S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 17, 2020, 10:00:36 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade >>> Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess had acknowledged Rayek's call that he would go and clean himself up first. She wasn't sure how much of the slime and glitter Rayek had caught in the end but looking down at herself, even she had some of the glitter on her uniform - and pretty likely in her hair too. Rayek, 'fighting' in the middle of it all, must have been quite a sight. She grinned to herself at the notion.

Since Amarande had left for a medical call Tess turned to Adryel and invited him to come to the Aboreturm lunch too if he wanted before she left to go just there. On her way she called OOC to see if there was anything that required her attention, but everything seemed to be quiet or already taken care of.

Tess arrived at the Arboretum with many others and she was impressed by the buffet Jada and her friends had set up. The delicious smell of food wafted past her nose. She couldn't wait to try some, the firepot caught most of her attention.

While she waited for Rayek Tess spotted Jada and the new Deltan officer. Strolling over, Tess joined both of them. "Hello Ensign Zex. Hi Jada. Your little show was quite impressive!" She smiled at her, but then it became a little sad. "I regret that you will leave us. Do you have plans where you will go now?" She recalled having talked with Jada about her family. Maybe this was an opportunity to visit and catch up with them.

"Oh, excuse me", she said when she heard Rayek's voice over the commbadge. "Rayek, I'm near the electric firepot. I'm with Jada and Ensign Zex", she said as she turned around, looking through the crowd to see if she saw her husband.

Rayek peered through the open doors into the arboretum thinking to himself... 'okay so where exactly is the firepot'?  To Tess he answered  =/\= "Okay, stay there. I'll find you." =/\=

With a resigned sigh, Rayek began weaving his way through the crowd, on the look out for Tess.  Given that her location seemed to be where the food was being served, moving into the thicker part of the crowd seemed reasonable.  People tended to gravitate towards the food tables in these types of social gatherings.

On occasion as he searched about, he would notice individuals among the crowd seeming to be watching him.  This put him ill at ease, but he soon spotted Tess barely 30 ft away.  She seemed to be looking over the crowd for him.  He lifted his hand to wave and let her know he was almost there.  Yet in that moment a pair of Romulans stepped between him and Tess.  Rayek frowned and was about to move around the couple when he recognized Lared and Phara s'Movel.

The self-employed Romulan couple smiled toward him offering him a slight bow.  "Jolan'tru, Commander" Lared greeted, after which his wife gave a slight frowning nudge.   Social niceties required that he return the respect they offered him.   He bowed in return but felt obliged to correct the rank.

"It's Ensign. It is my wife who is Commander t'Lhoell now. Jolan'tru." he explained before offering his greeting in turn.  He discreetly adjusted his position so that he could see Tess just beyond the two Romulans.

There was blink of surprise from Lared and slight apologetic smile from the woman at his side.   The woman of course was Lared's wife.  Rayek knew her from his time spent getting fitted for his hand made dress whites for the wedding.  Lared ran his own salvage business.

"Ah yes, my wife had mentioned that there was an incident a while back.  Forgive me.. it had slipped my mind." There was a moment of awkwardness before the man continued, "We just wanted to comment to you how good it was to see you participating in the entertainment earlier.  A remarkable save of your Captain.  It must have taken a bit of practice to time that just right."

Rayek inclined his head accepting that the man hadn't intended to open a wound.  Then at the suggestion that the battle had been rehearsed Rayek chuckled and shook his head.   "Oh no, the thing with this Orion festival is that there was next to no forewarning. This was certainly not rehearsed or I could have possibly avoided being made a spectacle of."

Phara smiled gently at that.  "Nonsense, Rayek. You did well."  Rayek inclined his head towards Lared's wife.  The woman was one of the few civilians that felt comfortable calling him by name.  They had talked about all sorts of things during the many fittings needed to have his wedding outfit made.

"Thank you for that sentiment.." He glanced past towards his own waiting wife.  "Phara, have you met Tess yet? Come.  Allow me to introduce you."

Rayek motioned towards Tess, and Phara realizing that they had interrupted their meet up smiled in appreciation.  "I have not.  Thank you, I would love to meet Commander t'Lhoell." She remarked.  "Its' interesting that she took your name."

Rayek crossed the distance to meet up with Tess and the others with the Romulans following behind.  "Yes, a Ba'ku custom that she and I agreed upon.  This way the s'Lhoell clan does not end with me." he answered as he led the way over.

While what he wanted to do was greet Tess with a loving kiss, both he and she were on duty and more importantly in public while on duty, so he restrained himself to merely moving to stand beside her letting his hand brush hers.   Quietly he greeted her, "Sorry it took me longer than anticipated to locate you e'lev" then continued on in a normal tone of voice to be heard over the murmur of the crowd.  "I was delayed by a pleasant encounter with the s'Movels.  Tess, I'm certain you recall Lared tr'Movel from the time that he visited his mother in Sickbay when she was ill.  I hope she is doing well, back at your residence?"  Rayek looked to Lared momentarily.  Receiving a slight amused nod back.  Relieved Rayek continued "This is Lared's wife, Phara t'Movel.  She and I met numerous times while having my dress whites fitted for the wedding."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 17, 2020, 10:00:36 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 12 - Promenade >>> Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess had acknowledged Rayek's call that he would go and clean himself up first. She wasn't sure how much of the slime and glitter Rayek had caught in the end but looking down at herself, even she had some of the glitter on her uniform - and pretty likely in her hair too. Rayek, 'fighting' in the middle of it all, must have been quite a sight. She grinned to herself at the notion.

