S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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Quote from: Kirok on July 13, 2021, 05:43:11 PM


Kirok had already considered the question Chigorra posed.  He thought he knew the answer, but here was not the place to discuss it.  And they might need other members to discuss the issue.

"Thank you.  It was not intended for that goal, but a happy coincident.  As for" he replied before Jyur spoke.


"Certainly.  We go by birth order.  I am 369.  It is a lucky number, the most lucky are numbers though are all the same like 111, 222.  I do best with preparing foods and cleaning up after" the Tosk repleid.


"A good idea, Mr. Jyur.  Perhaps we could also invite Amasador Ojo to the meeting.  He would likely have some valuable input as to this matter" the Captain replied.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on July 14, 2021, 01:13:10 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Zero nodded along, as  this Tosk explained how they preferred to be referred to. He felt a small pit of nausea form in his stomach, but masked it excellently with a smile. "Of course. I'll put down Tosk 369 for kitchen duties, and I'll inform you of who to report into! If you have a preferred restaurant as well I can arrange that. I'm sure many restaurants would be ecstatic to be able to serve authentic Tosk meals."

He glanced at Kirok as he spoke, suggesting another Ambassador could attend as well, and nodded excitedly. "Of course! I think as many possible different viewpoints, and walks of life would only assist this discussion." He turned back to 369, a soft smile gracing his lips. "I'm afraid, ma'am we may have taken up too much of your time. I'll allow you to get back to your duties, while we continue our tour of the promenade. Farewell!"

With a goodbye wave, he turned back to wait for Kirok's direction, mentally logging away everything he would need to organize for the Tosk. First would be tracking them all down, which wouldn't be too difficult with the station's computers. Then, talk to them individually and arrange some kind of assembly, to get all of their preferred occupations. Then, to speak to the heads of said occupation, and make sure it was all good for them to continue working there. Perhaps some would be able to go through some cursory training exams.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

The Klingon Ambassador appeared to be unaware of the attempted hidden meaning in Ensign Jyur's suggestion to discuss the Tosk over dinner. She was considering the situation; a hunted people, temporarily free from their role as prey, and now dwelling on this Federation station. She observed the Ensign beginning to inventory the female Tosk, noting the lizardlike creature's workplace.

Chigorra was unaware of any 'Ambassador Ojo', and as was her nature, she immediately asked who it might be. "I presume Ambassador Ojo is one of the Hunters, yes? Surely they will want to be included in any discussion regarding their property." She saw no reason to conceal her words from the Tosk herself, and spoke openly to the Captain and to the Ensign, irrespective of whether the Tosk could hear her.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Rojol on July 13, 2021, 08:20:10 PM

[Katra - ]

Rojol nodded his head. "œCaptain, Could they have lost their honor? Being free and not being hunted is a disgrace which they must live with."  He shared. "œImagine a Klingon being cut off cause he acted like a coward. They are program to believe they are always going to be hunted," then he arched an eyebrow. "œYou ever asked them this yourself?"

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Kirok's right eyebrow arched after Rojol made his comment about what the Tosk may be feeling.  It was certainly plausible that they felt...adrift, maybe even lost.   But the Tosk's verbal report of her celebrating her independence suggested otherwise.

"I did not" the Captain admitted.  "Such cultural nuances may hard to know first hand.  Mr. Jyur maybe able to get to it in his role as ship's counselor.  But maybe we should have Ms. Zex work with Mr. Jyur on this new undertaking.  Good suggestion, Mr. Rojol" the half Vulcan said by way of compliment.


"Thank you, kind Sir.  I would be happy to work anywhere" she replied.  But his next question made her smile broadly.  I had never consider cooking authentic Tosk food.  I have so many things I could make.  Yes, please let me do that, maybe at IDIC, they feature foods from different species.  I will be back tomorrow.  Farwell" the Tosk woman replied a bit happier than when they first met.


