The Big Snake...

Started by Kirok, June 01, 2021, 06:56:10 AM

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Schatzi Jyur

[Katra Station - Counsellor's Office]

Zero had been swamped with work, since the station had gone for so long without a proper counselor. So now that he had a free moment, he was taking the opportunity to sift through the officers that were being transferred to his care, as well as any crew or civilian profiles. The work was tedious, and he would be glad when the brunt of it was done.

He wasn't oblivious to the chaos going on outside of his walls, though he may seem it. He was just waiting for the final call, of them being evacuated, or his services being required by the Captain, or anyone else. It was excrutiating, and Zero's leg tapped as he tried to control the urge to take matters into his own hands. His eyes were unfocused, the words on his computer were starting to blur together.

He needed a break, and badly. Surely nobody would mind him dropping by the OCC..?

What could it hurt, he figured. His paperwork would be there for another day, so with a smirk, he shut off his computer. Standing up, he groaned as he felt several joints pop and crack in response. Yeah - he'd been sitting for far too long.
Strolling over to his replicator, he paused in thought for a moment, before continuing. "Coffee, Dominican Republic roast, hot." The machine took only a moment to give him what he asked, and taking the mug, he strode out of his office and up to the OCC.

[Katra Station - OCC]

Striding into the room with a confidence, he glanced around at the officers, holding his mug gingerly. He didn't speak - he didn't want to disturb any of them during their work. Instead he took up post in a corner and observed - at least until a senior officer kicked him out and told him to go back to work.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on June 15, 2021, 05:58:17 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Carve pear mix fluff elevate affirmative!"

Serena spoke fluent English. She had to. When she reverted back to her Cantonese, the Universal Translator rendered her words literally, as opposed to figuratively and it also took two full seconds before the UT provided a much mangled translation. As Serena continued a steady stream of Cantonese, the UT stopped completely, with the end result everyone listened to a bunch of nasal sounding words that... Were her mother or grandparents there would've gotten her mouth washed out with soap.

She returned to her console, fingers flying furiously. It galled her to think her responsibilities had dramatically increased. Idly, she wondered if she should take a holiday. Although OPS was in a state of controlled chaos, she forcibly shut everything out, grateful that her mind had been refining the game plan.

"Alright! Here's how we'll do it!" She took a deep breath, forcing down her volume. Everyone was already paying attention anyway and OPS was full of people. "The evacuations are to ensure that if the Snake's effect reaches Katra, at least everyone is relatively safe. While I do have the maths, that doesn't mean the station won't have more structural damage as we move." She cleared her throat.

"EQ, Takima, Mackenzie, Ferris. Put your heads together. Airlocks in the north to east sectors. Apart from Drake's Alpha Flight, everything else is to evacuate civilians. Don't go near the other sections because that's where the tractor beams are going to go. They'll interfere with transporters, that's why we need airlocks and docking bays. Take the civilians and diplomatic personnel off. Fly them to New Bajor. Play it by ear. If it's safe, return for a round trip and relieve Alpha flight, because their tractor beams and engines will be pretty overtaxed by then. All of you and everyone left is going on Seleya."

Taking another deep breath, she turned. "XO, you'll be taking all nonessential staff not already spoken for to staff Seleya. That's everyone except for Drake's Alpha Flight, plus my reaction/damage control teams. I recommend you use all your resources to tell us what the portal will do and help Flatwoods. Make sure Ensign Riss is with you. You two might be our Engineering ace in the hole. You're also our early warning. If you find the portal and Snake is going to overtake Katra's position, we'll get off using the shuttles making the move."

Turning to Hrafn, she smiled crookedly and passed over her Engineer's Ring: "Have Tidu hang onto this. I want it back when we're done here. You go on Seleya, we need more Scientists to figure this out."

She looked at the Captain and her lips twitched: "I have an urge to request that you go with Seleya, sir, but I suspect you'll want to stay."

She took a look around OPS: "If I haven't called your name, go down, make sure everyone gets off the station and report to Seleya."

=/\= "Gideon, I'm going to start feeding coordinates and the updated flight plan. We move the station as soon as everyone's evacuated. Just be warned you're our only pickup off the station if that Snake gets worse though." =/\=

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Scoutship Squall | Near Katra Station]

Griff had the Squall in position near the station. Alpha Flight was standing by for his orders. Griff, of course, stood by for orders from Captain Kirok or Commander Briggs, if not Lieutenant Ferris.

The call from Serena instantly made Griff pay attention. He hung on to every single word, and he realized how much he was likely going to be relied upon. Getting out, it transpires, the senior staff, remaining behind, while the evacuation occurs all around.

"I'll be close by," said Griff, short and simply, but determined. "I'll be there for you all."


Quote from: Serena King on June 15, 2021, 05:58:17 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Carve pear mix fluff elevate affirmative!"

Serena spoke fluent English. She had to. When she reverted back to her Cantonese, the Universal Translator rendered her words literally, as opposed to figuratively and it also took two full seconds before the UT provided a much mangled translation. As Serena continued a steady stream of Cantonese, the UT stopped completely, with the end result everyone listened to a bunch of nasal sounding words that... Were her mother or grandparents there would've gotten her mouth washed out with soap.

She returned to her console, fingers flying furiously. It galled her to think her responsibilities had dramatically increased. Idly, she wondered if she should take a holiday. Although OPS was in a state of controlled chaos, she forcibly shut everything out, grateful that her mind had been refining the game plan.

