S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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[Docking Saucer 3]

Zex's padd rang.  She had only sent one text so far.  So, she expected the ding to indicate that Beja had replied to her.

The Deltan had hoped that Beja would approve her idea to host the event on the promenade.  She knew that it was a bit of a risky move.  But it was the Deltan's first event and she wanted it to something special.

So, Zex immediately clicked on the email and read it over.  Her shoulders slumped a bit, disappointed that her top choice didn't get her boss' approval.  But Beja had made some valid point.

"Thanks for the feedback.  I will make it happen.  Zex" she wrote back before sending the email back.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Docking Saucer 3] Eydis would arrive just when shi said shi would. Four other tholians in tow with hir. Two guiding a large cylindrical chest hovering between them.  The tholians were all armed with ceremonial but still very much usuable crystalline halberds.

� ahh zex of deltan� Eydis translator would hum seconds after he shi made a series of clicks. �I would like to present a offer on behalf of myself and the assembly. To greater understanding of both the federation and the assembly. � Giving the deltan a bow of her head and stepping aside as the chest of tholian silks is presented. All in its raw unrefined state wrapped in neat little square packs large enough to produce many different types of clothing with. The silk itself look like it was spun out crystal clear water. It was so fine of a material and so lightweight yet incredibly strong.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 21, 2020, 10:08:55 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

When Tess asked about having tried viinerine before Rayek took a moment to recall back to their holodeck honeymoon to Romulus, then shook his head.  "No. While viinerine is a common staple, it is exact that - common. Much like 'French Fries' on Earth.  So common that it isn't appropriate to serve for a special occasion - like a honeymoon.  My mother made sure to welcome you with more exotic dishes like the Jumbo Molluscs."

Rayek noted Lared giving his wife a perplexed look.  No doubt questioning how Rayek's mother had done any such thing when Rayek had mentioned to Phara that his family had all died.

He turned to the s'Movels to explain a bit awkwardly, unsure how they might view his recreating something they had lost as well.  "I created a holodeck program of Romulus... Ki Baratan..  where my parents lived... so to be able to show Tess where I grew up, and so that she could in essence meet my family."   Of course he had edited certain biases out of the program but he felt that it was a close representation of what it might have been like.

Rayek glanced between Tess and s'Movels while they took in that information.  It was Phara who spoke first, offering him a smile as she did.  "Rayek, that is so thoughtful of you.  What a lovely idea."  She turned to Tess.  "I hope you enjoyed your time there.  Ki Baratan is the Capital you know.  I only got to visit there once, as a child to see the Hall of Senate on a school trip.  It was very inspiring."

A little later when the talk turned to Karinne, Rayek nodded at Lared's answer, though he gave a slight frown to Tess when she offered to remain as the sour woman's doctor.  He wanted to ask if Tess were certain but felt that really wasn't his place.

A chime on his chronometer alerted him that his meal break was just about up.  He looked to Tess apologetically as stood up.  "I need to get back to work, e'lev."  By this point Rayek, didn't think the s'Movels would be offended that he wasn't fully professional in his addressing of his superior officer.  A kiss goodbye however might be a bit much, tempting though it was.

"Message me if believe you will be late, otherwise I will see about having viinerine ready for dinner when you are off-shift." then in a quieter voice he added "I-jol au."

He turned then to the s'Movels and offered the couple a slight bow.  "I apologize for having to leave so abruptly.  It was good to spend time together.  I enjoyed it.  Jolan'tru"

Phara, who had been stifling her smile throughout Rayek's goodbye to Tess, smiled warmly at him.  "Thank you, Rayek, we too had an enjoyable time. Jolan'tru."

She watched as he left a moment then turned to Tess, "And thank you Commander... or may I call you Tess?  I feel I know you so well already just from how much Rayek spoke of you during his fittings.  Actually...  you obviously have dinner plans tonight but perhaps sometime this week or next you and Rayek might consider joining us at our residence for a family meal?  I have the sense that Rayek is really good with kids and would love for you both to meet our children."

"Oh yes, I loved the Jumbo Molluscs", Tess exclaimed. Now she was very curious about the viinerine. She smiled and continued eating her wing-slug curry while Rayek told the s'Movels about their holodeck honeymoon.

"Ki Baratan was very impressive", Tess agreed. "If you want, I'm sure Rayek won't mind to program a holodeck for you to go there whenever you want. I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I've got us Romulan outfits from one of the market in Ki Baratan. I have to show you some time."

Tess had finished her meal and was leaning comfortably against Rayek when he announced that he had to go. She looked sadly at him, but understood of course that he had to return to duty. She herself should probably head back to the OCC too soon, but wanted to allow herself a couple of more minutes in the pleasant company of the s'Movels and hopefully she'd have the chance to say proper goodbyes to Jada.

When he told her he'd see about having viinerine ready when she came home made her smile. "I'll let you know. Thank you, ciccino." She missed a kissed from him, but it would have to do without it this time. "See you later", she smiled at him and watched as he left.

