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S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Quote from: Dranik on August 06, 2021, 09:10:42 PM

"That is good to hear.  I don't recall who invented it, but I'm sure he/she/or it was mentioned in one of my classes at that Academy.  Was there a specific obstacle that made you think or feel that today may not go well?"

Dranikk was practically humming. "The kids haven't been sleeping that much during nap time and as such have been quite hyper this past week. I don't know where they've been getting the energy but now that we finally remembered we can take the kids to the holodeck I feel this shouldn't be an issue anymore."

"Do you by chance know what those are?  The sausage link rolled and baked in some type of dough.  It looks to be a finger food"

Dranik couldn't help but smile gleefully as he caught sight of something he hadn't seen in a long time. "I never learned their names and I haven't seen them in quite a while so I am happy to say this day is getting better and better." Dranik grabbed a handful of them and piled them on his plate. "This time I plan on getting the name so I can replicate them." Dranik took a bite of one and his expression turned to one of pure joy. "They taste even better than last time."

[Captain's Mess]

"Oh.  I did not realize that you came with family members.  Not something I would typically know, mind you.  That is Kyle's, Commander Briggs's area.  But it is acceptable to hear that you have found a way to tire our your offspring.  Perhaps we could ask the school to add more PE time to their curriculum.   If you plan to stay on with us, that is" the Captain replied.

Kirok eyed the pigs n blankets but took none.  He did not do finger foods.  Even if he had a sterile utensil because he did not know who had touched them before he got to them.

"They were made by the chef.  I can ask him the name.  If you like" Kirok offered.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2021, 11:40:32 AM

[Ops - Zex - 0815]

Zex finally arrived for her shift.  "Hi all, sorry I'm late.  I see that we one of our visiting officers has arrived already.  Let me guess.  You're having computer issues, right?

That's on me.  Sorry.  I have to enter everyone's clearances so you can work while you are here.  Just give me a minute to log in" the Deltan said.

She logged in.  Set the clearances.  "You should be good now" Zex said, then started working on everyone else's clearances.

With that done, she took a moment to look up the reports from the anomaly that had affected Sirol.   There was lots of data, but none of the medical reports would open for her.  But she knew someone who they might open for.

-//Zex to Dr. Xiiv.  Are you currently in?  Do you have some time to see me?\\- the Deltan asked after tapping her combadge.

[Medbay - Katra Station]

She tapped her communicator in response immediately.

"I'm here," she said in her usual quiet way. "Just running some labs while I get something hot to drink, please do stop by. Would you like anything?" She had a raktajino warming her hands at the moment but if Zex needed her, she was, as always available. Her hazel eyes scanned a series of reports but they were hardly urgent.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2021, 11:40:32 AM


Zex looked up at those gathered already.  Figuring that they might have some useful information about the anomaly.  Hopefully even Eli had some insight, him being Romulan and having experienced the anomaly too.

"Eli, do you remember back a few months ago when we all experience that anomaly together.  We were all linked mentally for a moment in time.  Did it have any lasting effects on you?" the Deltan asked curiously.

"Also a general question for everyone.  If someone wanted to boost or augment their telepathic skills, is there a safe way to do that?  Odd question, I know.  But I'm working on a project" Zex explained.


Even though she didn't experience the anomaly Zex was looking for information on T'Prith thought that maybe she could search for the information through like scans or something. There was a part of her that thought that maybe someone who had experienced such anomaly might be able to give much better information. She wasn't entirely too sure that there was a logical or a safe way for someone to boost or augment their telepathy skills. She was curious about what kind of project that Zex might be working on that requires the knowledge of such information. It probably wasn't any of her business if it didn't concern her.

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station|Ops

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2021, 11:40:32 AM


Zex looked up at those gathered already.  Figuring that they might have some useful information about the anomaly.  Hopefully even Eli had some insight, him being Romulan and having experienced the anomaly too.

"Eli, do you remember back a few months ago when we all experience that anomaly together.  We were all linked mentally for a moment in time.  Did it have any lasting effects on you?" the Deltan asked curiously.

"Also a general question for everyone.  If someone wanted to boost or augment their telepathic skills, is there a safe way to do that?  Odd question, I know.  But I'm working on a project" Zex explained.

Eli was shifting flight patterns due to the recent arrivals. It was always something. At Zex's question he glanced around at the assembled group. "Ah, I see we are challenging my memory this morning," he said with a small grin. He always enjoyed her company, but she was also good at very difficult questions.

"Generally I not care for telepathic links. They make me incredibly uncomfortable. So, if there were any side effects I do not know if I could pinpoint them to that anomaly or my underlying discomfort." He gave Zex a curious look. "What brings this up? What project. if you don't mind me asking?" He said, and realize his own discomfort might have made the question sound  a bit more forceful than he intended.

He moved around his console so he felt he could be a little closer to Zex. He felt this whole topic was making him nervous.

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok


A hale came to the Santa Maria.  -//Katra station to the USS Santa Maria.  You are welcome to dock in bay 1.  Captain Kirok has placed a ban on external transports.  So please dock and then disembark.  Admiral Rellek's presence is requested at the welcome breakfast\\- the on duty ops officer said over the open com channel.


=/\= "Acknowledged ops. Setting course for docking bay one." =/\=

Julia was known to travel light. In one bag over her shoulder contained everything she needed for the trip. As she stepped from the docking bay an eager Ensign stood ready to take her bags. "Can you see that these find my quarters. Please have a guard posted at the entrance to my quarters. No one enters but me." She said firmly but with a smile. The data contained in her PADDs had the ability to re shape the Federation for centuries it wasn't something that was simply left lying around.

[Captains Mess]

Julia took her time strolling to the mess, as requested. The sights and sounds were familiar but different. It had become quickly apparent that the reports she read had not done this place justice. It was good to see Katra thriving on the outer edge.

With a once over to her uniform she stepped into the room. She hadn't expected a gathering; given her expectations that she was here to work. She gave a slight knock on the wall to get Kiroks attention. "You rang?" She said softly with a familiar tone and warm smile.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Serena King

Quote from: Chigorra on August 04, 2021, 04:51:29 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Klingon Embassy - Katra Station - 0810 Hours]

The room was a tremendous, wide-open thing with a ceiling to rose to at least 10 meters above. In its center, a slightly raised dais looked rather like a combat-ring of some kind, an effect made stronger by the pair of burning holographic braziers at its sides. All around this open space were stacks of metal crates of Klingon make, manual pallet jacks, a dented hand-truck or two, and the occasional discarded bladed weapon, perhaps used as a make-shift box opener. Targs were, thankfully, entirely absent, as was any sign of their presence; no hair, no stink, do offal, no bone shards.

