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S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | August 1, 2399 | 0800]

Struggling and failing to contain a jaw cracking yawn the Reman rubbed at his eyes before stretching his arms above his head and leaning back in his plush chair to crack his back. He shuddered at the horrendous sound that came from his spine and wondered if that was healthy or if he should go to medical and have himself examined. Maybe he would go for a general health check up when time permitted. Maybe. He could ask Peylix, who was a healer after all, but Xasik still wasn't all that comfortable with the healer yet.

He had already been in the lab for at least two hours. Sleep wasn't easy to come by with a brand new baby to care for. He had found himself checking on the emerald green hatchling more often then he probably needed to, but he couldn't help it. He was just so damn cute. Reaching for the mug on his desk, Xasik sniffed the nasty brown liquid before taking a sip and pulling a face at the bitter taste. Coffee had been recommended to him to help pep himself up with energy but so far he had been unable to get used to the taste. He failed to see the appeal of bitter bean juice. He would stick with tea from now on.
Leaning back again with his mug in hand, his attention turned to the little glass looking containment cube on his desk. Inside sat Emerald on a soft bed of Tholian silk. The little one was still too weak to support their own weight and use their legs so until they started moving around on their own they would stay in the containment tank unless being held and snuggled in the containment room. The tank had the advantage of two heat resistant gloves attached to the side. One could simply slip their hands in and be able to interact with the little one. Emerald was getting stronger with each day and was now reaching out their tiny little hands towards anyone who came to visit them. They would reach out to grip the fingers of anyone placing their hands in to the gloves and were even squeaking in what could be perceived to be a greeting to everyone.

Xasik's heart melted as he watched his Little Pebble sleeping peacefully. It had only been a few days but he already knew he would give his life to protect his child.

The two or so hours he had already been in the lab had seemed to fly by. He had been tinkering with equipment and making sure everything was in good general condition. He was excited to be potentially receiving a shipment of fossils to prepare for a museum at some point. Geology was his true love, but paleontology was closely linked so he was more than happy to dabble on that side of his career when needed.
His stomach rumbled as he realised the time, but instead of getting up he simply took another sip of nasty bean juice and got back to work with equipment maintenance, trying to be as quiet as possible to keep from waking the baby. He was almost surprised that Lieutenant Sirol had yet to make her appearance. Emerald was already growing increasingly fond of her, the pitch of their squeaks changing to something akin to excitement whenever they saw her. Xasik found that rather cute to be honest. He didn't mind Little Pebble growing attached to Sirol, he did trust her after all and she had been a massive help with the entire process. He didn't know what he would have done without her and Healer Peylix.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Captain's Mess | Katra Station ::

Generally speaking, Kyan avoided social gatherings like this because... well, grups tended to be stuffy and boring.. BUT..on occasion they had pretty good food. Sometimes Klingons showed up, or Ferengi, which were two fo his favorite types of people, and he'd hoped that would be the case today.

Alas, it was not. But the food was good. He'd resolved to finish his plate and make an excuse to leave when the excuse found him.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 01, 2021, 07:57:34 PM

He then tapped his comm badge.  =/\="Junior Leftenant Drake to Leftenant Mackenzie, we have two ships both asking for the same dock, can you spare a security officer to check their cargo?" =/\=

Kyan couldn't suppress a grin. The Powers were indeed looking after him today. =/\= I'm on my way! =/\= he answered back happily. Then, just for fun, he tapped his badge again. =/\= Mackenzie to Skargarr, and Markington meet me in the docking ring please. We've some cargo to search the now. =/\=

With that, the little Onlie shoveled the last of his food into his mouth and made for the door. "Thanks for Breakfast boss. It was good." he called back to Kirok around the mouthful of food as the doors parted before him.

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station| Ops Center

The past several days had been enough to give Eli a permanent furrow, if he didn't already have the slightly raised protrusion that showed his Romulan heritage. He was not one to usually fuss over traffic details but that had shifted with the news around the transporter. So, Eli had taken it the added responsibility of coordinating traffic from OPS, while Drake managed the in flight aspects. The lieutenant had a good feel from the Squall and Eli was not inclined to argue with his frequent flight status. It also meant he had smaller craft available for quicker escort missions and patrols.

