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The Big Snake of the Night Sky

Started by Kirok, May 01, 2021, 08:33:02 AM

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[Ready Room]

"I see" Kirok said to Sirol.  "Please put in a requisition for the equipment you need and I will see that you get it.  But as for now, the use of probes will have to work.  So, use as many and you need an pull others in to assist you as needed" he added.

Then King explained her logic.  Drake, though, was thinking along the same lines as he was.  But King again had a reason that it would not work that way.

"Very well.  I am convinced.  We well evacuate the station to help mitigate the damage to anyone, but increase internal gravity to help minimize object flying about.

I suggest that you three work together on these projects and execute them at the same time.  Preferably in the OCC.  Do you three have any other comments or questions?" Kirok asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Ready Room >

Quote from: Serena King on May 19, 2021, 05:28:22 AM

She nodded at Sirol, finally. "We can still study this phenomenon. No reason we can't do both with enough safety margin. If worse comes to worse, we can leave the station to fly even further before we slow it down and just cram everyone onto Seleya for a while. However, this is our decision, Captain and also what else our Hunter... guests have to say."[/color

Quietly Sirol sat there, following Ensign Kings explanation, occasionally nodding in acknowledgement.
She did not have much to contribute here other than her agreement with her colleague.
Despite their technological accomplishments, they still had no choice than to adapt to the fundamental laws of physics.

Ensign Drake did show no reaction towards Kirok's suggestion and Sirol's "˜invite', leading her to the conclusion that he preferred to work on the engineering tasks instead. Which was understandable considering the the strong chemistry between him and Ensign King. It was almost even - in lack of better words for her to phrase her perception - like an omnipresent electrostatic charge between them"¦

Instead Sirol's eyes wandered over towards Ensign Zex.
Of all the people present, she had not yet received a specific assignment, so Sirol decided to extend her invite towards her roommate.
"œDo you happen to be capable of operating a shuttle and would be interested in assisting me?" She spoke in a calm, warm tone.

Quote from: Kirok on May 19, 2021, 06:34:10 PM

[Ready Room]

"I see" Kirok said to Sirol.  "Please put in a requisition for the equipment you need and I will see that you get it.  But as for now, the use of probes will have to work.  So, use as many and you need an pull others in to assist you as needed" he added.

Then King explained her logic.  Drake, though, was thinking along the same lines as he was.  But King again had a reason that it would not work that way.

"Very well.  I am convinced.  We well evacuate the station to help mitigate the damage to anyone, but increase internal gravity to help minimize object flying about.

I suggest that you three work together on these projects and execute them at the same time.  Preferably in the OCC.  Do you three have any other comments or questions?" Kirok asked.

Slowly rotating her chair towards the Captain - still with the Uropygi on her arm and slowly stroking it, she nodded towards Kirok.
Had Sirol possessed just a tad humour and interest in earthen pop culture, she would have noticed that her posture was more than reminiscent of a certain ancient fictional Earth villain in that very moment"¦
Yet, she was entirely oblivious to the amusing appearance she made, and instead just focused her Commanding Officer.

"œI will do the requisition as soon as I am done with my tasks, Captain. Thank you for your assistance with it."
She tilted her head and gave him an approving look, then added:
"œUnderstood. I will see that I can get one or two more scientists - Depending on who is currently available, and a pilot."
Once more she looked over towards Ensign Zex, before returning her gaze to the Captain. She agreed and approved of the idea of all of them working on their respective projects simultaneously.
"œ...My team will require some"¦ Well"¦ Space"¦
I suppose one of the docking bays will suffice to provide room for working on the probes and to load them onto a shuttlecraft. However, I will gladly keep you updated via live feed to the OCC.
Other than that"¦ No comments or questions from my side."

She leaned back in her chair, activated her holographic PDA, and began to type in her upcoming tasks in the most economically sound order.
--Make calls:
---- Request a shuttlecraft to be prepared
---- Inform Commander Eydis that she had found one of hir Uropygi
---- Contact and draft available science officers.
-- Assess available Probe types, and - if needed - replicate more to match the required count.
-- Brief Zex [Or if she decided to not partake, another pilot] about the route and intervals of their probe placement.
-- Brief the scientist(s) about the required modifications and calibrations.
-- Run simulated tests of the network synchronisation.
-- Mandatory tea time to make sure the team members are properly sustained and relaxed.
-- Board the shuttle, leave Katra and begin placing the probes in their respective coordinates.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Xasik on May 16, 2021, 09:02:41 PM

[Katra Station | Docking Bay]

