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S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Quote from: Serena King on August 31, 2021, 05:36:32 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Very good, Ensign."

Spalding looked up long enough, her mind was too busy. "Apologies, but Engineering's going to have it hands full with repairs. Right now the priority is to make sure we're airtight, that we're not in danger of falling apart and that we can identify where we need to send repair teams first. Ensign, you and the Lieutenant decide what's best. Probably a combination of both." She brushed some loose hair from her forehead. She didn't mean to be curt, but the official damage numbers were extensive. Not severe, but extensive.

Spalding tapped out a few more commands and looked up. "Preliminary review... Two days for outer structural repairs. Four days to reach minimal operating status... About... Two weeks to reach full capacity again. The numbers are scary because of how much there is, but once we get everything in place, it's mostly fixing all the wrecked systems."

[Ops - Novaar]

The Orian offered a nod.  "Both it is then.  I'm working on the programming to move some of it to the secondary computer?  You work on separating it your way" Novaar said in reply.



< Katra Station / Jefferies Tubes -> Shuttle Bay >

Clinging to her remote controlled model warbird, Arrhae had been cowering for sanity knew how long in one of the Jefferies Tubes surrounding the Shuttle bay. Despite her grandfather, her teachers and even the technicians telling her that the tubes were taboo for children, seeking out the next hatch had been her first instinct upon her grandfather telling her to hide and wait for his call.
She had been terrified more than her young mind even knew words for: Too terrified to speak, too terrified to cry, even too terrified to think of where would be the safest place to go...
Ever since they had to move to this station, it had been nothing but war and fear. She was scared, tired, hungry, dirty and wanted nothing more than to return home to the Flotilla"¦

She had lost track of how long she actually had been aimlessly crawling through the tubes, trying to avoid any "˜noisy' areas. It could have been a few minutes, it could have been hours. To her it was impossible to tell"¦
Only ever upon hearing noises"¦ Voices"¦ In one of the neighbouring tubes snapped her back into the present; made her instantly freeze, curl up and cover her mouth with her hands so no one could hear her breathe"¦
Someone had been with her, using the tubes"¦ But their rumbling was passing"¦ She attentively listened to their mumbling, and it did not sound friendly, but she was too scared to move up to catch any clear words or sentences"¦

Quote from: Balan on August 27, 2021, 10:06:06 PM

He blinked his eyes as he found himself blank out as he was staring at the phasers in the locker he checking. That was weird he had done that. He was not truly a human but was he picking up human behaviors? Are they rubbing off him. He was not sure that be a good thing or bad thing.

Once she was definitely sure that she was all alone in her tube again she dared to move further. The sounds of fighting seemed to seize more and more, and a period of creepy silence was followed by yet another period of noise"¦ Stress, work, hassle"¦ Loud voices giving orders to one another"¦ But at least they did not sound aggressive and no gun shots were to be heard anymore"¦
Slowly she made her way forward, her curiosity slowly but surely outweighing her fear. As she spotted light she could tell that one of the hatches in front of her must have been opened, yet no one seemed to really care.
The closer she got, the clearer she could see the legs of people in uniform. Starfleet uniform.
They hastily moved through the large room at the other side, yet the child did not (yet) understand what was going on.
Only one of them seemed to stand still. She could see the legs - and as she poked a little through the open hatch - the body of a Starfleet Officer wearing a gold uniform.
He was looking into a locker full of guns, seemingly looking for something particular.
Remembering her grandfather's advice of seeking out officers in gold if she ever happened to get lost, she decided to approach him a little, and eventually a faint "œHello?" Could be heard from the Jefferies Tube hatch near the unknown person, followed by a "œ...Is it safe to come out now?"

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab -> Tholian Embassy >

For the most part, Peylix had been silent when preparing their departure to the Embassy.
They had been glad to hear that Xasik Freeman shared their sentiment on the importance of the child not growing up in isolation.
Even though it might not have been a statement Xasik would have enjoyed hearing, but to Peylix, the idea of Emerald growing up without other Tholians around could be debilitating to the child's well-being.
They had been relieved to sense Captain Eydis' return, leading them to the conclusion that - even if the child was to be raised here on Katra - that there was some familiar company for the child.
Sure, Sirol by now had been linked to the Lattice and would be willing and able to relay information needed for and to Emerald, but after all, they were not sure as to whether one individual alone would be able to provide the sense of normalcy and stability a child needed.

