The Big Snake...

Started by Kirok, June 01, 2021, 06:56:10 AM

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Eli Ferris

Quote from: Serena King on June 16, 2021, 05:10:46 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena didn't hear Kirok's comments, but she sensed his approval, nonetheless. To Eli, she stared at him in wild eyed surprise and raised her voice slightly again: "Everyone involved in evacuation, coordinate with Lieutenant Ferris. Work as a team, subordinate yourself to him, whatever it takes. Get the non Starfleet personnel off as soon as we can. You can't leave on Seleya until they do and Katra can't start moving until you're all off! Make it calm but efficient!"

Stepping closer to Eli, she nodded gratefully: "Lieutenant, you have my undying gratitude. But I don't have the numbers you do. May I suggest, sir, that if you calculate you have the room, grab a small assortment of Ensigns, Chief Petty Officers and maybe a nurse. Family members separated across shuttles. I don't know if my friend made it off or which shuttle they're in. Have our liaisons help with news, spread calm, help with communications, take a census, act as beacons of hope, that kind of thing. Delegate that if you need to. I'll buy you a bottle of... Something later."

She stepped back to her console: =/\= "Gideon, the plan is more or less still being built and updated, but I anticipate... Six spots. Designate them one through six. Pick your best people who can remain calm with steady hands and heads, they're going to have the toughest jobs. Every other location shouldn't need much more than just point and follow throttle settings at the same time. I'll give you a quandary as well: You can remain as flight leader and overwatch, or you can join one of the six. You choose. Out." =/\=

Eli was appreciating the astuteness of the ensign's observations. Reminded him of himself, reworking systems by hand. But, he was a bit more measured now. "Ensign, my flight crew is standing by. They will be organized and moving everyone out."

=/\= Ferris to Stewart. Utilize coordination efforts to move people in to the evacuation paths. Light up the corridors to support direction. Cleanly, by the numbers.  =/\=

=/\= Lieutenant, acknowledged.  =/\=

=/\= Also, we need to make sure we have medical personnel spread across the shuttles. Make sure they are keeping the civilians calm.  =/\=

Quote from: Kirok on June 18, 2021, 06:11:42 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Thank you, Mr. Jyur" Kirok said after accepting the boots.  "Orange, it is the closest to yellow.  I'll leave it to you to choice the music.  As long as it is not the song they played as the Titanic sank, you have my approval" the Captain added.


The XB had already started executing the orders he had been given.  He also switched the monitors from yellow to orange.  "The first set of escape pods have launched.   Would the Seleya be able to pick up pods with star fleet personal on it?" Kimball interjected.

"Seleya can route their beacons to support the tractor beams, Captain. They should signal automatically, but I'm updating the beacons to the Seleya to ensure they can track them and bring them in."

=/\= Ferris to Stewart. Be advised the Captain is utilizing the escape pods as well. I'll be uploading all beacons to the shuttles. Once shuttles are loaded Beta flight will pick up the pods Seleya cannot. Rally point will be New Bajor.  =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged, Lieutenant. We're on it.  =/\=

Eli glanced at King. "My people are on it. They know the evacuation protocols like the back of their hand. Light bars will support the civilians movements, and I'll monitor the beacons."



[Seeya - Bridge]

The Starfleet Romulan was sitting next to helm. Yes, he was there before other crew members. The blonde Romulan was near by doing a project which had given him the opportunity to be their first. So he sat there waiting for the others. He was running a system check up to be sure things are proper and in order for this mission.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Rojol on June 20, 2021, 02:19:40 AM

[Seeya - Bridge]

The Starfleet Romulan was sitting next to helm. Yes, he was there before other crew members. The blonde Romulan was near by doing a project which had given him the opportunity to be their first. So he sat there waiting for the others. He was running a system check up to be sure things are proper and in order for this mission.

[Bridge - Seleya]

"Ensign Rojol isn't it?" the CSO said with a smile noticing the Romulan... being blonde and Romulan was quite a combination.  "I'm glad to have someone from Ops with us on the Bridge, I used to have to double up sometimes!  I prefer to stick to Sciences but I've had a lot of experience around the area so if you need to prick my brain, please just ask."

Hrafn gave a small bow in the Romulan's direction and introduced herself,  "Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, CSO.  I wish we could have met under better circumstances but needs must and we'll rectify it once matters are less... pressing!" then turned to log in and get the telemetry from the probes.

