S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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[youtube width=50]https://youtu.be/PyrLsA-9qso[/youtube]
Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

Solluk sat back in his chair as the lights dimmed and the curtain lifted, revealing the singer.  In front of the stage, a full orchestra was arrayed.  A sea of ridged foreheads and long hair filled the entire orchestral pit.  The Vulcan had never envisaged seeing so many Klingons who were trained to use foreign instruments.  Had he been asked, he would have said that Klingons were not interested in the ways of other cultures.  Apparently, he would have been mistaken.

The Klingon Embassy was having its first monthly Opera as part of a cultural outreach program.  Tonight's performance would be a pair of songs: Gre'thor MuS MeQ, a Klingon translation of the Queen of the Night aria, and chIrgh bom loD, a Klingon translation of Speaker of the Temple, both derived from the Human Opera, The Magic Flute.

As the singer of Gre'thor MuS MeQ began, Solluk's eyebrows arched.  She had a very melodious and pleasant singing voice.  Not at all what he'd expected.

Katra Station - Holodeck 3

"It's just so frustrating, you know?  I mean, I've only got two months left on my cadet 'cruise' and I haven't done a single cruise, yet.  I'm going to go back to the Academy for graduation without a single hour of starship time under my belt.  They'll never give me a starship posting with that kind of record." Cadet Parker complained to his companion.  The simulated rainbow gardens of Delvaria Prime were doing nothing to improve his mood.

Tawna smiled at him.  There was something about her smile that always calmed him down.  "I hate to see you all worked up over your career, sweety."  She patted his hand, and he immediately felt a surge of warmth flow through his body.  His love for her was palpable.  Almost like a chemical addiction.

He sighed, "I just wish there was something I could do about it."

Tawna glanced around, as though looking for eavesdroppers.  Of course, they were alone in the holodeck.  "I'm a Level 9 programmer, sweets.  There is something that you could do."

Parker gave her a quizzical look, "I don't see how your programming ability can possibly help, Tawna baby."

She shook her head, "That's because you Starfleet types are always so straight and narrow.  If you give me your Operations access codes, I can modify the roster rotation program.  Make sure that the next time the Healy goes out, you're aboard."

His eyes widened, "But if I got caught-"

She leaned forward, kissing him on the lips.

When she parted from him, he was hers.  Entirely.

"Trust me," she said.

And he did.

Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

As the second singer collapsed back against the Klingon moon, and the final notes of the song faded into ghostly reverberations throughout the hall, Solluk found himself on his feet with the rest of the attendees.  He was quite surprised how much the performance had moved him.  The Klingons had taken various liberties with the material, but it had been quite splendid nonetheless.

When the lights came on, he realized that this was the most he'd enjoyed himself since Jada's departure.  A certain melancholy had sprung up within him in the wake of her Orion celebration.  After a brief party, she'd left on the Tempest and he'd watched her go from the Promenade observation viewports.  Then he'd placed her badge in a block of sterilite and set it upon his shelf of keepsakes.  Despite their relationship having been broken before it could ever truly start, he'd found that he still cared for her.  Though their trust had been shattered by events that highlighted their different philosophies, he had still felt the absence of her on the station.

There was an Orion-sized hole in his life, and it had left a gloom at the core of him.

But just now, as he caught himself in a moment of joy... he realized he hadn't thought about her all day.  The memory of her would surely never leave him.  Their friendship had helped to mold him in his earliest days within Starfleet.  But the void he'd felt was beginning to fill with new things... and that was surely for the best.  Apart, they were both free to become whatever it was they were destined to become.  Their journey may have started in the same place, but it was probably overdue for them to accept their very different paths.

As the spectators finished clapping and began to disperse to enjoy the after-show party, Solluk noticed Ambassador Kol approaching him.

"I trust you enjoyed the performance, Captain?"

Solluk nodded, "Very much.  I don't mind admitting that this was even more enjoyable than the soiree my staff held to honor the ambassadors last month.  I will certainly be looking forward to the next event your embassy hosts."

Kol laughed, reaching out to clap Solluk on the shoulder, "I am glad you enjoyed it.  But the day's festivities are not over yet, Captain.  Now, we drink!"

Solluk smiled, but some of the mirth fled from him, "Bloodwine?"  He asked the question with little enthusiasm.

Kol barked another laugh, "If you wish.  But I thought you might like the Aldeberanian Sovi Nectar Wine."

Solluk arched a brow, "Forgive me for saying so, Ambassador Kol, but I've never seen a Klingon facility embrace so much of non-Klingon culture."

Kol shrugged, "Not all Klingons are conservative in their tastes, Captain.  If the Empire is going to compete in the current generation, we will need to embrace new practices.  And perhaps teach the other nations a few of our own.  I believe the Vulcans call it IDIC?"

The ambassador led the way to the tables of beverages that had been set up in the grand hall.  "There is even new blood on the Council, great leaders with new ideas.  Who knows... the next Chancellor may even be a woman."

Solluk paused mid-step, looking upon Kol with barely disguised astonishment.  "It was my understanding that women could not serve on the Council, never mind lead it."

Kol picked up a bottle of nectar-wine and poured it into a crystal goblet, handing it to the Captain.  "There is precedent.  Azetbur, for one."

Solluk took the goblet, sipping the wine while is mind processed what he was being told.  "Ambassador... are you suggesting there may be a change of leadership in the Empire?"

Kol picked up a bottle of bloodwine, making no attempt to take a goblet for his own use.  "Who knows?  Things are always changing.  We all must change...  Or we will surely die."

Solluk once more arched a brow, "I did not think death was something Klingons worked overmuch to avoid, Ambassador."

Kol swallowed a mouthful of bloodwine.  "Death must have meaning, Captain.  Even for Klingons."

Solluk nodded, taking another sip of his wine.

His gaze shifted as he sipped, looking over the faces of those present at the embassy today.

He needed to find Beja.  Or maybe Zex.