There was a certain sense of relief every time Xasik disembarked from a shuttle. It wasn't that he found the journey uncomfortable, on the contrary , he had found the shuttle to be quite luxurious compared to some of the conditions he had experienced in the past, but rather that he felt vulnerable traveling in smaller craft through large expanses of space. The ever lingering fear of Romulan repercussions was always haunting the back of his mind and shuttles could be so very vulnerable to attacks from larger ships. He had seen it time and time again while running from his former masters. Many of the Remans he had escaped with had met their ends while traveling via shuttle to start their new lives. He had been one the lucky few to have survived the ordeal.
He allowed the wave of relief to wash over his body as he simply took a moment to settle himself before hoisting his duffle bag over his left shoulder and taking a look around him. The station had an atmosphere much like others he had visited. People were milling about attending to their tasks and barely noticed him. That was fine, he didn't mind at all. He hadn't slept much and would probably be irritable if asked too many questions right away. But even still, he needed to settle in quickly. The metal case strapped to his back would require attention as soon as possible. It was a mobile environmental system and life support for the egg he was carrying. It had been in stasis long enough and it deserved the chance to finally hatch. He simply hadn't felt safe enough while traveling to allow the egg to hatch naturally but now that he had arrived on Katra, he would finally be able to settle long enough to meet his child at last.

It was with this thought in mind that he reached up to lower his hood and take off his shades to reveal his entire face. He would need to ask someone where he would find the department leader for the sciences so he could request lab access to start work as the station's geologist. He had noticed during his travels that the Human race could be distrusting of one if they hid their face and he didn't want any misunderstandings to hinder his settling in period. The lights of the station were sure to be too bright for his Reman eyes but he would tolerate it for now. He had contact lenses that would filter out bright lights but they weren't comfortable to wear for long periods of time. He would save those for when he needed them.

Clearing his throat, Xasik approached the nearest stationary crew member. "œExcuse me, where can I find the Science Department Head?"
The ensign looked up from his padd and seemed taken aback by the severe looking Reman towering over him. "œUh, that'd be Lt. Hrafn Falleg. Here let me write down some directions for you."
"œThanks," Xasik nodded and waited for the rushed directions before setting off towards the nearest turbo lift. He shuddered as he entered the confined space. It reminded him of the mines of Remus. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long to get to his destination.

[Katra Station | Docking Bay]

"Hey.  I think Falleg is off on an away mission.  You might could check at the OCC.  They will probably be able to get you squared away" a mechanic nearby said.

[Bridge - USS Seleya - EQ]

The XB looked at Kal again.  He tilted his head, unsure if Kal was giving him the full truth.  But he was still standing, EQ let it go for now.

If fact, the Caitin caught his attention.  She seemed to have a clear understanding of how things works.  She obviously had paid attention during her pervious training.

What was more impressive though was that she seemed to hear where the bad relay was before it popped.  "Good save.  I'm EQ Kimball.  That Kal Jimrec" he said by way of introduction.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on May 19, 2021, 06:34:10 PM

[Ready Room]

"I see" Kirok said to Sirol.  "Please put in a requisition for the equipment you need and I will see that you get it.  But as for now, the use of probes will have to work.  So, use as many and you need an pull others in to assist you as needed" he added.

Then King explained her logic.  Drake, though, was thinking along the same lines as he was.  But King again had a reason that it would not work that way.

"Very well.  I am convinced.  We well evacuate the station to help mitigate the damage to anyone, but increase internal gravity to help minimize object flying about.

I suggest that you three work together on these projects and execute them at the same time.  Preferably in the OCC.  Do you three have any other comments or questions?" Kirok asked.

Quote from: Sirol on May 19, 2021, 09:42:54 PM

< Katra Station / Ready Room >

Quietly Sirol sat there, following Ensign Kings explanation, occasionally nodding in acknowledgement.
She did not have much to contribute here other than her agreement with her colleague.
Despite their technological accomplishments, they still had no choice than to adapt to the fundamental laws of physics.

Ensign Drake did show no reaction towards Kirok's suggestion and Sirol's "˜invite', leading her to the conclusion that he preferred to work on the engineering tasks instead. Which was understandable considering the the strong chemistry between him and Ensign King. It was almost even - in lack of better words for her to phrase her perception - like an omnipresent electrostatic charge between them"¦

Instead Sirol's eyes wandered over towards Ensign Zex.
Of all the people present, she had not yet received a specific assignment, so Sirol decided to extend her invite towards her roommate.
"œDo you happen to be capable of operating a shuttle and would be interested in assisting me?" She spoke in a calm, warm tone.