"Alright! Here's how we'll do it!" She took a deep breath, forcing down her volume. Everyone was already paying attention anyway and OPS was full of people. "The evacuations are to ensure that if the Snake's effect reaches Katra, at least everyone is relatively safe. While I do have the maths, that doesn't mean the station won't have more structural damage as we move." She cleared her throat.

"EQ, Takima, Mackenzie, Ferris. Put your heads together. Airlocks in the north to east sectors. Apart from Drake's Alpha Flight, everything else is to evacuate civilians. Don't go near the other sections because that's where the tractor beams are going to go. They'll interfere with transporters, that's why we need airlocks and docking bays. Take the civilians and diplomatic personnel off. Fly them to New Bajor. Play it by ear. If it's safe, return for a round trip and relieve Alpha flight, because their tractor beams and engines will be pretty overtaxed by then. All of you and everyone left is going on Seleya."

Taking another deep breath, she turned. "XO, you'll be taking all nonessential staff not already spoken for to staff Seleya. That's everyone except for Drake's Alpha Flight, plus my reaction/damage control teams. I recommend you use all your resources to tell us what the portal will do and help Flatwoods. Make sure Ensign Riss is with you. You two might be our Engineering ace in the hole. You're also our early warning. If you find the portal and Snake is going to overtake Katra's position, we'll get off using the shuttles making the move."

Turning to Hrafn, she smiled crookedly and passed over her Engineer's Ring: "Have Tidu hang onto this. I want it back when we're done here. You go on Seleya, we need more Scientists to figure this out."

She looked at the Captain and her lips twitched: "I have an urge to request that you go with Seleya, sir, but I suspect you'll want to stay."

She took a look around OPS: "If I haven't called your name, go down, make sure everyone gets off the station and report to Seleya."

=/\= "Gideon, I'm going to start feeding coordinates and the updated flight plan. We move the station as soon as everyone's evacuated. Just be warned you're our only pickup off the station if that Snake gets worse though." =/\=

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok watched as King walked away muttering something.   Not like a crazy person.  But a person with a mission.

When she finally got to her station, her demeanor changed.  She grew calm.  The started issuing orders.

It was an amazing moment.  Watching someone come into her own.   And so rare that that he simply allowed himself to experience it.

But when she was done, people looked from her back to Kirok and Kyle.  He first bowed to the lady.  Who instead of cracking under pressure and hardened like a diamond.

"I think we have the making of a Captain to be, Kyle" he remarked.  Then he addressed the rest of the staff.  "Everyone follow King's orders.  Mr. Jyur you were not here when assignments were being handed out.  So you stay with King and I here in Ops.  We will need magnetized boots.  Can you please fetch 3 pairs for us from the equipment locker?" Kirok added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Serena King on June 11, 2021, 04:53:36 PM

[Katra Station | OCC]

Serena nodded at Lieutenant Kyan and she couldn't help but smile. His eyes seemed to have an ageless wisdom... Mixed with irreverent humour. She also resisted the urge to pet him on the head or tuck him into bed at night. He was a Starfleet full Lieutenant, after all. "Thank you, Lieutenant. Can I request that when we move, have some security personnel with each of my reaction teams? Knowing them they'd never leave their assigned posts unless someone from security drags them off. Also, the extra pair of hands to go to a different panel and make changes would make reaction times better."

To Eli, she acknowledged him, then stepped forward slightly and lowered her voice a fair bit: "With a lot more of the auxiliary craft with us... Do we have enough to support the Starlifter's mission? But also if worse comes to worse... Do we have any contingency to evacuate the Starlifter as well and move them out of the system if it came down to it?"

"I always have a contingency, Ensign. The Seleya is rated to evacuate so many personnel, and emergency sub routines are programmed in the transporters to execute emergency recovery out of Katra. Though, that will require lowering the shields and increasing output."

He looked thoughtful, considering the placement of Alpha Flight. Drake was competent, but he had not had the opportunity to review all the emergency protocols Eli had installed as part of his own flight designs. He was not a man to leave things to chance.

Neither was Ensign King...

Quote from: Serena King on June 15, 2021, 05:58:17 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Carve pear mix fluff elevate affirmative!"

Serena spoke fluent English. She had to. When she reverted back to her Cantonese, the Universal Translator rendered her words literally, as opposed to figuratively and it also took two full seconds before the UT provided a much mangled translation. As Serena continued a steady stream of Cantonese, the UT stopped completely, with the end result everyone listened to a bunch of nasal sounding words that... Were her mother or grandparents there would've gotten her mouth washed out with soap.

She returned to her console, fingers flying furiously. It galled her to think her responsibilities had dramatically increased. Idly, she wondered if she should take a holiday. Although OPS was in a state of controlled chaos, she forcibly shut everything out, grateful that her mind had been refining the game plan.

"Alright! Here's how we'll do it!" She took a deep breath, forcing down her volume. Everyone was already paying attention anyway and OPS was full of people. "The evacuations are to ensure that if the Snake's effect reaches Katra, at least everyone is relatively safe. While I do have the maths, that doesn't mean the station won't have more structural damage as we move." She cleared her throat.

"EQ, Takima, Mackenzie, Ferris. Put your heads together. Airlocks in the north to east sectors. Apart from Drake's Alpha Flight, everything else is to evacuate civilians. Don't go near the other sections because that's where the tractor beams are going to go. They'll interfere with transporters, that's why we need airlocks and docking bays. Take the civilians and diplomatic personnel off. Fly them to New Bajor. Play it by ear. If it's safe, return for a round trip and relieve Alpha flight, because their tractor beams and engines will be pretty overtaxed by then. All of you and everyone left is going on Seleya."

