S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 20, 2020, 10:11:56 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - the evening previous]

Tess' eyes lit up when she saw Rayek's excited smile. Smiling, she pulled up the hem of her top so he could put his hand right on her skin. Excitedly she looked down at Rayek who had fallen to his knees in front of her and now had both hands on her stomach.

She waited with bated breath, hoping the little one would move once more. Then indeed! Tess felt something like butterflies in her stomach once more, a subtle tickle that gave her the greatest feeling of happiness ever.

"There!" she gasped as she looked at Rayek to see if he had felt it too. His gasping immediately revealed that he had indeed felt it. His warm hands on her belly felt nice. Then, when he raised his gaze up to her and she saw the tears of emotion in his eyes, hers filled with tears as well. This moment was unique and she was happy to experience it as it was.

She put her hand on his as she watched Rayek lean forward so that his face was close to her belly, the hairs of his beard tickling a little bit and make her grin. Then her husband whispered something in Romulan to the baby and the UT translated it. Tess knew that by this time the baby could already perceive a lot of what was happening outside the womb and could hear its parents' voice. So touched was Tess by this moment that Rayek's words to the baby made a tear of happiness roll down her cheek.

Her eyes met his again and his added words made her giggle. Bending forward speaking to the baby she replied: "If you're gonna be anything like your dad you're gonne be a cheeky rascal", she grinned at Rayek and then laughed good humoredly.

It was only then that a fact trickled into her consciousness - what had Rayek said? Son? A couple of months ago they had agreed not to check for the baby's gender until it was born. For a split second Tess wondered if Rayek had sneaked into sickbay behind her back to get information on the baby's gender - that would be a breach of trust between them and Tess quickly dismissed the thought. Was it maybe Rayek's wishful thinking that had spoken without him realizing it?

Her free hand came down to gently stroke through Rayek's hair to get his attention. "Son?", she asked with a grin and raised eyebrows.

Tess' teasing remark to the babe about being a cheeky rascal like his Dad caused Rayek's face to ache with how wide his smile was.  He gazed up at his wife adoringly a moment, before nuzzling at her belly, his heart clenching in joy.

Her hand stroked through his hair drawing his attention back to her.  He looked up once more then hearing the question in her voice, realized what he had spoken.  He quickly rose to his feet and made to take hold of her hand, hoping to avert a misunderstanding.
"It's not what you might think, e'lev.  I swear.  I apologize... for seeming to have a preference.  I will love our child regardless of gender." he reaffirmed.  But went on to try and explain his slip. "I just have trouble thinking of our baby as something without gender.  I find myself wanting to be able to call our child.. 'my son'.. or 'my daughter'."

He lowered his head slightly and raised her hand to his lips to kiss, before continuing.  "I know we agreed to wait until the birth to know... and I swear I shall honor that... but its not easy for me.  In preparing for the pregnancy, I have read so many 'wives tale' hypotheses about determining gender that it's hard not to see things in the way the pregnancy has progressed that might suggest its gender -  whether true or not... only time will tell."

He looked Tess in the eye.  "I will be more careful not to assume a gender to our child again.  Please forgive my lapse."

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 20, 2020, 10:11:56 AM

Ensign Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Padrini had acknowledged the call and was now heading to the area of customs that was in the back. Katra Station didn't have as yet a veterinarian but with the increasing number of animals that Katra had to deal with, this was probably a long overdue thing to look into. The tricorder he had with him was configurated with basic information on known Federation fauna, but this was far from sufficient to take care properly of animals that were seriously ill or injured.

He arrived at the Holding Cell 1 and saw Ensign tr'Lhoell inside it with three boxes. Roberto hadn't dealt much with Rayek generally, somehow both of them seemed to avoid each other and this here was the first time he would work with him ever since Rayek's demotion. He couldn't deny that he had acknowledged the event with a sense of gloating.

"Ensign", Roberto nodded over to Rayek as he stopped in front of the force field outside the cell. Unlike most the Romulan's new rank rolled with ease off his tongue. "I'm here to look after the birds." He stretched his neck a little in an attempt to take a glimpse into one of the open boxes.

Rayek while waiting on Medical to send someone down, hadn't touched the cages. He didn't want to cause more distress or harm to the creatures.  Instead he prepared the cell by bringing in a table and had the replicators create several larger cages in which to transfer over the birds once they had been treated.

He was just in the process of trying to identify the species - not an easy task since Meridian biologists were still in the midst of classifying the many many species of wildlife on the planet - when Ensign Padrini arrived.  The hairs on the back of Rayek's neck rose in response to the man's arrival outside the forcefield.

The Romulan looked up from his task, eyeing up Roberto a moment, curious as to his own reaction to the man but could see no reason for his paranoid alert.  Putting the feeling aside for now, he nodded towards the medical officer.

"Of course, Doctor.  Computer lower bio containment field in Customs Holding Room 1 and raise again when Ensign Padrini is within."

The forcefield dropped allowing access to the cell.  Rayek, standing at the table in front of the first of the three cases, stepped back to give Padrini room to work.

Inside the first cage was colorful bird about the size of a Terran sparrow.  A colorful songbird was Rayek's initial assessment of the species.

