S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on July 04, 2021, 10:44:17 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 0750 >

With a polite nod Sirol went and replicated Hrafn a standard chair.
She had not really thought of other people potentially having difficulties keeping balance considering she herself had used balls ever since he had been a teenager and hence had internalised these subconscious acts of keeping balance for decades.
Putting the chair next to her ball she did a polite nod towards her division leader, then answered.
"œMy apologies for missing out on jokes. It is a"¦ Never Ending process to learn about them. Federation species and especially humans are relatively new additions to the languages and cultures I studied, hence me possessing the academic knowledge, yet having a certain lack of"¦ Field experience.

Once Hrafn asked about the Uropygi, Sirol rolled a little forward on her ball, giving her little companion a gentle pat.
"œNot a project, no.
Commander Eydis brought a few of their species aboard a few weeks ago. I met another one when I was in sickbay. It helped me a great deal getting better. This one here"¦ Found me"¦ When I was in the middle of a.. Panic attack"¦ And it has been with me ever since.
Their species is remarkably intelligent and - as I highly suspect - seem to be telepathic or at least empathic.
I tried to contact the Commander letting hir know that hir friend is safe with me until shi wishes to pick it up, but I have not gotten any response yet."

She hesitated for a moment.
"œI"¦ I am worried"¦"
She took a deep breath, then awkwardly looked at Hrafn again.

"œI"¦ Appreciate your trust in me." She then rephrased her earlier statement, and did a polite bow towards her friend.
"œIt sounds like the children are having a pleasant time. I am glad to hear that.
Please relay my greetings to them, and - if it is not too much to ask - the recordings of the phenomena sounds I sent you. I am certain Nerys would find it fascinating..."

Leaning a little back on her ball again she stretched her spine, which gave off a cracking noise.
"œI am not surprised about the Ensigns fascination with Cardassians. We all strive to understand the world around us, including what initiated the hardships we ourselves have to deal with.
It is one of two very plausible outcomes of her situation.
Plus, gaining multifaceted insights can have an incredibly therapeutic function to her as well.
I am looking forward to getting to know her and talk about our work fields and see which ones overlap."

Granted, Cardassians were not Sirol's number one field of study. Sirol herself had always been more specialised in rather exotic cultures such as Bynars, Nimbosian natives or Gorn, but then again any new information was a welcome one.

From one moment to another though, her mood seemed to noticeably darken - even if just temporarily"¦
Her having her own family one day?
That did in fact sound like a vague dream with little to no realism in it"¦

I am"¦ Trying to work on it.
I have registered with multiple adoption agencies of various species.
But as a single exchange officer who might as well have their next transfer at random, I am not exactly high priority in most agencies.
I suppose only time and causality will decide..."

She once more leaned a little forwards, bopping slightly up and down on the ball, with her hands resting on her knees.
It looked like the (attempted-) mating dance of a Risian mud crab.
With slow nods she signalled Hrafn that she was still attentively listening.
Eventually, she tilted her head, and gave her superior a satisfied face of acknowledgement.
"œThank you for your clarification. And for expanding my permissions. I will make use of my new assets to the best of my abilities, as well as trying to stay in contact with you if situation and timing allow it.."

[Two days later]
< Katra Station / Spacedock >

=/\="œSirol here, of course. I will be on my way momentarily."=/\=
The slender scientist replied, and hot up from her desk.
She had been sitting in the quarters she and Zex were sharing, reading a collection of unofficial biographies of notable scientists of the last decade when the call had come in.
There was not much else to do than waiting for sleep to find her so she could pass the time to her next shift, so the spontaneous request of her superior had been more than welcome.

Deactivating her holographic wrist mounted PDA she got up, put on her lab coat and - as usual these days - followed by the Uropygi, made her way to the docking saucer.

Quote from: Xasik on July 04, 2021, 10:57:38 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation lab]

The beeping of his commbadge was still strange to Xasik. He had never had one of his own before and he was having trouble remembering to put it on and use it when he needed to. He had been in the lab examining one of his samples when Hrafn had hailed Sirol and himself to meet her in the Spacedock immediately, and to bring her a coffee. Being the new guy he naturally assumed that that particular task would fall to him.

=/\= "œFreeman here. Acknowledged. I'll grab your coffee."  =/\= He said simply as he got up from the comfortable chair he had insisted upon having. He looked back to the sample he had been working with before turning to leave. His work wouldn't run away, and it wouldn't spoil. He had the luxury of leaving it as it was without worry.

Making his way towards the Spacedock, the geologist made a detour to grab the coffee. He also grabbed a coffee for Sirol and a tea for himself. He had yet to eat today so the little boost of energy would be very welcome. Without wasting any more time he once again began to made his way to the Spacedock.


It was a little embarrassing to admit that he had kinda/sorta/maybe gotten a little lost on the way, but he had managed to find his way in good timing after meeting with Sirol along the way. He had taken the chance to pass her the coffee he had grabbed for her to make holding the other two beverages a little easier. Heading towards the DS9 Departure area he was careful to not spill the coffee and tea as they wove between other people busily going about their work. Once the shuttlecraft bound for DS9 was located he made his way over, giving a hailing nod as he approached, holding the coffee up like a trophy to be seen and admired!

