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The Big Snake of the Night Sky

Started by Kirok, May 01, 2021, 08:33:02 AM

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Quote from: Kal on May 07, 2021, 07:18:00 PM

[USS Seleya]

Kal had to do it. It was rare for him to do it but someone had done it to him when he was in the Academy. It was a joke and now he understands the humor. Took him all this time to get the joke.

In female robotic sexy voice as he said to Ser, "Why hello?" he was trying to sounds like robot. He quick turned his head at the console behind him as he was checking a status in the system. It was a cover up.

He turned to look at Qball to see what he thought of his joke.

And yes the ship had that fresh smell of newness. It was nice. All new and they see what she can do against the Hunters.

[USS Seleya - EQ]

"Not your best work" EQ replied, busting his chops.  He offered a shrug.  What was a joker with a straight man.

The EB logged into his duty station.  Power distribution looked good.  "Ready for orders, Sir" he called out.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on May 07, 2021, 07:54:57 AM

[Katra Station | OCC]

In her crisp, gold utility uniforms, she reentered OCC, pausing briefly at the Flight Control Station to kiss Gideon on the cheek, before heading over to the Captain. "Reporting in, sir."

[Ensign Gideon "Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Operational Control Center | Deck One | Katra Station]

As Griff worked, he saw Serena enter, then Serena stop by to give him a kiss. He smiled and winked back at her. People around the station were bound to know they were a couple at this point, but Griff didn't mind. What's one more couple in the station, even if they were junior officers?


[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Zex had prepared the conference room to fit the needs, mostly, for the guests.  The temperature was set slightly higher than normal.  The lights adjusted accordingly.

There was food and drink for all.   Fruit, cheese and crackers, raw vegetables, summer sausage, and of course grubs.  Water, lemonade, tea and a frothy liquid grub based drink.

The Hunters were on one side of the large table.  The Katra crew was on the other side.  Both heads of the table had been intentionally left empty.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet.  Please enjoy the food and drink we prepared.  Then we can start after everyone is seated" Kirok said after bowing to the guests.

"The Tosk cow will stand.  That is our way" Alpha said, still standing.  He looked as if he wanted someone to challenged him on that point.

Instead Zex took a step forward and offered a nod to Kirok.  "I will stand as well, as is my custom" the Diplomatic Officer said.  Then she went and stood opposite for the female Tosk who appeared to be pregnant.

"Please proceed with helping us to understand your desire for us to move the station.  I have with me member of the science, engineering, and security office.  They may have questions or valuable input" he said prior to taking a seat.

Alpha blinked.  He walked to the a monitor.  Then put up an image.

"This is the big snake in the sky.  It appears out of no-where in this very spot of space.  A portion of it appears every 7 years.  A bigger portion appears every 17 years.

The entire snake appears when the 7 year and 17 year times overlap.  This is one of the times that it is supposed to overlap.  And if you do not move that station, you will likely block its path of appearing.

This may not be important to you, but it is very important to us for cultural reasons.  Specifically when the snake is in the sky, we take a break from hunting.  It allows the livestock to grow their numbers.

This cycle has always been very regular.  But about 28 years ago something changed.  The length of time the snake stay in the sky got shorter and shorter.

Thus our length of peace time has gotten shorter.  So the live stock has had less time over generations to rebuild their numbers.  In fact, the male livestock has been hunted to near extinction.  If the big snake does not appear, we will be forced to start hunting the cows" Alpha explained and then looked over to the female Tosk.

She had already been looking down.  When Alpha announced the consequences of not moving the station, she started to cry.  Then she used her hands to cover her belly - perhaps to protect the fetus from hearing Alpha's words.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Serena felt odd in the standard duty uniform. Although no one had said anything, it had felt better to give the appearance of a unified front, but she missed her tools and pockets. She had stood behind the Captain with the rest of her fellow crewmembers. After the Drai had finished, no one had reacted, although she was sure, she was certain quite a few people were restraining themselves. Sensing the cues that the formal presentation was over, she decided to do something with her hands and went to the food.

As she started filling up a small plate, she stopped and glanced at the female Tosk. Serena herself came from a society where food was a family experience, but had she really thought about the ethics of where the food came from? In the 24th, now almost 25th century, Federation replicators used a protein base (soy primarily), then converted into other forms of food. She reminded herself that even now, back on Earth, back in Hong Kong, someone was eating not replicated food, as they had for centuries. How was this different?

