S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

�You are quite welcome. I�m so glad you like it. And you are most welcome to join us, I�m sure we can change up the teams if we need too,� Beja responded to Eli, happy that he had liked his shirt. The shirts had gone over better than she had initially thought they would. She hadn�t really been sure how everyone would react to their individual shirt. Another feather in her cap, as the humans said. Though why one wanted a cap full of feathers Beja wasn�t sure.

Beja blushed at all of the congratulations from everyone. It was a nice experience for her, to be thanked for her effort in her team achieving victory. Normally she was being blamed for dishonor, not actually praised for bringing honor to her group. An experience she could get used to. But before any new games could be played or teams changed up to include Eli, some kind of communication came through about the Tholians. The message appeared to alarm everyone around.

Beja moved over to the Captain when he had inquired to her and Zex about them. She looked over at Zex to see what the Deltan might know of the situation. When Zex didn�t say anything at all, Beja shrugged her shoulders and responded to the Captain.

�I�m sorry sir, I don�t have any information on this. The last I was told the Tholians were settling into the new embassy well. They have not mentioned anything as far as I know about Crystal entities. I�m happy if you need sir to go to the embassy to inquire as to the nature of the situation going on,� Beja offered. It could all be a communication issue, maybe something had gotten lost in translation from the Tholians.


Quote from: Solluk on June 09, 2020, 06:48:08 PM

Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk was slack-jawed at Beja's amazing triple strike.  It was a feat of which even a professional bowler could take pride.  He had clearly miscalculated when choosing teams.

"Well done, Counselor," he said, once he'd regained his composure, "Well done to all of you!"

He noticed Eli's arrival, and saw Beja approach him with the gift of a shirt.  She had really come well prepared for all comers.   Before he could greet the man, a communication came from the Tholian Embassy.

It was a surprising communication.

Solluk quickly sent a response, =/\= This is Captain Solluk of Katra Station.  I have received your message.  Thank you for reaching out.  I am interested in what you have communicated.  I hope that you might stand by while I consult with my staff about this. =/\=

The conversation at the simulated bowling alley shifted quickly, and he held a hand up.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Solluk said in regards to the suggestion of preparing for a Crystalline Entity attack, "The message implied the Tholians were going out to find one, not that one was coming here.   Still, I suppose it is good that the Healy's readiness status has been extended."  He looked to Tess, acknowledging that she may have turned out to be correct, even if she hadn't followed the proper form in asking him first.

"Beja, Zex, do you know anything about why the Tholians might be interested in Crystalline Entities, or what this is all about?"

He looked to Saxon, too, in case he might have some intelligence data on this matter.

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Once again, Yorno's eyes went wide, and he felt his pulse quicken as his adrenal glands went into overdrive.

"Wait, what?!  No, I am an information broker, not an adventurer.  I have no desire to go with you, anywhere!"

When the Ambassador announced that the Tholian cruiser was being readied for departure, the Yridian shook his head in further alarm.  "Listen, Ambassador!  Warrior!  Whatever!  You do not understand the situation.  Your cruiser is a formidable piece of technology, but you'd never get it far before being destroyed.

The entity I speak of is two weeks' travel from here, deep in Star-Eater territory.  I would not go there with a flotilla of Tholian cruisers.  If you mean to find this creature, it will not be accomplished by force of arms.  And, I imagine, you will not be able to manage it quickly.

You will need help, so you may want to learn to be less a warrior and more a diplomat.  But I am not here for that.  I am here to sell some coordinates."

It was not the first time that someone purchasing information insisted that the information broker come along.  In fact, such things were a peril of the business.  Yorno might acquiesce if the Tholian insisted, but there was no way he was going on a suicide mission.  If this Tholian intended to kidnap him and take him straight into such dangerous regions, he might as well die here.

A flash of annoyance and anger the urge to harm Yorno gripped Eydis. The small statue tholian captain fought the internal desire to simply do great harm until he gave up the location. How dare this being stand between the tholians and the safe return of the crystalline entities. While tholia did in fact have biodiversity and like many other world had one sentient life form. That was something that could only be guessed

The crystalline entities held vast sums of knowledge and the ability to add to the song of tholia. And more importantly to carry hir peoples song on into the future. To leave something more then a ruined civilization behind to be plundered by beings that were never truly understand. Here was the chance to find out more of the long forgotten history of the two. And here before hir was a obstacle to all those goals. A wormy dishonorable looking individual daring to trade hir what was not his to trade. And now he was refusing hir as well.

Only the calming voice of her XO Absol who was hir senior in age and experience. Brought the young captain back from the influences of hir own impulses. Eydis hand was frozen reaching out like a claw towards Yorno. After several long minutes of nothing but silence. Eydis relented and listen to the more reasonable xo absol who was on the cruiser Acrux.

Eydis had much to learn and even more to prove to hirself that shi had deserved the assembly�s appointment of captain. Lowering her hand as if it took all her will to stop and not throttle Yorno. Fine yorno I will accept your request and grant you more time so that it may be thought out. That being said Yorno the location had better be good for your sake at least and ever individual of your race that shares your blood. Our agreement will be upheld on my part and the price as well upon the infomantion proving to be accurate and leading to the saving of the crystalline entity. This is my word as warrior of the tholian assembly and captain of the acrux. Now please vacate the embassy as you are rather perturbing to look at. Eydis almost chuckled in thought space at hir first insult. After all the annoyance the irksome yorno had caused hir, added to him just showing up with out announcing himself before hand. And then Eydis would leave him to be �escorted� out by the firm iron grasp of the two tholian crew members on his shoulders and wrist. Almost like they were turkey trotting him out of the embassy and promptly left him there outside.

Eydis then turns to leave and silently commands a new message be sent.

=/\=Captain Eydis ambassador of the tholian assembly requests a meeting with the command caste of this station and of that of zex the deltan. At a time and place of the federations command caste choosing �  =/\=
((The rest is more or less fluff and filler for Eydis and hir thoughts after and do not add to the story but to hir own character development))

Upon leaving to hir ambassador pod room hir thought space a stormy collection of emotions. Shi would run her hand over a small center console in the center of the cavernous like room. It�s walls and style were crude to that of actually tholian architecture. But considering how little the federation knew it was alright. Shi has already set some of her crew to reworking the embassy. The pod shi had entered 30 by 8 foot tubular like room with circular shape. A hollowed out trench in the center of the room to be filled with various molten liquids that acted much like water for humanoids. It was literally hot tub that helped ease the stress and repair the micro cracks in her crystalline body. Shi removes them suffocating enivorment suit helmet and places it on a recessed shelf in the side of the circular room. Even through shi hate the suits with a passion they way they felt and hindered hir. Shi was glad shi had it on when dealing with Yorno who was far more displeasing to look at then most humanoids. And that was a feat in of itself as most humanoids were unsettling to gaze upon. Always moving about twitching it made the surface of crystalline body feel like it was being drained of all hir body�s heat.
That was not to say all the humanoids on this station were as unpleasant to look at as Yorno well there were some of the humanoids that were very close. Yet some beauty seem to transcend species music she could feel it reverberate throughout hir body. It gave the nutrients in the atmosphere around her something akin to taste. Each song was different and produced different reverberations in hir body, conveying different emotions. This music was not at all like the song of hir people. It could vary in what it was trying to convey but it all had a underscore of frivolity. Music just for its own sake. How odd Eydis mused, being assigned here did have some unexpected perks.