Since Amarande had left for a medical call Tess turned to Adryel and invited him to come to the Aboreturm lunch too if he wanted before she left to go just there. On her way she called OOC to see if there was anything that required her attention, but everything seemed to be quiet or already taken care of.

Tess arrived at the Arboretum with many others and she was impressed by the buffet Jada and her friends had set up. The delicious smell of food wafted past her nose. She couldn't wait to try some, the firepot caught most of her attention.

While she waited for Rayek Tess spotted Jada and the new Deltan officer. Strolling over, Tess joined both of them. "Hello Ensign Zex. Hi Jada. Your little show was quite impressive!" She smiled at her, but then it became a little sad. "I regret that you will leave us. Do you have plans where you will go now?" She recalled having talked with Jada about her family. Maybe this was an opportunity to visit and catch up with them.

"Oh, excuse me", she said when she heard Rayek's voice over the commbadge. "Rayek, I'm near the electric firepot. I'm with Jada and Ensign Zex", she said as she turned around, looking through the crowd to see if she saw her husband.

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

"Oh, hay Tess" Zex said turning to the medical officer.  "I was just saying the same thing" she added.  Then she turned her attention back to the woman of the hour to hear her response.

She heard Rayek call for Tess.  "It looks like Rayek found us.  And it looks like he brought some friends" she said to the medical officer.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Eydis would turn to gaze at zex � Yes the song I would like is from a Faun called walpurgisnacht. The file did not agree with out systems and soon I could not access it anymore� Eydis would give zex a nod as she excused herself and headed out. Eydis would turn to her guards and head back to the waiting Tholian Cruiser acrux.

[Cruiser Acrux] No idea of what had just happen in the Tholian embassy. She would head to her own personal Pod room on the cruiser. There she would let the two guards go and back to their stations.


[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Quote from: Zex on May 17, 2020, 08:40:07 AM

"Hi.  That was a lovely celebration.  I'm so happy that I was able to witness it" she said sincerely. "I know that I just met you.  I have known you the least amount of time in comparison to the others here.  But I wanted to say goodbye nonetheless" the Deltan continued. "You're such an interesting person.  You've had such a big impression on my the short time I've know you.  So, I wanted to wish you safety and happiness in whatever new adventures you take on" she added with a smile.

Pausing whilst ladling out spicy curry, Jada was of course rather surprised by all this. While she'd often sought for praise in her work and art, she rarely knew how to take it well, perhaps because of the unfamiliarity of it. She'd gotten too used to listening out for the "But..." Being called "reckless" and "aggressive" was one thing, but "interesting"? She felt embarrassed to have made an impression on someone without using her fist. And she felt a little regretful that she was seeming to finally start to relax and make friends only now that she was leaving, even if the decision to leave had been key to it. 'Oh, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and, ah, everything else. I guess you enjoyed Agnes Barre then?' she asked, wondering if Zex had begun reading the book already. That had to have been the biggest impression made.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 17, 2020, 10:00:36 AM

While she waited for Rayek Tess spotted Jada and the new Deltan officer. Strolling over, Tess joined both of them. "Hello Ensign Zex. Hi Jada. Your little show was quite impressive!" She smiled at her, but then it became a little sad. "I regret that you will leave us. Do you have plans where you will go now?" She recalled having talked with Jada about her family. Maybe this was an opportunity to visit and catch up with them.

Jada grinned for Tess; this praise was a bit easier to buy. 'Thanks!' But then she lost her smile, her mouth a tight line as she explained 'I'm going to Cait, first. I want to visit an old friend, who's checked into a psychiatric hospital... I really owe it to him to see him, talk with him again, and try to help him. We went through the same fight together. But for luck, I could've been there too, and some days maybe I should've been.' she admitted, with a crooked, self-deprecating half-smile.

With more good humour, she went on 'After that, I'm going back to Holcomb's Planet, to our new colony there, to see the rest of my family. It's been so long, since I've been home...' she trailed off, almost misty-eyed. Funny how that planet she'd barely known and had been so quick to leave and to overlook amidst her memories of her homeworld of Thirat now drew her most strongly. But it would be home for her now, she would make it one.

She clapped her hands. 'Now, what do you all want to eat?'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess listened to Jada's reply of where the future would take her. While it was sad that her friend was in a state to need to stay in such facility, it was good he did seek help. It might even be 'therapeutic' for Jada herself, helping others when you don't feel well yourself can help. She surely didn't hope for Jada to actually need such special treatment, but if so that was the right thing to do to move on.

