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S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 30, 2020, 09:18:01 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]
Tess looked to Rayek and was rather impressed by the idea. She glanced back to Hrafn to hear her opinion on it.

"We can definitely try it." When Hrafn and Rayek were indicating they had found a silithium trail that would suit their purposes and set up the sensor to send a signal along that path, Tess gave her authorization code so the firechain wouldn't block the new instruction. "Authorization Dr. t'Lhoell, Delta-3-7-4-Echo-1." She looked to Rayek, nodding her head as indication that he could now send the signal.

The signal was sent along the silithium trail.  For long moments, Rayek wondered if it was going to work then a signal was returned.

"It's worked!  Receiving sensor and video feed from the satellite of Katra Station."

Nothing in the readings coming from the station itself was worrisome.  It was not under attack.  There were no alerts.  All seemed to be okay with the station until Rayek spotted it.

"Captain! There at Saucer 1.  It's us.  It's the Healy."  Rayek zoomed in on the visual feed being sent by the Firechain satellite.  While he still had no clue who had laid the trap for the Healy.  The why became all too clear.  "Whoever laid that tesseract trap, replaced the ship... and more than likely us as well."

To confirm this Rayek sent along the silithium trail another programmed request.  The Firechain satellite was ordered to connect to the station network and with Tess' authorization access the OCC security video and send it back along the silithium trail.

There on the security feed was what looked like Tess.  Visually it appeared to be a perfect copy.  Rayek immediately suspected Changelings.  Perhaps the Founders and the Dominion were not as scattered as first suggested.  Rayek turned in his seat to look back at Tess.

"Captain, I fear that if we were to simply return to the station that our replacements would cast doubt on our identity.  I recommend caution and ... perhaps if we can use the subspace distortions to our advantage.. a bit of stealth."

Quote from: John Saxon on June 30, 2020, 06:53:39 AM

[Saxon's Office - Deck 2 - some moments prior]

" =/\= Captain, with your permission, I'd like to mobilise DICE and instigate a silent Intruder Alert to apprehend these individuals. We don't know what their endgame is, and I have to admit I am concerned what they've already achieved.  =/\="

Quote from: John Saxon on June 30, 2020, 06:48:29 PM

[Katra Station - Operational Control Centre]

About to move over to Tactical, Captain Solluk entered the OCC, with a stack of PADDs who them began to arrange and distribute. John updated him on the current situation as he did so. His PADD seemed to be a master control interface for the station's entire operating function. Smart. "DICE proceeding to Saucer 1 to secure. Tractor beams ready for dual-mode operation. Goodspeed has identified 'Ensign tr'Lhoell'" his tone indicated the dubious inflection, "was here this morning but no activity was logged. I'm just about to-"

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 30, 2020, 09:18:01 AM

Replicant - Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Turbolift >>> Customs Saucer 1 - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Reaching the docking control room her hand felt for the phaser but the next second she realized it was rRayek. Slipping inside to him she noticed the unconscious crewman. "Falleg is on board." She nodded to rRayek's combadge. "Protocols are in place, transport on board should already be standing by." Since rTess had gotten rid of her combadge they'd have to call for two to beam up. rTess glanced about to see if there was any sign of security forces. "We better hurry."

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Customs / Docking Control Room]

Tess' arrival in the Docking Control room, was met with a phaser leveled on her as she rounded the doorway.  rRayek was quick to lower his phaser and smiled at his 'wife'.  Though he recognized that rTess was not really married to him outside of this groomed persona, the feelings associated with that relationship were very much real.

"Check to make sure it's not one of the sabotaged firearms.  I don't want it exploding in your hand at a crucial time."

He turned back to the docking controls.  One of the first things he'd done was to locked out Ops from overriding this station.  He tapped the console in front of him and with loud 'clunk'  the clamps on the Healy released.. and the umbilical began to retract.   Then he used his phaser and fired on the console.

"Let's go."  From here they needed to head across Customs to the transporter cleared zone.   However, the moment rRayek stepped out of the control room he heard the rapid approach of what he could only assume was the DICE team.  "Saxon wastes no time.  We have to go now.  You go first, I'll distract them and cover your escape." He pulled off his commbadge and tapped it in a specific sequence.  "Computer - add user Tess t'Lhoell."

The badge made slight bleep before Rayek handed it over to Tess.  "I'll make my way to the transport area after you.  Once you are on the ship - send back the commbadge. or lock onto the only Romulan bio sign... either will work."

Rayek had always been curious what it would be like to test himself against Saxon's experience and tactical genius. rRayek would find out how well that went.

He took a step to leave then stopped and gave in to the need to leave rTess with a kiss.  It could be his last.  He broke away after a short time... he was risking her by giving in to this sentimentality.   Then dashed onto the Customs floor and took position to wait for the DICE team to get in range.

Replicant - Ensign Darek tr'Hava
[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Engineering Day 3 - 3pm]

The Caitian intruder had to be stopped at all costs that was the one thought that kept repeating through Darek's mind.   He had one of the other engineers call for security with an intruder alert, while he attempted to phase down the forcefield the Felinoid had erected around that one station.

Calling out commands as he continued firing, he tried to negate the problems that would result from his intrusion. "Find a way to reroute around that console!  Cancel it's access!"

Replicant - Lt jg Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge Day 3 - 3pm]

Saqa7 stepped out of the turbolift and glanced about frowning at only seeing Falleg and Stewart present.  "Are Tess and Rayek not back yet?"

The replicant Saqa7 had managed one of her two tasks.  "Do we know what went wrong? she asked her Department Head as she leaned against the railing behind Hrafn, glancing between the two women while she waited.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

The increase in speed cut nearly another two hours off their arrival time.  They had passed through the Oort Cloud in the spot where they were in communication with the Firechain satellite and now were less than 30 minutes out from the station.

Science had been amazing at masterminding a means of increasing the subspace distortions in a couple kilometer radius of the Healy..  making it seem like a particularly bad squall was approaching.

During their travel to the Trialus system, Rayek and those on the Bridge watched the activity on the OCC... Rayek had even added to the program audio.  They watched as their own signal from earlier seem to finally be unscrambled and then suddenly the fake Tess left.   But what caught Rayek's attention was when Saxon arrived on the OCC he seemed to know somehow that the Tess on the station was working against them.

"Tess.. I mean, Captain..  this could be our opportunity to let at least Saxon know that WE are here.  An alert message through the Firechain could inform him we are present and available. Now that he knows that he has suspicions about that one he will be more inclined realize you are the real Tess."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 30, 2020, 09:18:01 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

Tess smiled at Hrafn and her trying to cheer them up with positive thoughts. At the topic of parents doing anything to protect or help their child no matter if they have to do something they would shy away from normally, Tess chuckled. "As a doctor you shouldn't be afraid of blood, poop or other bodily fluids in general, there is a high chance you will have to deal with it sooner or later and more or less frequently." In fact, Tess had never been really squeamish in regards to things other people might find disgusting. As a kid she never have had a problem to deal with the big blue worms on Ba'ku when she was fishing with her brother Rahul. That you got superpowers if the lives of your children or the person you loved were at stake was believable.

Tess looked to Rayek and was rather impressed by the idea. She glanced back to Hrafn to hear her opinion on it.

"We can definitely try it." When Hrafn and Rayek were indicating they had found a silithium trail that would suit their purposes and set up the sensor to send a signal along that path, Tess gave her authorization code so the firechain wouldn't block the new instruction. "Authorization Dr. t'Lhoell, Delta-3-7-4-Echo-1." She looked to Rayek, nodding her head as indication that he could now send the signal.

Replicant - Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Turbolift >>> Customs Saucer 1 - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Delicate fingers curled around the combadge at her chest and took tore it off the uniform just as the turbolift came to a halt. The piece of crystalline composite of gold, microfilament, silicon, beryllium and carbon-70 dropped to the floor of the tubolift with a quiet clonk as rTess addressed the computer. "Deck 22", she ordered as she stepped out and let the lift descend with her badge being the only 'occupant'.

Glancing around the vacant customs area rTess noticed two unconscious security officers. Her lips curled into a small grin - so Rayek had been here already. It was then that her PADD vibrated with a message that her badge had forwarded once more in writing.

Looking up, rTess bent down and grabbed the phaser one of the security officers wore to attach it to her own belt before she strode to the docking area. Unlike the real Tess, rTess had not yet had the privilege to be trained in aiming and shooting by John 'Century' Saxon. The basic knowledge she had would have to suffice. She was not sure if anyone had become suspicious yet, but she better assumed it.

Reaching the docking control room her hand felt for the phaser but the next second she realized it was rRayek. Slipping inside to him she noticed the unconscious crewman. "Falleg is on board." She nodded to rRayek's combadge. "Protocols are in place, transport on board should already be standing by." Since rTess had gotten rid of her combadge they'd have to call for two to beam up. rTess glanced about to see if there was any sign of security forces. "We better hurry."