Xasik's hints of"¦ Mocking of"¦ Even being jealous of Sirol's opportunity though made them think: They had expected for Xasik to share her happiness, but then had to remind themself of the fact that Xasik did not share his experiences with them.
An unfortunate insular existence. One Peylix began to slowly understand thanks to Scientist Sirol's shared impressions of what it meant to be lonely"¦

Peylix closely observed Xasik's gentle and loving handling of the child while they had been heading out.
Internally they beamed a little with happiness.
Being calm and collected after being told they would have to state their claim of parentage before the high council was a prospect Peylix assumed most adoptive parents would find terrifying at best, humiliating at worst.
But Xasik Freeman remained stoic and had eyes for nothing else but his child.
Suddenly though, Freeman's words made them hesitate.

Quote from: Xasik on August 30, 2021, 11:44:53 PM

"œHealer, I would feel better if you carried Emerald until we reached the embassy. I am a trained warrior and feel it is my duty to defend my child in any way that I can. In this situation I feel I am most useful in a defensive position should we encounter hostile company. If anything were to happen to me, I request that you and Sirol take care of Emerald."

He handed the ECS to Peylix and took up the rear position, his senses going into overdrive as best they could from within the EV Suit. He could hear Emerald clicking and chirping for him but he had to ignore it for now. He couldn't afford to let his guard down.

Peylix immediately took the ECS and let Xasik fall back.
He was correct, and there was no denying. They had little to no combat expertise, simply due to the fact that it was not part of their function, so instead they took the hatchling and protectively wrapped their arms around the sphere.
Xasik Freeman's question though"¦ Unsettled them"¦ An awkward feeling like a stingy taste which was noticeable to the Tholians around"¦
Was Xasik intending to have Peylix and Sirol as co-parents?
Was he suggesting Peylix adopt Emerald and Scientist Sirol?
Or was he even intending to "˜recruit' both of them as his"¦ Mates?

Peylix was unsure of how to react to that"¦ Despite how much they adored Emerald and how - admittedly much - they enjoyed their current assignment as their caregiver"¦ They also had a family back home"¦
<"I will"¦ Make sure to act in the best interest of the hatchling's well-being and prosperous future."> Peylix eventually responded, deciding to postpone their questions and a potential discussion about such a subject for later once they were out of a crisis situation...


< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Quote from: npc3 on August 29, 2021, 09:53:01 AM

[Ops - Lonar]

The Tholian could feel the concern in Sirol's thoughts.  He sent back his onw feeling of reassurance. Zex is unharmed. Do not worry on her account.  She is visiting someone there only.  And maybe to lead a hand if they needed Lonar thinks.  How are you dealing with all of this.  Adjusting to the lattice in such a chaotic time?" [/color=teal] he asked.

A wave of relief could be sensed from Sirol upon the news that Zex was safe.
When this was over she would have to give Zex a big hug - after all, now Sirol was about to regain the self-confidence to do so.
"˜Thank you for the update, my friend.' She relayed with a beam of warmth and joy, before she began to answer his question.
"˜I am"¦ Really well"¦ I am learning my way of communicating and parallel sensing I think"¦ It is"¦ Liberating"¦ I feel like myself at last"¦ Whole again"¦ But still trying to find the right words for everything"¦
Thank you so much for this"¦ I think since you linked me, I am alive again"¦ And I can be of use and help...'

Once more she transmitted her feeling of happiness and gratitude towards Lonar, before she focused on the warriors again. The first ones were about to reach their destinations, and Sirol kept checking her HUD to make sure that all of them were safe en route and their feed of information was as fresh as possible.
From the corner of her eye Sirol noticed how Xasik took a seat on the ground. She smirked a little at that odd sight, but was playing with the idea to maybe do the same. She still had to be careful about applying pressure to her spine after all.
Quote from: Xasik on August 30, 2021, 11:44:53 PM

Emerald seemed to relish this sudden new found freedom and began to gently rock the bubble back and forth as they tested out their own strength, managing to even roll the bubble slightly. They squeaked in excitement.

