S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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[Katra - OCC - EQ]

The XB followed Kyle back out to Ops.  He returned the hypo and dermal regenerator to the kit.  Then he went and found an open duty station and logged in.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on September 02, 2021, 08:46:39 AM


Kirok's head was still tilted.  But now one of his eyebrows arced.  "Both interesting ideas, Skargaar.  But having no spare warp cores at the moment, let stick to the basic.  Load torpedoes and arm phasers please" the Captain replied.


"The station is fully ready, just need to get people to there battle stations while clearing out hold outs of hunters, the chain fire defense system is primed as well." Skar replied.


Quote from: npc3 on September 02, 2021, 08:52:41 AM

[Brig - Alpha]

Alpha's focus turned from Jyur to the EMH.  The medicine did affect him slightly, but it was just enough that he finally said the name of that he had been withhold.   "It's the Zhat Vash" he said before trying to take a bite out of the EMH's hand.

[Brig - Zex]

When Alpha finally said the name, Zex a visual image in her head of the person Alpha had talked to in her head.  She had seen that person before.  And older Romulan woman.  The same woman who had attacked her 5 months ago in Engineering.  "The Zhat Vash.  No" Zex exclaimed in fear as the image and her fear was sent to everyone who was currently on the Tholian lattice.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: npc3 on September 02, 2021, 12:30:18 PM

[Katra - Medbay - Cartis (after leaving Kyan's room)]

The Ocampan waited until Xiiv finished talking to King.  "Another one discharged.  Looks like we are moving in the right direction" he said optimistically.  "How long you been here at Katra, by the way?" he asked curiously now that there was a bit of a break between patients.

[Medbay - Katra]
"We'll get there." One by one they were making progress and sending those with minor injuries to heal elsewhere had made a huge dent. The only ones left were serious injuries that her staff and Dr Belmont were treating. She glanced at Cartis, her expression thoughtful.

"I would say a little over a standard year," she said after a moment. "Not long, that's for sure. But long enough to see it all nearly destroyed. And that was before all of this. I came from an extended vacation to find a mess, worked to fix it up, and here we are in a mess again." Xiiv shook her head a little. "Hopefully, once all this dies down, things will be calmer but it's hard to say how long that will last. I try to be positive, though. I suppose as long as I'm around, I'll keep working to make it better."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Kyan Mackenzie


:: Katra Station | Medbay ::

For several minutes Kyan had occupied himself by creating chickens out of sterile gloves and other disposable medical supplies. He'd even managed to find a surgical marker to make the faces. He had ten of them so far. He was putting some eyes on the last one when his concussed, drug addled brain suffered a moment of clarity.

Dr. Belmont's been gone for a while.

It took him a minute to process this bit of information... because he was pretty focused on getting his chickens in a line, but once it happened, he nearly dropped the marker. The Powers had presented him with an opportunity to escape! He was a bit torn over it though. On the one hand, Belmont had pretty good stories... and there were the chickens to consider. There were plenty more gloves in the box after all. But on the other hand, even drugged up he still knew that Sickbay was NOT where he wanted to be. The drug simply dulled the fear to a point where he could ignore it and focus on other things.

"Like us!" one of the chickens seemed to say plaintively.

"Ye canne really talk ya little beastie." Kyan offered matter of factly... aloud..to the chicken. "Yer just a toy ya are... and full of me own hot air so."

Kyan knew.. deep down, he knew that the chickens weren't speaking to him. It was his imagination. For one thing, chickens couldnt talk anyways. And these weren't even real chickens!

"We can do more than just talk." Another blue chicken chirped. "We can peck yer eyes out! We're Andorian Chickens!"

"Not me. I'm Bolian." another piped up.

"I'm Benzite. See my breathing thingy?" yet another one said.

Kyan looked back at the other chickens, confused. "And which of ye said that!?" he demanded. "I'll pop ye with a hyposprayer and we'll see how tough ye are!" He picked up the same hypospray from earlier and brandished it. "Well? I'm waitin the now. Which of you little blue beasties is after getting popped?"

