S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 06, 2021, 09:16:18 PM

[Command Center]

After a quite morning of rounds in a few strategic areas of the station, Kyle made his way to the Command Center. He stepped in just in time to see Zex escort a Klingon into Kirok's office.

Must be the Ambassador we were expecting. he thought as he walked over to the ops station that was being manned by EQ.

"Morning EQ." he said as he approached. "I saw the new ambassador going into the captain's office. Any issues with their ship docking? Did we get a scan of it?" he asked the ex Borg.

[Command Center]

"Morning,  Sir" EQ replied.  He stood a bit taller.  Not at attention, but back straighter nonetheless.  "Docking went fine.  There was a batleth that showed up in the scan, but noting odd outside of that" he reported.

He waited a beat.  Then added.  "The probe that Ms. Falleg sent to the L-S system started sending data.  It looked like it indicated motion or a shadow or something, but I thought that the planed was deserted.  I let CSO Falleg know, but she didn't respond just yet.  Sir" the XB said.

Just then, Kirok came out of his office with the Ambassador.  "Kyle, this is Ambassador Chigorra.  Ambassador, this is Kyle Briggs, our XO.  We are on our way to visit the Promenade" the Captain announced.

While he waited for them to exchange hellos, EQ walked over to King and Gideon.  "Back so soon?  I hope your vacation was restful" he said to King.

Quote from: Chigorra on July 07, 2021, 12:44:52 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

As she walked with Captain Kirok, and as the sights of the promenade opened to her, Chigorra did not miss the opportunity to steal a sidelong glance at the Captain himself. She made no attempt to hide her brief look, as her thoughts would have betrayed her curiosity instantly if he were listening to her telepathically, so she took the ten-second look at him boldly. Her eyes looked for scars, whatever she might see considering only his neck and head and hands peeked out of the uniform. Scars were an easy way for Klingons to begin to share stories from their past and show what they had been through; if Kirok had any such scars, she could ask about them at a later date. She did not expect to see any tattoos on the man; reports about him did not suggest proclivities for self-decoration...

At the arrival of a shining smile, Chigorra tore her eyes away from the Vulcan/Betazoid. The man gave a fine introduction, telling her outright who he was and looking at her directly, and she responded in kind. Her shoulders pushed back, and though her own smile was a dull, toothy affair, it had its own brand of brightness.

"I am indeed! I am Chigorra, daughter of Loesh, of House G'Khran! I am an Ambassador of the Klingon Empire." She looked at this new male from tip to toe, and something in his stance, in the way that he didn't appear sloppy or ill-balanced as he approached her and stood before her gave her a clue that he was trained in some physical arts of some kind. The rank at his neck revealed that he was an Ensign, but the back of Chigorra's mind was saying that this was no fresh officer with the whole world before him. The puzzlement manifested on her face as a briefly crinkled brow, the fur at her eyebrows twisting oddly. In her own Klingon way, she immediately sought to address her curiosity. "You are curious to me." she declared. He had told her his rank and his position, but she was certain there was more.  She decided to guess. "Are you truly only an Ensign?" she asked, suddenly doubting her ability to identify Starfleet rank. She looked to Kirok as well, wondering if he would shed light on the mystery she suspected.

[Promenade - Katra Station]

"I am well.  And you?" Kirok replied to Mr. Jyur.  "You are welcome to join us if you like.  I was showing the Ambassador around while I inspected the newly updated promenade" the Captain said.

"We don't currently have any Klingon owned establishments.  Maybe that will change over time.  But I can recommend IDIC, Meridian Steak & Ale, and the Oriental Express & Sushi.  Three of our mainstay restaurants" he said.

While he was pointing out the 3 restaurants, Kirok noticed more than one Tosk in the area.  Some appeared to be working at the Food Court.  "Mr. Jyur, were you aware to this change?  The Tosk working on the station?" he asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on July 07, 2021, 08:24:46 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | OOC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff was surprised to see Lieutenant Ferris appearing. Blimey. It was about time. Turning to Commander Briggs, he said with an apologetic shrug, "Excuse me."

He then approached and gave his report, short and simple: "Very safe, sir. And the patrol was, well...boring. Virtually nothing around. Only thing of interest was just a passing asteroid as big as a corgi. Pity Meridian is gone; I've gotten used to being around a planet."

Then Griff felt a kiss on the cheek...he turned and saw that Serena had returned.

"Blimey!" he said in delight. "So soon? How the bloody hell long was I out on patrol?"

Quote from: Kirok on July 07, 2021, 06:59:50 PM

[Command Center]

"Morning,  Sir" EQ replied.  He stood a bit taller.  Not at attention, but back straighter nonetheless.  "Docking went fine.  There was a batleth that showed up in the scan, but noting odd outside of that" he reported.

He waited a beat.  Then added.  "The probe that Ms. Falleg sent to the L-S system started sending data.  It looked like it indicated motion or a shadow or something, but I thought that the planed was deserted.  I let CSO Falleg know, but she didn't respond just yet.  Sir" the XB said.

Just then, Kirok came out of his office with the Ambassador.  "Kyle, this is Ambassador Chigorra.  Ambassador, this is Kyle Briggs, our XO.  We are on our way to visit the Promenade" the Captain announced.

While he waited for them to exchange hellos, he noted that King was back at her station.  "Back so soon?  I hope your vacation was restful" he said

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena was half tempted to reach towards her leg pocket, but settled for canting her head in Gideon's direction and looking amused. "Unless you were travelling fast enough for relativistic time dilation, I'd say you simply lost track of time, Lieutenant."

