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S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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Kyle Briggs

[Bridge | Deck One | USS Seleya]

Kyle was just about to send some scientist to the transporter room when the message to not use transporters came through.

"So much for that idea." he mumbled. "Alright. New game plan. Scans show just those four ships in the area and they're all on this side of the planet. Helm. Take us out on a loop and bring us in on the other side, just on the out skirts of their scanners. Coordinates are at your discretion. If they weren't in the area, I'd send down a shuttle but I'm not risking that with them here."

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kirok on July 22, 2021, 06:18:11 PM


The Ensign in the conference room held the baby Changeling up.  As if to say, please take him.  "Yes and I'm baby sitting" he said to Rojol.

He was obviously unhappy about it.  But the duty had fallen to him.  Least until he could find someone else to do it.

He looked past Rojol to Eli.  Shrugged.  "Cause it's so small, I guess.  You have any experience taking care of a baby?" he asked.

A different officer executed Eli's command.  "Aye, sir."  -//Katra to Seleya.  Please do not use your transporters until further notice.  Katra out\\- he said.

[Conference Room - Kirok]

"Yes.  Please send the files over.  And then let's take a break so that each of us can look over the data.  Then lets reconvening in 1 hour" Kirok said.

Eli chuckled at the offer as well as the near desparate look on the ensign's face. He could well sympathize. It gave him some memories of his sister and her family. And, other family members too. He gave a slight shake of the head, as if to say he didn't have much experience. More honestly, it he was trying to clear more painful memories.

Thankfully, another Romulan ended up with the duty.

Quote from: Rojol on July 22, 2021, 07:48:17 PM

Rojol eyed the lizard individual who came out of the conference room thinking the meeting was over. He then turned back to the Ops officer.
Rojol shook his head. "B-But I----"

Then another member came out of the Briefing room when Captain Kirok had ordered for a break. That when Rojol end up taking the baby changling in his arms and he was the one had the baby.

This was not what he was signed for but the baby changling seemed to like Rojol. It had liked the Romulan pointy ears. The little part of the changling was feeling his ear. "Not sure you advance at that stage," he told the child.

"Uhm," he had no choice to go in the briefing room where the Captain was or when he was coming. "Sir, I told them and they obeyed your order." Then he looked down at the infant. "Who does this belong too?" Then the changling felt the side of his jaw. It was observing him.

"Seems you found a new crewmember," Eli said, with a gentle tease to his voice. He turned to Crewman Greene. "Thank you, Crewman. I believe Ensign Takima will be able to take care of things, once his hands are free."


Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 23, 2021, 12:16:33 AM

Eli chuckled at the offer as well as the near desparate look on the ensign's face. He could well sympathize. It gave him some memories of his sister and her family. And, other family members too. He gave a slight shake of the head, as if to say he didn't have much experience. More honestly, it he was trying to clear more painful memories.

Thankfully, another Romulan ended up with the duty. "Seems you found a new crewmember," Eli said, with a gentle tease to his voice. He turned to Crewman Greene. "Thank you, Crewman. I believe Ensign Takima will be able to take care of things, once his hands are free."

Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 23, 2021, 12:16:33 AM

Eli chuckled at the offer as well as the near desparate look on the ensign's face. He could well sympathize. It gave him some memories of his sister and her family. And, other family members too. He gave a slight shake of the head, as if to say he didn't have much experience. More honestly, it he was trying to clear more painful memories.

Thankfully, another Romulan ended up with the duty. "Seems you found a new crewmember," Eli said, with a gentle tease to his voice. He turned to Crewman Greene. "Thank you, Crewman. I believe Ensign Takima will be able to take care of things, once his hands are free."


As Kirok was coming out of the conference room, he saw Rojol and Eli standing near the entrance to the break room.  Holding the infant.  His left eyebrow went up curiously.

"It does seem so, Mr. Ferris.  Let get it a combadge and a uniform.  Extra, extra, extra small" he said to Eli before addressing Rojol.

"Thank you, Mr. Rojol.  The Katra and Seleya will be safer for it" he replied.  Then bowed slight.

"The infant belongs to Ambassado Ojo.  He should be out shortly.  Thank you taking care of the child.   Let's just hope that it does not need changing" he added.

