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S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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[Ready Room - July 1 - 0800]

Two weeks had passed since the Ambassador Ojo, a Changeling, arrived and saved the day.  They inverted the wave of the harmonic frequency the snake was emitting.  It slowed the creatures expansion and allowed the Karta to get away in one piece, but with some structural damages.

Meridian had fared far worse.  After the snake finally fully emerged, Meridian broke into a million pieces.  Then disappeared into the anomaly from which the snake had come from.

Thankfully the station was far enough from it to not be affected by it physically.  But with the snake fully emerged, it's intensity in harmonic noise was at it's fullest.  And that was causing issues with communication - specifically in listening for any possible enemy ships that might be in the area vie substance frequencies.

Kirok sat in his office.  He was expecting to meet a newly appointed ambassador from Klingon.  He answered emailed while he waited.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra / Quarters of Zex and Sirol / 0600 >

Slowly waking up and regaining her consciousness after a numb, dreamless phase of sleep, the scientist forced herself out of her bed, only to sit there for a few more seconds, maybe even a minute, trying her best to mentally boot up and move her stale limbs.
It had been six months and six days, and she still had not managed to get over the "˜jetlag' that was the time difference between the Galae's First Shift and Starfleet Alpha shift.
And while a consistent and reliable body clock certainly had its benefits, to Sirol the constant jetlag had become a low level but consistent annoyance.
One that required daily remedies in the form of caffeine.

She eventually forced herself onto her feet, then replicated a mixed bowl of food for the Uropygi, which was - as of now - still with Sirol.
She had still not managed to reach Commander Eydis to let hir know that she had found hir friend (or rather, hir friend had found Sirol), and slowly the scientist started to worry as to whether the Commander was alright.
With a musing little pat she greeted the Uropygi and placed the bowl next to it, then - still half drunk from being asleep - waddled over to the bathroom niche, almost bumping into the doorframe.

After she had taken a proper hot shower, slipped into a fresh uniform and lab coat; replicated herself a large black coffee, a medium protein shake and a small bowl of fruit salad she sat down for breakfast on the small table in the middle of the room.
With one hand she ate and drank, with the other she skimmed through various newsfeeds; events aboard Katra, events in her department, as well as her recent messages and inquiries.

Today was to be the day Sirol would get to have a look at real founder DNA!
A prospect that was everything but common, and even though Sirol was neither a geneticist, nor a biologist, she still could appreciate the great relevance of what Hrafn had brought home.
The colour devoid, flat and numb morning seemed to slowly take shape for her, and a secret little smirk escaped the scientist...

Once she was done with breakfast, she dematerialised the leftovers and dishes, then put on her wrist PDA, attached her Communicator and her Krian pin to her lab coat and made her way into the lab - followed by her Uropygi shadow.

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0730 >

As usual, Sirol was the first to arrive in her lab. She preferred to be the one to make preparations before everyone arrived to guarantee that everything was running smoothly on duty.
It would be the first day she would be officially working with her new colleague Specialist Freeman. Truth was, she was not entirely sure how a geologist would be of use, but then again she had read in his file, that he was also versed in palaeontology, which might come handy in their next undertaking.

Moving a few boxes with equipment from one side of the lab into the other, she began to prepare one of the containment alcoves. (After all she doubted that they would need her quarantine room for a spoonful of DNA).
Both alcoves as well as the quarantine room were able to independently house specimen of different environmental needs, which - in this case - would be handy, as Sirol aspired to replicate the environmental factors the sample had been found in, in order to maintain its pristine condition.

Once she was done with that, she took care to lower the light for Freeman's convenience, replicate Coffee and Doughnuts for Hrafn's convenience, replicate a little speaker playing music from her PDA for the Uropygi's convenience, and eventually a gym ball to sit on and shuffle around more comfortably for her own convenience.
Finally the shift could start...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


[Space, Near Katra Station]

Among the twinkling stars in the obsidian sky, a tiny shuttle drops in out of warp. The thing is angular, functional, and a rough shade of brown. Its edge make it look as though it could be used for shaving, but the kind of shave that leaves an awful raw red flesh in its wake. It is well-armed, despite its size; a decent portion of its sixteen-meter length is devoted to a pair of disruptor cannons, and the signature release doors of two micro-torpedo launchers can be seen as well. Present on either side of the vessel and on its direct fore is an iconic symbol stamped into the hull metal, a tall cylinder with its upper third invaded by jagged, curving lettering. At the moment that the little ship dropped out of warp, it raised shields and powered weapons. It took a brief, at best summary scan of vessels in the area and, apparently satisfied with what couldn't be more than basic scanner results, dropped its shields and tood down its disruptors. All told, the time spent with shields and weapons active amounted to a mere 12 seconds; it certainly knew that this activity would be detected by anyone observing their vessel. The shuttle does match the scheduled arrival time for a diplomatic envoy dispatched by the Klingon Empire on a one-way trip; its final destination, Katra Station. It would be public information among any with normal access to Federation information networks that an Ambassador of the Klingon Empire had specifically sought out (read, Demanded) from their own government that she be given a posting at the Katra Station's formerly defunct Klingon Embassy.

Following its 12-second demonstration, the shuttle hails Katra Station, transmitting a text-only message in Federation Standard. The message indicates that the vessel, a Toron-class Klingon shuttle, has arrived on schedule. It transmits the correct and expected codes to confirm its identity, and it asks to be given docking procedures. There is a further request that the Klingon Ambassador aboard the vessel to be conducted to Captain Kirok.

Absent from this text-only request is any of the bluster, insults or demands that one might expect from a typical Klingon communication, even one being sent in the name of peace. The vessel remains in place, scanners unmoving, weapons and shields at rest.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on July 01, 2021, 08:00:09 PM

< Katra / Quarters of Zex and Sirol / 0600 >

Slowly waking up and regaining her consciousness after a numb, dreamless phase of sleep, the scientist forced herself out of her bed, only to sit there for a few more seconds, maybe even a minute, trying her best to mentally boot up and move her stale limbs.
It had been six months and six days, and she still had not managed to get over the "˜jetlag' that was the time difference between the Galae's First Shift and Starfleet Alpha shift.
And while a consistent and reliable body clock certainly had its benefits, to Sirol the constant jetlag had become a low level but consistent annoyance.
One that required daily remedies in the form of caffeine.