The bird was much more alert presently than when Rayek had first made the call.   A fine tuning of his tricorder scan, after his calling on Medical, had located a cottonball soaked in a mild anesthetic tucked into the lining of the luggage.  It was this that had been keeping the birds lethargic, or so Rayek believed.

"They are a bit more active ... now that they have some 'fresh air'."  He nodded to the three cottonballs which he'd set off to the side on the table. "They were dosed with those."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 20, 2020, 09:27:22 AM

[Dr Amarande Xiiv - Deck 5 - Medical Station]

Xiiv drew up her chart and looked it over as Hrafn spoke, nodded, and smiled. This would be an easier treatment to do and it did sound like arthritis. A local dose of anti-inflammatory aid and something that would help for pain, plus a cooling/heating wrap might help the immediate symptoms and a course of anti-inflammatories as needed would aid in the treatment of further irritation. There were also several exercises that might be helpful.

"Okay, let give this a good look," she murmured, running the scanner over it for a moment. Amarande spent a few moments looking it over with a careful eye and decided her initial approach was correct.

"I'll get you something for the pain and discomfort today and recommend some physical therapy to help ease mobility and flexibility back into the area affected. I have a course of anti-inflammatories I'd recommend you take and a cooling or heating wrap as well. Most people enjoy the wrap's ability to tell which you need more cooling or heating." She pulled out a wrap and began adjusting it for Hrafn's use.

"The deeper and sharper pain will be something that needs cold therapy, the lighter pain will be heat-based. You can wear it like you would a brace and it will help support the affected muscle and bone."

[Deck 5 - Medical Station]

"That sounds perfect, thank you.  Take it from me... never attempt to mend your console via a swift kneecap to the underside in the middle of a battle.  Nearly...." Hrafn did the maths in her head, almost muttering to herself. ".... twins are 5, 9 month pregnancy even if they were a few weeks early, and then about a year before that... 6.5 to 7 years anyhow I can't be exact.  Middle of a battle, my console started shorting out, as it was, just a loose wire.  I, in frustration, jerked my knee up under it hard like you would if some jackass was trying to molest you... except a console is a helluva lot harder... broke my kneecap but because I was in the midst of a battle, didn't get it seen to until 3 days later when my body had already started trying to mend itself.... that and I'm getting old and Tidu was insisting on donkey rides... me being the donkey... last night."

The CSO sighed.  "I love my kids but being everything to them with my husband so far away, it's hard. I miss him, but least he mostly takes charge of my eldest...much as anyone tames Ruthie!" she joked.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Solluk on May 19, 2020, 08:09:16 PM

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

As Ambassador Kol gave a speech thanking the Trans-Thlingonen orchestra for appearing at Katra, Solluk continued his conversation with Beja and Zex.

He listened as Beja delicately described the situation with the Ambassador, and perhaps also her own father.  Seen as undesirable reformists, it was possible they'd been politically exiled to the furthest reaches of known space.  It was a place where the conservative hardliners on the Council must have imagined that these men could do the least damage.

Then Zex suggested that perhaps they could help the Klingon reforms.

"Well," Solluk said, "as much as I would enjoy seeing the Klingon Empire enter a period of reform, I'm not sure how we can encourage it without violating our neutrality regarding internal matters.  And even if we could take some useful action to help Ambassador Kol, our aid could become a detriment in itself.  He'd likely be accused of being a Federation puppet, or be assigned some similar epithet."

Katra Station - Docking Saucer 3

Donald watched as the three Tholians moved through customs and out towards the nearest turbolift.  The Tholians had barely left their ship in the past month, despite Lieutenant Rhade having set up their embassy on the station.

Once the Tholians were out of presumed listening range, he tapped his badge.

=/\= Crewman Duff to Lieutenant Saxon.  Sir, you wanted to be informed the next time the Tholians boarded the station.  They just came through customs. =/\=

There was also a standing order to inform Ensign Zex of the Diplomatic Corps.  That would be Donald's next call.

The Tholians were an enigmatic people.  They seemed xenophobic, yet they'd sent an ambassador here.  They had an embassy, but never used it.  It was no wonder that so many of Katra's officers wanted notifications whenever the Tholian ambassador made a move.  Anything the Tholians did might be some subtle message that only an attentive eye could discern.

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

Zex nodded.  Solluk was correct about the prime directive being the golden rule of Star Fleet.  That rule, however, had been violated countless times without repercussion nearly as many times.

As such, the Deltan view the prime directive more as a guideline than a rule.  Something that she had expected most senior officers to adopt as well.  That is why she had been so bold as to voice her opinion on the subject.

"The way that you presented the topic gave me the impression that Kol mentioned to you that this is an active topic among the members of the counsel.  Not that you presented the idea of change to him.  So, our hands are clean in regard to interfering I would think" she said.

"And they can remain clean if we remain impartial and offer to help both sides to work threw this change.  Kol with the old guard as well as the members of the new guard.  Just like how we would assist two different cultures create a trade agreement or resolve a dispute over territory" she explained.