They would know what to make of this.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja had been very happy to see that the Klingons had opted to make an embassy at Katra, not because she had even thought her father would be part of it, but because it only solidified the alliance between the Federation and Klingons. The fact that her father was assigned with his crew to the Ambassador�s ship on Katra, was a boon for her. She had spent so many years thinking that she had been a dishonor to her family, that it was a blessing that she could now make up for lost time and have a real, loving, and respected relationship with her father and her House.

She smiled over to her father, and reached over to gently squeeze his hand, as they sat side by side in the seats that were a few rows behind the orchestra pit. Not the best seats in the house, as humans said, but it gave them a perfect view of the orchestra and the stage. And honestly she didn�t care where they sat, Beja was just glad they were there together. It wasn�t often that she got to spend time with her father, or with other Klingons for that matter and feel at home.

But as she sat there and listened to the music swell and the belting of the high notes sung out proudly for all to hear, Beja�s own pride in who she was and where she came from, couldn�t help but come forward. She might not be the warrior that most Klingons aspired to, but she fought battles with her clients. She helped others to slay their demons, even if they were emotional ones.

When the last note was sung, and the stage curtain came down, Beja was on her feet with the rest of the audience clapping and shouting loudly Qapla� with them all! What a wonderful show! How would next month even be able to come close to this masterpiece, she didn�t know but she was definitely looking forward to that.

Beja embraced her father in a tight hug, before she asked him, �Care for a drink? Shall we make our way to the drinking tables?�

She caught sight of Captain Solluk, and Beja waved, smiling brightly to him. She was happy to see that he had come to the Opera. Klingon Opera would not have been her first guess as to the Captain�s musical tastes, but she also understood that as the Captain of the station he had to go to such cultural events.

Hrafn Falleg

[Hrafn's/CSO Office, Deck 2, Katra Station]

Hrafn yawned and stretched.  While it was part of her job to read through numerous PADD reports, it didn't mean she enjoyed it particularly.  She needed a break and her knee had been playing up more than normal lately.

Using that as an excuse she got up and took a stroll to the Medical facilities, hoping to get some relief for the increasingly frequent stiffness and pain in the knee.  She suspected it was something akin to arthritis, but surely there was something that could be done.

[Medical Station, Deck 5]

Hrafn walked in and spoke to the person on the desk there.

"Nothing urgent, and I don't even know if I'm at the right place... Dr. t'Lhoell normally deals with this and I don't know where she might be currently, basically, old injury... left knee.  Keeps becoming stiff and painful with increasing regularity."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - the evening before]

Tess leaned relaxed against Rayek's side while they sat on the sofa. Although they had both been on duty today, the evening had been so relaxed that Tess felt only slightly tired.
Lost in thought, she drew random patterns on the back of Rayek's hand while soft music played in the background. The food had been good. Her diet had become very coppery by now, but it still seemed to be insufficient. The baby wanted and needed more. Tess struggled a little with it. She really tried to increase her intake and even considered hyposprays to increase the copper level. But all in all, she was doing very well. Surprisingly, the baby developed at the pace of a normal humanoid baby, but at the same time showed no deficiencies or malformations. Tess hoped every day it would stay this way.

At least for now, she was enjoying her time with Rayek, snuggled up to him and happy with the world. Suddenly the sounds of the background music trickled more noticable in her consciousness, because the melody was so familiar to her. Tess and Rayek were both very fond of some very old music and had created a playlist. This song was one of their Top 5.
When Tess heard it, she straightened up so she could look at Rayek. "Wanna dance?" she asked with a smile and stood up, her baby belly now at his face level as she stood in front of him, his hand in hers.


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - OCC]

Tess sat down with a soft groan. Her backpain had increased over time during the pregnancy. She tried to keep up a light training that was feasable in her current state and most of the time her back was okay, just at times when she walked a lot, it got bad.

Another thing she had done over the past weeks in her new position was taking firing practice. She didn't like it. No, she hated it. It went against everything that she was and wanted to be. But being the second in command, she had to improve her abilities with a phaser drastically, she couldn't just refuse using it like she had done when she had been a freshly promoted Ensign in they were in a battle against space pirates - the Wanderers. It was her sense of responsibility and duty that overpowered her doctor's soul - her hands should heal, not harm. But that wasn't always possible. She knew that at least since the Dosi attack where she killed one of them and which had haunted her ever since. The sleeping disorders and nightmares had stopped ever since she had got togehter with Rayek. And he was really the most important factor for her to find motivation to take the firing practice. She did it mostly for him, so he wouldn't need to be so overprotective of her. Admittedly she often had wondered if it was due to a lack of trust in her on his part to be able to defend herself that he was how he was. She wanted to give him reason to be convinced she was able to survive should he not be there to protect her.

Tess grabbed the bottle of water that she had taken with her - she was thirsty when she got her hot flashes from time to time - and sipped at it. Everything was running smoothly. Captain Solluk attended an Opera in the Klingon embassy. The ships who brought more Etrosians to Meridian fit into the regular schedule of Katra Station after they had spent a months of fine tuning it.

So far, so good.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Zex had watched the Klingon Opera and found it to be quite entertaining.  It was as good as any Opera she had seen on Earth when she attended the Academy her first time around.   The fact that Klingons who were primarily known to be a warrior race could match Earth's quality was quite an accomplishment indeed.

She stood with the rest of the audience and clapped.  "Encore" she cheered.  The cast returned to the stage and bowed, but did not sing anything new.

She had noticed both Solluk and Beja in the audience, but had sat apart from them.  As people began to file out, she naturally followed, but not closely, Ambassador Kol.  She was on duty and wanted to be close by if he needed anything.

She noticed the Solluk was talking to the Amabassador.  She smiled in their direction, but gave them space to have their conversation.  She gabbed a glass of water and sipped from it in between hellos and head nods to other people she knew.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 18, 2020, 01:57:23 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - the evening before]

Tess leaned relaxed against Rayek's side while they sat on the sofa. Although they had both been on duty today, the evening had been so relaxed that Tess felt only slightly tired.
Lost in thought, she drew random patterns on the back of Rayek's hand while soft music played in the background. The food had been good. Her diet had become very coppery by now, but it still seemed to be insufficient. The baby wanted and needed more. Tess struggled a little with it. She really tried to increase her intake and even considered hyposprays to increase the copper level. But all in all, she was doing very well. Surprisingly, the baby developed at the pace of a normal humanoid baby, but at the same time showed no deficiencies or malformations. Tess hoped every day it would stay this way.