There was silence for a few moments. "That's what I thought!" Kyan laughed. "Even if yer blue an not yellow yer still a pack of fake chickens! And regular chickens at that. Not bloody Andorian or Bolian chickens!"

"Uh... Benzite!"

Kyan's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the bio bed where all the chickens were currently standing. "I'll pop the lot of ye!" After hearing nothing else he turned back around and poked his head out the door to survey the scene in the med bay. All other other doctors, nurses, and medics were still busy with other patients, or were taking a break like Belmont.


Kyan turned quickly. Was one of the chickens closer to him now? Of course not. Yer not a baby the now, yer a Starfleet Officer and the Chief of Security here! he told himself. Its just rubber gloves what ye made tae look like chickens the now. He turned back to the door to take another look.

"Cluck Cluck."

That was it! Kyan made his decision. He was leaving. But he couldn't just leave the chickens to get whoever came in here next. As the rubber glove chickens clucked at him, he ignored them and made a plan. He took off his gown and put it flat against the bulkhead so that he could write on it with the marker.

"Nice underwear. Cluck Cluck."

"Haud yer weesht ye blether! I know they're nice. Twas me what replicated em so it was!" Kyan shot back finishing his message.

"Is that Marauder Moe?" the Bolian Chicken asked.

Kyan looked down at his underwear. "No idjit. Marauder Mo is on the front. Braq the Big Spender and Lorg Latinum is on the back! Not all Ferengi look alike ye racist chicken! Now shut it!"

Satisfied with the message, Kyan draped the gown over the chickens, covering all of them. He gave a thought to going and finding his clothes, but the medical people probably threw them in the reclamator anyways, along with his boots. That part was sad, as those were custom made, and not just replicator issued. He shrugged it off though. He could always get some new ones.

"Well ye lot of psycho Andorian chickens..."  he began.

"Benzite!" one clucked from under the gown.

Kyan rolled his eyes. "...whatever. Ye can all go cluck yerselves. I'm out of here!"

With that, Kyan walked out the door. With everyone busy helping patients, no one noticed him as he inched toward the med bay doors. They swished open when he got near them and finally he slipped out into the corridor. It was as though a huge weight was lifted off him when they finally shut behind him. Even though the drugs were still numbing the effects of his phobia, he still heaved a sigh of relief. "Finally" he said aloud. "Never going back in there! Fookin doctors and hyposprays and bloody psycho glove chickens!"

And with that, Kyan happily strode off down the corridor.


- meanwhile... back in the medbay.

Crewman Jimmy Knox walked into the room where the little kid with the concussion was. He'd thrown up on him last time he was here. After which Doctor Xiiv had told him that he needed to watch him and make sure he didn't go anywhere. But then that other doctor from the Challenger had come and sat with him, and Jimmy had gotten caught up talking to one of the female medics. Of course she had shot him down when he'd mentioned going for some drinks at the Brewhaus. But he wasn't deterred. Lots of fish in the sea, so they said.

Stepping through the doors, Jimmy saw the gown draped on the bed... and no Lieutenant Mackenzie. Shit! he though, walking over. Then he saw the message scrawled there.

~ Hey Blueshirts,

These chickens is crazy. They said they was after peckin out me eyes. Watch out for them!

Yours Truly,

P.S. If you still got my shoes, I need them back.

Jimmy lifted the gown to find ten sterile balloons inflated and tied off, each with a face drawn on it in the same surgical marker. He sighed. Xiiv wasn't going to be happy.


Quote from: Skargarr on September 02, 2021, 01:30:24 PM


"The station is fully ready, just need to get people to there battle stations while clearing out hold outs of hunters, the chain fire defense system is primed as well." Skar replied.


The Breen had returned fire on the probes in the defense system that had fired on them.  "Bring the probes to our port and starbord in toward the center.  Then fire their mini torpedoes at the Breen" the Captain said.