She eventually forced herself onto her feet, then replicated a mixed bowl of food for the Uropygi, which was - as of now - still with Sirol.
She had still not managed to reach Commander Eydis to let hir know that she had found hir friend (or rather, hir friend had found Sirol), and slowly the scientist started to worry as to whether the Commander was alright.
With a musing little pat she greeted the Uropygi and placed the bowl next to it, then - still half drunk from being asleep - waddled over to the bathroom niche, almost bumping into the doorframe.

After she had taken a proper hot shower, slipped into a fresh uniform and lab coat; replicated herself a large black coffee, a medium protein shake and a small bowl of fruit salad she sat down for breakfast on the small table in the middle of the room.
With one hand she ate and drank, with the other she skimmed through various newsfeeds; events aboard Katra, events in her department, as well as her recent messages and inquiries.

Today was to be the day Sirol would get to have a look at real founder DNA!
A prospect that was everything but common, and even though Sirol was neither a geneticist, nor a biologist, she still could appreciate the great relevance of what Hrafn had brought home.
The colour devoid, flat and numb morning seemed to slowly take shape for her, and a secret little smirk escaped the scientist...

Once she was done with breakfast, she dematerialised the leftovers and dishes, then put on her wrist PDA, attached her Communicator and her Krian pin to her lab coat and made her way into the lab - followed by her Uropygi shadow.

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0730 >

As usual, Sirol was the first to arrive in her lab. She preferred to be the one to make preparations before everyone arrived to guarantee that everything was running smoothly on duty.
It would be the first day she would be officially working with her new colleague Specialist Freeman. Truth was, she was not entirely sure how a geologist would be of use, but then again she had read in his file, that he was also versed in palaeontology, which might come handy in their next undertaking.

Moving a few boxes with equipment from one side of the lab into the other, she began to prepare one of the containment alcoves. (After all she doubted that they would need her quarantine room for a spoonful of DNA).
Both alcoves as well as the quarantine room were able to independently house specimen of different environmental needs, which - in this case - would be handy, as Sirol aspired to replicate the environmental factors the sample had been found in, in order to maintain its pristine condition.

Once she was done with that, she took care to lower the light for Freeman's convenience, replicate Coffee and Doughnuts for Hrafn's convenience, replicate a little speaker playing music from her PDA for the Uropygi's convenience, and eventually a gym ball to sit on and shuffle around more comfortably for her own convenience.
Finally the shift could start...

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0745 >

"And here's me thinking I was always the first on duty... something to be said for Romulan efficiency, Lieutenant!!" Hrafn laughed, entering the Simulation Lab.

"Do I smell coffee? Are you trying to butter up the boss??  Actually, I'm glad that it's just you here at the moment, I need to ask you something, partially a favour, partially duty.  I think I might have said, I'm going to New Bajor to see the kids, then on to Earth to see Ruthie graduate, and visit a couple of friends, then back here with all 4 of them.  Now... I need to leave someone in charge.  Importantly, this needs to be someone I trust.  That someone is!"

The CSO stepped forward and gave Sirol a quick hug.  "I'm loathe to leave, but only because I want to play with the Changeling DNA but a certain Junior Cadet has asked permission that she may contact you and chat about that in your down time... whatever time is convenient to fit between your shifts that she's not in school or bed!"

"Now, I leave in 2 days but, I'm officially making you my assistant, that is a given, and for the time I'm away you will be Acting-CSO.  When I come back we will temporarily have another science Ensign with us until she's assigned to whatever ship or base she'll be working at that is, since after a short family vacation with the grandparents all together we'll be heading back here.  We might have the boyfriend in tow, and possibly Sally McCutcheon - Anth's sister, I don't know yet, but she sure as heck won't be going to her Stepdad's if Anth has anything to do with it so I'm sorta 'in loco parentis' with her at the Academy and then I'm more than happy to fetch her back, it's not like I didn't meet her and Ruth's two sisters at Christmas, it was nice to have them on Katra... seems like forever ago now!  Was great cuz they all wanted to take the little ones out and left me and Nevir to... um..."

Hrafn blushed the colour of her hair.  "Don't worry, 4 is more than enough for us I think!  Anyhow... anything you need to ask, do it before I leave, I'll have all the access opened for you before then, and get Security to give you access to my office.  Right now I'm trying to mentally make lists of anything I need to do before I leave...the faster I think of things the more I forget!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Schatzi Jyur

[Katra Station - Counselors Office]

"...and I just can't believe that she would say that!?"

Zero sat, with a pen and paper in his lap, suppressing any urge to roll his eyes at his client. Despite the absurdity of his story, and blatant disregard from what they had gone over in the last few weeks... repeatedly... He unfortunately had a professional front to uphold.

"I'm sorry to hear that. And did you practice any of the boundary setting we discussed...?"
The man's face contorted into a shocked look, one of a child with his hand in the cookie jar. Guilt, then sheepishness washed over his features as he started stammering out a response.
"Uh... Well.... W- you see, I didn't... I couldn't... I mean, you know Bethany!" He finally found something to stick with, and Zero appraised him with a gentle mhm?, has he vaulted into yet another story where he himself was in the wrong. Zero suffered through another ten minutes, before discreetly checking the time, and realizing their session was almost up. The man was still speaking a mile a minute, and showed absolutely no intentions of stopping. When he finally took a breath, Zero gently raised a hand, closing his eyes for a moment, before opening them and beginning softly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Campos, we don't have much longer to speak. Do you think you would be okay taking a short break from therapy? You don't seem to be open to taking my counsel in mind, and perhaps at a later date you'd like to reschedule your sessions." The man stammered and stuttered for a moment, before giving a wordless nod, standing up from his reclining position. "Of course. I'm sorry, I won't waste any more of your time."

Zero stood to walk with him to the door, the two exchanging a few more words, before the man took flight, wanting nothing more than to escape the awkward situation created. Sucking in a deep breath, Zero blew it out of his teeth, rolling his shoulders. "go into counseling, they said. You'll be good at it! they said." Grumbling, he turned to stomp back into his office and tidy things up before taking his leave, as that was his last client of the day. Typing out a short letter, he wrote a note to strike Mr. Campos from his schedule for the next few weeks, and schedule a mental health check in in two months time.

