S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Quote from: Kirok on September 05, 2021, 06:41:24 PM


Kirok paused for just a second before offing a nod to the Gorn.  They had tried to communicate with the Breen.  Had offered warning shorts in the form of mirco torpedoes.

Both had been ignored.  Leaving them with no other choice but to attack with the intent to harm.   So he off gave the nod, watched the torpedoes fly, then called out "report."


Lonar was the first to respond.  "The two carries are heavily damaged.  The fighters are pulling away" the Tholian said.


Quote from: npc3 on September 05, 2021, 06:46:00 PM


Lonar was the first to respond.  "The two carries are heavily damaged.  The fighters are pulling away" the Tholian said.


"Reload torpedo's.  But hold.  I want to give them a chance to bow out gracefully" Kirok replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Quote from: npc3 on September 04, 2021, 03:51:37 PM

"It is good that you are adjusting well.  There is much happening up here.  Lonar will let you know if anything further happens" the Tholian replied.

"˜Acknowledged' Sirol relayed towards him, before she then returned her focus on the warriors, Slasvia and her little family within this Embassy.

Quote from: Xasik on September 05, 2021, 08:53:10 AM

The Soft One was different now though, Emerald could sense it. Now she hummed just like the Humming One and the strangers around them. The Soft One was now exactly the same as Emerald, and as she held them in their ECS the hatchling was soothed and relaxed.

"œClick, chirp, click!" The hatchling cooed happily at The Soft One. They felt so safe and warm with her.

It took Sirol a second to properly internalise the impressions she slowly but surely received from the child - the longer it lasted the more profound and three dimensional the perception seemed to become.
"œThey are"¦ Sensing us via the Lattice"¦" She stated in a surprised - noticeably happy - tone, tilting her head and patting the little one's ECS before linking to the warriors again and providing her next situational update for them, as well as asking them about any potential occurrences.

Emerald stayed busy"¦ The little one even seemed to be able to sense Sirol in particular"¦ And they seemed to desperately want a hug from her...
With a little sigh of parental defeat she eventually decided to grant the little one their wish. For now.
It would only take a few seconds to re-activate the ECS if needed and little Emerald seemed truly desperate for attention"¦
Opening the baby bubble she gently lifted the child up, carrying them on one arm, softly stroking their little head with her free hand, then slowly faced Eydis again.
"œCaptain"¦ Judging by both, the impressions I feel from it, as well as your description, Slasvia seems like a confused, volatile child"¦
Does it understand the current situation's danger? How can we help de-escalate the situation?"

Sirol could sense that the hatchling was still scared and in distress. And while Emerald seemed not to be able to clearly phrase and relay their feelings, Sirol could still gather enough to understand that it had been Slasvia's sudden telepathic contact to frighten them.
Sirol began to gently rock the child [no pun intended] on her arms while both, speaking to Captain Eydis and coordinating the warriors.
She was sad that she - right now - was not able to give the little one all of her attention, but she promised to make up for it as soon as she would be able to.

Quote from: Xasik on September 05, 2021, 08:53:10 AM


When The New One (Eydis) touched their head Emerald cried out in distress and reached their arms out towards The Soft One (Sirol). They squeaked desperately to try and get her attention, their little hands flexing open and closed to emphasize the point. The New One was not The Soft One and right now Emerald wanted The Soft One.
Normally they were excited to meet every New One that came into their world, but right now with The Sharp One in distress and something bad coming Emerald just wanted the comfort of their parents.

The New One hummed just like The Humming One and The Soft One but shi was not either of them. When shi touched the hatchling's head they saw hir in their mind and felt her intent to calm and soothe them, but it was all too overwhelming. They once more cried out for The Soft One and reached out their arms towards her to be picked up.

Of course to Sirol as an adult, as well as someone who had worked (and shared impressions) with Eydis, the presence of the warrior was welcome and felt natural, but Emerald seemed to disagree. The hatchling appeared scared and overwhelmed at the new and unknown presence(s).
It saddened Sirol to witness this situation; to see one soul she cared about being scared by another soul she cared about.
She tilted her head and gave Eydis an apologising look.
Of course Emerald was still too young for explanations, so instead she had to try their own, childlike way.
Just like both, Sirol and Eydis had done it before, the scientist once more tried to reach out to the child in particular, make her presence, warmth and love known to them, to calm them down.
Then, after some moments had passed, the scientist reached out for Eydis' hand and slowly took it, making sure that the hatchling would see it, then she would attempt to move her and Eydis' hand towards one of Emerald's stretched out, open arms to meet - To establish a first contact vial little baby steps.
"˜See"¦ It is alright...' She softly relayed to the little one. "˜Eydis is with me, and shi is very dear - just like you.'
She smiled, hoping that Emerald would be able to calm down and lose their fear, as well as that Eydis would not take offense to Sirol touching hir.

