S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

After a little too long for comfort, in which the giant slug rumbled and rippled uncertainly, it finally sang out, in Jada's voice alone but perhaps singing for all Orion women.
'Our ears receive the words from your lips,
We reach out and take this hand of friendship.
Now you wanna see our green pulchritude,
But you've gotta first accept our full attitude.
Trust me, you don't wanna see this lug dancing.
You'll just have to settle for a fat slug prancing.'

'We're not here for your edutainment.
We don't like biohazard containment.
We want more than just to warm some beds,
It's not our role to heal sore heads.
It's not our job to raise others' kids.
No, we just do hard work for good quids.'

'If you've got bigots lurking in your midst,
then toss 'em out, tell 'em thanks for the fish.
Say to slavers freedom's not on loan.
And our colours, those are our own.
To all the tyrants kicking our door,
If you want a piece, then prepare for war.'

'We didn't come here looking for trouble.
We just came coz of the Starfleet Shuffle.
We're not here looking for a fight,
We just won't go quietly into the night.
If we've got the light, we gotta go out and bring it.
We can't just sit here and sing it.'

I wish you all fortune, glory, and success.
And I promise, I will clean up the mess.
But after that, I'm done, no more, no doubt.
And all I've got left to say is... Jada out.'

After that, a green hand emerged from the mouth of the slug, and dropped a microphone, which hit the floor with a clatter and a whine. She had no more to say. Then the hand tossed a Starfleet combadge to Captain Solluk. As methods for announcing departure went, this one was surely unique. For Jada, it was just as well she was hidden inside a costume; that way, no one could see her tears. Maybe there had been no other way she could do this.

The giant slug shuffled backwards to get some space, and began to dance again as new music played. At first, slow and sad strings played over a low, bass hum that creeped and rolled and swayed with the costume's motions, and the women beneath kicked their legs out and twisted in time in a three-way waltz. Then, as the music sped up, the women beneath bobbed and jumped in time, first the head, then the middle, then the tail, then repeated, making the body undulate and wave. Finally, the slug spread its membranous wings to their fullest extent, fluttering and flapping. The music dropped, then resumed, and then it was clear to the gasping crowd � the giant slug costume had lifted wholly off the floor, thanks to anti-grav platforms placed beneath the dancers' strapped-in feet.

As the strings soared hopefully, and buzzing tones matched the fluttering of the wings, the slug costume and its three understandably nervous operators hovered into the air, higher and higher. Then it was propelled forward, bobbing and waving, turning and weaving in a new aerial dance around the Promenade. Glitter and photochromatic salt fell from the body and wings and sprinkled over the heads of the astonished crowd, sparkling a myriad of colours in a magical display. That at least had not been their doing.


Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)



Katra Station - Promenade

Solluk listened to the slug's final chant.  A challenge to him and others in Starfleet to change their practices to be less tolerant of evil, and an aspiration for their future success.  It was not unexpected.  It had been clear to Solluk for a long time that Jada did not agree with his leadership style, nor with the larger policies of Starfleet or the Federation at large.

Yet, despite the fundamental incompatibility of her thought processes and her ways of doing things, it could not be denied that Jada had performed mighty deeds and made almost unfathomable sacrifices for the Federation.  That was the fundamental lesson of IDIC.  Even in places where jigsaw pieces did not fit together well, there could be benefit from having them in the same box.

And so, it was with some sorrow that he received Jada's badge.

But he also had hope, as he watched the floating display showering the promenade with rainbow light.

Hope that she would find her own place in this universe.

A place where she could be truly happy.

Katra Station - Captain's Personal Quarters - Some time later

Solluk looked at his reflection in the mirror.   He was in dress uniform for the grand Diplomatic Reception about to be held.  The last time he'd worn the uniform, it had fit him better.  Apparently, he'd been eating too much, and not exercising enough, in recent days.

"Computer, resume personal log."

The computer beeped in acknowledgement.

"The Tempest will be departing soon back to Deep Space Nine.  This will be its last supply run to gather temporary shelters, power generators, and prefab housing for the evacuation mission before it takes on escort duty for the first flotilla of Vulcan transports.

Goodspeed and her drydock crew have thus far done an excellent job of refitting the Vulcan science cruisers for their new mission, and Lieutenant Falleg has quadrupled our useful inventory of scientific equipment.  The past couple of centuries have made many devices more compact, but a lot of the old Vulcan science equipment does its job just as ably today as it did when those cruisers were last in service.  Some of the gear will eventually find its way down to Kir'Shara, for use by the xenobotanists and zoologists who routinely analyze samples down there while doing work in the nature preserves of the Meridian national parks.

I have not checked the departure roster, but I would not be surprised to learn that Jada is hitching a ride with the Tempest back to DS9.   It will be her last chance to see the grand exploration cruiser before it begins its escort and evacuation mission; a mission that will continue for the rest of the year.

Though, perhaps it will not take as long as I first suspected.  At the suggestion of our new Diplomatic Officer, Zex, I reached out to non-Federation members to see if they would be willing to help with the evacuation.  The Ferengi Grand Nagus responded that he would be sending two Ferengi ships to assist.  At cost.  Which is as close as Ferengi come to charity.  The Nyberrite Alliance also committed a Class V transport, as a 'gesture of goodwill to the people of the Gamma Quadrant.'  I am certainly glad for the help.  Between these three ships, we may be able to cut a month or more off of the evacuation time.  Never mind the Tellarite and Bolian vessels that should be arriving in the weeks to come.