Slowly rotating her chair towards the Captain - still with the Uropygi on her arm and slowly stroking it, she nodded towards Kirok.
Had Sirol possessed just a tad humour and interest in earthen pop culture, she would have noticed that her posture was more than reminiscent of a certain ancient fictional Earth villain in that very moment"¦
Yet, she was entirely oblivious to the amusing appearance she made, and instead just focused her Commanding Officer.

"œI will do the requisition as soon as I am done with my tasks, Captain. Thank you for your assistance with it."
She tilted her head and gave him an approving look, then added:
"œUnderstood. I will see that I can get one or two more scientists - Depending on who is currently available, and a pilot."
Once more she looked over towards Ensign Zex, before returning her gaze to the Captain. She agreed and approved of the idea of all of them working on their respective projects simultaneously.
"œ...My team will require some"¦ Well"¦ Space"¦
I suppose one of the docking bays will suffice to provide room for working on the probes and to load them onto a shuttlecraft. However, I will gladly keep you updated via live feed to the OCC.
Other than that"¦ No comments or questions from my side."

She leaned back in her chair, activated her holographic PDA, and began to type in her upcoming tasks in the most economically sound order.
--Make calls:
---- Request a shuttlecraft to be prepared
---- Inform Commander Eydis that she had found one of hir Uropygi
---- Contact and draft available science officers.
-- Assess available Probe types, and - if needed - replicate more to match the required count.
-- Brief Zex [Or if she decided to not partake, another pilot] about the route and intervals of their probe placement.
-- Brief the scientist(s) about the required modifications and calibrations.
-- Run simulated tests of the network synchronisation.
-- Mandatory tea time to make sure the team members are properly sustained and relaxed.
-- Board the shuttle, leave Katra and begin placing the probes in their respective coordinates.

[Katra Station | Ready Room]

Serena glanced at Eli, who had remained silent throughout, but who stated he had an alternative for moving the station. Mindful of his higher rank and also a different perspective, she nodded in his direction, before turning back to the Captain. "Only that we begin preparations. Batten down the hatches, I believe the term is." She paused to transmit the findings from her PADD to the Captain and the XO (as Chief Engineer). "I'd still have to run the numbers through a simulator, but I have high confidence of where we need to do some reinforcement, where we can position work crews and some groundwork."

She turned towards Gideon and gave him a reassuring smile, though with some apprehension. Although Doctor Xiiv had operated on her, she had yet to test her new ear implant and whether or not it would protect her from her dizziness. At least he's good with his... Hands. And skills as a pilot, she reminded herself.

She lastly glanced at Sirol, the edges of her mouth twitching. "Beyond that, nothing further from me, Captain."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on May 18, 2021, 09:54:23 PM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

EQ shook his head.  "Yes, Ma'am.  Supposedly they lived out here.  But I haven't seen any yet" the Crewman replied.

Then he watched as the ship started to head away from that region of space.  Toward the M class planet that he had given as a 2nd option.  She seemed so excited though and he didn't want to burst her bubble, so he kept his big mouth shut.

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

"Fascinating, I wish Sirol was out here with us, she'd be wanting to go see too!" Hrafn said with a grin. "And Nerys but she's a mini me and I'm not entirely certain if giving her to Sirol as an assistant/minion/apprentice is a good thing or not as we're all as bad as each other for Science-boffin-ness as Captain Galloway would put it!" she added with a grin.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on May 18, 2021, 10:19:24 PM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Kyle couldn't help but to grin at Hfran's excitement. He almost hated to burst her bubble.

"Easy there, Lieutenant." he said with a smile. "That planet was near the L-S star. We're gonna do some breaking in around the M class planet for a bit first. Make sure Starfleet has all the kinks and bugs worked out first. I'd hate to send someone down planet side and not be able to get them back." Kyle said.

The ship shot forward so smoothly, it felt as if it were sliding down a sheet of silk. However, being an old engineer, Kyle was still able to feel the difference when the Seleya went to warp.

"Here we go folks. Watch your stations and departments and report any issues." he said.

The CSO flashed a mock and exaggerated pout at Kyle, knowing full well that he was just keeping her safe so accepted it. "Well ok, if you say so... and you did so... " she chuckled.  "Sorry, boss just this is the most exciting thing I've heard lately from a Scientific side of things!  What you say goes, and given recent events, better safe than sorry!"
Quote from: Rinaya Riss on May 19, 2021, 12:13:38 AM

[Seleya, bridge]

She nodded in acknowledgement to the Trill science officer, the corner of her mouth quirking in a sharp-toothed, lopsided smile. She liked kids and brightened at the mention of them. Children seemed drawn to her, for some reason, and she inevitably picked up the nickname "˜kitty', which she found endearing in a silly sort of way.