The best thing she heard from her though was that she planned to visit her family. Tess gave Jada a big smile - she even wanted to reach out and express her joy about that in a physical way by squeezing her arm gently, but she knew Jada wasn't fond of that, so she refrained from it. "I hope you will be able to enjoy it, you surely deserve it", she said sincerely.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude", she said as she turned her head away from Jada and Zex to look over the corwd, "Rayek and I want to meet here and I keep looking out for him so we won't miss each other." Unfortunately she missed his raised hand and didn't notice that he was already there. Only when Zex pointed out that Rayek had found them, did she turn in the right direction and saw not only him approaching but he had Larend tr'Movel and what she assumed was his wife in tow.

She smiled at him and felt his hand brush hers which she did acknowledge with a gentle squeeze of his hand before her attention then was directed towards Lared and Phara. Tess smiled at the Romulan pair. "Of course I remember Mr. tr'Movel." She had a fond memory of the man. He really was nothing like his mother Karinne. "Jolan-tru." She inclined his head like she had seen Rayek doing it as she looked from Lared to Phara, his wife. "Iudaiht paeti hwiiy" (*Nice to meet you), Tess said a little hesitant and glanced briefly over to Rayek as she felt her cheeks coloring a little. Despite him teaching her Romulan in private, she was by no means used to using it in public. "I hope that made sense", she chuckled as she looked back to Phara. "Rayek had told me just good things about you. And you did an amazing job with his uniform for the wedding."

Tess then gestured towards the officers standing with them. "This is Ensign Zex. And Jada, who had organized the little show for us today." Tess was sure the s'Movels couldn't have missed it since their seamstress shop was on deck 12 where all the action had happened. "It was a kind of farewell party", she explained with a small smiled towards Jada, who was giving out some of the food she and her friends had been preparing and she recalled that Jada had asked what they wanted to eat.

Tess looked over the offered foods curiously. "I'm actually quite fascinated by that electric pot", she said as she looked over to where Ngachi was 'guarding' it. "Anything I should avoid?", she asked Jada with a little bit lowered voice, gesturing subtly to her little baby bump. She also had collected the knowledge at some point that some of the Orion spices had some drugging effect on people.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Kalem Michael

Quote from: Beja on May 14, 2020, 02:01:10 PM

USS Katra - Deck 18 - Arboretum

Beja's smile widened when Kalem agreed to the lunch. Mon sniffed at Kalem's hand and then raised his paw to shake hands as he had been taught to make proper introductions with others. The three of them made their way to Deck 18. One of her favorite places in all of Katra station was the Arboretum, the lush landscape and outdoors always put her at ease and solidify that feeling of home inside of her.

"I hope you don't mind, but I enjoy having lunch here when I can," Beja explained to Kalem on the turbolift up to Deck 18. "I find the Arboretum to be such a peaceful and serene place. And it's one of the best spots for a picnic."

Once they arrived she picked a spot off to the side, and placed the blanket down on the ground. Beja sat down, and Mon followed suit. She laid out the lunch spread of the human variety of picnic favorite foods - fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans, fruit salad, and some lemonade to drink.

"Help yourself, I hope there is something here you like. I found quite an enjoyment for the fried chicken when I was in the academy. There is no similar dish in Klingon culture, it's one of the rare meats I enjoy burnt to a crisp." Beja welcomed him to eat his fill, she had brought plenty to share.

Kalem sat down and began to eat the fried chicken. It was a dish that he had eaten many times before . He wasn't that hungry as he had eaten a little while before. However, he was polite in taking what was offered. After a few smaller peices he looked over to Beja.

"While this is beatiful and all. You said you wanted to talk a little."

Kalem had a feeling that he knew what it was about but he wanted her to voice it rather than him admit to it

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 16, 2020, 01:09:38 PM

[ Promenade --> Deck 11 - Tholian Embassy --> Deck 22 - Medbay | Katra Station ][/b]

"Let's get the worst of the sting out, shall we?" she murmured.

"You'll be alright," she murmured.

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade - EARLIER ] | [ Deck 22 - Medbay | Katra Station ]

He opened his eyes and was so relieved there was no pain, Rhade found that woman he had met with Adryel and smiled at her. Though when he tried to move the pain of recovery hit him, but mostly on his arms and hands. His face too hurt but not as much. Rhade growled.

There was a bit of a problem, he couldn�t recall what happened so he blinked a few times trying to remember. He heard the woman�s voice say that he�ll be alright, it was a soft voice so he trusted it and grinned. �What happened?� L�mar asked because he was still unable to recall.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Zex on May 17, 2020, 04:59:00 PM

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

She heard Rayek call for Tess.  "It looks like Rayek found us.  And it looks like he brought some friends" she said to the medical officer.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 18, 2020, 09:21:49 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude", she said as she turned her head away from Jada and Zex to look over the corwd, "Rayek and I want to meet here and I keep looking out for him so we won't miss each other." Unfortunately she missed his raised hand and didn't notice that he was already there. Only when Zex pointed out that Rayek had found them, did she turn in the right direction and saw not only him approaching but he had Larend tr'Movel and what she assumed was his wife in tow.