Near the entrance of the Embassy, where Serena walked in, a hastily-assembled reception desk had been built to receive visitors. It was comprised of an angular metal lectern emblazoned with the Klingon Heart of Virtue and a computer and communications workstation assembled nearby. Large metal crates had been stacked as extending wings from the thing, making it look rather like a military barrier right at the Embassy entrance. At Serena's entry and callout, a voice replied from behind the barrier. Ahah! the voice shouted, and its speaker soon followed.

Rising up from an apparent ducking position from behind the barrier was the Ambassador, who Serena had seen and heard previously at a meeting to discuss the Tosk not so long ago. Chigorra grinned at the sight of the small human, her fangs twisting her lips oddly. "Greetings! Welcome to the Klingon Embassy." Her eyes on Serena, she moved to the lower end of the barrier and flung her long legs over it, crossing the thing to approach the Engineer. She stuck her hand out for a handshake, the clawed nails on her hand dark in coloration. Chigorra knew this woman was an Engineer, and she was infinitely curious in her grip strength! Surely an engineer or mechanic would have strong hands!

[Katra Station | Klingon Embassy | 0810 Hours]

"Madam Ambassador. tIqlIj Dalo'taHvIS mIw'a' Dalo'chugh."

Serena bowed formally, feeling pleased with herself at not mangling the pronunciation. However, it was only after she said it that she realized she might have said May your pet Targ frolick in the hills as opposed to Blessings upon your domicile. She stared at the hand, remembering the honour of her ancestors to do her best. She grasped it with all her might, trying not to let her eyes tear up at that brutal strength. Dressed in her customary gold utility uniforms, there were tools stuffed into the pockets. In addition, her forearms were bare, the sleeves rolled up. Along her hands and forearms were scars and scrapes aplenty, but unlike the Klingon's, hers were from repair work.

She opened her mouth and closed it, remembering the nature of Klingons, bargaining from a position from strength was more important than nicety. "What work demands my attention?"

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Quote from: npc3 on August 06, 2021, 07:12:12 PM

"Why yes.  Language is fascinating.  I mean where would we be without it.  Lost is what we would be.  So hurray for you.  Following one to the things that make us different than animals.   No offence, Luv" she replied, intending that last piece for the Tholian animal.

Sirol reacted a little"¦ Hesitant as she could feel the other physically approaching. She was not entirely comfortable with it, yet also noticed that Hayo maintained a certain distance as to not trespass Sirol's vicinity.
"œWell, I suppose where animals end and creatures like you and me begin might rather fall into the realms of philosophy...
I can certainly tell that sapience is not limited to a specific shape, as has been proven by countless highly intelligent and sensitive cosmozoans or swarm intelligences, but, yes, I understand what you mean by this.
Language is a tool; a pattern. To those willing to learn and listen, it can reveal everything about a subject's thoughts, values and intentions..."
Quote from: npc3 on August 06, 2021, 07:12:12 PM

"What about that for the pets name.  Luv?   I has several meaning.  I use it as a term of endearment as you might have notices" the science officer added with a light chuckle.

Sirol tilted her head at the suggestion. A fascinating concept, but also not entirely the way she was planning to handle it.
"œI was planning to have"¦ Her decide..."
She nodded towards the Uropygi on her lap.
It was after all intelligent and receptive enough to understand speech - She had seen Uropygi Erika operating a terminal with ease"¦
Of course Sirol was not aware that the Uropygis were actually linked with the Lattice and susceptible to communication"¦
But even if, it would not have changed Sirol's outlook on their intelligence.
Quote from: npc3 on August 06, 2021, 07:12:12 PM

"Sorry to hear about your Commander friend.  I will say a prayer for him later, but it is good that you are watching over this little one why shi is gone.  Good for you too, probably.  Taking care of others is so fulfilling and rewarding in it's own right.  Don't you think?" Hayo went on.

Sirol slowly nodded towards the other.
"œI"¦ Appreciate your sympathy. And I suppose there is a high chance that the Commander would as well."
She paused once more, not entirely sure whether and how to answer Hayo's statement about fulfilment"¦
"œI"¦. I would agree, yes"¦
The Uropygi is very dear to me, and I would never let any harm come to her"¦
The same goes for my department.
I think subconsciously we aspire unity and either shape or form; multilateral caring for one another..."

As Hayo began to tell about her family - her children in particular - Sirol curiously leaned forward a little bit while gently wrapping her arms around the Uropygi, giving it a gentle hug.
Assigning numbers to children?
That was certainly strange, but Sirol had read about various societies doing it.
The Hermats were known for assigning numbers to names to indicate which iteration of a specific name was used to describe a particular individual in their family lineage.
The Bynars' names consisted of information on birth date, heritage and social function wrapped into binary code.
Sirol was certain that they were even more she just had not heard of yet, but Benzites utilising numbers? That indeed came as a surprise to the scientist.

The fact that Hayo could not bring her children to the station made Sirol tilt her head in acknowledgement.
Judging by the way she explained the circumstances and potential effect on the two well ones, she concluded that all of them must still have been very young - presumably within a close age span - potentially even triplets, which would explain the parent's resorting to unified terminology...

Quote from: npc3 on August 06, 2021, 07:12:12 PM

But yes, lots of ship have family members on them as you mentioned.  I think it is more popular now then during my Discovery days.  So much has chanced since then, but without change there is no progress" Hayo explained.

She finally stopped talking for a moment.  "May I ask you the same?  If it's not too personal that is?" Hayo asked curiously.

Sirol calmly nodded, still gently hugging her friend and thoughtfully listening to the other scientist's elaborations.
"œI agree with you. Times change.
But according to universal, factual; strictly scientific observation, I can proudly say: "˜Objectively for the better' with each decade.
I can imagine how progress might be a hard and complex goal to achieve within the decentralised Federation multiculture. But in either case, aspiring progress is the highest and most noble goal for individuals and societies alike.
You mentioned that you believe that speech is what separates sapient entities from animals.
I personally think the aspiration to move forward, learn, unify and develop is the defining factor and measurement of a civilisation."

