S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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[Docking Saucer 3]

Zex read over the second to last line on the report.  "The other terms used to describe them are aggressive,  territorial, and punctual."  Well, that last part would need to be revised as based on her experience thus far.

The 'punctual' part was the exact reason why she had 'cut short' her meeting with Beja.  Otherwise, she would have preferred getting to know her new boss a bit better.  There would always, however, be more for that later of course.

Despite this, she was sure that more than three minutes had passed.  Possibly double in not triple that.  A time check would definitely be in order soon.

The Deltan did have other people to see.  So, she would wait a bit longer.  But after that she would have to go offer to her next appointment.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - XO's Office]

Quote from: Kalem Michael on May 08, 2020, 11:30:18 AM

[Katra station - deck 2 - XO's office]

Kalem suddenly looked shocked. The Commander'swords said that she didn't know. Kalem thought for a second, then reached into his pocket pulled out his PADD and with one touch opened up the message from his mother. He looked back at the Commander.

"This isn't something that counseling will help, Commander. This is something that only heals with time."

He lightly tossed fhe PADD so that it landed on the table, slid and stopped in front of the Commander, while rotating to be right way up from her perspective. This was a motion that had been practiced so many times from tossing his PADD onto the table next to his bed.

At the Bajoran's words that this was something talking wouldn't help with, Tess was a little puzzled but that sentiment didn't show on her face. She just looked to Kalem patiently and then down on the PADD he had pushed towards her - an unspoken invitation for her to read, assumably that which made the Ops officer feel like he was feeling.
A lot has transpired since you have graduated from Starfleet. most of which I have been able to share with you. However, this letter I write with a heavy heart. Our most recent mission was interrupted by a distress call from a disabled freighter. Their secondary reactors were leaking radiation and a lot of them were falling prey to radiation poisoning. by the time we arrived the reactors were well on there way into an overload. Your father, being the type of man that he is and not wanting to risk the lives of his men, without hesitating beamed himself over into a compartment filled with Delta Radiation with no protective gear. While he managed to stabilize the reactor just before it went critical and saves hundreds of lives, He lost his due to the very high and very concentrated does of radiation that he had exposed himself to. I am sorry about this but I figured that it would be best to hear it from me.

Kalem Rachael Leva

While she read, her face gave away exactly how she felt - and that was empathy with the Lieutenant. Her doctor's mind couldn't help but point out to her what delta radiation did to a humanoid. It disrupted the cells. Already short exposure to this could result in the most severe disability of that person. Remaining several minutes in a compartment full of that radiation, it must have been horrific.

Having finished reading Tess straightened up and looked over to Kalem.

"Please accept my sympathies, Lieutenant." She spoke quietly and let a brief moment of silence hang between them before she continued. "The loss of a family member, especially a parent, is tragic for most. I have not known your father, but from I read I know he was a brave man. This might not help right now, but because of your fathers, others live. But of course, you and your family feel the loss directly."

She picked up the PADD to put it back down for Kalem to take it back. "You said talking about this will not help you. Well," she offered a small smile to him. "I understand if this is a matter you don't want to talk about to anyone else." Espcecially male officers seemed to have a problem about the idea of opening up. But Kalem did even let her read the message. "Just let me tell you, that somtimes it's a surprise to us what actually helped us." She still kept her voice quiet and soft. "I won't order you to take counseling sessions. I have no grounds for that. You are performing your duty as excellent and reliable as I know it from you. And no other issues have arisen. What I will do is strongly recommend it to you if you feel you can't cope. There might be times you can deal with it bettr than other times. It doesn't have to be a regular appointments in a fixed schedule. You can drop by anytime you feel you could need a bit of supportive thoughts. And of course my office will always be open to you, too."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 04, 2020, 12:01:04 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
NPC - Adryel Randis of Etros
[Katra Station - Promenade]

He smiled when she said she would stay on the station. He had half feared she might get assigned to one of the ships and ... leave.

