S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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John Saxon


Katra Station - The evening of Day 2

"The Crystalline...what...?"

'Century' Saxon released a steadying breath at the confused expression on the face of his contact with StarFleet Intelligence. Children, he ruminated, I'm working with children. Yet, it was to be expected. The Entity had only been a small footnote in history; while it had destroyed a handful of colonies and ships, the mysterious being had, to be fair, been only a moderate threat to the Federation's assets; it had first appeared in the early '30s, and while the destruction of an entire colony was notable, it largely became a thing of rumour and whispers, no more real than tales of giant beasts in Earth's oceans during the Age of Sail. StarFleet had, of course, tried to locate the Entity, but to no avail; it was as evasive as Ahab's White Whale. It remained this way for another thirty years, until it reappeared to threaten the USS Enterprise, lured by the 'brother' of its android officer. One of the many coincidences the Fleet's flagship seemed to encounter.

Saxon forced himself to unclench his teeth.

But, once again, the Entity came and went. Still untraceable. Still disappearing into the ether. StarFleet produced volumes of threat assessments, rumours-into-reports, all to anticipate its movements and safe harbour. All to no avail - the Entity, officially known as Unknown Incursion File #125A-OT - until yet again the USS Enterprise was central to its eradication just four years later; or rather, one of their passengers - a civilian specialist, and widow to one of those lost in the Entity's ravenous, if not widespread, appetite.

So for the next thirty years, the Crystalline Entity had gathered dust, a minor topic of interest to xenobiologists with a panache for Cosmozoan history. None to date had seriously advanced the theory that this was more than a singular, albiet incredible, quirk of interstellar evolution. One of many mysteries the universe had to offer.

Therefore, frustrated as John was with the baffled reaction to his request, he couldn't really fault them; they weren't even born when the Entity was killed (murdered, to use less officious language) and many more things had happened in StarFleet's history since then that simply made the Crytalline Entity not that important any more.

Until now.

Now, the Tholian Assembly had revealed that not only did they believe the Entity was part of a larger population of similar beings, but also they were revered by the equally mysterious - and crystalline - natives of Tholia.

Keying the command to repond, Saxon - not for the first time - sincerely wished communications out this far wouldn't take just under an hour to arrive. More irritating when what he recieved was a single line.

This was going to be a long night.

Morning of Day 3

His eyes ached. His fingers were cramped. And his neck twinged. But finally Saxon had been relatively successful in gathering everything he needed for the meeting later in the day.

He stretched, and reached out for his Administrative PADD, scrolling through all the notifications Yeoman Sullivan had sent him. John had to smile. She was clearly still feeling awful for not flagging the important Diplomatic notice to him more urgently and obviously. They had spoken, and while he made it clear that something like this must not happen again, things remained good between them. Sullivan prided herself on her abilities and the feedback only made her stronger.

Which was good. He still had little time for those in his Department - Departments - who questioned his instructions, quibbled at every juncture, and felt they had to arbitrally change the system rather than work within it every time, like the Service was some kind of clubhouse rather than the primary exploratory and defensive arm of the vast United Federation of Planets.

Among the messages waiting for him was one from Rayek. The former First Officer, and Commander, remained one of his key members of the Department and John was gratified the Romulan had remained aboard the station after the...culmination of a long line of lapses of judgement when it came to Tess...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell

To:  Lieutenant Saxon
From: Ensign tr'Lhoell

Despite the change to my work schedule which puts me on Gamma shift tonight and throughout the upcoming week, I would like permission and authorization to put in a few extra hours during Alpha shift each morning to work on a few security-related proposals for your review once complete and to finish up prior tasks that are best-suited for Alpha shift.

Rayek tr'Lhoell

Even thought he was on his own, John nodded in agreement to the suggestion. While he knew Tess had made the changes to the duty shifts - his own on Tactical and Security had now been covered leaving him to concentrate on his Alpha shift as Strategic Operations - he rathered the experienced officer make use of the extra hours he had asked for, especially if could benefit the station and Department. He typed back.

From: Lt Saxon
To: Ensign tr'Lhoell

Request approved. I look forward to your proposals. Please also oversee the loading of quantum torpedo payloads for the Healy. Ensign Goodspeed can help you with that.

Lt Saxon

The loading of quantum torpedoes would hopefully scratch the growing itch at the back of his head. Something was bothering him, and he couldn't put his finger on it. Considering Katra's history of fighting off large odds, it made sense to propely front-load the station's picket ship just in case.

His chronometer chimed. The meeting was in 20 minutes. Time for a sonic and a shave.

Briefing Room - 0835

Entering, clutching his PADD, John nodded crisply to those present. "Captain" he went further.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 15, 2020, 11:29:02 AM

[Hrafn's Quarters - Earlier]

"It's my knee Zex... Nerys, my daughter, was just trying to make sure that I was getting all the help I could but between Tess and Amarande, I'm sure the potential knee replacement will do the job, but thank you." Hrafn answered with a smile.  "As for coming over... no problem you can always hail me and see where I am!"

Meanwhile.... late Day 2
[Bridge - USS Healy]

"I'll be able to ascertain that as soon as we're free, unless the navigational controls were in anyway affected I can deduce that from star positions ad that sort of thing... I won't confuse you with the Science-y stuff... suffice to say it's an easy thing... for me!" Hrafn said with a smile.

"Yes, Ma'am..." the CSO answered crisply and set about contacting the relevant people to make this happen.  Before long she turned in her chair and said "We're ready... just tell me when if we're co-ordinating this."

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Hrafn's Quarters > Staff Briefing Room - morning of day 3]

Hrafn yawned as Crista came back into the quarters about 10 mins before the meeting.

"You could have stayed in bed and I would have come back sooner to make sure the children get breakfast!" the Nanny said with a smile.

"Wish I could, Crista... but we have a meeting.  No rest for the wicked.  They should be zonked still for a while... we had a rather exciting evening playing bowling with Uncle Rayek, Auntie Tess, Grandad John and all... quite an outing and they were tired out.  I hope your evening went well!?" the red head asked with a smile.

Crista flushed pink. Then held up her left hand, now sporting a ring on her finger. "Better than ok, um... how would you take it if I got married?"

"Oh Crista, I'd be thrilled for you! Congratulations! That ring is gorgeous!  Now I have to think of an engagement and then a wedding gift.  I'll have to discuss with Nevir. Will you be staying on base?"

"Of course, not deserting you or the children, you know I can't have my own so they are 'my kids'... nor can Charlie.  I'll bring him to see you soon, but we were thinking near Christmas?!"  the nanny said bursting with pleasure.

"Of course, and I'll have to give you more days off.. unless Charlie likes kids then he's welcome here any time you like... well how about both, time off and allowed here so you get personal time too?!" Hrafn asked.

"Suits me fine... not get yourself to that meeting or you'll be late!"  Crista shooed the Science Officer out of the apartment with a smile.

"I'm gone, kiss them for me..."

Hrafn entered the briefing room and sniffed.  "If that's coffee... someone is my saviour... for all I just about passed out soon as the kids were in bed, and only woke about 30 mins ago... I need something to wake me! There's a vast difference between having my eyes open and voluntarily perambulation and actually being awake!" she said helping herself to coffee.

"Oh and Good Morning... sorry for my rudeness... blame the lack of caffeine in my blood stream so far!"  she took a large gulp of the coffee and sighed.  "Normal service will soon be restored!" she said on a small chuckle.

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex looked down at Hrafn.  Now she saw how was walking.  How cold she have missed it earlier.

"Sorry for my mistake.  I guess I misheard.  But from the sound of it, you have things handled" she said.

"I will do that.  If not tomorrow.  Maybe the next day" she said.

Quote from: Eydis on June 15, 2020, 01:07:26 AM

Eydis would watch the storm approaching and glance at the way the wind swayed the English forest of trees. It is a most curious event, we have storms but more violent and there is diamond rain. This storm coming almost seems serene in comparison. I wish I could feel the rain. I also hear to that most humanoids they can smell it to. I lack that sense I can only guess what I have missed but tholians do not need them. Perhaps one day you could possible be one of the first to see tholia prime i j understand it's beauty might be lost on you. It is not like this planet it is  however this isn't bad. Just a lot to see almost overwhelmingly filled with things and creatures. We have our own ecosystem it pales in size and scope of most of the planets the comprise the federation. One day soon perhaps those you call the crystalline entities will be secure and at peace in tholian space. No longer hunted or chased but somewhere to call home. They might even known our shared history/

Eydis would finish and offer zex the sheath of gladius. Taking up a scutum shield and a Roman javelin. " You have the walk and air of passionate if not skilled fighter yourself. Perhaps you could lend a hand and help me finish this simulation Shi would scan the trees but soon shakes hir head being overwhelmed. The howl of werewolf can be heard in the distance as the last of the light begins to fade away.

[Tholian embassy]

For someone who considered shi-self as a warrior, shi spoke like a poet.  Eydis basically painted a picture for Zex.  So whatever the Tholian lacked in one sense, she possibly more than make up for it in another sense.

"You are so eloquent and makes me hope that one day I will be able to visit Tholia.  It sounds beautiful despite the possible danger.  My interest is peeked" she confessed.

"For most humanoids like myself, smell is connect to taste.  If something smells fragrant and flowery or fruity to me, it typically tastes sweet to me.  Rain smells clean and often pushes other smells away.  It tastes like water from a natural source - not touched by man or machine" she said.

