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The Big Snake...

Started by Kirok, June 01, 2021, 06:56:10 AM

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Quote from: Serena King on June 25, 2021, 05:52:41 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena thought about it for about ten seconds, instinctively taking a step forward, but the magnetic boots held her back as she looked at both Eli and Kirok. "Gyroscope." Reluctantly she stayed at her console, but used her hands, keeping one eye on the numbers on her console."Although space doesn't have a direction, we still have artificial gravity to keep everything aligned. On a station such as Katra, we use the convention of maintaining up and down to keep everything aligned. We have multiple gyroscopes which help to maintain our upright attitude when we need to do any station keeping or to keep the station from wobbling."

She pursed her lips for a second and looked thoughtful, but shook her head: "The difficulty isn't the alignment of the station, since we can switch off the gyroscopes in the broadest sense. The difficulty is structural. Throw your arms to the side and run. Your arms will pull back no matter what. At 10 metres per second delta-v, this is the maximum safe velocity. Already, some of the more sensitive sensor arrays are becoming misaligned. The aboretum's soil is starting to loosen, among other things."

Looking directly at Kirok: "I mentioned we will start getting microfractures, no matter which way we align the station, upright, or along the axis. Remember as well, Lieutenant, the strain is not just over the station, your shuttles' tractor beams and impulse engines are also undergoing a pretty heavy workload."

She paused to poke her console, fingers flying as she looked down. "At around... 11 m/s, we'll get microfractures all across the hull. Period. Internal systems and damage control will start flashing. More and more as internal systems get stressed If we are to increase to 12 m/s delta-v, I'd start pulling out the EVA suits and wear them with helmets at the ready.  At 13, we're going to start flexing the walls. Jefferies and turbolift tubes will start bending. External shuttlebay and cargo bay doors start buckling slightly. At 14, we're going to see EPS nodes potentially fall offline, light fittings, structural walls and panels start vibrating and bending. These are only the highlights. The looser items such as personnel quarters or Promenade are going to have warped floors and decorations breaking."

Looking back up at Kirok, she nodded respectfully: "Captain, we can increase delta-v modestly. However, this is to be done only at your direct order, as we are directly endangering the station through our actions. As a member of your staff, I do need to state for the record that if this Snake's area of effect gets worse, we might consider leaving the station on the shuttles. There's a few things I can do such as a graviton field which might give the station some protection, as long as we save the lives of everyone still here and aboard the shuttles." She shrugged.

[Katra - Ops]

Kirok nodded to indicate his understanding.  "Continue at our current speed.  We will take appropriate measure such as abandoning the station as needed" he said.

Then he returned to his chair.  One magnet step after the next.  Until he was finally resting comfortable.


The XB received the warning from Falleg.  -//Acknowledged, Ma'am.  I will relay to Kirok-\\- he replied than informed the Captain of what Falleg said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 25, 2021, 05:38:54 PM

[Katra - Ops]

Kirok nodded to indicate his understanding.  "Continue at our current speed.  We will take appropriate measure such as abandoning the station as needed" he said.

Then he returned to his chair.  One magnet step after the next.  Until he was finally resting comfortable.


The XB received the warning from Falleg.  -//Acknowledged, Ma'am.  I will relay to Kirok-\\- he replied than informed the Captain of what Falleg said.

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena nodded thoughtfully at the Captain, then tapped at her console. "Captain... I seem to recall..." She rubbed at her forehead and brought up information at rapid speeds. "When Deep Space 9 had to move, it used a low level subspace field. Our equipment isn't quite configured and our shape is incorrect. We can use it to... grease the treads and to increase our momentum, but we'd still have a safe delta-v of... Maybe 12.5 m/s. I'll need a few minutes to do some recalculations."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 26, 2021, 11:41:37 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena nodded thoughtfully at the Captain, then tapped at her console. "Captain... I seem to recall..." She rubbed at her forehead and brought up information at rapid speeds. "When Deep Space 9 had to move, it used a low level subspace field. Our equipment isn't quite configured and our shape is incorrect. We can use it to... grease the treads and to increase our momentum, but we'd still have a safe delta-v of... Maybe 12.5 m/s. I'll need a few minutes to do some recalculations."