Her PADD beeped and rather than unhook it, since she was logged onto the Science console she quickly accessed her personal messages in case it was Sirol or anything important relating to the situation at hand.

As it was, it wasn't... however it was a message from her mother in law, Tekin Coardi, indicating that she and Lamar Snr. (her father in law, for whom her son was named) would be more than happy to see their grandchildren, and the adults.  Plus a P.S. that the neighbours would be happy to accommodate any of the civilians if they didn't want to stay in Starfleet facilities.

Hrafn smiled.  It was times like this she remembered how good her in laws were to her, and why she loved Nevir so much.

Sighing, she mentally promised herself that all of them would have to vacation together, including Ruthie at some point.  Humming to herself she waited for Kyle to give the order to leave.

Quote from: Sirol on June 18, 2021, 08:21:50 AM

< USS Flatwoods / Anomaly Site >

While the message did not come entirely unexpected, a part of Sirol was almost even sad. After all, they were getting excellent readings here, and she appreciated the chance to be in the centre of everything; to be in a position to feel something"¦
Yet; As Hrafn's voice echoed through her head, the scientist slowly came to agree with the message and gave her an invisible nod.
She was right. Sirol's curiosity was no valid reason to potentially endanger the Flatwoods and her crewmates. She was glad to know that the children were safe, and concluded that the grown ups aboard the shuttle needed to be safe too.
Looking at Zex and Xasik, and the Uropygi on her lap, Sirol took a deep breath.
=/\="œAcknowledged. We will retreat to the periphery of the anomaly.
Send the children my greetings, and tell them, that as soon as we meet again, I have a song from a different phasic realm for them."

As they were retreating the first blip was starting to fade on her screen and the scientist curiously raised one eyebrow.
There went Type IV probe number 9.
"œFascinating." She simply commented calmly, then checked her station to make sure that the live feed was still stable.
"œProbe Nine vanished. So much for the estimated 21 days left to investigate the phenomenon.
I disapprove of both, Alpha's lacklustre estimation and - potentially - unpunctual anomalies..."

Leaning back in her chair she once more took in the sounds as she suddenly noticed something else, something"¦ Sharp and heavy"¦ Not part of the anomaly or its sounds. It was near her"¦
It took her one more second to realise that it had been one of her companions. It had been Xasik. Something had started to trouble him all of a sudden.

Staring at him in confusion for a second she tried to pinpoint what was causing him the distress, so the first thing she did was turn down the volume of the sounds. The second thing she did was decrease the internal lights aboard the Flatwoods by 40 percent, hoping that a less bright environment would help calming down the specialist.
She could not tell as to whether it had been her efforts of him consciously breathing and"¦ Hugging"¦ His stasis canister, but eventually he seemed to somewhat calm down again, mumbling to his container.
Little Pebble?! Did he just talk to one of his rock samples?
He was a geologist through and through it seemed...

It was certainly an odd strategy to calm down, but then again it worked and who was she to judge someone else's methods of relaxation?!

She turned around towards Zex again, deciding to not address Specialist Freeman's panic attack to not embarrass him. Instead she focused the Diplomatics Officer.
"œAre we still retreating??"

Sirol looked forth and back between our readings and Zex, then nodded.
"œIt appears safe for now, but we should keep an eye on the phenomenon's expansion rate so we can adjust our position if necessary."

Towards the next question she paused and mused for a moment.
So far they had not gotten any orders to return, so she assumed that Hrafn and Captain Kirok wanted the Flatwoods where she was.
And to Sirol it was logical. As long as there was no imminent danger, there was no reason to abort.

"œThat will be up to our Commanders to decide. Until then I recommend that we keep the stream active for as long as we can."

Towards Freeman's question Sirol rotated her chair once more and looked at him.
Judging by his facial expression the sound was still causing him distress, so she once more toned it down.
"œThe spacial and phasic vicinity are noticeably"¦ Amalgamating"¦ Allowing the creature known as "˜The Snake' to cross. Come." She began quickly; almost even with enthusiasm.

After a few seconds she eventually added.
"œCome, have a look at the readings, you might find them interesting."
Doing a polite gesture towards the Reman, she invited him to have a look over her shoulder, while she made space for him and playfully lifted the Uropygi from her lap up to her chest, and gave it a gentle boop with her nose.

