S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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[Captain's Mess - August 1, 2399 - 0800]

Kirok watched through the window that faced the wormhole.  It was more busy than usual.  Bringing additional Sec/Tac officers from DS9 as well the visiting officers he had been able to persuade to come visit for a month.

As he watched another ship dock, he reflected on the past few days.  Their new friend, Ambassador Ojo, had given them the warning to cease all external transporter activity.   The Changeling had also given them valuable insight into how the snake's interfering noise could be manipulated to their advantage.

In addition, they had learned how the Hunters were able to locate the Tosk when they were invisible.  Simply by their heat signature and thus they had started to hide more and more in hot springs and among hot rocks when they were hunted.  The question now, though, was how to use that information to their advantage should Katra ever encounter the Hunters in hand to hand combat.

Such an encounter was indeed a possibility, especially since it had been confirmed that the snake would remain where it was for the foreseeable future.  A thing that would ultimately prevent the Hunters from ever hunting the Tosk again.  And thus a thing that significantly inflated the likelihood of conflict between the Katra and the Hunters.

Finally, Kyle had brought news from his recent away mission that the Jem'hadar were scavenging parts from a nearby borg cube.  Chief Overseer Hanthar, their Karemman Ambassador, suggested that they were selling those parts on the black market to help support themselves after separating from the Vorta.  That too would need looking into at some point.

But those were worries for another day.  For now, the half Vulcan needed to focus on catching up with some of his oldest and dearest friends.  And what better way to do that then at a fully laid out breakfast buffet that filled the room with mouthwatering odors.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]

"It can't be that difficult."

Serena had been in Engineering. The stacked paper notebooks, the console on the screen showing field equations and subsystems. Her gold utility uniform was still neatly pressed, but the occupant was not. In between the various pockets of her utilities, somewhere amidst the hyperspanner and the small can of WD40 and Tabasco sauce (some wags had it they were interchangeable), was a sandwich. Somewhat stale, the ham, pickle, onion and mustard sandwich was a small, but welcome relief. Ever since the revelation the Snake disrupted transporters, Serena had spent countless days testing and testing.

Oh, there wasn't anything wrong with the transporters. Every system and subsystem worked. "It has to be the ACB, but how?" Space, while a vacuum, wasn't exactly empty, after all. The ten dimensional Minkowski space she had once brought up... It was the equivalent of skin. While it looked to be singular, get up close and you can see pores. Under a microscope, individual skin cells. The concept with space was similar. The fabric of space-time was not empty, but it was so wholly abstract that people just shrugged and accepted it. But for Serena, that probably wouldn't happen yet. She would figure this out, or perhaps not. Either way she continued to work the transporter problem until someone either dragged her out or gave her new instructions.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

The slender scientist was sitting in her bed with the Uropygi on her lap; both of them looking at the holographic display that lay in front of them.
Since she had not been able to sleep throughout the entire night, and had at least eight more hours left until her Beta-shift would start, she might as well utilize the time. (And maintain a slim hope she would be able to exhaust her mind enough to catch at least a little bit of sleep beforehand)
Her green eyes hovered over the information regarding the upcoming visiting officers program, and Sirol wondered as to whether she maybe should volunteer to take care of a few of them.

With a cold, shaky hand she was rubbing her aching left shoulder.
It was odd to feel her shoulder again with no obstruction.
Yesterday had been the day she had finally gotten out of the exoskeletal frame. Her spine and her tibias were deemed sufficiently healed, meaning she would be able to freely walk; able to support her own weight again.
It had been a lucky occurrence.
Under normal circumstance she would have had to make yet another appointment at the sickbay to be looked over, yet since Xasik's "˜midwife', Healer Peylix was spending significant amounts of time in her laboratory overlooking the progress of Xasik's child, Sirol had decided to ask them to perform the necessary examinations instead.
They had been eager and willing to assist and thus saved Sirol at least a couple of hours of waiting time. Hours she had decided to utilise by doing her first free steps in over two months.

Walking had been painful and more exhausting than expected.
She would have to train her muscles to be able to perform normally again during the upcoming days and weeks.
For now she was still frail and wonky on her legs, but then again, her work required her mind, not her legs, hence her not taking any sick days, despite Healer Peylix' loose recommendation.

Considering the exhausting walk from her lab through the promenade, and from the promenade to the Romulan Embassy to pay a short visit to Kovnin and Arrhae, she had made her way to her quarters soon.
It had been early, but she was physically more drained than expected hence her decision to lie down.
Maybe she should have followed the healer's advice?
She would re-evaluate her state tomorrow and talk to them if necessary.