[Spacedock - 10 mins before departure on DS9-bound shuttlecraft]

Hrafn managed to smother her laughter at Xasik's presentation of the coffee, but to her, who had been running around like the proverbial blue arsed insect of some infamy, she accepted it as if it were the crown jewels of England.

"Specialist Freeman, or may I call you Xasik?  Thank you... I owe you a favour sometime or at least an invitation to one of my family evenings, I'll let Sirol fill you in on that since you've not yet had a chance to meet my youngest 3 children I think you were arriving as they were leaving so to speak... during the evacuation anyhow."

The CSO paused and too a large grateful gulp of the coffee, which had mercifully cooled enough to be the right temperature to gulp down, holding aloft one finger as if to say 'wait one...'

"Now, I've only got about 10 minutes but my bags are already on and the pilot knows me so I'm good but I'm a stickler for punctuality... So, first, Freeman, welcome to Katra's Science Department, sorry to leave without a formal sit down like I normally do but I didn't want to leave without saying hi at least.  Secondly, Sirol I feel I upset you somehow before, I think about the family stuff, but I don't have time to address that fully now, just know that I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way and I'll do my best to make up for it and we'll talk by subspace."

She gave a one armed hug to her assistant holding the coffee well out of the way to avoid potentially scalding the poor woman.

"Now, as I explained to Sirol, I will be coming back, not only with my children who normally live here, but my eldest, her boyfriend - Zerma Meros, a Bajoran... I finally remembered his name, Sirol!, and Sally McCutcheon... Anth McCutcheon's sister, all of whom will be staying with me until such a time as they get their first postings and they are all Scientists.  I was wondering if you would plan some kind of welcoming evening, potentially in Brauhaus Gamma for a chat and informal gathering.  Drag Anth in on it too, or bowling, a baking night anything, and something potentially apart unless you decide on bowling or something out of the pub, which the younger 3 can join in on too!"

"Now, I must run, I'm getting the beckoning looks from the pilot so..." she swigged off the last of her coffee handing the cup back to Xasik to be recycled following it up with a quick hug... far as she was concerned he was part of the Science family, so he got hugs.  Then stepped to Sirol and hugged her tighter.

"Enjoy, don't do anything I wouldn't do!  Gives you plenty of scope still, just don't get arrested!! I prefer to work in the Simulation Lab not the Brig!! But any issues, Sirol knows how to get hold of me.  Let me know if you want anything brought back from Earth, New Bajor or DS9 by a message.  Toodle-Pip, folks, I'm Earth bound...eventually!"

With that and a wave of a hand behind her she threw herself onto the shuttlecraft and waved from the window until Xasik and Sirol were out of sight.  She then watched until Katra became a mere blob and they hit the warp, when she pulled out her PADD and had to force herself to read a holonovel rather than look at reports!  'BAD CSO!!' She told herself, 'Give Sirol a chance to prove herself!'

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Chigorra on July 03, 2021, 06:06:14 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
Docking Ring 1 - Katra Station

A broad and toothy smile split the face of the Klingon woman. Her teeth were surprisingly well-arranged, with only a few of the jagged points seeming to angle out of place, and the yellow discoloration one might expect from Klingon chompers largely absent. It was yet another clue that this Klingon treated herself a little differently than others of her race might. She seemed proud that Zex greeted her so confidently, and this pride became clear as she practically shouted her reply.

"I am indeed Chigorra!" she thundered, the volume of her declaration causing a nearby engineer to drop a hyperspanner to the deck plating. Somewhere in the distance, a dog barked. The Klingon woman continued. "Daughter of Loesh, of House G'Khran, Ambassador of the Klingon Empire!" She strode nearer to Zex, their height difference becoming a little more apparent as Zex's sixty-four inches were compared to the Klingon's seventy-four. Perhaps Chigorra was cheating in the height-department thanks to her hair... "My team will attend to the Embassy. I will indeed be escorted, but I will know your name and your station before I will go any further. I must know whether I am in the presence of fellow nobility." She gestured to the crystal crown at Zex's hairless head, her own dark eyes glittering as she observed the piece.

[Docking Ring 1 of Katra Station - 0800]

Zex tilted her head slightly, then looked up.  She chuckled.  After wearing it so long she often forgot that it was there.

"Apologies.  If I a noble, it comes from my association with the Tholians.  This was given to me after my visit to their home world.

My name, though, is Zex.  I am the diplomatic officer here on Katra.  I will be your liaison" she replied.

Then when Chigorra was ready, Zex escorted the Ambassador to Kirok.  "This is Main Ops.  Kirok's office is here" he said before ringing his door chimb.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 04, 2021, 05:52:36 PM

[Docking Ring 1 of Katra Station - 0800]

Zex tilted her head slightly, then looked up.  She chuckled.  After wearing it so long she often forgot that it was there.

"Apologies.  If I a noble, it comes from my association with the Tholians.  This was given to me after my visit to their home world.