"I will be in Ops should you need anything.  Anything except, of course, with help changing the child.  I have no expertise in that" the half Vulcan said.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 22, 2021, 11:02:39 PM

[Bridge | Deck One | USS Seleya]

Kyle was just about to send some scientist to the transporter room when the message to not use transporters came through.

"So much for that idea." he mumbled. "Alright. New game plan. Scans show just those four ships in the area and they're all on this side of the planet. Helm. Take us out on a loop and bring us in on the other side, just on the out skirts of their scanners. Coordinates are at your discretion. If they weren't in the area, I'd send down a shuttle but I'm not risking that with them here."


The person at navigation bobbed his head in reply.  "Aye, Sir.  Charting a path.  Sending the coordinates to Mr. Drake" he said.

"What are they doing out here" EQ asked aloud.  "Is there home world around here?  I don't recall" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rinaya Riss

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 22, 2021, 11:02:39 PM

[Bridge | Deck One | USS Seleya]

Kyle was just about to send some scientist to the transporter room when the message to not use transporters came through.

"So much for that idea." he mumbled. "Alright. New game plan. Scans show just those four ships in the area and they're all on this side of the planet. Helm. Take us out on a loop and bring us in on the other side, just on the out skirts of their scanners. Coordinates are at your discretion. If they weren't in the area, I'd send down a shuttle but I'm not risking that with them here."

Up until now, the Caitain engineer had simply remained at the ready, should her skill be needed. Reports, maintenance, and the like had been handled as well as could be. But this hiccup was just plain irritating.

Overlarge ears pinned back as the klaxons sounded. Seemed like each time they headed out, something or another went sideways"¦ With a low growl, Riss tapped at the display in front of her. Not only did they have the Jem Ha'dar to potentially deal with, hopefully not, but they could no longer use their transporters now? If it wasn't one thing, it was another. While frustrating, it was an interesting predicament to try and work through.

"œCaptain, I'm going to run some numbers and sims, see if I can figure anything out to get our people back and forth. With or without transporters. I'll let you know if I come up with anything." Tail twitching in frustration, the Caitian dipped toward the console in concentration as she tried to sort through what could possibly be helpful and what wouldn't.

"Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Stupidity did. Curiosity was framed."

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on July 22, 2021, 06:18:11 PM


The Ensign in the conference room held the baby Changeling up.  As if to say, please take him.  "Yes and I'm baby sitting" he said to Rojol.

He was obviously unhappy about it.  But the duty had fallen to him.  Least until he could find someone else to do it.

He looked past Rojol to Eli.  Shrugged.  "Cause it's so small, I guess.  You have any experience taking care of a baby?" he asked.

A different officer executed Eli's command.  "Aye, sir."  -//Katra to Seleya.  Please do not use your transporters until further notice.  Katra out\\- he said.

[Conference Room - Kirok]

"Yes.  Please send the files over.  And then let's take a break so that each of us can look over the data.  Then lets reconvening in 1 hour" Kirok said.

[USS Katra - Conference Room]

Zero nodded, as Kirok called for a brief recess, in order for them to individually pour over the files. As they were dismissed, he stood, mind instantly running. These files would be of little use to him, he wasn't very... techy. That was more Jettis' area. But, nevertheless, he proceeded to a cafe in the promenade, and sat with his coffee, checking out the information from his PADD.

His eyes scanned the promenade, for any other colleagues, or even Tosk. He didn't immediately notice any others working, but his table sat empty with three other seats, as he went over the info.

An hour later precisely, he made his way back to the conference room, eyes scanning the room to see who had arrived back so far. "Hello, sir." he called to Kirok, before taking up his previous place at the table.


Quote from: Rinaya Riss on July 23, 2021, 10:55:14 PM

Up until now, the Caitain engineer had simply remained at the ready, should her skill be needed. Reports, maintenance, and the like had been handled as well as could be. But this hiccup was just plain irritating.

Overlarge ears pinned back as the klaxons sounded. Seemed like each time they headed out, something or another went sideways"¦ With a low growl, Riss tapped at the display in front of her. Not only did they have the Jem Ha'dar to potentially deal with, hopefully not, but they could no longer use their transporters now? If it wasn't one thing, it was another. While frustrating, it was an interesting predicament to try and work through.

