S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Catherine Goodspeed on May 08, 2020, 03:13:58 PM

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Cat looked at the Ensign and smiled again "thanks for bringing this to my attention... Oh!  You don't mind working with Cardassian voles do you? Trained to sniff out these types of issues...  I know some people don't like working with animals.. Or children... If not, Beta team could use some help on the waste refits!"

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 08, 2020, 04:34:39 PM

[Lt. Hrafn Falleg | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Hrafn heard what Cat said and laughed "And if I take you up on your offer as per earlier they may have both to contend with tomorrow.  Am I allowed to steeple my fingers and let out an evil chuckle now? Muhahahahaha!" she said with a wink at Cat like it was some kind of private joke.  It wasn't really but if the Ensigns Sherem or any of the rest of the crew here had a problem with kids or animals they weren't gonna last long.  Though to be fair she didn't have to add the kids to the mix.

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Well, Cat thought to herself, her last comments seemed to have gone down like a lead balloon.

The silver haired woman of a "certain age" rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry if that joke didn't hit the mark there Ensign.  Wouldn't force you to do that job. Plus Beta team can be a bit... Possessive of their work.  Had a bit of a busy  day and been running on Plasma fumes and coffee.  I've been told I have a unique sense of humour when I get tired hope I didn't cause any offense".

Actually was it day or night?  The last few seemed to have rolled together like a heavy wet grey fog.

Her subconscious tried to get her attention.  In fact, when was the last time she had more than 3 hours sleep?  Or actually sat down for a freshly replicated hot meal?  Which you ate with a knife and fork?  And talking of no sleep when was the last time she had a nice long hot shower?  Or a......."

Her brain was suddenly distracted from telling itself off by the fact that it appeared that all light was being blocked out in the room.

"AHH! Crewman Runtet Om, glad you all could make it"  There was a tinkering sound as something  stopped dead in its tracks "And you bought refreshments, excellent!"

The Klingon stared at the back of Cats head.  How did she do that?  EVERYTIME she knew it was him without turning round!  How?

The Klingon known as Baby Bear placed the tray of drinks, biscuits and snacks down on a make shift table of a Cargo box and backed away.

At just under 6 feet and 8 inches tall and nearly just as wide the Klingon looked like he hadn't been born but.. constructed.  In a very large airy barn, with reinforced flooring and scaffolding. Lots of scaffolding.

The mere thought of Baby Bear being born made Cats eye water and involuntary cross her legs.

When Cat had arrived at the Drydocks she's been given a brief overview of the crews she'd been working with.  Crewman Runtet Om's report had include words like "slow" and simple" and "requires precise instructions".

The report had made her palms itch.

From her observations the Klingon known as Baby Bear was indeed slow but that was only so everyone could keep up with him.  She had surmised that if he had wanted to walk at a proper normal speed for a Klingon of his size then StarFleets best runners would stop running after him at around 30 minutes; winded and clutching at the stitch in their side; and would have ended up walking funny for the next couple of days due to leg cramps.

As for simple?  Far from the truth.  Cat had suspected that whilst being constructed his brain had been assembled from a flat pack kit.  As it's a universal given fact that; where ever you are and what ever species you may be; when it came to flat packed furniture no matter how many times you count the pieces and follow the instructions to the letter by the time you have put whatever it was together you seemed to have leftover a few bolts, some washers, a possible drawer slide or handle and a couple of bits of things that don't resemble anything in the diagram and that you swore weren't there before.

Its like Mother Nature just did that with his brain.  Left out some unimportant bits that could clog up the workings of it.

Also EVERYONE needed to be given clear instructions.  If you told a man to dig they would normally asked how deep.  If they were being sarky or wanted just to get on your nerves they'd keep on digging.  In Baby Bears case he would keep digging because he thought you wanted him to.

Also he was as far from what a Klingon is expected to be.  He didn't like loud and crowded gatherings; got embarrassed at singalongs; couldn't handle his blood wine; Klingon Opera bought on his migraines and he was a strict vegetarian.

If you upset the average Klingon you'd wake up somewhere with a pattern of their head ridges imprinted in the soft tissue of your forehead or in medbay getting a Bat'leth removed from somewhere one shouldn't be.  If you upset Baby Bear he would just go to his quarters which he shared with the Andorian, lay on his oversized bunk and have a little cry.

The only stain on his otherwise sparkling record was about 12 months ago when he was working on another old and derelict space station as the Starfleet clean up crew.  They had a terrible pest control issue with rodents.  Baby Bear had found out that a couple of the pest control team had been throwing the caught animals alive out the airlock instead of humanly putting them to sleep.  Baby Bear had merely walked over to the two men, lifted them up by the backs of their uniforms, taken them to the nearest airlock and thrown them in.  Then he stood there for 10 minutes with his finger getting closer and closer to the red eject button whilst maintaining eye contact with them at all times.  Afterwards the Klingon just stated he wanted to show them how it felt and scare them .  Well according to the amount of hosing down and disinfectant needed by the cleaning crew it had worked.

"Break time Ensign Gid Sherem.  Down tools and have a drink and something to eat.  There's .." Cat peered into the mugs of steaming liquid "...Deka tea and red leaf tea.. Oh and some Jumja sticks!"  Cat peered over at the tall thin Andorian who was leaning on a door frame with his arms crossed. She nodded her thanks to him. " Ensign Jael Sherem? Have you had a drink and eaten something? Catch one now, it's going to be a busy shift"

Cat moved to sit on a spare crate and welcomed 4 clambering voles into her arms.

