S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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John Saxon

[Katra Station - Turbolift -> Saucer 1 level]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 02, 2020, 04:33:27 PM

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Saxon.  The reports coming in to security from Saucer 1...  Can you confirm that this is the Orion celebration, sir?  I've been handed a non-standard issue phaser, to respond to the situation with.  It looks more like a toy than anything.  Permission to swap out for something more certain, sir?  Just in case." =/\=

Rayek waited with bated breath after making his request... perhaps Saxon had specifically assigned this type of phaser to him because of his past recklessness.

In the middle of their conversation, Rayek's voice came over Saxon's badge and he apologised to Tess for having to take the call. His face began to crease in a downward range from confused to furious as he listened to Rayek's report. " =/\= Saxon here. Sorry Comman-...Ensign; did you say toy phaser? I've not authorised any changes to personal ordnance. And yes, I do believe this is the opening salvo of the Orion celebration discussed some time back. Please take personal charge of ensuring that these toys are removed from the teams immediately. I don't want any of the Security Department to have sidearms that are not fit for the immediate protection of the station's populace!  =/\="

His last sentence was only just below the threshold of furious. " =/\= And if anyone involved in this can hear me, if this disregard for station safety is not halted and reversed immediately, you'll find yourselves on a charge; I know exactly where to look. Festivities or not, this will not stand.  =/\="

The turbolift doors opened and Saxon stepped out, like man ready to beat a neutronium door into submission. He supposed Tess would be following, but a dark mood surrounded him.

That mood was squarely focused, like a particle beam, on the advanced mass of legs and material. Solen had done well to ensure the turbolift had arrived at just the right location. He watched it march - or rather stagger - past, his head and eyes tracking it, his body following suit as it continued down the walkways. As long as the station population were in no real danger of harm from the chaotic mess, indeed the observing crowds seemed to be in good spirits, then he wouldn't intervene.


Actually...there was something...off...about that marching beast, or rather the feets that carried it. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Kalem Michael

Quote from: Gid Sherem on May 03, 2020, 12:14:13 AM

[NPC Ensign Jael Sherem | Blue Belles | Promenade | Katra Station]

She approached the table and asked, �Mind if I join you�Lieutenant?�

When she got close, she noticed the pips. Lieutenant Junior Grade. It�ll be interesting to share a drink with a higher-ranking officer.

Kalem looked up from the table. The voice had startled him a little. Looking up he saw the Cardassian female wearing a blue science uniform. She had called him "lieutenant" which let Kalem know her rank as well.

"Of course ensign please."

He recognized the type of bottle that was in her hand as Kanar. Kalem reached out and for the first time today poured himself a glass of the synthetic scotch. Years ago this was a sight that people would have marveled at. A Bajoran sitting next to a Cardassian and both of them in Starfleet uniforms. However nowadays it happened from time to time. Kalem had no ill will toward Jael, no mistrust.

Kalem looked to Jael once she had sat down. "I apologize for not being very personable these past few weeks. I have been struggling with......."

Kalem's voice trailed off as if he knew what it was but still wasn't ready to admit it out loud.

(OOC Post restored due to server outage - ShranLahr ch'Verret November 20th 2021)


Quote from: Solluk on May 03, 2020, 12:42:28 AM

Katra Station - Counselor's Office


What's an Odelot, Solluk wondered to himself.  Then a flash of memory came to him from Zex' report.  Odelot had been the name of one of the Pakleds running the transport she'd come over on.  Unless he was mistaken, that ship was still at the station.  He was sure he'd seen its ancient hull floating about outside one of the viewports earlier.

"Oh, the Pakleds.  Well, I must admit, I didn't think any of the local transports or freighters would be much help.  Most of them are mid-bulk or smaller, able to carry only a dozen people or so.  But it hadn't occurred to me to ask them if they might have friends who operate larger vessels.  Thank you for the suggestion, Ensign."

When Beja appeared, and Zex tried to give up her spot, Solluk held up a hand.

"Hello, Counselor.  No, please, take the Ensign here first.  I didn't make an appointment, and department business must come before unannounced drop-ins.

Besides, I've suddenly discovered that this reception area is a good place to relax for a bit.

Go on.  My business can wait."

Katra Station - Counselor's Office

Zex smiled.  "The larger vessels was exactly what I was thinking of.  I'm happy that I could help" she relied.

She looked from Beja back to the Captain.  "How very nice of you.  Thank you, Captain" she said.

Quote from: Beja on May 03, 2020, 02:47:26 AM

USS Katra Station - Deck 18 - Counseling Facilities

Beja had impeccable timing it appeared, as she had clearly interrupted a conversation between the Captain and Zex. She didn't know what an Odelot was, but she had read about the Pakled ship that Zex had helped to gain control over from a terrorist hired by the Thinkers. A traumatic experience to be sure, but at least it had a happy ending. Out here in the outer rim, those were much more difficult to find.

The Captain provided an answer to one of the questions Beja had, Dali hadn't overbooked her appointments. He hadn't an appointment set up. She was glad of course to see him, as she had several pressing matters she had been wanting to discuss with him, but of course his timing was as impeccable as her own. She had now to figure out which one to see first. The Captain of course had seniority but Zex had a standing appointment.