She smiled at him and felt his hand brush hers which she did acknowledge with a gentle squeeze of his hand before her attention then was directed towards Lared and Phara. Tess smiled at the Romulan pair. "Of course I remember Mr. tr'Movel." She had a fond memory of the man. He really was nothing like his mother Karinne. "Jolan-tru." She inclined his head like she had seen Rayek doing it as she looked from Lared to Phara, his wife. "Iudaiht paeti hwiiy" (*Nice to meet you), Tess said a little hesitant and glanced briefly over to Rayek as she felt her cheeks coloring a little. Despite him teaching her Romulan in private, she was by no means used to using it in public. "I hope that made sense", she chuckled as she looked back to Phara. "Rayek had told me just good things about you. And you did an amazing job with his uniform for the wedding."

Tess then gestured towards the officers standing with them. "This is Ensign Zex. And Jada, who had organized the little show for us today." Tess was sure the s'Movels couldn't have missed it since their seamstress shop was on deck 12 where all the action had happened. "It was a kind of farewell party", she explained with a small smiled towards Jada, who was giving out some of the food she and her friends had been preparing and she recalled that Jada had asked what they wanted to eat.

Tess looked over the offered foods curiously. "I'm actually quite fascinated by that electric pot", she said as she looked over to where Ngachi was 'guarding' it. "Anything I should avoid?", she asked Jada with a little bit lowered voice, gesturing subtly to her little baby bump. She also had collected the knowledge at some point that some of the Orion spices had some drugging effect on people.

Rayek's fingers closed around Tess' briefly as she squeezed his hand.  These stolen moments meant so much him.

Afterwards Tess greeted the s'Movel's and even introduced Zex and Jada, something which he'd forgotten.

Phara and her husband both offered bows to Tess, and then to Zex and Jada in turn.

"It is pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for organizing this, Miss Jada" Phara turned to smile at the Orion serving up food from the firepot. "It has been so amazing.  No such celebrations ever happened on Romulus.. the closest would be perhaps the Praetor's Parade Day."

Phara looked to her husband and then to Rayek briefly for agreement.  Lared nodded.  "Yes, that sounds about right.".

Rayek remained silent and instead turned his attention to Tess and her selection of food, noting her subtle gesture.  He smiled, happy to know that Tess was taking precautions.

"I'll have whatever you recommend for Tess, as well."  He discreetly checked his wrist chronometer.  He had 10 minutes before he needed to head back on shift.

While Jada ladled out the food, Rayek glanced over the area.  The walkways were crowded.  All benches and picnic tables were occupied and the green areas under the trees were filling up fast.

"Tess, why don't you find us some place to sit, I'll bring the food."  Then despite his preference for eating alone with his wife, he thought perhaps she would enjoy the company of others after he had to leave.  "Zex, Lared, Phara...would you care to join us?"

The Romulan couple shared a glance momentarily before Phara smile graciously.  "If you are certain, it would not be an imposition, I think we would enjoy that. Thank you Rayek." She glanced Tess for confirmation that she too wouldn't mind the added company.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Eydis on May 17, 2020, 09:59:31 PM

Eydis would turn to gaze at zex � Yes the song I would like is from a Faun called walpurgisnacht. The file did not agree with out systems and soon I could not access it anymore� Eydis would give zex a nod as she excused herself and headed out. Eydis would turn to her guards and head back to the waiting Tholian Cruiser acrux.

[Cruiser Acrux] No idea of what had just happen in the Tholian embassy. She would head to her own personal Pod room on the cruiser. There she would let the two guards go and back to their stations.

[Docking Saucer 3 - before the Orion Celebration]

"Walpurgisnacht" Zex repeated to make sure she had herd it right.  "OK.  I will work on incorporating it somehow" she promised.  "For now though, I must go.  So, goodbye for now" she said.  Then finally headed off.

Quote from: Jada on May 17, 2020, 11:48:14 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Pausing whilst ladling out spicy curry, Jada was of course rather surprised by all this. While she'd often sought for praise in her work and art, she rarely knew how to take it well, perhaps because of the unfamiliarity of it. She'd gotten too used to listening out for the "But..." Being called "reckless" and "aggressive" was one thing, but "interesting"? She felt embarrassed to have made an impression on someone without using her fist. And she felt a little regretful that she was seeming to finally start to relax and make friends only now that she was leaving, even if the decision to leave had been key to it. 'Oh, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and, ah, everything else. I guess you enjoyed Agnes Barre then?' she asked, wondering if Zex had begun reading the book already. That had to have been the biggest impression made.

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

"I did.  Thanks so much for introducing me to it.  I made my purchase and will start reading is soon" she said to Jada.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2020, 02:24:18 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Rayek's fingers closed around Tess' briefly as she squeezed his hand.  These stolen moments meant so much him.

Afterwards Tess greeted the s'Movel's and even introduced Zex and Jada, something which he'd forgotten.

Phara and her husband both offered bows to Tess, and then to Zex and Jada in turn.

"It is pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for organizing this, Miss Jada" Phara turned to smile at the Orion serving up food from the firepot. "It has been so amazing.  No such celebrations ever happened on Romulus.. the closest would be perhaps the Praetor's Parade Day."

Phara looked to her husband and then to Rayek briefly for agreement.  Lared nodded.  "Yes, that sounds about right.".

Rayek remained silent and instead turned his attention to Tess and her selection of food, noting her subtle gesture.  He smiled, happy to know that Tess was taking precautions.