Turning back to EQ, she bowed. "It was half work, half time off. I can't say what I was doing, though." She frowned, then stepped a little closer and lowered her voice. "I do apologize. I think I wasn't treating you fairly... Well, just before we had to move the station. I can't remember, but I don't think I treated you with due deference." Dimly, she also remembered he was a steady presence in OPS and had said hello a few times, back when she had first reported aboard, but she was too distracted by the rush of events to notice him as a person.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on July 08, 2021, 05:52:48 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena was half tempted to reach towards her leg pocket, but settled for canting her head in Gideon's direction and looking amused. "Unless you were travelling fast enough for relativistic time dilation, I'd say you simply lost track of time, Lieutenant."

Turning back to EQ, she bowed. "It was half work, half time off. I can't say what I was doing, though." She frowned, then stepped a little closer and lowered her voice. "I do apologize. I think I wasn't treating you fairly... Well, just before we had to move the station. I can't remember, but I don't think I treated you with due deference." Dimly, she also remembered he was a steady presence in OPS and had said hello a few times, back when she had first reported aboard, but she was too distracted by the rush of events to notice him as a person.


EQ smiled in response to Kings confession.  "Apology accepted.  I get it though.  We were all under a lot of pressure and you had put in a lot of work in the planning phase.  What is that saying?  Men plan, God laughs" the XB replied kindly.

Then he addressed Gideon.  "Sorry to hear your mission was so boring.  Maybe things will pick up soon and we will have to move the station again" he said the a smirk.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Katra Station | Docking Saucer | 1350]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 04, 2021, 11:37:17 AM

[Spacedock - 10 mins before departure on DS9-bound shuttlecraft]

Hrafn managed to smother her laughter at Xasik's presentation of the coffee, but to her, who had been running around like the proverbial blue arsed insect of some infamy, she accepted it as if it were the crown jewels of England.

"Specialist Freeman, or may I call you Xasik?  Thank you... I owe you a favour sometime or at least an invitation to one of my family evenings, I'll let Sirol fill you in on that since you've not yet had a chance to meet my youngest 3 children I think you were arriving as they were leaving so to speak... during the evacuation anyhow."

The CSO paused and too a large grateful gulp of the coffee, which had mercifully cooled enough to be the right temperature to gulp down, holding aloft one finger as if to say 'wait one...'

"Now, I've only got about 10 minutes but my bags are already on and the pilot knows me so I'm good but I'm a stickler for punctuality... So, first, Freeman, welcome to Katra's Science Department, sorry to leave without a formal sit down like I normally do but I didn't want to leave without saying hi at least.  Secondly, Sirol I feel I upset you somehow before, I think about the family stuff, but I don't have time to address that fully now, just know that I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way and I'll do my best to make up for it and we'll talk by subspace."

She gave a one armed hug to her assistant holding the coffee well out of the way to avoid potentially scalding the poor woman.

"Now, as I explained to Sirol, I will be coming back, not only with my children who normally live here, but my eldest, her boyfriend - Zerma Meros, a Bajoran... I finally remembered his name, Sirol!, and Sally McCutcheon... Anth McCutcheon's sister, all of whom will be staying with me until such a time as they get their first postings and they are all Scientists.  I was wondering if you would plan some kind of welcoming evening, potentially in Brauhaus Gamma for a chat and informal gathering.  Drag Anth in on it too, or bowling, a baking night anything, and something potentially apart unless you decide on bowling or something out of the pub, which the younger 3 can join in on too!"

"Now, I must run, I'm getting the beckoning looks from the pilot so..." she swigged off the last of her coffee handing the cup back to Xasik to be recycled following it up with a quick hug... far as she was concerned he was part of the Science family, so he got hugs.  Then stepped to Sirol and hugged her tighter.

Xasik smirked as Hrafn accepted the coffee from him. He had noticed the laughter being smothered back and that amused him. He hadn't meant to imitate a victory pose from "˜Mage War Online' but there was no taking it back now. He wondered if either of the others had picked up on it. Oh well, if they had it was nothing to be embarrassed about. Gaming was an excellent way to vent stress and anger, something he had struggled with in the past. He had been quite the avid gamer in the past, but lately his free time had been consumed by travel, the egg and getting settled in. Hopefully soon, when everything settled down again, he would be able to get back to gaming.

He was surprised by Hrafn's question. "œYeah, you can call me Xasik, or Xas. Either is fine." He was fine with either, or Specialist if that's what others preferred. He liked being casual and friendly with those he worked with, but he also appreciated the recognition of what he had achieved.
He remained respectfully silent as he listened to Hrafn talking and nodded to show he was listening and paying attention. It was a lot to take in but he kept up.
The hug she gave him surprised him slightly, but he accepted it and hugged back. He held the empty cup and would recycle it when he could. Nothing goes to waste after all!

He watched as Hrafn departed and waved goodbye to her. He looked to Sirol with a slight confusion on his face. It had been a lot to take in and he would probably need it to be explained to him later.

Quote from: Sirol on July 07, 2021, 02:21:54 PM

< Katra Station / Docking Saucer / 1350 >

A second hug?
Within less than four minutes pause?!

Sirol - for now a tad less awkward - returned the hug towards Hrafn.
"œI was not"¦ Planning to get arrested or cause any diplomatic incidents"¦
It is not like I was hiding any uncatalogued specimens in my lab or anything..."