The CMO arrived and she returned her smile, too. The scent of something delightful wafted from the mug she was carrying, and her nose twitched. She'd have to find out what that was"¦later, though. Right now, the ship was to be put through her paces.

The ship slipped smoothly into warp, and of course, the inertial dampers kept them from truly feeling the movement of the ship through space, but nothing beat the surge of energy that was always just outside of physical sensation when a ship took off. Fingers dancing across the console, she brought up a spread of various systems readings, pleased when she had nearly the access as she'd had in the engine room.

The readings lit up before her, showing the expected power fluctuations and variances as energy was being redistributed to the necessary systems. One visual indicated a higher reading than should have been standard, though, and a sharp, high-pitched whine caused her to pin her ears back against her head, wincing at the noise outside of most humanoid hearing. "œSir, there's something wrong with one of the power relays up here. I'm trying to locate the source"¦"

She tapped in a few more commands, but her ears were far quicker in locating the source of the noise at that moment than the computer was. She stood and moved toward a secondary station with a young officer she hadn't met yet, and barely had them out of their seat as something popped, sending out a shower of sparks and light. She hissed and ducked, shoving the other crewman out of the way. Pulling aside the access panel underneath, Rinaya made quick work of shutting down power to the station. Luckily it wasn't anything critical. "œLooks like a faulty secondary power relay. I'll have to pull a spare from supplies. Shouldn't interfere with our field trip, but we might be seeing more of these incidents if this is the first time really pushing the Seleya's systems."

Hrafn was impressed.  While it wouldn't take much to impress her when it came to Engineering things, given that she understood so little of it, she had come, in her many years service, to know when crewmembers were good and knew their stuff and when they were bluffing for all they were worth, this one... well along with Serena King she could see Tidu getting along very well.  Lamar would just want to curl up into her lap and stroke her fur but she'd have to warn the young Caitian about that, it wasn't that he meant to disrespect her, just he was still very young and the traits that she'd started investigating with Tess about Lamar's clumsiness, bathroom accidents, and the slowness and innocent ways, even if she compared him to other kids his own age rather than her own twins at that age... because, even without a mother's pride, the twins were exceptionally gifted, it would just be total instinct for him to see a 'big humanoid kitty' and a pretty one at that, and just want to stroke her.  Heck, she herself wanted to, but knew better.  Some Caitians were fine with it, others weren't.  She knew one such Caitian officer who would have been utterly horrified by the idea unless it was a mate!

Smiling back she said "You'll have to come to dinner sometime, and please let me know what your favourite dishes are, or come help cook them with me!  We like to have a very open house atmosphere at mine.  Tho your species' natural agility will come in handy when it comes to negotiating 3 children and 4 cats underfoot, mind you they have more of a habit of hiding under my bed if there are too many people around for their liking, depends on their mood on the day! Along with the multitude of adults that flow in and out, since half the station have been 'assimilated'... even EQ there accepts that word I think bless him, since I'm sure he preferred my children's version - like I say, they adopt people they like as extra family members! Uh-oh I've got a light flashing on my console... I don't think it's anything more than a malfunctioning light, since everything else checks out and there literally isn't anything more in that area than a bit of space dust.  I've run 3 other checks on the area, it's just the light... faulty wiring?"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


[Ready Room]

Zex nodded.  She did know how to pilot a shuttle.  But looked to Kirok for final say.

"Of course, Zex can assist you.  There should also be a civilian scientist reporting in soon, Xasik Freeman.  You can use his skills as well, I'm sure" he said.

"Please start the simulations and preparations right away.  I don't want to loose any time waiting.  You, Drake, Zex and Sirol are dismissed" the Captain added.  Then offered a nod to the group.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


< Katra Station / Ready Room >

Quote from: Kirok on May 20, 2021, 06:13:25 PM

[Ready Room]

Zex nodded.  She did know how to pilot a shuttle.  But looked to Kirok for final say.

"Of course, Zex can assist you.  There should also be a civilian scientist reporting in soon, Xasik Freeman.  You can use his skills as well, I'm sure" he said.

"Please start the simulations and preparations right away.  I don't want to loose any time waiting.  You, Drake, Zex and Sirol are dismissed" the Captain added.  Then offered a nod to the group.

With a quick nod Sirol acknowledged the Captain's words and slowly rose from her chair.
"œWe will start Immediately Captain. Thank you."

With that she turned around towards Zex, giving her a relieved look. Sure, Katra was - statistically speaking - very likely full of skilled people, but if Sirol had the choice, she of course preferred the skilled person she could trust and knew they would work flawlessly together.
"œLet me update you on our procedure and schedule. Any input is welcome and encouraged." She spoke in a polite tone, then pressed a few buttons on the holographic interface in front of her, submitting her list to Zex as well.