"In fact, I would think that we have an obligation with out allies to help them threw this process.  To help them navigate it with too much turmoil" she added.  "That's just my opinion though.  What do you think, Beja?" she asked after turning back toward the counselor.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja listened to Zex�s drink preference, something, sweet, fruity, and non alcoholic. She thought about it for a few seconds before she came up with the perfect drink, �I know just the thing you will like Zex!� Beja turned back to the table and found the drink and handed it over to Zex with a proud smile on her face, �Prune juice! A warrior�s drink that everyone can enjoy. No alcohol is in it. Cheers!�

Beja picked up her own drink again and had another sip, the warm tea hit the spot, as she struggled to figure out how to respond to both Captain Solluk and Zex�s conversation. She would never want to be rude to either of them, but what they were discussing was a very delicate topic and one she didn�t think that either of them really truly understood, what with both of them being outsiders. Even Beja wasn�t considered an insider herself, as most Klingons found her lack of warrior prowess distressing at best, and dishonorable at the worst.

�I think that you are both very kind in your regards, but I don�t think that the Empire desires any assistance in this matter. The reformists are a very small group, and they do not hold much power currently. I don�t see anything changing in the Empire for quite a long time, but it is a good sign that there are others that are willing to expand the Klingon culture past just wielding bladed weapons,� Beja said to Solluk and Zex.

The Klingons were a proud race and they would not at all wish to have any interference into their Empire and the High council by non Klingons. She also didn�t think that real change was going to come anytime soon. It was just a positive sign that perhaps her people would be able to evolve and grow in new ways eventually. Something she would love to see when it happened, but it would be generations before anything of significance would be likely to develop.

�How are the drinks?� Beja smiled over at Solluk and Zex, hoping that she had picked well for them.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 20, 2020, 03:02:26 PM

[Deck 5 - Medical Station]

"That sounds perfect, thank you.  Take it from me... never attempt to mend your console via a swift kneecap to the underside in the middle of a battle.  Nearly...." Hrafn did the maths in her head, almost muttering to herself. ".... twins are 5, 9 month pregnancy even if they were a few weeks early, and then about a year before that... 6.5 to 7 years anyhow I can't be exact.  Middle of a battle, my console started shorting out, as it was, just a loose wire.  I, in frustration, jerked my knee up under it hard like you would if some jackass was trying to molest you... except a console is a helluva lot harder... broke my kneecap but because I was in the midst of a battle, didn't get it seen to until 3 days later when my body had already started trying to mend itself.... that and I'm getting old and Tidu was insisting on donkey rides... me being the donkey... last night."

The CSO sighed.  "I love my kids but being everything to them with my husband so far away, it's hard. I miss him, but least he mostly takes charge of my eldest...much as anyone tames Ruthie!" she joked.

"Sounds like quite the active lifestyle," she murmured, settling the wrap around the woman's leg. At least it was the same colour as her trousers. "This can either go on top or beneath as it stretches nicely and pain relief will be effective either way. For the moment, let's set it beneath. Rest the leg, prop it up if you're going to be in a sitting position for a while. My recommendation for fixing consoles is to let engineering handle it before attempting to use the knee. Loose wire or not."

The one sure fire way to overcome the limitation of a bone break was by a surgical replacement that negate the damage entirely.

"If you want a new kneecap, I can manage that with minimal recovery time. We have decent replacements."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius



Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

Solluk listened carefully to Zex as she made an argument in favor of some kind of aid in reconciling the reformists with the traditionalists.  Then he listened to Beja as she suggested that the Klingon reform movement was too small to be influential in Klingon affairs, and that any interference by the Federation might be resented.

As he weighed the two possibilities, he took a sip of the tea Beja had provided him with.  It was bitter, but also bracing.  Until this moment, he had not even known that Klingons drank tea.  The only non-alcoholic beverage he'd ever heard of in relation to Klingons was the famous Raktajino, their powerful coffee analog.  When Beja offered Zex prune juice, Solluk nearly choked on his tea.  He knew the prune was a fruit from Earth that was reputed to have mild laxative properties.  He had not known that the fruit had been integrated into Klingon culture.  A 'warrior's drink,' no less.

"I am sure you are correct, Beja, that the reform movement is small and not very influential.  And I agree that the Klingons would probably resent interference.  However, I don't think it was an accident that the Ambassador mentioned these matters to me.  He may merely be an exuberant reformist, gushing about his hopes for the future... or there may be more going on.

I'd like you both to keep your eyes and ears open for additional news about any possible shift in Klingon politics.  Do not offer to influence them, or to reconcile political groups, or to take any action that might be perceived as intrusive.  But find out what you can.  At the very least, Starfleet will find any potential unrest within the Klingon government to be an article of interest.  The last time there was a rift within the Empire, it ended up involving the Romulans and the Federation."

When Beja asked about the beverages, Solluk lifted his cup and nodded appreciatively.  "It is a good drink.  I may add it to my replicator favor-"

There was a loud roar in the background, and the sound of a body hitting the floor.  Solluk turned to see that a member of the Dord Ambassadorial staff- Administrative Assistant Depp- had just hurled a Klingon to the deck plates.

"I told you that you would not win," Depp said simply.

The downed warrior quickly got to his feet, and roared, "You would not do so well without that suit!"

"That is why I wear it," Depp replied.

Another warrior stepped up, challenging the Dord to some variety of standing arm-wrestling match.  "I shall best Her!"

"Xir," Depp corrected, and a new game of strength began.