Taking another deep breath, she turned. "XO, you'll be taking all nonessential staff not already spoken for to staff Seleya. That's everyone except for Drake's Alpha Flight, plus my reaction/damage control teams. I recommend you use all your resources to tell us what the portal will do and help Flatwoods. Make sure Ensign Riss is with you. You two might be our Engineering ace in the hole. You're also our early warning. If you find the portal and Snake is going to overtake Katra's position, we'll get off using the shuttles making the move."

Turning to Hrafn, she smiled crookedly and passed over her Engineer's Ring: "Have Tidu hang onto this. I want it back when we're done here. You go on Seleya, we need more Scientists to figure this out."

She looked at the Captain and her lips twitched: "I have an urge to request that you go with Seleya, sir, but I suspect you'll want to stay."

She took a look around OPS: "If I haven't called your name, go down, make sure everyone gets off the station and report to Seleya."

=/\= "Gideon, I'm going to start feeding coordinates and the updated flight plan. We move the station as soon as everyone's evacuated. Just be warned you're our only pickup off the station if that Snake gets worse though." =/\=

"Understood, Ensign." Eli didn't hesitate, even for the captain's approval. He knew that King had run the numbers and the maths would have to stand up to her furious gaze. Somehow Eli felt that math would lose that exchange.

=/\= Gryphon, maintain and move with King's orders. Ferris to Stewart, prepare evacuation protocol Beta, priority given to diplomats and civilians. Rally point Orb One, and stand by for further instructions. Use all personnel to direct people to the airlocks, north and east. We're going to have to do this manually to maintain what tractors we are using.  =/\=

Eli glanced at King. It was an interesting puzzle to put this station evac team together. "Ensign, I can get aux craft to those neatly and orderly. I'd like to remain to maintain that design, Captain" He said, looking at Kirok.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 15, 2021, 08:00:37 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok watched as King walked away muttering something.   Not like a crazy person.  But a person with a mission.

When she finally got to her station, her demeanor changed.  She grew calm.  The started issuing orders.

It was an amazing moment.  Watching someone come into her own.   And so rare that that he simply allowed himself to experience it.

But when she was done, people looked from her back to Kirok and Kyle.  He first bowed to the lady.  Who instead of cracking under pressure and hardened like a diamond.

"I think we have the making of a Captain to be, Kyle" he remarked.  Then he addressed the rest of the staff.  "Everyone follow King's orders.  Mr. Jyur you were not here when assignments were being handed out.  So you stay with King and I here in Ops.  We will need magnetized boots.  Can you please fetch 3 pairs for us from the equipment locker?" Kirok added.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on June 15, 2021, 06:38:59 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "The Gryphon/Griff" Drake | Scoutship Squall | Near Katra Station]

Griff had the Squall in position near the station. Alpha Flight was standing by for his orders. Griff, of course, stood by for orders from Captain Kirok or Commander Briggs, if not Lieutenant Ferris.

The call from Serena instantly made Griff pay attention. He hung on to every single word, and he realized how much he was likely going to be relied upon. Getting out, it transpires, the senior staff, remaining behind, while the evacuation occurs all around.

"I'll be close by," said Griff, short and simply, but determined. "I'll be there for you all."

Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 15, 2021, 11:00:00 PM

"I always have a contingency, Ensign. The Seleya is rated to evacuate so many personnel, and emergency sub routines are programmed in the transporters to execute emergency recovery out of Katra. Though, that will require lowering the shields and increasing output."

He looked thoughtful, considering the placement of Alpha Flight. Drake was competent, but he had not had the opportunity to review all the emergency protocols Eli had installed as part of his own flight designs. He was not a man to leave things to chance.

Neither was Ensign King...
"Understood, Ensign." Eli didn't hesitate, even for the captain's approval. He knew that King had run the numbers and the maths would have to stand up to her furious gaze. Somehow Eli felt that math would lose that exchange.

=/\= Gryphon, maintain and move with King's orders. Ferris to Stewart, prepare evacuation protocol Beta, priority given to diplomats and civilians. Rally point Orb One, and stand by for further instructions. Use all personnel to direct people to the airlocks, north and east. We're going to have to do this manually to maintain what tractors we are using.  =/\=

Eli glanced at King. It was an interesting puzzle to put this station evac team together. "Ensign, I can get aux craft to those neatly and orderly. I'd like to remain to maintain that design, Captain" He said, looking at Kirok.

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena didn't hear Kirok's comments, but she sensed his approval, nonetheless. To Eli, she stared at him in wild eyed surprise and raised her voice slightly again: "Everyone involved in evacuation, coordinate with Lieutenant Ferris. Work as a team, subordinate yourself to him, whatever it takes. Get the non Starfleet personnel off as soon as we can. You can't leave on Seleya until they do and Katra can't start moving until you're all off! Make it calm but efficient!"

Stepping closer to Eli, she nodded gratefully: "Lieutenant, you have my undying gratitude. But I don't have the numbers you do. May I suggest, sir, that if you calculate you have the room, grab a small assortment of Ensigns, Chief Petty Officers and maybe a nurse. Family members separated across shuttles. I don't know if my friend made it off or which shuttle they're in. Have our liaisons help with news, spread calm, help with communications, take a census, act as beacons of hope, that kind of thing. Delegate that if you need to. I'll buy you a bottle of... Something later."