Abruptly standing, he stretched out his arms, eliciting a long yawn. Now that he had time off, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He definitely wanted to shake off the failure of his last session, but the question of how floated around his mind. He absently walked, trying to think of something to do as his stomach growled, answering the question for him. He'd go down and try one of the restaurants, presuming they were open. He had been so busy his first month here, he'd mostly eaten replicated food, and hadn't tried the cuisine the station had to offer. Heading down to the food court, he scanned the restaurants until his eyes landed on one - IDIC. Walking in, he quickly ordered a meal, before going out to the food court to sit down to eat.


Quote from: Chigorra on July 01, 2021, 09:56:08 PM

[Space, Near Katra Station]

Among the twinkling stars in the obsidian sky, a tiny shuttle drops in out of warp. The thing is angular, functional, and a rough shade of brown. Its edge make it look as though it could be used for shaving, but the kind of shave that leaves an awful raw red flesh in its wake. It is well-armed, despite its size; a decent portion of its sixteen-meter length is devoted to a pair of disruptor cannons, and the signature release doors of two micro-torpedo launchers can be seen as well. Present on either side of the vessel and on its direct fore is an iconic symbol stamped into the hull metal, a tall cylinder with its upper third invaded by jagged, curving lettering. At the moment that the little ship dropped out of warp, it raised shields and powered weapons. It took a brief, at best summary scan of vessels in the area and, apparently satisfied with what couldn't be more than basic scanner results, dropped its shields and tood down its disruptors. All told, the time spent with shields and weapons active amounted to a mere 12 seconds; it certainly knew that this activity would be detected by anyone observing their vessel. The shuttle does match the scheduled arrival time for a diplomatic envoy dispatched by the Klingon Empire on a one-way trip; its final destination, Katra Station. It would be public information among any with normal access to Federation information networks that an Ambassador of the Klingon Empire had specifically sought out (read, Demanded) from their own government that she be given a posting at the Katra Station's formerly defunct Klingon Embassy.

Following its 12-second demonstration, the shuttle hails Katra Station, transmitting a text-only message in Federation Standard. The message indicates that the vessel, a Toron-class Klingon shuttle, has arrived on schedule. It transmits the correct and expected codes to confirm its identity, and it asks to be given docking procedures. There is a further request that the Klingon Ambassador aboard the vessel to be conducted to Captain Kirok.

Absent from this text-only request is any of the bluster, insults or demands that one might expect from a typical Klingon communication, even one being sent in the name of peace. The vessel remains in place, scanners unmoving, weapons and shields at rest.

[Ops - EQ - 0800]

The XB was at his station and received the message from Chigorra.  He relayed the information to Kirok.  Then send the Captain's reply back to Chigorra.

'Captain Kiork extending his greetings and welcomes you to Katra.  You make dock you vessel in docking ring 1.  Zex the diplomatic officer will meet you there' Kimball wrote back to the Klingon

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 02, 2021, 09:20:52 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0745 >

"And here's me thinking I was always the first on duty... something to be said for Romulan efficiency, Lieutenant!!" Hrafn laughed, entering the Simulation Lab.

"Do I smell coffee? Are you trying to butter up the boss??  Actually, I'm glad that it's just you here at the moment, I need to ask you something, partially a favour, partially duty.  I think I might have said, I'm going to New Bajor to see the kids, then on to Earth to see Ruthie graduate, and visit a couple of friends, then back here with all 4 of them.  Now... I need to leave someone in charge.  Importantly, this needs to be someone I trust.  That someone is!"

The CSO stepped forward and gave Sirol a quick hug.  "I'm loathe to leave, but only because I want to play with the Changeling DNA but a certain Junior Cadet has asked permission that she may contact you and chat about that in your down time... whatever time is convenient to fit between your shifts that she's not in school or bed!"

"Now, I leave in 2 days but, I'm officially making you my assistant, that is a given, and for the time I'm away you will be Acting-CSO.  When I come back we will temporarily have another science Ensign with us until she's assigned to whatever ship or base she'll be working at that is, since after a short family vacation with the grandparents all together we'll be heading back here.  We might have the boyfriend in tow, and possibly Sally McCutcheon - Anth's sister, I don't know yet, but she sure as heck won't be going to her Stepdad's if Anth has anything to do with it so I'm sorta 'in loco parentis' with her at the Academy and then I'm more than happy to fetch her back, it's not like I didn't meet her and Ruth's two sisters at Christmas, it was nice to have them on Katra... seems like forever ago now!  Was great cuz they all wanted to take the little ones out and left me and Nevir to... um..."

Hrafn blushed the colour of her hair.  "Don't worry, 4 is more than enough for us I think!  Anyhow... anything you need to ask, do it before I leave, I'll have all the access opened for you before then, and get Security to give you access to my office.  Right now I'm trying to mentally make lists of anything I need to do before I leave...the faster I think of things the more I forget!"

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0745 >

"œMy apologies, Hrafn. I did not mean to"¦ Confuse. I am used to being the first in the lab in order to make preparations ever since I was division head myself."
Sirol tilted her head and acknowledged her division leader's words with a quick nod, then did an inviting gesture.
"œPlease - Help yourself. Would you like me to replicate you a gym ball as well?" She asked, before continuing with the original topic.
"œNo worries, I was not planning to bribe you. Merely making sure that everyone in my laboratory is properly taken care of and accommodated.
Seeing our newest staff member struggling with light even more so than me - yes, that is possible - served as a reminder to adapt further into the individualistic mindset of Starfleet, and make my team feel"¦ "˜Taken care of', as in most of their cultures it is far more vital to their collective well-being as it is in my own [at least within the military branch]."

With a nod of her head she pointed towards the Uropygi sitting on one of the consoles next to her, peacefully listening to Sinnravian drad music and watching her and Hrafn conversing.
Granted, the little critter was not part of the science staff but it was with Sirol, so she had immediately expanded her bubble of taking care to include it.
The same could be said regarding their new colleague, Xasik Freeman.
His insisting on bringing"¦ Pebbles"¦ With him wherever he went was"¦ A little strange to the scientist, but who was she to judge? If it helped him to enhance his performance [at work], she was more than willing to accept his little quirks.

Eventually she folded her hands on her lap, leaned a little forward on her ball and just listened to her superior, occasionally nodding to show her that she was paying attention.
Truth be told, although she did not show it, Sirol was a little flattered that Hrafn considered her to be her acting CSO for the time being.
After all she had not spent much time aboard Katra yet, and even of those few months, most of them by now she had been - and still was - in an emotionally semi-stable post-traumatic state, and although she usually did her best to conceal it and function as expected, she still assumed that this flaw made her immediately fall through the criteria of being considered for anything involving responsibility and/or representation"¦
She awkwardly cleared her throat at the mention, then however acknowledged it with a polite nod.