What that had meant though was ensuring more timely use of the Katra stations pads. Eli felt that they had enough when intially assigned. That attitude had recently shifted.

=/\= Ferris to Drake, I'm about to switch the patrol flights for relief. Any issues I need to know about?  =/\=

Eli was aware of Drake's position, but always made it a point to inform Drake, who served as their point leader in sky, a job that would be appropriate to give a title, but Eli's imagination had been lacking lately. But, there was plenty to keep his attention.

Serena King

Quote from: npc3 on August 01, 2021, 05:05:54 PM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]

Novaar and most of the former Discovery crew had arrived the night before.  But unlike the others, she decided to skip the breakfast.  The Orian Engineering Officer had always made her own path and today was no different.

The first thing on her bucket list was to see the engine.  She walked in and just stared at it.  Such a thing of beauty.

Then she noticed that there was someone else there.  So she wondered over.  "Hi, I'm Lieutenant (JG) Novaar.  Visiting officer.  I'm the curious type.  So may I ask what you are working on?" she asked King.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]


Serena narrowed her eyes slightly. Her daily communications roundup had mentioned of visitors of varying description, but she hadn't paid attention to it. "De Sitter space. Well, not really." The small workspace in Katra's Engineering was away and often doubled a small lab away from the main working areas. Pushing a fallen strand of hair, she nodded at the Orion. "Something about this Snake is affecting space. Transporters don't function. That's not an imprecise term, that's a fact and it's driving me insane."

She paused to stretch her arm, where Susan had actually given her a pretty wicked bruise. "Every system in the transporters works. I pulled it apart. I even went EVA to check the transporter external targeting sensors. I went and tracked every single centimetre of ODN and EPS guidelines physical to the transporter systems. I took apart a heisenberg compensator. I even downed an entire transporter just to test it out. Everything works. The computer saying everything works. The maths says everything works. It's only the ACB never coalesces, which means we can never form a stable transporter beam. There's still a lot we don't know about higher level dimensions. This is one of them." She leaned her backside against the console and rubbed her eyes.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Chigorra on August 01, 2021, 08:38:59 PM

[Vulpinian NPC - Assistant 'Gop Gop' | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Gop Gop thought... and he thought... And then he was distracted by the movement of a dangling cable which looked like a tree-climbing rodent... And then he thought some more.

Eventually, he decided that his boss, Cloten, probably wasn't the Kai of Bajor. That didn't seem to match up with what Gop Gop knew about Cloten. But what also didn't match up was this news about the turtle being a former butler of the man making a decision about which ship would get to dock. Gop Gop had dealt with favoritism before, and he dimly wondered whether this was the case now.

He tugged on Cloten's elbow, then winced his overlarge eyelids shut to brace for an expected slap. "Boss.." he tried to start, but wouldn't finish if Cloten shut him down once again.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 02, 2021, 12:42:49 AM

:: Captain's Mess | Katra Station ::

Generally speaking, Kyan avoided social gatherings like this because... well, grups tended to be stuffy and boring.. BUT..on occasion they had pretty good food. Sometimes Klingons showed up, or Ferengi, which were two fo his favorite types of people, and he'd hoped that would be the case today.

Alas, it was not. But the food was good. He'd resolved to finish his plate and make an excuse to leave when the excuse found him.

Kyan couldn't suppress a grin. The Powers were indeed looking after him today. =/\= I'm on my way! =/\= he answered back happily. Then, just for fun, he tapped his badge again. =/\= Mackenzie to Skargarr, and Markington meet me in the docking ring please. We've some cargo to search the now. =/\=

With that, the little Onlie shoveled the last of his food into his mouth and made for the door. "Thanks for Breakfast boss. It was good." he called back to Kirok around the mouthful of food as the doors parted before him.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 02, 2021, 01:43:21 AM

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station| Ops Center

The past several days had been enough to give Eli a permanent furrow, if he didn't already have the slightly raised protrusion that showed his Romulan heritage. He was not one to usually fuss over traffic details but that had shifted with the news around the transporter. So, Eli had taken it the added responsibility of coordinating traffic from OPS, while Drake managed the in flight aspects. The lieutenant had a good feel from the Squall and Eli was not inclined to argue with his frequent flight status. It also meant he had smaller craft available for quicker escort missions and patrols.