Shaking her head, she went to the monitor, careful to keep her distance to the Drai contingent. Half wishing she had a PADD to scribble notes, she instead settled for muted muttering in the field she did know best: Engineering. "How large is it? How far do we need to move? How much time do we have? Do we need to move the station permanently, or put it back every and move it every... 7 and 17 years? Better yet... How does this affect Meridian?"

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Ser Conley on May 06, 2021, 10:24:34 PM


"œAye Commander."  Ser said, smile on full display.    This new ship was amazing.   It even had that new ship smell.  And the helm was a work of art.  One of the better displays he'd seen on a ship.  His fingers brushed over the helm surface in soft circles.

"œHello ship"  Ser said, softly to himself.

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Hrafn smiled. "Nice to be at the helm of a full size ship there Ser?" she asked. "I've heard that the flyboys get twitchy if they can't go out often enough!"

Quote from: Kal on May 07, 2021, 07:18:00 PM

[USS Seleya]

Kal had to do it. It was rare for him to do it but someone had done it to him when he was in the Academy. It was a joke and now he understands the humor. Took him all this time to get the joke.

In female robotic sexy voice as he said to Ser, "Why hello?" he was trying to sounds like robot. He quick turned his head at the console behind him as he was checking a status in the system. It was a cover up.

He turned to look at Qball to see what he thought of his joke.

And yes the ship had that fresh smell of newness. It was nice. All new and they see what she can do against the Hunters.

Hrafn heard Kal's joke and had to smother her laugh with a cough then hoped that Kal would catch her eye when she flashed him a bemused look, eyes dancing with merriment and gave him a little despairing shake of the head.

"I think Seleya fancies you there Mr. Conley!" she said as straight faced as she could...which wasn't very.

She was just glad it was Kyle in charge and not Kirok who might not have got the joke as well.  Kirok was fine but unlike their previous Vulcan Captain, Solluk, who was part human, Kirok was atypical of Vulcans, although he too was a hybrid... she'd never really seen him even crack a smile although he did, in his vulcanoid ways, make sure that you felt appreciated and valued, always.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Before Alpha could respond to Ms. King, Kirok spoke.  "Sir, this is a federation vessel in which all sentient life if offered the credit it is due.  As such, we do not use derogator names when speaking of them.  I would ask that you abide by that police here.  Otherwise, we can end the meeting here and allow you to return to from where you came.  My station my rules" Kirok said flatly.  It was not a treat, it was a warning of a certain outcome that he was ready and willing to execute if a change in the man's language was not made.

Alpha frowned, but dipped his head slightly.  An indication that he would follow the federation rules.  At least for now.

Then he turned to King.  "The Meridians.  We hate them.  They are the cause of our issue if truth be told.

29 years ago their planet was phasing in an out of existence.   When the snake would appear, their planet would disappear.  But over the last 28 years, the planet has not phased out of existence.  The two things must be connected.  They have to be.

But It measures 1500 feet long.  The diameter of the snake varies.  We have maybe 20 standard days before it arrives.  Maybe less" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ser Conley

Quote from: Kal on May 07, 2021, 07:18:00 PM

[USS Seleya]

Kal had to do it. It was rare for him to do it but someone had done it to him when he was in the Academy. It was a joke and now he understands the humor. Took him all this time to get the joke.

In female robotic sexy voice as he said to Ser, "Why hello?" he was trying to sounds like robot. He quick turned his head at the console behind him as he was checking a status in the system. It was a cover up.

He turned to look at Qball to see what he thought of his joke.

And yes the ship had that fresh smell of newness. It was nice. All new and they see what she can do against the Hunters.

[USS Seleya]

Ser almost jumped out of his seat.  Almost.

"It's a shame when a man can't even have a moment to himself." said to the bridge in general.  He looking up just in time to see Kal look around the bridge, and he just knew it was him.  It was like the man had a whole body smirk.

"Kal." Ser called, facing the man in his seat.  He raised his hands giving Kal three slow claps.

"It's on." He said with his best fake cold stare.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 08, 2021, 07:01:06 PM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Hrafn smiled. "Nice to be at the helm of a full size ship there Ser?" she asked. "I've heard that the flyboys get twitchy if they can't go out often enough!"