NPCs Ensigns Ricci (Ops) and Shotar (Science)
[Katra Station - OCC - Day 3 - 3 pm]

If the junior officers were surprised by Saxon's orders they didn't show it. Their instructions were acknowledged with a sharp 'Yes, Sir', before they set to work.

The young half-Bajoran science officer was positive he'd be able to get Saxon the results he wanted given that he had been able to pinpoint another ship beyond the Oort cloud that had identified as the USS Healy. So he thought he should be able to find out more.

The hopefulness left him when the signal that had belonged to the Healy was nowhere to be seen. He frowned, the small creases that formed between his eyebrows building a unison with a ridges on his nose as he worked his console. He cleared the sensors, re-set them to once more get a hold on something out there, but he had no luck. "Sir", he spoke up as he glanced briefly up to see if he got John's attention, "we have lost the signal the sensors had been picking up before. The distortions have increased again, however, it seems they have done so around a selective area. There is no way our sensors can penetrate that." His fingers flew over the console as he made some computations.

Meanwhile, Ensign Ricci had executed her orders. As yet, no request for departure of the Healy had been made, but she had activated a protocol that would block any undocking procedures if they wouldn't be made from the OCC. She then issued the instructions to suspend transporter activity on the station while she let the computer gather the combadge activity and protocols of the names individuals. She also used the opportunity to locate them.

"Commander t'Lhoell is on deck 22, Ensign tr'Lhoell in the docking control room, Lt. Falleg and Lt. Rhade are aboard the Healy, Sir. Combadge logs have been transferred to your PADD."

[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

Hrafn grinned back at Tess, "Yeah, occupational hazard of medical personnel I guess, all the stuff that most people find gross! Ah well... I'm fine so long as it's not my blood, I'm never sure why though... you know you'd think I'd be more bothered if it was someone I care about.  I mean I do panic... especially if it's one of the kids, or Nevir... but I can clamp down on it, control it."

She listened to Rayek's suggestion.  "Silithium... of course... yes! Between us I think maybe we've 'got it'!"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 01, 2020, 02:37:30 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge]

The signal was sent along the silithium trail.  For long moments, Rayek wondered if it was going to work then a signal was returned.

"It's worked!  Receiving sensor and video feed from the satellite of Katra Station."

Nothing in the readings coming from the station itself was worrisome.  It was not under attack.  There were no alerts.  All seemed to be okay with the station until Rayek spotted it.

"Captain! There at Saucer 1.  It's us.  It's the Healy."  Rayek zoomed in on the visual feed being sent by the Firechain satellite.  While he still had no clue who had laid the trap for the Healy.  The why became all too clear.  "Whoever laid that tesseract trap, replaced the ship... and more than likely us as well."

To confirm this Rayek sent along the silithium trail another programmed request.  The Firechain satellite was ordered to connect to the station network and with Tess' authorization access the OCC security video and send it back along the silithium trail.

There on the security feed was what looked like Tess.  Visually it appeared to be a perfect copy.  Rayek immediately suspected Changelings.  Perhaps the Founders and the Dominion were not as scattered as first suggested.  Rayek turned in his seat to look back at Tess.

"Captain, I fear that if we were to simply return to the station that our replacements would cast doubt on our identity.  I recommend caution and ... perhaps if we can use the subspace distortions to our advantage.. a bit of stealth."

Hrafn looked relived then almost angry.  "Thank goodness about getting contact...And whatever, that is or least the version of me, has been let loose with my kids... in the words of a 20th Century Terran character 'Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...' and well... I'm angry.  And scared for the kids, but don't worry, the only 'people' I'm wanting to rip limb from limb is... whatever that is!"
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 01, 2020, 02:37:30 AM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Customs / Docking Control Room]

Tess' arrival in the Docking Control room, was met with a phaser leveled on her as she rounded the doorway.  rRayek was quick to lower his phaser and smiled at his 'wife'.  Though he recognized that rTess was not really married to him outside of this groomed persona, the feelings associated with that relationship were very much real.

"Check to make sure it's not one of the sabotaged firearms.  I don't want it exploding in your hand at a crucial time."

He turned back to the docking controls.  One of the first things he'd done was to locked out Ops from overriding this station.  He tapped the console in front of him and with loud 'clunk'  the clamps on the Healy released.. and the umbilical began to retract.   Then he used his phaser and fired on the console.

"Let's go."  From here they needed to head across Customs to the transporter cleared zone.   However, the moment rRayek stepped out of the control room he heard the rapid approach of what he could only assume was the DICE team.  "Saxon wastes no time.  We have to go now.  You go first, I'll distract them and cover your escape." He pulled off his commbadge and tapped it in a specific sequence.  "Computer - add user Tess t'Lhoell."

The badge made slight bleep before Rayek handed it over to Tess.  "I'll make my way to the transport area after you.  Once you are on the ship - send back the commbadge. or lock onto the only Romulan bio sign... either will work."

Rayek had always been curious what it would be like to test himself against Saxon's experience and tactical genius. rRayek would find out how well that went.

He took a step to leave then stopped and gave in to the need to leave rTess with a kiss.  It could be his last.  He broke away after a short time... he was risking her by giving in to this sentimentality.   Then dashed onto the Customs floor and took position to wait for the DICE team to get in range.

Replicant - Ensign Darek tr'Hava
[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Engineering Day 3 - 3pm]

The Caitian intruder had to be stopped at all costs that was the one thought that kept repeating through Darek's mind.   He had one of the other engineers call for security with an intruder alert, while he attempted to phase down the forcefield the Felinoid had erected around that one station.

Calling out commands as he continued firing, he tried to negate the problems that would result from his intrusion. "Find a way to reroute around that console!  Cancel it's access!"

Replicant - Lt jg Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge Day 3 - 3pm]

Saqa7 stepped out of the turbolift and glanced about frowning at only seeing Falleg and Stewart present.  "Are Tess and Rayek not back yet?"

The replicant Saqa7 had managed one of her two tasks.  "Do we know what went wrong? she asked her Department Head as she leaned against the railing behind Hrafn, glancing between the two women while she waited. 

[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge Day 3 - 3pm]

rHrafn shook her head in answer to rSaqa7 "Not a clue yet I'm afraid, and I haven't seen them since the meeting before.  I'm sure they'll be here unless that old stalwart Saxon has sussed something, maybe we should have taken him out prior to this."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 01, 2020, 02:37:30 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

The increase in speed cut nearly another two hours off their arrival time.  They had passed through the Oort Cloud in the spot where they were in communication with the Firechain satellite and now were less than 30 minutes out from the station.

Science had been amazing at masterminding a means of increasing the subspace distortions in a couple kilometer radius of the Healy..  making it seem like a particularly bad squall was approaching.

During their travel to the Trialus system, Rayek and those on the Bridge watched the activity on the OCC... Rayek had even added to the program audio.  They watched as their own signal from earlier seem to finally be unscrambled and then suddenly the fake Tess left.   But what caught Rayek's attention was when Saxon arrived on the OCC he seemed to know somehow that the Tess on the station was working against them.

"Tess.. I mean, Captain..  this could be our opportunity to let at least Saxon know that WE are here.  An alert message through the Firechain could inform him we are present and available. Now that he knows that he has suspicions about that one he will be more inclined realize you are the real Tess."

[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

"I should have told the kids, if that message got through anyhow, to go to their Grandad, he is the epitome of suspicion ... goes with his job, I mean he's like D'Artagnan in the Musketeer stories... if there was the slightest doubt about something he would track it down like a bloodhound.  Yes, I think John Saxon is our best bet here, that or Solluk but we don't want to compromise the Captain." Hrafn said pensively.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 01, 2020, 02:37:30 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge]

The signal was sent along the silithium trail.  For long moments, Rayek wondered if it was going to work then a signal was returned.

"It's worked!  Receiving sensor and video feed from the satellite of Katra Station."

Nothing in the readings coming from the station itself was worrisome.  It was not under attack.  There were no alerts.  All seemed to be okay with the station until Rayek spotted it.

"Captain! There at Saucer 1.  It's us.  It's the Healy."  Rayek zoomed in on the visual feed being sent by the Firechain satellite.  While he still had no clue who had laid the trap for the Healy.  The why became all too clear.  "Whoever laid that tesseract trap, replaced the ship... and more than likely us as well."

To confirm this Rayek sent along the silithium trail another programmed request.  The Firechain satellite was ordered to connect to the station network and with Tess' authorization access the OCC security video and send it back along the silithium trail.

There on the security feed was what looked like Tess.  Visually it appeared to be a perfect copy.  Rayek immediately suspected Changelings.  Perhaps the Founders and the Dominion were not as scattered as first suggested.  Rayek turned in his seat to look back at Tess.

"Captain, I fear that if we were to simply return to the station that our replacements would cast doubt on our identity.  I recommend caution and ... perhaps if we can use the subspace distortions to our advantage.. a bit of stealth."

When Rayek announced that their plan had worked, Tess leaned forward in her seat. "Split main view screen and put the video there", she asked.