At least for now, she was enjoying her time with Rayek, snuggled up to him and happy with the world. Suddenly the sounds of the background music trickled more noticable in her consciousness, because the melody was so familiar to her. Tess and Rayek were both very fond of some very old music and had created a playlist. This song was one of their Top 5.
When Tess heard it, she straightened up so she could look at Rayek. "Wanna dance?" she asked with a smile and stood up, her baby belly now at his face level as she stood in front of him, his hand in hers.

Rayek sat in the corner of the sofa with Tess leaning against him comfortably after a relaxing evening spent together.  Tess had not had to work overtime tonight.  How much of that was Tess' own amazing competence at overseeing her duties as Executive Officer or Solluk looking after his Number One and ensuring she wasn't overtaxed, Rayek wasn't sure, but he was grateful.

Given that Tess had shared her dietary needs with him - since he was the one cooking more often - Rayek had made sure that the past few week's meals contained a high concentration of copper in them.   Tonight's meal had been a recipe he had found when searching up high copper diets.  Salmon avocado and chickpea salad.

While the ingredients had been replicated, the meal itself was not. Rayek took great care to chop and prepare most of the ingredients himself.  He'd made sure that most of the dinner was ready by the time Tess finished up with her after work shower, but left the final assembly for Tess to join in with.  It was part of the reason that they had requested a cooking nook be added to their quarters - so that meal prep could be an activity that they could share as a family.

Neither had felt like watching anything specific on a PADD this evening, and instead settled together on the sofa to talk about their respective day.  He was glad to hear that things were going well for Tess, and Rayek did his best to not let his own struggles with dissatisfaction in his own work color his description of the days activities.  He tried to highlight those parts that he could appreciate but there wasn't much to say about cargo customs that was exciting - certainly not when in comparison to his past.  So Rayek often turned the talk on to other subjects not long after it was his turn to tell about his day.

His diversion this time - being the various instruments that had to be screened through customs because of the upcoming Klingon Opera - had prompted the conversation of music and the eventual decision to just settle on the sofa and listen to music together.

Rayek had closed his eyes to better experience the music.  His other senses always heightened when he lost access to one.   The beginning chord of the piano and the drum beat in the song just starting to play were immediately recognizable and Rayek's lips lifted in smile.  They'd had consider this song - Truly Madly Deeply - for their first dance at the wedding but had eventually gone with Annie's Song instead by John Denver.  Both were songs that Rayek felt reflected his feelings for Tess so succinctly.

Tess' sudden movement away from his side had him open his eyes and looking to her questioningly.  Her question prompted a loving smile in response. "Always."

He leaned forward to place a kiss upon the expanse of baby belly that was so adoringly right before him, then stood up to place his free hand lightly at her hip while the one that was being held by Tess was lifted to his lips and he proceeded to shuffle his way clear of the coffee table and into a space suitable for dancing.

In time to the beat of the music, Rayek swayed with Tess held close to him, and quietly murmured the lyrics of the song to her.

"I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath, truly madly deeply do
I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning.
A reason for living. A deeper meaning. Yeah."

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

With Tess working the Beta shift while the Captain was attending the Opera at the Klingon Embassy, Rayek had put his name in for extra duty down at Customs.  Rayek was filling in for Crewman Byl th'Zialrol - a new hire to the Security department.  It not only looked good, Rayek showing his desire to make a positive contribution to the station, but it also kept him busy... a precaution of his to keep him from moping at home alone or worrying over Tess.

Rayek had his PADD set up on the adjacent table with its usual random display of images cycling.  Added into the mix were images that he'd been forwarded by Phara of himself battling it out with Jada's wing-slug beast as well as one of he and Tess picnicking in the follow-up luncheon that day.   A playlist of Rayek's favorite love-songs also quietly played - almost too quiet for most humanoids to hear.   This all served to help him settle and keep focus during an otherwise dull work routine.

As the cargo from the recently docked vessel appeared on his conveyor, Rayek began his thorough scan of the items within the crates.  Smugglers had certain tricks that they tried to use to sneak drugs, and other illegal goods onto the station.  Rayek was rather adept at discovering these tricks, either from having used some of these means himself in the past or just by trusting his gut even when the scan gave him an all clear.  In these instances, he would 'hands-on, double-check' items - more often than not - discovering a new trick being tried.  The Romulan just seemed to know when something was off about an item.

Nothing so far about this batch of cargo was in the least bit interesting.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs


Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

"I do so enjoy discussing politics, Captain," Kol said, "But if you'll excuse me, I need to give a speech thanking the Trans-thlingonen orchestra for visiting us."

Solluk bowed his head, "Of course."

As Kol departed to take a position in the center of the hall, Solluk noted that Beja and her father, as well as Zex, were nearby.  He nodded to Zex, hoping that she might recognize it as an invitation to approach.  Then he held up his hand in a traditional Vulcan greeting as Beja and her father arrived at the feasting tables which were filled with every variety of alcohol known to Qonos.

"Live long and prosper," Solluk said, smiling at the pair.

"I will accept the prosperity," Captain Noh'ves said, "But if I live too long a life, it would be a shame."

Solluk nodded, "I understand.  It is good to see you again, Captain.  I have not had the opportunity to see you since the Diplomatic Reception we held last month."

Noh'ves frowned slightly, "My duties on the Old Man have kept me busy."

Solluk did not quite believe that, but he wasn't about to call the Klingon Captain out as a liar.  "I had heard the cruiser called that before.  Is that its actual name, or is it a term of endearment?"

Noh'ves shrugged, "It is a close enough translation of the actual name.  A bit of humor, I suppose, from the Klingon Registry Service.  You see, the ship is one which has lived long and prospered."

