S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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Kalem Michael

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 07, 2020, 08:46:31 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck Two - XO's Office]

"Good day, Lieutenant. Thank you for making time for me on such short notice. Please, have a seat. I just wanted to check on some minor things that have been noticed by me", she told him, her face friendly and open as she looked at him. The past two months you have been working significantly longer shifts than usual. This fact alone is not a bad thing"[/color], she assured him. "The report on your last medical check indicates that you show signs of ... unbalance and stress. This is probably more the doctor inside me speaking right now." She gave him a wry smile. "But I felt like I should check on you. This could be nothing at all, but I want to make sure that things are working well for you. If not, I am here to lend you an ear and I will do everything I can to help."

Kalem couldn't help himself. Even though the commander was trying to do her job and check up on her fellow officers, which Kalem understood. Kalem broke eye contact and visibly shrank as a breath escaped from his lungs. He looked back at the Commander.

"Everything is going good for me, Commander, I have just been dealing with some personal issues."

Kalem's hand moved toward his right pocket, in which was his PADD. He didn't move to pull it out. Just rested his hand over where he knew the PADD was. His only copy of the message from his mother, informing him of the death of his father, as well as photos from when he was a child was the only thing of significance that he kept on that PADD. Now it was all he had left of his father, Kalem Tabin.

"Work has been going well and i have no complaints. I guess you could say that i have been using work as an escape."

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - XO's Office]

Quote from: Kalem Michael on May 07, 2020, 12:00:27 PM

Kalem couldn't help himself. Even though the commander was trying to do her job and check up on her fellow officers, which Kalem understood. Kalem broke eye contact and visibly shrank as a breath escaped from his lungs. He looked back at the Commander.

"Everything is going good for me, Commander, I have just been dealing with some personal issues."

Kalem's hand moved toward his right pocket, in which was his PADD. He didn't move to pull it out. Just rested his hand over where he knew the PADD was. His only copy of the message from his mother, informing him of the death of his father, as well as photos from when he was a child was the only thing of significance that he kept on that PADD. Now it was all he had left of his father, Kalem Tabin.

"Work has been going well and i have no complaints. I guess you could say that i have been using work as an escape."

Tess waited patiently as she watched Kalem. Her eyebrows furrowed ever so lightly in mild concern when he shrank in what looked like resignation or defeat. He mentioned personal issues and Tess' eyes caught the slight movement of his hand going to his pocket where it looked like his PADD was. She lifted her gaze back up to him. Bad news from home maybe?

She refrained from speaking as yet, hoping he'd share more of his own accord - which he did. Not much but he said something rather telling.

"I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with some personal issues", she began, trying to catch his eyes. She would not push on details about this but would leave it to him to open up if he wanted to. "Seeking distraction from problems in work is a natural distraction and it works well for a while. But it's possible that it won't stay that way. Your performance of duty has been excellent just like it had been before. And your medical check-up has not been bad or alarming, But different from what we know of you. I don't want to see it getting worse, Mr. Kalem." She paused there to give him an appreciative smile. "Do you feel like it would help you to talk to someone about it?" Of course she was thinking of Beja.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer One maintenance corridor >>> Promenade]

Quote from: John Saxon on May 07, 2020, 10:35:12 AM

[Saxon's office - Deck 2]

A message from Rayek flashed out. It began positively. The former Executive Officer had completed his inspection of the two weapon caches after all, and was continuing on. For that, Saxon was grateful that at least things were slowly getting back on track. But then it continued. That Tess had called in the TMPST for the celebration. And the positive moral that this march it was generating. And then it ended with the recommendation to send 'reinforcements' from the Beta and Gamma shifts on a volunteer basis.

The rage within him increased to a level that would cower the most battle-berserked Klingon. To Saxon, the recommendation's tone read more like an ex-senior officer trying assert some of their previous authority. He was about to reply when...it just fell away. The inferno diminished and the tension left his rigid body.

John inhaled through his nose, and slowly blew out his breath, relishing the calm that had come over him. Clearly the more positive side of his psyche had triumphed, albeit taking some time. Things seemed a little clearer, if not still annoying. And yet...he could see the wood for the trees once again. After this, he might take some rare leave of absence.

Reaching for the PADD, John tapped out a response to Rayek's PADD. "=> Thank you, but I believe we can draw this inspection to a close; it's unlikely more distant weapon lockers have been tampered with for this event. The rest can be reviewed as per standard duty checks. I believe you have a monster's rampage to halt. In fact, I'll be down myself shortly. <="

While Rayek had considered heading to Saucer Two via the Promenade, the Romulan figured it was likely best he avoid the temptation to watch the festivities and just keep on task, thus getting them done quicker.   Besides which, while in the midst of mock battle with Jada's beast, he hadn't cared a whit about his slimed uniform, but without the energy of the celebration, Rayek was all too conscious of how inappropriate his uniform condition was.  Unfortunately, he didn't have to time head back to his quarters and change - not if he wanted to be done the inspections before things wrapped up on the Promenade.  Well, Rayek assumed it would be held there.  The Promenade seemed the most reasonable place for the finale of the Orion's celebration.

However, Rayek didn't get far before he heard a distinctive ping from his PADD.  By just the pitch of the ping Rayek was able to tell it was from Saxon.  The paranoid Romulan had long ago allocated these pitched pings to certain individuals - mostly Department Heads and individuals of importance - so that he could tell by sound who was contacting him.  The change in pitch was subtle... he doubted many humanoid species could tell the difference, other Vulcanoids and likely any Caitian would hear the difference in tone however.