"Now Ensign Gid Sherem.  I know we haven't had a proper chat but basically if you work hard and do your job you'll have no complaints from me.  As for names I don't like titles. You can call me Cat and if OK with you I will call you Gid unless you've made a terrible error then I'll call you by your full rank and name.  Everyone here on Drydock is the same.  You call people by their given name or nickname unless they tell you otherwise."  Cat stopped to give Mr Bitey a belly rub.  "The Klingon here is Baby Bear, Andorian; Peaches, the young lady eating a jammy dodger is..well... Biscuits, the gentleman trying to make eyes at your sister is Flyboy, old gentleman is Gramps and the Tellarite is Sicknote. Don't worry I don't expect you to remember everyone's names.  Even I forget sometimes"   Cat smiled at Gid.

Cat put down Mr Bitey and picked up the larger of the 4 Cardassian Voles to scratch her head indent.

"These are also your crewmates.  The one I'm holding is Muffin, and then there's Mr Bitey, Nibbler and Squid.  Names are on their padded work jackets. When on duty they are always harnessed and leashed.  They can sniff out a decaying router from a mile away along with other faults and can save us a LOT of extra work before they become apparent to us. They don't bite unless you hurt them. And if anyone hurts them... Well.. You don't want to find out what will happen to the individual that does."

Cats face went from soft to hard and back to soft again. "And another thing!  For a light evenings reading I do read up on reports of allocated break times and meal requisitions.   There's one thing working hard and there's another working yourself into an early grave.  Happy for the first one; not happy for the last.  If I read that you are NOT taking proper work breaks and NOT eating correctly I will have to get Gramps to come and make you."

The older grey haired man smiled and waved his hand.

"She does that you know... Stickler for it" The Klingon muttered "She even makes me take..." Baby Bear pulled a face...".... Vitamin supplements!  Some are huge! I have to break them in half to swallow them"

"Yes, but tell all the nice ladies and gentlemen why Cat makes you take them Baby bear?"  The Andorian straightened himself up "come on.. Tell them why"

"Cos Mother found out I hadn't been eating right... And wrote a strongly worded letter to the Admiral..."

People who thought Klingon males were frightening had obviously never meet a Klingon mother from an old and highly respected House who had just found out her youngest and favourite child wasn't eating correctly and was working too hard.  You can never keep anything secret from a Mother like that.

"So.. Gid... take your breaks and eat right, I don't want to get a letter from any of your relatives.  If there is nothing that takes your fancy from the replicator menu then I have various additional private meals available from my own personal collection which includes some Bajoran and Cardasssian meals that at least taste like they were made by someone watching your nan cook them.  Peaches can give you the access codes if you want them."

"20 minutes break people then back to work".

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

John Saxon

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Laying in an unholy union of glitter and slime, his glinting beard hardening with the spewed gel, John wondered if he had actually gone mad. Here he was, over ninety years of age, a veteran of more wars and combat encounters than anyone on record in Starfleet, coated in a viscous substance and on the hard floor before a mucus-spewing makeshift slug costume wielded by several Orion women. For a brief moment, he really did question his own sanity - whether this was some strange and disturbing mental breakdown or malady, and in reality he was in a Federation institution, rocking in a corner and reciting confused war stories of old to the sympathetic nursing staff.

Cocking an eye open, he was startled to see a gaggle of children looming over him, looking equally nervous and on the verge of popping with glee. That cemented to him that this was the real world he was experiencing; not even his most deranged mind could conjure up happy children in a nightmare- the grim reality would be..well, far more grim if only to punish himself for past acts of monstrosities in the name of peace and sanity.

So, in response to whispered questions among themselves as to whether really old man was really dead, John opened his one eye much wider and gave an exaggerated cough and gurgle, sticking his tongue out to the side of his mouth. He pointed to the feet of the slug. "Feet...smell...". Instead, one clapped her hands over her mouth in suppressed laughter. Another crinkled his nose up at the thought, before deciding he wanted to experience it for himself and began to move to peek under. John put this off by splutting one more death throe for good measure. He expected them to run in delighted terror.

What he did not expect was that they suddenly descended upon him with little fingers like tiny sticks, waggling over his ribs. It had been a long, long, long time since he had been tickled. Sadly for the little tikes, he had long been used to ignoring the effects of anything remotely akin to involuntary sensations. Nevertheless, the children expected a reaction and so a reaction they got. He wriggled, further rubbing slime into his uniform, pretending to beg for them to stop their assault. This continued for a moment until he heard Rayek's instructions to hold fire to allow the children to get clear. In his effort to entertain - a seldom opportunity - he had completely lost sight of the situation, and he was grateful for the Romulan's sense of perspective. In many ways, the loss of rank and ultimate responsibility seemed to have given the ex-Commander a new lease in life; he seemed less...weighed down; less needing to prove his worth. Saxon had always found Rayek to be one of the few people least needing to justify themselves, but their past actions had culminated in their demotion. John wasn't sure the former First Officer would appreciate that this had been the best thing to have happened to him; indeed, to the happy couple both. Especially with a child on the way.

Speaking of.