Quote from: Beja on June 11, 2020, 12:47:35 AM

USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

"You are quite welcome. I'm so glad you like it. And you are most welcome to join us, I'm sure we can change up the teams if we need too," Beja responded to Eli, happy that he had liked his shirt. The shirts had gone over better than she had initially thought they would. She hadn't really been sure how everyone would react to their individual shirt. Another feather in her cap, as the humans said. Though why one wanted a cap full of feathers Beja wasn't sure.

Beja blushed at all of the congratulations from everyone. It was a nice experience for her, to be thanked for her effort in her team achieving victory. Normally she was being blamed for dishonor, not actually praised for bringing honor to her group. An experience she could get used to. But before any new games could be played or teams changed up to include Eli, some kind of communication came through about the Tholians. The message appeared to alarm everyone around.

Beja moved over to the Captain when he had inquired to her and Zex about them. She looked over at Zex to see what the Deltan might know of the situation. When Zex didn't say anything at all, Beja shrugged her shoulders and responded to the Captain.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't have any information on this. The last I was told the Tholians were settling into the new embassy well. They have not mentioned anything as far as I know about Crystal entities. I'm happy if you need sir to go to the embassy to inquire as to the nature of the situation going on," Beja offered. It could all be a communication issue, maybe something had gotten lost in translation from the Tholians.

USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

Zex offered Beja a nod when she joined her and Solluk.  She waited for her superior officer to speak first.  Then she added.

"I met with Eydis just before coming here.  The Tholina indicated some interest in finding a Crystal entity because shi felt that they were in danger.  Had this been a none social type of meeting I would have relayed the information right away" she said.

"I've been able to build up a good relationship with Eydis.  I'm surprised that shi is taking any action without informing me.  Something must have happened since out meeting" she added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

"Guilty as charged!" Hrafn chuckled as Rayek explained to Zex who her son was.  "Those two miscreants there are mine too." she said nodding towards the twins over by Saxon.  "I have an older daughter too by a relationship prior to marrying my husband Captain Tekin... Ruthie.  She's at Academy or specifically at the moment she's on the Discovery with her father unless she's gone back now.  She was doing some 'hands on' Scientific stuff with them."

"With regards to the message... I meant only to be prepared, rather than caught unawares.  As the Captain said, the Tholians are looking for one... quite why I'm not sure, but we don't want an aggravated Chrystal Entity anywhere near us.  I think we should get the children put to bed, then if necessary I can call Crista back... I gave her the night off, if I need to be on call for the Healy.  It's not a problem.  She knows all 'nights off' are subject to call back on emergency unless she's officially on vacation and off the station." the CSO said getting herself back to business.

"And Rayek, Tess... that's  a lovely idea, I'll get that sorted for you, a Bajoran one is easy enough I can get Nevir's parents to send one, the Trill one... well I have contacts.  I'll make sure they come with translations too.  Actually you've given me an idea... I'll get back to you on that..." Hrafn said with regard to the nursery rhymes/fairytale book idea.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on June 04, 2020, 08:55:11 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ] --EARLIER--

Rhade nodded. �Amarrande, is a nice name, may I ask what was yourr prrevious assignment?� L�mar asked with interest. �What do you do forr fun?� L�mar smirked as he didn�t have many friends and fully intended to learn all he could of Amarande as she could become a friend.

He still had to look for Marek and find out what was going on with them, though Romulans were not known for putting much effort into the employment of time in a profitless and non-practical way, otherwise known as �fun�. Though they had other ways of occupying each other�s free time, he quickly dismissed those thoughts quickly and waited for Xiiv to reply.

Tag Xiiv, tags to Goodspeed further back.

[ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

"Ah, thank you. My previous assignment was aiding new species coming into the Federation." She thought a little bit on the next question and smiled.

"I enjoy programming holodeck programs. I've gotten quite good at it. But I also indulge in martial arts, meditation, and a great many other hobbies."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk processed responses as they came in.  First, Beja announcing she did not know what was going on with the Tholians, but would be happy to find out.  Then, Zex announcing that she knew what was going on with the Tholians, but hadn't wanted to interrupt the event.  Hrafn, for her part, said she was simply interested in displaying what she considered to be appropriate caution.

Then, a new transmission came from the Tholians.  They wanted a meeting.

He took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

"Okay... Zex, please inform the Tholians that we will be happy to meet with their ambassador tomorrow about this Tholian matter if they will wait before embarking upon... whatever it is they intend to do.  We can't stop them, of course, but if they intend to undertake some sort of Crystalline Entity hunt in the Gamma quadrant, it is best if we discuss it first.

And I guess this means our night's festivities are coming to a close.  It sounds like our department heads may need some time to process new information coming into their departments.   Let's be sure reports are ready to be delivered before the meeting.

We will meet with each other in the briefing room at 0840 in the morning, and then the Tholian ambassador at 0900."

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Yorno closed his eyes when the Tholian ambassador's outstretched hand seemed poised to murder him.  Several seconds passed.  Tentatively, he opened one eye.  And then the other.

Death did not seem like it would be visiting him, today.  Though, the Tholian did threaten some kind of familial genocide before having him ushered out of the room under guard.

Yorno was not going to complain about any outcome that left him intact.  He went with the Tholian guards willingly as he was ejected from the embassy.  Then, when he was alone again, he sagged against a bulkhead in the hall outside, taking in deep lungfuls of air.  Each breath was an affirmation that he was, in fact, still living.

That... could have gone better.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 11, 2020, 12:47:23 PM

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

"Guilty as charged!" Hrafn chuckled as Rayek explained to Zex who her son was.  "Those two miscreants there are mine too." she said nodding towards the twins over by Saxon.  "I have an older daughter too by a relationship prior to marrying my husband Captain Tekin... Ruthie.  She's at Academy or specifically at the moment she's on the Discovery with her father unless she's gone back now.  She was doing some 'hands on' Scientific stuff with them."

