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S3-M7: Settling In (Again)

Started by Kirok, July 01, 2021, 05:23:10 PM

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Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on July 27, 2021, 06:19:03 PM

[Katra - Conference Room]

Kirok not only arched an eyebrow but he also tilted his head slight.  "I don't think that was meant in the literal term.  Not in the sense of a disease that may infect others.  But more in the sense that they are savage.  Ruthless and do not conform to the typical rules war.  Making them unpredictable" the half Vulcan explained.

He stopped.  Perhaps hearing his own word to describe the Hunters.  "Unpredictable.  Thus more dangerous.  As such, we should take a few precautions" he added.

Turing to the Gorn.  "I will approve the TR116 rifles with micro transporters fitted on the ends.  They will balance the score with regard to their power crossbows and their ability to shake off our phaser attacks with no effort.

I will also see if DS9 can spare some extra Sec/Tec personal.  I will also approve the use of stun grenades.  But no explosives" Kirok said.

Then to Jyur.  "Yes, please to talk to the Tosk about this.  I also would like you to see if they can provide you any insight as to any of the Hunter's tactical weaknesses.  Also I am interested to know what that Hunter's helmets do and how they help the Hunters to locate Tosk" he added.

[Seleya - Medbay - Private room - EQ Kimball - XB - PSTD sufferer]

EQ was lead to Medbay without any further incident.  His head hung low.  Shame and embarrassment.

He took the change of pants and changed in private.  He faced the wall.  And allowed himself to weep quietly.

When he finished, he climbed into bed.  Faced the wall.  Then curled up into the fetal position.

He was broken.  Lost.  Alone.

He heard Dr. X.  Tea wasn't the answer.  Maybe liquor, but he didn't ask for that.

"I just want to forget" he whispered.  The he put his left hand toward her.  "and for you to take this" he added, exposing  the com badge in his hand.

[Seleya - Medbay]

"Mister Kimball," she murmured gently, "keep your comm badge with you. No matter your reaction to that thing outside, you're Starfleet. You've had a shock and you're allowed to feel any emotion you want because of it. Get angry, be horrified, weep, whatever you need to do, do it." She set the tea down beside the bed and closed his hand around the badge. "There are things in life we cannot forget, things that have changed us forever even into another life, speaking for myself as Trill. Those things have changed us, sir, and we can't forget because to forget is to give that thing that happened to us or to people we knew power over us. So we remember in spite of the pain and terror. Because only in remembering do we give the faceless names and honour them. Honour your faceless, remember them as they were before. Cry, mourn, what you must but continue on for them. Make their lives matter, even if it's only to yourself."

She squeezed his hand around the badge, her touch gentle, careful.

"I have seen war, my friend, and I have, on occasion, not reacted in a dignified manner but I did not let it stop me from my duty. Neither should you. You've earned that badge by your words and your actions as a member of Starfleet, one act cannot undo so much good nor can it undo what you've done as a part of this crew." Again, she squeezed his hand, her hair falling forward to frame her face, her eyes bright, her expression soft.

"Don't give up on yourself," she said, pushing his hand back to him. "Know that I, for one, will never give up on you." She flicked the dial on her hypospray and pressed it into his arm. "For now, though, I can give you sleep but when you wake, know that there's nothing in the universe I want more than to see you back at your post because I believe that's the one spot you can do the most good. That's where you shine the brightest, so no, I shan't take the Federation from you. You keep that comm badge close and remember it, remember all you've been through to get it, remember the good you've done and will do again."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: T'prith on July 27, 2021, 10:02:12 PM

[USS Katra-conference room]

After listening to everything it seemed like there were risks to having such unpredictability on the station. They were going to not only let their guard down and expect the unexpected. She was going to make sure that things were running smoothly and check for anything that might look suspicious. She was sure that there was going to need to be other measures and plans that were going to be put in place for the safety of the crew on the station and the Tosk that would be coming aboard. Her instincts had her expect the worst things that could possibly happen.

[Conference Room]

Kirok nodded in reply to the Gorn's reply.  Then the man tried to smile.  It was all spikey teeth.

But then the half Vulcan remembered that Gorn are carnivores.  "Not a meal of my choosing.  But to each his or her own" he said.

