S2 M10 - Advenæ

Started by Solluk, October 20, 2020, 03:26:20 PM

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IKS Lod Qan - Just inside the Oort cloud of the Trialus system

Captain's Battle Log, continued...

It is incredible to finally return to the Trialus system, to be on the cusp of returning home.  After week upon week of cloaked hide-and-seek with the Gregari, followed by complete subspace silence on a slow crawl back home, tensions on the ship have been high.  Those tensions have been made all the worse by my Executive Officer, who has been increasingly agitated.  I feel for him.  His wife's expected birthing date came and went, while I withheld permission to make subspace radio contact.  My greatest fear has been that the Gregari might follow us home, and unleash an incalculable wrath upon Katra station and Meridian.  Only now, as we pass into the system proper, do I dare to decloak and make contact.

I hope to find that all is well, but already there is troubling news on sensors...

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

"Report." Solluk spoke the single word.

The bekk who had taken Zex's station on the bridge spoke.  Zex herself had separated from the Lod Qan once the ship had exited Gregari space, going with the Tholian attack ship back to Tholia with its precious charge.  Solluk was not clear on whether or not Eydis had survived the ordeal, but he held hope that the dedicated Tholian might have been preserved.  Either in hir own body, or via the embedding of her knowledge into the mind of an associate.

"I am reading a multitude of ships, HoD.  Many of them Klingon cruisers.  There is at least one ship I do not recognize.  The Klingon ships are launching assault shuttles to the surface of Meridian... it looks like an invasion."

Solluk's eyes went wide at the news.  "Decloak.  Switch to active sensors.  Hail the station."

A moment later, the face of Noh'ves appeared on the viewscreen.

"Solluk HoD!  Returned on the Lod Qan after so many weeks away.  Your arrival is bittersweet."

Solluk arched a brow, "How so?"

"It is good to see you returned from your journey.  And the scars on the Old Man add honor to her legacy, no doubt.  But I have lost a substantial bet to Tolec.  I bet him a brick of latinum that you were in Sto'vo'kor.  But it seems you survived your ordeals."  He barked a laugh.

"I'd like to apologize for costing you money, Captain Noh'ves, but I can't say I'm sorry to be alive.  But tell me... it appears that a massive Klingon landing is currently underway on Meridian."

Noh'ves nodded, "The Republic of Kahless has decided to announce its presence to the galaxy by assisting with the Etrosian relocation.  Twenty cruisers have been assigned to the task."

Solluk blinked.  "Republic of Kahless?"

Noh'ves smiled, "You have been away for too long, Solluk.  There is much to discuss."

Katra Station - Dord Embassy - Reception Hall
Two Weeks Later...

"Oh, the lament of the Master,
Hear it with your Heart.
In the Race of the Races,
Tis lonely to be Faster.

Oh, the lament of the Best,
Who must be moved to weep.
For there can be no company,
When you are ahead of the Rest."

There was a pause as Depp took in a deep breath of the aromatic air of the Dord embassy.  It was air doped with methane and sulfates, but not enough to be harmful to most species.  Only enough to meet the biological needs of the Dord... and to be somewhat repugnant.  Holographic servants moved about, offering refreshment and food to those that wished it, though the smell had quelled a number of appetites.  The Numati ambassador even wore a mask.  Though, whether this was a commentary on the foulness of the atmosphere or the foulness of the Dord themselves was uncertain.

"Thus ends the Epic poem, "Burden of the Masters, by the legendary poet 'Gaz.'  Long may he be remembered."

Of the ambassadors in attendance, only the newest responded enthusiastically, patting her thigh loudly.

"Splendid, splendid! Thirula called out, "Thank you for sharing your culture with us, Depp.  Please, do you also have poems about the burden of the Servants?"

Depp shifted slightly behind the podium.  "Unfortunately, that is all the poetry we have time for, today.  Please enjoy the refreshments."

Thirula's enthusiasm dampened at that news, but she turned, smiling, to begin mingling with the others in audience.

Solluk sighed, turning away from the seemingly interminable performance which had lasted fifteen stanzas.  The Dord 'epic poem' had suggested that lording over others was a great and terrible burden.  It was a sentiment that was even less appetizing than the food.  Fortunately, the Servants in evidence here were all holographic.  It suggested that what Beja said was true.  At least on the station, Dord culture was adapting to the sensibilities of the wider galaxy.

Noticing ambassador Kol nearby, Solluk approached him.  There had been something looming for some time.  A proverbial shoe which was about to drop.

"Ambassador.  I have seen little of you since our return." Solluk called out to the man, who was drinking one of the pink Dord beverages with a slight grimace.

"This is not a warrior's beverage," Kol said to Solluk as he approached the station's commanding officer.  "Ah, well, you might imagine I have been kept quite busy.  The formation of a new government is always frought with difficulty.  The Republic of Kahless has been busy making trade agreements, peace treaties, even defense pacts."

"Defense pacts?" This was the first Solluk had heard of it.

The ambassador shrugged, "Even with hundreds of warships, we are a small nation.  And it is only a matter of time before the Empire makes a... response... to our presence here."

"Actually," Solluk said, "that's what I wanted to discuss with you.  I received word, today.  The Klingon Empire is sending an ambassador.  He should arrive any day."

Ambassador Kol nodded, "Mmm.  I appreciate the warning.  Perhaps I can return the favor."

"Oh?" Solluk was intrigued.

Kol leaned close, "The Romulans are also sending an ambassador."

Solluk blinked, "To Katra?  We should have been informed."

Kol chuckled, "Not to Katra.  To the Capital of the Republic of Kahless.  However... there are those in my government who would prefer the Romulans situate themselves in a more... neutral location."

Solluk lifted his chin slightly.  "Ah.  You want me to offer them a place here."

Kol shrugged, "I'm sure if we can collaborate on such small matters, we will continue to be good friends."

Solluk nodded, "I will suggest it to Starfleet Command.  The station is meant to be a diplomatic outpost, after all."

Kol smiled, "Excellent."  With that settled, his eyes turned to Thirula.  "Tell me, Captain... what do you think of the Celestial Harmony?"

It was Solluk's turn to shrug, "They seem friendly enough.  Not unlike the Federation."

Kol grunted.  "Mmm.  We shall see."

As though sensing she was being talked about, Ambassador Thirula approached.

"Gentlemen.  Did you enjoy the poetry reading?" she asked the question with a smile.

Kol lifted his glass.  "About as much as I enjoyed this beverage."

Thirula smiled, "Yes, isn't it delightful?  Sweet, and it tickles the tongue.  I so enjoy meeting new cultures, and here on Katra, there are so many to experience.  It is a diplomatic paradise."

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself, ambassador," Solluk said, deftly avoiding commentary on the poetry reading.

"I truly am.  And I must thank you for our excellent embassy accommodations.  In fact, Captain, I hope you might allow me to thank you with a private dinner at the embassy tonight.  Say, 1900 hours, station time?"

Solluk's eyes widened slightly, "I would be... honored, ambassador."

She smiled broadly, "Excellent.  I shall go and make preparations."

Both men watched her go, and then Kol leaned close to Solluk, "I do believe she intends to pump you for information, Captain.  Stay strong."

Then the Klingon barked a laugh, patting the Vulcan on his back before meandering back into the crowd to make small talk with the Dord.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Katra Station - Crew Quarters

Zex had arrived on station the night before.  She returned the Tholina vessel to it previous spot.  Then she asked for a direct transport to her quarters.

She had been in a evo suit for the majority of 2 weeks.  It had become her second skin.  When she removed it, it kept her form.

Luckily the Tholian's had been able to provide her with private quarters on their vessel.  A very small room that allowed her to eat and to take care of her personal care.  Outside of that, which was 99.5% of the time, she wore the suit.

So when she climbed out of it, she just stood there a long moment.  Allowing the air to touch her skin.  Allowing her skin to feel the warmth of the room.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she uttered.  Then she turned to her bed.  Not a Klingon or Tholian bed, her bed.

"Oh how I have missed you.  You beautiful piece of furniture.  With you soft mattress just the way I like it" she said as she climbed into bed.

