S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Zex on June 12, 2020, 06:35:49 PM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex listened carefully to Reyek's deliberately worded response.  "I can see how that might not be a great tool for a diplomat to use in the course of his or her business practices" she said.  She shifted slightly in her seat.

"But in inter-personal interactions between friends, do you think it advisable?  I ask because I consider you and Tess to be friends.  The closest of friends I have" she said candidly.

Rayek quirked an eyebrow up at the Deltan's revelation regarding their her view of their friendship.  For a moment he didn't know what to say in response to that.   This was obviously one of those moments that absolute candor would not go over well - as he honestly couldn't say he felt the same.

It wasn't that Rayek disliked the woman, he just always took a long time to 'warm up' to others to the point where he could consider them friends.  His paranoia made friendship more of a weakness - something that his enemies could exploit - thus he was not all that open to the idea.  Yet it was friendship and the social aspect of having friends that Miss Judy had insisted he needed - and which likely had prompted this group bowling endeavor.  He would need to check in with Miss Judy to let her know how well things had gone.  But for now, Rayek didn't wish to offend the Deltan by not showing acknowledgement and appreciation of the sentiment, so he smiled towards Zex.

"That is quite flattering, thank you.   But to answer your question, I would think that thoughtful honesty is better for maintaining friendships than absolute candor for much the same reasons."

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 12, 2020, 07:58:27 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Hrafn's quarters >>> s'Lhoell quarters]

Tess kept on chatting with Hrafn while Rayek tucked the sleeping Lamar into bed. She then bid the Trill good night once more before she walked home with Rayek.

After getting ready for bed - even if there wouldn't be a meeting waiting for her in the morining and the deadline to hand in a report she only got information on now - she knew there was no way she'd get her 'reward' right now. When she settled in bed with Rayek she took the moment of calm with her husband. When he said that there was some things that were strange to him she felt kinda the same. But him mentioning pan'ar gave her pause. Pan'ar ...? Didn't they know for a year about this already? How come they have not done anything about it yet?? She remembered that she had made contact with the Vulcan Medical Institute to get assistance with it since the condition required a correcting mind meld of an experienced and trained melder. Had she not heard back from them after a year? How could she let it slide to stay on the ball about that matter?

Putting these thoughts aside she diverted her attention back on her husband. "Of course", she said a little pensively. The thing with the baby's sex was strange too. Well, it's been a long day. Tomorrow everything would look better probably. She glanced to Rayek, who obviously was about to sleep now. But she didn't think she could. "Does it bother you if I'd work a little bit with my PADD here?" She had seen it blinked with unread messages. "I want to sort some things for my report tomorrow and also read up some info on that Crystalline Entity." She knew she had a vague idea of what it was, but the details were lost. "If it does bother, I will move over to the other room", she offered.

When she read the messages she learned about the second case of a seizure of a Meridian within the last day. As CMO she had been in the loop of that exchange of information among the medical staff. She frowned. Another issue she would have to look into the next day.

Rayek looked to Tess slightly in concern at her question.  He had suggested readying for bed mainly for her.  She had an Alpha shift with a meeting in the morning, whereas he was to begin his Gamma shift schedule tomorrow and as such could rest all day in preparation for the late night work.

It was at this point that Rayek realized he'd forgotten to bring up the new schedule with either John or Solluk.  He supposed he could discuss it with Tess, but though she might deny it he could see how tired she was.  He didn't wish to burden her more, simply because he wanted to spend more time with her.

"Your working on your PADD will not disturb me - there is no need to move.  In fact, I too will get in some reading."

He brushed a kiss to her cheek as they sat up to each do their activity.  She picked up her PADD and reached for the leather bound book that lay on his bedside table.  The book didn't seem familiar to him - yet another forgotten memory - but obviously he had intended to read it or it would not be at his nightstand.

He opened the book to the first page and stared at the page in puzzlement.  What language was this?

Hoping to find a translation further on, Rayek flipped ahead a few pages until he came to some illustrations. But still there was no recognition as to what language this book was written in.   Rayek reached over to retrieve his PADD and took a scan of one of the pages and typed in a request for the language.   The result of Ba'ku while surprising to him, did make some sense.   He just wished he could remember if this was a surprise or if he'd asked Tess to arrange to get him the book.

With the base language now known Rayek was able set up his PADD to scan each page and then translate it to Federation Standard and play that translation as an audio file in his ear bud.

The Romulan was then rewarded for his efforts by a children's fairytale.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Solluk on June 12, 2020, 03:46:53 PM

CHS Revelation - Interstellar Space - Sector K

"Open hailing frequencies."  Commander Zheshil stood up straighter behind the command podium.[/size]

"This is Commander Zheshil of the Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation.  We come in peace.  According to our sensors, your craft may have fallen victim to a type of susbpace weapon known to us as a 'subspace tesseract.'  It is a kind of fold in subspace designed to capture vessels passing through a region.  If you require help, please respond using the same subspace inversion carrier we are using.  This will allow us to communicate."
It had been a day and half of being stuck in the subspace fold with still no success in figuring out how to free themselves.  Despite having remained at his station the entire time, Rayek had discreetly pleaded with Tess to take even just a few hours rest - for their son... if not for herself.

Thus, he was on the bridge - not quite with conn - since they were stuck and not going anywhere - while Tess was in their quarters getting rest.   Most of the other crew were working on brainstormed ideas on how to free themselves - none of which had worked so far.

Rayek was at tactical, continuing his manipulation of the ship's exterior lights.  The last time they had been trapped in a subspace fold they'd been pulled in by a solanae species and had secured release when Beja had signaled to the swarm that they were not food.

Though they could detect no solanae lifeforms currently Rayek wasn't prepared to give up on the idea that this could still assist.

He was in the midst of changing the frequency of the light wave length when he noted a ping on the hailing frequency.   Had it worked?!

He listened to the incoming message with a lifted spirit and quickly tapped his commbadge.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Captain t'Lhoell." =/\=  He grinned - that had such a nice sound to it.  =/\= "Sorry to wake you e'lev, but you're needed on the Bridge.  We've been contacted by someone outside the subspace fold.  I figure it should be our Captain that replies back." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 13, 2020, 02:20:37 AM

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters]

Rayek looked to Tess slightly in concern at her question.  He had suggested readying for bed mainly for her.  She had an Alpha shift with a meeting in the morning, whereas he was to begin his Gamma shift schedule tomorrow and as such could rest all day in preparation for the late night work.

It was at this point that Rayek realized he'd forgotten to bring up the new schedule with either John or Solluk.  He supposed he could discuss it with Tess, but though she might deny it he could see how tired she was.  He didn't wish to burden her more, simply because he wanted to spend more time with her.

"Your working on your PADD will not disturb me - there is no need to move.  In fact, I too will get in some reading."

He brushed a kiss to her cheek as they sat up to each do their activity.  She picked up her PADD and reached for the leather bound book that lay on his bedside table.  The book didn't seem familiar to him - yet another forgotten memory - but obviously he had intended to read it or it would not be at his nightstand.

He opened the book to the first page and stared at the page in puzzlement.  What language was this?

Hoping to find a translation further on, Rayek flipped ahead a few pages until he came to some illustrations. But still there was no recognition as to what language this book was written in.   Rayek reached over to retrieve his PADD and took a scan of one of the pages and typed in a request for the language.   The result of Ba'ku while surprising to him, did make some sense.   He just wished he could remember if this was a surprise or if he'd asked Tess to arrange to get him the book.

With the base language now known Rayek was able set up his PADD to scan each page and then translate it to Federation Standard and play that translation as an audio file in his ear bud.

The Romulan was then rewarded for his efforts by a children's fairytale.

She smiled at him when he said he wanted to read in a little as well. Rayek, with his Romulan physique, didn't need as much sleep as her as a humanoid. She was aware that he often joined her in bed just to be with her, which she found adorable. Admittedly, she would have preferred to sleep, but her mind was occupied with too many things right now. The meeting the next morning alone was enough to keep her awake, but she couldn't quite shake off the feeling that something was off. She had no idea what that was, though.

For now she tried to focus on accessing the Federation's database from her PADD to read up everything there was on crystalline entities. However, the motion of Rayek taking a scan of every single page of the book he had in his lap drew her attention away from what she was reading and to him. It looked a little bit odd what he was doing there, and Tess couldn't help but grin at him in curiosity. "What are you doing, ciccino?", she asked softly and then leaned over a bit so she could take a closer look at the book he had there. She raised her eyebrows. "You found my book?", she smiled. "It's written in Ba'ku", she pointed out the obvious and now made sense of what Rayek was doing there. She couldn't believe she had not told him about the book yet. "It's a book of fairy tales. My dad brought it along for me." She smiled.