"œI"¦ Appreciate your confidence in my usefulness, Hrafn."
She calmly spoke.
"œI will represent the science department to the best of my abilities while you are on New Bajor and Earth, and I wish you"¦ A satisfying journey.
I hope the children are alright.
The last months must have been weighing on them with all the forth and back.
It feels like no one on Katra has a phase of rest and communion anymore, so seeking stable family interaction outside of the station to make up for lost bonding time sounds like a logical strategy."

If she had a family, she would have considered requesting leave of absence to do the same in these restless times.

Pausing a moment, she then decided to make use of some of the coffee provided and did an offering gesture silently asking Hrafn whether she would like one as well.
Wrapping her fingers around the handle of her mug she took a slow sip before she continued.
"œI am looking forward to welcoming a fresh addition to our staff.
What is her special field? Maybe she might like to contribute to one of our ongoing projects to pass the waiting time."

Once more she paused and gave Hrafn a musing look.
It was both, surprising and delightful to hear about Hrafn's impressive network of friends and family. It almost even felt as if she knew at least one cluster of people on every Federation world.
A part of Sirol envied that.
Her own house had rarely left the core worlds of the Empire, with the recent generations fulfilling almost exclusively political, administrative or business roles. Sirol and her brother had been the first members of house Sirol to serve as soldiers within the Galae in over 150 years. And while her house's basic aversion to military service was actually rooted in a very real incident of humiliation, the official statement was simply that "˜The work of a Soldier was beneath a Sirol'...
Sirol disagreed.

Eventually, she raised an eyebrow at the mention of Anth McCutcheon and his sister.
She had not seen him in a while, yet still had their conversation back then in Brauhaus Gamma perfectly memorised.
Finding a fellow scientist equally passionate about a fringe research area was rare and welcome, and she always regretted that afterwards they never had had the chance to continue their conversation.
"œI would certainly welcome another McCutcheon. And more boyfriends. And overall, a fresh influx of people to talk.
So many promising conversations which never happened in those last months."

So many things left unsaid.
So many secrets left to never be discovered"¦

At Hrafn's mention of their child production she tilted her head, not quite understanding the implied humour within.
"œI do not worry. Your family, your rules. As long as all children, partners and associates are taken care of, your only obligation is to unconditionally love however many you plan to add in the future."
A bittersweet statement from Sirol's point of view.
One that left a defeated and sad tone to be noticed in her voice.
The scientist who wanted nothing more desperately than children of her own, yet had been rendered sterile giving her metaphorical two cents on how there was no count tied to love...

She swallowed the heavy feeling in her throat and looked up towards Hrafn again.
"œI think my two most relevant questions would be:
Is there any sort of prioritising as to how I should answer inquiries directed at the CSO? Say, in the manner of you permitting me to answer and process common inquiries but leaving personal and/or classified inquiries unread for you to personally process them once you are back?
...Would you like me to make specific preparations for the return of you and your"¦ Cohort?
Other than that, I hope that you will find a moment to welcome our new department addition Specialist Freeman, and - of course - me wishing you a safe, smooth and positively charged time with your family and friends."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kirok on July 02, 2021, 06:20:34 PM

[Ops - EQ - 0800]

The XB was at his station and received the message from Chigorra.  He relayed the information to Kirok.  Then send the Captain's reply back to Chigorra.

'Captain Kiork extending his greetings and welcomes you to Katra.  You make dock you vessel in docking ring 1.  Zex the diplomatic officer will meet you there' Kimball wrote back to the Klingon

Ambassador Chigorra
[Space, Near Katra Station]

A text-acknowledgement of the instructions arrives, and the shuttle draws nearer to the station, approaching Ring 1 of Katra Station at a stable speed.

The blocky, hard-edged thing comes to a stop at the docking ring, receiving the umbilical connection with no troubles. Through the opening doors and onto the umbilical pathway walks... no... stomps a thundering team of Klingons. At its vanguard moves a Klingon woman, over six feet tall even if one does not count the curly dark lioness' mane ringing her ridged skull. Her eyes, well furred with prominent eyebrows, scan the horizon and those nearby, seeking to lock eyes with anyone who looks her way. Her broad shoulders bear spaulders that look as though they'd shred leather. Her Klingon armored tunic on her torso is well-crafted but brutal, and surely weighs more than twenty pounds all together. The stomping of this woman on the deck plating is only amplified by the sizeable, near-titanic boots on her feet; grand, awful things that look as though they could compress a ball of iron into a flat plate. A ritual Klingon blade, known as a daqtagh, is in a strange leather sheath at her side. The weapon bears the same symbol as the ship, and the symbol is also found on a sharp metal icon on her chest.

Two female Klingon warriors move at her sides, just slightly behind their leader. They bear a different symbol than their leader, a symbol which they share with each other. Absent are any bat'leths across their backs, and they also do not wear disruptor pistols. Only their own daqtaghs are carried. Behind these two are a further pair of Klingons, a male and a female, yet these do not have the clear warrior presentation. While still fearsome, they are calmer, their heads moving less swiftly, their eyes watching more carefully and without as strong of a predatory gaze.

The lead Klingon woman raises her chin slightly as she and her team exit the umbilical and step into the interior of the docking ring, ready to meet whomever has come to greet her.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


[Katra Station | Xasik's Quarters | 0700]

Groaning with disgust Xasik slowly opened his eyes and rolled over to glare at the annoying little device sitting proudly upon the table beside his bed. The beeping was so loud, so obnoxious! What an awful way to be woken up every morning. He would have to look into something a little easier on his ears. "œI will kill you," he threatened the alarm before finally reaching over to shut it off.
He was totally not a morning person.
He hadn't slept well and he was expected to report to the lab today to begin his work. But that was life and he had faced much worse in his earlier years. So with that thought in mind he peeled back the sheets and sat up and gave himself a few minutes to boot his brain up and get motivated to get up. He decided upon a quick shower to try and freshen himself up before pulling on a pair of clean pants and a black shirt with a logo across the chest that read "˜Nosferatu' in red and white print. It had been given to him by a fellow geologist he had befriended during his previous assignment. The human had been bubbly and overly friendly but he had managed to worm his way into Xasik's trusted circle. He had given Xasik the shirt as a friendly inside joke after explaining to the Reman that his appearance reminded him of an old Earth fictional creature. Xasik had found the whole thing amusing and had gladly accepted the shirt. It was super comfortable and he wore it as often as possible. It was totally better than a uniform as well! He smirked at the thought and wondered if anyone would question him on it. He almost doubted it because he was a civilian but it would be amusing nonetheless.
Deciding that he had probably wasted enough time, Xasik pulled on his pair of comfortable boots and reached for his lab coat. It was another gift from his human friend, made of a dark iridescent material similar to that of a Reman military uniform. It even had "˜Xas' embroidered on the front in metallic white thread. It was one of his most prized possessions, along with the shirt and few small trinkets that he had yet to set up in his new quarters.