When she then murmured his name he directed his gaze back down at her much smaller frame beside him. She seemed to have a fascination with his skin patterns, he had noticed the way she looked at them before. Not that he minded that much. Quite the contrary.

His eyes followed where she pointed at her own spots, the trace of them disappearing under the collar of her uniform. He then smiled at her. "Your interest honors me." He hesitated briefly. "I realize you have such advanced machines here ... it probably would be easy for you to find out what you long to know. As for me, I am not able to give you an answer to that. We just take it as The Wise One Above has created us. Sometimes ... there are Etrosians and Atrosians bonding and procreating. And the children sometimes would have no patterns at all ... or the whole body covered in it." He turned a little so he could fully see her. "Can you find out about our patterns with your machines?"

[Katra Station - Promenade]

She nodded, thinking about patterns, genetics, the interesting ways they related to each other. Amarande let out a soft hum of contemplation.

"Your Wise One has certainly given you lovely patterns, that's for sure." She really did love the way the light caught it and the soft shimmer of it. It was so different from anything she'd seen in many, many other species.

"If you like and wish to explore them, I'd be delighted to help you get used to the technology and help research."

It was her turn to pause.

"Would it be too ridiculous if I touched your face just for a moment? I'm just...curious and very much don't wish to be rude." Amarande coloured a little, though she was smiling and it was the sort that was warm and soft all at once.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Zex on May 09, 2020, 09:40:27 AM

[Docking Ring A]

Zex read over the second to last line on the report.  "The other terms used to describe them are aggressive,  territorial, and punctual."  Well, that last part would need to be revised as based on her experience thus far.

The 'punctual' part was the exact reason why she had 'cut short' her meeting with Beja.  Otherwise, she would have preferred getting to know her new boss a bit better.  There would always, however, be more for that later of course.

Despite this, she was sure that more than three minutes had passed.  Possibly double in not triple that.  A time check would definitely be in order soon.

The Deltan did have other people to see.  So, she would wait a bit longer.  But after that she would have to go offer to her next appointment.

[Cruiser Acrux] The cruiser was at that second securing itself to the docking ring. A light would flash blue inside of the airlock Eydis stood with her two armed guards. Such matters were always so tedious it would it be Hir experiences so far.

As the door parts and slides open revealing Eydis standing in her evo suit flanked by two guards. Eydis only stood 5�7 noticeable shorter then her two guards which towered over her on either side. She would lock her gaze with zen �I�m captain Eydis military caste and commander of this ship. To whom Am I addressing ?

Kalem Michael

[Katra station - deck 2 - XO's Office]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 09, 2020, 10:34:43 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
"Please accept my sympathies, Lieutenant." She spoke quietly and let a brief moment of silence hang between them before she continued. "The loss of a family member, especially a parent, is tragic for most. I have not known your father, but from I read I know he was a brave man. This might not help right now, but because of your fathers, others live. But of course, you and your family feel the loss directly."

She picked up the PADD to put it back down for Kalem to take it back. "You said talking about this will not help you. Well," she offered a small smile to him. "I understand if this is a matter you don't want to talk about to anyone else." Especially male officers seemed to have a problem with the idea of opening up. But Kalem did even let her read the message. "Just let me tell you, that sometimes it's a surprise to us what actually helped us." She still kept her voice quiet and soft. "I won't order you to take counseling sessions. I have no grounds for that. You are performing your duty as excellent and reliable as I know it from you. And no other issues have arisen. What I will do is strongly recommend it to you if you feel you can't cope. There might be times you can deal with it better than other times. It doesn't have to be a regular appointment in a fixed schedule. You can drop by anytime you feel you could need a few supportive thoughts. And of course, my office will always be open to you, too."

Kalem picked back up his PADD and put it back in his pocket. There was not much else that he could think of. His facial expression did not change. However, his eyes showed thanks.

"Thank you, Commander. I know that you know more than anyone what my father faced with the radiation. I will take your consider talking to Beja about it if need be. However, I believe that the pain of this fact will fade in time."