At first glance Tess didn't see anything alarming. Everything looked perfectly normal until Rayek directed her attention to one of the ships that were docked at the station. Her eyes went wide. "How can that be?", she asked bewildered. Rayek's suggestion that someone copied the ship and them was too strange - but at second thought she did see the Healy there. If they could copy a whole ship and assumably perfect enough to make everyone believe it was the realy Healy would they also be able to make copies of them as well? Apparently, as another glance on the screen showed. Tess stared at the screen in disblief.

"If that's true, someone had been analysing us during our time inside the tesseract. I want all sensor logs to be checke once more, looking specifically for that kind of activities that might have gone unnoticed by us."

Rayek's warning was justified. But still Tess couldn't help but wonder how that someone had conducted this. She nodded to Rayek and then looked over to Hrafn. "Hrafn, see if you can find a way to increase the distortion around us so we can remain unnoticed as long as possible."

She then thumbed the comm button at her arm panel. =/\= "Engineering, I need higher warp speed as quick as possible. Keep me posted." =/\=

Replicant - Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Docking Control Room/Customs - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 01, 2020, 02:37:30 AM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Customs / Docking Control Room]

Tess' arrival in the Docking Control room, was met with a phaser leveled on her as she rounded the doorway.  rRayek was quick to lower his phaser and smiled at his 'wife'.  Though he recognized that rTess was not really married to him outside of this groomed persona, the feelings associated with that relationship were very much real.

"Check to make sure it's not one of the sabotaged firearms.  I don't want it exploding in your hand at a crucial time."

He turned back to the docking controls.  One of the first things he'd done was to locked out Ops from overriding this station.  He tapped the console in front of him and with loud 'clunk'  the clamps on the Healy released.. and the umbilical began to retract.   Then he used his phaser and fired on the console.

"Let's go."  From here they needed to head across Customs to the transporter cleared zone.   However, the moment rRayek stepped out of the control room he heard the rapid approach of what he could only assume was the DICE team.  "Saxon wastes no time.  We have to go now.  You go first, I'll distract them and cover your escape." He pulled off his commbadge and tapped it in a specific sequence.  "Computer - add user Tess t'Lhoell."

The badge made slight bleep before Rayek handed it over to Tess.  "I'll make my way to the transport area after you.  Once you are on the ship - send back the commbadge. or lock onto the only Romulan bio sign... either will work."

Rayek had always been curious what it would be like to test himself against Saxon's experience and tactical genius. rRayek would find out how well that went.

He took a step to leave then stopped and gave in to the need to leave rTess with a kiss.  It could be his last.  He broke away after a short time... he was risking her by giving in to this sentimentality.   Then dashed onto the Customs floor and took position to wait for the DICE team to get in range.

At his prompt rTess checked the phaser she had taken from the security officer for its controls to see if there had been sabotage done to them that would cause the phaser to release all of its energy in an explosion. "It's safe", she stated while she watched rRayek working on the console, occassionally glancing about to see if they had been discovered already.

Stepping out of the Docking Control Room with him rTess took rRayek's badge. She nodded, her heart clenching at the notion of leaving him behind - even if it was just temporarily. She accepted the brief kiss readily and squeezed his hand. "I'll see you in a bit", she said confidently, then she turned to hurry across customs as quick as her pregnant state would allow. She kept the phaser in her hand, ready to aim at anyone who might want to stop her. It didn't feel right to her at all, but she knew she would be made doing it.

Once she reached the transporter cleared zone a moment later she tapped the badge.  =/\= "t'Lhoell to Healy, emergency beam-up. Also, lock transporter on the Romulan bio sign at Saucer 1 Customs and beam him up as quick as possible!"

A moment later the transporter beam took hold of her and rTess disappeared from the station - re-materializing in the rHealy's transporter room. "Beam Rayek on board!", she called out to the replicant Ensign present who did so promptly. rTess didn't waste a second to call the bridge. =/\= "Raise shields and charge weapons. You have permission to fire on anything that will try to stop us. And let's get out of here!" =/\=

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 01, 2020, 02:37:30 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

The increase in speed cut nearly another two hours off their arrival time.  They had passed through the Oort Cloud in the spot where they were in communication with the Firechain satellite and now were less than 30 minutes out from the station.

Science had been amazing at masterminding a means of increasing the subspace distortions in a couple kilometer radius of the Healy..  making it seem like a particularly bad squall was approaching.

During their travel to the Trialus system, Rayek and those on the Bridge watched the activity on the OCC... Rayek had even added to the program audio.  They watched as their own signal from earlier seem to finally be unscrambled and then suddenly the fake Tess left.   But what caught Rayek's attention was when Saxon arrived on the OCC he seemed to know somehow that the Tess on the station was working against them.

"Tess.. I mean, Captain..  this could be our opportunity to let at least Saxon know that WE are here.  An alert message through the Firechain could inform him we are present and available. Now that he knows that he has suspicions about that one he will be more inclined realize you are the real Tess."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg

[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

"I should have told the kids, if that message got through anyhow, to go to their Grandad, he is the epitome of suspicion ... goes with his job, I mean he's like D'Artagnan in the Musketeer stories... if there was the slightest doubt about something he would track it down like a bloodhound.  Yes, I think John Saxon is our best bet here, that or Solluk but we don't want to compromise the Captain." Hrafn said pensively.

The past two hours had ticked by painfully slow. Rayek commented on the newest developments. Hrafn seconded that, so Tess agreed that this could be their opportunity to act. "Send an alert message to him. Tell him we're hiding in the squall of distortion."

Tess glanced back to the view screen. Suddenly her eyes went wide when she saw the narcelles of the 'other' Helay flashed up. "They're trying to escape!"

"Yellow Alert", she called out to Rayek. She didn't know what exactly their 'doppelganger's' plan was, but they should get ready to intervene and stop them if they could. "Let's keep an eye on them, if they try to flee we will intercept. Are our sensors finally working?" Tess tried not to sound too frustrated, but these interferences were annoying, especially at a time like now.


NPC Relana (Nurse)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Relana was just on her way back to the reception desk after she had given a Bajoran patient the medication the doctor had prescribed for him. However, before she reached the desk, the sound and the motion of a person entering the sickbay caught her attention. It looked like a Human trader. The man looked pale as a ghost, beads of sweat on his forehead and he was gasping for air in panic.

"M-my ... chest ...", he gasped.

Relana was at his side in an instant, recognizing the sympthoms for a heart attack immediately.  =/\= "Doctor Mokawa, an emergency in the reception area " =/\=, she said urgently but quietly before she grabbed a medical kit just as the man collapsed to the floor.

Relana scanned him quickly and sure enough, the tricorder reading confirmed her assumption. Only a second later the doctor joined her. "5 cc's Tricordrazine", he ordered as he crouched down next to the man. Relana prepared the hypo-injector with the vial, set the dosage and handed the hypospray to him. He injected the stimulant and reached for the tricorder to check for the vital signs to stabilize. To his dismay the readings didn't get better. Instead the heart went into severe arrthythmias for a couple of seconds before it stopped beating completely. The medication that should have stabilized the man killed him.

Mokawa was speechless. Then his glance caught sight of the hypospray. "Nurse", the doctor hissed as quietly as he could to Relana but clearly furious. "I said 5 cc's!" He held the hypospray to her that showed '50' as the dosage.

"Sir, ... I- ..." This was insane. She was sure she had set the hypo for 5 cc's just like he had ordered. Apart from that, the hypospray would have given a warning if a dosage was set that would mean an overdose. "I don't know how that happened, I'm certain it was the right dosage."

Mokawa frowned grimly. "Take a break. I will take care of the further proceedings."

Little did he know that this would only be the first in a row of similar events.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Eydis on July 01, 2020, 01:06:43 AM

[Tholian cruiser Acrux docking ring ] 10am After the meeting Eydis was warrior caste member of extremely distrustful species. Perhaps it was nothing and could be easily explain away. After the response from the Klingons. Eydis would take a few seconds. It does not seem to be cause for concern Zex the deltan. If you have other things to attend to. I thank you for escorting me to my ship. I do look forward to seeing your homeworld. I still have to update my crew on having non tholians abroad my ship.

Thank you cruise Iks lod qan for confirming sensor reading . This sector and station remain relatively new to us.

[Docking Ring 3 - day 3 - after 3 pm]

"Shoo.  That is good.  I'm so glad that you there is no cause for concern" Zex replied.

"I do have some other things to do.  It has been my pleasure to escort you to and from the meeting.  Until next time, Eydis of Tholia" she said and dipped her head slightly.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Solluk shook his head.  Rhade's presence on the Healy didn't make sense as part of whatever conspiracy was going on.  But he recalled the man requesting that he be allowed to secretly board the Healy in contravention of orders.  Perhaps he was merely headstrong and insubordinate, and not an actual traitor or spy.

"With two Dominion nations on our proverbial doorstep, I should have instituted better impostor protocols," he told Saxon as his Strategic Operations Officer completed the extraction of the Caitian.  "When this is over, you and I are going to work together to make some."