Quote from: Xasik on September 05, 2021, 08:53:10 AM


"œSo your advice is to go with the flow? How can I achieve that when it feels like my brain is melting?" Xasik groaned again and clutched at his helmet, desperate to take it off but being unable to remove it due to the environment of the Tholain Embassy.

"œI can't help but resist it. You say that it cannot harm me but I feel like my brain is being mushed into a pulp. I was trained to withstand telepathic attacks, but never anything of this magnitude. However, I will try Healer. If it helps with this pain, I will try."

The healer looked at Xasik Freeman with slowly growing concern to be noticeable in their aura. To them it had seemed an easy task, but maybe vulcanoid telepathy consisted of a different bandwidth of perceptions than the tholian one.
Considering the fact that - without technological aid - not even their brain waves were compatible, they were certain of it, but by the end of the day there were little to now studies on that particular subject on either side. For now.
<"I understand that you are facing"¦ Distress"¦ And apologise for my advice seemingly being less effective than expected.
Would you prefer a sedative? I could replicate a spectrum from mild to hard - depending on your preference.">

They speculated about potentially promising suppressor technology for a moment, but then remembered that there seemed to be no such thing in possession of most outsider cultures - not to mention Katra station.
Temporarily their worry seemed to increase - that was until they realised the change in Xasik's tone, pace and mimic"¦
Looking at his adopted child being held up and spoken to by Captain Eydis and Scientist Sirol seemed to help. Maybe not with the sensation he felt, but certainly by serving as a distraction...

Quote from: Xasik on September 05, 2021, 08:53:10 AM

Reaching up, Xasik gently placed a hand on the arm Peylix had extended to touch his shoulder. It was his non verbal way of thanking the healer for helping him through this strange ordeal.

"œI'm starting to think it's a bad idea to ever leave the lab. Every time I do something bad seems to happen."

Xasik Freeman touching their arm startled the healer for a moment, yet it took them mere seconds to adjust. After all, they had been the one to start it"¦
They acknowledged his gesture with a little nod, and his words with a chirping cackle their translator failed to process, hence them adding.
<"I understand what you feel and share your sentiment.
If it was not my duty and function, I would not have chosen to be stationed in a war zone either.
But we persevere...">

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kirok on September 05, 2021, 07:23:10 PM


"Reload torpedo's.  But hold.  I want to give them a chance to bow out gracefully" Kirok replied.

"We did destroy 28% if there fighter support with the primary volley.  Those not destroyed are infact leaving the engagement zone." Skar called out as he kept his hand close to the firing buttons just incase this was just a probing assault and the real threat was closer at hand.


Quote from: Sirol on September 05, 2021, 11:23:45 PM

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >
"˜Acknowledged' Sirol relayed towards him, before she then returned her focus on the warriors, Slasvia and her little family within this Embassy.

It took Sirol a second to properly internalise the impressions she slowly but surely received from the child - the longer it lasted the more profound and three dimensional the perception seemed to become.
"œThey are"¦ Sensing us via the Lattice"¦" She stated in a surprised - noticeably happy - tone, tilting her head and patting the little one's ECS before linking to the warriors again and providing her next situational update for them, as well as asking them about any potential occurrences.

Emerald stayed busy"¦ The little one even seemed to be able to sense Sirol in particular"¦ And they seemed to desperately want a hug from her...
With a little sigh of parental defeat she eventually decided to grant the little one their wish. For now.
It would only take a few seconds to re-activate the ECS if needed and little Emerald seemed truly desperate for attention"¦
Opening the baby bubble she gently lifted the child up, carrying them on one arm, softly stroking their little head with her free hand, then slowly faced Eydis again.
"œCaptain"¦ Judging by both, the impressions I feel from it, as well as your description, Slasvia seems like a confused, volatile child"¦
Does it understand the current situation's danger? How can we help de-escalate the situation?"

Sirol could sense that the hatchling was still scared and in distress. And while Emerald seemed not to be able to clearly phrase and relay their feelings, Sirol could still gather enough to understand that it had been Slasvia's sudden telepathic contact to frighten them.
Sirol began to gently rock the child [no pun intended] on her arms while both, speaking to Captain Eydis and coordinating the warriors.
She was sad that she - right now - was not able to give the little one all of her attention, but she promised to make up for it as soon as she would be able to.