She then paused, the smiled fading from her face as she looked at her husband. Yes, she wanted to focus on the report, but this was predominant in her mind right now. "Love ... Do you really not know the sex of our baby?" She looked at him troubled. "It just doesn't make sense to me. I can't recall having talked to my dad about this, even less we trying to find out for ourselves. If this is supposed to be a joke of some kind, I can't laugh about it." She didn't really think someone was trying to kid her. And deep down she didn't believe Rayek knew their child's sex. Even if he had snuck into medbay behind her back to get that info, he would have spilled the truth after Padrini had hinted on it. Or would have done so now that they were alone the latest. It just confused Tess even more. "Did something happen between you and Roberto that would make him say such nonsense to annoy you?"


In the meantime ...

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Deck 2 - Senior Officer's Quarters >>> Bridge]

It's been over a day now since the Healy got stuck in this subspace phenomenon. The majority of that day had been spent by the crew under Tess' command to free themselves from whatever it was what was holding them here. But all their efforts had been in vain so far. They were rendered helpless; the Healy was not moving an inch, no matter what they tried. What was even more distressing was that communications were jammed completely. They were not able to receive or send any messages. It really was as if a black hole had swallowed them whole and this was where they would be stuck forever now.

But Tess didn't allow that thought to prevail in her mind - even if it got harder as the hours ticked by without any improvement on their situation. At least they didn't seem to face hostile forces from the outside. She wondered what had become of the Karemma freighter and the Wanderers that had pursued them. Had they failed in their mission of offering assistance to the Karemma and they might have been raided by the Wanderers? Or was it even possible that they were stuck in here as well but since the ship had become blind they were just not able to see or get to them?

While Tess had doubted very early at their time here that this was the same or a smilar solanae species that had taken hold of Healy a couple of months back, Rayek stood fast to his belief that it could be a possibility. Admittedly, the situation showed some similarities, but there was no net of flickering lights. There were also no signs of psionic lifeforms starting to feed of the psionic minds of the crew. So Tess personally wasn't convinced. The more so since Rayek's attempts to communicate with the pattern Beja had developed had not come to fruition until now. But Tess wouldn't keep him from doing that. For one it might give him the feeling to be not as helpless as Tess felt herself. And she could also be wrong after all and his efforts might get them out of here.

Concern and her sense of duty and responsibility to get the crew out of here had made Tess neglect her need of sleep and rest a little. Rayek had to approach her on that multiple times until she gave in, but wanted to keep posted about new developments.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 13, 2020, 02:20:37 AM

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Captain t'Lhoell." =/\=  He grinned - that had such a nice sound to it.  =/\= "Sorry to wake you e'lev, but you're needed on the Bridge.  We've been contacted by someone outside the subspace fold.  I figure it should be our Captain that replies back." =/\=

So when Rayek's call came in over the comm badge Tess had slept a couple of hours and was only dozing as she tried to wake up fully. However, with the call coming through, Tess woke up and instantly felt for the comm badge on the bedside table. With her voice heavy from sleep, she replied,  =/\= "Acknowledged, I'm on my way." =/\=

Tess didn't waste much time to sort out her hair but only straightened her uniform she had been falling asleep in, attaching the comm badge to her chest while she took the short way up to the bridge as quick as she could at 6 months pregnant.

"Play message", Tess ordered before she even had reached the chair in the middle facing the view screen.

Quote from: Solluk on June 12, 2020, 03:46:53 PM

"This is Commander Zheshil of the Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation.  We come in peace.  According to our sensors, your craft may have fallen victim to a type of susbpace weapon known to us as a 'subspace tesseract.'  It is a kind of fold in subspace designed to capture vessels passing through a region.  If you require help, please respond using the same subspace inversion carrier we are using.  This will allow us to communicate."

Tess looked at the female Commander while she spoke. Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation? She had never heard of it. But what was more important now was that these strangers knew a way to get out of here. That Zheshil referred to this tesseract as a 'weapon' made Tess feel slightly uneasy. She also thought they should be wary of anyone approaching them out here. "Ensign tr'Lhoell, keep weapons powered down for now but I want you to stand by ready with a plan in case those helpers are not as friendly as they seem." Tess briefly wondered when she had lost her trust in people and became so wary?

Tess turned her head to look at Hrafn and Ensign Olze at Ops. "Hrafn, Ensign, we need to use that inversion carrier."

When that was done, Tess turned her gaze to the waiting Zheshil. "My name is Lt. Commander Tess t'Lhoell of the United Federation of Planets. Our mission was to assist a pursued Karemma freighter in escaping space pirates when we got stuck in this subspace fold. We have not found means to free ourselves as yet, so we appreciate your offer of assistance."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on June 11, 2020, 02:38:45 PM

[ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

"Ah, thank you. My previous assignment was aiding new species coming into the Federation." She thought a little bit on the next question and smiled.

"I enjoy programming holodeck programs. I've gotten quite good at it. But I also indulge in martial arts, meditation, and a great many other hobbies."

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade smiled. "That must have been exciting to meet new species?" L'mar queried, he was getting somewhat jealous but he didn't know how he would be in back to back First Contact missions. "Was it tirring at all?" L'mar asked, concerned. "How come you stopped?" L'mar added his interest still rising and this made him babble.

"Holonovels? Have you published any?" L'mar asked, "what arre they about?" Rhade wanted to know all and was not afraid to ask but he hoped this didn't scare Amarande off.

"Marrtial Arrts huh?" L'mar said and smirked as he would like to put his mother's teachings to the test and after a sip of tea. "Would you like to sparr some time?" L'mar asked, he made a mental note not to let his pride trigger his Felinoid desire to win at all costs which could lead to him injuring Amarande with his claws. He didn't want to hurt a new friend.

tag Xiiv


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 13, 2020, 02:20:37 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Rayek quirked an eyebrow up at the Deltan's revelation regarding their her view of their friendship.  For a moment he didn't know what to say in response to that.   This was obviously one of those moments that absolute candor would not go over well - as he honestly couldn't say he felt the same.

It wasn't that Rayek disliked the woman, he just always took a long time to 'warm up' to others to the point where he could consider them friends.  His paranoia made friendship more of a weakness - something that his enemies could exploit - thus he was not all that open to the idea.  Yet it was friendship and the social aspect of having friends that Miss Judy had insisted he needed - and which likely had prompted this group bowling endeavor.  He would need to check in with Miss Judy to let her know how well things had gone.  But for now, Rayek didn't wish to offend the Deltan by not showing acknowledgement and appreciation of the sentiment, so he smiled towards Zex.

"That is quite flattering, thank you.   But to answer your question, I would think that thoughtful honesty is better for maintaining friendships than absolute candor for much the same reasons."

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex smiled back at Reyek.  She didn't expect him to confess his friendship to her at least not in such a public setting.  No, it was enough the he knew how she felt.

She thought about the response for a moment.  "After thinking about it more, I can see how you are right.  Thanks for letting me pick your brain on this topic.  I really appreciate it" she said.

Quote from: Eydis on June 12, 2020, 08:34:18 PM

* Eydis Eydis had finish dealing a sweeping cut with her crystalline blade to what look like a werewolf hologram which fades away as zex enters the training hologram room. She would slide her short sword back into its sheath" Hello zex the deltan. I must offer you and apology I do not hope my sudden message caused you to much trouble. A rather perturbing individual had come to the embassy saying he had knowledge of a injuries crystalline entity. I believe he goes by the name of yorno. Do you have any records of individual by that name. 
Eydis seemed be genuine concerned she had caused the deltan some trouble. "I should not of behaved so inconsiderate  and thought of what trouble my actions might of caused for you Shi would look over at the holographic representation of a Roman border fort somewhere Britain. Above dark clouds were swiftly gathering across the horizon. Ahh that is a most curious event occurring on the horizon

[Katra Station - Tholian Embassy]

When Zex entered the hologram suite, she stood still and watched Eydis deal a death blow to a creature with the crystal sword.   It was a rare privileged to an envoy engage in a fun past-time.  It gave Zex an idea for the next cultural meeting.

Zex clapped when Eydis turned to her. "Now I know why you consider yourself a warrior.  Congratulations on your victory, Eydis of Tholia" she said.

When the Tholian apologized, Zex put her hand over her heart.  She typically did a good job of hiding her emotions, especially when she was doing business.  But it was thoughtful of Eydis to acknowledge the feelings of another - compassionate even.  Zex was liking Eydis more and more with each meeting.

"Thank you for considering my feelings, Eydis of Tholia.  The important thing is that you got a message to us.  Ultimately your message helped to expedite a meeting with the Captain to tomorrow at 0900" she said.

"I do not know the person, but I do know of an organization that is trying to sabotage our efforts here.  I have personally had some dealings with them myself.  They tried to use the freighter I was on to crash into the station" she added.

"If he is associated with the group it would guess he may have been trying to feed you misinformation to somehow weaken our break our relationship.  I can work on determining if he is a known associate of the group tonight.  And we can work to verify or dispute the information he gave you as well" she said.

"Were you able to get a picture or him?  Or can you show me where he sat?  I may be able to either to identify him?" she said.

