S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

:: Katra Station | Promenade ::

Kyan had left the med bay some five minutes prior and no blue shirts had come looking. He'd walked past a few people, who had given him a second look, but then it wasn't every day the station's diminutive Chief of Security decided to take a stroll on the promenade... in his underwear....during a battle. The last of the Hunters were being hauled off, and some civilians were cleaning up in front of their shops. There were quite a few Starfleet Officers about as well, helping where they could, but most of them were pre-occupied. All things considered, his choice in clothing... or lack thereof... wasn't the biggest concern.

Eventually, one of the Security officers recognized him and stopped him. "Umm.. Lieutenant?" he called out. When Kyan didn't answer, he called him by name. "Lieutenant Mackenzie?"

That got his attention. Kyan stopped walking and turned to the voice calling his name. "Aye?" he chirped casually, as though there weren't anything amiss. "Oh! Merry Met Mister Tully!"

Tully took off his jacket and offered it to Kyan as he walked up. "Sir, Medbay sent out a message saying that you need to go to your quarters."

"Aye they said that did they?" Kyan answered. "And it's my quarters I'm after going to anyways so."

Tully held out his jacket again. "I'll walk with you sir, to make sure you get there ok."

Kyan put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow. "I dinnae need a babysitter the now Mister Tully. I can find me own way to me own quarters sure! I'm nae a wee baby ya know."

Tully was uncertain of how to continue. The situation was as awkward as any in which he'd been, and that was saying something. Tully had once taken a Caitian girl to a Vulpinian wedding. But having your boss standing in front of you in his Mo the Marauder underoos was a whole nother thing. "Umm...well... aren't you cold?"

Kyan snatched the jacket, putting it on. Tully was a tall grup, so the jacket almost reached Kyan's knees. "What are ye tryin tae be saying?" he said, fumbling with the zipper.

"Nothing!" Tully blurted out. " I wasn't umm.. Nothing.. you just don't have a shirt is all.. or pants and.. It's cold. I'm cold. It's freezing in here is all. Someone needs to fix the environmental umm.. settings. So..."  Tully trailed off as the color drained from his face, he tried to figure out what to do next.

Kyan finally got the jacket zipped back up and eyed Tully suspiciously for a moment. "Maybe YOU need to go to the med bay. It's pale as a ghost ye look now."

"No I'm fine." he answered. "Well, maybe after we get you back to your quarters sir.. then maybe I'll go."

Kyan shrugged. "Whatever. C'mon then."

With that the two of them set off, or rather Kyan did, and Tully caught up with him. They walked in relative silence for a while until Kyan spoke up. "Did you shoot any of those Hunters?" he asked, glancing up at Tully.

"We stunned a few." he answered, relieved to be talking about something else. "There's a bunch of them in the brig. The EMH and that new counselor are interrogating their leader."

Kyan stopped quickly. Tully nearly bowled him over before he could stop himself. The little Onlie wheeled on him. "Their leader?!" he asked. "That creature is in there, and he's still alive?"

Tully nodded. "Yup....er yessir. The EMH fixed him up. Skargarr was in there but he had to leave. The Counselor kicked him out. He was about to eat the guy. Or at least that's what I heard."

Kyan tried but couldn't remember most what had happened when he had fought the Hunter. That was frustrating. He had half a mind to go to the brig and finish what he'd started, but thought better of it. He was still a little wobbly, and he wasn't carrying any weapons. There was also the whole clothing issue to consider.

"Well.." he began, pausing to finalize his decision. "Oh fine then! I'll go to me quarters and go tae bed! Until this stupid drug wears off from that hyposprayer. Those vampires in the med bay are always drugging folk!"

Tully nodded. "It's for the best sir." he added.

"Shut up." Kyan shot back as he began walking again. "I know its best. I'll just take me nap and then, when I wake up and me head is better, I'll go down there and throw his big stupid arse out the airlock!"

Tully didn't quite know what to saw so he just caught up again and fell in beside his boss without further comment. Soon they were at Kyan's door, which wisked open as he approached. Once inside, Kyan turned back to Tully. "Here." he said, shucking the man's jacket and tossing it to him. "You don't need tae be standing guard. I'm going tae sleep just like the blueshirts want. You can tell them you seen me go in."

"Ok, I'll tell them sir." Tully replied, catching his jacket. "Umm.. Sleep tight!"

Just before the doors shut again, an empty root beer bottle hurled out and caught Tully in the stomach. He thought he heard Kyan say something else, but couldn't make it out. Then again, given the bottle... he probably didn't want to.


Quote from: Balan on September 04, 2021, 03:57:07 AM

[Katra - Shuttle bay]

As Balan was finishing up his task a child like voice startled him which made him leap a inch off the floor which cause him to smack his left arm against the inside. His eyes blinked twice  because that's how his eyes worked. He turned and found himself looking down at a small child.

The Balan thought she was human at first. The child point ears was sticking out under her black hair and he saw the small ridge on her forehead. He was not all sure she was a Romulan child or she was another species.

The man looked around the cargo bay to show he was checking for her. "Yes. It is safe to come out," he said slowly as he was observing her. He looked at the opening she had come out. "Were you hiding in the jeffery tubes?" he asked the small child.

< Katra Station / Shuttlebay  >

Arrhae hesitated for a moment. Yes, she was told to seek out security or maintenance personnel when being lost or in need of help, but her grandfather also had taught her to not be too trusting with strangers. The child was in a conflict of interests here, and for a moment uncertain how to respond"¦
But then again, she had been the one making her presence known anyway, so she thought that crawling back into hiding was probably not a very good idea"¦

Hesitantly, the child crawled out of the hatch, the remote controlled warbird model still under one arm.
Towards his question she simply nodded, looked up at him, then turned around and looked back into the open hatch leading into the Jefferies tube.
"œYes, sir." She said in a timid tone. "œI'm sorry"¦ I know the tubes are taboo for children"¦ But I thought it was the best place to hide"¦ There were others in there too, and they didn't sound friendly"¦"
She hesitated for a moment, then once more looked up towards the stranger.
"œ...Am I in trouble now?"


Sirol      &      Peylix

Quote from: npc3 on September 01, 2021, 08:12:01 AM

< Katra Station / Ops - Lonar >

The Tholian could feel the Sirol was relieved.  A signal that friendship between her and Zex must be deep.  "It is not a problem, Sirol of Katra.

It is good to hear that you are adjusting well.  It can be difficult at first.  But I feel that you are growing more comfortable with it.

And you are, of course, welcome.  Lonar always is happy to connect with others.  To introduce them to the lattice" he replied.

