S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 21, 2020, 06:59:00 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Relief was evident in Rayek's expression when Tess shook her head and continued smiling, admitting to him that she too was curious.   His arms move to wrap about her as she embraced him and settled the last of his worries with a kiss that he whole-heartedly and lovingly returned.  However, despite the amorous notions flitting through the passionate Romulan's mind as to where this intimate moment might turn to, Tess had other thoughts and brought the conversation back to bear on his choice of reading material.

Actually, material on the pregnancy was just one several things he read.  He did tend to read a lot, especially with more free time with his downgrade in responsibility.  When he wasn't reading aloud from The Chronicles of Agnes Barr to Tess and their unborn child, Rayek would research a various number of topics: from pregnancy to child-rearing; Cardassian vole pest-control methods to cooking; self-help on how to make friends to online searches of new staff and civilians on the station to learn about them since he no longer had access to confidential personnel files or even access to a persons criminal records without approval of his DH.

Lek had once remarked on this habit and Rayek's motivations and reasons for wanting to  know such information about everyone around him, yet the Ferengi had not understood Rayek's response - suggesting that his activity fed into the Romulan stereotype of being maladjusted and sneaky.  Rayek doubted Saxon would understand either so he kept his searches to what he could find on open forums and in news articles.

Tess' question about the wives' tales however kept his thoughts and the conversation firmly on their child.  He smiled as he resumed his swaying to the music that was nearing its end.  "I have learned of many - some are conflicting.. but yes... most suggest a boy by the way you are carrying low, in that your skin is still glowing and flawless, and you are generally happy and mellow mood-wise.  There were several that I picked up on." he quietly commented as they danced.

"Admittedly some will just not apply... heartrate for example is based on Human norms not a blended hydrid.  And I wasn't able to try the wedding ring test because I thought you would not approve. The same with the urine color test."  Somethings he just didn't want or need to know.

Seeing her interest, Rayek wondered if she might be considering changing her mind about waiting until the baby's birth to know.  "Are you serious about wanting to know? Or is it merely a passing thought?" he asked as their song ended and some other that he wasn't as keenly attuned to came up on the playlist.

Tess smiled softly and her eyes closed again as they resumed their dancing, her cheek resting against his. She let Rayek lead their swaying movements as she listened to the things he had read. Most of those things she had heard before but didn't memorize them since thoughts about having of her own have been far away at that time.
She chuckled softly and was glad he wasn't determined to check all of the 'wives tales' on her.

There song came to and end and as the final notes sounded through their quarters Tess heard Rayek's hopeful question. "I am serious, I would love to know." She pulled her head back once more to be able to look at Rayek. "So, we do want to know?" She started to grin widely. "I could access the scans Jayce has been making at the regular check-ins, last one was only yesterday." Her eyes started to gleam with excitement.


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Although it had been Tess' own idea to arrange lunch with her family and Rayek so they could have a little 'gender reveal moment' together, Tess just couldn't wait, she just couldn't! She hoped Rayek could forgive her. And she would allow herself this moment of private conversation even while on duty at the OCC. "We could then show you the latest scan pictures of your grandson." The grin on Tess' face couldn't be bigger.

Fabiano seemed to be focusing on the fact that he would get to see pictures which he loved, it took him a second or two until the last of her words caught up with him. His face was a grimace of surprise. "Son?"

Tess nodded her head. She would have grinned more if she could.

"You mean you ... you're going to have a boy ... ?!" He jumped to his feet and hugged his daughter over the console, kissing her cheek. "I knew you couldn't wait nine month to know", he smiled at her with a chuckle.

"Neither did Rayek", she smirked.

Ensign Ricci at the Ops console ended Tess' little private moment. "Commander, there's an incoming distress call!"

Tess looked up, the smile vanishing from her face instantly. "Put it on audio, Ensign."

=/\= "This is Captain Vertia ... the Karemma Freighter Obladai. We are ... pursued by Wanderer ... Our current position is approximately three light-years from ... station. We have accelerated to maximum ... but the ... attack ships are gaining on us. We do not think we can ... before they overtake us. Please send help. We do not even ... much longer we can transmit. They are projecting ... in an attempt to jam our ..." =/\=

Then the message died.

"Ensign Ricci, send a return signal", Tess ordered as she moved over to the command seat.  =/\= "This is Commander t'Lhoell from Katra Station, responding to the Obladai. Can you give us any detail about the ships attacking you?" =/\=

There was only silence. Tess looked over to Ensign Ricci. "What details do we have?"

The Ops officer worked on her console. "I'm not seeing anything on Long Range sensors. Science, can you clean up the sensor signals?"

Fabiano shook his head, his gaze fixed on the console. "Negative. I was able to get a fix on the source of the transmission ... but some type of subspace interference in the region is obscuring sensor detail."

Tess thought for a brief moment. "Ensign", she addressed Rebecca, "summon the Healy, I think we will need to take her out."

"Aye", the woman acknowledged and activated the rotating roster summons for the ship. The rotating roster program was responsible for assignment to the Healy in situations like this. While the Healy had permanent skeleton crew, much of her complement was filled as needed from station staff by the automated software - this time around the program selected beside Tess Rayek and Hrafn who would get a notification on their PADDs about it.

While Ricci was doing that, Tess tapped her comm badge.  =/\= "Commander t'Lhoell to Captain Solluk and Lieutenant Saxon. We received a distress call from a Karemma freighter about a Wanderer attack, our sensors can't pick up details. I began activating Healy crew." =/\=


Ens. Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 21, 2020, 06:59:00 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Rayek remained out of the way watching, up until Roberto was about to begin tagging the cages.  The Romulan reached out a hand to stop him - pointing instead to the newly replicated larger cages set up on the table.  "The travel cages are barely large enough for them.  I don't feel it right to leave them so cramped.  Tag these cages and I'll attempt to carefully transfer them over."

After Roberto finished scanning each, Rayek would then lift the cage out of the luggage and bring it over to a new cage.. and open the smaller inside of the larger while blocking as much of the cage exit with his body until the bird moved from smaller to larger cage.  Unfortunately, more than one bird took advantage of his hold to bite and pinch with their sharp beaks at his hands.  By the time he got all 12 transferred over, his hands had gained a couple open wounds - minor wounds mostly - only one might need a stitch, but policy required that they at least be cleaned and seen by medical personnel.

As he presented them to Padrini for treatment, Rayek reminded the man of his preference of just having them cleaned and bandaged.  "These are minor enough that I'd prefer to avoid dermal regeneration.  And I will be sure to tell Tess you advised me against such."

