S2 M1 - Fathers and Daughters II

Started by Solluk, November 19, 2019, 11:48:28 AM

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Somewhere in Space, about 6 light-years from Katra Station

The firefight was fast and furious.  Accelerations.  Feints.  Torpedoes.  Disruptor Fire and Phaser Fire.  High warp hops followed by impulse maneuvers.  It seemed that no matter what the Kosst Holana did, their Romulan pursuer was ready to react to it.   If the crew hadn't known better, they might have believed that their pursuers were able to reach out and read the contents of their minds even as they made their decisions.  It was uncanny.

But just as the pursuit seemed poised to draw to a close, with the Kosst Holana as the loser in this encounter, everything changed.

A sparkling net of reactive energy sprang up around both ships.  Instantly, both vessels were stuck in place, like flies in flypaper.  Even their energy weapons were frozen in space, glittering like a frozen waterfall in some uncanny dawn.  It was as though the fabric of space itself had come alive and seized them, holding them still for inspection.

Though the crew of the Kosst Holana could not hear it, the operator of the Romulan vessel began to scream.

It was a scream that echoed across space, resonating in the mind of Katra's chief science officer.

Katra Station - Operation Control Center

"Computer, transfer all command codes to Commander Rixx."

There was an audible beep, followed by the announcement, "Command Codes Transferred."

Commander Rixx stepped forward, "I relieve you sir," he said.

Solluk nodded, "I stand relieved."

The two men saluted each other, and then shook hands.  It was a short, impromptu ceremony.  The USS Healy was being prepped for launch, and the entire senior staff would be aboard her.  This mass exodus was only possible because of the USS Mughi's timely arrival.  The ship was here to install a massive Starlifter in orbit around Meridian's star.  The Starlifting facility would enable Katra to manufacture its own antimatter fuel, ending reliance on fuel carriers to bring the volatile fuel from distant star systems.

Of course, there would still be transport of fuel from the Starlifter to the station.  No system was perfect.  But at least now Katra Station was self-sufficient.  No one could blockade the system or destroy its supply lines to put it out of commission.  From now on, they could generate almost anything they might need for continued operation.

"I'll take good care of her, Captain," the Bolian promised.

"I know you will," Solluk replied.  He had left the station before, but it was never easy.  There was always the sense that he was leaving his responsibilities inadequately tended.  It didn't matter how capable his replacement might be.

With that, he turned to the other officers present.  The distress call from the Kosst Holana was still fresh in their minds.  That little freighter had put itself on the line to protect Katra on more than one occasion.  It was time to return the favor.

"All right, everyone.  The Healy leaves in twenty minutes.  We have a Romulan Scout to catch."

Aboard the IKS Nom Pach, about 3 light-years from Katra Station

HoD Noh'ves sat in his cramped ready room, studying a statuette he had purchased on Katra Station.  It was a multi-armed goddess of Terran origin.  Some kind of war goddess, he presumed.  Her many hands grasped a variety of war implements, along with other exotic items.  It rode a powerful predator which was native to the Terran wilderness.  The statue had reminded him of his wife, who managed the affairs of their estate when he was away.  Fierce, dynamic.  He thought to give it to her as a present when he next returned home.

Oddly, his daughter Beja had seemed somewhat sad and disquieted during their shopping excursion.  He did not know why, and it weighed on him.  He wondered if she was concerned about serving aboard the Nom Pach.  He well knew there were pressures involved in serving on a ship belonging to a family member.  But he had no doubt she would prove herself.

Catching himself worrying over such things, he shook his head.  By Kahless, he hated these quiet moments of waiting during a mission.  The mind tended to wander to frivolous concerns.  Could there be anything more harmful to a warrior's spirit than waiting for light-years to shrink away before a battle could begin?

A chime at the door distracted him from his thoughts.  "What?"

It was as good as a 'come in' among Klingons.

The door opened, and K'mpoc was there.

"HoD, we have lost the radioactive signature of the Romulan ship."

Noh'ves set down the statuette and stood.  "So... the radiation placed by that wily station security chief has finally faded?"

K'mpoc shook his head, "No.  It did not fade.  It just... stopped.  Tolec can not explain it."

"Some kind of ruse," Noh'ves suggested, "A new technological trick.  A new Shield.  or Cloak.  Whatever it is, it will not save them.  Continue at maximum speed to their last known coordinates.  Be ready for an ambush."

K'mpoc raised a fist to his breast, yaj'a'!

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Deck One - Operation Control Center]

Quote from: Solluk on November 19, 2019, 11:48:28 AM

Katra Station - Operation Control Center

"Computer, transfer all command codes to Commander Rixx."

There was an audible beep, followed by the announcement, "Command Codes Transferred."

Commander Rixx stepped forward, "I relieve you sir," he said.

Solluk nodded, "I stand relieved."

The two men saluted each other, and then shook hands.  It was a short, impromptu ceremony.  The USS Healy was being prepped for launch, and the entire senior staff would be aboard her.  This mass exodus was only possible because of the USS Mughi's timely arrival.  The ship was here to install a massive Starlifter in orbit around Meridian's star.  The Starlifting facility would enable Katra to manufacture its own antimatter fuel, ending reliance on fuel carriers to bring the volatile fuel from distant star systems.

Of course, there would still be transport of fuel from the Starlifter to the station.  No system was perfect.  But at least now Katra Station was self-sufficient.  No one could blockade the system or destroy its supply lines to put it out of commission.  From now on, they could generate almost anything they might need for continued operation.

"I'll take good care of her, Captain," the Bolian promised.

"I know you will," Solluk replied.  He had left the station before, but it was never easy.  There was always the sense that he was leaving his responsibilities inadequately tended.  It didn't matter how capable his replacement might be.

With that, he turned to the other officers present.  The distress call from the Kosst Holana was still fresh in their minds.  That little freighter had put itself on the line to protect Katra on more than one occasion.  It was time to return the favor.

"All right, everyone.  The Healy leaves in twenty minutes.  We have a Romulan Scout to catch."

Tess watched as Solluk transferred command to the Bolian officer. At that time she felt a mix of emotions. The upcoming wedding, the arrival of her younger brother and her father still thrilled her to no end. Rayek was so amazing!
On the other hand she was worried about the fate of the Kosst Holana and her crew, especially Captain Arrun, who she had grown fond of.

She caught the flicker of something on Solluk's face that hinted on a feeling of guilt or uncomfortableness. When he made his announcement that the Healy would leave in twenty minutes she nodded and left to make the final preparations for the mission.

=/\= "Lieutenant Padrini, if you not have already done so, move to the Healy now. We will depart in about twenty minutes. Moreno out" =/\=, she spoke as she headed for the turbolift.

[USS Healy - Deck 6 - Sickbay - 20 minutes later]

Tess couldn't help but grin as she walked the corridors of the Healy. Four months ago her life had changed by Rayek confessing his love to her, here, on the Healy while they had been on a rescue mission for Saqa7. Had really only a couple of months passed since that? In that short time Rayek had become a crucial part of her life and already now she didn't remember what life had been like before she knew him.
Among these happy memories there were some rather naughty ones that made her grin to herself and even blush a little. Later, when they all had settled and the Healy was on the way she would send Rayek a message and remind him of a few things regarding their time on the Healy. That only caused her grin to broaden.

Entering the sickbay, Tess greeted Jayce with a warm smile before the female reported all systems ready. Shortly after Roberto arrived.

=/\= "Moreno to the bridge, sickbay reports ready." =/\=

Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[USS Healy - Deck 5 - Science lab]

Fabiano watched as the computer worked on some calculations with the data he had fed it with. Tess had approached him with the data she had received from the Klingon scientist Tolec and had asked him if he could assist with some research on it, since he had a broad background on species as a xenobiologist. Of course, Fabiano was happy to comply as long as he had not received different orders from his department head. A Lt. Falleg-Tekin, which he had not met as yet as he thought regretfully.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[Katra Station - Saucer One - Starfleet Personnel Customs - the day before]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 18, 2019, 11:25:03 PM

NPC Lieutenant Fabiano Moreno
[Katra Station - Saucer One - Starfleet Personnel Customs]

As expected his stowed luggage had been tagged for a level one hands-on inspection.  That tended to happen when you had questionable items like Romulan Ale and Romulan weapons declared.