What that had meant though was ensuring more timely use of the Katra stations pads. Eli felt that they had enough when intially assigned. That attitude had recently shifted.

=/\= Ferris to Drake, I'm about to switch the patrol flights for relief. Any issues I need to know about?  =/\=

Eli was aware of Drake's position, but always made it a point to inform Drake, who served as their point leader in sky, a job that would be appropriate to give a title, but Eli's imagination had been lacking lately. But, there was plenty to keep his attention.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]
"What the hell is it?!?" snapped Cloten, glaring at Gop Gop.

"Excellent," said Griff, acknowledging Lieutenant MacKenzie, and he looked back at Cloten and Kayad. The two Vulpinians stared at him, Cloten with an increasing scowl, his sharp teeth baring at him, his assistant, the gormless Gop Gop, merely staring blankly, though there was something taking their attention. Kayad, of course, waited patiently, as he usually did; the old fellow was over a hundred years old, and thus patience came naturally to him.

Then Lieutenant Ferris called in. Griff was a little relieved to be relieved, but he still had this row, of sorts, to deal with.

=/\="Drake to Ferris," =/\= he said, opening comms with Ferris,  =/\="Much appreciated, sir. There's still this business with these two cargo skippers, but I'll let you know when I'm finished so the reliefs can come in and relieve me." =/\=

He turned back and stared sternly back at Cloten and Kayad. "Right, you lot. You get the priority dock," he said, pointing to Kayad, only to be interrupted by an expletive by Cloten... "Shut the dickens up, furball, I'm not finished," he snapped back at Cloten. "Kayad, you get the priority dock, but wait to unload, you're going to be inspected. Standard procedure."

Kayad nodded in understanding as Griff turned back to the furry little git. "You, sir, are getting moved to a different docking port. You're getting inspected first."

"Does that mean I get to unload first if I dock first?" said Cloten suspiciously.

"No," Griff retorted. "It means you're getting inspected first to check for any contraband."

"Fine," scowled Cloten. "We have nothing to hide, am I right, Gop Gop?" he added, turning back to his idiot assistant and glaring at him to make sure he kept quiet.

In truth, while Cloten aimed at opening a casino and gin joint, and potentially even a flea market, though compressed in size as it will be, in truth, what he really intended was to open a branch of the black market, all while appearing legitimate, however sleazy he was, on a Federation outpost. After all, the black market was eager to expand operations into the Gamma Quadrant, but Cloten needed a way to get them there. Naturally, he had contraband, he has it cleverly hidden; one could literally take his ship apart and never find it. His only concern was if stupid Gop Gop would talk, hence his glaring at him.


Quote from: Sirol on August 01, 2021, 09:51:05 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Sirol tilted her head and looked at Zex as she pointed out that there was no need to bow. She was correct, but Sirol also was not particularly good at showing gestures of understanding and even appreciation in the same instinctive manner many others did.
"œI apologise"¦ During my studies of intercultural communications I established that statistically speaking bowing and nodding are the most universally understood and utilised gesture across the widest range of species and cultures. If there is any gesture you personally would prefer though"¦ I would be more than willing to utilise it. I want you to be"¦ Happy...
For a moment she once again paused.
Actually her family members did bow to another, as it was custom among most upper houses on Remus. She however decided to not mention it to not derail Zex's original statement.

Zipping her uniform jacket she eventually stepped out of the bathroom again, and nodded towards Zex and the Uropygi before answering her room mate's next question.
"œYou do not need to be sorry for my lack of sleep. It is not your fault.
It is my detachment from the collective consciousness. It causes me mental, emotional"¦ Even physical pain. The problems increase the longer I stay Isolated I think. Starfleet data banks have no accurate reference for any case like mine, but I"¦ Do"¦ Suffer...

Awkwardly clearing her throat she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. As she opened them again she noticed tat the Uropygi was standing b her side, seemingly ready to head out with Sirol and Zex.

With a little smile on her face, she picked up her companion and gave her a little pat on the head, then looked back at Zex, acknowledging her words.
"œFascinating. I am looking forward to meeting them.
Diversity is its own reward and the first important step leading towards true scientific endeavour.
An enclosed system can never expand."