"With regards to the message... I meant only to be prepared, rather than caught unawares.  As the Captain said, the Tholians are looking for one... quite why I'm not sure, but we don't want an aggravated Chrystal Entity anywhere near us.  I think we should get the children put to bed, then if necessary I can call Crista back... I gave her the night off, if I need to be on call for the Healy.  It's not a problem.  She knows all 'nights off' are subject to call back on emergency unless she's officially on vacation and off the station." the CSO said getting herself back to business.

"And Rayek, Tess... that's  a lovely idea, I'll get that sorted for you, a Bajoran one is easy enough I can get Nevir's parents to send one, the Trill one... well I have contacts.  I'll make sure they come with translations too.  Actually you've given me an idea... I'll get back to you on that..." Hrafn said with regard to the nursery rhymes/fairytale book idea.

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

"Ah" Zex replied to Hrafn regarding the cutie on Reyek's lap.  "Wow.  Three kids.  How do you juggle being a mom and a star fleet career" she asked in awe.

When Hrafn mentioned the crystalline entity, Zex turned to her slightly.  "I think I have an idea as to why the Tholian's are interested in the entities.  Eydis mentioned that they may share a biological bond.  Possibly a psychic or telepathic bond as well because shi mentioned being able to hear the entities songs" she explained.

Quote from: Solluk on June 11, 2020, 08:28:39 PM

Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk processed responses as they came in.  First, Beja announcing she did not know what was going on with the Tholians, but would be happy to find out.  Then, Zex announcing that she knew what was going on with the Tholians, but hadn't wanted to interrupt the event.  Hrafn, for her part, said she was simply interested in displaying what she considered to be appropriate caution.

Then, a new transmission came from the Tholians.  They wanted a meeting.

He took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

"Okay... Zex, please inform the Tholians that we will be happy to meet with their ambassador tomorrow about this Tholian matter if they will wait before embarking upon... whatever it is they intend to do.  We can't stop them, of course, but if they intend to undertake some sort of Crystalline Entity hunt in the Gamma quadrant, it is best if we discuss it first.

And I guess this means our night's festivities are coming to a close.  It sounds like our department heads may need some time to process new information coming into their departments.   Let's be sure reports are ready to be delivered before the meeting.

We will meet with each other in the briefing room at 0840 in the morning, and then the Tholian ambassador at 0900."

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Yorno closed his eyes when the Tholian ambassador's outstretched hand seemed poised to murder him.  Several seconds passed.  Tentatively, he opened one eye.  And then the other.

Death did not seem like it would be visiting him, today.  Though, the Tholian did threaten some kind of familial genocide before having him ushered out of the room under guard.

Yorno was not going to complain about any outcome that left him intact.  He went with the Tholian guards willingly as he was ejected from the embassy.  Then, when he was alone again, he sagged against a bulkhead in the hall outside, taking in deep lungfuls of air.  Each breath was an affirmation that he was, in fact, still living.

That... could have gone better.

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

Zex listened to Solluk's commands.  "Yes, Sir.  Right away, Sir" she said.

"I will inform you as to what I learn" she she said after turning to Beja.  "Is there anything else before I go?" she asked.  Then waited for a reply before leaving.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 11, 2020, 12:47:23 PM

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

"Guilty as charged!" Hrafn chuckled as Rayek explained to Zex who her son was.  "Those two miscreants there are mine too." she said nodding towards the twins over by Saxon.  "I have an older daughter too by a relationship prior to marrying my husband Captain Tekin... Ruthie.  She's at Academy or specifically at the moment she's on the Discovery with her father unless she's gone back now.  She was doing some 'hands on' Scientific stuff with them."

Quote from: Zex on June 11, 2020, 09:31:16 PM

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

"Ah" Zex replied to Hrafn regarding the cutie on Reyek's lap.  "Wow.  Three kids.  How do you juggle being a mom and a star fleet career" she asked in awe.

"Four kids" Rayek corrected with a roll of his eyes towards Hrafn.  "Only three with her presently."

Yes, the Trill had a lot of children, but Rayek hoped that one day that would be he and Tess.  Three children sounded idea.  That he was wanting to model his own family size after his own childhood was not surprising.  Tess also had grown up with two siblings, and it seemed she modeled her dreams on that as well.  He recalled, from just after the Numati incident, Tess' sharing her dream of a family with him.  Two children - an older boy and younger girl with a third babe on the way.

Rayek smiled, glancing to the side when Tess joined them. They were on their way to building that dream.

The talk eventually turned to absolute candor

Quote from: Zex on June 10, 2020, 07:30:07 PM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex considered Rayek's response.  It indicated that there was an element to absolute candor that they yet discussed.   So she took a stab at trying to put words to it.

"Is the reason that it may not be a good tool for a diplomat because of the element not yet spoken?  The brutal honesty even when you are sharing something negative about oneself.  Even to the point of giving information away that ultimately could lead to your own destruction?" she asked.

"Good to see you too, Mr. Ferris" she said.  She moved over a bit to make room.  "Care to join us?" she added.

"Yes.  Mr. Ferris was nice enough to greet me when I first arrived.  He even helped me with hang something in my office" she said.  "

The Deltan questioned more about his statement about absolute candor not being suited to diplomacy and Rayek had to focus to decipher the woman's meaning.  Finally, he just settled on the easy answer.

"Basically, absolute candor can be considered offensive to those who don't understand or are not viewed favorably in that unfiltered expression.   Diplomacy from what I understand is mostly about compromise and tolerance.   Absolute candor cares not for tolerance... it is blunt and forthright - which can be insulting to others."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 11, 2020, 12:47:23 PM

"And Rayek, Tess... that's  a lovely idea, I'll get that sorted for you, a Bajoran one is easy enough I can get Nevir's parents to send one, the Trill one... well I have contacts.  I'll make sure they come with translations too.  Actually you've given me an idea... I'll get back to you on that..." Hrafn said with regard to the nursery rhymes/fairytale book idea.

Later when Hrafn asked for gift ideas for the babe, she seemed thrilled about his suggestion.  He hadn't thought to ask about Bajoran fairytales, but that she did, made sense given it would be from her children as well.  "I will look forward to reading them to the babe.  As a matter of fact, I should begin reading to the babe now.  While it is still in the womb. Developmentally, I believe it is supposed to be good for the fetus."

He frowned wondering why he hadn't thought of that before?

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 11, 2020, 12:47:23 PM

"With regards to the message... I meant only to be prepared, rather than caught unawares.  As the Captain said, the Tholians are looking for one... quite why I'm not sure, but we don't want an aggravated Chrystal Entity anywhere near us.  I think we should get the children put to bed, then if necessary I can call Crista back... I gave her the night off, if I need to be on call for the Healy.  It's not a problem.  She knows all 'nights off' are subject to call back on emergency unless she's officially on vacation and off the station." the CSO said getting herself back to business.