Turning his attention back to the problem at hand, his mind raced through the possibilities.  "We may want to have the Quantum Torpedoes examined, if you haven't already.  The Commander was adamant about not allowing them aboard the Healy.  They may have been sabotaged."

Literally anything might have been sabotaged.  It was so frustrating.

"Let's get a message out to the fighter patrols.  Tell them to run diagnostics on their systems, and to prepare for the possibility of Blue-on-Blue operations.  Friend-Or-Foe may need to be disabled in the targeting systems.

Based on the amount of memory loss, I'm assuming we're on the same page that this is likely to be another Thinkers plot.  Every member of the Healy who came off of that ship was also a member of the staff who was captured by the Thinkers about a year ago.  Who knows what really happened out there?  They might have had detailed brain scans conducted.  Tissue samples for clones.  And since Commander t'Lhoell didn't want anyone on the Healy, the entire ship has to be suspect.

Based on what Ensign Shotar said, the last thing that happened before the Commander left the Control Center, was that the Healy was identified.  The real Healy, perhaps having just escaped from a real subspace trap, given all the radical subspace activity out there.  A premature escape, that forced the duplicate crew's plan into action.

It's all guesswork and supposition.  But it all fits well.

Maybe they weren't able to complete any espionage or sabotage.

Maybe they weren't ready for this.

Maybe we'll get them before they can escape."


Lots of maybe.

He was a Captain.  His post demanded more than maybes.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 01, 2020, 10:12:50 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

When Rayek announced that their plan had worked, Tess leaned forward in her seat. "Split main view screen and put the video there", she asked.

At first glance Tess didn't see anything alarming. Everything looked perfectly normal until Rayek directed her attention to one of the ships that were docked at the station. Her eyes went wide. "How can that be?", she asked bewildered. Rayek's suggestion that someone copied the ship and them was too strange - but at second thought she did see the Healy there. If they could copy a whole ship and assumably perfect enough to make everyone believe it was the real Healy would they also be able to make copies of them as well? Apparently, as another glance on the screen showed. Tess stared at the screen in disbelief.

"If that's true, someone had been analyzing us during our time inside the tesseract. I want all sensor logs to be checked once more, looking specifically for that kind of activities that might have gone unnoticed by us."

Rayek's warning was justified. But still Tess couldn't help but wonder how that someone had conducted this. She nodded to Rayek and then looked over to Hrafn. "Hrafn, see if you can find a way to increase the distortion around us so we can remain unnoticed as long as possible."

She then thumbed the comm button at her arm panel. =/\= "Engineering, I need higher warp speed as quick as possible. Keep me posted." =/\=

Rayek acknowledged the order to check the sensor and started on that as Tess called on Hrafn and then Engineering.

It was tr'Hava who replied for Engineering.  As expected, the Romulan engineer warned about the danger of the subspace distortions on the warp bubble at higher speeds but claimed that if she so ordered he and the Healy engineers would do their best to keep the warp bubble stable at slowly increasing speeds.

=/\= "We can increase our speed incrementally every few minutes from warp 7 to 8 - building to max if that's what you order... but I wouldn't recommend a straight jump from 7 to 8 or higher." =/\=

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 01, 2020, 10:12:50 AM

Replicant - Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Docking Control Room/Customs - Day 3 - 3 pm]

At his prompt rTess checked the phaser she had taken from the security officer for its controls to see if there had been sabotage done to them that would cause the phaser to release all of its energy in an explosion. "It's safe", she stated while she watched rRayek working on the console, occasionally glancing about to see if they had been discovered already.

Stepping out of the Docking Control Room with him rTess took rRayek's badge. She nodded, her heart clenching at the notion of leaving him behind - even if it was just temporarily. She accepted the brief kiss readily and squeezed his hand. "I'll see you in a bit", she said confidently, then she turned to hurry across customs as quick as her pregnant state would allow. She kept the phaser in her hand, ready to aim at anyone who might want to stop her. It didn't feel right to her at all, but she knew she would be made doing it.

Once she reached the transporter cleared zone a moment later she tapped the badge.  =/\= "t'Lhoell to Healy, emergency beam-up. Also, lock transporter on the Romulan bio sign at Saucer 1 Customs and beam him up as quick as possible!"

A moment later the transporter beam took hold of her and rTess disappeared from the station - re-materializing in the rHealy's transporter room. "Beam Rayek on board!", she called out to the replicant Ensign present who did so promptly. rTess didn't waste a second to call the bridge. =/\= "Raise shields and charge weapons. You have permission to fire on anything that will try to stop us. And let's get out of here!" =/\=

[USS rHealy - Transporter room]
There was a moments hesitation from the ensign rTess had addressed.

"Sorry sir, I can't.  He's not clear of Katra's anti-boarding measures.  I'll keep monitoring and grab him the moment I can."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Docking Control Room/Customs - Day 3 - 3 pm]

rRayek didn't have long to wait before the DICE team arrived.  He could hear rTess behind him still running across the Customs floor and his concern for her prompted him to be a tad more reckless than he might otherwise have been.  Remaining crouched behind a Customs desk, rRayek raised himself into view with his phaser leveled towards the man on point.

The DICE officer saw rRayek, turning to face him with his phaser rifle, ordering the Romulan to surrender even as he took aim, reading the situation and rRayek's muscle action to know that he was about to fire so intended to return fire. Thankfully, rRayek's reaction time was just a hair faster than the other Security officer and rRayek dropped him with a narrow beam - heavy stun, directly between the eyes, avoiding the armoring the would have otherwise negated most of the phaser's stunning effect.

Two more entered the area from different entrances, wide apart so that even with his phaser on wide-beam rRayek couldn't hope to hit them both with the same shot - even if they weren't wearing armor.  The replicant was forced to duck to avoid the first shots of the two.  Then because he didn't want the security team to target rTess, he popped out his head once more to fire on the security member closest to rTess' position.   His shot missed but it had the intended goal of having the man's attention return to him.

Yet this time when the two DICE team members aimed their phaser rifles on rRayek and triggered their weapons one after the other, intending to give coverfire to rest of the DICE team who were beginning to move into the room, the weapons didn't fire.  There was moment of confusion on their faces at the misfire before their weapons suddenly exploded in their hands.   The two security dropped - whether dead or merely incapacitated it was difficult to tell - the key thing was that they were no longer a threat. rRayek grinned.

Yes! They'd equipped from one of the armory caches he's managed to switch over.

It was likely that the remaining members would be hesitant to use their own weapons given that two misfired so horrendously, so rRayek used that hesitation to bolt from his position to charge forward and to the side, where he had a clear shot down the corridor where the remaining DICE team were checking their weapons and attempting to quickly decide their next assault move.   rRayek fired - wide beam, heavy stun.

Normally, such a tactically weak attack would have little effect on the DICE team who were armored.  But it wasn't them he was trying to hit, he was activating the self-destruct on the weapons.  Within moments of his beam sweeping over the corridor, the entire DICE team was down.

However, it was likely more were on the way.  He needed to get to the beam out point.  He turned and ran following where rTess had gone.   No sooner had he arrived in the unshielded section of the station, than he was beamed up by his ship.

Finding himself suddenly on the ship in the transporter room with rTess, he smiled in relief before mildly scolding "Shouldn't you be on the bridge, Captain?"

And he hurried that way with her.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 01, 2020, 10:12:50 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - Day 3 - 3 pm]

The past two hours had ticked by painfully slow. Rayek commented on the newest developments. Hrafn seconded that, so Tess agreed that this could be their opportunity to act. "Send an alert message to him. Tell him we're hiding in the squall of distortion."

Tess glanced back to the view screen. Suddenly her eyes went wide when she saw the nacelles of the 'other' Healy flashed up. "They're trying to escape!"

"Yellow Alert", she called out to Rayek. She didn't know what exactly their 'doppelganger's' plan was, but they should get ready to intervene and stop them if they could. "Let's keep an eye on them, if they try to flee we will intercept. Are our sensors finally working?" Tess tried not to sound too frustrated, but these interferences were annoying, especially at a time like now.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Grateful that once more Tess had trusted his recommendation, Rayek started on the programming to send an encrypted signal back through the Firechain satellite for Saxon to intercept.

The message would be sent as an alert message associated with the Firechain system.

Alert - Attention Saxon
Real Healy returning. Center of squall.  Prepared to intercept imposters.  Have eyes on OCC.

No sooner had the message been sent than Tess was calling for Yellow Alert.  Rayek activated the status and around the ship the klaxon sounded.

He checked the sensor feed from the Firechain and called out the other ships status.

"The other Healy has shields up and weapons are at the ready but not targeting anything yet."

On the viewscreen, they could hear Captain Solluk piecing together logically what had happened and likely how.

Tess' question about the sensors was difficult to answer, "Yes and no... right now we are tied into the Firechain and those are the sensors we are using since the heavy squall around us which is masking our presence also affects our sensors too...  once we drop the heavy distortions, we should regain sensors once more after a minute or two."