Then he turned mostly to Eli.  "What is the ETA for the fighters to make contact with the Breen.  Have them flank them when they do so that they do not get caught into the crossfire between us and the Breen" Kirok added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[En route to Tholian Embassy]

Quote from: Sirol on August 31, 2021, 10:40:03 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab -> Tholian Embassy >

Peylix immediately took the ECS and let Xasik fall back.
He was correct, and there was no denying. They had little to no combat expertise, simply due to the fact that it was not part of their function, so instead they took the hatchling and protectively wrapped their arms around the sphere.
Xasik Freeman's question though"¦ Unsettled them"¦ An awkward feeling like a stingy taste which was noticeable to the Tholians around"¦
Was Xasik intending to have Peylix and Sirol as co-parents?
Was he suggesting Peylix adopt Emerald and Scientist Sirol?
Or was he even intending to "˜recruit' both of them as his"¦ Mates?

Peylix was unsure of how to react to that"¦ Despite how much they adored Emerald and how - admittedly much - they enjoyed their current assignment as their caregiver"¦ They also had a family back home"¦
<"I will"¦ Make sure to act in the best interest of the hatchling's well-being and prosperous future."> Peylix eventually responded, deciding to postpone their questions and a potential discussion about such a subject for later once they were out of a crisis situation...

"œThank you Peylix," Xasik responded as he kept an eye out for any possible threats as they made their way towards the Embassy. He had no idea that his question had caused such chaos in the mind of the healer. To him it had been a simple request that the two people he trusted the most would see to it that the best arrangement for Emerald would be reached should Xasik lose his life.

"œIt means a lot to me to know that Emerald will be taken care of should the worst happen to me." The Reman followed the Tholians closely, his body tensed and prepared to fight if necessary. He would only relax once they were safely inside the Tholian Embassy.

"œGet those shiny butts moving," he muttered to himself, starting to get frustrated with the pace. He had long legs that wanted to walk faster than they currently were. Roaming the corridors left him feeling exposed and vulnerable, especially when Emerald was with them.

[Katra Station | Tholian Embassy]

Quote from: Sirol on August 31, 2021, 10:40:03 PM

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

As she noticed little Emerald trying to move their Baby Bubble closer towards Sirol, the scientist eventually hunkered down and reached out for it.
"œHello, cyar'ika! I missed you..."
She quietly spoke - almost even whispered towards Emerald before she went quiet again, fearing that her speaking might interfere with her relayed information and communication via the Lattice, which - at least for now - took presidency.
Picking up the bubble she gave the little one a wide smile and mimicked a friendly parental tholian chirp towards them, slightly hugging the bubble in one arm, while she still had her other arm protectively around the Uropygi.
It was an almost ironic sight how she stood there: Snuggling her two little ones in the middle of combat...

It WAS her, The Soft One! Emerald couldn't contain themself and squeaked out their joy. She looked different in her strange covering but it was her! They could feel it. They didn't yet understand it but they just knew it.
"œClick! Squeak! Click click! Chirp! Squeak!" Their excitement grew as The Soft One picked them up in their bubble and held them, giving a soothing chirp which Emerald responded to with several chirps of their own. "œChirp chirp! Chirp!"
This snuggle was different, not the same but it would do. They had been taken from one nest and placed in another, one that wibbled and wobbled when not being held by a parent. Emerald did not yet possess the knowledge to understand why but that hardly mattered to them. All three parents were together with Emerald and that made them happy.

They had picked up on the presence of others that also hummed but were not The Humming One but it did not distress them. The Soft One, The Sharp One and The Humming One were all relaxed which meant that all was well in this moment.

Watching over Emerald, Xasik couldn't help but smile as Sirol hunkered down and reached out for the ECS. He wasn't sure what she had called Emerald but it sounded cute. He would be sure to ask about it later when she wasn't busy. He really wanted to talk to her and make sure she was alright but he could tell that she was busy at the moment and didn't want to distract her.

The hatchling's excitement was contagious as they were picked up and held by Sirol. She looked completely relaxed standing there with the ECS in one arm and the Urogypi in the other. Once it might have been a strange sight for the Reman but now he couldn't think of anything more normal. He watched for a while from his position on the floor but eventually closed his eyes as exhaustion began to make itself known now that his body was relaxing and he was idle.