The Trill CSO checked her readings and then reset the console and checked again... Telemetry from probe 9 was missing.

=/\=Falleg to Sirol, message received... was just wondering... what's with probe 9?  Is that a hiccough on our end, we did have a few teething problems when we took her out before but Ensign Riss ironed out all of those we think, so wondered if you're showing similar your end. =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 20, 2021, 12:58:33 AM

Eli was appreciating the astuteness of the ensign's observations. Reminded him of himself, reworking systems by hand. But, he was a bit more measured now. "Ensign, my flight crew is standing by. They will be organized and moving everyone out."

=/\= Ferris to Stewart. Utilize coordination efforts to move people in to the evacuation paths. Light up the corridors to support direction. Cleanly, by the numbers.  =/\=

=/\= Lieutenant, acknowledged.  =/\=

=/\= Also, we need to make sure we have medical personnel spread across the shuttles. Make sure they are keeping the civilians calm.  =/\=

"Seleya can route their beacons to support the tractor beams, Captain. They should signal automatically, but I'm updating the beacons to the Seleya to ensure they can track them and bring them in."

=/\= Ferris to Stewart. Be advised the Captain is utilizing the escape pods as well. I'll be uploading all beacons to the shuttles. Once shuttles are loaded Beta flight will pick up the pods Seleya cannot. Rally point will be New Bajor.  =/\=

=/\= Acknowledged, Lieutenant. We're on it.  =/\=

Eli glanced at King. "My people are on it. They know the evacuation protocols like the back of their hand. Light bars will support the civilians movements, and I'll monitor the beacons."

[Katra - Ops]

"Very good, Mr. Ferris.  Can we,though, have the Seleya pick them up manually?  At least until they are far enough out so as to not interfere without the tractor beams needs to move the station?" the Captain said after slightly turning to the FCO.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on June 18, 2021, 06:11:42 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

"Thank you, Mr. Jyur" Kirok said after accepting the boots.  "Orange, it is the closest to yellow.  I'll leave it to you to choice the music.  As long as it is not the song they played as the Titanic sank, you have my approval" the Captain added.


The XB had already started executing the orders he had been given.  He also switched the monitors from yellow to orange.  "The first set of escape pods have launched.   Would the Seleya be able to pick up pods with star fleet personal on it?" Kimball interjected.

[Katra Station - OCC]

The counselor nodded, and whisked off to a station to perform his activities. It took him a few minutes of shuffling through his memory of classical pieces, and their observed  effect on humanoids. Of course, he could not choose something that would satisfy or have the same effect on everyone, but he could try his damndest. Finally settling on some Liszt pieces, he began making some calm announcements and interjections over the PA system. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the effect his tactics were having on the crew, and his empathic walls were firmly shut. Opening them at a time like this, when people were fully panicked and some likely angry was risky. But, sucking in a deep breath, he lowered them slowly to try and sense any effect he was having.

It didn't work very well - he didn't have to practice to separate so many different beings and feel such slight changes. Closing his eyes, he deepened his breathing, trying to fully ground himself. Tuning out the world, he quickly tried to recenter himself. How did he even get here?

He had gone from being a Doctor aboard the Discovery, a quiet, kind ship that he loved. To thrown into a completely new environment, reset to a mere Ensign, and his very first mission was a station wide evacuation. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the absurdity. Rolling his shoulders slightly, he opened his eyes, hearing a snipping of conversation. Turning towards Ferris, he licked his lips pensively for a moment, before speaking up. "I do have a background in medical if my services are needed, or anything goes wrong." Another pause, before he hurriedly tacked on "Sir," the phenomenon clearly unnatural to him.

Hopefully though, he wouldn't read into it too deeply, as he promptly went back to his duties, now more grounded and calmer himself.


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on June 20, 2021, 02:47:35 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

The counselor nodded, and whisked off to a station to perform his activities. It took him a few minutes of shuffling through his memory of classical pieces, and their observed  effect on humanoids. Of course, he could not choose something that would satisfy or have the same effect on everyone, but he could try his damndest. Finally settling on some Liszt pieces, he began making some calm announcements and interjections over the PA system. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the effect his tactics were having on the crew, and his empathic walls were firmly shut. Opening them at a time like this, when people were fully panicked and some likely angry was risky. But, sucking in a deep breath, he lowered them slowly to try and sense any effect he was having.

