The Big Snake...

Started by Kirok, June 01, 2021, 06:56:10 AM

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[Ready Room]

Kirok was up early and in his Ready Room before his shift began as usual.  He wanted to submit a mission update.  Before the other arrived. So he tapped a button at his standing desk.

"June 1, 2399.   Mission update

Much has happened overnight.  Hanthar, the Chief Overseer from Karemma had provided a lot of information about the Hunters.  And the group of Changlings who now headed what people were calling the New Dominion.

In general, the old Dominion has split into two factions.  This has caused a shortage of supplies, support, and protection to the Hunters who no longer have everything they need to engineer the Tosk any longer.  That is why the Hunters have been forced to allow the Tosk to procreate.

Alpha was, however, telling the truth about the Big Snake though.  It does signal a time of peace between the Hunter and Tosk but it also is connected somehow to the phasing away of Meridian.   This was confirmed by Hanthar.

The Karemma also arranged a meeting with a member of the New Dominion leaders.  They will arrive at the station shortly.  And the Meridian need to decide what they are going to do.

The crew has been busy.  We should being gathering data soon from the probes that were placed overnight.  And preparations should be almost complete in regard to moving the station."

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

[Katra Station | Engineering]

"Per Ardua Vitae."

Serena was... Bored. Standing in the middle of Engineering aboard Katra, she had gone through the numbers again. She had had to restrain herself from going to the work crews making adjustments and shoring up the junctions where her calculations said they were needed. Never micromanage, she reminded herself. This time, she was the symphony conductor and needed to look at the bigger picture and trust that everyone else had the small details figured out.

Outwardly, she was still quite affable, dressed in her customary gold utilities, pockets stuffed with tools of varying description. Personally, however, she had been irritable, not eating much and getting jumpy. When she dreamt, she often woke up in a cold sweat, having dreamed a recurring nightmare of the entire station breaking apart. Intellectually, she knew it was near to impossible, even factoring in a large margin of error. Either way, time will tell if she would make it... Or... not.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

[Ensign Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Flight Control Office | Deck Two | Katra Station]

Griff was bored. And bloody worried about Serena. He was bored in that there was a lack of flight assignments lately. There wasn't actually much he had been doing. He was anxious to get talking to Lieutenant Ferris for what to do. And as for being bloody worried about Serena...lately, she'd been waking up in nightmares. Griff did his best to calm her down with embraces and kisses.

Still, he had a good idea of what was bothering her. The idea of moving the station was one thing, and Griff was looking forward to help tow it. However, he worked around plenty of engineers, especially in the family shipping company, to know what an engineer's worst nightmare was: Losing any kind of craft from destruction. And Griff figured Serena was worried that towing the whole station was going to wreck it, or worse, destroy it.

Between his worry for Serena and his bloody boredom and the lack of flight assignments and the prospect of moving the station, it was certainly making Gideon inwardly disgruntled.



Kirok left the Ready Room and headed to the Operational Control Center.  "Report" he called out as he headed to the central station.  He sad and logged into the station while he waited for everyone to provide updates.

"The Trialus Starlifter has been taken offline, Sir.  The type 16 shuttlepods have been returned back to shuttlebay.  So they can be used to help move the station if needed" EQ replied from Ops. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on June 01, 2021, 07:04:48 PM


Kirok left the Ready Room and headed to the Operational Control Center.  "Report" he called out as he headed to the central station.  He sad and logged into the station while he waited for everyone to provide updates.

"The Trialus Starlifter has been taken offline, Sir.  The type 16 shuttlepods have been returned back to shuttlebay.  So they can be used to help move the station if needed" EQ replied from Ops.

[Katra OCC]

Rojo was assigned to Katra for his first mission after graduating Starfleet. Fresh from the academy and into the organization that had failed to save his people from the exploding sun. He was here as a graduate and survivor. He was here to gain knowledge of the Federation as well. When Romulans do rise again he most likely uses what he knows against them.

Of course he had to keep that a secret because he would not be allowed in Starfleet. There were a few Romulans in Starfleet too. In his heart he had wondered what their reason to be in Starfleet. Did they have the same goal as he had or were they traitors to the Romulans?

The young Romulan came in through the entry to see Captain Kirok a half Betazoid and Vulcan at command with the EX Borg who was somewhat distrusted by others. They would never find a true belonging like Romulans. The past of the Romulans was not forgiven by many and so they are still seen as the enemy. That they should keep that close to their own heart. Romulans shall rise once again in the future and gain her power in the ancient times. This was his way of seeing things. He grew up hearing the greatness of Romulans winning many battles from his grandparents when they lived on Romulus when he was a child. They fed his mind to think of great things about Romulans.