It was her attempt at loosing up the situation with her (meagre) attempt at humour, yet ironically her words sounded as dead serious as possible.
"œI will keep you updated if any of us requires anything..."

At Sirol's comment about hiding any uncatalogued specimens, Xasik grimaced slightly and gave her a questioning look. Was she aware of his egg? His look then changed to one of a slight challenge. His egg was no specimen and he was legally the guardian of the child. His situation was officially documented with Starfleet Higher-Ups so he had to wonder if she knew more than she let on and if her comment had been directed at him.
Quote from: Sirol on July 07, 2021, 02:21:54 PM

< Katra Station / Docking Saucer / 1350 >

Once Hrafn had bid them one last wave and had entered the Shuttle, Sirol turned around towards Freeman again.
"œWe better return and initiate the project. I need to make some calls and make sure the sample is properly taken care of."
With that she took another sip of her coffee and began to walk towards the turbolift.
As usual for her - and even despite the medical exoskeleton she had to wear for yet another handful of days - her steps were light and fast, slightly above average of most other humanoids, thanks to her tall, lanky statue giving her a slight natural advantage here.
Since she was used to it, she periodically looked over her shoulder - as she always did - to make sure that Freeman was still following her as well as managed to keep up with her walking speed.

While doing so her gaze met someone else's.
It had started as a small tingle behind her eyes; a vague feeling best described as the bubbling, colourful sensation of someone focusing on her.
Looking at the source of the feeling she spotted Lieutenant Drake. Again.
Yes, she remembered him, and his face had been strangely engrained in her mind ever since he had pulled her out of a pile of debris.
While she was still not sure whether she was happy to still be around or not, he was after all the person who had saved her life, and she felt like she should after all let him know of her appreciation of the gesture.
(After all, he could not have possibly known that her life was plagued by the gaping open wound of being ripped out of a collective consciousness. He did not know her pain and how much she had wished to just vanish on that day. He had simply"¦ Helped"¦ And Sirol appreciated it"¦)
She attentively examined him, then did a slow nod towards him.
Yes, eventually they would have to talk, but right now she did not have the time, yet made a mental note for later"¦

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 1400 >

Returning into the safe, almost even homey darkness of the simulation lab Sirol did an almost inaudible breath of relief. No single drop of coffee spilled on their way back!

Placing the mug on the central console in the middle of the room. [It was waterproof after all.] She walked over towards one of the two smaller containment units, having a first examination of the retrieved sample.
"œFascinating indeed. As far as I can tell it is in pristine condition. More than pristine. Potentially even still alive..."
She leaned a bit forward, looking at the little puddle inside the transparent bowl and - for a few seconds - just admiring it's aesthetic.
The tiny fragment was semi transparent, of gold-is/orange complexion and absolutely smooth. It appeared almost even like an abstract piece of art to the scientist, although she of course knew better.
It was a strange irony. Merely days ago they had witnessed the founders' peak of technological finesse by them single-handedly halting the phasic phenomenon, now, the utmost opposite lay in front of them: A tiny piece of shapeless DNA in a safety container. Sirol wondered whether and whom it may have been part of one day, assuming these to be the physical remains of a passed founder"¦

Looking up towards specialist Freeman again she did an inviting gesture at him to have a look too.
Granted, it was not his field of work, but with him being a part of their division now, including him in operations came natural to her.
"œWhat do you make of this, specialist?" She asked in a neutral one, taking one more sip of her coffee until her eyes came to a rest on the equipment Freeman must have brought earlier. Bags, boxes and bundles, and even his pebble canister.
Odd but to be expected.

"œWill you require help setting up your equipment?
I opened up a fresh user account for you and made space on one of the terminals on the central console, but it looks like you have"¦ Brought a lot of equipment.
I assume this all is work material, correct?"

Xasik nodded in agreement at Sirol's suggestion at heading back to the lab to get started. He had much to set up and would need to inquire about setting up an environment for his egg to finally be able to hatch. He followed behind the Lieutenant, managing to keep up with her fast pace of walking. He had to admit, he was impressed with how lightly she stepped. In the past he had been trained to be quick and light on his feet to be able to better protect his masters and although he was no longer a slave his steps were still as quiet as possible. These boots though were a tad too loud for his tastes but they were comfortable and that was more important in a lab.
He paid little mind to those around him as they made their way back to the lab. His mind was engaged with thoughts of finally becoming a father, something he was both excited for and terrified of. Would he be a good father? Would he be able to care for another life form and be able to nurture it in the ways they would need? His own childhood left a lot to be desired but he was glad that what he experienced was something his child would never have to go through.

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | 1400]

The walk back to the lab seemed to take no time at all and before he knew it they were entering the safety of the darkened room where he had left his rocks unattended. He felt bad for leaving his baby thermos unattended as well but he was relieved to see that everything was as he left it. Good.
He looked up from his thoughts when Sirol addressed him and invited him over to examine her specimen. He walked over to her and accepted the invitation to take a peek.
He studied it for a moment before leaning back. "œWhile it's not in my particular field, I must say that it is fascinating to look at. The colour is beautiful, almost like liquid gold only slightly darker. I admit that it is satisfying to watch it shimmer." He stepped back and went to walk back over to his work but stopped at her question. Would he need help? Potentially.
"œForgive me for asking, but there is something I may need your help with." He walked over to his canister and picked it up gently before walking back towards Sirol. "œI need to set up a contained environment with very specific requirements." He eyed her quarantine room before handing her his padd with the environmental requirements. "œI know it's a lot to ask but I need to keep Little Pebble safe." He cradled the canister protectively. "œThey've already been through enough and I vowed to keep them safe."