In the end the decision had been an easy one to make, Beja smiled brightly over to Captain Solluk, "Thank you for such a generous offer, Dali here will be happy to get you a cup of tea or anything else you'd like to drink. And we will be sure to not keep you waiting too long, sir."

Beja then turned to Zex, "Again welcome to Katra, if you follow me my office is just this way." Beja took Zex back to her office area. She had worked really hard to create a warm and comforting room. The walls had a soft, buttery yellow color, and in the right corner was a meditation area. A few thick rugs were placed on the ground with several brightly colored pillows too. The meditation area was dimly lit with a few crystals so that there was no harsh glow to break the serenity that a person sought there.

There was no traditional "couch" in the room. The main room had several overstuffed chairs that a person could just sink comfortably into. The muted gray colors of the chairs were decorated with yellow accent pillows. The room had a more joyful appearance to it, with several plants and flowers that helped to make it feel inviting and soothing to those who entered it.

"Please Zex have a seat anywhere you like, is there anything I can offer you to drink?" Beja walked over to the replicator by her desk area.

There in the corner of the room, sitting quietly was a rather large sehlat cub. Mon watched the newcomer arrive with curiosity, the only motion he made was the thumping of his tail.

USS Katra Station - Deck 18 - Counseling Facilities

Zex stood and followed Beja into her office.  "Thank you.  I'm happy to be here" she said.

The inner sanctum was starkly different than the reception area.  Likely by design to help put clients at ease.  For her it was like walking inside of a fluffy pillow.  A buttery yellow pillow.

She looked around for the best seat to choose.  She typically followed the lead of her superior officer in making such decisions and planned to followed that tradition now.  "Thank you, I don't need anything" she said.

Then she noticed the sehlat cub in the corner.  The Deltan walked over and extended a hand to it.  Knuckles up.  "Is it an option to sit with your friend here?" she asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Turbolift >>> Saucer 1]

Quote from: John Saxon on May 02, 2020, 03:46:49 PM

[Katra Station - Turbolift]

Her befuddled query to his absentminded comment caused him to close his eyes in embarassment. "Sorry Comman-..Tess" he admitted. "This was something that had been flagged some time back, before my transfer of duties. It didn't come to much at the time as certain individuals were.." he rolled a phrase around before choosing one, "not terribly forthcoming on details. The Captain, Commander tr'Lhoell and myself were involved in the initial request but without final specifics it was left as just pending." His lower jaw waggled in a small sign of annoyance with a trace of someone who enjoyed the cat-and-mouse challenge. "Nevertheless, I did mean to note in the station schedule - more as a gentle warning to Security than an official event. Then...Well, this happened." He tapped his chest, inferring his heart attack and subsequent reassignment away from Chief of Security, "and it dropped off my list. I hadn't given it another thought. Until now."

He looked at Tess, his eyes narrowing. "But I'll give you one guess as to just who are responsible for the 6 green-legged slug causing the said commotion right now...".

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 02, 2020, 04:33:27 PM

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Saxon.  The reports coming in to security from Saucer 1...  Can you confirm that this is the Orion celebration, sir?  I've been handed a non-standard issue phaser, to respond to the situation with.  It looks more like a toy than anything.  Permission to swap out for something more certain, sir?  Just in case." =/\=

Quote from: John Saxon on May 03, 2020, 09:28:59 AM

[Katra Station - Turbolift -> Saucer 1 level]

In the middle of their conversation, Rayek's voice came over Saxon's badge and he apologised to Tess for having to take the call. His face began to crease in a downward range from confused to furious as he listened to Rayek's report. " =/\= Saxon here. Sorry Comman-...Ensign; did you say toy phaser? I've not authorised any changes to personal ordnance. And yes, I do believe this is the opening salvo of the Orion celebration discussed some time back. Please take personal charge of ensuring that these toys are removed from the teams immediately. I don't want any of the Security Department to have sidearms that are not fit for the immediate protection of the station's populace!  =/\="

His last sentence was only just below the threshold of furious. " =/\= And if anyone involved in this can hear me, if this disregard for station safety is not halted and reversed immediately, you'll find yourselves on a charge; I know exactly where to look. Festivities or not, this will not stand.  =/\="

The turbolift doors opened and Saxon stepped out, like man ready to beat a neutronium door into submission. He supposed Tess would be following, but a dark mood surrounded him.

That mood was squarely focused, like a particle beam, on the advanced mass of legs and material. Solen had done well to ensure the turbolift had arrived at just the right location. He watched it march - or rather stagger - past, his head and eyes tracking it, his body following suit as it continued down the walkways. As long as the station population were in no real danger of harm from the chaotic mess, indeed the observing crowds seemed to be in good spirits, then he wouldn't intervene.


Actually...there was something...off...about that marching beast, or rather the feets that carried it. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Tess had her head turned to the side as she looked up at John while he explained why she was not informed of ... whatever it was that was going on. His hint on some artificial slug with green humanoid legs was quite telling. Jada had explained to her when they've had lunch shortly after the wedding that slugs were considered totem animals in Orion culture. She even had a tattoo of one on her body.

Before Tess could comment or inquire further Rayek's call came in over John's comm badge. The idea of toy phasers - particularly Rayek with one - somehow was quite funny to Tess. She grinned softly in mirth but John's reaction totally wiped it off her face. The Security Chief was furious.

