The Big Snake of the Night Sky

Started by Kirok, May 01, 2021, 08:33:02 AM

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Schatzi Jyur

[Katra Station - Crew Quarters]

Zero stared at himself in the mirror, as he adjusted his pips self consciously. It was to be his first day back on the job, after a brief break. The former Medical officer had been stationed on the Discovery for so long, he forgot what it felt like to be back in Ensign pips. It was only after months of consideration, that the man had eventually settled on going back to schooling and becoming a counsellor. He appreciated his time as a Doctor, but felt with his skillset, he could more readily assist Starfleet as a Counsellor. Tensions grew every day, and disasters happened left and right. And most of all, his brother motivated him to switch careers.

However, he hadn't expected to be transferred off of the Discovery because of it. Sure, you had to be ready to go anywhere - but there had been an open spot there, and had naturally expected to be placed back on the ship when he completed his training. However, now he was stationed on a Starbase, something he hadn't served on for almost a decade at this point.

He'd taken the opportunity to get settled and learn his way around, but now no doubt he would be jumping right into  work. And paperwork. Ugh, the paperwork.
Taking a last glance into the mirror, he heaved in a breath, rolling his shoulders. "Alright Schatzi... let's get to work."

Stepping out from his quarters, he headed down to Medbay, and his office to begin the long, grueling hours.

Serena King

Quote from: Sirol on May 15, 2021, 03:46:15 PM

< Katra Station / Ready Room >

Looking at Ensign King, Sirol gave the Engineer a respectful nod.
"œIt is alright, Ensign. We are all in an extreme situation. Communication is key, and we suffice."
Leaning back again, she followed her elaboration and raised an eyebrow.
Ensign King's way of methodically working through a problem with assets given was"¦ Highly satisfying to Sirol.

If only everyone she worked with was as naturally relatable"¦ She spoke without words.

Once the Engineer had finished, what followed was a little pause.
A little pause Sirol used to stretch her legs a little, with one of her knees giving off an audible cracking noise.
All the time walking aided by the exoskeleton had made her joints a little stiff and inflexible. She would have to take care of that once she could walk freely again...

Pushing that thought aside she then followed Captain Kirok's words. She was not surprised to hear that he assessed the situation regarding the prime directive in the same way she did.
She acknowledged his statement with a little nod and let her gaze hover through the room again.

As Kirok addressed her though, Sirol flinched.
He did it again. Referred to her as Ms"¦.
And this time she was less capable of hiding her feelings. She squinted, trying to metaphorically shake off her disgust, yet to everyone vaguely empathic or telepathic (or even sufficiently observant), it was most than obvious that being degraded to her sex was deeply offensive and hurtful to the Romulan.

She forced herself to look at him; at the person who once again publicly humiliated her"¦
"œYou have all my knowledge about pocket dimensions at your leisure, Captain." She spoke slowly, yet no more word than she absolutely had to.
In moments like this she truly missed Captain Solluk. He would have never insulted her"¦
In general, she truly missed serving a Commander who she could more easily relate to; someone more on her wavelength...
Maybe working with Federation personnel had been a mistake after all...

In moments like this she just wanted to grab a shuttle and head for the phasic anomaly herself.
Not like there was anything or anyone here depending on her presence anyway"¦
Barely able to maintain her daily functions in the face of her traumatic isolation, being degraded felt like an additional weight to her shoulders; a weight she was not certain of how long she would be able to endure.
Taking a shaky breath she therefor got up from her seat, excused herself, then left the room.

Surely, it was supposed to be just a few minutes; a few minutes to clear her mind; a few minutes to save face"¦
As the doors hissed close behind her she just leaned against the wall, burying her boiling hot face in her shaky hands.
"œIn causality's name; I need a better assignment..." She whispered to herself in silent desperation...

Quote from: Sirol on May 15, 2021, 04:51:23 PM

< Katra Station / Ready Room >

Just standing there in dispense, feeling her own pulse through the fingertips on her forehead, Sirol could have sworn that she caught a presence, yet looking around, at first she could not spot someone. Only ever at the chirp, the scientist could confirm she was no longer alone...
Her focus came to a rest on a little Uropygi - akin to Erika from the med bay, yet this one a noticeably different one.

