S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on August 02, 2021, 07:06:29 PM


"Mister Kimball?" she asked gently as she entered into Medbay, a PADD clasped to her chest and a smile washing over her face at the sight of him. "I hope you're doing well."

She set the PADD down at a desk, clasping her hands behind her back as she looked him over. He must be here for the Counsellor but she would always make time for the man. Always. He had been a patient but then the entire station and crew compliment of the Seleya were hers as well in some form or another, though his had been a unique case given his background with the Borg and the cube they'd encountered. But he was upright and alert, both things a success in her book.

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

"Doctor" EQ replied.   "I am.  Thank you" the XB replied.

"I didn't know if you needed draw any blood or anything to check to see if the medication was still in my system.  It help a lot.  I just want to make sure I'm keeping up with my treatment" he said.

He looked down.  Indicating that there was more to his visit.  But not willing to say so just yet.

"I'm suppose to meet Dr. Jyur next.  Till then, you got any of that tea you mentioned before.  I'd like to try it" he added tentatively.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2021, 06:39:37 PM

Zex could sense the shift in mood from her roomie.  But it wasn't enough to trigger her natural defenses.  So she took a breath and smiled.

"I wasn't tying to upset you.   I was only tying to be helpful by making a friendly suggestion.  Sorry if I failed" the Deltan replied.  She dipped her head, sad that should could not help her friend.

"But I'm glad that you had fun being one of the first to meet Xasik's child.  It must have been quite the experience" Zex said.  She shrugged and took a small breath.

Sirol tilted her head.
She could taste Zex's sadness. The last thing Sirol wanted was to spread more sadness like a disease. Hesitantly she approached the other, then slowly put her hand onto Zex's shoulder.

"œPlease do not be sorry. You did not "˜fail' me. As a matter of fact you do not owe me anything.
I am not damaged because of you; I am damaged because of the circumstances of my detachment and the fact that there is still no solution to this state.
I am isolated in my mind for six months, three weeks and twelve days. Every additional day means additional pain and more memories lost"¦ Memories of people, lives and places that are - and will be - irreversibly destroyed.
The thing weighing on me is not your or anyone else's incapability to  understand my pain.
...What weighs on me is that no one seems to try and help me; work with me and find a solution that works"¦"

Giving Zex a little nod she squeezed out a little smirk.
"œWe all have our boundaries. But I would never hold it against you or anyone that no one can understand me..."

As she once more mentioned Xasik's hatchling, Sirol nodded and her smirk grew a little.
"œExperience. Indeed.
I do not think I ever witnessed a child being welcomed. At least not first hand. I still have some of the memories of other people having children"¦
Xasik decided to name his child Emerald. A little strange but then again strange is not always bad. Healer Peylix did not seem too satisfied about the name choice, but did not say anything."

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >
Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2021, 06:39:37 PM

Kirok nodded to the Science Officer when she arrived at the Captain's Mess.  "Everyone, this is Sirol.  She is one of our Science Officers" the Captain announced.

"There is a make your own frittata station.  But we also have your more standard breakfast foods.  From many cultures across the universe" Kirok added.

As Kirok introduced Sirol to the people in the room, she gave the Captain a polite hailing nod.
"œCaptain." She spoke in a formal tone, then once more looked through the room.

Upon his invitation to help herself with the food, she once more nodded, still waiting for her stomach to wake up and smell the breakfast.
"œThank you, Captain." She spoke, and hesitantly began to reach out.
For now she would stick with a coffee and see how her stomach would like the gentle breeze of concentrated caffeine rush.
Pouring some steaming black coffee into a mug she pulled it closer to herself, then wrapped her freezing hands around it to warm her fingers while she once again looked forth and back between the Captain and the entrance, musing as to who and how many more would join their breakfast today.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 02, 2021, 07:50:42 PM

Peering up at the mountainous man-o-saurus, Kyan noticed the blood around his maw... and some gagh between his teeth. A grup might have been put off by such brazen savagery. Well, a Human grup anyway, or a Vulcan, but Kyan liked it. It was a good touch for someone in their line of work. "Maybe I'll try that sometime." he thought to himself.

"So it's sizing up these folks we're after today Mister Skargarr, as well as finding any contraband that they might be hiding." Kyan said after a few moments. "And if the contraband isn't serious, like weapons or explosives and things, we might be after letting it go... for a price." Then to make sure the Gorn got his meaning.. "We're still new here you see, so it's contacts and information we want about the goings on here, and what the criminal types get up to. To do that... you gotta develop relationships you see. So don't get yer erhm... spikes up over nothing to small, but take note of anything you find and let me know."