"I'll have whatever you recommend for Tess, as well."  He discreetly checked his wrist chronometer.  He had 10 minutes before he needed to head back on shift.

While Jada ladled out the food, Rayek glanced over the area.  The walkways were crowded.  All benches and picnic tables were occupied and the green areas under the trees were filling up fast.

"Tess, why don't you find us some place to sit, I'll bring the food."  Then despite his preference for eating alone with his wife, he thought perhaps she would enjoy the company of others after he had to leave.  "Zex, Lared, Phara...would you care to join us?"

The Romulan couple shared a glance momentarily before Phara smile graciously.  "If you are certain, it would not be an imposition, I think we would enjoy that. Thank you Rayek." She glanced Tess for confirmation that she too wouldn't mind the added company.

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Zex shook hear head.   "I'm sorry.  I can't stay.  I still have a party to plan.  So I need to excuse myself" she said appologitically.

[standing outside the turbor later]

=/\=Zex to Beja.  I have few idea to discuss with you about the party.  Would you like to meet in person or discuss them by com badge?=/\= she asked after tapping her badge.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Arboretum, Deck 18]

While the s'Lhoells and the s'Movels met and caught up, Jada politely looked away and instead scanned the crowd, to get an idea of how many were coming to this shindig. More than she'd expected, less than she'd hoped. Enough food for all. She looked for ears; she saw a number of Romulans, maybe one or two Vulcans (the dancing, singing, Dragon Wing-Slug had probably been much too illogical for the rest). But it was one Vulcan in particular she was searching for, and not seeing. It had taken dancing through the station in a giant slug costume and calling him out in verse to get his attention, but maybe it was too much to hope he'd want to make amends now. Ah well. Fate was a cruel mistress, but Jada was moving on.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 18, 2020, 09:21:49 AM

Tess then gestured towards the officers standing with them. "This is Ensign Zex. And Jada, who had organized the little show for us today." Tess was sure the s'Movels couldn't have missed it since their seamstress shop was on deck 12 where all the action had happened. "It was a kind of farewell party", she explained with a small smiled towards Jada, who was giving out some of the food she and her friends had been preparing and she recalled that Jada had asked what they wanted to eat.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2020, 02:24:18 PM

"It is pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for organizing this, Miss Jada" Phara turned to smile at the Orion serving up food from the firepot. "It has been so amazing.  No such celebrations ever happened on Romulus.. the closest would be perhaps the Praetor's Parade Day."

Phara looked to her husband and then to Rayek briefly for agreement.  Lared nodded.  "Yes, that sounds about right.".

Turning back, Jada put on a grin and nodded as she was introduced. 'Hi. Thanks, but most of the organising was done by my cousin s'Metra over there.' She nodded to the slighter, younger Orion serving out salads and slugs. 'She just pushed me along for the ride. She was working on it for a whole year, long before I knew about it... The Dance of the Dragon Wing-Slug wasn't meant to be my going-away party. She wanted to help me settle in here, and to build a community on Katra. But things didn't work out like that.' she conceded, a touch regretful of her choice to leave.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 18, 2020, 09:21:49 AM

Tess looked over the offered foods curiously. "I'm actually quite fascinated by that electric pot", she said as she looked over to where Ngachi was 'guarding' it. "Anything I should avoid?", she asked Jada with a little bit lowered voice, gesturing subtly to her little baby bump. She also had collected the knowledge at some point that some of the Orion spices had some drugging effect on people.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2020, 02:24:18 PM

Rayek remained silent and instead turned his attention to Tess and her selection of food, noting her subtle gesture.  He smiled, happy to know that Tess was taking precautions. "I'll have whatever you recommend for Tess, as well."  He discreetly checked his wrist chronometer.  He had 10 minutes before he needed to head back on shift.

The firepot was an hourglass-shaped cross between a cauldron and a barbecue, looking more antique than it ought to with the electric heating elements. A selection of foods cooked over hot stones inside, and heat and smoke rose up from it. 's'Metra made sure everything was within Federation standard dietary guidelines, and we sterilised the wing-slugs, ran them through a transporter bio-filter, washed them twice and cooked them the traditional way, so they're safe from parasites and bacteria, but you might want to avoid the live ones... Hmm, how about a Sark Region curry? It's not too hot and spicy, so it doesn't overpower the wing-slugs and vegetables.' She passed two bowls to Ngachi, who ladled the curry in and passed them back. Jada put in spoons and topped it with a green leafy garnish and passed them. 'Here you go!'

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2020, 02:24:18 PM

"Tess, why don't you find us some place to sit, I'll bring the food."  Then despite his preference for eating alone with his wife, he thought perhaps she would enjoy the company of others after he had to leave.  "Zex, Lared, Phara...would you care to join us?"

Quote from: Zex on May 18, 2020, 06:21:13 PM

Zex shook hear head.   "I'm sorry.  I can't stay.  I still have a party to plan.  So I need to excuse myself" she said appologitically.

Jada looked confused. 'There's a party now. The diplomats aren't coming?'
Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on May 18, 2020, 09:55:15 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade - EARLIER ] | [ Deck 22 - Medbay | Katra Station ]

He opened his eyes and was so relieved there was no pain, Rhade found that woman he had met with Adryel and smiled at her. Though when he tried to move the pain of recovery hit him, but mostly on his arms and hands. His face too hurt but not as much. Rhade growled.