Hrafn heard Kal's joke and had to smother her laugh with a cough then hoped that Kal would catch her eye when she flashed him a bemused look, eyes dancing with merriment and gave him a little despairing shake of the head.

"I think Seleya fancies you there Mr. Conley!" she said as straight faced as she could...which wasn't very.

"Not yet, but she will Mrs Falleg.  She will." Ser said as a turn back to the helm.   "Oh and I think they make a cream for that now.  Its actually called it 'Flyboy.'"  Ser could deadpan with the best.

"Bring it lady.  I ain't breaking first." Ser thought.

"May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live."-Irish toast

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on May 08, 2021, 08:52:46 PM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Before Alpha could respond to Ms. King, Kirok spoke.  "Sir, this is a federation vessel in which all sentient life if offered the credit it is due.  As such, we do not use derogator names when speaking of them.  I would ask that you abide by that police here.  Otherwise, we can end the meeting here and allow you to return to from where you came.  My station my rules" Kirok said flatly.  It was not a treat, it was a warning of a certain outcome that he was ready and willing to execute if a change in the man's language was not made.

Alpha frowned, but dipped his head slightly.  An indication that he would follow the federation rules.  At least for now.

Then he turned to King.  "The Meridians.  We hate them.  They are the cause of our issue if truth be told.

29 years ago their planet was phasing in an out of existence.   When the snake would appear, their planet would disappear.  But over the last 28 years, the planet has not phased out of existence.  The two things must be connected.  They have to be.

But It measures 1500 feet long.  The diameter of the snake varies.  We have maybe 20 standard days before it arrives.  Maybe less" he said.

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Serena took in a breath and narrowed her eyes. She was quite aware of the subtle power plays going on here. The Alpha had to be in charge and be superior, or else the Beta would challenge him, so it had to be a bit galling to play by Kirok's rules. On the other, Serena's hackles were rising. She wanted to challenge the Alpha on general principles alone, but decided this was a matter of respect and dignity.

Counting to ten silently, she kept herself in check: "Given those criteria, I'd have to do some calculations, but with twenty days, we have time to spare if we move the station, at least from an Engineering standpoint. Scientifically, I'd like a second opinion about this... Snake." Although she was looking directly at the Alpha, she addressed the Captain with the emphasis.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on May 09, 2021, 08:43:02 AM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Serena took in a breath and narrowed her eyes. She was quite aware of the subtle power plays going on here. The Alpha had to be in charge and be superior, or else the Beta would challenge him, so it had to be a bit galling to play by Kirok's rules. On the other, Serena's hackles were rising. She wanted to challenge the Alpha on general principles alone, but decided this was a matter of respect and dignity.

Counting to ten silently, she kept herself in check: "Given those criteria, I'd have to do some calculations, but with twenty days, we have time to spare if we move the station, at least from an Engineering standpoint. Scientifically, I'd like a second opinion about this... Snake." Although she was looking directly at the Alpha, she addressed the Captain with the emphasis.

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Kirok listened as Alpha explained the connection for the snakes' appears and the disappearance of Meridian.  At lest as it had occurred in the past.  About 29 years ago.

As he recalled in 2371 DS9 had come to the aid of the Meridian's.  Had done something to prevent the planet from being pulled back into a phased state.  Apparently this had affected the cycle of the big snake, but Kirok kept that to him self for a moment.

Not wanting to share the information with Alpha yet, Kirok turned to the rest of the staff.  "Sirol.  Mr. Drake?" he prompted.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on May 08, 2021, 04:43:59 PM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Zex had prepared the conference room to fit the needs, mostly, for the guests.  The temperature was set slightly higher than normal.  The lights adjusted accordingly.

There was food and drink for all.   Fruit, cheese and crackers, raw vegetables, summer sausage, and of course grubs.  Water, lemonade, tea and a frothy liquid grub based drink.

The Hunters were on one side of the large table.  The Katra crew was on the other side.  Both heads of the table had been intentionally left empty.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet.  Please enjoy the food and drink we prepared.  Then we can start after everyone is seated" Kirok said after bowing to the guests.

"The Tosk cow will stand.  That is our way" Alpha said, still standing.  He looked as if he wanted someone to challenged him on that point.

