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S2 M6 - The Spaces Between Us

Started by Solluk, May 01, 2020, 01:26:06 AM

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L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 24, 2020, 07:10:45 AM

[ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ][/b]

"A first time for anything, I suppose. Most of my previous hosts stayed around Vulcan colonies, occasionally near the Neutral Zone, or back on Trill. I'm the seventh host for Xiiv," she said and then started laughing with him at the sounds. "Oh no~ - I hope that means we're not on some Gamma Quadrant snack menu."

"The Wadi seem to be on that list of being careful, though." She'd heard stories, many of them, and not many were very favourable.

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade nodded carefully so as not to annoy his fresh injuries healing. �Yes the Wadi seem to only carre about theirr games, though do not let people who play die. Which is good.� L�mar smiled.

�You know I wouldn�t be surrprrised if we do get put on someone orr something else�s menu,� L�mar stated then added, �we had just encounterred a cosmozoan that could have eaten us if it wanted to. Therre arre many out therre we haven�t met yet.� L�mar grinned. �We have to expect the unexpected.�


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 27, 2020, 02:44:51 AM

NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

It was such a delight to hear that Tess was so keen on learning about Romulan culture.  If you would have asked her a year ago when she and her family had first being sent to Katra on refugee status, Phara never would have believed to find so many of her fellow Romulans aboard a Starfleet Outpost.  But the station which held at most under a thousand residents - had at least 3 separate Romulan families and another handful of Romulan individuals.   Phara smiled believing they were so fortunate.   They could have been assigned to some vast populated city on Earth or some Federation colony where finding much less connecting to other Romulans was difficult.  Here on Katra however, Phara was able to meet with other Romulan families quite regularly.  Though to her chagrin, it was only after she got to know Rayek during the fittings that she considered inviting him and his fiancee.  But the couple left for two months to attend their Ba'ku wedding, and then Rayek was jailed... and lost his position and Phara hadn't thought such a social gather would be appreciated by him right after, but today he had seemed quite jovial.  She'd have to bring up idea to the pair later at their family dinner.  Small steps.

"Well, if there are any questions you have that you might not feel comfortable asking your husband..  maybe because you want to surprise him...  you can call on me."
Phara chuckled at Tess' question about Rayek and she had to agree with Jada. Rayek did seem the type to try to impress.  "She has a point."

That Lared didn't ask what she wanted, was proof of how much the couple knew one anothers tastes.  She trusted him to know that she would want a cooling glass of milk.  Phara was distracted watching her husband head off to retrieve their drinks that she didn't notice immediately when Jada proceeded to release not one but two wing-slugs - sending one her way.  What!?  Apparently, she'd misunderstood.  It was the live slugs that were flavored.  Phara had thought it was the candied ones..

With the gastropod already released and flitting her way, she had little choice but to follow through.  The winged creature wasn't very quick or nimble as so tracking it was relatively easy.   But then she was sure that capturing it by mouth alone was an practiced art and that half the entertainment for Jada would be watching her make a few failed attempts.

"Not quite what I was expecting, but I'll try"

Following Jada's examples she waved it closer towards her mouth, but when she tried to lunge forward to capture it in her mouth, it evaded and she got a layer of slime across her creek.  Her hands automatically came up and enclosed around it.   "I'm sure this is cheating but I'd rather not have my husband see this. Or he may not kiss me for a week!"

She put her hands to mouth and sucked in as she gave only an opening where her lips were.  In flew the live wing-slug and she instantly chewed...  for a moment it was fine.  The texture was not all that different from before and the bitter taste was masked by the spicy, which she thought wasn't too bad.   A second later she was regretting not having gone with the double-honey instead.

She looked up her eyes tearing from the intense spicy heat.  She searched around hoping to see her husband returning.

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum - after Zex finished talking to Eydis]

Zex left Docking Station 3 and did what was necessary to reserve one of the lounges for the diplomatic summit.  The room was large enough to accommodate everyone, so that was a plus.  But it was simply a plain room like any other on the station.

With that done, Zex made her way back up to the Arboretum.  She looked around to see who was still there.  "Hi" she said by way of greeting to the others.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

'It's good, right?' Jada prompted with a grin; she'd endured her hot slug rather better, but she had a lifetime of experience with Orion cuisine too.

'Now, you're probably wondering � why wing-slugs? Why the dance? Why the celebration?' Jada began, apropos of nothing, but she wanted someone to hear the story. It was one of the great legends of Orion history, what this whole day had honoured. 'Well, I'm glad you are. Wing-slugs are a staple of Orion cuisine: they are packed with protein; are cheap, versatile and easy to process; and can be raised on organic waste, so they recycle too. But still, why wing-slugs? They're also the most disgusting, stinking, annoying pests infesting the Rigel system.' she admitted without shame after encouraging everyone to eat the things.