For now - as she had done throughout the entire night - she just wanted to read: Read the mission reports, read about the visiting officers program, and begin to read the first of an entire collection of books Counsellor Jyur had recommended to her.
Since she did not know either of the works or their narrative purpose, she had decided to work through them alphabetically, and today was the day she would start with the book that was called "˜Heaven Affair'.
Opening the file she began to quietly read, as to not wake up or disturb Ensign Zex.
Sirol was always worried to one day wake up screaming or crying loud enough to wake up her room mate, hence the scientist always putting in the large amounts of extra effort to stay as quiet as possible when fighting herself through the nights.
For now Sirol just sat there, squinting at the holo-book, trying to ignore the shaking of her body and the precursors of the regular nightmares that were about ready to haunt her again as soon as she would fall asleep...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Sirol on August 01, 2021, 10:28:15 AM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

The slender scientist was sitting in her bed with the Uropygi on her lap; both of them looking at the holographic display that lay in front of them.
Since she had not been able to sleep throughout the entire night, and had at least eight more hours left until her Beta-shift would start, she might as well utilize the time. (And maintain a slim hope she would be able to exhaust her mind enough to catch at least a little bit of sleep beforehand)
Her green eyes hovered over the information regarding the upcoming visiting officers program, and Sirol wondered as to whether she maybe should volunteer to take care of a few of them.

With a cold, shaky hand she was rubbing her aching left shoulder.
It was odd to feel her shoulder again with no obstruction.
Yesterday had been the day she had finally gotten out of the exoskeletal frame. Her spine and her tibias were deemed sufficiently healed, meaning she would be able to freely walk; able to support her own weight again.
It had been a lucky occurrence.
Under normal circumstance she would have had to make yet another appointment at the sickbay to be looked over, yet since Xasik's "˜midwife', Healer Peylix was spending significant amounts of time in her laboratory overlooking the progress of Xasik's child, Sirol had decided to ask them to perform the necessary examinations instead.
They had been eager and willing to assist and thus saved Sirol at least a couple of hours of waiting time. Hours she had decided to utilise by doing her first free steps in over two months.

Walking had been painful and more exhausting than expected.
She would have to train her muscles to be able to perform normally again during the upcoming days and weeks.
For now she was still frail and wonky on her legs, but then again, her work required her mind, not her legs, hence her not taking any sick days, despite Healer Peylix' loose recommendation.

Considering the exhausting walk from her lab through the promenade, and from the promenade to the Romulan Embassy to pay a short visit to Kovnin and Arrhae, she had made her way to her quarters soon.
It had been early, but she was physically more drained than expected hence her decision to lie down.
Maybe she should have followed the healer's advice?
She would re-evaluate her state tomorrow and talk to them if necessary.

For now - as she had done throughout the entire night - she just wanted to read: Read the mission reports, read about the visiting officers program, and begin to read the first of an entire collection of books Counsellor Jyur had recommended to her.
Since she did not know either of the works or their narrative purpose, she had decided to work through them alphabetically, and today was the day she would start with the book that was called "˜Heaven Affair'.
Opening the file she began to quietly read, as to not wake up or disturb Ensign Zex.
Sirol was always worried to one day wake up screaming or crying loud enough to wake up her room mate, hence the scientist always putting in the large amounts of extra effort to stay as quiet as possible when fighting herself through the nights.
For now Sirol just sat there, squinting at the holo-book, trying to ignore the shaking of her body and the precursors of the regular nightmares that were about ready to haunt her again as soon as she would fall asleep...

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

The Deltan emerged from the bathroom, dressed and ready for work.  Yes, she had gotten up early for work as usual.  But today time got away from her.  Otherwise she would already be at work.

"Morning.  Didn't sleep did ya?   Are you going to the visiting officers welcome breakfast?" Zex asked curiously.

Then she turned to a mirror.  Checked over herself.  Removed a bead of water from her bald head while waiting on a reply

[Medbay - EQ Kimball - XBorg]

EQ had 'recovered enough that he had been able to return to light duty.  But still had to do weekly check in for medication management.  And, of course, counseling.

So his first stop of the day was the Medbay.  He needed his neurochemical levels checked.  And a check in with the counselor, if he was available.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Serena King on August 01, 2021, 08:46:49 AM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]

"It can't be that difficult."

Serena had been in Engineering. The stacked paper notebooks, the console on the screen showing field equations and subsystems. Her gold utility uniform was still neatly pressed, but the occupant was not. In between the various pockets of her utilities, somewhere amidst the hyperspanner and the small can of WD40 and Tabasco sauce (some wags had it they were interchangeable), was a sandwich. Somewhat stale, the ham, pickle, onion and mustard sandwich was a small, but welcome relief. Ever since the revelation the Snake disrupted transporters, Serena had spent countless days testing and testing.