The scientist tilted her head and slowly hunkered down to it - at least as far as her exoskeleton permitted her to move - extending one hand towards it.
"œHello there little hero"¦ What are you doing up here all alone? Are you trying to find your way back home too?"
Despite how Sirol felt her voice was soft and welcoming.
After all, no matter how grim and painful the circumstances, the two factors Sirol could never reject were children and pets"¦

Of course the display of Erika's perceptiveness and abilities on the med bay had hinted at a relatively complex intelligence, but then again, this one here was a different one, and visibly younger, so Sirol had not much to base her theory on. Yet.
Gently patting the little one she once more smirked, mimicking it's chirp to the best of her abilities.
"œ...How come you always appear when I need wholesome company the most?" She musingly asked towards the little uropygi.
Not that she expected a profound answer to this rather philosophical question, but she felt that it had to be asked nevertheless...

[Katra Station | Just outside Ready Room]

The Universal Translator was a fine piece of technology, capable of translating someone's words into their native language. But it was a little known fact that most persons of Hong Kong culture and background and Earth had to study and be proficient in Cantonese and English. For one simple reason alone: Hong Kongers loved to mangle and abuse Cantonese, changing pronunciations and making verbal puns. When spoken with another native Cantonese speaker, even they had to translate. To someone who wasn't... "Higher Education Centre in Southern China! Marinated Tripe!"

Serena had heard a sound behind her (which itself was pretty impressive considering the background noise of the consoles, reports and muted chatter of OCC) and doubled back. She found herself staring at... Something with more legs and appendages than she cared to think about. Growing up, she had visited the markets and stalls in Hong Kong, where real food and animals were still grown and bred, not just replicated. She'd looked with wide eyed surprise at the roast duck, or jellyfish and yes... Even smaller versions (dried and fried) of what she was seeing. Oh, she hadn't eaten anything (she did have a mild icky sense), but for a second, she thought she was having a nightmare.

She had turned around, because she realised in hindsight her very first reaction upon her return to Katra was the same as the Captain: Not cold, but simply practical, without thinking it through. She and Sirol had worked together a few times and Serena found the latter exceptionally intelligent. Sirol had done her own masterful scientific analysis and while Serena had filed it away, hadn't acknowledged or shown adequate... Respect and gratitude to the Romulan.

She held her arms to the side in what she hoped was non threatening, keeping one careful eye on the uropygi. "I wanted to apologise to you. I wasn't paying enough attention. I can tell by your body language alone you're troubled. We both come from backgrounds with a strong sense of family, duty, honour and... How to say? Knowing ones place in the universe. Oftentimes, because of work, we don't realise we're people, with emotions. I'm guessing... You need a kindred spirit right now?" She nodded at the creature and took a respectful step backwards as a show of giving more room and also a way to back out.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)



< Katra Station / Outside of the Ready Room >

Quote from: Serena King on May 15, 2021, 05:45:29 PM

She held her arms to the side in what she hoped was non threatening, keeping one careful eye on the uropygi. "I wanted to apologise to you. I wasn't paying enough attention. I can tell by your body language alone you're troubled. We both come from backgrounds with a strong sense of family, duty, honour and... How to say? Knowing ones place in the universe. Oftentimes, because of work, we don't realise we're people, with emotions. I'm guessing... You need a kindred spirit right now?" She nodded at the creature and took a respectful step backwards as a show of giving more room and also a way to back out.

Sirol just hunkered there, trying to communicate with the uropygi in an almost even playful and therapeutic manner, as she noticed Ensign King's presence, as well as her - initially fearful reaction - towards the unnamed uropygi.
It surprised her to have the Engineer here instead of with Ensign Drake working on the solution, but then again, Starfleet proved to be full of surprises.