Zex followed Eydis gaze back to he hologram.  "What are you seeing?  Is there a storm gathering?" she asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

John Saxon

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

At Solluk's request as to whether the Captain's Strategic Operations (and Intelligence) Officer was fully clued up with the latest developments, John shook his head but otherwise characteristically quiet at the revelation the Tholians were seeking more representations of the being known to StarFleet as the 'Crystalline Entity'. He was quiet because he was startled at that there were more than one than that destructive engine of life-reaping power in the universe - although he couldn't be sure why; there were very few things in the universe that had been solitary examples; those who he had come across in his long career in that rare category were the results of usually irreplicable accidents. But an entire cadre of those things? And possibly in the Gamma Quadrant, since the Tholians had deigned to base themselves here for their search? He'd have to put an alert out to Fleet Operations in the Sector, and ensure StarFleet Intelligence was informed.

He was also quiet because he was livid he had to find out about this second-hand and piecemeal, not directly as the station's combined Security, Tactical, Strategic and Intelligence Chief. He rummaged around for his PADD and found a notification waiting for him - Hannah Sullivan had sent on the report from the Diplomatic Protection Section, but he had been too involved in this damned social gathering that he had partaken in, rather than doing his job. No, this issue proved 'Century' Saxon and R&R did not mix.

He took a deep, steadying breath as the comms from the Tholian came in.

0900 tomorrow. He'd be ready.


CHS Revelation - Interstellar Space - Sector K

"It is a pleasure to know you, Lieutenant Commander,"  Commander Zheshil glanced briefly over her shoulder at Sharom, then returned her full attention to the screen.  "The Celestial Harmony is also happy to extend our hand in friendship to your United Federation of Planets.

I regret that the Revelation is a Science frigate, and not a fully equipped Diplomatic Cruiser.  While we can not linger here after this rescue is complete, please know that we will be dispatching a Diplomatic Cruiser to meet with your government soon."

She glanced down and touched a control on her podium, then resumed speaking.

"We can use a modulated subspace wave from our drive system to disrupt the subspace tesseract that your ship is trapped within.  This will cause some turbulence before the tesseract collapses.  Please reinforce your structure if you are able.  We will begin when you are ready."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 13, 2020, 08:08:59 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters]

She smiled at him when he said he wanted to read in a little as well. Rayek, with his Romulan physique, didn't need as much sleep as her as a humanoid. She was aware that he often joined her in bed just to be with her, which she found adorable. Admittedly, she would have preferred to sleep, but her mind was occupied with too many things right now. The meeting the next morning alone was enough to keep her awake, but she couldn't quite shake off the feeling that something was off. She had no idea what that was, though.

For now she tried to focus on accessing the Federation's database from her PADD to read up everything there was on crystalline entities. However, the motion of Rayek taking a scan of every single page of the book he had in his lap drew her attention away from what she was reading and to him. It looked a little bit odd what he was doing there, and Tess couldn't help but grin at him in curiosity. "What are you doing, ciccino?", she asked softly and then leaned over a bit so she could take a closer look at the book he had there. She raised her eyebrows. "You found my book?", she smiled. "It's written in Ba'ku", she pointed out the obvious and now made sense of what Rayek was doing there. She couldn't believe she had not told him about the book yet. "It's a book of fairy tales. My dad brought it along for me." She smiled.

She then paused, the smiled fading from her face as she looked at her husband. Yes, she wanted to focus on the report, but this was predominant in her mind right now. "Love ... Do you really not know the sex of our baby?" She looked at him troubled. "It just doesn't make sense to me. I can't recall having talked to my dad about this, even less we trying to find out for ourselves. If this is supposed to be a joke of some kind, I can't laugh about it." She didn't really think someone was trying to kid her. And deep down she didn't believe Rayek knew their child's sex. Even if he had snuck into medbay behind her back to get that info, he would have spilled the truth after Padrini had hinted on it. Or would have done so now that they were alone the latest. It just confused Tess even more. "Did something happen between you and Roberto that would make him say such nonsense to annoy you?"

Tess' explanation of the book's origin made sense and he nodded.   "No doubt bought to read to the baby."

His words however seemed to remind Tess about the baby's gender discussion and she asked him outright if he knew the baby's gender.

Normally, Rayek would be fervent in his denial of any knowledge of such... but there was so much that he had been forgetting of late.   Was that one of the things?   He didn't want to believe himself willing to do so behind her back... but knew getting the information would be child's play for him.

"I can say honestly, in this moment, I do not know of it."

He had intended to continue on with a BUT..  however Tess spoke again and Rayek waited while she questioned whether he and Padrini had any sort of altercation.    Rayek frowned.

"None that I am aware of...  yet there have been several notable gaps in my memory recently.  I am concerned that my pa'nar may be progressing."  He shook his head unsure if he were explanation himself clearly.  "Normally, I have vivid recall of personal memories.  Yet much of this past year is ... hazy at best.  Even our wedding, which should be a day that I would not ever forget... I can only recall glimpses of it. Still frame moments like a photograph rather than a complete memory of it like my mind usually can usually recall."

He pondered a moment, "Padrini did seem upset with me this evening.   Perhaps something was said that I don't recall."  Then he had an idea.  "I can check the security videos tomorrow.. I noted today that yesterday he was called up to Customs apparently by me to deal with some birds..  I don't recall anything of security incident... maybe something happened then?"  he took a guess.   "Perhaps while you are in your meeting I can ask Saxon for authorization to review the security footage."  That he had the knowledge and skill to do so without authorization was known to both but Rayek hoped his choosing to do things via the proper channels was appreciated.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 13, 2020, 08:08:59 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Deck 2 - Senior Officer's Quarters >>> Bridge]

So when Rayek's call came in over the comm badge Tess had slept a couple of hours and was only dozing as she tried to wake up fully. However, with the call coming through, Tess woke up and instantly felt for the comm badge on the bedside table. With her voice heavy from sleep, she replied,  =/\= "Acknowledged, I'm on my way." =/\=

Tess didn't waste much time to sort out her hair but only straightened her uniform she had been falling asleep in, attaching the comm badge to her chest while she took the short way up to the bridge as quick as she could at 6 months pregnant.

"Play message", Tess ordered before she even had reached the chair in the middle facing the view screen.

Tess looked at the female Commander while she spoke. Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation? She had never heard of it. But what was more important now was that these strangers knew a way to get out of here. That Zheshil referred to this tesseract as a 'weapon' made Tess feel slightly uneasy. She also thought they should be wary of anyone approaching them out here. "Ensign tr'Lhoell, keep weapons powered down for now but I want you to stand by ready with a plan in case those helpers are not as friendly as they seem." Tess briefly wondered when she had lost her trust in people and became so wary?

Tess turned her head to look at Hrafn and Ensign Olze at Ops. "Hrafn, Ensign, we need to use that inversion carrier."

When that was done, Tess turned her gaze to the waiting Zheshil. "My name is Lt. Commander Tess t'Lhoell of the United Federation of Planets. Our mission was to assist a pursued Karemma freighter in escaping space pirates when we got stuck in this subspace fold. We have not found means to free ourselves as yet, so we appreciate your offer of assistance."

"Yes, Captain."  Rayek acknowledged Tess' order to keep weapons powered down, but what he noted most of all was her appropriately cautious approach with these newcomers offering assistance.  It was  relief to see this side of Tess.   As much as he loved Tess' innocence, with her in Command now, he needed to know she would be able to look out after herself for the next time she was on the Healy without him.  His heart clenched in worry at just the thought of such a scenario.
Quote from: Solluk on June 13, 2020, 06:24:33 PM

CHS Revelation - Interstellar Space - Sector K

"It is a pleasure to know you, Lieutenant Commander,"  Commander Zheshil glanced briefly over her shoulder at Sharom, then returned her full attention to the screen.  "The Celestial Harmony is also happy to extend our hand in friendship to your United Federation of Planets.

I regret that the Revelation is a Science frigate, and not a fully equipped Diplomatic Cruiser.  While we can not linger here after this rescue is complete, please know that we will be dispatching a Diplomatic Cruiser to meet with your government soon."

She glanced down and touched a control on her podium, then resumed speaking.

"We can use a modulated subspace wave from our drive system to disrupt the subspace tesseract that your ship is trapped within.  This will cause some turbulence before the tesseract collapses.  Please reinforce your structure if you are able.  We will begin when you are ready."

Rayek considered the foreign Commander's words and their offer of assistance.  It did seem that Tess had little choice but to accept.  Remaining in the subspace fold would get them nowhere.

One the issue of reinforcing their structure...

"Captain, depending on how much additional structural reinforcement may be necessary beyond what the shields are capable of at max capacity.  Perhaps there is a way to polarize the hull plating as well to assist in strengthening its structural integrity."

He looked over toward Science to get Hrafn's opinion on his idea. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Zex on June 12, 2020, 06:35:49 PM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex listened carefully to Reyek's deliberately worded response.  "I can see how that might not be a great tool for a diplomat to use in the course of his or her business practices" she said.  She shifted slightly in her seat.