Kalem had taken her tone at the end of what she had said as an unofficial dismissal. However, he did not rise from his chair. He simply inclined his head and asked

"Is there anything else, Commander?"



Katra Station - Counselor's Office

Solluk listened as Beja recounted a bit about her own history.  Having seen her with her father, it was easy to forget the depths of loneliness and stigma she would have endured as a youth.  Klingons would have trouble accepting a member of their own society who did not revel in battle.  One among them who sought peaceful solutions, who sought to heal rather than wield a sword...

...they would be as ostracized as a smiling Vulcan.

"You and I may have more in common than I realized, Counselor."

He sighed, pushing away his cup in a gesture that suggested this meeting was at an end.

"I shall try to follow your advice, and remember my victories.  But right now, I fear there is a battle awaiting me that I do not know how to fight.

The Orions have a giant slug dancing its way through the station.  I suspect I am meant to confront it, but I do not know how this celebratory ritual is meant to end.  Nor do I know what weapons I should use to battle such a thing.

Do you know anything about Orion customs, Counselor?  Any advice?"

He stood and smoothed his uniform, contemplating the battle ahead.

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

"What did he want," Kol asked as he walked up to join his aide.  His eyes were upon the empty space where the Caitian officer had recently stood.

"I thought he wanted me," Tokara replied, "But now I am not so sure.  He studied our construction plans and left."

Kol nodded, "Perhaps he is merely being vigilant.  He must know that embassies are often impregnated with unauthorized modifications."  He stroked his beard and shrugged, "You have, of course, scheduled that portion of the construction for after the Starfleet engineers have vacated?"

Tokara looked at Kol as though he was a two-headed Targ, "Of course."

Kol nodded his head, and then wandered off again.

Katra Station - Promenade

"Argh!" Noh'ves drew his hand back as the slug pretended to chew on it, growling an exclamation of play-acted pain.  Then he sheathed his dagger, and took Rayek's offered phaser.

As he did so, a new song shook the promenade.

"Listen, HoD!" K'mpoc called out, "The words, they describe the Vi'King Northman stories we just heard about in the bar."

Noh'ves nodded, stepping back with his newly acquired phaser weapon.  "Hammer of the Gods... Valhalla... Yes..."

The slug screamed a high-pitched 'Ahhh ah ahhhh!', and Noh'ves roared back before declaring, "I am a Klingon!  We fear no Gods!  We slew our Gods!  I AM YOUR RAGNAROK!"

And with that, he pointed the weapon and depressed the trigger, unleashing... a somewhat disappointing stream of fire upon the beast.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra - Counseling Office

�If you do need to talk Captain, I do hope that you will drop by, I am happy to listen any time,� Beja wanted to reassure him. It went without having to say it that anything that he did talk about with her, stayed with her. People needed to feel comfortable and able to say whatever they wanted with the freedom of not being judged, and not having it talked about with others. No one would talk to a counselor otherwise.

Beja wasn�t exactly sure what the Captain was talking about a slug. �I did some research into Orion culture but there are so many customs involving slugs that I wouldn�t know where to begin without more information.� The Captain didn�t appear to be actually distressed over it, so she assumed it was a harmless event that was going on.

�My advice to you is have fun with it Captain,� Beja answered him. He could certainly use more fun in his life, she was sure of that. All of them could. They had been through quite a lot in a short amount of time, and with hardly any real down time or relaxation. Maybe this slug thing could be something he could have a bit of fun with?

�Also Captain please let me know when I can make an appointment to talk with you more. I really need to discuss the Dord with you. There are several new developments with them that I would like to talk about with you when you have the time,� Beja stood up when he did, and of course walked him to the door.

�Good Luck Captain, I�m sure that you will be victorious in your upcoming battle with the dancing slug. Perhaps it just wants to find a waltzing partner,� Beja smiled at him as he departed for his war time activities.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: Solluk on May 10, 2020, 02:39:54 AM

Katra Station - Promenade

"Argh!" Noh'ves drew his hand back as the slug pretended to chew on it, growling an exclamation of play-acted pain.  Then he sheathed his dagger, and took Rayek's offered phaser.