It was at that moment a sudden plume of fire erupted from the Internal Docking bay area.

At the same time the other Healy began moving away from the station at warp.

"Captain! They are bolting."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

John Saxon

[Katra Station - OCC]

Despite pouring over the Tactical station, frantically trying to find some indication of what 'Rayek' could have been up to, Saxon nonetheless nodded at the sensible suggestions from Captain Solluk. In many ways, establishing a robust impostor protocol was something he should have proposed much earlier - a case of being stretched too thin, he guessed. That wasn't to say he had many, many ideas to secure Katra from all sorts of internal and external threats, but implementing them in full would have risked turning this bright hub of commerce, defence and diplomacy into an armoured bunker; John had met, and fought against, those whose absolute power and paranoia manifested in nothing more than police states. He wouldn't become what he had fought all his life to dismantle, no matter how much that idea chimed with him.

Solluk's raising of the sabotage of the quantum torpedoes had occurred to the venerable officer, and he was waiting for a report from a deployed squad, a combat engineer with expertise in 'surreptitious infrastructure disruption' in tow,  to assess the ordnance. But not for the first time, John was relieved that one aspect of the presumed gambit 'Tess' and 'Rayek' had been playing had inadvertently denied them a distinct tactical advantage: 'Tess''s refusal to permit anyone aboard the 'Healy' prevented Goodspeed from assisting 'Rayek' from installing the upgraded quantum torpedo pods; the standard auxiliary launchers were designed from older - yet still reliable - technology; q-torps required a small, yet important, tweak to the acceleration coils and arming mechanisms to utilise the more modern payload when necessary, then reversed when switching back to photons. The dedicated quantum torpedo pods bypassed this complication, but at the same time reduced the payload to less than half of the photon magazine due to the warhead's scarcity - unlike photons, quantums still required some element of fabrication that was still not able to replicated, making them a precious resource until the next shipment from StarFleet.

Of course, the integral launchers in the Healy was still available to be modified in this way, so it was only a minor setback. Perhaps this was why Rhade could have been selected for assistance, requiring some expertise. Goodspeed may have been a more logical choice, but her often-present trained engineering voles could have been a risk to detection.

Also at Solluk's order, he contacted, on an encrypted emergency band, Lt Eli Ferris, the Squadron Leader of the three concentric Cobra patrols out in the Trialus system, to intercept the Healy, should she suddenly become outbound traffic. Amongst the strange orders flying around of late, John wondered how the competent Lead Pilot would take those instructions at face value...

Then many things happened at once. The life signs of the DICE team approaching Saucer 1 either terminated or became critical. Saxon slammed his fists into the console, furious that he was stuck up here in the OCC and not leading the charge, to where his place should be, among the troops. He was about to report to Solluk that Reach and Breach had failed, and to send in an overwhelming response, when Ricci called out. "Sir, the Healy is break-"

Her report was cut short by the savage rocking of the Centre. John kept on his feet, by mere virtue of clutching the console as an aftermath of his prior frustration. "Damage reports to the Captain!" he yelled to both Goodspeed and Ricci, his own eyes scanning the Tactical board for evidence of what had just occurred - it can't have been the Healy; as veteran of many a battle, the vibration through the deck plates had felt like something internal had occurred rather than an external strike; for a moment he wondered if the quantums had gone off, but they wouldn't be here if so.

At the same time, he spotted what Ricci was in the midst of reporting; the 'Healy' had broken free from the docking clamps, and was making its escape. Finally, he groused. Something practical to do since the attempt to shut-down the ship with its Prefix Code had failed. "Raising shields! Defence grid online!" At her rapid pace, the fake Healy was already nearing the outer range of the station's integral energy weapon systems - but had yet to contend with her torpedo reach, and the wider Firechain network. He selected four individual aspects of the fauxNew Orleans-class, each one capable of neutralising or impairing the ship all on its own; it would take just one to be successful. This was all in addition to the Fighter Screen that was hopefully on its way.

He was about to open fire, when he saw the incoming message on the Firechain interface screen. He grinned despite himself. At last, some good news, he thought dryly as he updated the IFF protocols to all friendly assets to distinguish between the inbound and outbound Healy. "Captain, I believe we have some some old colleagues returning" he called out, nodding to the overlay up on the holo-imager.

Tess tLhoell


Replicant - Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Transporter room]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2020, 06:56:09 AM

[USS rHealy - Transporter room]
There was a moments hesitation from the ensign rTess had addressed.

"Sorry sir, I can't.  He's not clear of Katra's anti-boarding measures.  I'll keep monitoring and grab him the moment I can."

rTess knew she should go to the bridge now, but concern over rRayek made her hesitate. Of course she could be kept posted by the officer via com about rRayek's safe beam-up, but in case he was injured she would be able to administer first aid right here. She already had given her orders to the bridge and she knew they would be followed.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2020, 06:56:09 AM

Finding himself suddenly on the ship in the transporter room with rTess, he smiled in relief before mildly scolding "Shouldn't you be on the bridge, Captain?"

And he hurried that way with her.

It had only been a couple of minutes but for rTess it had felt way longer while she waited for Rayek to be beamed aboard the Healy. She knew she couldn't wait much longer for him if their escape was impending to fail – and that rRayek in that case would 'self-destruct' himself before he would get caught. The notion weighed heavy on rTess and she knew she would wait til the very last second.
Finally, the Ensign announced that he got a hold on rRayek and a moment later he appeared in the transporter room while the Healy set off to break away from the station. She was relieved to see that he was not harmed and grinned back at him as they headed towards the exit. "I had to make sure my security officer would arrive on the ship safely", she replied as they walked down the corridor.
[USS rHealy - Bridge]

rTess was greeted by the sight of the aftermath of an explosion on the station, showing on the bridge's view screen. No doubt one of the sabotages they had conducted - but to rTess' dismay she noticed that the explosion was in the internal docking bays where her little brother had been assigned for duty. The possibility of him having been injured by that led to another thought -  she knew she had sabotaged the hypo-injectors. It was possible they would try to treat him with one of those - and depending on what it was they administered, an overdose of it would be deadly. Other officers, civilians, would be affected  - harmed or killed for sure. And more so, they would impede proper medical care severely. The station's doctors luck was that rTess had not been able to get to her plan to tamper with the replicator so every single hypo-injector that was replicated would be malfunctioning. Their premature activation had thwarted that plan.
rTess fought an inner battle of emotions inside her. The sense of worry over her brother and guilt about the officers that would be harmed or even killed by her doing was overwhelming, but at the same time there was nothing she could really do - nothing that would endanger their escape.

She addressed rHrafn. "The station's sensors have picked up the other Healy, can we detect them anywhere near us?" She didn't want them to get in the way. Looking to rRayek, she said, "If they should appear out of nowhere and they get in our way, open fire." The notion that her 'real' self was on the other Healy was a very strange one.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2020, 06:56:09 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3 pm]

Grateful that once more Tess had trusted his recommendation, Rayek started on the programming to send an encrypted signal back through the Firechain satellite for Saxon to intercept.

The message would be sent as an alert message associated with the Firechain system.

Alert - Attention Saxon
Real Healy returning. Center of squall.  Prepared to intercept imposters.  Have eyes on OCC.

No sooner had the message been sent than Tess was calling for Yellow Alert.  Rayek activated the status and around the ship the klaxon sounded.

He checked the sensor feed from the Firechain and called out the other ships status.

"The other Healy has shields up and weapons are at the ready but not targeting anything yet."

On the viewscreen, they could hear Captain Solluk piecing together logically what had happened and likely how.

Tess' question about the sensors was difficult to answer, "Yes and no... right now we are tied into the Firechain and those are the sensors we are using since the heavy squall around us which is masking our presence also affects our sensors too...  once we drop the heavy distortions, we should regain sensors once more after a minute or two."

It was at that moment a sudden plume of fire erupted from the Internal Docking bay area.

At the same time the other Healy began moving away from the station at warp.

"Captain! They are bolting."

Tess listened to Rayek's report about the other Healy. They had charged weapons ... so they definitely had to expect them to use them. "I'm afraid they won't let anyone stop them just like that ..." Tess tried to wait for the right moment to jump out of their 'hiding spot'. Then a bright fireball drew her attention back to the station. Tess froze. "What was that?!", she gasped, her fingers digging into the armrests. "Red Alert!" She wasn't entirely sure if the Healy had fired on the station or if something else had occured.

"Hrafn, drop the distortions around us and try to get our sensors working as quick as possible. Once that is done, I want an open channel to the Healy ... well, the other one." She hoped they could work with the firechain sensors until their own sensors were restored.
On the view screen she noticed with relief that their message had gone through to Saxon and they knew they were there.