"œPEEP! Squeak! Click!" Emerald happily exclaimed as they rocked back and forth. Eventually though their focus settled on the Soft One (Sirol), or who they thought might be the Soft One. The covering was different but they felt like the Soft One. Emerald called out to her in the same way they always did when they saw her. If it was the Soft One then she would respond to them. They tried to rock the bubble a little more to begin making their way over towards her.

As she noticed little Emerald trying to move their Baby Bubble closer towards Sirol, the scientist eventually hunkered down and reached out for it.
"œHello, cyar'ika! I missed you..."
She quietly spoke - almost even whispered towards Emerald before she went quiet again, fearing that her speaking might interfere with her relayed information and communication via the Lattice, which - at least for now - took presidency.
Picking up the bubble she gave the little one a wide smile and mimicked a friendly parental tholian chirp towards them, slightly hugging the bubble in one arm, while she still had her other arm protectively around the Uropygi.
It was an almost ironic sight how she stood there: Snuggling her two little ones in the middle of combat...

Once again she could sense Captain Eydis observing her again, as well as hir low level concern for Zex. Turning around Sirol gave the Captain a silent, warm smile, followed by a wave of warmth and care via the Lattice.
She did not mind being evaluated by the Captain, after all that was more than fair and appropriate for the situation. However, Sirol made sure to assure Eydis that Zex was going to be alright, and that Sirol would be here if the Captain needed someone.

Eventually she hunkered down once more, letting the Uropygi and Emerald roam free again, before immersing herself in her current task of coordinating the warriors again.

Quote from: Eydis on August 31, 2021, 03:10:55 AM

Eydis would walk over to emerald and xasik finding hirself rooting for Xasik to secure parental rights from the council. But just then dominating the lattice was the entity. It had decided on its own to begin a approach to station. And it's mood transmitted over the lattice was like that of approaching dark tropical storm.

Eydis would tense up and look to sirol, then xasik as well the healer.

Slasvia has decided to approach the station and the conflict . It could prove very bad. 

As Sirol sensed the presence of Slasvia her eyes widened in surprise before she could gather herself and turned around to give Captain Eydis an asking look.
She knew that Slasvia was the Captain's friend, or at least ally, but hardly knew anything more about the life form itself and it's motivations and/or capabilities"¦
"œDoes Slasvia understand that we are in a combat situation and approaching may be dangerous?..." She asked in a serious tone, before she hesitantly reached out and gently placed one hand on the Captain's shoulder.
"œ...How can we avoid any unnecessary casualties?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake, callsign Gryphon | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Proximity]

He remembered every detail of the war stories told of fights against the Jem'Hadar. He knew where to strike, where to evade. Gideon was making his family proud.

True, the Squall got plenty singed as it weaved about. To any onlookers, Gideon would've certainly looked like he handled his metal flying girl like he was part bird. Every shot, every torpedo found their mark. He was sure the squadron following took as much down as he did, but Gideon certainly accounted for the most.

Finally, the last Jem'Hadar ship, turning arse and running. Gideon swept in and launched his last torpedo, the last of his reload, up the warship's arse. The bugger disappeared in a fireball with the rest of its chums.

"Squall to Ops," he called, jubilant, "the last of the Jem'Hadar has been taken care of."

Gideon Drake

[Mister Kayad | Turbolift | Ops | Deck One | Katra Station]

The door to the turbolift had opened to the command center, but Kayad hesitated stepping out without permission. It was etiquette of a gentleman after all, especially for a gentleman's gentleman, no matter the size of the gentleman, to seek permission.

The information given by the furball Cloten prompted him to make a beeline for the nearest turbolift. he had to find someone in charge to pass the information on. He tried to ask the security personnel to contact their departmental head, though he saw the eyes of Cloten's crew making astonished noises.

"Is the boss selling us out?" one asked.

"None of my concern, ruffians," retorted Kayad, though he reflected that Cloten's cells weren't far from the cells of his crew. The Orions had a cell adjacent to Cloten's. Naturally, the news was bound to spread.

But that wasn't of Kayad's concerns. He needed to find the person in charge to relay information.

"Hullo?" he called out to anybody in Ops. "Hullo? I need to speak to someone in charge, perhaps your commanding officers are available? I request permission to get into your operations center..."