However, in the past, given his penchant for usually having his PADD on silent mode when he was on shift up at the OCC, it rarely ever was of use.  Now however, in the silence of the Cargo Customs, Rayek preferred to hear the pings of his wife's frequent messages.  Checking up on him... or more often than he liked... cancelling a planned lunch get together because of some other obligation that took priority.  He hated to admit that he'd done the same more than once when their roles had been reversed.

Rayek slowed his long stride after retrieving the PADD from its place at under his uniform jacket at his back.  He split his attention between reading the missive and watching for other crewmen in the access way as he continued on towards Saucer Two.   A smile formed at reading the response, glad that he written the progress missive minutes earlier.  It not only saved him from doing the inspection, which while an important duty was exceedingly dull, but directed him to participate in the festivities.

Rayek quickly tapped out an acknowledgement of his new orders, sending it off to the Lieutenant before continuing on along the maintenance tunnel, this time headed to the Promenade where the beast was now being sighted according to security comm chatter.

Soon he stepped out of the crew only service door, to find the crowd of onlookers had nearly quadrupled!  The mood was festive and joyous, more so than Rayek could ever recall.  A small part of his paranoid Romulan mind whispered that was likely due to the female Orion pheromones being spread throughout out the crowd and that it was all manipulation.  He frowned at that thought.  Then recalled that he'd enjoyed himself earlier  and knew for a fact that he was protected against both Deltan and Orion pheromone influence.  It was part of his medical regime that he made sure was up to date.  Jada's 'trick' of influencing him when they had been caught by the Thinkers would not happen again.

With drying slime still on his uniform, Rayek strode forward to join the ongoing battle.  He headed towards Bexx.  "How goes the battle?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



[Docking Saucer 3]

While Zex waited for Edyris to arrive, she pulled her padd from a pocket.  She opened the database and did a search on Tholian.  This is what is showed:


A six legged, none humanoid, species.  The origin of which is likely insecticide or arachnid in nature.  They grow to be the same height as humanoids, so their heads are typically at the same height as humanoids.  The head and two 'arms' connect to a torso supported by the legs.

Unlike humanoids, though, they are reddish is color and typically live in extremely high temperatures.  The optimal temperature for a Tholian is 480 Kelvin.  Their outer shell has been known to fracture as 380 Kelvin, so they typically avoid 'such low temperatures.'

They are born with both male and female organs.  Therefore, they are considered to be a hermaphroditic species.  Thus, it is important when first meeting one to establish which sex they identify as. 

Finally, they are largely considered to be a xenophobic species.  The other terms used to describe them are aggressive,  territorial, and punctual.  This is, however, only based on a handful of encounters with member of the species so updates to this document will be needed as other members of the race venture out into Federation space."

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Promenade, Katra Station]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 07, 2020, 03:33:13 PM

With drying slime still on his uniform, Rayek strode forward to join the ongoing battle.  He headed towards Bexx.  "How goes the battle?"

Rayek found Bexx and the rest of TMPST and the regular Security crewmen splattered, even dripping, with the slime. The Bolian grinned, cheerful but defeated, 'Not well, sir. The slug, uh, got past us...' She tried to explain...


[Shops Section, Saucer 1] earlier

'Defensive line at the pylon access! Don't let it get to the Promenade!' Bexx rallied her splattered squad, and they frantically collected spent darts, reloaded, and regathered before the bulkhead door. And the Monster faced them, googly eyes glaring fiercely, feet pawing at the deck. Then it began to march forward, slowly at first, then faster, into a trot and then a run...


'Faster! Running speed!' Jada shouted from the head, accelerating with the same dancing gait as she drove the Dragon Wing-Slug inexorably forward. Behind her followed Zhelash, and after the two of them built up momentum, s'Metra was being practically dragged after them. 'Ack! Why'd I choose to be the tail!'

They could hear the noisy patter of darts over the music, louder as they got closer to the firing line. Jada pumped another load of slime at the hapless Starfleet defenders, then cried 'Slide!'


As the crowd watched, with baited breaths and cheers for Monster and Starfleet alike, the giant slug vomited a great gout of slime, splattering the defenders and splashing across the desk. Under the costume, the dancers jump and hit the slime-slicked deck, and slid at high speed right at the squad!

'Out of the way!' Bexx and the others dove to the aside, as the giant slug sail right past them and through the open bulkhead door! 'Whee!'

Meanwhile, the Starfleet team were left floundering in the slime, bewildered. 'We could've just locked the door.' Curdo sighed, wiping some from his dimpled forehead. 'The Chief's security exercise protocols. She didn't want to make this too easy on us.'

Afterward, climbing to their slippery feet, they'd pursued the Monster up the pylon, fighting nerf-gun skirmishes up the pylon, through the corridors and connecting doors, all the way to the Promenade...

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]


The shoppers and shopkeepers had been disturbed by strange and ominous noises emanating from the main entrance to the Promenade: sounds of grinding metal and clanging, a weird and wobbly musical beat, a deep bass that thrummed through the deck and into the bones. Some had already heard odd rumours from friends and fellows on Saucer 1, who'd hinted at something going on but had been curiously reluctant to explain, only suggesting they keep an eye out. So they went out to see, and curious folk followed to see just what was going on.

Slowly, the door drew open, and out of the darkness, something peered – two big bulbous eyes, oscillating on their antennae, two grasping mandibles... And then it jumped out, into full view – a gigantic slug! A gigantic dancing slug!