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Sirol hesitated for a moment with her reply, first giving her next wave of updates to the warriors to make sure they were safe, then responding to Lonar.
"˜Thank you, Lonar.' She relayed back along with a wave of warm and hopeful emotions and impressions.
"˜It is"¦ Yes, a challenge, but a good one"¦ In a way"¦ The experience is self explanatory"¦ Instinctual...'
She visibly smiled, although Lonar, Eydis and Peylix would also be able to sense her happiness.
Towards his comment on eagerly introducing others to the Lattice though, she raised an eyebrow. It was positive and inclusive in a welcoming way, but also culturally speaking atypical for the Tholian mindset. She wondered what thoughts and experiences might have given Lonar his rather unique way of thinking and acting.
Yet she decided that curiosity and personal questions would have to wait until after this here. Granted, the hunter teams were seizing, but there were still emergency reports, and Sirol already felt like the horror was not over yet.
She would ask Lonar later, once they had time.
After all, she had not forgotten about Eydis' proposed meeting with Kirok, including Lonar and Sirol. Certainly they would have the chance to gain some insight into everything during that.

Quote from: Kirok on September 02, 2021, 06:52:55 PM

She had seen that person before.  And older Romulan woman.  The same woman who had attacked her 5 months ago in Engineering.  "The Zhat Vash.  No" Zex exclaimed in fear as the image and her fear was sent to everyone who was currently on the Tholian lattice.

Sirol flinched as she received the visual an it's attached emotional reaction.
It seemed to be the generic face of a woman, but there was something more to it, and she could taste the sour fear in it. Tracing it back to Zex, Sirol tried to contact her friend - via the same means she had received the unexpected package of fear.
"˜Zex? Are you alright? Who is this person?
...And why does this memory feel so"¦ Forbidden?'
Quote from: Xasik on September 03, 2021, 09:09:17 AM

It WAS her, The Soft One! Emerald couldn't contain themself and squeaked out their joy. She looked different in her strange covering but it was her! They could feel it. They didn't yet understand it but they just knew it.
"œClick! Squeak! Click click! Chirp! Squeak!" Their excitement grew as The Soft One picked them up in their bubble and held them, giving a soothing chirp which Emerald responded to with several chirps of their own. "œChirp chirp! Chirp!"

Despite whatever violence and horrors; restless combat and grinding was lurking outside and beyond these doors, and even inside Zex's and now Sirol's mind, little Emerald managed to ease Sirol's stress from one second to another, simply filling her with warmth and joy.
Simply holding his ECS tightly, cradling it like an actual hug, she remained still for a moment, closing her eyes and once again updating the warriors on all the current changes in hotspots, and making sure that all of them were safe.
The ones in Engineering had just arrived, and so did the one she had sent to the shuttlebay.
Sirol relayed her gladness that they made it so fast towards them. (Granted, they technically did their job, but Sirol also did her current job, and coordinating and delegating people - to her - also included assuring every individual of their usefulness and the fact that they were appreciated.)

As Sirol noticed Xasik's distress, she slowly moved closer towards him, yet still remained silent, focusing on the feedback from each warrior and their current operation. She reached out towards him, yet got interrupted by Emerald's panic, which she could almost sense - in a way - as an uncoordinated, raw wave of confusion and emotion surpassing that of their parent.
Did she just sense Emerald among the other Tholians?!
Her heart seemed to skip a beat for a second with a strange mixture of sympathy and excitement about sensing them.

She once more came closer, gently placing one hand on the ECS, trying to reassure the little one that they would be safe.
As Xasik began to speak to the child, and soothe them, Sirol gave him a warm nod.
He was full of love and passionate protectiveness for the hatchling, and Sirol"¦ Actually felt the same...
She just listened and smiled, yet was hesitant to try and communicate with the child via the Lattice, since she was not yet sure whether and how easily the child would be overtaxed by too many people trying to contact them on too many levels of perception.
They already had to process Slasvia's semi-opaque presence and motives, and Sirol did not want to put any additional burden onto the hatchling.

She just stood there, with one hand on the bubble, relaying updates and looking after the safety of the warriors.
"œThe number of the boarding hunters is decreasing and most of them seem to be under control at this point, but I advise to maintain caution..."
She spoke out loudly.
Not that Captain Eydis or the warriors needed to physically "˜hear' it, but she also wanted Xasik to hear a little bit of positive (or at least not worse) news.

Slowly she began to internalise the impressions of Slasvia; trying to understand the troubled mind that had entered their vicinity.
What Sirol could perceive from the life form felt"¦ Erratic, almost even resembling the desperation of a confused child"¦
She was not sure whether that was the accurate case or whether she was in fact projecting, but she could not help but "˜feel' for Slasvia...

Quote from: Eydis on September 04, 2021, 04:21:29 AM

Eydis tholian assembly embassy Eydis crystalline shell would begin to pulsate a bright glow. Shi looking to Sirol first and then at Xasik. "œ It may be to late to stop Slasvia. The entity slasvia only obeys on its whim. We need to alert the federation about the approach.   Slasvia is a crystalline entity rescued by combined operation of federation, tholians and hidden allies. "œ

Sirol narrowed her eyes and nodded at the Captain.
She was not entirely sure about the greater implications of this, and whether this would mean danger for Slasvia or danger for Katra or even both. But she also did not wish to stay inert and find out"¦
"œShould I contact Captain Kirok about the matter?" She asked.
Contacting him in fact was the scientist's first instinct, but she would not do it without Eydis' consent.
After all, shi did outrank Sirol, so the scientist would not make any decisions without proper permission from hir.
Quote from: Eydis on September 04, 2021, 04:21:29 AM

Shi reached down and placed a bluish hand to emeralds head. Transferring hir peace and calmness . As well as knowledge and memories of the event to emerald. Showing emerald how Eydis came to be a hybrid tholian altered by exposure to very same dying crystalline entity that was the direct ancestor of Slasvia. The violent crash planet side and the rescue and bravery of the federation klingons who helped the tholians.

As Sirol noticed Eydis approaching Emerald and trying to communicate with them as well, she gave her Captain a warm smile and made a little space for hir.
Seeing Eydis so gently and carefully interacting with Emerald was actually heart warming.
The scientist tilted her head and just looked at Emerald with a smile.
They were the luckiest child in the quadrant, so young and already so loved and protected by everyone around.
Eventually though, Sirol took a breath, and looked at Captain Eydis again.
"œThe approaching being"¦ Slasvia"¦ Can we communicate with it? How can we help keeping it out of harms way?"
With Sirol being specialised in communicating with foreigners, the question was more than justified. Maybe, if Slasvia was able to flood the Lattice with emotions and distress, maybe there was also a way to reach out to it"¦ Calm it down and ease it's tension...
She exhaled and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the distressed presence in her mind, before she looked at Eydis again, and added via the Lattice - hoping it would be universally receivable"¦
"˜What happened? What triggered Slasvia and how do we help?'
Quote from: Eydis on September 04, 2021, 04:21:29 AM

Healer caste peylix please tend to xasik who is experiencing negative effective of exposure to the entity:  I will calm emerald down