Turning her attention back to Phara, Tess nodded with a friendly grin. "Of course, please call me Tess. And we'd love to come for dinner!" She paused as she stopped herself from saying something that was on the tip of her tongue already. She had met the s'Movel childred already - but there had been an injury involved she wasn't supposed to mention to their parants. "I will have to check my schedule and also with Rayek when we have time. I will definitely get back to you on that."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Eydis on May 23, 2020, 11:22:34 AM

[Docking Saucer 3] Eydis would arrive just when shi said shi would. Four other tholians in tow with hir. Two guiding a large cylindrical chest hovering between them.  The tholians were all armed with ceremonial but still very much usuable crystalline halberds.

� ahh zex of deltan� Eydis translator would hum seconds after he shi made a series of clicks. �I would like to present a offer on behalf of myself and the assembly. To greater understanding of both the federation and the assembly. � Giving the deltan a bow of her head and stepping aside as the chest of tholian silks is presented. All in its raw unrefined state wrapped in neat little square packs large enough to produce many different types of clothing with. The silk itself look like it was spun out crystal clear water. It was so fine of a material and so lightweight yet incredibly strong.

[Docking Saucer 3]

"Eydis of Tholia.  It is a pleasure to see you again" Zex replied sincerely.  "Thank you so very much for the gift.  I've heard that Tholian silk is perhaps the best in all of the galaxy.  I humbly accept it on behalf of the federation" she said with a slight dip of her head in return.

"I wanted to meet with you in person to invite you to the diplomatic summit.  It will be tomorrow around 1800 hours.  I will send the location to you by text" she said.

"Also, while I'm here, I wanted to remind you that we have accommodations on station for you and your crew.  It is environmentally controlled to your specifications.  It also offers you all of the accommodations you might need for relaxation as well to hold meetings in" Zex added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum](prior to heading off to work)
and Phara t'Movel

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 23, 2020, 11:53:37 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

"Oh yes, I loved the Jumbo Molluscs", Tess exclaimed. Now she was very curious about the viinerine. She smiled and continued eating her wing-slug curry while Rayek told the s'Movels about their holodeck honeymoon.

"Ki Baratan was very impressive", Tess agreed. "If you want, I'm sure Rayek won't mind to program a holodeck for you to go there whenever you want. I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I've got us Romulan outfits from one of the market in Ki Baratan. I have to show you some time."

Tess had finished her meal and was leaning comfortably against Rayek when he announced that he had to go. She looked sadly at him, but understood of course that he had to return to duty. She herself should probably head back to the OCC too soon, but wanted to allow herself a couple of more minutes in the pleasant company of the s'Movels and hopefully she'd have the chance to say proper goodbyes to Jada.

When he told her he'd see about having viinerine ready when she came home made her smile. "I'll let you know. Thank you, ciccino." She missed a kissed from him, but it would have to do without it this time. "See you later", she smiled at him and watched as he left.

Turning her attention back to Phara, Tess nodded with a friendly grin. "Of course, please call me Tess. And we'd love to come for dinner!" She paused as she stopped herself from saying something that was on the tip of her tongue already. She had met the s'Movel children already - but there had been an injury involved she wasn't supposed to mention to their parents. "I will have to check my schedule and also with Rayek when we have time. I will definitely get back to you on that."

While Rayek was hurrying to finish up his meal before having to go, he overheard Tess' comment to the s'Movel's that he would be willing to help set up the holodeck for them with the Romulus setting.   Rayek didn't want to feel the tug of possessiveness, but it was there.  The program had been meant for Tess and he alone.  But he supposed he could copy the basic outline and make enough changes that it would technically be a different program.  He'd also wipe his family from the system.  Though it seemed ridiculous to worry about protecting the identity of his family now after their deaths, some things were just ingrained.

He nodded.  "Of course, I can do that."

Phara smiled gratefully at Tess for the offer and then to Rayek for being willing."Thank you, that would be so wonderful."

When Rayek said his goodbyes, Phara had expected Tess to make similar apologies to leave as well but was pleasantly surprised that the Commander stayed for a while longer.  Hearing that Tess was willing to arrange for dinner at their place, the Romulan woman clapped her hands together in delight.  "Excellent! We'll look forward to that."

She looked over to her husband smiling somewhat apologetically knowing that getting his mother to either behave or keep out of way that day would be up to him.  But she knew she could rely on Lared to see to it.  Since Karinne's illness, her mother-in-law hadn't been half as spiteful or difficult as before.