Once Solluk realized this was not a fight, but only a friendly contest, he shook his head and returned his attention to Beja and Zex.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening pervious)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 20, 2020, 02:50:07 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Tess' teasing remark to the babe about being a cheeky rascal like his Dad caused Rayek's face to ache with how wide his smile was.  He gazed up at his wife adoringly a moment, before nuzzling at her belly, his heart clenching in joy.

Her hand stroked through his hair drawing his attention back to her.  He looked up once more then hearing the question in her voice, realized what he had spoken.  He quickly rose to his feet and made to take hold of her hand, hoping to avert a misunderstanding.
"It's not what you might think, e'lev.  I swear.  I apologize... for seeming to have a preference.  I will love our child regardless of gender." he reaffirmed.  But went on to try and explain his slip. "I just have trouble thinking of our baby as something without gender.  I find myself wanting to be able to call our child.. 'my son'.. or 'my daughter'."

He lowered his head slightly and raised her hand to his lips to kiss, before continuing.  "I know we agreed to wait until the birth to know... and I swear I shall honor that... but its not easy for me.  In preparing for the pregnancy, I have read so many 'wives tale' hypotheses about determining gender that it's hard not to see things in the way the pregnancy has progressed that might suggest its gender -  whether true or not... only time will tell."

He looked Tess in the eye.  "I will be more careful not to assume a gender to our child again.  Please forgive my lapse."

Tess had hoped that the smile on her face told him that she wasn't upset, but Rayek went on to apologize profusely for a slip of the tongue. She really hoped he didn't think she was going to be mad at him for his explanation why he preferred to know the child's gender.

So she continued smiling at him and shook her head when he apologized once more. "It's alright, I'm not mad at you", she reassured him. "Now that I know how you feel about it by now, I understand why you would want to know the baby's gender. Actually, my own curiosity had increased over the past weeks", she admitted.

Stepping up to him she hugged him in her arms before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "So you read 'wives tales' hypotheses about determining the gender? And those hypotheses suggest we'll have a boy?", she asked curiously, an excited smile showing on her face.


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - OCC]

Tess sat in the center chair was actually glad that everthing was running smoothly today. While she listened to the bits of conversation from the various stations she felt like getting herself something to drink. So she got up and walked over to the replicator.

On her way back, a mug of steaming hot tea in her hand, she stopped at the science console where her father was stationed as long as Hrafn was visiting the medical station 4 decks down. Tess found Fabiano looking up at her with a smile.

"How's the little one doing?", he asked with a fond gaze at her belly.

Tess' hand automatically stroked gently over it, smiling. "Quite well. We felt the baby moving last night for the first time." She was still so excited about it. Secretly she hoped it would happen more often now, but of course she had no influence on that.

Fabiano's face lighted up as well. "Oh, that's wonderful for you." Since Fabiano didn't have any children of his own, his adoptive daughter's pregnancy was a first for him too so to say and he was very excited. "Maybe I will be lucky enough to witness that too."

Tess chuckled softly. The news that they knew now what gender the baby had was on the tip of her tongue. But she thought it would be nicer if the whole family was together for that. Just as Fabiano so knew her little brother that they wanted to wait with the revelation of the baby's gender until it was born. So neither of them would ask of their own accord. But now that she and Rayek knew, she wanted to share it with her family. "I hope so", she smiled at him. "Maybe we can have lunch today together with Rayek and Benjin. It's been a while."

"That's a good idea", Fabiano agreed happily.


Ens. Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 20, 2020, 02:50:07 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Rayek while waiting on Medical to send someone down, hadn't touched the cages. He didn't want to cause more distress or harm to the creatures.  Instead he prepared the cell by bringing in a table and had the replicators create several larger cages in which to transfer over the birds once they had been treated.

He was just in the process of trying to identify the species - not an easy task since Meridian biologists were still in the midst of classifying the many many species of wildlife on the planet - when Ensign Padrini arrived.  The hairs on the back of Rayek's neck rose in response to the man's arrival outside the forcefield.

The Romulan looked up from his task, eyeing up Roberto a moment, curious as to his own reaction to the man but could see no reason for his paranoid alert.  Putting the feeling aside for now, he nodded towards the medical officer.

"Of course, Doctor.  Computer lower bio containment field in Customs Holding Room 1 and raise again when Ensign Padrini is within."

The forcefield dropped allowing access to the cell.  Rayek, standing at the table in front of the first of the three cases, stepped back to give Padrini room to work.

Inside the first cage was colorful bird about the size of a Terran sparrow.  A colorful songbird was Rayek's initial assessment of the species.

The bird was much more alert presently than when Rayek had first made the call.   A fine tuning of his tricorder scan, after his calling on Medical, had located a cottonball soaked in a mild anesthetic tucked into the lining of the luggage.  It was this that had been keeping the birds lethargic, or so Rayek believed.

"They are a bit more active ... now that they have some 'fresh air'."  He nodded to the three cottonballs which he'd set off to the side on the table. "They were dosed with those."

Roberto had stared back at Rayek the short moment Rayek had eyed him up, a small frown showing on the young man's face as he was wondering what was going through the Romulan's head. When he then finally acknowledged him and lowered the containment field Roberto stepped in and approached the the boxes slowly, hearing slight movement coming from them.