Of course to Sirol as an adult, as well as someone who had worked (and shared impressions) with Eydis, the presence of the warrior was welcome and felt natural, but Emerald seemed to disagree. The hatchling appeared scared and overwhelmed at the new and unknown presence(s).
It saddened Sirol to witness this situation; to see one soul she cared about being scared by another soul she cared about.
She tilted her head and gave Eydis an apologising look.
Of course Emerald was still too young for explanations, so instead she had to try their own, childlike way.
Just like both, Sirol and Eydis had done it before, the scientist once more tried to reach out to the child in particular, make her presence, warmth and love known to them, to calm them down.
Then, after some moments had passed, the scientist reached out for Eydis' hand and slowly took it, making sure that the hatchling would see it, then she would attempt to move her and Eydis' hand towards one of Emerald's stretched out, open arms to meet - To establish a first contact vial little baby steps.
"˜See"¦ It is alright...' She softly relayed to the little one. "˜Eydis is with me, and shi is very dear - just like you.'
She smiled, hoping that Emerald would be able to calm down and lose their fear, as well as that Eydis would not take offense to Sirol touching hir.


The healer looked at Xasik Freeman with slowly growing concern to be noticeable in their aura. To them it had seemed an easy task, but maybe vulcanoid telepathy consisted of a different bandwidth of perceptions than the tholian one.
Considering the fact that - without technological aid - not even their brain waves were compatible, they were certain of it, but by the end of the day there were little to now studies on that particular subject on either side. For now.
<"I understand that you are facing"¦ Distress"¦ And apologise for my advice seemingly being less effective than expected.
Would you prefer a sedative? I could replicate a spectrum from mild to hard - depending on your preference.">

They speculated about potentially promising suppressor technology for a moment, but then remembered that there seemed to be no such thing in possession of most outsider cultures - not to mention Katra station.
Temporarily their worry seemed to increase - that was until they realised the change in Xasik's tone, pace and mimic"¦
Looking at his adopted child being held up and spoken to by Captain Eydis and Scientist Sirol seemed to help. Maybe not with the sensation he felt, but certainly by serving as a distraction...

Xasik Freeman touching their arm startled the healer for a moment, yet it took them mere seconds to adjust. After all, they had been the one to start it"¦
They acknowledged his gesture with a little nod, and his words with a chirping cackle their translator failed to process, hence them adding.
<"I understand what you feel and share your sentiment.
If it was not my duty and function, I would not have chosen to be stationed in a war zone either.
But we persevere...">

Eydis would look over at Sirol then back at the emerald seeing the hatchling reject hir hand. The tholian commander removed it. Shi was pondering the question and Sirols insights on Slasvia were warranted. If the crystalline entity did come out of warp in a fight. How many lives would be lost and perhaps even the entity itself. While it could turn the tide for the federation it seemed to much of risk. They had to try and lure Slasvia away from the conflict and to somewhere safe. Presuming the fight did not end with the eradication of the station itself.
Then it occurred to hir the mother swan could be recalled now the station had been secured and sneak by the fight cloaked and go to warp away from the station. Hopefully drawing Slasvia after the largest presence of hir adopted tholians. If most of the tholians on the station were moved perhaps Slasvia would follow them. Eydis was silent on the matter but hir thoughts were visible over the lattice.
If Slasvia were to engage in fight and consume the breen in numbers. I'm unsure if Slasvia would stop until it stripped all non tholian life from this sector. As feeding on biological energy sources has shown to cause madness in them. I will have skaldyr bring the mother swan to the nearest available And functional docking pad. And it seems to affect both the hatchling and xasik negatively. 
Eydis would pause and notice the uropygi pet for a second. The uropygi and the embassy guards and the tempature of the embassy should be more then enough protection for the hatchling and xasik and the healer.

I will seek to get past the fight and perhaps convince Slasvia to follow after the mother swan.

As this was happening the mother swan had already turned from the fight still cloaked and slipped alongside the station and to a open docking pod. Decloacking the Romulan warbird was ready to move swiftly.  It's gull like inverted wings giving it a distinct avian flair to it.

Eydis would then look to everyone. The tholian assembly is glad to take refugees onto assembly ground and will keep you secure here. While the adoption of tholian individual known as emerald is temporarily stalled by the unpleasantness occurring at the station.  It is also of some comfort to think any non tholian or without a evo suit wearing individual who comes into the embassy will begin to cook alive and all concerns of capturing you will become secondary. Eydis showed hir odd sense of humor and perhaps a little dark at the end.  Eydis would look down at emerald for a few seconds and turn to head out of the embassy. Clutching a axe in hir right hand.

((A cool song you might like Sirol ))



Quote from: Skargarr on September 06, 2021, 01:27:38 AM

"We did destroy 28% if there fighter support with the primary volley.  Those not destroyed are infact leaving the engagement zone." Skar called out as he kept his hand close to the firing buttons just incase this was just a probing assault and the real threat was closer at hand.


The view screen showed Breen's fleeing toward the worm hole.  Somehow the Katra had survived the multiple attacks.  To live to fight another day.