He offered a smile to the Security crewmember who was looking over his open suitcase where the six-pack of Romulan Ale was carefully wrapped and stowed.  Also wrapped was a Romulan honor-blade that he'd managed to purchase for no small sum of money.  There was a tragic story behind the knife and Fabiano didn't know if Commander tr'Lhoell would appreciate the wedding gift after knowing the story but Fabiano thought that it was at least an attempt to recognize the groom's heritage on his wedding day - especially given the man was doing so much to recognize Tess' Ba'ku heritage.

"They are gifts for the Commander's upcoming wedding." he offered without prompting.

The security officer had taken a closer look at the weapon, unwrapping it to do so. He glanced back at Fabiano, who looked back at him calmly and not alarmed at all and after a moment of closer inspection he wrapped it up again and put it back into the suitcase. Personal items of weaponry were not forbidden, though Fabiano had to register with his finger print that he had declared such a weapon at customs upon arrival.

"Welcome aboard Katra Station, Lieutenant", the security officer said as he cleared him to enter the station.

"Thank you", Fabiano smiled, carrying his duffel bag while his suitcase with personal things were forwarded to his assigned quarters.

He stopped in his tracks for a moment, his heart rate spiking for a second at the prospect of a double surprise his arrival would be for two people on this station. He was thrilled about both, but to be honest, he couldn't wait to see his daughter. And his son. He knew Benjin was here already. Could he really be so lucky?

After locating Rayek with the help of the computer he found out that Rayek was on the bridge of the Healy. He hesitated for a moment, but then decided to try his luck. He did want to meet with Rayek first so he would not spoil his surprise he originally had set up for Tess.

[Katra Station - Dockiny bay]

Fabiano approached the security officer who stood next to the passage that led to the Healy. "Good evening, Lieutenant", Fabiano greeted her. "I'm Lt. Moreno, I arrived on Katra today and want to report to Commander tr'Lhoell for duty."

The woman checked something on her PADD, then she smiled at Fabiano. "Welcome aboard, Mr. Moreno. One moment." She lifted her hand to tap her comm badge, but Fabiano raised his hand to stop her.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant", he said quickly. "To be honest, I belong to the soon-to-be family of the Commander, I'm Dr. Moreno's father. I arrived earier than anticipated and wanted to surprise Mr. tr'Lhoell." He searched the officer's face for a reaction.

The woman seemed to looove surprises since her face lighted up and she leaned in, whispering with an almost conspiratorial grin. "Commander tr'Lhoell is on the bridge, working on some repairs of the ship", she told him. "You may pass", she grinned, motioning for the door to the passage.

"Much obliged", Fabiano smiled and then walked pass her.

The nice security woman must have sent a message to the Ensign guarding the entrance to the bridge of the Healy since the young man seemed to have already anticipated for Fabiano to arrive and let him through to enter the bridge.

[USS Healy - Bridge]

Stepping in he was taken aback by the buzzing activity that he encountered on the ship's bridge. It was easy to make out Rayek among the officers though. Not only by his rank but of course also because he was the only Romulan he could make out.

Struggling to contain his grin he approached Rayek confidently. "Evening, Commander. I'm Lieutenant Moreno, reporting for duty." He knew that his shift only started tomorrow morning, but the line was so common that he thought it would make a nice intro to his surprise.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - the day before - early evening (after Hunt and Cadets)]

Rayek was standing at the Ops console working through the code, removing the identified Omega coding bit by bit.  It was a long and tedious job.  Thankfully he'd called upon the aid of the three new Acting Ensigns to assist.  tr'Hava and Rhade he had send down to the computer core directly to work there,  T'Palin, as Ops, remained with him on the Bridge working currently on the Sciences console.

The greeting caught his attention... the voice seeming somewhat familiar as he turned around to look to the arrival.  He stared a moment in confusion as the face and the name registered.  Tess' adoptive father.  Rayek recovered his manners quickly, or so he hoped.  It would reflect poorly for him to be stuck staring like an idiot for more than a second or two.  His confusion became a smile.

"Mr. Moreno, your arrival while unexpected is very welcome." he began then a thought crossed his mind. "Have you already seen Tess?" He hoped not.  Seeing her joyful surprise with Benjin yesterday had been the best part of his day.

"If not then allow me to make the arrangements.  One moment."

He turned to the Vulcan Acting Ensign. "Call up Ensign Oloze to assist you here.  I'll be occupied for the next hour and then will relieve her then." Rayek informed T'Palin, before nodding towards the Science officer as he motioned him back towards the turbolift.  "I'm a bit baffled how you are here. Last we spoke your transfer was not set to be for another month.  You obviously ended your other work early but how did you arrange the transfer without.... oh... I see.. Captain Solluk, yes?"  He smirked.  So the Captain had gone along with a surprise on him.  Hmm.. Rayek wondered what else the Vulcan was keeping from him.

Once the turbolift doors were shut, Rayek held up a finger in a shushing motion and tapped his comm badge.
=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Lt Commander Moreno." =/\= He glance to Fabiano to catch his reaction to hearing that his daughter now outranked him.  Rayek smiled nodding to the man.   =/\= "Are you busy?  I've changed my mind about dinner" =/\=- he had not too long earlier declined her offer to join her and her brother for dinner saying that he was going to just grab something in the Healy's mess and continue working on the Bridge coding repairs now that they new what to look for.  =/\= "I would enjoy spending my dinner break with you.. and you brother... if you both are still available. Where might I meet you?" =/\=


[Katra Station - Deck one - OCC Day 3 (2 hours after receiving distress call from the Kosst Holana)]

Rayek watched the transfer of command codes, stoically from across the OCC.   While he told himself that it didn't matter that the Captain didn't trust him enough to command the Healy, that instead the Captain himself would lead this rescue, it did sting rather sharply that the Captain would call on another, Commander Rixx, to be in command of Katra in his absence and not his Executive Officer.

But this was Rayek's own doing.  It was he who had betrayed and threatened the man who had only ever supported Rayek in his career.   The lack of trust was something he supposed he was just going to have to get used to.

Rayek nodded his understanding to the Captain at the 20 minute deadline.  He looked down at the Healy's roster:  Alpha shift had Saxon on the Bridge at Tactical,  Hrafn on the Bridge at Science, Eli on the Bridge at Helm, Nadia at Ops working on the last of the coding 'repairs'.  Tess he noted had been assigned to the Healy as well.  Solluk's addition - since Rayek had purposefully left her off the initial draft he'd handed Solluk an hour ago.  Becker was assigned for Engineering.

SCPO Jada was surprisingly also assigned for Alpha shift as were a number of the TMPST members.  Odd.  Another of Solluk's additions that he hadn't discussed with him.  Rayek was doubtful if he would have approved.  Which is probably why'd not been involved in the decision.  Continuing on down the Alpha shift roster he noted tr'Hava and Rhade assigned to Engineering to assist Becker.   Ensign Padrini was Tess' Medical assistant.  He even noted that Cadet Moreno was assigned to shadow Eli.

A quick glance over the Beta shift roster showed several familiar names as well. Lt Moreno at Science.  Beta shift medical consisted of Ensigns Fuller and Darrow.   T'Palin he noted with some satisfaction still manned Ops during Gamma shift.  s'Metra he also noted worked Gamma.

Rayek finished up his roster review before moving on to double check the ships inventory of food stores, parts, tools and weapons.  If replicators went down Rayek intended the ship to still be able to function.

Lastly, Rayek checked on the progress of the code removal. At current pace, Rayek estimated another 10 hours. Given that the distress call from the Kosst Holana was at about 6 lightyears away it would take the Healy -at max speed nearly a full day to reach.  Repairs would be long done before they arrived.

Just one last thing to take care of...


Katra Station - Deck Two - Tess & Rayek's shared quarters - 5 minutes later]

"So he eats only meat and protein.  No fiber - he can't digest it.  Presently we are feeding him a mix of packaged kitten kibble and a one quarter cup of cooked or raw meat - preferably chicken or beef.  And be sure he gets his taurine supplement... once per day .. you'll need to stuff it into a small piece of meat to get him to eat it. "  As he went over the Cardassian ferret's highly specific diet he observed Saqa7 with Thrafv.  She handled him quite well.   "Thank you again for doing this."