He came walking over toward where Kirok was. "œEnsign Rojol Takima reporting to duty sir," Rojol reported. He was much like at attention of a military individual. As Captan Kirok gave him a nod he would be at ease and go to Operation station next to EQ.  "œYou must be a Crewman EQ. I see we have something in common," he shared.

Serena King

[Katra Station | OCC]

Serena strode into OCC, giving collegial nods to everyone, her standard small bow to Kirok as always and took the Engineering station. She'd just heard EQ's report and also Rojol's reporting in. Tapping at her console, she looked at the readings. "Captain, Sciences would have to confirm the readings, but if the area is giving off readings, we should begin moving the station."

Serena turned in her chair and raised a hand, ticking off fingers. "Three hours would be preferable, Captain. Seleya needs to be staffed. The auxiliary craft need to be staffed. There needs to be a quick shakedown and a dry run for all systems. The outer modules need to be evacuated and systems need to be placed into standby while the ready reaction teams move into position. Diplomatic staff and civilians need to be moved to secure locations and head counts/locations done for all personnel where possible."

Serena straightened: "I urge moving the station sooner rather than later. It gives us more options if we're on the move and we can gauge how this snake reacts. How large it is, how far from the aperture, what its area of effect is."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Rojol on June 01, 2021, 10:31:00 PM

[Katra OCC]

Rojo was assigned to Katra for his first mission after graduating Starfleet. Fresh from the academy and into the organization that had failed to save his people from the exploding sun. He was here as a graduate and survivor. He was here to gain knowledge of the Federation as well. When Romulans do rise again he most likely uses what he knows against them.

Of course he had to keep that a secret because he would not be allowed in Starfleet. There were a few Romulans in Starfleet too. In his heart he had wondered what their reason to be in Starfleet. Did they have the same goal as he had or were they traitors to the Romulans?

The young Romulan came in through the entry to see Captain Kirok a half Betazoid and Vulcan at command with the EX Borg who was somewhat distrusted by others. They would never find a true belonging like Romulans. The past of the Romulans was not forgiven by many and so they are still seen as the enemy. That they should keep that close to their own heart. Romulans shall rise once again in the future and gain her power in the ancient times. This was his way of seeing things. He grew up hearing the greatness of Romulans winning many battles from his grandparents when they lived on Romulus when he was a child. They fed his mind to think of great things about Romulans.

He came walking over toward where Kirok was. "œEnsign Rojol Takima reporting to duty sir," Rojol reported. He was much like at attention of a military individual. As Captan Kirok gave him a nod he would be at ease and go to Operation station next to EQ.  "œYou must be a Crewman EQ. I see we have something in common," he shared.


Kirok noticed Rojol come in.  "It is agreeable to meet you, Takima.  You have arrived at an opportune moment.  Please log in.  I'll have orders for you shortly" the half Vulcan said.

King came in next.  "I agree.  But lets get a report from Science before we do anything" he replied.

Then he tapped his combade.  -//Kirok to the Science Department.   Please have someone report to the OCC\\-


EQ nodded to Rojol.  "I am.  Is is that were both in Ops?" he asked with a smirk.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on June 02, 2021, 05:48:04 PM


Kirok noticed Rojol come in.  "It is agreeable to meet you, Takima.  You have arrived at an opportune moment.  Please log in.  I'll have orders for you shortly" the half Vulcan said.

Rojol had signed in the operations by putting in his identification number. The computer had accepted him and gave him access to the console along side the XB.

King came in next.  "I agree.  But lets get a report from Science before we do anything" he replied.

Then he tapped his combade.  -//Kirok to the Science Department.   Please have someone report to the OCC\\-


EQ nodded to Rojol.  "I am.  Is is that were both in Ops?" he asked with a smirk.

"Yes we are both," he replied. "I had gone to a Academy with a XB. His name was Boola. I don't expect you know him by name. I never asked for his destination number. But it is good to see you here in Starfleet," he said. "Perhaps we can have a drink some time?" he offered. The Romulan found XBs easy to talk to for some odd reason.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on June 02, 2021, 05:48:04 PM


Kirok noticed Rojol come in.  "It is agreeable to meet you, Takima.  You have arrived at an opportune moment.  Please log in.  I'll have orders for you shortly" the half Vulcan said.

King came in next.  "I agree.  But lets get a report from Science before we do anything" he replied.

Then he tapped his combade.  -//Kirok to the Science Department.   Please have someone report to the OCC\\-


EQ nodded to Rojol.  "I am.  Is is that were both in Ops?" he asked with a smirk.

[OCC - Katra Station]

"Is this soon enough, Kirok?!" Hrafn said on a laugh walking into the OCC. "My apologies I was on my way anyhow and seemed quicker to respond in person.  What gives?!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Rojol on June 02, 2021, 10:02:26 PM

Rojol had signed in the operations by putting in his identification number. The computer had accepted him and gave him access to the console along side the XB.
"Yes we are both," he replied. "I had gone to a Academy with a XB. His name was Boola. I don't expect you know him by name. I never asked for his destination number. But it is good to see you here in Starfleet," he said. "Perhaps we can have a drink some time?" he offered. The Romulan found XBs easy to talk to for some odd reason.