"But in inter-personal interactions between friends, do you think it advisable?  I ask because I consider you and Tess to be friends.  The closest of friends I have" she said candidly.

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

"Four?  Again wow.  You must have 1 or 2 mother of the year awards tucked away somewhere right" she said by way of compliment.  She wondered though why the CSO was stationed so far away from Tekin.  But that was none of her business, so she did not ask.

She, though, was caught off guard by the forward and trusting nature of the children.  It had been some time since she had been around children.   She had no siblings so she really didn't know how to be an aunt.

So she didn't answer the child's direct question about being called Auntie.  Instead she focused the other two questions.  The ones she felt comfortable with.

"Deltan's can reduce pain.  Your'e very smart from know that" she said by way of compliment.  "But we do not heal the injury and pain is a good signal to most to know their limitations" she said.

"I am happy to help.  But let me talk with you mother first.  I would hate to do more harm than good" she added.

"As far as talking with me later about your report, I'm happy to help.  If you're mom is ok with it, I will come by your quarters.  Then you can ask me your questions there" she suggested with a glance toward his mother.

She put her arms around the child who hugged her.  It was a nice, warm embrace.  "I wish you well, child" she whispered to him.

[Bowling Alley and Hrafn's Quarters - Earlier]

"Sure, Zex... you're welcome any time, especially when it comes to helping with education.  I'll let Crista... she's my nanny, so that if I'm on duty or out on the Healy you can still come by.  I trust my children like I trust dogs... when it comes to instinct if my kids like you... I will!" Hrafn answered with a smile.  "As for the mother of the year awards... you're looking at them... my kids are the only testament I need, I'm not perfecrt and I think Crista needs a lot of praise too!"

Tidu and Nerys gave a final hug to the Deltan then followed the entourage upstairs to their quarters and went to bed, before long they were dropping off to sleep.  Tidu propped himself up on an elbow and sleepily said to his twin, "So who's your favourite Auntie, Nerry?"

"Dunno, probably Auntie Tess, but we've known her longer, or Auntie Saqa7 but I like all of them, what about you?" the little girl answered sleepily, barely getting the words out coherently.

"Auntie Jada then Auntie Tess... but that new one Zex is fun too and Beja... I mean come on how cool is she, and she's a Klingon... not everyone has a Klingon to back them up!" her brother answered readily.

Looking over to Nerys he saw she was asleep and snuggled down himself.  "They're all good, and the Uncles... we have a cool but strange 'family' here, I miss Uncle Mondo tho!"

Quote from: Solluk on June 12, 2020, 03:46:53 PM

"This is Commander Zheshil of the Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation.  We come in peace.  According to our sensors, your craft may have fallen victim to a type of susbpace weapon known to us as a 'subspace tesseract.'  It is a kind of fold in subspace designed to capture vessels passing through a region.  If you require help, please respond using the same subspace inversion carrier we are using.  This will allow us to communicate."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 13, 2020, 02:20:37 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It had been a day and half of being stuck in the subspace fold with still no success in figuring out how to free themselves.  Despite having remained at his station the entire time, Rayek had discreetly pleaded with Tess to take even just a few hours rest - for their son... if not for herself.

Thus, he was on the bridge - not quite with conn - since they were stuck and not going anywhere - while Tess was in their quarters getting rest.   Most of the other crew were working on brainstormed ideas on how to free themselves - none of which had worked so far.

Rayek was at tactical, continuing his manipulation of the ship's exterior lights.  The last time they had been trapped in a subspace fold they'd been pulled in by a solanae species and had secured release when Beja had signaled to the swarm that they were not food.

Though they could detect no solanae lifeforms currently Rayek wasn't prepared to give up on the idea that this could still assist.

He was in the midst of changing the frequency of the light wave length when he noted a ping on the hailing frequency.   Had it worked?!

He listened to the incoming message with a lifted spirit and quickly tapped his commbadge.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Captain t'Lhoell." =/\=  He grinned - that had such a nice sound to it.  =/\= "Sorry to wake you e'lev, but you're needed on the Bridge.  We've been contacted by someone outside the subspace fold.  I figure it should be our Captain that replies back." =/\=

[Bridge USS Healy]

"Sir, I mean..." Hrafn looked at Rayek and shook her head "Sorry, force of habit, I was about to ask if you'd heard that, but obviously you have... I'm worried that someone has deliberately held us here while they attack Katra... you know why I'm worried... sorry to say you're gonna be like that in... however long it is for you two, I'm not current on the incubation period of Ba'ku/Romulan hybrid babies!"

She giggled then shook her head with a smile. "Sorry just that voice was so welcome after being stuck here."

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 13, 2020, 08:08:59 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Deck 2 - Senior Officer's Quarters >>> Bridge]

It's been over a day now since the Healy got stuck in this subspace phenomenon. The majority of that day had been spent by the crew under Tess' command to free themselves from whatever it was what was holding them here. But all their efforts had been in vain so far. They were rendered helpless; the Healy was not moving an inch, no matter what they tried. What was even more distressing was that communications were jammed completely. They were not able to receive or send any messages. It really was as if a black hole had swallowed them whole and this was where they would be stuck forever now.

But Tess didn't allow that thought to prevail in her mind - even if it got harder as the hours ticked by without any improvement on their situation. At least they didn't seem to face hostile forces from the outside. She wondered what had become of the Karemma freighter and the Wanderers that had pursued them. Had they failed in their mission of offering assistance to the Karemma and they might have been raided by the Wanderers? Or was it even possible that they were stuck in here as well but since the ship had become blind they were just not able to see or get to them?

While Tess had doubted very early at their time here that this was the same or a smilar solanae species that had taken hold of Healy a couple of months back, Rayek stood fast to his belief that it could be a possibility. Admittedly, the situation showed some similarities, but there was no net of flickering lights. There were also no signs of psionic lifeforms starting to feed of the psionic minds of the crew. So Tess personally wasn't convinced. The more so since Rayek's attempts to communicate with the pattern Beja had developed had not come to fruition until now. But Tess wouldn't keep him from doing that. For one it might give him the feeling to be not as helpless as Tess felt herself. And she could also be wrong after all and his efforts might get them out of here.

Concern and her sense of duty and responsibility to get the crew out of here had made Tess neglect her need of sleep and rest a little. Rayek had to approach her on that multiple times until she gave in, but wanted to keep posted about new developments.

So when Rayek's call came in over the comm badge Tess had slept a couple of hours and was only dozing as she tried to wake up fully. However, with the call coming through, Tess woke up and instantly felt for the comm badge on the bedside table. With her voice heavy from sleep, she replied,  =/\= "Acknowledged, I'm on my way." =/\=

Tess didn't waste much time to sort out her hair but only straightened her uniform she had been falling asleep in, attaching the comm badge to her chest while she took the short way up to the bridge as quick as she could at 6 months pregnant.

"Play message", Tess ordered before she even had reached the chair in the middle facing the view screen.

Tess looked at the female Commander while she spoke. Celestial Harmony Starship Revelation? She had never heard of it. But what was more important now was that these strangers knew a way to get out of here. That Zheshil referred to this tesseract as a 'weapon' made Tess feel slightly uneasy. She also thought they should be wary of anyone approaching them out here. "Ensign tr'Lhoell, keep weapons powered down for now but I want you to stand by ready with a plan in case those helpers are not as friendly as they seem." Tess briefly wondered when she had lost her trust in people and became so wary?

Tess turned her head to look at Hrafn and Ensign Olze at Ops. "Hrafn, Ensign, we need to use that inversion carrier."

When that was done, Tess turned her gaze to the waiting Zheshil. "My name is Lt. Commander Tess t'Lhoell of the United Federation of Planets. Our mission was to assist a pursued Karemma freighter in escaping space pirates when we got stuck in this subspace fold. We have not found means to free ourselves as yet, so we appreciate your offer of assistance."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 14, 2020, 04:44:53 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

"Yes, Captain."  Rayek acknowledged Tess' order to keep weapons powered down, but what he noted most of all was her appropriately cautious approach with these newcomers offering assistance.  It was  relief to see this side of Tess.   As much as he loved Tess' innocence, with her in Command now, he needed to know she would be able to look out after herself for the next time she was on the Healy without him.  His heart clenched in worry at just the thought of such a scenario.

Rayek considered the foreign Commander's words and their offer of assistance.  It did seem that Tess had little choice but to accept.  Remaining in the subspace fold would get them nowhere.

One the issue of reinforcing their structure...

"Captain, depending on how much additional structural reinforcement may be necessary beyond what the shields are capable of at max capacity.  Perhaps there is a way to polarize the hull plating as well to assist in strengthening its structural integrity."

He looked over toward Science to get Hrafn's opinion on his idea.

"It has been and can be done. One way is to disrupt a tractor beam lock by rotating the frequency of our hull plating's electromagnetic field. Alternatively we can interfere with enemy sensor scans, if we could get a lock on them.  I think the safest one is going to be using our own resources."   Hrafn responded.