Saqa7 looked up from her petting of the adorable rodent.  "Anytime! You can be sure I'll take care of him well."


[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - 15 minutes later]

The 20 minutes deadline was up. "All stations report readiness." He called out. then tapped on the central console between his and Solluk's chair.  It was an almost awkward feeling sitting there beside the Captain.  This was the first time the two had been on the Bridge at the same time.  Even during the return from the Thinker's, Rayek had been laid up in Medical or his quarters convalescing for the entire trip. Rayek felt very much like he didn't belong.

Ignoring the feeling for the moment the Romulan XO opened a comm line to the other departments not present on the Bridge at the moment.  =/\= "Engineering, Medical - what's your readiness status?" =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[USS Healy - Bridge - the day before]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 20, 2019, 02:15:55 AM

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - the day before - early evening (after Hunt and Cadets)]

Rayek was standing at the Ops console working through the code, removing the identified Omega coding bit by bit.  It was a long and tedious job.  Thankfully he'd called upon the aid of the three new Acting Ensigns to assist.  tr'Hava and Rhade he had send down to the computer core directly to work there,  T'Palin, as Ops, remained with him on the Bridge working currently on the Sciences console.

The greeting caught his attention... the voice seeming somewhat familiar as he turned around to look to the arrival.  He stared a moment in confusion as the face and the name registered.  Tess' adoptive father.  Rayek recovered his manners quickly, or so he hoped.  It would reflect poorly for him to be stuck staring like an idiot for more than a second or two.  His confusion became a smile.

"Mr. Moreno, your arrival while unexpected is very welcome." he began then a thought crossed his mind. "Have you already seen Tess?" He hoped not.  Seeing her joyful surprise with Benjin yesterday had been the best part of his day.

"If not then allow me to make the arrangements.  One moment."

He turned to the Vulcan Acting Ensign. "Call up Ensign Oloze to assist you here.  I'll be occupied for the next hour and then will relieve her then." Rayek informed T'Palin, before nodding towards the Science officer as he motioned him back towards the turbolift.  "I'm a bit baffled how you are here. Last we spoke your transfer was not set to be for another month.  You obviously ended your other work early but how did you arrange the transfer without.... oh... I see.. Captain Solluk, yes?"  He smirked.  So the Captain had gone along with a surprise on him.  Hmm.. Rayek wondered what else the Vulcan was keeping from him.

Once the turbolift doors were shut, Rayek held up a finger in a shushing motion and tapped his comm badge.
=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Lt Commander Moreno." =/\= He glance to Fabiano to catch his reaction to hearing that his daughter now outranked him.  Rayek smiled nodding to the man.   =/\= "Are you busy?  I've changed my mind about dinner" =/\=- he had not too long earlier declined her offer to join her and her brother for dinner saying that he was going to just grab something in the Healy's mess and continue working on the Bridge coding repairs now that they new what to look for.  =/\= "I would enjoy spending my dinner break with you.. and you brother... if you both are still available. Where might I meet you?" =/\=

Fabiano watched the Romulan with a bright grin and noticed the man possessed so much discipline to stifle his reaction of surprise. At the rather sober greeting, despite the smile that showed on his face, Fabiano started to doubt the Commander appreciated the 'surprise'. Was it possible the Romulan felt deceived? Rayek had left a nice and genuine impression in his letters though fact was, Fabiano didn't know him and he might have made a blunder for an entrance. But Fabiano looked back at a long history of experiences and he possessed enough diplomatic tact to solve the problem if there was one.

"Forgive me Commander, if my unexpected arrival caught you off guard. I thought, since you are making amazing efforts to surprise my daughter, you might appreciate a suprise for yourself for a change", he said mildly. As he spoke there was the slightest hint of an accent as he couldn't quite avoide to roll the 'r'. At Rayek's question Fabiano shook his head. "I have not met Tess yet, I didn't want to take away the joy of you watching her discovering the new surprise for her."

Fabiano waited patiently as Rayek gave orders for the time he would be away and listened to Rayek's deduction as he followed him to the turbolift. "That is correct. I managed to circumvent you and contact Captain Solluk directly. Luckily my plan had worked out fine", he chuckled.

When Rayek showed him so Fabiano fell silent, listening to the conversation. His eyebrows shot upwards and his mouth opened in a silent 'O' when he heard that his little Tess had made it Lt. Commander by now. He drew in a breath, his initial reaction was to voice his surprise and joy, but he held back, smiling back at Rayek.

=/\= "Yes, Commander?" =/\=, he heard Tess answering to Rayek's call. There were no noises at all in the background. She very likely was in her quarters.

At Rayek's question for dinner she replied promptly. And he thought he was able to hear the smile in her voice.  =/\= "Not that busy, I just took a shower and was about to get ready to go out for dinner. I'd love for you to come with us! I meet Benjin in twenty minutes at Brauhaus Gamma. Wanna join us there?" =/\=

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[USS Healy - Sickbay]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 20, 2019, 02:15:55 AM

[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - 15 minutes later]

The 20 minutes deadline was up. "All stations report readiness." He called out. then tapped on the central console between his and Solluk's chair.  It was an almost awkward feeling sitting there beside the Captain.  This was the first time the two had been on the Bridge at the same time.  Even during the return from the Thinker's, Rayek had been laid up in Medical or his quarters convalescing for the entire trip. Rayek felt very much like he didn't belong.

Ignoring the feeling for the moment the Romulan XO opened a comm line to the other departments not present on the Bridge at the moment.  =/\= "Engineering, Medical - what's your readiness status?" =/\=

At Rayek's call, Tess chuckled. Had she not reported in a moment ago? Maybe Rayek had not been present then and the personnel on the bridge had not forwarded her call.  =/\= "Sickbay reports ready, Commander" =/\=, Tess replied to him with a chuckle.

Shortly after that she went through the roster for the medical department specifically. She had to make a slight correction there, switching shifts of Ensign Fuller and Lieutenant Padrini, since the latter had reported to feel a little incapacitated at the moment and wanted to take the extra hours to get better. After that was done she sent a quick notification to the Captain and Rayek to make them aware of the change.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris
[USS Healy - the day before

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 20, 2019, 02:15:55 AM

[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - 15 minutes later]

The 20 minutes deadline was up. "All stations report readiness." He called out. then tapped on the central console between his and Solluk's chair.  It was an almost awkward feeling sitting there beside the Captain.  This was the first time the two had been on the Bridge at the same time.  Even during the return from the Thinker's, Rayek had been laid up in Medical or his quarters convalescing for the entire trip. Rayek felt very much like he didn't belong.

Ignoring the feeling for the moment the Romulan XO opened a comm line to the other departments not present on the Bridge at the moment.  =/\= "Engineering, Medical - what's your readiness status?" =/\=

Eli stretched himself out, double-checking every single system...again. There was a saying that Romulans had paranoia down to an artform and Eli was feeling that side of his heritage at the moment. Coupled with a Starfleet officer's desire to have secondary back-ups in place and Eli's brain was going on overdrive with worry.

Not a good start to the mission...

He was grateful for the addition of Cadet Moreno to his staff. It allowed him to utilize more experienced pilots for continued Cobra patrols while the Healy was out to protect the battered freighter. So, as final preparations were underway Eli did a quick review of the ship's auxiliary craft. He also did a quick backup network check, to ensure that it was functional.

Satisfied, for now, Eli did a final check for their heading.

Rayek trLhoell


Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy  - turbolift >>> Katra Station the day before - dinner time]

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 21, 2019, 10:33:24 AM

Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[USS Healy - Bridge - the day before]

Fabiano watched the Romulan with a bright grin and noticed the man possessed so much discipline to stifle his reaction of surprise. At the rather sober greeting, despite the smile that showed on his face, Fabiano started to doubt the Commander appreciated the 'surprise'. Was it possible the Romulan felt deceived? Rayek had left a nice and genuine impression in his letters though fact was, Fabiano didn't know him and he might have made a blunder for an entrance. But Fabiano looked back at a long history of experiences and he possessed enough diplomatic tact to solve the problem if there was one.