With all of this traffic, I am glad that Lieutenant Rhade has completed upgrades to our Tractor Beam systems.  If any of our new visitors proves to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, we'll be able to shove them clear while getting our defensive systems online.  I feel safer now that Saxon's contingency for such situations is ready to be implemented.

And now, I am off to attend the great diplomatic reception being held to honor our new envoys, and to celebrate the opening of new embassies on Katra.  I am most looking forward to meeting the Klingon and Tholian ambassadors.  The Klingons, because I have found myself enjoying their boisterous good nature.  Not something I ever expected to be admitting.

And the Tholians... so long have they been a mystery to us.  Yes, there have been Tholian ambassadors sent to the Federation before, but their motivations and methods have always seemed opaque.  Perhaps Katra can be where we finally come to understand the enigmatic Tholian people, and build a real friendship with them.

I feel a bit more trepidation about seeing Captain Noh'ves again.  Much of his recent trouble has been the result of Federation intelligence operations, though that can never be officially acknowledged.  I can only imagine how he feels, returning here in that old cruiser.  I hope some means surfaces to restore honor to the man.  He does not deserve any of what he has endured, and I feel like a Vole for keeping the truth from him.

The dark side of service.  I understand why it's not for everyone.

But I will always strive to make sure there is more light than darkness.

If events force me to take one step back, I vow to take two forward.

In the end, that is all any of us can do."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Eydis on May 15, 2020, 02:11:46 AM

Eydis looks back at zex for a second pausing her guards with a thought over the lattice the telepathic pathways that tholians share. "Our requirements are not the same as yours in regards to nutrition. However if you could provide me with German and Irish folk music of 21s century. I have recently come to appreciate earth music. I will attend the summit as requested. What is the time frame till that "

Eydis would pause as her translator does it's thing and she watches zex with something akin to curiousity.

[Docking Saucer 3]

Zex wasn't sure how she would mix in old Earth music into what she had planned.  Heck, she did even know any of that kind of music.  So the request seemed not doable, but she would try.

"If you can give me a few specific song requests, I may be able to work them in somehow.  Possible, but I can make no promises.  The more specif you can be the better" she replied honestly.

"I'm still working out the details of there where and when.  But I will be happy to communicate with you when I have things set" Zex promised.  "Do you prefer text based communication or verbal type communication?" she added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: Jada on May 15, 2020, 08:49:14 AM

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

After a little too long for comfort, in which the giant slug rumbled and rippled uncertainly, it finally sang out, in Jada's voice alone but perhaps singing for all Orion women.
'Our ears receive the words from your lips,
We reach out and take this hand of friendship.
Now you wanna see our green pulchritude,
But you've gotta first accept our full attitude.
Trust me, you don't wanna see this lug dancing.
You'll just have to settle for a fat slug prancing.'

'We're not here for your edutainment.
We don't like biohazard containment.
We want more than just to warm some beds,
It's not our role to heal sore heads.
It's not our job to raise others' kids.
No, we just do hard work for good quids.'

'If you've got bigots lurking in your midst,
then toss 'em out, tell 'em thanks for the fish.
Say to slavers freedom's not on loan.
And our colours, those are our own.
To all the tyrants kicking our door,
If you want a piece, then prepare for war.'

'We didn't come here looking for trouble.
We just came coz of the Starfleet Shuffle.
We're not here looking for a fight,
We just won't go quietly into the night.
If we've got the light, we gotta go out and bring it.
We can't just sit here and sing it.'

I wish you all fortune, glory, and success.
And I promise, I will clean up the mess.
But after that, I'm done, no more, no doubt.
And all I've got left to say is... Jada out.'

After that, a green hand emerged from the mouth of the slug, and dropped a microphone, which hit the floor with a clatter and a whine. She had no more to say. Then the hand tossed a Starfleet combadge to Captain Solluk. As methods for announcing departure went, this one was surely unique. For Jada, it was just as well she was hidden inside a costume; that way, no one could see her tears. Maybe there had been no other way she could do this..

The giant slug shuffled backwards to get some space, and began to dance again as new music played. At first, slow and sad strings played over a low, bass hum that creeped and rolled and swayed with the costume's motions, and the women beneath kicked their legs out and twisted in time in a three-way waltz. Then, as the music sped up, the women beneath bobbed and jumped in time, first the head, then the middle, then the tail, then repeated, making the body undulate and wave. Finally, the slug spread its membranous wings to their fullest extent, fluttering and flapping. The music dropped, then resumed, and then it was clear to the gasping crowd � the giant slug costume had lifted wholly off the floor, thanks to anti-grav platforms placed beneath the dancers' strapped-in feet.

As the strings soared hopefully, and buzzing tones matched the fluttering of the wings, the slug costume and its three understandably nervous operators hovered into the air, higher and higher. Then it was propelled forward, bobbing and waving, turning and weaving in a new aerial dance around the Promenade. Glitter and photochromatic salt fell from the body and wings and sprinkled over the heads of the astonished crowd, sparkling a myriad of colours in a magical display. That at least had not been their doing.


Rayek grimaced slightly as Jada began another round of battle rhymes.  He hoped he wouldn't be expected to 'battle' back in such a manner.  Even as the last stanza was spoken, Rayek hadn't truly understood what Jada had been trying to get across.  It took the tossing of her comm badge for the Romulan click in.   Jada had spoken before of leaving, back when they had been headed to Baku.  She'd given him a chance to change her mind, to prove that the Outer Dark as she called it had a place for her where she could shine.