She took another deep breath, then looked up to Zex again.
She had not been aware of Freeman's baby? Had she not welcomed it on their tour in the shuttle? Or did Sirol put the pieces together incorrectly?
"œYes"¦ He has an adopted child named Emerald. We met them while their egg in stasis with us aboard the Flatwoods.
I was with him during most of the hatching process..."

She hesitated for a moment, fondly remembering these uplifting events.
"œFreeman asked for my assistance with setting up the necessary environmental conditions in my lab's quarantine room.
The little one hatched recently, and they are"¦ I think - The sweetest little thing I have ever seen.
You should go and meet them if you find the time."

Sirol brightly smiled at Zex.
It was one of those rare moments. Maybe even the first time for her to ever smile since she had come to the station. One of the few legitimately wholesome and healing moments she had had since she had been ripped out of the anomaly"¦

Eventually though, her smile faded and was replaced by a more generic; a more confused face again.
"œGet breakfast? You mean you will not be around to welcome the new staff members?"
She raised one eyebrow in acknowledgement.
"œ...Would you like me to bring you something from the breakfast later? The frittatas perhaps?"
With a little smirk Sirol looked at Zex while tightening her grip around the Uropygi again, getting ready to head out.

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"No need to apologize.  All's I'm saying is that you don't need to be formal with me.  But if you must nod or bow because it culturally appropriate for you to do so than I don't mind" Zex said warmly.

"Sorry to hear that that is still bugging you.  But maybe being around other will at least distract you from those worries for awhile.  So the breakfast meeting will be good for you.  I'll grab some food and go, then I'm needed in Ops" the Deltan said.

She was quite when the topic of the newborn was brought up.  "I was aware of the egg and the being inside.  But that was Xasik's secret to tell.  I'm glad that he did" Zex added in route to the turbo.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 02, 2021, 12:42:49 AM

:: Captain's Mess | Katra Station ::

Generally speaking, Kyan avoided social gatherings like this because... well, grups tended to be stuffy and boring.. BUT..on occasion they had pretty good food. Sometimes Klingons showed up, or Ferengi, which were two fo his favorite types of people, and he'd hoped that would be the case today.

Alas, it was not. But the food was good. He'd resolved to finish his plate and make an excuse to leave when the excuse found him.

Kyan couldn't suppress a grin. The Powers were indeed looking after him today. =/\= I'm on my way! =/\= he answered back happily. Then, just for fun, he tapped his badge again. =/\= Mackenzie to Skargarr, and Markington meet me in the docking ring please. We've some cargo to search the now. =/\=

With that, the little Onlie shoveled the last of his food into his mouth and made for the door. "Thanks for Breakfast boss. It was good." he called back to Kirok around the mouthful of food as the doors parted before him.

[Captain's mess]

"You are quite welcome, Mr. Mackenzie.  It is acceptable that you dropped by.  Enjoy the rest of your day" Kirok said the the Chief Sec/Tac Officer.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 02, 2021, 12:42:49 AM

=/\= I'm on my way! =/\= he answered back happily. Then, just for fun, he tapped his badge again. =/\= Mackenzie to Skargarr, and Markington meet me in the docking ring please. We've some cargo to search the now. =/\=

With that, the little Onlie shoveled the last of his food into his mouth and made for the door. "Thanks for Breakfast boss. It was good." he called back to Kirok around the mouthful of food as the doors parted before him.

[Katra - Docking Ring]

Downing the last of the Gagh into his mouth the blood drippled from his mouth a bit, as he moved quickly to the docking ring.  He noticed the ships crew that just docked taken a back slightly at the sight of the large Gorn.  "I just had human flesh for breakfast and im still hungry.  Please step aside." Skar said with a hiss as the civilian crew huddled amongst each other and moved away from the Gorn as they were not about to dispute his eating habits from what was known of the race.

For added effect, he shot his tongue out and licked up some of the blood from his muzzle and enjoyed the red liquid which instilled slightly more fear as Skar waited for his superior to show up.  "I think I have had Andorian flesh, Human flesh, Klingon flesh as just accidental.  They were stringy.  Though, I would say its a toss up between Ferengi and Human flesh were the most tender to consume.  Have you had human flesh?" Skar asked jokingly to the civilian crew of the docked vessel, who merely shook there heads vigorously in silence.  "Oh you should try it.  It is very good." Skar said making conversation which had a dual purpose, to keep them in line and to keep them himself entertained.