Tess followed him out after the turbolift stopped and she was hit by the loud music that seemed to belong to the thing ... and there Tess saw it for the first time. It was ... strange to say the least. She never had seen anything like it. Tess' eyes followed the 'slug' and then her gaze wandered over the bystanders. Most seemed to enjoy themselves.

She then looked back to the ringy old soldier. Gently she touched his arm to get his attention. "Lieutenant", she said calmly but loud enough for him to hear her over the music. "I'm not sure I'm getting the complete picture here, but ... I understand Chief- ... Crewman Jada had approached the Captain, Rayek and you about something you call an ... Orion celebration? Are there more details to it that I should know about?" She glanced around briefly as the 'slug' proceeded down the wide corridor.

"You know I value you very much for your vigilance." She pondered how to choose her words. She wanted to calm John down, he needed to calm down. "As I understood it, they didn't swap armed personnel's phasers with toys. Rayek just got a plastic one while he usually doesn't carry a weapon on duty. I don't think Jada - if it is her who is involved, but I would assume so - would provoke a dangerous situation where real weapons are needed and surely the armed security officers wouldn't allow for anyone to swap their real phasers with plastic toys." She looked up at the man's pale eyes. "I'm all for keeping alert but I don't have the feeling there is imminent danger waiting here."

She waited, looking at him with friendly eyes, maybe the details about that Orion celebration thing would worry her too if she knew about it? Right now it just seemed like the stress was getting to the man.


NPC - Adryel Randis of Etros
[Katra Station - Promenade]

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 02, 2020, 11:51:08 AM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Amarande raised a hand, her smile bright as she recognised the Etrosian. The Vulcan Captain received another few words and the traditional live long and prosper as she excused herself. They would hopefully have another conversation that would be just a lovely as the first. A few taps and her universal translator was back online.

"Greetings, Adryel," she said glancing up at her friend with a broad smile. Her fingers lightly touched his elbow as they turned to walk back towards the viewport so she could stand with him and point out some progress she'd seen.

"The retrofits will be marvellous when they're all done. I really can't wait until they are. Hopefully, I'll get to help with some of the medical machines,[color]" Amarande said, her eyes a flash with excitement. "Maybe training. I know that would be quite useful.[/color'"

She paused and then laughed softly.

"I'm so sorry. My manners.... Adryel, forgive me. How have you been?"

The light touch to his elbow was not missed by Adryel and he turned in the direction Amarande led him to. Stopping in front of the viewport he looked at the buzzing business going on outside. His people didn't strive for technolgical advancement but he admitted that it was quite fascinating.

When she spoke, excitement in her eyes and voice, Adryel turned his head to look at the much smaller woman beside him. His own lips twitched upwards at seeing her enthusiasm. He admittedly didn't have much of an idea about medical machines but he totally believed her. "I'm sure it would", he said quietly, his pale blue eyes smiling.

He turned his head back to look at the ships outside of Katra, the skin patterns on the left side of his face reflected the smallest bits of light and made it shimmer subtly.

At her comment about her own manners he chuckled and then looked back at her. "I am very good. Wes be. (Thank you) We have so much work to do, but I am looking forward to it. Finally we can live a life in freedom. The Wide One Above really has blessed us."

He paused for a moment as he looked back at the ships outside. "Will you be working on one of those in the future?"

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 03, 2020, 12:04:08 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)

NPC - Adryel Randis of Etros
[Katra Station - Promenade]

The light touch to his elbow was not missed by Adryel and he turned in the direction Amarande led him to. Stopping in front of the viewport he looked at the buzzing business going on outside. His people didn't strive for technological advancement but he admitted that it was quite fascinating.

When she spoke, excitement in her eyes and voice, Adryel turned his head to look at the much smaller woman beside him. His own lips twitched upwards at seeing her enthusiasm. He admittedly didn't have much of an idea about medical machines but he totally believed her. "I'm sure it would", he said quietly, his pale blue eyes smiling.

He turned his head back to look at the ships outside of Katra, the skin patterns on the left side of his face reflected the smallest bits of light and made it shimmer subtly.

At her comment about her own manners he chuckled and then looked back at her. "I am very good. Wes be. (Thank you) We have so much work to do, but I am looking forward to it. Finally we can live a life in freedom. The Wide One Above really has blessed us."

He paused for a moment as he looked back at the ships outside. "Will you be working on one of those in the future?"

[Katra Station - Promenade ]

"Ah, that's brilliant to hear. I hope you and your people will be as happy as the Meridian are. It's a lovely planet. I've not yet been to the surface nearly enough. I think it's a blessing, too, I'm so glad things have worked out well." She looked back to him with a wry expression on her face. "I was worried there for a while. Ah, no. Not unless I'm requested, I think. But I'll be here on the station."

Amarande had seen that shimmer before and had been meaning to ask without sounding medical about it but that was always difficult without getting in the man's face. Not that she could manage that without rising on the tip of her toes, anyway.

"Adryel," she murmured a moment later, "I did notice the difference in your facial markings and that of the Atrosians. I confess I've been wondering about it." She touched her own markings with a soft smile. "My people have these spots, while some have ridges but we are all Trill. Is it just happenstance at birth or family lineage? They're really lovely..."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

John Saxon

[Katra Station - Saucer 1 Level]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 03, 2020, 12:04:08 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)

Tess had her head turned to the side as she looked up at John while he explained why she was not informed of ... whatever it was that was going on. His hint on some artificial slug with green humanoid legs was quite telling. Jada had explained to her when they've had lunch shortly after the wedding that slugs were considered totem animals in Orion culture. She even had a tattoo of one on her body.