When Rayek touched him to keep him from tagging the smaller cages, Roberto looked up at the Romulan with a frown before he was directed to regard the bigger cages. Given the birds behaviour Roberto would refrain from that, those beaks looked like they were sharp as heck. But if Rayek wanted to be bitten Roberto wouldn't stop him.

Stepping back he simply watched as Rayek transferred every single of the birds to the larger cages - and as expected the Romulan's arm was decorated with copper green cuts. When Rayek turned to him to get the cuts seen to, Roberto grabbed his medkit. He knew of the Romulan's preference to keep the scars. To him with his opinion on the former XO this was alarming behaviour. Anything that would serve Roberto's biased opinion on Rayek.

Roberto began to clean the small wounds while Rayek made sure to remind the doctor of his preference of wound treatment. "Sure", Roberto mumbled, "I bet Tess will love another scar ..."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 21, 2020, 03:18:07 AM

"Sounds like quite the active lifestyle," she murmured, settling the wrap around the woman's leg. At least it was the same colour as her trousers. "This can either go on top or beneath as it stretches nicely and pain relief will be effective either way. For the moment, let's set it beneath. Rest the leg, prop it up if you're going to be in a sitting position for a while. My recommendation for fixing consoles is to let engineering handle it before attempting to use the knee. Loose wire or not."

The one sure fire way to overcome the limitation of a bone break was by a surgical replacement that negate the damage entirely.

"If you want a new kneecap, I can manage that with minimal recovery time. We have decent replacements."

[Medical Centre - Deck 5]

"A new kneecap would actually be good at some point, what do you call minimal recovery time?  I can schedule some time off if necessary.  And don't worry... I tend to leave everything of that ilk to Engineering now after that experience.  However, at that time they had more to worry about than fixing my console, there were multiple problems on various decks... " the CSO shrugged and then sighed with the relief of the wrap.

"Ooooh that's good, and having medical 'approval' to put my feet up..."
Hrafn winked at Xvii

~ Later ~

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 22, 2020, 11:55:41 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
Ensign Ricci at the Ops console ended Tess' little private moment. "Commander, there's an incoming distress call!"

Tess looked up, the smile vanishing from her face instantly. "Put it on audio, Ensign."

=/\= "This is Captain Vertia ... the Karemma Freighter Obladai. We are ... pursued by Wanderer ... Our current position is approximately three light-years from ... station. We have accelerated to maximum ... but the ... attack ships are gaining on us. We do not think we can ... before they overtake us. Please send help. We do not even ... much longer we can transmit. They are projecting ... in an attempt to jam our ..." =/\=

Then the message died.

"Ensign Ricci, send a return signal", Tess ordered as she moved over to the command seat.  =/\= "This is Commander t'Lhoell from Katra Station, responding to the Obladai. Can you give us any detail about the ships attacking you?" =/\=

There was only silence. Tess looked over to Ensign Ricci. "What details do we have?"

The Ops officer worked on her console. "I'm not seeing anything on Long Range sensors. Science, can you clean up the sensor signals?"

Fabiano shook his head, his gaze fixed on the console. "Negative. I was able to get a fix on the source of the transmission ... but some type of subspace interference in the region is obscuring sensor detail."

Tess thought for a brief moment. "Ensign", she addressed Rebecca, "summon the Healy, I think we will need to take her out."

"Aye", the woman acknowledged and activated the rotating roster summons for the ship. The rotating roster program was responsible for assignment to the Healy in situations like this. While the Healy had permanent skeleton crew, much of her complement was filled as needed from station staff by the automated software - this time around the program selected beside Tess Rayek and Hrafn who would get a notification on their PADDs about it.

While Ricci was doing that, Tess tapped her comm badge.  =/\= "Commander t'Lhoell to Captain Solluk and Lieutenant Saxon. We received a distress call from a Karemma freighter about a Wanderer attack, our sensors can't pick up details. I began activating Healy crew." =/\=

[Airlock > USS Healy Bridge]

Hrafn had received the muster notification whilst walking back to Sciences, she almost instantly changed direction into the next turbolift and took it down and then walked along to Healy link up.  The wrap was really helping her and she had a spring in her step again.

Nodding to the Ensign at the Airlock for the Healy she hopped up to the Bridge and slipped into the Science Console then tapped her commbadge, realising she was the first there.

=/\=Falleg to t'Lhoell� you did muster the Healy crew did you not?  I appear to be early.  I'll start scans from here and see if I can get some comms up for the Obladai,  I have channels I can use that aren't normally used like the Bajoran Resistance channel... I dunno I can try a few things.  Regular Science scans started, Ma'am.=/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 22, 2020, 11:55:41 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

Tess smiled softly and her eyes closed again as they resumed their dancing, her cheek resting against his. She let Rayek lead their swaying movements as she listened to the things he had read. Most of those things she had heard before but didn't memorize them since thoughts about having of her own have been far away at that time.
She chuckled softly and was glad he wasn't determined to check all of the 'wives tales' on her.

Their song came to and end and as the final notes sounded through their quarters Tess heard Rayek's hopeful question. "I am serious, I would love to know." She pulled her head back once more to be able to look at Rayek. "So, we do want to know?" She started to grin widely. "I could access the scans Jayce has been making at the regular check-ins, last one was only yesterday." Her eyes started to gleam with excitement.

Leaning away a bit to look down at Tess still held in his arms looking up at him, Rayek searched her face for certainty that this was what she wanted.  There could be no forgetting once they knew.   Her grin was reassuring.  He nodded with a smile of his own meeting her bright blue eyes.  "We do."

At her suggestion that she could access her check-up scans from just yesterday, he nodded a little eagerly and leaned in to kiss her one more time before urging her to get her PADD.   While she did, he hovered in nervous anticipation.

The moment the image came up on the screen, Rayek moved to stand behind Tess, peering over her shoulder at the PADD while his arms wrapped around her to rest lightly over top their precious child.  "So beautiful." he murmured.  Then pressed a kiss to Tess' cheek.

From the image Rayek couldn't determine the fetus' gender.  The umbilical cord was in the way! But he knew that there were other means of determining gender, like genetic markers, that would be noted in the scan that Tess could decipher.  With his eyes fixed on the tiny tips of their child's ears and the faintly noticeable V, Rayek inwardly cheered.  He had hoped such features would be passed on. "I can't tell from the image... what does the scan data say?" he prompted.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 22, 2020, 11:55:41 AM

Ens. Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

When Rayek touched him to keep him from tagging the smaller cages, Roberto looked up at the Romulan with a frown before he was directed to regard the bigger cages. Given the birds behaviour Roberto would refrain from that, those beaks looked like they were sharp as heck. But if Rayek wanted to be bitten Roberto wouldn't stop him.