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris Ferris| Katra station| OPS

Quote from: Kirok on August 31, 2021, 12:43:42 PM


Kiork turned his head and watched the main view screen.  At first it seemed that nothing different was happening.  There were no tell tell visible signs from the snake.

Not at first, but then it began to swell and contract back to it's original size with each pulse.  When Hayo announced that she was at pulse three, the max setting, the snake swelled even larger.

The half Vulcan held his breath for a moment, now looking at the Jem'hadar ships.  The far back each them began to change.  To disintegrated and crumble just like Meridian had.

"Stop the pulses. We got our reaction." Eli looked to the science officer. "The snake matches energy with energy. It must use up an incredible amount of energy to contract like that."

Quote from: Kirok on August 31, 2021, 04:35:28 PM


The view screen showed the Jem'hadar ships in near ruin.  At least the back portion where there propulsion sat was gone.  Each ship tilted just slightly, even unable to get off a straight shot.

"Mr. Ferris, pull back the fighter's right away.  Direct them to intercept the Breen" the Captain said.

"Aye, Captain." Eli moved back to his station, making sure he could see his fighters locations.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 31, 2021, 11:53:07 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake, callsign Gryphon | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Proximity]

He remembered every detail of the war stories told of fights against the Jem'Hadar. He knew where to strike, where to evade. Gideon was making his family proud.

True, the Squall got plenty singed as it weaved about. To any onlookers, Gideon would've certainly looked like he handled his metal flying girl like he was part bird. Every shot, every torpedo found their mark. He was sure the squadron following took as much down as he did, but Gideon certainly accounted for the most.

Finally, the last Jem'Hadar ship, turning arse and running. Gideon swept in and launched his last torpedo, the last of his reload, up the warship's arse. The bugger disappeared in a fireball with the rest of its chums.

"Squall to Ops," he called, jubilant, "the last of the Jem'Hadar has been taken care of."

=/\= Excellent work, Mr. Drake. Well done. Regroup and move to intercept the Breen. Tight formation. I do not want them to have any wiggle room. Updating coordinates to you now." Eli tapped at his console, sending updated information to Gideon to ensure their intercept course was as efficient as possible. Quickness would be their asset here.


Quote from: Sirol on August 31, 2021, 10:40:03 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab -> Tholian Embassy >

For the most part, Peylix had been silent when preparing their departure to the Embassy.
They had been glad to hear that Xasik Freeman shared their sentiment on the importance of the child not growing up in isolation.
Even though it might not have been a statement Xasik would have enjoyed hearing, but to Peylix, the idea of Emerald growing up without other Tholians around could be debilitating to the child's well-being.
They had been relieved to sense Captain Eydis' return, leading them to the conclusion that - even if the child was to be raised here on Katra - that there was some familiar company for the child.
Sure, Sirol by now had been linked to the Lattice and would be willing and able to relay information needed for and to Emerald, but after all, they were not sure as to whether one individual alone would be able to provide the sense of normalcy and stability a child needed.

Xasik's hints of"¦ Mocking of"¦ Even being jealous of Sirol's opportunity though made them think: They had expected for Xasik to share her happiness, but then had to remind themself of the fact that Xasik did not share his experiences with them.
An unfortunate insular existence. One Peylix began to slowly understand thanks to Scientist Sirol's shared impressions of what it meant to be lonely"¦

Peylix closely observed Xasik's gentle and loving handling of the child while they had been heading out.
Internally they beamed a little with happiness.
Being calm and collected after being told they would have to state their claim of parentage before the high council was a prospect Peylix assumed most adoptive parents would find terrifying at best, humiliating at worst.
But Xasik Freeman remained stoic and had eyes for nothing else but his child.
Suddenly though, Freeman's words made them hesitate.

Peylix immediately took the ECS and let Xasik fall back.
He was correct, and there was no denying. They had little to no combat expertise, simply due to the fact that it was not part of their function, so instead they took the hatchling and protectively wrapped their arms around the sphere.
Xasik Freeman's question though"¦ Unsettled them"¦ An awkward feeling like a stingy taste which was noticeable to the Tholians around"¦
Was Xasik intending to have Peylix and Sirol as co-parents?
Was he suggesting Peylix adopt Emerald and Scientist Sirol?
Or was he even intending to "˜recruit' both of them as his"¦ Mates?