Before Tess could comment or inquire further Rayek's call came in over John's comm badge. The idea of toy phasers - particularly Rayek with one - somehow was quite funny to Tess. She grinned softly in mirth but John's reaction totally wiped it off her face. The Security Chief was furious.

Tess followed him out after the turbolift stopped and she was hit by the loud music that seemed to belong to the thing ... and there Tess saw it for the first time. It was ... strange to say the least. She never had seen anything like it. Tess' eyes followed the 'slug' and then her gaze wandered over the bystanders. Most seemed to enjoy themselves.

She then looked back to the ringy old soldier. Gently she touched his arm to get his attention. "Lieutenant", she said calmly but loud enough for him to hear her over the music. "I'm not sure I'm getting the complete picture here, but ... I understand Chief- ... Crewman Jada had approached the Captain, Rayek and you about something you call an ... Orion celebration? Are there more details to it that I should know about?" She glanced around briefly as the 'slug' proceeded down the wide corridor.

"You know I value you very much for your vigilance." She pondered how to choose her words. She wanted to calm John down, he needed to calm down. "As I understood it, they didn't swap armed personnel's phasers with toys. Rayek just got a plastic one while he usually doesn't carry a weapon on duty. I don't think Jada - if it is her who is involved, but I would assume so - would provoke a dangerous situation where real weapons are needed and surely the armed security officers wouldn't allow for anyone to swap their real phasers with plastic toys." She looked up at the man's pale eyes. "I'm all for keeping alert but I don't have the feeling there is imminent danger waiting here."

She waited, looking at him with friendly eyes, maybe the details about that Orion celebration thing would worry her too if she knew about it? Right now it just seemed like the stress was getting to the man.

At her touch, Saxon almost - almost - whirled around in an automatic response, but caught himself in time. Her soft words were like a balm; a salve on a burn or ice water on an inferno. Instantly he knew he had over-reacted, and he pinched the bridge of his creased nose and blew out a long breath. "You're quite right, of course" he admitted. "I could have just done without this today" he said. But then he glanced at her, his eyes displaying just a small chip of granite. "However, you know as well as I do that I can't take anything for granted with Jada these days; rationality and self-restraint tend to go out the window when there's something she wants to do. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that entire armoury has been replaced with damn fakes, with the real ones stashed in some novel location."

The real reason, however, was that he had expected - perhaps foolishly - that he had earned some semblance of respect after all this time; that someone involved in this celebration would have had the decency to inform the Chief of Security that this was due to begin. He didn't mind the waggling, roaring beast. He did mind the once-more unilateral, contumacious attitude.

But looking at the back of the 'float', he again blew some frustration out of his nose and poured more fire retardant on his temper. "Okay. Fine. Since there's no real security issue here, so I'm going back to my office and crack on with my other duties. I'll transfer notes on the initial proposal to your access code." He nodded politely to Tess. This festival was currently better suited to her more tolerant temperament."Commander."

And with that, he made his way back to the turbolift, tapping his combadge. " =/\= Saxon to Rayek. Slight change in instructions: I'd be appreciative if you could instead take charge of a visual inspection of weapon lockers, if you please.=/\="

Nothing to chance.

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station| Main Shuttlebay


Eli hated change. Despite the simple fact that it was fact of life, that it was the nature of his job, it provoked such intense of anxiety that he felt an active push back against it. And so, after ten weeks of hard work, sleeves rolled up, going through the Healy's systems to ensure compatibility with his own flight operations, Eli had had enough change.

That didn't stop them from coming. Both Klingons and Tholians had arrived, as well as some Vulcan to support transportation duties. The later intrigued him more because the ships would need refits of their own.

"Ok, I can live with that." Eli breathed. It was an opportunity to explore technology that he hadn't really had a chance to dig in to. Also, their stay would be temporary and less impactful upon the station's own facilities, beyond use of resources.

Eli headed up to the Operations center, and prepared to shift Cobra patrols as part of scheduled changes in patrols. Plus, he would need to ensure any auxiliary craft for upgrades were ready.

Another busy day.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Quote from: John Saxon on May 03, 2020, 09:28:59 AM

[Katra Station - Turbolift -> Saucer 1 level]

In the middle of their conversation, Rayek's voice came over Saxon's badge and he apologised to Tess for having to take the call. His face began to crease in a downward range from confused to furious as he listened to Rayek's report. " =/\= Saxon here. Sorry Comman-...Ensign; did you say toy phaser? I've not authorised any changes to personal ordnance. And yes, I do believe this is the opening salvo of the Orion celebration discussed some time back. Please take personal charge of ensuring that these toys are removed from the teams immediately. I don't want any of the Security Department to have sidearms that are not fit for the immediate protection of the station's populace!  =/\="

His last sentence was only just below the threshold of furious. " =/\= And if anyone involved in this can hear me, if this disregard for station safety is not halted and reversed immediately, you'll find yourselves on a charge; I know exactly where to look. Festivities or not, this will not stand.  =/\="

The Security Chief - it was easier to think of the man by his rank rather than his name which only reminded Rayek of when he had first greeted the man as a newly assigned ensign to Katra - sounded furious.  Saxon rarely showed this much emotion.  Though that reaction wasn't all that unexpected to Rayek.  If this had occurred on his watch he'd have been more than a little ticked as well.  Even knowing in advance that this was the Orion celebration, that had been granted permission to be held months prior... to mess with the security department's weaponry without clear explanation to the staff was just foolish.  So it wasn't surprising that the Chief wanted the toy phasers removed.