'It all started during the New Days, over two millennia ago, after the liberation of the Orion slave-race from the old masters and their companies. They were happy, but after generations of war and economic and environmental collapse, there was a lot of waste for the wing-slugs and not a lot of food for anyone else. To make matters worse, the wing-slug swarms threatened to overwhelm the Orion farms and settlements. It made sense to put those problems together, but wing-slugs are naturally gross and inedible. But then one enterprising ex-slave hit on a way to purify and process them, creating a cheap, protein-rich food source, and started one of the first Orion companies. But still, they had an image problem � no one would dare eat a filthy, gross wing-slug, no matter how hungry, no matter how much they said they'd fixed them.'

'So, this company went all out on marketing and advertising, gave out free samples, and even held parades through cities, towns, and colonies: big inflatable wing-slugs flying over head, dancers in costumes through the streets, performing animals, musicians, the works. They created the legend of the Dragon Wing-Slug. Nallin the Unconquerable, the Father of his People, leader of the Orions in their liberation, our first president, attended the first parade. He recognised the benefit of the wing-slugs to the Orions. So people came, to see a show, to see the Unconquerable, and to get free food. And they ate the wing-slugs and filled their bellies and got a liking for them. In time, the swarms got rounded up and eaten, the company got rich, and Orions grew strong and healthy and they bred almost as much as the wing-slugs did. Thus the one-time slaves prospered off the humble wing-slug.'

'Of course, it wasn't long before others worked out how to process wing-slugs and found other methods, and the swarms were too abundant to control, so other companies popped up and soon every household could prepare their own, and that first company eventually lost its dominance and faded away. But people's love of the wing-slug remained, and so did the parades and the performances. Rival companies put on their own dragon wing-slug parades, and they competed and clashed, and wing-slug dancers fought each other in the streets. And when there were no companies, ordinary people did their own, with dragon wing-slugs for each clan or gang. When things got out of hand, with brawls and riots, clan chiefs stepped in. Some tried to ban them, so creating a dragon wing-slug costume and holding a parade became this secret, subversive thing, with the dragon wing-slug becoming snub to their authority, a means of protest and rebellion against issues affecting their community. But wise chiefs recognised how the parades built community spirit and provided a useful outlet for tensions and airing of issues, so they stepped in like the Nallin of old to ceremonially confront and defeat the dragon wing-slug and reassert their authority with the people's assent.' So, that explained the secrecy and the surprise with which the Orions had held theirs, their sung defiance and protests, their mock battles, and the requirement for the captain's involvement.

'Tess, did I tell you about Orion clan totems? You had me on some drugs at the time, so I'm not sure now. Anyway, the majority of Orion clan totems are creatures considered pests, vermin, and bottom-feeders. Things people tend to despise and try to stamp on and stamp out, but which always survive, no matter what is done to them, no matter what unpleasant thing they do. The old slaves found strength in such creatures.' She rolled up her sleeve, to display a tattoo on her left upper arm. It was a stylised maze-like design vaguely depicting a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but the more one stared, it seemed as if the butterfly was turning into a caterpillar, or both, in an endless cycle. It might be a beautiful butterfly, but it had a clear sting in the tail. 'The Thiratin sting-fly, it lays its eggs in carcasses. The totem of my clan, the Nozama: it symbolises the cycle of death out of life and life out of death... And for all Orions, the whole big clan of us, we adopted the Orion wing-slug. A survivor, a fighter, ranging far and wide, always varied, fiercely independent and individual yet gathered into a great host. Something that can never be wiped out, or controlled, or enslaved, that will always survive and multiply... If you ever seen the symbol of the Orion Colonies, it's based on the wing-slug and the old company logo. That's us: a corporate tool released from its bondage and made free and irrepressible.'

'With the Dragon Wing-Slug Dance today... we wanted to have someone everyone could get involved in and have fun, to let off steam, to build on Katra a community spirit, a soul. So that we're not just officers and crew off working in our own departments on our own things all the time, but so that we could be a family or a clan, with not just a captain but a leader and carer. Because that's the only way we can survive out here in the Dark, not alone but together.' Jada made a crooked frown as she reflected on the results. There could've been many more people involved, but there'd been enough. There could've been a captain down here with his people, but at least he'd showed up on cue. 'I don't know if we really succeeded. We had a lot more we wanted to do. But we tried, we did our best, we did enough, and we did it great.' she assessed, and was satisfied with that.

'Anyway, Tess, I have a present for you, well, your baby.' She reached into a bag she had and pulled out, of course, a wing-slug. It was a stuffed or plush toy, with a long soft body, four floppy wings, and two stubby eyestalks on a smiling head. It was all brightly coloured, and made of different textured materials to stimulate a baby's sense of touch, and just adorably cute.

OOC: Kind of like a Lamaze baby toy:

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
and NPC Lared tr'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess chuckled when Jada suggested Rayek might try the live wing-slugs even if it was just to impress her. "That might be true", she grinned.