Once more she took a little sip of her coffee, then looked at the other.
She was noticeably surprised by this sort of question, yet considering that Sirol had asked for it, giving Hayo the platform to do the same was only fair.
Leaning a little back in her chair she musingly nodded.
"œNot really. Most members of my houses vanished with the homeworlds.
I have one parent left. He serves as senator and advisor for external trading affairs for the Romulan Free State.
Other than that"¦ I have her..."

She nodded at the Uropygi.
"œ...I lost my place. Recently. Due to an accident."
She did not go into any further detail. She assumed that telling a stranger about her brutal separation from the consciousness within the Trialus anomaly was too"¦ Personal"¦
Despite"¦ She had gathered enough experience with others at this point to understand that no one seemed to really grasp what Sirol was yearning for.
So she decided to keep it at that, and instead finished her mug of coffee.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 06, 2021, 11:56:52 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station|OpsEli was shifting flight patterns due to the recent arrivals. It was always something. At Zex's question he glanced around at the assembled group. "Ah, I see we are challenging my memory this morning," he said with a small grin. He always enjoyed her company, but she was also good at very difficult questions.

"Generally I not care for telepathic links. They make me incredibly uncomfortable. So, if there were any side effects I do not know if I could pinpoint them to that anomaly or my underlying discomfort." He gave Zex a curious look. "What brings this up? What project. if you don't mind me asking?" He said, and realize his own discomfort might have made the question sound  a bit more forceful than he intended.

He moved around his console so he felt he could be a little closer to Zex. He felt this whole topic was making him nervous.

[Ops - Tark]

The Klingon was in the same boat as T'Prith.  He had not been aboard the station at that time.  But he had some thoughts on the matters.

"I too distrust telepaths.  Not Kirok, though.  He is one of the good ones.

That said, it is good to know your enemy.  So I have kept a running list of all species that are telepathic.  Not the I have computer access, i can pull it up" he said and went about logging into his station.

"But yeah?  What brought this up?  Knowing my help us help you find a solution" Tark added as his log in credentials were authenticating.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on August 06, 2021, 10:17:37 PM

[Medbay - Katra Station]

She tapped her communicator in response immediately.

"I'm here," she said in her usual quiet way. "Just running some labs while I get something hot to drink, please do stop by. Would you like anything?" She had a raktajino warming her hands at the moment but if Zex needed her, she was, as always available. Her hazel eyes scanned a series of reports but they were hardly urgent.

[Ops - Zex]

-//Perfect.  I will be down in 30 minutes or so.  Thank you for the offer, but I don't need anything\\- Zex replied.  She knew that there were medicines that could be given to increase or dampen the neurochemistry of the brain.  She expected the doctor would know.  She also expected the doctor to be able to open the medical files associated with the anomaly.

Quote from: npc3 on August 07, 2021, 09:05:59 AM

[Ops - Tark]

The Klingon was in the same boat as T'Prith.  He had not been aboard the station at that time.  But he had some thoughts on the matters.

"I too distrust telepaths.  Not Kirok, though.  He is one of the good ones.

That said, it is good to know your enemy.  So I have kept a running list of all species that are telepathic.  Not the I have computer access, i can pull it up" he said and went about logging into his station.

"But yeah?  What brought this up?  Knowing my help us help you find a solution" Tark added as his log in credentials were authenticating.

[Ops - Zex]

Zex was not typically a quiet or bashful or timid person.  Nor was she good at telling lies.  But she didn't want to reveal the exact nature of her inquiry because she did not want to get rumors started about her roomie or anyone else.

"Those are fair questions and I'll try to do my best to answer them.  In sort, it has been said that when we were in the anomaly that it opened all of minds to each other - all in the same moment of time.  We were for the first time ever truly connected, mentally.

That sparked an interest in some to begin exploring their innate telepathy abilities.  But have experienced various barriers to actually accomplishing that goal.  So, I think what I'm really interested in learning about is how to remove barriers that typically prevent natural telepaths from reaching their full potential" the Deltan summaried.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 07, 2021, 01:33:11 AM


=/\= "Acknowledged ops. Setting course for docking bay one." =/\=

Julia was known to travel light. In one bag over her shoulder contained everything she needed for the trip. As she stepped from the docking bay an eager Ensign stood ready to take her bags. "Can you see that these find my quarters. Please have a guard posted at the entrance to my quarters. No one enters but me." She said firmly but with a smile. The data contained in her PADDs had the ability to re shape the Federation for centuries it wasn't something that was simply left lying around.

[Captains Mess]

Julia took her time strolling to the mess, as requested. The sights and sounds were familiar but different. It had become quickly apparent that the reports she read had not done this place justice. It was good to see Katra thriving on the outer edge.

With a once over to her uniform she stepped into the room. She hadn't expected a gathering; given her expectations that she was here to work. She gave a slight knock on the wall to get Kiroks attention. "You rang?" She said softly with a familiar tone and warm smile.

[Captain's Mess - Kirok]

Kirok had his back to the door.  Still fixing his plate when he heard that voice.  A friendly voice, indeed.

"Excuse me" he said to Dranik.  He put his plate down on the table.  The met Julia at the door.

His demeanor was a bit lighter than normal.  Less stiff and formal.  A big accomplishment for the half Vulcan who had all of his life pretended to be a full Vulcan.

"Julia, my dear friend.  It is indeed highly agreeable to have you here with us.  Please come in, I have so much to discuss with you, but first let me make introductions and eat if you are hungry" he said to her in private.

"Everyone, may I have your attention.  This is the one and only, Julia Rellek.  Pardon me, Admiral Julia Rellek.

She was the very first Captain of Katra.  Moreover, she is a the leading expert in the field of study of the Omega Particle.  And, finally, one of the finest officers I have ever served with" Kirok announced to the group.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on August 05, 2021, 06:43:50 PM

[Dr Jyur's office]

"My thought too, doc.  Sorry, Sir.  It is doctor, isn't it, Sir" the XB asked before sinking into the couch.

Kimball blew out some air.  He didn't want to say what happened.   But shugged.

"I saw the borg ship.  I froze.....I, well (hard swallow, his dropped eyes looked at his feet, left, then right, not wanting to say it) my pants.  I peed them" EQ said.  He sunk deeper into the couch, trying to be invisible.  He put his hand up to cover his face.