Holding a hand up, followed by a stern, if not unkindly, word that caused the swarm of kids to all stop and looked at him. "You've saved me!" he continued, with a smile to offset any worry they had annoyed him. "Now lets get to safety". He rolled his to knees and held out his hands. The young ones understood the intent, and they grabbed his rough, worn hands and pulled as he rose to his feet. Casting a look around, Rayek had Bexx make her way over, but John shook his head at the Bolian as she started towards him; he had this.

Feigning injury which, to be fair, wasn't going to be all that far from the truth if tomorrow morning had anything to say about it, Saxon easily steered the direction of their travel to ensure his body was shielding them from any possible ricochet or otherwise unfortunate strike in the chaos. For their part, the children took their job seriously, making sure he was walking at a pace that was appropriate for someone recovering from mortal wounds; their eyes looking towards the edge of the Promenade and back to him; he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional at their bravery, and hoped this fun display would remain the extent of their brush with battle.

Reaching safety, he stood straight and smiled. "Great work, team!" he said in his low, gravel voice. "You've been very brave! I will tell the Captain all about your actions today. Now...I must go back and help my friends. You all go back to your friends and family, safe." With a ruffle of hair, a hand shake, and a formal bow, John stepped back onto the battlefield.

Just in time for Solluk's appearance, with lights, words and a very fine hat.

Striding up to the Captain, he avoided any possible glance or comment on the condition of his hair and uniform, instead taking one of the many strange contraptions the Commanding Officer had provided dipping it into the proffered bucket. He was about to follow suit with the dousing of the crystals when the Beast slimed the Vulcan too...

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Tess had caught Rayek's glance and smiled at him, glad to see the slight frown vanishing from his face.

She then John interacting with the children who tickled him while the Captain arrived. The wings on the slug started to move, it was rather an impressive sight. The children returned to the crowed accompanied by Saxon who soon after left again to return to the celebration with Rayek, Solluk and Jada. Tess watched with a smile as the children squealed happily about the treats Jada and her friends had given them.

Then she spotted Adryel at the other side. She couldn't see Amarande, but she thought it might be likely for her to be near him. So Tess made her way through the crowd without a hurry. And sure enough as she drew closer to Adryel she spotted the Trill woman too.

"Finally found you."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

At his called charge the teams surged forward, firing the last of their foam bullets at the beast when the children and Saxon were clear of 'friendly fire'.  Once they ran out of ammunition those more athletic individuals moved along the sides of the dancing, winged-slug and performed round kicks and feigned punches just missing the fabric hide of the beast.

Then the light dimmed and a low bass tone began reverberating throughout the promenade.  Rayek warily, called the security team to back away, thinking it was another of Jada's tricks.

Quote from: Solluk on May 12, 2020, 06:32:52 PM

Katra Station - Promenade

The lights dimmed once more.

A long, low note played over the promenade's announcement speakers.  Not a call for an officer to report to some station.  Not an announcement about a lost child.  Not a Yellow or Red alert.

Just one long, low note.  A bass tone that rumbled into the very bones.

Then, a sparkling, glimmering man appeared in a vacant space before the slug, materializing in a transporter shimmer.   He was illuminated from above by a column of light.  He stood, features stark, ears pointed under a ludicrously large tricorn hat, emblazoned with the UFP logo.

In his left hand, he clutched a silvery bucket filled with large granules of some sparkling crystal.  He held the bucket out a bit, so that anyone might dip into its contents.

In his right hand, a large metal ring with attached utensils: some perversion of an ice-cream scooper, fully enclosed but perforated with large holes.  He held out the ring, using gestures to invite the 'surviving' Security team members to each take one of the scooping devices.

When he spoke, his voice was amplified, reverberating through the bodies of the onlookers, primed by the earlier, solitary note.  It was as though his words spawned from within the chest of everyone in the crowd.

Thou beast of Darkness, Filled with Goo!
A Slime of Fear, Such Vile Brew!
Fire with Fire does not Contend.
Anger with Anger only further Offends.[/size]

He took the last shining scooper from the ring, discarding the metal loop.  Then he squeezed the lever of the device.  It opened its chrome maw, and he thrust it deep into his bucket, scooping up the crystals within.  When he released the lever, the scooper closed up, but crystals still tumbled forth periodically from its perforations.  He paused long enough to allow the Security personnel present to follow his lead if they wished, also dipping into the bucket of salt.

Rayek felt the low bass tone reverb uncomfortably in his chest.  Then there was a shimmer of a transporter beam.  His eyes widened slightly and Romulan tensed for sudden action.  Vulcan logic might suggest that since transporters within the station were security limited to Command personnel and medical emergencies that this must be Solluk's arrival, especially since it was expected, but Rayek's paranoid mind first jumped to worst-case scenerios.  A return of the Dosi... an attack on the station by the Drecacon in retaliation for Jada's attack on their homeworld... or some other yet unknown threat.

When the beam revealed it to be the Captain in an archaic Captain's hat, Rayek blew out a breath of relief.   The unfamiliar bucket and ring of devices he held in hand caught his attention, especially when Solluk motioned silently for he and the security teams to equip themselves with this new tool.   Rayek and the others complied with this silent order quickly.  Rayek did so without meeting the Captain's gaze... an easy enough thing since the Captain had his attention mainly on the beast they were about to 'battle' with.