As he did so, a new song shook the promenade.

"Listen, HoD!" K'mpoc called out, "The words, they describe the Vi'King Northman stories we just heard about in the bar."

Noh'ves nodded, stepping back with his newly acquired phaser weapon.  "Hammer of the Gods... Valhalla... Yes..."

The slug screamed a high-pitched 'Ahhh ah ahhhh!', and Noh'ves roared back before declaring, "I am a Klingon!  We fear no Gods!  We slew our Gods!  I AM YOUR RAGNAROK!"

And with that, he pointed the weapon and depressed the trigger, unleashing... a somewhat disappointing stream of fire upon the beast.

Despite his offer, Rayek had expected HoD Noh'ves to be less accepting of the toy weapon, but was relieved when the man did.   The change in music tempo and the Orions feral howling out along with the lyrics suggested that things were going to be coming to a head soon.

Rayek figured with his weapon now in the hands of Noh'ves he would have to sit the battle out.   But instead he found himself being handed a fake Type 3 phaser rifle by an off-duty Trenvale.   Rayek was still in the habit of memorizing the duty roster so he knew exactly who was available on what shift and where.  Trenvale usually worked Gamma Shift.

Rayek surveyed the area a little more attentively, and noted that there was an increasing number of security personnel moving in to surround the monster.  Saxon's re-enforcements had arrived.  And sure enough there was the Lieutenant wading though the onlookers to get to the foreground of the battle, a grin upon his face.

Rayek double checked that his rifle was loaded with a full clip of the foam bullets before moving to approach. "Sir, your re-enforcements have arrived in just the nick of time.  The next stage of this battle appears about to begin.  As ranking officer on scene you should be the one to lead us... unless you feel ..  it's time to call in the Captain?"

Rayek knew that had been what had been initially hinted at to the  Captain.   Part of him hoped that Solluk chose not to come down.  It was easier to forget if he didn't see the Vulcan; and no doubt Solluk felt the same.  But for Jada's sake Rayek figured that the Vulcan would show... which probably meant he should slip into the background, let the others face off against the slug-beast.  Rayek glanced about...Hmm.. from the upper level if the battle remained in the open courtyard, he could discreetly snipe at the monster.  No one other than him would likely know of his participation but that should suffice.  "Any orders before I head off to take position for the final battle?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

Inside the Monster, the Orion women danced with wild energy, frantically heaving the heavy costume up and down with the beat. Men across the stars might kill to witness this, but they denied them by keeping cloaked. And it was, in fact, rather less pretty and rather more sweaty than those men might like to imagine.

'Whew! This is exhausting.' s'Metra panted.

'Try doing this in twice gravity.' Jada grunted.

'Try child-birth.' Zhelash added. 'Now...'


'Ah-aaa-aaa-aaah ah!' the Monster screamed its savage war-cry back at the courageous Klingon warrior. 'Ah-aaaa-aaa-aaah ah!' The giant slug was still jerking and pulsating with the beat when Noh'ves fired, and with a poot! the foam dart arced through the air, struck it between the wildly whirling eyestalks. And bounced off. And bounced on the floor.

The music had paused, filling the Promenade with a dreadful silence.

Then the music crashed back in as the giant slug lunged forward its fat head, opened its mouth-flap, and vomited forth a stream of slime. It splattered across Noh'ves's armour. And, right behind, the Monster charged, galloping at him. Then, at the last step, the slug reared bodily up into the air, and a powerful green leg kicked out from under the curtain and shoved its foot into Noh'ves's torso. Jada had pulled the blow, of course, slowing at the last moment and making a push-kick familiar from sparring, more flashy than powerful.

And the slug roared, words charging like warriors into battle, 'We come from the land of the ice and snow! From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow!'