Quote from: Sirol on August 31, 2021, 10:40:03 PM

Eventually she hunkered down once more, letting the Uropygi and Emerald roam free again, before immersing herself in her current task of coordinating the warriors again.

Xasik allowed himself a few moments of peace before opening his eyes again. Emerald was safe with Sirol and Peylix while he rested, plus they were in The Tholian Embassy. Only a fool would attempt to break in here. Although safe in his suit, he still shuddered when he thought of how hot and painful it would be to be exposed to such an environment. Sweat began to bead on his forehead as the realization dawned on him that he was trapped inside his EV suit, and would be for quite some time, until it was safe to leave this oven.

It was then he noticed Sirol hunkering down again to place both Emerald and the Uropygi on the ground to explore. He forgot about his claustrophobia for the moment as Emerald clicked at him and began rocking their bubble slowly back towards him. He resisted the urge to assist the hatchling and instead opted to encourage them with beckoning hands and soft, kind words. They would never get stronger if he didn't let them try.

"œThat's it Little Pebble! You can do it! Look at you! Getting so strong and moving the ECS all by yourself!"
He was rewarded with excited little clicks and chirps as the hatchling slowly made their way back to him. By the time the ECS was within reach the little one had tired themself out.
"œYou did so well my Little Pebble," Xasik smiled as he cradled the ECS with his child inside. "œI'm so very proud of you."

Quote from: Eydis on August 31, 2021, 03:10:55 AM

Eydis would walk over to emerald and xasik finding hirself rooting for Xasik to secure parental rights from the council. But just then dominating the lattice was the entity. It had decided on its own to begin a approach to station. And it's mood transmitted over the lattice was like that of approaching dark tropical storm.

Eydis would tense up and look to sirol, then xasik as well the healer.

Slasvia has decided to approach the station and the conflict . It could prove very bad. 


Slasvia was heading to the station at high warp speeds. Glinting and twirling around as it moved effortless through space bearing down the station and conflict. It's size rivalled that of the station. Eydis hope for Slasvia to have a peaceful encounter with the federation had clearly been shelved. Soon slasvia warp signature and size would appear on almost all sensors . And soon it's telepathic footprint could be felt by any not using the lattice who were telepathic.

Xasik looked up as Captain Eydis approached him. He was still sitting on the floor cradling the hatchling in the ECS. He felt a little rude sitting on the floor but he also did not want to disturb Emerald who was now resting by moving too much.

"œCaptain. I want to thank you for escorting us from the lab to the embassy. If there is anything I can do to make myself useful please let me know."

All of a sudden Xasik cringed and grimaced. His mind filled with an overwhelmingly numbing crystalline humming, like the sound of a finger tracing the rim of a crystal wine glass.

"œWhat is that?" He gasped, desperately wanting to press his hands to his temples in an attempt to block it out, but unable to because of his EV suit. If he hadn't been holding the ECS he would have tried anyway. He looked from Eydis to Sirol and then to Peylix. The commotion unsettled Emerald who began to cry out in distress.

"œHey, hey, it's alright," Xasik attempted to sooth the hatchling. "œIt's okay, we're here. We're right here Little Pebble. It's alright. You're okay." His heart hammered at his chest as he tried to simultaneously sooth his child and block out the horrendous humming in his mind. No matter how competent he was with his telepathy, he simply couldn't block it out.

Xasik clutched the ECS securely as a wave of dark, storm-like aura washed over him as the humming in his mind intensified. He could barely hear his own thoughts.
"œSlasvia?" He questioned before groaning. "œWho or what is Slasvia?....It's so loud."


Quote from: Kirok on September 03, 2021, 08:31:23 AM


The Breen had returned fire on the probes in the defense system that had fired on them.  "Bring the probes to our port and starboard in toward the center.  Then fire their mini torpedoes at the Breen" the Captain said.

Then he turned mostly to Eli.  "What is the ETA for the fighters to make contact with the Breen.  Have them flank them when they do so that they do not get caught into the crossfire between us and the Breen" Kirok added.