"œCaptain, I'm going to run some numbers and sims, see if I can figure anything out to get our people back and forth. With or without transporters. I'll let you know if I come up with anything." Tail twitching in frustration, the Caitian dipped toward the console in concentration as she tried to sort through what could possibly be helpful and what wouldn't.


As the ship moved to the new coordinates, it moved further into the system.  And came upon something.  Unexpected.

A massive borg cube.  It loomed straight ahead.  But seemed 'dead' with multiple pieces missing.

EQ Kimball's PTSD was instantly trigged.  He had seen one of these before.  Right before he was assimilated.

Everyone who had 'lived' after the borg attacked had been assimilated as well.  Made to be drones.  Made to assimilate others.

Somehow he had survived long enough to get disconnected from the hive and had regained a sense of self.  With extensive surgery, he had finally gotten to a place where his presence on longer make children scream and run in fear.
With extensive therapy he had finally been able to return to Star Fleet.

But in this moment all of that progress was for naught. "No" the XB was able to mutter.  Otherwise he was paralyzed with fear.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on July 24, 2021, 12:48:25 AM

[USS Katra - Conference Room]

Zero nodded, as Kirok called for a brief recess, in order for them to individually pour over the files. As they were dismissed, he stood, mind instantly running. These files would be of little use to him, he wasn't very... techy. That was more Jettis' area. But, nevertheless, he proceeded to a cafe in the promenade, and sat with his coffee, checking out the information from his PADD.

His eyes scanned the promenade, for any other colleagues, or even Tosk. He didn't immediately notice any others working, but his table sat empty with three other seats, as he went over the info.

An hour later precisely, he made his way back to the conference room, eyes scanning the room to see who had arrived back so far. "Hello, sir." he called to Kirok, before taking up his previous place at the table.

[USS Katra - Conference Room]

Zero was the first to arrive back in the conference room.  So they were alone for the first time.  A unique situation, indeed.

"Hello, Mr. Jyur.  Your are a bit early.  I do appreciate that in you.

I have been meaning to ask you a question and now seems to be a good time to do so.  If you will indulge me, of course.  I've been curious to know why your nickname is Zero" the half Vulcan asked after dipping his head slightly to the ship counselor.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Bridge | USS Selaya ::

Kyan had barely been back on the station for an hour when he was called to board the Selaya for an away mission. Prior to that, he'd been at a "Security Training Seminar", which was actually a SFI debriefing session with three fat admirals who wanted to know all about Meridian and the Hunters, and the Snake. Given the strained fabric abound their middles, and the poor herds of cows that had likely been killed to make their belts, they'd also have wanted to know about the restaurants on Katra, but he didn't tell them about any of those. "No need for more cows to die." he'd thought at the time.

When he got the call he'd just gotten off the transport and put his bag back in his quarters, and hadn't even had time to take a shower or change into a fresh uniform. So as soon as the ship was at warp, he'd taken the time to do that.... and take a nap.

Of course that also didn't last. Red Alert Klaxons had jerked the ancient boy from his slumber and sent him running to the bridge. When the doors opened to the turbo lift, habit took his eyes to the viewscreen, where there was a Borg Cube.

"Hunh." he thought aloud. "Well that's somethin yer not seein every day." Kyan then made his way over to the tactical station where EQ was standing. Oblivious to his emotional state, Kyan spoke up. "And have yer old mates come by for tea the now?" he offered jovially as a greeting.


 [USS Katra-conference room]

T'prith arrived at the conference room and gave them a shy but charming smile. "œHello there Ensign Jyur and Captain Kirok I do hope that I didn't disturb your lovely conversation." Her eyes looked over for any possible other colleagues that she might run into. The female Vulcan operations officer tried to listen in and pick up anything that could be useful to her. She sat down at the table so that she could look over the data that was sent. Maybe the information could be useful to her in a ops sense.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kirok on July 23, 2021, 05:31:58 PM


As Kirok was coming out of the conference room, he saw Rojol and Eli standing near the entrance to the break room.  Holding the infant.  His left eyebrow went up curiously.

"It does seem so, Mr. Ferris.  Let get it a combadge and a uniform.  Extra, extra, extra small" he said to Eli before addressing Rojol.

