S2-M4 Keep Your Eyes On The Q

Started by Fala Awen, April 01, 2018, 09:14:27 PM

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Michael Ferdinand

Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 30, 2018, 11:38:10 AM

"Aye sir." Leela said softly. She was nervous, which as unusual for the typically light-hearted Trill. She knelt back don on the deck plating and worked her hand back into the console. "I've got it." She said with a soft grunt as her small hands struggled in the tight space. With a forceful push she got the isolinear chip into the vacant slot. The lights on the bridge flickered for a moment before going completely dark. Consoles were dark. The viewscreen was offline. There wasn't a single source of light on the bridge.

"Ummmm anyone care to start a campfire?" Leela asked as she sat up on the deck plating.

Alyssa almost gasped when the ship went dark. It was almost instantaneous. The way the lights flickered for a brief  moment as if fighting for life, the console's final beep as if it were accepting its own death. It happened so quickly, Alyssa was in shock. She could feel the pit of her stomach drop.

"Computer?" she tried. There was no response. She pressed her commbadge. =/\= Meadows to Engineering: Report. =/\= There was no response. She moved to one of the bridge consoles and pressed on the now black terminal, hoping she could hear its feedback. Nope.

"I don't think a campfire would be wise. Alyssa said. "If the ship is dead in the water right now, it's safe to assume life support is down too. If that's the case, we need to try and get everything back up as soon as possible, or we will lose our air supply. A fire would only shorten the window we have." She gestured towards the terminal. "Please, take the rod out. Maybe if that's what triggered the shutdown, removing it could reboot the system."

Everything must be earned, for if it is given, there are no lessons learned.

Non-Playing Character 2

[Q runway]
Q was gagged at Vanessa's reveals. His already cracked face laughed hoarsely as she revealed the flowers under her wig and how it revealed the Vulcan wig underneath. He casually glimpsed at Calandra, but she was struggling. He nodded at her, acknowledging her attempt and silently thanking her for at least trying before turning his attention back to Vanessa. When the song completed he clapped before uttering an 'oh my god' to both of the ladies.

"That was....incredible." Quinton said, trying to recompose himself. "Vanessa, congratulations, you are the winner of the Quinton games." He stood up from his seat and grabbed something from the chair next to him. As he walked towards the main stage, he revealed that it was a diamond encrusted crown.  He walked up to Vanessa, bowed, and placed it on her head. "Vanessa, for winning the challenge, I will grant you one wish...within reason. You can either ask for it now or at a later time."

He turned his gaze towards Calandra and nodded. "Thank you for participating and making it this far." he said. "I will return you to your ship now and restore it to its proper functionality." He briefly snapped his fingers, transporting the women back to where they originally were standing on the Shran. Quinton himself did not appear with them, though he was watching over them for the time being. With another snap of his fingers, he brought the Shran back to life, restoring main power and full access. Where the terminals once showed his face, they now properly showed the LCARS interface that had been installed on the ship.

In a booming voice the hidden Quinton addressed the crew. "While you may not have survived my games, you will survive to see another day. Remember, work together. You will need each other in your time of need." When he finished speaking, an eerie silence fell upon the Shran. Quinton turned his attention from the Shran, until a time when he would actually have to help them...or to grant Vanessa's wish.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Alyssa Meadows on April 30, 2018, 02:09:29 PM

Alyssa almost gasped when the ship went dark. It was almost instantaneous. The way the lights flickered for a brief  moment as if fighting for life, the console's final beep as if it were accepting its own death. It happened so quickly, Alyssa was in shock. She could feel the pit of her stomach drop.

"Computer?" she tried. There was no response. She pressed her commbadge. =/\= Meadows to Engineering: Report. =/\= There was no response. She moved to one of the bridge consoles and pressed on the now black terminal, hoping she could hear its feedback. Nope.

"I don't think a campfire would be wise. Alyssa said. "If the ship is dead in the water right now, it's safe to assume life support is down too. If that's the case, we need to try and get everything back up as soon as possible, or we will lose our air supply. A fire would only shorten the window we have." She gestured towards the terminal. "Please, take the rod out. Maybe if that's what triggered the shutdown, removing it could reboot the system."


"Very well." Leela was glad it was dark, Alyssa couldn't see the sideways glare that Leela shot. However, she somehow believed that the Commander would feel it. The Trill laid back on the floor and worked her hand back into the tight spot under the console. "Does anyone have a flash... Nevermind." She said with a grimace as her hand located the slot for the chip. With a small amount of force she coaxed the chip back into it's slot.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Michael Ferdinand

As main power came back online, Alyssa released a a sigh of relief. Her dark eyes darted from console to console to ensure everything was as it should be. Her face turned upright into a shadow of a smile when she saw the familiar blue hue of the LCARS panels. Ugly as they were, there was some comfort in knowing their situation returned to normal...what ever normal is.

"Helm resume course." she said softly. "Warp six."

End of mission.

Everything must be earned, for if it is given, there are no lessons learned.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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