"Yes sir, Wish me to unveil ourselves with the full majestic might of the fire chain system?.  They did destroy Federation property and clear aggressors, though what is odd to me and im not sure what the others here think.  But isnt it even more odder then the Jem hadar and breen working together but they attacked AFTER! the hunters terrorist attack?, as if it was planned?.  It is possible the Hunters hired the Jem'Hadar and the Breen to provide a secondary layer of confusion to catch us off guard with the end goal of assassination of the Tosk?." Skar said as he unveiled his unusual wisdom at the oddest times.  In this case, in the middle of a very unorthodox fight, with three separate races that have nothing to do with each other unless the Jem Hadar work as mercs along with the Breen to take over the station once the Federation was out of the sector?.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 03, 2021, 03:55:35 AM

:: Katra Station | Medbay ::

For several minutes Kyan had occupied himself by creating chickens out of sterile gloves and other disposable medical supplies. He'd even managed to find a surgical marker to make the faces. He had ten of them so far. He was putting some eyes on the last one when his concussed, drug addled brain suffered a moment of clarity.

Dr. Belmont's been gone for a while.

It took him a minute to process this bit of information... because he was pretty focused on getting his chickens in a line, but once it happened, he nearly dropped the marker. The Powers had presented him with an opportunity to escape! He was a bit torn over it though. On the one hand, Belmont had pretty good stories... and there were the chickens to consider. There were plenty more gloves in the box after all. But on the other hand, even drugged up he still knew that Sickbay was NOT where he wanted to be. The drug simply dulled the fear to a point where he could ignore it and focus on other things.

"Like us!" one of the chickens seemed to say plaintively.

"Ye canne really talk ya little beastie." Kyan offered matter of factly... aloud..to the chicken. "Yer just a toy ya are... and full of me own hot air so."

Kyan knew.. deep down, he knew that the chickens weren't speaking to him. It was his imagination. For one thing, chickens couldnt talk anyways. And these weren't even real chickens!

"We can do more than just talk." Another blue chicken chirped. "We can peck yer eyes out! We're Andorian Chickens!"

"Not me. I'm Bolian." another piped up.

"I'm Benzite. See my breathing thingy?" yet another one said.

Kyan looked back at the other chickens, confused. "And which of ye said that!?" he demanded. "I'll pop ye with a hyposprayer and we'll see how tough ye are!" He picked up the same hypospray from earlier and brandished it. "Well? I'm waitin the now. Which of you little blue beasties is after getting popped?"

There was silence for a few moments. "That's what I thought!" Kyan laughed. "Even if yer blue an not yellow yer still a pack of fake chickens! And regular chickens at that. Not bloody Andorian or Bolian chickens!"

"Uh... Benzite!"

Kyan's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the bio bed where all the chickens were currently standing. "I'll pop the lot of ye!" After hearing nothing else he turned back around and poked his head out the door to survey the scene in the med bay. All other other doctors, nurses, and medics were still busy with other patients, or were taking a break like Belmont.


Kyan turned quickly. Was one of the chickens closer to him now? Of course not. Yer not a baby the now, yer a Starfleet Officer and the Chief of Security here! he told himself. Its just rubber gloves what ye made tae look like chickens the now. He turned back to the door to take another look.

"Cluck Cluck."

That was it! Kyan made his decision. He was leaving. But he couldn't just leave the chickens to get whoever came in here next. As the rubber glove chickens clucked at him, he ignored them and made a plan. He took off his gown and put it flat against the bulkhead so that he could write on it with the marker.

"Nice underwear. Cluck Cluck."

"Haud yer weesht ye blether! I know they're nice. Twas me what replicated em so it was!" Kyan shot back finishing his message.

"Is that Marauder Moe?" the Bolian Chicken asked.

Kyan looked down at his underwear. "No idjit. Marauder Mo is on the front. Braq the Big Spender and Lorg Latinum is on the back! Not all Ferengi look alike ye racist chicken! Now shut it!"

Satisfied with the message, Kyan draped the gown over the chickens, covering all of them. He gave a thought to going and finding his clothes, but the medical people probably threw them in the reclamator anyways, along with his boots. That part was sad, as those were custom made, and not just replicator issued. He shrugged it off though. He could always get some new ones.