Turning back to Chigorra, he said.  "Ambassado Ojo is actually a Changeling.  But your point of inviting the lead hunter is noted.  However, I would like to figure out a few things before brining them into the fold.  Them and the Tosk that is.  Shall I escort you to your embassy now" the half Vulcan replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Serena King on July 12, 2021, 03:12:39 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena nodded collegially, the small group, well, the small audience. "Meridian broke apart and it was pretty impressive But most of the pieces didn't go too far. At the moment it's a pretty large snowglobe of debris flying around. If it was more spectacular, then we'd have pieces of crust, mantle and everything else flying about. The whole star system would have to be abandoned due to the high velocity and sized debris. A giant shotgun, if you would."

She paused to nod at Eli briefly. "As it is we're looking at a giant sphere. We might have to get a few ships in to help push some of the stray pieces. The generally intact planetary core of Meridian has enough gravity. It's size and density of the core that makes gravitational force, not the mountains and grass and beaches."

Turning to EQ, she made a face. "Imagine... I link my elbow into Lieutenant Drake's, then I stretch my arm towards you. You then reach out your arm and we just manage to hang on by our fingers. You're the sun, I'm Katra, Drake is Meridian in this analogy. As long as the core remains intact, it will continue to pull Katra, directly or indirectly along as it continues to orbit the sun. Trialus is in its own orbit, we don't need to worry about it."

Turning back to Eli, she nodded once more. "The problem with the bits of the planet... Imagine a kitchen sink, with bits of food scrap. As the water drains in the sink, things slide faster towards the centre and the food scraps knock against each other. We'll have problems with the bits of crust and debris. They'll smash against each other, creating smaller bits, or grind themselves to dust. We're far enough away it's not a problem, but we're going to have to set up a monitoring network to snare anything headed our way, or to warn incoming/outgoing traffic to dodge anything."

She shrugged. "Overall, I don't anticipate many problems. But if we have to move again, we're going to evacuate and dismantle the station, move it at higher speed than before. I don't foresee this happening probably for decades though."

Eli considered the orbital trajectories. "Well, that makes sense in the general sphere of things." He remarked with a wry smile. "In addition, I can work with Lt. Drake to adjust our flight patrols sensors to track and monitor for rogue elements within the debris field. I believe each of our Cobras could manage that sensor package without much difficulty. And I usually route the main processing power through the station any way. Science department might have some ideas as well."

Serena King

Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 15, 2021, 01:37:43 AM

Eli considered the orbital trajectories. "Well, that makes sense in the general sphere of things." He remarked with a wry smile. "In addition, I can work with Lt. Drake to adjust our flight patrols sensors to track and monitor for rogue elements within the debris field. I believe each of our Cobras could manage that sensor package without much difficulty. And I usually route the main processing power through the station any way. Science department might have some ideas as well."

Quote from: Kirok on July 13, 2021, 05:43:11 PM

[Katra Station | OPS - EQ]

Serena was smart.  There was no doubt about it.  But in this case she was wrong.

"Uhm.  I don't want to burst your bubble.  But all the debris from Meridian was sucked into the anomaly, so it shouldn't be a problem for us" the XB said after bending down a bit and speaking as quietly as he could.

"I think it was the only planet in the system.  So its just us and the sun.  And I think we are currently pretty close to the L3 stop on your drawing" he added.

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena was looking at Eli at the time when she whipped her head around. "How can we... I have missed the entire planet disappearing?" She spluttered, trying to hide supreme embarrassment. Rubbing her forehead, she snapped the book closed. "The Lagrange Points won't matter. That's only the exertion of gravity. Katra is too small for any gravitational effects. The Starlifter will continue on its orbit because it's closer to the sun's gravity well. If we tried to start an orbit, we'd move in a straight line. Gravity won't affect us at all, we'd eventually slingshot out of the system. Katra's been orphaned." She closed her eyes briefly.