EQ offered the man a nod.  "Cool, but I thought you were going to say the other thing" he replied with shrug.  "Can't say that I remember a Boola.  What species was he?" the XB asked.  "But yeah, I would enjoy getting a drink.  There is a new place I've been wanting to try" EQ offered.


"Sooner that expected" Kirok replied.  He offered Falleg a small bow.  "I was hoping that you might be able to tell us if there is any data to prove the existence of the big snake.  Any disturbances in space to report?" he asked.

Before she could answer, he turned his attention back to the new Ops officer.  "Rojol, can you please make sure science if fully powered.   Also, we need someone from Flight Control up here if you please?" the Captain requested.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

[Katra Station | OCC]


Serena had logged off the Engineering console and wandered over to the FCO console. Although she and Gideon were still cohabitating, there was some friction between the two. No, that's not fair, I'm... Preoccupied. Both were on duty and while Kirok and Hrafn were talking, Serena went next to Gideon, resting her chin on his shoulder, her arm wrapped around his far shoulder when she noticed the additional shuttlepods in addition to their standard complement of auxiliary craft. She exhaled sharply and wandered back to her console as fast as propriety allowed.

At the Engineering console that she logged back into, she was tapping away furiously. "Captain, I may have an alternative. Tensegrity is... I can't explain it, except similar to a spring. It condenses and flexes itself." Her own console had the feed from the area. "It can't be energy wash, or else anything that can affect that space would probably overload the probes and their instruments. Therefore it's our good friend gravity. Or gravitons again."

She paused to scratch at her head: "The snake cannot be too exotic. The Hunters are biologically humanoid and their food is in line with ours. This snake, whatever it is, must be a carbon based life form that even other humanoids can eat and digest, once you get past a space tolerant outer layer. Although spaceborne lifeforms are relatively rare, they must obey the laws of physics."

Serena tilted her head: "Auxiliary craft, arranged similar to a wedding ring, spaced at intervals along the snake. In addition to their shield generators, we can add in another graviton generator or two to help ease the load. The effect would be similar to running up a steep hill. We can steer this snake where we want to go." She had to restrain her excitement.

"But..." Serena frowned. "We would become an active participant and technically violating the Prime Directive by shaping the Hunters' ability to get food. In addition to which, we would not have enough resources to move the Snake and the station, if we set aside ethics and move to practicality questions."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on June 04, 2021, 05:33:12 AM

[Katra Station | OCC]


Serena had logged off the Engineering console and wandered over to the FCO console. Although she and Gideon were still cohabitating, there was some friction between the two. No, that's not fair, I'm... Preoccupied. Both were on duty and while Kirok and Hrafn were talking, Serena went next to Gideon, resting her chin on his shoulder, her arm wrapped around his far shoulder when she noticed the additional shuttlepods in addition to their standard complement of auxiliary craft. She exhaled sharply and wandered back to her console as fast as propriety allowed.

At the Engineering console that she logged back into, she was tapping away furiously. "Captain, I may have an alternative. Tensegrity is... I can't explain it, except similar to a spring. It condenses and flexes itself." Her own console had the feed from the area. "It can't be energy wash, or else anything that can affect that space would probably overload the probes and their instruments. Therefore it's our good friend gravity. Or gravitons again."

She paused to scratch at her head: "The snake cannot be too exotic. The Hunters are biologically humanoid and their food is in line with ours. This snake, whatever it is, must be a carbon based life form that even other humanoids can eat and digest, once you get past a space tolerant outer layer. Although spaceborne lifeforms are relatively rare, they must obey the laws of physics."

Serena tilted her head: "Auxiliary craft, arranged similar to a wedding ring, spaced at intervals along the snake. In addition to their shield generators, we can add in another graviton generator or two to help ease the load. The effect would be similar to running up a steep hill. We can steer this snake where we want to go." She had to restrain her excitement.

"But..." Serena frowned. "We would become an active participant and technically violating the Prime Directive by shaping the Hunters' ability to get food. In addition to which, we would not have enough resources to move the Snake and the station, if we set aside ethics and move to practicality questions."

[Ensign Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | OCC | Deck One | Katra Station]

Frustrated with lack of assignments, Griff felt to get over to the OCC in the event there'd be greater chances of assignments given from the Command officers, either Captain Kirok or Commander Briggs. True, there's the chain of command to consider, but he hasn't heard from Lieutenant Ferris for a while now.