When Hrafn suggested that the Healy might need to be on call, he was glad that she had Crista to look after the children and wouldn't be looking to him.  But it suddenly brought to mind a bit of an alarming thought.  When the babe was born if the station were put on alert... who could he and Tess rely on to look after the babe.  Her entire family present were Starfleet and would be called to alert status as well so it wasn't like the babe could be watched by them.  And it wasn't like Rayek trusted many others outside of family.

How had he not thought of this before? This was problem.  Thankful he still had 3 months or so to determine a solution.

Pushing the dilemma aside for now, Rayek refocused on the talk about the Crystaline Entity as he paced about with Lamar.

Quote from: Zex on June 11, 2020, 09:31:16 PM

When Hrafn mentioned the crystalline entity, Zex turned to her slightly.  "I think I have an idea as to why the Tholian's are interested in the entities.  Eydis mentioned that they may share a biological bond.  Possibly a psychic or telepathic bond as well because shi mentioned being able to hear the entities songs" she explained.

Quote from: Solluk on June 11, 2020, 08:28:39 PM

Holosuites - Bowling Program

Solluk processed responses as they came in.  First, Beja announcing she did not know what was going on with the Tholians, but would be happy to find out.  Then, Zex announcing that she knew what was going on with the Tholians, but hadn't wanted to interrupt the event.  Hrafn, for her part, said she was simply interested in displaying what she considered to be appropriate caution.

Then, a new transmission came from the Tholians.  They wanted a meeting.

He took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

"Okay... Zex, please inform the Tholians that we will be happy to meet with their ambassador tomorrow about this Tholian matter if they will wait before embarking upon... whatever it is they intend to do.  We can't stop them, of course, but if they intend to undertake some sort of Crystalline Entity hunt in the Gamma quadrant, it is best if we discuss it first.

And I guess this means our night's festivities are coming to a close.  It sounds like our department heads may need some time to process new information coming into their departments.   Let's be sure reports are ready to be delivered before the meeting.

We will meet with each other in the briefing room at 0840 in the morning, and then the Tholian ambassador at 0900."

A nine am meeting for his wife.   Rayek would have to be sure her requested breakfast was filling and nutritious - to last her throughout the meeting.

As things began to break up for the night, Rayek bid goodnight to all.  Because Beja indicated that it was he who had arranged this - not that he could remember doing so at all, he supposed he should be the one to see them all off.   "Thank you all for attending tonight.  We will definitely set up another in a week or two to play again. Beja, thank you especially for the wonderful personalized shirts.  They made the night almost as much as your Turkey."

[Katra Station - Deck 2]
Despite the farewells, most of the assembled staff had their quarters up on the same deck so many walked together.   Rayek carried the once more sleeping Lamar and when they arrived at Hrafn's quarters carefully yet swiftly helped tuck in the little boy before escaping the room, feeling the entire time that Nevir was somehow watching and frowning that the Romulan would dare enter his territory again.

It was good to return home to his own wife.  There was much he wanted to talk about but it was late.  As they settled under the covers her in his arms, he quietly commented. "After your meeting, if you have time, I'd like to talk about some... issues... I've been experiencing.   I think it may have to do with my pa'nar."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

Beja listened to the Captain and nodded to him once he gave out instructions to everyone, and the bowling event came to an end. Not how any of them had assumed the night would conclude, but that was the nature of Katra station. Being out in the Gamma quadrant, they could never really relax too much, for something was always happening around them.

�It was an enjoyable time, and I hope that we can do this type of event more often for the crew. I believe that it really did help for us all to have a bit of fun together,� Beja had enjoyed the bowling game with the crew. She had learned more about each of them, and increased her appreciation for their friendship and acceptance of her.

It wasn�t that she won the bowling game, it was that she had won friends, and that was the most important and satisfying victory of all. Beja made sure to say goodbye to everyone, most she would be seeing shortly in the morning for the department head meeting.

Beja did address Zex last, �Ensign, in the future I think it would be best if you have important information to share that you interrupt any kind of social gathering if you need to. I am always happy to depart such functions if work and any embassies are in need. Please send me your report tonight, as soon as you have spoken with the Tholian diplomat. I will need that information for my department head meeting tomorrow. I appreciate your hard work in this matter.�

Once Zex had left for the Tholian embassy, Beja made her way back to the counseling office. She would need to do a lot of research tonight on Crystalline entities and their importance to the Tholians. She wanted to be fully prepared for tomorrow's meeting with the department head and the Tholian diplomat.

While she was pulling an all nighter and getting all the information into a report to discuss at the department head meeting, another message came through on her PADD. The information she had requested for the medical team to inform her of any new and similar cases of Meridian seizures had been sent to her. Another case had come into the medical bay earlier in the day. Very similar to what the President had experienced at the Klingon Opera. How many more would be coming in? Was there some kind of illness on Meridian? Were the Etrosians at risk too? Maybe the crew of Katra might end up infected too. It was too soon to raise the alarm, but she needed to look into that more. If there was a plague that needed to be addressed sooner, before it could really get out of control.

Beja went over to the replicator and got another raktajino, she would need all the boost of energy she could get in order to get through the late night. First she sent Roberto the information she had on the other seizure cases to get his assistance with it. Since the President had requested that it be kept between them, she didn�t want to include too many other medical personnel yet. She had given Tarin her word about doctor patient confidentiality and she would keep her word. Then she made an appointment to speak with the President Tarin tomorrow, in the afternoon after the department head meeting and the Tholian meeting. She put in the request as to a follow up on the relocation process for the Etrosians. She didn�t want to tip her hand about the real nature of the talk, as she suspected if she did, he would not be so willing to keep the appointment with her. Sometimes the art of diplomacy was knowing what not to say, and when not to say it. A field that always kept her on her toes.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

With Solluk's orders given the goup settled to end the nice night they had together. Tess was glad about that time of relaxing together with the crew. "Thank you both for organizing it", Tess said to Rayek and to Beja, since apparently her husband have had a share in inviting the group - she must have been too busy that she didn't notice it - and Beja had a lot of work picking a tshirt for everyone. "Beja, if you should need help with organizing more group activities, let me know, I bet we can come up with some awesome ideas."

Tess then did her round to say good night to everyone, not having any issues with hugging Zex, Beja and Hrafn. She kinda wanted to hug John as well but thought he wouldn't appreciate it so much. Roberto just good an amicable pat on the arm as she walked past him and said good night to him too. Turning to Kalem, Eli and Solluk she smiled at them. "Good night, see you in the morning."
As they then were on their way up to their quarters, Tess couldn't help but smile as she watched Rayek carrying the sleeping Lamar while she chatted with Hrafn and joked around with Nerys and Tidu.