"And aye Captain.... ready on your mark with the inversion carrier."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 14, 2020, 01:14:36 PM

[Bowling Alley and Hrafn's Quarters - Earlier]

"Sure, Zex... you're welcome any time, especially when it comes to helping with education.  I'll let Crista... she's my nanny, so that if I'm on duty or out on the Healy you can still come by.  I trust my children like I trust dogs... when it comes to instinct if my kids like you... I will!" Hrafn answered with a smile.  "As for the mother of the year awards... you're looking at them... my kids are the only testament I need, I'm not perfecrt and I think Crista needs a lot of praise too!"

Tidu and Nerys gave a final hug to the Deltan then followed the entourage upstairs to their quarters and went to bed, before long they were dropping off to sleep.  Tidu propped himself up on an elbow and sleepily said to his twin, "So who's your favourite Auntie, Nerry?"

"Dunno, probably Auntie Tess, but we've known her longer, or Auntie Saqa7 but I like all of them, what about you?" the little girl answered sleepily, barely getting the words out coherently.

"Auntie Jada then Auntie Tess... but that new one Zex is fun too and Beja... I mean come on how cool is she, and she's a Klingon... not everyone has a Klingon to back them up!" her brother answered readily.

Looking over to Nerys he saw she was asleep and snuggled down himself.  "They're all good, and the Uncles... we have a cool but strange 'family' here, I miss Uncle Mondo tho!"

[Bowling Alley and Hrafn's Quarters - Earlier]

"Ok.  I will try to schedule it though when you plan to be home.  I'm sure you trust your nanny, but I would feel better if you were there" she said.

"And if you decide that you want me to help your son with his knee, I'm happy to.  You likely know the medicinal purposes.  And it should be a parent's choice" she added.

She hugged the other two children before they left.   They all seemed to be such wonderful kids.  Maybe she would think more about being called 'aunt' by them.

"Bye for now.  I will see you all soon.  Promise" she said and then waved to them as they left.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris


Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station|Holosuite-Bowling Alley

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 10, 2020, 01:46:54 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

When Eli inquired as to who won, Rayek indicated the team scoreboards.  "The winners would be Beja's Team. She ended the game with a perfect frame - which brought her team's points over Solluk's team.  The animated turkey image is because Beja bowled what is called 'a Turkey' - three strikes in a row.  A strike is when you knock all 10 pins down with your first ball of the frame." Rayek tried to explain the scoring of the game to Eli and any other listening.

"I like this game" Eli opined, rather simply. "Physical, requires a bit of physical discipline, and I think it makes a great noise. And, I will will happily participate with Beja since she won." Eli added a grin to his statement, happy Rayek had explained, more happy to joke.

Quote from: Beja on June 11, 2020, 12:47:35 AM

USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

"You are quite welcome. I'm so glad you like it. And you are most welcome to join us, I'm sure we can change up the teams if we need too," Beja responded to Eli, happy that he had liked his shirt. The shirts had gone over better than she had initially thought they would. She hadn't really been sure how everyone would react to their individual shirt. Another feather in her cap, as the humans said. Though why one wanted a cap full of feathers Beja wasn't sure.

Beja blushed at all of the congratulations from everyone. It was a nice experience for her, to be thanked for her effort in her team achieving victory. Normally she was being blamed for dishonor, not actually praised for bringing honor to her group. An experience she could get used to. But before any new games could be played or teams changed up to include Eli, some kind of communication came through about the Tholians. The message appeared to alarm everyone around.

Beja moved over to the Captain when he had inquired to her and Zex about them. She looked over at Zex to see what the Deltan might know of the situation. When Zex didn't say anything at all, Beja shrugged her shoulders and responded to the Captain.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't have any information on this. The last I was told the Tholians were settling into the new embassy well. They have not mentioned anything as far as I know about Crystal entities. I'm happy if you need sir to go to the embassy to inquire as to the nature of the situation going on," Beja offered. It could all be a communication issue, maybe something had gotten lost in translation from the Tholians.

"I plan to be here, and on your team. Success, indeed."

He went and grabbed a drink from the nearby counter, and came back, hearing the news about a crytal entity. With the Tholians on board he wondered if this was related to them for any reason.
Eli took the information in, glad that he had taken a longer shift to ensure optimum navigational system efficiency. It was always annoying that it seemed constantly in need.

It was details like that that kept Eli's heart rate up.


CHS Revelation - Late Day 2

"This is Commander Zheshil with one final update before we collapse the tesseract.  Once the tesseract collapses, there will be a regional subspace instability.  This instability will prevent any subspace communication within a radius of nearly a full light-year.  This instability will last for 24-48 hours.  So, we won't be able to communicate afterwards.  But you should be able to use your warp drive if you maintain a speed of warp 6 or less.

We must go after the tesseract is collapsed.  There is important business for us elsewhere.  However, we wish you the best, vessel of the United Federation of Planets.  We hope you all live a healthy and joyous life."

Katra Station - Day 3 - 0830

Solluk took his cup of tea from the replicator, a high-mountain blend.  This one was more bitter than the valley leaves, on account of the thin atmosphere at such heights.  A basket of toasted bagels was already on the table.  A choice selection of carbs and caffeine before everyone had to meet with the Tholian ambassador to discuss the issue of the Crystalline Entity.

Once, Starfleet had been uncertain that there was more than the singular entity.  It was reasonable to assume it must be one of a species, but no other example had been discovered.  After the entity consumed a variety of worlds and ships, a way had finally been found to communicate with it.  But the scientist in charge of the attempt had an agenda of her own.  She'd used resonance frequencies to destroy the entity.

It was a tale of tragedy.  But now, that tale was not over.

Soon, his staff would arrive to give him a full briefing on everything that was known.  Then they'd see what the Tholians wanted to do.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Zex on June 13, 2020, 09:37:34 AM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex smiled back at Reyek.  She didn't expect him to confess his friendship to her at least not in such a public setting.  No, it was enough the he knew how she felt.

She thought about the response for a moment.  "After thinking about it more, I can see how you are right.  Thanks for letting me pick your brain on this topic.  I really appreciate it" she said.

[Katra Station - Tholian Embassy]

When Zex entered the hologram suite, she stood still and watched Eydis deal a death blow to a creature with the crystal sword.   It was a rare privileged to an envoy engage in a fun past-time.  It gave Zex an idea for the next cultural meeting.

Zex clapped when Eydis turned to her. "Now I know why you consider yourself a warrior.  Congratulations on your victory, Eydis of Tholia" she said.

When the Tholian apologized, Zex put her hand over her heart.  She typically did a good job of hiding her emotions, especially when she was doing business.  But it was thoughtful of Eydis to acknowledge the feelings of another - compassionate even.  Zex was liking Eydis more and more with each meeting.

"Thank you for considering my feelings, Eydis of Tholia.  The important thing is that you got a message to us.  Ultimately your message helped to expedite a meeting with the Captain to tomorrow at 0900" she said.

"I do not know the person, but I do know of an organization that is trying to sabotage our efforts here.  I have personally had some dealings with them myself.  They tried to use the freighter I was on to crash into the station" she added.

"If he is associated with the group it would guess he may have been trying to feed you misinformation to somehow weaken our break our relationship.  I can work on determining if he is a known associate of the group tonight.  And we can work to verify or dispute the information he gave you as well" she said.

"Were you able to get a picture or him?  Or can you show me where he sat?  I may be able to either to identify him?" she said.

Zex followed Eydis gaze back to he hologram.  "What are you seeing?  Is there a storm gathering?" she asked curiously.

Eydis would watch the storm approaching and glance at the way the wind swayed the English forest of trees. It is a most curious event, we have storms but more violent and there is diamond rain. This storm coming almost seems serene in comparison. I wish I could feel the rain. I also hear to that most humanoids they can smell it to. I lack that sense I can only guess what I have missed but tholians do not need them. Perhaps one day you could possible be one of the first to see tholia prime i j understand it's beauty might be lost on you. It is not like this planet it is  however this isn't bad. Just a lot to see almost overwhelmingly filled with things and creatures. We have our own ecosystem it pales in size and scope of most of the planets the comprise the federation. One day soon perhaps those you call the crystalline entities will be secure and at peace in tholian space. No longer hunted or chased but somewhere to call home. They might even known our shared history/

Eydis would finish and offer zex the sheath of gladius. Taking up a scutum shield and a Roman javelin. " You have the walk and air of passionate if not skilled fighter yourself. Perhaps you could lend a hand and help me finish this simulation Shi would scan the trees but soon shakes hir head being overwhelmed. The howl of werewolf can be heard in the distance as the last of the light begins to fade away.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 15, 2020, 12:56:39 AM

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station|Holosuite-Bowling Alley-Earlier"I like this game" Eli opined, rather simply. "Physical, requires a bit of physical discipline, and I think it makes a great noise. And, I will will happily participate with Beja since she won." Eli added a grin to his statement, happy Rayek had explained, more happy to joke.