He looked about the room.  "Does anyone have any additional questions or comments.  If not, I suggest that Mr Jyur, T'Prith, and Zex go speak to the Tosk.  Eli, Skargarr and I will look threw the armory for the rifles and stun grenades" he added.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 27, 2021, 11:31:38 PM

[Seleya - Bridge]

"Damn Jem'Hadar." Kyle said. "Okay. Let's see if we can't disturb their flow. Red alert. Helm. Take us in on an intercept course. Ensign Markington, let's put a few burn marks on their hulls. Show them that they've been discovered and are now being watched. I'll leave the firing patterns at your discretion."

It didn't take them long to reach the Jem'Hadar fighters. Kyle didn't think they would be able to take on all three of them but if they could just send a message and get out, then it would be a start.

[Seleya - Bridge]

The viewscreen showed that the Jem'Hadar were face to face with the Seleya.  They wasted no time.  And fired first on the Inquiry class ship.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on July 27, 2021, 11:37:13 PM

[Seleya - Medbay]

"Mister Kimball," she murmured gently, "keep your comm badge with you. No matter your reaction to that thing outside, you're Starfleet. You've had a shock and you're allowed to feel any emotion you want because of it. Get angry, be horrified, weep, whatever you need to do, do it." She set the tea down beside the bed and closed his hand around the badge. "There are things in life we cannot forget, things that have changed us forever even into another life, speaking for myself as Trill. Those things have changed us, sir, and we can't forget because to forget is to give that thing that happened to us or to people we knew power over us. So we remember in spite of the pain and terror. Because only in remembering do we give the faceless names and honour them. Honour your faceless, remember them as they were before. Cry, mourn, what you must but continue on for them. Make their lives matter, even if it's only to yourself."

She squeezed his hand around the badge, her touch gentle, careful.

"I have seen war, my friend, and I have, on occasion, not reacted in a dignified manner but I did not let it stop me from my duty. Neither should you. You've earned that badge by your words and your actions as a member of Starfleet, one act cannot undo so much good nor can it undo what you've done as a part of this crew." Again, she squeezed his hand, her hair falling forward to frame her face, her eyes bright, her expression soft.

"Don't give up on yourself," she said, pushing his hand back to him. "Know that I, for one, will never give up on you." She flicked the dial on her hypospray and pressed it into his arm. "For now, though, I can give you sleep but when you wake, know that there's nothing in the universe I want more than to see you back at your post because I believe that's the one spot you can do the most good. That's where you shine the brightest, so no, I shan't take the Federation from you. You keep that comm badge close and remember it, remember all you've been through to get it, remember the good you've done and will do again."

[Seleya - Medbay - EQ Kimball]

EQ left his hand extended while he listened to the doctor.  Besides an accidental touch here or there, this was the first time anyone had touched him intentionally in a long time.  It kind of reminded him of how him ma and grandma comforted him when he was sick as a kid.

"Thank you.  Those are the kindest words anyone has said to me in a while" he replied.  He squeezed his hand in response to hers.

But he was not ready to entertain the idea of not forgetting all the horrible things he had done.  All the people he had killed as Drone 369.  No way in heck he could fathom keeping them alive in his memories.

He did, though, curl his hand around the combadge and retract his hand.  He held it over his heart tightly.  Like a kid holding a teddy bear in hopes that it would keep the boogie man and monsters away.

"Thank you" he again said once the medicine went it.  He hoped that she would stay till he was asleep.  But soon was out like a light.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Conference Room]

Kirok nodded in reply to the Gorn's reply.  Then the man tried to smile.  It was all spikey teeth.

But then the half Vulcan remembered that Gorn are carnivores.  "Not a meal of my choosing.  But to each his or her own" he said.

He looked about the room.  "Does anyone have any additional questions or comments.  If not, I suggest that Mr Jyur, T'Prith, and Zex go speak to the Tosk.  Eli, Skargarr and I will look threw the armory for the rifles and stun grenades" he added.

Skar was surprised to hear his boss wanting to get his hands dirty with the armory inventory to find the TR rifles and stun grenades, as this should be interesting to see how it goes.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on July 28, 2021, 06:40:28 PM

[Conference Room]

Kirok nodded in reply to the Gorn's reply.  Then the man tried to smile.  It was all spikey teeth.

But then the half Vulcan remembered that Gorn are carnivores.  "Not a meal of my choosing.  But to each his or her own" he said.

He looked about the room.  "Does anyone have any additional questions or comments.  If not, I suggest that Mr Jyur, T'Prith, and Zex go speak to the Tosk.  Eli, Skargarr and I will look threw the armory for the rifles and stun grenades" he added.

[Seleya - Bridge]

The viewscreen showed that the Jem'Hadar were face to face with the Seleya.  They wasted no time.  And fired first on the Inquiry class ship.