It didn't work very well - he didn't have to practice to separate so many different beings and feel such slight changes. Closing his eyes, he deepened his breathing, trying to fully ground himself. Tuning out the world, he quickly tried to recenter himself. How did he even get here?

He had gone from being a Doctor aboard the Discovery, a quiet, kind ship that he loved. To thrown into a completely new environment, reset to a mere Ensign, and his very first mission was a station wide evacuation. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the absurdity. Rolling his shoulders slightly, he opened his eyes, hearing a snipping of conversation. Turning towards Ferris, he licked his lips pensively for a moment, before speaking up. "I do have a background in medical if my services are needed, or anything goes wrong." Another pause, before he hurriedly tacked on "Sir," the phenomenon clearly unnatural to him.

Hopefully though, he wouldn't read into it too deeply, as he promptly went back to his duties, now more grounded and calmer himself.

[Katra - Ops]

Prior to the music starting, the people on the station were more confused than anything.  The switch from yellow to orange, though, got their attention.  And the music got them moving.

In no time at all, all of the escape pods were launched.  The shuttles with the other half of the people who were evacuating were launched as well.  Now they could finally moving the station.

"Your counseling expertise came in quite handy, Mr. Jyuy.  Let's hope that we will have not need our your medical expertise.  You can take the medical station though and help with environmental control as well as gravity control.  To your station everyone else" Kirok said.

He walked to his station.  Put on his gravity boots.  Then tapped his combade.

-//Ops to towing shuttles.  Start moving us along.  We are firing thrusters in 3, 2, 1\\- the Captain said. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 20, 2021, 07:11:24 PM

[Katra - Ops]

Prior to the music starting, the people on the station were more confused than anything.  The switch from yellow to orange, though, got their attention.  And the music got them moving.

In no time at all, all of the escape pods were launched.  The shuttles with the other half of the people who were evacuating were launched as well.  Now they could finally moving the station.

"Your counseling expertise came in quite handy, Mr. Jyuy.  Let's hope that we will have not need our your medical expertise.  You can take the medical station though and help with environmental control as well as gravity control.  To your station everyone else" Kirok said.

He walked to his station.  Put on his gravity boots.  Then tapped his combade.

-//Ops to towing shuttles.  Start moving us along.  We are firing thrusters in 3, 2, 1\\- the Captain said.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on June 20, 2021, 02:47:35 PM

[Katra Station - OCC]

The counselor nodded, and whisked off to a station to perform his activities. It took him a few minutes of shuffling through his memory of classical pieces, and their observed  effect on humanoids. Of course, he could not choose something that would satisfy or have the same effect on everyone, but he could try his damndest. Finally settling on some Liszt pieces, he began making some calm announcements and interjections over the PA system. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the effect his tactics were having on the crew, and his empathic walls were firmly shut. Opening them at a time like this, when people were fully panicked and some likely angry was risky. But, sucking in a deep breath, he lowered them slowly to try and sense any effect he was having.

It didn't work very well - he didn't have to practice to separate so many different beings and feel such slight changes. Closing his eyes, he deepened his breathing, trying to fully ground himself. Tuning out the world, he quickly tried to recenter himself. How did he even get here?

He had gone from being a Doctor aboard the Discovery, a quiet, kind ship that he loved. To thrown into a completely new environment, reset to a mere Ensign, and his very first mission was a station wide evacuation. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the absurdity. Rolling his shoulders slightly, he opened his eyes, hearing a snipping of conversation. Turning towards Ferris, he licked his lips pensively for a moment, before speaking up. "I do have a background in medical if my services are needed, or anything goes wrong." Another pause, before he hurriedly tacked on "Sir," the phenomenon clearly unnatural to him.

Hopefully though, he wouldn't read into it too deeply, as he promptly went back to his duties, now more grounded and calmer himself.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"They also serve who only stand and wait."

Serena knew she should have been pleased beyond all measure that the station was moving without a hitch. But that wasn't her plan. The plan originally had been this great, majestic move, with all exterior lights on and the shuttles dressed with pennants. She had even planned to use some pumping up fanfare music to be played over the speakers to commemorate the start of movement, the short speech thanking everyone and even the facial expression of humility of a job well done.