"Thank you, Mr. Rojol.  The Katra and Seleya will be safer for it" he replied.  Then bowed slight.

"The infant belongs to Ambassado Ojo.  He should be out shortly.  Thank you taking care of the child.   Let's just hope that it does not need changing" he added.

"I will be in Ops should you need anything.  Anything except, of course, with help changing the child.  I have no expertise in that" the half Vulcan said.

"Perhaps Starfleet should consider such a class at the Academy, sir." Eli suggested with a wry smile. But, he took the captain's suggestion to heart and replicated the uniform. He wasn't sure how small would work. But, he pulled it up and handed it to Rojol.

"I believe this will help with the changing process."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 24, 2021, 04:43:48 PM

:: Bridge | USS Selaya ::

Kyan had barely been back on the station for an hour when he was called to board the Selaya for an away mission. Prior to that, he'd been at a "Security Training Seminar", which was actually a SFI debriefing session with three fat admirals who wanted to know all about Meridian and the Hunters, and the Snake. Given the strained fabric abound their middles, and the poor herds of cows that had likely been killed to make their belts, they'd also have wanted to know about the restaurants on Katra, but he didn't tell them about any of those. "No need for more cows to die." he'd thought at the time.

When he got the call he'd just gotten off the transport and put his bag back in his quarters, and hadn't even had time to take a shower or change into a fresh uniform. So as soon as the ship was at warp, he'd taken the time to do that.... and take a nap.

Of course that also didn't last. Red Alert Klaxons had jerked the ancient boy from his slumber and sent him running to the bridge. When the doors opened to the turbo lift, habit took his eyes to the viewscreen, where there was a Borg Cube.

"Hunh." he thought aloud. "Well that's somethin yer not seein every day." Kyan then made his way over to the tactical station where EQ was standing. Oblivious to his emotional state, Kyan spoke up. "And have yer old mates come by for tea the now?" he offered jovially as a greeting.

:: Bridge | USS Selaya | EQ Kimball, XB::

EQ heard the Chief's words, but they had no effect.  No.  The XB was lost in his traumatic memories.

First his real family had been taken away from him.  They had lived on Mars.  And died on Mars when it was destroyed.

So, he got a bit creative with his birthday and went enlisted at 16.  His crew became his new brothers, uncles, and family.  Until the Borg.

He had been on the Bridge.  There was an explosion.  And fire.

The right side of his face burned.  He lost his right eye.  He had passed out.

When he woke a Borg was standing over him.  Tubules punctured EQ's neck.  "Your designation is Drone 369."

Then the real nightmare started.  Killing and assimilating.  Even children.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 24, 2021, 11:54:45 PM

"Perhaps Starfleet should consider such a class at the Academy, sir." Eli suggested with a wry smile. But, he took the captain's suggestion to heart and replicated the uniform. He wasn't sure how small would work. But, he pulled it up and handed it to Rojol.

"I believe this will help with the changing process."


Kirok right eye brow arched.  He did not understand humor that well.  Even though he had just made an attempt at it himself.

"Do you mean a class in changing diapers?" Kirok asked.  He was silent for a moment as he considered the thought.  "Star Fleet does do it's share of interacting with toddlers" he remarked.

"That said, I would like for you both to join us in the conference room if you are able.  After that, we have some new personnel arriving.  Could I ask you to show them around.  Help them acclimate to Ops?" the half Vulcan asked.

Quote from: T'prith on July 24, 2021, 09:05:04 PM

[USS Katra-conference room]

T'prith arrived at the conference room and gave them a shy but charming smile. "œHello there Ensign Jyur and Captain Kirok I do hope that I didn't disturb your lovely conversation." Her eyes looked over for any possible other colleagues that she might run into. The female Vulcan operations officer tried to listen in and pick up anything that could be useful to her. She sat down at the table so that she could look over the data that was sent. Maybe the information could be useful to her in a ops sense.

[USS Katra-conference room]

"You are not.  Please come in" Kirok replied.  He stood and offered the woman a slight bow.

"We were just discussing a developing issue on the station.  An influx of Tosk who may need long term accommodations.   And the obstacles and issue that may occur should we allow them to stay" he explained.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on July 24, 2021, 08:54:44 AM

[USS Katra - Conference Room]

Zero was the first to arrive back in the conference room.  So they were alone for the first time.  A unique situation, indeed.