At the time he'd made her his Assistant Chief of Security in an attempt to give her the opportunity to show that she was ready to move into her old role of Chief of Security.  And for a while things had been good - at least from his perspective.  The mission within the Devil's Vortex had gone off without a hitch.   There should have been no reason not to allow Jada to resume her Chief of Security role... except that just before that recommendation could be carried forward to the Captain both Jada and he made choices that would change their prospective roles from here on out.

If he hadn't already known that she was unsatisfied being within Starfleet he might have felt that she were just trying to escape the consequences of her actions, but Rayek knew better.   He would miss her, he thought, but for now she was hadn't quite made her grand exit.

Rayek watched as the winged slug danced a few more steps, undulating in a series of hops and then suddenly, with its wings flapping lift up into the air.  Rayek watched as a cascade of sparkles swirled about in the air.

His comm sounded in his ear. It was Maybri.  =/\= "Sir, I have the two anti-grav lifts you requested. I'm at your 9 o'clock," =/\= the crewman informed.  Rayek glanced over and sure enough just at the edge of the crowd was the Yridian female with the two floating medical beds, with a minor adjustment they could quickly be made into a means to follow Jada up into the air.  Air surfing the anti-grav beds was a pretty common thing for bored crewmen at the Mars Academy.

=/\= "How did you know?" =/\= Maybri asked.  Given that Rayek had ordered the beds retrieved several minutes before.

Rayek looked away from the crewman back up through the glitter to the flying Orion wing-slug.  =/\= "Because they fly...  Thank you, crewman, but I'm sorry.  I don't think we'll be needing them. Please return them to the Medical Station where you got them." =/\=  Rayek quietly responded.

When he looked to Solluk beside him, the Vulcan seemed not so much upset as maybe hopeful... watching the winged-slug float off scattering a rainbow of glitter along the way.  The Romulan left the Captain's side then to retrieve Jada's mic and commbadge.  He handed both to Solluk, then as the celebration was still going on for the onlooking crowd, Rayek began organizing the volunteers to help with the clean up of their battle area while most attention was on the flying slug.

By the time the attention was off the slug the area was at least clear of the slime, foam bullets and a majority of the glitter and iridescent salt.  Of course some would remain for a long while yet.  With his clean up done for now, Rayek realized that it was just about his lunch break.  He could use the time to go back to his quarters to shower and change with just enough time left over to grab a quick sandwich... or he could see if his wife was wanting to enjoy the festivities with him for a half hour.

Rayek tapped his comm. =/\= "Ensign tr'Lhoell to Commander t'Lhoell.  Are you free for a stroll around the promenade for lunch break?" =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

If anyone thought the show was over after that, then they'd be sorely mistaken. After a few somewhat bumbling and meandering orbits of the Promenade (wing-slugs were not the most graceful of flying gastropods, and especially not this one), the costume bumped down on the floor again and the girls inside resumed dancing on foot. But there were no more challenges, poetry, or slime attacks (possibly the slime was empty), just dancing, music, and the dispensing of jelly tubs to anyone who wanted one. Especially to the children, who marvelled at the big, beautiful, multicoloured, glittery costume with its cute bobbling eyes. Rarely was vermin so beloved.

They performed a number of Orion songs, from traditional tunes like "The Bayool Stomp", which was popular with the children as the giant slug stomp-stomped in time with the beat, more buzzing dubstep electronic music, and the more exotic Chrome-5 genre, with sensuous and alluring dancing. Probably. The entrancing dance of Orion slave girls was legend across space, yet all anyone got to see of it today was a few nimble feet beneath a pantomime slug costume. Was it for censorship, shyness, safety, or teasing? Either way, it was the sexiest dancing giant slug ever seen. And Jada kept her harsher Orion pirate metal to herself.


They did other songs from the Federation worlds, mostly fun and familiar and fitting whatever theme Jada had had in mind. One at least she hoped Solluk would remember from their Tempest days.


Finally, when the music and the jellies ran out, a tired voice called out of the tail end 'I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition!' to a few laughs. 'Now, we're just going to take a little time to get cleaned up and get ready, and then we'll be holding a special lunch in the Arboretum for anyone who's interested. Bye bye!'

The Dragon Wing-Slug wheeled around and skipped and danced out of the Promenade. It would be taking in a few more areas of the station before it found a place where it could safely disappear from view.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

L'mar Camili Rhade


[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade - EARLIER ] | [ Deck 11 - Tholian Embassy | Katra Station ]

Though not completely environmentally sealed the Tholian embassy had some rooms that had been flooded to sustain 480 Kelvin degrees, the majority of the embassy was still under construction with heat resistant plating. Rhade was wielding plating together when he heard the creaking from the wall in front of him.

It took him a few moments to realise what was going to happen but it happened before he could get out of the way. A microfracture in the wall appeared and the blazing atmosphere from within the other room came flooding in. Rhade received a few burns before he got out of the way and Red Alert sounded, though localized, the computer immediately put up force fields containing the rupture.

The environmental systems kicked in and purged the heat while using cold temperatures to seal the fracture until it could be repaired. Rhade had howled when the heat hit him on a few places, face, arms and hands, he was still whimpering when Valak called for medical assistance.