Her eyes had gone wide when Jada had released two of the wing-slugs. The noise of their wings fluttering in the air was louder than she would have thought. She held the jelly cube in her hand she had picked up to see what would happen to the wing-slug Jada had shooed in Phara's direction. Jada had caught hers expertedly, but the Romulan woman never did that before. In the end, Phara 'cheated', but who could blame her? Tess looked at her sympathetically as the woman's cheeks turned a darker shade of olive as the hot spice took effect in her mouth.

"There", she said to Phara and nodded behind her. "He's coming back", she said when she saw Lared approaching with a tray in his hand. Okay, so he better never knew that Phara had just eaten one of these flying slugs.

Stopping next to them, Lared knelt down beside his wife as he offered the tray out so all of them could help themselves to the drink they had wanted. Beside two glasses of ginger ale and a cup of cold milk Lared had brought a mug of hot Romulan beverage.

He came just in time to hear what Jada had to tell them about the dance they had witnessed and to see Zex returning to them. He nodded to her.

"Hello Zex! We've got room for one more if you like", Tess invite her. Then she listened with curiosity and interest to the Orion history. It all made all the more sense now and she wished she would have known about this while she had watched the dance. It probably would have resulted in what Jada had imagined if there would have been more information about it beforehand, but she also realized from the story Jada told that the surprise factor was part of it.

When asked if Jada had told her about the totem animals Tess nodded instantly. "Yes, you did", she said with a small amused smile about the 'being drugged' comment. They had been dealing with the effect of the Dosi attack at the time. So what she heard now was not entirely new to her, but thinkig about it in regards to the whole and the dance pretty much completed the picture.

When Jada concluded with what she hoped the dance might have done, she doubted it at the same time. Tess didn't think Jada failed. "Seeing John Saxon engaging in this fun - I really havn't seen him less dutiful in all the months I have known him - and hearing Captain Solluk rhyming while everyone was sprinkled and covered in rainbow glitter - I really don't think it failed! Everyone on the Promenade have had a good time" Tess grinned. Sure enough there was still some of the glitter in her hair an in her face.

Hearing Jada say she had a present for the baby, Tess was touched - and she totally didn't expect it. "Oh- ... you do?", she asked surprised. Then a colorful plush toy wing-slug that looked absolutely adorable was held towards her. Tess laughed cheerfully as she saw it and then took it from Jada. "That is too cute!", she grinned and then looked back to Jada. "Thank you so much!" She hesitated briefly. "May I hug you?" If so, she would lean over and give the Orion a brief but sincerely tight hug. "I bet this will be the baby's favourite toy to cuddle up with at night", she chuckled. "We need to find a good name for it."

Picking up her PADD Tess took a photo and sent it to Rayek's PADD.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 28, 2020, 11:14:51 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
and NPC Lared tr'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess chuckled when Jada suggested Rayek might try the live wing-slugs even if it was just to impress her. "That might be true", she grinned.

Her eyes had gone wide when Jada had released two of the wing-slugs. The noise of their wings fluttering in the air was louder than she would have thought. She held the jelly cube in her hand she had picked up to see what would happen to the wing-slug Jada had shooed in Phara's direction. Jada had caught hers expertedly, but the Romulan woman never did that before. In the end, Phara 'cheated', but who could blame her? Tess looked at her sympathetically as the woman's cheeks turned a darker shade of olive as the hot spice took effect in her mouth.

"There", she said to Phara and nodded behind her. "He's coming back", she said when she saw Lared approaching with a tray in his hand. Okay, so he better never knew that Phara had just eaten one of these flying slugs.

Stopping next to them, Lared knelt down beside his wife as he offered the tray out so all of them could help themselves to the drink they had wanted. Beside two glasses of ginger ale and a cup of cold milk Lared had brought a mug of hot Romulan beverage.
Phara waved her hands in front of a panting mouth to no avail and reached hurriedly for the glass of milk her husband had brought.  Tears were in the corner of her eyes.  It was that hot.  She was rather impressed that Jada had taken it so well.

Afterwards, with her mouth no longer feeling like a plasma fire, she looked towards the Deltan she'd been introducted to earlier.   She smiled slightly embarrassed at her rather comical antics and feeling slight tingling numbness on her cheek from where the slug had brushed against, she wiped at it with a napkin.  Her hands as well.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 28, 2020, 11:14:51 AM

"Hello Zex! We've got room for one more if you like", Tess invite her. Then she listened with curiosity and interest to the Orion history. It all made all the more sense now and she wished she would have known about this while she had watched the dance. It probably would have resulted in what Jada had imagined if there would have been more information about it beforehand, but she also realized from the story Jada told that the surprise factor was part of it.

"Welcome back, Miss Zex.  Yes, please.  Do join us." Phara agreed after Tess greeted the Deltan woman.

