S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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Quote from: Kirok on July 31, 2021, 04:26:58 PM

[Selaya - bridge]

The viewscreen showed the third Jem'hadar vessel.  It remained where it was for a moment.  Then turned and headed back to the carrier.  Apparently it was not willing to take on the Inquiry class ship on it's own.

[Conference room - Promenade and Armory]

As the meeting ended, Zex waited for T'Prith and Mr. Jyur.  Then headed to the Promenade, in search of some Tosk to interview.  Hoping that they were willing to share whatever information they might have about the Hunters.

Kirok headed to the Armory with Skargarr and Eli.  "Stasis fields might be useful against if the Hunter's.  It would at least provide some possible protection from their power crossbows" he said as they began collecting rifles and stun granades.

[USS Katra-conference room-promenade]

T'prith joined Zex and ensign Jyur as they were going to the promenade to meet with the Tosk and interview them. She hoped that they were going to get reliable and useful information from them.


Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 31, 2021, 11:03:11 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station| Conference Room" I agree, Crewman. Having that back up is a wise precaution."

"Thank you, Captain." He appreciated the vote of confidence. It meant a lot more than he thought it would. Something about it.

With that, the meeting was dismissed and Eli stood, adjusting his uniform in anticipation of arming himself. He followed the Gorn to the armory. He had basic understanding of the arms described but he still preferred to have a security officer's support for a brief reorientation.


[Conference room - Armory]

Kirok headed to the Armory with Skargarr and Eli.  "Stasis fields might be useful against if the Hunter's.  It would at least provide some possible protection from their power crossbows" he said as they began collecting rifles and stun granades.

The Master at Arms just shook his head at the chaos that Kirok was creating in his armory, but seeing as how hes the Commander of the Station there was little he could do as he cringed as they took down crates of grenades and rifles.  "Sir what are you looking for?.  I might be able to help." The Petty Officer asked politely.

"Sir, we require the TR rifles with the micro transporters on the tip of the rifles and the Stun grenades." Skar said putting a hand on the petty officers shoulder.  He knew he was a crewmen but still he felt he had to reassure the superior officer.

"Well if your wanting those.  They are over here.  How many did you guys want? the Stun grenades are also over here on this shelf.  I am going to have to re organize everything now." The CPO replied.

"Ill help when time permits, but right now lets get those rifles and the stun grenades, we need to get enough out to arm all of the security officers onboard the station and call in the reserves." Skar said as he noticed Eli's unsettled behavior.

"Lt, are you alright? need help?" Skar asked Eli directly as he was taking out the rifles from the containers to get an accurate count on rifles and stun grenades.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Skargarr on August 01, 2021, 01:49:32 AM

The Master at Arms just shook his head at the chaos that Kirok was creating in his armory, but seeing as how hes the Commander of the Station there was little he could do as he cringed as they took down crates of grenades and rifles.  "Sir what are you looking for?.  I might be able to help." The Petty Officer asked politely.

"Sir, we require the TR rifles with the micro transporters on the tip of the rifles and the Stun grenades." Skar said putting a hand on the petty officers shoulder.  He knew he was a crewmen but still he felt he had to reassure the superior officer.

"Well if your wanting those.  They are over here.  How many did you guys want? the Stun grenades are also over here on this shelf.  I am going to have to re organize everything now." The CPO replied.

"Ill help when time permits, but right now lets get those rifles and the stun grenades, we need to get enough out to arm all of the security officers onboard the station and call in the reserves." Skar said as he noticed Eli's unsettled behavior.

"Lt, are you alright? need help?" Skar asked Eli directly as he was taking out the rifles from the containers to get an accurate count on rifles and stun grenades.

Katra Station|Armory

"Thank you, appreciate it. Eli could only imagine the Master at Arms feeling fussed with the captain being present, and asking for highly specialized equipment. The TRs were not standard issued and Eli had basically done a standard orientation and that was about the extent of it. Grenades were simple enough.

"Ah, Crewman," Eli said with a warm smile. "It's been several years since the TR proving ground at the Academy. I would appreciate a brief rundown." Eli gave a very affirming look. "Trust me, I am a quick learner, and if you would feel better I will lead the way so I dont shoot you" he added with a light chuckle.


Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 02, 2021, 01:21:19 AM

Katra Station|Armory

"Thank you, appreciate it. Eli could only imagine the Master at Arms feeling fussed with the captain being present, and asking for highly specialized equipment. The TRs were not standard issued and Eli had basically done a standard orientation and that was about the extent of it. Grenades were simple enough.

"Ah, Crewman," Eli said with a warm smile. "It's been several years since the TR proving ground at the Academy. I would appreciate a brief rundown." Eli gave a very affirming look. "Trust me, I am a quick learner, and if you would feel better I will lead the way so I dont shoot you" he added with a light chuckle.

"Alright." Skar said as he picked up a rifle and a HUD eye piece from the table, he walked over and towered above the poor human without even trying and without a word gave him the TR 116 rifle.  "Crash course.  Unlike a phaser the TR rifle fires a high projectile round by pulling this trigger, rather then pressing a button like on a standard phaser.  The round exits the firing chamber and speeds through the barrel gaining momentum much like a rail gun.  Except, the round will exit, triggering the micro transporter on the tip of the rifle and it will transport its round through any known shields.  It was originally intended to in its use to fight the borg to bypass their shields.  As they are incapable of adapting to such low technology.  Otherwise, its the same as a phaser.  Point where your firing, squeeze the trigger, dont pull it.  Also remember that you can actually kill a man with it.  You dont have the option of setting this weapon to stun or vaporize.  You aim where you want to hit.  Normally you aim for center mass which is the chest.  But aiming for knee caps will do as well if your against killing.  Questions?" Skar asked as he found it weird giving a crash course to a officer but he rather gives the crash course then to end up with a bullet in the back for mismanagement of equipment and its use.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Skargarr on August 02, 2021, 02:25:09 AM

"Alright." Skar said as he picked up a rifle and a HUD eye piece from the table, he walked over and towered above the poor human without even trying and without a word gave him the TR 116 rifle.  "Crash course.  Unlike a phaser the TR rifle fires a high projectile round by pulling this trigger, rather then pressing a button like on a standard phaser.  The round exits the firing chamber and speeds through the barrel gaining momentum much like a rail gun.  Except, the round will exit, triggering the micro transporter on the tip of the rifle and it will transport its round through any known shields.  It was originally intended to in its use to fight the borg to bypass their shields.  As they are incapable of adapting to such low technology.  Otherwise, its the same as a phaser.  Point where your firing, squeeze the trigger, dont pull it.  Also remember that you can actually kill a man with it.  You dont have the option of setting this weapon to stun or vaporize.  You aim where you want to hit.  Normally you aim for center mass which is the chest.  But aiming for knee caps will do as well if your against killing.  Questions?" Skar asked as he found it weird giving a crash course to a officer but he rather gives the crash course then to end up with a bullet in the back for mismanagement of equipment and its use.

Eli chuckled at the phrase "crash course," something no piloted really wanted. But, he knew it as a turn of phrase and didn't comment. "Interesting, thank you Crewman. Eli nodded in understanding. He simply took the rifle, facing towards a bulkhead as he handled the weapon. getting a sense of the weight and feel. It was slightly heavier than a Type 3, and he recalled is annoyance as such a thing. "You're telling me no other projectiles are available for this weapon?" Eli looked incredulous. He didn't like the lack of options. He didn't comment on killing as he felt no need to discuss that; Eli was a man of duty and would do to his best ability.

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