�Computer medical emergency in the Tholian Embassy, Deck 11. Burns from 480 Kelvin heat. Lieutenant Rhade.� The Vulcan said explained where, what and who.

�Acknowledged, Ensign Amarande Xiiv is the closest Medical officer. Triggered combadge alert. Information recorded, playback after combadge activation.� The female voice of the computer announced.

�Help is on the way sir.� Valak said to Rhade as he lowered himself to the Felinoid�s level. Rhade had his back against the floor, still whimpering but he nodded. One eye was closed as some of the heat got him on the edge.

The damage to his arms and hands were a little more but nothing some regeneration wand won�t fix, well the thoughts of this simple solution had already gone through his mind. Rhade had to wait for Xiiv to give him an assessment, why not go to Medical? Quite frankly Rhade refused to move and he had to stop himself from licking at his wounds, too hot.

Luckily Rune was there and wearing safety gear began sealing the fracture. It actually did increase in size by a few millimeters but the computer was compensating while Rune worked. �Oh Lieutenant,� Rune called but didn�t stop working.

In this state Rhade didn�t care, he didn�t like receiving other people�s pity, he was acting out of instinct.

OOC: This is before the end of the mission.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

The wing slug that wound its way up into the air caught Tess' attention fully now. The music made this all the more thrilling to watch and with a smile she saw the rainbow glitter particles falling off the costume and it reminded her of how she had felt as a kid when she had seen those iridescent flowers or colorful glowing butterflies in the night. It was magical, Adryel maybe was right after all.

The music changed several times while Tess stood there with her eye up at the ceiling to watch the slug floating through the air before it came back down to dance some more. Her attention diverted to the message coming through over her comm badge.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 16, 2020, 03:55:54 AM

=/\= "Ensign tr'Lhoell to Commander t'Lhoell.  Are you free for a stroll around the promenade for lunch break?" =/\=

She smile, lifting her hand up to touch the Starfleet insigna at ther chest. She did have some appointments today, but there was nothing against a lunch break. =/\= "I would love to, Ensign." As she spoke she hear the announcement for a specal lunch in the arboretum. Sure enough Rayek must have heard that too. "Or what do you think of a stroll in the arboretum and have lunch there?" =/\=, she asked with a smile.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

John Saxon

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Facing the slug costume, several surprising moments occurred one after the other. Rayek shielding Captain Solluk from the...ignamy...of being covered completely in goo. Solluk raising the former First Officer up as the hero of the day. The Beast subsequently rising up itself, and flying to the rafters after Jada's voice clearly declaring her leaving of the Service and symbolically returning, if you could call it that, her combadge.

All in all, it had been a strange hour or so.

Watching the Monster float away, John took a moment to reflect. As the current Chief of Security, it should have been protocol - or merely decent - to have been notified of the forthcoming resignation. It was always on the cards. But...it was no secret that the relationship between he and ex-Senior Chief Petty Officer, Master-At-Arms, Jada Nozima, had been rocky almost from the start. They had been paradoxically both too different and too similar. Both hugely capable combatants, one with age and vitality on her side, the other with the sheer volume of adroitness and experience on his. Both had tried it the other's way briefly, but the entente never held; one would disappoint, or display their respective flaws, in ways that only reinforced their strongly held opinions of the other.

Yet...as Jada and her entourage floated away, physically and figuratively, that scarcely mattered now. At the end of the day, it took someone of Saxon's advanced age, and absence of anything to lose, to completely give themselves over to the Service. To fully commit to the horrors and consequences of the realities their duty required at a moment's call. Jada had answered that call more than once, and paid for it more than most. But..she also had more to live for. Whether it was to make a difference from without, or a change within. John supposed that to defeat the Outer Dark, in the Orion parlance, one had to vanquish the Inner Dark first.

Glancing over, he watched Solluk and Rayek interact, that squeezed a small smile from the elderly gentleman. This event was what Katra had needed after a long period of drama and tension. A respite after so long being under siege by forces bent on their destruction or ruin. John didn't think for a moment those days were behind them, but right now the weight of being the furthest StarFleet asset in the Galaxy felt a little lighter today.

Returning is attention to the Beast, he nodded with clear respect, conscious and disappointed Jada wouldn't have noticed the gesture that was as close to a salute that John had without delving into ancient custom - some of them less ancient than he - Saxon turned away and got back to business.

Which brought him to this sad, but quite proper, obligation.

Tapping his combadge- grateful it was still functional from all the gunk, glitter and glancing - John contacted the duty Security Officer in the OCC, who had so admirably assisted with the Department's own, impromptu, contribution to the festivities. " =/\= Saxon to SCPO Marcin. Senior, effective immediately, please remove all StarFleet-level access, including command codes to Kir'Shara Outpost, for the following individual... =/\="

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Catherine Goodspeed on May 08, 2020, 03:13:58 PM

Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok

Cat looked at Ensign Sherem and recognised the look on his face as he spoke to her.  The "and where have YOU been?!" look.

Cat tried not to smile.  Only her second meet up with the new staff member and  it looked like the Ensign had expected her to materialise the moment he had contacted her.  Unless the vessel was about to split in half then there were other things she had to do as the head of the refit on all of the old 12 work horses.