"Forgive me Commander, if my unexpected arrival caught you off guard. I thought, since you are making amazing efforts to surprise my daughter, you might appreciate a suprise for yourself for a change", he said mildly. As he spoke there was the slightest hint of an accent as he couldn't quite avoide to roll the 'r'. At Rayek's question Fabiano shook his head. "I have not met Tess yet, I didn't want to take away the joy of you watching her discovering the new surprise for her."

Fabiano waited patiently as Rayek gave orders for the time he would be away and listened to Rayek's deduction as he followed him to the turbolift. "That is correct. I managed to circumvent you and contact Captain Solluk directly. Luckily my plan had worked out fine", he chuckled.

When Rayek showed him so Fabiano fell silent, listening to the conversation. His eyebrows shot upwards and his mouth opened in a silent 'O' when he heard that his little Tess had made it Lt. Commander by now. He drew in a breath, his initial reaction was to voice his surprise and joy, but he held back, smiling back at Rayek.

=/\= "Yes, Commander?" =/\=, he heard Tess answering to Rayek's call. There were no noises at all in the background. She very likely was in her quarters.

At Rayek's question for dinner she replied promptly. And Fabiano thought he was able to hear the smile in her voice.  =/\= "Not that busy, I just took a shower and was about to get ready to go out for dinner. I'd love for you to come with us! I meet Benjin in twenty minutes at Brauhaus Gamma. Wanna join us there?" =/\=

Fabiano's surprise was evident on his face at discovering that Tess was a Lieutenant Commander. Rayek grinned.  Motioning Fabiano to silence, Rayek responded back to Tess.  "Brauhaus Gamma, would be ideal.  I'll meet you both there in 20." Rayek answered, then in a quieter tone added "I-jol au, e'lev".

He closed the comm after her answering response and gave Fabiano a slight smirk.  "The promotion is recent... as of two days ago.  I'm sure that she intends to contact you soon to inform you of the good news."

From turbolift to airlock to umbilical and through Saucer One where the Healy was docked, Rayek led the way back onto the station.  "The fact that you are carrying around your duffel tells me, you haven't been to your quarters.  Would you like to stop there first to drop off your gear?" he inquired helpfully.

[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma]
Knowing that Tess gave lie to the 'fashionably late' stereotype of women, Rayek knew she would be at the brewhouse at least 5 minutes early.   While he didn't know Benjin's habits quite yet he hoped that if Fabiano and he arrived on time that they would surprise the two siblings together, rather than one at a time.

For a short time he even considered playing up the surprise more by hiding Fabiano in plain sight, perhaps as their waiter... but he didn't have the time or the arrangements set up with establishments owner to do that on such short notice.  He did however suggest the man wear a hat, keep his head down and follow about 30 ft behind so Rayek could distract the pair, allowing him to get close before announcing himself.   Rayek was looking forward to seeing Tess' surprised and joyful look once more.


Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 21, 2019, 10:33:24 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[USS Healy - Sickbay]

At Rayek's call, Tess chuckled. Had she not reported in a moment ago? Maybe Rayek had not been present then and the personnel on the bridge had not forwarded her call.  =/\= "Sickbay reports ready, Commander" =/\=, Tess replied to him with a chuckle.

Shortly after that she went through the roster for the medical department specifically. She had to make a slight correction there, switching shifts of Ensign Fuller and Lieutenant Padrini, since the latter had reported to feel a little incapacitated at the moment and wanted to take the extra hours to get better. After that was done she sent a quick notification to the Captain and Rayek to make them aware of the change.

The first to respond back was Tess and it was only as he heard her chuckle that his mind registered, that just the minute before he'd called for the readiness status, she'd provided it unprompted.  He'd just been too focused on his awkward feeling to acknowledge it.

"Thank you Doctor... for your reports.  I appreciate your repeating it for my benefit."

Quote from: Eli Ferris on November 21, 2019, 10:36:32 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris
[USS Healy - the day beforeEli stretched himself out, double-checking every single system...again. There was a saying that Romulans had paranoia down to an artform and Eli was feeling that side of his heritage at the moment. Coupled with a Starfleet officer's desire to have secondary back-ups in place and Eli's brain was going on overdrive with worry.

Not a good start to the mission...

He was grateful for the addition of Cadet Moreno to his staff. It allowed him to utilize more experienced pilots for continued Cobra patrols while the Healy was out to protect the battered freighter. So, as final preparations were underway Eli did a quick review of the ship's auxiliary craft. He also did a quick backup network check, to ensure that it was functional.

Satisfied, for now, Eli did a final check for their heading.

Ahead of him, Rayek watched Eli check and re-check flight control console over.  "Are we good to go, Mr. Ferris?" Rayek inquired, prompting a response to his request of a readiness status.

A soft almost imperceptible vibration at his arm rest alerted him to a received message.. it was from Tess.. he smiled a bit in anticipation until he noted that she had cc'd it to the Captain as well.... there would be no alluring or suggestive phrases or images in this message.

Opening the message he read about the shift switch and acknowledged the roster change, while he waited for the other departments to call in.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Arrun Dihsar


[Kosst Holana - Bridge]

The bridge was a mess of smoke and sparking exposed panels from the prolonged battle with the Romulan Scout. With Wist forced to man the phaser cannon manually down on deck three, the Bajoran captain and his first officer had the bridge to themselves as they peered at their consoles attempting to figure out what had just happened.

"I'm not getting any response from conn control, we're at all-stop and there's nothing here that makes sense on the sensor data log. Carnel, any ideas?"

"I haven't the closest clue. The last shots we were firing are just sort of hanging there. It's like we're a bit of light caught in a box of mirrors."

Arrun did some calculations and programmed the conn to evade hard port and diving to avoid the shots should the freeze end suddenly. "For now, let's try to focus on using this freeze to our advantage. Get down to engineering and coordinate with Gaal to get our shields back to full and then try to patch up the hull damage we've sustained."

"What about you Arrun?"

"I'm going to keep an eye on the conn in case we suddenly start moving. I'll also try to brush off my second year communications course and try to pierce the jamming. Katra Station likely heard us, but now that we've moved around so much under jamming they might take longer to get to us. And I would much rather their aid than not when the fight resumes."

"Think it's the Romulans?"

"From a Scout Ship? Unlikely, seems too small for something with this wide an effect area. Plus, this is halting them as much as us. Someone or something else is out there; in fact we might have plowed into an uncharted spatial anomaly. Too many unknowns, once we have the ship back to full fighting shape again we can focus our efforts on understanding what we're dealing."

"Alright, call me if you need me then."

As Carnel walked off the bridge, Arrun was puzzled on how calm she was despite being under fire for so long; in fact, time and again the crew had accounted for themselves well in the various scrapes he was getting into these days. When he first began this venture, even though he recruited people who had traveled space and seen fighting before him: he never knew how well they would perform. They lacked the polish of Starfleet, but they were a hardy crew that he was very proud to fly with.

With a small smile, after Carnel had stepped away, he reached into the heel of his boot and touched it just-so to open the compartment within to reveal Chevron's secret emergency beacon, a device that fit snugly into the heel and took a hard tug to free it from its place. With a few taps on the flat of the device, he tapped a simple message for Chevron; hoping the intelligence device would prove more robust in evading the Romulan's jamming:

=/\= Chi to Kappa-Iota, rendered immobile in unknown anomaly with hostile Romulan craft; energy of phaser and disruptor energy is also rendered immobile. Cause of attack unknown, craft intentions unknown. Location ping to follow, please advise. =/\=

With the barest of identifier and information, he assumed Chevron was in a position on Katra Station to be aware of what they knew and the ability to inform Captain Solluk or Commander trLhoell. With the simple message followed by a locate-ping once every hour, he hoped that would give Chevron enough time to inform the others and find him. If he was lucky, perhaps some classified file in Starfleet Intelligence would have some idea of what he and his Romulan pursuer had stumbled into.