Peylix for their part had been quiet for the most part - despite relaying a few bits of information with the Embassy guards around via the Lattice.
It was almost ironic to see outsiders not just standing, but also working here.
Xasik was a surprisingly welcome guest, and Scientist Sirol barely even felt like an outsider to begin with.
The healer been closely monitoring Sirol's "˜traffic', her communication, impressions and progress during linking with the warriors and coordinating them.
Just like Eydis, Peylix had been positively satisfied with the outcome.
Sirol was eagerly learning and utilising what she could. With a proper teacher, soon her traces would be indistinguishable from that of any actual Tholain.
It was fascinating to watch, and they considered performing a psychological study, maybe even conducting an essay about this particular case"¦

However, upon being addressed by Captain Eydis, The healter quickly turned around and acknowledged hir words.
The scientist would be able to do without them, Xasik"¦ Seemingly"¦ Not so much.
Approaching the specialist, Peylix looked at him, then placed one hand on his shoulder.
<"The presence in your mind can not harm you, Specialist Freeman. Picture it as an erratic weather phenomenon..."> For a moment they were searching for the correct terminology.
<"...In the manner of mass quantities of liquid water"¦ Try not to - metaphorically - swim against its flow, but let it pass through your vicinity.">
They paused, for a moment uncertain as to whether they were able to properly explain this particular technique of tranquillity to him.
<"Resisting the sensation will increase the perceived severity as it will put your senses into an alert state"¦.">
Once more they paused, then looked over to Emerald, who was held up by Captain Eydis and Scientist Sirol.
<"Focus on your hatchling, and observe the Captain's and the scientist's caring approach"¦"> They eventually spoke, hoping for this rather positive picture to help and ease up Xasik's tension.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 03, 2021, 06:52:55 PM

"I do like to run a tight ship, especially when it comes to the health of my crew and station members," she said, shifting to lean a little against the wall. "It feels like I've been here longer sometimes."

There was a little sigh.

"We all do what we must to make Katra a success, Cartis, I know the Captain knows this. We must all be excellent to make that happen," she murmured with a soft smile and then shook her head. "You've had quite the day already, besides Dillon, who should recover quite nicely, no. I think the worst cases are all being handled. Rest while you can, conserve your energy. I'll do the same myself while we're in a downswing of patients. I'm sure there are many out there less injured than the ones in here and they may trickle back in at some point. All we can do is make sure we have a clean, safe space to treat our people."

[Medbay - Cartis]

"Well your efforts have resulted in success.  Never have I seen so many patients treated in one day.  I think I will sleep for a week" the Ocampan said with a smile.

"After I check on Dillon. Of course.  I'll be just over there should you need anything else" Cartis added before breaking away.


Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 11:16:30 AM

< Katra Station / Shuttlebay  >

Arrhae hesitated for a moment. Yes, she was told to seek out security or maintenance personnel when being lost or in need of help, but her grandfather also had taught her to not be too trusting with strangers. The child was in a conflict of interests here, and for a moment uncertain how to respond"¦
But then again, she had been the one making her presence known anyway, so she thought that crawling back into hiding was probably not a very good idea"¦

Hesitantly, the child crawled out of the hatch, the remote controlled warbird model still under one arm.
Towards his question she simply nodded, looked up at him, then turned around and looked back into the open hatch leading into the Jefferies tube.
"œYes, sir." She said in a timid tone. "œI'm sorry"¦ I know the tubes are taboo for children"¦ But I thought it was the best place to hide"¦ There were others in there too, and they didn't sound friendly"¦"
She hesitated for a moment, then once more looked up towards the stranger.
"œ...Am I in trouble now?"


Sirol      &      Peylix

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Sirol hesitated for a moment with her reply, first giving her next wave of updates to the warriors to make sure they were safe, then responding to Lonar.
"˜Thank you, Lonar.' She relayed back along with a wave of warm and hopeful emotions and impressions.
"˜It is"¦ Yes, a challenge, but a good one"¦ In a way"¦ The experience is self explanatory"¦ Instinctual...'
She visibly smiled, although Lonar, Eydis and Peylix would also be able to sense her happiness.
Towards his comment on eagerly introducing others to the Lattice though, she raised an eyebrow. It was positive and inclusive in a welcoming way, but also culturally speaking atypical for the Tholian mindset. She wondered what thoughts and experiences might have given Lonar his rather unique way of thinking and acting.
Yet she decided that curiosity and personal questions would have to wait until after this here. Granted, the hunter teams were seizing, but there were still emergency reports, and Sirol already felt like the horror was not over yet.
She would ask Lonar later, once they had time.
After all, she had not forgotten about Eydis' proposed meeting with Kirok, including Lonar and Sirol. Certainly they would have the chance to gain some insight into everything during that.

Sirol flinched as she received the visual an it's attached emotional reaction.
It seemed to be the generic face of a woman, but there was something more to it, and she could taste the sour fear in it. Tracing it back to Zex, Sirol tried to contact her friend - via the same means she had received the unexpected package of fear.
"˜Zex? Are you alright? Who is this person?
...And why does this memory feel so"¦ Forbidden?'

Despite whatever violence and horrors; restless combat and grinding was lurking outside and beyond these doors, and even inside Zex's and now Sirol's mind, little Emerald managed to ease Sirol's stress from one second to another, simply filling her with warmth and joy.
Simply holding his ECS tightly, cradling it like an actual hug, she remained still for a moment, closing her eyes and once again updating the warriors on all the current changes in hotspots, and making sure that all of them were safe.
The ones in Engineering had just arrived, and so did the one she had sent to the shuttlebay.
Sirol relayed her gladness that they made it so fast towards them. (Granted, they technically did their job, but Sirol also did her current job, and coordinating and delegating people - to her - also included assuring every individual of their usefulness and the fact that they were appreciated.)

As Sirol noticed Xasik's distress, she slowly moved closer towards him, yet still remained silent, focusing on the feedback from each warrior and their current operation. She reached out towards him, yet got interrupted by Emerald's panic, which she could almost sense - in a way - as an uncoordinated, raw wave of confusion and emotion surpassing that of their parent.
Did she just sense Emerald among the other Tholians?!
Her heart seemed to skip a beat for a second with a strange mixture of sympathy and excitement about sensing them.

She once more came closer, gently placing one hand on the ECS, trying to reassure the little one that they would be safe.
As Xasik began to speak to the child, and soothe them, Sirol gave him a warm nod.
He was full of love and passionate protectiveness for the hatchling, and Sirol"¦ Actually felt the same...
She just listened and smiled, yet was hesitant to try and communicate with the child via the Lattice, since she was not yet sure whether and how easily the child would be overtaxed by too many people trying to contact them on too many levels of perception.
They already had to process Slasvia's semi-opaque presence and motives, and Sirol did not want to put any additional burden onto the hatchling.

She just stood there, with one hand on the bubble, relaying updates and looking after the safety of the warriors.
"œThe number of the boarding hunters is decreasing and most of them seem to be under control at this point, but I advise to maintain caution..."
She spoke out loudly.
Not that Captain Eydis or the warriors needed to physically "˜hear' it, but she also wanted Xasik to hear a little bit of positive (or at least not worse) news.