Then, after a pause and loud enough to be heard across the room where a crew was huddled. "Oh... and dinnae eat none of 'em. The Captain doesn't like it when freighter crews get eaten so."

"You couldnt pull off the terror factor of intestines in your mouth.  As you dont have the appropriate facial features." Skar said as he looked at the others.  "Remember, I eat humans.  So best I dont find anything out of the ordinary.  Right Captain?" Skar said towards the Captain of the freigher.

Then he moved off and began his search of the freighter, moving the crates as if they weighted nothing at all.  He scanned each one and compared it to the manifest he took from the Cargo bay supervisor.  "Everything se......What do we have here." Skar said as he rescanned the crate.  "This one doesnt check out.  The manifest has it reading as 'Ferengi Energy Whips' and 'Veron T disruptor' which that one is banned in Federation space, I smell blood wine, the smell is undeniable.  Romulan Ale is here too, Enolian Spice wine which is an imprisoned offense.  Tallonian Crystals in this crate.  All of this is atleast a six time life sentence." Skar said enjoying the smell of the blood, as he licked his lips and smacked his muzzle open and closed repeatedly.  "They are transporting one thing but the manifest says something completely different, sir morsel.  Also detecting alot of other various weapons in the cargo hold that isnt on the manifest.  They are smuggling." Skar said aloud.


Quote from: Sirol on August 02, 2021, 08:24:09 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

As Kirok introduced Sirol to the people in the room, she gave the Captain a polite hailing nod.
"œCaptain." She spoke in a formal tone, then once more looked through the room.

Upon his invitation to help herself with the food, she once more nodded, still waiting for her stomach to wake up and smell the breakfast.
"œThank you, Captain." She spoke, and hesitantly began to reach out.
For now she would stick with a coffee and see how her stomach would like the gentle breeze of concentrated caffeine rush.
Pouring some steaming black coffee into a mug she pulled it closer to herself, then wrapped her freezing hands around it to warm her fingers while she once again looked forth and back between the Captain and the entrance, musing as to who and how many more would join their breakfast today.

[Captain's Mess]

An older Benzite female raised her hand and waived.  "Come join us here, Lov.  I'm Hayo and this is Melrus" the older woman said.

"Greeting" the Denobulan male said between bites.   "I put peppers and mushrooms in my frittata.   So delicious" he said.

"Don't mind him, Lov.  He is always about the food.  So what does Kirok have you working on?" Haya added. 



Dranik was thinking about his duties for today, so much so in fact that he didn't realize he had arrived at the Captain's mess for a few moments. He quickly snapped out of it and approached the Captain's mess and began trying to identify the various different smells. He smiled at the various individuals at the table and smiled faintly. "Good morning everyone." He looked at Kirok and stood at attention. "Good morning, sir."

Hirogen Male

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2021, 07:53:52 PM

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

"Doctor" EQ replied.   "I am.  Thank you" the XB replied.

"I didn't know if you needed draw any blood or anything to check to see if the medication was still in my system.  It help a lot.  I just want to make sure I'm keeping up with my treatment" he said.

He looked down.  Indicating that there was more to his visit.  But not willing to say so just yet.

"I'm suppose to meet Dr. Jyur next.  Till then, you got any of that tea you mentioned before.  I'd like to try it" he added tentatively.


"I can do a quick scan," she said with a nod, "but you look much better." Her smile spread, giving her eyes a sparkle as she murmured for the thick British black tea with a bit of sweetener and some cream. It was not at all Earl Grey, though it was hot. "Sure. I find it invigorating but it's only British black tea fortified with some cream and sweetener."

She scanned him with a waving motion of her medical tricorder and smiled at the results.

"Your results are just fine, my friend. Nothing to worry over. You've the right amount in your system for now. If you need anything more, if there are dreams keeping you up or you feel the treatment isn't working we can discuss it further." She canted her head to the side slightly. "I don't want to keep you from the good doctor if you've an appointment to keep. I'm always available, Mister Kimball. Even if I'm off-duty, you just give me a call, mm? I'll always respond."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius



< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"I just want you to be happy, and as a friend I just want to help you.  I just don't really understand what happened to you, so I'm kind of at loss.  Sorry" the Deltan replied.

"Emerald is a nice name.  When I get some free time, I will try to stop in an see him.  And the child too" Zex added.

Quote from: Dranik on August 02, 2021, 09:26:09 PM


Dranik was thinking about his duties for today, so much so in fact that he didn't realize he had arrived at the Captain's mess for a few moments. He quickly snapped out of it and approached the Captain's mess and began trying to identify the various different smells. He smiled at the various individuals at the table and smiled faintly. "Good morning everyone." He looked at Kirok and stood at attention. "Good morning, sir."