"Hello, Mr. Jyur.  Your are a bit early.  I do appreciate that in you.

I have been meaning to ask you a question and now seems to be a good time to do so.  If you will indulge me, of course.  I've been curious to know why your nickname is Zero" the half Vulcan asked after dipping his head slightly to the ship counselor.

[USS Katra - Conference Room]

Zero dipped his head graciously, as Kirok acknowledged him, as well as a compliment. "Thank you, sir. Better five minutes early, than ten minutes late." Something his mother had oft stressed to him and his brother.

At his next question, a ghost of a smirk flitted across his face, nose twitching. "Ah - see, that's a funny story." He chuckled, smirk breaking into a grin. "I'm sure you're familiar with the fact I am a twin."

"My brother and I were enrolled in many, many physical activities to keep us busy, as we're not just twins, but two of three children, all similar in age. My mother, was a Starfleet Captain, and we were raised in ship-life. So, naturally, she didn't have as much time as perhaps a traditional, planet-bound parent. My brother an I were enrolled in fencing, dancing, martial arts, you name it.

This, in particular though is from an old earth game, Football. It was a competitive semi-final game of children's football. My team tanked it, got no points the entire game. Me and the rest of my team got called Zero for weeks, and it kind of stuck." There was a playful glint in Zero's eyes as he relayed the story, and at the tail end someone else entered.

Sitting up slightly from his reclining stance, he surveyed the woman who entered. She knew his name by heart, so he questioned if she was a new counselor, or simply looked over his file. Her uniform bore gold, so his head tilted a bit in confusion. As she freely took a seat, and borrowed a PADD to look over the info, he shot a slight glance at Kirok, before dipping his head cordially. "Hello, might I ask your name?"

Susan Markington


:: Bridge | USS Selaya | EQ Kimball, XB::

EQ heard the Chief's words, but they had no effect.  No.  The XB was lost in his traumatic memories.

First his real family had been taken away from him.  They had lived on Mars.  And died on Mars when it was destroyed.

So, he got a bit creative with his birthday and went enlisted at 16.  His crew became his new brothers, uncles, and family.  Until the Borg.

He had been on the Bridge.  There was an explosion.  And fire.

The right side of his face burned.  He lost his right eye.  He had passed out.

When he woke a Borg was standing over him.  Tubules punctured EQ's neck.  "Your designation is Drone 369."

Then the real nightmare started.  Killing and assimilating.  Even children.

[USS Selaya - Transporter Room to Bridge]

Susan had just arrived on the USS Selaya from Katra Station. She had been ordered to assist the crew with the new Borg cube that had shown up. After arriving she heard that the transporters were officially shut down. Glad I made it in time... she thought as she ran towards the commotion on the bridge. "Snap out of it Kimball! We need you here with us! Focus!" she said as she entered the room and saw him standing like a deer staring into headlights. "Captain! The cube is not a threat at this moment. Scans show that it is dormant, sir. Ensign Susan Markington, Sec-Tac with a specialization in JAG. Former Sec-Tac of USS Athena, now stationed at Katra. Captain Kirok sent me over to assist you guys with whatever you need, sir." she said as she walked onto the bridge and over to Kimball. She poked him gently on the arm before snapping her fingers in front of his eyes. "Wake up Kimball!" she said as she tried to snap him out of his gaze.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Susan Markington on July 25, 2021, 04:50:16 PM

[USS Selaya - Transporter Room to Bridge]

Susan had just arrived on the USS Selaya from Katra Station. She had been ordered to assist the crew with the new Borg cube that had shown up. After arriving she heard that the transporters were officially shut down. Glad I made it in time... she thought as she ran towards the commotion on the bridge. "Snap out of it Kimball! We need you here with us! Focus!" she said as she entered the room and saw him standing like a deer staring into headlights. "Captain! The cube is not a threat at this moment. Scans show that it is dormant, sir. Ensign Susan Markington, Sec-Tac with a specialization in JAG. Former Sec-Tac of USS Athena, now stationed at Katra. Captain Kirok sent me over to assist you guys with whatever you need, sir." she said as she walked onto the bridge and over to Kimball. She poked him gently on the arm before snapping her fingers in front of his eyes. "Wake up Kimball!" she said as she tried to snap him out of his gaze.