Solluk hesitated a moment before suggesting, "And now, it has a second life, a new chance at glory."

"Mmm," Noh'ves made a noncomittal sound, and then began to move off, "I'm going to get a drink."

As the Klingon man stepped away, Solluk turned his attention to Beja, and would include Zex if she came near.

"I was just having an interesting conversation with Ambassador Kol.  It almost seemed that he was suggesting to me there would soon be a change in leadership, and perhaps even cultural philosophy, within the High Council.  Have either of you heard anything about this?"

As they talked, President Tarin joined Noh'ves at the feasting table.

"Captain Noh'ves, isn't it?"  Tarin smiled at the Klingon.

Noh'ves picked up a goblet of blood wine, looking up at the Meridian president.  "Yes.  You are the Meridian leader."

"I am," Tarin affirmed, "President Tarin.  I know little about Klingon beverages.  Would you be willing to suggest one?"

Noh'ves picked up a second goblet of blood wine, holding it out to the man.

Tarin took the goblet, holding it close to his nose.  "This must be the famous Klingon Blood wine?"

Noh'ves nodded, watching Tarin closely.

Tarin sipped the drink, pausing briefly.  Then he quickly drank down the remainder.

Noh'ves eyed him curiously, trying to take the measure of the man.  "I thought you would spit it out.  But you drank it all.  To honor us?"

Tarin set down the goblet, then he staggered backwards, and collapsed onto the deck.   Noh'ves barked a laugh, reaching down to help the man up.  "Well," he said, "at least you tried."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja had been worried about her father for a bit now. She hadn�t of course said anything to him. She wouldn�t dishonor him so, but he had been less jovial since he had been assigned to a new ship here at Katra. Ever since the prisoner escaped with his previous vessel, something of course that hadn�t sat well with Beja either. There was just something strange about the escape, and the fact that Hrafn hadn�t appeared upset in any way over the loss of her father. The problem with digging too deep into the situation was, there might not be answers that Beja wanted to know, so she hadn�t looked that far into any of it. Her father�s well being though, might hinge on her changing her mind. She needed to figure out a way to pull him out of the depression that settled over him. It was no way for a Klingon warrior to live, shrouded in sadness.

The Opera had been something that Beja hoped would lift her father�s spirits, she worried though that the music had not helped to lighten the weight off his shoulders at all. When her father went off to get a drink, and was out of earshot, Beja apologized to Captain Solluk, �I�m sorry Captain, my father�s been a little bit preoccupied since taking on his new assignment.�

Seeing as the Captain had finished with his wine, Beja reached out and took one of the many drinks on the table, and handed it over to Captain Solluk, �I think you might enjoy this sir, it isn�t bloodwine, but it might be more to your tastes.� Baghol was one of her favorite teas to drink, and was always best served warm, which this one was.

�If you let me know what your tastes are Zex, I will be happy to recommend a drink for you as well,� Beja offered the Deltan diplomatic officer. She was glad to see that the Deltan had partaken of the opera.

Beja took one of the Baghol drinks herself, and sipped it slowly. She wanted to give herself time to gather her thoughts in order to answer the Captain�s difficult question. It was a rarity that she felt tugged between her loyalties to the Federation and her loyalties to the Klingon Empire. And she wasn�t just sure how much to share especially in front of Zex either. Not that she had anything against the Deltan at all, it just felt wrong to talk about more private things about her people in such a public setting.

Beja finally answered him, �Well sir, there has been a bit of discord in the Empire right now. There is a reformist political group that feels that the Empire needs to evolve from the warrior culture and heritage. They would like to see that honor is not just found on the battlefield with blades and strength. There is probably a reason that the current ambassador has been given this assignment so far away from the Klingon homeworld and the high council.�

It was probably one of the reasons her father and his crew were also assigned to the ambassador as well. Targs of a pit, stood hip to hip, as the Klingons always said.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - the evening before]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2020, 06:39:32 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Rayek sat in the corner of the sofa with Tess leaning against him comfortably after a relaxing evening spent together.  Tess had not had to work overtime tonight.  How much of that was Tess' own amazing competence at overseeing her duties as Executive Officer or Solluk looking after his Number One and ensuring she wasn't overtaxed, Rayek wasn't sure, but he was grateful.

Given that Tess had shared her dietary needs with him - since he was the one cooking more often - Rayek had made sure that the past few week's meals contained a high concentration of copper in them.   Tonight's meal had been a recipe he had found when searching up high copper diets.  Salmon avocado and chickpea salad.

While the ingredients had been replicated, the meal itself was not. Rayek took great care to chop and prepare most of the ingredients himself.  He'd made sure that most of the dinner was ready by the time Tess finished up with her after work shower, but left the final assembly for Tess to join in with.  It was part of the reason that they had requested a cooking nook be added to their quarters - so that meal prep could be an activity that they could share as a family.

Neither had felt like watching anything specific on a PADD this evening, and instead settled together on the sofa to talk about their respective day.  He was glad to hear that things were going well for Tess, and Rayek did his best to not let his own struggles with dissatisfaction in his own work color his description of the days activities.  He tried to highlight those parts that he could appreciate but there wasn't much to say about cargo customs that was exciting - certainly not when in comparison to his past.  So Rayek often turned the talk on to other subjects not long after it was his turn to tell about his day.

His diversion this time - being the various instruments that had to be screened through customs because of the upcoming Klingon Opera - had prompted the conversation of music and the eventual decision to just settle on the sofa and listen to music together.

Rayek had closed his eyes to better experience the music.  His other senses always heightened when he lost access to one.   The beginning chord of the piano and the drum beat in the song just starting to play were immediately recognizable and Rayek's lips lifted in smile.  They'd had consider this song - Truly Madly Deeply - for their first dance at the wedding but had eventually gone with Annie's Song instead by John Denver.  Both were songs that Rayek felt reflected his feelings for Tess so succinctly.