Then her attention turned to Jada's explanation of the dance and celebration.  She would need to remember it to tell her children.  They were enjoying the festivities with their classmates. Other than little Jinsux who was being watched by his hru'nanov*. (*translation: grandmother)

There was no way Lared or she could convince Karinne to come out and enjoy the show and it was Jinsux'  naptime so it had worked out well for Phara.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 28, 2020, 11:14:51 AM

When asked if Jada had told her about the totem animals Tess nodded instantly. "Yes, you did", she said with a small amused smile about the 'being drugged' comment. They had been dealing with the effect of the Dosi attack at the time. So what she heard now was not entirely new to her, but thinkig about it in regards to the whole and the dance pretty much completed the picture.

When Jada concluded with what she hoped the dance might have done, she doubted it at the same time. Tess didn't think Jada failed. "Seeing John Saxon engaging in this fun - I really havn't seen him less dutiful in all the months I have known him - and hearing Captain Solluk rhyming while everyone was sprinkled and covered in rainbow glitter - I really don't think it failed! Everyone on the Promenade have had a good time" Tess grinned. Sure enough there was still some of the glitter in her hair an in her face.

Phara nodded her agreement not that she knew who John was or even how out of character it might be for the Captain to make battle rhymes. "Yes, I know we had an enjoyable time watching the kids participate."  Cemee had been so happy to help with the downed officer and had laughed with the other children when Rayek had been thoroughly slimed.  Her youngest daughter loved practical jokes.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 28, 2020, 11:14:51 AM

Hearing Jada say she had a present for the baby, Tess was touched - and she totally didn't expect it. "Oh- ... you do?", she asked surprised. Then a colorful plush toy wing-slug that looked absolutely adorable was held towards her. Tess laughed cheerfully as she saw it and then took it from Jada. "That is too cute!", she grinned and then looked back to Jada. "Thank you so much!" She hesitated briefly. "May I hug you?" If so, she would lean over and give the Orion a brief but sincerely tight hug. "I bet this will be the baby's favourite toy to cuddle up with at night", she chuckled. "We need to find a good name for it."

Picking up her PADD Tess took a photo and sent it to Rayek's PADD.

The toy was so very colorful for a newborn - very unlike anything that might be gifted to an expectant family on Romulus.   Phara wondered at the cultural differences that it suggested.  She'd noticed that even the older children's entertainments on the station were so visually bright and harsh compared to the neutral earth tones that were favored by her own people.

Thinking about these differences, she hoped Tess and Rayek would appreciate the gift and gathering that she had been working on for the eventual birth day.  Though up til just today she had never met Tess, Rayek was known to her  and news of their upcoming child had spread through the station like wildfire.   Her idea for a Hædl Aefvadh* gathering had been an automatic.  It was only proper to greet new Romulan life with proper Romulan tradition.   Now she questioned her decision... maybe Tess would prefer to follow Ba'ku custom or even maybe Italian.   (*translation: Baby Welcome)

At some point, she'd need to ask but now did not seem the appropriate time.  So Phara merely smiled and watched as Tess thanked Jada for the gift.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Rayek hadn't been back at work long when he received a incoming message from Tess.  He reached over and using his thumbprint unlocked the PADD to open the message.  Except there wasn't much to the message at all just an image of an infant's toy.  An insect of some manner.  Bright and colorful with many tactile stimulating components.  Having read up on the benefits of such, Rayek found it an ideal toy.

He was about to type back that he agreed that she should order it... thinking at first that is what the image was supposed to mean.. until he noticed the that the hand holding the toy was hers.  He knew those fingers, and the slightest sliver of her wedding bracelet could be seen at the edge of the image.

So obviously this was something she had already had.   His mind quickly made the deduction of a parting gift for the baby from Jada - that it was a winged insect was also a subtle hint - since she would not be present.

He typed back: It is very appropriate.  Thank Jada for me.

Then saved the image to his PADD for inclusion into the family's album later. before returning to work.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 28, 2020, 12:45:29 PM

NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Phara waved her hands in front of a panting mouth to no avail and reached hurriedly for the glass of milk her husband had brought.  Tears were in the corner of her eyes.  It was that hot.  She was rather impressed that Jada had taken it so well.

Afterwards, with her mouth no longer feeling like a plasma fire, she looked towards the Deltan she'd been introducted to earlier.   She smiled slightly embarrassed at her rather comical antics and feeling slight tingling numbness on her cheek from where the slug had brushed against, she wiped at it with a napkin.  Her hands as well.

"Welcome back, Miss Zex.  Yes, please.  Do join us." Phara agreed after Tess greeted the Deltan woman.

