the other end away. Torsional stress is twisting in opposite directions. Ready to move on."

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

Gideon nodded. It's looking like a short trip...or maybe a long one, just not going anywhere, technically. He didn't go very far from the shuttle bay. In fact, any closer and he'd risk blocking the bay doors.

"Alright, where to next, Leftenant?" he asked Lieutenant Conely.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Kirok on April 17, 2021, 12:48:26 PM

Then it moved onto the other patients.  it used a dermal regenerator on Kyan, kissed Lamar's finger, gave ointment to the nanny for the child with the hurt but.  Then it passed out lollipop's to all the children and Kyan.

"You are all medical discharged.  You may eat as soon as you like. 1 kiss per auntie per child is allowed, but you all must leave immediately after that, deal?" it asked.

Kyan stared incredulously at the "lolipop" that had been thrust into his hand. He hadn't received a treat at the doctor's office for... He couldn't even remember the last time. He was about to say something about it but he honestly didn't know what to say. And by the time he'd thought of something, an entire flurry of conversation and activity had gone on, even to include the transfer of ownership of a cat to some weird human man who wore a Klingon Family sash and one of the grup females on the biobed, who Falleg's son called "Nantie Sirrol".

As they were all quite small, and he hadn't interacted with too many real children in a very long time... and because all the medical types were up to their ears in sick or hurt people to deal with... and because it was likely to take forever to get the scratch on his neck seen to.. Kyan decided to help them out... since the hologram doctor had given him something... It was only fair play. So he hopped up onto the bio bed beside where "Nantie Sirrol" was sitting and spoke up.

"All right ye lot." He called. "Whilst we wait for these doctor types to see to us all, who's like tae hear the story on how James and meself fought the scurvy ridden Orion slavers!?"

Kyle Briggs

[Operational Control Center]

Quote from: Kirok on April 18, 2021, 09:41:04 AM

Kirok saw Kyle walk in.  He looked tired as the Vulcan had been before his much needed nap.  The half Vulcan offered him a slight nod to acknowledge that he had seen Kyle.

"I was just updating Ms. Falleg as to what has happened since before she departed to collect her children.  How is Ms. Sirol?  Did you learn anything new that might help us figure out who the culprit may be?" he said to the XO.

"She seems to be doing much better. Between that Ensign Kal and myself, we were able to learn quite a bit." Kyle began. "It helped with Zex being right there to confirm some of Sirol's story as well. Zex is positive that it was a female Romulan but she was older than Sirol. I was just coming to get a better look at the footage you had mentioned."

As Kyle said this, he noticed Kal enter and go to the security terminal and call up the same footage.

"That boy is one hell of a security officer. Once he gets his teeth into something, he doesn't let go." he said with a nod toward the young man.

As they continued speaking, Hrafn spoke about a get together and a wedding at a later date.

"That all sounds great. I would love to get together with everyone. Too bad Tekin can't join us. I haven't seen him in ages." Kyle replied.

When all that was settled, he made his way over to the security station.

"Great minds." he said to Kal as he approached. "Have you found anything new?" he asked.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Serena King on April 16, 2021, 10:56:05 PM

As expected, the change in gravity fields from station to their own caused a slightly perceptible gap. Shaking her head, she focused. "Beginning scans... Nominal. Shuttlebay is within spec, although..." A few more taps and she leaned forward. The deep breath, Professional Assessment Rapid Monologue. "For inclusion in mission log. Reading some stresses along structural backbone. Issue is minor, repeat, minor and within specifications and tolerances to 0.0001%. Suspect explosion has caused torsional stress which cannot be easily accounted for. If station keeping thrusters required, may consider need to reinforce Structural Integrity Field along certain areas. Long term, structural design lifespan may decrease but only on the order of a perhaps a few days less than designed viability envelope performance and not statistically significant. Readings appended, general Engineering conclusion is stable, recommend 'second opinion' from structural engineering specialists for research into long term effects, end."

She turned around in her chair and stretched. "Imagine a wet towel. To try and dry it out, you twist one end towards you and the other end away. Torsional stress is twisting in opposite directions. Ready to move on."