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Hrafn's quarters >>> s'Lhoell quarters]

Tess kept on chatting with Hrafn while Rayek tucked the sleeping Lamar into bed. She then bid the Trill good night once more before she walked home with Rayek.

After getting ready for bed - even if there wouldn't be a meeting waiting for her in the morining and the deadline to hand in a report she only got information on now - she knew there was no way she'd get her 'reward' right now. When she settled in bed with Rayek she took the moment of calm with her husband. When he said that there was some things that were strange to him she felt kinda the same. But him mentioning pan'ar gave her pause. Pan'ar ...? Didn't they know for a year about this already? How come they have not done anything about it yet?? She remembered that she had made contact with the Vulcan Medical Institute to get assistance with it since the condition required a correcting mind meld of an experienced and trained melder. Had she not heard back from them after a year? How could she let it slide to stay on the ball about that matter?

Putting these thoughts aside she diverted her attention back on her husband. "Of course", she said a little pensively. The thing with the baby's sex was strange too. Well, it's been a long day. Tomorrow everything would look better probably. She glanced to Rayek, who obviously was about to sleep now. But she didn't think she could. "Does it bother you if I'd work a little bit with my PADD here?" She had seen it blinked with unread messages. "I want to sort some things for my report tomorrow and also read up some info on that Crystalline Entity." She knew she had a vague idea of what it was, but the details were lost. "If it does bother, I will move over to the other room", she offered.

When she read the messages she learned about the second case of a seizure of a Meridian within the last day. As CMO she had been in the loop of that exchange of information among the medical staff. She frowned. Another issue she would have to look into the next day.


NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley >>> Deck 5 - Junior Commissioned Officers Quarters]

Roberto had made his rounds of good byes as well before he had made his way with some of the other crew to head to his quarters. Once there he checked his PADD for any new messages and found one from Beja, informing him of another seizure that seemed to be like the one that President Tarin have had the other day and ask assistance with it. Roberto grimaced. He would love to take up on it, but he had other orders.

To: Lt. Beja
From: Ens. Roberto Padrini
Re: Medical issue

Thank you for you message, Lieutenant. Unfortunately, effective with tomorrow's shift I have been assigned to Meridian by Lt. Commander t'Lhoell for medically studies of the fauna there. Depending on the importance and urgency of the matter you have been asking my assistance for, Dr. t'Lhoell might be okay with my assignment on Meridian beginning after the matter is sorted out.

- Ensign Roberto Padrini

Roberto pondered to cc Tess on the message, but decided against it. Beja had not included her in the message so he wouldn't do that. He still was confused about the assignment Tess had given him. He? On Meridian studying the animals there? He was just not good at working with animals. But orders were orders. With his subtle suggestion to Beja he hoped the Klingon might be more successful in swaying Tess to reconsider the assignment and maybe find someone else for the job on Meridian while he was busy helping with the medical problem at hand.

Hitting 'send', he got ready for bed and settled for the night.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Zex on June 11, 2020, 09:31:16 PM

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

"Ah" Zex replied to Hrafn regarding the cutie on Reyek's lap.  "Wow.  Three kids.  How do you juggle being a mom and a star fleet career" she asked in awe.

When Hrafn mentioned the crystalline entity, Zex turned to her slightly.  "I think I have an idea as to why the Tholian's are interested in the entities.  Eydis mentioned that they may share a biological bond.  Possibly a psychic or telepathic bond as well because shi mentioned being able to hear the entities songs" she explained.

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Zex listened to Solluk's commands.  "Yes, Sir.  Right away, Sir" she said.

"I will inform you as to what I learn" she she said after turning to Beja.  "Is there anything else before I go?" she asked.  Then waited for a reply before leaving.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 12, 2020, 01:03:56 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

"Four kids" Rayek corrected with a roll of his eyes towards Hrafn.  "Only three with her presently."

Yes, the Trill had a lot of children, but Rayek hoped that one day that would be he and Tess.  Three children sounded idea.  That he was wanting to model his own family size after his own childhood was not surprising.  Tess also had grown up with two siblings, and it seemed she modeled her dreams on that as well.  He recalled, from just after the Numati incident, Tess' sharing her dream of a family with him.  Two children - an older boy and younger girl with a third babe on the way.

Rayek smiled, glancing to the side when Tess joined them. They were on their way to building that dream.

The talk eventually turned to absolute candor

The Deltan questioned more about his statement about absolute candor not being suited to diplomacy and Rayek had to focus to decipher the woman's meaning.  Finally, he just settled on the easy answer.

"Basically, absolute candor can be considered offensive to those who don't understand or are not viewed favorably in that unfiltered expression.   Diplomacy from what I understand is mostly about compromise and tolerance.   Absolute candor cares not for tolerance... it is blunt and forthright - which can be insulting to others."

Later when Hrafn asked for gift ideas for the babe, she seemed thrilled about his suggestion.  He hadn't thought to ask about Bajoran fairytales, but that she did, made sense given it would be from her children as well.  "I will look forward to reading them to the babe.  As a matter of fact, I should begin reading to the babe now.  While it is still in the womb. Developmentally, I believe it is supposed to be good for the fetus."

He frowned wondering why he hadn't thought of that before?

When Hrafn suggested that the Healy might need to be on call, he was glad that she had Crista to look after the children and wouldn't be looking to him.  But it suddenly brought to mind a bit of an alarming thought.  When the babe was born if the station were put on alert... who could he and Tess rely on to look after the babe.  Her entire family present were Starfleet and would be called to alert status as well so it wasn't like the babe could be watched by them.  And it wasn't like Rayek trusted many others outside of family.

How had he not thought of this before? This was problem.  Thankful he still had 3 months or so to determine a solution.

Pushing the dilemma aside for now, Rayek refocused on the talk about the Crystaline Entity as he paced about with Lamar.

A nine am meeting for his wife.   Rayek would have to be sure her requested breakfast was filling and nutritious - to last her throughout the meeting.

As things began to break up for the night, Rayek bid goodnight to all.  Because Beja indicated that it was he who had arranged this - not that he could remember doing so at all, he supposed he should be the one to see them all off.   "Thank you all for attending tonight.  We will definitely set up another in a week or two to play again. Beja, thank you especially for the wonderful personalized shirts.  They made the night almost as much as your Turkey."