Then her attention turned to Jada's explanation of the dance and celebration.  She would need to remember it to tell her children.  They were enjoying the festivities with their classmates. Other than little Jinsux who was being watched by his hru'nanov*. (*translation: grandmother)

There was no way Lared or she could convince Karinne to come out and enjoy the show and it was Jinsux'  naptime so it had worked out well for Phara.

Phara nodded her agreement not that she knew who John was or even how out of character it might be for the Captain to make battle rhymes. "Yes, I know we had an enjoyable time watching the kids participate."  Cemee had been so happy to help with the downed officer and had laughed with the other children when Rayek had been thoroughly slimed.  Her youngest daughter loved practical jokes.

The toy was so very colorful for a newborn - very unlike anything that might be gifted to an expectant family on Romulus.   Phara wondered at the cultural differences that it suggested.  She'd noticed that even the older children's entertainments on the station were so visually bright and harsh compared to the neutral earth tones that were favored by her own people.

Thinking about these differences, she hoped Tess and Rayek would appreciate the gift and gathering that she had been working on for the eventual birth day.  Though up til just today she had never met Tess, Rayek was known to her  and news of their upcoming child had spread through the station like wildfire.   Her idea for a Hædl Aefvadh* gathering had been an automatic.  It was only proper to greet new Romulan life with proper Romulan tradition.   Now she questioned her decision... maybe Tess would prefer to follow Ba'ku custom or even maybe Italian.   (*translation: Baby Welcome)

At some point, she'd need to ask but now did not seem the appropriate time.  So Phara merely smiled and watched as Tess thanked Jada for the gift.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Rayek hadn't been back at work long when he received a incoming message from Tess.  He reached over and using his thumbprint unlocked the PADD to open the message.  Except there wasn't much to the message at all just an image of an infant's toy.  An insect of some manner.  Bright and colorful with many tactile stimulating components.  Having read up on the benefits of such, Rayek found it an ideal toy.

He was about to type back that he agreed that she should order it... thinking at first that is what the image was supposed to mean.. until he noticed the that the hand holding the toy was hers.  He knew those fingers, and the slightest sliver of her wedding bracelet could be seen at the edge of the image.

So obviously this was something she had already had.   His mind quickly made the deduction of a parting gift for the baby from Jada - that it was a winged insect was also a subtle hint - since she would not be present.

He typed back: It is very appropriate.  Thank Jada for me.

Then saved the image to his PADD for inclusion into the family's album later. before returning to work.

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Zex waved to the group when she heard her name.  It was so nice being around people who knew her.  People she considered friends.

"Thank you" she said to Phara after she joined the group.  She took a serving of what the waiter was offering.  She was a bit hungry, having skipped lunch.

"What a wonderful gift, Jada.  So cute" Zex echoed.  "I hope there is going to be a baby shower.  Has anyone offered to throw one for you yet Tess?" she asked. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 28, 2020, 11:14:51 AM

Hearing Jada say she had a present for the baby, Tess was touched - and she totally didn't expect it. "Oh- ... you do?", she asked surprised. Then a colorful plush toy wing-slug that looked absolutely adorable was held towards her. Tess laughed cheerfully as she saw it and then took it from Jada. "That is too cute!", she grinned and then looked back to Jada. "Thank you so much!" She hesitated briefly. "May I hug you?" If so, she would lean over and give the Orion a brief but sincerely tight hug. "I bet this will be the baby's favourite toy to cuddle up with at night", she chuckled. "We need to find a good name for it."

'Of course! I'm always up for a hug.' Jada said with a warm smile, opening her arms wide to give Tess a big, strong hug, though she was always mindful of Tess's baby belly. 'Oh, let Bub name it! The name might not be clever, but it would be the best for it... My childhood toy was a stuffed Orion spine boar � totally not a targ � named Spike.' she remembered fondly.

She sipped her ginger ale, clearing a little more of the heat from her mouth, at least until she swallowed another hot-spiced wing-slug. She waved to Zex, greeting her with a 'Hi.' and a 'Wing-slug?' There was no waiter, just the Orions dishing up curries from a firepot and handing out sweet and spiced wing-slug treats and jelly cups on platters or releasing live wing-slugs from jars. Jada had a selection of honey-coated and jumja-sap-coated wing-slugs impaled on toothpicks and wing-slugs in jelly cubes, and jars of live wing-slugs dripping in sauces.

'Baby shower?' she wondered at the odd term, and took a good guess 'Is that like a ritual bathing ceremony for the newborn? I'd offer to drive away bad spirits, but you might not want me starting a fire in your quarters. Or hiding Bub in the cupboard.'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Admittedly, Tess was a little surprised that Jada accepted the hug so readily and even returned it so warmly. And that big smile on the Orion's face. Tess felt a little sad that she only got to know that side of Jada now that she would leave.