She stepped back to her console: =/\= "Gideon, the plan is more or less still being built and updated, but I anticipate... Six spots. Designate them one through six. Pick your best people who can remain calm with steady hands and heads, they're going to have the toughest jobs. Every other location shouldn't need much more than just point and follow throttle settings at the same time. I'll give you a quandary as well: You can remain as flight leader and overwatch, or you can join one of the six. You choose. Out." =/\=

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on June 13, 2021, 02:33:42 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok came out of his office.  He stopped by the Ops station before walking to the central chair.  "Lower the volume, that is hurting my ears.  And if we have not yet started evacuating people.  Lets do so now" he said.

"Ms. Falleg.  I hope your children got off safety.  I you please we send some probes to Meridian so that we can study the affects, if any, on the planet.  Also, we might want Sirol and her team get some distance between the anomaly and them" he added after turning her way.

Quote from: Serena King on June 15, 2021, 05:58:17 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Carve pear mix fluff elevate affirmative!"

Serena spoke fluent English. She had to. When she reverted back to her Cantonese, the Universal Translator rendered her words literally, as opposed to figuratively and it also took two full seconds before the UT provided a much mangled translation. As Serena continued a steady stream of Cantonese, the UT stopped completely, with the end result everyone listened to a bunch of nasal sounding words that... Were her mother or grandparents there would've gotten her mouth washed out with soap.

She returned to her console, fingers flying furiously. It galled her to think her responsibilities had dramatically increased. Idly, she wondered if she should take a holiday. Although OPS was in a state of controlled chaos, she forcibly shut everything out, grateful that her mind had been refining the game plan.

"Alright! Here's how we'll do it!" She took a deep breath, forcing down her volume. Everyone was already paying attention anyway and OPS was full of people. "The evacuations are to ensure that if the Snake's effect reaches Katra, at least everyone is relatively safe. While I do have the maths, that doesn't mean the station won't have more structural damage as we move." She cleared her throat.

"EQ, Takima, Mackenzie, Ferris. Put your heads together. Airlocks in the north to east sectors. Apart from Drake's Alpha Flight, everything else is to evacuate civilians. Don't go near the other sections because that's where the tractor beams are going to go. They'll interfere with transporters, that's why we need airlocks and docking bays. Take the civilians and diplomatic personnel off. Fly them to New Bajor. Play it by ear. If it's safe, return for a round trip and relieve Alpha flight, because their tractor beams and engines will be pretty overtaxed by then. All of you and everyone left is going on Seleya."

Taking another deep breath, she turned. "XO, you'll be taking all nonessential staff not already spoken for to staff Seleya. That's everyone except for Drake's Alpha Flight, plus my reaction/damage control teams. I recommend you use all your resources to tell us what the portal will do and help Flatwoods. Make sure Ensign Riss is with you. You two might be our Engineering ace in the hole. You're also our early warning. If you find the portal and Snake is going to overtake Katra's position, we'll get off using the shuttles making the move."

Turning to Hrafn, she smiled crookedly and passed over her Engineer's Ring: "Have Tidu hang onto this. I want it back when we're done here. You go on Seleya, we need more Scientists to figure this out."

She looked at the Captain and her lips twitched: "I have an urge to request that you go with Seleya, sir, but I suspect you'll want to stay."

She took a look around OPS: "If I haven't called your name, go down, make sure everyone gets off the station and report to Seleya."

=/\= "Gideon, I'm going to start feeding coordinates and the updated flight plan. We move the station as soon as everyone's evacuated. Just be warned you're our only pickup off the station if that Snake gets worse though." =/\=

[Ops Centre]

"Affirmative Captain, and I'll get Sirol onto that."
she said crossing to the Science Console and sending Sirol a quick message.

=/\=Falleg to Sirol... request from Captain... get some distance between yourselves and this anomaly... for safety's sake.  Also on personal note, the kids send Nantie Sirol love and kisses and are on their way to safety with their grandparents on New Bajor in the company of Crista, James, Ujo, Mary and Anth so you do not need to worry.  Be safe my dear, Falleg out. =/\=

When Serena handed her the ring she smiled.  "Tidu will take good care of it, he's already left but I'm a dab hand with transporter controls give me a sec."

She looked around the OCC and found a locator tag, toggled her console to give her access to the transporter logs and controls.

"The child in question, Serena... has his uses...not least him disappearing to Meridian for 2 months, missing presumed dead, had me hone transporter skills in a way that could mean if I'm ever demoted from CSO I could be the next Transporter chief!"

She locked onto the transporter tag on the ring and beamed it directly to the shuttlecraft that the children and entourage were on then sent a message.

Ring on temp. loan to Junior Cadet Tekin Tidu from Auntie Serena.  She wants it back after this is over.  Take good care of it.  Suggest you ask Crista to replicate chain for you to wear around neck as even though Ensign King's fingers aren't large, they are larger than yours.

"If you want me on the Seleya... I'm there.  It was my normal job that if we took the auxiliary craft out, I was on it, often as XO, I'll co-ordinate once I'm down there. Be safe my dear, and jÅ«k nÁ©ih hÁ³uwahn you'll have to forgive my pronunciation, Far Eastern Terran languages were never my speciality!"

She gave Serena a lopsided grin, and a quick hug before scampering off down to the docking ring for the Seleya.