She gave a crooked smile: "We shouldn't remain in deep space. Every spaceborne installation Starfleet has is in orbit of something. Either we move closer to the star, which I don't recommend too much because the solar radiation will affect our systems; or we relocate to somewhere else. I don't think we want to abandon the whole system, or our presence, but we shouldn't be in the middle of nowhere, essentially."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Kirok on July 14, 2021, 07:07:49 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Kirok's right eyebrow arched after Rojol made his comment about what the Tosk may be feeling.  It was certainly plausible that they felt...adrift, maybe even lost.   But the Tosk's verbal report of her celebrating her independence suggested otherwise.

"I did not" the Captain admitted.  "Such cultural nuances may hard to know first hand.  Mr. Jyur maybe able to get to it in his role as ship's counselor.  But maybe we should have Ms. Zex work with Mr. Jyur on this new undertaking.  Good suggestion, Mr. Rojol" the half Vulcan said by way of compliment.


"Thank you, kind Sir.  I would be happy to work anywhere" she replied.  But his next question made her smile broadly.  I had never consider cooking authentic Tosk food.  I have so many things I could make.  Yes, please let me do that, maybe at IDIC, they feature foods from different species.  I will be back tomorrow.  Farwell" the Tosk woman replied a bit happier than when they first met.


Turning back to Chigorra, he said.  "Ambassado Ojo is actually a Changeling.  But your point of inviting the lead hunter is noted.  However, I would like to figure out a few things before brining them into the fold.  Them and the Tosk that is.  Shall I escort you to your embassy now" the half Vulcan replied.

[Katra - Promenade]

Rojol had nothing really going on. He had wanted to know more and he figured the best way to learn and gain was to be with the Captain. Yes, he was only an ensign. He figured he would ask.

"œSir, may I company you?" He asked. The chief in his department might not like the idea he was doing this, but he particularly did not care.


[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | 1414]

Quote from: Sirol on July 13, 2021, 08:02:47 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 1411 >

The scientist just quietly nodded, and once more looked at the stasis canister.
"œI agree. Any metabolism has its limits when it comes to stasis containment. One important aspect though is, that your child's species possesses one of the fastest metabolisms among spacefaring neighbours, meaning that both, initiating and phasing out the effects will be a delicate process that needs to be closely monitored.
My advice would be to include a medical officer.
Despite my willingness to help, I am neither a biologist, nor a medic or a"¦"
She awkwardly cleared her throat. "œ...Geologist."

If he had any, Xasik would have raised an eyebrow at her geologist comment. Was that a stab at him? No, she wouldn't be so vague if she was. He knew enough about her to know that she said exactly what she intended to exactly the way she intended. He liked that about her. She was direct and honest so he could trust what she was saying.
She did have a valid point though, a medical professional would be invaluable, but he didn't know any personally and he was reluctant to bring in a stranger to this delicate situation.
"œA medical professional would be invaluable, but I do not know any that I trust. Being new here I haven't really had the chance to explore and meet anyone much outside the lab and holodecks. I'm afraid my experience is lacking. Do you by chance know anyone we could trust? I do not want anyone who could potentially harm Emerald to be involved with the process. I don't know what I'd do without them. I never intended on becoming a father but now that I have Em, I would die to protect them."

It was hard to admit that he would need help, that this was something he couldn't finish alone. It was harder still asking the Romulan he worked with for help. Sirol was a pleasant person to be around in his limited experience with her, but his brain was hardwired to resist and rebel against anything Romulan since his escape. He had managed to look past his own mistrust of her and actually see the person underneath his first impression. He found that he actually did trust Sirol and that revelation blew his mind.

Quote from: Sirol on July 13, 2021, 08:02:47 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab / 1411 >

With a slow, musing nod Sirol acknowledged his words and leaned a little forward on her ball. Her back gave off an unhealthy cracking noise like grinding sand.
It was time she finally got out of this exoskeleton and began to train her body again before Katra's lower gravity rendered her utterly useless"¦
"œI understand"¦
Yet please try to understand my position as well.. I am not accusing you of kidnapping"¦
But I must be sure that the child is safe.
And I must be sure that whatever happens within my lab is legal, documented and universally acceptable."