Listening to her words, Sirol looked up towards the Engineer - her hands still with the uropygi, while her eyes focused on the Engineer; widening in surprise.
"œMy dear Ensign King, there absolutely is nothing you need to apologise for.
My current situation is neither your, nor anyone's fault. If anything, you are one of the sanest, most relatable people on this station...
Yes, you are right. My culture puts great emphasis on destiny, duty and fulfilling one's role, but I have the impression the Captain does not want to see it.
I am a scientist - With every atom of my being.
A pioneer, a researcher, a mediator, a voice to others even"¦
But one thing I am not, and I will never be is a"¦ Ms.
Being reduced to my anatomy and marital status is"¦ Humiliating"¦"

She paused for a moment, then looked at the uropygi again, gently stroking it's head and taking a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts to phrase an explanation that could be understood by Ensign King - someone who had not been involved in the original events...

"œI think"¦ I may be beyond fixing, and sometimes I tend to forget it; living the illusion that I am a part of"¦ This here"¦ This crew"¦
I am part of none.
But once I was part of something; something real"¦
Inside the Trialus anomaly, when I was connected to everyone else's mind and memory around me"¦ For the first time my life made"¦ Sense"¦ And I was"¦ Whole and functional"¦
But I was ripped out"¦ And now I am back here"¦ For the first time realising the crippling effects of my isolation and the great injury in my mind"¦ In my soul"¦
I WAS a scientist"¦ By every definition... In there"¦
But back here"¦ The Captain looks at me and sees no scientist, but just a single female..."

She once more took a deep breath, holding out her arms, offering the uropygi to hop on, while she slowly finished her sentence, still gently patting the little critter.

"œ...Yes, we are all alone, until we realise our dependency on one another, and turn it into our source of strength..."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Serena King

Quote from: Sirol on May 15, 2021, 07:00:10 PM

< Katra Station / Outside of the Ready Room >

Sirol just hunkered there, trying to communicate with the uropygi in an almost even playful and therapeutic manner, as she noticed Ensign King's presence, as well as her - initially fearful reaction - towards the unnamed uropygi.
It surprised her to have the Engineer here instead of with Ensign Drake working on the solution, but then again, Starfleet proved to be full of surprises.

Listening to her words, Sirol looked up towards the Engineer - her hands still with the uropygi, while her eyes focused on the Engineer; widening in surprise.
"œMy dear Ensign King, there absolutely is nothing you need to apologise for.
My current situation is neither your, nor anyone's fault. If anything, you are one of the sanest, most relatable people on this station...
Yes, you are right. My culture puts great emphasis on destiny, duty and fulfilling one's role, but I have the impression the Captain does not want to see it.
I am a scientist - With every atom of my being.
A pioneer, a researcher, a mediator, a voice to others even"¦
But one thing I am not, and I will never be is a"¦ Ms.
Being reduced to my anatomy and marital status is"¦ Humiliating"¦"

She paused for a moment, then looked at the uropygi again, gently stroking it's head and taking a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts to phrase an explanation that could be understood by Ensign King - someone who had not been involved in the original events...

"œI think"¦ I may be beyond fixing, and sometimes I tend to forget it; living the illusion that I am a part of"¦ This here"¦ This crew"¦
I am part of none.
But once I was part of something; something real"¦
Inside the Trialus anomaly, when I was connected to everyone else's mind and memory around me"¦ For the first time my life made"¦ Sense"¦ And I was"¦ Whole and functional"¦
But I was ripped out"¦ And now I am back here"¦ For the first time realising the crippling effects of my isolation and the great injury in my mind"¦ In my soul"¦
I WAS a scientist"¦ By every definition... In there"¦
But back here"¦ The Captain looks at me and sees no scientist, but just a single female..."

She once more took a deep breath, holding out her arms, offering the uropygi to hop on, while she slowly finished her sentence, still gently patting the little critter.

"œ...Yes, we are all alone, until we realise our dependency on one another, and turn it into our source of strength..."

[Katra Station | Outside of Ready Room]

"I'm not a Ms either. Technically I'm Mrs King. My proper address in context would be Miss Ng."