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on July 08, 2021, 05:40:28 PM


EQ smiled in response to Kings confession.  "Apology accepted.  I get it though.  We were all under a lot of pressure and you had put in a lot of work in the planning phase.  What is that saying?  Men plan, God laughs" the XB replied kindly.

Then he addressed Gideon.  "Sorry to hear your mission was so boring.  Maybe things will pick up soon and we will have to move the station again" he said the a smirk.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"The more you know, the less you fear."

Serena looked oddly at EQ, her lips twitching at the sides. "I'm curious. Why don't you aim for Officer? Or prepare for Non Commissioned Officer exams? I don't mean to pry if that's a bit of a personal question. I suspect you'd have as much technical skill and knowledge as anyone else on the station." She tilted her head back and forth. She didn't mean to sound insensitive, just curious. From what little she knew of Borg (or eX-Borg), they retained a lot of information in their heads even after being separated from the Collective.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 1400 >

Thoughtfully bobbing back and forth on her shiny silver gym ball the scientist reflected Freeman's words for a moment.
There it was again, that tense aura surrounding him upon certain stimuli; certain topics"¦
His reaction towards her poor attempt at humour regarding them hiding uncatalogued specimens in her lab did not escape her. And while she was not able to pinpoint anything yet, she started to get the impression that there was more than Freeman let on"¦
Surely he was not intending to bring any contraband aboard, was he?
No. Too invested. To genuine. It did not fit into his pattern.

A few more seconds of attempted work followed before the metaphorical balloon popped, and Sirol could virtually feel it expand around Xasik Freeman...

Quote from: Xasik on July 08, 2021, 10:50:38 PM

"œForgive me for asking, but there is something I may need your help with." He walked over to his canister and picked it up gently before walking back towards Sirol. "œI need to set up a contained environment with very specific requirements." He eyed her quarantine room before handing her his padd with the environmental requirements. "œI know it's a lot to ask but I need to keep Little Pebble safe." He cradled the canister protectively. "œThey've already been through enough and I vowed to keep them safe."

Tilting her head the scientist just looked at him for a few seconds, processing his words.
It was not unusual for civilian scientists to operate more liberally and to bring their own projects from ship to ship with them. Dr. Seyrs had had an entire copy of his S.E.N. and associated interface avatars with him at all times - just in case"¦ And T'Yun had even brought her warp field research with her long after she had been voted Captain"¦ Federation personnel was like that. Always invested in their research. It was a quality Sirol truly enjoyed and admired.

"œI am always eager and willing to help fellow scientists with their research projects." Sirol slowly spoke in a musing tone as she accepted the padd.
She was not entirely sure what she was getting into here, and Freeman's tense aura did not help, yet her own curiosity got the better of her"¦
Skimming over the pass, the scientist raised one eyebrow.
She remembered those environmental specifications. From her time as a teenager assisting her father welcoming his foreign diplomatic contacts, from her sixth paper about development of extremophile societies, as well as"¦ What she assumed to be the meagre leftovers of her memories from her time within the Trialus anomaly"¦
"œIt is a simple alteration and not too much to ask at all..."
Sirol mumbled without taking her eyes off the padd while once more bobbing a little on her ball, easing her own physical tension a little.
So he did have pebbles in there after all, but"¦ Important ones? Supposedly a precious gift? Made sense.
And he tried to replicate the environmental specifications of Tholia within the privacy of their Lab's quarantine room, despite Katra being equipped with an entire Tholian embassy?
The mystery gained shape.

Was he going to propose to a Tholian?
(After all, stranger constellations happened on a regular basis, and love - at least to Sirol - transcended the boundaries of environmental requirements.)
Sirol tilted her head once she was done drawing her conclusions.
"œCongratulations, specialist. Your dowry will be safe with me. And so will be your fiancÁ©.
I am not particularly fond of blocking laboratory equipment for private matters, but I understand the"¦ Logistic difficulties of your situation and am willing to assist."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Chigorra on July 07, 2021, 12:44:52 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

As she walked with Captain Kirok, and as the sights of the promenade opened to her, Chigorra did not miss the opportunity to steal a sidelong glance at the Captain himself. She made no attempt to hide her brief look, as her thoughts would have betrayed her curiosity instantly if he were listening to her telepathically, so she took the ten-second look at him boldly. Her eyes looked for scars, whatever she might see considering only his neck and head and hands peeked out of the uniform. Scars were an easy way for Klingons to begin to share stories from their past and show what they had been through; if Kirok had any such scars, she could ask about them at a later date. She did not expect to see any tattoos on the man; reports about him did not suggest proclivities for self-decoration...

At the arrival of a shining smile, Chigorra tore her eyes away from the Vulcan/Betazoid. The man gave a fine introduction, telling her outright who he was and looking at her directly, and she responded in kind. Her shoulders pushed back, and though her own smile was a dull, toothy affair, it had its own brand of brightness.