At the Lieutenant's orders to do exactly that Rayek nodded to himself.  "Yes, sir. Right away."  But if he thought that was the end of it, Saxon corrected that by making an open announcement to all security that threatened charges.  Rayek winced.

In the months surrounding his wedding, he'd tried to get to know Jada and her motivations, to learn from her and her team.  And what that time spent told him now was that Saxon had set himself up as the outside.   Rayek thought about suggesting perhaps having security carry both types specifying which were to be used for what, but Saxon, he doubted would be open to advice from him.

Rayek let the comm close and went to to the nearest weapons locker to see about switching out phasers... but he couldn't help but be curious as to what the 'toy' phaser actually did.  Knowing Jada and s'Metra somewhat he doubted they were just blanks.

If he had his old security clearances he could have simply programmed the computer to ignore the security protocol to alert security at the firing of a phaser in his vicinity.  But he no longer had that level of clearance and while Rayek was certain he still had to skills to 'hack' the computer to be able to do so.  The risk of getting caught doing something else was too great.  He needed to 'toe the line'.

He'd just arrived at the Saucer 1 weapons locker to make the ordered switch when Saxon contacted him back.

Quote from: John Saxon on May 03, 2020, 01:06:54 PM

[Katra Station - Saucer 1 Level]

And with that, he made his way back to the turbolift, tapping his combadge. " =/\= Saxon to Rayek. Slight change in instructions: I'd be appreciative if you could instead take charge of a visual inspection of weapon lockers, if you please.=/\="

Nothing to chance.

Rayek blinked in surprise.   Then tap his commbadge to respond.  "Yes, sir.  And the current arms handed out remain with the personnel?"  Rayek wanted to be sure that this new order overwrote the last.

As he waited on the Chief's response, Rayek keyed in his passcode to open the weapons locker.

With orders given, the Romulan picked up the first of the Type 2's and was pleased to feel the familiar weight and sizing of the weapon.  He checked it's charge and its level setting to be sure it was at it's lowest stun, before putting it back.  He continued to do this for the remainder of the weapons in the locker.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

The sounds of power-tools whirring, and plasma welders burning, filled the grand hall.  The air was laden with the scent of vaporized metal- a scent which was probably at least mildly toxic.

Tokara looked over the grand hall that her superior had ordered constructed, and shook her head.  "This hall will consume over half of our alotted space.  Are you sure this is a wise investment of resources?"

Kol scoffed at her concerns, "After all these years as my aide, Tokara, you still have no flair for the work, no understanding of what diplomacy truly is.  No one in this quadrant knows anything of the Klingons.  Our culture.  Our heritage.  Our power.  If they can not come to see Qonos, then we must bring Qonos to them.  When they step into this hall, they will gain a sense of our majesty.  They will feel the Empire!"

Tokara picked up her PADD and studied it, "With this grand hall, and after your personal suite and the conference rooms, we will have no quarters for the embassy staff."

Kol waved his hands dismissively, "They can reside on the cruiser.  What is it here for, otherwise?"

Tokara gestured towards a bulkhead, "Ferry you to important meetings away from the station.  Protect and enforce agreements you enter into.  Defend the embassy against attack."

Kol barked a laugh, "Well then, it can certainly also provide beds for embassy staff, can't it?"

Tokara shook her head again, making notations, "I suppose when you are away on the cruiser, the embassy staff can use your private suite."

Kol squinted at her, "What was that?"

Tokara looked up from her PADD, "Nothing, ambassador."

Katra Station - Promenade - Brauhaus Gamma

"What is it?" K'mpoc studied the rectalinear crystal object his Captain held.

"Some Meridian bauble.  I got it for K'kita.  She demanded I send her something of Meridian.  The seller said it represents their long years on the planet.  When you turn the crystal, the dancer dissolves and disappears."

Just as when time turns, a warrior's honor can disappear, Noh'ves thought.

"Hmm.  I wonder what it was like for them to live so long passing between worlds?"  K'mpoc mused.

"We are all passing between worlds, my friend.  And though we think we control the sails, the winds always laugh last." Noh'ves replied somewhat darkly.

K'mpoc frowned slightly at his Captain's mood, and took a long drink of his dark, German beer.  "This is not as bad as I thought it might be.  Though, I still prefer Bloodwine."

The change of topic brought Noh'ves momentarily away from his mood, "Mmm.  These Germans apparently are ones who had a great warrior tradition on the Terran homeworld.  They understand a proper drink.  Though, also there are Northlanders who drink something sweeter, and they were renowned warriors, too."

"Yes... and I remember there are warm drinks of the East!  Consumed by the Terran warrior monks, and the armored warriors of the islands, who wear fierce masks and carry curved swords.  We should try them all." K'mpoc suggested.