"What are those?  Copin skills?  Like hypnosis, I don't know if I like that" he said honestly.  "But I would like to stop membering the bad things I done as a borg.  That somethin you can help me do?" he asked, hoping for a yes.

"I think it's earl gray.  It what Dr. Xiiv gave me.  Milk and 2 sugars" he relied.

He accepted the drink and took a sip.   "Mmm.  I'm ok to go on.  Can I tell you a secret?" the XB asked.

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero nodded as EQ queried about his title. "It is, but you can call me Zero if it makes you more comfortable," he offered, smiling. As he detailed what had happened, he nodded along, occasionally jotting down some notes about his story. He glanced up, a look of concern softly etching his features.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, an experience like that is very traumatic, it's natural to react with extreme fear," He tried to reassure the man as he looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole.

"Coping skill are just actions you can do to calm yourself down." He chuckled. "Not hypnosis, unfortunately there's no quick fix for curing nightmares and bad memories. However improving coping skills can help you to react less violently when you do have those thoughts and memories." As the man took a sip of his tea, he took note of the Doctor he named. Perhaps he would shoot them a message at a later date, to coordinate treatment.

"Of course, this is a safe space. You can tell me anything in confidentiality."


Quote from: Sirol on August 07, 2021, 07:39:42 AM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Sirol reacted a little"¦ Hesitant as she could feel the other physically approaching. She was not entirely comfortable with it, yet also noticed that Hayo maintained a certain distance as to not trespass Sirol's vicinity.
"œWell, I suppose where animals end and creatures like you and me begin might rather fall into the realms of philosophy...
I can certainly tell that sapience is not limited to a specific shape, as has been proven by countless highly intelligent and sensitive cosmozoans or swarm intelligences, but, yes, I understand what you mean by this.
Language is a tool; a pattern. To those willing to learn and listen, it can reveal everything about a subject's thoughts, values and intentions..."

Sirol tilted her head at the suggestion. A fascinating concept, but also not entirely the way she was planning to handle it.
"œI was planning to have"¦ Her decide..."
She nodded towards the Uropygi on her lap.
It was after all intelligent and receptive enough to understand speech - She had seen Uropygi Erika operating a terminal with ease"¦
Of course Sirol was not aware that the Uropygis were actually linked with the Lattice and susceptible to communication"¦
But even if, it would not have changed Sirol's outlook on their intelligence.

Sirol slowly nodded towards the other.
"œI"¦ Appreciate your sympathy. And I suppose there is a high chance that the Commander would as well."
She paused once more, not entirely sure whether and how to answer Hayo's statement about fulfilment"¦
"œI"¦. I would agree, yes"¦
The Uropygi is very dear to me, and I would never let any harm come to her"¦
The same goes for my department.
I think subconsciously we aspire unity and either shape or form; multilateral caring for one another..."

As Hayo began to tell about her family - her children in particular - Sirol curiously leaned forward a little bit while gently wrapping her arms around the Uropygi, giving it a gentle hug.
Assigning numbers to children?
That was certainly strange, but Sirol had read about various societies doing it.
The Hermats were known for assigning numbers to names to indicate which iteration of a specific name was used to describe a particular individual in their family lineage.
The Bynars' names consisted of information on birth date, heritage and social function wrapped into binary code.
Sirol was certain that they were even more she just had not heard of yet, but Benzites utilising numbers? That indeed came as a surprise to the scientist.

The fact that Hayo could not bring her children to the station made Sirol tilt her head in acknowledgement.
Judging by the way she explained the circumstances and potential effect on the two well ones, she concluded that all of them must still have been very young - presumably within a close age span - potentially even triplets, which would explain the parent's resorting to unified terminology...

Sirol calmly nodded, still gently hugging her friend and thoughtfully listening to the other scientist's elaborations.
"œI agree with you. Times change.
But according to universal, factual; strictly scientific observation, I can proudly say: "˜Objectively for the better' with each decade.
I can imagine how progress might be a hard and complex goal to achieve within the decentralised Federation multiculture. But in either case, aspiring progress is the highest and most noble goal for individuals and societies alike.
You mentioned that you believe that speech is what separates sapient entities from animals.
I personally think the aspiration to move forward, learn, unify and develop is the defining factor and measurement of a civilisation."

Once more she took a little sip of her coffee, then looked at the other.
She was noticeably surprised by this sort of question, yet considering that Sirol had asked for it, giving Hayo the platform to do the same was only fair.
Leaning a little back in her chair she musingly nodded.
"œNot really. Most members of my houses vanished with the homeworlds.
I have one parent left. He serves as senator and advisor for external trading affairs for the Romulan Free State.
Other than that"¦ I have her..."

She nodded at the Uropygi.
"œ...I lost my place. Recently. Due to an accident."
She did not go into any further detail. She assumed that telling a stranger about her brutal separation from the consciousness within the Trialus anomaly was too"¦ Personal"¦
Despite"¦ She had gathered enough experience with others at this point to understand that no one seemed to really grasp what Sirol was yearning for.
So she decided to keep it at that, and instead finished her mug of coffee.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess  - Hayo>

Hayo was pleased that she hadn't scared of Sirol by getting a bit closer.  She always tried to respect people's personal space.  Till they were in the friend zone - then it was hugs galore.

"I completely agree with that analysis of language.  But because we grow up learning to speak we don't really understand the true value of it I sometimes think.  However, when I had to learn computer coding in order to create a program I was instantly remined of how very important it is" Hayo said.

She shrugged.  "Of course.  I wasn't tying to push my agenda on you.  So, does she talk or communicate with you somehow?  She definitely seemed to be very comfortable with you" the science officer asked curiously.

The talk of progress made Hayo smile.  "You seem to be very enlightened.  But if I may confess, the older I get the harder it is to keep up.  Oh I try.  But there seems to be a new gadget or tool that I must learn to use every other week now.  What is the saying, you can't teach an old dog a new trick" she added, chucked at the self deprecating joke.

Haya was saddened by this last bit of info.  "Oh, Luv.  I'm so so sorry to hear that.  But I'm a true believer in making family where ever I am.  Maybe during my time here we can spend more time together.  Develop a good bond" the scientist offered warmly.


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 07, 2021, 09:41:28 AM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero nodded as EQ queried about his title. "It is, but you can call me Zero if it makes you more comfortable," he offered, smiling. As he detailed what had happened, he nodded along, occasionally jotting down some notes about his story. He glanced up, a look of concern softly etching his features.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, an experience like that is very traumatic, it's natural to react with extreme fear," He tried to reassure the man as he looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole.