Taking a little breath she added. "œI will consult the Captain just to be sure.
I can not risk anyone in our department causing any form of diplomatic incident based on a misunderstanding that could be avoided."

Once more Sirol nodded, once more she stated that she understood, hesitantly reaching out to accept the PADD with the adoption documentation.

He was the luckiest, most blessed individual in the sector"¦

Suppressing a silent sigh she skimmed through the text which essentially backed up the things he had already told her before she gave it back to him.

"œI understand your efforts, your will to protect and take care of your child.
I do.
You two are fortunate to have one another.
I will help you with the hatching process and with retrieving all the information and assistance the child will need.
But I insist on including a proper medical practitioner sufficiently acquainted with the child's physiological development and medical needs throughout the process.
If I am to assist you with the child, we will do it correctly.

He did understand where she was coming from. He would react much the same if he were in her position. He nodded his head as she spoke.
"œI understand where you're coming from, I do. I admit that I'm probably overprotective but that is an instinct that I simply can not ignore. Please proceed as you need to to ensure everything is legal and acceptable. I will comply with what you deem necessary unless that involves confiscating my child. Then I will be a bit more stubborn. Unfortunately extreme stubbornness can be a Remen trait not easily buried once it surfaces, and my liberation has brought out my stubborn streak with a lot of things. I apologize If I've ever been rude to you because of my stubbornness."

He once more picked up the egg to cradle it lovingly. In a few short months his entire life had been turned around. He had gone from rogue Reman geologist renegade black market dismantler to overly cautious dad moving to a new location to keep his child safe. It was mind blowing just how much he had changed since arriving.
"œA diplomatic incident would be unfortunate and I would hate to bring dishonor upon your lab. I appreciate you going out of your way to help me with this. I honestly do not know how I would handle the situation alone. I am grateful." He meant his words and gave a slight bow of his head to further add meaning to his statement.
"œDoing it correctly would be the ideal situation, after all we won't get a second chance if something goes wrong. I will take any advice you have on board with an open mind."


Quote from: Serena King on July 15, 2021, 03:35:20 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena was looking at Eli at the time when she whipped her head around. "How can we... I have missed the entire planet disappearing?" She spluttered, trying to hide supreme embarrassment. Rubbing her forehead, she snapped the book closed. "The Lagrange Points won't matter. That's only the exertion of gravity. Katra is too small for any gravitational effects. The Starlifter will continue on its orbit because it's closer to the sun's gravity well. If we tried to start an orbit, we'd move in a straight line. Gravity won't affect us at all, we'd eventually slingshot out of the system. Katra's been orphaned." She closed her eyes briefly.

She gave a crooked smile: "We shouldn't remain in deep space. Every spaceborne installation Starfleet has is in orbit of something. Either we move closer to the star, which I don't recommend too much because the solar radiation will affect our systems; or we relocate to somewhere else. I don't think we want to abandon the whole system, or our presence, but we shouldn't be in the middle of nowhere, essentially."

[Katra Station | OPS]

EQ shook his head.  "There is no debris, Sir.  If all disappeared into the anomaly from which the snake came" the XB said to Eli.

"As to orbiting the sun, that's a decision for the Captain.  Is there a way we can figure out a workable solution to propose to him?  Some of Eli's ideas might work long term" the XB added.

Quote from: Rojol on July 15, 2021, 12:48:52 PM

[Katra - Promenade]

Rojol had nothing really going on. He had wanted to know more and he figured the best way to learn and gain was to be with the Captain. Yes, he was only an ensign. He figured he would ask.

"œSir, may I company you?" He asked. The chief in his department might not like the idea he was doing this, but he particularly did not care.

[Katra - Promenade]

"Of course" Kirok replied.  He turned to the other.  "Shall we" he prompted the others.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

[Katra - OCC]

When EQ mentioned that they were finally receiving the information from the probes they had launched in the L S sector, he couldn't help but to be interested in it.  He thanked the man and began reading over it. Eventually, he got so caught up in it that he was only slightly aware of Lieutenant Drake speaking to him until the young man excused himself to go talk with his DH.