Stepping back he simply watched as Rayek transferred every single of the birds to the larger cages - and as expected the Romulan's arm was decorated with copper green cuts. When Rayek turned to him to get the cuts seen to, Roberto grabbed his medkit. He knew of the Romulan's preference to keep the scars. To him with his opinion on the former XO this was alarming behaviour. Anything that would serve Roberto's biased opinion on Rayek.

Roberto began to clean the small wounds while Rayek made sure to remind the doctor of his preference of wound treatment. "Sure", Roberto mumbled, "I bet Tess will love another scar ..."

The tone with which the comment was made was obviously sarcastic, and Rayek knew that the man's sarcasm wasn't wrong.  Tess wouldn't be happy that he didn't have the wounds properly regenerated, but she would respect his right to decide that for himself.   That she was the role-model that he needed to emulate to be a better husband - a better person - was rather telling.

"She will understand." was Rayek's eventual reply back.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 22, 2020, 11:55:41 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]

Ensign Ricci at the Ops console ended Tess' little private moment. "Commander, there's an incoming distress call!"

Tess looked up, the smile vanishing from her face instantly. "Put it on audio, Ensign."

=/\= "This is Captain Vertia ... the Karemma Freighter Obladai. We are ... pursued by Wanderer ... Our current position is approximately three light-years from ... station. We have accelerated to maximum ... but the ... attack ships are gaining on us. We do not think we can ... before they overtake us. Please send help. We do not even ... much longer we can transmit. They are projecting ... in an attempt to jam our ..." =/\=

Then the message died.

"Ensign Ricci, send a return signal", Tess ordered as she moved over to the command seat.  =/\= "This is Commander t'Lhoell from Katra Station, responding to the Obladai. Can you give us any detail about the ships attacking you?" =/\=

There was only silence. Tess looked over to Ensign Ricci. "What details do we have?"

The Ops officer worked on her console. "I'm not seeing anything on Long Range sensors. Science, can you clean up the sensor signals?"

Fabiano shook his head, his gaze fixed on the console. "Negative. I was able to get a fix on the source of the transmission ... but some type of subspace interference in the region is obscuring sensor detail."

Tess thought for a brief moment. "Ensign", she addressed Rebecca, "summon the Healy, I think we will need to take her out."

"Aye", the woman acknowledged and activated the rotating roster summons for the ship. The rotating roster program was responsible for assignment to the Healy in situations like this. While the Healy had permanent skeleton crew, much of her complement was filled as needed from station staff by the automated software - this time around the program selected beside Tess Rayek and Hrafn who would get a notification on their PADDs about it.

While Ricci was doing that, Tess tapped her comm badge.  =/\= "Commander t'Lhoell to Captain Solluk and Lieutenant Saxon. We received a distress call from a Karemma freighter about a Wanderer attack, our sensors can't pick up details. I began activating Healy crew." =/\=

While Padrini was cleaning up after finishing up his treatment, a vibe and specific tone of chime from his PADD alerted Rayek to an urgent assignment update.   Rayek retrieved his PADD and looked over the message.  He blinked in surprise at the summons but orders were orders.

He looked over to Padrini. "I have to go. If you are done here I will secure the holding room." he stated even as he was busy tapping out a message for his replacement in regards to the birds, their condition and next steps in dealing with the luggage owner.  Once Padrini was out of the cell, Rayek secured the bio-containment field and headed towards the Healy's airlock.

Along the way, he reviewed the mission brief which was exactly that -brief.  A distress call received suggesting a possible piracy situation.  It was very reminiscent of the Kir'Shara's first mission in the Gamma Quadrant.  This reminded him of Crewman Nari - well Petty Officer now.

[USS Healy - Airlock >> Bridge]
At the airlock Rayek showed his assignment orders to gain access and then headed up to the Bridge.  Stepping out of the airlock he quickly surveyed the near empty bridge.
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 22, 2020, 01:39:05 PM

[Airlock > USS Healy Bridge]

Hrafn had received the muster notification whilst walking back to Sciences, she almost instantly changed direction into the next turbolift and took it down and then walked along to Healy link up.  The wrap was really helping her and she had a spring in her step again.

Nodding to the Ensign at the Airlock for the Healy she hopped up to the Bridge and slipped into the Science Console then tapped her commbadge, realising she was the first there.

=/\=Falleg to t'Lhoell� you did muster the Healy crew did you not?  I appear to be early.  I'll start scans from here and see if I can get some comms up for the Obladai,  I have channels I can use that aren't normally used like the Bajoran Resistance channel... I dunno I can try a few things.  Regular Science scans started, Ma'am.=/\=

Hrafn was the only other already present ... talking to Tess?   The center seat was glaringly empty and Rayek was more than a little curious who would be Captaining the Healy on this mission.  Had Tess pulled strings to get him assigned to the Healy with her as a form of support?  Or had Solluk arranged for him to be assigned on the next call out, as a sort of test and would be observing his activity closely?  Both were plausible notions.

Rayek moved further onto the bridge moving past Hrafn at the Sciences console to take up position at Tactical.  It had been three months since he fired on the Atrosian vessel.    That he was being permitted back on the ship, much less in a tactical role was more than he had expected.  Sure he hoped but even he recognized that the likelihood of it had been slim - yet here he was.  There was a moment of brief worry that his authorization wouldn't accepted when he signed onto the console.  But his worry was for naught as the computer almost immediately opened, granting his access to both ships defenses and weapons control.  A slight smile of gratitude touched on his face.

First thing he did was do was request the automated systems do a recount of the torpedoes - both forward and aft.  He then sent a request down to the Phaser Control room to report on the status of the powercells.  All standard actions prior to an launch.  While this was being done, he began a check on the shields and had the sensors check over the ships ablative armoring.

The turbolift opened and Rayek glanced back anticipating to see either Tess or Solluk, instead Ensign Stewart exited the lift and made her way towards the Flight Control console.  It was odd to Rayek that Eli hadn't been called on.  He would have thought that both Tess or Solluk would have preferred the more experienced officer especially when the potential for an altercation was higher than say for a science-oriented call out.

It was then that he recalled Tess having mentioned the new roster program that had been installed not long ago; that it was going to be used to assign non-designated positions on the Healy randomly with appropriately ranked personnel from Katra.  Well, that explained his presence.  Random chance - not that he had been selected.  Which meant whoever was Captaining the Healy could rescind the assignment.  Rayek hoped it was Tess...  she might allow him to stay. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Katra Station - Klingon Embassy

A series of communications interrupted their ongoing conversation about the Klingon reform movement.  A message came in for Zex, to advise her of Tholian movements.  And then, mere moments later, Solluk received his own communique.