Slowly she began to internalise the impressions of Slasvia; trying to understand the troubled mind that had entered their vicinity.
What Sirol could perceive from the life form felt"¦ Erratic, almost even resembling the desperation of a confused child"¦
She was not sure whether that was the accurate case or whether she was in fact projecting, but she could not help but "˜feel' for Slasvia...

Sirol narrowed her eyes and nodded at the Captain.
She was not entirely sure about the greater implications of this, and whether this would mean danger for Slasvia or danger for Katra or even both. But she also did not wish to stay inert and find out"¦
"œShould I contact Captain Kirok about the matter?" She asked.
Contacting him in fact was the scientist's first instinct, but she would not do it without Eydis' consent.
After all, shi did outrank Sirol, so the scientist would not make any decisions without proper permission from hir.

As Sirol noticed Eydis approaching Emerald and trying to communicate with them as well, she gave her Captain a warm smile and made a little space for hir.
Seeing Eydis so gently and carefully interacting with Emerald was actually heart warming.
The scientist tilted her head and just looked at Emerald with a smile.
They were the luckiest child in the quadrant, so young and already so loved and protected by everyone around.
Eventually though, Sirol took a breath, and looked at Captain Eydis again.
"œThe approaching being"¦ Slasvia"¦ Can we communicate with it? How can we help keeping it out of harms way?"
With Sirol being specialised in communicating with foreigners, the question was more than justified. Maybe, if Slasvia was able to flood the Lattice with emotions and distress, maybe there was also a way to reach out to it"¦ Calm it down and ease it's tension...
She exhaled and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the distressed presence in her mind, before she looked at Eydis again, and added via the Lattice - hoping it would be universally receivable"¦
"˜What happened? What triggered Slasvia and how do we help?'

Peylix for their part had been quiet for the most part - despite relaying a few bits of information with the Embassy guards around via the Lattice.
It was almost ironic to see outsiders not just standing, but also working here.
Xasik was a surprisingly welcome guest, and Scientist Sirol barely even felt like an outsider to begin with.
The healer been closely monitoring Sirol's "˜traffic', her communication, impressions and progress during linking with the warriors and coordinating them.
Just like Eydis, Peylix had been positively satisfied with the outcome.
Sirol was eagerly learning and utilising what she could. With a proper teacher, soon her traces would be indistinguishable from that of any actual Tholain.
It was fascinating to watch, and they considered performing a psychological study, maybe even conducting an essay about this particular case"¦

However, upon being addressed by Captain Eydis, The healter quickly turned around and acknowledged hir words.
The scientist would be able to do without them, Xasik"¦ Seemingly"¦ Not so much.
Approaching the specialist, Peylix looked at him, then placed one hand on his shoulder.
<"The presence in your mind can not harm you, Specialist Freeman. Picture it as an erratic weather phenomenon..."> For a moment they were searching for the correct terminology.
<"...In the manner of mass quantities of liquid water"¦ Try not to - metaphorically - swim against its flow, but let it pass through your vicinity.">
They paused, for a moment uncertain as to whether they were able to properly explain this particular technique of tranquillity to him.
<"Resisting the sensation will increase the perceived severity as it will put your senses into an alert state"¦.">
Once more they paused, then looked over to Emerald, who was held up by Captain Eydis and Scientist Sirol.
<"Focus on your hatchling, and observe the Captain's and the scientist's caring approach"¦"> They eventually spoke, hoping for this rather positive picture to help and ease up Xasik's tension.

[Brig - Zex]

The Deltan recovered from her initial shock of seeing the image of her attacker in her head.  Instead of replying to Sirol's though, she pressed Alpha for even more information.  "What is her name?  Say it" she dared him.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 11:16:30 AM

< Katra Station / Shuttlebay  >

Arrhae hesitated for a moment. Yes, she was told to seek out security or maintenance personnel when being lost or in need of help, but her grandfather also had taught her to not be too trusting with strangers. The child was in a conflict of interests here, and for a moment uncertain how to respond"¦
But then again, she had been the one making her presence known anyway, so she thought that crawling back into hiding was probably not a very good idea"¦

Hesitantly, the child crawled out of the hatch, the remote controlled warbird model still under one arm.
Towards his question she simply nodded, looked up at him, then turned around and looked back into the open hatch leading into the Jefferies tube.
"œYes, sir." She said in a timid tone. "œI'm sorry"¦ I know the tubes are taboo for children"¦ But I thought it was the best place to hide"¦ There were others in there too, and they didn't sound friendly"¦"
She hesitated for a moment, then once more looked up towards the stranger.
"œ...Am I in trouble now?"


Sirol      &      Peylix

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Sirol hesitated for a moment with her reply, first giving her next wave of updates to the warriors to make sure they were safe, then responding to Lonar.
"˜Thank you, Lonar.' She relayed back along with a wave of warm and hopeful emotions and impressions.
"˜It is"¦ Yes, a challenge, but a good one"¦ In a way"¦ The experience is self explanatory"¦ Instinctual...'
She visibly smiled, although Lonar, Eydis and Peylix would also be able to sense her happiness.
Towards his comment on eagerly introducing others to the Lattice though, she raised an eyebrow. It was positive and inclusive in a welcoming way, but also culturally speaking atypical for the Tholian mindset. She wondered what thoughts and experiences might have given Lonar his rather unique way of thinking and acting.
Yet she decided that curiosity and personal questions would have to wait until after this here. Granted, the hunter teams were seizing, but there were still emergency reports, and Sirol already felt like the horror was not over yet.
She would ask Lonar later, once they had time.
After all, she had not forgotten about Eydis' proposed meeting with Kirok, including Lonar and Sirol. Certainly they would have the chance to gain some insight into everything during that.

Sirol flinched as she received the visual an it's attached emotional reaction.
It seemed to be the generic face of a woman, but there was something more to it, and she could taste the sour fear in it. Tracing it back to Zex, Sirol tried to contact her friend - via the same means she had received the unexpected package of fear.
"˜Zex? Are you alright? Who is this person?
...And why does this memory feel so"¦ Forbidden?'

Despite whatever violence and horrors; restless combat and grinding was lurking outside and beyond these doors, and even inside Zex's and now Sirol's mind, little Emerald managed to ease Sirol's stress from one second to another, simply filling her with warmth and joy.
Simply holding his ECS tightly, cradling it like an actual hug, she remained still for a moment, closing her eyes and once again updating the warriors on all the current changes in hotspots, and making sure that all of them were safe.
The ones in Engineering had just arrived, and so did the one she had sent to the shuttlebay.
Sirol relayed her gladness that they made it so fast towards them. (Granted, they technically did their job, but Sirol also did her current job, and coordinating and delegating people - to her - also included assuring every individual of their usefulness and the fact that they were appreciated.)