"Hello soft pillows.  You are my favorites" the Deltan added.  She laid her head down and wrapped her arms around her body pillow.

"Lights off" Zex called out.  The lights dimmed in response.  "There's no place like home" she uttered before she drifted off to sleep.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


Rayek sogh
[IKS Lod Qan - Just inside the Oort cloud of the Trialus system] (early October 2398)

Despite having failed to save the Crystalline Entity, the retrieval of the Crystalline Seed had given the mission a somewhat successful feel.  However, that successful outlook however was dampened for Rayek when the consequence for their having been detected by the Gregari the one time, meant that there were numerous Gregari patrols throughout the Gregari system to now avoid.  The LoD Qan as result had to proceed slower to avoid patrols, and prevent an engine overheat that would leave them without cloak once more.

The ship seemingly crawled through Gregari space for weeks and weeks on end - in communication silence.  Then continue on in silence and took a circuitous route back, in order to ensure the safety of the station.  They used every trick in the book and then some to hide their warp signature and warp trail.  While Rayek understood the need for such precautions and had agreed with the Captain regarding the necessity of such tactics in order to be sure that they would not be identified or followed, the situation aggravated Rayek and his temperament became rather sharp and abrupt, more so than normal for the Romulan.  An absence that was initially supposed to be a maybe 4 to 5 weeks long, ended up being 12 weeks in total.  Their arrival back at the Trialus system while a relief, was 3 weeks too late for Rayek to be content about.  Tess had been due in early September and it was now October.   He'd missed the birth - plain and simple.

Add onto that stress, after 8 weeks of silence beyond what was expected to be the mission length, Tess surely must think him and Benjin lost.

Quote from: Solluk on October 20, 2020, 03:26:20 PM

IKS Lod Qan - Just inside the Oort cloud of the Trialus system

Captain's Battle Log, continued...

It is incredible to finally return to the Trialus system, to be on the cusp of returning home.  After week upon week of cloaked hide-and-seek with the Gregari, followed by complete subspace silence on a slow crawl back home, tensions on the ship have been high.  Those tensions have been made all the worse by my Executive Officer, who has been increasingly agitated.  I feel for him.  His wife's expected birthing date came and went, while I withheld permission to make subspace radio contact.  My greatest fear has been that the Gregari might follow us home, and unleash an incalculable wrath upon Katra station and Meridian.  Only now, as we pass into the system proper, do I dare to decloak and make contact.

I hope to find that all is well, but already there is troubling news on sensors...]

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

"Report." Solluk spoke the single word.

The bekk who had taken Zex's station on the bridge spoke.  Zex herself had separated from the Lod Qan once the ship had exited Gregari space, going with the Tholian attack ship back to Tholia with its precious charge.  Solluk was not clear on whether or not Eydis had survived the ordeal, but he held hope that the dedicated Tholian might have been preserved.  Either in hir own body, or via the embedding of her knowledge into the mind of an associate.

"I am reading a multitude of ships, HoD.  Many of them Klingon cruisers.  There is at least one ship I do not recognize.  The Klingon ships are launching assault shuttles to the surface of Meridian... it looks like an invasion."

Solluk's eyes went wide at the news.  "Decloak.  Switch to active sensors.  Hail the station."

A moment later, the face of Noh'ves appeared on the viewscreen.

"Solluk HoD!  Returned on the Lod Qan after so many weeks away.  Your arrival is bittersweet."

Solluk arched a brow, "How so?"

"It is good to see you returned from your journey.  And the scars on the Old Man add honor to her legacy, no doubt.  But I have lost a substantial bet to Tolec.  I bet him a brick of latinum that you were in Sto'vo'kor.  But it seems you survived your ordeals."  He barked a laugh.

"I'd like to apologize for costing you money, Captain Noh'ves, but I can't say I'm sorry to be alive.  But tell me... it appears that a massive Klingon landing is currently underway on Meridian."

Noh'ves nodded, "The Republic of Kahless has decided to announce its presence to the galaxy by assisting with the Etrosian relocation.  Twenty cruisers have been assigned to the task."

Solluk blinked.  "Republic of Kahless?"

Noh'ves smiled, "You have been away for too long, Solluk.  There is much to discuss."

Rayek was on bridge manning the tactical station prepping to run a long range scan behind them to be sure that nothing had followed them from the Gregari system, when the bekk made her announcement.   He quickly accessed the same sensors the bekk was looking at to confirm the statement the sheer number of Klingon ships had Rayek completely agree with the bekk's assessment.  It did look like an invasion fleet.   His heart leapt into his throat with worry over Tess.

The Captain's order to drop the cloak was obeyed and he waited while the bekk connected the Captain to the station.   The active sensors gave a better picture of the situation.   The Klingon cruisers were not at any sort of alert status and life signs abord the ships showed a large number of what seemed to be ... Etrosians?

This was proved to be an accurate interpretation of the sensor readings when Solluk and Noh'ves spoke.

While the two Captains discussed the situation at length, Rayek tried peering at the background behind Noh'ves to see if Tess was there.   But the camera program on Katra had assessed that a close-up facial of Noh'ves was what was appropriate.  Rayek sighed in disappointment before he came up with a plan.

The Klingon comm system wasn't all that different from the Federation's,  Rayek realized.  While his Klingon comm badge was out of range of the station, it should be near enough to the communication buoys to be picked up.   Using his security access code, Rayek connected his Klingon comm to the nearest buoy to the ship.  Rayek hoped that by connecting using his security access code that the system might not alert those at Ops or Tactical about the high-jacking of the unit temporarily.

Rayek tapped behind his ear to activate silent mode on his surgically implanted Universal Translator and comm.  He tapped his comm and then mouthed the words to make the call.  =/\= "Rayek sogh to Commander t'Lhoell.  We're 20 minutes out.  I'm sorry I'm so late.  How is our boy? What did you name him?" =/\=

They had decided to only pick a name after their son was born.  While he felt a sad twinge at having lost that connection of being part of the naming process, Rayek was just glad to be almost home and able to talk to his wife.

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Strategic Ops >>> Sickbay  -  Two Weeks Later...]

Rayek was seated at his desk reviewing the report of the 'Shoe Theft' Investigation as written by Ensign Paul Wessex... or rather Lt jg Paul Wessex.  It was due to this investigation and the actions taken by the new Security officer to Katra station that Noh'ves had felt inclined to give out a field promotion to an Ensign that had just arrived and only been with the Fleet a short time.   The Romulan grimaced, how would Noh'ves feel if he and Solluk had handed out promotions or demotions, 'willy-nilly' after only a few days of being in command on the LoD Qan.  The one demotion that did take place Rayek knew wouldn't be a permanent one... and Rayek honestly had been considering returning Wessex to the rank of Ensign just to make a point to the Klingon.

But that wasn't fair to Wessex, who from what Rayek read, had done an excellent job.  It was plain to see the commissioned role suited the man.  The past two weeks of observing the Lieutenant had given Rayek the assurance that the promotion had been earned and not just given away or bought.   Rayek could see himself having given the man the same promotion just a little later - perhaps at the end of this month rather than in July, just days after his arrival.   Quick promotions, the Romulan knew from experience, tended to stir animosity from those that when left behind.   He would have sought to avoid that amongst the Security personnel.

A chime on his PADD alerted him to a very important appointment.   He closed up the file and downed the last of his chai tea - He'd missed it while on the LoD Qan - before making his way towards the turbolift.   Tess had said to meet her in her office in Sickbay.  She'd been saved from having to attention the Diplomatic reception at the Dord Embassy due to her daily appointments.  Appointments that since returning, Rayek had attended to as well... as if making up for lost time.

Arriving in Sickbay, Rayek nodded his greetings to the Admitting Nurse who waved him through, even as she contacted Tess to inform the CMO of her husband's arrival.

Moments later Rayek chimed Tess' door.   When it slid open, Rayek smiled at the sight of his 45 weeks pregnant wife.  Apparently, the fetus' development had slowed over the weeks that he had been away.    Fuller had described it as the baby's Romulan genetics asserting itself - since a Romulan pregnancy tended to be around 55 - 60 weeks.   Rayek liked to tease Tess that the baby had known to slow down to be sure Daddy could be present.   Perhaps not too far-fetched a notion as during the past two weeks the baby's progress had picked up once more.