"I am indeed! I am Chigorra, daughter of Loesh, of House G'Khran! I am an Ambassador of the Klingon Empire." She looked at this new male from tip to toe, and something in his stance, in the way that he didn't appear sloppy or ill-balanced as he approached her and stood before her gave her a clue that he was trained in some physical arts of some kind. The rank at his neck revealed that he was an Ensign, but the back of Chigorra's mind was saying that this was no fresh officer with the whole world before him. The puzzlement manifested on her face as a briefly crinkled brow, the fur at her eyebrows twisting oddly. In her own Klingon way, she immediately sought to address her curiosity. "You are curious to me." she declared. He had told her his rank and his position, but she was certain there was more.  She decided to guess. "Are you truly only an Ensign?" she asked, suddenly doubting her ability to identify Starfleet rank. She looked to Kirok as well, wondering if he would shed light on the mystery she suspected.


[Promenade - Katra Station]

"I am well.  And you?" Kirok replied to Mr. Jyur.  "You are welcome to join us if you like.  I was showing the Ambassador around while I inspected the newly updated promenade" the Captain said.

"We don't currently have any Klingon owned establishments.  Maybe that will change over time.  But I can recommend IDIC, Meridian Steak & Ale, and the Oriental Express & Sushi.  Three of our mainstay restaurants" he said.

While he was pointing out the 3 restaurants, Kirok noticed more than one Tosk in the area.  Some appeared to be working at the Food Court.  "Mr. Jyur, were you aware to this change?  The Tosk working on the station?" he asked curiously.

[Katra Station - Promenade]
Zero's smile remained, as Chigorra introduced herself. "It's a great pleasure to meet you, Ambassador." Another short bow befit him, as he turned to the Captain and nodded. "I am well. It would be my pleasure to join you." When Chigorra's face contorted with confusion, he tipped his head. Lifting his chin slightly at her acknowledgement, his eyes crinkled at the sides. "Ah, you're very perceptive. I am an Ensign, however I just recently made a career change. I served as a Doctor for many years now, aboard a Starship." He neglected to mention which one, but shot a smile at Kirok. "This however, is my first posting as a Counselor, and so far I'm enjoying myself."

when Kirok spoke to him, he shook his head slightly, his bright smile switching to a puzzled frown. "No, actually. I just had my lunch break at the IDIC, and noticed the same thing. Peculiar." He glanced back at Chigorra, and gave an easy shrug. "But I'll always welcome a bit more diversity here. It's a bit of a culture shock to me, having served on a Starship. Sure there were different species, but it was largely humans, Vulcans, a few Bajorans and Betazoids maybe. Myself and my brother are El-Aurian."


Quote from: Kirok on July 07, 2021, 06:59:50 PM

[Promenade - Katra Station]

"I am well.  And you?" Kirok replied to Mr. Jyur.  "You are welcome to join us if you like.  I was showing the Ambassador around while I inspected the newly updated promenade" the Captain said.

"We don't currently have any Klingon owned establishments.  Maybe that will change over time.  But I can recommend IDIC, Meridian Steak & Ale, and the Oriental Express & Sushi.  Three of our mainstay restaurants" he said.

While he was pointing out the 3 restaurants, Kirok noticed more than one Tosk in the area.  Some appeared to be working at the Food Court.  "Mr. Jyur, were you aware to this change?  The Tosk working on the station?" he asked curiously.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on July 09, 2021, 12:51:59 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Zero's smile remained, as Chigorra introduced herself. "It's a great pleasure to meet you, Ambassador." Another short bow befit him, as he turned to the Captain and nodded. "I am well. It would be my pleasure to join you." When Chigorra's face contorted with confusion, he tipped his head. Lifting his chin slightly at her acknowledgement, his eyes crinkled at the sides. "Ah, you're very perceptive. I am an Ensign, however I just recently made a career change. I served as a Doctor for many years now, aboard a Starship." He neglected to mention which one, but shot a smile at Kirok. "This however, is my first posting as a Counselor, and so far I'm enjoying myself."

when Kirok spoke to him, he shook his head slightly, his bright smile switching to a puzzled frown. "No, actually. I just had my lunch break at the IDIC, and noticed the same thing. Peculiar." He glanced back at Chigorra, and gave an easy shrug. "But I'll always welcome a bit more diversity here. It's a bit of a culture shock to me, having served on a Starship. Sure there were different species, but it was largely humans, Vulcans, a few Bajorans and Betazoids maybe. Myself and my brother are El-Aurian."

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

The Ambassador listened with ravenous interest as Captain Kirok spoke about the available restaurants on the station. It sounded as though there was a bustling marketplace here, and the presence of eateries meant there were enough customers, and enough peace, for such things to flourish. Federation stations were truly different creatures"¦ Chigorra also observed the nearby Tosk; the reptilian race was one of the many she had studied before arriving here. A race of prey creatures, bred to make a hunt exciting and fulfilling"¦ She wondered how she, herself a hunter, would feel being born into a race designated to be chased and slain in ritual. Traditionally, she was on the side of those with the bows and spears"¦

The Ambassador accepted the Ensign's explanation, glad that it confirmed her suspicions that the man was more than his rank. She felt that there would be ample time to learn more as time went on; she would make notes of these facts and mysteries in the dossier she would develop later. She would need to research what an 'El-Aurian' was, she had never heard of such a species. The man appeared human to her eyes.

She sought to address the Captain's question about the presence of the Tosk. Revealing that she had done her research on the previously-encountered species of the quadrant would be a wise move, at this stage. "Curious to see them here, taking up employment openly. Perhaps they are refugees on your station? Though surely you would have been informed of Tosk seeking sanctuary"¦" She wondered if they had already stumbled onto a difficult diplomatic question.