As Sirol noticed Xasik's distress, she slowly moved closer towards him, yet still remained silent, focusing on the feedback from each warrior and their current operation. She reached out towards him, yet got interrupted by Emerald's panic, which she could almost sense - in a way - as an uncoordinated, raw wave of confusion and emotion surpassing that of their parent.
Did she just sense Emerald among the other Tholians?!
Her heart seemed to skip a beat for a second with a strange mixture of sympathy and excitement about sensing them.

She once more came closer, gently placing one hand on the ECS, trying to reassure the little one that they would be safe.
As Xasik began to speak to the child, and soothe them, Sirol gave him a warm nod.
He was full of love and passionate protectiveness for the hatchling, and Sirol"¦ Actually felt the same...
She just listened and smiled, yet was hesitant to try and communicate with the child via the Lattice, since she was not yet sure whether and how easily the child would be overtaxed by too many people trying to contact them on too many levels of perception.
They already had to process Slasvia's semi-opaque presence and motives, and Sirol did not want to put any additional burden onto the hatchling.

She just stood there, with one hand on the bubble, relaying updates and looking after the safety of the warriors.
"œThe number of the boarding hunters is decreasing and most of them seem to be under control at this point, but I advise to maintain caution..."
She spoke out loudly.
Not that Captain Eydis or the warriors needed to physically "˜hear' it, but she also wanted Xasik to hear a little bit of positive (or at least not worse) news.

Slowly she began to internalise the impressions of Slasvia; trying to understand the troubled mind that had entered their vicinity.
What Sirol could perceive from the life form felt"¦ Erratic, almost even resembling the desperation of a confused child"¦
She was not sure whether that was the accurate case or whether she was in fact projecting, but she could not help but "˜feel' for Slasvia...

Sirol narrowed her eyes and nodded at the Captain.
She was not entirely sure about the greater implications of this, and whether this would mean danger for Slasvia or danger for Katra or even both. But she also did not wish to stay inert and find out"¦
"œShould I contact Captain Kirok about the matter?" She asked.
Contacting him in fact was the scientist's first instinct, but she would not do it without Eydis' consent.
After all, shi did outrank Sirol, so the scientist would not make any decisions without proper permission from hir.

As Sirol noticed Eydis approaching Emerald and trying to communicate with them as well, she gave her Captain a warm smile and made a little space for hir.
Seeing Eydis so gently and carefully interacting with Emerald was actually heart warming.
The scientist tilted her head and just looked at Emerald with a smile.
They were the luckiest child in the quadrant, so young and already so loved and protected by everyone around.
Eventually though, Sirol took a breath, and looked at Captain Eydis again.
"œThe approaching being"¦ Slasvia"¦ Can we communicate with it? How can we help keeping it out of harms way?"
With Sirol being specialised in communicating with foreigners, the question was more than justified. Maybe, if Slasvia was able to flood the Lattice with emotions and distress, maybe there was also a way to reach out to it"¦ Calm it down and ease it's tension...
She exhaled and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the distressed presence in her mind, before she looked at Eydis again, and added via the Lattice - hoping it would be universally receivable"¦
"˜What happened? What triggered Slasvia and how do we help?'

Peylix for their part had been quiet for the most part - despite relaying a few bits of information with the Embassy guards around via the Lattice.
It was almost ironic to see outsiders not just standing, but also working here.
Xasik was a surprisingly welcome guest, and Scientist Sirol barely even felt like an outsider to begin with.
The healer been closely monitoring Sirol's "˜traffic', her communication, impressions and progress during linking with the warriors and coordinating them.
Just like Eydis, Peylix had been positively satisfied with the outcome.
Sirol was eagerly learning and utilising what she could. With a proper teacher, soon her traces would be indistinguishable from that of any actual Tholain.
It was fascinating to watch, and they considered performing a psychological study, maybe even conducting an essay about this particular case"¦

However, upon being addressed by Captain Eydis, The healter quickly turned around and acknowledged hir words.
The scientist would be able to do without them, Xasik"¦ Seemingly"¦ Not so much.
Approaching the specialist, Peylix looked at him, then placed one hand on his shoulder.
<"The presence in your mind can not harm you, Specialist Freeman. Picture it as an erratic weather phenomenon..."> For a moment they were searching for the correct terminology.
<"...In the manner of mass quantities of liquid water"¦ Try not to - metaphorically - swim against its flow, but let it pass through your vicinity.">
They paused, for a moment uncertain as to whether they were able to properly explain this particular technique of tranquillity to him.
<"Resisting the sensation will increase the perceived severity as it will put your senses into an alert state"¦.">
Once more they paused, then looked over to Emerald, who was held up by Captain Eydis and Scientist Sirol.
<"Focus on your hatchling, and observe the Captain's and the scientist's caring approach"¦"> They eventually spoke, hoping for this rather positive picture to help and ease up Xasik's tension.

[Ops - Lonar]

"It is good that you are adjusting well.  There is much happening up here.  Lonar will let you know if anything further happens" the Tholian replied.

Quote from: Kirok on September 04, 2021, 03:21:09 PM

[Brig - Zex]

The Deltan recovered from her initial shock of seeing the image of her attacker in her head.  Instead of replying to Sirol's though, she pressed Alpha for even more information.  "What is her name?  Say it" she dared him.

[Brig - Alpah]

"Her name is Catin.  She hates you" Alpha said.   He spat at them to accent his hatred.



EQ Kimball was finally up and running at his station.  "Full power is being routed to shields.  And weapons, Sir" the XB said.

"But I may have some knowledge about the zhat vash that might be helpful.  From my days as a drone mind you.  Only because there was a zhat vash who had been assimilated right after me.

The one memory that still clearly sticks out though is that the zhat vash hate AI's. And want to end all forms of synthetic life.  Because some AI in the past called completely destroyed a civilization.

I don't know how that plays out in relation to the Breen.  But it's the only information I have about the zhat vash.  But using what Shargaar said, maybe we play dead or surrender until they are close enough for use to destroy them because they are not known to turn away from a battle" the XB said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on September 04, 2021, 08:14:28 PM


EQ Kimball was finally up and running at his station.  "Full power is being routed to shields.  And weapons, Sir" the XB said.

"But I may have some knowledge about the zhat vash that might be helpful.  From my days as a drone mind you.  Only because there was a zhat vash who had been assimilated right after me.

The one memory that still clearly sticks out though is that the zhat vash hate AI's. And want to end all forms of synthetic life.  Because some AI in the past called completely destroyed a civilization.

I don't know how that plays out in relation to the Breen.  But it's the only information I have about the zhat vash.  But using what Shargaar said, maybe we play dead or surrender until they are close enough for use to destroy them because they are not known to turn away from a battle" the XB said.

[Ops - Hayo]

While everyone else was focused on the Breen, Hayo was focused on the snake.  She sent one modified sound wave length and waited for a response, then another.  The snake matched each new sound wave length.