Schatzi Jyur

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero sat in his office, pouring over pages and pages of paperwork as usual. At the end of every work day it seemed more materialized that needed to be completed before the week was out. He surmised that amount would rival that of both a command officer, and a Doctor rolled into one, the latter of which he had first hand experience with. Stifling a long yawn, he fought the urge to place his head down on his desk, just for a moment. But he knew if he did, it wouldn't be long before his tiredness overcame him.

Abruptly standing, he paced around his office for a moment, trying to revitalize his energy. Stretching his arms out, he grimaced. What with all this desk-work, he was gonna have to get back to the gym more often. Sucking in a breath, he moved back around his desk, saving his work before turning the computer off. A short walk would do him some good, he figured, and then he would get back to his work. Opening his door, he stepped out, preparing to leave.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Docking Bay | Katra Station ::

Kyan had a bounce in his step as he strolled into the docking bay. Searching freighters was like a game to most things tended to be, and one of his favorites at that. You never knew what you were going to find on one of these searches. In fact, that was how he'd come across his Nausiccan disruptor. The captain of the ship was running some... less than legal beverages. Romulan Ale mostly, and in order to get the permit, he'd offered up a good bribe, as any self respecting Ferengi would do.

Kyan had taken the bribe...diplomacy and all.... and added the addendum that the Captain give him information on the activities of some of the more nefarious folks in the region whenever he stopped by. Those types of arrangements were always neccesary for Intelligence types, as well as Security types as well. He was hoping that he'd be able to broker that sort of deal with a few lesser ne'er-do-wells on Katra too. He'd already started the process with Dahrk.

Seeing that Skargarr had arrived already he walked over to the hulking mass of Gorn.

"Merry Met Mister Skargarr." He offered in greeting. "And a fine morning for rifling through other people's stuff isn't it?"



< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2021, 11:46:13 AM

"No need to apologize.  All's I'm saying is that you don't need to be formal with me.  But if you must nod or bow because it culturally appropriate for you to do so than I don't mind" Zex said warmly.

"Sorry to hear that that is still bugging you.  But maybe being around other will at least distract you from those worries for awhile.  So the breakfast meeting will be good for you.  I'll grab some food and go, then I'm needed in Ops" the Deltan said.

She was quite when the topic of the newborn was brought up.  "I was aware of the egg and the being inside.  But that was Xasik's secret to tell.  I'm glad that he did" Zex added in route to the turbo.

"œThank you." Sirol thoughtfully responded towards Zex. She was not sure how to answer her offer, as, frankly, formal was the most honest and personal mode Sirol could be. As long as the scientist was formal and respectful, one could be sure that she was on their side.
Only ever when she would skip calling someone by their appropriate rank or title it would be sign that she did not respect a person enough"¦
With Zex - as with many Federation cultures - it seemed to be the polar opposite, and they  found great joy in inaccuracy. A concept that gave Sirol headache upon trying to grasp it, but she still tried, as it - after all - was her field to understand exotic foreigners.

As she mentioned that the breakfast might serve as a distraction Sirol simply nodded, yet her face made it obvious that Zex not taking Sirol's situation as serious as it was hurt the scientist.
It was one thing to suffer a traumatic experience, but trusting someone enough to open up and have it more or less invalidated by comparing it to a pet peeve was"¦ Damaging"¦
Eventually she folded her arms behind her back.
"œI attend the breakfast to make myself useful; not the other way around.
If I can assist a foreigner to get accustomed and flawlessly integrate into our work procedures, this will be reward in itself for all involved."

Once more she checked the correctness of her hair, with her hand coming to a rest on her left temple again.
The confines of the turbolift seemed to amplify the subjectively felt tightness...
Her head was aching and pounding; the negative pressure in her neck seemingly forcing her to apply pressure with her bare hands.
Zex's mention of Xasik's hatchling though managed to get Sirol to keep speaking.
"œMost of the staff was around to welcome the child. It was a"¦ Spontaneous meeting, but an almost festive one.
I think most of us needed the positivity of a new life joining our ranks to remind ourselves why we are still here.
I"¦ Was not aware of Xasik's child until the last moment, but Xasik, Healer Peylix and I cooperate and intertwine flawlessly to ensure the child's safety and well-being.
It is"¦ Surprisingly fulfilling to pretend."


< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

As the scientist set foot in the Captain's Mess, she just passed Lieutenant Mackenzie on his way out, not wanting to keep or interrupt him, she gave him a polite, speechless salute before she then returned her focus to the rest of the gathered participants.
"œLieutenant Sirol reporting for"¦ Breakfast...
She introduced herself in a slightly hesitant manner, not sure as to whether Breakfast was the main motivation here or a mere umbrella justification for a more informal briefing.
With a polite hailing nod, Sirol acknowledged everyone's presence and proceeded towards the table.
Even without her exoskeleton, her current movement was still stiff and indicated physical pain. Regaining her old muscle strength would take time, but then again, she was in no hurry.

Taking the next available seat at one edge of the table - next to the two strangers she felt most comfortable with (their aura was the least chaotic) she eventually took a little breath, leaning back in her chair, with her joints giving off a painfully sounding sandy crack.
She gently sat down the Uropygi onto her lap, and - just like Sirol - it peeked across the table and curiously examined the people gathered in the room.
As it was with most people after an entire night without sleep, Sirol did not feel particularly hungry. Rather the opposite: The smell of fresh food did not sit too well with her nose yet, but she hoped that a few mugs of strong coffee would change that and kick start her body for the next few hours.

Coffee, yes, that was what her body needed!
Coffee for her body and suitable mediator work for her mind"¦

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 02, 2021, 01:59:55 PM

:: Docking Bay | Katra Station ::

Kyan had a bounce in his step as he strolled into the docking bay. Searching freighters was like a game to most things tended to be, and one of his favorites at that. You never knew what you were going to find on one of these searches. In fact, that was how he'd come across his Nausiccan disruptor. The captain of the ship was running some... less than legal beverages. Romulan Ale mostly, and in order to get the permit, he'd offered up a good bribe, as any self respecting Ferengi would do.

Kyan had taken the bribe...diplomacy and all.... and added the addendum that the Captain give him information on the activities of some of the more nefarious folks in the region whenever he stopped by. Those types of arrangements were always neccesary for Intelligence types, as well as Security types as well. He was hoping that he'd be able to broker that sort of deal with a few lesser ne'er-do-wells on Katra too. He'd already started the process with Dahrk.

Seeing that Skargarr had arrived already he walked over to the hulking mass of Gorn.

"Merry Met Mister Skargarr." He offered in greeting. "And a fine morning for rifling through other people's stuff isn't it?"

Skargarr merely sneered, the disbelief this young morsel was his superior was astoundingly annoying.  But despite being a child, he did hold the higher rank and merely waited to see how the morsel wanted to carry out the search.


Quote from: Serena King on August 02, 2021, 03:45:11 AM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]


Serena narrowed her eyes slightly. Her daily communications roundup had mentioned of visitors of varying description, but she hadn't paid attention to it. "De Sitter space. Well, not really." The small workspace in Katra's Engineering was away and often doubled a small lab away from the main working areas. Pushing a fallen strand of hair, she nodded at the Orion. "Something about this Snake is affecting space. Transporters don't function. That's not an imprecise term, that's a fact and it's driving me insane."

She paused to stretch her arm, where Susan had actually given her a pretty wicked bruise. "Every system in the transporters works. I pulled it apart. I even went EVA to check the transporter external targeting sensors. I went and tracked every single centimetre of ODN and EPS guidelines physical to the transporter systems. I took apart a heisenberg compensator. I even downed an entire transporter just to test it out. Everything works. The computer saying everything works. The maths says everything works. It's only the ACB never coalesces, which means we can never form a stable transporter beam. There's still a lot we don't know about higher level dimensions. This is one of them." She leaned her backside against the console and rubbed her eyes.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800 - Novaar]

Novaar's eyes grew large at the mention that the issue was driving her crazy.  "Oh, dear.  We can't have that" she replied.

Then she fell into listing to what was bugging the young Engineer.  "Hmm.  It seems you have checked over every possible angle.