"Are you ready for your appointment, e'lev?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Tess tLhoell


Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months +3 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Operations Control Center]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 21, 2020, 05:09:12 AM

Rayek sogh
[IKS Lod Qan - Just inside the Oort cloud of the Trialus system] (early October 2398)

Despite having failed to save the Crystalline Entity, the retrieval of the Crystalline Seed had given the mission a somewhat successful feel.  However, that successful outlook however was dampened for Rayek when the consequence for their having been detected by the Gregari the one time, meant that there were numerous Gregari patrols throughout the Gregari system to now avoid.  The LoD Qan as result had to proceed slower to avoid patrols, and prevent an engine overheat that would leave them without cloak once more.

The ship seemingly crawled through Gregari space for weeks and weeks on end - in communication silence.  Then continue on in silence and took a circuitous route back, in order to ensure the safety of the station.  They used every trick in the book and then some to hide their warp signature and warp trail.  While Rayek understood the need for such precautions and had agreed with the Captain regarding the necessity of such tactics in order to be sure that they would not be identified or followed, the situation aggravated Rayek and his temperament became rather sharp and abrupt, more so than normal for the Romulan.  An absence that was initially supposed to be a maybe 4 to 5 weeks long, ended up being 12 weeks in total.  Their arrival back at the Trialus system while a relief, was 3 weeks too late for Rayek to be content about.  Tess had been due in early September and it was now October.   He'd missed the birth - plain and simple.

Add onto that stress, after 8 weeks of silence beyond what was expected to be the mission length, Tess surely must think him and Benjin lost.

Rayek was on bridge manning the tactical station prepping to run a long range scan behind them to be sure that nothing had followed them from the Gregari system, when the bekk made her announcement.   He quickly accessed the same sensors the bekk was looking at to confirm the statement the sheer number of Klingon ships had Rayek completely agree with the bekk's assessment.  It did look like an invasion fleet.   His heart leapt into his throat with worry over Tess.

The Captain's order to drop the cloak was obeyed and he waited while the bekk connected the Captain to the station.   The active sensors gave a better picture of the situation.   The Klingon cruisers were not at any sort of alert status and life signs abord the ships showed a large number of what seemed to be ... Etrosians?

This was proved to be an accurate interpretation of the sensor readings when Solluk and Noh'ves spoke.

While the two Captains discussed the situation at length, Rayek tried peering at the background behind Noh'ves to see if Tess was there.   But the camera program on Katra had assessed that a close-up facial of Noh'ves was what was appropriate.  Rayek sighed in disappointment before he came up with a plan.

The Klingon comm system wasn't all that different from the Federation's,  Rayek realized.  While his Klingon comm badge was out of range of the station, it should be near enough to the communication buoys to be picked up.   Using his security access code, Rayek connected his Klingon comm to the nearest buoy to the ship.  Rayek hoped that by connecting using his security access code that the system might not alert those at Ops or Tactical about the high-jacking of the unit temporarily.

Rayek tapped behind his ear to activate silent mode on his surgically implanted Universal Translator and comm.  He tapped his comm and then mouthed the words to make the call.  =/\= "Rayek sogh to Commander t'Lhoell.  We're 20 minutes out.  I'm sorry I'm so late.  How is our boy? What did you name him?" =/\=

They had decided to only pick a name after their son was born.  While he felt a sad twinge at having lost that connection of being part of the naming process, Rayek was just glad to be almost home and able to talk to his wife.

Luckily the weeks after the solving of the Meridian illness had been more quiet. Klingon ships had arrived, announcing themselves to be of the Republic of Kahless. What that was Tess wasn't sure, the Klingons had not really shared any information on that. She had a suspicion, but that was almost too unbelievable to be true. The Klingons offered to assist with the relocation of Etrosians which was gratefully accepted. Tess also had tried to keep tabs on President Tarin a little bit regarding his plans with the Etrosians.

As the weeks went by, Tess became increasingly worried about the fate of the LoD Qan and its crew - especially of course her husband and her brother. Rayek had managed to send messages now and then, which had calmed Tess down to an extent - simpy the fact to hear from him. When he mentioned the Gregari attack, concern prevailed again.

At some point, messages from Rayek stopped. When the time around the LoD Qan's expected return came and went, Tess started to become really worried. Day after day she hoped to receive a message from Rayek or learn about the ship's return, but nothing happened. As days turned into weeks Tess started to believe that something must have happened. Maybe the Gregari had found them again? She knew that a single ship couldn't stand a chance against a swarm of Gregari. At some point Tess had cried at her father's shoulder every night, the fear of probably having lost Rayek and Benjin was too much. Pregnancy hormones surely did their part to heighten such emotions while Fabiano did his best to calm his pregnant daughter down and remind her to stay positive.

Now, about 3 weeks 'overdue', Tess at the OCC. Normally, when the Captain was up here, Tess used the time to check in on her duties in sickbay, but currently Tess was up here most of the day in hopeful anticipation to hear from the LoD Qan.

So when Ensign T'Palin announced in her unemotional way that the LoD Qan was hailing them and sensors confirmed that it was indeed said ship that has been detected at the rim of the Oort cloud, Tess nearly jumped out of her seat - she was sure it didn't look particularly graceful. When she heard Captain Solluk's voice there was no doubt left - her husband had returned!

Barely able to contain her joy, Tess barely followed what was being said but tried to make out Rayek on the screen, but unfortunately he was not to be seen. Overjoyed, Tess announced to Captain Noh'ves she would welcome the crew back at customs and hurried off the OCC.

Just as she was on the way, she heard Rayek contacting her via comm. He was speaking discreetly, she could tell from the volume and the way he spoke, but she was so happy to hear him.  =/\= "Ciccino", she said with a huge smile on her face, "I missed you so much! I'm so glad to hear you. Our boy is well, you'll be happy to hear that you didn't miss much. Our little one is still where he was. But I will tell you about it when I see you. I'll await you at customs!" =/\=

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months + 5 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay - CMO's office]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 21, 2020, 05:09:12 AM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Strategic Ops >>> Sickbay  -  Two Weeks Later...]

Rayek was seated at his desk reviewing the report of the 'Shoe Theft' Investigation as written by Ensign Paul Wessex... or rather Lt jg Paul Wessex.  It was due to this investigation and the actions taken by the new Security officer to Katra station that Noh'ves had felt inclined to give out a field promotion to an Ensign that had just arrived and only been with the Fleet a short time.   The Romulan grimaced, how would Noh'ves feel if he and Solluk had handed out promotions or demotions, 'willy-nilly' after only a few days of being in command on the LoD Qan.  The one demotion that did take place Rayek knew wouldn't be a permanent one... and Rayek honestly had been considering returning Wessex to the rank of Ensign just to make a point to the Klingon.

But that wasn't fair to Wessex, who from what Rayek read, had done an excellent job.  It was plain to see the commissioned role suited the man.  The past two weeks of observing the Lieutenant had given Rayek the assurance that the promotion had been earned and not just given away or bought.   Rayek could see himself having given the man the same promotion just a little later - perhaps at the end of this month rather than in July, just days after his arrival.   Quick promotions, the Romulan knew from experience, tended to stir animosity from those that when left behind.   He would have sought to avoid that amongst the Security personnel.

A chime on his PADD alerted him to a very important appointment.   He closed up the file and downed the last of his chai tea - He'd missed it while on the LoD Qan - before making his way towards the turbolift.   Tess had said to meet her in her office in Sickbay.  She'd been saved from having to attention the Diplomatic reception at the Dord Embassy due to her daily appointments.  Appointments that since returning, Rayek had attended to as well... as if making up for lost time.

Arriving in Sickbay, Rayek nodded his greetings to the Admitting Nurse who waved him through, even as she contacted Tess to inform the CMO of her husband's arrival.