Instead Zex took a step forward and offered a nod to Kirok.  "I will stand as well, as is my custom" the Diplomatic Officer said.  Then she went and stood opposite for the female Tosk who appeared to be pregnant.

"Please proceed with helping us to understand your desire for us to move the station.  I have with me member of the science, engineering, and security office.  They may have questions or valuable input" he said prior to taking a seat.

Alpha blinked.  He walked to the a monitor.  Then put up an image.

"This is the big snake in the sky.  It appears out of no-where in this very spot of space.  A portion of it appears every 7 years.  A bigger portion appears every 17 years.

The entire snake appears when the 7 year and 17 year times overlap.  This is one of the times that it is supposed to overlap.  And if you do not move that station, you will likely block its path of appearing.

This may not be important to you, but it is very important to us for cultural reasons.  Specifically when the snake is in the sky, we take a break from hunting.  It allows the livestock to grow their numbers.

This cycle has always been very regular.  But about 28 years ago something changed.  The length of time the snake stay in the sky got shorter and shorter.

Thus our length of peace time has gotten shorter.  So the live stock has had less time over generations to rebuild their numbers.  In fact, the male livestock has been hunted to near extinction.  If the big snake does not appear, we will be forced to start hunting the cows" Alpha explained and then looked over to the female Tosk.

She had already been looking down.  When Alpha announced the consequences of not moving the station, she started to cry.  Then she used her hands to cover her belly - perhaps to protect the fetus from hearing Alpha's words.

Quote from: Serena King on May 08, 2021, 05:45:04 PM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Serena felt odd in the standard duty uniform. Although no one had said anything, it had felt better to give the appearance of a unified front, but she missed her tools and pockets. She had stood behind the Captain with the rest of her fellow crewmembers. After the Drai had finished, no one had reacted, although she was sure, she was certain quite a few people were restraining themselves. Sensing the cues that the formal presentation was over, she decided to do something with her hands and went to the food.

As she started filling up a small plate, she stopped and glanced at the female Tosk. Serena herself came from a society where food was a family experience, but had she really thought about the ethics of where the food came from? In the 24th, now almost 25th century, Federation replicators used a protein base (soy primarily), then converted into other forms of food. She reminded herself that even now, back on Earth, back in Hong Kong, someone was eating not replicated food, as they had for centuries. How was this different?

Shaking her head, she went to the monitor, careful to keep her distance to the Drai contingent. Half wishing she had a PADD to scribble notes, she instead settled for muted muttering in the field she did know best: Engineering. "How large is it? How far do we need to move? How much time do we have? Do we need to move the station permanently, or put it back every and move it every... 7 and 17 years? Better yet... How does this affect Meridian?"

Quote from: Kirok on May 08, 2021, 08:52:46 PM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Before Alpha could respond to Ms. King, Kirok spoke.  "Sir, this is a federation vessel in which all sentient life if offered the credit it is due.  As such, we do not use derogator names when speaking of them.  I would ask that you abide by that police here.  Otherwise, we can end the meeting here and allow you to return to from where you came.  My station my rules" Kirok said flatly.  It was not a treat, it was a warning of a certain outcome that he was ready and willing to execute if a change in the man's language was not made.

Alpha frowned, but dipped his head slightly.  An indication that he would follow the federation rules.  At least for now.

Then he turned to King.  "The Meridians.  We hate them.  They are the cause of our issue if truth be told.

29 years ago their planet was phasing in an out of existence.   When the snake would appear, their planet would disappear.  But over the last 28 years, the planet has not phased out of existence.  The two things must be connected.  They have to be.

But It measures 1500 feet long.  The diameter of the snake varies.  We have maybe 20 standard days before it arrives.  Maybe less" he said.

[Ensign Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Conference Room | Deck Three | Katra Station]

Once their guests had docked in, Griff followed the Captain, staying with Serena the whole time, all the way to the conference room to meet them. Griff had heard they worked for the Dominion, so naturally, it felt especially easy to not trust, to be particularly wary.

Once inside, as the Alpha explained himself, Griff furrowed his brow. Granted, it had been furrowed since the Alpha referred to his woman as a "cow." He often remembered that as an insult, but the casual way he used it...he'd be just as bothered if someone on Earth used a slur in such a casual way, too.