Tess' sudden movement away from his side had him open his eyes and looking to her questioningly.  Her question prompted a loving smile in response. "Always."

He leaned forward to place a kiss upon the expanse of baby belly that was so adoringly right before him, then stood up to place his free hand lightly at her hip while the one that was being held by Tess was lifted to his lips and he proceeded to shuffle his way clear of the coffee table and into a space suitable for dancing.

In time to the beat of the music, Rayek swayed with Tess held close to him, and quietly murmured the lyrics of the song to her.

"I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath, truly madly deeply do
I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning.
A reason for living. A deeper meaning. Yeah.

Tess grinned happily as she watched Rayek placing a kiss on her baby belly. It truly was obvious how much he was looking forward to being a dad and how big the love for his child was already.

Once they made their way further into the room so they had some space to dance Tess leaned against him, her hand that not held his resting lightly on his shoulder, her cheek touching his lightly as they swayed slowly to the music. She loved to dance with him, everything about it made her feel good, safe and loved.
Her hand slowly slid up to rest in the nape of his neck and she started to smile when he started to whisper the lyrics into her ear. A voice in the back of her mind told her that the words probably were more apt than before - they in a way needed a new beginning. Roles were different now. They have had their big fight about what happened and she was glad they were able to move on. Though the fear was there in the back of her mind that something might happen again.

Pushing the thoughts away, she focused on that moment right here with her husband and she really enjoyed it. She closed her eyes, the smile still lingering on her lips, as she listened for the whispered words and just Rayek's closeness, his warmth.

As they were swaying slowly to the music, engrossed in each other's displays of affection, Tess suddenly felt something - a very tender prickling inside her stomach. She stopped moving as she pulled her head back from where it head rested against Rayek's. She looked at him, her mouth open as if intending to speak while her hand had moved to her belly - while she was looking for words it happened again. It felt like butterflies were flying through her stomach.

Her hand moved over her belly. There! Again. "Rayek", she gasped, the feeling of euphoria making her voice tremble a little. "I think it's the baby, I feel the baby!"

She felt for Rayek's hand, grabbed it gently to make him rest his palm on her belly.


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - OCC]

Tess felt her backpain fading a bit now that she had the opportunity to sit down. At the view screen she watched the busy buzzing of the ships that were currently docked at the station and the ships that were waiting until it was their turn. She listened to the Ops officer overseeing the communication with them. Her thoughts wandered to Rayek, who'd probably have a busy day at customs.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


 [Cruiser Acrux] Eydis had remained isolated on her cruiser for the most part save the first meeting with zex. Very little in anyway was to observed of the Tholians.

No transmissions back home were detected from the cruiser, any telepathic individuals might detect the shared lattice of the tholians abroad the cruiser. So far despite wishing to isolate hirself from everyone, Eydis has been responsive to requests and complied with messsges sent to her.

Save for disembarking hir ship without cause, but today the cruiser hailed the station. A message that the captain was going abroad the station with 2 guards. A planned route for the young captain had been sent along with the mission. It stayed away from any embassy's or vital areas and any places that might have large gatherings.

[Cruiser Acrux Docking ring] Emerging onto the federation stations side of the docking ring. The rather noticeable smaller then her two guards which flanked hir on either side, stood Eydis in hir evo-suit. They would begin to make towards the turbo lift. The three tholians dissuading most of not all from getting to close for conversation. Eydis would look around and then at hir guards. Shi has wanted to make use of the stations  computer and then perhaps a empty holodeck.

The trip through the turbo lift was uneventful as the tholians were left to have one all to themselves: However upon exiting it a group of the stations various lifeforms parted like the old tale of the Red Sea. Giving the tholians space and carefully keeping their chatter to themselves. How ever the gases the tholians were receiving could not be helped.


Quote from: Beja on May 19, 2020, 03:20:30 AM

USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja had been worried about her father for a bit now. She hadn�t of course said anything to him. She wouldn�t dishonor him so, but he had been less jovial since he had been assigned to a new ship here at Katra. Ever since the prisoner escaped with his previous vessel, something of course that hadn�t sat well with Beja either. There was just something strange about the escape, and the fact that Hrafn hadn�t appeared upset in any way over the loss of her father. The problem with digging too deep into the situation was, there might not be answers that Beja wanted to know, so she hadn�t looked that far into any of it. Her father�s well being though, might hinge on her changing her mind. She needed to figure out a way to pull him out of the depression that settled over him. It was no way for a Klingon warrior to live, shrouded in sadness.

The Opera had been something that Beja hoped would lift her father�s spirits, she worried though that the music had not helped to lighten the weight off his shoulders at all. When her father went off to get a drink, and was out of earshot, Beja apologized to Captain Solluk, �I�m sorry Captain, my father�s been a little bit preoccupied since taking on his new assignment.�

Seeing as the Captain had finished with his wine, Beja reached out and took one of the many drinks on the table, and handed it over to Captain Solluk, �I think you might enjoy this sir, it isn�t bloodwine, but it might be more to your tastes.� Baghol was one of her favorite teas to drink, and was always best served warm, which this one was.

�If you let me know what your tastes are Zex, I will be happy to recommend a drink for you as well,� Beja offered the Deltan diplomatic officer. She was glad to see that the Deltan had partaken of the opera.

Beja took one of the Baghol drinks herself, and sipped it slowly. She wanted to give herself time to gather her thoughts in order to answer the Captain�s difficult question. It was a rarity that she felt tugged between her loyalties to the Federation and her loyalties to the Klingon Empire. And she wasn�t just sure how much to share especially in front of Zex either. Not that she had anything against the Deltan at all, it just felt wrong to talk about more private things about her people in such a public setting.

Beja finally answered him, �Well sir, there has been a bit of discord in the Empire right now. There is a reformist political group that feels that the Empire needs to evolve from the warrior culture and heritage. They would like to see that honor is not just found on the battlefield with blades and strength. There is probably a reason that the current ambassador has been given this assignment so far away from the Klingon homeworld and the high council.�

It was probably one of the reasons her father and his crew were also assigned to the ambassador as well. Targs of a pit, stood hip to hip, as the Klingons always said.

USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Zex, as usual, had watched for the signal to approach.  So, when Solluk gave the signal she closed the gap.  "Captain, Lieutenant" she said by way of greeting.

"My taste tends to be on the sweet and fruity side.  Anything with flavor, the more the better, will please me.  But nothing with alcohol.  I have never developed a tolerance for it, so one drink will render me unbecoming of an officer" she said to to her superior officer.

Then she listened intently to Solluk's question and the answer Beja gave, guarded as it was.  "Such an shift would be dramatic and extreme and likely met with resistance from the old guard.  But tonight's opera suggests that such a shift is possible, especially since opera seems to be something that is deeply ingrained in the culture" she said.  "For a diplomatic point of view, this would be a good opportunity for use to offer our help as they contemplate and possibly make this chance" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

As Ambassador Kol gave a speech thanking the Trans-Thlingonen orchestra for appearing at Katra, Solluk continued his conversation with Beja and Zex.

He listened as Beja delicately described the situation with the Ambassador, and perhaps also her own father.  Seen as undesirable reformists, it was possible they'd been politically exiled to the furthest reaches of known space.  It was a place where the conservative hardliners on the Council must have imagined that these men could do the least damage.

Then Zex suggested that perhaps they could help the Klingon reforms.

"Well," Solluk said, "as much as I would enjoy seeing the Klingon Empire enter a period of reform, I'm not sure how we can encourage it without violating our neutrality regarding internal matters.  And even if we could take some useful action to help Ambassador Kol, our aid could become a detriment in itself.  He'd likely be accused of being a Federation puppet, or be assigned some similar epithet."

He wondered if Saxon knew about this.  If these competing factions resulted in some kind of Klingon Civil War, it was possible that the violence could reach all the way out to the Gamma Quadrant now that there was a Klingon Embassy here.

Meanwhile, at the feasting tables, the Meridian President regained his feet.  He had the look of someone who was trying to decide if they'd been poisoned.  "That blood wine hit harder than I imagined," he confessed.

Noh'ves chuckled, "Everything Klingon hits harder than one might imagine."

Tarin nodded, "I'll try to remember that.  And in fact... I have heard such things before.  I wanted to ask you something, Captain."

Noh'ves lifted his chin, "What do you want?"

Tarin's expression soured at the tone of Noh'ves' response.  But then the Klingon raised a placating hand.

"I must remember how the translator works.  It does not know to add niceties unless I inform it with key words," Noh'ves explained, "Nuq Neh?  'What do you want?'  An inoffensive question among Klingons, used often.  But humans and other aliens find it... gruff.  I intended no offense."

Tarin nodded slowly, "I wanted to ask you, given the Klingon reputation as warriors... do they ever hire out as Security?"

Now it was Noh'ves' turn to be taken aback.  "Some do.  But Meridian is a Federation protectorate, is it not?  They provide your security, yes?"

Tarin shrugged, "Today.  But things change.  I have noticed that Katra makes as many enemies as they do friends.  It has occurred to me that someday we may wish to make other arrangements."

Katra Station - Docking Saucer 3

Donald watched as the three Tholians moved through customs and out towards the nearest turbolift.  The Tholians had barely left their ship in the past month, despite Lieutenant Rhade having set up their embassy on the station.

Once the Tholians were out of presumed listening range, he tapped his badge.

=/\= Crewman Duff to Lieutenant Saxon.  Sir, you wanted to be informed the next time the Tholians boarded the station.  They just came through customs. =/\=

There was also a standing order to inform Ensign Zex of the Diplomatic Corps.  That would be Donald's next call.

The Tholians were an enigmatic people.  They seemed xenophobic, yet they'd sent an ambassador here.  They had an embassy, but never used it.  It was no wonder that so many of Katra's officers wanted notifications whenever the Tholian ambassador made a move.  Anything the Tholians did might be some subtle message that only an attentive eye could discern.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 19, 2020, 11:05:36 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - the evening before]

Tess grinned happily as she watched Rayek placing a kiss on her baby belly. It truly was obvious how much he was looking forward to being a dad and how big the love for his child was already.

Once they made their way further into the room so they had some space to dance Tess leaned against him, her hand that not held his resting lightly on his shoulder, her cheek touching his lightly as they swayed slowly to the music. She loved to dance with him, everything about it made her feel good, safe and loved.

Her hand slowly slid up to rest in the nape of his neck and she started to smile when he started to whisper the lyrics into her ear. A voice in the back of her mind told her that the words probably were more apt than before - they in a way needed a new beginning. Roles were different now. They have had their big fight about what happened and she was glad they were able to move on. Though the fear was there in the back of her mind that something might happen again.

Pushing the thoughts away, she focused on that moment right here with her husband and she really enjoyed it. She closed her eyes, the smile still lingering on her lips, as she listened for the whispered words and just Rayek's closeness, his warmth.

As they were swaying slowly to the music, engrossed in each other's displays of affection, Tess suddenly felt something - a very tender prickling inside her stomach. She stopped moving as she pulled her head back from where it head rested against Rayek's. She looked at him, her mouth open as if intending to speak while her hand had moved to her belly - while she was looking for words it happened again. It felt like butterflies were flying through her stomach.

Her hand moved over her belly. There! Again. "Rayek", she gasped, the feeling of euphoria making her voice tremble a little. "I think it's the baby, I feel the baby!"

She felt for Rayek's hand, grabbed it gently to make him rest his palm on her belly.

Rayek was in a moment of contentment - privately 'singing' to his love in his quiet whispered voice so that she would never have to know how truly off-key his singing voice actually was.  As they danced with her head resting on his shoulder they were very much close together, her belly pressed coolly against his abs.  One of the 'silver linings' of the dark cloud of his demotion was that he had way more scheduled training time and as a result as her belly was growing with their child, his was becoming leaner with a more defined 8-pack.