The Wanderers.  Solluk had been briefed on that nomadic band of pirates.  Somewhere out in the neighboring sectors, they had a behemoth mother-ship that was perhaps even larger than Katra station itself.  When Katra had first been established, and was still under the command of Admiral Rellek, the USS Kir'Shara had been dispatched to stop the Wanderers from preying upon a Karemma freighter.  Later, the debris from destroyed Wanderer attack ships had been sifted through, and much had been learned about them.

Now it seemed the Wanderers were up to their old tricks.  Rather bold of them, considering the pasting the Kir'Shara had given them on their last attempt at piracy in nearby space.

He tapped his badge, =/\= Acknowledged.  I'll relieve you at the OCC.  I'll be keeping Saxon here on the station to act as my XO while you're away.  You go ahead and take the Healy and see about protecting that Karemma freighter.  But if you encounter the Wanderer mother-ship, evacuate any Karemma you can and get back here.  As potent a torpedo-boat as the New Orleans class can be, our Healy is no match for the reputed firepower of that carrier. =/\=

With that said, he spoke now to Beja and Zex, "I suppose this party is over for me.  And it sounds like Zex also has business elsewhere.  Counselor, please make my apologies to Ambassador Kol for a hasty departure.  No need to trouble him with the details, however.  If I know the Klingons, they'd be likely to take that museum ship of theirs into the fray."

Withdrawing with a nod, Solluk quickly made his way up to the Operational Control Center.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja smiled brightly, happy to see that the Captain liked the tea she had suggested and that Zex appeared to enjoy the prune juice too. Klingon drinks and foods were a curiosity to other species she had found. Not many really appreciated the Klingons culinary delights. She had been told many times that Klingon food was an acquired taste, which was a polite way of saying thanks but no thanks. So when Beja could share something of her heritage with others and it was not just appreciated but enjoyed, it warmed her heart.

The conversation though of the future of the Klingon Council and Empire was interrupted, first by the Dord Ambassador having an arm wrestling match with the Klingons. A very strange sight for them all to see to be sure, but one that Beja enjoyed. It was good to see Dord finding common ground with the Klingons. The diplomats were beginning to know each other better, all of it started with their party they had a month prior.

And then Zex's commbadge pinged with a request about the Tholians and almost immediately after that Captain Solluk's own commbadege pinged with some kind of issue that needed his attention.

Beja nodded and smiled over to both Zex and Captain Solluk, "I'm sure we can talk about this at a different time. I am glad you both did enjoy the Opera, but duty calls it seems for you both. Do take care and be safe. If you need anything from me, please don't hesitate to call on me."

(OOC Post restored due to server outage - Rayek tr'Lhoell February 11th 2021)


Quote from: Beja on May 23, 2020, 03:01:12 AM

USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja smiled brightly, happy to see that the Captain liked the tea she had suggested and that Zex appeared to enjoy the prune juice too. Klingon drinks and foods were a curiosity to other species she had found. Not many really appreciated the Klingons culinary delights. She had been told many times that Klingon food was an acquired taste, which was a polite way of saying thanks but no thanks. So when Beja could share something of her heritage with others and it was not just appreciated but enjoyed, it warmed her heart.

The conversation though of the future of the Klingon Council and Empire was interrupted, first by the Dord Ambassador having an arm wrestling match with the Klingons. A very strange sight for them all to see to be sure, but one that Beja enjoyed. It was good to see Dord finding common ground with the Klingons. The diplomats were beginning to know each other better, all of it started with their party they had a month prior.

And then Zex�s commbadge pinged with a request about the Tholians and almost immediately after that Captain Solluk�s own commbadege pinged with some kind of issue that needed his attention.

Beja nodded and smiled over to both Zex and Captain Solluk, �I�m sure we can talk about this at a different time. I am glad you both did enjoy the Opera, but duty calls it seems for you both. Do take care and be safe. If you need anything from me, please don�t hesitate to call on me.�

USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

When Solluk's combadge dinged, Zex expected that their meeting would come to an end shortly.  So, she downed the last of her drink.  Then disposed of the glass.

"Yes, duty calls" she agreed with the Captain.  "It was beautiful.  Thanks again for suggesting the juice.  Now I know what to order at future Klingon events" she said to Beja.

"Please add my goodbye to the Captain's.  I'll see you both later" she added.  Then stepped away and headed for the door.

Once she was safely away from ears that might hear the conversation, she tapped her combadge again.  =/\=Zex to Crewman Duff.  I'm on my way to Docking Saucer 3.  Are there any updates?=/\= she said over the open link.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 23, 2020, 12:54:30 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Leaning away a bit to look down at Tess still held in his arms looking up at him, Rayek searched her face for certainty that this was what she wanted.  There could be no forgetting once they knew.   Her grin was reassuring.  He nodded with a smile of his own meeting her bright blue eyes.  "We do."

At her suggestion that she could access her check-up scans from just yesterday, he nodded a little eagerly and leaned in to kiss her one more time before urging her to get her PADD.   While she did, he hovered in nervous anticipation.

The moment the image came up on the screen, Rayek moved to stand behind Tess, peering over her shoulder at the PADD while his arms wrapped around her to rest lightly over top their precious child.  "So beautiful." he murmured.  Then pressed a kiss to Tess' cheek.

From the image Rayek couldn't determine the fetus' gender.  The umbilical cord was in the way! But he knew that there were other means of determining gender, like genetic markers, that would be noted in the scan that Tess could decipher.  With his eyes fixed on the tiny tips of their child's ears and the faintly noticeable V, Rayek inwardly cheered.  He had hoped such features would be passed on. "I can't tell from the image... what does the scan data say?" he prompted.

With the rather spontaneous decision made that they would now check their baby's gender had Tess' pulse rise in excited anticipation. After returning Rayek's kiss she left him briefly to retreive her PADD from the table. She accessed her medical file in no time before she returned to her waiting husband with an excited smile. "Okay, here's the picture of yesterday's scan."

When Rayek moved to stand behind her and peek over her shoulder, his hands wrapped around her lovingly, she leaned back against him a little, the smile never leaving her lips. The murmured words from Rayek had Tess nod her head in agreement. Indeed, this was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The gender however was not visible on the picture. Tess' gaze automatically moved to the side where some of the data was noted. She scrolled through it, looking out for specific data.

When she found it she started to grin widely even while Rayek prompted for that information. Lowering the PADD she slowly turned in his embrace so she could face him. Her cheeks had turned a bright shade of red. Locking eyes with him she held up the PADD again, the picture visible. "This is our boy. Nnearh faelirh!" (*Your son). She couldn't help the tears of joy that filled her eyes. Somehow, knowing the baby's gender made it all the more real to her. "You were right after all", she chuckled, even as a tear of joy rolled down her cheek.