"Thanks you, Skargaar.  Everyone did an excellent job this day.  Make sure the Breen leave the Gamma Quadrant and disengage weapons when they do" the Captain said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie


:: Katra Station | Brig ::

The holding cells in Katra's brig were full of Hunters, the crews of two freighters, and a few regulars who were always getting thrown in there for one thing or another. Some of them tried getting his attention but Kyan ignored them on his way to the interrogation room, where the duty officer told him that Alpha would be. He was almost to the door when one of the regulars, an older Human man named Bill Sands spoke up.

"Thought you were dead Junior." Sands called out. "S'what those Hunters were saying."

Kyan stopped. He turned to Sands and stood in front of the forcefield. "Nope." he answered. "It's alive I am and not far from well either thanks to those blue shirts down there and their osterogenerator thingies."

Sands chuckled. "I saw that one they got in there, he had your knife in his arm when they brought him in."

"Oh!" Kyan answered, his face brightening. "So that's where it is? I figured it was gone sure, and it being my favorite."

"I know. So I take it the station is safe now, since you're up and about?"

Kyan shrugged. "Mostly. There's probably a few left the now but the fellas will have them caught soon."

Sands nodded. "Good. A man can't drink with all that racket going on, nor can he earn an honest strip of latinum."

Kyan laughed. " Since when is it that you're doing that? Earning honest latinum?

Sands feigned offense. "Now you see here Junior! I was out earning honest latinum when you were still in diapers!" Then he laughed. "Well.. shit I guess that ain't true."

"Nope." Kyan giggled. "Probably not Grandpa. Unless you're an El-Aurian or something."

Even though Sands was by all accounts, a swindler and a drunk, he was still a nice enough guy. He also liked to tell stories of his exploits, and he had a knack for it. Kyan had taken a liking to him at once, even given that they were adversaries.

Sands smiled and shrugged. "No, just an old Human. Say, what are you planning to do with that phaser?" he replied jovially, indicating the weapon in Kyan's hand.

Kyan looked down at the phaser in his hand. He had it out because his plan was to walk into the interrogation room and shoot the Hunter with it. He didn't say it though. For some reason he didn't want to tell the old man what he was planning. When they made eye contact again, Sands gave him a knowing nod.

"You probably ought to give that some thought." he said softly. "Its one thing to kill a man in a fight, but its another thing to walk into a room and shoot him."

"He's got it coming!" Kyan clapped back. "He's killed people. He.... almost killed me! And I told him what would happen!"

"Can't go around vaporizing everyone who's character it would improve." the old man offered. "Even if it would be better for everyone involved. And what about you? What would happen to you if you did it? You'd end up in here with me."

"So?" Kyan replied tersely. "I don't care. It needs doing and I'm after doing it! And you're not changing my mind on it. It's done!" Without waiting for a reply, Kyan turned and resumed his course for the interrogation room.

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Cockpit | Scoutship Squall | Katra Station Vicinity]

Gideon started. Breen? Blimey, these lot must be Breen who regard themselves members of the Dominion. Well, time to pay the lot out.

"Right, let's throw a few more rocks, mates!" he called to the squadron. Soon, the Breen were sent packing. Gideon exhaled in relief. He was looking forward to a bath with Serena and good relaxation.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 06, 2021, 10:32:18 AM

:: Katra Station | Brig ::

The holding cells in Katra's brig were full of Hunters, the crews of two freighters, and a few regulars who were always getting thrown in there for one thing or another. Some of them tried getting his attention but Kyan ignored them on his way to the interrogation room, where the duty officer told him that Alpha would be. He was almost to the door when one of the regulars, an older Human man named Bill Sands spoke up.

"Thought you were dead Junior." Sands called out. "S'what those Hunters were saying."

Kyan stopped. He turned to Sands and stood in front of the forcefield. "Nope." he answered. "It's alive I am and not far from well either thanks to those blue shirts down there and their osterogenerator thingies."

Sands chuckled. "I saw that one they got in there, he had your knife in his arm when they brought him in."

"Oh!" Kyan answered, his face brightening. "So that's where it is? I figured it was gone sure, and it being my favorite."

"I know. So I take it the station is safe now, since you're up and about?"

Kyan shrugged. "Mostly. There's probably a few left the now but the fellas will have them caught soon."

Sands nodded. "Good. A man can't drink with all that racket going on, nor can he earn an honest strip of latinum."

Kyan laughed. " Since when is it that you're doing that? Earning honest latinum?

Sands feigned offense. "Now you see here Junior! I was out earning honest latinum when you were still in diapers!" Then he laughed. "Well.. shit I guess that ain't true."

"Nope." Kyan giggled. "Probably not Grandpa. Unless you're an El-Aurian or something."

Even though Sands was by all accounts, a swindler and a drunk, he was still a nice enough guy. He also liked to tell stories of his exploits, and he had a knack for it. Kyan had taken a liking to him at once, even given that they were adversaries.