'Rarely do things go as you directed. Ready you should be for the unexpected.' Boss Ngachi announced, having slipped away from the battle earlier and made his way here, all unnoticed. 'Be prepared to handle the passing strange, if you would be out on space's range.'

The Monster ambled into the lowest level of the Promenade, and danced and swayed to the music emanating from its onboard sound system. For those who hadn't yet laid eyes on its magnificence, it was formed by a greenish-brown fabric wrapped over a mesh to give it shape, and around the base was a shimmering curtain of semi-transparent plastic that, in the right light and rippling with the dance, looked like a slug's "foot" and its mucus might. To give it flair and colour, the slug's back was striated with colourful fabrics and more semi-transparent mock mucus. It had a big blunt head, with a window of dark greenish-brown gauze; the green face looking through was almost certainly Jada's. On either side were two mouth tentacles that looked a lot like someone's arms stuffed through a tube, and were. Above were two big eyestalks that bounced and swayed on some kind of spring with every motion. They each ended in a big ball-shaped eye that rotated within a socket and was topped with a single comical eyebrow that tilted. Both eyebrows and both eyes could move to give the giant slug various expressions, though most just looked crazy as the slug danced and swayed non-stop.

It began to explore the area, examining the shops (it was just too big to fit inside), the pot-plants (which it tried to eat as slugs would), and of course the people. The Monster zeroed in on certain random folk, dispensing jellies and the occasional sliming, prompting bursts of laughter at the victims' expense, giving extra treats to the children.

'In the black of deepest space, will you see the monster in your face? You must be quicker off the mark, if you would be out in the Dark.' Ngachi repeated his earlier lines. 'Who will take the chance? Who will get it on their pants? You must face the beast to fill your belly. Else others get treats, and you'll be jelly.'

'I think it's going to behave for a bit.' Bexx prompted Rayek, suggesting it might not be the time for a fight, at least not just yet.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Catherine Goodspeed on May 07, 2020, 04:09:00 AM

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Cat and Hrafn made their way though the aging Vulcan vessel marking equipment as they went as they travelled further in to find Ensign Gid Sherem who they eventually found by following the sound of several choice words.

"AHH!  Ensign Sherem??  Hope I've pronounced that right? " Cat took a sip of coffee and nodded towards Hrafn.  "This is our Chief Science Officer Hrafn Falleg... " Cat rattled the label box under her other arm "here to point out what to keep and what to throw out".  She took another sip of coffee. "So what's the problem?"

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Gid looked up. Took them long enough, he thought to himself.

�Yes, you got my name right,� he said. �Anyway, there�s a problem with the EPS conduits. Prolonged use and some potential rust has�there�s a possibility that prolonged use, especially after so long, will cause the conduits to leak plasma coolant.�

Noting the chief science officer, Gid added, �I appreciate the assist. My sister, she should be in your department, she�d be glad to help.�

[NPC Ensign Jael Sherem | Blue Belles | Promenade | Katra Station]

Jael noted the ensign with pity. She had seen that look before. But she was too busy gazing at his looks and too busy drinking kanar to pay him any attention.

At his departure, Jael shrugged and departed as well. Time to work.

[Ensigns Gid and Jael Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Finding out that Lieutenant Falleg was on the Sivok, Jael was led to her position on the Sivok�and was surprised to see her brother there.

�Speak of the devil,� said Gid. �I wondered where you were.�

Jael merely shrugged, then said, �Ensign Sherem�the Cardassian Ensign Sherem�reporting to assist you in your department, Lieutenant.�

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


Katra Station - Counselor's Office

Solluk turned his head as Beja suggested the usual anecdotes.  Weakness was Strength.  Vulnerability was Brave.  War was Peace.

Okay, that last bit was unfair.

The fact was, her words contained truth.  It did take bravery and strength to open your most delicate or rotten inner layers for scrutiny by an outsider.  But everything about such an exposure screamed that there was wrongness in it.  It was like asking someone to press their palm to a hot stove under the promise that they'd feel better... eventually.

"I'm sure you know from experience, Counselor... it is hard for a Sehlat to expose its belly."

He took another sip of his tea.  There was no way out but through.

"I have lately felt betrayed by some of the people closest to me.  It is perhaps not a useful sentiment.  People do things for their own reasons, probably not specifically to spite me or decay my authority.  And yet I can't help but feel personally affronted.

I have tried, time and again, to consider mitigating circumstances.  To make excuses.  But in the end, a long working relationship... and even friendship... is casually discarded time and again.  Sometimes, on the whim of a moment.

I can't help feeling..."

The teacup trembled in his grasp and he set it down.

"... it is foolish..."  He smiled mirthlessly.

"This is a job.  It is not a playground or even a school.  We are an organization of professionals.  Personal feelings do not come into it.  It is illogical and even deleterious to presume that personal connections should come to be more significant than other professional considerations.  It is foolish to even entertain such notions considering the life and even world-changing events we grapple with on a daily basis."

A sheen of moisture began to obscure Solluk's vision.

"But I thought... I might have made a friend.  Or maybe just... inspired a single drop of loyalty."

He blinked away the emerging tears, clearing his throat.

"Well... I understand reality well enough, now, Counselor.   There seems very little sense in re-hashing it here."

Katra Station - Promenade


The progression of the two Klingon officers was halted as the subject of interest appeared in the promenade itself, descending upon them through one of the large pylons that extended towards the docking saucers.