With their new 'weapons' in hand -  Rayek thought the 'handled salt shaker' was a rather inventive idea for this battle -  the Security team returned to their surrounding position; even Saxon joined in once more.  Then the Captain spoke in battle rhyme and it was hard not to chuckle.

Quote from: Solluk on May 12, 2020, 06:32:52 PM

Lifting his own scoop high like a holy scepter or holy-water sprinkler, he energetically wagged it at the slug-monster.  The crystals became iridescent in the floodlight, exploding into shimmering rainbow colors that sparkled and glowed as they arced towards the beast.  The heavy crystals, no mere flecks of foil, would prove impervious to the slimy slug's windy wallops.

So Into Darkness, I bring this Light,
A Salt of Hope, into this Night.
To dry the Fear, and drain this Beast
to shrivel its Skin and end its Feast.

At the Captain's gesture, the rest of Security including Rayek followed suit, lifting their 'scepters' and showering the beast with yet more sparkles of iridescent salt.
Quote from: Solluk on May 12, 2020, 06:32:52 PM

Behold, now.  This monster we Feared
Concealed a Beauty, unseen as it Neared,
But now Revealed: Wondrous Frontiers
with Joys to bring all eyes to Tears!

Quote from: Jada on May 13, 2020, 05:39:20 AM

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

The Monster shook and recoiled from the spray of technicolour salt, then lowered its head and eyestalks to stare at Solluk for a long, questioning moment as he told his poem, and after.

At last, the giant slug fluttered its eyebrows over its googly eyes, as if blushing at the compliment. It bowed its head section, as low as it could feasibly go, and dipped its eyestalks, in respect to the Captain of Katra Station.

Then its mouth flap gaped wide, and it hosed him with slime. Some things, after all, still just had to be done.

Rayek understood the request behind the Captain's rhymed words and it seemed the ideal end to their battle, yet as he watched the monster with its bashful 'facial' expressions.. the Romulan sensed deception.  This wouldn't be a good enough finale for Jada.   As the mouth flap began to open, Rayek realized in amused horror what Jada had planned.

"She's gonna slime you, Captain!" Rayek shouted out as be started towards the Vulcan.   Options darted through his head as he raced the short distance.  Saxon was close by the Captain and already covered head to toe with slime a little more would mean little.  A minor shove could put the Lieutenant in the way of the spray.   But that was just more of the same poor behaviour that had Tess upset with him in the Wadi game.  His protecting her by sacrificing Beja.  No, that wouldn't do.

He could try to alter his path to come up under the head of the beast and lift the head of the beast changing the direction of the spray... but that could potentially spray the crowd and while some might enjoy it - like the children - others would most certainly not and again he would be saving the Captain at the cost of others.

This left him with only one other choice. Take the hit himself.  As odd as it might be for some to realize, the 'sacrifice' maneuver - covering a grenade or throwing oneself in front of an intended target - was actually a taught skill.  It was one of the few lessons that he'd had to repeat at the Mars Academy because his instinct had always been to protect himself first.  That much was proven when he considered using Mondo as a shield.  That Rayek was actually going through with the sacrifice maneuver here and now - sure it was only in fun with slime and not disrupter fire -  was an improvement that Rayek would not have thought himself capable of.

With the slime being shot out of the monster just as he reached his destination, Rayek slid into position 2 ft in front of the Captain, splaying himself to stop as much of the spray as possible.  And of course Jada had intended to unload massively on the Captain.  The spray got him completely, head to toe... even in his mouth.  Still he stood, blocking what he could until Jada either gave up or ran out of slime.

He sputtered, spitting out what slime he had inadvertently gotten in his mouth.  Slime dripped from his hair, nose and chin.  He needed shower.  "Are we done yet?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Catherine Goodspeed on May 13, 2020, 07:39:10 AM

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Well, Cat thought to herself, her last comments seemed to have gone down like a lead balloon.

The silver haired woman of a "certain age" rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry if that joke didn't hit the mark there Ensign.  Wouldn't force you to do that job. Plus Beta team can be a bit... Possessive of their work.  Had a bit of a busy  day and been running on Plasma fumes and coffee.  I've been told I have a unique sense of humour when I get tired hope I didn't cause any offense".

Actually was it day or night?  The last few seemed to have rolled together like a heavy wet grey fog.

Her subconscious tried to get her attention.  In fact, when was the last time she had more than 3 hours sleep?  Or actually sat down for a freshly replicated hot meal?  Which you ate with a knife and fork?  And talking of no sleep when was the last time she had a nice long hot shower?  Or a......."

Her brain was suddenly distracted from telling itself off by the fact that it appeared that all light was being blocked out in the room.

"AHH! Crewman Runtet Om, glad you all could make it"  There was a tinkering sound as something  stopped dead in its tracks "And you bought refreshments, excellent!"

The Klingon stared at the back of Cats head.  How did she do that?  EVERYTIME she knew it was him without turning round!  How?

The Klingon known as Baby Bear placed the tray of drinks, biscuits and snacks down on a make shift table of a Cargo box and backed away.

At just under 6 feet and 8 inches tall and nearly just as wide the Klingon looked like he hadn't been born but.. constructed.  In a very large airy barn, with reinforced flooring and scaffolding. Lots of scaffolding.

The mere thought of Baby Bear being born made Cats eye water and involuntary cross her legs.

When Cat had arrived at the Drydocks she's been given a brief overview of the crews she'd been working with.  Crewman Runtet Om's report had include words like "slow" and simple" and "requires precise instructions".