[Seleya - Medbay - EQ Kimball]

EQ left his hand extended while he listened to the doctor.  Besides an accidental touch here or there, this was the first time anyone had touched him intentionally in a long time.  It kind of reminded him of how him ma and grandma comforted him when he was sick as a kid.

"Thank you.  Those are the kindest words anyone has said to me in a while" he replied.  He squeezed his hand in response to hers.

But he was not ready to entertain the idea of not forgetting all the horrible things he had done.  All the people he had killed as Drone 369.  No way in heck he could fathom keeping them alive in his memories.

He did, though, curl his hand around the combadge and retract his hand.  He held it over his heart tightly.  Like a kid holding a teddy bear in hopes that it would keep the boogie man and monsters away.

"Thank you" he again said once the medicine went it.  He hoped that she would stay till he was asleep.  But soon was out like a light.

[Seleya | Medbay]

Xiiv did stay until the man was asleep. He had been Borg once but that hadn't been him, that had been the Collective using his body. When Kimball was finally resting, she took up the still-hot tea and drank from it. That Mister Kimball had even survived get pulled out of the Collective was a minor miracle. She pulled a light blanket over him and slipped out of the room, turning the lights low. Hopefully, there was rest to be had for Kimball. The situation itself was horrifying and the Borg were not known for 'mercy' "" at least not in any other than termination. He survived all of it and still came back to Starfleet.

He was brave and should see himself as honourable. She was pretty sure that's not what he'd agree to be. Survour's guilt was common among those people reclaimed from the Borg. Xiiv logged Kimball's file and would make sure he got time with the Counsellor to help him work through the worst of it. Her eyes flicked across the hall to Kimball's darkened room, wondering if she should stay here or rejoin her fellow officers on the bridge.

The EMH could alert her if she was needed. Slowly she rose from her chair and headed back to the lift with a soft sigh. Kimball would recover to some degree of success if he was tended to properly but his incident and time with the Borg had irrevocably altered him in ways best left to himself. She hoped his therapy would help him lead somewhere more stable.

No one could deserve success more.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Kyan Mackenzie

[Seleya - Bridge]

Kyan had taken it upon himself to take EQ to sickbay, which hadn't taken long since he basically shoved the catatonic ex-borg through the doors once they'd hissed open and was well on hi way back to the bridge before they'd closed. He didn't like sickbay. Never had, probably never would. It had occured to him to stop by the armory and grab some phasers for a possible away mission to the cube... because of COURSE they'd be going over there to explore it and see if they could get a few nameless crewmen assimilated. That was almost a standing order among grup captains when coming upon derelict alien ships, let alone Borg ones. But he decided that he'd better get back to the bridge and see what was going on first.

As it turned out, that was a pretty good idea.

Quote from: Kirok on July 28, 2021, 06:40:28 PM

The viewscreen showed that the Jem'Hadar were face to face with the Seleya.  They wasted no time.  And fired first on the Inquiry class ship.

The Onlie stepped onto the bridge just as the Jem'Hadar fighter's shot was absorbed by the Selaya's shields. Normally in this situation he'd have gone for tactical, as it was his post. But the new grup lady who was also a lawyer of some sort was there, and changing out mid combat would take seconds that they might not want to waste re configuring console settings. He also wanted to see what she could do... and it wasn't like the Selaya was going to be out-gunned by a couple of Jem'Hadar fighters, so he opted for the XO's Chair instead, as he was the second highest ranked person on the bridge at the moment. She ship rocked again as he deposited himself in the chair beside Briggs.

"Damage Report." he called out over his shoulder to Markington. He was going to tell her to fire back, but Captains tended to get mad if you did that. They liked to give those orders themselves in his experience.

Kyle Briggs

[Seleya - Bridge]

Kyle briefly glanced when the lift doors opened and Mackenzie returned. He was instantly reminded of how irritated he was with the man and he had made a mental note earlier to have some words with him in private at a later date. Kyle had already dispatched an escort for EQ and the Lieutenant had taken it upon himself to just get up and join them. As a Lieutenant in Starfleet, Kyle felt that Mackenzie should have known better. Hell, he was the next ranking officer aboard the ship right now. Anything could have happened in his absence and Mackenzie would have been needed on the bridge.

He turned his attention back to the screen and watched as Ensign Markington seemingly handled the Jem'Hadar with ease. And the helm was doing an amazing job at keeping the Seleya from getting excessively pounded. One fighter had already been disabled and a second was leaking plasma. Both damaged ships were making their way back to the carrier. Kyle was anxious to see if the third tried to take them on alone or if he was gonna do the smart thing and retreat.