Curious to learn more about the Commander, Phara turned to Tess.  "I hope you'll forgive me if I am too nosy, but I'm curious.  When Rayek was talking about the wedding plans he mentioned that you were meshing not just two but three cultures: Romulan,  Ba'ku and Italian.  I understand you are Ba'ku, yes?...So where does the Italian stem from?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Seeing that they'd finished their meals, Jada came over to where the s'Lhoells and s'Movels sat beneath the palm tree. 'Hi there! I'm not interrupting, am I?' she announced before she was in earshot, knowing Romulans were cagey about their secrets. It was something that Orions could well understand. After all, the Romulans wouldn't even tell them just whose warbirds had obliterated the Orion Colonies on Farx and a dozen other worlds a few centuries back. It was just one of those things that happened. 'I was wondering if you had room for dessert?' She bore a platter of dead wing-slugs on toothpicks in a spicy-sweet honey sauce and jelly cubes with wing-slugs trapped inside. She also had two jars, in which live wing-slugs buzzed about lazily. The jars had a section in the middle that could be opened or closed from the outside, to let a few slugs into the upper section. This way, the number of slugs released when the upper lid was removed could be controlled.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on May 22, 2020, 02:37:52 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade blinked. �You haven�t been to the Gamma beforre?� L�mar asked a little shocked, though he may not have noticed if any Starfleet ships were coming and going. He had to assume there were many pitstopping at Katra Station before heading off into the unknown.

�A worrd of warrning,� L�mar said then blinked again, �okay a few worrds of warrning.� He smirked and showed one fang but went serious. �Be carreful what you wish forr.� He imagined that there were ghostly sounds around them then realised he actually made them himself and started laughing.

[ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ][/b]

"A first time for anything, I suppose. Most of my previous hosts stayed around Vulcan colonies, occasionally near the Neutral Zone, or back on Trill. I'm the seventh host for Xiiv," she said and then started laughing with him at the sounds. "Oh no~ - I hope that means we're not on some Gamma Quadrant snack menu."

"The Wadi seem to be on that list of being careful, though." She'd heard stories, many of them, and not many were very favourable.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 24, 2020, 01:54:58 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum](prior to heading off to work)
and Phara t'Movel

While Rayek was hurrying to finish up his meal before having to go, he overheard Tess' comment to the s'Movel's that he would be willing to help set up the holodeck for them with the Romulus setting.   Rayek didn't want to feel the tug of possessiveness, but it was there.  The program had been meant for Tess and he alone.  But he supposed he could copy the basic outline and make enough changes that it would technically be a different program.  He'd also wipe his family from the system.  Though it seemed ridiculous to worry about protecting the identity of his family now after their deaths, some things were just ingrained.

He nodded.  "Of course, I can do that."

Phara smiled gratefully at Tess for the offer and then to Rayek for being willing."Thank you, that would be so wonderful."

When Rayek said his goodbyes, Phara had expected Tess to make similar apologies to leave as well but was pleasantly surprised that the Commander stayed for a while longer.  Hearing that Tess was willing to arrange for dinner at their place, the Romulan woman clapped her hands together in delight.  "Excellent! We'll look forward to that."

She looked over to her husband smiling somewhat apologetically knowing that getting his mother to either behave or keep out of way that day would be up to him.  But she knew she could rely on Lared to see to it.  Since Karinne's illness, her mother-in-law hadn't been half as spiteful or difficult as before.

Curious to learn more about the Commander, Phara turned to Tess.  "I hope you'll forgive me if I am too nosy, but I'm curious.  When Rayek was talking about the wedding plans he mentioned that you were meshing not just two but three cultures: Romulan,  Ba'ku and Italian.  I understand you are Ba'ku, yes?...So where does the Italian stem from?"

Tess had seen the slightest hint of disapproval on Rayek's face when Tess had suggested to provide for the s'Movels to use the holodeck program. It had been there only for a split second but Tess had seen it. She would need to explain to him later that she was thinking of a 'copy' of the program, that's why she said he might program one for them - so they wouldn't visit the exact same program Rayek had made for them. She too felt a little possessive of it, even if Rayek might not believe it.

After he was gone Tess turned her attention back to Phara and Lared and the Romulan woman's question. She smiled at her. "I don't mind sharing some information", Tess assured before she then went on to reply. "Yes, I'm Ba'ku. I was born and grew up there. However, my adoptive father is Lt. Fabiano Moreno. He happened to live on Ba'ku for research and around the time my father died, he had become a close friend of our family and he adopted me and my younger brother, Ben. My oldest brother- my two older brothers stayed on Ba'ku." She still had to get used to that she had three brothers now.

"When I was 12, we moved to Earth and lived in my father's home country in Italy on Earth. So I picked up some Ba'ku culture and Italian culture as well."

Quote from: Jada on May 24, 2020, 04:29:25 AM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Seeing that they'd finished their meals, Jada came over to where the s'Lhoells and s'Movels sat beneath the palm tree. 'Hi there! I'm not interrupting, am I?' she announced before she was in earshot, knowing Romulans were cagey about their secrets. It was something that Orions could well understand. After all, the Romulans wouldn't even tell them just whose warbirds had obliterated the Orion Colonies on Farx and a dozen other worlds a few centuries back. It was just one of those things that happened. 'I was wondering if you had room for dessert?' She bore a platter of dead wing-slugs on toothpicks in a spicy-sweet honey sauce and jelly cubes with wing-slugs trapped inside. She also had two jars, in which live wing-slugs buzzed about lazily. The jars had a section in the middle that could be opened or closed from the outside, to let a few slugs into the upper section. This way, the number of slugs released when the upper lid was removed could be controlled.