Oh, there wasn't anything wrong with the transporters. Every system and subsystem worked. "It has to be the ACB, but how?" Space, while a vacuum, wasn't exactly empty, after all. The ten dimensional Minkowski space she had once brought up... It was the equivalent of skin. While it looked to be singular, get up close and you can see pores. Under a microscope, individual skin cells. The concept with space was similar. The fabric of space-time was not empty, but it was so wholly abstract that people just shrugged and accepted it. But for Serena, that probably wouldn't happen yet. She would figure this out, or perhaps not. Either way she continued to work the transporter problem until someone either dragged her out or gave her new instructions.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]

Novaar and most of the former Discovery crew had arrived the night before.  But unlike the others, she decided to skip the breakfast.  The Orian Engineering Officer had always made her own path and today was no different.

The first thing on her bucket list was to see the engine.  She walked in and just stared at it.  Such a thing of beauty.

Then she noticed that there was someone else there.  So she wondered over.  "Hi, I'm Lieutenant (JG) Novaar.  Visiting officer.  I'm the curious type.  So may I ask what you are working on?" she asked King.


< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Quote from: Kirok on August 01, 2021, 01:50:14 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

The Deltan emerged from the bathroom, dressed and ready for work.  Yes, she had gotten up early for work as usual.  But today time got away from her.  Otherwise she would already be at work.

"Morning.  Didn't sleep did ya?   Are you going to the visiting officers welcome breakfast?" Zex asked curiously.

Then she turned to a mirror.  Checked over herself.  Removed a bead of water from her bald head while waiting on a reply

As she was addressed, the scientist instinctively stiffened up, then turned around looking at Zex and giving her a polite bow.
"œGood morning. I hope this morning finds you well.
No, I did not manage to sleep"¦"

Thinking about it, she felt like she could sleep less and less frequently.
Maybe another topic she should"¦ Should... Discuss with the healer once she was back in her lab.

Towards Zex's question, whether she was going to attend the visiting officers breakfast, she quickly tilted her head. She had not been informed that there was such a thing, but it sounded like a welcome idea to both, get to know the newcomers and pass the time until she had shift.
"œI"¦ Why not"¦ I could certainly see if I can put myself to any use.
Maybe I might be lucky and among the visiting officers might be foreign cultures or languages for me to relay."

With that she got out of her bed again - maybe a little too fast, as her legs felt like they were about to cave in like soft rubber for a moment.
Yet in an act of willpower, as well as supported by the fact that she maybe could make herself useful as a proxy again today, she stepped into her uniform pants again, then stripped over her jacket and her lab coat.
"œThe last two days I have been almost exclusively aiding Specialist Freeman, his child and Healer Peylix. It was"¦ Overly welcome"¦ To be able to work with foreigners again..." Although technically at this Point Xasik's Baby and Peylix, both being Tholians, were not really foreign to Sirol. "œ...Reminds me of why I chose the profession I did.
Granted, I did not expect my laboratory to ever serve as a"¦ Labour ward"¦ But it has its advantages for all involved..."

With that she put on her boots, then once more stretched herself and headed to the bathroom as well, to wash her face, brush her teeth and check the correct appearance of her hair, to make sure that it still - in best Romulan tradition - resembled a static, shiny old military helmet.
Once she was done she looked up towards Zex, giving her a friendly nod, signalling that she was ready to tag along.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


[Katra Station - Promenade]

Walking the so called beat of his morning routine, he walked around the Promenade making sure everyone kept to themselves and broke up any potentially hazardous fights before they happened.  He stopped by the Klingon food station to pick up some fresh Gagh on the go.  Slurping down the Gagh as it was so fresh and it was good to take the time to eat and enjoy his food rather then rushing off.  But the influx of Dignitaries and there staff on top of the security briefing that morning, heightened his senses to be more on guard despite his casual food cravings taking hold.

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Griff couldn't believe he was handling a dispute like this. It was his job at the moment to monitor traffic around Katra Station that's risen lately, and he often had to take the Squall out to escort the docking ships safely in or to often use the Squall like a tugboat: tractor the ships in safely. It was better than having to sit monotonously at Ops watching them and warning, something Lieutenant Ferris would do.

Right now, however, he's having to deal with the skippers of two ships wanting to make a priority dock for loading and offloading, all while there's transporting of new personnel embarking and disembarking. One was a Chelon from Rigel, big old bloke, looked like a turtle that could make a Klingon wee himself. Besides, Griff recognized the Chelon; his name was Kayad, and he was the old family butler, who transferred to work cargo liners under his father's recommendation. The ship he was in charge of was a cargo ship from the family company, and clearly, he had been wanting to get to the priority dock. Whether to see him or not, or to be the company's representative on Katra, Griff couldn't tell.