The thought that Eydis had never felt rain made the Deltan a bit sad.  "Have you never roamed a planet without an evo suite?  Or is the possible temperature differential the reason you have never felt rain?" she asked curiously.

"Thank you for the offer, but I will have to ask for a rain-check.  No pun, that is how they say 'at a later time" she explained.  "I have much to do before the meeting tomorrow.  9 Am will work?" she asked again.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters -late Day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 15, 2020, 10:45:52 AM

|||Late day 2|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - late day 2]

As Rayek spoke, the feeling of uneasiness increased. Gaps in the memory? Progressing pan'ar? Hazy memories of their wedding? What was disturbing was that she felt the same. Had the stress gotten to them in the end?

She nodded when Rayek suggested to review the video footage. "Yes, that's a good idea", she said a little absent-mindedly. "Let's sleep a night over it and see how things are tomorrow. Maybe it has been a bit much for the both of us lately."

Tess did a little more of reading but thought she'd finish the report tomorrow morning.

Though Rayek was a bit disappointed at the seeming lack of concern on Tess' part, he nodded, understanding that his wife had other priorities to consider.   So for the moment he put his own concerns aside and tried to return to his casual reading of the Ba'ku storybook in the hopes that Tess would opt to get some rest soon, but his attempt was interrupted by the grating sound of teeth on metal.

Ugh.. the rodent! Of course it would be nocturnal!

Despite the Cardassian ferret's cage being kept out in the main living area, the sound of it gnawing on the bars of it's kennel, seemed to vibrate right though the living quarters walls in an aggravating way.

He had tried earlier that morning to see about cleaning out it's cage - attempting to put the rodent into the handy exercise ball that was obviously meant for it's use -  and had nearly gotten bit by the pesky, hissing critter.  What had ever possessed him to get the creature was still baffling to Rayek.  When he'd checked yesterday during his shift to find out which of them - he or Tess - had requisitioned for the personal pet, he was surprised to discovery it was him.  He had no recollection of such - and given it's viciousness - he was equally surprised he hadn't gotten rid of it before now.  Tess probably had become attached to the furball.  For that reason more than anything else, Rayek decided to try and make nice with the creature once more while Tess was occupied.

He got out of bed and made his way over to the cage and crouched down to peer into it.

"Fine. I'll release you for a bit into your ball.  No biting this time!" he declared firmly as he opened the kennel door and reached inside in an attempt to pick up the animal.

The rodent hissed and arched its back in warning, which Rayek acknowledged by backing his hand away a bit and then remaining unmoving, letting the rodent come to him.   He settled himself into a seated position... because this could take a while.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge - late Day 2](inside subspace fold)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 15, 2020, 10:45:52 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - late day 2]

Having made up her mind, Tess turned her gaze to Rayek and Hrafn. "Let's try the polarization of the hull plating. Coordinate with the departments as needed." Tess then kept her gaze on Rayek to reply to his hint on how this might affect Katra Station. "I don't like it, especially since we have no means to warn them about this. But I don't think we have another choice but to accept that." She then looked to Hrafn. "As soon as we are freed, try to make contact with Katra anyways, maybe we'll find a loophole."

She then thumbed a button at her chair to open a ship-wide channel. =/\= "This is Commander t'Lhoell. We are about to attempt to be freed from this subspace trap. There may be turbulence, please prepare yourself." =/\=

She then opened a channel to Engineering. =/\= "t'Lhoell to Engineering. Be advised, once we are free we cannot go higher than warp 6." =/\=

She waited for Rayek or Hrafn to indicate that polarization of the hull plating was successful before she turned to Hrafn. "Time to use the inversion carrier." She looked to the screen. "Commander Zheshil, we want to thank you for your willingness to assist us with this. It is very much appreciated. We are now prepared for your modulated subspace wave to collapse the tesseract. In case this goes well, we wish you peace and wellbeing. We will be looking forward to welcome your diplomatic envoys on Katra Station."

"Initiate polarization", Tess ordered to Rayek.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 15, 2020, 11:29:02 AM

Meanwhile.... late Day 2
[Bridge - USS Healy]

"I'll be able to ascertain that as soon as we're free, unless the navigational controls were in anyway affected I can deduce that from star positions ad that sort of thing... I won't confuse you with the Science-y stuff... suffice to say it's an easy thing... for me!" Hrafn said with a smile.

"Yes, Ma'am..." the CSO answered crisply and set about contacting the relevant people to make this happen.  Before long she turned in her chair and said "We're ready... just tell me when if we're coordinating this."

After Tess decided to go along with his hull polarization suggestion for increasing structural integrity, Rayek and Hrafn began working with t'Hava in Engineering to get the process ready in the shortest amount of time.

That Tess also wanted him to still attempt to contact Katra was not surprising.  He met her gaze as he nodded.  "Yes, Captain.  I'll attempt every trick in the book and then some."  he assured her.  Though his attention was focused on the hull polarization at the moment, ideas for how to send a faster than light message outside of subspace was already being considered, in the background of his mind, he was sifting through the reams of  information he had read through the years on the topic of communication methods and advances.

He was glad to hear her inform the ship as to what was being planned; and she even forewarned Ensign t'Hava about the warp limit.  Only after informing the ship, did she contact the other vessel.  Tess was a very conscientious Captain, much more so than some he had worked under.

Once all was in readiness, Hrafn made the announcement to Tess and Rayek readied his station to activate the polarization process.  Command given,  Rayek tapped in his authorization and then monitored the process.  "Hull polarization initiated." he called out then followed up with progression updates, in rapid succession since the process took under a minute to go through the entire ship's hull.  "25%...  55%...85% ....  Hull polarization is at 100%, Captain."


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - early morning)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 15, 2020, 10:45:52 AM

|||Morning of day 3|||

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - morning of day 3 - before the meeting]

Eventually her alarm went off - she set it earlier so she could finish up her preparation for the meeting - and she moved out of bed. Entering the main living area where the kitchen nook was she moved over to Rayek as the delicious smell of freshly baked pancakes and cooked bacon wafted in her direction. "Mnek brhon, ciccino" (*Good morning), she said as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him to give him a kiss on the cheek. "This smells delicious", she smiled and stole one of the cooked bacon strips to put it into her mouth. "Who've you been talking to?", she asked curiously as she wiped her hands. "I heard you speaking."

Rayek glanced up from his clean up of the kitchen nook at seeing movement.  He smiled in response to her greeting and welcomed kiss - even if it was just to his cheek. "Mnek brhon, e'lev.  Breakfast is ready." he stated belatedly as she snagged a piece of bacon from his plate.

Her question about whom he'd been talking to was answered with a smile.  "Jealous that I might be contacting another?  Well, there is no need to worry.. I was just dictating a message to Saxon -  asking permission to work a few hours in the morning.  I plan to use that time to check the security feeds that we spoke of lastnight."

Quote from: John Saxon on June 15, 2020, 01:03:42 PM

Morning of Day 3
Among the messages waiting for him was one from Rayek. The former First Officer, and Commander, remained one of his key members of the Department and John was gratified the Romulan had remained aboard the station after the...culmination of a long line of lapses of judgement when it came to Tess...

Even thought he was on his own, John nodded in agreement to the suggestion. While he knew Tess had made the changes to the duty shifts - his own on Tactical and Security had now been covered leaving him to concentrate on his Alpha shift as Strategic Operations - he rathered the experienced officer make use of the extra hours he had asked for, especially if could benefit the station and Department. He typed back.

From: Lt Saxon
To: Ensign tr'Lhoell

Request approved. I look forward to your proposals. Please also oversee the loading of quantum torpedo payloads for the Healy. Ensign Goodspeed can help you with that.

Lt Saxon

The loading of quantum torpedoes would hopefully scratch the growing itch at the back of his head. Something was bothering him, and he couldn't put his finger on it. Considering Katra's history of fighting off large odds, it made sense to properly front-load the station's picket ship just in case.

His chronometer chimed. The meeting was in 20 minutes. Time for a sonic and a shave.

Rayek glanced over to the PADD at its ping.  Speak of the Devil.  He testingly used his thumbprint/DNA biometrics to unlock the PADD.  What should have been a quick access - less than a second, instead took a painfully long 10 seconds to acknowledge and open.  Rayek sighed. "I've been having issues with biometric scanners for the past two days.  It's been hit and miss as to whether it will allow me access.  I meant to stop by Sickbay and see if there is any chance what happened within the subspace fold might have affected my DNA at all.  I'll have to find time today to do that. Have you experienced anything similar?" he asked even as he read through Saxon's reply.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - OCC - auxiliary console -  Day 3 08:00 >> 08:55]

After scheduling himself an appointment in Sickbay for later that morning - unfortunately it would be while Tess was in her meeting -  Rayek spent the first hour of his day up in the OCC, thanks to Lt Saxon's permissions.  Though the log showed this was his first time up in the OCC since his return to duty after the Atrosian incident - which Rayek barely could recall -  being up here was very nostalgic for the Romulan.  What clear recollections he did have of the station were most often of being here.

He had taken a seat at the auxiliary station and used his authorization code to go begin his day's work.   He started with his proposed revamp of SCPO Solen's security drills.  While hers were admittedly intense and effective, Rayek felt they could be improved upon.   That work took nearly an hour.  Tess and the other DH's would be in their meeting by now.