As he stood in front of them then he saw a dozen colorful birds. They looked really beautiful. Roberto listened to what Rayek said and then glanced at the cotton balls, the frown returing on his face. "What the heck were they up to?", Roberto wondered out loud. Who would do that to the poor creatures.

Roberto started to take out the small cages out of the first box, lining them up on the table. "I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't have survived the whole trip to wherever whoever was heading with them", he said grimly. He really hoped the person/s would be charged.

Since Rayek had mentioned in his initial call that they'd be dealing with a dozen birds, Roberto had brought clips with him he was now tacking to the cages so when he would scan the aves they would be able to identify each one individually. "Unfortunately Meridian's birdlife has not been documented well as yet", Roberto commented while he was scanning each and every bird, recording the status of every single one in his tricorder, but indentifying the specific species would be difficult.

As he worked on them, the birds - now free of the effect of the mild anesthetic - started to become more and more active, fluttering their feathers and some of them even attacking the cages with their sharp beaks. Clearly, the animals were not used to being held in cages but to fly free under the Meridian sky.

Finally Roberto stepped back. "Four of them have have suffered injuries", he pointed to three of the birds that were in comparison to their conspecifics in the other cages still very lethargic. "The cottonballs in the cage those birds have been in were soaked in more anesthetic than the others ... they're intoxicated by it." He lowered his tricorder. "That's as much as I can do, I'm not a veterinarian. But we will of course try our best. I will try to talk to Tess- ... Commander t'Lhoell today to see how quick we can get a veterinarian." As he said that he looked directly at Rayek.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

John Saxon


[Katra Station]

It had finally happened. John Saxon had fought the hard, good fight but even the long-forgotten war hero had fallen.

Under the sheer weight of adminstration.

Being Strategic Operations Officer - which also encompassed the roles of Chief Tactical and Intelligence Officer - Chief of Security, and nominally, Second Officer, bureaucracy was a foe that the elderly soldier could no longer hold the night against. A wily old Chief Medical Officer had once told his squad during a joint mission that 'the bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe', and at the time the young John pitied those who had taken the desk instead of the starship.

So. Quite contrary to every fibre of his being, John did something he never thought he'd have to do.

He got some help.

Yeoman First Class Hannah Sullivan was ably suited for the challenging role that had been assigned to her. At only 19 years of age, she had scored top in the Technical Academy for her superb organisational skills, and had been unflinchingly keen to undertake numerous extra-duty assignments involving the management and improvement of issues such as the Academy's Library Computer file referencing efficiency, USS Hubble's Delta Shift night rotation, and co-ordinating virtually every single off-duty extra-curriculum aboard Deep Space 10. It was, perhaps, the reason this incredibly organised, keen and worst of all - chirpy - memeber of the Enlisted ranks was assigned to Katra Station. The Captain was still pondering whether he'd need one of his own, and so Saxon took the chance to nab her skills for himself.

And such it was, they both walked down the corridor now, he with his hands behind his back listening intensely as she relayed his schedule, reminders and general updates. Unfortunately, he was stull waiting for her security clearance to be upgraded so that aspect still required his personal attention.

"...and then, at 1615 you have a meeting in your office with the Promenade Shopkeeper's Society about their concerns to the increase of Embassies aboard the station. 1700 is the Armoury Review, again in your office. 1745 You have the Tactical diagnostic simulations in Holodeck 2. 1815-"

"I think we can save the rest for later" he half-muttered, half-grumbled. But if Yeoman Sullivan felt any grievance to his tone, she didn't show or display any signs of it.

"Sure thing!" she enthused, tapping her PADD. "But..now...you have the Klingon welcome Party at their Embassy. With Opera."

Saxon hurrumphed. "Don't suppose there's anything that can clash with it?"

Sullivan checked her PADD, not quite reading between the lines. "Nope! You're all free!"

The nongenerian was about to use some ancient expletive when his combadge chirped. " =/\=Saxon here. =/\= "

Quote from: Crewman Duff

"=/\=Sir, you wanted to be informed the next time the Tholians boarded the station.  They just came through customs. =/\="

Raising his busy eyebrows in joy, before lowering them in mock disappointment. "Oh dear. Looks like duty calls. Please note my apologies to their administrative staff; if I can still make it.. I will. But..." he shrugged, forcing the cruelty of fate, "you can just never tell with Tholians."

And with that, he hurried off. At pace. " =/\=Saxon to Crewman Duff. On my way. =/\="

"Will do!" Sullivan called back, genuinely pleased for more to be added to her already long to-do list.

L'mar Camili Rhade


[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade entered the Infirmary as he liked to call medical facilities, though sickbay is the typical Starfleet term. Medbay or medical was pretty much an extension of that, and all of them the computer knew were one in the same so it didn�t really matter. He looked around for someone to help him, he had his uniform sleeves rolled up and his scars visible, though they had reddened a bit.

It was his fault really for keeping them uncovered since he had left Doctor Xiiv�s care after the Tholian Embassy leak. He didn�t see Xiiv anywhere, Rhade frowned. Though a nurse saw him and approached. �Hello, can I help you?�

�Oh,� L�mar said as he looked to the nurse. He blinked a few times and was about to say no and leave but discovered his hand had moved into a scratching position on the other arm�s scar tissue. Of course the nurse spotted this and knew what happened.