The second was a newcomer, but a species Griff had heard tell. The little git was a Vulpian; just as how Caitians resemble cat people, Vulpians, originating from the Inari system, resemble dogs, particularly pointy-eared dogs, often wolves. Except they look like dogs that stood upright and aren't so much humanoid as they are more lupine. This one, however, he was quite a runt. Except he had a temper that could rival a Chelon's height.

"Can we get this over with?!?" snapped the Vulpian. "I'm anxious to get my goods in as fast as I can!"

"Your goods?" replied old Kayad in a stuffy voice typical of a butler. "I can assure you, my goods are more essential than yours. Besides, why should yours be higher priority? It doesn't take a Ferengi could tell your goods are more contraband, the way you look."

"Contraband my ass!" snapped the Vulpian. "The Gamma Quadrant's an opportunity too good to be true!"

"All right, shut your whingeing a mo', you two!" snapped Griff. He reminded himself he was only mediating because one of the parties was from his family's shipping company. The two skippers and their attendants...well, for the Vulpian, he looks more like a lackey, and a gormless idiot who looked like he could work for free...

"Okay, mister...?" He asked, turning to the Vulpian.

"Cloten!" he snapped. "Deej Cloten."

"First of all, what brings you to Katra?"

"Whaddya think?!?" snarled Cloten. "I'm wanting to open an establishment here. This side of the Wormhole, dealing direct with the yokels of the quadrant, it's a business opportunity!"

Griff blinked. Bloody hell, he thought to himself. We're about to get a Quark. A poor man's Quark at that.

"Well, we do have plenty of establishments here," said Griff, putting on his company face and tone, "and you're going to have to meet with somebody of higher authority to...what is your intended establishment?"

"Gaming joint and watering hole," Cloten replied, "the kinds of which people will pay big money to get their hands on. The rare kinds."

We are getting a poor man's Quark. "Mister Cloten," said Griff patiently but sternly, "we already have a casino, and what sort of rare goods are you intending?"

"Like I said, the rare of the rare."

"Nothing illegal, I hope?"

"Would it matter if I could be rolling in latinum?" Cloten replied, narrowing his eyes.

Griff narrowed his eyes back at him. The little git would make quite a Ferengi, maybe worse than Quark. Half his height as he is, this was one bugger not to muck with. His sympathetic angling would be more to help Kayad, let him pass first, but on the other hand, the little git who could shout and potentially curse out a blue streak could give him trouble...


Dranik looked around the quarters he and Ciavil and the kids had been assigned and looked out into the void of space. The small family had been settling in on Katra Station after arriving a few days ago. Most of the furniture was set up, the kid's room was set up and truth be told, the Hirogen was exhausted. He had hunted difficult prey before in his pre-starfleet days but nothing compared to raising a family and keeping an eye on two young ones who seemingly had boundless energy.

Hirogen Male


Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 01, 2021, 07:15:01 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Griff couldn't believe he was handling a dispute like this. It was his job at the moment to monitor traffic around Katra Station that's risen lately, and he often had to take the Squall out to escort the docking ships safely in or to often use the Squall like a tugboat: tractor the ships in safely. It was better than having to sit monotonously at Ops watching them and warning, something Lieutenant Ferris would do.

Right now, however, he's having to deal with the skippers of two ships wanting to make a priority dock for loading and offloading, all while there's transporting of new personnel embarking and disembarking. One was a Chelon from Rigel, big old bloke, looked like a turtle that could make a Klingon wee himself. Besides, Griff recognized the Chelon; his name was Kayad, and he was the old family butler, who transferred to work cargo liners under his father's recommendation. The ship he was in charge of was a cargo ship from the family company, and clearly, he had been wanting to get to the priority dock. Whether to see him or not, or to be the company's representative on Katra, Griff couldn't tell.

The second was a newcomer, but a species Griff had heard tell. The little git was a Vulpian; just as how Caitians resemble cat people, Vulpians, originating from the Inari system, resemble dogs, particularly pointy-eared dogs, often wolves. Except they look like dogs that stood upright and aren't so much humanoid as they are more lupine. This one, however, he was quite a runt. Except he had a temper that could rival a Chelon's height.

"Can we get this over with?!?" snapped the Vulpian. "I'm anxious to get my goods in as fast as I can!"