'It's intelligent' she thought to herself.  Then she worked on seeing if the entity could 'learn' the standard alphabet.   It responded positively.  Changing colors and shapes.


[Katra Station | Tholian Embassy]

Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 11:16:30 AM

< Katra Station / Tholian Embassy >

Despite whatever violence and horrors; restless combat and grinding was lurking outside and beyond these doors, and even inside Zex's and now Sirol's mind, little Emerald managed to ease Sirol's stress from one second to another, simply filling her with warmth and joy.
Simply holding his ECS tightly, cradling it like an actual hug, she remained still for a moment, closing her eyes and once again updating the warriors on all the current changes in hotspots, and making sure that all of them were safe.


Whenever The Soft One snuggled with them, nothing could upset Emerald. They were always soothed by her soft chirps and squeaks and by the feeling of familiar sameness that they had always instinctively sensed within her. She had been there with The Sharp One and The Humming One from the very beginning and was very much one of the pillars of the hatchling's world.

Within The Soft One and The Humming One Emerald had immediately and instinctively sensed a familiarity, a sense of being the same but in different ways. Within The Humming One was an instinctual pull that Emerald felt. They were the same. This the hatchling was now certain of. Instinct told them that The Humming One was just like them.
The Soft One was also just like Emerald, but at the same time she was different. This was not something the hatchling could understand. They had imprinted on her at the time of their hatching, just as they had with The Sharp One and The Humming One, so to the hatchling she was a parent but she was different to The Humming One. Emerald could not yet process all the tones and vibrations she made and she did not hum soothingly like the Humming One, yet the hatchling was drawn to her anyway, to the sense of sameness that they detected within.

The Soft One was different now though, Emerald could sense it. Now she hummed just like the Humming One and the strangers around them. The Soft One was now exactly the same as Emerald, and as she held them in their ECS the hatchling was soothed and relaxed.

"œClick, chirp, click!" The hatchling cooed happily at The Soft One. They felt so safe and warm with her.

Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 11:16:30 AM

As Sirol noticed Xasik's distress, she slowly moved closer towards him, yet still remained silent, focusing on the feedback from each warrior and their current operation. She reached out towards him, yet got interrupted by Emerald's panic, which she could almost sense - in a way - as an uncoordinated, raw wave of confusion and emotion surpassing that of their parent.
Did she just sense Emerald among the other Tholians?!
Her heart seemed to skip a beat for a second with a strange mixture of sympathy and excitement about sensing them.


The Sharp One was different to The Soft One and The Humming One. He did not hum or radiate the sense of sameness that Emerald felt within the other parents but that did not mean that the hatchling was not as attached to him as they were the other two. The Sharp One radiated safety, security and warmth. He kept Emerald safe and was there when the other parents were not. The hatchling had bonded to this parent every bit as much as they had with the other two. Emerald didn't understand it but they could feel his aura. They could feel the warmth of his affection directed towards them, the tension he sometimes had with The Humming One and the soft warmth he felt for The Soft One, so when the Sharp One's aura was that of distress, Emerald reacted in the only way their young body could, panic.

Something was wrong! Something was wrong with The Sharp One! He tried to hide it but the hatchling was naturally very perceptive. Emerald cried out for The Humming One and The Soft One with all the energy that their young body had, and for a brief moment they even hummed like The Humming One and The Soft One.

They could sense something coming, something big and overwhelming and it frightened them. It had already hurt The Sharp One! Emerald noticed The Soft One approaching and called out to her desperately.

Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 11:16:30 AM

She once more came closer, gently placing one hand on the ECS, trying to reassure the little one that they would be safe.
As Xasik began to speak to the child, and soothe them, Sirol gave him a warm nod.
He was full of love and passionate protectiveness for the hatchling, and Sirol"¦ Actually felt the same...
She just listened and smiled, yet was hesitant to try and communicate with the child via the Lattice, since she was not yet sure whether and how easily the child would be overtaxed by too many people trying to contact them on too many levels of perception.
They already had to process Slasvia's semi-opaque presence and motives, and Sirol did not want to put any additional burden onto the hatchling.

She just stood there, with one hand on the bubble, relaying updates and looking after the safety of the warriors.
"œThe number of the boarding hunters is decreasing and most of them seem to be under control at this point, but I advise to maintain caution..."
She spoke out loudly.
Not that Captain Eydis or the warriors needed to physically "˜hear' it, but she also wanted Xasik to hear a little bit of positive (or at least not worse) news.


His skull felt like it was splitting open from the horrible ringing bouncing around his head. He had experienced telepathic attacks before as part of his combat training on Romulus, but never anything like this. His training hadn't prepared him for anything this intense. He wanted to cry out, to curl up into a ball until it went away, but he couldn't. Emerald needed him. He needed to be strong for his child. Emerald's distress was like a knife to his heart and he would have done anything he could have to soothe the hatchling.

Sirol's presence beside him was a great comfort. Seeing her place her hand on the ECS in an attempt to calm Emerald down was reassuring. It gave him the strength to continue talking to Emerald softly to try and calm them.

"œIt's okay Little One. You're safe. We've got you."

Hearing Sirol say out loud that the number of hunters boarding the station was decreasing was a great comfort to Xasik. It was an even greater comfort to hear that most of them seemed to be under control as well. He reached up and placed a gentle hand on Sirol's shoulder to thank her before another shock-wave of telepathic energy hit him and seemed to seize his body and scramble his mind. Things after that became blurry for the Reman. For a moment he was barely aware of Eydis approaching or the ECS being opened to calm his child down.

Quote from: Eydis on September 04, 2021, 04:21:29 AM

Eydis tholian assembly embassy Eydis crystalline shell would begin to pulsate a bright glow. Shi looking to Sirol first and then at Xasik. "œ It may be to late to stop Slasvia. The entity slasvia only obeys on its whim. We need to alert the federation about the approach.   Slasvia is a crystalline entity rescued by combined operation of federation, tholians and hidden allies. "œ  Eydis would shake hir head and look down at emerald. Little one do not fear the crystalline entity. For tholians share ancestral lines with them

Shi reached down and placed a bluish hand to emeralds head. Transferring hir peace and calmness . As well as knowledge and memories of the event to emerald. Showing emerald how Eydis came to be a hybrid tholian altered by exposure to very same dying crystalline entity that was the direct ancestor of Slasvia. The violent crash planet side and the rescue and bravery of the federation klingons who helped the tholians.

Healer caste peylix please tend to xasik who is experiencing negative effective of exposure to the entity:  I will calm emerald down


When The New One (Eydis) touched their head Emerald cried out in distress and reached their arms out towards The Soft One (Sirol). They squeaked desperately to try and get her attention, their little hands flexing open and closed to emphasize the point. The New One was not The Soft One and right now Emerald wanted The Soft One.
Normally they were excited to meet every New One that came into their world, but right now with The Sharp One in distress and something bad coming Emerald just wanted the comfort of their parents.