She looked at the picture again, taking in all the little details. "He's got pointed ears", she pointed out, still overjoyed while she looked at the soft features of the little fetus. "He's going to look so much like you." She smiled at Rayek.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 1 - Operations Control Center]
Quote from: Solluk on May 23, 2020, 02:03:42 AM

=/\= Acknowledged.  I'll relieve you at the OCC.  I'll be keeping Saxon here on the station to act as my XO while you're away.  You go ahead and take the Healy and see about protecting that Karemma freighter.  But if you encounter the Wanderer mother-ship, evacuate any Karemma you can and get back here.  As potent a torpedo-boat as the New Orleans class can be, our Healy is no match for the reputed firepower of that carrier. =/\=

Tess was quickly scrolling through the roster that had been selected by the computer. The program was new and Tess was quite curious how it would work. She noted Rayek on the roster, selected to man the bridge. He was more than capable of course, though she wasn't sure how confident he would feel in that spot - or how confident Solluk would feel to keep him in that spot for this mission. But to her surprise it wouldn't be up to Solluk to decide that - but to her.

After Solluk's call came in, Tess thought for a brief moment. She was surprised by his choice. Since the Wanderers were involved - surely he read the reports on Katra's first encounter with them - and her advanced pregnancy she would have thought he would opt for himself to command the Healy. Of course Tess was still able to take up such an assignment - if she wouldn't feel to be able to give her best she would say that. She wasn't sure what induced Solluk to this choice - but she realized at the same time that with Rayek on the bridge with her and they encountering a potentially dangerous situation would mean a crucial test for them.

=/\= "Understood, Captain. t'Lhoell out." =/\=

She crossed the room to get to the turbolift when she passed her father at the science console. "Prenditi cura di te" (*Take care), he murmured to her, concern on his face and in his voice.

Tess faltered briefly in her step, her eyes meeting his. "Lo farò." (*I will) She smiled, hopfully reassuringly before stepping into the turbolift.

While she was on her way to the Healy, Hrafn chimed in.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 22, 2020, 01:39:05 PM

=/\=Falleg to t'Lhoell... you did muster the Healy crew did you not?  I appear to be early.  I'll start scans from here and see if I can get some comms up for the Obladai,  I have channels I can use that aren't normally used like the Bajoran Resistance channel... I dunno I can try a few things.  Regular Science scans started, Ma'am.=/\=

=/\= "I did and thank you, Hrafn, we can use some of your magic. I'm on my way now and will be on the Healy shortly. t'Lhoell out." =/\=

[USS Healy - Bridge]

When Tess stepped out of the turbolift on the bridge she was found the bridge crew already complete, including Rayek, Hrafn and Ensign Stewart. However, her gaze lingered on Rayek a little longer as she tried to get a feel for if he was happy or unhappy in that position. Her chest clenched a little. They would need to make this good. Taking one deep breath Tess moved to sit in the command chair, the chair of the XO remaining vacant.

Thumbing a button at the chair, she opened a ship-wide channel. =/\= "This is Commander tr'Lhoell. We have reiceived a distress call from a Karemma freighter, they are pursued by the Wanderers. We are going out to assist the Karemma. All departments report status." =/\=

She then passed on the Captain's orders to the bridge crew. "We are looking for the Karemma freighter Obladai to help them. We try to avoid the Wanderers, but if we encounter them we won't risk a battle. In case of confrontation evacuate as many Karemma as we can and then return to the station."

Checking her display at the chair console she saw that all departments had reported readiness. When she checked medical she recalled that the computer program had selected Saqa7 for sickbay. Tess knew that she was a capable doctor, but her license had been revoked last year. But she couldn't bother about that now. She surely was content with her in medical.

She then turned to Jessica Stewart. "Ensign, as soon as we have the go from Katra take us out. Set course for the source of the transmission. Tactical, keep an eye out for the Wanderers when we're out, I don't want to be taken by surprise by them. They have a preference for boarding ships, I wouldn't like a repetition of that."

Ens. Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 23, 2020, 12:54:30 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

The tone with which the comment was made was obviously sarcastic, and Rayek knew that the man's sarcasm wasn't wrong.  Tess wouldn't be happy that he didn't have the wounds properly regenerated, but she would respect his right to decide that for himself.   That she was the role-model that he needed to emulate to be a better husband - a better person - was rather telling.

"She will understand." was Rayek's eventual reply back.

While Padrini was cleaning up after finishing up his treatment, a vibe and specific tone of chime from his PADD alerted Rayek to an urgent assignment update.   Rayek retrieved his PADD and looked over the message.  He blinked in surprise at the summons but orders were orders.

He looked over to Padrini. "I have to go. If you are done here I will secure the holding room." he stated even as he was busy tapping out a message for his replacement in regards to the birds, their condition and next steps in dealing with the luggage owner.  Once Padrini was out of the cell, Rayek secured the bio-containment field and headed towards the Healy's airlock.

Along the way, he reviewed the mission brief which was exactly that -brief.  A distress call received suggesting a possible piracy situation.  It was very reminiscent of the Kir'Shara's first mission in the Gamma Quadrant.  This reminded him of Crewman Nari - well Petty Officer now.

"Will she?", Roberto replied back promptly, pausing in his treatment briefly to look at Rayek. Now that the other lost his rank, Roberto was less hesitant to show him what he thought of him. "You don't know anything about what a woman like Tess wants and needs. You are only interested in fulfulling your own needs, isn't that right?" Roberto put - or rather tossed - the things aside he had used to finish up the treatment. In his opinion the 'delusion' the former Commander had was very telling about his character. "You probably don't care what I think, but I tell you this: You should have taken advantage of your position while you have been XO to get rid of me, because once Tess will have enough of your egotism, I will be right there to comfort her."

With that he turned his back on Rayek and didn't even bother to acknowledge the Romulan's announcement of his having to leave in any way. He just finished his job and then left to head back to sickbay and pick up on arrangements what to do with the birds.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

John Saxon


[Katra Station - Deck 11]

In something akin to deja vu that endlessly repeated, John was once again halfway to his clandestine monitoring of the Tholian delegation when his combadge chirped. Expecting it to be from the Diplomatic Protection Section, updating him on their rendezvous with either Beja or Zex. What he didn't expect was Tess as the other end.

Quote from: Tess t'Lhoell

Tess tapped her comm badge.  =/\= "Commander t'Lhoell to Captain Solluk and Lieutenant Saxon. We received a distress call from a Karemma freighter about a Wanderer attack, our sensors can't pick up details. I began activating Healy crew."