Noh'ves smiled, "Why not?  We are not on duty."  He motioned for the waitress, who was famed for being able to carry a plethora of large mugs simultaneously.  "Come!  We would tour all the warrior brews of your world!"

K'mpoc smiled and thumped the table.   This was more like it.

For a time, as drinks were brought from each of Earth's many famed warrior cultures, the two men forgot their troubles.  The waitress, or 'die Kellnerin' in this place (clearly any title with 'die' in the name must be from a proud warrior tradition)- was a woman named Greta who had a surprising knowledge of Terran history.  She shared stories and fables from the countries who had produced each of the drinks she proudly brought forth.  All had been imported from Earth or culture-specific colonies at great trouble and expense, often across hundreds of light-years.

It wasn't long before many of the patrons gathered around to hear the stories, too.  Noh'ves bought drinks for all who came to share the mirth.  It wasn't the hunt they had planned to undertake, but somehow it became something just as joyful, if not moreso.  In this place, the men felt included in the warrior tradition of a dozen tribes from a faraway world.  They forgot their dishonor, at least for the hour, and reveled in the bloodiest mythologies of humankind.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra Station - Deck 18 - Counseling Facilities

Beja smiled at Mon, �Sorry I sometimes forget he is here. That is Mon. Mon this is Zex,� Beja made the formal introductions to the two of them. Mon politely held out his paw to shake, being the true gentleman that he was.

�He is a therapy animal that the Captain allowed for us to have here. Katra as you know is situated in quite the precarious area of the galaxy. I had felt that with all the traumatic experiences that have taken place recently, a therapy animal could really help some of the crew with dealing with the uncertainties and anxieties that this work brings,� Beja explained, knowing that a sehlat cub was not an expected thing to see.

Once they had settled down in the chairs, Beja sat down some hot tea between them just in case Zex changed her mind. Not a traditional Klingon tea ceremony at all, but rather a nice, little cup of Earl Grey that Beja hoped would further put the Deltan at ease.

�I know that your journey here was fraught with a bit of adventure. How are you holding up? I wish I could say that it will be less adventurous at Katra, but that would be a lie. I believe it will only get more adventurous as the station continues to expand Starfleet's influence,� Beja refused to try and lie about the danger that Katra and working there presented. That would do no good to anyone. It was always best to be honest and upfront about the realities of the situation.

John Saxon

[Katra Station - Turbolift]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 03, 2020, 03:58:25 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell

He'd just arrived at the Saucer 1 weapons locker to make the ordered switch when Saxon contacted him back.

Rayek blinked in surprise.   Then tap his commbadge to respond.  "Yes, sir.  And the current arms handed out remain with the personnel?"  Rayek wanted to be sure that this new order overwrote the last.

As he waited on the Chief's response, Rayek keyed in his passcode to open the weapons locker.

With orders given, the Romulan picked up the first of the Type 2's and was pleased to feel the familiar weight and sizing of the weapon.  He checked it's charge and its level setting to be sure it was at it's lowest stun, before putting it back.  He continued to do this for the remainder of the weapons in the locker.

Stepping out of the turbolift back on Deck 2, Rayek's call came on his combadge and Saxon almost slammed his fist on to the damn device. Couldn't the thing just shut up for five minutes?! He couldn't think straight.

Using all his resolve, the old, forgotten war hero rubbed his face, gritted his teeth and forced down the rage that threatened to overwhelm him as tapped for the open channel with a calm tone that belied his volcanic rancour. " =/\= Saxon here. Just to check the lockers, please. Commander t'Lhoell has convinced me that the devices being handed out to staff are part of the celebratory arrangements and are benign. As long as the lockers remain intact. Saxon out.  =/\="

His vision swam for a moment, and he was grateful that he had finally reached his office. Taking his seat at the desk would certainly be a welcome development. If not, he felt like he would rip it in two.


The screen and console in the dark room was the only source of lighting, which illuminated the singular face that studied the visual interface. An audio feed conveyed the entirety of the Katra security communications network, which caused the observer to laugh softly as they inched up an instruction on the console that read Gamma Wave Inducer: 25%.


Quote from: Beja on May 03, 2020, 04:43:57 PM

USS Katra Station - Deck 18 - Counseling Facilities

Beja smiled at Mon, "Sorry I sometimes forget he is here. That is Mon. Mon this is Zex," Beja made the formal introductions to the two of them. Mon politely held out his paw to shake, being the true gentleman that he was.

"He is a therapy animal that the Captain allowed for us to have here. Katra as you know is situated in quite the precarious area of the galaxy. I had felt that with all the traumatic experiences that have taken place recently, a therapy animal could really help some of the crew with dealing with the uncertainties and anxieties that this work brings," Beja explained, knowing that a sehlat cub was not an expected thing to see.

Once they had settled down in the chairs, Beja sat down some hot tea between them just in case Zex changed her mind. Not a traditional Klingon tea ceremony at all, but rather a nice, little cup of Earl Grey that Beja hoped would further put the Deltan at ease.

"I know that your journey here was fraught with a bit of adventure. How are you holding up? I wish I could say that it will be less adventurous at Katra, but that would be a lie. I believe it will only get more adventurous as the station continues to expand Starfleet's influence," Beja refused to try and lie about the danger that Katra and working there presented. That would do no good to anyone. It was always best to be honest and upfront about the realities of the situation.