"I plan to be here, and on your team. Success, indeed."

He went and grabbed a drink from the nearby counter, and came back, hearing the news about a crystal entity. With the Tholians on board he wondered if this was related to them for any reason.

Eli took the information in, glad that he had taken a longer shift to ensure optimum navigational system efficiency. It was always annoying that it seemed constantly in need.

When Eli indicated that he'd be up for joining in the next game, Rayek began mentally working out a more even team roster.  "I'll be sure your name is added to the team list." Since Beja said the bowling gathering was his idea and that was he who set it up in the first place, he would assume that gave him some authority over how the teams could be set up - rather than have the Captain select.  This way he could also ensure that he was on Tess' team from now on.

Unfortunately due to the Tholian communication, the Captain recommended calling bowling over for tonight.   Rayek would need to set up another session another time.  Hopefully, he wouldn't be stuck on Gamma shifts long... otherwise arranging a time when he could join in on these sorts of activities with Tess and the others from Alpha shift would be near impossible.


Meanwhile.... late Day 2
Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 14, 2020, 01:14:36 PM

[Bridge USS Healy]

"Sir, I mean..." Hrafn looked at Rayek and shook her head "Sorry, force of habit, I was about to ask if you'd heard that, but obviously you have... I'm worried that someone has deliberately held us here while they attack Katra... you know why I'm worried... sorry to say you're gonna be like that in... however long it is for you two, I'm not current on the incubation period of Ba'ku/Romulan hybrid babies!"

She giggled then shook her head with a smile. "Sorry just that voice was so welcome after being stuck here."

Rayek knew full well about Hrafn's concern.  They were very much his own.   Though Tess and his son might be relatively safe here on the Healy with him - stuck though they were...  her father and brother were both back at the Station.  This had him concerned.  In fact, most of the others that he'd grown close to over the past year  - coworkers and others including  Hrafn's children, Beja, Toji, the s'Movel's, Saxon and especially the Captain were all back at the station facing what new threat - without the ship, or him, for protection?

Soon Tess arrived on the bridge at his summons and the message was replayed for her.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 14, 2020, 01:14:36 PM

"It has been and can be done. One way is to disrupt a tractor beam lock by rotating the frequency of our hull plating's electromagnetic field. Alternatively we can interfere with enemy sensor scans, if we could get a lock on them.  I think the safest one is going to be using our own resources."   Hrafn responded.

"And aye Captain.... ready on your mark with the inversion carrier."

Hrafn's answer to his polarizing question, was acknowledged with a nod yet the decision to move forward on the suggestion was not his to make.  Rayek looked to Tess while she was in communication with the other ships Commander.  Part of him wanted to offer his advice on what to do but knew he needed to allow his wife the opportunity to make her own decisions, so as much as it chafed he kept silent.

He looked over his shoulder to his right - to where Ensign Stewart sat at Helm.   Rayek knew the Ensign was a competent pilot but Rayek couldn't help but wish they had Eli with them instead.    But then perhaps that was for the best, if the station were under some attack then the Romulan pilot would be present and able to defend the station in one of the King Cobras.

Not that even a squad of Cobras or King Cobras were any true replacement for the firepower of the Healy.

Quote from: Solluk on June 15, 2020, 12:57:36 AM

CHS Revelation - Late Day 2

"This is Commander Zheshil with one final update before we collapse the tesseract.  Once the tesseract collapses, there will be a regional subspace instability.  This instability will prevent any subspace communication within a radius of nearly a full light-year.  This instability will last for 24-48 hours.  So, we won't be able to communicate afterwards.  But you should be able to use your warp drive if you maintain a speed of warp 6 or less.

We must go after the tesseract is collapsed.  There is important business for us elsewhere.  However, we wish you the best, vessel of the United Federation of Planets.  We hope you all live a healthy and joyous life."

Rayek did some quick calculations in his head according to what their last known position was prior to the getting stuck in this 'tesseract' trap.  "Captain, assuming our position upon release is the same, the station is at the edge of that 1 lightyear radius subspace instability that the Commander mentioned." he informed, feeling that it was best to have Tess fully aware of the ramifications of their actions.  It was likely the station would lose all subspace communications as well.

"In addition, Ensign Stewart can likely confirm my rough calculations but at warp 6 - if that is our max - it will take just over 22 hours to return to Katra from our entry point... assuming we haven't drifted in the time we've been stuck here."


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - morning)

Rayek woke early and slipped out of bed stealthily so as not to wake his sleeping wife.  He showered and dressed as quietly as possible before making his way to the kitchen nook where he began to prepare Tess' requested morning meal.   Thankfully, he hadn't forgotten that at all.  In fact, his memories of the night before were crystal clear to him.  They were clear up until just as they were on their way back from the subspace fold.

As Rayek replicated the ingredients needed to mix up a batch of pancakes, he wondered if he'd experienced some head trauma that he didn't recall... and that was why only a certain section of his memories were not complete.

He made a mental note to check with Saqa7 on the Healy later to see if there was any record of such a blow to the head for him.

Rayek glanced at the time and figured that Saxon might be up already - preparing for his morning meeting.

While he poured out the first pancake, he dictated a text message to his Department Head.

To:  Lieutenant Saxon
From: Ensign tr'Lhoell

Despite the change to my work schedule which puts me on Gamma shift tonight and throughout the upcoming week, I would like permission and authorization to put in a few extra hours during Alpha shift each morning to work on a few security-related proposals for your review once complete and to finish up prior tasks that are best-suited for Alpha shift.

Rayek tr'Lhoell

Soon the smell of cooking pancakes would fill the air.   Along with pancakes, Rayek prepared several strips of bacon, and had ready for Tess' waking... a glass of water, a glass of orange juice and a new tea that he'd just this morning search up that was supposed to be beneficial to pregnant women... raspberry leaf tea.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell

|||Late day 2|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - late day 2]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 14, 2020, 04:44:53 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters]

Tess' explanation of the book's origin made sense and he nodded.   "No doubt bought to read to the baby."

His words however seemed to remind Tess about the baby's gender discussion and she asked him outright if he knew the baby's gender.

Normally, Rayek would be fervent in his denial of any knowledge of such... but there was so much that he had been forgetting of late.   Was that one of the things?   He didn't want to believe himself willing to do so behind her back... but knew getting the information would be child's play for him.

"I can say honestly, in this moment, I do not know of it."

He had intended to continue on with a BUT..  however Tess spoke again and Rayek waited while she questioned whether he and Padrini had any sort of altercation.    Rayek frowned.

"None that I am aware of...  yet there have been several notable gaps in my memory recently.  I am concerned that my pa'nar may be progressing."  He shook his head unsure if he were explanation himself clearly.  "Normally, I have vivid recall of personal memories.  Yet much of this past year is ... hazy at best.  Even our wedding, which should be a day that I would not ever forget... I can only recall glimpses of it. Still frame moments like a photograph rather than a complete memory of it like my mind usually can usually recall."

He pondered a moment, "Padrini did seem upset with me this evening.   Perhaps something was said that I don't recall."  Then he had an idea.  "I can check the security videos tomorrow.. I noted today that yesterday he was called up to Customs apparently by me to deal with some birds..  I don't recall anything of security incident... maybe something happened then?"  he took a guess.   "Perhaps while you are in your meeting I can ask Saxon for authorization to review the security footage."  That he had the knowledge and skill to do so without authorization was known to both but Rayek hoped his choosing to do things via the proper channels was appreciated.

As Rayek spoke, the feeling of uneasiness increased. Gaps in the memory? Progressing pan'ar? Hazy mamories of their wedding? What was disturbing was that she felt the same. Had the stress gotten to them in the end?

She nodded when Rayek suggested to review the video footage. "Yes, that's a good idea", she said a little absent-mindedly. "Let's sleep a night over it and see how things are tomorrow. Maybe it has been a bit much for the both of us lately."

Tess did a little more of reading but thought she'd finish the report tomorrow morning.


|||Meanwhile .... late day 2|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - late day 2]

Quote from: Solluk on June 13, 2020, 06:24:33 PM

CHS Revelation - Interstellar Space - Sector K

"It is a pleasure to know you, Lieutenant Commander,"  Commander Zheshil glanced briefly over her shoulder at Sharom, then returned her full attention to the screen.  "The Celestial Harmony is also happy to extend our hand in friendship to your United Federation of Planets.

I regret that the Revelation is a Science frigate, and not a fully equipped Diplomatic Cruiser.  While we can not linger here after this rescue is complete, please know that we will be dispatching a Diplomatic Cruiser to meet with your government soon."

She glanced down and touched a control on her podium, then resumed speaking.

