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S3-M7: Settling In (Again) --- Discussion

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:28:58 PM

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< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
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NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Can my profile have full approvals cause I can't modify my profile

Serena King

Tag to EQ.

The Lagrange Point... It's... in brief the distance between the sun and any other planet/moon where gravity doesn't move us at all and we don't need to expend energy, we can just sit there. Since Meridian's gone and we can't orbit it... If there's enough mass in the debris, we can move to L1. If not, L4 or L5 is my recommendation.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on July 10, 2021, 05:08:49 AM

Tag to EQ.

The Lagrange Point... It's... in brief the distance between the sun and any other planet/moon where gravity doesn't move us at all and we don't need to expend energy, we can just sit there. Since Meridian's gone and we can't orbit it... If there's enough mass in the debris, we can move to L1. If not, L4 or L5 is my recommendation.

You can choose.
The starlifter could be used as a reference point as to the distance previously used.
But as far as I know that distance was never given before

tag to you, Drake, and Rojol

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on July 10, 2021, 02:49:18 PM

You can choose.
The starlifter could be used as a reference point as to the distance previously used.
But as far as I know that distance was never given before

tag to you, Drake, and Rojol

Return tag to EQ. Soft tag to Gideon.

L1. I suspect we can have discussions about the remains of Meridian, but I hope we shelve them for a few missions. I chose L1 because it's the least distance to travel, in the most logical way (remember Katra's slow speed) and I doubt we want to completely abandon our location anyway.

We'll just see this sphere (loose nebula) of debris. Eventually, we'll start to see it change shape, but that's decades in real term. We'll start seeing a trail (think comet) of fine dust as the remains move along in its orbit.

So says the somewhat read, but very much not an Engineer.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


I'll hold to post as Chigorra until Kirok posts. Curious to see what these Tosk say about themselves!

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Any of you guys want/need any assistance and/or aliens to interact with?
I am done with all my replies everywhere but have excess energy.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Chigorra on July 10, 2021, 05:39:50 PM

I'll hold to post as Chigorra until Kirok posts. Curious to see what these Tosk say about themselves!

tag Promenade group

and King

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

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