"My apologies, Lieutenant. By all means." he said as he returned to the incoming data.

A few moments later, his full attention was pulled to the CO when he and the Klingon ambassador. Kirok introduced them and announced that he was going to the Promenade.

"Aye, sir." was Kyle's reply before turning his attention to the data once more.

The information was getting more and more interesting. Finally, he made the decision to investigate. As XO of the base, it was at his discretion to use the ship assigned to the Katra when he deemed it necessary. He brought up a comm screen and sent out a message to call a small skeleton crew to the Seleya.

From: Commander Kyle Briggs

To: Lieutenant Hrafn Falleg
Lieutenant(jg) Sirol
Science Specialist Xasik Freeman
Doctor Amarande Xiiv

Report to the Seleya in ten minutes. We're returning to the L S sector for more data.

The message would also go out to the various departments that would supply the support crew as well. With that done, he turned around and saw Drake and EQ chatting and approached them.

"Mister Drake. How do you feel about handling helm on the Seleya for me?" he asked the young pilot. Once he had his answer, he faced EQ. "Mister Kimball? Ops?" he asked.

"Great. Let's go." he said to the two men before heading for the lift.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 15, 2021, 01:37:43 AM

Eli considered the orbital trajectories. "Well, that makes sense in the general sphere of things." He remarked with a wry smile. "In addition, I can work with Lt. Drake to adjust our flight patrols sensors to track and monitor for rogue elements within the debris field. I believe each of our Cobras could manage that sensor package without much difficulty. And I usually route the main processing power through the station any way. Science department might have some ideas as well."

Quote from: Serena King on July 15, 2021, 03:35:20 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena was looking at Eli at the time when she whipped her head around. "How can we... I have missed the entire planet disappearing?" She spluttered, trying to hide supreme embarrassment. Rubbing her forehead, she snapped the book closed. "The Lagrange Points won't matter. That's only the exertion of gravity. Katra is too small for any gravitational effects. The Starlifter will continue on its orbit because it's closer to the sun's gravity well. If we tried to start an orbit, we'd move in a straight line. Gravity won't affect us at all, we'd eventually slingshot out of the system. Katra's been orphaned." She closed her eyes briefly.

She gave a crooked smile: "We shouldn't remain in deep space. Every spaceborne installation Starfleet has is in orbit of something. Either we move closer to the star, which I don't recommend too much because the solar radiation will affect our systems; or we relocate to somewhere else. I don't think we want to abandon the whole system, or our presence, but we shouldn't be in the middle of nowhere, essentially."

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 15, 2021, 11:15:43 PM

[Katra - OCC]

When EQ mentioned that they were finally receiving the information from the probes they had launched in the L S sector, he couldn't help but to be interested in it.  He thanked the man and began reading over it. Eventually, he got so caught up in it that he was only slightly aware of Lieutenant Drake speaking to him until the young man excused himself to go talk with his DH.

"My apologies, Lieutenant. By all means." he said as he returned to the incoming data.

A few moments later, his full attention was pulled to the CO when he and the Klingon ambassador. Kirok introduced them and announced that he was going to the Promenade.

"Aye, sir." was Kyle's reply before turning his attention to the data once more.

The information was getting more and more interesting. Finally, he made the decision to investigate. As XO of the base, it was at his discretion to use the ship assigned to the Katra when he deemed it necessary. He brought up a comm screen and sent out a message to call a small skeleton crew to the Seleya.

From: Commander Kyle Briggs

To: Lieutenant Hrafn Falleg
Lieutenant(jg) Sirol
Science Specialist Xasik Freeman
Doctor Amarande Xiiv

Report to the Seleya in ten minutes. We're returning to the L S sector for more data.

The message would also go out to the various departments that would supply the support crew as well. With that done, he turned around and saw Drake and EQ chatting and approached them.

"Mister Drake. How do you feel about handling helm on the Seleya for me?" he asked the young pilot. Once he had his answer, he faced EQ. "Mister Kimball? Ops?" he asked.