[Katra Station - Deck 2]
Despite the farewells, most of the assembled staff had their quarters up on the same deck so many walked together.   Rayek carried the once more sleeping Lamar and when they arrived at Hrafn's quarters carefully yet swiftly helped tuck in the little boy before escaping the room, feeling the entire time that Nevir was somehow watching and frowning that the Romulan would dare enter his territory again.

It was good to return home to his own wife.  There was much he wanted to talk about but it was late.  As they settled under the covers her in his arms, he quietly commented. "After your meeting, if you have time, I'd like to talk about some... issues... I've been experiencing.   I think it may have to do with my pa'nar."

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 12, 2020, 07:58:27 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

With Solluk's orders given the goup settled to end the nice night they had together. Tess was glad about that time of relaxing together with the crew. "Thank you both for organizing it", Tess said to Rayek and to Beja, since apparently her husband have had a share in inviting the group - she must have been too busy that she didn't notice it - and Beja had a lot of work picking a tshirt for everyone. "Beja, if you should need help with organizing more group activities, let me know, I bet we can come up with some awesome ideas."

Tess then did her round to say good night to everyone, not having any issues with hugging Zex, Beja and Hrafn. She kinda wanted to hug John as well but thought he wouldn't appreciate it so much. Roberto just good an amicable pat on the arm as she walked past him and said good night to him too. Turning to Kalem, Eli and Solluk she smiled at them. "Good night, see you in the morning."
As they then were on their way up to their quarters, Tess couldn't help but smile as she watched Rayek carrying the sleeping Lamar while she chatted with Hrafn and joked around with Nerys and Tidu.

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Hrafn's quarters >>> s'Lhoell quarters]

Tess kept on chatting with Hrafn while Rayek tucked the sleeping Lamar into bed. She then bid the Trill good night once more before she walked home with Rayek.

After getting ready for bed - even if there wouldn't be a meeting waiting for her in the morining and the deadline to hand in a report she only got information on now - she knew there was no way she'd get her 'reward' right now. When she settled in bed with Rayek she took the moment of calm with her husband. When he said that there was some things that were strange to him she felt kinda the same. But him mentioning pan'ar gave her pause. Pan'ar ...? Didn't they know for a year about this already? How come they have not done anything about it yet?? She remembered that she had made contact with the Vulcan Medical Institute to get assistance with it since the condition required a correcting mind meld of an experienced and trained melder. Had she not heard back from them after a year? How could she let it slide to stay on the ball about that matter?

Putting these thoughts aside she diverted her attention back on her husband. "Of course", she said a little pensively. The thing with the baby's sex was strange too. Well, it's been a long day. Tomorrow everything would look better probably. She glanced to Rayek, who obviously was about to sleep now. But she didn't think she could. "Does it bother you if I'd work a little bit with my PADD here?" She had seen it blinked with unread messages. "I want to sort some things for my report tomorrow and also read up some info on that Crystalline Entity." She knew she had a vague idea of what it was, but the details were lost. "If it does bother, I will move over to the other room", she offered.

When she read the messages she learned about the second case of a seizure of a Meridian within the last day. As CMO she had been in the loop of that exchange of information among the medical staff. She frowned. Another issue she would have to look into the next day.


NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley >>> Deck 5 - Junior Commissioned Officers Quarters]

Roberto had made his rounds of good byes as well before he had made his way with some of the other crew to head to his quarters. Once there he checked his PADD for any new messages and found one from Beja, informing him of another seizure that seemed to be like the one that President Tarin have had the other day and ask assistance with it. Roberto grimaced. He would love to take up on it, but he had other orders.

To: Lt. Beja
From: Ens. Roberto Padrini
Re: Medical issue

Thank you for you message, Lieutenant. Unfortunately, effective with tomorrow's shift I have been assigned to Meridian by Lt. Commander t'Lhoell for medically studies of the fauna there. Depending on the importance and urgency of the matter you have been asking my assistance for, Dr. t'Lhoell might be okay with my assignment on Meridian beginning after the matter is sorted out.

- Ensign Roberto Padrini

Roberto pondered to cc Tess on the message, but decided against it. Beja had not included her in the message so he wouldn't do that. He still was confused about the assignment Tess had given him. He? On Meridian studying the animals there? He was just not good at working with animals. But orders were orders. With his subtle suggestion to Beja he hoped the Klingon might be more successful in swaying Tess to reconsider the assignment and maybe find someone else for the job on Meridian while he was busy helping with the medical problem at hand.

Hitting 'send', he got ready for bed and settled for the night.

[Bowling Alley > Hrafn's Quarters]

"Rayek's correct... 4, although as he says, only 3 with me.  My eldest tends to flit between her stepfather's ship, the Discovery being more Science orientated than this station, her 'grandparents' as in Nevir's parents over on Bajor and having fun on DS9 or at Academy studying Sciences.  As for how I do it.  Stubbornness, the generosity of a good Captain to have me be 2 mins late on occasions, the nanny sent directly from the Prophets and..." Hrafn smiled at the assembled company... especially Rayek with the sleeping Lamar in his arms.

"... fantastic friends who are family as far as the kids are concerned.  John there is Grandad, the rest of you are all Aunties and Uncles to them... and most they have well and truly under their little thumbs!  Still I think that little man needs bed, as do all of us, so goodnight everyone, children say your goodbyes to all bar Auntie Tess and Uncle Rayek since they're helping bring Mr. Sleepyhead up!.. Quietly!! Tho, I think he's out for the count!"

She let the kids give their hugs and kisses, no one got left out, though Nerys stood with her head on one side regarding Zex, then just gave her a hug anyhow.

"You're a Deltan aren't you?" she asked while Hrafn rolled her eyes in a 'here we go again' way.  "Is it true you can make pain go away?  Could you make Mammy's knee not hurt?  And do you mind if we call you Auntie Zex?"

Hrafn was quick to apologise.  "Sorry, you're not used to them yet.  Nerys is our budding Scientist and loves learning all about other species... I think she's destined to be either an Xenoanthropologist or work in the Diplomatic Corps!  At 5 years old she knows almost as much about other species as I did when I was in charge of Anthropology on the Britannia... of course she's learnt it from birth.  Come on you pair... bed!"

"But, � would it be ok to come and ask you some questions about Deltans for my school project please?  I'm doing all about different species living on the Station!"

"Yeah and it's Booooorrrrrring!" interjected her brother.  "Mine on the different ships we have docking regularly is much more interesting."

"Captain, I think at this rate you're going to have to put them in uniform and give them a cadet pip... such information could be useful!" Hrafn jested but gave the kids a mock stern look that clearly said 'Come on, my patience is wearing thin now...'

