S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Eli Ferris


Lt. Eli Ferris |Flight Chief's Office| Katra Station

Eli had found himself behind. It was the most frustrating feeling in the world, as he felt each patrol had to be supervised personally, with the various threats. He had pushed himself too hard and ended up needing two weeks leave before he headed to a psychiatric facility.

But, now, he was back, PADDs were updated, flight plans were entered, and Eli was able to sign off on it all.

The door chime signaled and he stood, prepping to give the PADDs over to the flight chief.

"Sir..." The chief said. "Just rotated flights for Beta shift. Orders for next patrol?" Eli gave a smile and handed over the PADDs.

"Right on time, Chief."

"It's good to have you back, sir."

"Khnai�ra." Eli offered his thanks in Romulan. He had been happy to return to the Katra, with a new feeling of adventure.  Though, he apparently had missed the Orion celebration. "I'll be catching the bowling game. See if it makes any sense..."

"I'd be happy to show you, sir."

"You might have to explain this one to me."


Eli entered the holosuiteto see the teams racking up the points. At least, Eli guessed at the points. The white sticks were being knocked around with a frantic crashing noises. He moved his way down to the chairs, glad to see all the senior staff were there, and Zex making herself feel right at home. Seemed liked only yesterday Eli had introduced himself to the ensign trying to make her office feel homey.

The captain was up and Eli took in the rather interesting sight of a Vulcan handling a rather large looking ball and flinging it down the wooden surface. It was quite interesting to behold.


Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Yorno wanted to shrink back into himself as the Tholian perched right above him.  Once again, the ambassador reminded of some predatory alien arachnid.  A lurking menace, ready to jump down and seize him.  But now it was more than a resemblance.  The Ambassador began to spin threats, as a spider might spin silk, and promised to catch and kill Yorno if he made a single misstep.  He could imagine himself being seized and dragged into the inner sanctum of the Tholian embassy, past one of the airlocks, into a room so searing hot that his flesh would boil off of his bones.

He shuddered, thinking of it.  But his Yridian mind could not resist the morsel of revelation she had offered.

"Warrior Caste?"  Yorno swallowed, "I thought you were an Envoy.  An... Ambassador.  Why would the Tholians choose a warrior as their envoy to Katra station?"

Were all Tholian ambassadors warriors, he wondered?

Several species had a saying that resembled the same sentiment: 'Politics is just Warfare using different means.'  Perhaps the Tholians took that phrase literally.

"You need not fear being betrayed by me, Warrior Eydis.  The Yridians survive in the commerce of information only because we can be trusted to deliver it reliably.  The information I have for you will cost twenty bricks of Gold Pressed Latinum.  Or, if you prefer... ten bolts of Tholian Silk."

Tholian silk was a precious and rare commodity.  The Tholians rarely parted with it.

"Alternatively, you could trade us information.  But most people who can afford it, choose commodities.  If you opt to trade in information, I will require that you answer three questions, completely and honestly.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  Perhaps if you are lucky, not ever.  But if you choose this option, then when myself or anyone else with the Yridian Secrets Guild ever comes asking, you will provide."

His mouth was dry, and he swallowed again.  "To help you decide, I can only say this:  The information I have is about the whereabouts of a wounded alien in need of assistance.  A vast creature that lives in interstellar space, and travels between systems.

An entity... made of crystal."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 07, 2020, 05:25:07 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 month pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess was both annoyed and relieved about Rayek's rigorous action of ending the topic. Her first impulse had been to further look into this discrepancy. But it probably wasn't the right time and place to do so. There must be a logical solution to this misunderstanding. So at Rayek's question Tess replied a little delayed with a nod of her head. "Yes, that's alright." But in her mind it kept her busy now.

Roberto shot Rayek a glance that was similar to the one the young Italian had received from the Romulan earlier when he had been offering to join Tess' team. Now, Rayek made it look like Roberto was telling some nonsense. Really?

The drop in rank for Rayek had made Roberto drop his respect for the Romulan. So he wasn't shy to give Rayek a glare now. But he knew better than to reply anything. Not in front of the Captain; and not in front of Tess. Pointedly turning away from Rayek Roberto spoke to Tess. "I'm sorry I brought this up. I didn't mean to upset you."

Rayek noted Padrini's glare and was a little surprised at its' openness.  There had been times when the Romulan had suspected the man had been on the verge of rudeness and disrespect, but had put it down to his own sense of paranoia, believing that Tess' second would be better than that.  Padrini's blatant glare said otherwise.  But of course the medic was careful to not let Tess see as he turned away to apologize to her.

Rayek's eyes narrowed on the back of the man's head, knowing that to confront Padrini, here and now, would only disrupt the whole evening's cooperative 'team-building'.  He wouldn't do that to Beja.  She'd done too much to make this event a success.  So Rayek swallowed down his reactive anger and tried to focus his attention on the children... they always helped him smile.

Quote from: Zex on June 08, 2020, 05:47:02 PM

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

After changing, Zex returned to group.  It was her turn to go.  So she grabbed the ball and rolled 1 gutter ball after the next.  "Sorry" she said to her team.

When she returned to her table, she was able to relax for a moment.  For some reason she was getting that tingling feeling she gets before reacting to another person's feelings or thought.  It was that instinctual response that had kept the Deltan's safe for years.

But here with her co-workers, she was in no danger.   So she went to thinking of then next possible thing that might be causing this feeling and focusing on who might be causing that feeling her.  She looked around and landed on Rayek.

"Hi" she said after approaching him.  "It is good to see you again" she said sincerely.  "When you have time, maybe later, I wanted to talk to you about a romulan term I came across so that I can better understand it.  The term is absolute candor.  Have you heard of it?" she asked curiously.

At Zex's approach and greeting Rayek nodded.  On his lap was curled a very sleepy Lamar.  It was past the young tyke's bedtime.  The child had begun to become whiny and irritable about 20 minutes earlier after having bowled his last ball... after that he just wanted to go home.  To help Hrafn, Rayek had picked up the grumpy child and settled Lamar on his lap, rubbing his back soothing.  It didn't take long after that for the child to settle into a half doze against the Romulan's warm chest.

Rayek glanced to the hard plastic bench seat beside him in invitation, even as Zex asked about talking later.  He gave soft shrug not wanting jostle Lamar if possible.   "I have time now... unless this is a sensitive subject." he offered while she made mention of being curious of a Romulan term.  That earned an interested look from Rayek.

The term she spoke... wasn't actually Romulan but it was the Federation translation of a phrase which he unfortunately did know.  Ehdhihss 'Nhaith hvaedroalh Khoi Daew'le.

He hesitated a moment before answering, worried about what it might suggest to the diplomat that he did know, yet answered honestly. "Yes, I have heard of it.  Though to be honest, I'm surprised you have.  What are you wanting to know?  The term 'absolute candor' is Federation Standard... its' translation should be rather self-evident."

Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 08, 2020, 11:14:10 PM


Eli entered the holosuite to see the teams racking up the points. At least, Eli guessed at the points. The white sticks were being knocked around with a frantic crashing noises. He moved his way down to the chairs, glad to see all the senior staff were there, and Zex making herself feel right at home. Seemed liked only yesterday Eli had introduced himself to the ensign trying to make her office feel homey.

The captain was up and Eli took in the rather interesting sight of a Vulcan handling a rather large looking ball and flinging it down the wooden surface. It was quite interesting to behold.

A late arrival to the group caught his attention and Rayek offered a wave towards the fellow Romulan.  "Jolan'tru Eli.  Welcome back. You are a little late to  join in the game we are just in the last set.   But I'm sure Beja will appreciate your cheering her on. She's going to need all the support she can to win for her team."

It would actually require a Turkey.  Three consecutive strikes.  Not an impossibility - but for a novice, quite a feat.  Despite that Beja was on the opposing team Rayek joined in the cheering, quietly lest he wake Lamar.  "Show us how it is done, Counselor."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Solluk on June 09, 2020, 12:22:08 AM

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Yorno wanted to shrink back into himself as the Tholian perched right above him.  Once again, the ambassador reminded of some predatory alien arachnid.  A lurking menace, ready to jump down and seize him.  But now it was more than a resemblance.  The Ambassador began to spin threats, as a spider might spin silk, and promised to catch and kill Yorno if he made a single misstep.  He could imagine himself being seized and dragged into the inner sanctum of the Tholian embassy, past one of the airlocks, into a room so searing hot that his flesh would boil off of his bones.

He shuddered, thinking of it.  But his Yridian mind could not resist the morsel of revelation she had offered.

"Warrior Caste?"  Yorno swallowed, "I thought you were an Envoy.  An... Ambassador.  Why would the Tholians choose a warrior as their envoy to Katra station?"

Were all Tholian ambassadors warriors, he wondered?

Several species had a saying that resembled the same sentiment: 'Politics is just Warfare using different means.'  Perhaps the Tholians took that phrase literally.

"You need not fear being betrayed by me, Warrior Eydis.  The Yridians survive in the commerce of information only because we can be trusted to deliver it reliably.  The information I have for you will cost twenty bricks of Gold Pressed Latinum.  Or, if you prefer... ten bolts of Tholian Silk."

Tholian silk was a precious and rare commodity.  The Tholians rarely parted with it.

"Alternatively, you could trade us information.  But most people who can afford it, choose commodities.  If you opt to trade in information, I will require that you answer three questions, completely and honestly.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  Perhaps if you are lucky, not ever.  But if you choose this option, then when myself or anyone else with the Yridian Secrets Guild ever comes asking, you will provide."

His mouth was dry, and he swallowed again.  "To help you decide, I can only say this:  The information I have is about the whereabouts of a wounded alien in need of assistance.  A vast creature that lives in interstellar space, and travels between systems.

An entity... made of crystal."

Eydis listen to Yorno as the two other tholians in the room begin to circle him. � Those are dangerous words if you are lying to me. However if it is the truth. I will triple your price in silk for bringing one of the old ones home. However I must advise you to be Weary, if you mean to take advantage of us in the future with their lives. However that being said if you do find them, your reward will be the same for ever one secured safely. � The two other tholians hands were at the hilts of the crystalline swords.

�You will lead me there Yorno, if you are lying you will be the first to die that I personal assure you.� Eydis would let herself go and twist in mid air to land with a soft thump on the floor in front of him. Displaying a incredible display of both her agility and the environment suit. Standing at little over 5�9 she was not that imposing of tholian. But there was a surprisingly dangerous gleam in hir glowing eyes. Leaning in to within six inches of the Yorno shi seemed to be trying to see if he was lying.

Without a spoken word Eydis gives the command to alert the stations command and zex herself.  A message was sent by the second of the two tholians in the room. Over the stations own messaging system. To the command staff and zex.=/\=Commander Eydis will be departing the station with the cruiser Acrux, in 3 hours from now. I will Leave four tholians to to serve as delegates behind in the embassy. A individual by the name Yorno is claiming to have knowledge on a crystalline entity. He will be leading us to it per a agreement on a conditional reward basis.  =/\=

Eydis would lean back a little � You have a ship don�t you Yorno the yridian. Understand this ever tholian will know your face and name should you become lost. You will be given three hours to bring all your affairs in order and secure whatever you might need. �



USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

Beja had been happy to see everyone having a good time, though there appeared to be some kind of issue going with the sex of Tess and Rayek�s unborn baby. She did her best to keep out of that discussion, Tess seemed to be upset by it. She certainly didn�t want to add to that for her, she had heard that pregnant women could be more emotional during the gestation time period. Really, they all had been under a large amount of stress, it isn�t unheard of that pregnant people were a little bit more on edge than most.

That�s what the bowling was supposed to help them all with, Rayek had taken the initiative to put together the event for them. Even though he was no longer an executive officer, nor held any kind of �leadership� role. He was not in charge of a team, or even one person at this moment. Yet. Despite that, he had seen to the emotional needs of the crew, as if he still were. That was true leadership, that couldn�t be taught in a textbook. The caring about other people, wanting to make sure their needs were met, and even putting himself into a more �foolish� setting in order to achieve that, that was growth for the Romulan. Beja was proud of the strides he had taken, and the real effort he was putting into the crew. He might not be their leader, but it didn�t mean he couldn�t still lead by example for them.

Now that the game was winding down, Beja wasn�t that sad to see that Team Orange was behind, they had all put in a good showing and that was what had mattered most! Though her happiness and joy were short lived, when she saw she was the last one to actually �bowl. And after calculating the math in her head she realized what everyone else knew, Team Orange�s victory was solely in Beja�s hands. Their victory, or their loss and dishonor, was hers to deliver. How did that happen? She had tried so hard, practiced so many hours, and watched so many tutorials and games, so that she wouldn�t bring dishonor to her team, to find herself exactly in the place she had tried so hard to avoid!

Maybe Hrafn�s ideas of lucky charms were not so crazy. Perhaps Beja was just cursed, or full of bad luck? Could it be possible that she was just tainted with dishonor that tarnished everything she touched?

No... those were thoughts and beliefs she used to hold onto. When she let them go she had found much success here on Katra. She had helped Toji. She had helped discover a new space entity and learn their language. She had helped to bring together different races here on Katra and build a strong diplomatic core. No, she was not a bad apple as the humans said. She was a good apple, and she would show that today on the lane battlefield.

Based on her performance she had less than 3% chance of pulling a Turkey, but she had overcome much worse odds in the past. Beja closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she lined up her feet just lightly to the left of the middle line and threw the ball down the line. The velocity of the ball hit the middle pin perfectly and all of the 10 pins crashed to the ground.

One strike down, two more to go!

Beja did her best to ignore all the other noises around her as she concentrated solely on the 10 white pins staring at her from the far lane. She made a slight adjustment to her stance this time, moving just a little bit more to the left, knowing that the second throw she tended to arc the ball more than the first time. She could not afford to be off by even a millimeter if Team Orange would taste victory here today.