When Tess heard Jada's voice behind her she turned her head to look back over her shoulder with a smile. "Jada! So nice you're joining us!" Tess patted a spot beside her in offering for Jada to sit there. "Rayek just left", she said with a little hint of regret in her voice. But her attention soon was on the desserts she had brought with her. Apparently, wing-slugs were very versatile things culinary-wise.

"Oh, what did you bring for us?", Tess asked curiously as she looked over the variety of desserts. The sight of the unmoving wing-slugs without the 'concealing' curry sauce was something to getting used to, the live wing-slugs in the jar reminded Tess too much of gagh. Yes, she told herself to at least try everything before making a decision, but because of her pregnancy, she should stay away from eating living slugs.

So Tess looked with interest to the slugs in sweet honey sauce and trapped inside the jelly cubes. She recalled that Jada had warned her not to eat them when they weren't cooked, so Tess felt she should make sure about that. "Are they raw or can I try some?", she asked Jada with a smile, gesturing to the dead slugs.

Lared, the Romulan civilian who had not liked the wing-slug curry, looked at the offered desserts with slight trepidation. He wasn't very keen on rejection a proud Orion's food.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Jada sat and laid her platter on the grass in front of everyone. 'You can, these ones have been boiled, so they're safe for you... Now, these ones are dipped in a xiqai-spiced honey, and for these ones we tried jumja sap for something different. It's an experiment in Bajoran�Orion fusion, so please tell us, or at least s'Metra, if it worked or not.' she explained as she pointed out the slugs coated in thick orange and reddish-pink syrups. 'And these ones are in a fruit jelly. All the slugs have been fed on sugars and fruits, so they're much sweeter. Should be like a dark chocolate.'

Then she indicated to the jars, announcing with a trouble-making grin 'And these fellas are for the Wing-Slug Challenge!' Adjusting one jar, she opened the internal airlock until one wing-slug ventured into the uppermost section, then closed the lock behind it. Then Jada opened the lid and let it out, giving them all a good look at a live wing-slug at last. It was a gastropod some five centimetres long with a brownish-green body, tiny mouth tentacles and eyestalks at the front. It was glistening with mucus and sauce. Four membranous wings emerged from its back that fluttered and buzzed, carrying it bobbing and writhing through the air. Jada watched it go for a few moments, seeming almost like a snake tracking its prey. Then she darted forward, opened her mouth, and gulped it up, chewed, and swallowed. 'There! The trick is in catching them without getting them on your face. Lots of mucky fun for children of all ages. Or, for the grown-ups, swallowing a big bull wing-slug whole.' she added with a sly grin. 'We've got extra-sweet honey, and plasma-fire red-alert hot spiced.' she indicated the two jars.

'Now, who would like a slug?' Jada asked with a big smile. At last, she was enjoying herself today, and nothing was going to stop it.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Rayek trLhoell


NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 24, 2020, 10:41:14 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess had seen the slightest hint of disapproval on Rayek's face when Tess had suggested to provide for the s'Movels to use the holodeck program. It had been there only for a split second but Tess had seen it. She would need to explain to him later that she was thinking of a 'copy' of the program, that's why she said he might program one for them - so they wouldn't visit the exact same program Rayek had made for them. She too felt a little possessive of it, even if Rayek might not believe it.

After he was gone Tess turned her attention back to Phara and Lared and the Romulan woman's question. She smiled at her. "I don't mind sharing some information", Tess assured before she then went on to reply. "Yes, I'm Ba'ku. I was born and grew up there. However, my adoptive father is Lt. Fabiano Moreno. He happened to live on Ba'ku for research and around the time my father died, he had become a close friend of our family and he adopted me and my younger brother, Ben. My oldest brother- my two older brothers stayed on Ba'ku." She still had to get used to that she had three brothers now.

"When I was 12, we moved to Earth and lived in my father's home country in Italy on Earth. So I picked up some Ba'ku culture and Italian culture as well."

Phara nodded at Tess' explanation of being adopted and having moved when she was still yet young.  "Ah I see. So what Italian traditions did you use in the wedding?" she asked before remarking, "I notice that you both went with Romulan bracelets."

She pulled back the sleeve of her shirt to show off her own.

Quote from: Jada on May 24, 2020, 04:29:25 AM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Seeing that they'd finished their meals, Jada came over to where the s'Lhoells and s'Movels sat beneath the palm tree. 'Hi there! I'm not interrupting, am I?' she announced before she was in earshot, knowing Romulans were cagey about their secrets. It was something that Orions could well understand. After all, the Romulans wouldn't even tell them just whose warbirds had obliterated the Orion Colonies on Farx and a dozen other worlds a few centuries back. It was just one of those things that happened. 'I was wondering if you had room for dessert?' She bore a platter of dead wing-slugs on toothpicks in a spicy-sweet honey sauce and jelly cubes with wing-slugs trapped inside. She also had two jars, in which live wing-slugs buzzed about lazily. The jars had a section in the middle that could be opened or closed from the outside, to let a few slugs into the upper section. This way, the number of slugs released when the upper lid was removed could be controlled.