"Alright, the baby shall name it", Tess agree with a smile while she kept looking at the plush toy. She could picture her child playing with it. The vibe of her PADD had her checking it for a message - and sure enough Rayek replied to the pic of the plush wing-slug she sent him. She only then realized that she had sent it without any reference. But as she read Rayek's reply it was clear that he had figured it out anyways. She had to chuckle a bit about his choice of words, calling the toy 'appropriate' while she had been almost squealing about how 'cute' the toy was.

Turning to Zex Tess shook her head when she asked if someone had offered to make a baby shower for her. Before she could say more to that Jada's suggestion about driving bad spirits away which might result in setting the quarters on fire or her baby in the cupboard made Tess laugh. "In the cupboard?", she echoed, still chuckling. "I might have misunderstood something there, though."

Returning to Zex' question, Tess now replied. "No, not that I know of." She wasn't sure if someone had made plans in the backgroun as a surprise for her. "But it's really not necessary", she said. She knew planning and organizing such things was always a lot of work. "I would want to spare the stress of planning this to you guys."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



[Arboretum, Deck 18]

'Heh. Just two ancient Orion traditions.' Jada began, in the mood for sharing after her wing-slug story. All Orion females were raised with the customs of traditional "Women's Business". Even butch tomboys like Jada. 'On Thirat, we burn a certain green branch in the house to produce smoke, supposedly to drive away bad spirits. Incidentally, it repels insects that can infest a nursery and its aroma covers the smell of baby poo. The real bad spirit. You'll just have to get used to that.' she teased Tess with a grin. 'And there's the traditional Hiding of the Baby. It originated from hiding children away from slavers. You hide the baby some place safe and secret. It's said that if Bub cries, they will grow up bold, and if they stay quiet, they will be cunning.' Fortunately for the parents, both likely outcomes were virtues for Orions. 'So, peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek are important games for Orion children � learning object permanence is the first milestone of development. Then it's baby's first theft, when they've learned to go and get something they want on their own and overcome obstacles. And baby's first lie, when they've fully developed empathy and communication... Oh, and on Thirat we celebrate baby's first push-up because of the gravity.'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)


Quote from: Jada on May 29, 2020, 12:10:13 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

'Heh. Just two ancient Orion traditions.' Jada began, in the mood for sharing after her wing-slug story. All Orion females were raised with the customs of traditional "Women's Business". Even butch tomboys like Jada. 'On Thirat, we burn a certain green branch in the house to produce smoke, supposedly to drive away bad spirits. Incidentally, it repels insects that can infest a nursery and its aroma covers the smell of baby poo. The real bad spirit. You'll just have to get used to that.' she teased Tess with a grin. 'And there's the traditional Hiding of the Baby. It originated from hiding children away from slavers. You hide the baby some place safe and secret. It's said that if Bub cries, they will grow up bold, and if they stay quiet, they will be cunning.' Fortunately for the parents, both likely outcomes were virtues for Orions. 'So, peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek are important games for Orion children � learning object permanence is the first milestone of development. Then it's baby's first theft, when they've learned to go and get something they want on their own and overcome obstacles. And baby's first lie, when they've fully developed empathy and communication... Oh, and on Thirat we celebrate baby's first push-up because of the gravity.'

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

"Yes, please" Zex replied to Jada.  She looked at the various options.  Ultimately she chose the honey covered slug on a stick.  It offered the things she liked in food the most - sweet and not messy!  "Thank you" she added and then nibbled on it.

"Not necessary?  Are you sure" Zex said to Tess.  She leaned in toward Tess as if she was sharing a secret.  "Party planning is basically my primary job duty as diplomatic officer.  Just in the span of a few seconds, I have already started thinking of the invitation list and 1 or 2 locations.  Just say the word and I will make it so" she added with an grin.

Then she turned back to Jada and listened to her story.  "I learn something new about Orion culture every time I talk with you" she said by way of praise.  As close as Tess and Jada were, she wondered if Tess had asked Jada to be the child's god-mom.

"Another way to get rid of the odor of poop is to wash with shaving cream.  I know from personal experience during my days as a coroner.  Just saying" she said to the group.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Zex on May 28, 2020, 05:06:05 PM

[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Zex waved to the group when she heard her name.  It was so nice being around people who knew her.  People she considered friends.

"Thank you" she said to Phara after she joined the group.  She took a serving of what the waiter was offering.  She was a bit hungry, having skipped lunch.

"What a wonderful gift, Jada.  So cute" Zex echoed.  "I hope there is going to be a baby shower.  Has anyone offered to throw one for you yet Tess?" she asked.

Quote from: Jada on May 28, 2020, 10:42:52 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

'Of course! I'm always up for a hug.' Jada said with a warm smile, opening her arms wide to give Tess a big, strong hug, though she was always mindful of Tess's baby belly. 'Oh, let Bub name it! The name might not be clever, but it would be the best for it... My childhood toy was a stuffed Orion spine boar - totally not a targ - named Spike.' she remembered fondly.