Another deep calming breath taken, one, two, three steps, and the swing of her arm and the ball once more found it�s aim right down the middle, taking all the pins with it. Beja should have been jumping for joy, but rather the dread began to creep over her. A real chance of victory was at their fingertips! How much easier it would have been if she had missed the first one or even the second throw. Team Green would have won, and the game would be over. She would have tried and failed, something her childhood taught her how to deal with. The failure and shame. But the prospect and anxiety of success so near was an entirely different beast to slay.

To succeed, to know victory, to actually wear the mantle of a warrior, even if it was one with a fancy shirt and shoes and orange colored ball, it felt strange and alien to Beja. Is this what Rayek had felt? Had he panicked at the idea of success? Was failure easier to deal with, when it was expected for a person? Was that why he always ended up self-sabotaging his success? He always ended up making sure a failure was a given for him, before he could fail on his own. She now understood why. Success was a truly, scary, and nightmarish thing to grapple with, when one was only familiar with loss and defeat. Winning was so much more difficult and much harder to process.

Beja thought just for a brief moment of perhaps just throwing the ball and having it �accidentally� end up in the gutter. But she pushed that thought quickly out of her mind. No, she needed to really try her hardest, she needed to see if she could do this, not just for Team Orange, but for the most important Team of all - Team Beja.

�jaj lach'eghDI'� Beja cried out before she threw the last ball down the lane, it arched much more wilder than she had meticulously planned for, and the 9 pins went down. Leaving the 10th pin wobbling back and forth for several seconds before it lost its balance and landed on the ground next to its brothers and sisters on the battlefield, defeated by the orange ball.

Beja stood there stunned for a moment, before she came to her senses. Finally she jumped up and down in the air, screaming out �Qapla!�

Only after the adrenaline rush of victory had subsided that she realized that Eli had joined them after all. He had been so busy lately, that she had been worried if he was over doing it. He was on her list of people to talk to, but he had made the effort on his own to be with them all. Beja made her way over to where he was standing and held out the shirt she had made for him, just in case he had managed to attend.

�Eli, I�m glad you made it, though I�m sorry you missed out on playing. Next time you must join us sooner. I had this made just for you! I hope you like it,� Beja smiled at him as he gave him his shirt. All of their shirts were a reflection of the person wearing it, she had wanted everyone to feel not just included but valued as well. She cared about them all, and hoped the gesture would show that to them.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

With Solluk seemingly agreeing to her choice - at least he didn't reply anything - Tess moved away to sit down for a while, still musing about the strange scene from earlier about Roberto knowing her child's gender. She admitted, not being sure what that apparent misunderstanding was about troubled her. But she couldn't leave now because of that. She would see if her dad was still up once they were home, if not she would ask him the next day.

The game went on and it looked like scores were pretty close in the end for both teams. At some point when Tess just had gotten herself another beverage she spotted Rayek sitting in the seat with Lamar leaning against his chest, dozing. The sight was adorable. She pulled out her personal device to take a photo - and now that she was already on it, took some more photos of everyone else having fun here.

Tess then approached Rayek and sat down next to him with a wide grin. "Hey, future daddy", she said quietly and then acknowledged that Zex was sitting with him. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt", she smiled at the Deltan woman.

At the arrival of Eli, Tess turned her head and smiled at him. She knew her borther Benjin quite admired his DH and got along with him well. "Hello, Eli! So nice to have you with us!"

She sat there for a while, relaxing, before it was the final round of the game - Beja had to do the very difficult task of three strikes to win the game for them. As the saying went, Tess actually crossed her fingers as she called out to Beja, "You can do it!"
The first and second strike had Tess cheering Beja on even more, then 9 pins fell with the third ball, Tess believed to hear a murmur while the 10th pin wobbled back and forth. Then it went down and Tess - following the impulse - jumped to her feet to cheer their team's win with her hands in the air, but was cut off by a slight pain and tightening of her stomach that had her draw in a sharp breath. With a discomforted chuckle she slowly sat back down. "Shouldn't have done that", she mumbled to herself but smiled over at Beja as she came over to greet Eli. "Well played."

It was then that she got a notification on her personal device that forwarded important messages she received on her duty PADD. What she read there caused a slight frown. Crystalline entity? Tess knew that Starfleet had encountered something that was called like that a couple of decades back and she wondered if it meant the same thing. And if so, what were the Tholians up to? Since Tess wasn't sure if either Solluk or Zex had taken measures to be informed about written messages, she decided to inform them now incluing Beja as DC department head.

"Sorry interrupt this merry evening with business, but I thought I will let you know since I wasn't sure if you can receive messages here. A message came through that the Tholian Envoy is leaving the station to have someone guiding hir to a 'crystalline entity'. Shi will depart in 3 hours."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

[OOC: I'm behind again so skipping tags]

Hrafn turned to Tess and explained about the talisman. "I think you know, I keep one of Nevir's cadet pips in my pocket at all times.  The original one, as I gave Tidu the other when he and Nerys were so brave in the Invasion of Katra Station.  I don't really look at it, I mean the way you see things but you don't really look at them so when I empty my pockets before recycling uniforms, it's kinda a scoop out of any bits and bobs, including the pip, my stub of pencil and little paper pad."

She took a drink of the soda she'd got and continued. "Well I lost it somewhere between the Healy and my quarters and panicked... turned out it was in the turbolift... probably fell out when I waved Rayek goodbye as we parted..."  the Science officer omitted to mention she'd been playfully teasing her friend as she didn't want to bring up bad memories of relations between her and Rayek with her friend Tess. "I was hamming it up and being silly.  Just happy to be home."

"... it turns out that Nevir must've had something etched on the pip, as it happens H - heart - N, when we last saw each other, I certainly didn't know anything about it.  Maybe it has been there a while, it's the sort of thing a lovesick cadet would do!  Especially my ja'lat!"  she sighed and pulled it out of her pocket, and passed it to Tess to examine.

"Thing is it looks newer than the scratches on the pip elsewhere." Hrafn said passing it over.

When Beja offered her bat'leth pendant as luck Hrafn accepted it gratefully.  "Aww, Beja that's sweet of you, just for now though!"  it resulted in her landing the 7/10 split as a spare fairly easily and she grinned.  "Klingon magic, definitely works!".  She hung onto the pendant until Beja was up and requiring a Turkey....

"I think you might need this Beja... not that I doubt your skill but you know... we're relying on you so the luck needs to be with you!" she said.  When the Counsellor got the first... then the second... Hrafn found herself barely breathing.  When the last went in she went up and hugged her friend.  "That's some powerful juju you've got there Beja!  Qapla indeed! Your Mama knew what she was doing!" she said nodding at the necklace

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 09, 2020, 08:12:09 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

With Solluk seemingly agreeing to her choice - at least he didn't reply anything - Tess moved away to sit down for a while, still musing about the strange scene from earlier about Roberto knowing her child's gender. She admitted, not being sure what that apparent misunderstanding was about troubled her. But she couldn't leave now because of that. She would see if her dad was still up once they were home, if not she would ask him the next day.