Instead the civilians were charging off to New Bajor, the Seleya was charging to the anomaly and she was just watching the numbers. Even the gradual acceleration wasn't doing much. The structural numbers were well within her calculated margin of safety. Even the shuttles didn't need to move position.

But she did wave to Schatzi: "Counsellor, take this." She handed over an isolinear optical chip. "It's already preset, you don't need to do anything except put it into a console. The movement might cause small amounts of shock damage. It's going to reroute any damage control reports to your console, you just need to make sure everything's categorized automatically. Examples would be main sensor array malfunction would be high priority, Promenade secondary power relay is medium priority, spare guest quarters replicator malfunction is low priority. But anything that's marked as critical, call it out immediately, I've got Damage Control on standby. But I'd bet a full bar of latinum we won't. Structure will probably fracture before that happens. Make sure the reports are all coming into that large master file, I'll look at it once we're done."

Nodding towards the Captain, she added: "Everything's in line, sir. I suppose that's vindication for my numbers being near perfect. Though I think I could do with a vacation after this."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 21, 2021, 05:48:38 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"They also serve who only stand and wait."

Serena knew she should have been pleased beyond all measure that the station was moving without a hitch. But that wasn't her plan. The plan originally had been this great, majestic move, with all exterior lights on and the shuttles dressed with pennants. She had even planned to use some pumping up fanfare music to be played over the speakers to commemorate the start of movement, the short speech thanking everyone and even the facial expression of humility of a job well done.

Instead the civilians were charging off to New Bajor, the Seleya was charging to the anomaly and she was just watching the numbers. Even the gradual acceleration wasn't doing much. The structural numbers were well within her calculated margin of safety. Even the shuttles didn't need to move position.

But she did wave to Schatzi: "Counsellor, take this." She handed over an isolinear optical chip. "It's already preset, you don't need to do anything except put it into a console. The movement might cause small amounts of shock damage. It's going to reroute any damage control reports to your console, you just need to make sure everything's categorized automatically. Examples would be main sensor array malfunction would be high priority, Promenade secondary power relay is medium priority, spare guest quarters replicator malfunction is low priority. But anything that's marked as critical, call it out immediately, I've got Damage Control on standby. But I'd bet a full bar of latinum we won't. Structure will probably fracture before that happens. Make sure the reports are all coming into that large master file, I'll look at it once we're done."

Nodding towards the Captain, she added: "Everything's in line, sir. I suppose that's vindication for my numbers being near perfect. Though I think I could do with a vacation after this."

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kiork noticed that King seemed a bit disappointed with the current situation.  But she did not mention it.  Instead she helped Jyur learn how he could best help out in this situation.

When she turned to him, he was not sure if she was joking or not.  But he nodded anyway.

"Indeed.  Your numbers were sound.  And the station is moving away to safety.  Thank you.

I'm sure we can arrange for a some time off for you.  At least a few days.  I'll mention it to Kyle the next time I see him" Kirok replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on June 20, 2021, 07:11:24 PM

[Katra - Ops]

Prior to the music starting, the people on the station were more confused than anything.  The switch from yellow to orange, though, got their attention.  And the music got them moving.

In no time at all, all of the escape pods were launched.  The shuttles with the other half of the people who were evacuating were launched as well.  Now they could finally moving the station.

"Your counseling expertise came in quite handy, Mr. Jyur.  Let's hope that we will have not need our your medical expertise.  You can take the medical station though and help with environmental control as well as gravity control.  To your station everyone else" Kirok said.

He walked to his station.  Put on his gravity boots.  Then tapped his combade.

-//Ops to towing shuttles.  Start moving us along.  We are firing thrusters in 3, 2, 1\\- the Captain said.

[Katra Station - OPS]

Zero nodded to the Captain as he praised him. Standing from his hunched position, he gave a quick "ja, sir," before turning towards where he left his grav boots. Spotting them, he bent over removing his existing shoes, before slipping his feat into the magnetized boots.

As he stepped towards the medical console, he immediately felt the difference - now he had to put actual effort into lifting his foot. It didn't take more than a few steps to adjust and correct his gait, though, as he fine tuned the new amount of strength required.


"They also serve who only stand and wait."