"It seems we've got them on the run, Lieutenant." Kyle said maybe just a little more snarky than he had intended when Mackenzie asked for a damage report. "They never even got a substantial shot in thanks to helm and tactical."

Eli Ferris

[Katra - Conference Room]

Quote from: Kirok on July 27, 2021, 06:19:03 PM

[Katra - Conference Room]

Kirok not only arched an eyebrow but he also tilted his head slight.  "I don't think that was meant in the literal term.  Not in the sense of a disease that may infect others.  But more in the sense that they are savage.  Ruthless and do not conform to the typical rules war.  Making them unpredictable" the half Vulcan explained.

He stopped.  Perhaps hearing his own word to describe the Hunters.  "Unpredictable.  Thus more dangerous.  As such, we should take a few precautions" he added.

Turing to the Gorn.  "I will approve the TR116 rifles with micro transporters fitted on the ends.  They will balance the score with regard to their power crossbows and their ability to shake off our phaser attacks with no effort.

I will also see if DS9 can spare some extra Sec/Tec personal.  I will also approve the use of stun grenades.  But no explosives" Kirok said.

"Thank you, Captain." Eli said, with an appreciative look. Some terms escaped him and he was always wanting to be precise in his language. But, the potential threat of unpredictability made him more apprehensive. He glanced around the table, as he took notes on his PADD with the weapon issuance. He was not familiar with all of it.

Quote from: Skargarr on July 27, 2021, 07:20:16 PM

"Thank you, Captain." Skar said as he made notes into the padd to issue out the TR116 modified rifles to all security personnel and issue out stun grenades.  "Frag grenades would cause too much damage and secondary explosions on a station, bad way to go if used near the outer shell of the station, sir.  Though would freeze anything that was sucked out and could make for an excellent meal." Skar said politely as he tried to smile to ease the tension but to no avail as gorn smiling? unheard of.  As people took everything they said seriously which is where their size and hissing worked against them as the meaning of 'Joking' was not a word in the Gorn vocabulary as most people felt they had no concept of the word.

"Well, I would recommend using a stasis field. It's fresher. Eli said, deadpanning. He was used to odd humor.

Quote from: T'prith on July 27, 2021, 10:02:12 PM

[USS Katra-conference room]

After listening to everything it seemed like there were risks to having such unpredictability on the station. They were going to not only let their guard down and expect the unexpected. She was going to make sure that things were running smoothly and check for anything that might look suspicious. She was sure that there was going to need to be other measures and plans that were going to be put in place for the safety of the crew on the station and the Tosk that would be coming aboard. Her instincts had her expect the worst things that could possibly happen.

Eli looked over at the Operations officer. "I have several evacuations protocols that I have worked to route through flight control navigation systems directly. If we know what the Tosk life signs are we can designate an area where to place them. But, we will be prepared for anything.

Susan Markington


[Selaya - bridge]

Shields are up! Brace for impact! Returning fire, sir." Susan said as she fired at the enemy ship. If they didn't return fire, then they'd have to board the ship and that wasn't something that she was looking forward to. She knew how the borg worked from her years on the USS Athena. "œSir? Orders?" she asked as she continued to wait.



[Conference Room - Katra]

Eli looked over at the Operations officer. "I have several evacuations protocols that I have worked to route through flight control navigation systems directly. If we know what the Tosk life signs are we can designate an area where to place them. But, we will be prepared for anything.

"Speaking of Evacuation protocols.  I suggest clearing a primary and several secondary pathways from the meeting to the shuttle bay for our guests should the need arise.  After all, there safety is our primary concern and if the diplomats die, I am sure our superiors would dislike the galactic shit storm that would arise from it.  So we need to be ready to evacuate them immediately or set up a safe room in the most efficient and easily secured location on this station.  Which is Medical or the Command deck.  Both locations are heavily shielded and reinforced.  Use of transporters for our primary evacuation protocols and should they be damaged we move them all out on foot with heavy guards loaded down if necessary." Skar suggested incase Eli's evacuation plan didnt account for this yet.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on July 28, 2021, 08:41:00 PM

[Seleya | Medbay]

Xiiv did stay until the man was asleep. He had been Borg once but that hadn't been him, that had been the Collective using his body. When Kimball was finally resting, she took up the still-hot tea and drank from it. That Mister Kimball had even survived get pulled out of the Collective was a minor miracle. She pulled a light blanket over him and slipped out of the room, turning the lights low. Hopefully, there was rest to be had for Kimball. The situation itself was horrifying and the Borg were not known for 'mercy' "" at least not in any other than termination. He survived all of it and still came back to Starfleet.