She sipped her ginger ale, clearing a little more of the heat from her mouth, at least until she swallowed another hot-spiced wing-slug. She waved to Zex, greeting her with a 'Hi.' and a 'Wing-slug?' There was no waiter, just the Orions dishing up curries from a firepot and handing out sweet and spiced wing-slug treats and jelly cups on platters or releasing live wing-slugs from jars. Jada had a selection of honey-coated and jumja-sap-coated wing-slugs impaled on toothpicks and wing-slugs in jelly cubes, and jars of live wing-slugs dripping in sauces.

'Baby shower?' she wondered at the odd term, and took a good guess 'Is that like a ritual bathing ceremony for the newborn? I'd offer to drive away bad spirits, but you might not want me starting a fire in your quarters. Or hiding Bub in the cupboard.'

Phara had no clue what a baby shower was and like Jada thought it might be some manner of first washing of the baby.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 29, 2020, 11:15:10 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Admittedly, Tess was a little surprised that Jada accepted the hug so readily and even returned it so warmly. And that big smile on the Orion's face. Tess felt a little sad that she only got to know that side of Jada now that she would leave.

"Alright, the baby shall name it", Tess agree with a smile while she kept looking at the plush toy. She could picture her child playing with it. The vibe of her PADD had her checking it for a message - and sure enough Rayek replied to the pic of the plush wing-slug she sent him. She only then realized that she had sent it without any reference. But as she read Rayek's reply it was clear that he had figured it out anyways. She had to chuckle a bit about his choice of words, calling the toy 'appropriate' while she had been almost squealing about how 'cute' the toy was.

Turning to Zex Tess shook her head when she asked if someone had offered to make a baby shower for her. Before she could say more to that Jada's suggestion about driving bad spirits away which might result in setting the quarters on fire or her baby in the cupboard made Tess laugh. "In the cupboard?", she echoed, still chuckling. "I might have misunderstood something there, though."

Returning to Zex' question, Tess now replied. "No, not that I know of." She wasn't sure if someone had made plans in the backgroun as a surprise for her. "But it's really not necessary", she said. She knew planning and organizing such things was always a lot of work. "I would want to spare the stress of planning this to you guys."

Quote from: Zex on May 29, 2020, 06:33:14 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

"Yes, please" Zex replied to Jada.  She looked at the various options.  Ultimately she chose the honey covered slug on a stick.  It offered the things she liked in food the most - sweet and not messy!  "Thank you" she added and then nibbled on it.

"Not necessary?  Are you sure" Zex said to Tess.  She leaned in toward Tess as if she was sharing a secret.  "Party planning is basically my primary job duty as diplomatic officer.  Just in the span of a few seconds, I have already started thinking of the invitation list and 1 or 2 locations.  Just say the word and I will make it so" she added with an grin.

It was only when the Deltan mentioned party planning that, Phara put meaning to the words 'baby shower'.

She thought it best to mention her own plans, but at that moment Jada spoke up giving explanation to her earlier words.  Phara listened in interest.

Quote from: Jada on May 29, 2020, 12:10:13 PM

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

'Heh. Just two ancient Orion traditions.' Jada began, in the mood for sharing after her wing-slug story. All Orion females were raised with the customs of traditional "Women's Business". Even butch tomboys like Jada. 'On Thirat, we burn a certain green branch in the house to produce smoke, supposedly to drive away bad spirits. Incidentally, it repels insects that can infest a nursery and its aroma covers the smell of baby poo. The real bad spirit. You'll just have to get used to that.' she teased Tess with a grin. 'And there's the traditional Hiding of the Baby. It originated from hiding children away from slavers. You hide the baby some place safe and secret. It's said that if Bub cries, they will grow up bold, and if they stay quiet, they will be cunning.' Fortunately for the parents, both likely outcomes were virtues for Orions. 'So, peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek are important games for Orion children learning object permanence is the first milestone of development. Then it's baby's first theft, when they've learned to go and get something they want on their own and overcome obstacles. And baby's first lie, when they've fully developed empathy and communication... Oh, and on Thirat we celebrate baby's first push-up because of the gravity.'

Quote from: Zex on May 29, 2020, 06:33:14 PM

Then she turned back to Jada and listened to her story.  "I learn something new about Orion culture every time I talk with you" she said by way of praise.  As close as Tess and Jada were, she wondered if Tess had asked Jada to be the child's god-mom.

"Another way to get rid of the odor of poop is to wash with shaving cream.  I know from personal experience during my days as a coroner.  Just saying" she said to the group.

Again her attention was caught by the Orion, Jada, who explained about her 'baby in the cupboard' reference.  It was so fascinating!