"We can use a modulated subspace wave from our drive system to disrupt the subspace tesseract that your ship is trapped within.  This will cause some turbulence before the tesseract collapses.  Please reinforce your structure if you are able.  We will begin when you are ready."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 14, 2020, 04:44:53 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

"Yes, Captain."  Rayek acknowledged Tess' order to keep weapons powered down, but what he noted most of all was her appropriately cautious approach with these newcomers offering assistance.  It was  relief to see this side of Tess.   As much as he loved Tess' innocence, with her in Command now, he needed to know she would be able to look out after herself for the next time she was on the Healy without him.  His heart clenched in worry at just the thought of such a scenario.

Rayek considered the foreign Commander's words and their offer of assistance.  It did seem that Tess had little choice but to accept.  Remaining in the subspace fold would get them nowhere.

One the issue of reinforcing their structure...

"Captain, depending on how much additional structural reinforcement may be necessary beyond what the shields are capable of at max capacity.  Perhaps there is a way to polarize the hull plating as well to assist in strengthening its structural integrity."

He looked over toward Science to get Hrafn's opinion on his idea.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 14, 2020, 01:14:36 PM


"It has been and can be done. One way is to disrupt a tractor beam lock by rotating the frequency of our hull plating's electromagnetic field. Alternatively we can interfere with enemy sensor scans, if we could get a lock on them.  I think the safest one is going to be using our own resources."   Hrafn responded.

"And aye Captain.... ready on your mark with the inversion carrier."

Tess was relieved that her initial trust in their helpers was not disappointed. The prospect of a proper diplomatic meeting with this unknown organization sounded like something to look forward to. Zheshil then informed them how they might break the tesseract and that it might cause stress on the Healy's hull plating.

Tess didn't even need to ask the question; Rayek and Hrafn were already offering solutions to the problem. That seemed to be what made excellent officers. Hrafn added the important information that they were able to use the way of communication Commander Zheshil had indicated.

So far so good. But then the alien Commander contacted them again to add a little twist to the operation.

Quote from: Solluk on June 15, 2020, 12:57:36 AM

CHS Revelation - Late Day 2

"This is Commander Zheshil with one final update before we collapse the tesseract.  Once the tesseract collapses, there will be a regional subspace instability.  This instability will prevent any subspace communication within a radius of nearly a full light-year.  This instability will last for 24-48 hours.  So, we won't be able to communicate afterwards.  But you should be able to use your warp drive if you maintain a speed of warp 6 or less.

We must go after the tesseract is collapsed.  There is important business for us elsewhere.  However, we wish you the best, vessel of the United Federation of Planets.  We hope you all live a healthy and joyous life."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 15, 2020, 05:11:27 AM

Meanwhile.... late Day 2
Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]
Soon Tess arrived on the bridge at his summons and the message was replayed for her.

Hrafn's answer to his polarizing question, was acknowledged with a nod yet the decision to move forward on the suggestion was not his to make.  Rayek looked to Tess while she was in communication with the other ships Commander.  Part of him wanted to offer his advice on what to do but knew he needed to allow his wife the opportunity to make her own decisions, so as much as it chafed he kept silent.

He looked over his shoulder to his right - to where Ensign Stewart sat at Helm.   Rayek knew the Ensign was a competent pilot but Rayek couldn't help but wish they had Eli with them instead.    But then perhaps that was for the best, if the station were under some attack then the Romulan pilot would be present and able to defend the station in one of the King Cobras.

Not that even a squad of Cobras or King Cobras were any true replacement for the firepower of the Healy.

Rayek did some quick calculations in his head according to what their last known position was prior to the getting stuck in this 'tesseract' trap.  "Captain, assuming our position upon release is the same, the station is at the edge of that 1 lightyear radius subspace instability that the Commander mentioned." he informed, feeling that it was best to have Tess fully aware of the ramifications of their actions.  It was likely the station would lose all subspace communications as well.

"In addition, Ensign Stewart can likely confirm my rough calculations but at warp 6 - if that is our max - it will take just over 22 hours to return to Katra from our entry point... assuming we haven't drifted in the time we've been stuck here."

The collapse of the tesseract would cause an instability that would make communication impossible for at least 24 hours. So they would not be able to communicate with Katra after they were freed. Rayek even pointed out that Katra Station itself might be affected by this and would be unable to use communication. Additionally to that, they would need almost a full day to return because their max speed would be limited to warp 6.

The other thing Tess regretted was that they wouldn't have a chance to learn more about this tesseract. They would benefit of the Celestial Harmony's experience with this kind of subspace phenomenon. But unfortunately they would not be able to investigate on that since the communication system would be jammed after they were freed; and even if communications would function, Commander Zheshil had no time to linger, as she said, but had to attend other business. Tess hoped they would be able to learn more if they followed through on their intentions to send a diplomatic cruiser to Katra.

Having made up her mind, Tess turned her gaze to Rayek and Hrafn. "Let's try the polarization of the hull plating. Coordinate with the departments as needed." Tess then kept her gaze on Rayek to reply to his hint on how this might affect Katra Station. "I don't like it, especially since we have no means to warn them about this. But I don't think we have another choice but to accept that." She then looked to Hrafn. "As soon as we are freed, try to make contact with Katra anyways, maybe we'll find a loophole."

She then thumbed a button at her chair to open a ship-wide channel. =/\= "This is Commander t'Lhoell. We are about to attempt to be freed from this subspace trap. There may be trubulences, please prepare yourself." =/\=

She then opened a channel to Engineering. =/\= "t'Lhoell to Engineering. Be advised, once we are free we cannot go higher than warp 6." =/\=

She waited for Rayek or Hrafn to indicate that polarization of the hull plating was successful before she turned to Hrafn. "Time to use the inversion carrier." She looked to the screen. "Commander Zheshil, we want to thank you for your willingness to assist us with this. It is very much appreciated. We are now prepared for your modulated subspace wave to collapse the tesseract. In case this goes well, we wish you peace and wellbeing. We will be looking forward to welcome your diplomatic envoys on Katra Station."

"Initiate polarization", Tess ordered to Rayek.


|||Morning of day 3|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - morning of day 3 - before the meeting]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 15, 2020, 05:11:27 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - morning)

Rayek woke early and slipped out of bed stealthily so as not to wake his sleeping wife.  He showered and dressed as quietly as possible before making his way to the kitchen nook where he began to prepare Tess' requested morning meal.   Thankfully, he hadn't forgotten that at all.  In fact, his memories of the night before were crystal clear to him.  They were clear up until just as they were on their way back from the subspace fold.

As Rayek replicated the ingredients needed to mix up a batch of pancakes, he wondered if he'd experienced some head trauma that he didn't recall... and that was why only a certain section of his memories were not complete.

He made a mental note to check with Saqa7 on the Healy later to see if there was any record of such a blow to the head for him.

Rayek glanced at the time and figured that Saxon might be up already - preparing for his morning meeting.

While he poured out the first pancake, he dictated a text message to his Department Head.

To:  Lieutenant Saxon
From: Ensign tr'Lhoell

Despite the change to my work schedule which puts me on Gamma shift tonight and throughout the upcoming week, I would like permission and authorization to put in a few extra hours during Alpha shift each morning to work on a few security-related proposals for your review once complete and to finish up prior tasks that are best-suited for Alpha shift.

Rayek tr'Lhoell

Soon the smell of cooking pancakes would fill the air.   Along with pancakes, Rayek prepared several strips of bacon, and had ready for Tess' waking... a glass of water, a glass of orange juice and a new tea that he'd just this morning search up that was supposed to be beneficial to pregnant women... raspberry leaf tea.

The more the girth of her belly increased with their growing child inside, the more Tess' sleep quality suffered. At this phase she woke easily while she usually had been a deep sleeper. Due to this she woke when Rayek left the bed, but she didn't open her eyes in the hope to get a little more sleep. She did not fall back asleep but the sounds of Rayek showering and dressing followed by him working quietly in the kitchen were calming to her and she kept on dozing for a while longer. At some point she heard him talking. She was sure that nobody came to visit them this early in the morning, so she assumed he was talking to someone via comm or dictated a message. She couldn't quite make out what he was saying through the closed door but she believed to hear him repeatedly saying 'alpha shift'.

Eventually her alarm went off - she set it earlier so she could finish up her preparation for the meeting - and she moved out of bed. Entering the main living area where the kitchen nook was she moved over to Rayek as the delicious smell of freshly baked pancakes and cooked bacon wafted in her direction. "Mnek brhon, ciccino" (*Good morning), she said as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him to give him a kiss on the cheek. "This smells delicious", she smiled and stole one of the cooked bacon strips to put it into her mouth. "Who've you been talking to?", she asked curiously as she wiped her hands. "I heard you speaking."

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Staff Briefing Room - morning of day 3]

Quote from: Solluk on June 15, 2020, 12:57:36 AM

Katra Station - Day 3 - 0830

Solluk took his cup of tea from the replicator, a high-mountain blend.  This one was more bitter than the valley leaves, on account of the thin atmosphere at such heights.  A basket of toasted bagels was already on the table.  A choice selection of carbs and caffeine before everyone had to meet with the Tholian ambassador to discuss the issue of the Crystalline Entity.