He was brave and should see himself as honourable. She was pretty sure that's not what he'd agree to be. Survour's guilt was common among those people reclaimed from the Borg. Xiiv logged Kimball's file and would make sure he got time with the Counsellor to help him work through the worst of it. Her eyes flicked across the hall to Kimball's darkened room, wondering if she should stay here or rejoin her fellow officers on the bridge.

The EMH could alert her if she was needed. Slowly she rose from her chair and headed back to the lift with a soft sigh. Kimball would recover to some degree of success if he was tended to properly but his incident and time with the Borg had irrevocably altered him in ways best left to himself. She hoped his therapy would help him lead somewhere more stable.

No one could deserve success more.

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

As the medication took effect, XB began to relax.  For some reason, he returned to doing one of the sleepy-time rituals his parents had taught him.  'Good night mercury & venus.  Nigth Earth and mars.   Till tomorrow jupiter and saturn.  Sleep tight, neptune" he thought in his head.

"Till then, uranus" he said aloud.  Then chuckled.  Cause it always made him laugh.

Quote from: Skargarr on July 30, 2021, 03:55:13 AM

"Speaking of Evacuation protocols.  I suggest clearing a primary and several secondary pathways from the meeting to the shuttle bay for our guests should the need arise.  After all, there safety is our primary concern and if the diplomats die, I am sure our superiors would dislike the galactic shit storm that would arise from it.  So we need to be ready to evacuate them immediately or set up a safe room in the most efficient and easily secured location on this station.  Which is Medical or the Command deck.  Both locations are heavily shielded and reinforced.  Use of transporters for our primary evacuation protocols and should they be damaged we move them all out on foot with heavy guards loaded down if necessary." Skar suggested incase Eli's evacuation plan didnt account for this yet.

[Conference Room]

"Good idea, Mr. Ferris.  Perhaps the Tosk will allow us to use a tricorder on a few of them so that we can designate a place for them.  We need, to get their permission.  Zex, that will be your assignment" Kirok interjected.

The half vulcan nodded in reply to Skargarr.  He did not comment on the explicative, but the sentiment was sound.  "Agreed.  The medbay will be the better choice of the two for the general population.  Ambassadors and their delegates can be placed on the command deck" the Captain added.

"Ok. Lets stop there.  You're all dismissed to complete you assigned tasks.  Thanks you" Kirok said by way of ending the meeting.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on July 30, 2021, 06:01:38 PM

[Conference Room]

"Good idea, Mr. Ferris.  Perhaps the Tosk will allow us to use a tricorder on a few of them so that we can designate a place for them.  We need, to get their permission.  Zex, that will be your assignment" Kirok interjected.

The half vulcan nodded in reply to Skargarr.  He did not comment on the explicative, but the sentiment was sound.  "Agreed.  The medbay will be the better choice of the two for the general population.  Ambassadors and their delegates can be placed on the command deck" the Captain added.

"Ok. Lets stop there.  You're all dismissed to complete you assigned tasks.  Thanks you" Kirok said by way of ending the meeting.

Nodding, Skar headed for the entry way and waited for Kirok to join him.  As he was curious how he would look getting his hands dirty going through the stations armory.  Which he had secretly hoped was a mess but knew starfleet would never abide such an untidy armory to begin with so they would need to speak to the master at arms who usually runs the Armory to make sure everything is repaired and ready to be used.


Quote from: Susan Markington on July 30, 2021, 02:01:06 AM

[Selaya - bridge]

Shields are up! Brace for impact! Returning fire on your command sir." Susan said as she waited for the order to return fire. If they didn't return fire soon then they'd have to board the ship and that wasn't something that she was looking forward to. She knew how the borg worked from her years on the USS Athena. "œSir? Orders?" she asked as she continued to wait.

[Selaya - bridge]

The viewscreen showed the third Jem'hadar vessel.  It remained where it was for a moment.  Then turned and headed back to the carrier.  Apparently it was not willing to take on the Inquiry class ship on it's own.

Quote from: Skargarr on July 30, 2021, 07:40:07 PM

Nodding, Skar headed for the entry way and waited for Kirok to join him.  As he was curious how he would look getting his hands dirty going through the stations armory.  Which he had secretly hoped was a mess but knew starfleet would never abide such an untidy armory to begin with so they would need to speak to the master at arms who usually runs the Armory to make sure everything is repaired and ready to be used.