Peylix was unsure of how to react to that"¦ Despite how much they adored Emerald and how - admittedly much - they enjoyed their current assignment as their caregiver"¦ They also had a family back home"¦
<"I will"¦ Make sure to act in the best interest of the hatchling's well-being and prosperous future."> Peylix eventually responded, deciding to postpone their questions and a potential discussion about such a subject for later once they were out of a crisis situation...



< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

A wave of relief could be sensed from Sirol upon the news that Zex was safe.
When this was over she would have to give Zex a big hug - after all, now Sirol was about to regain the self-confidence to do so.
"˜Thank you for the update, my friend.' She relayed with a beam of warmth and joy, before she began to answer his question.
"˜I am"¦ Really well"¦ I am learning my way of communicating and parallel sensing I think"¦ It is"¦ Liberating"¦ I feel like myself at last"¦ Whole again"¦ But still trying to find the right words for everything"¦
Thank you so much for this"¦ I think since you linked me, I am alive again"¦ And I can be of use and help...'

Once more she transmitted her feeling of happiness and gratitude towards Lonar, before she focused on the warriors again. The first ones were about to reach their destinations, and Sirol kept checking her HUD to make sure that all of them were safe en route and their feed of information was as fresh as possible.
From the corner of her eye Sirol noticed how Xasik took a seat on the ground. She smirked a little at that odd sight, but was playing with the idea to maybe do the same. She still had to be careful about applying pressure to her spine after all.

As she noticed little Emerald trying to move their Baby Bubble closer towards Sirol, the scientist eventually hunkered down and reached out for it.
"œHello, cyar'ika! I missed you..."
She quietly spoke - almost even whispered towards Emerald before she went quiet again, fearing that her speaking might interfere with her relayed information and communication via the Lattice, which - at least for now - took presidency.
Picking up the bubble she gave the little one a wide smile and mimicked a friendly parental tholian chirp towards them, slightly hugging the bubble in one arm, while she still had her other arm protectively around the Uropygi.
It was an almost ironic sight how she stood there: Snuggling her two little ones in the middle of combat...

Once again she could sense Captain Eydis observing her again, as well as hir low level concern for Zex. Turning around Sirol gave the Captain a silent, warm smile, followed by a wave of warmth and care via the Lattice.
She did not mind being evaluated by the Captain, after all that was more than fair and appropriate for the situation. However, Sirol made sure to assure Eydis that Zex was going to be alright, and that Sirol would be here if the Captain needed someone.

< Katra Station / Ops - Lonar >

The Tholian could feel the Sirol was relieved.  A signal that friendship between her and Zex must be deep.  "It is not a problem, Sirol of Katra.

It is good to hear that you are adjusting well.  It can be difficult at first.  But I feel that you are growing more comfortable with it.

And you are, of course, welcome.  Lonar always is happy to connect with others.  To introduce them to the lattice" he replied.


Quote from: Skargarr on August 31, 2021, 07:46:02 PM


"Yes sir." Skar said as he sent out the hail but no response.  Then he sent out a hail on all used frequencies and still nothing.  "Nothing, sir.  I have even rotated through our entire bandwidth of hailing channels, its possible they either dont wish to talk or they cant.  Might I suggest, sending either a probe or directing a fighter or two for visual confirmation?." Skar said aloud to Kirok.

"Also sir, it is known that the Breen are a warring species, but very xenophobic.  The Federation database does not have alot on them but what we know of them during the dominion war.  Anything else is pure guess work with no actual proof to back it up.  Though I do know there is a saying about turning your back on the Breen, you dont!.  So I suggest destroying the Breen vessels when encountered to be safe, a wounded animal is often the most dangerous, also if I were the Breen or the Jem Hadar I would be setting my engines to overload to take as many Federation fighters with me as I could.  They cant run, they cant fight, best play dead until the last minute to strike.  If anything, it might give them some respect for us.  Starfleet is a peaceful organization but sometimes to secure peace with a warlike species, you must become the primal version of yourself to secure peace." Skar said as he shared a bit of his own wisdom about leaving a dangerous wounded animal alive.


Kirok did not find it acceptable that the Breen would not respond.  Such a pity.  For them.