Schematics of the new quarters for families; including extended family groups, singles and couples; reconfiguration of the replicators and air filters to try and match the food and air quality the refugees were used to.  Data upgrades so they could try and learn about their intended target temporary home and any expectations and customs they may need to adhere to; including ensuring this data was also in audio form as they had no idea of the level of education these poor people had been allowed to receive.  The ripping out and re installation of the new, upgraded and reinforced waste flows, showers, toilets, rec rooms.  Not the mention the calculations to ensure the load of the refits didn't exceed the maximum weight calculated to ensure the vessels could get to Warp 8.  Oh and the engine tinkering as well...

Cat had worked with colleagues like this before in her old life as a civilian ship builder.  One of them sprang to mind.  Dirk MaGee.  Went around with a face like a slapped bottom and attitude to match. Expected everyone to drop everything when they ran into an issue.   They used to have a saying back in the day: "Its fine to get the hump every now and then, just don't be a Dirk about it.". Cat hoped the Ensign was just having an off day.

Cat put down her coffee, wandered over to the area Sherem had been working on and bent down to take a look.  She then wetted the end of a finger, placed in on the orange-red coloured substance and then placed the tip of the finger on the end of her tongue.

She was aware she was being watched.

Ahh rust; Cat thought to her herself. Such a quaint term. As far as she was aware the Vulcans hadn't used anything prone to rusting for... ohhh.. At least 300 years off the top of her head.  Vulcans were far too smart to add a rustable component to vessels which were once their pride and joy and one of their most important means of data gathering on new species and planets.

Cat placed her hands on her knees and pushed herself upright with a small "oomph" sound.

"Not rust.  Its plasmic particulate residue, normally caused by prolonged neutron bombardment".

Cat smiled at the Ensign. "To be expected really considering the age and role of the old girl."  Cat picked up the coffee she had put down to inspect the problem EPS and took a glug to wash the taste out of her mouth.

"Take them out, give them a good clean up and coat any weakened sections with a transpoly-alloy resin sealant which is available at all good Engineering replicators! Just apply, radiate with a proton lamp and return!"  Cat flourished her free hand like a badly acted Advertisement commercial.

The silence was deafening.

Cat nodded back to the area causing the problem "Any you can't fix then pull them, box them and tag them"  Cat handed Ensign Sherem a large handful of "KEEP" stickers.  "Slap this on the box once full, the salvage team can then pick them up and see what we can save.  Spare EPS and other components can be found in the main cargo bay 1".

Cat tapped her combadge  =/\=Crewman rohl Th'rhaatrit, Goodspeed here.  Can you get the team ready?  Split in two, check every ship for possible plasmic particulate residue on all EPS conduits.  Use the voles... 2 per team... Work steady and slow we don't want to miss any potential problems. =/\=

=/\=" yes ma'am!  Understood" =/\=

=/\="Oh and Peaches?  Get both teams to head to my current location first... Ensign Sherem found some dodgy ones here. Fingers crossed it's just an isolated issue on this vessel but better to be safe than sorry. Each group work alternate decks, if we do find any other issues we can then use those as a starting point for the other ships" =/\=

Cat looked at the Ensign and smiled again "thanks for bringing this to my attention... Oh!  You don't mind working with Cardassian voles do you? Trained to sniff out these types of issues...  I know some people don't like working with animals.. Or children... If not, Beta team could use some help on the waste refits!"

[Ensigns Gid and Jael Sherem | Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok | Auxiliary Dry Dock | Katra Station Proximity]

�I think so�Hrafen,� said Jael. �I might just keep an eye out for scanners to see what I can find.�

Gid looked up at Lieutenant Goodspeed.

�Well, I suppose that would be useful,� he said. �And I don�t mind working with Cardassian voles; my sister and I used to have some of those voles as pets. I think we have one or two back in our quarters. Maybe we can bring them out.�

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on May 16, 2020, 07:27:53 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade - EARLIER ] | [ Deck 11 - Tholian Embassy | Katra Station ]

Though not completely environmentally sealed the Tholian embassy had some rooms that had been flooded to sustain 480 Kelvin degrees, the majority of the embassy was still under construction with heat resistant plating. Rhade was wielding plating together when he heard the creaking from the wall in front of him.

It took him a few moments to realise what was going to happen but it happened before he could get out of the way. A microfracture in the wall appeared and the blazing atmosphere from within the other room came flooding in. Rhade received a few burns before he got out of the way and Red Alert sounded, though localized, the computer immediately put up force fields containing the rupture.

The environmental systems kicked in and purged the heat while using cold temperatures to seal the fracture until it could be repaired. Rhade had howled when the heat hit him on a few places, face, arms and hands, he was still whimpering when Valak called for medical assistance.

�Computer medical emergency in the Tholian Embassy, Deck 11. Burns from 480 Kelvin heat. Lieutenant Rhade.� The Vulcan said explained where, what and who.

�Acknowledged, Ensign Amarande Xiiv is the closest Medical officer. Triggered combadge alert. Information recorded, playback after combadge activation.� The female voice of the computer announced.

�Help is on the way sir.� Valak said to Rhade as he lowered himself to the Felinoid�s level. Rhade had his back against the floor, still whimpering but he nodded. One eye was closed as some of the heat got him on the edge.

The damage to his arms and hands were a little more but nothing some regeneration wand won�t fix, well the thoughts of this simple solution had already gone through his mind. Rhade had to wait for Xiiv to give him an assessment, why not go to Medical? Quite frankly Rhade refused to move and he had to stop himself from licking at his wounds, too hot.

Luckily Rune was there and wearing safety gear began sealing the fracture. It actually did increase in size by a few millimeters but the computer was compensating while Rune worked. �Oh Lieutenant,� Rune called but didn�t stop working.