[Conference room - Promenade and Armory]

As the meeting ended, Zex waited for T'Prith and Mr. Jyur.  Then headed to the Promenade, in search of some Tosk to interview.  Hoping that they were willing to share whatever information they might have about the Hunters.

Kirok headed to the Armory with Skargarr and Eli.  "Stasis fields might be useful against if the Hunter's.  It would at least provide some possible protection from their power crossbows" he said as they began collecting rifles and stun granades.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station| Conference Room

Quote from: Skargarr on July 30, 2021, 03:55:13 AM

"Speaking of Evacuation protocols.  I suggest clearing a primary and several secondary pathways from the meeting to the shuttle bay for our guests should the need arise.  After all, there safety is our primary concern and if the diplomats die, I am sure our superiors would dislike the galactic shit storm that would arise from it.  So we need to be ready to evacuate them immediately or set up a safe room in the most efficient and easily secured location on this station.  Which is Medical or the Command deck.  Both locations are heavily shielded and reinforced.  Use of transporters for our primary evacuation protocols and should they be damaged we move them all out on foot with heavy guards loaded down if necessary." Skar suggested incase Eli's evacuation plan didnt account for this yet.

Quote from: Kirok on July 30, 2021, 06:01:38 PM

[Conference Room]

"Good idea, Mr. Ferris.  Perhaps the Tosk will allow us to use a tricorder on a few of them so that we can designate a place for them.  We need, to get their permission.  Zex, that will be your assignment" Kirok interjected.

The half vulcan nodded in reply to Skargarr.  He did not comment on the explicative, but the sentiment was sound.  "Agreed.  The medbay will be the better choice of the two for the general population.  Ambassadors and their delegates can be placed on the command deck" the Captain added.

"Ok. Lets stop there.  You're all dismissed to complete you assigned tasks.  Thanks you" Kirok said by way of ending the meeting.

"I agree, Crewman. Having that back up is a wise precaution."

"Thank you, Captain." He appreciated the vote of confidence. It meant a lot more than he thought it would. Something about it.

With that, the meeting was dismissed and Eli stood, adjusting his uniform in anticipation of arming himself. He followed the Gorn to the armory. He had basic understanding of the arms described but he still preferred to have a security officer's support for a brief reorientation.

Kyle Briggs

With the Jem'Hadar fighters in retreat, Kyle once again stood.

"Great job everyone." he said to his bridge crew. "Helm. Move us in a bit closer to the cube. Tactical. Keep an eye on the sensors in case that third fighter gets froggy. Ops. Prepare a couple of probes. Set them to send a signal to Katra if any ship comes within one hundred thousand kilometers. With us being only an hour away, that would give us time to get here. I'll speak with Captain Kirok when we return. I wouldn't mind getting our own team over there to see what we can discover."

They were able to move in and launch the probes without incident and the scanners even showed the Jem'Hadar moving out of the system.

"Alright. Lets head home folks." Kyle said. "Warp six, Helm. She just had a nice workout. Let's giver some recovery time." he said speaking of the Seleya

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on July 31, 2021, 04:26:58 PM

[Conference room - Promenade and Armory]

As the meeting ended, Zex waited for T'Prith and Mr. Jyur.  Then headed to the Promenade, in search of some Tosk to interview.  Hoping that they were willing to share whatever information they might have about the Hunters.

Kirok headed to the Armory with Skargarr and Eli.  "Stasis fields might be useful against if the Hunter's.  It would at least provide some possible protection from their power crossbows" he said as they began collecting rifles and stun granades.

[ Katra Station - Conference Room -> Promenade ]

As the meeting drew to  close, Zero brought himself to his feet, leaning his hands on the table for a moment. As people scatter, each moving to their assigned jobs, Zero's eyes locked onto T'Prith and Zex. The three had been assigned to visit the Tosk, each with their respective jobs in mind. Eyes moving to T'Prith, he gave her a quick once over, before moving away from the table. He'd only spoken to her for a moment, but that moment had quickly rubbed him the wrong way. Hopefully working together wouldn't prove to be just as irking.

Falling in step beside the two, he headed towards the turbolifts. Swiveling his head slightly, he glanced at the two shorter women. "How would you both advise we approach the situation?" He had a plan of his own in mind, but he wanted to hear their opinions aswell to incorporate them, and so they were all on the same page.

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