"Your goods?" replied old Kayad in a stuffy voice typical of a butler. "I can assure you, my goods are more essential than yours. Besides, why should yours be higher priority? It doesn't take a Ferengi could tell your goods are more contraband, the way you look."

"Contraband my ass!" snapped the Vulpian. "The Gamma Quadrant's an opportunity too good to be true!"

"All right, shut your whingeing a mo', you two!" snapped Griff. He reminded himself he was only mediating because one of the parties was from his family's shipping company. The two skippers and their attendants...well, for the Vulpian, he looks more like a lackey, and a gormless idiot who looked like he could work for free...

"Okay, mister...?" He asked, turning to the Vulpian.

"Cloten!" he snapped. "Deej Cloten."

"First of all, what brings you to Katra?"

"Whaddya think?!?" snarled Cloten. "I'm wanting to open an establishment here. This side of the Wormhole, dealing direct with the yokels of the quadrant, it's a business opportunity!"

Griff blinked. Bloody hell, he thought to himself. We're about to get a Quark. A poor man's Quark at that.

"Well, we do have plenty of establishments here," said Griff, putting on his company face and tone, "and you're going to have to meet with somebody of higher authority to...what is your intended establishment?"

"Gaming joint and watering hole," Cloten replied, "the kinds of which people will pay big money to get their hands on. The rare kinds."

We are getting a poor man's Quark. "Mister Cloten," said Griff patiently but sternly, "we already have a casino, and what sort of rare goods are you intending?"

"Like I said, the rare of the rare."

"Nothing illegal, I hope?"

"Would it matter if I could be rolling in latinum?" Cloten replied, narrowing his eyes.

Griff narrowed his eyes back at him. The little git would make quite a Ferengi, maybe worse than Quark. Half his height as he is, this was one bugger not to muck with. His sympathetic angling would be more to help Kayad, let him pass first, but on the other hand, the little git who could shout and potentially curse out a blue streak could give him trouble...

[Vulpinian NPC - Assistant 'Gop Gop' | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Deej Cloten's assistant was indeed a gormless little creature. Of the same subspecies, or perhaps 'breed', as his boss Cloten, 'Gop Gop' was a simple thing, but the simplicity sometimes gave rise to moments of startling clarity. Gop Gop had the tendency to stumble onto trouble as often as gold-pressed latinum. In appeareance, he was dark-furred, and wrapped in a cloth that seemed to have some kind of cultural significance. Gop Gop raised a forelimb, the odd half-finger-half-paw extending out from underneath the clothing that covered him.

"Why aren't - you asking - him - the same kind of - questions?" he asked slowly, as though the words had to drool their way out of his brain and down to his mouth. He was pointing his paw at the Chelon, wondering why the tortillian being wasn't getting the same treatment.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Chigorra on August 01, 2021, 07:40:28 PM

[Vulpian NPC - Assistant 'Gop Gop' | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Deej Cloten's assistant was indeed a gormless little creature. Of the same subspecies, or perhaps 'breed', as his boss Cloten, 'Gop Gop' was a simple thing, but the simplicity sometimes gave rise to moments of startling clarity. Gop Gop had the tendency to stumble onto trouble as often as gold-pressed latinum. In appeareance, he was dark-furred, and wrapped in a cloth that seemed to have some kind of cultural significance. Gop Gop raised a forelimb, the odd half-finger-half-paw extending out from underneath the clothing that covered him.

"Why aren't - you asking - him - the same kind of - questions?" he asked slowly, as though the words had to drool their way out of his brain and down to his mouth. He was pointing his paw at the Chelon, wondering why the tortillian being wasn't getting the same treatment.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Cloten turned and glared at Gop Gop. Slow, isn't he, the moron? Gop Gop always kept his robe up to signify his connection to home. But Cloten kept up displaying as many of his gold, even with his chains on him, as much as possible.

"I'm not asking the turtle, am I, Gop Gop?" snapped Cloten. "Besides, a goody two-shoes like him? What's he from, some watered-down barge fleet company looking to move crap around?"

"Excuse me," said Griff, narrowing his eyes, "the watered-down barge fleet company in mind, the owner's my dad."

"You?" said Cloten, then he reared back his head and laughed.

"It's true," said Kayad softly. "I used to be his butler."

"Yeah, and I'm really the Kai of Bajor!" howled Cloten in humor.

"If the issue is with the cargo, then I think the cargo will need inspecting," said Gideon. "If Security checks things out and there's nothing wrong, then we'll see who deserves the dock more, and who has to wait in the bloody line."