�Looks like you do need some help.� The nurse laughed. Most people knew how hard it was to deny the urge to scratch an itch.

�Yes.� L�mar groaned as he knew he couldn�t lie about it now. He wondered where Xiiv was, they seemed to hit it off straight away and it was easy to connect with her, Rhade didn�t like the other medical personnel especially that Darrow fellow. He hoped that Xiiv would return soon.



[Turbo lift] Eydis would exist the turbo lift with her two guards each brandishing rather vicious looking crystalline halberds. Flanked in either side the trio would begin to head down the hallway. Ever individual  encounter would seemingly unthinking give the tholians a wide space. Many eyes would follow them after with whispers to one another.

It would take some Eydis some time to orient herself in the station. Looking up at a young federation officer a humanoid alien of some particular boring variation. �I�m Captain Eydis of the warrior caste commander of the cruiser Acrux. I require your assistance, I wish to access a holodeck simulator.�  Shi would approach the rather startled officer.

In brief sputtering of directions and hello the officer pointed Eydis in the direction of a holodeck. Eydis was currently unaware of people reporting hir whereabouts. Shi would hold the small memory crystal in hir right hand. The federation might have the knowledge shi wanted now, and shi was on hir way to find out.

Perhaps hir species would not always be alone in a sea of life forms. The federation would have more knowledge then the  assembly had managed to discern.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on May 21, 2020, 10:21:55 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade entered the Infirmary as he liked to call medical facilities, though sickbay is the typical Starfleet term. Medbay or medical was pretty much an extension of that, and all of them the computer knew were one in the same so it didn�t really matter. He looked around for someone to help him, he had his uniform sleeves rolled up and his scars visible, though they had reddened a bit.

It was his fault really for keeping them uncovered since he had left Doctor Xiiv�s care after the Tholian Embassy leak. He didn�t see Xiiv anywhere, Rhade frowned. Though a nurse saw him and approached. �Hello, can I help you?�

�Oh,� L�mar said as he looked to the nurse. He blinked a few times and was about to say no and leave but discovered his hand had moved into a scratching position on the other arm�s scar tissue. Of course the nurse spotted this and knew what happened.

�Looks like you do need some help.� The nurse laughed. Most people knew how hard it was to deny the urge to scratch an itch.

�Yes.� L�mar groaned as he knew he couldn�t lie about it now. He wondered where Xiiv was, they seemed to hit it off straight away and it was easy to connect with her, Rhade didn�t like the other medical personnel especially that Darrow fellow. He hoped that Xiiv would return soon.

"He can come back this way," Xiiv's voice sang out. "Second room on your left. If it's itchy it's healing."

It was about that stage of healing from the other day. Sometimes reknitted tissues were horribly itchy, which is why she had cooling spray and a balm to ease the worst of it. The balm she'd made from her own little garden and was a soft almost grassy scent. The cooling anti-itch spray would soothe the healing tissues and the balm would be a relief when the spray was an inconvenient mess.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked once he'd found her.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Katra Station - Docking Saucer Three

Danny nodded- a habit that extended uselessly into com-badge communication.  =/\= Acknowledged.  Duff out. =/\=

With that, Danny moved to the next contact on his list.  There were standing orders to advise the Diplomatic Officer if the Tholians returned to the station.  He tapped his badge a second time.

=/\= This is crewman Duff to Ensign Zex.  I just wanted to let you know the Tholian ambassador just came through customs, and entered the station proper.  There was a standing order to notify Strategic Operations and the Diplomatic Corps. =/\=

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 21, 2020, 07:30:39 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening pervious)

Tess had hoped that the smile on her face told him that she wasn't upset, but Rayek went on to apologize profusely for a slip of the tongue. She really hoped he didn't think she was going to be mad at him for his explanation why he preferred to know the child's gender.

So she continued smiling at him and shook her head when he apologized once more. "It's alright, I'm not mad at you", she reassured him. "Now that I know how you feel about it by now, I understand why you would want to know the baby's gender. Actually, my own curiosity had increased over the past weeks", she admitted.

Stepping up to him she hugged him in her arms before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "So you read 'wives tales' hypotheses about determining the gender? And those hypotheses suggest we'll have a boy?", she asked curiously, an excited smile showing on her face.

Relief was evident in Rayek's expression when Tess shook her head and continued smiling, admitting to him that she too was curious.   His arms move to wrap about her as she embraced him and settled the last of his worries with a kiss that he whole-heartedly and lovingly returned.  However, despite the amorous notions flitting through the passionate Romulan's mind as to where this intimate moment might turn to, Tess had other thoughts and brought the conversation back to bear on his choice of reading material.

Actually, material on the pregnancy was just one several things he read.  He did tend to read a lot, especially with more free time with his downgrade in responsibility.  When he wasn't reading aloud from The Chronicles of Agnes Barr to Tess and their unborn child, Rayek would research a various number of topics: from pregnancy to child-rearing; Cardassian vole pest-control methods to cooking; self-help on how to make friends to online searches of new staff and civilians on the station to learn about them since he no longer had access to confidential personnel files or even access to a persons criminal records without approval of his DH.