When the Orion she'd met earlier approached not long after with a platter of more wing-slugs done up in a number of various ways, Phara greeted her with a slight nod and smile.  "Jolan'tru.* No, of course not. We welcome more company."  (*translation: Hello/Greetings)
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 24, 2020, 10:41:14 AM

When Tess heard Jada's voice behind her she turned her head to look back over her shoulder with a smile. "Jada! So nice you're joining us!" Tess patted a spot beside her in offering for Jada to sit there. "Rayek just left", she said with a little hint of regret in her voice. But her attention soon was on the desserts she had brought with her. Apparently, wing-slugs were very versatile things culinary-wise.

"Oh, what did you bring for us?", Tess asked curiously as she looked over the variety of desserts. The sight of the unmoving wing-slugs without the 'concealing' curry sauce was something to getting used to, the live wing-slugs in the jar reminded Tess too much of gagh. Yes, she told herself to at least try everything before making a decision, but because of her pregnancy, she should stay away from eating living slugs.

So Tess looked with interest to the slugs in sweet honey sauce and trapped inside the jelly cubes. She recalled that Jada had warned her not to eat them when they weren't cooked, so Tess felt she should make sure about that. "Are they raw or can I try some?", she asked Jada with a smile, gesturing to the dead slugs.

Lared, the Romulan civilian who had not liked the wing-slug curry, looked at the offered desserts with slight trepidation. He wasn't very keen on rejection a proud Orion's food.

Quote from: Jada on May 24, 2020, 11:00:50 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Jada sat and laid her platter on the grass in front of everyone. 'You can, these ones have been boiled, so they're safe for you... Now, these ones are dipped in a xiqai-spiced honey, and for these ones we tried jumja sap for something different. It's an experiment in Bajoran�Orion fusion, so please tell us, or at least s'Metra, if it worked or not.' she explained as she pointed out the slugs coated in thick orange and reddish-pink syrups. 'And these ones are in a fruit jelly. All the slugs have been fed on sugars and fruits, so they're much sweeter. Should be like a dark chocolate.'

Then she indicated to the jars, announcing with a trouble-making grin 'And these fellas are for the Wing-Slug Challenge!' Adjusting one jar, she opened the internal airlock until one wing-slug ventured into the uppermost section, then closed the lock behind it. Then Jada opened the lid and let it out, giving them all a good look at a live wing-slug at last. It was a gastropod some five centimetres long with a brownish-green body, tiny mouth tentacles and eyestalks at the front. It was glistening with mucus and sauce. Four membranous wings emerged from its back that fluttered and buzzed, carrying it bobbing and writhing through the air. Jada watched it go for a few moments, seeming almost like a snake tracking its prey. Then she darted forward, opened her mouth, and gulped it up, chewed, and swallowed. 'There! The trick is in catching them without getting them on your face. Lots of mucky fun for children of all ages. Or, for the grown-ups, swallowing a big bull wing-slug whole.' she added with a sly grin. 'We've got extra-sweet honey, and plasma-fire red-alert hot spiced.' she indicated the two jars.

'Now, who would like a slug?' Jada asked with a big smile. At last, she was enjoying herself today, and nothing was going to stop it.

The Romulan woman looked over the assortment of 'desserts' wondering which to try first.  She listened as Jada described each.   The Wing-Slug Challenge seemed a bit too adventurous for her.

"I'll try hot spiced version.  You say these are supposed to swallowed whole?" she asked to confirm how to properly eat the winged-slug

She reached out to take one of the offered gastropods.  She looked to her husband with a look of understanding.  "You don't need to try more, deyhhan*.  But perhaps you would fetch me a drink to help put out the fire after I try this." Phara suggested. (*translation: husband)

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
and Lared tr'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2020, 10:12:12 PM

NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Phara nodded at Tess' explanation of being adopted and having moved when she was still yet young.  "Ah I see. So what Italian traditions did you use in the wedding?" she asked before remarking, "I notice that you both went with Romulan bracelets."

She pulled back the sleeve of her shirt to show off her own. 

"Oh, well ... It wasn't quite specifically Italian customs but rather human customs in general, though they don't apply to all humans. It's custom that the bride's wedding dress is white or a shade of white like ivory. It is supposed to symbolize the bride's innocence in regards to being untouched by a man. That custom survived until today." Tess thought for a moment. "Then there is the 'first dance' of the newly wed couple, they're supposed to perform in front of the gathered wedding guests. Usually a song is picked that holds some meaning to the couple." Tess smiled. "Then there is the throwing of the bride's bouquet ... she turns her back towards the gathered unmarried female guests and throws the bouquet. It's said that the one who catches it will be the next to be getting married."

Tess paused as she thought a little more. "Oh! There actually was an Italian custom. My maid of honor was my Italian friend Antonia. She gave a garter to me I was supposed to be wearing beneath my dress. And Rayek had to take it off me during the wedding somehow." She chuckled.