He then tapped his comm badge.  =/\="Junior Leftenant Drake to Leftenant Mackenzie, we have two ships both asking for the same dock, can you spare a security officer to check their cargo?" =/\=


Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 01, 2021, 07:57:34 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Cloten turned and glared at Gop Gop. Slow, isn't he, the moron? Gop Gop always kept his robe up to signify his connection to home. But Cloten kept up displaying as many of his gold, even with his chains on him, as much as possible.

"I'm not asking the turtle, am I, Gop Gop?" snapped Cloten. "Besides, a goody two-shoes like him? What's he from, some watered-down barge fleet company looking to move crap around?"

"Excuse me," said Griff, narrowing his eyes, "the watered-down barge fleet company in mind, the owner's my dad."

"You?" said Cloten, then he reared back his head and laughed.

"It's true," said Kayad softly. "I used to be his butler."

"Yeah, and I'm really the Kai of Bajor!" howled Cloten in humor.

"If the issue is with the cargo, then I think the cargo will need inspecting," said Gideon. "If Security checks things out and there's nothing wrong, then we'll see who deserves the dock more, and who has to wait in the bloody line."

He then tapped his comm badge.  =/\="Junior Leftenant Drake to Leftenant Mackenzie, we have two ships both asking for the same dock, can you spare a security officer to check their cargo?" =/\=

[Vulpinian NPC - Assistant 'Gop Gop' | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Gop Gop thought... and he thought... And then he was distracted by the movement of a dangling cable which looked like a tree-climbing rodent... And then he thought some more.

Eventually, he decided that his boss, Cloten, probably wasn't the Kai of Bajor. That didn't seem to match up with what Gop Gop knew about Cloten. But what also didn't match up was this news about the turtle being a former butler of the man making a decision about which ship would get to dock. Gop Gop had dealt with favoritism before, and he dimly wondered whether this was the case now.

He tugged on Cloten's elbow, then winced his overlarge eyelids shut to brace for an expected slap. "Boss.." he tried to start, but wouldn't finish if Cloten shut him down once again.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Klingon Embassy - Katra Station]

"PfffffHRAGH!" Chigorra blew out forcefully as she squatted down the tremendously heavy chunk of Klingon computing equipment. The thing was massive, all metal and cabling and dead weight in an oblong box. She had had to stretch a little extra beforehand, prepping the cords of muscles in her back and the broad musculature in her shoulders to haul the device to its intended destination. It was the final piece that completed the computing and signals station in the Embassy, and it was ready to be connected to Katra Station live power. The power connections were limited, meant merely for sending power to the device and the most minor of data controls to regulate how much power was being moved. Even a power conduit was a potential means of incursion into a secure system, so the Klingon power cable was designed carefully, and with as little extraneous connectors as possible.

The actual communications cable was another matter... Until the Embassay was physically connected to the Katra Station's comms network in some way, they were unable to get their encrypted datalink with Qo'noS. Chigorra didn't like live, constant connections like this, but she couldn't be cut off from the Homeworld, and there would be times where she'd need to consult with the High Council in matters of foreign affairs. There was no getting around it... To help herself feel better, she kept her own computing systems separate from the devices that she hoped to connect to Katra Station. There would at least be an 'air gap', as it was called.

She believed she was ready, so she stormed out of the Embassy doors, startling a Coridianite trader into dropping an armload of fruit into the deck plating. She seemed not to notice, and made her way to a nearby public console. A Bolian woman was using it to research the costs of temporary lodging, so Chigorra politely waited behind her. Sadly, while Chigorra felt she was behaving perfectly normally, to the Bolian, a six-foot tall Klingon muscle monster was looming to her rear, so the blue-skinned woman swiftly finished her search and scuttled away. Again ignorant of the effect she had, Chigorra moved forward, ducking to glare at the little kiosk screen, her fingers stabbing its keyboard with unintended violence. Inside the kiosk, sometime shook and fell inside the wall, but the kiosk kept working, so she continued.

Chigorra... she thought to herself as she typed, filling out the requester name field. Daughter... of Loesh... of House G'Khran... Ambassador of the Klingon Empire.

She looked up, but saw that the name field had limited characters, and had cut her off at 'Chigorra Daughter of Loe'. She growled, and deleted all the text after her given name. She continued.

Requesting assistance in connecting Embassy communications computers to Katra signals network. Desire is to forward encrypted data packets to Qo'noS and other locations through Katra comms system. She looked down at a small scrap of paper on which she had written a note, then it was back to the keyboard. Virtual tunnel to communications array required. The necessity of delayed or scheduled sending of messages understood, as Katra station as its own priorities.