Lek had once remarked on this habit and Rayek's motivations and reasons for wanting to  know such information about everyone around him, yet the Ferengi had not understood Rayek's response - suggesting that his activity fed into the Romulan stereotype of being maladjusted and sneaky.  Rayek doubted Saxon would understand either so he kept his searches to what he could find on open forums and in news articles.

Tess' question about the wives' tales however kept his thoughts and the conversation firmly on their child.  He smiled as he resumed his swaying to the music that was nearing its end.  "I have learned of many - some are conflicting.. but yes... most suggest a boy by the way you are carrying low, in that your skin is still glowing and flawless, and you are generally happy and mellow mood-wise.  There were several that I picked up on." he quietly commented as they danced.

"Admittedly some will just not apply... heartrate for example is based on Human norms not a blended hydrid.  And I wasn't able to try the wedding ring test because I thought you would not approve. The same with the urine color test."  Somethings he just didn't want or need to know.

Seeing her interest, Rayek wondered if she might be considering changing her mind about waiting until the baby's birth to know.  "Are you serious about wanting to know? Or is it merely a passing thought?" he asked as their song ended and some other that he wasn't as keenly attuned to came up on the playlist.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 21, 2020, 07:30:39 AM

Ens. Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Roberto had stared back at Rayek the short moment Rayek had eyed him up, a small frown showing on the young man's face as he was wondering what was going through the Romulan's head. When he then finally acknowledged him and lowered the containment field Roberto stepped in and approached the the boxes slowly, hearing slight movement coming from them.

As he stood in front of them then he saw a dozen colorful birds. They looked really beautiful. Roberto listened to what Rayek said and then glanced at the cotton balls, the frown returning on his face. "What the heck were they up to?", Roberto wondered out loud. Who would do that to the poor creatures.

Roberto started to take out the small cages out of the first box, lining them up on the table. "I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't have survived the whole trip to wherever whoever was heading with them", he said grimly. He really hoped the person/s would be charged.

Since Rayek had mentioned in his initial call that they'd be dealing with a dozen birds, Roberto had brought clips with him he was now tacking to the cages so when he would scan the aves they would be able to identify each one individually. "Unfortunately Meridian's birdlife has not been documented well as yet", Roberto commented while he was scanning each and every bird, recording the status of every single one in his tricorder, but identifying the specific species would be difficult.

As he worked on them, the birds - now free of the effect of the mild anesthetic - started to become more and more active, fluttering their feathers and some of them even attacking the cages with their sharp beaks. Clearly, the animals were not used to being held in cages but to fly free under the Meridian sky.

Finally Roberto stepped back. "Four of them have have suffered injuries", he pointed to three of the birds that were in comparison to their conspecifics in the other cages still very lethargic. "The cottonballs in the cage those birds have been in were soaked in more anesthetic than the others ... they're intoxicated by it." He lowered his tricorder. "That's as much as I can do, I'm not a veterinarian. But we will of course try our best. I will try to talk to Tess- ... Commander t'Lhoell today to see how quick we can get a veterinarian." As he said that he looked directly at Rayek.

Rayek remained out of the way watching, up until Roberto was about to begin tagging the cages.  The Romulan reached out a hand to stop him - pointing instead to the newly replicated larger cages set up on the table.  "The travel cages are barely large enough for them.  I don't feel it right to leave them so cramped.  Tag these cages and I'll attempt to carefully transfer them over."

After Roberto finished scanning each, Rayek would then lift the cage out of the luggage and bring it over to a new cage.. and open the smaller inside of the larger while blocking as much of the cage exit with his body until the bird moved from smaller to larger cage.  Unfortunately, more than one bird took advantage of his hold to bite and pinch with their sharp beaks at his hands.  By the time he got all 12 transferred over, his hands had gained a couple open wounds - minor wounds mostly - only one might need a stitch, but policy required that they at least be cleaned and seen by medical personnel.

As he presented them to Padrini for treatment, Rayek reminded the man of his preference of just having them cleaned and bandaged.  "These are minor enough that I'd prefer to avoid dermal regeneration.  And I will be sure to tell Tess you advised me against such."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs


Quote from: Solluk on May 21, 2020, 03:27:02 AM

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

Solluk listened carefully to Zex as she made an argument in favor of some kind of aid in reconciling the reformists with the traditionalists.  Then he listened to Beja as she suggested that the Klingon reform movement was too small to be influential in Klingon affairs, and that any interference by the Federation might be resented.

As he weighed the two possibilities, he took a sip of the tea Beja had provided him with.  It was bitter, but also bracing.  Until this moment, he had not even known that Klingons drank tea.  The only non-alcoholic beverage he'd ever heard of in relation to Klingons was the famous Raktajino, their powerful coffee analog.  When Beja offered Zex prune juice, Solluk nearly choked on his tea.  He knew the prune was a fruit from Earth that was reputed to have mild laxative properties.  He had not known that the fruit had been integrated into Klingon culture.  A 'warrior's drink,' no less.

"I am sure you are correct, Beja, that the reform movement is small and not very influential.  And I agree that the Klingons would probably resent interference.  However, I don't think it was an accident that the Ambassador mentioned these matters to me.  He may merely be an exuberant reformist, gushing about his hopes for the future... or there may be more going on.