So, maybe we need to think outside the box.  Perhaps create a different way to get the signal threw.

What if we sent the buffer from point a to point b.  Then once it reaches it's destination, have people rematerialize there.  A metallic outer shell should protect the bio-signatures from the snakes interference" the Orian suggested.


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 02, 2021, 01:39:46 PM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero sat in his office, pouring over pages and pages of paperwork as usual. At the end of every work day it seemed more materialized that needed to be completed before the week was out. He surmised that amount would rival that of both a command officer, and a Doctor rolled into one, the latter of which he had first hand experience with. Stifling a long yawn, he fought the urge to place his head down on his desk, just for a moment. But he knew if he did, it wouldn't be long before his tiredness overcame him.

Abruptly standing, he paced around his office for a moment, trying to revitalize his energy. Stretching his arms out, he grimaced. What with all this desk-work, he was gonna have to get back to the gym more often. Sucking in a breath, he moved back around his desk, saving his work before turning the computer off. A short walk would do him some good, he figured, and then he would get back to his work. Opening his door, he stepped out, preparing to leave.

[Medbay - EQ]

EQ waited a few minutes in Medbay.  If needed, he could activate the holo-doc.   But he preferred to see Dr. X.

She had been so kind to him.  And the holos.  Well, they could sometime be too cold and clinical.

While he waited though, he thought to contact Zero.  -//Kimball to Dr. Jyur.  I'm here in the Medbay.  You want me to come meet you in your office, Sir?\\- the XB asked after tapping his com badge.

Quote from: Sirol on August 02, 2021, 02:16:31 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"œThank you." Sirol thoughtfully responded towards Zex. She was not sure how to answer her offer, as, frankly, formal was the most honest and personal mode Sirol could be. As long as the scientist was formal and respectful, one could be sure that she was on their side.
Only ever when she would skip calling someone by their appropriate rank or title it would be sign that she did not respect a person enough"¦
With Zex - as with many Federation cultures - it seemed to be the polar opposite, and they  found great joy in inaccuracy. A concept that gave Sirol headache upon trying to grasp it, but she still tried, as it - after all - was her field to understand exotic foreigners.

As she mentioned that the breakfast might serve as a distraction Sirol simply nodded, yet her face made it obvious that Zex not taking Sirol's situation as serious as it was hurt the scientist.
It was one thing to suffer a traumatic experience, but trusting someone enough to open up and have it more or less invalidated by comparing it to a pet peeve was"¦ Damaging"¦
Eventually she folded her arms behind her back.
"œI attend the breakfast to make myself useful; not the other way around.
If I can assist a foreigner to get accustomed and flawlessly integrate into our work procedures, this will be reward in itself for all involved."

Once more she checked the correctness of her hair, with her hand coming to a rest on her left temple again.
The confines of the turbolift seemed to amplify the subjectively felt tightness...
Her head was aching and pounding; the negative pressure in her neck seemingly forcing her to apply pressure with her bare hands.
Zex's mention of Xasik's hatchling though managed to get Sirol to keep speaking.
"œMost of the staff was around to welcome the child. It was a"¦ Spontaneous meeting, but an almost festive one.
I think most of us needed the positivity of a new life joining our ranks to remind ourselves why we are still here.
I"¦ Was not aware of Xasik's child until the last moment, but Xasik, Healer Peylix and I cooperate and intertwine flawlessly to ensure the child's safety and well-being.
It is"¦ Surprisingly fulfilling to pretend."


< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

As the scientist set foot in the Captain's Mess, she just passed Lieutenant Mackenzie on his way out, not wanting to keep or interrupt him, she gave him a polite, speechless salute before she then returned her focus to the rest of the gathered participants.
"œLieutenant Sirol reporting for"¦ Breakfast...
She introduced herself in a slightly hesitant manner, not sure as to whether Breakfast was the main motivation here or a mere umbrella justification for a more informal briefing.
With a polite hailing nod, Sirol acknowledged everyone's presence and proceeded towards the table.
Even without her exoskeleton, her current movement was still stiff and indicated physical pain. Regaining her old muscle strength would take time, but then again, she was in no hurry.