Serena shook her head with a sad smile. "We are all products of our societies. In this case, I thought I found love. Instead, I found sorrow and heartbreak. But when you give your heart, your soul, your existence to someone, all you have left are hollow words and gestures, like a message in the sand, to be washed away, but leaving behind the things that never can wash away. Us."

She knelt down, wondering if anyone happened to exit the Ready Room the odd situation they'd stumble across and shrugged... But she definitely kept her distance to the odd creature. "We all have our baggage, Sirol, but today is the start of the rest of our lives and we need to just live with it. Am I sad my father skipped out before I was born? Am I sad when I see my mother observing young children and getting a pang of jealousy? Am I sad I sabotaged her few attempts at dating just so I could keep her all to myself? Then I had to run off, get married and leave her generally alone, instead of forming a family unit where everyone can be happy? That and much more."

Serena straightened, as much as her knees and posture allowed. "A Starfleet Officer performs only one act of bravery in their life and that's when they take the oath. Everything they do after that is merely in the line of duty." She stopped to smile. "If life wasn't challenging, it wouldn't be called life. Talk to the Captain, talk to us. More importantly, talk to me. I don't know how much we can help each other, but I'm here as a friend." She frowned. "I wonder if I can put a Structural Integrity Field into a uniform. My poor knees."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Eydis on May 15, 2021, 04:15:44 PM

A audible chirp would rise up from floor. A cat sized uropygi drone had crept and somehow allude detection until now. It had a white marking on the upper mandible. Chirping again the uropygi drone watched Sirol, for some reason hir distress had alerted the drone and called it forth.

Eydis had seen the distress and loneliness of Sirol during their brief interaction and decided to try and solve the issue. Noticing how easily shi interacted with Erika the uropygi given to zex shi had the remaining one unnamed uropygi a mental image of Sirol. Eluding to sirol being important member of the hive.

So the unnamed uropygi which in a a few weeks would be adult had sought out Sirol. Raising its scythe like mandibles a little on either side of its head. It would utter another little inquisitive chirp at Sirol. The poor uropygi were only limited by their meager intelligence but seemed to be at times almost sentient.

Eydis would respond over the lattice to zex. I can not move much until I have recovered enough energy. The little one has taken all that I can give. It needs more memories and energy to truly live. I'm not enough for the offspring it often requires three tholians to create a new one. I have served as third growing the new tholian and had to give some of my energy which is needed from two other tholians to give it life. I will send skaldyr to join the meeting in my stead.

Ready Room

Kirok had not yet concluded the meeting.  But one by one people started to leave.  He gave they the benefit of the doubt, assuming that they were all eager to work for a solution to resolve this issue.

"I will be contacting the Meridian's next.  Can you both stay with me during that conversation?  It would be helpful" Kirok asked.

"Certainly, Captain" Zex replied.  Then she replied to Eydis.  "Then it seems that you need to rest up.  When humanoids are sick, we bring them soup.  Is there anything I can bring you, my friend?" she asked over the lattis.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station|OCC

Eli had been furiously calculating his own projections, ideas and trajectories. The Hunters' request was one he had been certain the captain would give a polite but firm "No." to but it didn't hurt to be prepared. He imagined the engineering teams would be building up their own ideas of how best to move the station but Eli had recent been reviewing the survey data; each point of the station had been meticulously analyzed and he had a better sense of it's place in space.

So, he pulled up the configuration for the runabouts, as well as the King Cobras, a contingent that he was grateful to have. They had a pilot seat as well as a TACOPs officer, a role either engineers or operations staff could fill. With the recent upheaval and regrouping he hadn't been able to redirect his attention to training.

Eli had his final calculations of a possible answer. He worked up the concept and downloaded it to a PADD, each piece put in place for the captain's review.

He headed to the ready room, anticipating interrupting the captain.

"Captain Kirok, sir, I believe I have a possible solution for moving the station if the situation mandates it."