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok nodded to the new-comer.  "Morning, Mr. Dranik.  Please help yourself to breakfast" he said to the visiting Sec/Tac officer.

"Like many of you, Dranik came from the Discovery.  He comes from the Sec/Tac Department.  Please make him feel welcome"

"There is no assigned seats.  But Lonar served with me on the Discovery several years ago.  He is the Tholian in the corner if you wish to say hi" Kirok said more privately to Dranik.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on August 02, 2021, 09:31:07 PM


"I can do a quick scan," she said with a nod, "but you look much better." Her smile spread, giving her eyes a sparkle as she murmured for the thick British black tea with a bit of sweetener and some cream. It was not at all Earl Grey, though it was hot. "Sure. I find it invigorating but it's only British black tea fortified with some cream and sweetener."

She scanned him with a waving motion of her medical tricorder and smiled at the results.

"Your results are just fine, my friend. Nothing to worry over. You've the right amount in your system for now. If you need anything more, if there are dreams keeping you up or you feel the treatment isn't working we can discuss it further." She canted her head to the side slightly. "I don't want to keep you from the good doctor if you've an appointment to keep. I'm always available, Mister Kimball. Even if I'm off-duty, you just give me a call, mm? I'll always respond."

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

EQ smiled.  Though his skin was still a bit pale, it did pink up a bit.  "I haven't had another episode, which is good" he admitted.

He leaned forward for the scan.  "That's good to hear.  A relief actually.  Good thing you were here when I needed you.  I appreciate you saying that and promise not to both you too much, off duty" the XB added.

"Dr. Jyur hasn't confirmed yet.  And my grandma made tea the same way.  With milk and sugar.  Can I have extra sugar?" Kimball said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Skargarr on August 02, 2021, 08:24:48 PM

"You couldnt pull off the terror factor of intestines in your mouth.  As you dont have the appropriate facial features." Skar said as he looked at the others.  "Remember, I eat humans.  So best I dont find anything out of the ordinary.  Right Captain?" Skar said towards the Captain of the freigher.

Then he moved off and began his search of the freighter, moving the crates as if they weighted nothing at all.  He scanned each one and compared it to the manifest he took from the Cargo bay supervisor.  "Everything se......What do we have here." Skar said as he rescanned the crate.  "This one doesnt check out.  The manifest has it reading as 'Ferengi Energy Whips' and 'Veron T disruptor' which that one is banned in Federation space, I smell blood wine, the smell is undeniable.  Romulan Ale is here too, Enolian Spice wine which is an imprisoned offense.  Tallonian Crystals in this crate.  All of this is atleast a six time life sentence." Skar said enjoying the smell of the blood, as he licked his lips and smacked his muzzle open and closed repeatedly.  "They are transporting one thing but the manifest says something completely different, sir morsel.  Also detecting alot of other various weapons in the cargo hold that isnt on the manifest.  They are smuggling." Skar said aloud.

"Weapons?" Kyan asked, poking his head in the door, unable to suppress a grin. "It's too bad that is."

Kyan stepped fully into the hold now. "We'll need to do a thorough search on this... crate.. by crate." He tapped his com badge. =/\= All available security report to the docking bay. =/\= Then, pointing to the freighter's crew. "And put them in a holding cell until we can umm... sort this out."

Kyan smiled as he looked over some of the more illicit cargo laid out before him. "And we haven't even gotten to the Vulpinians yet." he mused aloud. "Tis a good day this is gonna be, and no mistake!"


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 02, 2021, 10:03:46 PM

"Weapons?" Kyan asked, poking his head in the door, unable to suppress a grin. "It's too bad that is."

Kyan stepped fully into the hold now. "We'll need to do a thorough search on this... crate.. by crate." He tapped his com badge. =/\= All available security report to the docking bay. =/\= Then, pointing to the freighter's crew. "And put them in a holding cell until we can umm... sort this out."

Kyan smiled as he looked over some of the more illicit cargo laid out before him. "And we haven't even gotten to the Vulpinians yet." he mused aloud. "Tis a good day this is gonna be, and no mistake!"

"I say we just cuff them, put them under guard while we confiscate there ship and its cargo.  Then head over and deal with the Vulperians.  Its been awhile since I have had dog in my diet." Skar suggested.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 02, 2021, 09:50:18 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"I just want you to be happy, and as a friend I just want to help you.  I just don't really understand what happened to you, so I'm kind of at loss.  Sorry" the Deltan replied.

"Emerald is a nice name.  When I get some free time, I will try to stop in an see him.  And the child too" Zex added.