My name, though, is Zex.  I am the diplomatic officer here on Katra.  I will be your liaison" she replied.

Then when Chigorra was ready, Zex escorted the Ambassador to Kirok.  "This is Main Ops.  Kirok's office is here" he said before ringing his door chimb.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Docking Ring 1 > Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

"Tholians! I've heard of these beings, but never had the pleasure of meeting one on any field." Chigorra said, as though this information should be of interest. She turned and growled at her fellow Klingons, speaking to them in her native tongue and commanding them to hustle along to the Klingon Embassy. Any who spoke Klingon understood her words, particularly the reminder that they bring no further weaponry beyond their daqtaghs.

Returning her attention to Zex, Chigorra continued as they walked. "I am pleased that one such as yourself was sent to liaise with me then, Diplomatic Officer Zex. I will follow your lead."

She stomped along behind the shorter woman, surely making a visually striking pair with her; the Deltan bald, crystal crowned, elegant in her own way, while the Klingon was a massive, wild-haired, heavily muscled creature. Chigorra stared and sniffed at the variety of people she saw as they walked; she knew how damned loud her boot-stomps were, and she was proud of the effect she was having. Still, not all were startled by her, and she was glad to see several confident looks returned her way. My people cast all these species under such a judgmental light. I see brave eyes here. she thought to herself.

Upon reaching the Operations Command Center, Chigorra looked about with great interest, observing the setup of the space with an approving grin. At the door, the Klingon laid a heavy hand of thanks on the Deltan's well-shaped shoulder. "I thank you for your time, Diplomatic Officer Zex! I sense we will spend further time together in the months and weeks to come!" She then stepped through the door, bringing her considerable size into Kirok's office space. She finally got a look at the man in person...

Captain Kirok had a bit of a reputation in the Klingon Empire. He wasn't famous, per se, but he was certainly known. He was considered to be a fine diplomat, which Chigorra knew from personal experience to be a trait that was often met with disdain among Klingons. Not so with Chigorra; she was eager to know Captain Kirok in this capacity. The Empire also knew him to be a warrior who did not back down, and who always seemed to be able to seek out alternative paths when the apparent ones weren't to his satisfaction. He also tended to command some real powerhouses in terms of ship-to-ship firepower. Chigorra wondered whether Captain Kirok had been at the helm of any vessels fighting Klingons back in their war... She pushed the thoughts away, forsaking the bloody past in favor of a more promising present.

"Captain Kirok!" she said, a fanged smile on her face. "I am Chigorra, Daughter of Loesh of House G'Khran, Ambassador of the Klingon Empire!"

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Chigorra on July 04, 2021, 07:08:11 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Docking Ring 1 > Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

"Tholians! I've heard of these beings, but never had the pleasure of meeting one on any field." Chigorra said, as though this information should be of interest. She turned and growled at her fellow Klingons, speaking to them in her native tongue and commanding them to hustle along to the Klingon Embassy. Any who spoke Klingon understood her words, particularly the reminder that they bring no further weaponry beyond their daqtaghs.

Returning her attention to Zex, Chigorra continued as they walked. "I am pleased that one such as yourself was sent to liaise with me then, Diplomatic Officer Zex. I will follow your lead."

She stomped along behind the shorter woman, surely making a visually striking pair with her; the Deltan bald, crystal crowned, elegant in her own way, while the Klingon was a massive, wild-haired, heavily muscled creature. Chigorra stared and sniffed at the variety of people she saw as they walked; she knew how damned loud her boot-stomps were, and she was proud of the effect she was having. Still, not all were startled by her, and she was glad to see several confident looks returned her way. My people cast all these species under such a judgmental light. I see brave eyes here. she thought to herself.

Upon reaching the Operations Command Center, Chigorra looked about with great interest, observing the setup of the space with an approving grin. At the door, the Klingon laid a heavy hand of thanks on the Deltan's well-shaped shoulder. "I thank you for your time, Diplomatic Officer Zex! I sense we will spend further time together in the months and weeks to come!" She then stepped through the door, bringing her considerable size into Kirok's office space. She finally got a look at the man in person...

Captain Kirok had a bit of a reputation in the Klingon Empire. He wasn't famous, per se, but he was certainly known. He was considered to be a fine diplomat, which Chigorra knew from personal experience to be a trait that was often met with disdain among Klingons. Not so with Chigorra; she was eager to know Captain Kirok in this capacity. The Empire also knew him to be a warrior who did not back down, and who always seemed to be able to seek out alternative paths when the apparent ones weren't to his satisfaction. He also tended to command some real powerhouses in terms of ship-to-ship firepower. Chigorra wondered whether Captain Kirok had been at the helm of any vessels fighting Klingons back in their war... She pushed the thoughts away, forsaking the bloody past in favor of a more promising present.

"Captain Kirok!" she said, a fanged smile on her face. "I am Chigorra, Daughter of Loesh of House G'Khran, Ambassador of the Klingon Empire!"

[Docking Ring 1 > Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

Kirok stood after he called out for his guest to enter.   He bowed slightly.  Then motioned for the Ambassador to sit.