The Ambassador continued, describing the rest of her needs and filling out 'date completed by' requirements, and 'time available' fields. She understood that Katra wouldn't drop everything to send her messages, and there may come times that other data packets would take priority. She acknowledged that fact; it was the price of doing business in someone else's territory. After a time, she completed the ticket, and sent it off with a final striking thumb, causing something else to shake loose in the wall. She figured it was supposed to sound that way, and returned to her Embassy.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Sirol on August 01, 2021, 05:40:03 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

As she was addressed, the scientist instinctively stiffened up, then turned around looking at Zex and giving her a polite bow.
"œGood morning. I hope this morning finds you well.
No, I did not manage to sleep"¦"

Thinking about it, she felt like she could sleep less and less frequently.
Maybe another topic she should"¦ Should... Discuss with the healer once she was back in her lab.

Towards Zex's question, whether she was going to attend the visiting officers breakfast, she quickly tilted her head. She had not been informed that there was such a thing, but it sounded like a welcome idea to both, get to know the newcomers and pass the time until she had shift.
"œI"¦ Why not"¦ I could certainly see if I can put myself to any use.
Maybe I might be lucky and among the visiting officers might be foreign cultures or languages for me to relay."

With that she got out of her bed again - maybe a little too fast, as her legs felt like they were about to cave in like soft rubber for a moment.
Yet in an act of willpower, as well as supported by the fact that she maybe could make herself useful as a proxy again today, she stepped into her uniform pants again, then stripped over her jacket and her lab coat.
"œThe last two days I have been almost exclusively aiding Specialist Freeman, his child and Healer Peylix. It was"¦ Overly welcome"¦ To be able to work with foreigners again..." Although technically at this Point Xasik's Baby and Peylix, both being Tholians, were not really foreign to Sirol. "œ...Reminds me of why I chose the profession I did.
Granted, I did not expect my laboratory to ever serve as a"¦ Labour ward"¦ But it has its advantages for all involved..."

With that she put on her boots, then once more stretched herself and headed to the bathroom as well, to wash her face, brush her teeth and check the correct appearance of her hair, to make sure that it still - in best Romulan tradition - resembled a static, shiny old military helmet.
Once she was done she looked up towards Zex, giving her a friendly nod, signalling that she was ready to tag along.

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"It's does, but you know that you don't need to bow every time we see one another in here.  This is your place just as much as it is your.  You don't bow to you family members do you?" the Deltan commented after turning back to her roomie.

"I'm sorry you are not sleeping well.  Is it the pain keeping you awake? Or is is something else?" she asked with concern.

"It definitely would be a good opportunity to meet new people.  Most of them are from the Discovery when Kirok was captain their.  They were celebrated as being the most diverse crew at that time.

Go.  Get a free breakfast.  Kirok is serving frittatas" the Deltan added.

"Wait.  Xasik's baby?  You're going to have to tell me about that later.  Want to walk with me to the turbo?" she asked as she stepped to the door.

Quote from: Skargarr on August 01, 2021, 06:35:02 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Walking the so called beat of his morning routine, he walked around the Promenade making sure everyone kept to themselves and broke up any potentially hazardous fights before they happened.  He stopped by the Klingon food station to pick up some fresh Gagh on the go.  Slurping down the Gagh as it was so fresh and it was good to take the time to eat and enjoy his food rather then rushing off.  But the influx of Dignitaries and there staff on top of the security briefing that morning, heightened his senses to be more on guard despite his casual food cravings taking hold.


Tosk's could be seen working at almost ever stall.  "Morning, Sir" one said.  "Hello" anther said as the Gorn security officer walked by.

Quote from: Dranik on August 01, 2021, 07:16:13 PM

Dranik looked around the quarters he and Ciavil and the kids had been assigned and looked out into the void of space. The small family had been settling in on Katra Station after arriving a few days ago. Most of the furniture was set up, the kid's room was set up and truth be told, the Hirogen was exhausted. He had hunted difficult prey before in his pre-starfleet days but nothing compared to raising a family and keeping an eye on two young ones who seemingly had boundless energy.

[Dranik's quarters]

Dranik's padd dinged.  There was an email with the the day's itinerary on it.   '0800 breakfast with Kirok in the Captain's Mess,  0900 tour of station...' it read.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Dranik's Quarters

Dranik had been frantically chasing his daughter around the room for a few minutes now even as he was trying to get dressed. She was happily laughing as she ran around the room with his padd which was now covered in what appeared to be strawberry jam and cookie crumbs. He was doing his best to make sure he didn't scare his daughter but his patience was rapidly running out. Ciavil was supposed to get off-duty in a few minutes and the kids had been hyper all morning. After a few moments, he was finally able to corner Stella. "Alright, enough is enough, Daddy needs the padd now." Stella shook her head and began hitting random buttons on the padd while giggling and Dranik's eyes widened in absolute terror for a moment. As he reached for the padd, he heard the doors open as Stella threw the padd to the ground and ran towards Ciavil. "Mommy!" She shouted cheerfully as Ciavil grabbed her up in a hug and looked over at Dranik with a faint smile. "I take it they weren't cooperative?" Dranik simply shook his head and sighed heavily. "No more Andorian cookies before bed. Never again. Never, ever again."