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok's right eyebrow rose.  "That is an excellent idea, King.  Proceed" he said.


"Captain, we have an incoming hale.  It's a Ambassador Ojo.  A Changeling" the XB announced.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Serena King on June 26, 2021, 11:41:37 PM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena nodded thoughtfully at the Captain, then tapped at her console. "Captain... I seem to recall..." She rubbed at her forehead and brought up information at rapid speeds. "When Deep Space 9 had to move, it used a low level subspace field. Our equipment isn't quite configured and our shape is incorrect. We can use it to... grease the treads and to increase our momentum, but we'd still have a safe delta-v of... Maybe 12.5 m/s. I'll need a few minutes to do some recalculations."

"Agreed. If necessary the tractors can pull power from the phaser emitters. If that doesn't work then we could try a lower powered warp bubble to adjust the station's weight."

Eli worked at his console, monitoring power output of his shuttles. It wasn't an easy task. Each one was registering towards the red end of their tolerance. "We could alternate the wings too, letting one arm shut down, cool off, and then the other. It would allow for smaller breaks."


Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 27, 2021, 04:47:04 PM

"Agreed. If necessary the tractors can pull power from the phaser emitters. If that doesn't work then we could try a lower powered warp bubble to adjust the station's weight."

Eli worked at his console, monitoring power output of his shuttles. It wasn't an easy task. Each one was registering towards the red end of their tolerance. "We could alternate the wings too, letting one arm shut down, cool off, and then the other. It would allow for smaller breaks."

[Katra Station | OPS]

"Another good idea.  And since we have evacuated everyone else, could also divert power from the environmental system outside Ops.  Also cut power to other none essential areas completely" Kirok said.

He then stood and faced the main view screen.  Kirok had reached out to the Changlings after the initial meeting with the Hunters.  Hopefully that would proved to be helpful.

Kriok motioned to EQ to put the call threw.  Then he howed to the being he saw.  Then said:

"Ambassador.  I have happy to meet you.  I am Kirok, Captain of the station."

Ambassador Ojo slightly dipped his head.  "It is good to finally meet you as well.  You mentioned that you wanted more information about the big snake in the sky and how it might effect Meridian.

Please tell me that they have left the planet.  If not, we have little time to get them to safety before their planet stops existing forever.  And Im being quite literal" he replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Katra Station | OOC ::

The lift doors opened onto the station's command center with their signature hiss. As soon as they did, a middle 30-something, weasel faced Human man with a long nose and greasy, black, slicked back hair stumbled out as though the lift had ejected him onto the deck. He scrambled to at once regain his footing and then turn around to face the lift.

"I'll have you booted out of Starfleet you maniacal little menace! The man then turned to face Kirok and the other assembled officers. "Captain, I want to....."

The phaser beam caught him square in the chest, cutting his protestations off mid sentence and he crumpled to the deck, unconscious. After which, Kyan Mackenzie stepped out of the lift. As the Onlie Security Chief stepped out of the lift, he heaved a sigh and re-holstered his phaser. "And it was twice I told yah tae be keeping quiet." he offered to the sleeping man on the deck. "Sure and next time maybe you'll be listening."

He stepped over the man and walked over to where Kirok, Serena, and the rest of them were gathered. "That one on the deck there is Dwayne Marsh. I caught him trying to steal booze and other stuff from the Brewhaus. Before that he had visited a few other places, the which I'll be after askin him about when he wakes up. Couldn't get him on a shuttle or nothing Captain so unless yer after tossin his arse out the airlock, we'll be stuck with him for a while."

Kyan spared him a glance and continued. "But he's the only one we've found still hanging about. I've got five security officer still running around making checks, but everyone else is off." His report finished, the ancient boy looked around the command center. "So erhm... what's next?"