"Great. Let's go." he said to the two men before heading for the lift.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign Gryphon | Ops | Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff now hung on to Serena's words. It was actually making sense. Katra has to be in orbit of some bloody thing. If getting closer to the sun affects the station's systems, then there was one course of action left.

"In that case, I'm for relocating elsewhere," he said. "You have a definite point that we shouldn't be in the middle of nowhere. We're likely going to have to take the Starlifter with us, or just scuttle it, but I prefer the former, it's too important of an asset."

Suddenly, he perked up at Commander Briggs requesting his presence on the Starship Seleya. Griff shrugged apologetically at Lieutenant Ferris and then moved off at once to the starship. At least it'll give him something to do.

"I'm for it, Commander," he said. "I'll be there."

Rinaya Riss

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 15, 2021, 11:15:43 PM

[Katra - OCC]

When EQ mentioned that they were finally receiving the information from the probes they had launched in the L S sector, he couldn't help but to be interested in it.  He thanked the man and began reading over it. Eventually, he got so caught up in it that he was only slightly aware of Lieutenant Drake speaking to him until the young man excused himself to go talk with his DH.

"My apologies, Lieutenant. By all means." he said as he returned to the incoming data.

A few moments later, his full attention was pulled to the CO when he and the Klingon ambassador. Kirok introduced them and announced that he was going to the Promenade.

"Aye, sir." was Kyle's reply before turning his attention to the data once more.

The information was getting more and more interesting. Finally, he made the decision to investigate. As XO of the base, it was at his discretion to use the ship assigned to the Katra when he deemed it necessary. He brought up a comm screen and sent out a message to call a small skeleton crew to the Seleya.

From: Commander Kyle Briggs

To: Lieutenant Hrafn Falleg
Lieutenant(jg) Sirol
Science Specialist Xasik Freeman
Doctor Amarande Xiiv

Report to the Seleya in ten minutes. We're returning to the L S sector for more data.

The message would also go out to the various departments that would supply the support crew as well. With that done, he turned around and saw Drake and EQ chatting and approached them.

"Mister Drake. How do you feel about handling helm on the Seleya for me?" he asked the young pilot. Once he had his answer, he faced EQ. "Mister Kimball? Ops?" he asked.

"Great. Let's go." he said to the two men before heading for the lift.

"œOn my way." Riss sighed, reading the alert to report for duty and talking to nobody in particular. Another chance to make sure the Seleya was going to continue to hold together alright. Since that initial outing, the Caitian had been more than a bit paranoid about their ship's systems performing well under any kind of stress. So far"¦?

Riss tapped in a few final notations on her PADD for the officer taking over in engineering before making her way to her duty station on board Seleya. Checking in with her department, she was again sent to the bridge's engineering console. Deft fingers danced across the screens to double check and make sure there weren't going to be any unexpected, potentially deadly surprises, and not finding any, she gave a grim smile, settling into her place. "œEngineering ready."

"Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Stupidity did. Curiosity was framed."


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 15, 2021, 11:15:43 PM

[Katra - OCC]

When EQ mentioned that they were finally receiving the information from the probes they had launched in the L S sector, he couldn't help but to be interested in it.  He thanked the man and began reading over it. Eventually, he got so caught up in it that he was only slightly aware of Lieutenant Drake speaking to him until the young man excused himself to go talk with his DH.

"My apologies, Lieutenant. By all means." he said as he returned to the incoming data.

A few moments later, his full attention was pulled to the CO when he and the Klingon ambassador. Kirok introduced them and announced that he was going to the Promenade.

"Aye, sir." was Kyle's reply before turning his attention to the data once more.

The information was getting more and more interesting. Finally, he made the decision to investigate. As XO of the base, it was at his discretion to use the ship assigned to the Katra when he deemed it necessary. He brought up a comm screen and sent out a message to call a small skeleton crew to the Seleya.

From: Commander Kyle Briggs

To: Lieutenant Hrafn Falleg
Lieutenant(jg) Sirol
Science Specialist Xasik Freeman
Doctor Amarande Xiiv

Report to the Seleya in ten minutes. We're returning to the L S sector for more data.