NPC Lt. Dr. Mokawa
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Customs area]

Mokawa had arrived with a small medical team at the customs area after they have received a call from Ops that there were casualties there. Someone had taken out a whole DICE team - two had died, three were severely injured and the remaining two were slightly injured. While they had requested a site-to-site transport for the three severly injured men, Mokawa stayed and helped patching up the slightly injured officers who were still unconscious. "10 mg Cotropine, 6 cc's Hydrocortilene", Mokawa ordered. The nurse complied, administering the hypospray to one first before turning to the other. Just as she was about to switch the vials to administer the analgesic, the tricorder Mokawa was holding went off with warning alerts. "Cardiac arrhythmias! Cordrazine, quick!" While he spoke the other patient started to squirm in cramps as he let out the loudest pained grunt that transitioned into a groaned scream.

Mokawa likely wouldn't have suspected something to be wrong with the hypospray, but with the event not even an hour ago with Ensign Relana, he grabbed the hypo-injector out of the nurse's hands to take a look at it. '100'. The dosage had been 100, not 6 as he had ordered. The man let out a muttered expletive as he tossed the hypospray with force back into the medkit. "This hypospray it not to be used again!" What the heck was going on? "Ops, emergency site-to-site transport, two patients, Ensign Talis and me."

Back in sickbay he gave the officers into the hands of the medics there. The issue with the hypospray bothered Mokawa and gave him a really bad gut feeling. He had taken the hypo-injector with him and was about to call for Ensign Relana to find out where the hypospray was she had used earlier. He wanted to have them checked. But before he could do so another emergency call came in.

=/\= "Attention Medical! An explosion occurred in the internal docking bay, casualties on Level C - medics needed!" =/\=

Mokawa acknowledged the call and then made one himself. =/\= "Mokawa to all available medical personnel, report to duty on sickbay, emergency teams 1-3 report to the internal docking bay level C. Also, if you use hyposprays, double check the administering dosage! Mokawa out." =/\=

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Meridian - Planet's surface]

Roberto hated everything about his new assignment. While he was already grumpy about that alone and struggled to apply his knowledge to animals, he thought the Tellarite Science officer who had been assigned with him was not exactly trying to be very civil. He knew about the Tellarite's nature, and he never had been really good at tolerating it.

It was probably the wrong emotion to have, but when an emergency call came in that called him back onto the station, Roberto was relieved.

=/\= "Kir'Shara outpost to Padrini. All medical personnel is to report to sickbay." =/\=

=/\= "Acknowledged" =/\=, Roberto responded promptly and sent a not really genuine apologetic glance towards the Tellarite. "Sorry, duty calls." He then tapped his combadge and called for a beam up to the station.

Since Roberto was assigned to the personnel in sickbay to wait for the severely injured patients he stood and waited. He noted the five DICE officers in the hospital and wondered what the hell was going on here. Were they in another crisis? Those always seemed to find Katra.

It didn't take long and the first severely injured came into sickbay. Roberto leaned over the figure that had been beamed directly onto a biobed. The young officer must have been rather close to the source of the explosion. The Cadet's pip shone from the red collar and it took Roberto a moment to recognize the face beneath the blood and dirt. Benjin. "Shit", Roberto muttered as he glanced up at the bio monitor. Pulse was weak, blood loss severe.

Roberto started to give out orders to the nurse that had been assigned to him as he started to work through the steps to stabilize Benjin. He barely glanced up as there was a slight turmoil, something about a hypospray not working ...

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: John Saxon on July 02, 2020, 10:20:31 AM

[Katra Station - OCC]

Despite pouring over the Tactical station, frantically trying to find some indication of what 'Rayek' could have been up to, Saxon nonetheless nodded at the sensible suggestions from Captain Solluk. In many ways, establishing a robust impostor protocol was something he should have proposed much earlier - a case of being stretched too thin, he guessed. That wasn't to say he had many, many ideas to secure Katra from all sorts of internal and external threats, but implementing them in full would have risked turning this bright hub of commerce, defence and diplomacy into an armoured bunker; John had met, and fought against, those whose absolute power and paranoia manifested in nothing more than police states. He wouldn't become what he had fought all his life to dismantle, no matter how much that idea chimed with him.

Solluk's raising of the sabotage of the quantum torpedoes had occurred to the venerable officer, and he was waiting for a report from a deployed squad, a combat engineer with expertise in 'surreptitious infrastructure disruption' in tow,  to assess the ordnance. But not for the first time, John was relieved that one aspect of the presumed gambit 'Tess' and 'Rayek' had been playing had inadvertently denied them a distinct tactical advantage: 'Tess''s refusal to permit anyone aboard the 'Healy' prevented Goodspeed from assisting 'Rayek' from installing the upgraded quantum torpedo pods; the standard auxiliary launchers were designed from older - yet still reliable - technology; q-torps required a small, yet important, tweak to the acceleration coils and arming mechanisms to utilise the more modern payload when necessary, then reversed when switching back to photons. The dedicated quantum torpedo pods bypassed this complication, but at the same time reduced the payload to less than half of the photon magazine due to the warhead's scarcity - unlike photons, quantums still required some element of fabrication that was still not able to replicated, making them a precious resource until the next shipment from StarFleet.

Of course, the integral launchers in the Healy was still available to be modified in this way, so it was only a minor setback. Perhaps this was why Rhade could have been selected for assistance, requiring some expertise. Goodspeed may have been a more logical choice, but her often-present trained engineering voles could have been a risk to detection.

Also at Solluk's order, he contacted, on an encrypted emergency band, Lt Eli Ferris, the Squadron Leader of the three concentric Cobra patrols out in the Trialus system, to intercept the Healy, should she suddenly become outbound traffic. Amongst the strange orders flying around of late, John wondered how the competent Lead Pilot would take those instructions at face value...

Then many things happened at once. The life signs of the DICE team approaching Saucer 1 either terminated or became critical. Saxon slammed his fists into the console, furious that he was stuck up here in the OCC and not leading the charge, to where his place should be, among the troops. He was about to report to Solluk that Reach and Breach had failed, and to send in an overwhelming response, when Ricci called out. "Sir, the Healy is break-"

Her report was cut short by the savage rocking of the Centre. John kept on his feet, by mere virtue of clutching the console as an aftermath of his prior frustration. "Damage reports to the Captain!" he yelled to both Goodspeed and Ricci, his own eyes scanning the Tactical board for evidence of what had just occurred - it can't have been the Healy; as veteran of many a battle, the vibration through the deck plates had felt like something internal had occurred rather than an external strike; for a moment he wondered if the quantums had gone off, but they wouldn't be here if so.

At the same time, he spotted what Ricci was in the midst of reporting; the 'Healy' had broken free from the docking clamps, and was making its escape. Finally, he groused. Something practical to do since the attempt to shut-down the ship with its Prefix Code had failed. "Raising shields! Defence grid online!" At her rapid pace, the fake Healy was already nearing the outer range of the station's integral energy weapon systems - but had yet to contend with her torpedo reach, and the wider Firechain network. He selected four individual aspects of the fauxNew Orleans-class, each one capable of neutralising or impairing the ship all on its own; it would take just one to be successful. This was all in addition to the Fighter Screen that was hopefully on its way.

He was about to open fire, when he saw the incoming message on the Firechain interface screen. He grinned despite himself. At last, some good news, he thought dryly as he updated the IFF protocols to all friendly assets to distinguish between the inbound and outbound Healy. "Captain, I believe we have some some old colleagues returning" he called out, nodding to the overlay up on the holo-imager.

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Eydis had told her that the Tholian's had detected something.  But later determining that there was no cause for concern.  The Deltan was still curious to know though what was going on and thus had decided to come to the OCC.

If it turned out that it really was a false alarm, she was fully prepared to finish up her job duties on the OCC.  She still had some paperwork to do.  And the view was so much better here than her window-less office.

Zex stepped off the turbo just as the center started to shake.  She grabbed one side of the door frame to keep her self from falling.  Luckily she succeeded.

Her eyes searched the room.  Everyone seemed to be standing.  No one seemed to need any medical aid.

So she walked to the nearest, empty, duty station.  "Captain.  Lieutenant Saxon.  I'm here to help if you need me" she announced.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sick Bay

Beja had felt bad for Tess. It was clear the commander was under a lot of stress with her new position, and the transition was not as smooth as the commander had hoped it would be. Add on to that, Tess just a newly wed, and expecting her first child. That was a lot for one person to carry, but Beja had total faith and confidence in Tess' ability to do a great job. The crew needed to give it time to see that Tess had the skills for the position, and that it was not just given due to Rayek's fall from grace. Yes, Tess had the position because Rayek had an emotional break, but Tess was already on the rise to leadership herself. Tess deserved the position she had been appointed and Beja knew that the crew would realize that as well.

Beja had an appointment set up for later on that afternoon with Roberto, so that the two of them could go over the Meridian's scans and files, to see if they could find a root cause. It had been generous of Tess to allow him a few hours a day to be on Katra helping. The plan of course was that Beja hoped the two of them could discover the issue and that it would allow Roberto to stay on Katra full time again. But before any of that could take place, all hell broke loose as the religious human saying went.