"Well ye lot of psycho Andorian chickens..."  he began.

"Benzite!" one clucked from under the gown.

Kyan rolled his eyes. "...whatever. Ye can all go cluck yerselves. I'm out of here!"

With that, Kyan walked out the door. With everyone busy helping patients, no one noticed him as he inched toward the med bay doors. They swished open when he got near them and finally he slipped out into the corridor. It was as though a huge weight was lifted off him when they finally shut behind him. Even though the drugs were still numbing the effects of his phobia, he still heaved a sigh of relief. "Finally" he said aloud. "Never going back in there! Fookin doctors and hyposprays and bloody psycho glove chickens!"

And with that, Kyan happily strode off down the corridor.


- meanwhile... back in the medbay.

Crewman Jimmy Knox walked into the room where the little kid with the concussion was. He'd thrown up on him last time he was here. After which Doctor Xiiv had told him that he needed to watch him and make sure he didn't go anywhere. But then that other doctor from the Challenger had come and sat with him, and Jimmy had gotten caught up talking to one of the female medics. Of course she had shot him down when he'd mentioned going for some drinks at the Brewhaus. But he wasn't deterred. Lots of fish in the sea, so they said.

Stepping through the doors, Jimmy saw the gown draped on the bed... and no Lieutenant Mackenzie. Shit! he though, walking over. Then he saw the message scrawled there.

~ Hey Blueshirts,

These chickens is crazy. They said they was after peckin out me eyes. Watch out for them!

Yours Truly,

P.S. If you still got my shoes, I need them back.

Jimmy lifted the gown to find ten sterile balloons inflated and tied off, each with a face drawn on it in the same surgical marker. He sighed. Xiiv wasn't going to be happy.

Amarande Xiiv wasn't at all happy when the news reached her. In fact, she was deeply upset at the note, which suggested mental instability, and wasn't the least bit funny to her. Not when he'd taken a knock to the head so severe he'd vomited and had an unexpected reaction to a drug. The mess he'd left behind was enough to make her worried enough to send an alert to Security to be on the lookout for Chief Mackenzie. There was no way she was going after him herself as Medbay was still a hotbed of activity and she was at the centre of it herself coordinating, shifting, moving bodies living or dead.

A missing, deranged Security and Tactical Chief was something she couldn't deal with right now, though she specified he be returned to his quarters or confined somewhere safe if found. Maybe this was a case for Dr Jyur to look into, especially with the note the Chief had left behind but whatever it was, Kyan Mackenzie wasn't fit for duty and she made that abundantly clear in her message to Security. Copies of that message and pertaining information were also sent to Briggs and Kirok as well to keep them updated, though they were far and beyond busy defending Katra at this point.

The last thing anyone needed was this. Xiiv caught an injured woman as she started to topple from her feet and directed her to biobed Mackenzie had left free in his flight. One more free biobed wasn't necessarily a good thing in this case but she'd have to take it for what it was.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 02, 2021, 09:19:46 PM

[Medbay - Katra]
"We'll get there." One by one they were making progress and sending those with minor injuries to heal elsewhere had made a huge dent. The only ones left were serious injuries that her staff and Dr Belmont were treating. She glanced at Cartis, her expression thoughtful.

"I would say a little over a standard year," she said after a moment. "Not long, that's for sure. But long enough to see it all nearly destroyed. And that was before all of this. I came from an extended vacation to find a mess, worked to fix it up, and here we are in a mess again." Xiiv shook her head a little. "Hopefully, once all this dies down, things will be calmer but it's hard to say how long that will last. I try to be positive, though. I suppose as long as I'm around, I'll keep working to make it better."

[Medbay - Katra - Cartis]

The Ocampan nodded in agreement.   Little by little they were making ground.  That was a major achievement in his eyes.

"A year is quite a long time.  Enough to get settled in and get into a routine" he replied.  "I try to stay positive too.  Not sure if that is an Ocampan thing or just me" he said.

"It is good that your survives and remain steadfast.  I'm sure the Captain appreciates it" he said.  Then added "besides checking on Dillon the dog, is there anything else you need of me?"