"I am Kirok.  Son of the 12th house of Betazed.  Heir to the sacred Akai of Betazed, holder of the ancient chimes of Washin, and keeper of the Holy Chalice of Vincenn" he replied, he motioned with his hand to show where the three items were displayed behind his desk.

He rarely used his Betazed title.  But when others used their, he replied in kind.  He sat after his guest did.

"It is agreeable to meet you.  We have been without a Klingon ambassador for some months now.  The katra is better for having you.

We try to work in partnership with our Ambassadors here.  Include them on missions when we can.  And, of course, help them with their diplomatic needs" he explained.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 05, 2021, 02:36:47 PM

[Docking Ring 1 > Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

Kirok stood after he called out for his guest to enter.   He bowed slightly.  Then motioned for the Ambassador to sit.

"I am Kirok.  Son of the 12th house of Betazed.  Heir to the sacred Akai of Betazed, holder of the ancient chimes of Washin, and keeper of the Holy Chalice of Vincenn" he replied, he motioned with his hand to show where the three items were displayed behind his desk.

He rarely used his Betazed title.  But when others used their, he replied in kind.  He sat after his guest did.

"It is agreeable to meet you.  We have been without a Klingon ambassador for some months now.  The katra is better for having you.

We try to work in partnership with our Ambassadors here.  Include them on missions when we can.  And, of course, help them with their diplomatic needs" he explained.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

Whumpf! was the sound the chair made as the Klingon Ambassador dropped into it. She listened attentively as Captain Kirok recited his own titles, making a mental note of each for later recording. It be wise for her to understand the significance of these titles and possessions, as they may give her vital clues as to the character of this man. Her dark eyes observed each of the items in turn, suspecting that they must be treasured loot of some kind from an ancient war, or perhaps they were of spiritual significance. She snapped her head back to him at the conclusion of his recitation, her hair swirling around her.

"You and I agree on that point, Captain. It has been some time since the Iconians orchestrated their war, and I believe that re-opening our Embassy will lead to more stable relations between our governments." She leaned back, throwing one melon-crushing leg over the other. "I relish any invitations you may choose to extend, Captain Kirok. I have been given a very broad latitude when it comes to how I conduct my work on your station, and I expect I will be pleased to assist Katra Station in its work, particularly when it means I can interact with other species and governments. I should note, of course..." Chigorra leans forward slightly, lowering her voice. "There may come times that the Empire will demand that I take an action contrary to my own preferences, or that I withhold support from your station in certain matters. When those times come"¦ They may strain our relationship. I hope that this knowledge will not prevent us from building a partnership as best we can."

It became clear that this was a genuine concern for Chigorra, that she wanted to build a relationship here, even friendships, but knew that the Empire was ever ready to tie puppet strings to her arms and demand that she behave in a certain way. Behind her eyes, her thoughts worried of forced betrayals, orders to lie, orders to withhold help"¦ There was something secret even beneath that, a worry that she would be forced to return to a life she had left, very deliberately...

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Chigorra on July 05, 2021, 06:05:48 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

Whumpf! was the sound the chair made as the Klingon Ambassador dropped into it. She listened attentively as Captain Kirok recited his own titles, making a mental note of each for later recording. It be wise for her to understand the significance of these titles and possessions, as they may give her vital clues as to the character of this man. Her dark eyes observed each of the items in turn, suspecting that they must be treasured loot of some kind from an ancient war, or perhaps they were of spiritual significance. She snapped her head back to him at the conclusion of his recitation, her hair swirling around her.

"You and I agree on that point, Captain. It has been some time since the Iconians orchestrated their war, and I believe that re-opening our Embassy will lead to more stable relations between our governments." She leaned back, throwing one melon-crushing leg over the other. "I relish any invitations you may choose to extend, Captain Kirok. I have been given a very broad latitude when it comes to how I conduct my work on your station, and I expect I will be pleased to assist Katra Station in its work, particularly when it means I can interact with other species and governments. I should note, of course..." Chigorra leans forward slightly, lowering her voice. "There may come times that the Empire will demand that I take an action contrary to my own preferences, or that I withhold support from your station in certain matters. When those times come"¦ They may strain our relationship. I hope that this knowledge will not prevent us from building a partnership as best we can."

It became clear that this was a genuine concern for Chigorra, that she wanted to build a relationship here, even friendships, but knew that the Empire was ever ready to tie puppet strings to her arms and demand that she behave in a certain way. Behind her eyes, her thoughts worried of forced betrayals, orders to lie, orders to withhold help"¦ There was something secret even beneath that, a worry that she would be forced to return to a life she had left, very deliberately...

[Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

"I fully understand your limitations in that regard.  So it goes without saying that there may be a time or two the I might have to act in ways that may be seen to be in conflict with your agendas.  Regardless, my office will always be open to you should you need to have a conversation of any type.

But lets work toward building bridges and a relationship that will withstand any troubled times ahead.  I definitely will do my part.  And I thank you for the promise to do yours.