There was a bit of a problem, he couldn�t recall what happened so he blinked a few times trying to remember. He heard the woman�s voice say that he�ll be alright, it was a soft voice so he trusted it and grinned. �What happened?� L�mar asked because he was still unable to recall.

[Dr Amarande Xiiv | [ Deck 22 - Medbay | Katra Station ]

"You had a hot date with a micro plasma leak," she replied quietly. "But you got lucky. I've got treatments going on for the burns and with luck, minimal to no scarring. Try not to move around too much. If the pain is bothering you I can pull the dosage up a little for you."

Her voice was soft, gently concerned. She'd almost immediately liked the junior grade lieutenant but it was rare that she had someone she disliked. He'd done well, though, as she'd treated and worked to make the Caitian/Human comfortable. Now, she leaned in to check the healing progress as he growled.

"Scars are rare these days, unless you want some rakish battle scarring," she half-hummed, not touching anything save to reapply drying patches. Honestly, she could have left it to the nurses but she was having one of those stubborn moments and knew she'd feel better after he was all patched up.

"Oh, yes. They're looking very good now. In a few hours we can start on a dermal regenerator to repair them completely."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Tess tLhoell

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2020, 02:24:18 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Rayek's fingers closed around Tess' briefly as she squeezed his hand.  These stolen moments meant so much him.

Afterwards Tess greeted the s'Movel's and even introduced Zex and Jada, something which he'd forgotten.

Phara and her husband both offered bows to Tess, and then to Zex and Jada in turn.

"It is pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for organizing this, Miss Jada" Phara turned to smile at the Orion serving up food from the firepot. "It has been so amazing.  No such celebrations ever happened on Romulus.. the closest would be perhaps the Praetor's Parade Day."

Phara looked to her husband and then to Rayek briefly for agreement.  Lared nodded.  "Yes, that sounds about right.".

Rayek remained silent and instead turned his attention to Tess and her selection of food, noting her subtle gesture.  He smiled, happy to know that Tess was taking precautions.

"I'll have whatever you recommend for Tess, as well."  He discreetly checked his wrist chronometer.  He had 10 minutes before he needed to head back on shift.

While Jada ladled out the food, Rayek glanced over the area.  The walkways were crowded.  All benches and picnic tables were occupied and the green areas under the trees were filling up fast.

"Tess, why don't you find us some place to sit, I'll bring the food."  Then despite his preference for eating alone with his wife, he thought perhaps she would enjoy the company of others after he had to leave.  "Zex, Lared, Phara...would you care to join us?"

The Romulan couple shared a glance momentarily before Phara smile graciously.  "If you are certain, it would not be an imposition, I think we would enjoy that. Thank you Rayek." She glanced Tess for confirmation that she too wouldn't mind the added company.

Quote from: Jada on May 18, 2020, 10:59:43 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

While the s'Lhoells and the s'Movels met and caught up, Jada politely looked away and instead scanned the crowd, to get an idea of how many were coming to this shindig. More than she'd expected, less than she'd hoped. Enough food for all. She looked for ears; she saw a number of Romulans, maybe one or two Vulcans (the dancing, singing, Dragon Wing-Slug had probably been much too illogical for the rest). But it was one Vulcan in particular she was searching for, and not seeing. It had taken dancing through the station in a giant slug costume and calling him out in verse to get his attention, but maybe it was too much to hope he'd want to make amends now. Ah well. Fate was a cruel mistress, but Jada was moving on.

Turning back, Jada put on a grin and nodded as she was introduced. 'Hi. Thanks, but most of the organising was done by my cousin s'Metra over there.' She nodded to the slighter, younger Orion serving out salads and slugs. 'She just pushed me along for the ride. She was working on it for a whole year, long before I knew about it... The Dance of the Dragon Wing-Slug wasn't meant to be my going-away party. She wanted to help me settle in here, and to build a community on Katra. But things didn't work out like that.' she conceded, a touch regretful of her choice to leave.
The firepot was an hourglass-shaped cross between a cauldron and a barbecue, looking more antique than it ought to with the electric heating elements. A selection of foods cooked over hot stones inside, and heat and smoke rose up from it. 's'Metra made sure everything was within Federation standard dietary guidelines, and we sterilised the wing-slugs, ran them through a transporter bio-filter, washed them twice and cooked them the traditional way, so they're safe from parasites and bacteria, but you might want to avoid the live ones... Hmm, how about a Sark Region curry? It's not too hot and spicy, so it doesn't overpower the wing-slugs and vegetables.' She passed two bowls to Ngachi, who ladled the curry in and passed them back. Jada put in spoons and topped it with a green leafy garnish and passed them. 'Here you go!'

Jada looked confused. 'There's a party now. The diplomats aren't coming?'

Tess listened as Jada explained that the wing-slugs were safe to eat for her. "Actually, ever since our talk a few months back I'm quite curious about trying them", Tess grinned and happily accepted the curry. It really smelled delicious. "Thank you."