"Coping skill are just actions you can do to calm yourself down." He chuckled. "Not hypnosis, unfortunately there's no quick fix for curing nightmares and bad memories. However improving coping skills can help you to react less violently when you do have those thoughts and memories." As the man took a sip of his tea, he took note of the Doctor he named. Perhaps he would shoot them a message at a later date, to coordinate treatment.

"Of course, this is a safe space. You can tell me anything in confidentiality."

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office - EQ Kimball]

EQ looked at the man for a moment.  Tilted his head left then right.  "My training is a soldier.  Nicknames typically go to those your equal.  So I don't know if should call you by a nickname.  Will 'doc' work, though?" the XB suggested.

He sipped his tea while Zero explained things.  Put his cup back on the table when it was his turn to talk again.  Just seemed the proper thing to do.

"I know that I need to just give up being upset about my ptsd episode.  I had no control over it.  It had control over me.  So learnin ways to not let that not happen again is fine with me" Kimball said.

He slightly grinned when the topic came back to his secret.  The first grin he had shown Zero.  He even straightened up a bit - became more present - more visible.

"I think I got a case of that trans-per-ence thing going on maybe.  Dr. Xiiv was really nice to me after my episode.  Reminded me of my mom.  And, well, now I'm kinda crushin on her - like hard.  I know nothin can come of it.  But I'm having feelins - for another live being - for like the first time since I re-became EQ Kimball" EQ announced.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Skargarr on August 05, 2021, 05:22:10 PM

[Before leaving the Docking Ring]

"I have no family as well, they were wiped out.  So I get calling others family if they treat you as one of there own.  You do what you must to survive and there are many ways to survive.  Some by calling another father, while others sheer force of will to live in a dangerous environment." Skar said as he split his attention to the children.

"You can call me whatever you like, and yes, it does help me in battle.  Gorn are insanely resilient to the harsh environments that other species may find uncomfortable.  I can heal 2x as quickly naturally.  Think of a Dermal regenerator, know how those work?.  I can heal that myself, I possess enhanced durability and stamina, so I can run a very long time before needing to take a breather and it means you can punch me with a fist but it wont hurt me.  Im stronger then humans as well, possibly more so then vulcans and im resistant to most diseases and toxins that could kill a normal person.  So I am very well suited to combat situations, because of how my species developed on our homeworld." Skar told Nerys.

"It is possible Gorn ships will come to trade here but with the war that happened years ago, they might be apprehensive about it.  Considering also how far we are away from Federation space, I might be the only one you see for awhile.  As for the invitation, if you wish for me to attend a family ritual I will be glad to attend.  I will leave the Gagh outside and eat whatever you are eating.  So I can eat both cooked and raw food with no problems.  Just raw is tastier if you have the stomach for it." Skar said trying to smile politely but it only revealed his teeth even more.

"Being the 'man of the family' in gorn society, means taking care of your tribe.  Making sure your family is safe and doing what your told by your elders.  Just be a kid and stay out of the areas that are closed off, its dangerous up here in the docking ring.  You never know what will happen until it does.  It is my job to make sure you are safe and you can be a kid.  Let me worry about everything else.  As for your pet, Lamar.  Hes quite safe.  As long as he stays with you." Skar said as he patted each child carefully on the head.

[Before leaving the Docking Ring]

[As NPCs Ruthie, Nerys, Tidu and Lamar]

Ruthie looked on and smiled.  "I think you'll be fine with the gagh, especially as I believe my mother intends having a Klingon evening... we just prefer not to eat it ourselves... we don't mind it being served!  For us, it's like - however strange a concept to me, and probably yourself, it is - if we have vegetarians dining.  Those of our friends who are don't seem to object to us eating meat so long as there is enough for them to eat and have a variety!"

She felt her heart warm a little towards the Gorn when he explained about his lack of family, and his patience with the children answering their questions.

"I'm so sorry to break this up guys but I really do have to get to work.  Rest assured that since the kids have taken a liking to you and you interest them, Mother will invite you to dinner some time!  Then you can meet the gang! It's been lovely talking to you and thank you for handling the situation so ... sensitively!  C'mon kids, say your goodbyes!"

The trio of redheads gathered around the Gorn and offered hugs and called "Bye Uncle Skar!", "See you soon Uncle Skar!", "Thank you for explaining about your skin and everything Uncle Skar!"

"You've been adopted!"  Ruthie laughed.  "If the kids call you 'Uncle' you're one of us... welcome to the family and.. bye for now!!"

Quote from: npc3 on August 05, 2021, 05:45:16 PM

[Captain's Mess]

"Oh, hello.  I'm Hayo.  Formerly from the Discovery.  Currently from the Lirpa.  Nice to make you acquaintance" Hayo said.  She offered a bow in return.

"Ha, Kirok running a science based station.  Only if you research is focused on how to improve phaser strength, torpedo range and speed, or better tools for hand to hand combat.  Kirok, science station, Ha.  I'm going to eventually share the joke with my crewmates.  I'll give you credit, of course, unless you would like to remain anonymous" she replied.

"Of course, I understand.  Melrus here has ruined more than one of my experiments because he likes to turn up the heat in my lab when I'm gone.  Otherwise he is competent" she added with a smile.

"I appreciate the invitation to stop by.  We would love to see your labs.  A tour would be excellent, if you don't mind" Hayo said.

[Captain's Mess]

"I'm not sure how I don't know you then, my husband is Captain Tekin of the Discovery, unless it was before his tenure in the centre seat!" Hrafn mused.

"As for the joke, I think Kirok knows me well enough to realise I was teasing but by all means share the joke and I'm fine if you wish to credit me with it.  I quite agree, both Kirok and my husband's former XO on the Discovery, Captain Galloway, tend to leave the Science stuff to the 'boffins'!!  I like it that way to be honest!" the CSO shrugged.

"And certainly, come by for a tour, modulo the Simulation Lab having visiting hours!" she said with a wink to Hayo and a smile at Sirol as if to say 'It's your Simulation Lab... what you say goes there!'  She knew she could technically come and go anywhere that was under 'Science' jurisdiction but she'd simply ping Xasik and ask him or Sirol or Peylix if such and such a time was good.