Once, Starfleet had been uncertain that there was more than the singular entity.  It was reasonable to assume it must be one of a species, but no other example had been discovered.  After the entity consumed a variety of worlds and ships, a way had finally been found to communicate with it.  But the scientist in charge of the attempt had an agenda of her own.  She'd used resonance frequencies to destroy the entity.

It was a tale of tragedy.  But now, that tale was not over.

Soon, his staff would arrive to give him a full briefing on everything that was known.  Then they'd see what the Tholians wanted to do.

Since the briefing room was on the same deck as her quarters, Tess arrived early to the meeting. She was met by the sight of offered food and drink on display. When she spotted Solluk in the room, she smiled at him. "Good morning, Captain. I hope you had some good rest." She walked over to get herself a cup of coffee - usually she avoided to drink coffee, especially since she had issues with heart burn since her pregnancy, but today she thought she needed one.

Some hints had come through to her that the crew on the Healy was not happy to be held on alert status for so long without relief. But Tess had clearly stated that the current crew was to remain on the Healy until further notice and she would stand to that. Just as she would stand to the changes to Gamma shift she had made.

Adding a splash of milk to her coffee she turned to Solluk and put down her PADD next to the spot the Captain usually sat. "I hope this meeting didn't give you as much headache as it did to me", she said as she smiled sympathetically at him.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Zex on June 14, 2020, 02:03:26 PM

[Bowling Alley and Hrafn's Quarters - Earlier]

"Ok.  I will try to schedule it though when you plan to be home.  I'm sure you trust your nanny, but I would feel better if you were there" she said.

"And if you decide that you want me to help your son with his knee, I'm happy to.  You likely know the medicinal purposes.  And it should be a parent's choice" she added.

She hugged the other two children before they left.   They all seemed to be such wonderful kids.  Maybe she would think more about being called 'aunt' by them.

"Bye for now.  I will see you all soon.  Promise" she said and then waved to them as they left.

[Hrafn's Quarters - Earlier]

"It's my knee Zex... Nerys, my daughter, was just trying to make sure that I was getting all the help I could but between Tess and Amarande, I'm sure the potential knee replacement will do the job, but thank you." Hrafn answered with a smile.  "As for coming over... no problem you can always hail me and see where I am!"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 15, 2020, 05:11:27 AM

Meanwhile.... late Day 2
Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Rayek knew full well about Hrafn's concern.  They were very much his own.   Though Tess and his son might be relatively safe here on the Healy with him - stuck though they were...  her father and brother were both back at the Station.  This had him concerned.  In fact, most of the others that he'd grown close to over the past year  - coworkers and others including  Hrafn's children, Beja, Toji, the s'Movel's, Saxon and especially the Captain were all back at the station facing what new threat - without the ship, or him, for protection?

Soon Tess arrived on the bridge at his summons and the message was replayed for her.

Hrafn's answer to his polarizing question, was acknowledged with a nod yet the decision to move forward on the suggestion was not his to make.  Rayek looked to Tess while she was in communication with the other ships Commander.  Part of him wanted to offer his advice on what to do but knew he needed to allow his wife the opportunity to make her own decisions, so as much as it chafed he kept silent.

He looked over his shoulder to his right - to where Ensign Stewart sat at Helm.   Rayek knew the Ensign was a competent pilot but Rayek couldn't help but wish they had Eli with them instead.    But then perhaps that was for the best, if the station were under some attack then the Romulan pilot would be present and able to defend the station in one of the King Cobras.

Not that even a squad of Cobras or King Cobras were any true replacement for the firepower of the Healy.

Rayek did some quick calculations in his head according to what their last known position was prior to the getting stuck in this 'tesseract' trap.  "Captain, assuming our position upon release is the same, the station is at the edge of that 1 lightyear radius subspace instability that the Commander mentioned." he informed, feeling that it was best to have Tess fully aware of the ramifications of their actions.  It was likely the station would lose all subspace communications as well.

"In addition, Ensign Stewart can likely confirm my rough calculations but at warp 6 - if that is our max - it will take just over 22 hours to return to Katra from our entry point... assuming we haven't drifted in the time we've been stuck here."

Meanwhile.... late Day 2
[Bridge - USS Healy]

"I'll be able to ascertain that as soon as we're free, unless the navigational controls were in anyway affected I can deduce that from star positions ad that sort of thing... I won't confuse you with the Science-y stuff... suffice to say it's an easy thing... for me!" Hrafn said with a smile.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 15, 2020, 10:45:52 AM

|||Late day 2|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - late day 2]

As Rayek spoke, the feeling of uneasiness increased. Gaps in the memory? Progressing pan'ar? Hazy mamories of their wedding? What was disturbing was that she felt the same. Had the stress gotten to them in the end?

She nodded when Rayek suggested to review the video footage. "Yes, that's a good idea", she said a little absent-mindedly. "Let's sleep a night over it and see how things are tomorrow. Maybe it has been a bit much for the both of us lately."

Tess did a little more of reading but thought she'd finish the report tomorrow morning.


|||Meanwhile .... late day 2|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - late day 2]

Tess was relieved that her initial trust in their helpers was not disappointed. The prospect of a proper diplomatic meeting with this unknown organization sounded like something to look forward to. Zheshil then informed them how they might break the tesseract and that it might cause stress on the Healy's hull plating.

Tess didn't even need to ask the question; Rayek and Hrafn were already offering solutions to the problem. That seemed to be what made excellent officers. Hrafn added the important information that they were able to use the way of communication Commander Zheshil had indicated.

So far so good. But then the alien Commander contacted them again to add a little twist to the operation.

The collapse of the tesseract would cause an instability that would make communication impossible for at least 24 hours. So they would not be able to communicate with Katra after they were freed. Rayek even pointed out that Katra Station itself might be affected by this and would be unable to use communication. Additionally to that, they would need almost a full day to return because their max speed would be limited to warp 6.

The other thing Tess regretted was that they wouldn't have a chance to learn more about this tesseract. They would benefit of the Celestial Harmony's experience with this kind of subspace phenomenon. But unfortunately they would not be able to investigate on that since the communication system would be jammed after they were freed; and even if communications would function, Commander Zheshil had no time to linger, as she said, but had to attend other business. Tess hoped they would be able to learn more if they followed through on their intentions to send a diplomatic cruiser to Katra.

Having made up her mind, Tess turned her gaze to Rayek and Hrafn. "Let's try the polarization of the hull plating. Coordinate with the departments as needed." Tess then kept her gaze on Rayek to reply to his hint on how this might affect Katra Station. "I don't like it, especially since we have no means to warn them about this. But I don't think we have another choice but to accept that." She then looked to Hrafn. "As soon as we are freed, try to make contact with Katra anyways, maybe we'll find a loophole."

"Yes, Ma'am..." the CSO answered crisply and set about contacting the relevant people to make this happen.  Before long she turned in her chair and said "We're ready... just tell me when if we're co-ordinating this."

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Hrafn's Quarters > Staff Briefing Room - morning of day 3]

Hrafn yawned as Crista came back into the quarters about 10 mins before the meeting.

"You could have stayed in bed and I would have come back sooner to make sure the children get breakfast!" the Nanny said with a smile.

"Wish I could, Crista... but we have a meeting.  No rest for the wicked.  They should be zonked still for a while... we had a rather exciting evening playing bowling with Uncle Rayek, Auntie Tess, Grandad John and all... quite an outing and they were tired out.  I hope your evening went well!?" the red head asked with a smile.

Crista flushed pink. Then held up her left hand, now sporting a ring on her finger. "Better than ok, um... how would you take it if I got married?"

"Oh Crista, I'd be thrilled for you! Congratulations! That ring is gorgeous!  Now I have to think of an engagement and then a wedding gift.  I'll have to discuss with Nevir. Will you be staying on base?"

"Of course, not deserting you or the children, you know I can't have my own so they are 'my kids'... nor can Charlie.  I'll bring him to see you soon, but we were thinking near Christmas?!"  the nanny said bursting with pleasure.

"Of course, and I'll have to give you more days off.. unless Charlie likes kids then he's welcome here any time you like... well how about both, time off and allowed here so you get personal time too?!" Hrafn asked.

"Suits me fine... not get yourself to that meeting or you'll be late!"  Crista shooed the Science Officer out of the apartment with a smile.

"I'm gone, kiss them for me..."

Hrafn entered the briefing room and sniffed.  "If that's coffee... someone is my saviour... for all I just about passed out soon as the kids were in bed, and only woke about 30 mins ago... I need something to wake me! There's a vast difference between having my eyes open and voluntarily perambulation and actually being awake!" she said helping herself to coffee.

"Oh and Good Morning... sorry for my rudeness... blame the lack of caffeine in my blood stream so far!"  she took a large gulp of the coffee and sighed.  "Normal service will soon be restored!" she said on a small chuckle.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

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