In this state Rhade didn�t care, he didn�t like receiving other people�s pity, he was acting out of instinct.

OOC: This is before the end of the mission.

[ Promanade --> Deck 11 - Tholian Embassy --> Deck 22 - Medbay | Katra Station ][/b]

Her badge chirruped and Amarande pressed Adryel's arm gently, indicating a medical emergency had arisen but they'd catch up later for sure. The spectacle on the Promenade had been well worth the time but for now, work beckoned and she rose to it, stopping swiftly to grab a medkit. She draped the outer she wore tunic out of the way and winced in sympathy.

"Let's get the worst of the sting out, shall we?" she murmured, settling close to get the anti-burn treatment in place. The gel would begin to cool and heal the affected areas after she'd placed it there and light bandages would keep it in place. No pity party here, just a straight-up Doctor doing her business.

The dose of pain medication was enough to combat the worst of it but she wanted him in a trauma bay immediately. She did what she needed to do to get him ready for transport and back to Medbay where she'd keep an eye on him. As his treating Doctor, she remained stoic and quiet as she worked quickly and neatly on restoring Rhade's worst injuries, setting up a sterile field to work in.

For now, after she'd gotten the work out of the way, she sat by his bedside on her break, scanning through his latest results as she continued to monitor him. Good reflexes had saved his life.

"This isn't exactly the way I wanted to say hello again but you'll be alright in no time," she murmured. Part of her wanted to doze but she was too primed and on alert for anything unusual.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Jada on May 16, 2020, 04:42:05 AM

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

If anyone thought the show was over after that, then they'd be sorely mistaken. After a few somewhat bumbling and meandering orbits of the Promenade (wing-slugs were not the most graceful of flying gastropods, and especially not this one), the costume bumped down on the floor again and the girls inside resumed dancing on foot. But there were no more challenges, poetry, or slime attacks (possibly the slime was empty), just dancing, music, and the dispensing of jelly tubs to anyone who wanted one. Especially to the children, who marvelled at the big, beautiful, multicoloured, glittery costume with its cute bobbling eyes. Rarely was vermin so beloved.

They performed a number of Orion songs, from traditional tunes like "The Bayool Stomp", which was popular with the children as the giant slug stomp-stomped in time with the beat, more buzzing dubstep electronic music, and the more exotic Chrome-5 genre, with sensuous and alluring dancing. Probably. The entrancing dance of Orion slave girls was legend across space, yet all anyone got to see of it today was a few nimble feet beneath a pantomime slug costume. Was it for censorship, shyness, safety, or teasing? Either way, it was the sexiest dancing giant slug ever seen. And Jada kept her harsher Orion pirate metal to herself.


They did other songs from the Federation worlds, mostly fun and familiar and fitting whatever theme Jada had had in mind. One at least she hoped Solluk would remember from their Tempest days.


Finally, when the music and the jellies ran out, a tired voice called out of the tail end 'I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition!' to a few laughs. 'Now, we're just going to take a little time to get cleaned up and get ready, and then we'll be holding a special lunch in the Arboretum for anyone who's interested. Bye bye!'

The Dragon Wing-Slug wheeled around and skipped and danced out of the Promenade. It would be taking in a few more areas of the station before it found a place where it could safely disappear from view.

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station - after her meeting with Eydis]

Zex found herself clapping as the ceremony came to it's ultimate conclusion.  What was it about Jada that now twice had evoked this response in the Deltan?  Zex had no idea at this point, but the thought was in the back of her mind.

The emotion she felt though was bitter sweet.  So the clapping trailed off.  For a moment Zex just looked down at Jada.

Zex had, of course, heard the rumor that the Orion was maybe possibly going to be leaving soon.  Something though in the way Jada just said 'bye bye' seemed to some finality to it.  Like it was a definite sign that she had just hear the Jada's swan song.

For some reason that brought a tear to Zex's eye.  Maybe it was her own sad emotion alone that was causing this effect in her.  Maybe her subconscious telepathic powers were responding to the emotions of the others in the large area.

So was the beautiful curse of being her.  A thing she had dealt with all her life.  Normally she would sublimate it.

Instead, she decided to just feel the emotion.  She brought her left hand to face to cover it.  Then she let the tears flow.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Quote from: Jada on May 16, 2020, 04:42:05 AM

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]
Finally, when the music and the jellies ran out, a tired voice called out of the tail end 'I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves, and I hope we passed the audition!' to a few laughs. 'Now, we're just going to take a little time to get cleaned up and get ready, and then we'll be holding a special lunch in the Arboretum for anyone who's interested. Bye bye!'

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 16, 2020, 08:55:41 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

She smiled, lifting her hand up to touch the Starfleet insignia at her chest. She did have some appointments today, but there was nothing against a lunch break. =/\= "I would love to, Ensign." As she spoke she hear the announcement for a special lunch in the arboretum. Sure enough Rayek must have heard that too. "Or what do you think of a stroll in the arboretum and have lunch there?" =/\=, she asked with a smile.

Rayek smiled at Tess' agreement.  He'd been a slight bit concerned that somehow the impromptu celebration might have meant she would be needed at the OCC while Solluk was otherwise occupied.   Her answer came even as s'Metra spoke about the luncheon being offered in the Arboretum.  And of course the idea appealed to Tess.