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok nodded to the new-comer.  "Morning, Mr. Dranik.  Please help yourself to breakfast" he said to the visiting Sec/Tac officer.

"Like many of you, Dranik came from the Discovery.  He comes from the Sec/Tac Department.  Please make him feel welcome"

"There is no assigned seats.  But Lonar served with me on the Discovery several years ago.  He is the Tholian in the corner if you wish to say hi" Kirok said more privately to Dranik.

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

EQ smiled.  Though his skin was still a bit pale, it did pink up a bit.  "I haven't had another episode, which is good" he admitted.

He leaned forward for the scan.  "That's good to hear.  A relief actually.  Good thing you were here when I needed you.  I appreciate you saying that and promise not to both you too much, off duty" the XB added.

"Dr. Jyur hasn't confirmed yet.  And my grandma made tea the same way.  With milk and sugar.  Can I have extra sugar?" Kimball said.


"Mm," she nodded, the humming acknowledgement soft, and replicated a second beverage with extra sweetener before handing it to him on a saucer supplied by the replicator itself. "I'm glad to hear you haven't had a recurrence since I was last with you. Mister Kimball, I honestly don't mind if you need the company and I'm off duty. I don't sleep much myself, so it's not really much of an issue. I don't think anyone can bother me, anyway, I do enjoy company myself. Sometimes meditation just doesn't cut it. I tend to be a social creature these days."

The corners of her eyes crinkled as she smiled.

"Please, don't ever think of yourself as a bother. Especially when you're in need of a friend who won't ever judge you. This is my seventh host and believe me, after so many lives I find it hard to pass judgement on anyone before knowing the particulars and them. Usually, I'm rather good at picking my friends wisely. I hope you'll consider me as one of them."

In times of distress, she thought, we all need friends who will defend our honour. Mister Kimball needed to know she was on his side and would do just that "" defend him should the need arise and help to soothe him as a good friend should. Strangely enough, she had little in the way of friends so far but she tended to make them easily when she was looking up from her work. Detaching herself from her work was always the rub, she supposed. It would be nice to have another friend that wasn't from the academy or from Trill proper. It had been a long time.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


[Katra->T'Prith Quarters->operations]

T'Prith stopped by her personal quarters for a brief moment before heading towards ops. She was going to be busy with the incoming traffic and making accomedations. She was going to report to the ones in flight control and security and tactical to see what the orders are or what the plan is. She was sure that she was going to be of help somewhere. She just had to make sure that she didn't rub anyone who was aboard the station the wrong way. She certainly didn't want to risk anything that would mess up the plans that were going to be made.


Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 02, 2021, 09:17:37 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]
"What the hell is it?!?" snapped Cloten, glaring at Gop Gop.

"Excellent," said Griff, acknowledging Lieutenant MacKenzie, and he looked back at Cloten and Kayad. The two Vulpinians stared at him, Cloten with an increasing scowl, his sharp teeth baring at him, his assistant, the gormless Gop Gop, merely staring blankly, though there was something taking their attention. Kayad, of course, waited patiently, as he usually did; the old fellow was over a hundred years old, and thus patience came naturally to him.

Then Lieutenant Ferris called in. Griff was a little relieved to be relieved, but he still had this row, of sorts, to deal with.

=/\="Drake to Ferris," =/\= he said, opening comms with Ferris,  =/\="Much appreciated, sir. There's still this business with these two cargo skippers, but I'll let you know when I'm finished so the reliefs can come in and relieve me." =/\=

He turned back and stared sternly back at Cloten and Kayad. "Right, you lot. You get the priority dock," he said, pointing to Kayad, only to be interrupted by an expletive by Cloten... "Shut the dickens up, furball, I'm not finished," he snapped back at Cloten. "Kayad, you get the priority dock, but wait to unload, you're going to be inspected. Standard procedure."

Kayad nodded in understanding as Griff turned back to the furry little git. "You, sir, are getting moved to a different docking port. You're getting inspected first."

"Does that mean I get to unload first if I dock first?" said Cloten suspiciously.

"No," Griff retorted. "It means you're getting inspected first to check for any contraband."

"Fine," scowled Cloten. "We have nothing to hide, am I right, Gop Gop?" he added, turning back to his idiot assistant and glaring at him to make sure he kept quiet.

In truth, while Cloten aimed at opening a casino and gin joint, and potentially even a flea market, though compressed in size as it will be, in truth, what he really intended was to open a branch of the black market, all while appearing legitimate, however sleazy he was, on a Federation outpost. After all, the black market was eager to expand operations into the Gamma Quadrant, but Cloten needed a way to get them there. Naturally, he had contraband, he has it cleverly hidden; one could literally take his ship apart and never find it. His only concern was if stupid Gop Gop would talk, hence his glaring at him.