With the message loop set, he secreted the emergency sub-space beacon back into his heel and closed it up: trusting for the tell-tale vibration to alert him if Chevron would ever be able to contact him. In the meantime, he began to work on a more conventional method to break the jamming and try to get help more directly. He hadn't the training or experience to program anything as elaborate as a full sub-space message; but, he understood enough about navigational sensor operations that all he had to do was somehow increase his energy signature to make himself easier to find; even a strong sub-space pulse might be enough to draw Katra Station's attention, its patrol craft, or indeed the USS Healy which had likely been fielded to answer his distress call.

With a bit work, he added to the looping general distress message Carnel had set in the computer and set the sub-space transceiver to emit a repeating strong ping across all the bands it could manage. It was the most crude method of sub-space communication, but Arrun hoped that the strength of the ping would force his Romulan counterpart to match his signal strength to prevent any understandable message from getting out; however, Arrun wanted just that, an increase of energy in this region of space so anomalous that it could not be mistaken for anything other than a pair of starships.

Arrun wanted to increase power output overall, anything to get the ship to be a brighter glow of energy in the near-void of space: but, the Bajoran captain did not yet know what had snared the two ships or for how long it would hold. If it were a few moments, then he had nothing to fear; but if it turned into weeks or months: he needed to consider rationing the power for as long as possible until rescue arrived.

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[USS Healy - Turbolift >>> Katra Station - the day before]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 22, 2019, 02:22:31 AM

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy  - turbolift >>> Katra Station the day before - dinner time]

Fabiano's surprise was evident on his face at discovering that Tess was a Lieutenant Commander. Rayek grinned.  Motioning Fabiano to silence, Rayek responded back to Tess.  "Brauhaus Gamma, would be ideal.  I'll meet you both there in 20." Rayek answered, then in a quieter tone added "I-jol au, e'lev".

He closed the comm after her answering response and gave Fabiano a slight smirk.  "The promotion is recent... as of two days ago.  I'm sure that she intends to contact you soon to inform you of the good news."

From turbolift to airlock to umbilical and through Saucer One where the Healy was docked, Rayek led the way back onto the station.  "The fact that you are carrying around your duffel tells me, you haven't been to your quarters.  Would you like to stop there first to drop off your gear?" he inquired helpfully.

=/\= "Awesome! See you in a bit! I-jol au, ciccino." =/\=

Fabiano grinned a little when he caught the term of endearment Tess had used for her fiance. Focusing then back on Rayek he acknowledged with a pleased smile that Tess had been considered for promotion. "That is amazing news! I'm happy to congratulate her for a promotion in person this time!" Only then he realized that his daughter outranked him now. It didn't feel weird though, he was way too proud of her.

Fabiano followed Rayek back on the station and his attention soon was drawn to his duffel bag by Rayek's question. "Oh, only if it won't make us arrive late to meet with Tess and Benjin. Otherwise I will carry it with me."

[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 22, 2019, 02:22:31 AM

[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma]
Knowing that Tess gave lie to the 'fashionably late' stereotype of women, Rayek knew she would be at the brewhouse at least 5 minutes early.   While he didn't know Benjin's habits quite yet he hoped that if Fabiano and he arrived on time that they would surprise the two siblings together, rather than one at a time.

For a short time he even considered playing up the surprise more by hiding Fabiano in plain sight, perhaps as their waiter... but he didn't have the time or the arrangements set up with establishments owner to do that on such short notice.  He did however suggest the man wear a hat, keep his head down and follow about 30 ft behind so Rayek could distract the pair, allowing him to get close before announcing himself.   Rayek was looking forward to seeing Tess' surprised and joyful look once more.

Fabiano did as Rayek suggested and put on a hat, kept his head down and followed the Romulan 30ft behind. He glanced up cautiously and his breath hitched in anticipation as he spotted Tess and Benjin already waiting in front of the restaurant. He had to force himself not to walk over to them right away or even call out. He stopped and observed Rayek, letting the interact with them first before he would show up.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Promenade - the day before]

When Tess arrived - she was 5 minutes early - she was surprised to see Benjin already there. She knew he lost track of the time quite often, so she had totally expected for him to arrive later. Had he probably already been on the Promenade? Holodeck maybe?

"Learned to read the time, fratellino?", she asked him flippantly with a grin as she arrived.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[USS Healy - Sickbay]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 22, 2019, 02:22:31 AM

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge]

The first to respond back was Tess and it was only as he heard her chuckle that his mind registered, that just the minute before he'd called for the readiness status, she'd provided it unprompted.  He'd just been too focused on his awkward feeling to acknowledge it.

"Thank you Doctor... for reports.  I appreciate your repeating it for my benefit."

Tess smiled. =/\= "No problem. Moreno out." =/\=
Cadet Benjin Moreno
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Quote from: Eli Ferris on November 21, 2019, 10:36:32 PM

Lt. Eli Ferris
[USS Healy - the day beforeEli stretched himself out, double-checking every single system...again. There was a saying that Romulans had paranoia down to an artform and Eli was feeling that side of his heritage at the moment. Coupled with a Starfleet officer's desire to have secondary back-ups in place and Eli's brain was going on overdrive with worry.

Not a good start to the mission...

He was grateful for the addition of Cadet Moreno to his staff. It allowed him to utilize more experienced pilots for continued Cobra patrols while the Healy was out to protect the battered freighter. So, as final preparations were underway Eli did a quick review of the ship's auxiliary craft. He also did a quick backup network check, to ensure that it was functional.

Satisfied, for now, Eli did a final check for their heading.

Benjin had been assigned to 'shadow' Lt. Ferris. He wasn't sure if this was standard procedure with new arrived Cadets or if it was in part because Rayek had arranged that for him, either way he didn't care why it was, he was just super excited to be on the away team in the first place and on the bridge even.

Lt. Ferris as his department head seemed to be quite alright. He watched attentively as Eli checked all systems over and over again. Benjin thought he might have done so out of nervousness but it didn't seem to be nervousness that made Mr. Ferris do this. It seemed to be an overly thorough check-up routine of his.

He then heard Rayek asking from behind them if they were good to go, Benjin turned his head to look over at his future brother-in-law. Benjin thought they were, he had watched all the systes reporting ready and functional. But of course he would leave it to the Lieutenant to answer the Commander, but there was a wide grin showing on the young man's face.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer One to Brauhaus Gamma - the day before - dinner]

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 22, 2019, 10:24:19 AM

Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[USS Healy - Turbolift >>> Katra Station - the day before]

=/\= "Awesome! See you in a bit! I-jol au, ciccino." =/\=

Fabiano grinned a little when he caught the term of endearment Tess had used for her fiance. Focusing then back on Rayek he acknowledged with a pleased smile that Tess had been considered for promotion. "That is amazing news! I'm happy to congratulate her for a promotion in person this time!" Only then he realized that his daughter outranked him now. It didn't feel weird though, he was way too proud of her.

Fabiano followed Rayek back on the station and his attention soon was drawn to his duffel bag by Rayek's question. "Oh, only if it won't make us arrive late to meet with Tess and Benjin. Otherwise I will carry it with me."

Figuring it would likely be best to have Fabiano drop off his gear, Rayek checked the nearest wall console for the room assignment for Lieutenant Fabiano Moreno.   Given the mix-up with Benjin, Rayek double checked the assignment to be sure the room was suitable and that the Lieutenant had quarters suitable to his rank - which it seemed to be.  Lt. Moreno was assigned individually to a standard junior officer room on Deck Five.

Rayek led the way there and when they arrived they found Fabiano's shipped luggage already within his quarters after having gone through Customs.  Dropping off the duffel didn't take long, and in the back of his mind, Rayek was curious why the man hadn't let the baggage porters just take the duffel along with the suitcase initially.   Of course, Rayek COULD take a look at the scans of the duffel later, but even he realized that was a bit of trespass into the man's privacy and wouldn't be appreciated by either Fabiano or Tess should it be discovered.

For now he set aside his curiosity and curbed his paranoia - at least until he had some manner of justification for snooping.

Rayek wasn't waiting long for Fabiano to find or replicate a hat at his suggestion, and the pair were soon on their way down to Brauhaus Gamma to surprise Tess and Benjin.

Cadet Benjin Moreno
[Brauhaus Gamma - the day before - dinner]
Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 22, 2019, 10:24:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Promenade - the day before]

When Tess arrived - she was 5 minutes early - she was surprised to see Benjin already there. She knew he lost track of the time quite often, so she had totally expected for him to arrive later. Had he probably already been on the Promenade? Holodeck maybe?