It was where their bodies met that Rayek felt a slight movement.  Given Tess' increased flatulence of late due to the pregnancy - not that Rayek would ever dare comment on it - Rayek was about to politely ignore this evidence of bloating along with all others before it.  But Tess' reaction was not the same.  She stopped suddenly, leaning away to put space between them while placing a hand on her belly.  When she looked up at him wordlessly, hope flared.    Was this...?  Could this be... ?  Maybe...?  He waited in anticipation of her confirmation that this was more than just the chickpeas' effect.

Her trembling words a moment later were met with an excited smile from him.  While she placed his hand over the spot on her belly, Rayek dropped to his knees before her.  His other hand stroked at the side of her belly encouragingly, as he watched for any sign of movement.  Granted it was a ridiculous idea that he could see something so soon... still he hoped.

He waited.  For a long span it seemed that the movement wouldn't repeat.. then there it was!  A tiny flutter beneath his fingers.  Rayek sucked in an astonished breath of air, staring at the spot behind his hand.  He could see nothing but the movement was unmistakable!  He lifted his gaze to Tess' face, with tears in his eyes.  This was a moment he would never forget!

He looked back to her belly and leaned forward bringing his face close to the spot where the movement had been felt. The hairs of his incipient beard - Tess had commented just a few days ago about how handsome she thought he would be with a beard so of course Rayek was attempting to grow one - no doubt tickling where it touched bare belly.

"Yhhau, taeth aadhoiurr'u. Hann'yyo hwiiy e aeulleakjs'hnvaeh'n i'mae hwiiy  iudaiht hrrau'khir aellei ehsiu. Hveolhaonn ourhhe iudaiht ihdhueeerr'unhr rrh y hwiiy. Hveolhaonn h'levreinnye. I-jol au." he murmured against her cool skin. (translation: Hello, my son.  Thank you for letting us know you are here and well. I cannot wait to hold you. I love you.)

Then glanced back up to Tess as he added. "Uaefvalhuneitrde'h'n mnek iudaiht ieiuqh ri'nanov." (translation:  Be good to your mother.)

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Rayek grimaced as the second of a three piece luggage set scanned through and pinged with live fauna within.  Seriously?! Who honestly thought they could make it through customs with live... birds?... in their luggage?  Who would want to?

A check of the passenger's passport showed that the Karemman woman had just returned from a week long stay at the Meridian resort and was now headed on through the wormhole to DS9 and on to Bajor after that.

Rayek scanned the third case. Three for three.  He placed all three bags on an anti-grav sled and brought the items over to a separate section of Customs.  It wasn't all that dissimilar to the brig, as it had multiple rooms that could be sealed off.  Rayek stepped into one of the rooms and set out the luggage out on the floor of the empty space.

"Computer erect a level two biological containment field in Customs Holding Room 1."

Once the computer acknowledge the order and Rayek could see the shimmer of the forcefield he used a cutter on his belt to forcibly open the locked luggage.  Within he found, in various stages of distress, 12 lethargic looking Aves.  They were brightly colored with sharp looking beaks. Each were in its own small separate cage but due to the cramped space within the luggage and likely the poor baggage handling Rayek noted that at least two seemed to have damage to their wings.

The injuries along with the obvious drugged state warranted a call to medical.

=/\= "Ensign tr'Lhoell to Sickbay. Is it possible to have one of the on call doctors or nurses come to Saucer 1 - Customs Holding cell.  I've a dozen possibly drugged and injured birds that were being smuggled through Customs." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 18, 2020, 10:36:49 AM

[Hrafn's/CSO Office, Deck 2, Katra Station]

Hrafn yawned and stretched.  While it was part of her job to read through numerous PADD reports, it didn't mean she enjoyed it particularly.  She needed a break and her knee had been playing up more than normal lately.

Using that as an excuse she got up and took a stroll to the Medical facilities, hoping to get some relief for the increasingly frequent stiffness and pain in the knee.  She suspected it was something akin to arthritis, but surely there was something that could be done.

[Medical Station, Deck 5]

Hrafn walked in and spoke to the person on the desk there.

"Nothing urgent, and I don't even know if I'm at the right place... Dr. t'Lhoell normally deals with this and I don't know where she might be currently, basically, old injury... left knee.  Keeps becoming stiff and painful with increasing regularity."

[Dr Amarande Xiiv - Deck 5 - Medical Station]

Xiiv drew up her chart and looked it over as Hrafn spoke, nodded, and smiled. This would be an easier treatment to do and it did sound like arthritis. A local dose of anti-inflammatory aid and something that would help for pain, plus a cooling/heating wrap might help the immediate symptoms and a course of anti-inflammatories as needed would aid in the treatment of further irritation. There were also several exercises that might be helpful.

"Okay, let give this a good look," she murmured, running the scanner over it for a moment. Amarande spent a few moments looking it over with a careful eye and decided her initial approach was correct.

"I'll get you something for the pain and discomfort today and recommend some physical therapy to help ease mobility and flexibility back into the area affected. I have a course of anti-inflammatories I'd recommend you take and a cooling or heating wrap as well. Most people enjoy the wrap's ability to tell which you need more cooling or heating." She pulled out a wrap and began adjusting it for Hrafn's use.

"The deeper and sharper pain will be something that needs cold therapy, the lighter pain will be heat-based. You can wear it like you would a brace and it will help support the affected muscle and bone."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters - the evening previous]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 20, 2020, 02:41:35 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Rayek was in a moment of contentment - privately 'singing' to his love in his quiet whispered voice so that she would never have to know how truly off-key his singing voice actually was.  As they danced with her head resting on his shoulder they were very much close together, her belly pressed coolly against his abs.  One of the 'silver linings' of the dark cloud of his demotion was that he had way more scheduled training time and as a result as her belly was growing with their child, his was becoming leaner with a more defined 8-pack.

It was where their bodies met that Rayek felt a slight movement.  Given Tess' increased flatulence of late due to the pregnancy - not that Rayek would ever dare comment on it - Rayek was about to politely ignore this evidence of bloating along with all others before it.  But Tess' reaction was not the same.  She stopped suddenly, leaning away to put space between them while placing a hand on her belly.  When she looked up at him wordlessly, hope flared.    Was this...?  Could this be... ?  Maybe...?  He waited in anticipation of her confirmation that this was more than just the chickpeas' effect.