'Explorers of the Dark must ready for a fight. Not all creatures there welcome the Light.' Ngachi bellowed his verse. He was standing by, taking a referee position, or perhaps he was just standing in line.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - XO's office]

Quote from: Kalem Michael on May 10, 2020, 12:03:21 AM

[Katra station - deck 2 - XO's Office]

Kalem picked back up his PADD and put it back in his pocket. There was not much else that he could think of. His facial expression did not change. However, his eyes showed thanks.

"Thank you, Commander. I know that you know more than anyone what my father faced with the radiation. I will take your consider talking to Beja about it if need be. However, I believe that the pain of this fact will fade in time."

Kalem had taken her tone at the end of what she had said as an unofficial dismissal. However, he did not rise from his chair. He simply inclined his head and asked

"Is there anything else, Commander?"

Tess gave the man a small nod. It was important to her that he accepted the offer. That he seemed to do. When asked if there was anything else, Tess answered. "Just know, if there is anything you need, anything I can do for you that would make things easier for you, I'll be happy to see what I can do." Wrapping the brief meeting up, Tess gave Kalem an encouraging smile before standing up.

"On the promenade is some Orion festival going on", she informed him in case he had missed it. "It did seem to be some fun", she smiled. "I think there would be a spot for you to observe this too." It was an suggestion of course. It probably was a good opportunity to take his mind off of more saddening things.

Her mind then took her to the tasks she had to do today. She wanted to speak to Amarande briefly. Then she recalled that Saxon had behaved so strangely - if he was in his office she could drop by briefly before that and check in on him. And there was the Tholian envoy arriving on Katra today, she believed the newly set up Diplomatic Corps took care of that, but Tess probably should show up at least briefly to do her welcomes.

Picking up her PADD she checked the current locations of both Ensign Xiiv and Lieutenant Saxon. To her surprise both were on the promenade, deck 12. That was probably where the slug had made its way by now. She started to worry a little bit that John might disrupt the celebration just for his odd behaviour today.

Looking up from her PADD she smiled at Kalem as she walked around her desk. "Seems like I'm heading that way. Care to join me?"


NPC - Adryel Randis of Etros
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 09, 2020, 07:47:50 PM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

She nodded, thinking about patterns, genetics, the interesting ways they related to each other. Amarande let out a soft hum of contemplation.

"Your Wise One has certainly given you lovely patterns, that's for sure." She really did love the way the light caught it and the soft shimmer of it. It was so different from anything she'd seen in many, many other species.

"[color=#A6C4D0 ]If you like and wish to explore them, I'd be delighted to help you get used to the technology and help research.[/color]"

It was her turn to pause.

"Would it be too ridiculous if I touched your face just for a moment? I'm just...curious and very much don't wish to be rude." Amarande coloured a little, though she was smiling and it was the sort that was warm and soft all at once.

Adryel smiled when Amarande referred to The Wise One Above, the deity he believed in although he knew the woman had other beliefs. She gave him the feeling of acceptance.

When she asked if she could touch the pattern on his skin, Adryel chuckled at her curiosity. "Not at all ridiculous", he replied and bent down a little for the much shorter woman to be able to reach up to his face. While he waited for her to touch him, his eyes regarded the spots at her own face and he wondered if they would feel any different.

Soon then Adryel was distracting by a loud rhythm with strange music reaching his ears. As he turned around he noticed that there a lot more people on the deck than before ... and was there something meandering its way down the hall?
The music was strange to his ears, just was the picture that unfolded in front of his eyes. With wide eyes Adryel watched what was going on, tempted to get closer to the razzmatazz.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

John Saxon

[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 10, 2020, 04:57:00 AM

Rayek surveyed the area a little more attentively, and noted that there was an increasing number of security personnel moving in to surround the monster.  Saxon's re-enforcements had arrived.  And sure enough there was the Lieutenant wading though the onlookers to get to the foreground of the battle, a grin upon his face.