The New One hummed just like The Humming One and The Soft One but shi was not either of them. When shi touched the hatchling's head they saw hir in their mind and felt her intent to calm and soothe them, but it was all too overwhelming. They once more cried out for The Soft One and reached out their arms towards her to be picked up.

Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 11:16:30 AM

Approaching the specialist, Peylix looked at him, then placed one hand on his shoulder.
<"The presence in your mind can not harm you, Specialist Freeman. Picture it as an erratic weather phenomenon..."> For a moment they were searching for the correct terminology.
<"...In the manner of mass quantities of liquid water"¦ Try not to - metaphorically - swim against its flow, but let it pass through your vicinity.">
They paused, for a moment uncertain as to whether they were able to properly explain this particular technique of tranquillity to him.
<"Resisting the sensation will increase the perceived severity as it will put your senses into an alert state"¦.">
Once more they paused, then looked over to Emerald, who was held up by Captain Eydis and Scientist Sirol.
<"Focus on your hatchling, and observe the Captain's and the scientist's caring approach"¦"> They eventually spoke, hoping for this rather positive picture to help and ease up Xasik's tension.


As his mind cleared slightly, Xasik became aware of the hand now on his shoulder. It was a great comfort to him as his eyes focused on Peylix and the words they were saying to him started to make sense again, well as much as possible. He appreciated what Peylix was trying to do, even if the metaphorical example they provided was a little strange.

"œSo your advice is to go with the flow? How can I achieve that when it feels like my brain is melting?" Xasik groaned again and clutched at his helmet, desperate to take it off but being unable to remove it due to the environment of the Tholain Embassy.

"œI can't help but resist it. You say that it cannot harm me but I feel like my brain is being mushed into a pulp. I was trained to withstand telepathic attacks, but never anything of this magnitude. However, I will try Healer. If it helps with this pain, I will try."

Peylix's next words resonated deeply with him. He looked at Emerald being doted upon by Eydis and Sirol and his heart melted. Looking at his child gave him strength to not fight the pulsating ringing in his ears and mind. Eventually he was able to withstand the assault by not resisting like he had been. It was still loud in his mind, and overwhelming but he could at least see and think clearly.

Reaching up, Xasik gently placed a hand on the arm Peylix had extended to touch his shoulder. It was his non verbal way of thanking the healer for helping him through this strange ordeal.

"œI'm starting to think it's a bad idea to ever leave the lab. Every time I do something bad seems to happen."

He once again turned his attention to the hatchling. "œAre you alright Little Pebble?"



The Breen took some additional damage from the micro torpedoes from the firechaine defense system.  But the Breen destroyed the additional probes that had been sent in as a 2nd line of defense.  And now they were pressed forward to the Katra.


Quote from: npc3 on September 05, 2021, 09:18:37 AM


The Breen took some additional damage from the micro torpedoes from the firechaine defense system.  But the Breen destroyed the additional probes that had been sent in as a 2nd line of defense.  And now they were pressed forward to the Katra.


Kirok turned slightly to EQ.  "Good information that may come in handy later.  But I too do not see how we use it against the Breen" he said.

Then he turned back to the sec/tac duty stations.  "Fire torpedoes.  Let me know when we have exhausted all but the last 40" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie


:: Katra Station | Crew Quarters ::

Kyan's quarters were an island of calm nestled in the storm that was currently raging in and around Katra Station. Outside, there were fighters and Breen ships engaged in combat, and the station supporting them. There were still a few Hunters roaming the station, hunting for victims, and likewise being hunted by Katra's security teams. Down in the medical bay there were still casualties trickling in, and Doctor Xiiv and her staff worked tirelessly to return them all to health. The Promenade was abuzz with shop owners returning to put the pieces back together again"¦ again, and Starfleet Officers and civilians alike accounting for the dead and wounded. It was a cacophony of sounds, and a whirlwind of activity.

But inside of Kyan's darkened quarters, the only sounds were that of his rhythmic breathing. If one weren't aware of what was happening elsewhere, they would probably think that things on the station were as tranquil as they were in this room. But of course they would be wrong"¦ about the station and the room.

On the outside Kyan was sleeping peacefully. For the moment he was oblivious to the goings on around him, which had put him here in the first place. But inside his head it was anything but tranquil. The events of the past several hours had jarred something loose that Kyan hadn't thought of nor dreamt about in a very long time. He'd locked it away and thrown away the key so to speak. But things never stay locked away forever. Memories, especially bad ones, have a habit of finding their way out, and the one playing itself out in his sleeping head was one of them. It was one that the centuries old boy hadn't allowed himself to remember for more than three hundred years.

~ The Dream ~

:: Gilbert Bain Hospital | Lerwick, Shetland Isles, UK. (Miri's Planet)::

November, 1963

The first thing that he noticed was the contradiction of how he felt, and how everything looked. Outside, it was sunny. There weren't many clouds at all. Birds were chirping. It would have been a fine day to go down to the docks and watch the boats, or to get a game of footie with some of the other kids. But it occurred to him that most of them were probably in here, same as he.

Kyan sat cross legged in an uncomfortable chair. His school shoes were on the shiny tiled floor beside him. He'd doffed his school blazer and the oppressive necktie, which were stuffed in his bookbag along with his books, and wore only his school shorts, long socks, and shirt. Spread open in his lap was the latest issue of a comic book, Tippy Terry: The Red Headed Tornado.

Having been so long since he'd given any thought to this period in his life, Kyan was confused at first. Everything felt real, and vaguely familiar , but not solid. When he looked at the comic, there was a connection. It felt as though this was something that had been important to him. And the chair felt familiar. The clothes, the room, and even the faint smell of cigarette smoke was familiar. But it was just a feeling, and a fleeting one at that. Recalling the specifics of each thing was like trying to catch smoke from a campfire.

Looking up from the comic, he saw that there were two beds in the room, and a man and a woman lying in them. They were sick. There were little tubes going into their arms which hung off of glass bottles with clear fluid in them.

A Hospital. I'm in a hospital. Kyan thought, and suddenly felt the sharp prickle of fear stabbing at him. But he was also worried for the people in the beds. Angry blue splotches covered their arms and faces, which was all that he could see. Seeing them like this filled him with a sadness that was almost painful. There was a connection to them but he couldn't place it. It was strong though. These people were important to him. There was an overpowering urge to go to them.

Putting the comic book down, Kyan extricated himself from the chair and walked over to the first bed, where the man lay. He was big. His hair was wet with sweat, and lay matted against his forhead. It was dark red, just like his own. The man looked familiar. There was a sudden, strong, urge for Kyan to take the man's hand. He reached out to do so. Time stretched out as his smaller hand crept closer to the man's own limp fingers. The fear intensified, but he couldn't stop himself.