The game went on and it looked like scores were pretty close in the end for both teams. At some point when Tess just had gotten herself another beverage she spotted Rayek sitting in the seat with Lamar leaning against his chest, dozing. The sight was adorable. She pulled out her personal device to take a photo - and now that she was already on it, took some more photos of everyone else having fun here.

Tess then approached Rayek and sat down next to him with a wide grin. "Hey, future daddy", she said quietly and then acknowledged that Zex was sitting with him. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt", she smiled at the Deltan woman.

At the arrival of Eli, Tess turned her head and smiled at him. She knew her borther Benjin quite admired his DH and got along with him well. "Hello, Eli! So nice to have you with us!"

She sat there for a while, relaxing, before it was the final round of the game - Beja had to do the very difficult task of three strikes to win the game for them. As the saying went, Tess actually crossed her fingers as she called out to Beja, "You can do it!"
The first and second strike had Tess cheering Beja on even more, then 9 pins fell with the third ball, Tess believed to hear a murmur while the 10th pin wobbled back and forth. Then it went down and Tess - following the impulse - jumped to her feet to cheer their team's win with her hands in the air, but was cut off by a slight pain and tightening of her stomach that had her draw in a sharp breath. With a discomforted chuckle she slowly sat back down. "Shouldn't have done that", she mumbled to herself but smiled over at Beja as she came over to greet Eli. "Well played."

It was then that she got a notification on her personal device that forwarded important messages she received on her duty PADD. What she read there caused a slight frown. Crystalline entity? Tess knew that Starfleet had encountered something that was called like that a couple of decades back and she wondered if it meant the same thing. And if so, what were the Tholians up to? Since Tess wasn't sure if either Solluk or Zex had taken measures to be informed about written messages, she decided to inform them now incluing Beja as DC department head.

"Sorry interrupt this merry evening with business, but I thought I will let you know since I wasn't sure if you can receive messages here. A message came through that the Tholian Envoy is leaving the station to have someone guiding hir to a 'crystalline entity'. Shi will depart in 3 hours."

Seeing Tess take snaps of Rayek and Lamar she melted inside.  It was so sweet.  "I want copies please!... and just think, soon that will be your own.  Any ideas what you'd like as a birth gift for baby s'Lhoell?  And for Mama and Papa.  I have a self made rule.  While I like to welcome the baby to the world, it's the poor Mama that had to suffer the pregnancy and the Papa suffering his wife moaning about the aches and pains and them together that then have to put up with said offspring until they leave home!  So they deserve a gift too!" she giggled.  "So any ideas, let me know.  Could I borrow Rayek to carry Lamar home?  With my damaged knee I'm worried I'll drop him. Since we're on the same floor it's going the same direction, I just mean him doing the carry work!"

"Chrystalline Entity?" the CSO said worried, hearing what Tess said

"If it's anything like the one that the Enterprise encountered, that's capable of destroying the station, and Meridan and... well everything.  I have copies of Dr. Marr's reports, I'm a bit of a fan and she was the foremost researcher on the attack sites of the Entity." Hrafn said ominously.  "Might want to check it out, and have everyone on standby in case we need to evac the station pronto."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 09, 2020, 12:54:22 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Rayek noted Padrini's glare and was a little surprised at its' openness.  There had been times when the Romulan had suspected the man had been on the verge of rudeness and disrespect, but had put it down to his own sense of paranoia, believing that Tess' second would be better than that.  Padrini's blatant glare said otherwise.  But of course the medic was careful to not let Tess see as he turned away to apologize to her.

Rayek's eyes narrowed on the back of the man's head, knowing that to confront Padrini, here and now, would only disrupt the whole evening's cooperative 'team-building'.  He wouldn't do that to Beja.  She'd done too much to make this event a success.  So Rayek swallowed down his reactive anger and tried to focus his attention on the children... they always helped him smile.

At Zex's approach and greeting Rayek nodded.  On his lap was curled a very sleepy Lamar.  It was past the young tyke's bedtime.  The child had begun to become whiny and irritable about 20 minutes earlier after having bowled his last ball... after that he just wanted to go home.  To help Hrafn, Rayek had picked up the grumpy child and settled Lamar on his lap, rubbing his back soothing.  It didn't take long after that for the child to settle into a half doze against the Romulan's warm chest.

Rayek glanced to the hard plastic bench seat beside him in invitation, even as Zex asked about talking later.  He gave soft shrug not wanting jostle Lamar if possible.   "I have time now... unless this is a sensitive subject." he offered while she made mention of being curious of a Romulan term.  That earned an interested look from Rayek.

The term she spoke... wasn't actually Romulan but it was the Federation translation of a phrase which he unfortunately did know.  Ehdhihss 'Nhaith hvaedroalh Khoi Daew'le.

He hesitated a moment before answering, worried about what it might suggest to the diplomat that he did know, yet answered honestly. "Yes, I have heard of it.  Though to be honest, I'm surprised you have.  What are you wanting to know?  The term 'absolute candor' is Federation Standard... its' translation should be rather self-evident."

A late arrival to the group caught his attention and Rayek offered a wave towards the fellow Romulan.  "Jolan'tru Eli.  Welcome back. You are a little late to  join in the game we are just in the last set.   But I'm sure Beja will appreciate your cheering her on. She's going to need all the support she can to win for her team."

It would actually require a Turkey.  Three consecutive strikes.  Not an impossibility - but for a novice, quite a feat.  Despite that Beja was on the opposing team Rayek joined in the cheering, quietly lest he wake Lamar.  "Show us how it is done, Counselor."

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex smiled when Rayek said he had time to talk.  Whatever odd thing she had been feeling almost immediately went away.  So she felt a bit relieved and took a seat beside the Romulan and the resting child.

"Getting some practice in for being a dad?" she half joked before launching into the more serious topic.  "If so, you seem to be doing a good job of it.  Who is this little cutie by the way?" she added.

Zex chuckled when Tess joined them.  "You're not interrupting.  I was just saying the same things" she replied

"I came across it when I was doing one of my papers at the academy.  A paper on how the federations responded to the Romulan crisis.  It was one of take a side papers and present your analysis.  I landed on the side that we did not do enough to help the Romulans before or after the supernova.  Not a popular view in my class or by my instructor who asked me to submit a re-write.  I refused based on the premise that I had written the paper with my personal point of view, with total honesty, without filter, or absolute candor as I understood it" she said.

"At the time, I believed I was using the term correctly.  The instructor, after all, changed my grade in my favor.  But I've been meaning to ask you if I had used the term correctly since our meeting at the book club" she admitted.

Zex looked toward the new-comer when Reyek greeted him.  She remembered him from when she arrived.  "Hi" she said pleasantly to Eli.