He felt a little better when Serena appeared, rested her chin on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around his far shoulder. Maybe it felt reassuring to her as well, what with the friction they've been feeling lately. Then she noticed something and explained something to the Captain. Brilliant as it was, it meant a violation of the Prime Directive.

"That's the crux of the problem," said Griff in reply, agreeing with Serena. "Even if we could do it, it's a bloody violation of the Prime Directive."


[Katra Station | OCC]

Kirok turned toward King when she started to speak.  "Tensegrity?" he asked.  His right eyebrow rose slightly.

Though he was not failure with the word, King described the meaning well.  But she pointed out the obvious con.  But he was more concerned with the one that came to his mind.

"I agree with Drake.  But The snake is likely a carbon based animal, but it might be something else.  Either way we do not have any scientific data about it yet.  So I am leery as to how it might respond to any prodding.

No.  I believe that we must stay with the plan to move the station.  Let me show you what I propose" he said.

He stood and walked forward to the circular holographic situation display.  The image of the station in it's current location, the meridian sun, meridian and the wormhole were represented on the table.  The sun and station were evenly distances from the wormhole with Meridian further away.

"Using the sun and the station as lower legs on a 90 degree angle.  The station will travel on the hypotenuse of the right angle.  Until we arrive at where the upper leg would met the supposed right angle.

This puts us the farthest point away from Meridian.  But keeps us the same distance from the sun.  Should the snake have an effect beyond that distance or have a negative effect on the sun, then we can move further away from the sun. Thoughts?" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 04, 2021, 05:45:02 PM

[Katra Station | OCC]

Kirok turned toward King when she started to speak.  "Tensegrity?" he asked.  His right eyebrow rose slightly.

Though he was not failure with the word, King described the meaning well.  But she pointed out the obvious con.  But he was more concerned with the one that came to his mind.

"I agree with Drake.  But The snake is likely a carbon based animal, but it might be something else.  Either way we do not have any scientific data about it yet.  So I am leery as to how it might respond to any prodding.

No.  I believe that we must stay with the plan to move the station.  Let me show you what I propose" he said.

He stood and walked forward to the circular holographic situation display.  The image of the station in it's current location, the meridian sun, meridian and the wormhole were represented on the table.  The sun and station were evenly distances from the wormhole with Meridian further away.

"Using the sun and the station as lower legs on a 90 degree angle.  The station will travel on the hypotenuse of the right angle.  Until we arrive at where the upper leg would met the supposed right angle.

This puts us the farthest point away from Meridian.  But keeps us the same distance from the sun.  Should the snake have an effect beyond that distance or have a negative effect on the sun, then we can move further away from the sun. Thoughts?" he said.

[Katra Station | OCC]

Serena blinked her eyes, feeling a mild wash of fatigue, but shrugged it off. She locked the console and moved a few steps close, pulling a miniature toy plush penguin and her customary PADD from its lower leg pocket, but stuffing the former back in. Tapping quickly, she nodded a few times. "We could also... Shorten the distance to the sun, set up metaphasic shields as well and have the gravity move us along in a slow orbit. Let it work in our favour. The additional shuttlepods frees up Seleya to be released for close in studies for our own scientific manner, or swing to Meridian, depending on where the action is."

She paused to smile in an evil manner: "There's nothing wrong with suggesting moving the Snake, though. It'll give them something to do while hunting it and also getting them off our station." In an instant, her face went blank, but deep down she was still seething about the Alpha and regained control of herself.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 04, 2021, 06:38:17 PM

[Katra Station | OCC]

Serena blinked her eyes, feeling a mild wash of fatigue, but shrugged it off. She locked the console and moved a few steps close, pulling a miniature toy plush penguin and her customary PADD from its lower leg pocket, but stuffing the former back in. Tapping quickly, she nodded a few times. "We could also... Shorten the distance to the sun, set up metaphasic shields as well and have the gravity move us along in a slow orbit. Let it work in our favour. The additional shuttlepods frees up Seleya to be released for close in studies for our own scientific manner, or swing to Meridian, depending on where the action is."

She paused to smile in an evil manner: "There's nothing wrong with suggesting moving the Snake, though. It'll give them something to do while hunting it and also getting them off our station." In an instant, her face went blank, but deep down she was still seething about the Alpha and regained control of herself.

[Katra Station | OCC]

Kirok nodded.  The idea to use the gravity of the sun was sound.  And it had the additional benefit of freeing up the Seleya.

"Using the sun's gravity will work and use the metaphasic shields.  After we land at our resting place, I want solar panels installed on out outer hull.  Engineering will be quite busy today.

Drake, please start evacuating all none-essential personnel to New Bajor.  Then plot a course for our new destination.  And stand at the ready to move us" he said, overlooking the last comment about moving the snake.

"Ops.  Contact the Meridians.  We need their to know if they are staying or going" the Captain added with a glance in their direction.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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