Moments later Rayek chimed Tess' door.   When it slid open, Rayek smiled at the sight of his 45 weeks pregnant wife.  Apparently, the fetus' development had slowed over the weeks that he had been away.    Fuller had described it as the baby's Romulan genetics asserting itself - since a Romulan pregnancy tended to be around 55 - 60 weeks.   Rayek liked to tease Tess that the baby had known to slow down to be sure Daddy could be present.   Perhaps not too far-fetched a notion as during the past two weeks the baby's progress had picked up once more.

"Are you ready for your appointment, e'lev?"

Tess sat in her office to do some paper work. Having entered a certain stage of pregnancy, Tess refrained from her work as a doctor for the rest of it. The risk of contracting a disease was too high. Additionally to that, as the pregnancy went on and on, it became increasingly harder for Tess to stand for very long or walk around much. So for the most part, Tess was either sitting at the OCC or in her office in sickbay.

All in all, the pregnancy was going well. She definitely had crossed the line for the duration of a normal humanoid pregnancy. The fetus - being a humanoid/vulcanoid hybrid baby - had slowed down with its developing progress significantly during the weeks what would have been the final ones in a humanoid pregnancy. Apparently, the vulcanoid part of their son took its time now - or had waited until Daddy was home again, as Rayek liked to teasingly point out to her.

Tess felt good, but despite that, there were concerns too. Since her body was humanoid, she worried that with every day that the pregnancy went on, her body would give up since it normally would have done its job. Tess' biggest concern was that her placenta would stop working properly which would mean that their son would not be adequately supplied anymore. That could cause the fetus to die inside her womb. To have an eye on that, Tess had daily appointments in sickbay to do check-ups and make sure Tess and the baby were okay.

That Rayek made time to join her for every appointment meant a lot to Tess. He was the one who shared the joy of this exciting adventure most with her so having him at her side was the best thing that could happen.
When the door bell chimed, Tess looked up and a smile erupted on her face at the sight of her husband. "I'm ready." Locking her computer, Tess heaved herself up and out of the chair before she made her way over to where Rayek was. Making use of the opportunity of them being alone for a moment, Tess wrapped her arms around him and leaned in - as far as her pregnant belly would allow - to kiss Rayek. "I love most things Romulan, but I won't hope I'll have to go the full 55 weeks of pregnancy. I already now feel like I'm falling apart", she chuckled.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

With the unpleasant Dord cultural outreach event behind him, Solluk had returned to the comfort and solitude of his ready room.  Every time an embassy held one of these parties, some new intrigue or maneuver always surfaced.  As difficult as the mission on the Lod Qan had been, he sometimes longed for the simplicity of such assignments.  Assignments where the obstacles were clear, the path was clear, and the price was clear.  As hard as it may have been, it had also been relatively straightforward.

With diplomacy, nothing was ever a straight line.

But now there was a bit of administrative work he could do, before his meeting with the Celestial Harmony's ambassador tonight.  Something that was a straight line.  Something that would feel good.

He tapped his badge, =/\= Captain Solluk to Ensign Kal, please report to my ready room. =/\=

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell


Rayek sogh
[IKS Lod Qan - Just inside the Oort cloud of the Trialus system >>> Katra Station] (early October 2398)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on October 21, 2020, 02:29:25 PM

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months +3 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Operations Control Center]

Just as she was on the way, she heard Rayek contacting her via comm. He was speaking discreetly, she could tell from the volume and the way he spoke, but she was so happy to hear him.  =/\= "Ci##no", she said with a huge smile on her face, "I missed you s# much! I## so glad ## hear you. Our boy is we##, ##### happy #### th## you ##### mis# ## ###. ### little ### ## still w##re he wa#. ## I will #### ### abou# #t whe# # see y##. #'ll await ### at cus####!" =/\=

Even as Tess spoke to him, he could hear static and lag building rapidly in the transmission as the effective range of the comm badge (never intended for long distance subspace calls) to the comms satellite was strained while the LoD Qan continued on towards the station at warp.   However just hearing Tess' voice answer in happy tones - proof that she was okay - was like a balm to Rayek's agitation.  From that brief contact his mood improved a hundredfold.  He was nearly home!  In twenty minutes, he would get to meet his son!

[Twenty minutes later... Saucer 1 - Customs]

Unfortunately, as Executive officer of the Klingon ship until otherwise released, Rayek had to oversee the full docking procedure and engine shutdown of the LoD Qan before he felt it permissible for him to pass off the duty of watch over the ship to K'mpoc, who had been released from his 'house arrest' several weeks back while they were on their way back to Katra.  Released from his ship responsibilities, Rayek hurried to grab up his duffle bag - which had been packed ready for this moment for over a week, and headed out the LoD Qan's airlock and into the connecting tube that would take him to Katra.   Stepping out of the tube and onto the station proper, Rayek's already smiling face, beamed even wider as he spotted Tess.

He started to hurry towards her, his eyes drinking in every inch of her.  Her beautiful, luscious dark hair which framed her smiling face; her gorgeous blue eyes, themselves smiling as they watched him approach.   Her protruding belly.... that seemed almost too large for her slender build.   Wait..  What!?

As he closed the distance to his wife, Rayek's eyes remained staring at her belly.  His expression was perplexed and a little concerned.

Finally at closing the gap, he opened his arms to wrap about her, leaning forward a bit awkwardly over the bulge between them.  "Tess?  I .. I thought.... September... Is the baby okay?" he asked quietly.

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Strategic Ops >>> Sickbay  -  Two Weeks Later...]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on October 21, 2020, 02:29:25 PM

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months + 5 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay - CMO's office]

That Rayek made time to join her for every appointment meant a lot to Tess. He was the one who shared the joy of this exciting adventure most with her so having him at her side was the best thing that could happen.

When the door bell chimed, Tess looked up and a smile erupted on her face at the sight of her husband. "I'm ready." Locking her computer, Tess heaved herself up and out of the chair before she made her way over to where Rayek was. Making use of the opportunity of them being alone for a moment, Tess wrapped her arms around him and leaned in - as far as her pregnant belly would allow - to kiss Rayek. "I love most things Romulan, but I won't hope I'll have to go the full 55 weeks of pregnancy. I already now feel like I'm falling apart", she chuckled.

Rayek returned the hug and kiss, lingeringly, before offering his arm in support for walking the short distance to the medical examination room where Ensign Fuller waited.

"You aren't falling apart, e'lev." Rayek gently reassured as they walked together.  "Your body is just focusing its attention and energy elsewhere.  Remember what Fuller said yesterday?  That everything had seemed to have caught up and that the baby had already begun to drop.  You know that's a good sign.. that things are almost done.  Soon our little boy will be born and you'll feel better."

Guiding his wife to the medical examination room, Rayek greeted the medical staff they passed along the way with a broad smile.   He loved being here for Tess and was so grateful that he hadn't missed the baby's birth.   Even Padrini got a smile as Rayek was too happy in the moment to concern himself with the man's disapproval and jealousy.

Once in the room, Rayek helped Tess up onto the bio bed, then remained at her side while Ensign Fuller greeted them both.

"Good afternoon, Commanders.  How are you feeling today?" they asked, looking towards Tess as the bio bed did it's scan of Tess automatically.   It measured pretty much everything from changes in weight and height, to blood pressure, oxygen saturation and blood glucose levels.  It could read Tess' hormone levels in the body as well as scan into her belly and show an image of the baby at that very moment.

The wonders of modern medicine meant that when the time came Tess and the baby would be monitored all the while ensuring a safe labor and delivery.

NPC Ensign Rebecca Ricci
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operational Control Center (OCC)]

Rebecca was seated at her station carefully overseeing the incoming and outgoing ship traffic, navigating them through the near constant congestion around Meridian given the arrival of the refugee Etrosians.

A chime on her console drew her attention to a request to send out an All Diplomatic Corps Personnel announcement.  It seemed that the event had been upgraded from only on duty personnel to all Diplomatic Corps Personnel required to attend.  Ricci quickly drafted the announcement and sent it out to all diplomatic staff and watched as one by one each message was read and acknowledged, until there was only one unread message left.  That of Ensign Zex.

Rebecca shook her head in motherly concern.  Poor dear.   The Deltan had only arrived back on the station earlier that day - having requested a direct transport to her quarters rather than walking the entire distance from the docking saucer to her quarters in an EV suit that - if rumor was right - she'd been in near constantly for over two weeks.