When there was a lull in the conversation she decided it was a good time to inform Tess about the planned event.  "Back to the topic of parties.  I'm not certain of what is involved in a 'baby shower', but Tess you can be certain that your child will not go without a proper H'dl Aefvadh*.  Myself and Reela t'Hava are organizing it and we will be ready for when the baby is born."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 30, 2020, 03:28:31 AM

NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Phara had no clue what a baby shower was and like Jada thought it might be some manner of first washing of the baby.

It was only when the Deltan mentioned party planning that, Phara put meaning to the words 'baby shower'.

She thought it best to mention her own plans, but at that moment Jada spoke up giving explanation to her earlier words.  Phara listened in interest.

Again her attention was caught by the Orion, Jada, who explained about her 'baby in the cupboard' reference.  It was so fascinating!

When there was a lull in the conversation she decided it was a good time to inform Tess about the planned event.  "Back to the topic of parties.  I'm not certain of what is involved in a 'baby shower', but Tess you can be certain that your child will not go without a proper Hædl Aefvadh*.  Myself and Reela t'Hava are organizing it and we will be ready for when the baby is born."

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

Zex was pleased to hear that Phara had already made plans for a baby shower.  She had expected that someone had.  She had apparently guessed wrong though.

She finished off her honey covered slug.  It was actually pretty tasty.  She picked up another and started nibbling on it.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess listened with unlessened interest as Jada explained about Orion tradition. Now that she knew the meaning of it, it made sense to her. However, she chuckled at the comment about covering the odor of baby poop. When Zex mentioned she had been working as a coroner before, she recalle having read it in her personnel file. "How come you are in diplomatic services now?", Tess asked the Deltan curiously.

She smiled when Phara said she'd organize a baby shower for her - well, the Romulan equivalent to that. "Thank you, Phara, that is so nice of you!", Tess smiled. "Is it similar to the terran 'baby shower' parties?"

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


NPC Phara t'Movel
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 30, 2020, 11:45:22 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (5 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 18 - Arboretum]

Tess listened with unlessened interest as Jada explained about Orion tradition. Now that she knew the meaning of it, it made sense to her. However, she chuckled at the comment about covering the odor of baby poop. When Zex mentioned she had been working as a coroner before, she recalled having read it in her personnel file. "How come you are in diplomatic services now?", Tess asked the Deltan curiously.

She smiled when Phara said she'd organize a baby shower for her - well, the Romulan equivalent to that. "Thank you, Phara, that is so nice of you!", Tess smiled. "Is it similar to the terran 'baby shower' parties?"

"Since I don't know what a 'baby shower' involves I can't answer that." Phara responded.  "But it is a Romulan custom where the women closest to the mother gather together for the actual birth to assist her through the experience, bless the healthy child to the Elements and announce it's birth to all."

She looked over to Zex after the Deltan had finished the honey-dipped skewered gastropod. Her mouth was still slightly burning from the spices. "They are surprisingly good are they not?"

Apparently Phara was one of those that loved them at first bite.  She turned to Jada.  "Thank you for bringing these over."  She reached for a jumja-sap dipped skewer and proceeded to try that.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

John Saxon


[Saxon's Office - Deck 2]

Sat back in his office, changed into a fresh uniform, John stared blankly and glumly at the piles of PADDs still waiting on his desk. He sighed, and not really sure where to start. What was more important? Assessing various rumours and reports of things that may or may not be true in the Gamma Quadrant? Approving or declining Tactical upgrade suggestions? Reviewing evidence for the rare - but still present - opportunistic criminal elements that either preyed on the civilian populace or stoked the black market? Or getting down to revamping the entire Security Department?

Not for the first time, but certainly the first timed done seriously, he considered requisitioning an assistant to help manage his immense, and conflicting workloads and schedules. He knew the Captain had been contemplating it; maybe he could piggyback on the matter.

Rubbing his face in his hands, John sighed again - then remembered that although he had a new uniform on, he had found the glitter in the faux-grenades he had provided for the festival did not go well with the 'goo' Jada and her...coven? (he had to chuckle at that) had formulated. The net effect was the damn bits were almost glued to his hands. Almost. And would take some time in the sonic shower to finally clear. Until then, he had no doubt transferred some more of the tiny, shiny material to his face.


Deciding he couldn't face a single screen for now, the old man heaved himself up, making a small groan as he did so.

There was somewhere he needed to be.

[Arboretum, Deck 18]

The cacophony hit him before the colours and scents did. Saxon stood at the threshold of the Arboretum looking in, unsure whether he had made a mistake coming here after all. Still, the unmistakable aroma of food, despite being somewhat unfamiliar, was appealing. He dimly recalled the Orion cuisine many, many years ago (during that...unfortunate...time on some Orion colony world) but that was several decades and several tastebuds, ago. He barely recalled the details, but his subconscious didn't immediately recoil or disuade at the notion of eating it again so it can't have been that bad.

A growl in his stomach agreed, and he realised it had been more than half a day since he had eaten or drank anything.

So, bravely, he ventured further within.

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