Sands smiled and shrugged. "No, just an old Human. Say, what are you planning to do with that phaser?" he replied jovially, indicating the weapon in Kyan's hand.

Kyan looked down at the phaser in his hand. He had it out because his plan was to walk into the interrogation room and shoot the Hunter with it. He didn't say it though. For some reason he didn't want to tell the old man what he was planning. When they made eye contact again, Sands gave him a knowing nod.

"You probably ought to give that some thought." he said softly. "Its one thing to kill a man in a fight, but its another thing to walk into a room and shoot him."

"He's got it coming!" Kyan clapped back. "He's killed people. He.... almost killed me! And I told him what would happen!"

"Can't go around vaporizing everyone who's character it would improve." the old man offered. "Even if it would be better for everyone involved. And what about you? What would happen to you if you did it? You'd end up in here with me."

"So?" Kyan replied tersely. "I don't care. It needs doing and I'm after doing it! And you're not changing my mind on it. It's done!" Without waiting for a reply, Kyan turned and entered the interrogation room.

Ensign Zex and the EMH were standing, and Alpha was seated at the table. Kyan squeezed the phaser handle until he found his breath.

"Have you got everything you need from him Zex?"

[Deej Cloten | Brig | Katra Station]

Cloten could hear muttering from his crew. He knew what they were talking about: He was selling them out. Or rather, the Syndicate. Well, that's what the Orions were muttering about. Cloten wished he could remind them why he never sold slaves, except they weren't likely to hear him. Besides, their mutterings were drowned out by Hunters.

Cloten suddenly saw the baby-faced Security Chief passing by. He began to wonder if he had been ignored, or if the turtle disregarded him.

"Hey! HEY! Baby face! Yeah, I'm talking to you! I'm talking to you! I want to talk to you! I have information for you!"

He called and he called out. Somebody this important, he wanted to talk to him urgently.



< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

Eydis would look over at Sirol then back at the emerald seeing the hatchling reject hir hand. The tholian commander removed it.

As Sirol noticed Eydis removing hir hand her heart seemed to sink a little, worrying that shi might feel upset about the child's reaction.
Of course Emerald was still too young for explanations, so instead she had to try the hatchling's own, childlike way.
Just like both, Sirol and Eydis had done it before, the scientist once more tried to reach out to the child in particular, make her presence, warmth and love known to them, to calm them down.
Then, after some moments had passed, the scientist reached out for Eydis' hand and slowly took it, making sure that the hatchling would see it, then she would attempt to move her and Eydis' hand towards one of Emerald's stretched out, open arms to meet - To establish a first contact vial little baby steps.
"˜See"¦ It is alright...' She softly relayed to the little one. "˜Eydis is with me, and shi is very dear - just like you.'
Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

Then it occurred to hir the mother swan could be recalled now the station had been secured and sneak by the fight cloaked and go to warp away from the station. Hopefully drawing Slasvia after the largest presence of hir adopted tholians. If most of the tholians on the station were moved perhaps Slasvia would follow them. Eydis was silent on the matter but hir thoughts were visible over the lattice.

If Slasvia were to engage in fight and consume the breen in numbers. I'm unsure if Slasvia would stop until it stripped all non tholian life from this sector. As feeding on biological energy sources has shown to cause madness in them. I will have skaldyr bring the mother swan to the nearest available And functional docking pad. And it seems to affect both the hatchling and xasik negatively. 

Sirol nodded, giving Captain Eydis a musing look.
"œI believe it is not Slasvia's presence that causes them distress, but it's"¦ Emotional state"¦ I noted the shift in hue myself, but I"¦ Seem to be less affected due to being more in synch with the other Tholians I assume"¦
But, yes, you are correct.
Do you believe Slasvia will follow the lead and be susceptible to communication and calming once in a safe distance?"

Her question seemed hypothetically, yet the tone of her voice showed that she was genuinely concerned.
Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

I will seek to get past the fight and perhaps convince Slasvia to follow after the mother swan.

As this was happening the mother swan had already turned from the fight still cloaked and slipped alongside the station and to a open docking pod. Decloacking the Romulan warbird was ready to move swiftly.  It's gull like inverted wings giving it a distinct avian flair to it.


Eydis would then look to everyone. The tholian assembly is glad to take refugees onto assembly ground and will keep you secure here. While the adoption of tholian individual known as emerald is temporarily stalled by the unpleasantness occurring at the station.  It is also of some comfort to think any non tholian or without a evo suit wearing individual who comes into the embassy will begin to cook alive and all concerns of capturing you will become secondary. Eydis showed hir odd sense of humor and perhaps a little dark at the end.  Eydis would look down at emerald for a few seconds and turn to head out of the embassy. Clutching a axe in hir right hand.