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 18, 2021, 03:40:50 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

Gideon nodded. It's looking like a short trip...or maybe a long one, just not going anywhere, technically. He didn't go very far from the shuttle bay. In fact, any closer and he'd risk blocking the bay doors.

"Alright, where to next, Leftenant?" he asked Lieutenant Conely.

[Lt Ser Conley | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]
"Lets do this systematically, section by section, moving clockwise to the station at a 35 degree angle from the X axis.  I want half a kilometer distants from the station.  It always a good idea to have a buffer of distance between objects in space.  You never know when you need to take evasive action.  When we're done we can move to the lower sections "  Ser said to drake, then turning in his chair he lean towards King.

"I'd like you to make a profile of every section we scan.  Rate them on a scale between one to five.  One representing a brand new structure and five destroyed beyond repair. Your criteria is structural damage, power consumption, and habitability.  Now that said, was there anything you think I may have missed."  Ser lean back in his chair, cross his leg over his knee.  fingers steepled in front of his mouth.  Waited for the inevitable.

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 18, 2021, 09:09:57 PM

[Operational Control Center]

"She seems to be doing much better. Between that Ensign Kal and myself, we were able to learn quite a bit." Kyle began. "It helped with Zex being right there to confirm some of Sirol's story as well. Zex is positive that it was a female Romulan but she was older than Sirol. I was just coming to get a better look at the footage you had mentioned."

As Kyle said this, he noticed Kal enter and go to the security terminal and call up the same footage.

"That boy is one hell of a security officer. Once he gets his teeth into something, he doesn't let go." he said with a nod toward the young man.

As they continued speaking, Hrafn spoke about a get together and a wedding at a later date.

"That all sounds great. I would love to get together with everyone. Too bad Tekin can't join us. I haven't seen him in ages." Kyle replied.

When all that was settled, he made his way over to the security station.

"Great minds." he said to Kal as he approached. "Have you found anything new?" he asked.

[Katra - OCC tactical/security console]
Kal turned to see Commander Kyle. "From what I can gather that the individual have some odd gait. Possible a hip injury. Their left foot seem to have more a ackward turn," Kal had the visual for the foot. He zoomed in to show Kyle. "œYou can see it here."

After reviewing Kal continued, "œI will continue to run them in different filters. Audio. visual. There are at least a few angles. The individual is indeed an elder for their age. Trying to get the face recognition to see if it is a Romulan."


Quote from: Sirol on April 17, 2021, 07:15:18 PM

< Katra Station / MedBay >

[Indefinite time before]

Within her phases of being passed out, Sirol fought herself through vivid dreams. Some more disturbing than others, and an assorted few of them pleasantly lucid; capable and ready to be manipulated and shaped.
Utilising lucid dreams as form of meditation had been as old as Vulcans and Romulans themself... Yet only someone like Sirol would be enough of a mad scientist to use them for simulation, trial and error...
What had gone wrong here?
Again and again she tried to repeat her fragmented memories from the events in the Docking Bay"¦ Tried to fill in the blanks; tried to walk her most likely route"¦ Yet with each try, maintaining a clear dream felt harder for her exhausted brain, and her memory seemed to instantly snap to the one person she had remembered:
The Starfleet Officer with the Blonde hair and the red uniform"¦ She did not know his name yet, but the clarity with which she could recall his face strongly indicated that he was real..

Once more she tried to relax; tried to ground herself and rest before her next repeat"¦ Once more she took in the noises and voices, unaware as to which one she dreamt up, and which one were actually real.
She dreamt of Hrafn and the EMH, and felt the tingling sensation of names she had not yet heard before"¦ Mackenzie"¦ Skaldyr"¦ Hurty Finger?!
Sirol instantly hesitated"¦ Trying to force herself to wake up.
Little Pioneer?
"œ...Lamar?!" She quietly mumbleed, almost inaudible; no more than a little whisper...


Sirol tilted her head, calmly listening to Ensign Zex's explanation.
A Zexplanation to say so.
"œIt is"¦ I suppose"¦ Flattering that you deem me essential for our current staff"¦ I mean, after all, we are indeed understaffed, yes"¦ It is up to question though, as to whether I am the one they need - with my niche skillsets... Or if it is more a general scientist they require.
In either case, I am ready, willing and - hopefully soon - fully enabled to resume my duties."