Wanderers. Katra Station had come across these nomadic people before he had joined the complement; since then, they had been of some, perhaps grim, interest to the old officer and had spent quite some time learning all he could; either direct from the various logs of the encounter, or his own investigations using the resources available as Strategic Operations. Despite their immensely powerful, but yet singular, vessel, they were not to be trifled with. Which made the fact their world had been decimated by the mysterious swarm known as the Gregari all the disturbing.

" =/\= Saxon to OCC; Acknowledged. I'm on my way, Commander. =/\= " he reported back to Tess, pleased that the Ba'ku officer had really begun to settle in her, admittedly thrusted-upon, role as First Officer. He waited for the ping from his own administrative PADD - thankfully a smaller model now Yeoman Sullivan had taken the strain of organising his busy schedules - to notify him that he was being assigned to the Tactical station of the Healy...

But that never came. Instead, Rayek had been assigned, and he was to report to OCC.

John frowned. Not because he doubted that the Romulan should be trusted at the post - far from it: Saxon himself had recommended that Ensign tr'Lhoell have his access to more...potent...arsenal, since the former XO - and father-to-be - had impressed the nonagenarian extensively in his natural leadership among the junior officers and Security Department, as well as his commitment to his new rank and place on the station, not to mention efforts to atone for past transgressions. In John's opinion, it wouldn't be long until discussions were had to reverse the punitive action.

Of course, that would only cause a whole new set of issues...

No, he frowned because it meant he would have to miss out on the opportunity to encounter the Wanderers first hand.

Closing the channel to Tess, Saxon tapped again. " =/\= Lt Saxon to Yeoman Sullivan  =/\=."

The plucky, eager voice sang back. " =/\= I'm here, Lieutenant! How are the Tholians?  =/\="

John's beard waggled in an attempt to ward off a grumble at her chirpy onslaught." =/\= Another change of plan, I'm afraid =/\=" he replied, striding towards the other turbolift, that would provide a faster route to the OCC. If he hadn't known her better, he would have felt sorry for the constant revisions she had to make to his schedule. As it was, this was very much in her bailiwick. " =/\= Please mark me as attending the OCC on an alert, and arrange for rescheduling of pending engagements until further notice.  =/\="

" =/\= You got it, sir! Oh, and I have a message from a 'H'rel' in the Klingon Embassy, in response to your apologies. He asked me to relay: SoHvaD ngo' jackal pagh So' vo' wItlhutlhbej reH, SoH. =/\=" Her voice conveyed the inflection perfectly, but John couldn't be sure she grasped the message fully.

Still he couldn't help but grin at the message. The Flight Officer of the LoD Qan could be quite tenacious. His tone steadied and he nodded. " =/\= Thank you Yeoman. If you could reply- =/\="

" =/\= Oh, I've already replied on your behalf  =/\=" the cheery voice came back. John's right eyebrow raised slightly at the cheek of it. He was about to remind her that he could damn well speak for himself, when she continued. " =/\= I said you had asked me to pass on the following: latlh poH qeq jey neH SuyItHa' jIH, 'Iwghargh lam." Her pronunciation was again perfect, but now tinted with a sprinkle of forced innocence.

Saxon's guffaw echoed down the corridor.

" =/\= Will that be all, sir? =/\=" Sullivan continued, sweetly.

" =/\= Yeoman, you'll go far. =/\=" conceded the venerable Lieutenant.

[Katra Station - OCC]

Entering the Centre, John nodded to Solluk. "Captain. What do we know?" he asked, glancing up at the central situation monitor and then towards the Tactical station.



[Katra station Level 4 holodeck] Eydis would approach  the empty  holodeck computer at the entry way,  as the guards post up by the entrance of it. �Computer, I�m captain Eydis of the tholian assembly warrior caste. Representing envoy to the federation. Bring up all encounters and suspected sightings of the names Crystalline entity�

Eydis would place the memory crystal into the slot and wait for the computers response. Eydis had also been tasked with contacting the crystalline entities. And now believed she was aware of one and it was dire straights. Been pursued by a unknown hostile force which had driven it away from the others.

The memory crystal would begin to record as Eydis stepped into the holodeck a simulation. The image of star fleets first encounter with the presumed only known crystalline entity. The entity hung suspend in the hologram in front of eydis. In her thought space a serene emotion of awe took over. It was like how many humans might react to seeing a pod of orcas or a blue whale. And by the end of the recorded encounters Eydis was not angry as much a deep sense of loss had struck hir.  It was a tragic outcome caused by something that had driven the crystalline entity mad. Shi could feel something was wrong with it as it appeared in the recordings to attack and strip federation colonies of life. Watching it shatter hir thoughtspace filled with determination never to let that happen again. The tholian assembly had always heard rumors of the crystalline entities and it was surmised that a past connection might exist.

�Computer end program � Shi would speak as hir emotions had already been felt over the lattice a form of telepathic network amongst hir crew. Now all that remained was to locate a crystalline entity and go out to meet it. Eydis was hoping the entity would engage with them out of curiosity sensing the different construction of their ships and the lattice.

Eydis two guards were the first to alert Eydis that the federation personal has come searching for hir. That gave Eydis some pause and confusion. Shi had not thought she had violated any rules of the station. Perhaps they were just curious. But Eydis dreaded the coming encounter, humanoid races always moved to much when talking. A seeming frantic flurry of words spoken at near overwhelming rate. Why couldn�t they just calm down a little, it would make humanoids far more tolerable if they could to Eydis.


Katra Station - Outside the Holodeck

Ensign Suzette Chastain was on the Diplomatic Security frequency, and tapped her com-badge to respond to inquiries about the Tholians.

=/\= This is Ensign Chastain to Lieutenant Saxon and Ensign Zex.  I'm on the Diplomatic Security Detail, Sirs.  We've been monitoring the Tholians since they boarded the station... from a discreet distance.

The Tholian ambassador made her way to the holodeck.  You could have tipped me over with a feather when I saw where she was headed.   She brought two bodyguards carrying some impressive crystalline bladed polearms.  We haven't interfered with them.  Since Tholians are so... unique... we decided we ought to get direction before approaching them.  Might be like asking a Klingon to give up their daggers. =/\=

Technically, ambassadorial staff benefited from a certain degree of diplomatic immunity.  On the other hand, Security protocols didn't allow people to be carrying weapons in public spaces without authorization.  Getting the Klingons to give up their disruptor pistols had already been a task and a half.  A compromise had been reached to allow them to carry their 'personal eating utensils.'

Where 'vicious Tholian crystalline halberds and swords' fit into the continuum of allowed 'utensils' was something that had not yet been firmly decided upon.