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: npc3 on September 03, 2021, 04:27:03 PM

[Medbay - Katra - Cartis]

The Ocampan nodded in agreement.   Little by little they were making ground.  That was a major achievement in his eyes.

"A year is quite a long time.  Enough to get settled in and get into a routine" he replied.  "I try to stay positive too.  Not sure if that is an Ocampan thing or just me" he said.

"It is good that your survives and remain steadfast.  I'm sure the Captain appreciates it" he said.  Then added "besides checking on Dillon the dog, is there anything else you need of me?"

"I do like to run a tight ship, especially when it comes to the health of my crew and station members," she said, shifting to lean a little against the wall. "It feels like I've been here longer sometimes."

There was a little sigh.

"We all do what we must to make Katra a success, Cartis, I know the Captain knows this. We must all be excellent to make that happen," she murmured with a soft smile and then shook her head. "You've had quite the day already, besides Dillon, who should recover quite nicely, no. I think the worst cases are all being handled. Rest while you can, conserve your energy. I'll do the same myself while we're in a downswing of patients. I'm sure there are many out there less injured than the ones in here and they may trickle back in at some point. All we can do is make sure we have a clean, safe space to treat our people."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Kirok on September 02, 2021, 06:52:55 PM

[Brig - Zex]

When Alpha finally said the name, Zex a visual image in her head of the person Alpha had talked to in her head.  She had seen that person before.  And older Romulan woman.  The same woman who had attacked her 5 months ago in Engineering.  "The zhat vash.  No" Zex exclaimed in fear as the image and her fear was sent to everyone who was currently on the Tholian lattice.

Quote from: Skargarr on September 03, 2021, 12:56:55 PM

"Yes sir, Wish me to unveil ourselves with the full majestic might of the fire chain system?.  They did destroy Federation property and clear aggressors, though what is odd to me and im not sure what the others here think.  But isnt it even more odder then the Jem hadar and breen working together but they attacked AFTER! the hunters terrorist attack?, as if it was planned?.  It is possible the Hunters hired the Jem'Hadar and the Breen to provide a secondary layer of confusion to catch us off guard with the end goal of assassination of the Tosk?." Skar said as he unveiled his unusual wisdom at the oddest times.  In this case, in the middle of a very unorthodox fight, with three separate races that have nothing to do with each other unless the Jem Hadar work as mercs along with the Breen to take over the station once the Federation was out of the sector?.

[Ops - Lonar]

The lone Tholian had been silent for the longest.  "It's the zhat vash.  They are behind this.  At least that is what Zex, friend of Tholia, just leaned from the interrogation of Alpha" Lonar reported.


Quote from: npc3 on September 03, 2021, 07:12:07 PM

[Ops - Lonar]

The lone Tholian had been silent for the longest.  "It's the zhat vash.  They are behind this.  At least that is what Zex, friend of Tholia, just leaned from the interrogation of Alpha" Lonar reported.


Kirok turned to slightly to the Tholian.  Breathing in the information as if it was the very essence of life.  After all these questions there was finally an answer.

"That is logical.   Only the zhat vash would have deep enough pocket to hire mercenaries to come after us.  If they are the new head of the old dominion then they would be able to organized the Hunters and the Jem'harar to attack us in unison.  Now the question is why?" the Captain asked rhetorically.

"But more importantly, knowing who the true enemy is.  How do we use it now?  To end this battle?" the half Vulcan asked everyone in Ops.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Sirol on August 31, 2021, 10:40:03 PM

< Katra Station / Jefferies Tubes -> Shuttle Bay >

Clinging to her remote controlled model warbird, Arrhae had been cowering for sanity knew how long in one of the Jefferies Tubes surrounding the Shuttle bay. Despite her grandfather, her teachers and even the technicians telling her that the tubes were taboo for children, seeking out the next hatch had been her first instinct upon her grandfather telling her to hide and wait for his call.
She had been terrified more than her young mind even knew words for: Too terrified to speak, too terrified to cry, even too terrified to think of where would be the safest place to go...
Ever since they had to move to this station, it had been nothing but war and fear. She was scared, tired, hungry, dirty and wanted nothing more than to return home to the Flotilla"¦