I'd like you both to keep your eyes and ears open for additional news about any possible shift in Klingon politics.  Do not offer to influence them, or to reconcile political groups, or to take any action that might be perceived as intrusive.  But find out what you can.  At the very least, Starfleet will find any potential unrest within the Klingon government to be an article of interest.  The last time there was a rift within the Empire, it ended up involving the Romulans and the Federation."

When Beja asked about the beverages, Solluk lifted his cup and nodded appreciatively.  "It is a good drink.  I may add it to my replicator favor-"

There was a loud roar in the background, and the sound of a body hitting the floor.  Solluk turned to see that a member of the Dord Ambassadorial staff- Administrative Assistant Depp- had just hurled a Klingon to the deck plates.

"I told you that you would not win," Depp said simply.

The downed warrior quickly got to his feet, and roared, "You would not do so well without that suit!"

"That is why I wear it," Depp replied.

Another warrior stepped up, challenging the Dord to some variety of standing arm-wrestling match.  "I shall best Her!"

"Xir," Depp corrected, and a new game of strength began.

Once Solluk realized this was not a fight, but only a friendly contest, he shook his head and returned his attention to Beja and Zex.

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

"Prune juice?  Sounds delicious" Zex said after accepting the libation for Beja.  She smelled the drink before drinking it.  A habit she had picked up at some point.  It smelled of a fruit, but not one she knew.  "Mmmm" she replied after taking a small sip.

Beja suggested 'no action at this time' which perfectly balanced out the Deltan's 'let's get involved now' approach.  Sulluk had chosen the King Solomon approach of splitting the difference.  Listen and watch actively, but take no action.

"Of course, Captain.  I will do what I can.  I would think thought the Beja would know best how to do that" she said and then turned slightly to Beja.  "Any suggestions?" she asked.

Quote from: Solluk on May 21, 2020, 05:13:54 PM

Katra Station - Docking Saucer Three

Danny nodded- a habit that extended uselessly into com-badge communication.  =/\= Acknowledged.  Duff out. =/\=

With that, Danny moved to the next contact on his list.  There were standing orders to advise the Diplomatic Officer if the Tholians returned to the station.  He tapped his badge a second time.

=/\= This is crewman Duff to Ensign Zex.  I just wanted to let you know the Tholian ambassador just came through customs, and entered the station proper.  There was a standing order to notify Strategic Operations and the Diplomatic Corps. =/\=

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

Zex took another sip of her prune juice.  Then moved the glass to her left hand.  Freeing her right hand to tap her combade.

=/\=Acknowledged.  I can be there shortly.  Zex out=/\= she said and ended the link.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

John Saxon

[Katra Station]

Making his way to Docking Saucer 3, Saxon tapped his combadge once again. In the time between the departure of Jada Nozima, and agreeing to the transfer all-but-one of the former Tactical Mobile Primary Strike Team (TMPST) to other postings, Saxon had take the time and effort to finally redesign the Security Department to be more fluid and dynamic in light of ever-changing priorities, developing rotating special duty assignments out of merit rather than a small cell of shared personal history. In time, every singular member of Security would carry a better toolbox of broad expertise, better suited to being the only internal line of defence of a station that was, realistically, days from StarFleet reinforcements. That was not to say everyone would have the same aptitude in every discipline - that was the nature of nature after all - but expanded rapid response units would be more modular and adaptable.

Further to this, enhanced close-quarter training was being stepped up by Senior Chief Petty Officer Veirla Solen, now permanently the station's Master-At-Arms and, among other duties, responsible for the combat effectiveness upkeep of the Department. The Angosian ex-'super-soldier' was a notably hard instructor, and while there had been some, to put it mildly, voiced discomfort about the very notion that someone with all the interpersonal skills of a Breen refrigeration unit would be responsible for a physical regime, it soon became apparent that her thrice-weekly sessions were not only yielding remarkable results in even the less physically capable members, but the vast majority of the team even began to look forward to what some wags had dubbed 'Punch Nights'.

Following up on these successes, one of the new special assignments was the formation of a Diplomatic Protection Section, under Saxon's over-all command as (still Acting) Chief of Security, but with deployment oversight shared with Lt Beja in her role as the station's Chief Diplomatic Officer. Together, they'd consider the requirements of such protection detail for all external official visitors should they venture from the boundaries of their respective Embassies, and take nominal command of a specific squad unless the situation deteriorated into a live security matter. There had been some 'protests' at such a requirement from several of the less-than-affable government representatives, believing their own security detail should have been sufficient, but Zex and Beja had done a remarkable, and patient, job explaining that while each official residence had the legal right to staff their own diplomatic mission with authorised internal security personnel, their jurisdiction only extended to the limits of the threshold of their designated, sanctioned, space.

It was for this reason Saxon was keen to have been notified should the Tholian delegation leave their docked ship and enter Katra-proper.

" =/\= Saxon to Duty DPS. The Tholian delegation has left their vessel and are proceeding through the station. Please mobilise a standby unit and report to the receiving Diplomatic Officer for further instructions. =/\=" That would be either Zex or Beja - likely the former. He needed not specify the obvious need for a discreet presence until the DO was on the scene.

For his part, he'd observe the Tholian progress from afar - if only to satisfy his own curiosity as to what had drawn the Tholians from their ship after so many weeks.

And to avoid the clamour of Klingon Opera.

🡱 🡳

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