Yes"¦ Duties were what the scientist needed now"¦ Duties and the ability to find assistance"¦
"œ...Does this station have an index of civilian scientists?
Or generally non-starfleet personnel with a scientific background?
Someone that could be assigned to a task without removing even more Starfleet Officers from their current posts?"

Her question was as blunt as even possible, yet so was her idea and strategy of recruiting temporary associates...

Sirol paused for a moment, giving the other one a wide-eyed, almost even apologetic look.
"œIt is not exactly the last days and the wrong accusations. They have merely acted as final metaphorical straw"¦
I do not know how far your capabilities reach, but I am worried I might damage you.
My mind and its vicinity are in an objectively devastated and torn apart state since my detachment"¦ I do not want to project this onto you"¦ Or anyone"¦
No one should feel like this"¦

As she noticed Miracle hopping onto her bio bed and snuggling onto her, Sirol could not help but chuckle; her face showing an awkward but honest little smile.
Tilting her head she leaned a little forward, and extended her free hand towards the little critter.
"œHello, little Miracle. Welcome to Katra." She spoke in a quiet, soft tone towards the cat, and loosely held out her fingers for Miracle to sniff it and thus signal that she meant no harm to the little creature.

When Kal spoke to her, Sirol looked up to him, attentively following his words and slowly raising one eyebrow in surprise.
His story - or rather metaphor in this case - was a fascinating one, and Sirol remembered related and even similar tales from many cultures she had studied over the years.
With a slow, polite nod she acknowledged his words.
Yes, letting the past go and fixing the damage done. That is exactly what I plan to do"¦
Once more looking down at Miracle and gently stroking the cat's head Sirol eventually began to speak.
"œYou are correct, Ensign Jimrec. Wise words to live by.
I remember a similar metaphor from the Qowat Milat scrolls from my own homeworld.
As well as part of of the collected rhymes from K'Sshar the Improbable, and even as a - although slightly distorted - chapter to be found in Grand Nagus Relg's "˜101 Arguments against Altruism'..."

She paused for a moment. Technically speaking she remembered at least five more cases of parallel narratives here, yet she believed that her explanation as of now was more than sufficient, so, instead, she continued:
"œ...Guilt and pain are huge, hindering factors in prospering and functionality of both, an individual as well as their system. I agree.
With my own pain though"¦ It is a bit different"¦ It is nothing I deliberately hold onto"¦ It is the result of a very real cause. A cause I wish to replicate once more - to solve the problem once and for all.
As soon as I reconnect, I think"¦ I might be able to function as a person again..."

I will be home again...

Upon the Doctor's words Sirol looked up towards the officer again and nodded.
"˜Our home is where we are. Our place of origin is not relevant, only where we chose to go together' - Ambassador Hedin, after the destruction of the Romulan core planets...... " She musingly quoted, still gently stroking Miracle's head.
"œI agree"¦
It is the way I see things too"¦ We all are subject to the immeasurable influence we all have on one another; shaped by things and events that are for the most part not even noticed"¦
...Counting you, and the people around us - Ensign Zex, Ensign Jimrec, Lieutenant Falleg and more - among those influences; among my friends"¦ Would be my honour."

Sirol smirked a little, as she observed both of the little animals peeking onto one another; trying to find out as to whether the other was friend of foe.
Erika appeared by far more timid and cautious than Miracle, and Sirol's eyes came to a rest on it almost even hiding with Zex.
What a cute and charming sight! Sirol though, looking forth and back between the animals, giving both of them a warm little smile.

Upon Jimrec's statement though, her eyes instantly snapped back onto the security officer.
"œI can relate to you.
I would prefer to return to my duties as well"¦ But I suppose the designated medics are more experienced than us when it comes to assessing out current capabilities.
However"¦ If you think you need something to do"¦ I could offer you to look through some of my work in progress simulations.
I have one sandbox sim, two combat sims and one zero-gravity training sim in the making"¦
Maybe you could read the synopsis and look through the finished assets and tell me your opinion"¦?"