[Hrafn's Quarters]

Hrafn thanked Tess and Rayek and gave hugs then saw them out.  Wearily she put the other children to bed, kissed their foreheads, sent a quick message to Nevir as was her normal routine and told him a little about the bowling game, especially the Turkey by Beja, and then crawled into bed herself.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



CHS Revelation - Interstellar Space - Sector K

"Commander, We can now confirm that there is a craft within the tesseract.  We propose using a subspace inversion wave to communicate with them.  When it passes through the tesseract boundary, it should resolve into a normal subspace carrier wave."  Sharom worked his console as he made the suggestion, no doubt preparing for the procedure.

"They may assume we are the cause of their current dilemma.  We should be prepared for some level of hostility.  And for all we know, they may have a weapon system capable of traversing the tesseract boundary... even if their actual ship cannot."  Blomo advised.

"I understand.  We shall risk it.  We've delayed our mission long enough.  We need to help these people and move on, even if there is peril.  I believe the peril of not acting is greater.

Open hailing frequencies."  Commander Zheshil stood up straighter behind the command podium.

"This is Commander Zheshil of the Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation.  We come in peace.  According to our sensors, your craft may have fallen victim to a type of susbpace weapon known to us as a 'subspace tesseract.'  It is a kind of fold in subspace designed to capture vessels passing through a region.  If you require help, please respond using the same subspace inversion carrier we are using.  This will allow us to communicate."
My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Beja on June 12, 2020, 01:36:31 AM

USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

Beja listened to the Captain and nodded to him once he gave out instructions to everyone, and the bowling event came to an end. Not how any of them had assumed the night would conclude, but that was the nature of Katra station. Being out in the Gamma quadrant, they could never really relax too much, for something was always happening around them.

�It was an enjoyable time, and I hope that we can do this type of event more often for the crew. I believe that it really did help for us all to have a bit of fun together,� Beja had enjoyed the bowling game with the crew. She had learned more about each of them, and increased her appreciation for their friendship and acceptance of her.

It wasn�t that she won the bowling game, it was that she had won friends, and that was the most important and satisfying victory of all. Beja made sure to say goodbye to everyone, most she would be seeing shortly in the morning for the department head meeting.

Beja did address Zex last, �Ensign, in the future I think it would be best if you have important information to share that you interrupt any kind of social gathering if you need to. I am always happy to depart such functions if work and any embassies are in need. Please send me your report tonight, as soon as you have spoken with the Tholian diplomat. I will need that information for my department head meeting tomorrow. I appreciate your hard work in this matter.�

Once Zex had left for the Tholian embassy, Beja made her way back to the counseling office. She would need to do a lot of research tonight on Crystalline entities and their importance to the Tholians. She wanted to be fully prepared for tomorrow's meeting with the department head and the Tholian diplomat.

While she was pulling an all nighter and getting all the information into a report to discuss at the department head meeting, another message came through on her PADD. The information she had requested for the medical team to inform her of any new and similar cases of Meridian seizures had been sent to her. Another case had come into the medical bay earlier in the day. Very similar to what the President had experienced at the Klingon Opera. How many more would be coming in? Was there some kind of illness on Meridian? Were the Etrosians at risk too? Maybe the crew of Katra might end up infected too. It was too soon to raise the alarm, but she needed to look into that more. If there was a plague that needed to be addressed sooner, before it could really get out of control.

Beja went over to the replicator and got another raktajino, she would need all the boost of energy she could get in order to get through the late night. First she sent Roberto the information she had on the other seizure cases to get his assistance with it. Since the President had requested that it be kept between them, she didn�t want to include too many other medical personnel yet. She had given Tarin her word about doctor patient confidentiality and she would keep her word. Then she made an appointment to speak with the President Tarin tomorrow, in the afternoon after the department head meeting and the Tholian meeting. She put in the request as to a follow up on the relocation process for the Etrosians. She didn�t want to tip her hand about the real nature of the talk, as she suspected if she did, he would not be so willing to keep the appointment with her. Sometimes the art of diplomacy was knowing what not to say, and when not to say it. A field that always kept her on her toes.

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

Zex dropped her gaze to her feet when Beja spoke.  She felt like a child being scolded by a parent in front of her classmates in that moment.  Her cheeks blushed red with embarrassment.

"Yes, lieutenant.  I understand, lieutenant" she replied quietly.  She lifted her head and saluted her superior officer.  Then departed after the salute was returned.

[Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception]

She made her way down to the Tholian Embassy.  Her ego still a bit bruised.  But her mind was on her mission.

She stopped outside of the Tholian Embassy and slipped into an EVO suit.  Not a simple task, but she was starting to get used to experience.  So, it took less time than the prior time.

She had done this so often now that she expected to be dreaming of the task soon.  One leg in.  Then the other.  Pull the suit up.  One arm in.  Then the other.  Zip up tight then attach the helmet.

Once she was done, she entered the Tholian Embassy.  Make her way to reception.  Then asked to speak to Eydis.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 12, 2020, 01:03:56 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

"Four kids" Rayek corrected with a roll of his eyes towards Hrafn.  "Only three with her presently."

Yes, the Trill had a lot of children, but Rayek hoped that one day that would be he and Tess.  Three children sounded idea.  That he was wanting to model his own family size after his own childhood was not surprising.  Tess also had grown up with two siblings, and it seemed she modeled her dreams on that as well.  He recalled, from just after the Numati incident, Tess' sharing her dream of a family with him.  Two children - an older boy and younger girl with a third babe on the way.

Rayek smiled, glancing to the side when Tess joined them. They were on their way to building that dream.

The talk eventually turned to absolute candor

The Deltan questioned more about his statement about absolute candor not being suited to diplomacy and Rayek had to focus to decipher the woman's meaning.  Finally, he just settled on the easy answer.

"Basically, absolute candor can be considered offensive to those who don't understand or are not viewed favorably in that unfiltered expression.   Diplomacy from what I understand is mostly about compromise and tolerance.   Absolute candor cares not for tolerance... it is blunt and forthright - which can be insulting to others."

Later when Hrafn asked for gift ideas for the babe, she seemed thrilled about his suggestion.  He hadn't thought to ask about Bajoran fairytales, but that she did, made sense given it would be from her children as well.  "I will look forward to reading them to the babe.  As a matter of fact, I should begin reading to the babe now.  While it is still in the womb. Developmentally, I believe it is supposed to be good for the fetus."

He frowned wondering why he hadn't thought of that before?

When Hrafn suggested that the Healy might need to be on call, he was glad that she had Crista to look after the children and wouldn't be looking to him.  But it suddenly brought to mind a bit of an alarming thought.  When the babe was born if the station were put on alert... who could he and Tess rely on to look after the babe.  Her entire family present were Starfleet and would be called to alert status as well so it wasn't like the babe could be watched by them.  And it wasn't like Rayek trusted many others outside of family.