--Make calls:
---- Request a shuttlecraft to be prepared
---- Inform Commander Eydis that she had found one of hir Uropygi
---- Contact and draft available science officers.
-- Assess available Probe types, and - if needed - replicate more to match the required count.
-- Brief Zex [Or if she decided to not partake, another pilot] about the route and intervals of their probe placement.
-- Brief the scientist(s) about the required modifications and calibrations.
-- Run simulated tests of the network synchronisation.
-- Mandatory tea time to make sure the team members are properly sustained and relaxed.
-- Board the shuttle, leave Katra and begin placing the probes in their respective coordinates.

Looking up again she then slowly made her way towards the exit - yet making sure that Zex would be able to follow her.
"œI was not briefed that we would receive a new scientist, but I dare say that their timing is fortunate." She spoke in a thoughtful tone towards Zex, still with the Uropygi on her arm and slowly making her way towards the next turbo lift.
"œ...I hope their special field will complement our assignment."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on May 18, 2021, 06:39:17 PM

[Ready Room]

Kirok took a look at the man again after he mentioned the he was Jettis' brother.  "Yes, I can see that now.  He is a fine officer.  "I will allow the rest of the staff to introduce themselves" the Captain said, looking back at the others.

Then he turned back to Jyur and addressed his next question.  "A group of Hunters have asked us to move the station so that a sub space animal can emerge here.  There are, obviously, cultural difference that serve as a hurdle and an awkward conversation with the Meridians is needed as well.  I think your skills will be useful in both of those matters" he summarized for the new comers.

He nodded when King spoke.  "Newton's first law.  We could stop the ship an equal but opposite force is applied once we have it in the new location" he said.  "What are the potential benefit of evacuation the station?" he asked curiously

[Katra Station - Ready Room]

As the Captain spoke, Schatzi nodded along, realizing his presence was needed here. It was clear that the source of the tensions between the crew, were the result of the cultural differences the Captain spoke about. He didn't respond, but nodded, and listened along as several crewmmembers went back and forth on how to move the station.

They were clearly all very intelligent, and had that side of the issue covered. He smiled slightly, as they exited, the room, before turning his attention back to the Captain. He assumed there would be something for him to do in the meanwhile.


[Katra Station | Docking Bay]

Quote from: Kirok on May 19, 2021, 09:58:38 PM

[Katra Station | Docking Bay]
"Hey.  I think Falleg is off on an away mission.  You might could check at the OCC.  They will probably be able to get you squared away" a mechanic nearby said.

"œAh, thanks," Xasik gave a polite nod of his head to the mechanic who had spoken to him. It was helpful information. He wouldn't look so much like a lost child now, looking for someone who was away on a mission. He couldn't have known of course, but still, his sense of pride was rather difficult to swallow at times. "œI'll head that way now."

It was an odd atmosphere to form his first impression of the station. A yellow alert was not something you stepped off a shuttle into every day. He could forgive the chaos and would assist in any way he could if there was a use for him, but to know that he would have to check in with whoever was in charge with Falleg away.
With his course of action decided, Xasik adjusted the stasis container housing his egg on his back into a more secure and comfortable position while he simply carried his bag containing his personal belongings with his left hand. Hopefully he would have time to set up an artificial environment for his egg soon. He sighed and almost smirked at the situation he was in. Only a geologist would adopt a Tholian.

Stepping into the turbolift that would take him to the OCC Xasik actively focused on his breathing. He hated small, cramped spaces so much and would be so glad to step out of it again. He simply needed to retain control over his breathing and he would be able to stay calm. He couldn't let anyone see him in a frazzled state. What a first impression that would be. He set his bag on the ground and pulled his heavy coat closer eagerly awaiting the turbolift door to open again.



< Katra Station /  OCC/Turbolift >

Once more looking at Zex, Sirol closed her holographic interface again and folded her arms behind her back.

The doors of the turbolift they had been waiting for hissed open, yet - for now - Sirol's main focus still rested on Zex, thus her not immediately spotting the newcomer.
"œ...The last civilian specialist I had to work with tended to pride himself with how many loopholes he could find within Starfleet regulations; constantly eating at work, occupying my lab, being late and forgetting to log out of his terminals after every. Single. Shift...
ch'Talvin had certainly been a talented scripter, but the high maintenance of his person had outweighed his usefulness"¦
"œ...I hope Freeman will be"¦ More useful...