On my agenda today was a tour of our promenade.  If you would care to join me, I can show off some of the establishments we offer on station.  Then I can escort your to your embassy" Kirok suggested.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 06, 2021, 05:24:52 PM

[Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

"I fully understand your limitations in that regard.  So it goes without saying that there may be a time or two the I might have to act in ways that may be seen to be in conflict with your agendas.  Regardless, my office will always be open to you should you need to have a conversation of any type.

But lets work toward building bridges and a relationship that will withstand any troubled times ahead.  I definitely will do my part.  And I thank you for the promise to do yours.

On my agenda today was a tour of our promenade.  If you would care to join me, I can show off some of the establishments we offer on station.  Then I can escort your to your embassy" Kirok suggested.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

The Klingon woman nodded in grave agreement. She hoped that the time would not come, but the Empire had a long history of taking aggressive action and giving warning to none. Their history was also colored with the breaking of treaties, discarding agreements as 'mere words' when the Klingon High Council sought blood and fire. Such a reputation was as double-edged as a blade, dangerous to foes and to those seeking to build more substantive relationships between the empire and others. "The fact that the pull may be felt on both sides makes it easier to stomach." she admitted.

At the invitation, Chigorra's chest swelled, and she stood immediately. "The promenade! I will gratefully accept such an offer, Captain Kirok. A place of commerce and meeting and bargaining, I hear"¦ Are there particular establishments you yourself frequent there?"

She knew that the Embassy was on Deck 11, and the Promenade occupied the four decks beneath it. She would follow Captain Kirok, but in any open space, she would attempt to walk at his side, even to the point where she might lose track of him during any hard right turns. She seemed to have an instinct that demanded she walk at an equal pace to others, even when only they knew where to go. When encountering others in her path, she did not snarl or shove; if they were unable to hear her tremendous footsteps, she would make herself known by declaring "Excuse me!" or giving them a heavy touch on the shoulder. To any unfamiliar with Klingon behavior, these behaviors were strong signs of her training and self-control! Any other Klingon would be shoulder-shoving and shouting. She was a visible and audible presence, to be sure, but the bullying tendencies were absent, or at least curbed.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Kyle Briggs

[Command Center]

After a quite morning of rounds in a few strategic areas of the station, Kyle made his way to the Command Center. He stepped in just in time to see Zex escort a Klingon into Kirok's office.

Must be the Ambassador we were expecting. he thought as he walked over to the ops station that was being manned by EQ.

"Morning EQ." he said as he approached. "I saw the new ambassador going into the captain's office. Any issues with their ship docking? Did we get a scan of it?" he asked the ex Borg.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on July 03, 2021, 10:28:10 AM

[Ops - EQ - 0800]

EQ offered Drake a nod when he man entered the room.  Ops was next to FC so he overheard the conversation.  "Anything interesting happen?" he asked curiously.

Then a noise happened on his station.  He looked over the data.  Then quickly opened a link.

-//Ops to Falleg.  You have data coming in from a probe.  I think it's from the L-S system\\- the XB said.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff merely shrugged. "Bloody uneventful," he muttered. "Nothing of interest, especially since we're out here in the middle of nowhere."

Of course, it was interesting to note he saw the Romulan bird he saved the other day and...was that a Reman he saw next to her? Anyway, he saw them in passing, but that was enough to turn heads. It was something to indicate relationships made with Romulans are improving.

Seeing as Lieutenant Ferris wasn't around, he approached Commander Briggs, per chain of command and in addition to finding he was now Deputy Chief Flight Officer, and so soon after the Academy, for an assignment.

"Commander," he said. "Junior Leftenant Drake reporting for a new assignment. Pardon for not going through Leftenant Ferris, but he's unavailable."

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Gideon Drake on July 06, 2021, 10:52:13 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff merely shrugged. "Bloody uneventful," he muttered. "Nothing of interest, especially since we're out here in the middle of nowhere."

Of course, it was interesting to note he saw the Romulan bird he saved the other day and...was that a Reman he saw next to her? Anyway, he saw them in passing, but that was enough to turn heads. It was something to indicate relationships made with Romulans are improving.

Seeing as Lieutenant Ferris wasn't around, he approached Commander Briggs, per chain of command and in addition to finding he was now Deputy Chief Flight Officer, and so soon after the Academy, for an assignment.

"Commander," he said. "Junior Leftenant Drake reporting for a new assignment. Pardon for not going through Leftenant Ferris, but he's unavailable."

Lt. Eli Ferris|Flight Chief's Office|Katra Station
"Duty logs, rosters, maintenance routines..." Ferris shuffled through his office display computer, muttering as he sorted each task. It would be a matter of moments before he had it all sorted. His look was one of some transfixed, taking in the various data points.

The experience with the snake had left him a bit preoccupied. There had been so much effort, preparation, and uncertainty all at once. He reviewed over the evacuation protocols to ensure efficiency. It was near completion when a notification sounded.

"Lieutenant, Mr. Drake has returned, as well the Klingon ambassador has docked." Stewart stuck her head inside his office with a knowing look.

"And I will be on the OCC."

"That's right."

"Thank you."