Dranik and Ciavil's other child, Shivren ran into the room next and joined Stella in hugging Ciavil. The two children looked like small, blue-skinned Hirogen but lacking some of the forehead features. Dranik shook his head as he looked down at the Padd which he had heard ding earlier and managed to wipe some of the jam and crumbs away from the screen and his eyes widened again.

'0800 breakfast with Kirok in the Captain's Mess,  0900 tour of station...'

"Oh damn, I have to get going."

Ciavil watched with no small amount of amusement as Dranik stopped at the entrance to their quarters and smiled at his family. "Behave for mommy. Please. For the love of the hunt please behave."

Dranik took off out the door and immediately found a turbolift.

"Captain's mess." He told the computer as the turbolift began to move.

Hirogen Male


< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Quote from: Kirok on August 01, 2021, 08:45:03 PM

"It's does, but you know that you don't need to bow every time we see one another in here.  This is your place just as much as it is your.  You don't bow to you family members do you?" the Deltan commented after turning back to her roomie.

"I'm sorry you are not sleeping well.  Is it the pain keeping you awake? Or is is something else?" she asked with concern.

"It definitely would be a good opportunity to meet new people.  Most of them are from the Discovery when Kirok was captain their.  They were celebrated as being the most diverse crew at that time.

Go.  Get a free breakfast.  Kirok is serving frittatas" the Deltan added.

"Wait.  Xasik's baby?  You're going to have to tell me about that later.  Want to walk with me to the turbo?" she asked as she stepped to the door.

Sirol tilted her head and looked at Zex as she pointed out that there was no need to bow. She was correct, but Sirol also was not particularly good at showing gestures of understanding and even appreciation in the same instinctive manner many others did.
"œI apologise"¦ During my studies of intercultural communications I established that statistically speaking bowing and nodding are the most universally understood and utilised gesture across the widest range of species and cultures. If there is any gesture you personally would prefer though"¦ I would be more than willing to utilise it. I want you to be"¦ Happy...
For a moment she once again paused.
Actually her family members did bow to another, as it was custom among most upper houses on Remus. She however decided to not mention it to not derail Zex's original statement.

Zipping her uniform jacket she eventually stepped out of the bathroom again, and nodded towards Zex and the Uropygi before answering her room mate's next question.
"œYou do not need to be sorry for my lack of sleep. It is not your fault.
It is my detachment from the collective consciousness. It causes me mental, emotional"¦ Even physical pain. The problems increase the longer I stay Isolated I think. Starfleet data banks have no accurate reference for any case like mine, but I"¦ Do"¦ Suffer...

Awkwardly clearing her throat she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. As she opened them again she noticed tat the Uropygi was standing b her side, seemingly ready to head out with Sirol and Zex.

With a little smile on her face, she picked up her companion and gave her a little pat on the head, then looked back at Zex, acknowledging her words.
"œFascinating. I am looking forward to meeting them.
Diversity is its own reward and the first important step leading towards true scientific endeavour.
An enclosed system can never expand."

She took another deep breath, then looked up to Zex again.
She had not been aware of Freeman's baby? Had she not welcomed it on their tour in the shuttle? Or did Sirol put the pieces together incorrectly?
"œYes"¦ He has an adopted child named Emerald. We met them while their egg in stasis with us aboard the Flatwoods.
I was with him during most of the hatching process..."

She hesitated for a moment, fondly remembering these uplifting events.
"œFreeman asked for my assistance with setting up the necessary environmental conditions in my lab's quarantine room.
The little one hatched recently, and they are"¦ I think - The sweetest little thing I have ever seen.
You should go and meet them if you find the time."

Sirol brightly smiled at Zex.
It was one of those rare moments. Maybe even the first time for her to ever smile since she had come to the station. One of the few legitimately wholesome and healing moments she had had since she had been ripped out of the anomaly"¦

Eventually though, her smile faded and was replaced by a more generic; a more confused face again.
"œGet breakfast? You mean you will not be around to welcome the new staff members?"
She raised one eyebrow in acknowledgement.
"œ...Would you like me to bring you something from the breakfast later? The frittatas perhaps?"
With a little smirk Sirol looked at Zex while tightening her grip around the Uropygi again, getting ready to head out.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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