USS Katra Station - Deck 18 - Counseling Facilities

Zex accepted the paw.  She returned in kind with a prime and proper curtsy.  Just like her mom had taught her to do.

"It is a pleasure to me you, Mon.  But I will leave you to return to your slumber.  So for now, adieu" she said and released his paw.

"How could you forget a cutie like that.  If I had one in my office, I wouldn't get anything done.  I would be snuggled up with him all day long" she said as she made her way to the open chair opposite Beja.

Zex looked down at the teapot.  She was sincere when she said that she didn't want anything.  But still, the gesture was nice.

"So, I should expect to be locked in a room with the air being sucked out of it and evil men trying to crash the ship I'm on into the station on the regular?  No, Ma'am.  I've had quite enough of that to last me a life time, thank you very much" she said somewhat dramatically.

"I'm deflecting of course.  Humor isn't really my go do defense mechanism.  Were you convinced even a little?" she asked with a weak smile.

She was silent for a moment.  Gave herself permission to really feel the emotions she had been suppressing.  She finally shrugged and dropped her head.

"Deltans aren't fighters.  We don't kill others.  We're not an aggressive race" she confined in Beja.

"I thought I was going to die.  I'm still having a nightmare.   On occasion, but less so than before" Zex added and then looked back up.

"But he gave me no choice.  I would do it again if it meant saving the lives of others.  So, all in all, I think I'm adjusting appropriately to the ordeal" she said.

"But I'm curious to know what you think.  Get your feedback and compare your impression to mine" Zex said candidly.  She leaned in a bit to convey her sincere interest in Beja's thoughts.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Quote from: John Saxon on May 03, 2020, 04:55:29 PM

[Katra Station - Turbolift]

Stepping out of the turbolift back on Deck 2, Rayek's call came on his combadge and Saxon almost slammed his fist on to the damn device. Couldn't the thing just shut up for five minutes?! He couldn't think straight.

Using all his resolve, the old, forgotten war hero rubbed his face, gritted his teeth and forced down the rage that threatened to overwhelm him as tapped for the open channel with a calm tone that belied his volcanic rancour. " =/\= Saxon here. Just to check the lockers, please. Commander t'Lhoell has convinced me that the devices being handed out to staff are part of the celebratory arrangements and are benign. As long as the lockers remain intact. Saxon out.  =/\="

His vision swam for a moment, and he was grateful that he had finally reached his office. Taking his seat at the desk would certainly be a welcome development. If not, he felt like he would rip it in two.

Rayek tilted his head slightly hearing something... in Saxon's tone.  It was tighter? more controlled? than usual.  The Romulan had been about to acknowledge the clarification but the Lieutenant cut the connection.  An slender eyebrow rose before getting started on the weapons locker check.
. . .

It didn't take Rayek long to visually check the Saucer 1 Cargo Customs weapons locker.  He signed off on the inspection using his PADD and considered which location to check next.  During the entire time, he'd listened in to continuous reports of the 'costume monster'.  He'd smirked to learn that the 'monster' was emitting music and basically dancing it's way towards the Promenade and was currently in the Shops section of saucer one.

For a moment Rayek kind of wished he'd been assigned to watch after it rather than check the lockers.  And he wondered if Tess was enjoying the celebration?  Then it dawned on him that there was a weapons locker near to the promenade in the Security office - it too would need to be checked.  Saxon hadn't specified in what order they were to be inspected.

Rayek double checked that the locker he'd just finished checking was secured shut before hurrying his way towards the promenade - if he just happened to pass by where the 'monster' was that was just happenstance, right?  He'd come back for the other lockers in the Saucer section after he'd taken a peek at this 'monster.'

. . .
[Saucer 1 - Shops District]

Locating where the 'monster' was easy as each security section were calling in it's movements.  Rayek, as he neared the shop district, could feel the strong beat of the music vibrating through the deck plates.  It actually reminded him of the vibration experienced while moving the station that first day open.

In a moment of forgetfulness, he made a mental note to himself to be sure to have Rhade assign his engineering teams to tighten the deck plating in the area afterwards.  Then crushing recollection hit.

Maybe he could softly bring up the subject with Tess later today at his lunch break... if this celebration didn't interfere with her availability to take a lunch break.

He continued on heading to the last reported location.  When he came into view of it, Rayek kept back away from the crowd which surrounded it and watched as it undulated.  It was a bit mesmerizing if he was honest.. the combination of the deep thumping music and it's movements to match.

While he watching keen Romulan eyes picked Tess also observing and Rayek couldn't stop himself from attempting to sneak over to surprise her. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



USS Katra Station - Deck 18 - Counseling Facilities

Beja sat quietly and listened while Zex answered the question as to how the Deltan was doing. The humorous, slightly glb answer hadn�t really felt like the truth, and Beja just waited until the truth came out. She knew that people often didn�t really allow themselves to answer that simple question often enough. How was a person doing? Most people didn�t take the time to really sit and reflect on that to understand their own feelings to answer that in a honest, and raw way.

Certainly most wouldn�t have taken the time to really allow themselves to be vulnerable like that, especially in front of another, especially one who was virtually a stranger to them. Beja was quite impressed with Zex for that, to really attempt such an honest, and pure answer. When the Deltan found the true emotional answer, that brought up the traumatic event they had just been through, Mon sensing the tension left his corner and padded over to Zex and laid down at her feet. His rather large head placed on her lap, as he did what he had been trained to do, provide comfort.