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Solluk had only just relieved Tess at the OCC when Saxon arrived.  He swiveled to face the man.

"Precious few details, so far.  An unspecified number and type of Wanderer vessels are chasing down a Karemma freighter a couple of light-years from here.  Subspace interference is blocking long-range sensors, so we're going into this one blind.   I've sent Commander t'Lhoell to take the Healy out.  But I've given her orders not to engage the Wanderer carrier if it appears.  It's one thing to pit the Healy against their attack ships, but that carrier is out of her league."

Solluk found himself wishing that the Tempest had not already departed on its escort mission.  Having a Galaxy class ship on call would have been reassuring.  There was always the possibility of recalling the Tempest, but he didn't want to do that, either.  Having the Tempest race back here would leave the Vulcan cruisers unprotected, and for all he knew this could be a diversion intended to achieve that exact result.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on May 21, 2020, 04:17:24 PM

"He can come back this way, second room on your left. If it's itchy it's healing."

"Would you like some tea?" she asked once he'd found her.

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade nodded. �Surre, what interresting flavourrs have you got?� L�mar asked as he entered the room Xiiv was in after thanking the nurse for their help.

�I also have anotherr issue,� L�mar said a little shyly, �I have a few rrashes from the rrubbing fibrres of the Starrfleet uniforrm.� L�mar added and frowned. �They arre not too annoying but will be soon.�



USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

When both Captain Solluk and Zex made their leave when duty called them both away, Beja looked around for her date, and found her father talking with the Meridian ambassador. She made her way over to the two of them. She smiled at both of them, and bowed her head to the Meridian President.

�President Tarin, I hope you enjoyed the Opera. I look forward to seeing what the Meridians put on next month for their cultural appreciation event,� Beja greeted the Meridian leader, happy to see that he had taken part in the Klingon�s musical showing. She was very much interested in seeing what the Meridians would offer up. In fact she was interested in seeing what each of the Embassies put on when it was their turn to provide the monthly cultural entertainment.

Beja then turned to her father, �Father, I wonder if Grom is here? I think he would be a good opponent for the Dord in the arm wrestling going on.�

It would only be fair to help level out the playing field with Dord's armor, with the Klingon�s own cybornetics. Honor could be found in fighting a higher skilled opponent. But there had to be some chance of victory. There was no test of skill involved in a match between a normal man and a powered suit. A lesson the Dord could learn from the Klingons.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 23, 2020, 11:15:15 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

With the rather spontaneous decision made that they would now check their baby's gender had Tess' pulse rise in excited anticipation. After returning Rayek's kiss she left him briefly to retrieve her PADD from the table. She accessed her medical file in no time before she returned to her waiting husband with an excited smile. "Okay, here's the picture of yesterday's scan."

When Rayek moved to stand behind her and peek over her shoulder, his hands wrapped around her lovingly, she leaned back against him a little, the smile never leaving her lips. The murmured words from Rayek had Tess nod her head in agreement. Indeed, this was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The gender however was not visible on the picture. Tess' gaze automatically moved to the side where some of the data was noted. She scrolled through it, looking out for specific data.

When she found it she started to grin widely even while Rayek prompted for that information. Lowering the PADD she slowly turned in his embrace so she could face him. Her cheeks had turned a bright shade of red. Locking eyes with him she held up the PADD again, the picture visible. "This is our boy. Nnearh faelirh!" (*Your son). She couldn't help the tears of joy that filled her eyes. Somehow, knowing the baby's gender made it all the more real to her. "You were right after all", she chuckled, even as a tear of joy rolled down her cheek.

She looked at the picture again, taking in all the little details. "He's got pointed ears", she pointed out, still overjoyed while she looked at the soft features of the little fetus. "He's going to look so much like you." She smiled at Rayek.

Rayek tipped is head a bit puzzled when Tess lowered the PADD without answering him. But a moment later she turned about in his arms to face him.  She was flushed with excitement and Rayek so desperately wanted to share in the news.  When she looked at him, he met her gaze with anticipation.  He was about to prompt again when she lifted the PADD for him to see.  It was impossible for his eyes not to be drawn to the image. Then she spoke - saying 'This is our boy. Your son'.

A son?  A son!  Rayek was overwhelmed with joy at the news... later he would tell Tess that his reaction would have been the same even if it had been a girl, however only time could that. Time and a second pregnancy sometime in the future.  But for now, Rayek was overjoyed at the news of a son.

He carefully tightened his hold on Tess even as she commented that he had been right.  While being correct was good, Rayek needed to express somehow just how ecstatic he was.  So he lifted Tess and spun them about, laughing!  A son!  They were expecting a son!

Caution about becoming dizzy and dropping Tess had Rayek cease his spin after just a turn or two but he continued to hold Tess close.  "E'lev, thank you... for allowing us to know. Knowing.. means... so much to me."

His words barely seemed able to express his gratitude and joy at the moment.  So he opted to try with kiss.  Tender, and loving and joyous, yet even that seemed barely able to share it adequately.  He lifted a hand to brush at her hair, moving it away from her face, before gently settling his long fingers into a very familiar position overtop of her psy point.

He held her eyes seeking permission.  "Share with me?" he asked.

He'd long ago read that Vulcans when they were betrothed a mental bond was formed.  At the time when he'd read about it, the bond seemed a terrible thing.  Now Rayek found he was envious.  He felt most complete when melding with Tess.  To have the feeling all the time would have been such a blessing.  But while Rayek had telepathic abilties, it seemed it didn't seem capable of forming of a mental bond with Tess.. unless that was something that a Vulcan priest was needed to do.  And if that was the case.. it was likely to never happen.

So Rayek cherished the times Tess would allow him into her thoughts.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 23, 2020, 11:15:15 AM

Ens. Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Saucer 1 - Cargo Customs]

"Will she?", Roberto replied back promptly, pausing in his treatment briefly to look at Rayek. Now that the other lost his rank, Roberto was less hesitant to show him what he thought of him. "You don't know anything about what a woman like Tess wants and needs. You are only interested in fulfulling your own needs, isn't that right?" Roberto put - or rather tossed - the things aside he had used to finish up the treatment. In his opinion the 'delusion' the former Commander had was very telling about his character. "You probably don't care what I think, but I tell you this: You should have taken advantage of your position while you have been XO to get rid of me, because once Tess will have enough of your egotism, I will be right there to comfort her."

With that he turned his back on Rayek and didn't even bother to acknowledge the Romulan's announcement of his having to leave in any way. He just finished his job and then left to head back to sickbay and pick up on arrangements what to do with the birds.