"Perhaps, Captain Kirok, Counselor, we three ought to politely ask these Tosk about the nature of their presence here?" 

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Serena King on July 09, 2021, 05:27:34 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"The more you know, the less you fear."

Serena looked oddly at EQ, her lips twitching at the sides. "I'm curious. Why don't you aim for Officer? Or prepare for Non Commissioned Officer exams? I don't mean to pry if that's a bit of a personal question. I suspect you'd have as much technical skill and knowledge as anyone else on the station." She tilted her head back and forth. She didn't mean to sound insensitive, just curious. From what little she knew of Borg (or eX-Borg), they retained a lot of information in their heads even after being separated from the Collective.

[Katra Station | OPS -- EQ]

EQ nodded.  This was not the first time he had heard this question.  There was no good answer, so he went with what was true for him.

"Being an Enlisted guy lets me to work in the area I'm best in.  If I were an officer, I would have to worry about reports and schedules and training others.  Making life and death decisions and the trying to ask in ways that don't get you on the 'unbecoming of an officer' list.  It's too much.

I clock in.  Do my job.  And sleep like a I don't have a care in the world" he said sincerely.

"Besides, my love language is service to others.  So it's fulfilling for me.  Which is the most important reason" he added with a smirk.

"Your turn.  Why the need to be an officer.  Why the extra stress?" he asked both King and Drake.

Quote from: Chigorra on July 09, 2021, 02:16:38 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

The Ambassador listened with ravenous interest as Captain Kirok spoke about the available restaurants on the station. It sounded as though there was a bustling marketplace here, and the presence of eateries meant there were enough customers, and enough peace, for such things to flourish. Federation stations were truly different creatures"¦ Chigorra also observed the nearby Tosk; the reptilian race was one of the many she had studied before arriving here. A race of prey creatures, bred to make a hunt exciting and fulfilling"¦ She wondered how she, herself a hunter, would feel being born into a race designated to be chased and slain in ritual. Traditionally, she was on the side of those with the bows and spears"¦

The Ambassador accepted the Ensign's explanation, glad that it confirmed her suspicions that the man was more than his rank. She felt that there would be ample time to learn more as time went on; she would make notes of these facts and mysteries in the dossier she would develop later. She would need to research what an 'El-Aurian' was, she had never heard of such a species. The man appeared human to her eyes.

She sought to address the Captain's question about the presence of the Tosk. Revealing that she had done her research on the previously-encountered species of the quadrant would be a wise move, at this stage. "Curious to see them here, taking up employment openly. Perhaps they are refugees on your station? Though surely you would have been informed of Tosk seeking sanctuary"¦" She wondered if they had already stumbled onto a difficult diplomatic question.

"Perhaps, Captain Kirok, Counselor, we three ought to politely ask these Tosk about the nature of their presence here?"

[Promenade - Katra Station]

Kirok's left eyebrow arched at Zero's mentioned that he was an El-Aurian.  That was a bit of new information.  Still he did not understand the meaning of his nickname.  Perhaps that would remain a mystery.

He was about to ask the counselor to investigate the influx of Tosk, when Chigorra suggested that they investigate together.  "If you don't mind the change in plans, then I agree.  I would like to unravel this mystery" the Captain replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Katra - Lower rank quarters]

Rojo was meditating as the sound of the Snake could be heard. It was a new focus he had decided. Sitting indian style on a rug on the floor. He was not a fan of kneeling style. That hurt, the knees seem to freeze from that position too long. He had two candles in front of him. One at two O'clock and the other at ten O'clock.

The blackness was deafening and very relaxing. He was feeling that his spirit could rise from his body if he had chosen. This was a belief where he can enter another dimension of the unknown. Where all kinds of spirits are. He can feel his mind spreading out. How he wished he could stay like this forever. Away from the sadness, and memories of Romulus. He felt he was dislocated from his own people. It was like someone tore the Romulans in two with a torn cloth starting from the top and down.

Then he heard a whisper"¦

He tried to hear it"¦

Focus on it"¦

Then his stomach growled.

(There was a presence there)

He opened his eyes to scan the low light quarters he had shared with another crew member. He realized it had to be his imagination. And his stomach was calling for food. He took his right hand and left hand to the candle and snuff them out with the index finger and thumb. He remembered how cool that had looked like when he was a kid. He recalled how he burned his fingers for failing to do it.

He gathered the meditation gear and stood up on his two feet. He had placed the items on his small desk he had. Really small. Small enough for a data pad. Where it was under his meditation gear now.

He had figured he needed to get some food. Best food was the food that local shops have.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

He was standing and observing down where the barrier had allowed him to view. He had seen Captain Kirok with the new Counselor, the newly arrived female Klingon had arrived. He was not a big fan of Klingons and Founders too. He just had a bad experience with them or his own people had problems with them. That was implanted in his head. Like brainwashing against his will. When you are young you have no choice who your parents are and how they brought you up. It was not their fault. It was just his culture he was raised and brought up.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on July 09, 2021, 05:33:09 PM

[Katra Station | OPS -- EQ]

EQ nodded.  This was not the first time he had heard this question.  There was no good answer, so he went with what was true for him.

"Being an Enlisted guy lets me to work in the area I'm best in.  If I were an officer, I would have to worry about reports and schedules and training others.  Making life and death decisions and the trying to ask in ways that don't get you on the 'unbecoming of an officer' list.  It's too much.

I clock in.  Do my job.  And sleep like a I don't have a care in the world" he said sincerely.