Rayek then suggested for him to bring the food after he invited Lared and Phara s'Movel to join them for lunch - which Tess loved. "Okay, thank you, cic- ... Ensign tr'Lhoell." This setting here was so casual that she almost forgot that it was still better to stick to protocol. "See you in a bit", she smiled at him before she headed off with the Romulan pair.

Tess wasn't the shortest, but she was also far from being tall, which made it quite difficult for her to gain an overview over the place. "Mr. tr'Movel, it looked like there was some more space in the far left corner."

At the hint Lared looked in that direction. "Yes, there is enough space for us", he said.
Making their way through the increasing crowd of visitors they reached the spot.  =/\= "Ensign tr'Lhoell, we are at the far left corner, near the palm trees." =/\=

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Zex on May 18, 2020, 06:21:13 PM

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Zex shook hear head.   "I'm sorry.  I can't stay.  I still have a party to plan.  So I need to excuse myself" she said apologetically.

Quote from: Jada on May 18, 2020, 10:59:43 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

While the s'Lhoells and the s'Movels met and caught up, Jada politely looked away and instead scanned the crowd, to get an idea of how many were coming to this shindig. More than she'd expected, less than she'd hoped. Enough food for all. She looked for ears; she saw a number of Romulans, maybe one or two Vulcans (the dancing, singing, Dragon Wing-Slug had probably been much too illogical for the rest). But it was one Vulcan in particular she was searching for, and not seeing. It had taken dancing through the station in a giant slug costume and calling him out in verse to get his attention, but maybe it was too much to hope he'd want to make amends now. Ah well. Fate was a cruel mistress, but Jada was moving on.

Turning back, Jada put on a grin and nodded as she was introduced. 'Hi. Thanks, but most of the organising was done by my cousin s'Metra over there.' She nodded to the slighter, younger Orion serving out salads and slugs. 'She just pushed me along for the ride. She was working on it for a whole year, long before I knew about it... The Dance of the Dragon Wing-Slug wasn't meant to be my going-away party. She wanted to help me settle in here, and to build a community on Katra. But things didn't work out like that.' she conceded, a touch regretful of her choice to leave.
The firepot was an hourglass-shaped cross between a cauldron and a barbecue, looking more antique than it ought to with the electric heating elements. A selection of foods cooked over hot stones inside, and heat and smoke rose up from it. 's'Metra made sure everything was within Federation standard dietary guidelines, and we sterilised the wing-slugs, ran them through a transporter bio-filter, washed them twice and cooked them the traditional way, so they're safe from parasites and bacteria, but you might want to avoid the live ones... Hmm, how about a Sark Region curry? It's not too hot and spicy, so it doesn't overpower the wing-slugs and vegetables.' She passed two bowls to Ngachi, who ladled the curry in and passed them back. Jada put in spoons and topped it with a green leafy garnish and passed them. 'Here you go!'

Jada looked confused. 'There's a party now. The diplomats aren't coming?'

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 19, 2020, 10:54:59 AM

Tess listened as Jada explained that the wing-slugs were safe to eat for her. "Actually, ever since our talk a few months back I'm quite curious about trying them", Tess grinned and happily accepted the curry. It really smelled delicious. "Thank you."

Rayek then suggested for him to bring the food after he invited Lared and Phara s'Movel to join them for lunch - which Tess loved. "Okay, thank you, cic- ... Ensign tr'Lhoell." This setting here was so casual that she almost forgot that it was still better to stick to protocol. "See you in a bit", she smiled at him before she headed off with the Romulan pair.

Tess wasn't the shortest, but she was also far from being tall, which made it quite difficult for her to gain an overview over the place. "Mr. tr'Movel, it looked like there was some more space in the far left corner."

At the hint Lared looked in that direction. "Yes, there is enough space for us", he said.
Making their way through the increasing crowd of visitors they reached the spot.  =/\= "Ensign tr'Lhoell, we are at the far left corner, near the palm trees." =/\=

Rayek watched Jada greeting the s'Movels.  She'd seemed distracted looking out over the crowd a moment but that didn't lessen her acceptance of the Romulan couples compliments, though he noted that she did deflect the praise to s'Metra.

Rayek was surprised to learn that the festival had been a year in the making.  But that did pretty much match with s'Metra's announcement of 'something' to Solluk.  Time passed so strangely.  At times it felt like Jada had only just arrived on the station with a larger than life personality and with antics to match.  Runabout surfing... infiltration... and other deeds best not recalled.

Rayek realized, as he heard Phara answering back a pleasantry about having to thank the other Orion as well, that he was going to miss Jada when she did leave.  For a while she'd become somewhat of a role-model for him in learning a new method of leadership that was less about commands and more about teamwork.  He had only begun to make steps towards it during the Devil's Vortex mission.. but had forgotten it all when it came to protecting Tess.

Rayek, of course, caught Tess' slip with the endearment and smiled.  He stepped forward and grabbed a tray to carry the bowls.  At Jada's description of the curry, the s'Movels also asked for that as well and Rayek urged them to go with Tess.  He collected all four helpings on his tray.