Once he had pulled his lab coat and made sure his contacts were in comfortably, he turned his attention to the canister sitting on the tablet beside his bed. A wave of excitement washed over him as he realized that today was the day he would finally be able to set up an environment for the egg and it would finally be able to hatch when it was ready! He couldn't wipe the grin from his face. He was nervous and excited all in one. It wasn't everyday that you potentially became a father! With such a motivating thought in his mind, Xasik hurried up and put the canister on his back and collected his rock bag to take to the lab. "œToday might be the day Little Pebble! Will I finally get to meet you?"

The final thing he grabbed on his way out was his data padd with the directions to the lab he would be working in. It wasn't too hard to navigate to, so he wasn't worried about getting lost. It didn't take long to reach the lab but he hesitated before entering. He had heard an unfamiliar voice inside and it had put his guard up. Putting on his best neutral face he entered the lab.

[Katra Station | Simulation lab | 0750]

Entering the lab Xasik held his neutral face and addressed the two inside with a gruff sleepy voice. "œGood morning," he nodded. "œSorry I'm a bit late." Looking at Sirol and the person he had yet to formally meet, he felt a little guilty for taking his time. He was supposed to report in at least 20 minutes ago to be properly settled in but his rebellious side had won over and he had instead taken his time. He gave both a polite nod and decided to explain. "œDidn't really sleep too well. My bed is too soft. I'll have to get a firmer mattress." He indicated to his bag of samples as it was getting a little heavy. "œWhere should I set up?"

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Scoutship Squall >- OOC | Docking Saucer >- Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff had just returned from a two-fold flight of sorts: a patrol and dropping Serena off with Admiral Mitre for a business trip of sorts. Griff already missed Serena, and he was practically lovesick.

The moment he heard about her trip, he offered to go with her, but she firmly reminded him he was needed back at Katra. At the very least, he counteroffered, he could fly Serena to where she was going. And so, the two lovers had one more moment together before Serena's trip. And they made the most of it in the privacy of the Squall.

Most of the time, the Squall was on autopilot, and Griff and Serena were in the berths, making love like they were in a Risian jungle. They spent most of the trip in the raw, snogging and snarling in romance, though they at least had the sense to get their uniforms back on when they got closer to their destination.

As such, Griff made the trip back alone, flying manually to keep his mind off the lovesickness. He had just gotten back into the Gamma Quadrant when he was informed to work a patrol, so he did it at once aboard the Squall. He had just gotten back from patrol, completely uninteresting, especially since now that there was no planet left to see the sights at.

He kept on hearing about how a changeling saved the day and he was still suspicious. Maybe he was ignorant of the Dominion, but he was waiting on the "that's what's in it for me part."

He made his way over to the OOC for a report; Lieutenant Ferris had been especially quiet, and at the very least, he could get an assignment from either Commander Briggs and Captain Kirok, in order of chain of command after Ferris. Griff's assignments were proving uninteresting, or vague. He was beginning to wonder what was wrong with Ferris.

Griff made especial means to stay the bloody hell away from the Promenade. Too many women, and there was no other woman like Serena.

Upon his arrival, he stood by at the flight control console but made sure he was within earshot of the command staff, just in case. "Junior Leftenant Drake reporting back from patrol," he said.


Quote from: Chigorra on July 02, 2021, 10:34:35 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Space, Near Katra Station]

A text-acknowledgement of the instructions arrives, and the shuttle draws nearer to the station, approaching Ring 1 of Katra Station at a stable speed.

The blocky, hard-edged thing comes to a stop at the docking ring, receiving the umbilical connection with no troubles. Through the opening doors and onto the umbilical pathway walks... no... stomps a thundering team of Klingons. At its vanguard moves a Klingon woman, over six feet tall even if one does not count the curly dark lioness' mane ringing her ridged skull. Her eyes, well furred with prominent eyebrows, scan the horizon and those nearby, seeking to lock eyes with anyone who looks her way. Her broad shoulders bear spaulders that look as though they'd shred leather. Her Klingon armored tunic on her torso is well-crafted but brutal, and surely weighs more than twenty pounds all together. The stomping of this woman on the deck plating is only amplified by the sizeable, near-titanic boots on her feet; grand, awful things that look as though they could compress a ball of iron into a flat plate. A ritual Klingon blade, known as a daqtagh, is in a strange leather sheath at her side. The weapon bears the same symbol as the ship, and the symbol is also found on a sharp metal icon on her chest.

Two female Klingon warriors move at her sides, just slightly behind their leader. They bear a different symbol than their leader, a symbol which they share with each other. Absent are any bat'leths across their backs, and they also do not wear disruptor pistols. Only their own daqtaghs are carried. Behind these two are a further pair of Klingons, a male and a female, yet these do not have the clear warrior presentation. While still fearsome, they are calmer, their heads moving less swiftly, their eyes watching more carefully and without as strong of a predatory gaze.

The lead Klingon woman raises her chin slightly as she and her team exit the umbilical and step into the interior of the docking ring, ready to meet whomever has come to greet her.

[Docking Ring 1 of Katra Station - 0800]

Zex smiled at the group of Klingon's.  She stepped forward.  Raised her chin in reply.

She was dressed in her standard uniform.  Her head bald as usual.  The only oddity was the crystal crown a top her head.

"You must be Chigorra.  Welcome to the Katra.  Captain Kirok is in his office ready to receive you.  I'm happy to escort you there if you like.  Of if you need to see your embassy first, I can take you there" the Deltan Diplomatic Office said.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on July 03, 2021, 09:01:29 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Scoutship Squall >- OOC | Docking Saucer >- Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff had just returned from a two-fold flight of sorts: a patrol and dropping Serena off with Admiral Mitre for a business trip of sorts. Griff already missed Serena, and he was practically lovesick.