Rayek turned his attention next to the security video feeds.  He had the computer filter for timestamps when he and Padrini were identified together...  bowling from the night before came up as did a Customs holding cell video timestamped from 3 days prior when he was working a beta shift.  Everything else was from months before.   He selected the holding cell video and it showed the pair of them in the cell dealing with the Meridian birds.   Though the images were right in front of him, Rayek had no recollection of this ever happening.   When he listened to the audio, Rayek wanted to break Padrini.  Equally troubling as the man's threat to comfort his wife after she left him was, was how the hell could Rayek have possibly not recalled this!?

The Romulan copied the video file to his PADD and as troubling as it was to report this up the line and involve Tess, Rayek didn't see how he could avoid it.  She was involved on multiple levels... involved as the topic of discussion, involved as Padrini's direct supervisor, and involved as Rayek's lead medical caretaker - in regards to this being a clear sign of his memory's unwellness, and involved as Executive Officer that might be needed to mediate a dispute because if this wasn't dealt with Rayek felt certain he might do harm to the medic.

No sooner had Rayek sent off the file to Tess than his 5 minute warning reminder of his Sickbay appointment.   By the Elements!  He had best not run into Padrini while down there or the man might need medical attention himself.

With feeling of foreboding Rayek signed out of the console and headed to the turbolift.  The lift took him down to Sickbay and his awaiting appointment.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay Reception - Day 3 08:57]

Rayek strode into Reception and headed directly for the receptionists desk.  "I'm hear for my 9 am appointment.  Can you tell me who my attending physician is?"

If it was Padrini, he told himself he would cancel and reschedule...that would be smartest.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 15, 2020, 07:02:02 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters -late Day 2]

Though Rayek was a bit disappointed at the seeming lack of concern on Tess' part, he nodded, understanding that his wife had other priorities to consider.   So for the moment he put his own concerns aside and tried to return to his casual reading of the Ba'ku storybook in the hopes that Tess would opt to get some rest soon, but his attempt was interrupted by the grating sound of teeth on metal.

Ugh.. the rodent! Of course it would be nocturnal!

Despite the Cardassian ferret's cage being kept out in the main living area, the sound of it gnawing on the bars of it's kennel, seemed to vibrate right though the living quarters walls in an aggravating way.

He had tried earlier that morning to see about cleaning out it's cage - attempting to put the rodent into the handy exercise ball that was obviously meant for it's use -  and had nearly gotten bit by the pesky, hissing critter.  What had ever possessed him to get the creature was still baffling to Rayek.  When he'd checked yesterday during his shift to find out which of them - he or Tess - had requisitioned for the personal pet, he was surprised to discovery it was him.  He had no recollection of such - and given it's viciousness - he was equally surprised he hadn't gotten rid of it before now.  Tess probably had become attached to the furball.  For that reason more than anything else, Rayek decided to try and make nice with the creature once more while Tess was occupied.

He got out of bed and made his way over to the cage and crouched down to peer into it.

"Fine. I'll release you for a bit into your ball.  No biting this time!" he declared firmly as he opened the kennel door and reached inside in an attempt to pick up the animal.

The rodent hissed and arched its back in warning, which Rayek acknowledged by backing his hand away a bit and then remaining unmoving, letting the rodent come to him.   He settled himself into a seated position... because this could take a while.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge - late Day 2](inside subspace fold)

After Tess decided to go along with his hull polarization suggestion for increasing structural integrity, Rayek and Hrafn began working with t'Hava in Engineering to get the process ready in the shortest amount of time.

That Tess also wanted him to still attempt to contact Katra was not surprising.  He met her gaze as he nodded.  "Yes, Captain.  I'll attempt every trick in the book and then some."  he assured her.  Though his attention was focused on the hull polarization at the moment, ideas for how to send a faster than light message outside of subspace was already being considered, in the background of his mind, he was sifting through the reams of  information he had read through the years on the topic of communication methods and advances.

He was glad to hear her inform the ship as to what was being planned; and she even forewarned Ensign t'Hava about the warp limit.  Only after informing the ship, did she contact the other vessel.  Tess was a very conscientious Captain, much more so than some he had worked under.

Once all was in readiness, Hrafn made the announcement to Tess and Rayek readied his station to activate the polarization process.  Command given,  Rayek tapped in his authorization and then monitored the process.  "Hull polarization initiated." he called out then followed up with progression updates, in rapid succession since the process took under a minute to go through the entire ship's hull.  "25%...  55%...85% ....  Hull polarization is at 100%, Captain."


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - early morning)

Rayek glanced up from his clean up of the kitchen nook at seeing movement.  He smiled in response to her greeting and welcomed kiss - even if it was just to his cheek. "Mnek brhon, e'lev.  Breakfast is ready." he stated belatedly as she snagged a piece of bacon from his plate.

Her question about whom he'd been talking to was answered with a smile.  "Jealous that I might be contacting another?  Well, there is no need to worry.. I was just dictating a message to Saxon -  asking permission to work a few hours in the morning.  I plan to use that time to check the security feeds that we spoke of lastnight."

Rayek glanced over to the PADD at its ping.  Speak of the Devil.  He testingly used his thumbprint/DNA biometrics to unlock the PADD.  What should have been a quick access - less than a second, instead took a painfully long 10 seconds to acknowledge and open.  Rayek sighed. "I've been having issues with biometric scanners for the past two days.  It's been hit and miss as to whether it will allow me access.  I meant to stop by Sickbay and see if there is any chance what happened within the subspace fold might have affected my DNA at all.  I'll have to find time today to do that. Have you experienced anything similar?" he asked even as he read through Saxon's reply.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - OCC - auxiliary console -  Day 3 08:00 >> 08:55]

After scheduling himself an appointment in Sickbay for later that morning - unfortunately it would be while Tess was in her meeting -  Rayek spent the first hour of his day up in the OCC, thanks to Lt Saxon's permissions.  Though the log showed this was his first time up in the OCC since his return to duty after the Atrosian incident - which Rayek barely could recall -  being up here was very nostalgic for the Romulan.  What clear recollections he did have of the station were most often of being here.

He had taken a seat at the auxiliary station and used his authorization code to go begin his day's work.   He started with his proposed revamp of SCPO Solen's security drills.  While hers were admittedly intense and effective, Rayek felt they could be improved upon.   That work took nearly an hour.  Tess and the other DH's would be in their meeting by now.

Rayek turned his attention next to the security video feeds.  He had the computer filter for timestamps when he and Padrini were identified together...  bowling from the night before came up as did a Customs holding cell video timestamped from 3 days prior when he was working a beta shift.  Everything else was from months before.   He selected the holding cell video and it showed the pair of them in the cell dealing with the Meridian birds.   Though the images were right in front of him, Rayek had no recollection of this ever happening.   When he listened to the audio, Rayek wanted to break Padrini.  Equally troubling as the man's threat to comfort his wife after she left him was, was how the hell could Rayek have possibly not recalled this!?

The Romulan copied the video file to his PADD and as troubling as it was to report this up the line and involve Tess, Rayek didn't see how he could avoid it.  She was involved on multiple levels... involved as the topic of discussion, involved as Padrini's direct supervisor, and involved as Rayek's lead medical caretaker - in regards to this being a clear sign of his memory's unwellness, and involved as Executive Officer that might be needed to mediate a dispute because if this wasn't dealt with Rayek felt certain he might do harm to the medic.

No sooner had Rayek sent off the file to Tess than his 5 minute warning reminder of his Sickbay appointment.   By the Elements!  He had best not run into Padrini while down there or the man might need medical attention himself.

With feeling of foreboding Rayek signed out of the console and headed to the turbolift.  The lift took him down to Sickbay and his awaiting appointment.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay Reception - Day 3 08:57]

Rayek strode into Reception and headed directly for the receptionists desk.  "I'm hear for my 9 am appointment.  Can you tell me who my attending physician is?"

If it was Padrini, he told himself he would cancel and reschedule...that would be smartest.

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay Reception
"You're with me," Xiiv said quietly. "Come on back." Xiiv had braided her hair back away from her face earlier but strands of hair fell here and there as she gestured. She walked him back and the door hissed open.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Zex on June 15, 2020, 06:38:03 PM

[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Zex looked down at Hrafn.  Now she saw how was walking.  How cold she have missed it earlier.

"Sorry for my mistake.  I guess I misheard.  But from the sound of it, you have things handled" she said.

"I will do that.  If not tomorrow.  Maybe the next day" she said.

[Tholian embassy]

For someone who considered shi-self as a warrior, shi spoke like a poet.  Eydis basically painted a picture for Zex.  So whatever the Tholian lacked in one sense, she possibly more than make up for it in another sense.

"You are so eloquent and makes me hope that one day I will be able to visit Tholia.  It sounds beautiful despite the possible danger.  My interest is peeked" she confessed.

"For most humanoids like myself, smell is connect to taste.  If something smells fragrant and flowery or fruity to me, it typically tastes sweet to me.  Rain smells clean and often pushes other smells away.  It tastes like water from a natural source - not touched by man or machine" she said.

The thought that Eydis had never felt rain made the Deltan a bit sad.  "Have you never roamed a planet without an evo suite?  Or is the possible temperature differential the reason you have never felt rain?" she asked curiously.

"Thank you for the offer, but I will have to ask for a rain-check.  No pun, that is how they say 'at a later time" she explained.  "I have much to do before the meeting tomorrow.  9 Am will work?" she asked again.