As she sensed a wave of"¦ Anxiety"¦ Almost even panic flooding the OCC like a painful burst of sunlight, she stopped her small talk. With all the people in the OCC, she assumed that it might be the Uropygi  in her arms being scared in the same manner Erika had been on the Med Bay, so her wrapped arms around it instinctively tightened a little in a protective manner.
No worries, you will be safe, little hero. She mused; spoke without words.

Eventually looking at the open lift doors she spotted a Reman with plenty of luggage.
"œAt ease." She just spoke in a cool tone, giving him a casual nod and then heading for the lift - once more looking at Zex, intending to continue their original conversation.
"œ...After we picked up the new specialist, I will need to make a few calls, but afterwards, could you take care that the shuttlecraft will be sufficiently equipped and prepared while I assess the available probes?"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyle Briggs

[Seleya, bridge]

Quote from: Rinaya Riss on May 19, 2021, 12:13:38 AM

She nodded in acknowledgement to the Trill science officer, the corner of her mouth quirking in a sharp-toothed, lopsided smile. She liked kids and brightened at the mention of them. Children seemed drawn to her, for some reason, and she inevitably picked up the nickname "˜kitty', which she found endearing in a silly sort of way.

The CMO arrived and she returned her smile, too. The scent of something delightful wafted from the mug she was carrying, and her nose twitched. She'd have to find out what that was"¦later, though. Right now, the ship was to be put through her paces.

The ship slipped smoothly into warp, and of course, the inertial dampers kept them from truly feeling the movement of the ship through space, but nothing beat the surge of energy that was always just outside of physical sensation when a ship took off. Fingers dancing across the console, she brought up a spread of various systems readings, pleased when she had nearly the access as she'd had in the engine room.

The readings lit up before her, showing the expected power fluctuations and variances as energy was being redistributed to the necessary systems. One visual indicated a higher reading than should have been standard, though, and a sharp, high-pitched whine caused her to pin her ears back against her head, wincing at the noise outside of most humanoid hearing. "œSir, there's something wrong with one of the power relays up here. I'm trying to locate the source"¦"

She tapped in a few more commands, but her ears were far quicker in locating the source of the noise at that moment than the computer was. She stood and moved toward a secondary station with a young officer she hadn't met yet, and barely had them out of their seat as something popped, sending out a shower of sparks and light. She hissed and ducked, shoving the other crewman out of the way. Pulling aside the access panel underneath, Rinaya made quick work of shutting down power to the station. Luckily it wasn't anything critical. "œLooks like a faulty secondary power relay. I'll have to pull a spare from supplies. Shouldn't interfere with our field trip, but we might be seeing more of these incidents if this is the first time really pushing the Seleya's systems."

Kyle turned to face the Engineering station. "Good catch, Ensign." he began just as sparks began flying and he watch in slow motion as the the engineering officer reached over to push another out of the way with fast, (no pun intended) cat like speed but not before he was hit in the face. "MEDICAL!" Kyle called as he jumped up. As the doctor moved to attend to the wounded officer, Kyle turned back to the Caitian. "Stay on top of any other faulty issues and repair them as quickly as possible. Call for as much help as you need from your department."

He walked over to the injured man. "How's he look, Doctor?" he asked.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 20, 2021, 07:36:17 AM

The CSO flashed a mock and exaggerated pout at Kyle, knowing full well that he was just keeping her safe so accepted it. "Well ok, if you say so... and you did so... " she chuckled.  "Sorry, boss just this is the most exciting thing I've heard lately from a Scientific side of things!  What you say goes, and given recent events, better safe than sorry!"

With the Medical staff taking care of the injured, Kyle turned his attention back to the others on the Bridge.

He couldn't help but to grin at Hfran. He'd forgotten how excited she got over science stuff. "You'll get a chance. I promise. Like I said, we'll just all all the kinks workout first and then you can go have fun."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Rinaya Riss on May 19, 2021, 12:13:38 AM

[Seleya, bridge]

She nodded in acknowledgement to the Trill science officer, the corner of her mouth quirking in a sharp-toothed, lopsided smile. She liked kids and brightened at the mention of them. Children seemed drawn to her, for some reason, and she inevitably picked up the nickname "˜kitty', which she found endearing in a silly sort of way.

The CMO arrived and she returned her smile, too. The scent of something delightful wafted from the mug she was carrying, and her nose twitched. She'd have to find out what that was"¦later, though. Right now, the ship was to be put through her paces.

The ship slipped smoothly into warp, and of course, the inertial dampers kept them from truly feeling the movement of the ship through space, but nothing beat the surge of energy that was always just outside of physical sensation when a ship took off. Fingers dancing across the console, she brought up a spread of various systems readings, pleased when she had nearly the access as she'd had in the engine room.