[OCC|Katra Station]

Eli entered, taking in the scene. More ambassadors arriving meant a flurry of activity. Plus Drake's arrival meant King had been delivered safely. So, he started with him.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant. Safe trip?"

Serena King

[Katra Station | OPS | 0800]


Serena had been staring out of the viewport of the transport ship briefly, then returned her attention. In her hands was a small book, one inch thick, about the size of her hand. Although the cover was somewhat scuffed, the pages inside were treated with absolute reverence. With an antique pen, she wrote another line in her sharp, jagged handwriting before she clipped it inside the rings holding the book together and returned the lot to her thigh pocket.

Katra was there floating out in the distance. As expected, the station was relatively intact, with only a few Work Bees flittering about. With almost everyone off the station, it was only the more delicate components that needed attention and recalibration. Having taken a little time off, she was now returning.

Stepping into OPS from the turbolift, it was again lit bright, normal work was progressing. She took a few moments to stop by every station, greeting anyone and everyone, having being diverted on priority orders. Giving Gideon a quick kiss on the cheek, she bowed a little formally to Kyle, who was dual hatted as XO and also Chief Engineer.

With collegial nods all around, she went to the Engineering console and logged herself in, checking duty rosters and repair status updates all around.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 07, 2021, 01:31:16 AM

Eli entered, taking in the scene. More ambassadors arriving meant a flurry of activity. Plus Drake's arrival meant King had been delivered safely. So, he started with him.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant. Safe trip?"

Quote from: Serena King on July 07, 2021, 06:15:08 AM

[Katra Station | OPS | 0800]


Serena had been staring out of the viewport of the transport ship briefly, then returned her attention. In her hands was a small book, one inch thick, about the size of her hand. Although the cover was somewhat scuffed, the pages inside were treated with absolute reverence. With an antique pen, she wrote another line in her sharp, jagged handwriting before she clipped it inside the rings holding the book together and returned the lot to her thigh pocket.

Katra was there floating out in the distance. As expected, the station was relatively intact, with only a few Work Bees flittering about. With almost everyone off the station, it was only the more delicate components that needed attention and recalibration. Having taken a little time off, she was now returning.

Stepping into OPS from the turbolift, it was again lit bright, normal work was progressing. She took a few moments to stop by every station, greeting anyone and everyone, having being diverted on priority orders. Giving Gideon a quick kiss on the cheek, she bowed a little formally to Kyle, who was dual hatted as XO and also Chief Engineer.

With collegial nods all around, she went to the Engineering console and logged herself in, checking duty rosters and repair status updates all around.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff was surprised to see Lieutenant Ferris appearing. Blimey. It was about time. Turning to Commander Briggs, he said with an apologetic shrug, "Excuse me."

He then approached and gave his report, short and simple: "Very safe, sir. And the patrol was, well...boring. Virtually nothing around. Only thing of interest was just a passing asteroid as big as a corgi. Pity Meridian is gone; I've gotten used to being around a planet."

Then Griff felt a kiss on the cheek...he turned and saw that Serena had returned.

"Blimey!" he said in delight. "So soon? How the bloody hell long was I out on patrol?"

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Chigorra on July 06, 2021, 06:08:05 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Kirok's Office - Katra Station]

The Klingon woman nodded in grave agreement. She hoped that the time would not come, but the Empire had a long history of taking aggressive action and giving warning to none. Their history was also colored with the breaking of treaties, discarding agreements as 'mere words' when the Klingon High Council sought blood and fire. Such a reputation was as double-edged as a blade, dangerous to foes and to those seeking to build more substantive relationships between the empire and others. "The fact that the pull may be felt on both sides makes it easier to stomach." she admitted.

At the invitation, Chigorra's chest swelled, and she stood immediately. "The promenade! I will gratefully accept such an offer, Captain Kirok. A place of commerce and meeting and bargaining, I hear"¦ Are there particular establishments you yourself frequent there?"

She knew that the Embassy was on Deck 11, and the Promenade occupied the four decks beneath it. She would follow Captain Kirok, but in any open space, she would attempt to walk at his side, even to the point where she might lose track of him during any hard right turns. She seemed to have an instinct that demanded she walk at an equal pace to others, even when only they knew where to go. When encountering others in her path, she did not snarl or shove; if they were unable to hear her tremendous footsteps, she would make herself known by declaring "Excuse me!" or giving them a heavy touch on the shoulder. To any unfamiliar with Klingon behavior, these behaviors were strong signs of her training and self-control! Any other Klingon would be shoulder-shoving and shouting. She was a visible and audible presence, to be sure, but the bullying tendencies were absent, or at least curbed.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

After exiting the IDIC, Zero took a moment to take in the promenade. He couldn't help but marvel at the size of it all, it made him feel apart of something greater. Something that you just couldn't quite achieve on a starship. Spinning around on the spot, he scanned all of the faces within eyesight, a small smile playing on his lips. Much to his surprise though, he soon spotted a very familiar face - alongside an unfamiliar one.

Striding up to them, he gave a short bow, turning first to Kirok. "Hello Captain, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting anything." He then turned to Chigorra, flashing her a blindingly bright smile. "Ensign Jyur, shi- er, the station's Counsellor. And if I may ask, are you new to the Station?"