When Zex declined his offer, Rayek understood somewhat.  Despite Jada's announcement that there was already a party... it was not the same thing as a diplomatic function.  A wing-slug BBQ versus formal dinner.  Rayek was grateful he was able to participate in the former, though it would have been his job to attend the latter had he not...

He sighed.  He wished he could just move on, but it was proving more difficult than he'd anticipated.

Rayek didn't know if he'd have opportunity to say a more private goodbye with the Orion, since he didn't know her plans, so he made sure to meet gazes with her now.   "Thank you, Jada.  For everything that you helped with.  If I don't see you before you leave.  I wish you best."  He offered a slight bow overtop of the tray of curry bowls.

That said Rayek moved off and scanned over the crowd where he last saw Tess, wishing he'd paid closer attention to where she had gone.  But even as the thought presented itself, the comm in his ear beeped and Tess' voice was heard directing him where to go.   With his hands full,  Rayek tapped the back of his ear with his shoulder - he really needed to discuss with someone a more hands-off means of answering that wasn't so obvious or odd looking.  =/\= "Thank you... Commander.  On my way." =/\=

Within in moments he spotted them sitting under the palm trees and he approached offering out the tray first to Phara and Lared, as their guests and then to Tess.   He set the tray aside after Tess took her bowl and then sat himself beside her yet facing the s'Movel's who were taking their first tentative taste of the wing-slug curry.

Phara's reaction was to smile. "Oh that is good.  I'll have to see if I can get the replicator recipe from .... Jada.. did you say her name was?"

Rayek glanced to his watch, before answering.  "Yes, Jada... or you could ask s'Metra... the other that she pointed out. Both I'm sure would be happy to share."  He took a spoonful himself.   The curry mixture was a Jada described a nice blend of mild spices.  He smiled.  He took should grab the recipe, if Tess enjoyed.. it could be something he made at home.

Despite not having a whole a lot of time left to eat, Rayek paused his own meal to check with Tess and Lared.  "What do you think of it?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


[standing outside the Arboretum]

After talking with Beja, Zex had a solid plan as to where to have the diplomatic gathering.  For her, the 'where' was the most important element of this gathering because it had to integrate all of the embassies requests.  A herculean feat to be sure, especially since the Tholian delegate had requested music from early Earth German composer.

Zex still had a lot of work to do.  Most of it would be meeting several people and even calling in one of her favors.  So she headed to the location of the celebration to start crossing off tasks on her to do list.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 19, 2020, 10:54:59 AM

Tess listened as Jada explained that the wing-slugs were safe to eat for her. "Actually, ever since our talk a few months back I'm quite curious about trying them", Tess grinned and happily accepted the curry. It really smelled delicious. "Thank you."

Jada chuckled. 'Careful, they can be an acquired taste.' she joked before waving her off.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 19, 2020, 04:53:44 PM

Rayek didn't know if he'd have opportunity to say a more private goodbye with the Orion, since he didn't know her plans, so he made sure to meet gazes with her now.   "Thank you, Jada.  For everything that you helped with.  If I don't see you before you leave.  I wish you best."  He offered a slight bow overtop of the tray of curry bowls.

'Thanks, Commander.' Jada returned with a smile, purposefully forgetting his new and ignominious rank. 'And... I thank you too, sir. You were open to working with me, taking the time, and learning my way, with me, and with everyone, and I appreciate that... And about the Atrosians � for what it's worth, I would've done the same thing. And I did, in a way. Just maybe not for the same reasons.' she added with a tight smile and a slight nod toward where Tess had walked off. 'I like to have two good reasons for doing anything.' she ended and let him go.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 19, 2020, 04:53:44 PM

Within in moments he spotted them sitting under the palm trees and he approached offering out the tray first to Phara and Lared, as their guests and then to Tess.   He set the tray aside after Tess took her bowl and then sat himself beside her yet facing the s'Movel's who were taking their first tentative taste of the wing-slug curry.

Phara's reaction was to smile. "Oh that is good.  I'll have to see if I can get the replicator recipe from .... Jada.. did you say her name was?"

Rayek glanced to his watch, before answering.  "Yes, Jada... or you could ask s'Metra... the other that she pointed out. Both I'm sure would be happy to share."  He took a spoonful himself.   The curry mixture was a Jada described a nice blend of mild spices.  He smiled.  He took should grab the recipe, if Tess enjoyed.. it could be something he made at home.

Despite not having a whole a lot of time left to eat, Rayek paused his own meal to check with Tess and Lared.  "What do you think of it?"

The wing-slug was, as Jada warned, an acquired taste. Live and raw, they would've been utterly revolting, and were reputed to be one of the most disgusting things in the galaxy. But cleaned, cooked, and flavoured/disguised with strong spices, they merely tasted strange, a dark and complex buggy meaty flavour with a subtle bitterness and heat from the residual caustic slime, with rubbery texture eased by their small size. It was like a cross between a shellfish and an olive, so Tess could tell why Jada would've liked it with Alpha and Omega's Greek seafood. It was a love-it-or-hate-it dish, something someone could enjoy instantly, or grow fond of with familiarity, or else despise forever from first bite. Maybe it was a good choice of national dish for the Orions, the kind that would either appeal or annoy outsiders and amuse the Orions themselves.
Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

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