Off course as tholian I do value being on time. Eydis would dip hir head to zex a being shi considered a friend. Do recovery your mental alertness and energy well. And where is this meeting to take place at ?Eydis would wait and then nod again as zex left. Shi would turn to finish off the holographic program. Tholians in another reality would've of been great earth gamer of the 21st century needing very little time to sleep which was usually saved up for once a month a single 9 hour span of rest

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay Reception - Day 3 08:57]

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on June 15, 2020, 07:18:40 PM

[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay Reception
"You're with me," Xiiv said quietly. "Come on back." Xiiv had braided her hair back away from her face earlier but strands of hair fell here and there as she gestured. She walked him back and the door hissed open.

Rayek looked over towards the open doorway between Reception and the Medical Examination rooms.  He was relieved that the doctor on call for him wasn't Padrini but instead the new medical officer Xiiv.   Unlike most staff on Katra, Rayek barely knew Xiiv as she arrived on the station just before his demotion and he hadn't yet had opportunity to meet with her one to one.

He followed her as she led him to an examination room and he went without being asked and set up on the biobed.  "Thank you for fitting me into your schedule, Doctor.  I will try not to take up too much of your time.  Since returning from the Healy's last call out - wherein we were caught for a short time in a subspace fold - I've been experiencing difficulties with my biometrics.  Fingerprints and DNA.  What I am concerned about is if there is some possible cellular or DNA breakdown occurring to cause the biometrics devices to not read my DNA properly."

He didn't mention the memory lapse or pa'nar knowing that Tess was the only one in the Medical Department who had authorization to see the classified sections of his medical file.  That aspect of his health would have to wait until Tess had time for him.

"I was hoping you could requisition a detailed comparative scan and see if there is any explanation resulting.."

Rayek knew from past experience that a complete detailed scan was highly intensive, time consuming and tied up personnel and resources for several hours.  He was asking a lot for Xiiv to requisition this... for what could be just glitches in the security system. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Katra Station - Briefing Room Day Three ~ 0830

Solluk looked up as Tess entered.

"Good Morning, Commander.  I slept fairly well.  Some light reading on Crystalline Entities before bed.  I hadn't recalled how much of its history was tied up with the legacy of Commander Data.  But I didn't delve too deeply or too late into the night.  That's what subordinates are for."  He smiled.

Hrafn came in, bustling with energy even when she was tired and without her cup of coffee.  Did she ever get tired, he wondered, or just feistier?  "Coffee and bagels, if either of you are interested.  Toasted.  The way logic dictates."

He held up a PADD in one hand as he sipped tea with the other.  "Interesting readings on long range sensors from Science last night after I went to bed.   Some kind of subspace storm about a light-year away, kicking up quite a disruption rimward of here.  When this meeting is over, Lieutenant, I'd like you to configure a long-range sensor probe to circle out past the Oort cloud and collect readings.  This storm just popped up out of nowhere. in the middle of the night.  Might be scientifically interesting."

Saxon entered next, and Solluk knew the man must be exhausted from conducting research all night, but he was nothing less than chiseled from pure professionalism.  "Good Morning, Lieutenant.  Have a bagel.  I was just talking to Lieutenant Falleg and Commander t'Lhoell about the subspace storm that popped up last night.  I'm thinking we'll maintain increased fighter patrols until it passes, in case it interferes with long-range sensors and we miss an approaching vessel.   Although it's centered a light-year away, we are right at the edge of its area of influence."   Like a hurricane, the effects of subspace storms could extend quite a distance from the 'eye.'

Solluk glanced to Tess, "More evidence that your instincts were right about keeping the Healy on alert, Commander."

He set down his cup and reached out to claim a bagel for himself.  Feeling adventurous, he chose an 'Everything' bagel.  True to its name, it appeared to be encrusted with every type of seed known to the Galaxy.  It made a satisfying crunch when he bit into it.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - later Day 2]

Quote from: Rayek

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters -late Day 2]

Though Rayek was a bit disappointed at the seeming lack of concern on Tess' part, he nodded, understanding that his wife had other priorities to consider.   So for the moment he put his own concerns aside and tried to return to his casual reading of the Ba'ku storybook in the hopes that Tess would opt to get some rest soon, but his attempt was interrupted by the grating sound of teeth on metal.

Ugh.. the rodent! Of course it would be nocturnal!

Despite the Cardassian ferret's cage being kept out in the main living area, the sound of it gnawing on the bars of it's kennel, seemed to vibrate right though the living quarters walls in an aggravating way.

He had tried earlier that morning to see about cleaning out it's cage - attempting to put the rodent into the handy exercise ball that was obviously meant for it's use -  and had nearly gotten bit by the pesky, hissing critter.  What had ever possessed him to get the creature was still baffling to Rayek.  When he'd checked yesterday during his shift to find out which of them - he or Tess - had requisitioned for the personal pet, he was surprised to discovery it was him.  He had no recollection of such - and given it's viciousness - he was equally surprised he hadn't gotten rid of it before now.  Tess probably had become attached to the furball.  For that reason more than anything else, Rayek decided to try and make nice with the creature once more while Tess was occupied.

He got out of bed and made his way over to the cage and crouched down to peer into it.

"Fine. I'll release you for a bit into your ball.  No biting this time!" he declared firmly as he opened the kennel door and reached inside in an attempt to pick up the animal.

The rodent hissed and arched its back in warning, which Rayek acknowledged by backing his hand away a bit and then remaining unmoving, letting the rodent come to him.   He settled himself into a seated position... because this could take a while.

Tess tried to focus on what she was reading about the Crystalline Entity, but her worries would bother her too much. PADD already in hand she accessed her correspondence with the Vulcan Medical Institute over a year ago. She didn't recall to ever have gotten a reply from them regarding her request for assistance with the treatment of Rayek's and her Pan'ar. A name popped up in the back of her mind and soon she found evidence of it – Dr. Senva; he'd been on the station around the time of the Wadi game tournament. Tess frowned. Apparently he had been sent to assist with the treatment, but why couldn't she recall any of it?

Calling up the medical database, Tess accessed Rayek's file first. At least one thing she remembered was that the Chula game tournament had been around August – beginning of August of last year actually. And really – there was an entry that Rayek had been treated for Pan'ar successfully. Tess was relieved but troubled at the same time that she would forget something so important like this. And the fact that, like Rayek, she had lapses in her memory, made her worry the treatment had not been thorough or effective enough and that their Pan'ar might have flared again. After all the doctor had been warning her that if Rayek didn't learn to conduct proper deep melds that the illness might return. And they have had deep mind melds after that. Just to be sure Tess switched to call up her own medical file and found the same entry there. Successful treatment of Pan'ar.

While she had read she had barely registered that Rayek had gotten up and that the annoying noise of the ferret gnawing at the bars of its kennel had stopped. Leaning forward she was able to peek through the door into the living area and saw Rayek crouched down in front of the kennel. Getting up, Tess left the sleeping area to join Rayek, PADD in hand. This was something as well her memory didn't provide memories of. She recalled vaguely that they named the rodent Thrafv, but how they decided on that name she didn't know. But the little furball was cute. Rayek had probably surprised her with it.

Stopping next to him, she gently touched his shoulder to get his attention. She smiled slightly, but there was also concern in her eyes. "Take a look at this", she said and held out her PADD to him for him to read – there her own medical file was still called up, in the center of it the entry about the treatment of Pan'ar. "Same in yours", she added. "Maybe we can do another brain scan tomorrow. I would like to conduct that myself. Just to be sure."


Meanwhile ....

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - late Day 2]
Quote from: Hrafn

Meanwhile.... late Day 2
[Bridge - USS Healy]

"I'll be able to ascertain that as soon as we're free, unless the navigational controls were in anyway affected I can deduce that from star positions ad that sort of thing... I won't confuse you with the Science-y stuff... suffice to say it's an easy thing... for me!" Hrafn said with a smile.

"Yes, Ma'am..." the CSO answered crisply and set about contacting the relevant people to make this happen.  Before long she turned in her chair and said "We're ready... just tell me when if we're co-ordinating this."

Quote from: Rayek

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge - late Day 2](inside subspace fold)

After Tess decided to go along with his hull polarization suggestion for increasing structural integrity, Rayek and Hrafn began working with t'Hava in Engineering to get the process ready in the shortest amount of time.

That Tess also wanted him to still attempt to contact Katra was not surprising.  He met her gaze as he nodded.  "Yes, Captain.  I'll attempt every trick in the book and then some."  he assured her.  Though his attention was focused on the hull polarization at the moment, ideas for how to send a faster than light message outside of subspace was already being considered, in the background of his mind, he was sifting through the reams of  information he had read through the years on the topic of communication methods and advances.

He was glad to hear her inform the ship as to what was being planned; and she even forewarned Ensign t'Hava about the warp limit.  Only after informing the ship, did she contact the other vessel.  Tess was a very conscientious Captain, much more so than some he had worked under.

Once all was in readiness, Hrafn made the announcement to Tess and Rayek readied his station to activate the polarization process.  Command given,  Rayek tapped in his authorization and then monitored the process.  "Hull polarization initiated." he called out then followed up with progression updates, in rapid succession since the process took under a minute to go through the entire ship's hull.  "25%...  55%...85% ....  Hull polarization is at 100%, Captain."

Tess nodded at Rayek and Hrafn in acknowledgement. "Thank you." She then waited for the crew of the Celestial Harmony to initiate their modulated wave.


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - Day 3, early morning - before the meeting]
Quote from: Rayek

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - early morning)

Rayek glanced up from his clean up of the kitchen nook at seeing movement.  He smiled in response to her greeting and welcomed kiss - even if it was just to his cheek. "Mnek brhon, e'lev.  Breakfast is ready." he stated belatedly as she snagged a piece of bacon from his plate.