[OOC: If I got it right jÅ«k nÁ©ih hÁ³uwahn is 'Good Luck' in Cantonese!  It probably comes out as something like Ladybird, plant, teddy, rose or some such nonsense on the UT!!]

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on June 15, 2021, 08:00:37 PM

"I think we have the making of a Captain to be, Kyle" he remarked.  Then he addressed the rest of the staff.  "Everyone follow King's orders.  Mr. Jyur you were not here when assignments were being handed out.  So you stay with King and I here in Ops.  We will need magnetized boots.  Can you please fetch 3 pairs for us from the equipment locker?" Kirok added.

[Katra Station - OCC]

Zero watched as the room burst into a flurry of frenzy. Commands were being tossed out left and right, and although he caught most of them, some of them went right over his head, leaving him bewildered. He was grateful as Kirok turned to him, evidently sensing his confusion.

His eyes widened slightly as he listened. Oh shoot, he didn't think they were moving it so soon. This station was a vast departure from the easygoing nature of the Discovery
"Aye sir, I'll get right on that," he spluttered, turning around and leaving the OCC almost as quickly as he entered. It didn't take him much time at all to find the locker with the boots (not spilling a drop of coffee on the way, mind you). Downing the entire thing, he opted to leave his mug there as he shuffled three pairs of grav boots into his arms, and made his way back to OPS.

Entering, he glanced at Kirok, before striding over towards Serena. After all, his orders were to co-ordinate with her.

"These are the magnetized boots necessary. Where else do you need me, ma'am? I'm at your disposal."


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 16, 2021, 07:22:07 AM

[Ops Centre]

"Affirmative Captain, and I'll get Sirol onto that."
she said crossing to the Science Console and sending Sirol a quick message.

=/\=Falleg to Sirol... request from Captain... get some distance between yourselves and this anomaly... for safety's sake.  Also on personal note, the kids send Nantie Sirol love and kisses and are on their way to safety with their grandparents on New Bajor in the company of Crista, James, Ujo, Mary and Anth so you do not need to worry.  Be safe my dear, Falleg out. =/\=

When Serena handed her the ring she smiled.  "Tidu will take good care of it, he's already left but I'm a dab hand with transporter controls give me a sec."

She looked around the OCC and found a locator tag, toggled her console to give her access to the transporter logs and controls.

"The child in question, Serena... has his uses...not least him disappearing to Meridian for 2 months, missing presumed dead, had me hone transporter skills in a way that could mean if I'm ever demoted from CSO I could be the next Transporter chief!"

She locked onto the transporter tag on the ring and beamed it directly to the shuttlecraft that the children and entourage were on then sent a message.

Ring on temp. loan to Junior Cadet Tekin Tidu from Auntie Serena.  She wants it back after this is over.  Take good care of it.  Suggest you ask Crista to replicate chain for you to wear around neck as even though Ensign King's fingers aren't large, they are larger than yours.

"If you want me on the Seleya... I'm there.  It was my normal job that if we took the auxiliary craft out, I was on it, often as XO, I'll co-ordinate once I'm down there. Be safe my dear, and jÅ«k nÁ©ih hÁ³uwahn you'll have to forgive my pronunciation, Far Eastern Terran languages were never my speciality!"

She gave Serena a lopsided grin, and a quick hug before scampering off down to the docking ring for the Seleya.

[OOC: If I got it right jÅ«k nÁ©ih hÁ³uwahn is 'Good Luck' in Cantonese!  It probably comes out as something like Ladybird, plant, teddy, rose or some such nonsense on the UT!!]

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok offered Falleg a nod to indicate his agreement that she should be assigned to the Seleya.  "Rojol, take over monitoring Sirol's activity.  At least until they have evacuated the area" he said.

Then he turned back to Ferris and King.  "Hold on.   You said that the Seleya has the ability "to evacuate so many personnel, and emergency sub routines are programmed in the transporters to execute emergency recovery out of Katra."

Is that quicker than having the people move to the rally point?  If so, we need you to beam to the Seleya right away and execute that plan.  Unless you can execute it from here" Kirok interjected.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on June 16, 2021, 12:08:03 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

Zero watched as the room burst into a flurry of frenzy. Commands were being tossed out left and right, and although he caught most of them, some of them went right over his head, leaving him bewildered. He was grateful as Kirok turned to him, evidently sensing his confusion.

His eyes widened slightly as he listened. Oh shoot, he didn't think they were moving it so soon. This station was a vast departure from the easygoing nature of the Discovery
"Aye sir, I'll get right on that," he spluttered, turning around and leaving the OCC almost as quickly as he entered. It didn't take him much time at all to find the locker with the boots (not spilling a drop of coffee on the way, mind you). Downing the entire thing, he opted to leave his mug there as he shuffled three pairs of grav boots into his arms, and made his way back to OPS.

Entering, he glanced at Kirok, before striding over towards Serena. After all, his orders were to co-ordinate with her.

"These are the magnetized boots necessary. Where else do you need me, ma'am? I'm at your disposal."

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Perfect" Kirok replied.  Then he considered the man's question.  "As a counselor, you are best suited to help us keep people calm as we evacuate them.  Is there a psychological means by which to do so?  Change the alart color from yellow to something else?  Play soft music?   Or have you talk or an open comm channel.  To help people not panic?" he asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kyle gave a slight nod as King went around and issued her orders. Then a grin crossed his face as he replied to the CO's comment of a future leader. "That was my thought exactly, Sir." he said.

They finished running through everyone's to do lists before Kyle spoke again.