Serena knew she should have been pleased beyond all measure that the station was moving without a hitch. But that wasn't her plan. The plan originally had been this great, majestic move, with all exterior lights on and the shuttles dressed with pennants. She had even planned to use some pumping up fanfare music to be played over the speakers to commemorate the start of movement, the short speech thanking everyone and even the facial expression of humility of a job well done.

Instead the civilians were charging off to New Bajor, the Seleya was charging to the anomaly and she was just watching the numbers. Even the gradual acceleration wasn't doing much. The structural numbers were well within her calculated margin of safety. Even the shuttles didn't need to move position.

But she did wave to Schatzi: "Counsellor, take this." She handed over an isolinear optical chip. "It's already preset, you don't need to do anything except put it into a console. The movement might cause small amounts of shock damage. It's going to reroute any damage control reports to your console, you just need to make sure everything's categorized automatically. Examples would be main sensor array malfunction would be high priority, Promenade secondary power relay is medium priority, spare guest quarters replicator malfunction is low priority. But anything that's marked as critical, call it out immediately, I've got Damage Control on standby. But I'd bet a full bar of latinum we won't. Structure will probably fracture before that happens. Make sure the reports are all coming into that large master file, I'll look at it once we're done."

Nodding towards the Captain, she added: "Everything's in line, sir. I suppose that's vindication for my numbers being near perfect. Though I think I could do with a vacation after this."

[Katra Station - OPS]

Moving over toward the officer - a little bit clunkier than usual, he took the chip. "Thank you...Lieutenant King." It took him a moment to recall her name, but as he did he offered her a mischievous smile, turning and making his way back over to the medical station. Everything was running fully within capacity, and he'd had no issues with his console so far. The station was sailing smoothly with no issues yet, thankfully.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 21, 2021, 05:28:43 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kiork noticed that King seemed a bit disappointed with the current situation.  But she did not mention it.  Instead she helped Jyur learn how he could best help out in this situation.

When she turned to him, he was not sure if she was joking or not.  But he nodded anyway.

"Indeed.  Your numbers were sound.  And the station is moving away to safety.  Thank you.

I'm sure we can arrange for a some time off for you.  At least a few days.  I'll mention it to Kyle the next time I see him" Kirok replied.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on June 23, 2021, 05:00:27 AM

[Katra Station - OPS]

Zero nodded to the Captain as he praised him. Standing from his hunched position, he gave a quick "ja, sir," before turning towards where he left his grav boots. Spotting them, he bent over removing his existing shoes, before slipping his feat into the magnetized boots.

As he stepped towards the medical console, he immediately felt the difference - now he had to put actual effort into lifting his foot. It didn't take more than a few steps to adjust and correct his gait, though, as he fine tuned the new amount of strength required.

[Katra Station - OPS]

Moving over toward the officer - a little bit clunkier than usual, he took the chip. "Thank you...Lieutenant King." It took him a moment to recall her name, but as he did he offered her a mischievous smile, turning and making his way back over to the medical station. Everything was running fully within capacity, and he'd had no issues with his console so far. The station was sailing smoothly with no issues yet, thankfully.

[Katra Station | OPS]

"All work and no play, Captain."

Serena smiled briefly at Kirok, before looking down at the console. From the corner of her eye, she watched the new Counsellor. Idly checking the numbers, she remembered vaguely they knew each other but was mildly surprised they weren't spending more time catching up. With a small twitch of her lips, she realized that as a Counsellor, he was probably observing body language, signs of stress and all the other things they had to handle. The Captain, as a Command Officer would also be observing his staff carefully. Serena herself. Well... As an INFJ type personality, she was always taking input, even if it wasn't strictly necessary.

A countdown timer popped up and she tapped open a commline "All hands, Katra is approaching cruising speed of 10 m/s. Nothing really to report, but I am sending through slightly updated flight plans. More or less one shuttle in rotation stands down to let systems cool off, take a power nap, perform maintenance, that kind of thing for an hour at a time. DC teams, stand down but stay near your assigned sectors."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 23, 2021, 05:32:08 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

"All work and no play, Captain."

Serena smiled briefly at Kirok, before looking down at the console. From the corner of her eye, she watched the new Counsellor. Idly checking the numbers, she remembered vaguely they knew each other but was mildly surprised they weren't spending more time catching up. With a small twitch of her lips, she realized that as a Counsellor, he was probably observing body language, signs of stress and all the other things they had to handle. The Captain, as a Command Officer would also be observing his staff carefully. Serena herself. Well... As an INFJ type personality, she was always taking input, even if it wasn't strictly necessary.