The message would also go out to the various departments that would supply the support crew as well. With that done, he turned around and saw Drake and EQ chatting and approached them.

"Mister Drake. How do you feel about handling helm on the Seleya for me?" he asked the young pilot. Once he had his answer, he faced EQ. "Mister Kimball? Ops?" he asked.

"Great. Let's go." he said to the two men before heading for the lift.

[Katra - OCC - EQ]

EQ smiled when his name was called.  "Aye, Sir" he replied.  He signed off his station then headed to the Seleya.

[Seleya - EQ]

The XB was one of the first to arrive.  He logged onto his station.  Then uploaded the information from the aforementioned probe.

Briggs and the others would likely want to see it.  Maybe they would be able to make more sense out out.  Or so the hope was.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 15, 2021, 10:25:27 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

EQ shook his head.  "There is no debris, Sir.  If all disappeared into the anomaly from which the snake came" the XB said to Eli.

"As to orbiting the sun, that's a decision for the Captain.  Is there a way we can figure out a workable solution to propose to him?  Some of Eli's ideas might work long term" the XB added.

[Katra - Promenade]

"Of course" Kirok replied.  He turned to the other.  "Shall we" he prompted the others.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

The Klingon woman could only grin at the prospect of further discussions about these Tosk. The relationship between the Hunters and their prey species was both intellectually fascinating, and primitively horrifying to her. If she, as a representative of her Empire, could play some small part in this twisted story... She would need to contact the homeworld to verify their stance on the topic of course, if there was time, so she gratefully accepted Captain Kirok's offer to head toward her embassy.

"Of course, Captain! I truly cannot guess as to the state it was left in these last months. Once I have it up to my own standards, I'll be sure to invite you and Diplomatic Officer Zex!" She turned to Captain Kirok then, looking closely at the man, her expression serious. "Captain, have you observed how perfectly shaved your Diplomatic Officer is? I found not one hair un-cut upon her head." She looked forward, shaking her own head in wonder. "The effort that woman must go through each morning is commendable, and the amount of cream she must purchase!

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Chigorra on July 17, 2021, 02:50:50 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade - Katra Station]

The Klingon woman could only grin at the prospect of further discussions about these Tosk. The relationship between the Hunters and their prey species was both intellectually fascinating, and primitively horrifying to her. If she, as a representative of her Empire, could play some small part in this twisted story... She would need to contact the homeworld to verify their stance on the topic of course, if there was time, so she gratefully accepted Captain Kirok's offer to head toward her embassy.

"Of course, Captain! I truly cannot guess as to the state it was left in these last months. Once I have it up to my own standards, I'll be sure to invite you and Diplomatic Officer Zex!" She turned to Captain Kirok then, looking closely at the man, her expression serious. "Captain, have you observed how perfectly shaved your Diplomatic Officer is? I found not one hair un-cut upon her head." She looked forward, shaking her own head in wonder. "The effort that woman must go through each morning is commendable, and the amount of cream she must purchase!

[Promenade - Katra Station]

"I look forward to that.  In return, I will have you to dinner with the other ambassadors aboard" the Captain replied.  He then listen to the woman talk about Zex.

He nodded.  "I have noticed her lack of hair.  But that is common among Deltans.  If you don't have anything about them in you database, I can have her put together a data padd for you.  Or ask her to speak to you about her world one on one" he offered.

"I'll give you some time to get settled.  But please join me in 2 hours for the meeting I mentioned.  Hopefully we can make some headway on this our Tosk issue" Kirok added before leaving.


Zex entered as the others were leaving.  She nodded to people who were still there.  Kirok had sent a message to her asking her to get a meeting scheduled and gathering some information before the meeting.

"Hi" Zex said as she slipped into the seat next to King.  "Captain wants the data showing that the anomaly and Meridian are closed and lost forever.  I should be able to pull the most recent readings from the database myself.