The report had made her palms itch.

From her observations the Klingon known as Baby Bear was indeed slow but that was only so everyone could keep up with him.  She had surmised that if he had wanted to walk at a proper normal speed for a Klingon of his size then StarFleets best runners would stop running after him at around 30 minutes; winded and clutching at the stitch in their side; and would have ended up walking funny for the next couple of days due to leg cramps.

As for simple?  Far from the truth.  Cat had suspected that whilst being constructed his brain had been assembled from a flat pack kit.  As it's a universal given fact that; where ever you are and what ever species you may be; when it came to flat packed furniture no matter how many times you count the pieces and follow the instructions to the letter by the time you have put whatever it was together you seemed to have leftover a few bolts, some washers, a possible drawer slide or handle and a couple of bits of things that don't resemble anything in the diagram and that you swore weren't there before.

Its like Mother Nature just did that with his brain.  Left out some unimportant bits that could clog up the workings of it.

Also EVERYONE needed to be given clear instructions.  If you told a man to dig they would normally asked how deep.  If they were being sarky or wanted just to get on your nerves they'd keep on digging.  In Baby Bears case he would keep digging because he thought you wanted him to.

Also he was as far from what a Klingon is expected to be.  He didn't like loud and crowded gatherings; got embarrassed at singalongs; couldn't handle his blood wine; Klingon Opera bought on his migraines and he was a strict vegetarian.

If you upset the average Klingon you'd wake up somewhere with a pattern of their head ridges imprinted in the soft tissue of your forehead or in medbay getting a Bat'leth removed from somewhere one shouldn't be.  If you upset Baby Bear he would just go to his quarters which he shared with the Andorian, lay on his oversized bunk and have a little cry.

The only stain on his otherwise sparkling record was about 12 months ago when he was working on another old and derelict space station as the Starfleet clean up crew.  They had a terrible pest control issue with rodents.  Baby Bear had found out that a couple of the pest control team had been throwing the caught animals alive out the airlock instead of humanly putting them to sleep.  Baby Bear had merely walked over to the two men, lifted them up by the backs of their uniforms, taken them to the nearest airlock and thrown them in.  Then he stood there for 10 minutes with his finger getting closer and closer to the red eject button whilst maintaining eye contact with them at all times.  Afterwards the Klingon just stated he wanted to show them how it felt and scare them .  Well according to the amount of hosing down and disinfectant needed by the cleaning crew it had worked.

"Break time Ensign Gid Sherem.  Down tools and have a drink and something to eat.  There's .." Cat peered into the mugs of steaming liquid "...Deka tea and red leaf tea.. Oh and some Jumja sticks!"  Cat peered over at the tall thin Andorian who was leaning on a door frame with his arms crossed. She nodded her thanks to him. " Ensign Jael Sherem? Have you had a drink and eaten something? Catch one now, it's going to be a busy shift"

Cat moved to sit on a spare crate and welcomed 4 clambering voles into her arms.

"Now Ensign Gid Sherem.  I know we haven't had a proper chat but basically if you work hard and do your job you'll have no complaints from me.  As for names I don't like titles. You can call me Cat and if OK with you I will call you Gid unless you've made a terrible error then I'll call you by your full rank and name.  Everyone here on Drydock is the same.  You call people by their given name or nickname unless they tell you otherwise."  Cat stopped to give Mr Bitey a belly rub.  "The Klingon here is Baby Bear, Andorian; Peaches, the young lady eating a jammy dodger is..well... Biscuits, the gentleman trying to make eyes at your sister is Flyboy, old gentleman is Gramps and the Tellarite is Sicknote. Don't worry I don't expect you to remember everyone's names.  Even I forget sometimes"   Cat smiled at Gid.

Cat put down Mr Bitey and picked up the larger of the 4 Cardassian Voles to scratch her head indent.

"These are also your crewmates.  The one I'm holding is Muffin, and then there's Mr Bitey, Nibbler and Squid.  Names are on their padded work jackets. When on duty they are always harnessed and leashed.  They can sniff out a decaying router from a mile away along with other faults and can save us a LOT of extra work before they become apparent to us. They don't bite unless you hurt them. And if anyone hurts them... Well.. You don't want to find out what will happen to the individual that does."

Cats face went from soft to hard and back to soft again. "And another thing!  For a light evenings reading I do read up on reports of allocated break times and meal requisitions.   There's one thing working hard and there's another working yourself into an early grave.  Happy for the first one; not happy for the last.  If I read that you are NOT taking proper work breaks and NOT eating correctly I will have to get Gramps to come and make you."

The older grey haired man smiled and waved his hand.

"She does that you know... Stickler for it" The Klingon muttered "She even makes me take..." Baby Bear pulled a face...".... Vitamin supplements!  Some are huge! I have to break them in half to swallow them"

"Yes, but tell all the nice ladies and gentlemen why Cat makes you take them Baby bear?"  The Andorian straightened himself up "come on.. Tell them why"

"Cos Mother found out I hadn't been eating right... And wrote a strongly worded letter to the Admiral..."

People who thought Klingon males were frightening had obviously never meet a Klingon mother from an old and highly respected House who had just found out her youngest and favourite child wasn't eating correctly and was working too hard.  You can never keep anything secret from a Mother like that.