The readings lit up before her, showing the expected power fluctuations and variances as energy was being redistributed to the necessary systems. One visual indicated a higher reading than should have been standard, though, and a sharp, high-pitched whine caused her to pin her ears back against her head, wincing at the noise outside of most humanoid hearing. "œSir, there's something wrong with one of the power relays up here. I'm trying to locate the source"¦"

She tapped in a few more commands, but her ears were far quicker in locating the source of the noise at that moment than the computer was. She stood and moved toward a secondary station with a young officer she hadn't met yet, and barely had them out of their seat as something popped, sending out a shower of sparks and light. She hissed and ducked, shoving the other crewman out of the way. Pulling aside the access panel underneath, Rinaya made quick work of shutting down power to the station. Luckily it wasn't anything critical. "œLooks like a faulty secondary power relay. I'll have to pull a spare from supplies. Shouldn't interfere with our field trip, but we might be seeing more of these incidents if this is the first time really pushing the Seleya's systems."

"Anyone else hurt?" Xiiv asked quietly feeling strangely out of place at her medical station as engineering's shorted out and the Caitian engineer fixed the faulty relay. More of that did not sound particularly fun and she frowned. The crewman Ensign Riss had pushed out of the way gave her a smile and she nodded. Quick thinking had saved them from anything serious but she crooked a finger anyway to take a look. Minor wounds, that was all. She gave them a quick run with a dermal regenerator and something for pain before sending them back over.

"He's fine," she said quietly. "Nothing major damaged."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Rinaya Riss

Quote from: Kirok on May 19, 2021, 09:58:38 PM

[Bridge - USS Seleya - EQ]

The XB looked at Kal again.  He tilted his head, unsure if Kal was giving him the full truth.  But he was still standing, EQ let it go for now.

If fact, the Caitin caught his attention.  She seemed to have a clear understanding of how things works.  She obviously had paid attention during her pervious training.

What was more impressive though was that she seemed to hear where the bad relay was before it popped.  "Good save.  I'm EQ Kimball.  That Kal Jimrec" he said by way of introduction.

Rinaya nodded politely to the officers. "œPleased to meet you." She said as she replaced the access panel and stood, checking to make sure the console wouldn't cause any more problems.
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 20, 2021, 07:36:17 AM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Smiling back she said "You'll have to come to dinner sometime, and please let me know what your favourite dishes are, or come help cook them with me!  We like to have a very open house atmosphere at mine.  Tho your species' natural agility will come in handy when it comes to negotiating 3 children and 4 cats underfoot, mind you they have more of a habit of hiding under my bed if there are too many people around for their liking, depends on their mood on the day! Along with the multitude of adults that flow in and out, since half the station have been 'assimilated'... even EQ there accepts that word I think bless him, since I'm sure he preferred my children's version - like I say, they adopt people they like as extra family members! Uh-oh I've got a light flashing on my console... I don't think it's anything more than a malfunctioning light, since everything else checks out and there literally isn't anything more in that area than a bit of space dust.  I've run 3 other checks on the area, it's just the light... faulty wiring?"

Ears pricked for any audible variances, she approached the science station and gave it a quick once-over. "œDoesn't seem to be anything wrong. That light is just letting us know that something happened to another station." She said, nodding to the one that just put on the little light show. "œNothing to worry about." She tapped a few more commands in and the blinking ceased, leaving the console as it was before. Before stepping back to her own station, she turned back to the science officer. "And dinner sometime would be lovely, thanks. I look forward to it." She grinned a sharp-toothed grin again, warmed by the welcoming atmosphere of the crew. She was going to like her post here, she thought.


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on May 20, 2021, 11:18:32 PM

[Seleya, bridge]

Kyle turned to face the Engineering station. "Good catch, Ensign." he began just as sparks began flying and he watch in slow motion as the the engineering officer reached over to push another out of the way with fast, (no pun intended) cat like speed but not before he was hit in the face. "MEDICAL!" Kyle called as he jumped up. As the doctor moved to attend to the wounded officer, Kyle turned back to the Caitian. "Stay on top of any other faulty issues and repair them as quickly as possible. Call for as much help as you need from your department."

He walked over to the injured man. "How's he look, Doctor?" he asked.

With the Medical staff taking care of the injured, Kyle turned his attention back to the others on the Bridge.

He couldn't help but to grin at Hfran. He'd forgotten how excited she got over science stuff. "You'll get a chance. I promise. Like I said, we'll just all all the kinks workout first and then you can go have fun."