Hrafn Falleg

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Hrafn smiled at the Caitian Engineer as she came onto the Bridge, she didn't know the girl yet but bid her welcome.

"Welcome Ensign.  I'm Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, CSO.  I hope you'll like Katra Station and our new ship too!" she said with an easy smile.  "And I'll pre-warn you about my midgets, or children... twin 6 year olds, one of each, and a 3 year old boy.  They have a habit of adopting Aunties and Uncles.  Ask just about anyone on this Bridge!"

She nodded at the Doctor as she came bearing a coffee mug, Hrafn as a fellow Ratkajino drinker could smell it.  Rubbing her temple where the start of a niggling headache was starting she gave a small grin.

"Hi Doctor, I think sending the CMO for my little headache is overkill, or do they think I'm that important?!" Hrafn joked.  "Either way, got anything for a small annoying headache in your bag of tricks?!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Eli Ferris on May 16, 2021, 12:39:36 AM

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station|OCC

Eli had been furiously calculating his own projections, ideas and trajectories. The Hunters' request was one he had been certain the captain would give a polite but firm "No." to but it didn't hurt to be prepared. He imagined the engineering teams would be building up their own ideas of how best to move the station but Eli had recent been reviewing the survey data; each point of the station had been meticulously analyzed and he had a better sense of it's place in space.

So, he pulled up the configuration for the runabouts, as well as the King Cobras, a contingent that he was grateful to have. They had a pilot seat as well as a TACOPs officer, a role either engineers or operations staff could fill. With the recent upheaval and regrouping he hadn't been able to redirect his attention to training.

Eli had his final calculations of a possible answer. He worked up the concept and downloaded it to a PADD, each piece put in place for the captain's review.

He headed to the ready room, anticipating interrupting the captain.

"Captain Kirok, sir, I believe I have a possible solution for moving the station if the situation mandates it."

Ready Room

Kirok turned toward the voice.  He remained seated.   But motioned the FCO to join them at the table.

"Moving the station seems to be the likely option.  So, please.  Do tell" Kirok replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on May 15, 2021, 09:26:10 AM

[Katra Station | Ready Room]

Serena nodded. "It'll still take me quite a few hours getting Engineers and everyone in place. By the time your discussions with our..." She paused and clenched her fists a few times. "Guests conclude, we can start at any time. If you'll excuse me, Captain, I'll be in Engineering."

Turning to Gideon, she leaned in close. "Come on, Flyboy. I'll need you to start prepping our auxiliary craft and make sure engines and tractor beams are at full efficiency." She bowed to the Captain and wandered off.

Quote from: Kirok on May 15, 2021, 08:25:45 PM

Ready Room

Kirok had not yet concluded the meeting.  But one by one people started to leave.  He gave they the benefit of the doubt, assuming that they were all eager to work for a solution to resolve this issue.

"I will be contacting the Meridian's next.  Can you both stay with me during that conversation?  It would be helpful" Kirok asked.

"Certainly, Captain" Zex replied.  Then she replied to Eydis.  "Then it seems that you need to rest up.  When humanoids are sick, we bring them soup.  Is there anything I can bring you, my friend?" she asked over the lattis.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on May 16, 2021, 12:39:36 AM

Lt. Eli Ferris| Katra Station|OCC

Eli had been furiously calculating his own projections, ideas and trajectories. The Hunters' request was one he had been certain the captain would give a polite but firm "No." to but it didn't hurt to be prepared. He imagined the engineering teams would be building up their own ideas of how best to move the station but Eli had recent been reviewing the survey data; each point of the station had been meticulously analyzed and he had a better sense of it's place in space.

So, he pulled up the configuration for the runabouts, as well as the King Cobras, a contingent that he was grateful to have. They had a pilot seat as well as a TACOPs officer, a role either engineers or operations staff could fill. With the recent upheaval and regrouping he hadn't been able to redirect his attention to training.

Eli had his final calculations of a possible answer. He worked up the concept and downloaded it to a PADD, each piece put in place for the captain's review.

He headed to the ready room, anticipating interrupting the captain.