Her question about whom he'd been talking to was answered with a smile.  "Jealous that I might be contacting another?  Well, there is no need to worry.. I was just dictating a message to Saxon -  asking permission to work a few hours in the morning.  I plan to use that time to check the security feeds that we spoke of lastnight."

Rayek glanced over to the PADD at its ping.  Speak of the Devil.  He testingly used his thumbprint/DNA biometrics to unlock the PADD.  What should have been a quick access - less than a second, instead took a painfully long 10 seconds to acknowledge and open.  Rayek sighed. "I've been having issues with biometric scanners for the past two days.  It's been hit and miss as to whether it will allow me access.  I meant to stop by Sickbay and see if there is any chance what happened within the subspace fold might have affected my DNA at all.  I'll have to find time today to do that. Have you experienced anything similar?" he asked even as he read through Saxon's reply.

Tess was leaning close to her husband, one arm wrapped around his waist while he teased her with jealousy. She chuckled, eying another strip of bacon that looked very inviting. However, the grin vanished off her face when Rayek said that he had been messaging Saxon to ask for permission to work a few hours during the Alpha shift. Hadn't she put him to Gamma shift? She was annoyed that he sought to work at the regular shift and even more annoyed that he did so without involving her. She took a step away from him and eyed him, obviously disgruntled. "There was a reason I put you to Gamma shift. I don't appreciate any actions of yours to circumvent this." Then, suddenly, her face softened. "You need to relax, I don't want you to load more work on yourself than you already have. I'm speaking as both XO and CMO here. Check the feeds for all I care, but no extra work hours beyond that."

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - Day 3, early morning]

Quote from: Hrafn

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Hrafn's Quarters > Staff Briefing Room - morning of day 3]


Hrafn entered the briefing room and sniffed.  "If that's coffee... someone is my saviour... for all I just about passed out soon as the kids were in bed, and only woke about 30 mins ago... I need something to wake me! There's a vast difference between having my eyes open and voluntarily perambulation and actually being awake!" she said helping herself to coffee.

"Oh and Good Morning... sorry for my rudeness... blame the lack of caffeine in my blood stream so far!"  she took a large gulp of the coffee and sighed.  "Normal service will soon be restored!" she said on a small chuckle.

Quote from: John Saxon

Briefing Room - 0835
Entering, clutching his PADD, John nodded crisply to those present. "Captain" he went further.

Quote from: Solluk

Katra Station - Briefing Room Day Three ~ 0830
Solluk looked up as Tess entered.

"Good Morning, Commander.  I slept fairly well.  Some light reading on Crystalline Entities before bed.  I hadn't recalled how much of its history was tied up with the legacy of Commander Data.  But I didn't delve too deeply or too late into the night.  That's what subordinates are for."  He smiled.

Hrafn came in, bustling with energy even when she was tired and without her cup of coffee.  Did she ever get tired, he wondered, or just feistier?  "Coffee and bagels, if either of you are interested.  Toasted.  The way logic dictates."

He held up a PADD in one hand as he sipped tea with the other.  "Interesting readings on long range sensors from Science last night after I went to bed.   Some kind of subspace storm about a light-year away, kicking up quite a disruption rimward of here.  When this meeting is over, Lieutenant, I'd like you to configure a long-range sensor probe to circle out past the Oort cloud and collect readings.  This storm just popped up out of nowhere. in the middle of the night.  Might be scientifically interesting."

Saxon entered next, and Solluk knew the man must be exhausted from conducting research all night, but he was nothing less than chiseled from pure professionalism.  "Good Morning, Lieutenant.  Have a bagel.  I was just talking to Lieutenant Falleg and Commander t'Lhoell about the subspace storm that popped up last night.  I'm thinking we'll maintain increased fighter patrols until it passes, in case it interferes with long-range sensors and we miss an approaching vessel.   Although it's centered a light-year away, we are right at the edge of its area of influence."   Like a hurricane, the effects of subspace storms could extend quite a distance from the 'eye.'

Solluk glanced to Tess, "More evidence that your instincts were right about keeping the Healy on alert, Commander."

He set down his cup and reached out to claim a bagel for himself.  Feeling adventurous, he claimed an 'Everything' bagel.  True to its name, it appeared to be encrusted with every type of seed known to the Galaxy.  It made a satisfying crunch when he bit into it.

Tess acknowledged Solluk's statement that subordinates were there for staying up all night to gather the needed information with a somewhat surprised chuckle and a vague nod of her head. "Frank but true words, I guess", she smile back. She had spent a large part of her night reading and preparing for the meeting after all. She then nodded at his comment about the connection of the first appearance of the Crystalline Entity and legendary Commander Data's legacy. She actually regretted that she had never had an opportunity to talk to the android during the time he'd been on Ba'ku. She'd only been six years old back then, times had been rocky and both her father and brother had kept an eye on her to keep her away from the Starfleet officers at first, especially from the android, most likely because of his seemingly hostile acts when he first appeared. Tess recalled how upset she had been about being denied to get near them since other children were allowed to interact with them. But luckily that had changed after the Starfleet officers had saved  them and her father had invited the Starfleet officer Lt. Fabiano Moreno to live with them after Starfleet gave up on the Cultural Observation Outpost. Had this not happened, Tess wouldn't be here today.

Pushing those memories aside, Tess replied to Solluk. "I focused on what we know of the Entity's physical composition. It was both impressive and ... scary. While I never wish to encounter one of these things, from a scientific aspect it would be very fascinating."

"Good morning, Hrafn", Tess smiled at the Trill when she joined her at the coffee table. Shortly after John Saxon entered and Tess nodded back at him. She then listened as the topic shifted to a storm that had appeared over the night. "Not something that might become dangerous for us, I hope", she commented. She'd have to check on reports about it next opportunity she ahd. When Solluk then stated that her choice to keep the Healy on alert had been right, she grinned at him. "A woman's intuition, Captain."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

John Saxon


[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - Day 3, early morning

Quote from: Solluk

"Good Morning, Lieutenant.  Have a bagel.  I was just talking to Lieutenant Falleg and Commander t'Lhoell about the subspace storm that popped up last night.  I'm thinking we'll maintain increased fighter patrols until it passes, in case it interferes with long-range sensors and we miss an approaching vessel.   Although it's centered a light-year away, we are right at the edge of its area of influence."

'Century' nodded in response to Solluk as he was offered a bagel from the display on the table. His grandfather used to bring them over when he visited the Saxon home, and young John always opted for the plain (or 'classic' as his father used to say). Blissfully, coffee was also available and while the old officer preferred hot drinks made with leaves; a super-heated infusion of free-radicals and tannin, just the thing for healing the synapses.

But the bean would do just this once.

And it did smell good.

So as he selected a glazed hoop, reading his PADD with the other, John acknowledged the Captain's follow-up about a subspace storm obscuring long-range sensors. "Very good. I'll enable three concentric patrols." Two subspace events in as many days? Saxon didn't like it, but the outer patrol would be a passable early warning alternative. It would have to be led by an experienced, diligent combat pilot- he made a note to check whether Ferris was available.

He moved to put the bagel down on the briefing and returned to pour the coffee, the display device still giving him his almost undivided attention; one particular report needing re-reading for the third time, as he thought he wasn't taking it in properly. "Doct- Commander" he spoke aloud after a moment. "Did Healy's Engineering Team report any problems with the warp core after your encounter with the subspace..", he debated the word, coming up with "trap? I ran a remote tactical readiness diagnostic and her power curves seem to showing some failure in the refits Lt Goodspeed has installed."

He looked to Solluk. "I don't think we need to take the Healy out of commission, but having Goodspeed or Rhade take a look when we step down the alert might be useful. As it is, I've requested Raye- Ensign tr'Lhoell - to prime a quantum payload."

Taking a sip of the coffee, raising an eyebrow at its smokey scent, he moved back to his chosen seat. There was more he wanted to add - an automated flag had been raised to his Daily Security Report of several failed attempts of biometric access to systems; they had immediately been resolved by a successful attempt, but the intelligent software had noted the trend. Most interestingly, it had been Rayek who had shown the most failed attempts. He casually wondered if Romulans had something akin to the Vulcan pon'farr, which historically messed up biochemicals.

Inwardly, he suddenly blanched at the random thought - he had asked Rayek to oversee the loading of quantum torpedoes, arguably the most potent ordnance in Katra's arsenal.

Suddenly meeting the Tholians seemed a welcome distraction.


Quote from: Eydis on June 16, 2020, 01:33:13 AM

Off course as tholian I do value being on time. Eydis would dip hir head to zex a being shi considered a friend. Do recovery your mental alertness and energy well. And where is this meeting to take place at ?Eydis would wait and then nod again as zex left. Shi would turn to finish off the holographic program. Tholians in another reality would've of been great earth gamer of the 21st century needing very little time to sleep which was usually saved up for once a month a single 9 hour span of rest

[Tholian Embassy]

"Perfect.  I believe it will be in the briefing room.  I will come and get you to escort you to the meeting" Zex said.

"I will be here about 0830.  That should give us sufficient time to get to the meeting" she said.  "So, till tomorrow" she concluded before leaving.