The half Vulcan turned to Skargaar and tilted his head.  "Why would mercenaries choose to destroy their onw vessels rather than flee?  That seems illogical and counter-intuitive.

Nonetheless, there is some logic to your comment.  When dealing with a warrior race, you have to meet them on their own level to obtain respect.  Fire the micro torpedoes from the firechaine defense system at that the Breen as soon as they are within range.  Perhaps that will get their attention" Kirok said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Eli Ferris on September 01, 2021, 12:32:31 AM

Lt. Eli Ferris Ferris| Katra station| OPS"Stop the pulses. We got our reaction." Eli looked to the science officer. "The snake matches energy with energy. It must use up an incredible amount of energy to contract like that.""Aye, Captain." Eli moved back to his station, making sure he could see his fighters locations.

=/\= Excellent work, Mr. Drake. Well done. Regroup and move to intercept the Breen. Tight formation. I do not want them to have any wiggle room. Updating coordinates to you now." Eli tapped at his console, sending updated information to Gideon to ensure their intercept course was as efficient as possible. Quickness would be their asset here.

[OPS - Hayo]

"Aye, Sir" Hayo replied.  She turned off the instrument as soon as instructed.  She too saw the response in the snake.

"It does match energy for energy" the science officer added while still watching the snake on her monitor.  "Is that just a reflex or was that intentional?  And if it was intentional, does it have some level of intelligence or sentience?" she wondered aloud.


Quote from: Kirok on September 01, 2021, 12:17:06 PM


Kirok did not find it acceptable that the Breen would not respond.  Such a pity.  For them.

The half Vulcan turned to Skargaar and tilted his head.  "Why would mercenaries choose to destroy their own vessels rather than flee?  That seems illogical and counter-intuitive.

Nonetheless, there is some logic to your comment.  When dealing with a warrior race, you have to meet them on their own level to obtain respect.  Fire the micro torpedoes from the fire chain defense system at that the Breen as soon as they are within range.  Perhaps that will get their attention" Kirok said.

"Well, sir.  A purposefully initiated warp core breach is an effective method of creating a massive shock wave on top of an excellent way of destroying smaller vessels such as fighters.  Crude, yet very effective to the unsuspecting passerby.  Also would disable a vessel as well if not destroy them.  Could also set a warpcore to not explode but to create a MASSIVE! EM shockwave to disable unfriendly vessels.  But in the end, if you have no other choices available to you people will do anything to survive or prevent from being captured." Skar said as he fired pressed the button to fire a micro torpedo, and watched on sensors as it sped towards its intended target and hit it but managed to wound the breen fighter without destroying it.

Kyle Briggs

[Katra - OCC]

Kyle preceded EQ out of his office just as the Captain mentioned the Breen.

"The Breen? Are we having to deal with them now?" he asked innocently.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on September 01, 2021, 12:17:06 PM


Kirok did not find it acceptable that the Breen would not respond.  Such a pity.  For them.

The half Vulcan turned to Skargaar and tilted his head.  "Why would mercenaries choose to destroy their onw vessels rather than flee?  That seems illogical and counter-intuitive.

Nonetheless, there is some logic to your comment.  When dealing with a warrior race, you have to meet them on their own level to obtain respect.  Fire the micro torpedoes from the firechaine defense system at that the Breen as soon as they are within range.  Perhaps that will get their attention" Kirok said.

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena had been discharged from Medbay. Although the ear implant had been rebooted and Doctor Xiiv's medical expertise had helped, her head still spun slightly. She had had every intention of heading to her quarters, but seeing the work parties everywhere had triggered something within her. Not just her Engineers, but Starfleet and civilian personnel together, helping clear corridors and helping out. Hence her decision to head to OPS.

"Whoever threw that stun grenade has both a good arm and poor aim. I still haven't recovered my hearing and my head... Mayb-"

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Oh no you don't."