"Captain Kirok, sir, I believe I have a possible solution for moving the station if the situation mandates it."

Quote from: Kirok on May 16, 2021, 09:49:33 AM

Ready Room

Kirok turned toward the voice.  He remained seated.   But motioned the FCO to join them at the table.

"Moving the station seems to be the likely option.  So, please.  Do tell" Kirok replied.

[Ensign Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Ready Room | Deck One | Katra Station]

Griff acknowledged the "flyboy" nickname, but stopped himself, realizing he hadn't been dismissed. He knew excellently well protocol mandated officers had to be dismissed first before taking off.

"Hang on a mo', Grommet," he said, repeating his own nickname for Serena; if she was going to call him "flyboy," naturally, he'd come up with his own nickname based on her skills, and the first thing he thought of was "grommet," though he pronounced it "gromit." "I'll catch up with you."

Of course, Serena was already gone, but Griff still waited to be dismissed. Then Lieutenant Ferris arrived, naturally, since he's acting first officer. He had an idea for moving the station, and Griff was interested in what he had to say.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 16, 2021, 06:43:33 AM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Hrafn smiled at the Caitian Engineer as she came onto the Bridge, she didn't know the girl yet but bid her welcome.

"Welcome Ensign.  I'm Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, CSO.  I hope you'll like Katra Station and our new ship too!" she said with an easy smile.  "And I'll pre-warn you about my midgets, or children... twin 6 year olds, one of each, and a 3 year old boy.  They have a habit of adopting Aunties and Uncles.  Ask just about anyone on this Bridge!"

She nodded at the Doctor as she came bearing a coffee mug, Hrafn as a fellow Ratkajino drinker could smell it.  Rubbing her temple where the start of a niggling headache was starting she gave a small grin.

"Hi Doctor, I think sending the CMO for my little headache is overkill, or do they think I'm that important?!" Hrafn joked.  "Either way, got anything for a small annoying headache in your bag of tricks?!"

[Bridge - USS Seleya - Npc at Navigation]

The hologram at navigation pulled up a star map.  He did a quick measurement.  Then looked up the closest stems.

"Sirs.  Where would you like us to go?  There is an M class planet in Kylata system that has not been explored yet.  The other closest is a planet near the L-S star was at one time noted to have traces of Changling DNA on it" the hologram reported.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Katra Station | Docking Bay]

There was a certain sense of relief every time Xasik disembarked from a shuttle. It wasn't that he found the journey uncomfortable, on the contrary , he had found the shuttle to be quite luxurious compared to some of the conditions he had experienced in the past, but rather that he felt vulnerable traveling in smaller craft through large expanses of space. The ever lingering fear of Romulan repercussions was always haunting the back of his mind and shuttles could be so very vulnerable to attacks from larger ships. He had seen it time and time again while running from his former masters. Many of the Remans he had escaped with had met their ends while traveling via shuttle to start their new lives. He had been one the lucky few to have survived the ordeal.
He allowed the wave of relief to wash over his body as he simply took a moment to settle himself before hoisting his duffle bag over his left shoulder and taking a look around him. The station had an atmosphere much like others he had visited. People were milling about attending to their tasks and barely noticed him. That was fine, he didn't mind at all. He hadn't slept much and would probably be irritable if asked too many questions right away. But even still, he needed to settle in quickly. The metal case strapped to his back would require attention as soon as possible. It was a mobile environmental system and life support for the egg he was carrying. It had been in stasis long enough and it deserved the chance to finally hatch. He simply hadn't felt safe enough while traveling to allow the egg to hatch naturally but now that he had arrived on Katra, he would finally be able to settle long enough to meet his child at last.

It was with this thought in mind that he reached up to lower his hood and take off his shades to reveal his entire face. He would need to ask someone where he would find the department leader for the sciences so he could request lab access to start work as the station's geologist. He had noticed during his travels that the Human race could be distrusting of one if they hid their face and he didn't want any misunderstandings to hinder his settling in period. The lights of the station were sure to be too bright for his Reman eyes but he would tolerate it for now. He had contact lenses that would filter out bright lights but they weren't comfortable to wear for long periods of time. He would save those for when he needed them.