Like the others, she clapped when Beja got up for her turn.  Not knowing the game, she didn't know who was winning.  And she had no idea what a turkey was.   But she chose to keep that question to herself.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk was slack-jawed at Beja's amazing triple strike.  It was a feat of which even a professional bowler could take pride.  He had clearly miscalculated when choosing teams.

"Well done, Counselor," he said, once he'd regained his composure, "Well done to all of you!"

He noticed Eli's arrival, and saw Beja approach him with the gift of a shirt.  She had really come well prepared for all comers.   Before he could greet the man, a communication came from the Tholian Embassy.

It was a surprising communication.

Solluk quickly sent a response, =/\= This is Captain Solluk of Katra Station.  I have received your message.  Thank you for reaching out.  I am interested in what you have communicated.  I hope that you might stand by while I consult with my staff about this. =/\=

The conversation at the simulated bowling alley shifted quickly, and he held a hand up.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Solluk said in regards to the suggestion of preparing for a Crystalline Entity attack, "The message implied the Tholians were going out to find one, not that one was coming here.   Still, I suppose it is good that the Healy's readiness status has been extended."  He looked to Tess, acknowledging that she may have turned out to be correct, even if she hadn't followed the proper form in asking him first.

"Beja, Zex, do you know anything about why the Tholians might be interested in Crystalline Entities, or what this is all about?"

He looked to Saxon, too, in case he might have some intelligence data on this matter.

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Once again, Yorno's eyes went wide, and he felt his pulse quicken as his adrenal glands went into overdrive.

"Wait, what?!  No, I am an information broker, not an adventurer.  I have no desire to go with you, anywhere!"

When the Ambassador announced that the Tholian cruiser was being readied for departure, the Yridian shook his head in further alarm.  "Listen, Ambassador!  Warrior!  Whatever!  You do not understand the situation.  Your cruiser is a formidable piece of technology, but you'd never get it far before being destroyed.

The entity I speak of is two weeks' travel from here, deep in Star-Eater territory.  I would not go there with a flotilla of Tholian cruisers.  If you mean to find this creature, it will not be accomplished by force of arms.  And, I imagine, you will not be able to manage it quickly.

You will need help, so you may want to learn to be less a warrior and more a diplomat.  But I am not here for that.  I am here to sell some coordinates."

It was not the first time that someone purchasing information insisted that the information broker come along.  In fact, such things were a peril of the business.  Yorno might acquiesce if the Tholian insisted, but there was no way he was going on a suicide mission.  If this Tholian intended to kidnap him and take him straight into such dangerous regions, he might as well die here.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Zex on June 09, 2020, 06:11:57 PM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex smiled when Rayek said he had time to talk.  Whatever odd thing she had been feeling almost immediately went away.  So she felt a bit relieved and took a seat beside the Romulan and the resting child.

"Getting some practice in for being a dad?" she half joked before launching into the more serious topic.  "If so, you seem to be doing a good job of it.  Who is this little cutie by the way?" she added.

Rayek smiled and slowly nodded at the Deltan's amusing question about practice.  "Yeah, I suppose so."  He let his long finger stroke lightly across the little boy's fine hair in a soothing gesture.  "This fine young man is our Chief Science Officer's youngest child.  Tekin Lamar.  He's part Bajoran so his given name is Lamar."

Rayek made sure to explain the Bajoran naming custom because it had nearly tripped him up the first time.

It was at about this time that he noticed Tess taking his photo and he directed his smile towards her.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 09, 2020, 08:12:09 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

The game went on and it looked like scores were pretty close in the end for both teams. At some point when Tess just had gotten herself another beverage she spotted Rayek sitting in the seat with Lamar leaning against his chest, dozing. The sight was adorable. She pulled out her personal device to take a photo - and now that she was already on it, took some more photos of everyone else having fun here.

Tess then approached Rayek and sat down next to him with a wide grin. "Hey, future daddy", she said quietly and then acknowledged that Zex was sitting with him. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt", she smiled at the Deltan woman.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 09, 2020, 08:54:36 AM

Seeing Tess take snaps of Rayek and Lamar she melted inside.  It was so sweet.  "I want copies please!... and just think, soon that will be your own.  Any ideas what you'd like as a birth gift for baby s'Lhoell?  And for Mama and Papa.  I have a self made rule.  While I like to welcome the baby to the world, it's the poor Mama that had to suffer the pregnancy and the Papa suffering his wife moaning about the aches and pains and them together that then have to put up with said offspring until they leave home!  So they deserve a gift too!" she giggled.  "So any ideas, let me know.  Could I borrow Rayek to carry Lamar home?  With my damaged knee I'm worried I'll drop him. Since we're on the same floor it's going the same direction, I just mean him doing the carry work!"

Quote from: Zex on June 09, 2020, 06:11:57 PM

Zex chuckled when Tess joined them.  "You're not interrupting.  I was just saying the same things" she replied

"Hello, e'lev'" he murmured back at her greeting.  Still holding onto the sleeping child with one hand, he reach out his other to Tess.

"Congratulations, on your score.. you surpassed mine by 10 pts.  So you get to name what I make for breakfast tomorrow.  Anything you wish. "

It wasn't surprising that Hrafn would want copies, though Rayek hoped that she would think twice about showing the picture to her husband.  The man might not have demanded his expulsion from the Fleet after his indiscretion with the Bajoran Captain's wife... but Rayek was rather certain that reminders of his presence around the family would still grate.   Hrafn was far too naive about how jealous her husband could be.

When she asked about gihis carrying Lamar, Rayek nodded.  "Certainly, I can do that once we are finished up here.  As for gift ideas.  I am rather partial to the idea of Nursery stories... perhaps a nice book of Trill fairy tales or nursery rhymes?"

His attention returned to Zex as the Deltan spoke about 'Absolute Candor' and answered his question of how she'd come across the term.

Quote from: Zex on June 09, 2020, 06:11:57 PM

"I came across it when I was doing one of my papers at the academy.  A paper on how the federations responded to the Romulan crisis.  It was one of take a side papers and present your analysis.  I landed on the side that we did not do enough to help the Romulans before or after the supernova.  Not a popular view in my class or by my instructor who asked me to submit a re-write.  I refused based on the premise that I had written the paper with my personal point of view, with total honesty, without filter, or absolute candor as I understood it" she said.

"At the time, I believed I was using the term correctly.  The instructor, after all, changed my grade in my favor.  But I've been meaning to ask you if I had used the term correctly since our meeting at the book club" she admitted.

Rayek considered the diplomats comments a moment before nodding. "That does seem an appropriate use of the term.   Though I would caution that while the notion of 'absolute candor' - communicating in complete honesty with how you feel - with no filter as you say - might sound appealing.  It however doesn't take into consideration how those words you honestly speak affects others.  I would hazard 'absolute candor' is not something to be considered lightly for those in diplomatic circles."

Then Eli arrived.