Quote from: Kirok on August 05, 2021, 06:43:50 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok felt the slightest bit of pride on mastering the term 'social butterfly.'   But pride soon turned to slight concern.  "Why.  Please do tell me" he asked.

He leaned a bit closer.  This was not a conversation that should have in public.  But there was a sense of urgency, or so it seemed.

"I have never understood the need for people to specialize in one specific field.  Not on a star ship or station, at least.  It tends to paint people into a corner and only make them useful during the one singular mission in which their specific specialty is needed" the Captain said honestly.  Likely not a popular opinion, but an accurate one nonetheless.

"That said, I could see her moving to the Diplomacy Department.  Her unique skill sets would add value to the department.  I can think of no better qualified candidate given her ability to pick languages quickly.  Defiantly beneficial in new contact mission and in places what the universal translator either fails or does not recognize a new language" Kirok suggested.

Hrafn was grateful to see that the Captain showed concern.

"It's not so much that I believe Lt. Sirol is incapable in other areas, more that there are tasks which even the crewmen could do, I mean no disrespect to them, they do a sterling job, but what I'm getting at more is that someone like myself, Lt. Sirol, Dr. McCutcheon, Specialist Freeman... we've had many years honing our specialisations and preferences.  We can turn our hand to anything in an emergency, however, the way I see it, I can equate it the the old driver's licence categories in England back on Earth.  I learnt about it while studying 20th Century Earth history.  You got certain letters on your licence, B I think was standard 4 wheeled vehicles - personal cars that is.  But that would cover you to drive motorcycles at one point, eventually you had to take a test for that too, but I digress.  If you only took a test with an automatic transmission, you could only drive automatic cars, but if you took a test with manual, you were allowed to drive either.  Similarly anyone with a licence with the relevant letter to be legally allowed to drive minibuses, public buses that seat 50 people say, or large articulated lorries known as HGV... Those holding HGV licences which would be like someone like Lt. Sirol or myself can drive anything BELOW those things but those holding a standard car licence can't drive an HGV... but can still be useful.  Thus freeing the specialists up for doing things that are, simply put, more specialised, to expand on our research into the species in this quadrant and so on."

Hrafn wound down and hoped that her explanation had made sense.

"And Captain, this is a situation where her skills are better suited away from the snake, I think more working with Dr. McCutcheon who is here to report on and study the different species not currently known to us, or least not well, like the Dord and Numati would be a better use of her skills is all. I'm happy to discuss this further more privately if you like.  And maybe, rather than transfer to the Diplomatic Corps, be more our liaison with them, potentially, allowing her to work on her research and experiments but there to make use of her language skills.  With the Tholians wishing to work with us, I'd say someone that speaks Tholian without the use of the UT, which is better than myself, it seems prudent to use those skills."

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 05, 2021, 10:14:12 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kyle had sat back in his seat and drank his coffee while listening to the exchanges between Falleg, Kirok and Sirol. This was suppose to be a fun gathering with everyone getting to know everyone but it felt like the tension could be cut with a knife. He had apparently missed something between the three.

"That's a good idea." Kyle finally said as he leaned forward and spoke of Hrafn's idea for Sirol to study the different species aboard the station. "You do know that as her department head, you could assign that task to her, yes? No need for us to micro manage that kind of thing."

He had probably sounded harsher than he had intended but damn it, he was there for a good time and to see some old friends and was tired of what seemed like a tense situation.

"Quite, but I didn't have a chance being away... I had assigned her to be Acting-CSO while I was attending Ruthie's graduation but it appears that largely that memo got missed.  Plus, I think it's always a good idea to run things by Command first rather than just sending a memo to the effect that this or that has been implemented... which as it seems was the case during my leave, can be overlooked.  Now that I'm back, obviously there is no need for her to be Acting-CSO, but she was and will continue to be my 2IC and assistant.  Thanks Kyle, that does give me a bit more leeway.  I think she's better in the lab rather than going out on the Seleya... unless of course there's something we Science boffins are out chasing then you'll get one or other of us on board plus a few randoms, happily!" Hrafn said with a smile.
Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2021, 06:22:52 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok turned to Kyle.  Including him in the conversation.  Staffing issue really did fall upon him as XO.

"Sorry if I overstepped, Kyle.  But I, of course, will defer to your better judgement in this matter.  As it should be" the Captain replied.

"So there we have it.  Now lets get back to enjoying the party.  I think I will attempt to eat something now.  If you will excuse me" Kirok said before leaving his post at the door.

"Food sounds good, thanks Kirok, for at least hearing me out, both you and Kyle."
Quote from: Sirol on August 05, 2021, 07:12:30 PM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >
Deactivating her wrist-mounted holo-PDA again she just managed to catch Hrafn addressing her.

"œAcknowledged. Will do." The scientist calmly spoke.
Finally, her mug of coffee was empty, so it was time to work herself through the next one.
Carefully - as to not lose balance - she slowly moved over to the main area and refilled her mug, only to then vanish back into her corner and wrap her cold hands around the hot mug.
For a while she remained entirely motionless, just listening to the voices in the room. Not intentionally spying on anyone in particular, but letting the layers of voices run through her brain.
It was one wild mess of an uncoordinated babble; everyone immersed in their own little worlds.
A fascinating observation"¦

Eventually her metaphorical antennae came to a halt on Hrafn once more.
Sirol listened to her telling Dranik about her children.
A little smile could be seen forming on Sirol's face.
She missed them.
She had enjoyed having Nerys tag along and spend lab time with her together.
And she adored Lamar. The little Pioneer.
Lost in her thoughts, she just followed Hrafn's elaborations for a while, gently stroking the head of the Uropygi on her lap and leaning back a little.
She had no idea about Ruthie's tragic upbringing, but instantly sympathised with the aspiring scientist"¦

As Hrafn joined Sirol, the scientist gave her superior a friendly nod, followed by a tiny smirk.
It was good to her have her ears everywhere - observational nature was an important aspect, if not condition for their field of work, and Sirol appreciated Hrafn's approach.
"œYes. You heard correctly.
It is Xasik's child. He brought them aboard in a portable stasis unit. I guaranteed him free reign over my lab's quarantine section as long as he maintains contact with a professional regarding the child's medical needs."