Her trembling words a moment later were met with an excited smile from him.  While she placed his hand over the spot on her belly, Rayek dropped to his knees before her.  His other hand stroked at the side of her belly encouragingly, as he watched for any sign of movement.  Granted it was a ridiculous idea that he could see something so soon... still he hoped.

He waited.  For a long span it seemed that the movement wouldn't repeat.. then there it was!  A tiny flutter beneath his fingers.  Rayek sucked in an astonished breath of air, staring at the spot behind his hand.  He could see nothing but the movement was unmistakable!  He lifted his gaze to Tess' face, with tears in his eyes.  This was a moment he would never forget!

He looked back to her belly and leaned forward bringing his face close to the spot where the movement had been felt. The hairs of his incipient beard - Tess had commented just a few days ago about how handsome she thought he would be with a beard so of course Rayek was attempting to grow one - no doubt tickling where it touched bare belly.

"Yhhau, taeth aadhoiurr'u. Hann'yyo hwiiy e aeulleakjs'hnvaeh'n i'mae hwiiy  iudaiht hrrau'khir aellei ehsiu. Hveolhaonn ourhhe iudaiht ihdhueeerr'unhr rrh y hwiiy. Hveolhaonn h'levreinnye. I-jol au." he murmured against her cool skin. (translation: Hello, my son.  Thank you for letting us know you are here and well. I cannot wait to hold you. I love you.)

Then glanced back up to Tess as he added. "Uaefvalhuneitrde'h'n mnek iudaiht ieiuqh ri'nanov." (translation:  Be good to your mother.)

Tess' eyes lit up when she saw Rayek's excited smile. Smiling, she pulled up the hem of her top so he could put his hand right on her skin. Excitedly she looked down at Rayek who had fallen to his knees in front of her and now had both hands on her stomach.

She waited with bated breath, hoping the little one would move once more. Then indeed! Tess felt something like butterflies in her stomach once more, a subtle tickle that gave her the greatest feeling of happiness ever.

"There!" she gasped as she looked at Rayek to see if he had felt it too. His gasping immediately revealed that he had indeed felt it. His warm hands on her belly felt nice. Then, when he raised his gaze up to her and she saw the tears of emotion in his eyes, hers filled with tears as well. This moment was unique and she was happy to experience it as it was.

She put her hand on his as she watched Rayek lean forward so that his face was close to her belly, the hairs of his beard tickling a little bit and make her grin. Then her husband whispered something in Romulan to the baby and the UT translated it. Tess knew that by this time the baby could already perceive a lot of what was happening outside the womb and could hear its parents' voice. So touched was Tess by this moment that Rayek's words to the baby made a tear of happiness roll down her cheek.

Her eyes met his again and his added words made her giggle. Bending forward speaking to the baby she replied: "If you're gonna be anything like your dad you're gonne be a cheeky rascal", she grinned at Rayek and then laughed good humoredly.

It was only then that a fact trickled into her consciousness - what had Rayek said? Son? A couple of months ago they had agreed not to check for the baby's gender until it was born. For a split second Tess wondered if Rayek had sneaked into sickbay behind her back to get information on the baby's gender - that would be a breach of trust between them and Tess quickly dismissed the thought. Was it maybe Rayek's wishful thinking that had spoken without him realizing it?

Her free hand came down to gently stroke through Rayek's hair to get his attention. "Son?", she asked with a grin and raised eyebrows.


Ensign Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 20, 2020, 02:41:35 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Rayek grimaced as the second of a three piece luggage set scanned through and pinged with live fauna within.  Seriously?! Who honestly thought they could make it through customs with live... birds?... in their luggage?  Who would want to?

A check of the passenger's passport showed that the Karemman woman had just returned from a week long stay at the Meridian resort and was now headed on through the wormhole to DS9 and on to Bajor after that.

Rayek scanned the third case. Three for three.  He placed all three bags on an anti-grav sled and brought the items over to a separate section of Customs.  It wasn't all that dissimilar to the brig, as it had multiple rooms that could be sealed off.  Rayek stepped into one of the rooms and set out the luggage out on the floor of the empty space.

"Computer erect a level two biological containment field in Customs Holding Room 1."

Once the computer acknowledge the order and Rayek could see the shimmer of the forcefield he used a cutter on his belt to forcibly open the locked luggage.  Within he found, in various stages of distress, 12 lethargic looking Aves.  They were brightly colored with sharp looking beaks. Each were in its own small separate cage but due to the cramped space within the luggage and likely the poor baggage handling Rayek noted that at least two seemed to have damage to their wings.

The injuries along with the obvious drugged state warranted a call to medical.

=/\= "Ensign tr'Lhoell to Sickbay. Is it possible to have one of the on call doctors or nurses come to Saucer 1 - Customs Holding cell.  I've a dozen possibly drugged and injured birds that were being smuggled through Customs." =/\=

Padrini had acknowledged the call and was now heading to the area of customs that was in the back. Katra Station didn't have as yet a veterinarian but with the increasing number of animals that Katra had to deal with, this was probably a long overdue thing to look into. The tricorder he had with him was configurated with basic information on known Federation fauna, but this was far from sufficient to take care properly of animals that were seriously ill or injured.

He arrived at the Holding Cell 1 and saw Ensign tr'Lhoell inside it with three boxes. Roberto hadn't dealt much with Rayek generally, somehow both of them seemed to avoid each other and this here was the first time he would work with him ever since Rayek's demotion. He couldn't deny that he had acknowledged the event with a sense of gloating.

"Ensign", Roberto nodded over to Rayek as he stopped in front of the force field outside the cell. Unlike most the Romulan's new rank rolled with ease off his tongue. "I'm here to look after the birds." He stretched his neck a little in an attempt to take a glimpse into one of the open boxes.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

🡱 🡳

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