Quote from: Zex on June 09, 2020, 06:11:57 PM

Zex looked toward the new-comer when Rayek greeted him.  She remembered him from when she arrived.  "Hi" she said pleasantly to Eli.

Like the others, she clapped when Beja got up for her turn.  Not knowing the game, she didn't know who was winning.  And she had no idea what a turkey was.   But she chose to keep that question to herself.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 09, 2020, 08:12:09 AM

At the arrival of Eli, Tess turned her head and smiled at him. She knew her brother Benjin quite admired his DH and got along with him well. "Hello, Eli! So nice to have you with us!"

Rayek noted that Zex's greeting to Eli was simply that - a greeting.  She didn't request an introduction.  "Do you already know the Flight Chief?"
Quote from: Zex on June 09, 2020, 06:11:57 PM

She sat there for a while, relaxing, before it was the final round of the game - Beja had to do the very difficult task of three strikes to win the game for them. As the saying went, Tess actually crossed her fingers as she called out to Beja, "You can do it!"
The first and second strike had Tess cheering Beja on even more, then 9 pins fell with the third ball, Tess believed to hear a murmur while the 10th pin wobbled back and forth. Then it went down and Tess - following the impulse - jumped to her feet to cheer their team's win with her hands in the air, but was cut off by a slight pain and tightening of her stomach that had her draw in a sharp breath. With a discomforted chuckle she slowly sat back down. "Shouldn't have done that", she mumbled to herself but smiled over at Beja as she came over to greet Eli. "Well played."

When Beja threw the required 'Turkey' - Rayek was a little dumbfounded.

"Congratulations!" he called out to her in his excitement of a well-played game.  Being in the event certain beat just watching.   Unfortunately, his call was a little too loud and Lamar began to stir.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 09, 2020, 08:12:09 AM

It was then that she got a notification on her personal device that forwarded important messages she received on her duty PADD. What she read there caused a slight frown. Crystalline entity? Tess knew that Starfleet had encountered something that was called like that a couple of decades back and she wondered if it meant the same thing. And if so, what were the Tholians up to? Since Tess wasn't sure if either Solluk or Zex had taken measures to be informed about written messages, she decided to inform them now incluing Beja as DC department head.

"Sorry interrupt this merry evening with business, but I thought I will let you know since I wasn't sure if you can receive messages here. A message came through that the Tholian Envoy is leaving the station to have someone guiding hir to a 'crystalline entity'. Shi will depart in 3 hours."

Tess' announcement to Solluk and Zex captured his attention as he stood up and began pacing trying to settle Lamar back down.

Hrafn spoke up on the topic and he listened in.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 09, 2020, 08:54:36 AM

"Chrystalline Entity?" the CSO said worried, hearing what Tess said

"If it's anything like the one that the Enterprise encountered, that's capable of destroying the station, and Meridan and... well everything.  I have copies of Dr. Marr's reports, I'm a bit of a fan and she was the foremost researcher on the attack sites of the Entity." Hrafn said ominously.  "Might want to check it out, and have everyone on standby in case we need to evac the station pronto."

The CSO's words were a bit alarming and Rayek looked to his wife and then to Solluk to see what this news meant to Katra.  He personally knew nothing of any crystalline entity or encounters with.   And since his demotion his access to the Datafiles through legitimate means was severely restricted compared to the level he had once had the authority for.
Quote from: Solluk on June 09, 2020, 06:48:08 PM

Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk was slack-jawed at Beja's amazing triple strike.  It was a feat of which even a professional bowler could take pride.  He had clearly miscalculated when choosing teams.

"Well done, Counselor," he said, once he'd regained his composure, "Well done to all of you!"

He noticed Eli's arrival, and saw Beja approach him with the gift of a shirt.  She had really come well prepared for all comers.   Before he could greet the man, a communication came from the Tholian Embassy.

It was a surprising communication.

Solluk quickly sent a response, =/\= This is Captain Solluk of Katra Station.  I have received your message.  Thank you for reaching out.  I am interested in what you have communicated.  I hope that you might stand by while I consult with my staff about this. =/\=

The conversation at the simulated bowling alley shifted quickly, and he held a hand up.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Solluk said in regards to the suggestion of preparing for a Crystalline Entity attack, "The message implied the Tholians were going out to find one, not that one was coming here.   Still, I suppose it is good that the Healy's readiness status has been extended."  He looked to Tess, acknowledging that she may have turned out to be correct, even if she hadn't followed the proper form in asking him first.

"Beja, Zex, do you know anything about why the Tholians might be interested in Crystalline Entities, or what this is all about?"

He looked to Saxon, too, in case he might have some intelligence data on this matter.

While Rayek didn't have a role in this discussion - it was obviously intended for Department Heads, Diplomatic and Command staff only - which meant he and the kids were the only ones left out at the moment - the Romulan did try in his pacing with Lamar to keep close enough to 'listen in' without actually appearing like he was eavesdropping.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 09, 2020, 12:54:22 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)
A late arrival to the group caught his attention and Rayek offered a wave towards the fellow Romulan.  "Jolan'tru Eli.  Welcome back. You are a little late to  join in the game we are just in the last set.   But I'm sure Beja will appreciate your cheering her on. She's going to need all the support she can to win for her team."

It would actually require a Turkey.  Three consecutive strikes.  Not an impossibility - but for a novice, quite a feat.  Despite that Beja was on the opposing team Rayek joined in the cheering, quietly lest he wake Lamar.  "Show us how it is done, Counselor."

"Jolan'tru...Rayek." Eli almost said "Commander" but had to remind himself. It was a change, and not one he had welcomed. In a brief moment of self-reflection he thought that might have been a straw overwhelming the load on his back. But, he dismissed it as Beja bowled.

"Looks like quite a game."

Quote from: Beja on June 09, 2020, 01:40:41 AM

USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites
Beja stood there stunned for a moment, before she came to her senses. Finally she jumped up and down in the air, screaming out "Qapla!"

Only after the adrenaline rush of victory had subsided that she realized that Eli had joined them after all. He had been so busy lately, that she had been worried if he was over doing it. He was on her list of people to talk to, but he had made the effort on his own to be with them all. Beja made her way over to where he was standing and held out the shirt she had made for him, just in case he had managed to attend.

"Eli, I'm glad you made it, though I'm sorry you missed out on playing. Next time you must join us sooner. I had this made just for you! I hope you like it," Beja smiled at him as he gave him his shirt. All of their shirts were a reflection of the person wearing it, she had wanted everyone to feel not just included but valued as well. She cared about them all, and hoped the gesture would show that to them.

"Nicely done." Eli congratulated to Beja. He figured that all the pins being knocked down was a good thing. "Congratulations on your victory." Eli smiled at her as she offered up the shirt. He held up and had to laugh.
"Thank you, so much" Eli said, and the smile reached the far corners of his eyes. The saying he recalled from aviation history and old Earth pilots would use a "ball" to make carrier landings. It was quite the harrowing experience by reports and Eli had preferred to enjoy being on the water in the holodeck, rather than trying to land a plane on a ship on the water.
He quickly shed his black and gray duty top and pulled the shirt on over the crimson top. It was an interesting display of colors but he liked the fit. "I guess I'm on for next game."