Beja smiled over at the two and nodded, �Well I applaud you for your honesty. I will be happy to of course talk with you about it at any time. It can be quite jarring to realize that the person we thought of ourselves, perhaps might not be who we are. To think of ourselves as non violent, and then to realize that in a blink, we would gladly pick up a knife and snuff out another person�s life, can be very difficult to struggle with and to come to terms with. You appear to be handling that well, but in case you are ever in need of someone to talk to, my door is always open.�

�I should warn you that you won�t find it any easier here at Katra. People have lost their lives defending the station, and people will continue to lose their lives doing so.People like the Thinkers, certainly are not going to stop because their first plan hadn�t worked out. In fact, I�m sure they already had 4 or 5 back up plans in case the Palkeds ship didn�t destroy Katra. And if not the Thinkers it will be another group, perhaps Atrosians will find a way to right what wrongs they have perceived to be done to them,� Beja explained to Zex.

�Katra is a place where there is a lot of opportunity to learn, grow, and help to mold the future into wondrous possibilities. But that comes with an equal amount of challenges and difficulties, and bloodshed and violence is just one of those. I understand that you might not be a violent sort, but there is no promise that you won�t have to pick up a knife again either to defend yourself, or Katra again. There is a real darkness here, and it can consume you if given the chance to,� Beja further stated to Zex. She wanted the female to really understand Katra and the real peril that they all faced each day out here.

Beja smiled gently, �Now what I want you to do is really think on this next question. Do you wish to stay here? I will give you a week. I will not take any answer you give me right now to that question. There are other stations and positions that we can find you in Starfleet if you so choose that come with less physical and emotional danger, that will allow you to thrive in the diplomatic field without having to have the chance to pick up a knife. And there is no ill will, nor is it weak to say yes to a transfer. The strongest, most courageous thing a person can do is pick the path that truly fits them best.�

�In the meantime, while you are thinking on that important question. I have some jobs that you can help with. With the new embassies we have with the Tholians and Klingons, we are going to have a diplomatic party for all of the different ambassadors to be introduced to each other and perhaps find a bit of common ground with each other. I would very much like for you to go to each of the embassies we have here on Katra, introduce yourself, and personally hand the invitations out to them. Also I would be much obliged if you could work up a menu plan and entertainment for the party. I will leave you in charge of details,� Beja smiled again over to Zex. No better way to see if the Deltan wanted to stay and do the diplomatic work then putting her right into the fray of things.



[Shops Section, Saucer 1]

Peering through the dark gauze at the front of the costume, which let her see out and, more importantly, see where she was going, Jada was pleased to see Saxon and Tess show up in the gathering crowd. Great! With senior personnel getting involved and showing their approval, maybe this show could really take off and be fun everyone. And Jada wanted it to be; she was leaving, but there were a lot of new people on the station, and this would help break the ice and help them meet each other, and in more joyous circumstances than Katra Station was often used to. She wanted to leave on a high note, and to know she'd left a high note behind her. Then she spied the thunderous expression on Saxon's face before he turned and stalked off, and she wondered if just maybe he didn't know how to have a good time after all.

But, too late, she'd already begun the ponderous process of turning toward the pair, and the giant slug was a cumbrous beast. Fortunately, she also spotted Rayek coming up to Tess. Perfect. 'Swinging the head right.' she alerted her team-mates, side-stepping and throwing her end of the costume to the right.

'And tail swings left.' s'Metra echoed, doing the same the other way.

'And crawl!'


As Rayek caught up with Tess, the Monster caught up with the both of them, and they got a close look at it for the first time. It was formed by a greenish-brown fabric wrapped over a mesh to give it shape, and around the base was a shimmering curtain of semi-transparent plastic that, in the right light and rippling with the dance, looked like a slug's "foot" and its mucus might. To give it flair and colour, the slug's back was striated with colourful fabrics and more semi-transparent mock mucus. It had a big blunt head, with a window of dark greenish-brown gauze; the green face looking through was almost certainly Jada's. On either side were two mouth tentacles that looked a lot like someone's arms stuffed through a tube, and were. Above were two big eyestalks that bounced and swayed on some kind of spring with every motion. They each ended in a big ball-shaped eye that rotated within a socket and was topped with a single comical eyebrow that tilted. Both eyebrows and both eyes could move to give the giant slug various expressions, though most just looked crazy as the slug danced and swayed non-stop.

Approaching Tess and Rayek, the Monster bobbed and wobbled and danced to get their attention. Not just them, of course, but the whole crowd looked their way to see what it would do next. It lowered its eyestalks curiously at the couple, with even one eyebrow raising in interest. Then it swung toward Tess and lowered its head � and suddenly a mouth flap popped open and it vomited something into her hands. It was a sealed tub of jelly with fruit pieces and a plastic spoon!

Then it turned toward Rayek, looked him over a bit, and then a bit more, and lowered its head. The mouth flap opened. And suddenly a squirt of slime shot out and splattered across his torso.

Then, as everyone laughed, the slug jumped back, dodging any reprisal, bouncing its eyestalks daringly at the Romulan. Was it... smiling?

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

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