Rayek double checked that his rifle was loaded with a full clip of the foam bullets before moving to approach. "Sir, your re-enforcements have arrived in just the nick of time.  The next stage of this battle appears about to begin.  As ranking officer on scene you should be the one to lead us... unless you feel ..  it's time to call in the Captain?"

Rayek knew that had been what had been initially hinted at to the  Captain.   Part of him hoped that Solluk chose not to come down.  It was easier to forget if he didn't see the Vulcan; and no doubt Solluk felt the same.  But for Jada's sake Rayek figured that the Vulcan would show... which probably meant he should slip into the background, let the others face off against the slug-beast.  Rayek glanced about...Hmm.. from the upper level if the battle remained in the open courtyard, he could discreetly snipe at the monster.  No one other than him would likely know of his participation but that should suffice.  "Any orders before I head off to take position for the final battle?"

Finally emerging from the crowd's perimeter, John nodded to Rayek with a small smile still playing on his lips. It did no good to see too much of the kinder, fun, side of him. Even so, his entire manner was waggish. Nodding to the Romulan, the Chief-of-many-hats looked to the writhing, belligerent Beast and back again, raising his voice above the music and competing chants. "We'll wait until - Noh'ves, isn't it? - finishes his own, err, struggles. Then I'll make the call to the Captain, but I think we should take the opportunity hold the line against this hideous invader ourselves first. We certainly have form doing so, after all." His smile faltered for a moment in grim reflection, then returned to its previous intensity. He then paused, pondering something else before continuing. "I believe you should lead the troops in, Commander" he said, the final word made much quieter, gently, kindly, and for Rayek's ears only. There was no need to rub salt in a wound during this rare time of gaiety. He continued, volume back. "But...you may want to know about this, first."

With a flourish, Saxon produced his Administrative PADD and keyed a few commands. The screen lit up, and a title read across the top: Exercise Grendel. As Saxon handed it over for Rayek to read, the Romulan would find the dry, if curious, title belied a less serious content.

John looked to the ex-First Officer and waggled his bushy eyebrows in jovial anticipation.


Quote from: Eydis on May 09, 2020, 10:31:03 PM

[Cruiser Acrux] The cruiser was at that second securing itself to the docking ring. A light would flash blue inside of the airlock Eydis stood with her two armed guards. Such matters were always so tedious it would it be Hir experiences so far.

As the door parts and slides open revealing Eydis standing in her evo suit flanked by two guards. Eydis only stood 5�7 noticeable shorter then her two guards which towered over her on either side. She would lock her gaze with zen �I�m captain Eydis military caste and commander of this ship. To whom Am I addressing ?

[Docking Saucer 3]

The Deltan smiled at Eydis.  Then offered the Tholian a nod of her head.  She took a small step forward, but kept her hands at her side.

"I am Zex.  I am the Diplomatic Officer on the station.  I have been sent to welcome you to the station and to help you locate your accommodations here" she said.

She made an effort to talk slowly and to enunciate each word clearly.  She did this to help the universal translator convert standard English into the clicks and chirps.  She also paused to give it time to do so.

"I am a female person.  I prefer the pronouns she or her.  I go by the name given to me by my parents on Delta IV, Zex" she continued.

"What pronoun do you identify with?  Male or female or something else?  And finally, may I call you Eydis?" Zex asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: John Saxon on May 10, 2020, 10:42:16 AM

[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Finally emerging from the crowd's perimeter, John nodded to Rayek with a small smile still playing on his lips. It did no good to see too much of the kinder, fun, side of him. Even so, his entire manner was waggish. Nodding to the Romulan, the Chief-of-many-hats looked to the writhing, belligerent Beast and back again, raising his voice above the music and competing chants. "We'll wait until - Noh'ves, isn't it? - finishes his own, err, struggles. Then I'll make the call to the Captain, but I think we should take the opportunity hold the line against this hideous invader ourselves first. We certainly have form doing so, after all." His smile faltered for a moment in grim reflection, then returned to its previous intensity. He then paused, pondering something else before continuing. "I believe you should lead the troops in, Commander" he said, the final word made much quieter, gently, kindly, and for Rayek's ears only. There was no need to rub salt in a wound during this rare time of gaiety. He continued, volume back. "But...you may want to know about this, first."