A Booming voice- some kind of narrator?  Announced the unexpected.  Noh'Ves and K'mpoc looked at each other, and then over at the emerging creature.  They stepped back, actually retreating some steps, as it began to tour the promenade, apparently munching on decorative plants as it went.   The narration, in rhyme, called forth a challenge.

"It is a call to battle!"  Noh'ves, still somewhat drunk from Brauhaus, announced his understanding of the situation as he pulled his dagger.

"It is a game," K'mpoc suggested somewhat more reasonably, placing a hand on his Captain's shoulder.

"A game of battle!" Noh'ves advanced towards the slug, "A Kot'Baval, from some other people!  They sing opera as they perform.  A rhyme in Federation Standard.  We should answer them!"

He came almost within striking range of the slug, and shouted, "I hear this call to warrior might, to face a beast on this dark night!  I am Noh'ves, a Captain Brave.  And I shall slay this Slime-filled Knave!"

And with that, he charged forward, lunging with his blade.  A keen observer might note that he turned the weapon in the final instant, striking at the fabric of the beast with his fist rather than the gripped D'k tahg.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Kalem Michael

[Katra station - deck 2 - XO's office]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 07, 2020, 12:30:41 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - XO's Office]

Tess waited patiently as she watched Kalem. Her eyebrows furrowed ever so lightly in mild concern when he shrank in what looked like resignation or defeat. He mentioned personal issues and Tess' eyes caught the slight movement of his hand going to his pocket where it looked like his PADD was. She lifted her gaze back up to him. Bad news from home maybe?

She refrained from speaking as yet, hoping he'd share more of his own accord - which he did. Not much but he said something rather telling.

"I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with some personal issues", she began, trying to catch his eyes. She would not push on details about this but would leave it to him to open up if he wanted to. "Seeking distraction from problems in work is a natural distraction and it works well for a while. But it's possible that it won't stay that way. Your performance of duty has been excellent just like it had been before. And your medical check-up has not been bad or alarming, But different from what we know of you. I don't want to see it getting worse, Mr. Kalem." She paused there to give him an appreciative smile. "Do you feel like it would help you to talk to someone about it?" Of course she was thinking of Beja.

Kalem suddenly looked shocked. The Commander'swords said that she didn't know. Kalem thought for a second, then reached into his pocket pulled out his PADD and with one touch opened up the message from his mother. He looked back at the Commander.

"This isn't something that counseling will help, Commander. This is something that only heals with time."

He lightly tossed fhe PADD so that it landed on the table, slid and stopped in front of the Commander, while rotating to be right way up from her perspective. This was a motion that had been practiced so many times from tossing his PADD onto the table next to his bed.

L'mar Camili Rhade



NPC played by Solluk: Senior Diplomatic Aide to Ambassador Kol: Tokara, Daughter of Rodek, House of Noggra
[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 11 - Klingon Embassy | Katra Station ]

The team entered the Klingon Embassy, many engineers were still working the structural construction. Klingon engineers were amongst the Starfleet ones. Rhade looked around and greeted several of the Klingon and Starfleet senior engineers. Valak was going about inspecting the structural materials and where support structures are placed, he was occasionally instructing better locations to use as well as where to wield parts together for maximum integrity.

Rhade left his specialists to converse while he sought out the Ambassador to check how things are progressing.

Rhade's presence on the embassy grounds had not escaped the notice of Tokara, the most senior of the embassy's diplomatic aides.  When Rhade seemed to be on approach to the ambassador, she quickly moved to intercept him.

"Lieutenant.  You must be with the Starfleet engineering teams.  Is there something I can do for you?"  It was a far more flowery greeting that the usual 'What do you want,' but that was the product of diplomatic service.  Other species preferred ten words when one would do.

�Yes. I am Juniorr Lieutenant L�marr Rrhade, Chief Engineerr of Katrra Station. I am herre to check on the constrruction prrogrress, and you arre?� L�mar asked, standing up and knew Klingons would respond to a strong presence.

Tokara looked the Caitian up and down before answering, "I am the Senior diplomatic aide to Ambassador Kol.  I have found the construction work being conducted by your people to be satisfactory thus far.  Is there any problem we should be aware of, Lieutenant Rrraid?"

She looked at him half-suspiciously, wondering if his visit was something more than a mere progress check.  She half expected some objection to the size of the hall, or some minutiae of red tape involving Starfleet regulations.

�It is �Ra-day� actually.� L�mar said, his eyes widened ever so slightly as he was a little surprised his roll of the R sound didn�t happen then. He gestured at her. �Do you have a title and name, Seniorr Diplomatic Aide?� L�mar inquired.

Tokara paused, and then nodded her head in some appreciation that the slender cat-man boldly corrected her.  "You have my title, Lieutenant Ra-day," she replied, making a more honest attempt at the pronunciation, "My name is Tokara, daughter of Rodek, House of Noggra."

She waited, then, to see what this man might want, other than her name.

Close enough, Rhade thought with a smile. He showed his fangs, �Seniorr Diplomatic Aide Tokara, Daughterr of Rrodek, House of Noggrra, do you have authorrity frrom the Ambassadorr to inforrm me that my engineerrs arre fulfilling the Ambassadorr�s embassy constrruction plans?� L�mar asked, he had noticed that the Klingons did not seem to be using their allotted area effectively. Though it was not his place to tell them what to do with their assigned space as an embassy is considered sovereign territory of the species using it.

Tokara narrowed her gaze, now that it seemed the Caitian was trying to challenge her authority.  "Yes," she replied simply.  Then she waited.  What did this felinoid want?