Looking back at Zex, Sirol gently squeezed the other ones hand and gave her a little smirk.
"œWell"¦ I am always glad to get to know fellow Katraneers - even the smallest ones"¦ But I can also see that Erika seems shy"¦"
It was not that Sirol really expected Zex to push the little critter against its will, yet the scientist still considered it important to mention it"¦
"œHow about you let Erika decide? I do not wish to scare the little one"¦
Maybe you can nudge her into my direction and we can see if she wants to, or if it is too stressful?"

She smirked towards the Commander's pet, gently extending her hand towards it in the same manner she had done towards Miracle earlier.

Erika would watch zex and hop down off the bed after staring at the furry predator eyeing it. Then it would make its way over to Sirols bed. It would look at the hand blankly but made no move when Sirol extended it.

It's small beady eyes would suddenly take in the arrival of many small childern. Talking and moving around so much the uropygi's attention was fully focused on them. Shifting around a bit into the hand the uropygi would freeze. Having forgotten the hand until it brushed the top of its mandible. Yet the uropygi remain still only its own upper scythe limbs twitched a little. Then it's small beady eyes fixated on sirol. Sirol must be one of the hive that's why zex had told it to go to her.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on April 18, 2021, 03:40:50 PM

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

Gideon nodded. It's looking like a short trip...or maybe a long one, just not going anywhere, technically. He didn't go very far from the shuttle bay. In fact, any closer and he'd risk blocking the bay doors.

"Alright, where to next, Leftenant?" he asked Lieutenant Conely.

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 18, 2021, 10:40:26 PM

[Lt Ser Conley | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

"Lets do this systematically, section by section, moving clockwise to the station at a 35 degree angle from the X axis.  I want half a kilometer distants from the station.  It always a good idea to have a buffer of distance between objects in space.  You never know when you need to take evasive action.  When we're done we can move to the lower sections "  Ser said to drake, then turning in his chair he lean towards King.

"I'd like you to make a profile of every section we scan.  Rate them on a scale between one to five.  One representing a brand new structure and five destroyed beyond repair. Your criteria is structural damage, power consumption, and habitability.  Now that said, was there anything you think I may have missed."  Ser lean back in his chair, cross his leg over his knee.  fingers steepled in front of his mouth.  Waited for the inevitable.

[Katra Station / Runabout Allegheny]

Serena thought about it for a few seconds. "I did a bit of calculation, based on where the SIF had to adjust itself to account for flexing. Ensign Drake, fly your course as proscribed. At..." She paused to tap out a set of schematics. "These positions, hold station until I give the go-ahead again." At appropriate moments, she sat at the console, tapped and poked, muttered quietly.

"Waves on a pond. As expected, the damage was effectively radial in nature. Closest compartments affected the worse.In summary, the station's built a lot tougher and it could have been worse. The section that fell off contained most of the blast, fortunately." Serena stopped and peered. "Structural members are fine, the SIF kicked in at a good time. There's almost no damage at all where the automatic systems reinforced in time. These sections here though, I'd have to send out a team in EVA suits and handheld sensors to do a detailed scan and make repairs on the fly. Overall, the damage is localized. My full report is being uploaded now."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Ser Conley on April 18, 2021, 10:40:26 PM

[Lt Ser Conley | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

"Lets do this systematically, section by section, moving clockwise to the station at a 35 degree angle from the X axis.  I want half a kilometer distants from the station.  It always a good idea to have a buffer of distance between objects in space.  You never know when you need to take evasive action.  When we're done we can move to the lower sections "  Ser said to drake, then turning in his chair he lean towards King.

"I'd like you to make a profile of every section we scan.  Rate them on a scale between one to five.  One representing a brand new structure and five destroyed beyond repair. Your criteria is structural damage, power consumption, and habitability.  Now that said, was there anything you think I may have missed."  Ser lean back in his chair, cross his leg over his knee.  fingers steepled in front of his mouth.  Waited for the inevitable.

Quote from: Serena King on April 19, 2021, 06:35:17 AM

[Katra Station / Runabout Allegheny]

Serena thought about it for a few seconds. "I did a bit of calculation, based on where the SIF had to adjust itself to account for flexing. Ensign Drake, fly your course as proscribed. At..." She paused to tap out a set of schematics. "These positions, hold station until I give the go-ahead again." At appropriate moments, she sat at the console, tapped and poked, muttered quietly.