After she was out of her evo suite on on a tubro up to operations, Zex typed out a quick note to Beja on her padd.  "Lieutenant.  Eydis will be at the meeting tomorrow at 0900.  I am on my way to do a bit of research about the crystalline entity and will send my findings later.   Zex.  PS, Can you please confirm that the meeting is in the briefing room?" she sent.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


CHS Revelation - Day 2, Late - Sector K

Commander Zheshil watched as the waves of subspace energy cascaded away from the Revelation.  The resultant resonance built up until a bright flash of light signaled the collapse of the subspace tesseract, and the return of the Federation ship to normal space.

"Safe travels," Zheshil whispered, then louder, "Activate subspace stabilization, and resume course to deliver the medical supplies.  Warp 9.9."

"Yes, Commander," Sharom said, "Engaging subspace stabilization.  Turbulence is well within limits.  Proceeding to Warp 9.9."

Unlike most warp technology in evidence throughout this region of space, the Celestial Harmony's warp systems had little concern for subspace disruptions of this type.

Soon, they were back on track to complete the Harmony's cure of the plague.  Given the incubation period of the virus, and the interventions already made to slow its spread, their medical rescue mission was still likely to be a complete success despite this detour.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


USS Katra - Briefing Room - Day Three

Beja had been up all night. She had lost count of the number of raktajinos she had downed during the night. She needed all the help in order to get all the research done in the limited amount of time she had been given. Zex had sent her all the information she had on the crystalline entity and the Tholians. Beja had responded to her inquiry to reassure the Deltan that the meeting would be at 0900 in the briefing room.

The spread that the Captain had kindly had for them was greatly appreciated by Beja. She gladly picked a random bagel, and made sure to put a lot of the spread that the humans at the academy always raved about. It was an odd food to Beja. One could not hunt down the bagels in the wild and enjoy the sacrifice they had given for them all to be nourished. Though as the humans popular old saying 'When in Rome', one eats Roman bagels.

Beja also got a hot decaffeinated tea from the replicator. She didn't need anymore caffeine. She was plenty wide awake with her previous drinks, and adrenaline. She smiled brightly at those already in the meeting, greeting them all with a good morning to each. Tess, Hrafhn, Saxon, and Solluk, all were there early. She mentally chided herself for being late, she always wanted to be early, being on time was late.

"Good morning all! I hope you all had a good night's rest," Beja took a seat at the table. She smiled over at Tess, "Commander t'Lhoell, I hope we could talk after the meeting. I have a request that I hope you can help me and the diplomatic needs of Katra with." She had wanted to talk with Tess about keeping Roberto for a couple more days at Katra. She needed his assistance with the Meridian illness and treating the President who was very concerned about privacy.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters -late Day 2]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 16, 2020, 10:53:20 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - later Day 2]

While she had read she had barely registered that Rayek had gotten up and that the annoying noise of the ferret gnawing at the bars of its kennel had stopped. Leaning forward she was able to peek through the door into the living area and saw Rayek crouched down in front of the kennel. Getting up, Tess left the sleeping area to join Rayek, PADD in hand. This was something as well her memory didn't provide memories of. She recalled vaguely that they named the rodent Thrafv, but how they decided on that name she didn't know. But the little furball was cute. Rayek had probably surprised her with it.

Stopping next to him, she gently touched his shoulder to get his attention. She smiled slightly, but there was also concern in her eyes. "Take a look at this", she said and held out her PADD to him for him to read – there her own medical file was still called up, in the center of it the entry about the treatment of Pan'ar. "Same in yours", she added. "Maybe we can do another brain scan tomorrow. I would like to conduct that myself. Just to be sure."

Rayek sat patiently.  If he waited long enough the rodent would get used to him.

However before that could happen Tess came out of the bedroom with her PADD in hand and indicated that he should take a look at it.   Figuring he would try again with the ferret another time he pulled back his hand out of the kennel and shut it before taking up the PADD from his wife.  He looked over her medical record.  He didn't need Tess to point out what to look for it was rather clear -  Successful treatment of Pa'nar.

No sooner had he read the words than Tess confirmed that his file was the same.  "I don't remember the treatment at all.  How can that be?"

When Tess suggested that they do another brain scan, Rayek nodded his agreement.  "Yeah.. that's probably best." he answered distractedly as he searched what memories he did have for any recollection of the treatment but he got nothing.

It was all so frustrating!  The stirrings of a headache began to form and Rayek rubbed at his temples to ease the tension building there.   That's when he noticed the still implanted inhibitor chip.  Why would he need an inhibitor chip if it was the Pa'nar that had been causing the inadvertent telepathic connections?   Things were not adding up.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge - late Day 2](inside subspace fold)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 16, 2020, 10:53:20 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - late Day 2]

Tess nodded at Rayek and Hrafn in acknowledgement. "Thank you." She then waited for the crew of the Celestial Harmony to initiate their modulated wave.

Quote from: Solluk on June 16, 2020, 07:44:05 PM

CHS Revelation - Day 2, Late - Sector K

Commander Zheshil watched as the waves of subspace energy cascaded away from the Revelation.  The resultant resonance built up until a bright flash of light signaled the collapse of the subspace tesseract, and the return of the Federation ship to normal space.

"Safe travels," Zheshil whispered, then louder, "Activate subspace stabilization, and resume course to deliver the medical supplies.  Warp 9.9."

On the Healy, as the alien ship initiated their modulated subspace wave, turbulence was a poor word for the shaking going on.  It was good that they'd recommended reinforcing their structural integrity because as the wave vibrations built the pressure on the frame of the ship intensified.  "Hull pressure is at 65% and climbing. Shields are taking a beating from those subspace waves - they are down to 87% and continuing to drop." he called out.

With the forewarning that there was going to be turbulence, Rayek had opted to use the tactical station's seat-belt safety system.  He hoped Tess had taken that precaution as well; but he didn't have the luxury of being able to turn about to check, because he was busy ensuring that the subspace resonance wave frequencies which were continuing to build to a  crescendo, didn't completely by-pass the depleting shields by some random fluke of naturally occurring frequency harmonic...  If the resonance got anywhere near the ship's shield frequency Rayek would adjust it to an entirely different frequency.  "Hull pressure is at 85%.  Shields are at 45%"

The turbulence only lasted about 45 second, but it felt far longer to the Romulan, before there was a flash and suddenly they free!  Stars and another ship filled the view screen.  He checked the readings on his console to be sure he wasn't jumping the gun with his next statement. "The tesseract has collapsed."

Mindful of Tess' previous orders, no sooner had he confirmed their release then Rayek attempted to contact Katra to forewarn of a possible attack but the subspace instability seemed to block every attempt he made.  =/\= "USS Healy to Katra Station.  Please respond." =/\=   But all he got back was chaotic static.

"Subspace communications appear to be ineffective making it through this residual instability. I can continue trying at regular intervals but.... science can confirm better than I however if does seem as if our benefactors were correct in their estimation of the size and duration of this subspace instability...  It's become a sort of storm out there." he informed Tess as he released his safety harness and turned to look towards her for her next set of orders.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - early morning)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 16, 2020, 10:53:20 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - Day 3, early morning - before the meeting]

Tess was leaning close to her husband, one arm wrapped around his waist while he teased her with jealousy. She chuckled, eying another strip of bacon that looked very inviting. However, the grin vanished off her face when Rayek said that he had been messaging Saxon to ask for permission to work a few hours during the Alpha shift. Hadn't she put him to Gamma shift? She was annoyed that he sought to work at the regular shift and even more annoyed that he did so without involving her. She took a step away from him and eyed him, obviously disgruntled. "There was a reason I put you to Gamma shift. I don't appreciate any actions of yours to circumvent this." Then, suddenly, her face softened. "You need to relax, I don't want you to load more work on yourself than you already have. I'm speaking as both XO and CMO here. Check the feeds for all I care, but no extra work hours beyond that."

Tess' sudden mood swing took Rayek by surprise.  He stared at her disbelieving at first to hear her say that the switch to Gamma shift had been her idea to begin with.  He wanted to ask why when her face softened back to its usual gentleness and she offered up her reasons.

Of course she would be worried about him, but it wasn't he who was the one growing their child inside them.   He briefly considered trying to argue against her decision - to make her see reason -  but thought it best if he didn't upset her any further.  Perhaps a night of missing his supportive presence might make it easier to change her mind on his assignment.

Since she had issued her words as an order as both his XO and CMO, Rayek felt obliged to acknowledge those orders "Yes, ma'am.  I understand.  No extra work after this."  Though by this he meant the additional work assigned him by Saxon.

He closed the screen on his PADD so to prevent her from reading about the additional work and turned her attention back to breakfast.  "Let's eat before the food gets cold.  As this may be our last meal together for a while, let's make the most of it."

He carried the plates over to the table, where the juice and tea were already set out.

"Dig in."


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - OCC - auxiliary console -  Day 3  08:00 >> 08:55]

Another thing that Rayek worked on while in the midst of fixing up SCPO's security drills, was to requisition for the loading of the quantum torpedoes on the Healy.  He CC'd Lieutenant Goodspeed on the request since Saxon had requested he involve the engineer, but didn't expect a reply back until sometime after the Department Head meeting.


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay Reception - Day 3 08:57]

He waited for the doctor's response to his request.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Solluk on June 16, 2020, 09:48:09 AM

Katra Station - Briefing Room Day Three ~ 0830

Solluk looked up as Tess entered.

"Good Morning, Commander.  I slept fairly well.  Some light reading on Crystalline Entities before bed.  I hadn't recalled how much of its history was tied up with the legacy of Commander Data.  But I didn't delve too deeply or too late into the night.  That's what subordinates are for."  He smiled.