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on July 07, 2021, 11:22:17 AM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

After exiting the IDIC, Zero took a moment to take in the promenade. He couldn't help but marvel at the size of it all, it made him feel apart of something greater. Something that you just couldn't quite achieve on a starship. Spinning around on the spot, he scanned all of the faces within eyesight, a small smile playing on his lips. Much to his surprise though, he soon spotted a very familiar face - alongside an unfamiliar one.

Striding up to them, he gave a short bow, turning first to Kirok. "Hello Captain, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting anything." He then turned to Chigorra, flashing her a blindingly bright smile. "Ensign Jyur, shi- er, the station's Counsellor. And if I may ask, are you new to the Station?"

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

As she walked with Captain Kirok, and as the sights of the promenade opened to her, Chigorra did not miss the opportunity to steal a sidelong glance at the Captain himself. She made no attempt to hide her brief look, as her thoughts would have betrayed her curiosity instantly if he were listening to her telepathically, so she took the ten-second look at him boldly. Her eyes looked for scars, whatever she might see considering only his neck and head and hands peeked out of the uniform. Scars were an easy way for Klingons to begin to share stories from their past and show what they had been through; if Kirok had any such scars, she could ask about them at a later date. She did not expect to see any tattoos on the man; reports about him did not suggest proclivities for self-decoration...

At the arrival of a shining smile, Chigorra tore her eyes away from the Vulcan/Betazoid. The man gave a fine introduction, telling her outright who he was and looking at her directly, and she responded in kind. Her shoulders pushed back, and though her own smile was a dull, toothy affair, it had its own brand of brightness.

"I am indeed! I am Chigorra, daughter of Loesh, of House G'Khran! I am an Ambassador of the Klingon Empire." She looked at this new male from tip to toe, and something in his stance, in the way that he didn't appear sloppy or ill-balanced as he approached her and stood before her gave her a clue that he was trained in some physical arts of some kind. The rank at his neck revealed that he was an Ensign, but the back of Chigorra's mind was saying that this was no fresh officer with the whole world before him. The puzzlement manifested on her face as a briefly crinkled brow, the fur at her eyebrows twisting oddly. In her own Klingon way, she immediately sought to address her curiosity. "You are curious to me." she declared. He had told her his rank and his position, but she was certain there was more.  She decided to guess. "Are you truly only an Ensign?" she asked, suddenly doubting her ability to identify Starfleet rank. She looked to Kirok as well, wondering if he would shed light on the mystery she suspected.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


< Katra Station / Docking Saucer / 1350 >

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 04, 2021, 11:37:17 AM

[Spacedock - 10 mins before departure on DS9-bound shuttlecraft]

Hrafn managed to smother her laughter at Xasik's presentation of the coffee, but to her, who had been running around like the proverbial blue arsed insect of some infamy, she accepted it as if it were the crown jewels of England.

"Specialist Freeman, or may I call you Xasik?  Thank you... I owe you a favour sometime or at least an invitation to one of my family evenings, I'll let Sirol fill you in on that since you've not yet had a chance to meet my youngest 3 children I think you were arriving as they were leaving so to speak... during the evacuation anyhow."

Sirol just tilted her head as the specialist presented the coffee in what could only be explained as a Victory Pose 6 from the 'Mage War Online' holo sim"¦
Was he a fellow player?
She had to wonder what sort of character build someone like Freeman would go for"¦

With a quiet thankful nod she accepted the coffee and took a little sip while listening to Hrafn's elaboration about his integration into future family events towards which Sirol did a nod of acknowledgement at both of them.
She would brief Freeman once they were back in the lab and had some silence to exterminate.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 04, 2021, 11:37:17 AM

She gave a one armed hug to her assistant holding the coffee well out of the way to avoid potentially scalding the poor woman.

"Now, as I explained to Sirol, I will be coming back, not only with my children who normally live here, but my eldest, her boyfriend - Zerma Meros, a Bajoran... I finally remembered his name, Sirol!, and Sally McCutcheon... Anth McCutcheon's sister, all of whom will be staying with me until such a time as they get their first postings and they are all Scientists.  I was wondering if you would plan some kind of welcoming evening, potentially in Brauhaus Gamma for a chat and informal gathering.  Drag Anth in on it too, or bowling, a baking night anything, and something potentially apart unless you decide on bowling or something out of the pub, which the younger 3 can join in on too!"

No matter how much strategy went into the preparation and maintenance of both, her daily routine as well as tactics to deal with derailing and distracting events, Sirol had the impression that she was never truly prepared for"¦ Hugs"¦
Once more she just stood there, stiff and confused, and very obviously surprised at the [not so surprising] gesture of affection.
Hrafn Falleg was one of currently exactly three persons on Katra Sirol was comfortable with being touched by to begin with. Four, including the Uropygi by her side.
And the more she started to overthink her levels of comfort when it came to physical touch, the more she concluded that these events and people were more tightly connected than Sirol had assessed at their first, second and third meetings in the past.
A fascinating set of new theories arose, and she would get to processing them as soon as things were properly settled again.