"So.. Gid... take your breaks and eat right, I don't want to get a letter from any of your relatives.  If there is nothing that takes your fancy from the replicator menu then I have various additional private meals available from my own personal collection which includes some Bajoran and Cardasssian meals that at least taste like they were made by someone watching your nan cook them.  Peaches can give you the access codes if you want them."

"20 minutes break people then back to work".

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Having not garnered an answer from either Sherem she let Cat take the lead and introduce everyone including the Cardassian Voles.

"Am I ok to hold one if we're off duty for a break?" Hrafn asked nodding at the voles, she'd had to say something rather than laugh at the poor Klingon, she had seen the wrath of Klingon females, so she could only imagine.

"What about the rest of you? OK with kids?  Lt. Goodspeed has offered that I can bring my children over to watch what we're doing and learn a few things, my twins are 5, and Lamar is 3, they love animals, Nerys loves Science and Tidu is our budding Engineer.  Lamar just likes being included and Gramps is probably going to be his new favourite person!  You're all likely to be adopted, just about everyone on the station that has become special to them is now Auntie or Uncle, even Captain Solluk!  They made quite a noise about it at Commander ..." she still hadn't got used to Rayek's rank reduction,  "...ah Ensign t'rLhoell and Dr. t'Lhoell's wedding when they had a bit in the ceremony about family... thankfully it was cute two five year olds declaring that it was their Auntie and Uncle, and a 3 year old adding '...and mine!'  It's a good thing they dote on my kids and love them and it didn't ruin the wedding.  So, who's trying to get shift swaps tomorrow?!" she teased.

"I suppose I'd better actually do some work, " the CSO said putting down her now finished cup.  "I'll be using that replicator, I've not had Bajoran food other than proffered bits of the kids jumja sticks since... well whenever I last had a meal with my husband!  He's Bajoran if you weren't aware.  Ensign Sherem..."  she snagged a jumja stick to take with her and winked at Cat, "...Jael, that is... with me, we'll start over here, keep any hard drives, they aren't that big and we can transfer any info off them at our leisure.  See you later Gramps."  She leaned over and gave the older gentleman a peck on the cheek.  "Laters guys!  Nice meeting you all!  Oh and Hrafn is fine for me too, unless we have an Admiral or something poking around, unlikely but expect the unexpected!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Zex had decided to head to the Promenade for a quick bite after completing her assigned tasks.  In addition, she had heard that there was going to be a celebration of sorts and wanted to see it.  Luckily, she had arrived just before it all began but had been directed to head to one of the upper decks to get the best view of the festivities.

The 'act' looked well preformed from what she could see.  Jada and other dressed in a costume and slimed the Sec/Tac officer.  He played his part well and helped to move the children out of the way.

Zex clapped and cheered.  She would have whistled, but didn't know how.  So she cheered some more and continued watching.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Zex on May 12, 2020, 06:07:26 PM

[Docking Saucer 3]

The Deltan waited for a response.  Perhaps the Tholian's universal translator was acting up.  Maybe the silence could be attributed to something else.

"I bet your tired from your long voyage.  How about we get you to your quarters so that you can settle in.  We can met after you have had time to rest up" she suggested.

She handed the Tholian a communicator and explained how it worked.  "When you are ready to be beamed to your quarters just let operations know.  And later, when you are ready to meet, tap the communicator and ask for me, Zex" she said before leaving for her next appointment.

Eydis would give the deltan a short little bow of her head and turn to head back to her cruiser. She had meet many humanoids on her previous Assignment. So zen was proving to be more agreeable then most. She was far less presumptive then many other humanoids.

Looking to her guards they would depart and head back inside of the cruiser. (Please fetch some tholian silk for zex for me to present to her on our next meeting. It would pay to have some friendly relations on this station) Shi speaks over the lattice to her xo. Turning to head towards her own quarters to ponder somethings



Katra Station - Promenade

Some things in life seemed inevitable.  Death.  Taxes.  And being slimed by giant Orion slug-monsters.

However, sometimes salvation could come from the unlikeliest of sources.

Rayek could not hope to have absorbed the entire attack.  There was too much will, too much pressure, and too much slime in hidden reservoirs for that to be the case.  But he got most of it.  What Solluk endured was only the slightest smattering.  A few speckles of moisture.  Barely enough to matter.

He looked down at his former First Officer with some surprise on his features.  It was not so very long ago that Rayek had pushed Beja towards danger in a game they shared.  In this game, he'd chosen differently.

Did it mark some change in the man?

Solluk wondered if this was some genuine kernel of self-sacrifice, or whether the Romulan had chosen the least possible sacrifice for the greatest possible reward.  His bitterness towards Rayek wanted him to assume the latter.  And yet... his heart still yearned to believe in his friend.

"I don't usually recommend salting wounds, but..."   Solluk shook his salt-scepter at Rayek, the rainbow glowing crystals sticking into the slime that covered his whole body.  They soaked in much of the slime, solidifying the mess into something that was less moist and might fall off in clumps.

Then Solluk reached down, to help up the Romulan who was now wearing a technicolor dreamcoat of iridescent salt and slug vomit.  "Rise!  The hero of the hour.  Those who sacrifice show that love has the power.  Rise!  Be cheered, for you faced what we feared.  Rise!  And see the beauty that your bravery has bought.  See the wonders that await, the reward we have sought."

Was this Rayek the schemer?  Or Rayek, his friend?