As much as she hated to bother the dear thing, Rebecca knew that Zex could get in trouble for not responding.  So, the Ops officer did a little personal touch calling to bring the message announcement to the Deltan's attention.

=/\= "Ensign Ricci to Ensign Zex.  Sorry to interrupt your personal time, dear, but All Diplomatic Corps personnel have been sent a priority message calling them into duty at the Dord Embassy.  You have 15 minutes to report in." =/\= 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Paul Wessex


<Katra Station - Deck 2>

If the first few days of his arrival on Katra station was a whirlwind, then the subsequent two weeks was a positive typhoon.

Paul sat at his new desk, still mildly bewildered at the recent turn of events. Following the arrest, questioning and charging of Gregory Pell, the elderly agent provocateur had been taken to a place of safekeeping, similar to the frosty Ms Tulra Beecoil who was currently enjoying the temporary benefits of a greatly exaggerated death in return for her ongoing birdsong.

The new tiny dark disc on his collar was now a forgotten adornment. Forgotten because it mattered not in the fullness of things, but also because it was a reminder of what he had thrown away to get where he was.

And where he was was not where he had hoped to be.

None was more surprised than Wessex that his tenacity in the 'Great Shoe Conspiracy' would warrant a recommendation for promotion to Sub-Leftentant (or' Junior Grade' in Starfleet parlance); from SCPO Solen of all people, said recommendation supported by Acting-Captain Noh'Ves. A very junior rank to be sure, and although a mildly depressing milestone he had to come to terms with, it was also an indication of the rungs of the ladder that he had slipped down to be here. And yet...it was a rapid commission, and he had to fight some dark musing to realise the rank was less important than the reasons behind it; testimony of his competence in a new role. That said, Paul had momentarily wondered if Starfleet would really stamp their agreement to the almost-unprecedented swift recognition.

But what was more surprising was that the promotion, presented by the returning Captain Solluk - and his first real meeting with his bona fide Commanding Officer - was the offer of Chief of Security to accompany it.

Wessex perhaps took a moment longer than was customary to thank the Captain for the trust shown in him in doing so, but the truth be told: his heart sank a little. 'Chief of Security' on a space station was oceans away from his desired goal - who really needed a Chief of Security aboard Starfleet's newest sub-surface explorer? Certainly his background in NavPat would perhaps put him on a shortlist, but unless the Varuna-class would regularly be boarded by particularly malevolent jellyfish, anyone could slip into the position with ne'er a ripple of prior experience necessary(although, from the reports of the Lod Qan mission, 'metal space jellyfish' wasn't so different!). It wasn't as if diving experience would come in useful at those depths. In the Federation Naval Patrol - as it was on other Starfleet postings - his prior career as Principal Weapons Officer straddled both what was classed as Tactical and Security responsibilities.

The icy words of Rebecca Jacobs came back to him.

And yet... he continued to stand-by his decision to leave one for the other, as rash as it may look now.

So, with a nonetheless appreciative and professional thank you, and an affirmation he would continue and unwaveringly discharge his duties to the best of his abilities, Lt Paul Wessex accepted the honour afforded to him and so began the next chapter of his new career - rising perhaps as swiftly as his original hopes sank into inky fathoms.

The days after his promotion and installation, and station scuttlebutt had circulated like water down a sinkhole, the volume of direct requests for his personal intervention to concerns, complaints and conspiracies had increased - thanks to the rapid, and perhaps mildly sardonic, calculations of Petty Officer T'Vesh - by 477%. Indeed, some of the civilian population had come to call him by a variety of seemingly non-ironic, and complimentary, nicknames, reflecting their appreciation for his continued law enforcement presence in the Civilian Zone; they, of all the population aboard Katra,  either did not know, or care, about his new position. He made them feel safe, supported and respected. And while he had been someone reticent to face his peers-come-staff, there had been good natured acceptance and ribbing at the news.

Which softened the initially uncomfortable necessity to mete out the duty assignments to those he had until recently, considered himself to be one of. Now he was their ultimate Department Head; a member of the station's senior staff (albeit one that wasn't terribly routinely expected in the Operations Control Centre unless there was a meeting) and not just a proverbial flatfoot merely patrolling the CZ.

The most difficult of the transition was recognising that his new position meant a transfer of such from his previous Department Head, the somewhat cool Lt Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell; now there was a chap of exacting and uncompromising standards, and dark eyes that seemingly studied Paul for some time after; never was there an officer better suited for the role of Strategic Operations - after looking up what such a role would entail, certainly much of it Wessex would never covet; too shadowy for even his abyssal experience.

So...what is my taste, then? he chastised himself.

At a crossroads of contemplation, Paul picked up his PADD and reviewed actions for the day.

Hrafn Falleg

[Hrafn's Quarter's - Katra Station]

[Hrafn, Crista, Nerys, Tidu and Lamar]

"But you just got back Mammy, and you said you'd treat us to a day having fun on the Promenade with ice cream and cake and, and... " Tidu wailed.

"I know, but don't you want to go and see Auntie Tess?  I know it won't be her doing your physicals, but you can give her a gentle cuddle, no flying at her like you normally do, you don't want to hurt her or the baby now do you?!  If you're lucky Uncle Rayek might be there, you are allowed to fly at him still!" their mother, Hrafn joked.

"And we can have ice cream and cakes and go bowling or whatever after your physicals, which is why your Mammy is getting them done now because she promised to go with you for them, and you know what it's like with Mammy being Chief Science Officer, it gets busy for her sometimes, so we get the less fun bit out of the way first, and then we go for jumja sticks!" Crista compromised taking Hrafn's side of the argument.

"Well,.." Nerys said with an impish grin, "... we might forgive you if we're allowed to go to the toy shop too, I hear there's a new My Little Targ out!"

"Extortion... we'll see!" her Mammy laughed.

"And I has a booboo so me need Auntie Tess to give me special kiss to make better!" Tidu said lifting up his knee which he'd grazed the previous day.

"Well Auntie Tess might not be able to bend that far down, will a kiss on your cheek if I lift you up for her be enough?  Auntie Doctor kisses are magical you know!" Hrafn countered, remembering how cumbersome she'd been while pregnant at least in the latter part of her pregnancy.

"Besides, I need to take down these garments I knitted for her so, yes let's all go, I need to see about my knee - "

"Is your knee hurting again Mammy?" a worried Nerys interjected.

"Not so much, no.. it's more that it is a continuing problem, and when we had to run from that beastie I told you about when we were trying to rescue the entity..." (Hrafn had had to give the kids a full run down of everything that had gone on, naturally she gave them the non-classified version and they understood that they couldn't say anything to their friends in case it was classified, but the CSO was careful not to give out any Federation secrets or anything.)

"... my knee was painful at the extra enforced exercise and Roberto had to help me out.  So I'm going to see about getting a new knee!"

"Do they have to open you up to put one in?" Lamar said looking horrified.

"Well yes, last time I looked, my skeleton is on the inside, where it should be, but I'm sure whomever performs the operation will look after me and then there's going to be no escaping me when the tickle monster comes out!" Hrafn laughed and made a mock lunge for the kids, ending up in a heap on the floor all giggling.

"C'mon, up, quicker we get your physicals over, the sooner we get to fun things!"  she picked up the parcel containing the baby clothes and ushered the kids out of the quarters.


"Now no running around, first you know better, secondly this is a workplace and thirdly we don't want you accidentally knocking Auntie Tess or anyone else off their feet, finally any misbehaviour and there definitely won't be any toy shop!" Hrafn reminded the kids standing just inside the door.

She looked over to Tess's office to see if she could see her and caught a nurse. "Can you ask Dr. t'Lhoell if she's got a minute, I have something for her specifically, and well... warn her that 'Hrafn's brood' are here for their check ups.  I don't expect her to do them, do stress that... just she knows how much they love her so fair warning if she comes out here!  And anyone that's free to do the deeds.  I need to speak to someone about scheduling my knee replacement too.  I think Crista's the only one that doesn't need anything?" Hrafn quirked an eyebrow in Crista's direction.