Tess smiled when Phara noticed her wedding bracelet. Looking back to the Romulan woman Tess leaned forward a bit to take a look at her wedding bracelet. There was something engraved in there which Tess could identify as Romulan script, she even could read a little bit of it. "It's beautiful", Tess smiled at Phara genuinely. "Yes, I was so happy to adapt Romulan bits of culture in our wedding. I'm quite excited for learning as much as I can about it", she admitted.

Quote from: Jada on May 24, 2020, 11:00:50 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Jada sat and laid her platter on the grass in front of everyone. 'You can, these ones have been boiled, so they're safe for you... Now, these ones are dipped in a xiqai-spiced honey, and for these ones we tried jumja sap for something different. It's an experiment in Bajoran–Orion fusion, so please tell us, or at least s'Metra, if it worked or not.' she explained as she pointed out the slugs coated in thick orange and reddish-pink syrups. 'And these ones are in a fruit jelly. All the slugs have been fed on sugars and fruits, so they're much sweeter. Should be like a dark chocolate.'

Then she indicated to the jars, announcing with a trouble-making grin 'And these fellas are for the Wing-Slug Challenge!' Adjusting one jar, she opened the internal airlock until one wing-slug ventured into the uppermost section, then closed the lock behind it. Then Jada opened the lid and let it out, giving them all a good look at a live wing-slug at last. It was a gastropod some five centimetres long with a brownish-green body, tiny mouth tentacles and eyestalks at the front. It was glistening with mucus and sauce. Four membranous wings emerged from its back that fluttered and buzzed, carrying it bobbing and writhing through the air. Jada watched it go for a few moments, seeming almost like a snake tracking its prey. Then she darted forward, opened her mouth, and gulped it up, chewed, and swallowed. 'There! The trick is in catching them without getting them on your face. Lots of mucky fun for children of all ages. Or, for the grown-ups, swallowing a big bull wing-slug whole.' she added with a sly grin. 'We've got extra-sweet honey, and plasma-fire red-alert hot spiced.' she indicated the two jars.

'Now, who would like a slug?' Jada asked with a big smile. At last, she was enjoying herself today, and nothing was going to stop it.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2020, 10:12:12 PM

When the Orion she'd met earlier approached not long after with a platter of more wing-slugs done up in a number of various ways, Phara greeted her with a slight nod and smile.  "Jolan'tru.* No, of course not. We welcome more company."  (*translation: Hello/Greetings)

The Romulan woman looked over the assortment of 'desserts' wondering which to try first.  She listened as Jada described each.   The Wing-Slug Challenge seemed a bit too adventurous for her.

"I'll try hot spiced version.  You say these are supposed to swallowed whole?" she asked to confirm how to properly eat the winged-slug

She reached out to take one of the offered gastropods.  She looked to her husband with a look of understanding.  "You don't need to try more, deyhhan*.  But perhaps you would fetch me a drink to help put out the fire after I try this." Phara suggest. (*translation: husband)

Tess listened with interest as Jada explained the different desserts. She had to admit, the honey covered and jelly ones sounded actually quite appetizing. What she didn not expect was what followed next: Jada freeing one of the wing-slugs - which actually started to fly and then Jada catching it with her mouth. Tess' first reaction was to shiver, she couldn't help it, but she kept on looking fascinated. Right now there was no way she could try it anyway, but she wondered if she had considered it trying if she had not been pregnant. Though admittedly, it rather would have been a 'doing it for a dare' kind of situation.

"I'll be honest, Jada, that is requiring getting used to." Leaning forward she picked a slug that was covered in jumja sap - it just had piqued her interest most. And she have had jelly today already. "I'm so curious if Rayek would have tried this", she grinned at them. She really wasn't sure. Had he had gagh back in the day when they had been holding the dinner for the Klingons?, she tried to recall. She believed he didn't.

Lared looked throughly shocked at the Orion's suggestion how to eat the live wing-slugs, though he tried to conceal it as best as he could. Of course he didn't want to be rude, but he also wouldn't have a problem with saying if he didn't want to try this. Luckily, before he could have been asked, his wife spoke up and asked him to get her something to drink.

"Of course, e'lev." He got up but paused there on the spot. "Can I get you someting to drink, too?", he asked Tess and Jada.

"I'll have a ginger ale, please", Tess replied.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Zex on May 23, 2020, 02:35:08 PM

[Docking Saucer 3]

"Eydis of Tholia.  It is a pleasure to see you again" Zex replied sincerely.  "Thank you so very much for the gift.  I've heard that Tholian silk is perhaps the best in all of the galaxy.  I humbly accept it on behalf of the federation" she said with a slight dip of her head in return.

"I wanted to meet with you in person to invite you to the diplomatic summit.  It will be tomorrow around 1800 hours.  I will send the location to you by text" she said.

"Also, while I'm here, I wanted to remind you that we have accommodations on station for you and your crew.  It is environmentally controlled to your specifications.  It also offers you all of the accommodations you might need for relaxation as well to hold meetings in" Zex added.