Quote from: Zex on June 09, 2020, 06:11:57 PM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex looked toward the new-comer when Reyek greeted him.  She remembered him from when she arrived.  "Hi" she said pleasantly to Eli.

Like the others, she clapped when Beja got up for her turn.  Not knowing the game, she didn't know who was winning.  And she had no idea what a turkey was.   But she chose to keep that question to herself.

"Hello, Zex. It is good to see you." Eli stood next to her, on the other side of Rayek. He glanced up at the turkey graphic, and wondered what a bird had to do with this sport. Between golf and bowling he was beginning to think that birds required him to pay way more attention than just how they flew. He leaned slightly closer and asked "Do you know who won?"

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess listened to Hrafn telling her about her pip and the Ba'ku's face showed a small frown. It did sound strange. Though when she didn't really look at it it could be possible that her husband added the engravings last time he'd been here on the station.

When Tess took a photo of Rayek and he was smiling back at her she couldn't help but be grateful about how much more at ease he seemed to be. Surely, one year ago he wouldn't have liked the fact someone taking photos of him, without his knowledge even. In fact, it was only a couple of months ago that he indicated to her that he didn't like their weddings pictures to go round on the station. In the end he had given to show and give them to their friends and family and it was mandatory to give every guest a 'Thank you'-card. So as he did mostly with Tess' wishes, he gave in to that.

When Rayek congratulated her about her higher score and said he'd make her anything she wanted for breakfast for that she grinned at him. "You won't get away with something easy like breakfast for that", she smirked. "But I want to name breakfast anyways. Something sweet like breakfast pancakes." She used to have a variation of fruit along with a serving of plain yoghurt and nuts but since she was pregnant she couldn't even think of yogurt anymore without gagging internally. She wondered if it would go away again after her pregnancy.

While she listened with some interest to the matter Rayek was discussing with Zex - she couldn't really follow since she was unfamiliar with the term - Hrafn came over to ask if she could have copies of the photos Tess was making. "Sure, I'll send them to you", Tess replied. Then they were talking about Rayek carrying Lamar home later and what she could gift their baby once it's born. Tess chuckled softly when Rayek asked for more material he could read to their child. She loved the idea that their baby would be exposed to different languages and cultures.

Belatedly she saw that Solluk had made sure to get notifications himself. Hrafn jumped to conclusions that were a little far off and Tess was glad that Solluk intervened immediatly. She sat back down and listened for what Zex, Beja and John knew about that matter.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 10, 2020, 07:27:29 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess listened to Hrafn telling her about her pip and the Ba'ku's face showed a small frown. It did sound strange. Though when she didn't really look at it it could be possible that her husband added the engravings last time he'd been here on the station.

When Tess took a photo of Rayek and he was smiling back at her she couldn't help but be grateful about how much more at ease he seemed to be. Surely, one year ago he wouldn't have liked the fact someone taking photos of him, without his knowledge even. In fact, it was only a couple of months ago that he indicated to her that he didn't like their weddings pictures to go round on the station. In the end he had given to show and give them to their friends and family and it was mandatory to give every guest a 'Thank you'-card. So as he did mostly with Tess' wishes, he gave in to that.

When Rayek congratulated her about her higher score and said he'd make her anything she wanted for breakfast for that she grinned at him. "You won't get away with something easy like breakfast for that", she smirked. "But I want to name breakfast anyways. Something sweet like breakfast pancakes." She used to have a variation of fruit along with a serving of plain yogurt and nuts but since she was pregnant she couldn't even think of yogurt anymore without gagging internally. She wondered if it would go away again after her pregnancy.

Rayek chuckled and glanced to his wife sheepishly as she caught him on that more than truthful statement.  However, announcing publicly that he was going to reward her with intimate favors didn't seem appropriate given the crowd and presence of children.  "We can discuss your prize later at home. But yes, pancakes for tomorrow's breakfast sound ideal."

He offered her a nod and lifted their joined hands to his lips to place a kiss there to the back of her hand, since leaning over and stealing one from her lips would be difficult with a sleeping child on his chest.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 10, 2020, 07:27:29 AM

While she listened with some interest to the matter Rayek was discussing with Zex - she couldn't really follow since she was unfamiliar with the term - Hrafn came over to ask if she could have copies of the photos Tess was making. "Sure, I'll send them to you", Tess replied. Then they were talking about Rayek carrying Lamar home later and what she could gift their baby once it's born. Tess chuckled softly when Rayek asked for more material he could read to their child. She loved the idea that their baby would be exposed to different languages and cultures.

A glance over to Tess to check on her reaction to his suggested gift idea had him noting her  soft chuckle.  He was glad that she approved the idea.  He wanted his son not to have the cultural handicaps that he struggled with and the best way to ensure that was to expose him early on to the vast variety of cultures that made up the Federation - or better yet the known galaxy.
Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 09, 2020, 10:20:38 PM

"Jolan'tru...Rayek." Eli almost said "Commander" but had to remind himself. It was a change, and not one he had welcomed. In a brief moment of self-reflection he thought that might have been a straw overwhelming the load on his back. But, he dismissed it as Beja bowled.

"Looks like quite a game.""Nicely done." Eli congratulated to Beja. He figured that all the pins being knocked down was a good thing. "Congratulations on your victory." Eli smiled at her as she offered up the shirt. He held up and had to laugh.

"Thank you, so much" Eli said, and the smile reached the far corners of his eyes. The saying he recalled from aviation history and old Earth pilots would use a "ball" to make carrier landings. It was quite the harrowing experience by reports and Eli had preferred to enjoy being on the water in the holodeck, rather than trying to land a plane on a ship on the water.
He quickly shed his black and gray duty top and pulled the shirt on over the crimson top. It was an interesting display of colors but he liked the fit. "I guess I'm on for next game.""Hello, Zex. It is good to see you." Eli stood next to her, on the other side of Rayek. He glanced up at the turkey graphic, and wondered what a bird had to do with this sport. Between golf and bowling he was beginning to think that birds required him to pay way more attention than just how they flew. He leaned slightly closer and asked "Do you know who won?"

When Eli inquired as to who won, Rayek indicated the team scoreboards.  "The winners would be Beja's Team. She ended the game with a perfect frame - which brought her team's points over Solluk's team.  The animated turkey image is because Beja bowled what is called 'a Turkey' - three strikes in a row.  A strike is when you knock all 10 pins down with your first ball of the frame." Rayek tried to explain the scoring of the game to Eli and any other listening.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 10, 2020, 07:27:29 AM

Belatedly she saw that Solluk had made sure to get notifications himself. Hrafn jumped to conclusions that were a little far off and Tess was glad that Solluk intervened immediately. She sat back down and listened for what Zex, Beja and John knew about that matter.