When his fingers made contact, the man's eyes shot open. He lifted his head and glared at Kyan for a moment. There was no recognition there. Kyan knew the man, or he had. But the man didn't seem to know him at all. That saddened him. He wanted the man to know him. He expected him to know him. He trusted the man. It felt like he trusted him most out of everyone else. But when he made eye contact with him, fear turned to dread, and panic. He tried to pull his hand away, but it was too late, the man had grabbed it in his vice like grip, and was squeezing it. The man bolted upright and yanked Kyan closer to him.

Kyan saw his eyes. They were wild, and there was nothing in them but rage. His splotchy face was contorted into a menacing scowl. When he opened his mouth to speak, it was incomprehensible.

"Yer hurtin me!" Kyan complained desperately, but he wasn't heard. He attempted to pull away but couldn't. He started hitting the man's arm with his other hand. It was no use. The man grabbed Kyan's other hand and pulled him closer. Time slowed again as Kyan was pilled inexorably closer to the man, who looked as though he was going to bite him. He was frantic now, trying to free himself.

Kyan closed his eyes tightly just as the man was about to latch onto his neck. He screamed.

~ Back in the real world ~

Kyan sat up in bed and threw his hands up to protect himself. When nothing happened, he opened his eyes and peered over his hands into the darkness. He was panting as though he'd just run a marathon. It took a few seconds to realize where he was, and longer still for the terror to subside. Unlike most dreams, this one remained vivid even now, after he'd woken up. He could almost feel the scratchy wool socks and school shorts. he even remembered the comic book. The man and woman in those beds though, he still couldn't remember who they were. That was frustrating because he felt like he should. For several minutes Kyan sat on his bed and tried to remember them but he couldn't. But then he couldn't remember much from the "before time", before the Life Prolongation Virus ravaged his world.

Eventually, Kyan quit trying to remember and got out of bed. His head was feeling better, and his vision had cleared up. There was still some ringing in his ears, but he felt better than he had in sickbay. And the effects of the hypospray had all but worn off. Kyan knew he couldn't go back to sleep, and wouldn't even if he could. And since sleep wasn't going to happen, Kyan saw no need to stay cooped up in his quarters when things were still going on.

After taking a quick shower, he got a fresh uniform on and grabbed his backup phaser. He briefly considered going to Ops, but they probably had things handled there. Then he remembered something about Alpha being interrogated in the brig. If that were true, he wanted to be there. The way Kyan figured it, Alpha was the cause of every last one of his problems today. And in his estimation, that sort of debt warranted immediate repayment, with interest. So he walked out the door and set off for the Security Office.

Kyan wasn't one to let a debt remain unpaid for long.

Kyle Briggs


Quote from: Kirok on September 02, 2021, 09:01:40 AM

Kiork turned to Kyle.  "I am as surprised as you.  We've tried haling them but got no reply.  Now we are preparing for battle while strategizing.  Have you had any success in beating them in the past?" the half Vulcan asked.


Looking to King, the Captain offered a nod.  She looking like she had survived something and just came from Medbay.  But he listened to her comment and turned to Kyle.  "I'll let you handle that one" the Captain said.

Kyle just gently shook his head. "They're one of the few known species that I haven't had much dealing with. Nothing that would give us any insight." he replied to Kirok just before the scene with the engineers happened. The CO asked him to handle it. He looked to the crewman that Spalding had told to take King to her quarters and spoke as they past. "If she gives you any issues about going to her quarters, then take her ass back to Sickbay and they can deal with her."

As the two entered the lift, Kyle turned his attention back to the monitor that was showing the pending invasion and listened to EQ tell about the drone he knew from his previous life and make his suggestion.

"That's about as good as anything I suppose." Kyle said. "It may just give us the chance we need to get the upper hand on them."


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 05, 2021, 02:43:24 PM


Kyle just gently shook his head. "They're one of the few known species that I haven't had much dealing with. Nothing that would give us any insight." he replied to Kirok just before the scene with the engineers happened. The CO asked him to handle it. He looked to the crewman that Spalding had told to take King to her quarters and spoke as they past. "If she gives you any issues about going to her quarters, then take her ass back to Sickbay and they can deal with her."

As the two entered the lift, Kyle turned his attention back to the monitor that was showing the pending invasion and listened to EQ tell about the drone he knew from his previous life and make his suggestion.

"That's about as good as anything I suppose." Kyle said. "It may just give us the chance we need to get the upper hand on them."


"Thank you, Sir" EQ said as Kyle was leaving.  The XB's only goal was to help in some way.  From the looks of it, it didn't look like the information would pay off today - but maybe in the future, he hoped.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Skar was watching the encroaching Breen ships with intense scrutiny then all of a sudden his sensors came alive showing multiple smaller craft being launched from the larger Breen ships.  "Sir, we have multiple targets inbound.  Over fifty fighters, two carriers, on top of those Jem'Hadar fighters out there.  Running scans." Skar said aloud as he needed more information and the computer sure did compile it.  "Breen fighters armed with class 4 shields, plasma torpedo load out.  Class 5 disruptors.  Computer suggests that we have a 71% chance first wave contact.  With a 29% chance they will hit a vital system to put the odds further in there favor.  Im using my own discretion for target acquisition." Skar said aloud as his voice was slightly hinting the panic or was it?.

Skar kept the firechain system on high alert as he released several volley's of micro torpedos all programmed for the fighters, then at the same time fired the stations larger torpedoes and programmed them for the carriers.  He knew his purpose was to preserve life at all cost but when in defense of life, Starfleets mandate cancels the preservation of life.  Also he hoped not to over kill and made sure to program the torpedoes to disable if all possible there engines but he knew the possibility of secondary explosions was high.


Quote from: Skargarr on September 05, 2021, 05:38:44 PM


Skar was watching the encroaching Breen ships with intense scrutiny then all of a sudden his sensors came alive showing multiple smaller craft being launched from the larger Breen ships.  "Sir, we have multiple targets inbound.  Over fifty fighters, two carriers, on top of those Jem'Hadar fighters out there.  Running scans." Skar said aloud as he needed more information and the computer sure did compile it.  "Breen fighters armed with class 4 shields, plasma torpedo load out.  Class 5 disruptors.  Computer suggests that we have a 71% chance first wave contact.  With a 29% chance they will hit a vital system to put the odds further in there favor.  Im using my own discretion for target acquisition." Skar said aloud as his voice was slightly hinting the panic or was it?.

Skar kept the firechain system on high alert as he released several volley's of micro torpedos all programmed for the fighters, then at the same time fired the stations larger torpedoes and programmed them for the carriers.  He knew his purpose was to preserve life at all cost but when in defense of life, Starfleets mandate cancels the preservation of life.  Also he hoped not to over kill and made sure to program the torpedoes to disable if all possible there engines but he knew the possibility of secondary explosions was high.


Kirok paused for just a second before offing a nod to the Gorn.  They had tried to communicate with the Breen.  Had offered warning shorts in the form of mirco torpedoes.

Both had been ignored.  Leaving them with no other choice but to attack with the intent to harm.   So he off gave the nod, watched the torpedoes fly, then called out "report."

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
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