� Thank you zex the deltan, I will attend your summit at the agreed upon time. I understand you have accommodations set out for me. It will take me some time to get acclimated to station and all of those on board. � Eydis would give zex a short nod of her head and then depart with her guards back to her ship.

So far zex was proving to be a more desirable liaison with Eydis and the rest of the personal on the station, then Eydis had at first believed. Zex was rather agreeable and not tedious and ego driven blow hard as Eydis previous encounters with handlers were. As Eydis made hir way back abroad the cruiser acrux she paused and look back at zex �You are most agreeable zex the deltan �


Quote from: Eydis on May 26, 2020, 12:37:15 PM

� Thank you zex the deltan, I will attend your summit at the agreed upon time. I understand you have accommodations set out for me. It will take me some time to get acclimated to station and all of those on board. � Eydis would give zex a short nod of her head and then depart with her guards back to her ship.

So far zex was proving to be a more desirable liaison with Eydis and the rest of the personal on the station, then Eydis had at first believed. Zex was rather agreeable and not tedious and ego driven blow hard as Eydis previous encounters with handlers were. As Eydis made hir way back abroad the cruiser acrux she paused and look back at zex �You are most agreeable zex the deltan �

[Docking Saucer 3]

"Perfect.  I look forward to seeing you there" she said.  There was a sincerity in her voice.

"When you are ready to make the transition, I am at your disposal to assist you.  But do so at your own time.  No rush for us" she added.

She watched the Tholian walk away and then turn.  "I take that as high praise, Eydis of Tholia.  I find you most agreeable as well" he added and offed Eydis a slight dip of her head.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2020, 10:12:12 PM

The Romulan woman looked over the assortment of 'desserts' wondering which to try first.  She listened as Jada described each.   The Wing-Slug Challenge seemed a bit too adventurous for her. "I'll try hot spiced version.  You say these are supposed to swallowed whole?" she asked to confirm how to properly eat the winged-slug.

Jada smirked; there wasn't much point being proper any more, was there? 'Only if you want to impress your husband.'
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 26, 2020, 11:11:49 AM

"I'll be honest, Jada, that is requiring getting used to." Leaning forward she picked a slug that was covered in jumja sap - it just had piqued her interest most. And she have had jelly today already. "I'm so curious if Rayek would have tried this", she grinned at them. She really wasn't sure. Had he had gagh back in the day when they had been holding the dinner for the Klingons?, she tried to recall. She believed he didn't.

'I think he would. A man will do anything to impress a girl he likes.' she told Tess with a grin. The sight of Rayek, or even Solluk, battling with a wing-slug would've been something to see.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2020, 10:12:12 PM

She reached out to take one of the offered gastropods.  She looked to her husband with a look of understanding.  "You don't need to try more, deyhhan*.  But perhaps you would fetch me a drink to help put out the fire after I try this." Phara suggest. (*translation: husband)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 26, 2020, 11:11:49 AM

"Of course, e'lev." He got up but paused there on the spot. "Can I get you someting to drink, too?", he asked Tess and Jada.

"I'll have a ginger ale, please", Tess replied.

'I'll have the same, thanks.' Jada added.

With a wicked grin, she took the jar of hot-spiced live wing-slugs and let a pair through the airlock, and out into the open. The little sauce-soaked flying slugs fluttered through the air, seeming bewildered by their freedom, and Jada shooed one toward Phara, while she waved one toward herself. She played with it a bit, then snatched it with her mouth. She caught it between her lips, so she had to suck and slurp it in � to its doom as she bit, chewed, and swallowed, stoically resisting the fiery heat of its spices. 'Oh! Ah! That's a spicy wing-slug!'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 26, 2020, 11:11:49 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
and Lared tr'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

"Oh, well ... It wasn't quite specifically Italian customs but rather human customs in general, though they don't apply to all humans. It's custom that the bride's wedding dress is white or a shade of white like ivory. It is supposed to symbolize the bride's innocence in regards to being untouched by a man. That custom survived until today." Tess thought for a moment. "Then there is the 'first dance' of the newly wed couple, they're supposed to perform in front of the gathered wedding guests. Usually a song is picked that holds some meaning to the couple." Tess smiled. "Then there is the throwing of the bride's bouquet ... she turns her back towards the gathered unmarried female guests and throws the bouquet. It's said that the one who catches it will be the next to be getting married."

Tess paused as she thought a little more. "Oh! There actually was an Italian custom. My maid of honor was my Italian friend Antonia. She gave a garter to me I was supposed to be wearing beneath my dress. And Rayek had to take it off me during the wedding somehow." She chuckled.

Tess smiled when Phara noticed her wedding bracelet. Looking back to the Romulan woman Tess leaned forward a bit to take a look at her wedding bracelet. There was something engraved in there which Tess could identify as Romulan script, she even could read a little bit of it. "It's beautiful", Tess smiled at Phara genuinely. "Yes, I was so happy to adapt Romulan bits of culture in our wedding. I'm quite excited for learning as much as I can about it", she admitted.