"Learned to read the time, fratellino?", she asked him flippantly with a grin as she arrived.

Benjin sat at a table in the middle of the room.  He was looking over the drink menu trying to decide whether to order his usual rye and ginger - just a step up from his favorite childhood soft drink... ginger ale; or to give one of the advertised locally brewed beers try; or maybe a genuine German beer.   He hadn't been fond of beer when he first tried it with his friends at the age of 16.  But he was older now, and tastes changed, right?

Benjin heard Tess' teasing comment about reading time and glanced up from his menu.  He watched Tess approaching the table and her flippant grin was huge.  Benjin rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Give me a break, sis."   The young man threw his sister a long suffering look. "Just because I was constantly late as a kid doesn't mean I'll always be that way.  I'd be drummed out of the service if I was like that now," he reasoned with a charming, innocent. "I'll have you know I was rarely late for class - and when I was I usually had a very valid reason."

But then probably to her as a newly promoted Lieutenant Commander being late was like taboo.  Benjin figured a change of topic might be good. "What do you recommend to drink for celebrating your promotion?"

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 22, 2019, 10:24:19 AM

[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma]

Fabiano did as Rayek suggested and put on a hat, kept his head down and followed the Romulan 30ft behind. He glanced up cautiously and his breath hitched in anticipation as he spotted Tess and Benjin already waiting in front of the restaurant. He had to force himself not to walk over to them right away or even call out. He stopped and observed Rayek, letting the interact with them first before he would show up.

Rayek approached the table directly with a purposeful stride so as to draw attention with his arrival.  It was a predator's nature to look directly at that which was clearly approaching you - so as to be able to better judge its distance from you.  A defense mechanism, he supposed; it took training to be able to continue to be aware of the other movements around you.

Both Tess and Benjin were present.  He inwardly cringed at the table that had been selected to sit at.  Rayek preferred to sit with a wall at his back with a clear view to as much of the room as possible, but there was nothing but open space all around his time.  Keeping an eye on the room would be much more noticeable from this location.   He stopped at the table but didn't sit immediately he remained standing so that their eyes were drawn to him and he took up a large field of view, allowing Fabiano to approach nearer.

"Good evening.  I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting, Tess... Benjin.  Thank you for allowing me to interrupt your dinner together.  But I came across something on the Healy that I just knew the two of you would want to see....."  Rayek's smile was wide as he stopped at the table.  He paused a moment, mentally timing what he anticipated was Fabiano's approach, then stepped off to the side towards the back of Tess' chair to allow an unobstructed view of Fabiano not 10 feet away.


Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - 2 hr after distress call]

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 22, 2019, 10:24:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[USS Healy - Sickbay]

Tess smiled. =/\= "No problem. Moreno out." =/\=

Cadet Benjin Moreno
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Benjin had been assigned to 'shadow' Lt. Ferris. He wasn't sure if this was standard procedure with new arrived Cadets or if it was in part because Rayek had arranged that for him, either way he didn't care why it was, he was just super excited to be on the away team in the first place and on the bridge even.

Lt. Ferris as his department head seemed to be quite alright. He watched attentively as Eli checked all systems over and over again. Benjin thought he might have done so out of nervousness but it didn't seem to be nervousness that made Mr. Ferris do this. It seemed to be an overly thorough check-up routine of his.

He then heard Rayek asking from behind them if they were good to go, Benjin turned his head to look over at his future brother-in-law. Benjin thought they were, he had watched all the systes reporting ready and functional. But of course he would leave it to the Lieutenant to answer the Commander, but there was a wide grin showing on the young man's face.

Rayek could hear Tess' amusement in her voice and all but see her smile in his mind.  She would tease him about that later no doubt and with good reason.  He had become more distracted and absent-minded of late.  He'd thought initially it was yet another sign of progression with his pan'ar, but that had been cleared with Dr. Senva's treatment last month, yet the troublesome symptoms still remained.  So far the Captain hadn't yet mentioned it, though Rayek wasn't naive enough to believe it had missed the Vulcan's notice.

He would need to bring it up medically at some point but for the moment Rayek kept putting it off.

The turn of Benjin's head towards him drew his attention.  Rayek looked over in anticipation of a readiness report, but the cadet merely grinned back at him evidently pleased to be shadowing the senior officer.  Rayek answered the grin with the slightest of acknowledging nods.

Eventually all the departments reported in.  "All departments stand ready for departure, on your command, sir."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

John Saxon

[USS Healy - Bridge]

John Saxon sat at Tactical, passing the defensive and offensive systems through a final diagnostic to ascertain readiness, as per Commander trLhoell's request. "All tactical systems all in the green" he returned, "Tactical database fully operational, and the target's known profile is loaded into the sensors. More importantly" he continued, with a hard look of hot determiation, "countermeasures and firewalls are now in place to secure systems against further...distruption."

Events of the night before wore heavily on his mind, but now was not the time to reflect upon them. No, his attention was on the chase.

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno and Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma - the day before]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 23, 2019, 05:56:07 AM

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer One to Brauhaus Gamma - the day before - dinner]

Figuring it would likely be best to have Fabiano drop off his gear, Rayek checked the nearest wall console for the room assignment for Lieutenant Fabiano Moreno.   Given the mix-up with Benjin, Rayek double checked the assignment to be sure the room was suitable and that the Lieutenant had quarters suitable to his rank - which it seemed to be.  Lt. Moreno was assigned individually to a standard junior officer room on Deck Five.

Rayek led the way there and when they arrived they found Fabiano's shipped luggage already within his quarters after having gone through Customs.  Dropping off the duffel didn't take long, and in the back of his mind, Rayek was curious why the man hadn't let the baggage porters just take the duffel along with the suitcase initially.   Of course, Rayek COULD take a look at the scans of the duffel later, but even he realized that was a bit of trespass into the man's privacy and wouldn't be appreciated by either Fabiano or Tess should it be discovered.

For now he set aside his curiosity and curbed his paranoia - at least until he had some manner of justification for snooping.

Rayek wasn't waiting long for Fabiano to find or replicate a hat at his suggestion, and the pair were soon on their way down to Brauhaus Gamma to surprise Tess and Benjin.

Cadet Benjin Moreno
[Brauhaus Gamma - the day before - dinner]

Benjin sat at a table in the middle of the room.  He was looking over the drink menu trying to decide whether to order his usual rye and ginger - just a step up from his favorite childhood soft drink... ginger ale; or to give one of the advertised locally brewed beers try; or maybe a genuine German beer.   He hadn't been fond of beer when he first tried it with his friends at the age of 16.  But he was older now, and tastes changed, right?

Benjin heard Tess' teasing comment about reading time and glanced up from his menu.  He watched Tess approaching the table and her flippant grin was huge.  Benjin rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Give me a break, sis."   The young man threw his sister a long suffering look. "Just because I was constantly late as a kid doesn't mean I'll always be that way.  I'd be drummed out of the service if I was like that now," he reasoned with a charming, innocent. "I'll have you know I was rarely late for class - and when I was I usually had a very valid reason."

But then probably to her as a newly promoted Lieutenant Commander being late was like taboo.  Benjin figured a change of topic might be good. "What do you recommend to drink for celebrating your promotion?"

Rayek approached the table directly with a purposeful stride so as to draw attention with his arrival.  It was a predator's nature to look directly at that which was clearly approaching you - so as to be able to better judge its distance from you.  A defense mechanism, he supposed; it took training to be able to continue to be aware of the other movements around you.

Both Tess and Benjin were present.  He inwardly cringed at the table that had been selected to sit at.  Rayek preferred to sit with a wall at his back with a clear view to as much of the room as possible, but there was nothing but open space all around his time.  Keeping an eye on the room would be much more noticeable from this location.   He stopped at the table but didn't sit immediately he remained standing so that their eyes were drawn to him and he took up a large field of view, allowing Fabiano to approach nearer.