"Besides, my love language is service to others.  So it's fulfilling for me.  Which is the most important reason" he added with a smirk.

"Your turn.  Why the need to be an officer.  Why the extra stress?" he asked both King and Drake.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"We do the other things, not because it is easy but because it is hard."

Serena's lips twitched as she looked at the eX-Borg. "You quote your classics, I'll quote mine." Smoothing down her gold utilities, pockets stuffed with tools, she shrugged. "Life is a challenge. When you push yourself, it not only enriches you as a person, to do something you're passionate about, it also enriches the people around you, and the universe. One small bit at a time."

Pulling out a PADD, she looked at the checklist she had. "As much as I enjoy levity, what is our position? I didn't check. We shouldn't be too close to the sun. Yes, metaphasic shields can protect us, but we'll suffer burnouts, they're not meant to protect us for anything longer than a few hours at most. Plus being that close to a sun wreaks havoc on flight operations, plus too much dazzle affects our instrumentation. I'm guessing we're at a Lagrange Point, but which one? If we're at L4 or L5 to Meridian's old position, we'll start wobbling because the gravity of the local system will drift us. We need the data to balance the gyroscopes and to map out flight and mission profiles. " She looked to EQ and Gideon in turn.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on July 09, 2021, 05:33:09 PM

[Katra Station | OPS -- EQ]

EQ nodded.  This was not the first time he had heard this question.  There was no good answer, so he went with what was true for him.

"Being an Enlisted guy lets me to work in the area I'm best in.  If I were an officer, I would have to worry about reports and schedules and training others.  Making life and death decisions and the trying to ask in ways that don't get you on the 'unbecoming of an officer' list.  It's too much.

I clock in.  Do my job.  And sleep like a I don't have a care in the world" he said sincerely.

"Besides, my love language is service to others.  So it's fulfilling for me.  Which is the most important reason" he added with a smirk.

"Your turn.  Why the need to be an officer.  Why the extra stress?" he asked both King and Drake.

Quote from: Serena King on July 10, 2021, 05:01:34 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"We do the other things, not because it is easy but because it is hard."

Serena's lips twitched as she looked at the eX-Borg. "You quote your classics, I'll quote mine." Smoothing down her gold utilities, pockets stuffed with tools, she shrugged. "Life is a challenge. When you push yourself, it not only enriches you as a person, to do something you're passionate about, it also enriches the people around you, and the universe. One small bit at a time."

Pulling out a PADD, she looked at the checklist she had. "As much as I enjoy levity, what is our position? I didn't check. We shouldn't be too close to the sun. Yes, metaphasic shields can protect us, but we'll suffer burnouts, they're not meant to protect us for anything longer than a few hours at most. Plus being that close to a sun wreaks havoc on flight operations, plus too much dazzle affects our instrumentation. I'm guessing we're at a Lagrange Point, but which one? If we're at L4 or L5 to Meridian's old position, we'll start wobbling because the gravity of the local system will drift us. We need the data to balance the gyroscopes and to map out flight and mission profiles. " She looked to EQ and Gideon in turn.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Ops | Deck One | Katra Station]

"It's to be expected," said Griff to E.Q. "I come from a long line of officers. They've prepared me for what to expect."

Serena's words made Griff pay attention. "True, we may have to get this station out at one point. God Forbid it was built here in orbit of Meridian...was it?"


Quote from: Rojol on July 09, 2021, 10:10:16 PM

[Katra - Lower rank quarters]

Rojo was meditating as the sound of the Snake could be heard. It was a new focus he had decided. Sitting indian style on a rug on the floor. He was not a fan of kneeling style. That hurt, the knees seem to freeze from that position too long. He had two candles in front of him. One at two O'clock and the other at ten O'clock.

The blackness was deafening and very relaxing. He was feeling that his spirit could rise from his body if he had chosen. This was a belief where he can enter another dimension of the unknown. Where all kinds of spirits are. He can feel his mind spreading out. How he wished he could stay like this forever. Away from the sadness, and memories of Romulus. He felt he was dislocated from his own people. It was like someone tore the Romulans in two with a torn cloth starting from the top and down.

Then he heard a whisper"¦

He tried to hear it"¦

Focus on it"¦

Then his stomach growled.

(There was a presence there)

He opened his eyes to scan the low light quarters he had shared with another crew member. He realized it had to be his imagination. And his stomach was calling for food. He took his right hand and left hand to the candle and snuff them out with the index finger and thumb. He remembered how cool that had looked like when he was a kid. He recalled how he burned his fingers for failing to do it.

He gathered the meditation gear and stood up on his two feet. He had placed the items on his small desk he had. Really small. Small enough for a data pad. Where it was under his meditation gear now.

He had figured he needed to get some food. Best food was the food that local shops have.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

He was standing and observing down where the barrier had allowed him to view. He had seen Captain Kirok with the new Counselor, the newly arrived female Klingon had arrived. He was not a big fan of Klingons and Founders too. He just had a bad experience with them or his own people had problems with them. That was implanted in his head. Like brainwashing against his will. When you are young you have no choice who your parents are and how they brought you up. It was not their fault. It was just his culture he was raised and brought up.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Kirok noticed the Ops Officer.  "Mr. Rojol.  It is agreeable to see you again.  Do you have any insight as to why the Tosk are working here?" he asked curiously.