Sirol once more tensed.
"œWith the station being mostly under control, do you think we should recall the warriors to the Mother Swan as well to increase the magnitude? I am not in the know of Slasvia's level of perception here."
Sure, Eydis may have given Sirol the permission to coordinate the warriors, but still Sirol wanted to be on one page with the Captain. They were after all hir officers.
For a moment she looked up to Eydis and smiled a little.
It had been a while since she had had a Captain working with her, and it was a relieving feeling to be - even if just temporarily - part of a proper hierarchy again.

She then looked at Xasik, who was getting aided by Peylix and smirked a little. For a moment their eyes met, and she could tell that he was focusing on little Emerald.
With a smirk Sirol too looked at the hatchling. "˜Say goodbye to Eydis for now, I am sure you two will meet again soon.' She lovingly relayed to the child, then walked over to Xasik and cautiously handed him the little hatchling to hold.
As much as she loved holding them and watching them curiously scan and explore their environment, Emerald and Xasik needed one another - now even more than usual, and Sirol understood.
"œOne more family united." She quietly spoke, then walked up to Eydis again, listening to hir words.

The scientist appreciated the Captain's generosity and acknowledged hir explanation with a little bow, followed by a tiny chuckle at hir joke.
She had never heard any Tholian make a joke before, and now she witnessed two jokes within less than three minutes.
"œThank you, Captain. For everything"¦
...Would you like me to come with you and assist you with Slasvia?"

Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

((A cool song you might like Sirol ))


Ooooh! I loved it!
I had this in the background while typing your reply! Thanks for sharing! <3 @ Eydis & Xasik: Would you guys like to conclude the story arc regarding Emerald in a holo maybe? :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kirok on September 03, 2021, 08:31:23 AM


The Breen had returned fire on the probes in the defense system that had fired on them.  "Bring the probes to our port and starbord in toward the center.  Then fire their mini torpedoes at the Breen" the Captain said.

Then he turned mostly to Eli.  "What is the ETA for the fighters to make contact with the Breen.  Have them flank them when they do so that they do not get caught into the crossfire between us and the Breen" Kirok added.

Eli had been taking in multiple strands of information as the battle raged on. Jem'Hadar, Breen, and a name from scary stories of childhood-Zhat Vash. The name was relatively unfamiliar but it was like being told ghosts from the stories were real. And it made his blood run cold.

It spoke well of Drake and the fighters deployed that they regrouped to protect the station with little warning. More so that the station's defensives were deployable so effectively against multiple attackers. He breathed a silent prayer of thanks. It was all he felt he could do as the station personnel regrouped.


[Katra Station | Tholian Embassy]

Quote from: Sirol on September 05, 2021, 11:23:45 PM

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

It took Sirol a second to properly internalise the impressions she slowly but surely received from the child - the longer it lasted the more profound and three dimensional the perception seemed to become.
"œThey are"¦ Sensing us via the Lattice"¦" She stated in a surprised - noticeably happy - tone, tilting her head and patting the little one's ECS before linking to the warriors again and providing her next situational update for them, as well as asking them about any potential occurrences.

Emerald stayed busy"¦ The little one even seemed to be able to sense Sirol in particular"¦ And they seemed to desperately want a hug from her...
With a little sigh of parental defeat she eventually decided to grant the little one their wish. For now.

It would only take a few seconds to re-activate the ECS if needed and little Emerald seemed truly desperate for attention"¦
Opening the baby bubble she gently lifted the child up, carrying them on one arm, softly stroking their little head with her free hand, then slowly faced Eydis again.


Slowly but surely Emerald began to recognize the different humming coming from The Soft One, The Humming One and The New One. They were all different but still the same. In particular they were able to focus on the warm humming of The Soft One. It was gentle, calm and so very warm. It soothed them to their core.
Their excitement grew as The Soft One then opened the bubble nest that they were in and proceeded to lift them out and snuggle with them. They chirped and squeaked excitedly as she picked them up.
"œCHIRP! SQUEAK! SQUEAK SQUEAK! CHIRP! PEEP!" They excitedly exclaimed and gripped onto her hand as tightly as they could.
Finally! One of the parents was listening to reason! Emerald bathed in the warm of The Soft One's aura and took comfort in her company.

Quote from: Sirol on September 05, 2021, 11:23:45 PM

Sirol could sense that the hatchling was still scared and in distress. And while Emerald seemed not to be able to clearly phrase and relay their feelings, Sirol could still gather enough to understand that it had been Slasvia's sudden telepathic contact to frighten them.
Sirol began to gently rock the child [no pun intended] on her arms while both, speaking to Captain Eydis and coordinating the warriors.