There was an explosion that resulted in a red alert on Katra. Beja was already in the medical bay area, so she didn't need to go far. She helped get the sick bay ready for the injured to arrive. Beja was grateful to see Roberto arriving. And none of them had long to wait for the patients to arrive.

"I'm here to help, what do you need Roberto?" Beja glanced down at the patient, and made the same realization that Roberto had. Tess' brother Benjin. He was one of the newer cadets to the station. He was a very sweet and kind person from all of her personal interactions with him. But all of that had to be put aside and they had to remain calm, and level headed.

Beja smiled over at Roberto with a nod and began to help him stabilize their patient. Right now, they had to just help each person that came into the medical bay. She didn't know what attacked them, or who, but that could wait. The crew needed them, and Beja was ready to serve her crew.


[Tholian Cruiser Acrux] Eydis would watch on the center cube holographic projection the explosion and the federation vessel to to warp. Well that was odd to see. That ship likely didn't have clearance for that, that thought seemed to amuse hir. But then it dawned on hir that hir friend Zex could be hurt. While none of hir crew either in the ship or embassy had been hurt. Shi was worried about zex enough to send a order over the lattice to those in the embassy. Security officer Sadko and warrior Kobun, leave the embassy and inform me of the currently situation and if any aid is needed. Also please find my friend zex the deltan see if she is alright

[Tholian embassy] Two tholians would exit the embassy in evo suits. Seemingly unarmed saved for the crystalline daggers at their side. The taller one Sadko at 7 feet would lean hir head out to look down either direction or the corridor in a almost comically fashions

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Solluk on July 02, 2020, 04:19:10 AM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Solluk shook his head.  Rhade's presence on the Healy didn't make sense as part of whatever conspiracy was going on.  But he recalled the man requesting that he be allowed to secretly board the Healy in contravention of orders.  Perhaps he was merely headstrong and insubordinate, and not an actual traitor or spy.

"With two Dominion nations on our proverbial doorstep, I should have instituted better impostor protocols," he told Saxon as his Strategic Operations Officer completed the extraction of the Caitian.  "When this is over, you and I are going to work together to make some."

Turning his attention back to the problem at hand, his mind raced through the possibilities.  "We may want to have the Quantum Torpedoes examined, if you haven't already.  The Commander was adamant about not allowing them aboard the Healy.  They may have been sabotaged."

Literally anything might have been sabotaged.  It was so frustrating.

"Let's get a message out to the fighter patrols.  Tell them to run diagnostics on their systems, and to prepare for the possibility of Blue-on-Blue operations.  Friend-Or-Foe may need to be disabled in the targeting systems.

Based on the amount of memory loss, I'm assuming we're on the same page that this is likely to be another Thinkers plot.  Every member of the Healy who came off of that ship was also a member of the staff who was captured by the Thinkers about a year ago.  Who knows what really happened out there?  They might have had detailed brain scans conducted.  Tissue samples for clones.  And since Commander t'Lhoell didn't want anyone on the Healy, the entire ship has to be suspect.

Quote from: John Saxon on July 02, 2020, 10:20:31 AM

[Katra Station - OCC]

Despite pouring over the Tactical station, frantically trying to find some indication of what 'Rayek' could have been up to, Saxon nonetheless nodded at the sensible suggestions from Captain Solluk. In many ways, establishing a robust impostor protocol was something he should have proposed much earlier - a case of being stretched too thin, he guessed. That wasn't to say he had many, many ideas to secure Katra from all sorts of internal and external threats, but implementing them in full would have risked turning this bright hub of commerce, defence and diplomacy into an armoured bunker; John had met, and fought against, those whose absolute power and paranoia manifested in nothing more than police states. He wouldn't become what he had fought all his life to dismantle, no matter how much that idea chimed with him.

Solluk's raising of the sabotage of the quantum torpedoes had occurred to the venerable officer, and he was waiting for a report from a deployed squad, a combat engineer with expertise in 'surreptitious infrastructure disruption' in tow,  to assess the ordnance. But not for the first time, John was relieved that one aspect of the presumed gambit 'Tess' and 'Rayek' had been playing had inadvertently denied them a distinct tactical advantage: 'Tess''s refusal to permit anyone aboard the 'Healy' prevented Goodspeed from assisting 'Rayek' from installing the upgraded quantum torpedo pods; the standard auxiliary launchers were designed from older - yet still reliable - technology; q-torps required a small, yet important, tweak to the acceleration coils and arming mechanisms to utilise the more modern payload when necessary, then reversed when switching back to photons. The dedicated quantum torpedo pods bypassed this complication, but at the same time reduced the payload to less than half of the photon magazine due to the warhead's scarcity - unlike photons, quantums still required some element of fabrication that was still not able to replicated, making them a precious resource until the next shipment from StarFleet.

Of course, the integral launchers in the Healy was still available to be modified in this way, so it was only a minor setback. Perhaps this was why Rhade could have been selected for assistance, requiring some expertise. Goodspeed may have been a more logical choice, but her often-present trained engineering voles could have been a risk to detection.

Also at Solluk's order, he contacted, on an encrypted emergency band, Lt Eli Ferris, the Squadron Leader of the three concentric Cobra patrols out in the Trialus system, to intercept the Healy, should she suddenly become outbound traffic. Amongst the strange orders flying around of late, John wondered how the competent Lead Pilot would take those instructions at face value...

Eli sat in the cockpit, and he checked his flight mask to make sure the O2 stats were right. It was tight band, highly encrypted tactical message. But, he couldn't believe. Eli had taken over the Alpha patrol flight, pulling a full rotation to ensure that there was no holes in his update tactical grid.
Of course, targeting their own vessels wasn't apart of his calculations. Eli adjusted his coordinates, updating the flight pattern for each group. His Cobras were already swinging around to return to the station, moving towards the interior loop of their patrol.

=/\="Flight 3 split and take starboard, Flight 2 take port. We will meet up at Cardinal Point." =/\=
His orders would be received via the Cobra only channel, and relayed back by text on the same encryption as Saxon had sent. Unfortunately, Eli could only surmise what Saxon's order could mean.

=/\="Leader 2, adjust scans for maximum range, even behind us. I don't want anyone sneaking up."  =/\=

=/\="Sir." =/\=

"Lieutenant," His wingman contacted him via private channel. "...are we going to fire on our own ship?"

"We need only intercept, disable if necessary. We know all there is to know about her."
Eli swallowed hard, as he relayed back to Saxon his course. There were too many unknowns...



Outside the Tholian Embassy...

As the Tholian Embassy guards took positions outside of their embassy, they were greeted with what was gradually becoming a familiar face.  It was Ensign Suzette Chastain, of the station's Diplomatic Protection Service.

She was accompanied by two crewmen, and all three of them had eschewed their usual concealed Type I phasers for the larger Type II units.

"Don't worry, gentlebeings," Suzette declared, the tension of the moment coloring her French accent to be somewhat stronger than usual, "Whatever is amiss on the station today, it will not touch you."

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

"Why is the Ambassador still on station?!  Report!" Noh'Ves stormed onto the bridge, clearly an unhappy man.

He and Kol had just returned to Katra station from an authorized hunting expedition on the world of Meridian.  They had intended to share a lunch on the ship afterwards, having their kill prepared by the ship's cook and shared with the Lod Qan's crew.  Noh'ves had beamed up first, with the ambassador right behind him.  But between one beaming and the next, Katra had entered alert status.

Tolec quickly vacated the command chair, turning to face his Captain.  "The station raised their shields after we beamed you up, HoD.  We could not bring up the Ambassador."

"Why did they raise shields?  Get their Operations on coms." Noh'Ves demanded as he took the chair.  This was a damnable time for something to go wrong.  The Lod Qan was operating with a skeleton crew.  Most of the ship's complement was still on shore leave.

"The USS Healy just departed, and there was an explosion in the station's internal shuttle berths."  Tolec went to the Science station, and pulled up the latest scans.  "We have been tracking the approach of another New Orleans class ship, although we have periodically lost contact due to the subspace interference from the storm.  I do not know if this is related."

"It is commendable you could detect anything at all, I suppose," Noh'Ves allowed, "especially given the antiquated sensors on this ship."

"The Tholians noted that there was some activity along a Silithium particle trail in the system.  It seemed the Federation might be using these particle trails to clandestinely communicate with their ships.  I had the idea to send sensor signals along the same trail to bypass some of the interference."

"You have always been clever, Tolec.  Now be even cleverer, and tell me what this all means," Noh'Ves said.

Tolec frowned, "There I must fail you, HoD.  None of this makes any sense to me."  He studied his display a moment longer, "Fighter patrols are moving to intercept the Healy... weapons armed.  Wait... I am getting registry information on the other New Orleans class ship... HoD... it is also the USS Healy."