Rhade raised one eyebrow and just stood there for a moment and blinked at Tokara. �Yes, that you have the authorrity? Or yes that my engineerrs arre building yourr Embassy to the Ambassadorr�s plans in a timely schedule?� L�mar asked, confused.

Tokara was becoming impatient with this line of inquiry.  "Yes, I have the authority to tell you that your engineers are proceeding satisfactorily.  And that was among the first things I said to you."  She bared her teeth briefly in what was either a strained smile or a show of aggression.   But her face seemed to falter half-way through the expression.

"Is this some Caitian mating ritual?"  When a male's behavior seemed odd or rude for no apparent reason, it was her go-to assumption that she was being exposed to some alien variety of flirtation.

Honestly he was kinda having fun annoying someone, Rhade decided to wrap it up. �Can I see the constrruction plan?� L�mar asked, ignoring the ritual question.

When the Caitian did not respond to her question, she gazed at him suspiciously a moment longer.  Her eyes traced his form briefly, trying to decide if she was interested in a furry body pressed against hers.  Then, finally, she looked up and called out, "pok, De' HoSghajbej janvam je nab qem jIH 'oH Huj vIghro'."

Briefly, a young warrior trotted up with a Klingon datapad in hand.  She nodded for him to hand it to Rhade.

What was the meaning of this inquiry?  Surely he already had a copy of their plans.  Her initial suspicions seemed likelier than ever, now.

"I do not think so, Caitian," she said at last, "You are not my... 'type.'"

Rhade examined the plans, again ignoring the whole mating thing but Valak excused himself and came to stand by Rhade.

�Lieutenant, why are you looking at their plans? I have our copy here.� Valak asked.

�I wanted to see if they had made any changes to the plans.� L�mar said as he compared the two plans together.

�No. If they did they would have to tell us.� Valak said.

�Trrue but when, though would they? They could make the changes themselves. I wanted to confirm things werre going to plan.� L�mar said and turned back to Tokara and smiled as he handed back the plans. �Herre you arre, thank you and farrewell.� L�mar said and turned to Valak and two walked off. �Who is superrvising?� L�mar asked.

�It is my turn in 5 minutes.� Valak said as they came back to the major construction area.

Rhade nodded and he left the Embassy as his next task was to join the team working on the Tholian Embassy.

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Gid Sherem on May 08, 2020, 12:09:17 AM

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Gid looked up. Took them long enough, he thought to himself.

"Yes, you got my name right," he said. "Anyway, there's a problem with the EPS conduits. Prolonged use and some potential rust has...there's a possibility that prolonged use, especially after so long, will cause the conduits to leak plasma coolant."

Noting the chief science officer, Gid added, "I appreciate the assist. My sister, she should be in your department, she'd be glad to help."

[NPC Ensign Jael Sherem | Blue Belles | Promenade | Katra Station]

Jael noted the ensign with pity. She had seen that look before. But she was too busy gazing at his looks and too busy drinking kanar to pay him any attention.

At his departure, Jael shrugged and departed as well. Time to work.

[Ensigns Gid and Jael Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Finding out that Lieutenant Falleg was on the Sivok, Jael was led to her position on the Sivok...and was surprised to see her brother there.

"Speak of the devil," said Gid. "I wondered where you were."

Jael merely shrugged, then said, "Ensign Sherem...the Cardassian Ensign Sherem...reporting to assist you in your department, Lieutenant."

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Cat looked at Ensign Sherem and recognised the look on his face as he spoke to her.  The "and where have YOU been?!" look.

Cat tried not to smile.  Only her second meet up with the new staff member and  it looked like the Ensign had expected her to materialise the moment he had contacted her.  Unless the vessel was about to split in half then there were other things she had to do as the head of the refit on all of the old 12 work horses.

Schematics of the new quarters for families; including extended family groups, singles and couples; reconfiguration of the replicators and air filters to try and match the food and air quality the refugees were used to.  Data upgrades so they could try and learn about their intended target temporary home and any expectations and customs they may need to adhere to; including ensuring this data was also in audio form as they had no idea of the level of education these poor people had been allowed to receive.  The ripping out and re installation of the new, upgraded and reinforced waste flows, showers, toilets, rec rooms.  Not the mention the calculations to ensure the load of the refits didn't exceed the maximum weight calculated to ensure the vessels could get to Warp 8.  Oh and the engine tinkering as well...

Cat had worked with colleagues like this before in her old life as a civilian ship builder.  One of them sprang to mind.  Dirk MaGee.  Went around with a face like a slapped bottom and attitude to match. Expected everyone to drop everything when they ran into an issue.   They used to have a saying back in the day: "Its fine to get the hump every now and then, just don't be a Dirk about it.". Cat hoped the Ensign was just having an off day.

Cat put down her coffee, wandered over to the area Sherem had been working on and bent down to take a look.  She then wetted the end of a finger, placed in on the orange-red coloured substance and then placed the tip of the finger on the end of her tongue.

She was aware she was being watched.

Ahh rust; Cat thought to her herself. Such a quaint term. As far as she was aware the Vulcans hadn't used anything prone to rusting for... ohhh.. At least 300 years off the top of her head.  Vulcans were far too smart to add a rustable component to vessels which were once their pride and joy and one of their most important means of data gathering on new species and planets.

Cat placed her hands on her knees and pushed herself upright with a small "oomph" sound.

"Not rust.  Its plasmic particulate residue, normally caused by prolonged neutron bombardment".