The moment he heard about her trip, he offered to go with her, but she firmly reminded him he was needed back at Katra. At the very least, he counteroffered, he could fly Serena to where she was going. And so, the two lovers had one more moment together before Serena's trip. And they made the most of it in the privacy of the Squall.

Most of the time, the Squall was on autopilot, and Griff and Serena were in the berths, making love like they were in a Risian jungle. They spent most of the trip in the raw, snogging and snarling in romance, though they at least had the sense to get their uniforms back on when they got closer to their destination.

As such, Griff made the trip back alone, flying manually to keep his mind off the lovesickness. He had just gotten back into the Gamma Quadrant when he was informed to work a patrol, so he did it at once aboard the Squall. He had just gotten back from patrol, completely uninteresting, especially since now that there was no planet left to see the sights at.

He kept on hearing about how a changeling saved the day and he was still suspicious. Maybe he was ignorant of the Dominion, but he was waiting on the "that's what's in it for me part."

He made his way over to the OOC for a report; Lieutenant Ferris had been especially quiet, and at the very least, he could get an assignment from either Commander Briggs and Captain Kirok, in order of chain of command after Ferris. Griff's assignments were proving uninteresting, or vague. He was beginning to wonder what was wrong with Ferris.

Griff made especial means to stay the bloody hell away from the Promenade. Too many women, and there was no other woman like Serena.

Upon his arrival, he stood by at the flight control console but made sure he was within earshot of the command staff, just in case. "Junior Leftenant Drake reporting back from patrol," he said.

[Ops - EQ - 0800]

EQ offered Drake a nod when he man entered the room.  Ops was next to FC so he overheard the conversation.  "Anything interesting happen?" he asked curiously.

Then a noise happened on his station.  He looked over the data.  Then quickly opened a link.

-//Ops to Falleg.  You have data coming in from a probe.  I think it's from the L-S system\\- the XB said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 03, 2021, 10:28:10 AM

[Docking Ring 1 of Katra Station - 0800]

Zex smiled at the group of Klingon's.  She stepped forward.  Raised her chin in reply.

She was dressed in her standard uniform.  Her head bald as usual.  The only oddity was the crystal crown a top her head.

"You must be Chigorra.  Welcome to the Katra.  Captain Kirok is in his office ready to receive you.  I'm happy to escort you there if you like.  Of if you need to see your embassy first, I can take you there" the Deltan Diplomatic Office said.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Docking Ring 1 - Katra Station]

A broad and toothy smile split the face of the Klingon woman. Her teeth were surprisingly well-arranged, with only a few of the jagged points seeming to angle out of place, and the yellow discoloration one might expect from Klingon chompers largely absent. It was yet another clue that this Klingon treated herself a little differently than others of her race might. She seemed proud that Zex greeted her so confidently, and this pride became clear as she practically shouted her reply.

"I am indeed Chigorra!" she thundered, the volume of her declaration causing a nearby engineer to drop a hyperspanner to the deck plating. Somewhere in the distance, a dog barked. The Klingon woman continued. "Daughter of Loesh, of House G'Khran, Ambassador of the Klingon Empire!" She strode nearer to Zex, their height difference becoming a little more apparent as Zex's sixty-four inches were compared to the Klingon's seventy-four. Perhaps Chigorra was cheating in the height-department thanks to her hair... "My team will attend to the Embassy. I will indeed be escorted, but I will know your name and your station before I will go any further. I must know whether I am in the presence of fellow nobility." She gestured to the crystal crown at Zex's hairless head, her own dark eyes glittering as she observed the piece.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on July 02, 2021, 07:47:25 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0745 >

"œMy apologies, Hrafn. I did not mean to"¦ Confuse. I am used to being the first in the lab in order to make preparations ever since I was division head myself."
Sirol tilted her head and acknowledged her division leader's words with a quick nod, then did an inviting gesture.
"œPlease - Help yourself. Would you like me to replicate you a gym ball as well?" She asked, before continuing with the original topic.
"œNo worries, I was not planning to bribe you. Merely making sure that everyone in my laboratory is properly taken care of and accommodated.
Seeing our newest staff member struggling with light even more so than me - yes, that is possible - served as a reminder to adapt further into the individualistic mindset of Starfleet, and make my team feel"¦ "˜Taken care of', as in most of their cultures it is far more vital to their collective well-being as it is in my own [at least within the military branch]."

With a nod of her head she pointed towards the Uropygi sitting on one of the consoles next to her, peacefully listening to Sinnravian drad music and watching her and Hrafn conversing.
Granted, the little critter was not part of the science staff but it was with Sirol, so she had immediately expanded her bubble of taking care to include it.
The same could be said regarding their new colleague, Xasik Freeman.
His insisting on bringing"¦ Pebbles"¦ With him wherever he went was"¦ A little strange to the scientist, but who was she to judge? If it helped him to enhance his performance [at work], she was more than willing to accept his little quirks.

Eventually she folded her hands on her lap, leaned a little forward on her ball and just listened to her superior, occasionally nodding to show her that she was paying attention.
Truth be told, although she did not show it, Sirol was a little flattered that Hrafn considered her to be her acting CSO for the time being.
After all she had not spent much time aboard Katra yet, and even of those few months, most of them by now she had been - and still was - in an emotionally semi-stable post-traumatic state, and although she usually did her best to conceal it and function as expected, she still assumed that this flaw made her immediately fall through the criteria of being considered for anything involving responsibility and/or representation"¦
She awkwardly cleared her throat at the mention, then however acknowledged it with a polite nod.

"œI"¦ Appreciate your confidence in my usefulness, Hrafn."
She calmly spoke.
"œI will represent the science department to the best of my abilities while you are on New Bajor and Earth, and I wish you"¦ A satisfying journey.
I hope the children are alright.
The last months must have been weighing on them with all the forth and back.
It feels like no one on Katra has a phase of rest and communion anymore, so seeking stable family interaction outside of the station to make up for lost bonding time sounds like a logical strategy."

If she had a family, she would have considered requesting leave of absence to do the same in these restless times.

Pausing a moment, she then decided to make use of some of the coffee provided and did an offering gesture silently asking Hrafn whether she would like one as well.
Wrapping her fingers around the handle of her mug she took a slow sip before she continued.
"œI am looking forward to welcoming a fresh addition to our staff.
What is her special field? Maybe she might like to contribute to one of our ongoing projects to pass the waiting time."