Realization dawned on Kyan as the new arrival.. apparently a new Security Officer, tried to talk to Kimball. Posta-matic Stress something or other. The doctors had mentioned that sort of thing at the Academy. And in addition to being essentially useless in his current state, and given the fact that he still had Borg tech in him that could compromise him, EQ was something of a security risk at the moment.

"Take Mister Kimball down tae sickbay the now and get him checked out." Kyan said, shifting his attention away from the former Borg and onto the new arrival. "Also, Welcome aboard." he offered, smiling.


Quote from: Kirok on July 25, 2021, 09:58:16 AM

:: Bridge | USS Selaya | EQ Kimball, XB::

EQ heard the Chief's words, but they had no effect.  No.  The XB was lost in his traumatic memories.

First his real family had been taken away from him.  They had lived on Mars.  And died on Mars when it was destroyed.

So, he got a bit creative with his birthday and went enlisted at 16.  His crew became his new brothers, uncles, and family.  Until the Borg.

He had been on the Bridge.  There was an explosion.  And fire.

The right side of his face burned.  He lost his right eye.  He had passed out.

When he woke a Borg was standing over him.  Tubules punctured EQ's neck.  "Your designation is Drone 369."

Then the real nightmare started.  Killing and assimilating.  Even children.


Kirok right eye brow arched.  He did not understand humor that well.  Even though he had just made an attempt at it himself.

"Do you mean a class in changing diapers?" Kirok asked.  He was silent for a moment as he considered the thought.  "Star Fleet does do it's share of interacting with toddlers" he remarked.

"That said, I would like for you both to join us in the conference room if you are able.  After that, we have some new personnel arriving.  Could I ask you to show them around.  Help them acclimate to Ops?" the half Vulcan asked.

[USS Katra-conference room]

"You are not.  Please come in" Kirok replied.  He stood and offered the woman a slight bow.

"We were just discussing a developing issue on the station.  An influx of Tosk who may need long term accommodations.   And the obstacles and issue that may occur should we allow them to stay" he explained.

[USS Katra-conference room]

"œDo you think that the obstacles or issues we might encounter might be related to operations Captain? My name is T'Prith I'm the operations officer and I was told to come here. Do you prefer to have people address you as zero or your actual name?" She was trying to get to know and get a feel for the counselor.

Kyle Briggs

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Quote from: Kirok on July 23, 2021, 05:31:58 PM

The person at navigation bobbed his head in reply.  "Aye, Sir.  Charting a path.  Sending the coordinates to Mr. Drake" he said.

"What are they doing out here" EQ asked aloud.  "Is there home world around here?  I don't recall" he added.

"Hopefully not noticing us." Kyle said as he stood to walk up next to helm. "Engage."
Quote from: Rinaya Riss on July 23, 2021, 10:55:14 PM

Up until now, the Caitain engineer had simply remained at the ready, should her skill be needed. Reports, maintenance, and the like had been handled as well as could be. But this hiccup was just plain irritating.

Overlarge ears pinned back as the klaxons sounded. Seemed like each time they headed out, something or another went sideways"¦ With a low growl, Riss tapped at the display in front of her. Not only did they have the Jem Ha'dar to potentially deal with, hopefully not, but they could no longer use their transporters now? If it wasn't one thing, it was another. While frustrating, it was an interesting predicament to try and work through.

"œCaptain, I'm going to run some numbers and sims, see if I can figure anything out to get our people back and forth. With or without transporters. I'll let you know if I come up with anything." Tail twitching in frustration, the Caitian dipped toward the console in concentration as she tried to sort through what could possibly be helpful and what wouldn't.

"Understood. Keep me informed." Kyle replied to the engineer.

It only took a couple of minutes for the ship to complete it's course and when it came to a halt, Kyle could feel the tension on the bridge.

Quote from: Kirok on July 24, 2021, 08:54:44 AM

As the ship moved to the new coordinates, it moved further into the system.  And came upon something.  Unexpected.

A massive borg cube.  It loomed straight ahead.  But seemed 'dead' with multiple pieces missing.

EQ Kimball's PTSD was instantly trigged.  He had seen one of these before.  Right before he was assimilated.