[Vulpinian NPC - Assistant 'Gop Gop' | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

"Inspections are normal." Gop Gop observed, his lips going numb for a moment. He checked them back to life with his teeth before continuing. "They get 'spected, we get 'spected." In answer to Cloten's scowling question, the simpler Vulpinian had to think hard, bringing a paw up to scratch at this forehead. The act caused a small dagger to fall out of the robe that covered him, the thing clattering to the deck plating loudly. It was a pitifully small little thing, four inches in length, poorly sharpened, chipped badly, and single-bladed. Gop Gop reached down and plucked it back up, holding the sharp edge in his paw-hand instead of the handle. "Oh, my backscratcher." he said, before putting it back inside his robes. All along the belt he apparently wore underneath the thing were pouches and scabbards; they were only seen for a moment, but there was no telling what else was under there.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Skargarr on August 02, 2021, 10:25:01 PM

"I say we just cuff them, put them under guard while we confiscate there ship and its cargo.  Then head over and deal with the Vulperians.  Its been awhile since I have had dog in my diet." Skar suggested.

"Aye and it'll be a while longer still ya savage!" Kyan answered. "We cannae be eatin people..." he looked at the freighter crew. "At least not yet anyhow. We've got tae ask them questions first.. you know, and get to the bottom of things so we do, and then... eh." he shrugged. "Anyways, take this lot to the holding cells and put... "

He gave them all a look before settling on a mark. In this case, the youngest of the grups who looked like he was about to wet himself. "Put that one in an interrogation room." he said with a grin, pointing at the man in question. "And when the rest of the Security folk get here, we'll have em start looking about and we'll talk to the Vulpinians."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 03, 2021, 12:46:08 AM

"Aye and it'll be a while longer still ya savage!" Kyan answered. "We cannae be eatin people..." he looked at the freighter crew. "At least not yet anyhow. We've got tae ask them questions first.. you know, and get to the bottom of things so we do, and then... eh." he shrugged. "Anyways, take this lot to the holding cells and put... "

He gave them all a look before settling on a mark. In this case, the youngest of the grups who looked like he was about to wet himself. "Put that one in an interrogation room." he said with a grin, pointing at the man in question. "And when the rest of the Security folk get here, we'll have em start looking about and we'll talk to the Vulpinians."

Skar merely shrugged at the 'Morsel's' reaction.  "Dont knock it until you have nothing else to eat and your forced to make due with wht you can catch.  Survival situations its a 'Eat or be eaten' world out there." Skar said as he went over and told the other security teams to escort there new guests to the brig and place that one weakling into interrogation.

"Lets go be all diplomacy with the dogs.  Though, if I eat one the others will fall in line quite quickly as it is a very effective means to get information even if it isnt most likely reliable." Skar said smiling though to some people it would unsettle them, a Gorn smiling is never a pleasing moment to be sure.

Serena King

Quote from: npc3 on August 02, 2021, 04:14:39 PM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800 - Novaar]

Novaar's eyes grew large at the mention that the issue was driving her crazy.  "Oh, dear.  We can't have that" she replied.

Then she fell into listing to what was bugging the young Engineer.  "Hmm.  It seems you have checked over every possible angle.

So, maybe we need to think outside the box.  Perhaps create a different way to get the signal threw.

What if we sent the buffer from point a to point b.  Then once it reaches it's destination, have people rematerialize there.  A metallic outer shell should protect the bio-signatures from the snakes interference" the Orian suggested.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]

"Sorry, let me start again."

Serena shook her head slowly and smiled. "With Engineers, there's no single way to approach a problem. How we approach a problem is revealing as to our thought processes. Your idea has merit. However, it is not the destination, but the intervening space to be travelled. The ACB is simply unable to take form, no matter how we try. For lack of a better term, space has gone missing and can't support the tunneling of energy in that way."

She paused to rub her face for a few moments. "A simpler answer using your methods would be to stick a person inside a photon torpedo casing and launch them somewhere. However, your theory, while valid, ignores something: How do we retrieve them?"

Serena paused again to try and sound upbeat, but gentle: "Haven't tried tractor beams, but they'd be too slow. Remember, the hangar bay tractors take minutes to bring someone aboard and they're only a few metres away. We could try old fashioned magnetic grapples, but accuracy is a problem. We could use a shuttle, but then if we used a shuttle to retrieve someone, just use the shuttle to drop them off. Unfortunately the physics don't add up." She shrugged.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

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