A countdown timer popped up and she tapped open a commline "All hands, Katra is approaching cruising speed of 10 m/s. Nothing really to report, but I am sending through slightly updated flight plans. More or less one shuttle in rotation stands down to let systems cool off, take a power nap, perform maintenance, that kind of thing for an hour at a time. DC teams, stand down but stay near your assigned sectors."

[Katra Station | OPS]

"I know the meaning well.  If fact, it has often been said about me.  But I am happy to pass the patton on to you" the Captain replied in a rare flourish of small talk.

Then he followed his own orders regarding the magnetic boots.  Left foot in, close latch.  Right foot in, close latch.

Then he tested them out.  He placed both feet on the floor and stood.  The magnets were doing there job.

"Excellent work' Kirok said.  "Keep the updated coming.  And the communication flowing" he added.

Then he tapped his combade and said  -//Kirok to Sirol and her science team.  The Katra has started to move to its new location.  Please stay within range and make way for New Bajor at the first real sign of trouble\\-


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Kirok on June 20, 2021, 10:42:33 AM

[Katra - Ops]

"Very good, Mr. Ferris.  Can we,though, have the Seleya pick them up manually?  At least until they are far enough out so as to not interfere without the tractor beams needs to move the station?" the Captain said after slightly turning to the FCO.

[Katra Station- Ops]
"Aye, Captain." Eli worked at his station adjusting the carrier wave frequency for the escape pods launching. It was small tweaks, each one updating in a chain effect to minimize bandwidth  usage for the computation work. King had her work cut out and clearly up to the challenge.

Thankfully, the pods launched up, each one falling in line and moving to pre-established coordinates until they were outside the tractor range. There was too much with Drake on the lead. Inwardly, he felt bad. The junior officer taking a massive lead on this undertaking. Eli felt the difficulty of leading from behind, as others took the front lines.

He took the captain's lead, clicking in to his magnetic boots. One step, click, two step, click. They were ready.

He stayed at his station, one hand on the console, feeling the vibration of the station, a strange sensation to a vibrating ship. "Humming along, Lieutenant. I think you have a new engineering marvel to demonstrate here."

He heard the update, took a look at the display. Time was apparently working for them. "Lieutenant, the rotation should go from the center out, it will keep the center steady longer."

Hrafn Falleg

[Meanwhile on the USS Seleya]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 24, 2021, 07:57:31 AM

[Bridge - USS Seleya]

Hrafn watched in dismay as 3 more probes went offline, and her sensors showing the size of the snake growing was alarming.

"Commander, with the rate that snake is growing I'm not sure they're going to have time to move the station far enough out of the way or if they've calculated correctly given how large this is growing...10m/s is fast but is it fast enough?!" the CSO said in a worried voice.

They had more than likely got as many people as they could off the station but there were still people there she cared about, not least Serena who would probably be more stoic than the half-Vulcan Captain Kirok about 'going down with the ship', or in this case, station, if it came to that!

=/\= Sirol what is your location relevant to the snake, even if you have to extrapolate where you might need to be next.  =/\=

Hrafn had started trying to calculate movement and growth rate of the snake but was getting nowhere, it was as unpredictable in movement as an Earthen snake so she couldn't plot where the next growth spurt would be, she had noticed that for some reason the time between growth spurts was however roughly connected to the Fibonacci sequence, it was already onto it's 4th or 5th growth.

"I suppose we have to be grateful it's not shedding skins every time it grows, or least not the way we think of it... However I've noticed a pattern and I can see that it seems to know Fibonacci sequence.  I can't measure accurately the size it's going to grow to but it seems to have grown every 1, 1, 2, 5, 8 and 13 seconds up to now meaning we have 21 seconds now until it grows again if it is following this..."

She knew Sirol and those on the Flatwood could hear this and hoped that someone was picking it up on the station.  Hrafn knew how quickly they could go at full speed but surely it would take time for the station to pick up momentum or something?  Deciding not to take any chances she hailed Katra OCC.