"What?!  Two of them?!  Vilka, Tolec is busy with sensors.  You hail the station.  Find out what is going on," Noh'Ves ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" she replied, her fingers pulling up the subspace communications function on her console.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2020, 06:56:09 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - Noon]

Rayek acknowledged the order to check the sensor and started on that as Tess called on Hrafn and then Engineering.

It was tr'Hava who replied for Engineering.  As expected, the Romulan engineer warned about the danger of the subspace distortions on the warp bubble at higher speeds but claimed that if she so ordered he and the Healy engineers would do their best to keep the warp bubble stable at slowly increasing speeds.

=/\= "We can increase our speed incrementally every few minutes from warp 7 to 8 - building to max if that's what you order... but I wouldn't recommend a straight jump from 7 to 8 or higher." =/\=

While the engineers set to work on getting them to station faster, Rayek pondered the idea of having to combat a perfectly matched vessel. Perfectly matched because it was the same vessel.  That fact brought up a concern for the Romulan.

"Captain, assuming that is our same ship.  It is likely they know our prefix code and should a fight ensue could take over control of our vessel.   I recommend changing the code to prevent that."

When Tess agreed, Rayek on her Command authorization, made the necessary changes to  the set up a new prefix code for the ship and then because their doppelganger's obviously had much of their same knowledge, Rayek suggested a prefix that was made in part by both him and her.   That way the Rayek double couldn't intuit what the number would be.

For such a crucial thing it took merely minutes to change.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 02, 2020, 03:41:15 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Tess listened to Rayek's report about the other Healy. They had charged weapons ... so they definitely had to expect them to use them. "I'm afraid they won't let anyone stop them just like that ..." Tess tried to wait for the right moment to jump out of their 'hiding spot'. Then a bright fireball drew her attention back to the station. Tess froze. "What was that?!", she gasped, her fingers digging into the armrests. "Red Alert!" She wasn't entirely sure if the Healy had fired on the station or if something else had occured.

"Hrafn, drop the distortions around us and try to get our sensors working as quick as possible. Once that is done, I want an open channel to the Healy ... well, the other one." She hoped they could work with the firechain sensors until their own sensors were restored.
On the view screen she noticed with relief that their message had gone through to Saxon and they knew they were there.

At Tess' call, Rayek raised the Alert status to Condition Red.

His long fingers worked the controls to bring the shields up, and ready both the phasers and the torpedo tubes.  "Shields are up and showing 100%.  Phasers are charged and the ready and photon torpedoes are in primed and in the tube."

He then glanced over to Ensign Steward who was bringing the ship over to an intercept course.

When he glanced back to his screen the Cobras could be seen heading towards the fake ship.

"Captain, Katra has the Cobras moving in to engage.  Recommend we turn on all our exterior lights.   Right now because of location we are easy to differentiate, but in closer proximity combined with a moments inattention and we could be mistakenly  targeted if we don't take steps to appear different."

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3 pm]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 02, 2020, 03:41:15 PM

Replicant - Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Bridge]

She addressed rHrafn. "The station's sensors have picked up the other Healy, can we detect them anywhere near us?" She didn't want them to get in the way. Looking to rRayek, she said, "If they should appear out of nowhere and they get in our way, open fire." The notion that her 'real' self was on the other Healy was a very strange one.

"Yes, Captain." he acknowledged then paused.  "Actually, I might have a better plan. Given my original's paranoia at discovering our presence he will have likely changed the prefix codes, but I'm fairly certain that we can find the correct  code that he or Tess would use.  Once we have that code we can bring them to a stop,  drop their shields and beam their Captain aboard.  With her as hostage, my original will do nothing to put her at risk.  Not if we can convince him she will be released unharmed afterwards."

rRayek knew this because it was how he felt.  Of course, he had the impetus of his programming pushing him beyond this limitation.  rRayek knew that for the sake of the mission if he had to sacrifice his wife he would be forced into doing so... but the original had no such programming.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 03, 2020, 01:23:18 AM

Eli sat in the cockpit, and he checked his flight mask to make sure the O2 stats were right. It was tight band, highly encrypted tactical message. But, he couldn't believe. Eli had taken over the Alpha patrol flight, pulling a full rotation to ensure that there was no holes in his update tactical grid.
Of course, targeting their own vessels wasn't apart of his calculations. Eli adjusted his coordinates, updating the flight pattern for each group. His Cobras were already swinging around to return to the station, moving towards the interior loop of their patrol.

=/\="Flight 3 split and take starboard, Flight 2 take port. We will meet up at Cardinal Point." =/\=
His orders would be received via the Cobra only channel, and relayed back by text on the same encryption as Saxon had sent. Unfortunately, Eli could only surmise what Saxon's order could mean.

=/\="Leader 2, adjust scans for maximum range, even behind us. I don't want anyone sneaking up."  =/\=

=/\="Sir." =/\=

"Lieutenant," His wingman contacted him via private channel. "...are we going to fire on our own ship?"

"We need only intercept, disable if necessary. We know all there is to know about her."
Eli swallowed hard, as he relayed back to Saxon his course. There were too many unknowns...

Much like his counterpart, rRayek took note of the Cobra's approaching.

"Captain, we have three Cobras on approach."  rRayek called out before targeting the lead vessel.  The Romulan grimaced at the knowledge that Tess' brother Benjin could very well be aboard one of the vessels that he was about to shoot down.

Because of rTess' order earlier, rRayek didn't have to wait for permission to fire, he just did so.  While torpedoes had the best range, they were too slow to be effective against the fighter ships.   Even phasers were slow in comparison..  but a good tactical officer could foresee how strong and to which side a fighter might bank, if at all, when faced with phaser shot headed their way.

That's what rRayek did now..  He targeted the lead ship then anticipated that the ship would bank left upon seeing the coming phaser shot, and therefore drew his weapons fire to the left in an arc.. hoping to tag the lead Cobra.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

John Saxon


[Katra Station - OCC]

The board was rife with confirmed target locks and rolling sensor data, and Saxon studied every one of them. He had responded to the incoming Healy and confirmed their identity, updating the Friend-or-Foe solutions and transmitting that to the fighter screens. His analysis of the station's weapon systems had not flagged up any modifications made by 'Rayek' during his time in the OCC; the quantum torpedoes were all confirmed to be safe, phaser emitters showing no signs of sabotage. Even the shields were operating as expected.

And for all that, John wasn't mollified. In fact, the absence of anything untoward merely pointed towards something even more devious. What else was there-

The Firechain.

Taut, calloused fingers danced over his panel, asking each individual buoy in the spherical network to perform a diagnostic on itself.

Which is when the target alert, an individual warning to signify that Katra itself was being targeted, began to number in the dozens; the defence grid was targeting the station.

So that was it.

His annoyance that this had both momentarily slipped past him, and triggered by his very investigation, blossomed into a dark anger as the entire Firechain opened fire. Katra rocked as every modified beacon unleashed a beam from their Type-V emitter array - small, and not desperately powerful on their own, being a staple emitter of small shuttles, but combined with their associates resulted in a criss-crossed net of firepower approaching that of a mid-tier starship.

"Firechain has targeted the station. Shields at 97%. Stand-by." he called out, his tone even, just in case anyone was wondering what the hell was going on.

Fine. He thought to himself. This 'Rayek' had now crossed the Rubicon, messing with his things. Presumably this part of the plan was initially designed to have been instigated at a later time, when the station's shields were down and no suspicions had been raised; perhaps as a pre-emptive strike. The appearance of the real Healy surely tipped their hand early. He keyed a secured instruction and switched the grid over to a pure detection array, shutting it down, promising himself to shore up the security software to secure against even authorised personnel without an array of checks and balances.

Now its my turn, he growled inwardly.

Ordinarily, the maximum effective range of a Type-X phaser array, in a vacuum, was 300,000km and the 'Healy' was rapidly leaving that. However, since the development of the Type-X, advancements in Annular Confinement Beam jackets had open the door to transluminal integrity, enabling firing while at warp. This ACB was merely a modification of a transporter's matter-transfer sheath, keeping energy contained in a tight formation to prevent scattering, including while at warp. Transporters, of course, had a much reduced comparative range, 40,000km in optimal conditions - phasers, however, had a much more brutal - and therefore robust - composition, and the rapid nadions which formed the core element of StarFleet's primary energy weapon, performed admirably in such conditions. With the advent of ACBs, therefore, exceeding that range was possible, just requiring an exponential increase in power to achieve. Not to mention risking potential damage to the emitters if sustained for long.

With a silent apology to Ricci and Goodspeed, John shunted auxiliary power to the facing phaser arrays - a fact that would no doubt raise an alarm on the aforementioned consoles - increased range by 40% and heightened directed throughput to 60%; may as well make it worth it, he mused. The strikes would certainly crack some teeth, and the resulting EM wash as their shields rotated would momentarily dazzle the 'Healy's aft-sensors.

Just enough to miss the brace of high-yield photons that followed suit, each one selecting a unique target to stress the target's shields across the whole, increasing the chance to overcompensate and crash.

But this was just step one of his grander strategy...

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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