She took one more sip of her fresh Coffee, then looked forth and back between Hrafn and the Uropygi on her lab.
Her little Hero...
"œI do not"¦ Have her"¦ She came to me
I remember Commander Eydis bringing several of her species aboard. I tried to contact the Commander about hir wandering friend; pictured shi would be worried.
Have not heard back from the Commander in eight weeks and two days. Now I am worried."

Looking down she gave the Uropygi a gentle pat.
"œ...She has been with me since, and we look out for one another."
Maybe it was about time to find a suitable name for her soon"¦

One more moment followed in which Sirol seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. She peripherally overheard Hrafn answering Xasik and announcing that Ruthie might be on her way to the Simulation Lab eventually.
She assumed that at this point Ruthie most likely must have seen her message, so Sirol stayed quiet and just tried to focus on the sound of Hrafn's voice.

The slender scientist slowly nodded.
"œYes. Emerald - reminiscent of their pigmentation.
The healer and I agreed that it is a"¦ Unique choice of a name. Non-conform with most Thilian naming patterns"¦ But then again the circumstances of this child's upbringing will be unique as well"¦
I want the best for them, but"¦ Am also worried they may grow up to be an outsider"¦ A detrimental mental handicap to such a highly perceptive and sensitive psyche relying on swarm processing...

As Hrafn then turned towards Hayo, introducing herself and making a remark about Katra being practically a science outpost already, Sirol could not help but smirk a little.
If only"¦
Throughout the last months this poor station had become a hot mess of constant attacks and chaos"¦ Katra's original glory Sirol had gotten to know upon her arrival seemed to have slowly faded away.
A promenade vast and empty and an overworked, weary crew.
Once more she took a sip of her coffee and discreetly followed Hrafn's elaborations.
Hrafn managed to somehow make Starfleet's strangely self-determined style of work sound"¦ Easy"¦ Almost even logical"¦
Sirol had never been one for "˜wiggle room'.
She preferred solid roles and a strict but fair hierarchy, yet Hrafn's interpretation made strange sense: She named exactly what Sirol would and would not do in her lab, and all of a sudden the lack of framework seemed less irritating.

Sirol noticed the"¦ Intense look Hrafn bid her.
The look that seemed to almost even pulsate around the division leader.
But it was not just the sensory experience. There was something in her voice. A serious undertone. Sirol did not entirely grasp the reasoning, yet she understood the meaning: Hrafn's word was set.
Sirol would not add or remove anything from her superior's statement.

Her gaze fell onto her PDA again.
She checked for a reply from Ruhtie yet so far, her inbox was empty.
She assumed that the other was most likely busy getting acclimated to Katra, so Sirol made a mental note to check again in another 15 minutes, while she would empty her second mug of coffee, hoping rather sooner than later her metabolism would wake up.

The voices in the room got louder again, and Sirol lost her good grasp on Hrafn's conversation.
She could tell that there was something regarding the department; regarding her. Considering Hrafn's overall positive aura, Sirol did not assume anything negative though. Rather on the contrary. She could feel a wave of determination wash over Hrafn; through the entire room.
She had missed that presence.

As Hrafn eventually concluded her conversation with Captain Kirok, and returned to Sirol again, the scientist and the Uropygi both curiously focused the division leader as if they were eager to hear about the latest vocational gossip.

Raising one eyebrow, Sirol looked at her half-full mug then at Hrafn and hesitantly shook her head.
"œNo, thank you. I still have enough coffee for the next 20 minutes.
The impression is mutual. I am looking forward to seeing the children again as well. I have prepared a few simulations Nerys might find interesting. I recently got my hands on Breen colony footage..."

She paused for a moment, adjusting herself to ease the pain on her spine.
"œ...My tholian skills are obviously limited by my physiology. I can imitate large fragments of their primary audible language, yet many tones, and even nonverbal aspects such as radiation are"¦ Off limits"¦ Understandably"¦ The same goes for the utilisation of the Lattice considering the natural incompatibility of vulcanoid brainwaves unless artificially altered."
Once more a sip of her coffee, one more a tense inhaling.
Why was she so tense?
Why did she suddenly feel as if she was about to pass out?

Forcing her thoughts back onto the conversation she looked at Hrafn's rank pips.
"œBut I"¦ Appreciate your compliment and the fact that you noticed.
It is welcome to be"¦ Seen...

Slowly looking up at Hrafn with what could only be interpreted as defeat in her eyes, the scientist slowly shook her head.
"œI do"¦ Not think that I am okay. No..." She spoke quietly, in an almost whispering tone.
"œIt is not the quantity of people surrounding me, it is"¦ The weight of the vacuum in my mind"¦
The tireless grind to maintain functioning without any logical reason to do so..."

She closed her eyes and silently exhaled.
"œIt is"¦ Complex"¦ I do not know how much you know about my"¦ Damage"¦ But the last weeks have"¦ Amplified the severity of my symptoms"¦
I am willing to explain everything to you in detail..."

She once more looked at the outsiders.
"œ...Once we are private again."

"I understand my dear, least some of it... I don't know too much but since the kids are chomping at the bit and chewing thru their restraints... a joke but if they were any more excited about being back we would have to tie them down... to see you and Serena amongst others, it might be an idea to come up for a meal sometime in the next week.  You know you can kick back and be yourself in my quarters.  The good news for you is I practically have it from the horses mouths... those horses being called Commander Briggs and Captain Kirok, that I can assign you pretty much how I wish so...we can discuss when you come by my quarters what it is specifically you'd like to work on!  Also, there's a little something I think you might like to work on with Ruthie and Nerys too but I'll explain that more later too." the chief of Science laid a comforting hand on Sirol's shoulder.

Part of her was going to offer a meal to Hayo but she seemed to sense that Sirol needed solitude, but would probably be ok with the extended family since she was comfortable with them.

Quote from: Kirok on August 06, 2021, 07:46:35 PM

[Captain's Mess]

"That is good to hear.  I don't recall who invented it, but I'm sure he/she/or it was mentioned in one of my classes at that Academy.  Was there a specific obstacle that made you think or feel that today may not go well?" Kirok asked curiously.

He started to create his own frittata.  Eggs, mushrooms, a bit of spinach.  No spice, of course.

"Do you by chance know what those are?  The sausage link rolled and baked in some type of dough.  It looks to be a finger food" he asked pointing to the try of pigs n blankets.

Quote from: Dranik on August 06, 2021, 06:58:02 PM

"You learn how to cope, I promise."