Katra Station | OPS]

"They did.  Of their own choosing.  They are on their way to New Bajor where they have now reside.

My science team has calculated the rate of expansion of the snake.  We are just minutes away from it's complete arrival.  We are moving the station to avoid it's negative effects" Kirok volunteered.

[Ambassador Ojo]

"That is good.  We have some technology that may be useful in slowing its rate of expansion.  With your permission, we would like to use it to improve your chances of escape" Ojo replied.

Kirok nodded.  "Very well.  We will look for you when this is done" Ojo said and ended the link.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 27, 2021, 07:52:33 PM

:: Katra Station | OOC ::

The lift doors opened onto the station's command center with their signature hiss. As soon as they did, a middle 30-something, weasel faced Human man with a long nose and greasy, black, slicked back hair stumbled out as though the lift had ejected him onto the deck. He scrambled to at once regain his footing and then turn around to face the lift.

"I'll have you booted out of Starfleet you maniacal little menace! The man then turned to face Kirok and the other assembled officers. "Captain, I want to....."

The phaser beam caught him square in the chest, cutting his protestations off mid sentence and he crumpled to the deck, unconscious. After which, Kyan Mackenzie stepped out of the lift. As the Onlie Security Chief stepped out of the lift, he heaved a sigh and re-holstered his phaser. "And it was twice I told yah tae be keeping quiet." he offered to the sleeping man on the deck. "Sure and next time maybe you'll be listening."

He stepped over the man and walked over to where Kirok, Serena, and the rest of them were gathered. "That one on the deck there is Dwayne Marsh. I caught him trying to steal booze and other stuff from the Brewhaus. Before that he had visited a few other places, the which I'll be after askin him about when he wakes up. Couldn't get him on a shuttle or nothing Captain so unless yer after tossin his arse out the airlock, we'll be stuck with him for a while."

Kyan spared him a glance and continued. "But he's the only one we've found still hanging about. I've got five security officer still running around making checks, but everyone else is off." His report finished, the ancient boy looked around the command center. "So erhm... what's next?"

Kirok then turned toward the commotion.  One never knew what to expect when the Olin was around.  And today was no exception.

He waited for Kyan to explain.  Sadly, the brig was not a choice at the moment.  Mostly because he had just ordered a powering down of all none essential areas.

"Recall you 5 security officers to Ops.  Right away, please.  They can move your guest to the break room and guard him there" the Captain replied stoically.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on June 27, 2021, 08:37:11 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok's right eyebrow rose.  "That is an excellent idea, King.  Proceed" he said.


"Captain, we have an incoming hale.  It's a Ambassador Ojo.  A Changeling" the XB announced.

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena looked down as her console pinged and she blinked a few times at the communication: "Captain, that offer of a vacation... Well, make it a working vacation. I've been summonsed by Admiral Mitre for... Well he tells me it's important but that I'll also have some time off. We'll finish up here, stabilize everything and I'll take my working leave with your permission, sir?"

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: Serena King on June 29, 2021, 02:53:49 AM

[Katra Station | OPS]

Serena looked down as her console pinged and she blinked a few times at the communication: "Captain, that offer of a vacation... Well, make it a working vacation. I've been summonsed by Admiral Mitre for... Well he tells me it's important but that I'll also have some time off. We'll finish up here, stabilize everything and I'll take my working leave with your permission, sir?"

[Katra Station | OPS]

Kirok's left eyebrow arched.  She was serious about taking a vacation.  He just did not expect it to happen this quick.

"Of course.  I hope that it is not a working vacation for you.  But take the time you need" he said.

Then he remembered the he need to update Kyle and Sirol about the Changeling ship buzzing about.  -//Kirok to Seleya and Sirol's science time.  A Changeling Ambassador has arrived with technology he says will slow the rate that the snake is expanding.  He is friendly and should be treated as such\\- the Captain said after tapping his combadge.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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