"If we're getting everything set, I'll head over to the Seleya." he said to Kirok. "I'll have personnel on standby and ready to go on a seconds notice if your decide to go with the Seleya's transporters." he added before heading for the lift. Once he entered, he held the lift for a moment to see who else was joining him.

Serena King

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 16, 2021, 07:22:07 AM

[Ops Centre]

"Affirmative Captain, and I'll get Sirol onto that."
she said crossing to the Science Console and sending Sirol a quick message.

=/\=Falleg to Sirol... request from Captain... get some distance between yourselves and this anomaly... for safety's sake.  Also on personal note, the kids send Nantie Sirol love and kisses and are on their way to safety with their grandparents on New Bajor in the company of Crista, James, Ujo, Mary and Anth so you do not need to worry.  Be safe my dear, Falleg out. =/\=

When Serena handed her the ring she smiled.  "Tidu will take good care of it, he's already left but I'm a dab hand with transporter controls give me a sec."

She looked around the OCC and found a locator tag, toggled her console to give her access to the transporter logs and controls.

"The child in question, Serena... has his uses...not least him disappearing to Meridian for 2 months, missing presumed dead, had me hone transporter skills in a way that could mean if I'm ever demoted from CSO I could be the next Transporter chief!"

She locked onto the transporter tag on the ring and beamed it directly to the shuttlecraft that the children and entourage were on then sent a message.

Ring on temp. loan to Junior Cadet Tekin Tidu from Auntie Serena.  She wants it back after this is over.  Take good care of it.  Suggest you ask Crista to replicate chain for you to wear around neck as even though Ensign King's fingers aren't large, they are larger than yours.

"If you want me on the Seleya... I'm there.  It was my normal job that if we took the auxiliary craft out, I was on it, often as XO, I'll co-ordinate once I'm down there. Be safe my dear, and jÅ«k nÁ©ih hÁ³uwahn you'll have to forgive my pronunciation, Far Eastern Terran languages were never my speciality!"

She gave Serena a lopsided grin, and a quick hug before scampering off down to the docking ring for the Seleya.

[OOC: If I got it right jÅ«k nÁ©ih hÁ³uwahn is 'Good Luck' in Cantonese!  It probably comes out as something like Ladybird, plant, teddy, rose or some such nonsense on the UT!!]

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on June 16, 2021, 12:08:03 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

Zero watched as the room burst into a flurry of frenzy. Commands were being tossed out left and right, and although he caught most of them, some of them went right over his head, leaving him bewildered. He was grateful as Kirok turned to him, evidently sensing his confusion.

His eyes widened slightly as he listened. Oh shoot, he didn't think they were moving it so soon. This station was a vast departure from the easygoing nature of the Discovery
"Aye sir, I'll get right on that," he spluttered, turning around and leaving the OCC almost as quickly as he entered. It didn't take him much time at all to find the locker with the boots (not spilling a drop of coffee on the way, mind you). Downing the entire thing, he opted to leave his mug there as he shuffled three pairs of grav boots into his arms, and made his way back to OPS.

Entering, he glanced at Kirok, before striding over towards Serena. After all, his orders were to co-ordinate with her.

"These are the magnetized boots necessary. Where else do you need me, ma'am? I'm at your disposal."

Quote from: Kirok on June 16, 2021, 07:12:50 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok offered Falleg a nod to indicate his agreement that she should be assigned to the Seleya.  "Rojol, take over monitoring Sirol's activity.  At least until they have evacuated the area" he said.

Then he turned back to Ferris and King.  "Hold on.   You said that the Seleya has the ability "to evacuate so many personnel, and emergency sub routines are programmed in the transporters to execute emergency recovery out of Katra."

Is that quicker than having the people move to the rally point?  If so, we need you to beam to the Seleya right away and execute that plan.  Unless you can execute it from here" Kirok interjected.

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Perfect" Kirok replied.  Then he considered the man's question.  "As a counselor, you are best suited to help us keep people calm as we evacuate them.  Is there a psychological means by which to do so?  Change the alart color from yellow to something else?  Play soft music?   Or have you talk or an open comm channel.  To help people not panic?" he asked.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Big sister, I love you." Serena wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she watched Hrafn charge off. The latter's attempt at pronunciation was quite good. Though it probably rendered as Bamboo Pear Oyster Freight to others. Serena's words were straightforward and very much heartfelt.

To Schatzi, she nodded, but help up her hand for a moment to him as she walked back to Kirok and Ferris: "Practicalities, if I may. The whole proposal of using shuttles is so that we can get the civilians and diplomats away. If they go onto Seleya, we're sending them back into harm's way. While we Starfleet Officers are used to this danger, we're making the choice for them. Also, while we can comfortably get everyone off the station, what if some get onto shuttles for New Bajor, some onto Seleya? We could be splitting families and making the situation more chaotic."

She paused and frowned: "Besides, the tractor beams interfere with transporters. Not much, but it can make things tricky. That's why I recommend shuttles. I can also suggest if you need to, cram civilians into escape pods and launch them. Shuttles grab them, use the onboard transporters to spread them out and onto more comfortable surroundings. Whatever you decide though, do it fast. We can move the station even with people aboard, but it increases the complexity and the more effect the Snake has, the more chaos could ensue." She waved and disengaged from the discussion.