=/\= Katra this is Lt. Falleg-Tekin, CSO on the Seleya... I've worked it out that, roughly... I can't get accurate readings since we're losing our probes rather quickly now, the snake seems to be growing time wise to fit the Fibonacci Sequence.  If my calculations are correct that gives you 21 seconds to the next growth... will that get you far enough out of it's way?  I'm currently trying to see if there's any correlation in the growth but that seems to be more erratic...gets you about 0.75 miles, a bit less than 0.5km away if my calculations are correct. But on the plus side you then get 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 seconds until or unless it gets done with growing... =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



[Katra Station- Ops]

Kirok heard Eli's comment.  He stood and walked over to the FC station and looked at the display.  "You do make a good point" Kirok interjected.

He looked across the way to see what King thought of the idea.  "Like a spinning top.  The most controlled area is the center" he said.

@Eli Ferris

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 24, 2021, 12:14:41 AM

[Katra Station- Ops]
"Aye, Captain." Eli worked at his station adjusting the carrier wave frequency for the escape pods launching. It was small tweaks, each one updating in a chain effect to minimize bandwidth  usage for the computation work. King had her work cut out and clearly up to the challenge.

Thankfully, the pods launched up, each one falling in line and moving to pre-established coordinates until they were outside the tractor range. There was too much with Drake on the lead. Inwardly, he felt bad. The junior officer taking a massive lead on this undertaking. Eli felt the difficulty of leading from behind, as others took the front lines.

He took the captain's lead, clicking in to his magnetic boots. One step, click, two step, click. They were ready.

He stayed at his station, one hand on the console, feeling the vibration of the station, a strange sensation to a vibrating ship. "Humming along, Lieutenant. I think you have a new engineering marvel to demonstrate here."

He heard the update, took a look at the display. Time was apparently working for them. "Lieutenant, the rotation should go from the center out, it will keep the center steady longer."

Quote from: Kirok on June 24, 2021, 10:06:42 PM

[Katra Station- Ops]

Kirok heard Eli's comment.  He stood and walked over to the FC station and looked at the display.  "You do make a good point" Kirok interjected.

He looked across the way to see what King thought of the idea.  "Like a spinning top.  The most controlled area is the center" he said.

@Eli Ferris

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena thought about it for about ten seconds, instinctively taking a step forward, but the magnetic boots held her back as she looked at both Eli and Kirok. "Gyroscope." Reluctantly she stayed at her console, but used her hands, keeping one eye on the numbers on her console."Although space doesn't have a direction, we still have artificial gravity to keep everything aligned. On a station such as Katra, we use the convention of maintaining up and down to keep everything aligned. We have multiple gyroscopes which help to maintain our upright attitude when we need to do any station keeping or to keep the station from wobbling."

She pursed her lips for a second and looked thoughtful, but shook her head: "The difficulty isn't the alignment of the station, since we can switch off the gyroscopes in the broadest sense. The difficulty is structural. Throw your arms to the side and run. Your arms will pull back no matter what. At 10 metres per second delta-v, this is the maximum safe velocity. Already, some of the more sensitive sensor arrays are becoming misaligned. The aboretum's soil is starting to loosen, among other things."

Looking directly at Kirok: "I mentioned we will start getting microfractures, no matter which way we align the station, upright, or along the axis. Remember as well, Lieutenant, the strain is not just over the station, your shuttles' tractor beams and impulse engines are also undergoing a pretty heavy workload."

She paused to poke her console, fingers flying as she looked down. "At around... 11 m/s, we'll get microfractures all across the hull. Period. Internal systems and damage control will start flashing. More and more as internal systems get stressed If we are to increase to 12 m/s delta-v, I'd start pulling out the EVA suits and wear them with helmets at the ready.  At 13, we're going to start flexing the walls. Jefferies and turbolift tubes will start bending. External shuttlebay and cargo bay doors start buckling slightly. At 14, we're going to see EPS nodes potentially fall offline, light fittings, structural walls and panels start vibrating and bending. These are only the highlights. The looser items such as personnel quarters or Promenade are going to have warped floors and decorations breaking."

Looking back up at Kirok, she nodded respectfully: "Captain, we can increase delta-v modestly. However, this is to be done only at your direct order, as we are directly endangering the station through our actions. As a member of your staff, I do need to state for the record that if this Snake's area of effect gets worse, we might consider leaving the station on the shuttles. There's a few things I can do such as a graviton field which might give the station some protection, as long as we save the lives of everyone still here and aboard the shuttles." She shrugged.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

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