How had he not thought of this before? This was problem.  Thankful he still had 3 months or so to determine a solution.

Pushing the dilemma aside for now, Rayek refocused on the talk about the Crystaline Entity as he paced about with Lamar.

A nine am meeting for his wife.   Rayek would have to be sure her requested breakfast was filling and nutritious - to last her throughout the meeting.

As things began to break up for the night, Rayek bid goodnight to all.  Because Beja indicated that it was he who had arranged this - not that he could remember doing so at all, he supposed he should be the one to see them all off.   "Thank you all for attending tonight.  We will definitely set up another in a week or two to play again. Beja, thank you especially for the wonderful personalized shirts.  They made the night almost as much as your Turkey."

[Katra Station - Deck 2]
Despite the farewells, most of the assembled staff had their quarters up on the same deck so many walked together.   Rayek carried the once more sleeping Lamar and when they arrived at Hrafn's quarters carefully yet swiftly helped tuck in the little boy before escaping the room, feeling the entire time that Nevir was somehow watching and frowning that the Romulan would dare enter his territory again.

It was good to return home to his own wife.  There was much he wanted to talk about but it was late.  As they settled under the covers her in his arms, he quietly commented. "After your meeting, if you have time, I'd like to talk about some... issues... I've been experiencing.   I think it may have to do with my pa'nar."

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex listened carefully to Reyek's deliberately worded response.  "I can see how that might not be a great tool for a diplomat to use in the course of his or her business practices" she said.  She shifted slightly in her seat.

"But in inter-personal interactions between friends, do you think it advisable?  I ask because I consider you and Tess to be friends.  The closest of friends I have" she said candidly.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 12, 2020, 12:59:47 PM

[Bowling Alley > Hrafn's Quarters]

"Rayek's correct... 4, although as he says, only 3 with me.  My eldest tends to flit between her stepfather's ship, the Discovery being more Science orientated than this station, her 'grandparents' as in Nevir's parents over on Bajor and having fun on DS9 or at Academy studying Sciences.  As for how I do it.  Stubbornness, the generosity of a good Captain to have me be 2 mins late on occasions, the nanny sent directly from the Prophets and..." Hrafn smiled at the assembled company... especially Rayek with the sleeping Lamar in his arms.

"... fantastic friends who are family as far as the kids are concerned.  John there is Grandad, the rest of you are all Aunties and Uncles to them... and most they have well and truly under their little thumbs!  Still I think that little man needs bed, as do all of us, so goodnight everyone, children say your goodbyes to all bar Auntie Tess and Uncle Rayek since they're helping bring Mr. Sleepyhead up!.. Quietly!! Tho, I think he's out for the count!"

She let the kids give their hugs and kisses, no one got left out, though Nerys stood with her head on one side regarding Zex, then just gave her a hug anyhow.

"You're a Deltan aren't you?" she asked while Hrafn rolled her eyes in a 'here we go again' way.  "Is it true you can make pain go away?  Could you make Mammy's knee not hurt?  And do you mind if we call you Auntie Zex?"

Hrafn was quick to apologise.  "Sorry, you're not used to them yet.  Nerys is our budding Scientist and loves learning all about other species... I think she's destined to be either an Xenoanthropologist or work in the Diplomatic Corps!  At 5 years old she knows almost as much about other species as I did when I was in charge of Anthropology on the Britannia... of course she's learnt it from birth.  Come on you pair... bed!"

"But, ... would it be ok to come and ask you some questions about Deltans for my school project please?  I'm doing all about different species living on the Station!"

"Yeah and it's Booooorrrrrring!" interjected her brother.  "Mine on the different ships we have docking regularly is much more interesting."

"Captain, I think at this rate you're going to have to put them in uniform and give them a cadet pip... such information could be useful!" Hrafn jested but gave the kids a mock stern look that clearly said 'Come on, my patience is wearing thin now...'

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

"Four?  Again wow.  You must have 1 or 2 mother of the year awards tucked away somewhere right" she said by way of compliment.  She wondered though why the CSO was stationed so far away from Tekin.  But that was none of her business, so she did not ask.

She, though, was caught off guard by the forward and trusting nature of the children.  It had been some time since she had been around children.   She had no siblings so she really didn't know how to be an aunt.

So she didn't answer the child's direct question about being called Auntie.  Instead she focused the other two questions.  The ones she felt comfortable with.

"Deltan's can reduce pain.  Your'e very smart from know that" she said by way of compliment.  "But we do not heal the injury and pain is a good signal to most to know their limitations" she said.

"I am happy to help.  But let me talk with you mother first.  I would hate to do more harm than good" she added.

"As far as talking with me later about your report, I'm happy to help.  If you're mom is ok with it, I will come by your quarters.  Then you can ask me your questions there" she suggested with a glance toward his mother.

She put her arms around the child who hugged her.  It was a nice, warm embrace.  "I wish you well, child" she whispered to him.   

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Zex on June 12, 2020, 05:57:21 PM

[Holosuite - Bowling Alley]

Zex dropped her gaze to her feet when Beja spoke.  She felt like a child being scolded by a parent in front of her classmates in that moment.  Her cheeks blushed red with embarrassment.

"Yes, lieutenant.  I understand, lieutenant" she replied quietly.  She lifted her head and saluted her superior officer.  Then departed after the salute was returned.

[Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception]

She made her way down to the Tholian Embassy.  Her ego still a bit bruised.  But her mind was on her mission.

She stopped outside of the Tholian Embassy and slipped into an EVO suit.  Not a simple task, but she was starting to get used to experience.  So, it took less time than the prior time.

She had done this so often now that she expected to be dreaming of the task soon.  One leg in.  Then the other.  Pull the suit up.  One arm in.  Then the other.  Zip up tight then attach the helmet.

Once she was done, she entered the Tholian Embassy.  Make her way to reception.  Then asked to speak to Eydis.

* Eydis Eydis had finish dealing a sweeping cut with her crystalline blade to what look like a werewolf hologram which fades away as zex enters the training hologram room. She would slide her short sword back into its sheath� Hello zex the deltan. I must offer you and apology I do not hope my sudden message caused you to much trouble. A rather perturbing individual had come to the embassy saying he had knowledge of a injuries crystalline entity. I believe he goes by the name of yorno. Do you have any records of individual by that name. 
Eydis seemed be genuine concerned she had caused the deltan some trouble. �I should not of behaved so inconsiderate  and thought of what trouble my actions might of caused for you Shi would look over at the holographic representation of a Roman border fort somewhere Britain. Above dark clouds were swiftly gathering across the horizon. Ahh that is a most curious event occurring on the horizon

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