Clearing his throat, Xasik approached the nearest stationary crew member. "œExcuse me, where can I find the Science Department Head?"
The ensign looked up from his padd and seemed taken aback by the severe looking Reman towering over him. "œUh, that'd be Lt. Hrafn Falleg. Here let me write down some directions for you."
"œThanks," Xasik nodded and waited for the rushed directions before setting off towards the nearest turbo lift. He shuddered as he entered the confined space. It reminded him of the mines of Remus. Hopefully it wouldn't take too long to get to his destination.

Serena King

[Katra Station | Ready Room]

"Apologies for skipping out earlier..."

Serena returned, this time having changed back into her familiar gold utilities. It was the same person, but there was a subtle difference. Maybe her back was straighter, or her chin out further, or maybe it was the rolled sleeves showing off the battle scars of Engineering, but she was back in her element and ready to go. After their talk, Sirol had yet to make her (re?) appearance in the Ready Room, but she re-entered just as Eli finished speaking.

She bowed slightly to the Captain and waited. Although she had the numbers in her head, she would be running simulations and info like a crazed maniac trying to be everywhere at once. With a wink to Gideon and a collegial nod to Eli, she held the PADD with her own numbers and tried not to fidget.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on May 15, 2021, 07:53:23 PM

[Katra Station | Outside of Ready Room]

"I'm not a Ms either. Technically I'm Mrs King. My proper address in context would be Miss Ng."

Serena shook her head with a sad smile. "We are all products of our societies. In this case, I thought I found love. Instead, I found sorrow and heartbreak. But when you give your heart, your soul, your existence to someone, all you have left are hollow words and gestures, like a message in the sand, to be washed away, but leaving behind the things that never can wash away. Us."

She knelt down, wondering if anyone happened to exit the Ready Room the odd situation they'd stumble across and shrugged... But she definitely kept her distance to the odd creature. "We all have our baggage, Sirol, but today is the start of the rest of our lives and we need to just live with it. Am I sad my father skipped out before I was born? Am I sad when I see my mother observing young children and getting a pang of jealousy? Am I sad I sabotaged her few attempts at dating just so I could keep her all to myself? Then I had to run off, get married and leave her generally alone, instead of forming a family unit where everyone can be happy? That and much more."

Serena straightened, as much as her knees and posture allowed. "A Starfleet Officer performs only one act of bravery in their life and that's when they take the oath. Everything they do after that is merely in the line of duty." She stopped to smile. "If life wasn't challenging, it wouldn't be called life. Talk to the Captain, talk to us. More importantly, talk to me. I don't know how much we can help each other, but I'm here as a friend." She frowned. "I wonder if I can put a Structural Integrity Field into a uniform. My poor knees."

< Katra Station / Outside of the Ready Room >

Sirol calmly listened to Ensign King's words and acknowledged them with a nod.
Her thoughts were in fact every bit as deep as Sirol had predicted upon one of their earlier meetings, and Sirol felt"¦ A tiny sense of relief"¦ For not being stared at but supported"¦

"œI am"¦ Very sorry to learn about your complicated family past"¦ If it is of any help, I can"¦ Relate"¦ My own family was"¦ Incoherent too."
The understatement of the month"¦ Her mother had lied to her and doomed to to lead a sterile life...
"œBut"¦ I agree with you"¦
Maybe I should talk.. Open up to someone"¦ As of now, I am not sure if I am compatible with Captain Kirok, but that will not affect me following his orders.
More importantly though, I will gladly welcome you as a friend.
You and"¦ This little guy here"¦ "œ
She smirkingly looked at the unnamed uropygi with her. "œ..Came to me, when needed"¦ Which I consider a remarkable sign.
So"¦ Miss Ng? Ensign King? How exactly would you prefer me to address you? Being correct is"¦ Very important to me"¦"

< Katra Station / Ready Room >

Sirol had taken yet another minute to calm down and sort her thoughts.
She knew she would be expected to return to the ready room soon, so she eventually got back onto her feet - with both of her knees giving off an unpleasant cracking noise.
Eugh"¦ As soon as I am out of this exoskeleton, I need to resume my training units"¦ She said to herself.