Emerald hated the feeling swirling within them. It was something they had never experienced before and it made them cling to The Soft One as tightly as possible. They could feel something was wrong with The Sharp One and that something bad was around and that was the cause of the bad feeling inside them. The Sharp One was the protector and if there was something wrong with him then  something very bad was happening.

They calmed down a little bit when The Soft One began to rock them. The motion was soothing and something all the parents did when snuggling them. They listened to her squeaking to The New One but could not understand so instead just focused on the soft tones of her squeaks and the enjoying the humming coming from her.

Quote from: Sirol on September 05, 2021, 11:23:45 PM

Of course Emerald was still too young for explanations, so instead she had to try their own, childlike way.
Just like both, Sirol and Eydis had done it before, the scientist once more tried to reach out to the child in particular, make her presence, warmth and love known to them, to calm them down.
Then, after some moments had passed, the scientist reached out for Eydis' hand and slowly took it, making sure that the hatchling would see it, then she would attempt to move her and Eydis' hand towards one of Emerald's stretched out, open arms to meet - To establish a first contact vial little baby steps.
"˜See"¦ It is alright...' She softly relayed to the little one. "˜Eydis is with me, and shi is very dear - just like you.'
She smiled, hoping that Emerald would be able to calm down and lose their fear, as well as that Eydis would not take offense to Sirol touching hir.

Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

Eydis would look over at Sirol then back at the emerald seeing the hatchling reject hir hand. The tholian commander removed it.

Quote from: Sirol on September 06, 2021, 10:24:30 PM

As Sirol noticed Eydis removing hir hand her heart seemed to sink a little, worrying that shi might feel upset about the child's reaction.
Of course Emerald was still too young for explanations, so instead she had to try the hatchling's own, childlike way.


Emerald enjoyed the warm and safe feelings they got from The Soft One. Her humming was so soothing that they almost even forgot the bad feeling swirling within. They tried to hum back to her to relay how they felt and hoped she would understand. It was hard to hum like the others did but Emerald tried. It was exhausting and they felt drained after a few moments and were simply content to enjoy being rocked back and forth.

Emerald's attention peaked as The Soft One reached out for The New One. They watched carefully as the two made contact. The Soft One seemed to want Emerald to witness the act so the child watched carefully. They flinched when The Soft One slowly brought The New One's hand close to them. Hesitantly Emerald reached out to touch The New One before withdrawing their hand again with a sharp squeak.

Emerald could feel the humming coming from The Soft One and could feel her meaning. This New One was not to be feared and was dear to The Soft One. Emerald reached out again and poked The New One quickly before giving them a click and a chirp and pulling their hand away.

When The New One pulled hir hand away, Emerald settled back against Sirol and enjoyed the humming coming from her. The bad feeling hadn't gone away but at least The New One was safe.

Quote from: Sirol on September 05, 2021, 11:23:45 PM

<"I understand that you are facing"¦ Distress"¦ And apologise for my advice seemingly being less effective than expected.
Would you prefer a sedative? I could replicate a spectrum from mild to hard - depending on your preference.">


Xasik listened to Peylix's words and smiled to himself. So the Healer really did care about him. The concern they were showing was very touching.
"œYou have nothing to apologize for Peylix. Your advice is appreciated and always welcome." He paused as Peylix mentioned giving him a sedative and his body tensed. He had been sedated regularly in his youth and had no desire to experience that again if possible.

"œNo sedatives. I'll be alright. I just need to relax and let the tension go. I should be able to overcome this."

Quote from: Sirol on September 05, 2021, 11:23:45 PM

Xasik Freeman touching their arm startled the healer for a moment, yet it took them mere seconds to adjust. After all, they had been the one to start it"¦
They acknowledged his gesture with a little nod, and his words with a chirping cackle their translator failed to process, hence them adding.
<"I understand what you feel and share your sentiment.
If it was not my duty and function, I would not have chosen to be stationed in a war zone either.
But we persevere...">


Startled by the sound of Peylix laughing, Xasik couldn't help but chuckle back as he grinned widely. He had almost expected his comment about leaving the lab to be taken seriously, but was refreshingly surprised to discover Peylix had a sense of humour. Perhaps he was correct in his assumption that Peylix was coming to care for and tolerate him and his humour.

"œYes, I agree. We persevere."

Through the waves of telepathic attack Xasik was vaguely aware that Sirol had removed Emerald from the ECS. He didn't mind and it brought him joy to see the child so happy with something they loved and trusted. He felt guilty that his current state probably contributed to Emerald's distress but he was glad that Sirol was here to help keep the child calm.

Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

I will seek to get past the fight and perhaps convince Slasvia to follow after the mother swan.


He could not deny the relief that washed over him as he heard Eydis' plan to try and draw Slasvia away. He felt concern for the welfare of the Tholian Captain and hir crew but he also trusted that shi would know what to do.
He shifted his position slightly to sit up a bit straighter. Slowly but surely his mind was clearing as he learned to deal with the telepathic attack and overcome it. He watched Sirol snuggling with Emerald and smiled to himself. It really was helpful to see such a heartwarming sight to help ease his mind.