While being seen covered in dried slime and sparkles on the promenade which also still bore the evidence of the battle was tolerable to normally impeccably dressed Romulan, to be seen like he was in the Arboretum, when even Jada and the others would have taken the time to clean up had Rayek hesitating.

=/\= "I would need to clean up first... limiting my break time with you... but yes, you would probably enjoy that more. I'll head up to our quarters and wash up and meet you there in say 15 minutes?" =/\=

With the throng of people all headed to the turbolift systems to make their way down to the Arboretum, Rayek using his crew authorization entered the service ways and from there hurried his way up to Deck 2.  Arriving at their quarters, he took a moment to glance at himself in the full length mirror and grimaced.

He was quite a sight.  There was not an inch of his front on covered in dried multi-colored slime and sparkles.   Knowing Tess would want a remembrance of this for their family photo album, even if he did not, Rayek set his PADD on the night stand and had it take an image of him.

Then he quickly undressed and headed to the sonic shower to have the sonic vibrations loosen and remove all slime and glitter from him.  Such a shower was never as relaxing as a aqua shower but it was just as, if not more effective and quicker.

Rayek didn't stay in the shower long knowing his timer was counting down.  He dressed and then hurried back down through the service ways down to the Arboretum level - Deck 18 - to find Tess.

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

The arboretum was far more crowded than Rayek had anticipated it would be finding Tess among so many would be problematic, prompting to mind that he really should speak to her about setting up a private subdermal tracker on her.   Something separate from her commbadge; a commbadge was far too easily taken and destroyed if abducted.  But knowing how paranoid and overprotective the suggestion was, Rayek had been hesitating bringing up the subject.

It would have been of great use right now.  Instead he had to rely on less effective means.  He tapped his comm.  =/\= "tr'Lhoell to Commander t'Lhoell. I'm at the south entrance of the Arboretum - Deck 18.  Are you nearby?" =/\= He queried, cocking his head and straining to hear the chirp of commbadge over the loud background conversations of the crowd.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

After showers to get off slime and glitter, the Orions had set about some hurried mopping and electrostatic sweeping and vacuuming, the Promenade and Saucer 1 shops section, as well as their connecting corridors. The slime was relatively easy to break down and mop up, but it was clear that Katra maintenance would be finding glitter for ages to come. But hey, they weren't crazy enough to hurl glitterbombs in an enclosed artificial environment. But soon it was almost as if the gigantic slug had never been. They hadn't gotten through all the tricks they had prepared, but it had been more than enough.

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Quote from: Solluk on February 05, 2019, 08:38:29 PM

The Arboretum is approximately 50 meters square, featuring 25 carefully manicured trees and numerous smaller plants and shrubbery.  There is an overlook on the deck above for those who prefer to enjoy the nature from a distance.  A false sky is projected on the ceiling of the arboretum, giving the sense of a sunny day on a temperate world.

Doubting she could drag anyone down to Meridian, Jada had elected for the Arboretum on Deck 18. When on the station, she'd preferred this space, coming here to read and write reports or just to read a book amidst the trees and under a holographic sky. It was somewhere she could forget, just a little and for a short time, that she was trapped in an unmoving station deep in the Outer Dark, far from home. Not for much longer. Maybe they could've decorated the area for the luncheon, but in the end, all the crafting efforts had been spent on the Dragon Wing-Slug and the beauty of nature was so much better. Just some folding tables and chairs, erected and spread out for people to sit and talk or wander and chat or explore the park, and enjoy the food spread out. There was a lot of standard Federation fare, as well as a special treat of Orion cuisine, from curries cooked in an electric firepot and flavoured with exotic hot spices to the mysterious demma to of course the now-infamous wing-slugs, whether cooked in curries, baked on pastry hors d'oeuvres, doused in a hot-spice sauce, jellied in their mucus, or rolled in honey. Some were still alive and buzzing lazily around in their tanks. Clearly there was trick to eating them.

And the Orions themselves were there, ready to dish up and talk and tell a story about a giant slug: Jada, feeling uncomfortable in her civvies of Pirates of Fate concert t-shirt and cargo shorts with tattoos bared; s'Metra in a floral party dress; Zhelash, in sensible clothes with baby Balon on her hip; and old Boss Ngachi monitoring the firepot like it was a delicate piece of equipment. The three Orion women were practically glowing from their recent exertions, with glitter still in their hair and on their green skin, somehow looking as entrancing as legend had always claimed them to be.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)


Quote from: Jada on May 17, 2020, 04:53:55 AM

[Deck 12, Promenade, Katra Station]

After showers to get off slime and glitter, the Orions had set about some hurried mopping and electrostatic sweeping and vacuuming, the Promenade and Saucer 1 shops section, as well as their connecting corridors. The slime was relatively easy to break down and mop up, but it was clear that Katra maintenance would be finding glitter for ages to come. But hey, they weren't crazy enough to hurl glitterbombs in an enclosed artificial environment. But soon it was almost as if the gigantic slug had never been. They hadn't gotten through all the tricks they had prepared, but it had been more than enough.