She entered the room and took a seat with the unnamed Uropygi still in her arms.
Assuming it to be one of Commander Eydis' pets on an exploration spree, she would seek out the Commander after the meeting to return hir lost friend, hoping shi would not be too worried in the meantime.
But for now they had to conclude their meeting and decide on strategies for their various tasks.
She had her arms protectively wrapped around the little Uropygi, hoping the unknown place and all the new people would not scare it. After all, considering the reactions from many people around, she could not just leave it roam free without worrying that someone might throw a boot at it in a moment of panic...

Leaning forward towards Ensign King, she gave the engineer and approving nod, then slightly rotated her chair, focusing on Captain Kirok.
Additional to my own expertise on "˜pocket dimensions' and the data from the Meridians, I recommend gathering our own; recent data. Much has changed since the last occurence and all records we have are at least seven years - if not more - outdated, and I would like to get precise as possible readings about the spacial weak point's live status and development.
Does the station have any docked vessels sufficiently equipped for multiphasic scans?
I would like to perform a deep scan alongside the phenomenon's documented borders, spiralling into the centre as narrow as possible."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 16, 2021, 06:43:33 AM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Hrafn smiled at the Caitian Engineer as she came onto the Bridge, she didn't know the girl yet but bid her welcome.

"Welcome Ensign.  I'm Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, CSO.  I hope you'll like Katra Station and our new ship too!" she said with an easy smile.  "And I'll pre-warn you about my midgets, or children... twin 6 year olds, one of each, and a 3 year old boy.  They have a habit of adopting Aunties and Uncles.  Ask just about anyone on this Bridge!"

She nodded at the Doctor as she came bearing a coffee mug, Hrafn as a fellow Ratkajino drinker could smell it.  Rubbing her temple where the start of a niggling headache was starting she gave a small grin.

"Hi Doctor, I think sending the CMO for my little headache is overkill, or do they think I'm that important?!" Hrafn joked.  "Either way, got anything for a small annoying headache in your bag of tricks?!"

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Kal was running systems on tactical and scanning the area for anything that was out of place. They will be ready with teeth because he was at the tactical console. He does study the main viewing screen to see with his own eyes.

He felt little drained as he was waiting. He was not sure it was from boredom but it was something he notice. Mention of coffee made him tired? He was not sure. He looked down at his chest. He charged his pacemaker which was like his heart. Maybe he need to get it look at later by the charger he uses.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on May 15, 2021, 08:25:45 PM

Ready Room

Kirok had not yet concluded the meeting.  But one by one people started to leave.  He gave they the benefit of the doubt, assuming that they were all eager to work for a solution to resolve this issue.

"I will be contacting the Meridian's next.  Can you both stay with me during that conversation?  It would be helpful" Kirok asked.

"Certainly, Captain" Zex replied.  Then she replied to Eydis.  "Then it seems that you need to rest up.  When humanoids are sick, we bring them soup.  Is there anything I can bring you, my friend?" she asked over the lattis.

[Katra Station - Hallways]

On his way down to his office, Schatzi was suddenly hit with the realization that he'd yet to check in with the Captain. A ghost of a smile flitted across his face, realizing this was his chance to see Captain Kirok again. They went back to when he was a mere ensign on the Discovery - under a different department of course. Turning on his heel, he headed to ask where the Captain was.

[Katra Station - Ready Room]

Stepping up to the door, he was prepared to interrupt the meeting - only to find it was already open, and someone standing there reporting to the Captain. Raising his brow, he stepped to the door and listened in to the conversation, waiting for his own turn to speak. When he was addressed by Kirok, he would smile and offer a simple, "Counsellor Jyur reporting in, sir. Do you need anything from me?"

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