Everyone who had 'lived' after the borg attacked had been assimilated as well.  Made to be drones.  Made to assimilate others.

Somehow he had survived long enough to get disconnected from the hive and had regained a sense of self.  With extensive surgery, he had finally gotten to a place where his presence on longer make children scream and run in fear.
With extensive therapy he had finally been able to return to Star Fleet.

But in this moment all of that progress was for naught. "No" the XB was able to mutter.  Otherwise he was paralyzed with fear. 

"RED ALERT!" called Kyle almost as soon as they stopped and caught sight of the Borg cube.
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 24, 2021, 04:43:48 PM

Of course that also didn't last. Red Alert Klaxons had jerked the ancient boy from his slumber and sent him running to the bridge. When the doors opened to the turbo lift, habit took his eyes to the viewscreen, where there was a Borg Cube.

"Hunh." he thought aloud. "Well that's somethin yer not seein every day." Kyan then made his way over to the tactical station where EQ was standing. Oblivious to his emotional state, Kyan spoke up. "And have yer old mates come by for tea the now?" he offered jovially as a greeting.

Quote from: Kirok on July 25, 2021, 09:58:16 AM

EQ heard the Chief's words, but they had no effect.  No.  The XB was lost in his traumatic memories.

First his real family had been taken away from him.  They had lived on Mars.  And died on Mars when it was destroyed.

So, he got a bit creative with his birthday and went enlisted at 16.  His crew became his new brothers, uncles, and family.  Until the Borg.

He had been on the Bridge.  There was an explosion.  And fire.

The right side of his face burned.  He lost his right eye.  He had passed out.

When he woke a Borg was standing over him.  Tubules punctured EQ's neck.  "Your designation is Drone 369."

Then the real nightmare started.  Killing and assimilating.  Even children.

Quote from: Susan Markington on July 25, 2021, 04:50:16 PM

Susan had just arrived on the USS Selaya from Katra Station. She had been ordered to assist the crew with the new Borg cube that had shown up. After arriving she heard that the transporters were officially shut down. Glad I made it in time... she thought as she ran towards the commotion on the bridge. "Snap out of it Kimball! We need you here with us! Focus!" she said as she entered the room and saw him standing like a deer staring into headlights. "Captain! The cube is not a threat at this moment. Scans show that it is dormant, sir. Ensign Susan Markington, Sec-Tac with a specialization in JAG. Former Sec-Tac of USS Athena, now stationed at Katra. Captain Kirok sent me over to assist you guys with whatever you need, sir." she said as she walked onto the bridge and over to Kimball. She poked him gently on the arm before snapping her fingers in front of his eyes. "Wake up Kimball!" she said as she tried to snap him out of his gaze.

"Welcome aboard, Ensign. Take up the secondary position at tactical with Mister Kimball." Kyle said to the newcomer as he stood and walked around to the station  and touched the XB on his arm. "EQ. EQ. We need you here, Mister Kimball." he said to the man.
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 25, 2021, 05:25:25 PM

Realization dawned on Kyan as the new arrival.. apparently a new Security Officer, tried to talk to Kimball. Posta-matic Stress something or other. The doctors had mentioned that sort of thing at the Academy. And in addition to being essentially useless in his current state, and given the fact that he still had Borg tech in him that could compromise him, EQ was something of a security risk at the moment.

"Take Mister Kimball down tae sickbay the now and get him checked out." Kyan said, shifting his attention away from the former Borg and onto the new arrival. "Also, Welcome aboard." he offered, smiling.

Kyle looked over at his Ops officer. "Belay that order. Ensign Markington says the cube is dormant. Verify those findings and then drop us down to yellow alert. Mister Kimball will be fine. He just needs a moment." Kyle added before turning to Engineering. "And let's forget the planet for now and see if we can figure out why the hell that thing is here." he said.

"Sir. The Jem'Hadar ships are coming around the planet." called out the helmsman.

"Damn it." Kyle muttered. He had forgotten about them just that quick. The Borg had that kind of effect on people. "Take us back out to the edges of their sensors but keep us on this side." he ordered. Seconds later, he felt the Seleya moving once more. "Ops. Keep them on sensors."

"What the hell is going on out here?" he asked more to himself as he approached the viewscreen.

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