Then when the Tosk elaborated on "the big snake in the sky," Griff scowled further. Bloody hell, he thought. These nutters make the hunt for Moby Dick look cultural. Only poor Moby's turned into some stellar specter.

In general, he had the impression he did not like the Tosk. Not. One. Bit. He refrained from speaking only because he was an officer and had to make a good impression. Plus, with Serena next to her, he felt a little calmer. Although he can tell from Serena's expression, she was looking angry enough that, if she were any angrier, she'd lash out at the Tosk.

Quote from: Serena King on May 09, 2021, 08:43:02 AM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Serena took in a breath and narrowed her eyes. She was quite aware of the subtle power plays going on here. The Alpha had to be in charge and be superior, or else the Beta would challenge him, so it had to be a bit galling to play by Kirok's rules. On the other, Serena's hackles were rising. She wanted to challenge the Alpha on general principles alone, but decided this was a matter of respect and dignity.

Counting to ten silently, she kept herself in check: "Given those criteria, I'd have to do some calculations, but with twenty days, we have time to spare if we move the station, at least from an Engineering standpoint. Scientifically, I'd like a second opinion about this... Snake." Although she was looking directly at the Alpha, she addressed the Captain with the emphasis.

Quote from: Kirok on May 09, 2021, 09:07:36 AM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Kirok listened as Alpha explained the connection for the snakes' appears and the disappearance of Meridian.  At lest as it had occurred in the past.  About 29 years ago.

As he recalled in 2371 DS9 had come to the aid of the Meridian's.  Had done something to prevent the planet from being pulled back into a phased state.  Apparently this had affected the cycle of the big snake, but Kirok kept that to him self for a moment.

Not wanting to share the information with Alpha yet, Kirok turned to the rest of the staff.  "Sirol.  Mr. Drake?" he prompted.

[Ensign Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Conference Room | Deck Three | Katra Station]

Oh yeah. Griff can tell from Serena. She did not like them one bit.

Perking up at being addressed by the Captain, Griff thought a moment, pushing aside his feelings of disgust. Then he replied, "I agree with Ensign King, we'll need a second opinion about this snake. However, moving the station can be doable, it depends on the path the snake is taking. I mean, we might inadvertently end up in its path if we move it into some position. Anywhere within proximity to Meridian could put it inadvertently in its path. And speaking of Meridian, what would happen if this snake hits the planet?"

Now that Meridian was mentioned, Griff realized that the planet might be in danger. If the Tosk mentioned that it stopped phasing, whatever the bloody hell it meant, then it could be a problem. He turned to the Romulan bird - he recognized her at once, he saved her life shortly after he came on the station - to see what she a more inquisitive opinion look.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Ser Conley on May 08, 2021, 10:38:23 PM

[USS Seleya]

Ser almost jumped out of his seat.  Almost.

"It's a shame when a man can't even have a moment to himself." said to the bridge in general.  He looking up just in time to see Kal look around the bridge, and he just knew it was him.  It was like the man had a whole body smirk.

"Kal." Ser called, facing the man in his seat.  He raised his hands giving Kal three slow claps.

"It's on." He said with his best fake cold stare.

"Not yet, but she will Mrs Falleg.  She will." Ser said as a turn back to the helm.   "Oh and I think they make a cream for that now.  Its actually called it 'Flyboy.'"  Ser could deadpan with the best.

"Bring it lady.  I ain't breaking first." Ser thought.

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

"You'll have her talking sweet to you soon enough, Mr. Conley!" Hrafn said with a smile.

"As for flyboy cream... is that fly in the ointment?!" she giggled.

"But seriously, even back in the 1940s in England at least, they had this hair product called 'Brylcreem' and the Royal Air Force were easily the sexiest men of the Forces at least back then so it's not demeaning for me to call you a 'flyboy', it's just a term of endearment.  After all we rely on you, at least in part, we're a crew for a reason, we all have our parts... but we do rely on you to get us the hell outta Dodge if it comes to it!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Alpha nodded.  "The snake will arrive here.  If you move in any direction away from this spot it will avoid hitting you.  It has never hit Meridian, always this part of space above Meridan.

You are welcome to check with the Meridians.  But I doubt they will give you the truth.  If fact, I will bet that they will try to ask you to block the path of the snake some way some how.