Petty Officer 1st Class Samantha Spalding leapt out of her seat at the Engineering console and gently grabbed Serena by the shoulders, guiding her back towards the turbolift. "Doctor Xiiv directly ordered you to bed and that's where you're headed." She got the attention of a nearby Crewman. "These orders are not to be countermanded. Get her to her personal quarters. Go." The turbolift closed behind the two. Shaking her head, Spalding returned to the Engineering console and continued coordinating repairs.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Skargarr on September 01, 2021, 04:19:57 PM

"Well, sir.  A purposefully initiated warp core breach is an effective method of creating a massive shock wave on top of an excellent way of destroying smaller vessels such as fighters.  Crude, yet very effective to the unsuspecting passerby.  Also would disable a vessel as well if not destroy them.  Could also set a warpcore to not explode but to create a MASSIVE! EM shockwave to disable unfriendly vessels.  But in the end, if you have no other choices available to you people will do anything to survive or prevent from being captured." Skar said as he fired pressed the button to fire a micro torpedo, and watched on sensors as it sped towards its intended target and hit it but managed to wound the breen fighter without destroying it.


Kirok's head was still tilted.  But now one of his eyebrows arced.  "Both interesting ideas, Skargaar.  But having no spare warp cores at the moment, let stick to the basic.  Load torpedoes and arm phasers please" the Captain replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: npc3 on August 31, 2021, 04:17:21 PM

[Brig - Alpha & EMH]

The emotion that was coming off of Alpha was sheer hatred, but he was lying about giving up the name if Jyur came closer.  His heart was racing in anticipation of the opportunity to close a trap on the counselor - physically.  The EMH registered dramatic change in vitals and produced a hypo.

"This will help you calm down a bit" it said to Alpha, then placed his holo hand on the Hunters heart - just inches from the being's mouth.  "But I'm closer, so let me ask.  Who's looking?  Who responded to your hale.  Who hates us as much if not more than you?" the EMH asked.

[Brig - Alpha]

Alpha's focus turned from Jyur to the EMH.  The medicine did affect him slightly, but it was just enough that he finally said the name of that he had been withhold.   "It's the Zhat Vash" he said before trying to take a bite out of the EMH's hand.


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 01, 2021, 09:43:05 PM

[Katra - OCC]

Kyle preceded EQ out of his office just as the Captain mentioned the Breen.

"The Breen? Are we having to deal with them now?" he asked innocently.


Kiork turned to Kyle.  "I am as surprised as you.  We've tried haling them but got no reply.  Now we are preparing for battle while strategizing.  Have you had any success in beating them in the past?" the half Vulcan asked.

Quote from: Serena King on September 02, 2021, 05:21:33 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]


Serena had been discharged from Medbay. Although the ear implant had been rebooted and Doctor Xiiv's medical expertise had helped, her head still spun slightly. She had had every intention of heading to her quarters, but seeing the work parties everywhere had triggered something within her. Not just her Engineers, but Starfleet and civilian personnel together, helping clear corridors and helping out. Hence her decision to head to OPS.

"Whoever threw that stun grenade has both a good arm and poor aim. I still haven't recovered my hearing and my head... Mayb-"

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Oh no you don't."

Petty Officer 1st Class Samantha Spalding leapt out of her seat at the Engineering console and gently grabbed Serena by the shoulders, guiding her back towards the turbolift. "Doctor Xiiv directly ordered you to bed and that's where you're headed." She got the attention of a nearby Crewman. "These orders are not to be countermanded. Get her to her personal quarters. Go." The turbolift closed behind the two. Shaking her head, Spalding returned to the Engineering console and continued coordinating repairs.


Looking to King, the Captain offered a nod.  She looking like she had survived something and just came from Medbay.  But he listened to her comment and turned to Kyle.  "I'll let you handle that one" the Captain said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on August 31, 2021, 08:09:53 PM

[Katra - Medbay]

Once things were a little less dire, Dr Xiiv stopped by Serena's biobed and sat for a while, giving herself a little break and a chance to talk to the woman. A tricorder in hand, she scanned her and nodded.

"If you want to get out of here and can make it to your quarters to rest," she said, "you're welcome to do so. The implant is now working at a hundred percent, so it should make things easier for you. Rest as much as possible and try not to strain yourself. If you need help, I'm happy to come assist."

[Katra - Medbay - Cartis (after leaving Kyan's room)]

The Ocampan waited until Xiiv finished talking to King.  "Another one discharged.  Looks like we are moving in the right direction" he said optimistically.  "How long you been here at Katra, by the way?" he asked curiously now that there was a bit of a break between patients.

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