With a quietly fussing Lamar, held in his arms, Rayek paced and rocked, a short distance away from the group discussing the crystalline entity.  He would need to see if he could search up any information about this new creature.  From Hrafn's description of it... It was rather dangerous.  If the Tholian were seeking it, they might attempt to bring it back.   Rayek would want to be prepared for that.   Realistically there was little he could do to actually prepare - still mentally he would want to know all that he could of the creature and its capabilities. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 09, 2020, 10:07:44 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Rayek smiled and slowly nodded at the Deltan's amusing question about practice.  "Yeah, I suppose so."  He let his long finger stroke lightly across the little boy's fine hair in a soothing gesture.  "This fine young man is our Chief Science Officer's youngest child.  Tekin Lamar.  He's part Bajoran so his given name is Lamar."

Rayek made sure to explain the Bajoran naming custom because it had nearly tripped him up the first time.

It was at about this time that he noticed Tess taking his photo and he directed his smile towards her.

"Hello, e'lev'" he murmured back at her greeting.  Still holding onto the sleeping child with one hand, he reach out his other to Tess.

"Congratulations, on your score.. you surpassed mine by 10 pts.  So you get to name what I make for breakfast tomorrow.  Anything you wish. "

It wasn't surprising that Hrafn would want copies, though Rayek hoped that she would think twice about showing the picture to her husband.  The man might not have demanded his expulsion from the Fleet after his indiscretion with the Bajoran Captain's wife... but Rayek was rather certain that reminders of his presence around the family would still grate.   Hrafn was far too naive about how jealous her husband could be.

When she asked about gihis carrying Lamar, Rayek nodded.  "Certainly, I can do that once we are finished up here.  As for gift ideas.  I am rather partial to the idea of Nursery stories... perhaps a nice book of Trill fairy tales or nursery rhymes?"

His attention returned to Zex as the Deltan spoke about 'Absolute Candor' and answered his question of how she'd come across the term.

Rayek considered the diplomats comments a moment before nodding. "That does seem an appropriate use of the term.   Though I would caution that while the notion of 'absolute candor' - communicating in complete honesty with how you feel - with no filter as you say - might sound appealing.  It however doesn't take into consideration how those words you honestly speak affects others.  I would hazard 'absolute candor' is not something to be considered lightly for those in diplomatic circles."

Then Eli arrived.

Rayek noted that Zex's greeting to Eli was simply that - a greeting.  She didn't request an introduction.  "Do you already know the Flight Chief?"

When Beja threw the required 'Turkey' - Rayek was a little dumbfounded.

"Congratulations!" he called out to her in his excitement of a well-played game.  Being in the event certain beat just watching.   Unfortunately, his call was a little too loud and Lamar began to stir.

Tess' announcement to Solluk and Zex captured his attention as he stood up and began pacing trying to settle Lamar back down.

Hrafn spoke up on the topic and he listened in.

The CSO's words were a bit alarming and Rayek looked to his wife and then to Solluk to see what this news meant to Katra.  He personally knew nothing of any crystalline entity or encounters with.   And since his demotion his access to the Datafiles through legitimate means was severely restricted compared to the level he had once had the authority for.

While Rayek didn't have a role in this discussion - it was obviously intended for Department Heads, Diplomatic and Command staff only - which meant he and the kids were the only ones left out at the moment - the Romulan did try in his pacing with Lamar to keep close enough to 'listen in' without actually appearing like he was eavesdropping.

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex considered Rayek's response.  It indicated that there was an element to absolute candor that hey yet discussed.   So she took a stab at trying to put words to it.

"Is the reason that it may not be a good tool for a diplomat because of the element not yet spoken?  The brutal honesty even when you are sharing something negative about oneself.  Even to the point of giving information away that ultimately could lead to your own destruction?" she asked.

"Good to see you too, Mr. Ferris" she said.  She moved over a bit to make room.  "Care to join us?" she added.

"Yes.  Mr. Ferris was nice enough to greet me when I first arrived.  He even helped me with hang something in my office" she said.  "

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Solluk on June 09, 2020, 06:48:08 PM

Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk was slack-jawed at Beja's amazing triple strike.  It was a feat of which even a professional bowler could take pride.  He had clearly miscalculated when choosing teams.

"Well done, Counselor," he said, once he'd regained his composure, "Well done to all of you!"

He noticed Eli's arrival, and saw Beja approach him with the gift of a shirt.  She had really come well prepared for all comers.   Before he could greet the man, a communication came from the Tholian Embassy.

It was a surprising communication.

Solluk quickly sent a response, =/\= This is Captain Solluk of Katra Station.  I have received your message.  Thank you for reaching out.  I am interested in what you have communicated.  I hope that you might stand by while I consult with my staff about this. =/\=

The conversation at the simulated bowling alley shifted quickly, and he held a hand up.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Solluk said in regards to the suggestion of preparing for a Crystalline Entity attack, "The message implied the Tholians were going out to find one, not that one was coming here.   Still, I suppose it is good that the Healy's readiness status has been extended."  He looked to Tess, acknowledging that she may have turned out to be correct, even if she hadn't followed the proper form in asking him first.

"Beja, Zex, do you know anything about why the Tholians might be interested in Crystalline Entities, or what this is all about?"

He looked to Saxon, too, in case he might have some intelligence data on this matter.

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Once again, Yorno's eyes went wide, and he felt his pulse quicken as his adrenal glands went into overdrive.

"Wait, what?!  No, I am an information broker, not an adventurer.  I have no desire to go with you, anywhere!"

When the Ambassador announced that the Tholian cruiser was being readied for departure, the Yridian shook his head in further alarm.  "Listen, Ambassador!  Warrior!  Whatever!  You do not understand the situation.  Your cruiser is a formidable piece of technology, but you'd never get it far before being destroyed.

The entity I speak of is two weeks' travel from here, deep in Star-Eater territory.  I would not go there with a flotilla of Tholian cruisers.  If you mean to find this creature, it will not be accomplished by force of arms.  And, I imagine, you will not be able to manage it quickly.

You will need help, so you may want to learn to be less a warrior and more a diplomat.  But I am not here for that.  I am here to sell some coordinates."

It was not the first time that someone purchasing information insisted that the information broker come along.  In fact, such things were a peril of the business.  Yorno might acquiesce if the Tholian insisted, but there was no way he was going on a suicide mission.  If this Tholian intended to kidnap him and take him straight into such dangerous regions, he might as well die here.

Holosuites - Bowling Program

Zex turned toward the Captain when she heard him call her name.  She excused herself from her conversation with Reyek & Tess.  Then got up and walked over to the Captain.

She waited for Beja to join before speaking.  Beja out ranked her.  And she didn't want to get into trouble for violating the chain of command.

But she was unhappy to hear the rumor.  Eydis had indicated that shi would wait until Zex was able to get back with her.  She wondered what had happened to change the Tholian's mind.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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