With a flourish, Saxon produced his Administrative PADD and keyed a few commands. The screen lit up, and a title read across the top: Exercise Grendel. As Saxon handed it over for Rayek to read, the Romulan would find the dry, if curious, title belied a less serious content.

John looked to the ex-First Officer and waggled his bushy eyebrows in jovial anticipation.

Rayek nodded accepting that Saxon wanted to hold off calling the Captain, but faltered a bit when the Security and Tactical Chief suggested that he believed that Rayek should 'lead in the troops' and even quietly referred to the Romulan by his former rank.  His chest felt tight suddenly with a pang of sharp emotion.  In the tone and volume that the rank had been spoken, Rayek could tell that Saxon was trying to be supportive but it still stung.

He hoped his hesitation and discomfort didn't show, but knew that Saxon was keenly observant.  "If you feel that's best, sir." the Romulan answered back deferring to his chief's judgement.

Accepting the PADD from Saxon, Rayek quickly read through the Exercise details.   He couldn't help the slight chuckle at what was being suggested.  He looked back to smiling Saxon, now the station's Second Officer and nodded - a smile slowly forming.  This was a celebration after all.

"I'll have my team ready on your command, Lieutenant." he stated as he passed back the PADD.  The next few minutes were spent in contact with his team preparing for the exercise.  It would certainly be memoriable.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Katra Station - Promenade

Noh'ves scowled as his phaser fired nothing more than an impotent foam cylinder.  "PetaQ Weapon!"

Then the slug spat forth a large volume of slime upon him and charged past, a foot kicking him right in the torso.  The Captain of the LoD Qan fell back, 'dying' upon the deck.

"Augh!  I go to Sto'vo'kor!"  He exclaimed, hamming it up.

"An honorable death, HoD." K'mpoc assured him as he went to his side.

For the two Klingons, the entire affair was second nature.  One of their favorite celebrations involved re-enacting famous battles against legendary foes.  To them, this slug must be some similar celebration of legend in a foreign culture, no doubt to be stopped by a storied legendary hero.

"Who shall play the great warrior," Noh'ves wondered as his First Officer helped him up off the deck.

"There can be only one," K'mpoc speculated, eyeing some movement among the security forces, "But I do not think the battle is to be ended quite yet."

Katra Station - Counselor's Office

Solluk smirked at the Counselor's advice.

"Well, it would be amusing if this celebration ended in some kind of public dance spectacle... but I hope that's not it.  I never really learned to dance."

He moved to the door, pausing briefly to add, "Thank you for the meeting, Counselor.  And I promise, once this Orion matter is concluded, we shall discuss your other business."

With that, he left the office.

It was time to prepare for Jada's inevitable climax.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra - Counseling Office

Beja had walked the Captain out to the receptionist area and couldn�t help but chuckle to herself when she made her way back to her office at the idea of the Captain dancing with a giant slug. He had clearly been nervous at the idea of the Orion custom that was going on, but she also knew that he was in no real danger. It would be good for him to conquer that fear, even if it was making a fool of himself in front of others. Sometimes it was good to see the Captain have a little bit of fun. That allowed others to also laugh a little, and relax. Out here they had all seen enough darkness, some lightness was definitely in order.

Unfortunately for her, she wouldn�t be able to partake in the Orion fun, counseling duties didn�t always work on a set schedule. Pain and loss didn�t work on a set of rules, and happened when people never expected it. And it was past time that she helped one of their crew members with that.

�Computer, tell me the location of operations lieutenant junior grade Kalem Michael,� Beja said to the computer console at her desk. He had just lost his father, and that was not something a person should deal with on their own. Losing a family member was a difficult thing to do, and no one should do that alone. Beja hadn�t lost a parent, but she had lost house members and that pain cut very deep. She couldn�t imagine just how much more painful it was when it was a parent.

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