With an awkward reaching out of her arm she returned the unexpected one-armed hug, then turned around towards Freeman.
"œI will brief you about the structure and organisation of the Falleg family as well as their associates once I have concluded briefing you about their periodic family gatherings.
They are blessed with many members and satellite personnel, but first things first."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 04, 2021, 11:37:17 AM

"Now, I must run, I'm getting the beckoning looks from the pilot so..." she swigged off the last of her coffee handing the cup back to Xasik to be recycled following it up with a quick hug... far as she was concerned he was part of the Science family, so he got hugs.  Then stepped to Sirol and hugged her tighter.

"Enjoy, don't do anything I wouldn't do!  Gives you plenty of scope still, just don't get arrested!! I prefer to work in the Simulation Lab not the Brig!! But any issues, Sirol knows how to get hold of me.  Let me know if you want anything brought back from Earth, New Bajor or DS9 by a message.  Toodle-Pip, folks, I'm Earth bound...eventually!"

A second hug?
Within less than four minutes pause?!

Sirol - for now a tad less awkward - returned the hug towards Hrafn.
"œI was not"¦ Planning to get arrested or cause any diplomatic incidents"¦
It is not like I was hiding any uncatalogued specimens in my lab or anything..."

It was her attempt at loosing up the situation with her (meagre) attempt at humour, yet ironically her words sounded as dead serious as possible.
"œI will keep you updated if any of us requires anything..."
Was there any material object she needed? She was not sure as of yet"¦ A trinket from any of those three locations maybe? Something that could not be found anywhere else? She would have to think about that offer"¦
"œ...But until then I wish you a satisfactory vacation and a fulfilling family reunion.
We will keep the laboratory and equipment at peak efficiency and send you the daily summaries on the research progress of the DNA samples."

Now that she thought of it, one thing she could need might have been a geneticist"¦
She would have a look into Katra's available specialists once they were back in the lab.

Once Hrafn had bid them one last wave and had entered the Shuttle, Sirol turned around towards Freeman again.
"œWe better return and initiate the project. I need to make some calls and make sure the sample is properly taken care of."
With that she took another sip of her coffee and began to walk towards the turbolift.
As usual for her - and even despite the medical exoskeleton she had to wear for yet another handful of days - her steps were light and fast, slightly above average of most other humanoids, thanks to her tall, lanky statue giving her a slight natural advantage here.
Since she was used to it, she periodically looked over her shoulder - as she always did - to make sure that Freeman was still following her as well as managed to keep up with her walking speed.

While doing so her gaze met someone else's.
It had started as a small tingle behind her eyes; a vague feeling best described as the bubbling, colourful sensation of someone focusing on her.
Looking at the source of the feeling she spotted Lieutenant Drake. Again.
Yes, she remembered him, and his face had been strangely engrained in her mind ever since he had pulled her out of a pile of debris.
While she was still not sure whether she was happy to still be around or not, he was after all the person who had saved her life, and she felt like she should after all let him know of her appreciation of the gesture.
(After all, he could not have possibly known that her life was plagued by the gaping open wound of being ripped out of a collective consciousness. He did not know her pain and how much she had wished to just vanish on that day. He had simply"¦ Helped"¦ And Sirol appreciated it"¦)
She attentively examined him, then did a slow nod towards him.
Yes, eventually they would have to talk, but right now she did not have the time, yet made a mental note for later"¦

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 1400 >

Returning into the safe, almost even homey darkness of the simulation lab Sirol did an almost inaudible breath of relief. No single drop of coffee spilled on their way back!

Placing the mug on the central console in the middle of the room. [It was waterproof after all.] She walked over towards one of the two smaller containment units, having a first examination of the retrieved sample.
"œFascinating indeed. As far as I can tell it is in pristine condition. More than pristine. Potentially even still alive..."
She leaned a bit forward, looking at the little puddle inside the transparent bowl and - for a few seconds - just admiring it's aesthetic.
The tiny fragment was semi transparent, of gold-is/orange complexion and absolutely smooth. It appeared almost even like an abstract piece of art to the scientist, although she of course knew better.
It was a strange irony. Merely days ago they had witnessed the founders' peak of technological finesse by them single-handedly halting the phasic phenomenon, now, the utmost opposite lay in front of them: A tiny piece of shapeless DNA in a safety container. Sirol wondered whether and whom it may have been part of one day, assuming these to be the physical remains of a passed founder"¦

Looking up towards specialist Freeman again she did an inviting gesture at him to have a look too.
Granted, it was not his field of work, but with him being a part of their division now, including him in operations came natural to her.
"œWhat do you make of this, specialist?" She asked in a neutral one, taking one more sip of her coffee until her eyes came to a rest on the equipment Freeman must have brought earlier. Bags, boxes and bundles, and even his pebble canister.
Odd but to be expected.

"œWill you require help setting up your equipment?
I opened up a fresh user account for you and made space on one of the terminals on the central console, but it looks like you have"¦ Brought a lot of equipment.
I assume this all is work material, correct?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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