Best to ask other who may have already inquired.  He looked from the Ops officer back to one of the Tosk.   'Why are they here?' he thought to himself.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on July 10, 2021, 11:20:14 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Ops | Deck One | Katra Station]

"It's to be expected," said Griff to E.Q. "I come from a long line of officers. They've prepared me for what to expect."

Serena's words made Griff pay attention. "True, we may have to get this station out at one point. God Forbid it was built here in orbit of Meridian...was it?"

[Katra Station | OPS -- EQ]

"To each his or her own" EQ replied.  "Every person has a purpose.  I am happy where I landed" he said.

Then the question came up as to their current position.  "We were in orbit of Meridian.  Yes.  We should use the starlifter to determine how far we should be from the sun.  It was stable for 3 years and the Katra didn't suffer any issued then" the XB suggested.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on July 10, 2021, 11:20:14 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Ops | Deck One | Katra Station]

"It's to be expected," said Griff to E.Q. "I come from a long line of officers. They've prepared me for what to expect."

Serena's words made Griff pay attention. "True, we may have to get this station out at one point. God Forbid it was built here in orbit of Meridian...was it?"

Quote from: Kirok on July 10, 2021, 02:46:02 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Kirok noticed the Ops Officer.  "Mr. Rojol.  It is agreeable to see you again.  Do you have any insight as to why the Tosk are working here?" he asked curiously.

Best to ask other who may have already inquired.  He looked from the Ops officer back to one of the Tosk.   'Why are they here?' he thought to himself.

[Katra Station | OPS -- EQ]

"To each his or her own" EQ replied.  "Every person has a purpose.  I am happy where I landed" he said.

Then the question came up as to their current position.  "We were in orbit of Meridian.  Yes.  We should use the starlifter to determine how far we should be from the sun.  It was stable for 3 years and the Katra didn't suffer any issued then" the XB suggested.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Let's see..."

Serena reached into her thigh pocket for her book, flipping to various pages, the pen twirling in her hand much like an orchestra conductor's baton, marking to an invisible bit of music. Putting the pen back into its usual home in the ring binder, she paused to poke at Gideon's console. Reaching into another pocket of her utilities, she pulled out a slide rule.

"L1!" She smiled broadly and brought up a simplified schematic:

"Gravity affects everything. Some subtle, some not. In orbital mechanics, we are at a point between the star and Meridian's remains that our orbit is stable, apart from tweaking adjustments. There would be rogue pieces of Meridian flying around, but they'd probably have escape velocity if they do. After Sciences finishes studying the Snake, we can see if they can model whether or not the debris- Apologies, how soon before the debris turns into a dust cloud. I predict not for decades, though. Then we'd have to move again." Even as she said it, she flinched pretty badly.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Chigorra on July 09, 2021, 02:16:38 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

The Ambassador listened with ravenous interest as Captain Kirok spoke about the available restaurants on the station. It sounded as though there was a bustling marketplace here, and the presence of eateries meant there were enough customers, and enough peace, for such things to flourish. Federation stations were truly different creatures"¦ Chigorra also observed the nearby Tosk; the reptilian race was one of the many she had studied before arriving here. A race of prey creatures, bred to make a hunt exciting and fulfilling"¦ She wondered how she, herself a hunter, would feel being born into a race designated to be chased and slain in ritual. Traditionally, she was on the side of those with the bows and spears"¦

The Ambassador accepted the Ensign's explanation, glad that it confirmed her suspicions that the man was more than his rank. She felt that there would be ample time to learn more as time went on; she would make notes of these facts and mysteries in the dossier she would develop later. She would need to research what an 'El-Aurian' was, she had never heard of such a species. The man appeared human to her eyes.

She sought to address the Captain's question about the presence of the Tosk. Revealing that she had done her research on the previously-encountered species of the quadrant would be a wise move, at this stage. "Curious to see them here, taking up employment openly. Perhaps they are refugees on your station? Though surely you would have been informed of Tosk seeking sanctuary"¦" She wondered if they had already stumbled onto a difficult diplomatic question.

"Perhaps, Captain Kirok, Counselor, we three ought to politely ask these Tosk about the nature of their presence here?"


[Promenade - Katra Station]

Kirok's left eyebrow arched at Zero's mentioned that he was an El-Aurian.  That was a bit of new information.  Still he did not understand the meaning of his nickname.  Perhaps that would remain a mystery.

He was about to ask the counselor to investigate the influx of Tosk, when Chigorra suggested that they investigate together.  "If you don't mind the change in plans, then I agree.  I would like to unravel this mystery" the Captain replied.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

The counselor glanced between the new Ambassador, and the Captain, as Chigorra spoke openly. He regarded her with an interested gleam in his eye. Klingon culture interested him greatly, although it tended to clash with his personality. He admired the way they spoke so freely, and was even more fascinated in how they tended to assimilate with Starfleet culture. Nodding as she suggested to ask one of them, he turned to Kirok to see if he agreed. When both did, he glanced over at the nearest Tosk.

"Well then, let us see!" he announced, as he approached the Tosk. Softening his eyes, he offered the woman a kind smile, eyes crinkling at the sides. "Hello! Pardon me," He paused, awaiting a response from them. "My name is Zero. I'm a counselor - new to the station, actually. I'm trying to get myself integrated more-" He gave a psuedo-nervous laugh, breaking eye contact for a moment, before meeting her gaze again. "Are you new to the station as well?"

He broke focus for a moment, as he noted Kirok begin speaking to a man, and gave a short wave, before turning his attention back to the Tosk. He made a mental note to ask about the man at a later time.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.