Once more she paused and gave Hrafn a musing look.
It was both, surprising and delightful to hear about Hrafn's impressive network of friends and family. It almost even felt as if she knew at least one cluster of people on every Federation world.
A part of Sirol envied that.
Her own house had rarely left the core worlds of the Empire, with the recent generations fulfilling almost exclusively political, administrative or business roles. Sirol and her brother had been the first members of house Sirol to serve as soldiers within the Galae in over 150 years. And while her house's basic aversion to military service was actually rooted in a very real incident of humiliation, the official statement was simply that "˜The work of a Soldier was beneath a Sirol'...
Sirol disagreed.

Eventually, she raised an eyebrow at the mention of Anth McCutcheon and his sister.
She had not seen him in a while, yet still had their conversation back then in Brauhaus Gamma perfectly memorised.
Finding a fellow scientist equally passionate about a fringe research area was rare and welcome, and she always regretted that afterwards they never had had the chance to continue their conversation.
"œI would certainly welcome another McCutcheon. And more boyfriends. And overall, a fresh influx of people to talk.
So many promising conversations which never happened in those last months."

So many things left unsaid.
So many secrets left to never be discovered"¦

At Hrafn's mention of their child production she tilted her head, not quite understanding the implied humour within.
"œI do not worry. Your family, your rules. As long as all children, partners and associates are taken care of, your only obligation is to unconditionally love however many you plan to add in the future."
A bittersweet statement from Sirol's point of view.
One that left a defeated and sad tone to be noticed in her voice.
The scientist who wanted nothing more desperately than children of her own, yet had been rendered sterile giving her metaphorical two cents on how there was no count tied to love...

She swallowed the heavy feeling in her throat and looked up towards Hrafn again.
"œI think my two most relevant questions would be:
Is there any sort of prioritising as to how I should answer inquiries directed at the CSO? Say, in the manner of you permitting me to answer and process common inquiries but leaving personal and/or classified inquiries unread for you to personally process them once you are back?
...Would you like me to make specific preparations for the return of you and your"¦ Cohort?
Other than that, I hope that you will find a moment to welcome our new department addition Specialist Freeman, and - of course - me wishing you a safe, smooth and positively charged time with your family and friends."

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0800 ish >

Hrafn smiled.

"A chair with some kind of back would be preferable, I have tried the balls and I tend to fall off them.  Rather like me trying to walk in high heels, I think it's a matter of practice but I never had time to practice when I should have been, thanks to the knee injury I only had fully corrected last year.  As for confusing, you didn't, that was a joke... basically before you came, while my...our... Science Department is a finely tuned, well regulated, ordered team... a fair few of them don't like being here a second before they need to be, once they are 'on the clock', I get 150% out of them however!"

The CSO walked over and grabbed herself a doughnut and picked up a mug but never filled it, vaguely punctuating her speech with it while Sirol procured a chair for her.

"As for bribery, I know, again jokes... 'buttering up the boss' is a well known thing in a lot of societies, notably human, normally for extra credit..." she caught herself before she said '...for earning brownie points...' although that might have actually worked, Sirol having been at the baking nights.

"...not that you need to, it's normally for people who need to crawl a bit to curry favour!  I actually prefer that while deference is given, they're more like you, just head down and get on with the task in hand and use initiative and only 'bother' me when they need authorisation or to ask something specific.  That said you know my open door policy!"

The Trill looked to the Uropygi and smiled.

"One of your projects?? It's not so much your usefulness, Sirol my dear, although you are very useful, it's more that I trust you, and there are few that I trust enough with our current staff after the trials and tribulations we've had with the station in general, with enough Scientific knowledge to back that up... who I could hand the reins over to, even temporarily.  The role as my assistant however that is ongoing even when I'm back.

The children reached New Bajor and are having fun with their grandparents and various children they know from previous visits who they sort of view like one might cousins you see rarely, or if you visited a certain village every year for a vacation and saw the same person you'd know that the village children would be there.  I like it because very likely some of those children will attend Academy at the same time, and therefore they'll already have some people they know, and not just tutors who are friends of mine!" she chuckled.
"Although that's helpful too, them having adults they know they can go to even if their parents are in another quadrant!"

At Sirol's gesture of a coffee she held out her mug which was empty, having not actually poured herself one, too busy chatting!

When asked about Ruthie she grinned and then chuckled.

"Would you believe, Xenolinguistics and Xenobiology, with a special interest in... Cardassians!  You'd think being incarcerated for 12 years you'd want to get away from them but no, she was determined to try and find out what made them do it!  If it was something kind of programmed into them.  Her boyfriend, a Bajoran boy, I think he went for Stellar Cartography.  I know she's asked that he come here for the vacation at least and they're praying they get posted together as they know how difficult it is for me and Nevir to see one another.  How we ended up with four children..." she giggled. "Mind the twins were two for the price of one!"

"And Sally McCutcheon... yeah... um, Geophysics I think... but ask Anth!  As for any of them contributing to ongoing projects they'll be thrilled and as I'll be bringing back a certain Junior Cadet and it'll almost be summer vacation time for her too, if not actually on vacation... she'll have a plethora of extra people to pester with science questions so you won't have to field all of them!!"

Hrafn caught the note of sadness in Sirol's voice.

"You'll have your own family one day, Sirol, I'm sure of it, until then, and even after then, you'll always be part of mine.  If..." Hrafn was suddenly mindful of the fact that maybe Sirol couldn't physically have children of her own.

"If actually bearing children is an issue, then I'm sure we can find you a child to adopt, I'll help you there if and when you want that and in the menatime you're welcome to hijack mine any time you like as they all love you dearly!  Yes, you'll never have the physical bond like I do with mine, but you get out of one of the hard parts, pregnancy and childbirth are not for the fainthearted!!"

She gave Sirol a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and then answered her next question.

"Hmmm being CSO, prioritising, answering... quick answer, no hard and fast rule, go with your gut.  Longer answer... Anything time sensitive, do them first, reports mostly can be left until I get back otherwise and I can sign them off, you don't need to be bogged down with a pile of PADDs when your services can be better employed, only time you'll need to sign off on them is if someone needs a part signed off in order to proceed with next part of a project.  I think you can handle that just fine.  Classified no, as of ..."