"Actually, I scheduled my 6 month check up to be same time since we were all down here and now that I'm engaged that jab more important than ever!" Crista laughed giving Hrafn a significant look and her eyes roving over the kids for emphasis.

"Hmm, point taken... though if and when that's not going to be that much of a problem... When my brood are off to school you'll have time to yourself, and when it's holidays... I know Nerys will love it!"

"Love what?" Nerys asked hearing her name, but thankfully her attention was taken by an interesting looking new doctor.  Hrafn didn't know him either but he was obviously interesting enough to Nerys who calmly ran over and thrust out her hand.

"Hello, I'm Tekin Nerys, Chief Science Officer Falleg-Tekin's daughter.  That's her over there with the red hair.  You're a hybrid like me... well not like me exactly, I'm Trill...that's my spots, Bajoran, that's my nose and Mindardian that's from Grandad Kurt (More info here)...oh and human.  You're Klingon cuz you look like Uncle Raynor and Auntie Ujo... she's the headmistress here so you'll meet her, Uncle Raynor ... I'm not sure where he lives now but I think he's at KDF HQ... but you have pointy ears so you're like Uncle Solluk too so Vulcan as well.  Do you have green or red blood tho!" she asked.

"I'm sorry!" said Hrafn walking over,

"...meet our resident anthropologist, she's been fascinated in different species since she was old enough to walk and talk, and growing up on DS9, we got to meet a lot of different species, least she introduces herself now!  Hrafn Falleg by the way, I'm just regular Trill cross Minardian cross Human!" the CSO joked.

"If you want to deal with someone regular, Crista my nanny needs her check up... I'd check her mental capacity though..." the Trill joked, "Looking after me and my brood!  By the way the boys are Tidu the older one who is Nerys's twin, he won't give you any bother unless you start talking about spacecraft, engineering or animals.... then he'll talk the hind legs off every creature that has four, and the quiet shy one there is Lamar my littlest, he's waiting for Auntie Tess... Dr. t'Lhoell to come kiss his booboo better! I know you've been here since before we got back on the Lod Qan but 'Welcome to Katra Station' from the Chief of Science!" she offered with a smile.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months + 3 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Customs]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 21, 2020, 08:58:13 PM

Rayek sogh
[IKS Lod Qan - Just inside the Oort cloud of the Trialus system >>> Katra Station] (early October 2398)

Even as Tess spoke to him, he could hear static and lag building rapidly in the transmission as the effective range of the comm badge (never intended for long distance subspace calls) to the comms satellite was strained while the LoD Qan continued on towards the station at warp.   However just hearing Tess' voice answer in happy tones - proof that she was okay - was like a balm to Rayek's agitation.  From that brief contact his mood improved a hundredfold.  He was nearly home!  In twenty minutes, he would get to meet his son!

[Twenty minutes later... Saucer 1 - Customs]

Unfortunately, as Executive officer of the Klingon ship until otherwise released, Rayek had to oversee the full docking procedure and engine shutdown of the LoD Qan before he felt it permissible for him to pass off the duty of watch over the ship to K'mpoc, who had been released from his 'house arrest' several weeks back while they were on their way back to Katra.  Released from his ship responsibilities, Rayek hurried to grab up his duffle bag - which had been packed ready for this moment for over a week, and headed out the LoD Qan's airlock and into the connecting tube that would take him to Katra.   Stepping out of the tube and onto the station proper, Rayek's already smiling face, beamed even wider as he spotted Tess.

He started to hurry towards her, his eyes drinking in every inch of her.  Her beautiful, luscious dark hair which framed her smiling face; her gorgeous blue eyes, themselves smiling as they watched him approach.   Her protruding belly.... that seemed almost too large for her slender build.   Wait..  What!?

As he closed the distance to his wife, Rayek's eyes remained staring at her belly.  His expression was perplexed and a little concerned.

Finally at closing the gap, he opened his arms to wrap about her, leaning forward a bit awkwardly over the bulge between them.  "Tess?  I .. I thought.... September... Is the baby okay?" he asked quietly.

Tess felt the tingling sensation of excitement in her belly while she waited for Rayek to emerge from the tube. She had to wait quite a while. Rayek most likely had to see to some of his duties until he could disembark. She had not seen him for three months now, but those minutes at the docking spot felt the longest.

Finally she spotted her husband, still wearing the Klingon uniform. Oh, she had forgotten how handsome he looked in it. Seeing his smile widening even more when they met eyes, the joy and relief Tess felt erupted in a small laugh because she possibly couldn't have smiled even wider. She started to approach him when Rayek hurried over to her - she couldn't wait to pull him into an embrace. Her eyes never leaving his face, she picked up on the confusion that took over his facial features when his gaze moved down to her still pregnant belly. When their brief conversation had ended via the comm, Tess had picked up on a short static sound on her end as well and she wasn't sure if Rayek had been able to understand everything she's been saying. Apparently it wasn't the case since her husband kept staring at her belly perplexed as he approached.

Finally the gap was closed and Tess clinged to Rayek happily, leaning into the embrace she had been longing for so long. His quiet but concerned question had Tess pull back to look at him. "Yes, the baby is fine, everything is alright", she assured him. "Our son has chosen to take his time with getting ready, so he'll stay there for a little longer." The smile on her face widened again, the joy of having her husband back overflowing. She reached her hands up to cup his cheeks, her palms brushing over the stubbles of his facial hair, her thumbs then gently rubbing over his cheek bones in an affectionate way. "I'm so glad you are back", she said, the last bit becoming only a breathy sound as tears of happiness and relief filled her eyes. She cried easily these days, no matter if it was out of joy or sadness - or not even that. Leaning in for another embrace, Tess let the reality of it washing over her. "I missed you so much."

When she pulled back again, she glanced behind Rayek. "Where is Ben? He's okay, isn't he?"

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on October 22, 2020, 08:43:46 AM


"Now no running around, first you know better, secondly this is a workplace and thirdly we don't want you accidentally knocking Auntie Tess or anyone else off their feet, finally any misbehaviour and there definitely won't be any toy shop!" Hrafn reminded the kids standing just inside the door.

She looked over to Tess's office to see if she could see her and caught a nurse. "Can you ask Dr. t'Lhoell if she's got a minute, I have something for her specifically, and well... warn her that 'Hrafn's brood' are here for their check ups.  I don't expect her to do them, do stress that... just she knows how much they love her so fair warning if she comes out here!  And anyone that's free to do the deeds.  I need to speak to someone about scheduling my knee replacement too.  I think Crista's the only one that doesn't need anything?" Hrafn quirked an eyebrow in Crista's direction.

"Actually, I scheduled my 6 month check up to be same time since we were all down here and now that I'm engaged that jab more important than ever!" Crista laughed giving Hrafn a significant look and her eyes roving over the kids for emphasis.

"Hmm, point taken... though if and when that's not going to be that much of a problem... When my brood are off to school you'll have time to yourself, and when it's holidays... I know Nerys will love it!"

"Love what?" Nerys asked hearing her name, but thankfully her attention was taken by an interesting looking new doctor.  Hrafn didn't know him either but he was obviously interesting enough to Nerys who calmly ran over and thrust out her hand.

"Hello, I'm Tekin Nerys, Chief Science Officer Falleg-Tekin's daughter.  That's her over there with the red hair.  You're a hybrid like me... well not like me exactly, I'm Trill...that's my spots, Bajoran, that's my nose and Mindardian that's from Grandad Kurt (More info here)...oh and human.  You're Klingon cuz you look like Uncle Raynor and Auntie Ujo... she's the headmistress here so you'll meet her, Uncle Raynor ... I'm not sure where he lives now but I think he's at KDF HQ... but you have pointy ears so you're like Uncle Solluk too so Vulcan as well.  Do you have green or red blood tho!" she asked.

"I'm sorry!" said Hrafn walking over,

"...meet our resident anthropologist, she's been fascinated in different species since she was old enough to walk and talk, and growing up on DS9, we got to meet a lot of different species, least she introduces herself now!  Hrafn Falleg by the way, I'm just regular Trill cross Minardian cross Human!" the CSO joked.