He also mentioned that the DS9 crew had been here in 2366.  They had documented proof that the next time they disappeared it would be forever.  Could you help me look for it?" she asked the Engineering Officer.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 17, 2021, 03:37:54 PM

[Promenade - Katra Station]

"I look forward to that.  In return, I will have you to dinner with the other ambassadors aboard" the Captain replied.  He then listen to the woman talk about Zex.

He nodded.  "I have noticed her lack of hair.  But that is common among Deltans.  If you don't have anything about them in you database, I can have her put together a data padd for you.  Or ask her to speak to you about her world one on one" he offered.

"I'll give you some time to get settled.  But please join me in 2 hours for the meeting I mentioned.  Hopefully we can make some headway on this our Tosk issue" Kirok added before leaving.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Promenade > Klingon Embassy - Katra Station]

"A Deltan! I will have to research this race. Given those suggestions, I will ask her about it. You will find me prepared for your meeting in two hours." She nodded, and turned swiftly as they parted ways, an unfortunate Bajoran jumping as they found themselves suddenly in her path. "Excuse me!" she announced, though it sounded more like an accusation than an apology in the way that she spoke out.

In due time, she arrived at the Klingon Embassy, observing its exterior on Deck Deck 11. The entrance would permit two people to walk through it to the interior at the same time, and what an interior...

"pa'Daq Qogh!" she exclaimed, saying 'Huge room!' in her native tongue. She continued to speak as such. "To think such space was given for an Embassy... I could bunk a hundred warriors here, maybe more!" She marvelled that this massive foyer had two side rooms, one on the left and on the right. Two statues, each appearing to be at least twenty feet in height, stood on guard at the rear of the space. She squinted, unsure of who the statues depicted, but suspecting both were statues of Kahless the Unforgettable. "Idolatry." she muttered. She had expected to find such things here, left behind by the last Ambassador who had staffed this embassy, but she had not expected quite this level of ostentation. She would need to be careful about removing those statues...

With a shout, she summoned her staff, who were in the two adjoining rooms, setting up their equipment. They, too, were surprised at the sheer space of the embassy, and so they briefly discussed ways to make full use of the real estate. It wasn't long before Chigorra interrupted their talk in order to change direction. "Enough. We will discuss this further at a later time. For now, the first priority is to communicate with the Empire that we have arrived. A simple, unencrypted message will do, and I suspect the station will forward the message on our behalf if we ask nicely." One of her female aides began to move, before Chigorra caught her arm with a grin. "Nicely, Bor'whan." The assembled Klingons chuckled, and even Bor'whan herself took it in stride, before she moved to accomplish her task.

"Next, I require our terminal. I'll need to review what we have on the Tosk and the Hunters, and our Empire's notes on their race." It wasn't long before a temporary terminal was erected, and Chigorra began her study. She could extract from the existing notes on this matter the Empire's interest in the Hunters and in the Tosk. It would inform her actions, and offerings, in the meeting to come...

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on July 17, 2021, 03:37:54 PM


Zex entered as the others were leaving.  She nodded to people who were still there.  Kirok had sent a message to her asking her to get a meeting scheduled and gathering some information before the meeting.

"Hi" Zex said as she slipped into the seat next to King.  "Captain wants the data showing that the anomaly and Meridian are closed and lost forever.  I should be able to pull the most recent readings from the database myself.

He also mentioned that the DS9 crew had been here in 2366.  They had documented proof that the next time they disappeared it would be forever.  Could you help me look for it?" she asked the Engineering Officer.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Ensign. Uh..."

Serena looked up to see most of the regular senior staff having left without her noticing, the Deltan Ensign seemingly materializing next to her with barely a sound. "Sure. I haven't looked at the data, I was too busy with the station. Now the revelation the planet has disappeared, we need to think about where we put the station longer term." She pulled up the info and sent a copy of it to Zex. "As far as I understand it, this anomaly wasn't detectable in that sense in the first place, or we wouldn't have built or moved a Federation facility here. I'm also bringing up the telemetry from the probes, Flatwoods and Seleya."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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