"Waves on a pond. As expected, the damage was effectively radial in nature. Closest compartments affected the worse.In summary, the station's built a lot tougher and it could have been worse. The section that fell off contained most of the blast, fortunately." Serena stopped and peered. "Structural members are fine, the SIF kicked in at a good time. There's almost no damage at all where the automatic systems reinforced in time. These sections here though, I'd have to send out a team in EVA suits and handheld sensors to do a detailed scan and make repairs on the fly. Overall, the damage is localized. My full report is being uploaded now."

[Ensign Gideon Drake | Runabout Allegheny | Katra Station Proximity]

"Understood, sir," said Gideon, and he moved the runabout in the distance described. Half a kilometer away. He then moved into the first position described by Ensign King, then moved section by section until they covered all of the station.

He could understand how things are bad when at one point, the Engineer mentioned that a team in EV suits had to be sent out to repair some damage. Getting a closer look at Katra as it is now, Gideon felt a pang of pity.


Quote from: Kal on April 19, 2021, 01:52:44 AM

[Katra - OCC tactical/security console]

Kal turned to see Commander Kyle. "From what I can gather that the individual have some odd gait. Possible a hip injury. Their left foot seem to have more a ackward turn," Kal had the visual for the foot. He zoomed in to show Kyle. "œYou can see it here."

After reviewing Kal continued, "œI will continue to run them in different filters. Audio. visual. There are at least a few angles. The individual is indeed an elder for their age. Trying to get the face recognition to see if it is a Romulan."

[Katra - OCC]

Kirok did not know.  Or remember knowing some of the people Ms. Falleg had mentioned.  So he was content that Kyle was the first to respond to her.

"I was not aware of your oldest daughter's lineage.  I too, though, can make time to a family meal.  Dillon, though has a hatred of cats.  So I will leave him in our quarters" the Captain replied.

"It is good to hear that her condition has improved" Kirok said to Kyle in regard to Sirol.   "I would expect nothing less.  Least not from a man who was raised in the Klingon culture" he added in reference to Kal.

[NPC - EQ Kimbal at Ops Station]

EQ had been working quietly at his station.  The Captain's description of an older, wrinkled, gray haired Romulan reminded him of something.  But that was just a story his paternal grandparents had told him as a child, mostly to scare him to got to bed when told, not tell lies, to be a good boy.

But when the Captain asked if there were any other known Romulan agencies other than the Tal Shiar, he started searching for information about the rumored Romulan Boogey Man.   Or Boogey Woman as it were.

When Kal mentioned that the person on screen may have a hip issue it matched up with someone who was elderly.  He moved over to see the image himself.   "That could possibly a Zhat Vash" he commented.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kirok on April 19, 2021, 04:57:08 PM

[Katra - OCC]

Kirok did not know.  Or remember knowing some of the people Ms. Falleg had mentioned.  So he was content that Kyle was the first to respond to her.

"I was not aware of your oldest daughter's lineage.  I too, though, can make time to a family meal.  Dillon, though has a hatred of cats.  So I will leave him in our quarters" the Captain replied.

"It is good to hear that her condition has improved" Kirok said to Kyle in regard to Sirol.   "I would expect nothing less.  Least not from a man who was raised in the Klingon culture" he added in reference to Kal.

[NPC - EQ Kimbal at Ops Station]

EQ had been working quietly at his station.  The Captain's description of an older, wrinkled, gray haired Romulan reminded him of something.  But that was just a story his paternal grandparents had told him as a child, mostly to scare him to got to bed when told, not tell lies, to be a good boy.

But when the Captain asked if there were any other known Romulan agencies other than the Tal Shiar, he started searching for information about the rumored Romulan Boogey Man.   Or Boogey Woman as it were.

When Kal mentioned that the person on screen may have a hip issue it matched up with someone who was elderly.  He moved over to see the image himself.   "That could possibly a Zhat Vash" he commented.

[USS Katra - OCC]

The news that EQ mentioned Zhat Vash name. "Good. Now we see if we can make a match. We will Can have Zex view her. Let see we can pull up any visual movement on her. Where is she Now? "Kal had asked EQ (little a would Say (Q Ball)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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