She had lost track of how long she actually had been aimlessly crawling through the tubes, trying to avoid any "˜noisy' areas. It could have been a few minutes, it could have been hours. To her it was impossible to tell"¦
Only ever upon hearing noises"¦ Voices"¦ In one of the neighbouring tubes snapped her back into the present; made her instantly freeze, curl up and cover her mouth with her hands so no one could hear her breathe"¦
Someone had been with her, using the tubes"¦ But their rumbling was passing"¦ She attentively listened to their mumbling, and it did not sound friendly, but she was too scared to move up to catch any clear words or sentences"¦

Once she was definitely sure that she was all alone in her tube again she dared to move further. The sounds of fighting seemed to seize more and more, and a period of creepy silence was followed by yet another period of noise"¦ Stress, work, hassle"¦ Loud voices giving orders to one another"¦ But at least they did not sound aggressive and no gun shots were to be heard anymore"¦
Slowly she made her way forward, her curiosity slowly but surely outweighing her fear. As she spotted light she could tell that one of the hatches in front of her must have been opened, yet no one seemed to really care.
The closer she got, the clearer she could see the legs of people in uniform. Starfleet uniform.
They hastily moved through the large room at the other side, yet the child did not (yet) understand what was going on.
Only one of them seemed to stand still. She could see the legs - and as she poked a little through the open hatch - the body of a Starfleet Officer wearing a gold uniform.
He was looking into a locker full of guns, seemingly looking for something particular.
Remembering her grandfather's advice of seeking out officers in gold if she ever happened to get lost, she decided to approach him a little, and eventually a faint "œHello?" Could be heard from the Jefferies Tube hatch near the unknown person, followed by a "œ...Is it safe to come out now?"

[Katra - Shuttle bay]

As Balan was finishing up his task a child like voice startled him which made him leap a inch off the floor which cause him to smack his left arm against the inside. His eyes blinked twice  because that's how his eyes worked. He turned and found himself looking down at a small child.

The Balan thought she was human at first. The child point ears was sticking out under her black hair and he saw the small ridge on her forehead. He was not all sure she was a Romulan child or she was another species.

The man looked around the cargo bay to show he was checking for her. "Yes. It is safe to come out," he said slowly as he was observing her. He looked at the opening she had come out. "Were you hiding in the jeffery tubes?" he asked the small child.


Slasvia 30 minutes from arriving at the station at warp .  The sharp jagged appearance of Slasvia was a result of its Birth. Normal such traumatic birth had horrible effects on a crystalline entity. The one known example to the federation evidence of crazed crystalline entity. But thanks to the Tholians guarding and raising the crystalline entity Slasvia.

Slasvia had unique insight and perception, but it's anger at the violence it was feeling over the lattice of the tholians on the station and mother swan. Not only was it sending out a telepathic assault. It's energy reading was spiking. Making the approach of the crystalline entity even at warp evident to all sensors.

Skaldyr Had assumed command of the mother swan and was en route to join the federation fighters. Ready to exchange fire. But then the mother swan slowed down as the lattice was filled with Slasvia.
Eydis tholian assembly embassy Eydis crystalline shell would begin to pulsate a bright glow. Shi looking to Sirol first and then at Xasik. "œ It may be to late to stop Slasvia. The entity slasvia only obeys on its whim. We need to alert the federation about the approach.   Slasvia is a crystalline entity rescued by combined operation of federation, tholians and hidden allies. "œ  Eydis would shake hir head and look down at emerald. Little one do not fear the crystalline entity. For tholians share ancestral lines with them

Shi reached down and placed a bluish hand to emeralds head. Transferring hir peace and calmness . As well as knowledge and memories of the event to emerald. Showing emerald how Eydis came to be a hybrid tholian altered by exposure to very same dying crystalline entity that was the direct ancestor of Slasvia. The violent crash planet side and the rescue and bravery of the federation klingons who helped the tholians.

Healer caste peylix please tend to xasik who is experiencing negative effective of exposure to the entity:  I will calm emerald down

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