Hrafn came in, bustling with energy even when she was tired and without her cup of coffee.  Did she ever get tired, he wondered, or just feistier?  "Coffee and bagels, if either of you are interested.  Toasted.  The way logic dictates."

He held up a PADD in one hand as he sipped tea with the other.  "Interesting readings on long range sensors from Science last night after I went to bed.   Some kind of subspace storm about a light-year away, kicking up quite a disruption rimward of here.  When this meeting is over, Lieutenant, I'd like you to configure a long-range sensor probe to circle out past the Oort cloud and collect readings.  This storm just popped up out of nowhere. in the middle of the night.  Might be scientifically interesting."

Saxon entered next, and Solluk knew the man must be exhausted from conducting research all night, but he was nothing less than chiseled from pure professionalism.  "Good Morning, Lieutenant.  Have a bagel.  I was just talking to Lieutenant Falleg and Commander t'Lhoell about the subspace storm that popped up last night.  I'm thinking we'll maintain increased fighter patrols until it passes, in case it interferes with long-range sensors and we miss an approaching vessel.   Although it's centered a light-year away, we are right at the edge of its area of influence."   Like a hurricane, the effects of subspace storms could extend quite a distance from the 'eye.'

Solluk glanced to Tess, "More evidence that your instincts were right about keeping the Healy on alert, Commander."

He set down his cup and reached out to claim a bagel for himself.  Feeling adventurous, he chose an 'Everything' bagel.  True to its name, it appeared to be encrusted with every type of seed known to the Galaxy.  It made a satisfying crunch when he bit into it.

[Conference Room]

"Oooh and toasted bagels... Boss, now c'mon... you spoil us!!  Oooh seeded!  That one looks good, yep I'll have me one of them."  Hrafn said and sat down with her bagel and coffee.

"Happy is the CSO who has to come to an early meeting after a late night and has a boss nice enough to provide brekkie!  By the way, as I think both you and Tess know her... Crista got engaged last night.  I'm so happy for her, she and her beloved are staying on base though, so I'm not losing the nanny sent from the Prophets themselves, just I need to find an engagement and eventually a wedding gift!  This is what happens when I give her the night off!" she giggled.

"As for the probe launching...aye soon as we're done here, Captain... I'm intrigued myself.
Morning, John!"
the redhaired Science officer 'saluted' Saxon with her mug as she took another drink.  "The kids loved having you about last night.  We really have to do that again, they really enjoy being around all of you and it tired them out enough that I had zero complaints about 'straight to bed'!!"

Being a mother was challenging, but she loved it.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 17, 2020, 05:04:59 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge - late Day 2](inside subspace fold)

On the Healy, as the alien ship initiated their modulated subspace wave, turbulence was a poor word for the shaking going on.  It was good that they'd recommended reinforcing their structural integrity because as the wave vibrations built the pressure on the frame of the ship intensified.  "Hull pressure is at 65% and climbing. Shields are taking a beating from those subspace waves - they are down to 87% and continuing to drop." he called out.

With the forewarning that there was going to be turbulence, Rayek had opted to use the tactical station's seat-belt safety system.  He hoped Tess had taken that precaution as well; but he didn't have the luxury of being able to turn about to check, because he was busy ensuring that the subspace resonance wave frequencies which were continuing to build to a  crescendo, didn't completely by-pass the depleting shields by some random fluke of naturally occurring frequency harmonic...  If the resonance got anywhere near the ship's shield frequency Rayek would adjust it to an entirely different frequency.  "Hull pressure is at 85%.  Shields are at 45%"

The turbulence only lasted about 45 second, but it felt far longer to the Romulan, before there was a flash and suddenly they free!  Stars and another ship filled the view screen.  He checked the readings on his console to be sure he wasn't jumping the gun with his next statement. "The tesseract has collapsed."

Mindful of Tess' previous orders, no sooner had he confirmed their release then Rayek attempted to contact Katra to forewarn of a possible attack but the subspace instability seemed to block every attempt he made.  =/\= "USS Healy to Katra Station.  Please respond." =/\=   But all he got back was chaotic static.

"Subspace communications appear to be ineffective making it through this residual instability. I can continue trying at regular intervals but.... science can confirm better than I however if does seem as if our benefactors were correct in their estimation of the size and duration of this subspace instability...  It's become a sort of storm out there." he informed Tess as he released his safety harness and turned to look towards her for her next set of orders.

[USS Healy - Bridge]

"The 'good' news is..." Hrafn said breathlessly, after being shook about, looking around to try to see if Tess was ok, she was the one who, being 6 months pregnant, she was sure both she and Rayek were most worried about.  "... we are still in pretty much the same place modulo a few degrees out due to that shaking... nothing the helm can't adjust in a second."

Hearing that they couldn't get a message through to Katra, the Science Officer had a couple of suggestions.

"May I offer a couple of alternatives?  First we could ask our new 'friends' over on the CHS Revelation if they could relay a message if they're not gone too quickly.  Second option is that I could help recalibrate one of the terminals to broadcast on the old Bajoran Resistance frequency... it's little used but a few savvy traders still use it now and then... I know the Kosst Holana cycles thru to that wavelength occasionally because Arrun Dishar knows that I use it for emergencies!  And as a last resort... I can channel through to Nerys and Tidu... I can 'feel' them so I know I can get a message to them if we need to... it's how to word it so they don't get frightened but also so they can get to Captain Solluk or John Saxon and not have them disbelieve them."  she said giving a 'Let's hope one of those works' look.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - late Day 2]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 17, 2020, 05:04:59 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters -late Day 2]

Rayek sat patiently.  If he waited long enough the rodent would get used to him.

However before that could happen Tess came out of the bedroom with her PADD in hand and indicated that he should take a look at it.   Figuring he would try again with the ferret another time he pulled back his hand out of the kennel and shut it before taking up the PADD from his wife.  He looked over her medical record.  He didn't need Tess to point out what to look for it was rather clear -  Successful treatment of Pa'nar.

No sooner had he read the words than Tess confirmed that his file was the same.  "I don't remember the treatment at all.  How can that be?"

When Tess suggested that they do another brain scan, Rayek nodded his agreement.  "Yeah.. that's probably best." he answered distractedly as he searched what memories he did have for any recollection of the treatment but he got nothing.

It was all so frustrating!  The stirrings of a headache began to form and Rayek rubbed at his temples to ease the tension building there.   That's when he noticed the still implanted inhibitor chip.  Why would he need an inhibitor chip if it was the Pa'nar that had been causing the inadvertent telepathic connections?   Things were not adding up.

"I don't know", Tess said genuinely in response to his question. The prospect of them looking into it the next day calmed Tess down a bit. She was just about to suggest for them to head back to bed when she noticed Rayek looking uncomfortable and rubbing his temple. "Something wrong?", she asked quietly, looking at him. "Got a headache?"
Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - late Day 2]
Quote from: Solluk on June 16, 2020, 07:44:05 PM

CHS Revelation - Day 2, Late - Sector K

Commander Zheshil watched as the waves of subspace energy cascaded away from the Revelation.  The resultant resonance built up until a bright flash of light signaled the collapse of the subspace tesseract, and the return of the Federation ship to normal space.

"Safe travels," Zheshil whispered, then louder, "Activate subspace stabilization, and resume course to deliver the medical supplies.  Warp 9.9."

"Yes, Commander," Sharom said, "Engaging subspace stabilization.  Turbulence is well within limits.  Proceeding to Warp 9.9."

Unlike most warp technology in evidence throughout this region of space, the Celestial Harmony's warp systems had little concern for subspace disruptions of this type.

Soon, they were back on track to complete the Harmony's cure of the plague.  Given the incubation period of the virus, and the interventions already made to slow its spread, their medical rescue mission was still likely to be a complete success despite this detour.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 17, 2020, 05:04:59 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge - late Day 2](inside subspace fold)

On the Healy, as the alien ship initiated their modulated subspace wave, turbulence was a poor word for the shaking going on.  It was good that they'd recommended reinforcing their structural integrity because as the wave vibrations built the pressure on the frame of the ship intensified.  "Hull pressure is at 65% and climbing. Shields are taking a beating from those subspace waves - they are down to 87% and continuing to drop." he called out.

With the forewarning that there was going to be turbulence, Rayek had opted to use the tactical station's seat-belt safety system.  He hoped Tess had taken that precaution as well; but he didn't have the luxury of being able to turn about to check, because he was busy ensuring that the subspace resonance wave frequencies which were continuing to build to a  crescendo, didn't completely by-pass the depleting shields by some random fluke of naturally occurring frequency harmonic...  If the resonance got anywhere near the ship's shield frequency Rayek would adjust it to an entirely different frequency.  "Hull pressure is at 85%.  Shields are at 45%"

The turbulence only lasted about 45 second, but it felt far longer to the Romulan, before there was a flash and suddenly they free!  Stars and another ship filled the view screen.  He checked the readings on his console to be sure he wasn't jumping the gun with his next statement. "The tesseract has collapsed."

Mindful of Tess' previous orders, no sooner had he confirmed their release then Rayek attempted to contact Katra to forewarn of a possible attack but the subspace instability seemed to block every attempt he made.  =/\= "USS Healy to Katra Station.  Please respond." =/\=   But all he got back was chaotic static.