"œCaptain," Xasik addressed Eydis, his voice finally returning to it's usual deep, gruff tones. "œBe careful. I hope to speak with you again soon and plan the trip to Tholia."

Quote from: Sirol on September 06, 2021, 10:24:30 PM

With a smirk Sirol too looked at the hatchling. "˜Say goodbye to Eydis for now, I am sure you two will meet again soon.' She lovingly relayed to the child, then walked over to Xasik and cautiously handed him the little hatchling to hold.
As much as she loved holding them and watching them curiously scan and explore their environment, Emerald and Xasik needed one another - now even more than usual, and Sirol understood.
"œOne more family united." She quietly spoke, then walked up to Eydis again, listening to hir words.


Emerald clicked happily as they once again felt the warm humming of The Soft One. Something in her humming was familiar to them, and sounded like something she squeaked often when vanishing. Emerald reached up and mimicked a motion they had seen her do when vanishing, wiggling their fingers as an attempt to wave goodbye.

"œChirp chirp!" They squeaked at The New One in the same manner they had heard The Soft One do before.

Their moment of warm bliss was interrupted when The Soft moved towards The Sharp One and passed them to him. It wasn't that Emerald didn't lover snuggling with The Sharp One, but rather that right now they wanted to snuggle with The Soft One only.
Reaching out their arms, they squeaked and chirped for The Soft One to come back and pick them up again but eventually settled back down again to snuggle with The Sharp One and relax now that he seemed to be better from whatever bad was hurting him before.


Xasik watched as Sirol approached and gladly accepted Emerald from her. He smiled at her comment about reuniting a family before proceeding to try and settle Emerald.

"œHey Little Pebble," Xasik cooed softly to Emerald. He frowned slightly when the child resisted and called for Sirol to come back, reaching for her with their tiny arms. He sighed and smiled.
"œWell aren't you just a mumma's pebble," he laughed before he realized what he had said. He looked to Sirol for any kind of reaction.
"œOh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cast you as their mother figure. I apologize if I've made you uncomfortable. The words just kind of slipped out."

Quote from: Eydis on September 06, 2021, 05:24:17 AM

Eydis would then look to everyone. The tholian assembly is glad to take refugees onto assembly ground and will keep you secure here. While the adoption of tholian individual known as emerald is temporarily stalled by the unpleasantness occurring at the station.  It is also of some comfort to think any non tholian or without a evo suit wearing individual who comes into the embassy will begin to cook alive and all concerns of capturing you will become secondary. Eydis showed hir odd sense of humor and perhaps a little dark at the end.  Eydis would look down at emerald for a few seconds and turn to head out of the embassy. Clutching a axe in hir right hand.


The Reman had to laugh at Eydis' dark sense of humour. It was right up his own alley. Perhaps he and Eydis would become friends eventually. It would be very beneficial to have another Tholian influence around Emerald as they grew.

Xasik got to his feet as the Captain went to leave. He offered hir a bow of respect. "œThank you Captain, for everything that you've done and for allowing us to seek shelter in the embassy. Keeping Emerald safe is of the highest priority. I'm so relieved that they'll be safe here."

He made sure to hold Emerald securely to keep the wiggling green child from falling out of his arms, much to the dismay of the child who wanted to explore again.

Quote from: Sirol on September 06, 2021, 10:24:30 PM

The scientist appreciated the Captain's generosity and acknowledged hir explanation with a little bow, followed by a tiny chuckle at hir joke.
She had never heard any Tholian make a joke before, and now she witnessed two jokes within less than three minutes.
"œThank you, Captain. For everything"¦
...Would you like me to come with you and assist you with Slasvia?"


Xasik's body went rigid as he heard Sirol offering to go with and assist Eydis with Slasvia. He had been so relieved to find her safe within the embassy and now she was willing to leave that safety to assist with a potentially dangerous situation.
Xasik bit his tongue to keep from saying anything he would regret. Of course he had no say over Sirol's decisions, nor would he want such power over another being. Sirol was her own person and if she wanted to go then he wouldn't stop her.

Slowly he made his way towards her, Emerald's happy squeaking getting louder with each step. He cleared his throat before he addressed her.
"œBe careful Lieutenant," he said softly and opened his free arm to offer her a hug. "œLittle Pebble here would never forgive us if anything went wrong."

Quote from: Sirol on September 06, 2021, 10:24:30 PM

@ Eydis & Xasik: Would you guys like to conclude the story arc regarding Emerald in a holo maybe? :)

That sounds like a wonderful plan to me. I'll start a holo for us and post the link here. THOLIA TRIP!


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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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