"Good evening.  I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting, Tess... Benjin.  Thank you for allowing me to interrupt your dinner together.  But I came across something on the Healy that I just knew the two of you would want to see....."  Rayek's smile was wide as he stopped at the table.  He paused a moment, mentally timing what he anticipated was Fabiano's approach, then stepped off to the side towards the back of Tess' chair to allow an unobstructed view of Fabiano not 10 feet away.

Tess sat down at the table opposite her brother and chuckled at him when he gave her a long suffering look. "You don't say. I hope that applies for being tidy as well", she remarked teasingly, but then her face became friendly. When her attention was drawn to the topic of drinks, Tess picked up one of the menu cards to have a look. "We're celebrating my promotion? Awesome!", she grinned before she lowered her gaze back down to the menu in her hands. "Oh, before I forget to tell you. Rayek will join us for dinner. He called me half an hour ago."

"They serve rye and ginger here, don't you want to have that?", she asked without looking up. That was why she was only aware of Rayek's approach when he was standing next to their table. Hearing his voice Tess looked up at him, a smile showing on her face. "Evening, ciccino. You didn't interrupt as at all. We were just selecting something to drink." While she spoke Tess wondered why Rayek didn't sit down but remained standing. Then he mentioned he had found something on the Healy the sibling might want to see. Tess was confused. Looking back at Rayek for a hint what he might mean she watched him step behind her. The look of confusion lingered as her eyes automatically wandered about the open space - and naturally came to rest on a man who was approaching their table. Lifting her gaze to his face the menu card dropped out of her hands as her eyes went wide with surprise, her mouth gaping open when she recognized the man. "Papà!"

Fabiano grinned back at her and Tess got up swiftly to hug her father tightly. "I can't believe you are here!", she exclaimed completely amazed, then looked back at Rayek. "Did you arrange that too?" Tess was completely over the moon. Her face was beaming and her eyes seemed to be as bright as ever.

"I'm glad to be here too", Fabiano smiled as he held his daughter to her. Yes, he had no kids of his own, but he had grown fond of these children as if they were his own. He had long since dropped the 'adoptive' part when referring to them. "Actually it was my turn to provide a surprise today", he smirked.

When Tess released him to hug Rayek as well as she felt the need to share her happiness with him, Fabiano walked over to his son to greet him too. It wasn't that long since he had last seen him, not as long as Tess, but still he had missed him.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 19, 2019, 02:25:14 PM

Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[USS Healy - Deck 5 - Science lab]

Fabiano watched as the computer worked on some calculations with the data he had fed it with. Tess had approached him with the data she had received from the Klingon scientist Tolec and had asked him if he could assist with some research on it, since he had a broad background on species as a xenobiologist. Of course, Fabiano was happy to comply as long as he had not received different orders from his department head. A Lt. Falleg-Tekin, which he had not met as yet as he thought regretfully.

[Bridge - USS Healy]

Hrafn sat and mused.  She understood that another member of the Moreno family was here, presumably for the wedding, but his daughter had him working in the Science Department.  As Department Head of said department, she felt it incumbent upon her, and as a friend of Tess's to go and welcome her father not just to the Healy but otherwise too.

Checking that all scans were running accordingly she handed over to the Ensign sitting at the second console, and stood to speak to Rayek.

"With your permission, Sir, I'd like to go down and introduce myself to Lt. Moreno and to check he has everything he requires, scans are running normally and nothing out of the ordinary showing.  Ensign McGregor has everything in hand."

She stood not quite to attention but not slouching either waiting only for a slight nod of the head or some indication of approval.  She wanted to do everything by the book as things for her had felt funny since the Omega thing, she was glad that John Saxon had worked with her on that, it had calmed some of her unease but she was just playing by the rulebook for now because it was the safest thing, besides, the lab was the one place she'd always felt 'right', and it was a touchstone for her to ground herself for a while.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Rayek trLhoell

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell and Benjin Moreno
[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma - the day before - dinner]

Quote from: Tess Moreno on November 23, 2019, 09:40:03 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno and Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma - the day before]

Tess sat down at the table opposite her brother and chuckled at him when he gave her a long suffering look. "You don't say. I hope that applies for being tidy as well", she remarked teasingly, but then her face became friendly. When her attention was drawn to the topic of drinks, Tess picked up one of the menu cards to have a look. "We're celebrating my promotion? Awesome!", she grinned before she lowered her gaze back down to the menu in her hands. "Oh, before I forget to tell you. Rayek will join us for dinner. He called me half an hour ago."

"They serve rye and ginger here, don't you want to have that?", she asked without looking up. That was why she was only aware of Rayek's approach when he was standing next to their table. Hearing his voice Tess looked up at him, a smile showing on her face. "Evening, ciccino. You didn't interrupt as at all. We were just selecting something to drink." While she spoke Tess wondered why Rayek didn't sit down but remained standing. Then he mentioned he had found something on the Healy the sibling might want to see. Tess was confused. Looking back at Rayek for a hint what he might mean she watched him step behind her. The look of confusion lingered as her eyes automatically wandered about the open space - and naturally came to rest on a man who was approaching their table. Lifting her gaze to his face the menu card dropped out of her hands as her eyes went wide with surprise, her mouth gaping open when she recognized the man. "Papà!"

Fabiano grinned back at her and Tess got up swiftly to hug her father tightly. "I can't believe you are here!", she exclaimed completely amazed, then looked back at Rayek. "Did you arrange that too?" Tess was completely over the moon. Her face was beaming and her eyes seemed to be as bright as ever.

"I'm glad to be here too", Fabiano smiled as he held his daughter to her. Yes, he had no kids of his own, but he had grown fond of these children as if they were his own. He had long since dropped the 'adoptive' part when referring to them. "Actually it was my part to provide a surprise today", he smirked.

When Tess released him to hug Rayek as well as she felt the need to share her happiness with him, Fabiano walked over to his son to greet him too. It wasn't that long since he had last seen him, not as long as Tess, but still he had missed him.

Benjin didn't appreciate the truth of the teasing words but he knew Tess' meant it just in joke so he laughed.  "We'll see.  My roommate seems like he's the neat freak type so maybe he'll rub off on me a bit.".

The first 24 hrs had passed since being assigned as Ensign Darrow's roommate.  The Commander had mentioned most didn't make it past 2 days.  Benjin figured if the only time he spent in his room was to sleep, it should make it possible to him make it past that benchmark.

Tess seemed excited to be celebrating her promotion - and Benjin was glad that he was here for that.  "Of course. Anything you want is on me." he generously offered,  though he couldn't help but feel that it shouldn't just be him celebrating with Tess.  While he was vaguely aware that whatever the Commander was doing was important - so was his sister.  The man had a right to eat... why couldn't he just join them to make Tess feel special.

It seemed as if Tess was reading his mind cause her next words were to inform him that Rayek would be joining them afterall.   Benjin smiles.  "That's great!"

When he ask for a drink recommendation, he sighed as Tess suggested what he normally drank.  "I'm feeling like something different.  I think I'll order a pint of their house draft."

He glanced up from his menu card about to ask what she was going to order when he noticed the Commander's approach.  There was something about the man's stride and bearing that drew his attention and Benjin found himself looking up at the Romulan as the Commander stopped at their table.  When the Commander didn't sit immediately, Benjin wondered if that was because he was in his usual spot.

But the man stepped to the side after mentioning finding something on the Healy that he wanted to show them.  That's when Benjin saw his Dad.  He stared for a moment, uncomprehending. What!?  "But you're not set to arrive here for a month!" he exclaimed.

Rayek grinned, his eyes sparkling, as he watched for Tess' reaction. Her stunned facial expression was priceless.  He stood to the side as he watched Tess embrace her Dad tightly.  Rayek laughed at her accusation that this surprise was his doing too. He shook his head. "Only in part. I set things up. But your Dad decided to time things on his own.

He kept back letting the family reconnect, though after a hugging her father, Tess turned to him and Rayek found himself at the receiving end of her happiness.  He wrapped his arms about her in return as he smiled warmly at her.  "Surprise, e'lev."