The members of the old dominion may be more forthwrigh.  The Jem'hadar, Vorta, and the founders are well aware of the significance of the snake to us.  They may be hard to contact though

The Paradan are neutral.  And their planet is close by.  So I would suggest them.

But the female...Tosk is her.  I will allow her to speak.  Please tell what you can female Tosk" he said.

The female Tosk kept her eyes down.  "What speaks true.  If you do not move the station, the big snake will not come.  And I will be hunted as prey" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kirok on May 09, 2021, 04:13:45 PM

[Katra Station | Conference Room]

Alpha nodded.  "The snake will arrive here.  If you move in any direction away from this spot it will avoid hitting you.  It has never hit Meridian, always this part of space above Meridan.

You are welcome to check with the Meridians.  But I doubt they will give you the truth.  If fact, I will bet that they will try to ask you to block the path of the snake some way some how.

The members of the old dominion may be more forthwrigh.  The Jem'hadar, Vorta, and the founders are well aware of the significance of the snake to us.  They may be hard to contact though

The Paradan are neutral.  And their planet is close by.  So I would suggest them.

But the female...Tosk is her.  I will allow her to speak.  Please tell what you can female Tosk" he said.

The female Tosk kept her eyes down.  "What speaks true.  If you do not move the station, the big snake will not come.  And I will be hunted as prey" she said.

[Ensign Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Conference Room | Deck Three | Katra Station]

Griff sighed with relief and said, "Well, that's good to know."

He was glad to know that moving the station anywhere will mean they won't get in the way. Depending on how close they were to the snake, they'd have quite a view.

But there's the problem with Meridian. Even more so was the fact that if this snake didn't appear, it all boiled down to one woman. A sacrifice? It certainly sounded like it. The implication is: their god doesn't appear, the sacrifice will begin.

You bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians, Griff thought with a curled lip.

Kyle Briggs

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Kyle sat in the center seat and simultaneously read the incoming status reports and listened to the friendly banter among the bridge crew. His bridge crew. He hadn't expected to ever be back in the captain's chair and found that he was inwardly excited and thankful to Kirok for the opportunity.
The final department reported ready.

"Alright folks. That's everyone. Let's buckle down and look alive." he said. "Mister Conley, you should have received coordinates from the Katra letting us know where to exit the shields. Go ahead and move us out."

The Seleya began moving. It was such a smooth ride. He unconsciously ran his hand over the seats arm. He found the switch mentioned by Hfran and brought up the same scan display that she should have been seeing. He nodded and smiled. He had several new crew members and was glad for the veterans he had as well. Hfran and Conley would be a big help.

As the Seleya cleared the shields, he sat up a tad straighter.

"Helm. Let's see what our new ship has. Take us in a tight circle around the Drai vessels and few times before putting us between them and the Katra. That will also give Science a chance to get a couple of close scans. Tactical. I want weapons ready to come online at the push of a button. Let's go to yellow alert. I don't want to go in hostile but I want us ready to go to red should those bastards try anything." he ordered. He sat back and let his crew do their jobs.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Katra Station | Conference room ::

Whether it was the three "shots" of espresso in the cappuccino that the crewman had given him in OOC, or that he simply couldn't listen to the "Hunter" prattle on about snakes in space or whatever it was that he was on about, Kyan was out of his seat before his better judgement could catch up (not that it was particularly quick on any occasion).

"You.." he almost hissed at Adai..." will not be hunting this woman on this station." His eyes narrowed as he continued and his hand inched toward the sheathed karambit at the small of his back. "Nor will any of your friends, creatures that you all are. And if you DO disregard the rules that Captain Kirok has told ye the now, it's me that will see to you, quickly and happily at that. And then ya won't have tae be worrying about a snake in the sky, because you'll be off meeting whatever delinquent gods seen fit tae foist you raggedy lot on the universe."

Realizing what he was doing he glanced over at Kirok. "Sorry sir." he mumbled... but continued on regardless.

"And her having a baby in her too.. you lot make me sick!" he seethed, disgust dripping off every word. He shook his head, but then remembered something else.

"And it's fookin Mother's Day too!" then, in gaelic.... Thalla gu Taigh na Galla ya Lan dhen cac Blaigeard!

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.