"On it." She acknowledged, nodding curtly as she pulled up the most recent reports of the Seleya's systems. Several more blown relays, but again, nothing critical, and no serious damage done. She remotely shut down power to the effected areas and notified main engineering via the console and they confirmed what she'd seen. Looked like repair crews were already being sent out, too.
Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 20, 2021, 11:41:46 PM

"Anyone else hurt?" Xiiv asked quietly feeling strangely out of place at her medical station as engineering's shorted out and the Caitian engineer fixed the faulty relay. More of that did not sound particularly fun and she frowned. The crewman Ensign Riss had pushed out of the way gave her a smile and she nodded. Quick thinking had saved them from anything serious but she crooked a finger anyway to take a look. Minor wounds, that was all. She gave them a quick run with a dermal regenerator and something for pain before sending them back over.

"He's fine," she said quietly. "Nothing major damaged."

"I'm alright. Nothing here but some singed hair." Rinaya said, brushing some of the slightly burnt fuzz from her cheek. "Thanks, though." She offered the CMO a grateful nod before her assessment of the Seleya's apparent technical hiccup.

If she remembered the schematics she'd looked over, there was a supplies locker down the corridor that should have some spare relays, as the parts were common enough throughout all starships that a few could be found in just about any store room. She excused herself briefly to retrieve the needed parts, then returned and got to work in earnest on the damaged console.

"Curiosity didn't kill the cat. Stupidity did. Curiosity was framed."

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on May 20, 2021, 06:13:25 PM

[Ready Room]

Zex nodded.  She did know how to pilot a shuttle.  But looked to Kirok for final say.

"Of course, Zex can assist you.  There should also be a civilian scientist reporting in soon, Xasik Freeman.  You can use his skills as well, I'm sure" he said.

"Please start the simulations and preparations right away.  I don't want to loose any time waiting.  You, Drake, Zex and Sirol are dismissed" the Captain added.  Then offered a nod to the group.

[Katra Station | OCC]

Serena had sketched a brief bow to Kirok, made collegial nods to everyone else and exited. Against her instincts, she couldn't grab Gideon by the hand and lead him out, much as she wanted to. Reentering the OCC, Sirol entered the turbolift a few moments before Serena could have a chance to talk to her. Shrugging, she remembered she had to run simulations on the shuttlecraft and the station's structure. Walking over to the Engineering console, she chuckled briefly to herself. "Every time I'm here, something gets me out of my seat within 5 minutes. What's going to get me out of my seat now?"

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kirok on May 20, 2021, 06:13:25 PM

[Ready Room]

Zex nodded.  She did know how to pilot a shuttle.  But looked to Kirok for final say.

"Of course, Zex can assist you.  There should also be a civilian scientist reporting in soon, Xasik Freeman.  You can use his skills as well, I'm sure" he said.

"Please start the simulations and preparations right away.  I don't want to loose any time waiting.  You, Drake, Zex and Sirol are dismissed" the Captain added.  Then offered a nod to the group.

Eli had paused a moment, as others shared their options. He was a man who had come to second guess himself at every opportunity, but the use of auxillary craft and probe suggestions was right in line with his mindset.

"Captain, I have multiple ships standing by to be launched. I do believe we might be able to utilize the gravity plating of the station to serve as a modified anti-grav sled to maybe reduce the mass. However, I have no idea if the systems could sustain the strain, which is why the aux craft would be able to push it along."

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on May 20, 2021, 11:18:32 PM

[Seleya, bridge]

Kyle turned to face the Engineering station. "Good catch, Ensign." he began just as sparks began flying and he watch in slow motion as the the engineering officer reached over to push another out of the way with fast, (no pun intended) cat like speed but not before he was hit in the face. "MEDICAL!" Kyle called as he jumped up. As the doctor moved to attend to the wounded officer, Kyle turned back to the Caitian. "Stay on top of any other faulty issues and repair them as quickly as possible. Call for as much help as you need from your department."

He walked over to the injured man. "How's he look, Doctor?" he asked.

With the Medical staff taking care of the injured, Kyle turned his attention back to the others on the Bridge.

He couldn't help but to grin at Hfran. He'd forgotten how excited she got over science stuff. "You'll get a chance. I promise. Like I said, we'll just all all the kinks workout first and then you can go have fun."

NPC post Ensign Jessica Stewart|Flight Control| helm

Never a dull moment, Jess thought to herself. She envied her department head right now, back dealing with reports. She had always been the more orderly one, taking on the department tasks. Now, she was taking a ship through its paces and something explodes!? Inwardly, the Ensign groaned.

"Commander, helm control still responding appropriately." She paused a moment as the Medical staff saw to injured. It was tough, staying rooted but she had a ship to manage. "Maintain course?"

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