Maybe today... at least today... he would choose to believe that one man could become better.

And that broken friendships might mend.

After all... the Inner Dark needed light, too.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Kalem Michael

Quote from: Beja on May 13, 2020, 01:28:39 AM

USS Katra - Counseling Office to Deck 2

Beja finished putting the last of the items into the wicker basket. She smiled over at Mon, and beckoned him to follow, �Come on Mon, we have work to do. There is someone that needs our friendship right now. They have lost someone they loved very much, and we are going to help support them in their time of grief if they need it.�

She was never really sure what Mon understood when she talked with him, but he always was an avid listener. That was the point she supposed that he didn�t need to really understand the words, he always understood the emotions. Once people got over his rather large and intimidating appearance, they usually warmed up to him. He had already helped several of her clients out with their anxiety and depression. Beja was very hopeful that he was the start of a successful therapy animal program here on Katra.

Mon trotted by Beja�s side as the two of them made their way up to Deck 2. Because she had Mon with her, she had to take the turbolift, she tried to avoid them as much as possible, but Mon wasn�t the easiest to get up ladders which she preferred to do when she could. It was her way of getting exercise in, and keeping her cardio fitness in. Sometimes though the lift was the best option, such as now.

Beja smiled brightly over at the object of her mission, when she just happened to run into Lieutenant Junior Grade, Kalem Michael, �Hello, Lieutenant Kalem, you�re just the person I was looking for.�

She held up her picnic basket, �I was hoping that you would join me and my friend Mon here, for lunch, that is if you have time.�  The sehlat cub sat down and thumped his tail, happy to meet any new people he could.

Kalem had just left the Xo's office when Beja waited up to him. He looked at Beja understanding that she was just doing her job. At least they we're going to talk in an unofficial capacity, plus lunch sounded good right now.

"Sure, we can talk."

He reached down and looked at Mon slowly extending his hand in a non-threatening way to pet the cub



[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

Hidden inside the costume, Jada... let go of the mike. Amidst the subtle strictures of Orion society, the Dragon Wing-Slug Dance was a chance to thumb your nose at authority, to challenge leaders, to rebel, to raise issues for public debate, in argument tamed with verse. She still had a lot of misgivings about Katra Station and its mission in the Gamma Quadrant � it was why she was leaving � and she still wanted the last word, a last chance for change. And she still had bitterness about her lost relationship with Solluk and what could never be. Yet the words ready on her lips, here and now in front of everyone with him so unprepared, could well have broken him. And, seeing her former friend there, finally come and reaching out to her, she knew she couldn't do that. She did not want to end her time here with savagery.

So, she'd settled for sliming him instead.

Which Rayek promptly wrecked, but eh, she took her win.

Jada held the slug back, waiting and watching for Rayek's response, not wanting to interrupt or steal the scene. Maybe one friendship could be restored, at least.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

The fountain of slime stopped and Rayek remained standing, an imposable jumping-jack wall between the winged-slug and Solluk.  When he got no answer to his rhetorical question the Romulan made to move out of the way so that Solluk could 'finish off' the beast.

One step onto the slime that pooled around him, was all it took to bring him down.  He scrambled in that moment, legs slipping and sliding, trying to find some purchase but gaining none.  As he lost his balance and began to fall, Rayek considered grabbing onto Solluk, just at the edge of his reach, to help steady himself.  But it seemed too impossible a distance to breach.

Rayek's legs went out from under him and he landed on his back with an audible 'ooph'.  He did however manage to keep his head from impacting... so that was good.   He stared up at the ceiling chuckling a bit woefully at the spectacle he'd made of himself.

Quote from: Solluk on May 14, 2020, 03:07:49 AM

Katra Station - Promenade

Some things in life seemed inevitable.  Death.  Taxes.  And being slimed by giant Orion slug-monsters.

However, sometimes salvation could come from the unlikeliest of sources.

Rayek could not hope to have absorbed the entire attack.  There was too much will, too much pressure, and too much slime in hidden reservoirs for that to be the case.  But he got most of it.  What Solluk endured was only the slightest smattering.  A few speckles of moisture.  Barely enough to matter.

He looked down at his former First Officer with some surprise on his features.  It was not so very long ago that Rayek had pushed Beja towards danger in a game they shared.  In this game, he'd chosen differently.

Did it mark some change in the man?

Solluk wondered if this was some genuine kernel of self-sacrifice, or whether the Romulan had chosen the least possible sacrifice for the greatest possible reward.  His bitterness towards Rayek wanted him to assume the latter.  And yet... his heart still yearned to believe in his friend.

"I don't usually recommend salting wounds, but..."   Solluk shook his salt-scepter at Rayek, the rainbow glowing crystals sticking into the slime that covered his whole body.  They soaked in much of the slime, solidifying the mess into something that was less moist and might fall off in clumps.

Then Solluk reached down, to help up the Romulan who was now wearing a technicolor dreamcoat of iridescent salt and slug vomit.  "Rise!  The hero of the hour.  Those who sacrifice show that love has the power.  Rise!  Be cheered, for you faced what we feared.  Rise!  And see the beauty that your bravery has bought.  See the wonders that await, the reward we have sought."

Was this Rayek the schemer?  Or Rayek, his friend?

Maybe today... at least today... he would choose to believe that one man could become better.

And that broken friendships might mend.