She clicked a few things on her PADD then turned back to Sirol. " you are cleared for classified stuff, that's kind of the point of making you Acting CSO while I'm away, if something goes down here, there's someone on the spot that can deal with it. But I'm at the end of a subspace message if you need me, once I get a timetable of events for the graduation I'll send you a copy and highlight the 'Do not disturb' times, otherwise you can grab me at any time.  Also, although I suspect it won't be for a while Prophets willing, you will take over from me I'm sure, I will retire, this... well this and you being my assistant will prep you for taking over, and you'll never know if you can do it if I'm breathing down your neck all the time."

"I'm afraid I'm not going to have time for a meeting with Specialist Freeman but we'll have a proper Science Team...with all temporary new additions... ah... meeting... read donut stuffing and coffee swilling chat time or we can all go down to the Brauhaus, whatever works, the Cadets who will then be Ensigns post graduation will want to prove even with Synthahol that they are fully fledged adults, maybe we should let them!!"

[Two days later, Spacedock, near the Shuttlecraft bound for DS9/New Bajor]

=/\= Falleg to Sirol and Freeman, could you meet me immediately at the Spacedock, DS9 Departure area, I have 30 mins before departure, pick up a coffee for me on route please! =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0750 >

With a polite nod Sirol went and replicated Hrafn a standard chair.
She had not really thought of other people potentially having difficulties keeping balance considering she herself had used balls ever since he had been a teenager and hence had internalised these subconscious acts of keeping balance for decades.
Putting the chair next to her ball she did a polite nod towards her division leader, then answered.
"œMy apologies for missing out on jokes. It is a"¦ Never Ending process to learn about them. Federation species and especially humans are relatively new additions to the languages and cultures I studied, hence me possessing the academic knowledge, yet having a certain lack of"¦ Field experience.

Once Hrafn asked about the Uropygi, Sirol rolled a little forward on her ball, giving her little companion a gentle pat.
"œNot a project, no.
Commander Eydis brought a few of their species aboard a few weeks ago. I met another one when I was in sickbay. It helped me a great deal getting better. This one here"¦ Found me"¦ When I was in the middle of a.. Panic attack"¦ And it has been with me ever since.
Their species is remarkably intelligent and - as I highly suspect - seem to be telepathic or at least empathic.
I tried to contact the Commander letting hir know that hir friend is safe with me until shi wishes to pick it up, but I have not gotten any response yet."

She hesitated for a moment.
"œI"¦ I am worried"¦"
She took a deep breath, then awkwardly looked at Hrafn again.

"œI"¦ Appreciate your trust in me." She then rephrased her earlier statement, and did a polite bow towards her friend.
"œIt sounds like the children are having a pleasant time. I am glad to hear that.
Please relay my greetings to them, and - if it is not too much to ask - the recordings of the phenomena sounds I sent you. I am certain Nerys would find it fascinating..."

Leaning a little back on her ball again she stretched her spine, which gave off a cracking noise.
"œI am not surprised about the Ensigns fascination with Cardassians. We all strive to understand the world around us, including what initiated the hardships we ourselves have to deal with.
It is one of two very plausible outcomes of her situation.
Plus, gaining multifaceted insights can have an incredibly therapeutic function to her as well.
I am looking forward to getting to know her and talk about our work fields and see which ones overlap."

Granted, Cardassians were not Sirol's number one field of study. Sirol herself had always been more specialised in rather exotic cultures such as Bynars, Nimbosian natives or Gorn, but then again any new information was a welcome one.

From one moment to another though, her mood seemed to noticeably darken - even if just temporarily"¦
Her having her own family one day?
That did in fact sound like a vague dream with little to no realism in it"¦

I am"¦ Trying to work on it.
I have registered with multiple adoption agencies of various species.
But as a single exchange officer who might as well have their next transfer at random, I am not exactly high priority in most agencies.
I suppose only time and causality will decide..."

She once more leaned a little forwards, bopping slightly up and down on the ball, with her hands resting on her knees.
It looked like the (attempted-) mating dance of a Risian mud crab.
With slow nods she signalled Hrafn that she was still attentively listening.
Eventually, she tilted her head, and gave her superior a satisfied face of acknowledgement.
"œThank you for your clarification. And for expanding my permissions. I will make use of my new assets to the best of my abilities, as well as trying to stay in contact with you if situation and timing allow it.."

[Two days later]
< Katra Station / Spacedock >

=/\="œSirol here, of course. I will be on my way momentarily."=/\=
The slender scientist replied, and hot up from her desk.
She had been sitting in the quarters she and Zex were sharing, reading a collection of unofficial biographies of notable scientists of the last decade when the call had come in.
There was not much else to do than waiting for sleep to find her so she could pass the time to her next shift, so the spontaneous request of her superior had been more than welcome.

Deactivating her holographic wrist mounted PDA she got up, put on her lab coat and - as usual these days - followed by the Uropygi, made her way to the docking saucer.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 04, 2021, 09:44:36 AM

[Two days later, Spacedock, near the Shuttlecraft bound for DS9/New Bajor]

=/\= Falleg to Sirol and Freeman, could you meet me immediately at the Spacedock, DS9 Departure area, I have 30 mins before departure, pick up a coffee for me on route please! =/\=

[Katra Station | Simulation lab]

The beeping of his commbadge was still strange to Xasik. He had never had one of his own before and he was having trouble remembering to put it on and use it when he needed to. He had been in the lab examining one of his samples when Hrafn had hailed Sirol and himself to meet her in the Spacedock immediately, and to bring her a coffee. Being the new guy he naturally assumed that that particular task would fall to him.

=/\= "œFreeman here. Acknowledged. I'll grab your coffee."  =/\= He said simply as he got up from the comfortable chair he had insisted upon having. He looked back to the sample he had been working with before turning to leave. His work wouldn't run away, and it wouldn't spoil. He had the luxury of leaving it as it was without worry.

Making his way towards the Spacedock, the geologist made a detour to grab the coffee. He also grabbed a coffee for Sirol and a tea for himself. He had yet to eat today so the little boost of energy would be very welcome. Without wasting any more time he once again began to made his way to the Spacedock.


It was a little embarrassing to admit that he had kinda/sorta/maybe gotten a little lost on the way, but he had managed to find his way in good timing after meeting with Sirol along the way. He had taken the chance to pass her the coffee he had grabbed for her to make holding the other two beverages a little easier. Heading towards the DS9 Departure area he was careful to not spill the coffee and tea as they wove between other people busily going about their work. Once the shuttlecraft bound for DS9 was located he made his way over, giving a hailing nod as he approached, holding the coffee up like a trophy to be seen and admired!

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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