Benjin meanwhile had risen from his seat at Fabiano's approach.  This was the first time since his leaving to attend Starfleet Academy that he'd seen his Dad in person.  Because of Fabiano's remote work with pre-warp species contact even by holo-vids had been sporadic over the past year.  The 2nd cadet stood before awkwardly before the only man he had ever recognized as his father.  He'd been too young to remember Ishto, and because of the Ba'ku aversion to technology he didn't have even videos or photos of the man or those of his mother to help remember him them by.  "Hey Papà." he greeted simply before stepping in to hug his father, blinking back tears.  Moreno men didn't cry at happy occasions!


Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: John Saxon on November 23, 2019, 06:01:57 AM

[USS Healy - Bridge]

John Saxon sat at Tactical, passing the defensive and offensive systems through a final diagnostic to ascertain readiness, as per Commander trLhoell's request. "All tactical systems all in the green" he returned, "Tactical database fully operational, and the target's known profile is loaded into the sensors. More importantly" he continued, with a hard look of hot determination, "countermeasures and firewalls are now in place to secure systems against further...disruption."

Events of the night before wore heavily on his mind, but now was not the time to reflect upon them. No, his attention was on the chase.

"Excellent. Thank you Lieutenant Saxon."
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on November 23, 2019, 07:04:20 PM

[Bridge - USS Healy]

Hrafn sat and mused.  She understood that another member of the Moreno family was here, presumably for the wedding, but his daughter had him working in the Science Department.  As Department Head of said department, she felt it incumbent upon her, and as a friend of Tess's to go and welcome her father not just to the Healy but otherwise too.

Checking that all scans were running accordingly she handed over to the Ensign sitting at the second console, and stood to speak to Rayek.

"With your permission, Sir, I'd like to go down and introduce myself to Lt. Moreno and to check he has everything he requires, scans are running normally and nothing out of the ordinary showing.  Ensign McGregor has everything in hand."

She stood not quite to attention but not slouching either waiting only for a slight nod of the head or some indication of approval.  She wanted to do everything by the book as things for her had felt funny since the Omega thing, she was glad that John Saxon had worked with her on that, it had calmed some of her unease but she was just playing by the rulebook for now because it was the safest thing, besides, the lab was the one place she'd always felt 'right', and it was a touchstone for her to ground herself for a while.

Rayek glanced over to Hrafn as she approached him requesting permission to leave the Bridge to greet Lt Moreno.  He was surprised that she hadn't yet... but had to remind himself that Fabiano only arrived last night - unexpectedly so.   Rayek was also surprised at Hrafn's somewhat less than bubbly demeanor today.  He regardless the CSO a moment before nodding. "Permission granted." he answered clearly for all to hear then quieter added "Perhaps stop by Medical to see Tess as well, you don't seem yourself today."

Rayek offered a concerned smile towards the Trill hybrid before turning to listen to the next readiness report - Ops stating everything all systems were green for undocking.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 23, 2019, 05:56:07 AM

Eventually all the departments reported in.  "All departments stand ready for departure, on your command, sir."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno and Lt. Fabiano Moreno
[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma - the day before]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on November 24, 2019, 01:21:26 AM

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell and Benjin Moreno
[Katra Station - Brauhaus Gamma - the day before - dinner]

Benjin didn't appreciate the truth of the teasing words but he knew Tess' meant it just in joke so he laughed.  "We'll see.  My roommate seems like he's the neat freak type so maybe he'll rub off on me a bit.".

The first 24 hrs had passed since being assigned as Ensign Darrow's roommate.  The Commander had mentioned most didn't make it past 2 days.  Benjin figured if the only time he spent in his room was to sleep, it should make it possible to him make it past that benchmark.

Tess seemed excited to be celebrating her promotion - and Benjin was glad that he was here for that.  "Of course. Anything you want is on me." he generously offered,  though he couldn't help but feel that it shouldn't just be him celebrating with Tess.  While he was vaguely aware that whatever the Commander was doing was important - so was his sister.  The man had a right to eat... why couldn't he just join them to make Tess feel special.

It seemed as if Tess was reading his mind cause her next words were to inform him that Rayek would be joining them afterall.   Benjin smiles.  "That's great!"

When he ask for a drink recommendation, he sighed as Tess suggested what he normally drank.  "I'm feeling like something different.  I think I'll order a pint of their house draft."

He glanced up from his menu card about to ask what she was going to order when he noticed the Commander's approach.  There was something about the man's stride and bearing that drew his attention and Benjin found himself looking up at the Romulan as the Commander stopped at their table.  When the Commander didn't sit immediately, Benjin wondered if that was because he was in his usual spot.

But the man stepped to the side after mentioning finding something on the Healy that he wanted to show them.  That's when Benjin saw his Dad.  He stared for a moment, uncomprehending. What!?  "But you're not set to arrive here for a month!" he exclaimed.

Rayek grinned, his eyes sparkling, as he watched for Tess' reaction. Her stunned facial expression was priceless.  He stood to the side as he watched Tess embrace her Dad tightly.  Rayek laughed at her accusation that this surprise was his doing too. He shook his head. "Only in part. I set things up. But your Dad decided to time things on his own.

He kept back letting the family reconnect, though after a hugging her father, Tess turned to him and Rayek found himself at the receiving end of her happiness.  He wrapped his arms about her in return as he smiled warmly at her.  "Surprise, e'lev."

Benjin meanwhile had risen from his seat at Fabiano's approach.  This was the first time since his leaving to attend Starfleet Academy that he'd seen his Dad in person.  Because of Fabiano's remote work with pre-warp species contact even by holo-vids had been sporadic over the past year.  The 2nd cadet stood before awkwardly before the only man he had ever recognized as his father.  He'd been too young to remember Ishto, and because of the Ba'ku aversion to technology he didn't have even videos or photos of the man or those of his mother to help remember him them by.  "Hey Papà." he greeted simply before stepping in to hug his father, blinking back tears.  Moreno men didn't cry at happy occasions!

Tess was about to ask how it was going with Raiden when Benjin mentioned him but then was distracted by the topic of drinks.
She found it sweet of her brother to take anything she wanted today on him. "Thank you, Ben", she smiled.

Tess approved of his choice of the Brauhaus' house draft. Maybe she could steal a sip from him, just to try it. She herself always preferred wine over beer. "I think I'll have a glass of Tulaberry wine", she mused aloud.

Then she was distracted by Rayek and surprised by the presence of her father. Hearing the bits and hints of the surprise Tess looked from Rayek to Fabiano to Benjin. "Another month? You knew he was about to come here?", she asked her brother, then she looked at Fabiano and Rayek. "But how are you here now?"

"I managed to finish the project I've been working on so far that I was able to delegate the rest of the main part that needs to be done to my colleagues on the station. I will get involved from here remotely. That way I could arrange for my transfer to preponed and with that thought I could surprise not only you, Tess, but also your fiance."

When she was in Rayek's arms and she saw the warm smile he was looking at her with, her heart clenched with happiness as he quietly 'surprised' her. "Thank you so much", she whispered, her hands cupping his cheeks for a gentle loving moment as suddenly tears shot in her eyes when the feeling of deep gratitude for what he did for her washed over her. "Love you", she whispered, another bright and joyous smile showing on her face as she hugged him once more.

Fabiano who had turned to Benjin looked back at him as the kid stood awkwardly in front of him. He smiled at him and readily pulled him into the hug, having caught the sparkle of tears glimmering in the boy's eyes. "Mi sei mancato, figliolo mio. Sono contento di vederti", he murmured in his son's ear.

Fabiano pulled back and gave Benjin another smile before turning back to Tess, who caught his look and after giving a loving squeeze to Rayek she pulled back to walk over to her dad. The Italian took a moment to look at her, taking in how happy she was. He was glad, knowing that she didn't have an easy time here. He reached his hand up to cup her cheek lovingly, smiling. "You look as beautiful as ever. Congratulations by the way, Lieutenant Commander", he smirked. "Rayek told me about it. I'm very proud of you." He turned to Benjin with a smile. "Of both of you", he said and patted the boy's head at the back as he looked at him.

Tess smiled and hugged her father. "Thank you."
"We were just about to have dinner, you'll join us too, won't you?", she asked her dad as she motioned to the table. Turning to Rayek she added: "Were you serious about joining us for dinner or do you have to go back now?" Her hoping for him to stay was obvious.

I missed you, my son. I'm glad to see you.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

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