After all... the Inner Dark needed light, too.

A movement in his periphery had him turning his head to look towards Solluk.  The Vulcan looked surprised and perhaps a bit wary.  But who could blame him?  The chuckle Rayek had been enjoying faded and he wished he were any place else right now.

Though he had envisioned many times what an appropriate apology might look like and wanted an opportunity to tell the Captain who seemed to prefer to avoid him that he was sorry for how his actions reflected on him, to apologize for his betrayal of trust - as with Mr. Nari over a year ago -  Rayek struggled with how to express himself.  And this...  in the midst of a celebration... was not the time.

The silence stretched between them uncomfortably.  He should say something... but the things he wanted to say were not appropriate here.  So he kept silent.   It was Solluk who spoke first about salting wounds and Rayek wondered if there was double meaning in that.

Rayek looked away towards the backed off slug as the Captain sprinkled iridescent salt from his scepter over him.  The result was rapid... a quick drying of the slime so that it crumbled and flaked off easier.   He sat up and was about to get to his feet solo, when the Captain offered out his hand towards him.  Rayek wanted to believe that Solluk's reach towards him was somewhat symbolic.  But the continuing rhymes made that difficult to accept.  It was all so very artificial he noted to himself as he was encouraged to 'Rise'.

But it was the celebration that was important so Rayek took hold of the offered hand and was soon standing before the Captain, being lauded as a hero - the crowds around cheered. Seemingly past transgressions were forgiven... or at least forgotten for the moment - but only for those not closely affected.  Rayek could read hesitancy in the Captain's expression even as Solluk played his part of praising the sacrificing Romulan.

Once more Rayek looked away to the waiting Orion wing-slug unable to continue to bear seeing that doubt.  The Captain's words calling forth the 'beauty within' had had no effect.  It seemed Jada and the others were merely biding their time.

Quietly so that only Solluk might hear.  "I fear I only delayed the inevitable, Captain.  I'm beginning to get the impression that the slug is supposed to win in this Orion festival."

It seemed counter-intuitive... but then that did seem to fit Orion culture. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



USS Katra - Deck 18 - Arboretum

Beja�s smile widened when Kalem agreed to the lunch. Mon sniffed at Kalem�s hand and then raised his paw to shake hands as he had been taught to make proper introductions with others. The three of them made their way to Deck 18. One of her favorite places in all of Katra station was the Arboretum, the lush landscape and outdoors always put her at ease and solidify that feeling of home inside of her.

�I hope you don�t mind, but I enjoy having lunch here when I can,� Beja explained to Kalem on the turbolift up to Deck 18. �I find the Arboretum to be such a peaceful and serene place. And it�s one of the best spots for a picnic.�

Once they arrived she picked a spot off to the side, and placed the blanket down on the ground. Beja sat down, and Mon followed suit. She laid out the lunch spread of the human variety of picnic favorite foods - fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, fruit salad, and some lemonade to drink.

�Help yourself, I hope there is something here you like. I found quite an enjoyment for the fried chicken when I was in the academy. There is no similar dish in Klingon culture, it�s one of the rare meats I enjoy burnt to a crisp.� Beja welcomed him to eat his fill, she had brought plenty to share.


Quote from: Eydis on May 13, 2020, 09:54:58 PM

Eydis would give the deltan a short little bow of her head and turn to head back to her cruiser. She had meet many humanoids on her previous Assignment. So zen was proving to be more agreeable then most. She was far less presumptive then many other humanoids.

Looking to her guards they would depart and head back inside of the cruiser. (Please fetch some tholian silk for zex for me to present to her on our next meeting. It would pay to have some friendly relations on this station) Shi speaks over the lattice to her xo. Turning to head towards her own quarters to ponder somethings

[Docking Saucer 3]

Zex's universal translator picked up the conversation between Eydis and her XO.  She was allowed to accept gifts on behalf of the federation.  But only small gifts.  And even those she had to line item on her monthly report to he senior officer so as to be above board with all transactions with other species.

"I look forward to assisting with all of your diplomatic needs as they relate to the federation" Zex said.  "In fact, we are hosting a summit to bring you and the other embassy delegated together.  We would like to honor your species by presenting the most popular food item among your people if you would reciprocate by telling me what that might be" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Eydis looks back at zex for a second pausing her guards with a thought over the lattice the telepathic pathways that tholians share. �Our requirements are not the same as yours in regards to nutrition. However if you could provide me with German and Irish folk music of 21s century. I have recently come to appreciate earth music. I will attend the summit as requested. What is the time frame till that �

Eydis would pause as her translator does it�s thing and she watches zex with something akin to curiousity.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

As Tess stood next to Adryel and Amarande, she looked up at the Etrosian's amazed face as he witnessed the spectacle going on.

"You enjoying yourself?", Tess asked with an amused but friendly chuckle.

Adryel turned his head to look at her. "I have never seen anything like this", he admitted, barely able to tear his eyes away from the things going on. "I only have started to begin understanding what technology can do. This is still magic to me."

Tess smiled fondly. "It surely does its best to pass for magic." She let her eyes wander over the slug and Solluk, Rayek and Saxon - she could only see the men's head since the crowed was in the way for her to have a proper look. "Good you've actually been up here to watch this. Have you both been up to anything specific?", she asked and looked at both Adryel and Amarande curiously. She knew Adryel generally pereferred to stay on Meridian.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

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