Cat smiled at the Ensign. "To be expected really considering the age and role of the old girl."  Cat picked up the coffee she had put down to inspect the problem EPS and took a glug to wash the taste out of her mouth.

"Take them out, give them a good clean up and coat any weakened sections with a transpoly-alloy resin sealant which is available at all good Engineering replicators! Just apply, radiate with a proton lamp and return!"  Cat flourished her free hand like a badly acted Advertisement commercial.

The silence was deafening.

Cat nodded back to the area causing the problem "Any you can't fix then pull them, box them and tag them"  Cat handed Ensign Sherem a large handful of "KEEP" stickers.  "Slap this on the box once full, the salvage team can then pick them up and see what we can save.  Spare EPS and other components can be found in the main cargo bay 1".

Cat tapped her combadge  =/\=Crewman rohl Th'rhaatrit, Goodspeed here.  Can you get the team ready?  Split in two, check every ship for possible plasmic particulate residue on all EPS conduits.  Use the voles... 2 per team... Work steady and slow we don't want to miss any potential problems. =/\=

=/\=" yes ma'am!  Understood" =/\=

=/\="Oh and Peaches?  Get both teams to head to my current location first... Ensign Sherem found some dodgy ones here. Fingers crossed it's just an isolated issue on this vessel but better to be safe than sorry. Each group work alternate decks, if we do find any other issues we can then use those as a starting point for the other ships" =/\=

Cat looked at the Ensign and smiled again "thanks for bringing this to my attention... Oh!  You don't mind working with Cardassian voles do you? Trained to sniff out these types of issues...  I know some people don't like working with animals.. Or children... If not, Beta team could use some help on the waste refits!"

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Gid Sherem on May 08, 2020, 12:09:17 AM

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Gid looked up. Took them long enough, he thought to himself.

�Yes, you got my name right,� he said. �Anyway, there�s a problem with the EPS conduits. Prolonged use and some potential rust has�there�s a possibility that prolonged use, especially after so long, will cause the conduits to leak plasma coolant.�

Noting the chief science officer, Gid added, �I appreciate the assist. My sister, she should be in your department, she�d be glad to help.�

[Lt. Hrafn Falleg | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

"The more the merrier, Ensign, and often two sets of eyes helps. I look forward to working with her.  Also, I'm no engineer so as such it's great to work together - you can tell me if I'm going to electrocute myself, and I can tell you if you're going to throw out valuable Vulcan Science-y stuff.  Deal?!  Did Gramps bring you a drink at all?" Hrafn said amicably.

Quote from: Gid Sherem on May 08, 2020, 12:09:17 AM

[Ensigns Gid and Jael Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

Finding out that Lieutenant Falleg was on the Sivok, Jael was led to her position on the Sivok�and was surprised to see her brother there.

�Speak of the devil,� said Gid. �I wondered where you were.�

Jael merely shrugged, then said, �Ensign Sherem�the Cardassian Ensign Sherem�reporting to assist you in your department, Lieutenant.�

"Pleased to meet you Ensign... OK, let's get this out of the way, since you're both Ensign Sherem, and you're both likely to be in the same proximity, especially while we're working on these Vulcan ships, is there a preferred way you'd like me to refer to you so we know who we're talking to.  I'm fine with you calling me Hrafn if you'd like to go to first name terms, so long as if there's any brass around other than me you do me the courtesy of calling me Lieutenant."  the CSO grinned.

"And Ms. Sherem, are you at all familiar with Vulcan Science things? If so you'll be a great asset here, if not, well you're a Scientist, you will have a logical brain... earmark anything which looks 'useful'... if in doubt mark with one of Lt. Goodspeed's 'Keep' stickers and I'll cast an eye over before we leave the ship and dump... better to do it that way than dump potentially useful stuff, we can't get it back once chucked, but we can chuck after a second sort through if you see what I mean."

Quote from: Catherine Goodspeed on May 08, 2020, 03:13:58 PM

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Cat looked at the Ensign and smiled again "thanks for bringing this to my attention... Oh!  You don't mind working with Cardassian voles do you? Trained to sniff out these types of issues...  I know some people don't like working with animals.. Or children... If not, Beta team could use some help on the waste refits!"

Hrafn heard what Cat said and laughed "And if I take you up on your offer as per earlier they may have both to contend with tomorrow.  Am I allowed to steeple my fingers and let out an evil chuckle now? Muhahahahaha!" she said with a wink at Cat like it was some kind of private joke.  It wasn't really but if the Ensigns Sherem or any of the rest of the crew here had a problem with kids or animals they weren't gonna last long.  Though to be fair she didn't have to add the kids to the mix.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



USS Katra - Counseling Office

Beja quietly listened as the Captain opened up about his real feelings on the events that had transpired. She was happy to hear him talk about the loss of friendship and loyalty. That was what had her most concerned about how Solluk was faring through it all. It was not an easy thing when a person puts trust into another, and believes them to be loyal to them, only to find that it was more of an illusion than reality. She could see the struggle on the Captain�s face, and the tears that he held at bay, as well as the emotion in his voice. She empathized greatly with him.

�Captain, emotions and feelings do not always work logically. Sure, our hearts might move blood throughout our body�s in a logical fashion, but the heart doesn�t love and care based on logic,� Beja gently said to him, �And further Captain you have every right to feel these emotions, and in fact should be feeling these very emotions.�

�Everyone wants and deserves friendship, loyalty, people that care about them, that will stand by their side, not just in the good times, but in the bad as well,� Beja continued to talk to him, so that it would allow him time to deal with those conflicting emotions inside of him.