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Doubting she could drag anyone down to Meridian, Jada had elected for the Arboretum on Deck 18. When on the station, she'd preferred this space, coming here to read and write reports or just to read a book amidst the trees and under a holographic sky. It was somewhere she could forget, just a little and for a short time, that she was trapped in an unmoving station deep in the Outer Dark, far from home. Not for much longer. Maybe they could've decorated the area for the luncheon, but in the end, all the crafting efforts had been spent on the Dragon Wing-Slug and the beauty of nature was so much better. Just some folding tables and chairs, erected and spread out for people to sit and talk or wander and chat or explore the park, and enjoy the food spread out. There was a lot of standard Federation fare, as well as a special treat of Orion cuisine, from curries cooked in an electric firepot and flavoured with exotic hot spices to the mysterious demma to of course the now-infamous wing-slugs, whether cooked in curries, baked on pastry hors d'oeuvres, doused in a hot-spice sauce, jellied in their mucus, or rolled in honey. Some were still alive and buzzing lazily around in their tanks. Clearly there was trick to eating them.

And the Orions themselves were there, ready to dish up and talk and tell a story about a giant slug: Jada, feeling uncomfortable in her civvies of Pirates of Fate concert t-shirt and cargo shorts with tattoos bared; s'Metra in a floral party dress; Zhelash, in sensible clothes with baby Balon on her hip; and old Boss Ngachi monitoring the firepot like it was a delicate piece of equipment. The three Orion women were practically glowing from their recent exertions, with glitter still in their hair and on their green skin, somehow looking as entrancing as legend had always claimed them to be.

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

The tears finally stopped.  Zex dried her eyes.  Then she headed to the Arboretum.  After a short time, she found Jada.

"Hi.  That was a lovely celebration.  I'm so happy that I was able to witness it" she said sincerely.

"I know that I just met you.  I have known you the least amount of time in comparison to the others here.  But I wanted to say goodbye nonetheless" the Deltan continued.

"You're such an interesting person.  You've had such a big impression on my the short time I've know you.  So, I wanted to wish you safety and happiness in whatever new adventures you take on" she added with a smile.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade >>> Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 16, 2020, 06:30:24 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade]

Rayek smiled at Tess' agreement.  He'd been a slight bit concerned that somehow the impromptu celebration might have meant she would be needed at the OCC while Solluk was otherwise occupied.   Her answer came even as s'Metra spoke about the luncheon being offered in the Arboretum.  And of course the idea appealed to Tess.

While being seen covered in dried slime and sparkles on the promenade which also still bore the evidence of the battle was tolerable to normally impeccably dressed Romulan, to be seen like he was in the Arboretum, when even Jada and the others would have taken the time to clean up had Rayek hesitating.

=/\= "I would need to clean up first... limiting my break time with you... but yes, you would probably enjoy that more. I'll head up to our quarters and wash up and meet you there in say 15 minutes?" =/\=

With the throng of people all headed to the turbolift systems to make their way down to the Arboretum, Rayek using his crew authorization entered the service ways and from there hurried his way up to Deck 2.  Arriving at their quarters, he took a moment to glance at himself in the full length mirror and grimaced.

He was quite a sight.  There was not an inch of his front on covered in dried multi-colored slime and sparkles.   Knowing Tess would want a remembrance of this for their family photo album, even if he did not, Rayek set his PADD on the night stand and had it take an image of him.

Then he quickly undressed and headed to the sonic shower to have the sonic vibrations loosen and remove all slime and glitter from him.  Such a shower was never as relaxing as a aqua shower but it was just as, if not more effective and quicker.

Rayek didn't stay in the shower long knowing his timer was counting down.  He dressed and then hurried back down through the service ways down to the Arboretum level - Deck 18 - to find Tess.

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

The arboretum was far more crowded than Rayek had anticipated it would be finding Tess among so many would be problematic, prompting to mind that he really should speak to her about setting up a private subdermal tracker on her.   Something separate from her commbadge; a commbadge was far too easily taken and destroyed if abducted.  But knowing how paranoid and overprotective the suggestion was, Rayek had been hesitating bringing up the subject.

It would have been of great use right now.  Instead he had to rely on less effective means.  He tapped his comm.  =/\= "tr'Lhoell to Commander t'Lhoell. I'm at the south entrance of the Arboretum - Deck 18.  Are you nearby?" =/\= He queried, cocking his head and straining to hear the chirp of commbadge over the loud background conversations of the crowd.

Tess had acknowledged Rayek's call that he would go and clean himself up first. She wasn't sure how much of the slime and glitter Rayek had caught in the end but looking down at herself, even she had some of the glitter on her uniform - and pretty likely in her hair too. Rayek, 'fighting' in the middle of it all, must have been quite a sight. She grinned to herself at the notion.

Since Amarande had left for a medical call Tess turned to Adryel and invited him to come to the Aboreturm lunch too if he wanted before she left to go just there. On her way she called OOC to see if there was anything that required her attention, but everything seemed to be quiet or already taken care of.

Tess arrived at the Arboretum with many others and she was impressed by the buffet Jada and her friends had set up. The delicious smell of food wafted past her nose. She couldn't wait to try some, the firepot caught most of her attention.

While she waited for Rayek Tess spotted Jada and the new Deltan officer. Strolling over, Tess joined both of them. "Hello Ensign Zex. Hi Jada. Your little show was quite impressive!" She smiled at her, but then it became a little sad. "I regret that you will leave us. Do you have plans where you will go now?" She recalled having talked with Jada about her family. Maybe this was an opportunity to visit and catch up with them.

"Oh, excuse me", she said when she heard Rayek's voice over the commbadge. "Rayek, I'm near the electric firepot. I'm with Jada and Ensign Zex", she said as she turned around, looking through the crowd to see if she saw her husband.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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