Walking back to her console, she smiled at Schatzi: "Don't call me ma'am, I'm not that much olde- You're El-Aurian. Nevermind. Call me Serena if you need. Uh... What the Captain suggested before. Try and maintain calm. I also suggested getting Starfleet personnel onto the evacuation shuttles or whichever. See if you can find some nice, calming people to help. Discuss it with Lieutenant Ferris, I don't know how many seats are available for that purpose right now." She cracked a grin at him: "Aren't you glad you joined Katra? 'Scuse me." She poked at her console, trying to focus on the movement plan.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 17, 2021, 05:31:59 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Big sister, I love you." Serena wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she watched Hrafn charge off. The latter's attempt at pronunciation was quite good. Though it probably rendered as Bamboo Pear Oyster Freight to others. Serena's words were straightforward and very much heartfelt.

To Schatzi, she nodded, but help up her hand for a moment to him as she walked back to Kirok and Ferris: "Practicalities, if I may. The whole proposal of using shuttles is so that we can get the civilians and diplomats away. If they go onto Seleya, we're sending them back into harm's way. While we Starfleet Officers are used to this danger, we're making the choice for them. Also, while we can comfortably get everyone off the station, what if some get onto shuttles for New Bajor, some onto Seleya? We could be splitting families and making the situation more chaotic."

She paused and frowned: "Besides, the tractor beams interfere with transporters. Not much, but it can make things tricky. That's why I recommend shuttles. I can also suggest if you need to, cram civilians into escape pods and launch them. Shuttles grab them, use the onboard transporters to spread them out and onto more comfortable surroundings. Whatever you decide though, do it fast. We can move the station even with people aboard, but it increases the complexity and the more effect the Snake has, the more chaos could ensue." She waved and disengaged from the discussion.

Walking back to her console, she smiled at Schatzi: "Don't call me ma'am, I'm not that much olde- You're El-Aurian. Nevermind. Call me Serena if you need. Uh... What the Captain suggested before. Try and maintain calm. I also suggested getting Starfleet personnel onto the evacuation shuttles or whichever. See if you can find some nice, calming people to help. Discuss it with Lieutenant Ferris, I don't know how many seats are available for that purpose right now." She cracked a grin at him: "Aren't you glad you joined Katra? 'Scuse me." She poked at her console, trying to focus on the movement plan.

[Ops Centre]

Kirok bowed slightly to Kyle.  Then watched the man leave.  Next he turned to King.

"Suttles it is then.  But I do like the idea of using the escape pods and internal transporters.  EQ change the message on the monitors.

Those near escape pods should use them right away.  Those who are too far away to access the escape pods right away should go to the nearest monitors and request transport to the shuttles" he announced.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on June 16, 2021, 07:12:50 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Perfect" Kirok replied.  Then he considered the man's question.  "As a counselor, you are best suited to help us keep people calm as we evacuate them.  Is there a psychological means by which to do so?  Change the alart color from yellow to something else?  Play soft music?   Or have you talk or an open comm channel.  To help people not panic?" he asked.


[Katra Station | OPS]

"Big sister, I love you." Serena wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she watched Hrafn charge off. The latter's attempt at pronunciation was quite good. Though it probably rendered as Bamboo Pear Oyster Freight to others. Serena's words were straightforward and very much heartfelt.

To Schatzi, she nodded, but help up her hand for a moment to him as she walked back to Kirok and Ferris: "Practicalities, if I may. The whole proposal of using shuttles is so that we can get the civilians and diplomats away. If they go onto Seleya, we're sending them back into harm's way. While we Starfleet Officers are used to this danger, we're making the choice for them. Also, while we can comfortably get everyone off the station, what if some get onto shuttles for New Bajor, some onto Seleya? We could be splitting families and making the situation more chaotic."

She paused and frowned: "Besides, the tractor beams interfere with transporters. Not much, but it can make things tricky. That's why I recommend shuttles. I can also suggest if you need to, cram civilians into escape pods and launch them. Shuttles grab them, use the onboard transporters to spread them out and onto more comfortable surroundings. Whatever you decide though, do it fast. We can move the station even with people aboard, but it increases the complexity and the more effect the Snake has, the more chaos could ensue." She waved and disengaged from the discussion.

Walking back to her console, she smiled at Schatzi: "Don't call me ma'am, I'm not that much olde- You're El-Aurian. Nevermind. Call me Serena if you need. Uh... What the Captain suggested before. Try and maintain calm. I also suggested getting Starfleet personnel onto the evacuation shuttles or whichever. See if you can find some nice, calming people to help. Discuss it with Lieutenant Ferris, I don't know how many seats are available for that purpose right now." She cracked a grin at him: "Aren't you glad you joined Katra? 'Scuse me." She poked at her console, trying to focus on the movement plan.


[Ops Centre]

Kirok bowed slightly to Kyle.  Then watched the man leave.  Next he turned to King.

"Suttles it is then.  But I do like the idea of using the escape pods and internal transporters.  EQ change the message on the monitors.

Those near escape pods should use them right away.  Those who are too far away to access the escape pods right away should go to the nearest monitors and request transport to the shuttles" he announced.

[Katra Station - OCC]

Zero turned his head towards the Captain first, furrowing his brow in thought. "Blue, research has shown is one of the most calming colors, and has a psychological effect. However Orange conveys both urgency, but also confidence as I've studied. Either is a good option, likely more effective than yellow if it's possible."