"If you want to deal with someone regular, Crista my nanny needs her check up... I'd check her mental capacity though..." the Trill joked, "Looking after me and my brood!  By the way the boys are Tidu the older one who is Nerys's twin, he won't give you any bother unless you start talking about spacecraft, engineering or animals.... then he'll talk the hind legs off every creature that has four, and the quiet shy one there is Lamar my littlest, he's waiting for Auntie Tess... Dr. t'Lhoell to come kiss his booboo better! I know you've been here since before we got back on the Lod Qan but 'Welcome to Katra Station' from the Chief of Science!" she offered with a smile.

Telana looked up when Hrafn approached with her children and Crista in tow. The Andorian smiled at the Science officer. "Hello Lieutenant! Dr. t'Lhoell is just in for her daily pregnancy check-up. Shouldn't take long. I'll let her know you're here."

=/\= "Telana to Dr. t'Lhoell. Lieutenant Falleg is here with her kids for the mandatory check-up. Who would you like me to have them looked over by?" Telana glanced to Hrafn with a smile. "I think they definitely want to see you anyway." =/\=

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months + 5 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay - Examination room]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 21, 2020, 08:58:13 PM

Lt Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Strategic Ops >>> Sickbay  -  Two Weeks Later...]

Rayek returned the hug and kiss, lingeringly, before offering his arm in support for walking the short distance to the medical examination room where Ensign Fuller waited.

"You aren't falling apart, e'lev." Rayek gently reassured as they walked together.  "Your body is just focusing its attention and energy elsewhere.  Remember what Fuller said yesterday?  That everything had seemed to have caught up and that the baby had already begun to drop.  You know that's a good sign.. that things are almost done.  Soon our little boy will be born and you'll feel better."

Guiding his wife to the medical examination room, Rayek greeted the medical staff they passed along the way with a broad smile.   He loved being here for Tess and was so grateful that he hadn't missed the baby's birth.   Even Padrini got a smile as Rayek was too happy in the moment to concern himself with the man's disapproval and jealousy.

Once in the room, Rayek helped Tess up onto the bio bed, then remained at her side while Ensign Fuller greeted them both.

"Good afternoon, Commanders.  How are you feeling today?" they asked, looking towards Tess as the bio bed did it's scan of Tess automatically.   It measured pretty much everything from changes in weight and height, to blood pressure, oxygen saturation and blood glucose levels.  It could read Tess' hormone levels in the body as well as scan into her belly and show an image of the baby at that very moment.

The wonders of modern medicine meant that when the time came Tess and the baby would be monitored all the while ensuring a safe labor and delivery.

Tess nodded when Rayek reminded her of what Jayce had told them yesterday. Even when the baby had dropped already, Tess prepared herself that it might take a while longer until she would go into labour finally. The good thing was that they were able to monitor everything very well these days. It provided some reassurance and made it easier to make decisions.

Once in the examining room Tess gratefully accepted Rayek's help and then she lay down while the sensors on the biobed immediately started to display her and the baby's vital signs. "Oh, not much different than the past days", Tess replied to Jayce's question. "Little trouble sleeping. Swollen legs and feet and back pain. But all in all I feel fine."

A call coming in through Tess' comm badge interrupted the appointment.

=/\= "Telana to Dr. t'Lhoell. Lieutenant Falleg is here with her kids for the mandatory check-up. Who would you like me to have them looked over by? I think they definitely want to see you anyway." =/\=

Tess smiled. She had done the check-ups of the Falleg-Tekin children herself ever since they were on Katra. But currently she wasn't available for these kind of things. Lifting her hand Tess tapped her comm badge to reply.  =/\= "Thank you, Telana. Please let Ensign Ta Li Yo-Na look them over. I will come and say hi as soon as I'm finished here!" =/\= She looked to Rayek questioningly. She wasn't sure if he had time to stay too or if he had important things to tend to.

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]

=/\= "Acknowledged!" =/\= Telana closed the comm line and looked to Hrafn who in the meantime had moved over to her daughter who was talking to the Klingon-Vulcan Ensign. Telana walked over to them. "Sorry to interrupt", she said, "Dr. t'Lhoell will say hi as soon as she is finished. Ensign Ta Li Yo-Na can do the check-ups in the meantime."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on October 22, 2020, 09:49:08 AM

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]

Telana looked up when Hrafn approached with her children and Crista in tow. The Andorian smiled at the Science officer. "Hello Lieutenant! Dr. t'Lhoell is just in for her daily pregnancy check-up. Shouldn't take long. I'll let her know you're here."

=/\= "Telana to Dr. t'Lhoell. Lieutenant Falleg is here with her kids for the mandatory check-up. Who would you like me to have them looked over by?" Telana glanced to Hrafn with a smile. "I think they definitely want to see you anyway." =/\=

Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (9 months + 5 weeks pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay - Examination room]

Tess nodded when Rayek reminded her of what Jayce had told them yesterday. Even when the baby had dropped already, Tess prepared herself that it might take a while longer until she would go into labour finally. The good thing was that they were able to monitor everything very well these days. It provided some reassurance and made it easier to make decisions.

Once in the examining room Tess gratefully accepted Rayek's help and then she lay down while the sensors on the biobed immediately started to display her and the baby's vital signs. "Oh, not much different than the past days", Tess replied to Jayce's question. "Little trouble sleeping. Swollen legs and feet and back pain. But all in all I feel fine."

A call coming in through Tess' comm badge interrupted the appointment.

=/\= "Telana to Dr. t'Lhoell. Lieutenant Falleg is here with her kids for the mandatory check-up. Who would you like me to have them looked over by? I think they definitely want to see you anyway." =/\=

Tess smiled. She had done the check-ups of the Falleg-Tekin children herself ever since they were on Katra. But currently she wasn't available for these kind of things. Lifting her hand Tess tapped her comm badge to reply.  =/\= "Thank you, Telana. Please let Ensign Ta Li Yo-Na look them over. I will come and say hi as soon as I'm finished here!" =/\= She looked to Rayek questioningly. She wasn't sure if he had time to stay too or if he had important things to tend to.

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]

=/\= "Acknowledged!" =/\= Telana closed the comm line and looked to Hrafn who in the meantime had moved over to her daughter who was talking to the Klingon-Vulcan Ensign. Telana walked over to them. "Sorry to interrupt", she said, "Dr. t'Lhoell will say hi as soon as she is finished. Ensign Ta Li Yo-Na can do the check-ups in the meantime."

[Sickbay, Deck 22, Katra Station]

"Thank you, I think Nerys has decided that she's going to interrogate the poor new doctor anyhow! And I'll be here a while... those 3 to do and then me." Hrafn joked.

"Takes the pressure off Dr. t'Lhoell a little anyhow.  They really do love her and Lt. Commander Rayek.  You'll be assimilated next... forget the Borg, my tribe adopt everyone remotely interesting, and being a beautiful young woman and Andorian, you count as interesting for them!"  the CSO smiled.

"I'll let the kids get done first, if you don't mind me parking my butt here, since one of the things I'm here for is my knee, I take the pressure off it on doctor's orders as much as I can!" she said hopping up on a (for now) spare biobed.

"Are you Dr. Ta Li Yo-Na then?" Tidu asked the new doctor and smiled.  "I'm Tidu, Nerry is my twin."

"You two stop bothering the doctor, let him get to you one at a time, or no toy shop!  I do apologise, Doctor, they do like new people a little too much.  Thankfully they do take their cue from me and well... you're Starfleet, you're in their 'Auntie's' Sickbay and if I and Dr. t'Lhoell trust you... you're trusted!"

A small hand tugged the trouser leg of the Klingon hybrid doctor's leg.  "I'm Lamar and I'll be 4 next year!"

"My, you're honoured, he spoke voluntarily!" the child's mother chuckled.  "Oh and feel free to use bribery, corruption and mild threats... like no toy shop.." she fixed the three with a mock stern look. "... if it gets your job done easier!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Dr. ta li yo-na

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on October 22, 2020, 10:14:27 AM

[Sickbay, Deck 22, Katra Station]


"Thank you, I think Nerys has decided that she's going to interrogate the poor new doctor anyhow! And I'll be here a while... those 3 to do and then me." Hrafn joked.