Taking the next available seat at one edge of the table - next to the two strangers she felt most comfortable with (their aura was the least chaotic) she eventually took a little breath, leaning back in her chair, with her joints giving off a painfully sounding sandy crack.
She gently sat down the Uropygi onto her lap, and - just like Sirol - it peeked across the table and curiously examined the people gathered in the room.
As it was with most people after an entire night without sleep, Sirol did not feel particularly hungry. Rather the opposite: The smell of fresh food did not sit too well with her nose yet, but she hoped that a few mugs of strong coffee would change that and kick start her body for the next few hours.

Coffee, yes, that was what her body needed!
Coffee for her body and suitable mediator work for her mind"¦

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Zex could sense the shift in mood from her roomie.  But it wasn't enough to trigger her natural defenses.  So she took a breath and smiled.

"I wasn't tying to upset you.   I was only tying to be helpful by making a friendly suggestion.  Sorry if I failed" the Deltan replied.  She dipped her head, sad that should could not help her friend.

"But I'm glad that you had fun being one of the first to meet Xasik's child.  It must have been quite the experience" Zex said.  She shrugged and took a small breath.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Kirok nodded to the Science Officer when she arrived at the Captain's Mess.  "Everyone, this is Sirol.  She is one of our Science Officers" the Captain announced.

"There is a make your own frittata station.  But we also have your more standard breakfast foods.  From many cultures across the universe" Kirok added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2021, 06:39:37 PM

[Medbay - EQ]

EQ waited a few minutes in Medbay.  If needed, he could activate the holo-doc.   But he preferred to see Dr. X.

She had been so kind to him.  And the holos.  Well, they could sometime be too cold and clinical.

While he waited though, he thought to contact Zero.  -//Kimball to Dr. Jyur.  I'm here in the Medbay.  You want me to come meet you in your office, Sir?\\- the XB asked after tapping his com badge.

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Zex could sense the shift in mood from her roomie.  But it wasn't enough to trigger her natural defenses.  So she took a breath and smiled.

"I wasn't tying to upset you.   I was only tying to be helpful by making a friendly suggestion.  Sorry if I failed" the Deltan replied.  She dipped her head, sad that should could not help her friend.

"But I'm glad that you had fun being one of the first to meet Xasik's child.  It must have been quite the experience" Zex said.  She shrugged and took a small breath.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Kirok nodded to the Science Officer when she arrived at the Captain's Mess.  "Everyone, this is Sirol.  She is one of our Science Officers" the Captain announced.

"There is a make your own frittata station.  But we also have your more standard breakfast foods.  From many cultures across the universe" Kirok added.


"Mister Kimball?" she asked gently as she entered into Medbay, a PADD clasped to her chest and a smile washing over her face at the sight of him. "I hope you're doing well."

She set the PADD down at a desk, clasping her hands behind her back as she looked him over. He must be here for the Counsellor but she would always make time for the man. Always. He had been a patient but then the entire station and crew compliment of the Seleya were hers as well in some form or another, though his had been a unique case given his background with the Borg and the cube they'd encountered. But he was upright and alert, both things a success in her book.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Skargarr on August 02, 2021, 03:13:03 PM

Skargarr merely sneered, the disbelief this young morsel was his superior was astoundingly annoying.  But despite being a child, he did hold the higher rank and merely waited to see how the morsel wanted to carry out the search.

Peering up at the mountainous man-o-saurus, Kyan noticed the blood around his maw... and some gagh between his teeth. A grup might have been put off by such brazen savagery. Well, a Human grup anyway, or a Vulcan, but Kyan liked it. It was a good touch for someone in their line of work. "Maybe I'll try that sometime." he thought to himself.

"So it's sizing up these folks we're after today Mister Skargarr, as well as finding any contraband that they might be hiding." Kyan said after a few moments. "And if the contraband isn't serious, like weapons or explosives and things, we might be after letting it go... for a price." Then to make sure the Gorn got his meaning.. "We're still new here you see, so it's contacts and information we want about the goings on here, and what the criminal types get up to. To do that... you gotta develop relationships you see. So don't get yer erhm... spikes up over nothing to small, but take note of anything you find and let me know."

Then, after a pause and loud enough to be heard across the room where a crew was huddled. "Oh... and dinnae eat none of 'em. The Captain doesn't like it when freighter crews get eaten so."

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