�I�ve never had a friend myself. I didn�t fit into the traditional Klingon role, and no one wanted one such as I around. It would have only been a dishonor to call me friend, and no one saw any value in me. It wasn�t until I joined Starfleet and came to Katra that I finally found a sense of what home was like. I still haven�t been successful in making a real friend yet, but I�m learning to get to know others more, and I�m hopeful that it will come over time,� Beja shared with Solluk, she wanted him to know that he was not alone in the journey he was going on.

�You deserve a friend as well,� Beja actually believed that the Captain had one, but it would be up to him to realize that. She was just here to help him find those answers that he sought.

�And don�t forget you have a lot that you have accomplished, and you do have those loyal to you. You have many that would gladly step into the abyss with you, and have done that without hesitation. Don�t forget to embrace your success, and victories. It can be easy to concentrate on what we preserve to be our failings, and our faults. It is not as easy for people to remember their wins and merits,� Beja ended, and glanced over at him to see his reaction to her words.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: Jada on May 07, 2020, 11:50:00 PM

[Promenade, Katra Station]

Rayek found Bexx and the rest of TMPST and the regular Security crewmen splattered, even dripping, with the slime. The Bolian grinned, cheerful but defeated, 'Not well, sir. The slug, uh, got past us...' She tried to explain...


[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

The shoppers and shopkeepers had been disturbed by strange and ominous noises emanating from the main entrance to the Promenade: sounds of grinding metal and clanging, a weird and wobbly musical beat, a deep bass that thrummed through the deck and into the bones. Some had already heard odd rumours from friends and fellows on Saucer 1, who'd hinted at something going on but had been curiously reluctant to explain, only suggesting they keep an eye out. So they went out to see, and curious folk followed to see just what was going on.

Slowly, the door drew open, and out of the darkness, something peered – two big bulbous eyes, oscillating on their antennae, two grasping mandibles... And then it jumped out, into full view – a gigantic slug! A gigantic dancing slug!

'Rarely do things go as you directed. Ready you should be for the unexpected.' Boss Ngachi announced, having slipped away from the battle earlier and made his way here, all unnoticed. 'Be prepared to handle the passing strange, if you would be out on space's range.'

The Monster ambled into the lowest level of the Promenade, and danced and swayed to the music emanating from its onboard sound system. For those who hadn't yet laid eyes on its magnificence, it was formed by a greenish-brown fabric wrapped over a mesh to give it shape, and around the base was a shimmering curtain of semi-transparent plastic that, in the right light and rippling with the dance, looked like a slug's "foot" and its mucus might. To give it flair and colour, the slug's back was striated with colourful fabrics and more semi-transparent mock mucus. It had a big blunt head, with a window of dark greenish-brown gauze; the green face looking through was almost certainly Jada's. On either side were two mouth tentacles that looked a lot like someone's arms stuffed through a tube, and were. Above were two big eyestalks that bounced and swayed on some kind of spring with every motion. They each ended in a big ball-shaped eye that rotated within a socket and was topped with a single comical eyebrow that tilted. Both eyebrows and both eyes could move to give the giant slug various expressions, though most just looked crazy as the slug danced and swayed non-stop.

It began to explore the area, examining the shops (it was just too big to fit inside), the pot-plants (which it tried to eat as slugs would), and of course the people. The Monster zeroed in on certain random folk, dispensing jellies and the occasional sliming, prompting bursts of laughter at the victims' expense, giving extra treats to the children.

'In the black of deepest space, will you see the monster in your face? You must be quicker off the mark, if you would be out in the Dark.' Ngachi repeated his earlier lines. 'Who will take the chance? Who will get it on their pants? You must face the beast to fill your belly. Else others get treats, and you'll be jelly.'

'I think it's going to behave for a bit.' Bexx prompted Rayek, suggesting it might not be the time for a fight, at least not just yet.

Rayek listened to Bexx's report and tried to keep the amusement from his face.  Seems he'd left just in time to avoid getting slimed.

He nodded at the Bexx's observation of its current behavior.  "I contacted.. Lieutenant Saxon.. and he indicated he would be down sometime shortly... possibly with some reinforcements."   The Romulan looked around at this point as if he might be fortunate enough to spot the Chief of their department despite the crowd.

Quote from: Solluk on May 08, 2020, 11:21:08 AM

Katra Station - Promenade

"It is a call to battle!"  Noh'ves, still somewhat drunk from Brauhaus, announced his understanding of the situation as he pulled his dagger.

"It is a game," K'mpoc suggested somewhat more reasonably, placing a hand on his Captain's shoulder.

"A game of battle!" Noh'ves advanced towards the slug, "A Kot'Baval, from some other people!  They sing opera as they perform.  A rhyme in Federation Standard.  We should answer them!"

He came almost within striking range of the slug, and shouted, "I hear this call to warrior might, to face a beast on this dark night!  I am Noh'ves, a Captain Brave.  And I shall slay this Slime-filled Knave!"

And with that, he charged forward, lunging with his blade.  A keen observer might note that he turned the weapon in the final instant, striking at the fabric of the beast with his fist rather than the gripped D'k tahg.

Instead what he saw was Captain Noh'ves, drunk, accepting the called out challenge and advancing on Jada and the costumed Orions with a klingon blade.  Fvadt!