"Takes the pressure off Dr. t'Lhoell a little anyhow.  They really do love her and Lt. Commander Rayek.  You'll be assimilated next... forget the Borg, my tribe adopt everyone remotely interesting, and being a beautiful young woman and Andorian, you count as interesting for them!"  the CSO smiled.

"I'll let the kids get done first, if you don't mind me parking my butt here, since one of the things I'm here for is my knee, I take the pressure off it on doctor's orders as much as I can!" she said hopping up on a (for now) spare biobed.

"Are you Dr. Ta Li Yo-Na then?" Tidu asked the new doctor and smiled.  "I'm Tidu, Nerry is my twin."

"You two stop bothering the doctor, let him get to you one at a time, or no toy shop!  I do apologise, Doctor, they do like new people a little too much.  Thankfully they do take their cue from me and well... you're Starfleet, you're in their 'Auntie's' Sickbay and if I and Dr. t'Lhoell trust you... you're trusted!"

A small hand tugged the trouser leg of the Klingon hybrid doctor's leg.  "I'm Lamar and I'll be 4 next year!"

"My, you're honoured, he spoke voluntarily!" the child's mother chuckled.  "Oh and feel free to use bribery, corruption and mild threats... like no toy shop.." she fixed the three with a mock stern look. "... if it gets your job done easier!"

[katra station - deck 22 sickbay]

Suddenly flustered the dr looked down and found himself surrounded by children "ok tidu is it" the dr said politely "yes I am dr Ta Li Yo-na nice to meet you"

Feeling a small tug on his trousers Ta Li Yo-na looking down and seeing the small boy took a knee to be less imposing and said "well getting to be quite the man" and laughed

Suddenly from under a table came a  loud a meow and a  large blue cat (the size of a large labrador) stretched out and walked up to the dr and rubbed her head on his legs while the dr started to get the check up ready for each of the children and their mother

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Solluk on October 21, 2020, 08:02:29 PM

Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

With the unpleasant Dord cultural outreach event behind him, Solluk had returned to the comfort and solitude of his ready room.  Every time an embassy held one of these parties, some new intrigue or maneuver always surfaced.  As difficult as the mission on the Lod Qan had been, he sometimes longed for the simplicity of such assignments.  Assignments where the obstacles were clear, the path was clear, and the price was clear.  As hard as it may have been, it had also been relatively straightforward.

With diplomacy, nothing was ever a straight line.

But now there was a bit of administrative work he could do, before his meeting with the Celestial Harmony's ambassador tonight.  Something that was a straight line.  Something that would feel good.

He tapped his badge, =/\= Captain Solluk to Ensign Kal, please report to my ready room. =/\=

[Katra Station - Kal's share quarters]

Kal was surprisingly sitting on the floor indian style doing some breathing exercises to focus his mind and control his breath. This was a ritual he had enjoyed cause it was good focusing the peace of the warrior.

Then he heard the chime of Captain Solluk.

He opened his eyes, tapped his combadge.  =/\= Ensign Kal to Captain I am on my way. =/\=

Then he unfolded his leg, then he raised himself up with great balance. He recalled as a child he was not very good getting up from Indian style. He felt that time he was a little clumsy.

[Katra Station - Captain's Ready room]

The door chime when Ensign Kal pressed the door to enter the Captain's ready room. He would not dare just walk in because that would be wrong.

As the doors opened up Kal stepped inside and came to the Captain's desk. Stood at attention in Starfleet code of conduct. "Captain, I am here on your request," he reported.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 21, 2020, 08:58:13 PM

NPC Ensign Rebecca Ricci
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operational Control Center (OCC)]

Rebecca was seated at her station carefully overseeing the incoming and outgoing ship traffic, navigating them through the near constant congestion around Meridian given the arrival of the refugee Etrosians.

A chime on her console drew her attention to a request to send out an All Diplomatic Corps Personnel announcement.  It seemed that the event had been upgraded from only on duty personnel to all Diplomatic Corps Personnel required to attend.  Ricci quickly drafted the announcement and sent it out to all diplomatic staff and watched as one by one each message was read and acknowledged, until there was only one unread message left.  That of Ensign Zex.

Rebecca shook her head in motherly concern.  Poor dear.   The Deltan had only arrived back on the station earlier that day - having requested a direct transport to her quarters rather than walking the entire distance from the docking saucer to her quarters in an EV suit that - if rumor was right - she'd been in near constantly for over two weeks.

As much as she hated to bother the dear thing, Rebecca knew that Zex could get in trouble for not responding.  So, the Ops officer did a little personal touch calling to bring the message announcement to the Deltan's attention.

=/\= "Ensign Ricci to Ensign Zex.  Sorry to interrupt your personal time, dear, but All Diplomatic Corps personnel have been sent a priority message calling them into duty at the Dord Embassy.  You have 15 minutes to report in." =/\=

[Crew Quarters]

Zex was sound asleep.  Dreaming.   All was good in her tiny little world.

{Dream} She was back on Delta IV with her parents.  They were celebrating her acceptance into medical school.  It was just her and them.

An unusually private affair for the Deltan.  Typically there were dozens of 'aunts' and 'uncles' at their meals (the other adults in the neighborhood on the island).  Given that Deltan woman typically only bore one child in their lifetime, there were also about half as many 'cousins' in their home as well.

Her parents were the leaders of their island.   So their home was the focal point of activity.  Typically.

Except for tonight.  Tonight it was just them.   Tonight her parents feed all of their attention on her.

She felt loved.  Special.  At that point in time, she was the shining star in their world {/dream}

Then noise pulled her from her dream.  A chirp.  Followed by a voice.

She found her combadge without opening an eye.  -/\-Acknowledge.  And thank you.  I am getting up now-/\-Zex replied.

'Lights, start sonic shower.  Prepare a uniform for me' she called out to the computer.  She threw the covers off of her and ran to the bathroom.  She stayed in the shower just long enough to removed any foul odors, then dressed as quickly as possible.

As she clipped on her combadge, she tapped her badge again.  -/\-Zex to Ms. Ricci, site to site transport please.  Just outside the meeting place.  I owe you one, let me know how I can repay you -/\- Zex said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

"Come in, Ensign," Solluk said, flashing a broad smile uncharacteristic of Vulcans, "Have a seat.  I've been meaning to have this conversation with you since we got back to station, but things kept getting in the way.  I snuck out of the Dord reception a bit early so that we could have this moment."

He went to the replicator alcove in his room, "The time has come to do more than put a commendation in your file, Kal.  Your leadership and dedication during the recent mission on the Lod Qan deserves more than that.  Unfortunately, that means you will have to make some difficult choices."

He turned to look at Kal, "Would you care for a refreshment?  That's not the difficult choice, incidentally." 

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Solluk on October 22, 2020, 10:27:07 PM

Katra Station - Station Commander's Ready Room

"Come in, Ensign," Solluk said, flashing a broad smile uncharacteristic of Vulcans, "Have a seat.  I've been meaning to have this conversation with you since we got back to station, but things kept getting in the way.  I snuck out of the Dord reception a bit early so that we could have this moment."

[Katra Station - Commander's read room]

A smiling Vulcan might scare a young Romulan child. Glad he was not a Romulan child. The smile on the Captain was weird but he had the opportunity to know the Vulcan's habits.

Kal sat down on the chair that was front of  the Captain's desk.


He went to the replicator alcove in his room, "The time has come to do more than put a commendation in your file, Kal.  Your leadership and dedication during the recent mission on the Lod Qan deserves more than that.  Unfortunately, that means you will have to make some difficult choices."

He turned to look at Kal, "Would you care for a refreshment?  That's not the difficult choice, incidentally."  [/size]

Was impressed that the Captain had an interest in Kal's career. He was not sure where, what or when. What he had done was do his duty. Protect those who needed.  To serve to his best ability. Ask him charge in combat. He might do it. If you order him jump in a air lock. That he would not do that. He was no dumb.

"Thank you. I will have what you have. I had learned to try new things from Zex," he shared.

🡱 🡳

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