Dranik paused and a thoughtful look appeared on his face. "The holodeck...I have no idea why neither of us thought to use the holodeck." Dranik said in a tone that was a mix of bemusement and hope. Excuse me for just a moment."

He tapped his comnbadge and opened a channel to Ciavil. Almost immediately he could hear the sounds of things breaking and Ciavil yelling. "Bad time, Dranik. Are you on your way back yet?"

Dranik shook his head. "I don't know why we didn't think of this...but why haven't we tried to take the kids to the holodeck and let them tire themselves out?"

There was a sudden pause on the other end of the line and Dranik grinned after a moment as he heard Ciavil start speaking again in a tone he had only heard her use a few times. "Come on, kids. Mommy's going to take you somewhere you can tire- I mean play to your heart's content."

Dranik let out a short laugh as he moved close to the breakfast bar and saw Kirok moving towards it. Dranik was suddenly in a much better mood. "I feel much better about how today is most likely going to go." He stated cheerfully. "May the gods of the hunt bless whoever invented the holodeck."

Hrafn had by that time wandered over to the food tables and caught the last of the conversation between Kirok and Dranik.  Taking one of the delectable morsels she nodded and said "And these are actually really good.  They're called simply sausage rolls if wrapped in pastry, or 'pigs in blankets' if it's sausage wrapped in bacon since most sausages are pork in origin, hence the pig!  The better the sausage or sausagemeat the better the sausage roll!  I like Lincolnshire Sausages with sage in or Cumberland, and I can't remember what the flavouring is specifically for them... but yummy!  You know I spent a long time in England at University so I got a taste for them!"
Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 07, 2021, 01:33:11 AM

[Captains Mess]

Julia took her time strolling to the mess, as requested. The sights and sounds were familiar but different. It had become quickly apparent that the reports she read had not done this place justice. It was good to see Katra thriving on the outer edge.

With a once over to her uniform she stepped into the room. She hadn't expected a gathering; given her expectations that she was here to work. She gave a slight knock on the wall to get Kiroks attention. "You rang?" She said softly with a familiar tone and warm smile.

"Julia?  Wow, you're a face I never expected to see back on Katra!" Hrafn said turning when she heard the voice.  She gave a wave from the food table and let Julia mingle wherever she wanted rather than going over.
Quote from: Kirok on August 07, 2021, 09:32:57 AM

[Captain's Mess - Kirok]

Kirok had his back to the door.  Still fixing his plate when he heard that voice.  A friendly voice, indeed.

"Excuse me" he said to Dranik.  He put his plate down on the table.  The met Julia at the door.

His demeanor was a bit lighter than normal.  Less stiff and formal.  A big accomplishment for the half Vulcan who had all of his life pretended to be a full Vulcan.

"Julia, my dear friend.  It is indeed highly agreeable to have you here with us.  Please come in, I have so much to discuss with you, but first let me make introductions and eat if you are hungry" he said to her in private.

"Everyone, may I have your attention.  This is the one and only, Julia Rellek.  Pardon me, Admiral Julia Rellek.

She was the very first Captain of Katra.  Moreover, she is a the leading expert in the field of study of the Omega Particle.  And, finally, one of the finest officers I have ever served with" Kirok announced to the group.

"Seconded!" Hrafn said toasting Julia with her coffee mug and a warm smile of greeting.

Quote from: Sirol on August 05, 2021, 07:12:30 PM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

As Sirol noticed the incoming message on her PDA, her face showed a certain"¦ Surprise. The sender had been none of her usual contacts, yet the name was certainly familiar.
Reading over the request she formulated a reply in her head, but first looked up again and through the people gathered around her; making sure that no one would take offense  on her typing.
Since - right now - no eyes were resting on her, she decided to quickly do it.

From: Lieutenant Sirol
To: Ensign Ruthie Falleg-Grix
I have received your inquiry. I am not in the laboratory at the moment, and will not be until Beta Shift.
Considering the Simulation Lab currently being utilised as habitat, I strongly recommend Specialist Freeman and asking for his assessment of whether or not the lab can currently support more personnel.
I apologise for the inconvenience.
Lieutenant Sirol.

[Outside the Simulation Lab]

[As NPC's Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros]

"Oh... that makes sense... Lt. Sirol's not going to be around for a while, she's asked that I contact a Specialist Freeman... so... hang fire."  Ruthie said with a smile, reading the memo.

"How does one hang fire... could only do that momentarily if you ignited gas..." Meros said with a grin then a smirk as Ruthie realised he was just yanking her chain.

=/\=Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros to Specialist Freeman... we are currently outside the Simulation Lab and Lt. Sirol recommended that we contact you in regard to accessing the lab and presumably since she, and Lt. Falleg-Tekin won't be around until Beta Shift or whenever this breakfast meeting they are in is over, potentially, you can give us something to do! =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


[Docking Ring - Katra]

Once Skar was able to make sure the Vulperians were comfortable, He returned to the docking ring to see what else he could do.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 07, 2021, 12:51:41 PM

[Captain's Mess]

"I'm not sure how I don't know you then, my husband is Captain Tekin of the Discovery, unless it was before his tenure in the centre seat!" Hrafn mused.

"As for the joke, I think Kirok knows me well enough to realise I was teasing but by all means share the joke and I'm fine if you wish to credit me with it.  I quite agree, both Kirok and my husband's former XO on the Discovery, Captain Galloway, tend to leave the Science stuff to the 'boffins'!!  I like it that way to be honest!" the CSO shrugged.

"And certainly, come by for a tour, modulo the Simulation Lab having visiting hours!" she said with a wink to Hayo and a smile at Sirol as if to say 'It's your Simulation Lab... what you say goes there!'  She knew she could technically come and go anywhere that was under 'Science' jurisdiction but she'd simply ping Xasik and ask him or Sirol or Peylix if such and such a time was good.

[Captain's Mess - Hayo]

Hayo tilted her head slightly.  "No, there was no Tekin aboard the ship.  Revek was our XO at the time.  So, it must have been before your husband came aboard" she replied.

"Oh how I know.  Kirok is a good Captain.  But his eyes would glaze over when techno babble him.  You likely get the say response.  Ultimately I would lay out my solution to whatever the problem of the day was and he would simply reply.  'Proceed" Hayo said.

"We are doing nothing now and I think Melrus is almost done eating.  If now works?  Otherwise we can wait" she said pleasantly.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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