It was such a delight to hear that Tess was so keen on learning about Romulan culture.  If you would have asked her a year ago when she and her family had first being sent to Katra on refugee status, Phara never would have believed to find so many of her fellow Romulans aboard a Starfleet Outpost.  But the station which held at most under a thousand residents - had at least 3 separate Romulan families and another handful of Romulan individuals.   Phara smiled believing they were so fortunate.   They could have been assigned to some vast populated city on Earth or some Federation colony where finding much less connecting to other Romulans was difficult.  Here on Katra however, Phara was able to meet with other Romulan families quite regularly.  Though to her chagrin, it was only after she got to know Rayek during the fittings that she considered inviting him and his fiancee.  But the couple left for two months to attend their Ba'ku wedding, and then Rayek was jailed... and lost his position and Phara hadn't thought such a social gather would be appreciated by him right after, but today he had seemed quite jovial.  She'd have to bring up idea to the pair later at their family dinner.  Small steps.

"Well, if there are any questions you have that you might not feel comfortable asking your husband..  maybe because you want to surprise him...  you can call on me."

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 26, 2020, 11:11:49 AM

Tess listened with interest as Jada explained the different desserts. She had to admit, the honey covered and jelly ones sounded actually quite appetizing. What she didn not expect was what followed next: Jada freeing one of the wing-slugs - which actually started to fly and then Jada catching it with her mouth. Tess' first reaction was to shiver, she couldn't help it, but she kept on looking fascinated. Right now there was no way she could try it anyway, but she wondered if she had considered it trying if she had not been pregnant. Though admittedly, it rather would have been a 'doing it for a dare' kind of situation.

"I'll be honest, Jada, that is requiring getting used to." Leaning forward she picked a slug that was covered in jumja sap - it just had piqued her interest most. And she have had jelly today already. "I'm so curious if Rayek would have tried this", she grinned at them. She really wasn't sure. Had he had gagh back in the day when they had been holding the dinner for the Klingons?, she tried to recall. She believed he didn't.

Lared looked thoroughly shocked at the Orion's suggestion how to eat the live wing-slugs, though he tried to conceal it as best as he could. Of course he didn't want to be rude, but he also wouldn't have a problem with saying if he didn't want to try this. Luckily, before he could have been asked, his wife spoke up and asked him to get her something to drink.

"Of course, e'lev." He got up but paused there on the spot. "Can I get you someting to drink, too?", he asked Tess and Jada.

"I'll have a ginger ale, please", Tess replied.

Quote from: Jada on May 26, 2020, 09:58:09 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Jada smirked; there wasn't much point being proper any more, was there? 'Only if you want to impress your husband.'

'I think he would. A man will do anything to impress a girl he likes.' she told Tess with a grin. The sight of Rayek, or even Solluk, battling with a wing-slug would've been something to see.

'I'll have the same, thanks.' Jada added.

With a wicked grin, she took the jar of hot-spiced live wing-slugs and let a pair through the airlock, and out into the open. The little sauce-soaked flying slugs fluttered through the air, seeming bewildered by their freedom, and Jada shooed one toward Phara, while she waved one toward herself. She played with it a bit, then snatched it with her mouth. She caught it between her lips, so she had to suck and slurp it in – to its doom as she bit, chewed, and swallowed, stoically resisting the fiery heat of its spices. 'Oh! Ah! That's a spicy wing-slug!'

Phara chuckled at Tess' question about Rayek and she had to agree with Jada. Rayek did seem the type to try to impress.  "She has a point."

That Lared didn't ask what she wanted, was proof of how much the couple knew one anothers tastes.  She trusted him to know that she would want a cooling glass of milk.  Phara was distracted watching her husband head off to retrieve their drinks that she didn't notice immediately when Jada proceeded to release not one but two wing-slugs - sending one her way.  What!?  Apparently, she'd misunderstood.  It was the live slugs that were flavored.  Phara had thought it was the candied ones..

With the gastropod already released and flitting her way, she had little choice but to follow through.  The winged creature wasn't very quick or nimble as so tracking it was relatively easy.   But then she was sure that capturing it by mouth alone was an practiced art and that half the entertainment for Jada would be watching her make a few failed attempts.

"Not quite what I was expecting, but I'll try"

Following Jada's examples she waved it closer towards her mouth, but when she tried to lunge forward to capture it in her mouth, it evaded and she got a layer of slime across her creek.  Her hands automatically came up and enclosed around it.   "I'm sure this is cheating but I'd rather not have my husband see this. Or he may not kiss me for a week!"

She put her hands to mouth and sucked in as she gave only an opening where her lips were.  In flew the live wing-slug and she instantly chewed...  for a moment it was fine.  The texture was not all that different from before and the bitter taste was masked by the spicy, which she thought wasn't too bad.   A second later she was regretting not having gone with the double-honey instead.

She looked up her eyes tearing from the intense spicy heat.  She searched around hoping to see her husband returning.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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