"Captain Noh'ves, Stop!" Rayek called out in alarm as he moved to intercept.  Yet knew he wasn't going to be in time - and him without an actual phaser!  But as he ran forward to attempt to tackle down the Klingon before he could land a second blow, he realized amid the many gasps of surprise and smattering of claps, that the warrior hadn't actually attacked.  He'd feigned a blow, turning the blade aside.

Rayek managed to alter his own planned tackle to a skid and halted beside the Klingon.  "Captain, Katra security appreciates your assistance but the beast is impervious to blades, we have the appropriate weapons to deal with it.  If you insist on participating, you may use my weapon."  Rayek offered out his own toy phaser.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

'Cruk!' Zhelash swore, throwing herself as far to the side as she could within her harness; outside, the whole flank of the slug costume wobbled away from Noh'ves's strike. 'That's a knife!'

'What?' Jada demanded, shocked, twisting around as much as she could to get a look. It was really hard to see out of this thing, but for the few small mesh portholes concealed in the hide. Jada's adrenaline, already high from all the dancing, had spiked, ready for a fight.

'The Klingon! He's got a knife! ...S'okay, no holes, in me or the costume. Looks like he just faked it and punched the hide. tr'Lhoell's talking to him.'

Jada panted, trying to still her racing heartbeat and twitching muscles. Okay, it was nothing, just a show, this was still just a play. She needed that, to move through the motions and themes of a battle, without the fear and pain and death. She needed this to be safe. She muttered 'There's always one. Didn't expect it to be Captain Noh'ves though... Okay, rotating right, moving up the schedule. If he wants a fight...'


'Or maybe not.' Bexx corrected with a roll of her eyes, hurrying after tr'Lhoell.

So did Ngachi, improvising valiantly 'Ware the beast, you don't know what's inside. Might just be innocents taken for a ride.' The old Orion, clearly as capable a warrior as these Klingons, eyed them carefully, and shared an understanding nod at Jada through the mesh.

Staggering, stunned, the Monster had wheeled around to confront Noh'ves, bobbing its head and eyestalks at him as if offended, and making chomping motions at the d'k tahg as if threatening to eat it. Jada might well have disarmed him and done just that for the comedy, but she remembered M'kai's reaction to her just holding it during medical treatment, and didn't dare. He could keep it. The laughter at her miming was enough. But she was just stalling for time while they prepared.

Then the Monster backed away, concertinaing into a defensive, challenging stance, facing the Klingon captain and pawing the floor. And the music rose in volume and changed to a new tune, one with a classic rapid repeating staccato riff, one that echoed through the Promenade and pounded through the deck and the walls with primal power, one that pounded through a warrior's heart, a song that could appeal to Orion pirates and Klingon warriors and Human rockers alike. The whole giant slug bobbed up and down in time.


Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!
Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!
Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!

Then the Monster threw back and its head, opened wide its mouth, and howled in three feminine voices. 'Ah-aaaaaah aah!' And again. 'Ah-aaaah aah!'

Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!

Next they sang out, as fast as the beat, 'We come from the land of the ice and snow! From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow!' Okay, two of them came from a sweltering jungle world, but eh.

Then they slowed, chanting forcefully, even threateningly. ''The hammer of the gods
Will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the hordes,
and sing and cry
"Valhalla, I am com-i-i-ing."

'On we swe-eep, with threshing oa-oar!
Our only goal will be the western shore!'' they screamed.

Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!
Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!
Dun-da-da dun! Dun-da-da dun!

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

John Saxon


[Katra Station - Deck 2 --> Deck 12 - Promenade]

There was a renewed lightness in his step, a dance in his new heart, that he had not felt in a long time as John continued, down the same corridor he had only recently trod earlier, towards the turbolift. The volcanic feelings of anger and mistrust that had previously overwhelmed him had all but evaporated; indeed, its very mere existence slightly troubled the 98 year old; he had rarely felt that level of raw vitriol across his 80 years of service. Perhaps things were getting on top of him. A little bit of fun might help. Moderate levels of fun, obviously.

His call for volunteers had been more successful than expected - even more so when the details of said 'extra duty' became more apparent. Some of the off-watch Security teams from Beta and Gamma were already on the Promenade enjoying the events, and so were more up to speed than others as to the format of what was unfolding. Saxon had instructed that all volunteers swiftly return to their quarters to don their uniforms, and to then access devices stored in his personal replicator database; devices that were direct copies of the 'toys' handed out by the..organisers. It hadn't taken long to duplicate these items, with John using a combination of security sensors and direct tricorder scan taken by an enterprising member of Gamma watch.

After finalising some details of his own, Saxon had now reached the turbolift and arranged for the car to take him to the nearest position to where the...'Beast'...had halted.

Stepping out and hoping he was not too late to participate, he spotted in the distance, surrounded by a gathered crowd, a large Klingon he vaguely recognised squaring up to the arts-and-crafts monstrosity...and then lunge at it with what glinted like a D'k tahg blade. A gasp seemed to erupt from the onlookers, and Saxon was about to lurch into a run to quell any loss of life...until it became obvious that no-one had been harmed. Rayek was speaking to the Klingon - now seen to be Beja's father (Noh'ves?) - with some likely words of advice. John nodded approvingly to himself, and began to make his way through the assembled horde towards the Romulan and Chief Petty Officer Bexx, who had also come into view.

The Beast, for its part, seemed to have no obvious damage to its...err...hide. In fact, it began to rear and thrash, ready to retaliate.

Then burst into song.

John couldn't help but grin and he continued through the throng, alternately apologising and excusing as he did so.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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