Handing Kirok one pair of the magnetic boots, he turned to the woman next to him. He'd yet to meet her - and he judged now was not quite the time for formalities and introductions. He'd shoot her a smile and short nod though, before continuing:
"I feel it's almost inevitable to avoid separating families in such an urgent state. However if at all possible, could we get a head count for who is where? At least every civilian and crewmember would have the peace of mind their family is safe." By now, the man was holding out the next pair of boots to King. "Typically music would be soothing - perhaps some classical at very low volume. Most beings find a piano or violin to lower their heartrate. It's worth a try," he gave a light shrug, before turning towards King.

Clear confusion played over his features at her knowledge of his heritage, but he waved it off, focusing on the issue at hand. "Serena. Got it. Some levelheaded officer being on board will make a huge difference - I'll coordinate about that since I don't know the crew very well.. yet." Turning to find Ferris, he shot her a smirk with a mischievous glint in his eye. "A life threatening disaster on my first day of work? Of course. Keeps me in business!" Chuckling, he turned to scan to room for this 'Ferris' she mentioned. He wasn't entirely sure what specie he was looking for, he hadn't encountered their profile yet. Well, he'd find them sooner or later.


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on June 17, 2021, 10:24:55 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

Zero turned his head towards the Captain first, furrowing his brow in thought. "Blue, research has shown is one of the most calming colors, and has a psychological effect. However Orange conveys both urgency, but also confidence as I've studied. Either is a good option, likely more effective than yellow if it's possible."

Handing Kirok one pair of the magnetic boots, he turned to the woman next to him. He'd yet to meet her - and he judged now was not quite the time for formalities and introductions. He'd shoot her a smile and short nod though, before continuing:
"I feel it's almost inevitable to avoid separating families in such an urgent state. However if at all possible, could we get a head count for who is where? At least every civilian and crewmember would have the peace of mind their family is safe." By now, the man was holding out the next pair of boots to King. "Typically music would be soothing - perhaps some classical at very low volume. Most beings find a piano or violin to lower their heartrate. It's worth a try," he gave a light shrug, before turning towards King.

Clear confusion played over his features at her knowledge of his heritage, but he waved it off, focusing on the issue at hand. "Serena. Got it. Some levelheaded officer being on board will make a huge difference - I'll coordinate about that since I don't know the crew very well.. yet." Turning to find Ferris, he shot her a smirk with a mischievous glint in his eye. "A life threatening disaster on my first day of work? Of course. Keeps me in business!" Chuckling, he turned to scan to room for this 'Ferris' she mentioned. He wasn't entirely sure what specie he was looking for, he hadn't encountered their profile yet. Well, he'd find them sooner or later.

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Thank you, Mr. Jyur" Kirok said after accepting the boots.  "Orange, it is the closest to yellow.  I'll leave it to you to choice the music.  As long as it is not the song they played as the Titanic sank, you have my approval" the Captain added.


The XB had already started executing the orders he had been given.  He also switched the monitors from yellow to orange.  "The first set of escape pods have launched.   Would the Seleya be able to pick up pods with star fleet personal on it?" Kimball interjected.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 18, 2021, 06:11:42 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Thank you, Mr. Jyur" Kirok said after accepting the boots.  "Orange, it is the closest to yellow.  I'll leave it to you to choice the music.  As long as it is not the song they played as the Titanic sank, you have my approval" the Captain added.


The XB had already started executing the orders he had been given.  He also switched the monitors from yellow to orange.  "The first set of escape pods have launched.   Would the Seleya be able to pick up pods with star fleet personal on it?" Kimball interjected.

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena rubbed at her face, feeling a great wave of fatigue washing over her. She was half tempted to provide her input again to EQ, but decided the Captain and Lieutenant Ferris had it under control. With Kyle off on Seleya, she was de facto senior Engineer. At the moment, she was having a remote but spirited discussion with the Engineering staff. Apart from the Damage Control/Reaction teams, everyone was arguing to stay behind. Finally fed up, she poked at her console: "This is a direct order. Lamson, Ahmed, Siu, Jones. You're staying to man Engineering and backups. The rest of you go to Seleya. And no volunteering to stay behind either, I mean it. We need the rest of you off so we can move the station. Go!"

She put her head in her hands for a minute, then shook it. She needed to stay awake and focus. "We can do this. The maths is sound. Just need everyone else off the station."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 19, 2021, 12:19:47 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena rubbed at her face, feeling a great wave of fatigue washing over her. She was half tempted to provide her input again to EQ, but decided the Captain and Lieutenant Ferris had it under control. With Kyle off on Seleya, she was de facto senior Engineer. At the moment, she was having a remote but spirited discussion with the Engineering staff. Apart from the Damage Control/Reaction teams, everyone was arguing to stay behind. Finally fed up, she poked at her console: "This is a direct order. Lamson, Ahmed, Siu, Jones. You're staying to man Engineering and backups. The rest of you go to Seleya. And no volunteering to stay behind either, I mean it. We need the rest of you off so we can move the station. Go!"

She put her head in her hands for a minute, then shook it. She needed to stay awake and focus. "We can do this. The maths is sound. Just need everyone else off the station."

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Excellent idea, Kimball" Kirok replied.  -//Kirok to Kyle and the Seleya.  Launch as soon as you are staffed up.  Then collect the escape pods and take them to New Bajor\\- Kirok said.

Then he wandered over to King.  He dipped his head slight and said "You are doing well, but a suggestion if I may.  A lesson imparted upon me long ago.  You work the problem, don't let the problem work you.

Yes, that sometimes means slowing down to a pace that allows you to make precise decisions.  To act with at you peek of technical proficiency.  With that, we can do this."

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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