"Subspace communications appear to be ineffective making it through this residual instability. I can continue trying at regular intervals but.... science can confirm better than I however if does seem as if our benefactors were correct in their estimation of the size and duration of this subspace instability...  It's become a sort of storm out there." he informed Tess as he released his safety harness and turned to look towards her for her next set of orders.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 17, 2020, 07:03:24 AM

[USS Healy - Bridge]

"The 'good' news is..." Hrafn said breathlessly, after being shook about, looking around to try to see if Tess was ok, she was the one who, being 6 months pregnant, she was sure both she and Rayek were most worried about.  "... we are still in pretty much the same place modulo a few degrees out due to that shaking... nothing the helm can't adjust in a second."

Hearing that they couldn't get a message through to Katra, the Science Officer had a couple of suggestions.

"May I offer a couple of alternatives?  First we could ask our new 'friends' over on the CHS Revelation if they could relay a message if they're not gone too quickly.  Second option is that I could help recalibrate one of the terminals to broadcast on the old Bajoran Resistance frequency... it's little used but a few savvy traders still use it now and then... I know the Kosst Holana cycles thru to that wavelength occasionally because Arrun Dishar knows that I use it for emergencies!  And as a last resort... I can channel through to Nerys and Tidu... I can 'feel' them so I know I can get a message to them if we need to... it's how to word it so they don't get frightened but also so they can get to Captain Solluk or John Saxon and not have them disbelieve them."  she said giving a 'Let's hope one of those works' look.

Fortunately Tess wasn't thrown out of her seat by the turbulences. She followed with slight worry Rayek's reports about the shields and the hull pressure, hopring with every second the turbulences lasted that they would stop the next. In the end it had not even been a full minute - the hull and shields probably wouldn't have lasted a full minute, or barely.

At the same time as Rayek confirmed that the tesseract had collapsed, the blank view on the viewscreen was replaced with the familiar one of the glowing stars in the dark. The Celestial Harmony was already gone, so there was no way of communicating. Tess nodded at Hrafn's suggestions for communication. "Give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I guess."

"Helm, set course for Katra Station, warp 6." She then turned back to Hrafn. "Are the sensors working now? If so, keep an eye out for the Karemma freighter or the Wanderers." She wasn't sure if the tesseract incident was related to the distress call or not. Both scenarios made not much sense.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - morning of Day 3 - before the meeting]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 17, 2020, 05:04:59 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](Day 3 - early morning)

Tess' sudden mood swing took Rayek by surprise.  He stared at her disbelieving at first to hear her say that the switch to Gamma shift had been her idea to begin with.  He wanted to ask why when her face softened back to its usual gentleness and she offered up her reasons.

Of course she would be worried about him, but it wasn't he who was the one growing their child inside them.   He briefly considered trying to argue against her decision - to make her see reason -  but thought it best if he didn't upset her any further.  Perhaps a night of missing his supportive presence might make it easier to change her mind on his assignment.

Since she had issued her words as an order as both his XO and CMO, Rayek felt obliged to acknowledge those orders "Yes, ma'am.  I understand.  No extra work after this."  Though by this he meant the additional work assigned him by Saxon.

He closed the screen on his PADD so to prevent her from reading about the additional work and turned her attention back to breakfast.  "Let's eat before the food gets cold.  As this may be our last meal together for a while, let's make the most of it."

He carried the plates over to the table, where the juice and tea were already set out.

"Dig in."

Tess smiled, pleased that Rayek didn't aruge, and then let him lead her to the table for breakfast. "We still can have lunch together", she suggested with a smile as she sat down and began to eat the delicious pankcakes Rayek had made for them.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - morning of Day 3]

Quote from: John Saxon on June 16, 2020, 03:06:54 PM

[Katra Station - Deck 2 - Briefing Room - Day 3, early morning

'Century' nodded in response to Solluk as he was offered a bagel from the display on the table. His grandfather used to bring them over when he visited the Saxon home, and young John always opted for the plain (or 'classic' as his father used to say). Blissfully, coffee was also available and while the old officer preferred hot drinks made with leaves; a super-heated infusion of free-radicals and tannin, just the thing for healing the synapses.

But the bean would do just this once.

And it did smell good.

So as he selected a glazed hoop, reading his PADD with the other, John acknowledged the Captain's follow-up about a subspace storm obscuring long-range sensors. "Very good. I'll enable three concentric patrols." Two subspace events in as many days? Saxon didn't like it, but the outer patrol would be a passable early warning alternative. It would have to be led by an experienced, diligent combat pilot- he made a note to check whether Ferris was available.

He moved to put the bagel down on the briefing and returned to pour the coffee, the display device still giving him his almost undivided attention; one particular report needing re-reading for the third time, as he thought he wasn't taking it in properly. "Doct- Commander" he spoke aloud after a moment. "Did Healy's Engineering Team report any problems with the warp core after your encounter with the subspace..", he debated the word, coming up with "trap? I ran a remote tactical readiness diagnostic and her power curves seem to showing some failure in the refits Lt Goodspeed has installed."

He looked to Solluk. "I don't think we need to take the Healy out of commission, but having Goodspeed or Rhade take a look when we step down the alert might be useful. As it is, I've requested Raye- Ensign tr'Lhoell - to prime a quantum payload."

Taking a sip of the coffee, raising an eyebrow at its smokey scent, he moved back to his chosen seat. There was more he wanted to add - an automated flag had been raised to his Daily Security Report of several failed attempts of biometric access to systems; they had immediately been resolved by a successful attempt, but the intelligent software had noted the trend. Most interestingly, it had been Rayek who had shown the most failed attempts. He casually wondered if Romulans had something akin to the Vulcan pon'farr, which historically messed up biochemicals.

Inwardly, he suddenly blanched at the random thought - he had asked Rayek to oversee the loading of quantum torpedoes, arguably the most potent ordnance in Katra's arsenal.

Suddenly meeting the Tholians seemed a welcome distraction.

Tess was sipping her coffee as she looked over to John when he addressed her. A frown was forming on her face and her expression became stern. The doctor seemed disgruntled - for a second time this morning. Her words were somewhat gruff as she replied. "We had to make modifications to escape the tesseract. Otherwise we still would be stuck in there now, Lieutenant." His suggestion to let Goodspeed or Rhade take a look at the Healy seemed not to sit well with the Ba'ku doctor. "I would advise against stepping down the alert any time soon, Captain", Tess said determined. She'd be ordering any Engineering teams to stay away from the Healy should Saxon decide to have a team working on the ship.
Quote from: Beja on June 17, 2020, 02:01:53 AM

USS Katra - Briefing Room - Day Three

Beja had been up all night. She had lost count of the number of raktajinos she had downed during the night. She needed all the help in order to get all the research done in the limited amount of time she had been given. Zex had sent her all the information she had on the crystalline entity and the Tholians. Beja had responded to her inquiry to reassure the Deltan that the meeting would be at 0900 in the briefing room.

The spread that the Captain had kindly had for them was greatly appreciated by Beja. She gladly picked a random bagel, and made sure to put a lot of the spread that the humans at the academy always raved about. It was an odd food to Beja. One could not hunt down the bagels in the wild and enjoy the sacrifice they had given for them all to be nourished. Though as the humans popular old saying 'When in Rome', one eats Roman bagels.

Beja also got a hot decaffeinated tea from the replicator. She didn't need anymore caffeine. She was plenty wide awake with her previous drinks, and adrenaline. She smiled brightly at those already in the meeting, greeting them all with a good morning to each. Tess, Hrafhn, Saxon, and Solluk, all were there early. She mentally chided herself for being late, she always wanted to be early, being on time was late.

"Good morning all! I hope you all had a good night's rest," Beja took a seat at the table. She smiled over at Tess, "Commander t'Lhoell, I hope we could talk after the meeting. I have a request that I hope you can help me and the diplomatic needs of Katra with." She had wanted to talk with Tess about keeping Roberto for a couple more days at Katra. She needed his assistance with the Meridian illness and treating the President who was very concerned about privacy.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 17, 2020, 07:03:24 AM

[Conference Room]

"Oooh and toasted bagels... Boss, now c'mon... you spoil us!!  Oooh seeded!  That one looks good, yep I'll have me one of them."  Hrafn said and sat down with her bagel and coffee.

"Happy is the CSO who has to come to an early meeting after a late night and has a boss nice enough to provide brekkie!  By the way, as I think both you and Tess know her... Crista got engaged last night.  I'm so happy for her, she and her beloved are staying on base though, so I'm not losing the nanny sent from the Prophets themselves, just I need to find an engagement and eventually a wedding gift!  This is what happens when I give her the night off!" she giggled.

"As for the probe launching...aye soon as we're done here, Captain... I'm intrigued myself.
Morning, John!"
the redhaired Science officer 'saluted' Saxon with her mug as she took another drink.  "The kids loved having you about last night.  We really have to do that again, they really enjoy being around all of you and it tired them out enough that I had zero complaints about 'straight to bed'!!"

Being a mother was challenging, but she loved it.

Her attention was drawn to Beja when she addressed her and her face softened again. "Oh, absolutely", Tess replied readily as she set down her mug of coffee to pick up her PADD. "I've got an appointment in sickbay later .." She had made an appointment for herself and Rayek at 1200 hrs in sickbay for their brain scan to check if the Pa'nar was flaring or if their memory loss had other causes, "...but I think I will have enough time for us to have a talk before that." She smiled.

At the news of Crista's engagement, Tess face lighted up. "Oh, that is wonderful!", she beamed. "Thank you for letting us know, we too would like to make a gift to the happy couple!"

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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