There was a sharp edge to Padrini's initial question that drew Rayek's full attention.  When the medical officer then went on to say that Rayek knew nothing of what Tess wanted or needed, Rayek was surprised at the man's outspokenness.   Padrini was wrong of course. Rayek had insight into Tess' thoughts, her wants and desires - in ways that the likes of Roberto could never manage.  Still it rankled to have the man accuse him of only having interest in fulfilling his own needs.

Rayek's expression soured at Padrini's words and while he could argue his point of view, Rayek could read enough of the man from his tone and words that the man had his mind made up.  The Romulan pulled his recently treated hands back as if the medic might suddenly try to undo the work he'd done.

His alert reaction to the man from earlier, didn't seem so paranoid now. Rayek started to turn away.  He would not let the fact that the man disapproved of his relationship, to prompt him into any physical confrontation.  Though such a confrontation would be ridiculously one-side.  Former Tal-Shiar and now highly trained Starfleet Security against what ??  A medical officer??  The man could be holding a phaser and Rayek knew he could disarm him in under 5 seconds.  'If you wanted to you could snap his neck in four...', came the unprompted thought.  Rayek scowled at the thought know Tess would not appreciate such thoughts from him.

But as he was turning away, Padrini spoke more and his words struck a nerve.  That the man would dare say such things to him and not expect some manner of retaliation was ludicrous! He was about to turn back and deal with the man that would dare to suggest that he could comfort Tess, when Tess' voice sounded in his mind. 'This can never happen again.'

The words gave Rayek pause. It wasn't the same thing! He silently argued with the voice trying to guide him away from a physical encounter.  But it was the same.  Fighting to protect her - being the one to swing first.   He grimaced and forced himself to turn away.

That's when the urgent message was sent to his PADD and Rayek coldly stated that he needed to go.

His review of the mission brief, pushed all thoughts of the encounter to the back of his mind.  He'd deal with Padrini later, some other way.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 23, 2020, 11:15:15 AM

=/\= "I did and thank you, Hrafn, we can use some of your magic. I'm on my way now and will be on the Healy shortly. t'Lhoell out." =/\=

[USS Healy - Bridge]

When Tess stepped out of the turbolift on the bridge she was found the bridge crew already complete, including Rayek, Hrafn and Ensign Stewart. However, her gaze lingered on Rayek a little longer as she tried to get a feel for if he was happy or unhappy in that position. Her chest clenched a little. They would need to make this good. Taking one deep breath Tess moved to sit in the command chair, the chair of the XO remaining vacant.

Thumbing a button at the chair, she opened a ship-wide channel. =/\= "This is Commander tr'Lhoell. We have received a distress call from a Karemma freighter, they are pursued by the Wanderers. We are going out to assist the Karemma. All departments report status." =/\=

She then passed on the Captain's orders to the bridge crew. "We are looking for the Karemma freighter Obladai to help them. We try to avoid the Wanderers, but if we encounter them we won't risk a battle. In case of confrontation evacuate as many Karemma as we can and then return to the station."

Checking her display at the chair console she saw that all departments had reported readiness. When she checked medical she recalled that the computer program had selected Saqa7 for sickbay. Tess knew that she was a capable doctor, but her license had been revoked last year. But she couldn't bother about that now. She surely was content with her in medical.

She then turned to Jessica Stewart. "Ensign, as soon as we have the go from Katra take us out. Set course for the source of the transmission. Tactical, keep an eye out for the Wanderers when we're out, I don't want to be taken by surprise by them. They have a preference for boarding ships, I wouldn't like a repetition of that."

No sooner had he hoped that it would be Tess than he overheard from Hrafn comm, Tess stating that she was on her way.   A mix of elation and worry warred in him.  An opportunity to work near her again after a month and a half was something to look forward to, but the mission could become dangerous.  Rayek's first thought was that someone else should be put in charge.  It wasn't that he didn't believe in her capability to lead, it was just that his over-protective nature wanted to keep safe both her and his son.

But there was no one else to take Command of the Healy.  The Captain was needed on the Station.  Saxon wasn't of rank to be assigned command yet.  Becker had left ... there was no one else.  He sighed a bit in resignation.   Perhaps he should just be grateful to the Elements, or the Captain... for having him assigned in a role that could help keep his wife safe.

When she came aboard he would need to be sure he did not give her cause to doubt his presence at tactical or her role as Captain, that could have her hesitate at a crucial moment.  So Rayek buried his fears deep and prepared to support Tess.

When the lift doors opened, Rayek glanced back to see Tess arrive on the Bridge.  He smiled towards her and offered a nod as she looked over her bridge crew.  The nod was one such as he would have given Solluk - respectful, alert and ready.  She seemed to pause on him longer than either of the others, assessing.  He hoped she wasn't considering on switching him out for Saxon or some other like Saalik.  As the moment dragged, worry started to build.

But then she took in a deep breath, seeming to center herself and before moving to take the command seat.  Rayek let out the breath that he'd unknowingly been holding.  As she began her announcement, Rayek turned back towards his station, but not before offering a relieved nod to Hrafn.

At the request for report status Rayek was prepared, answering the call almost immediately.  "Tactical reports shields are currently offline yet the gravimetric shield generators are primed and ready.  Armaments consist of Six Type X Phaser Arrays with ACB Jackets for superluminal engagement, and two rapid fire torpedo tubes - one forward and one aft."

Others also reported in their departments readiness.  He heard Saqa7 call in for Medical sounding a bit confused.  Flight also called out all systems green. Yet when it came to Engineering the voice that came through was neither Rhade nor Goodspeed  but rather tr'Hava.  An interesting crew dynamic.  Rayek wondered what Tess thought of it.

Tess informed the bridge as to their expected role... and Rayek was relieved to hear that the Captain was no expecting Tess to go toe to toe with a Wanderer vessel.

Then she began issuing her orders getting the ship ready to go.   Hearing her call on Tactical,  Rayek straighten attentively while he continued monitoring his status board.  "Acknowledged, Commander." he called out  showing her the deference that she was owed.  But a moment later as she reference his own unfortunate experience, he felt obliged to add "Agreed.  Let's learn from past mistakes."  He glanced back to Tess briefly to offer a nod, then set to getting the sensors set up at their most optimal.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on May 23, 2020, 02:47:56 PM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ]

Rhade nodded. �Surre, what interresting flavourrs have you got?� L�mar asked as he entered the room Xiiv was in after thanking the nurse for their help.

�I also have anotherr issue,� L�mar said a little shyly, �I have a few rrashes from the rrubbing fibrres of the Starrfleet uniforrm.� L�mar added and frowned. �They arre not too annoying but will be soon.�

[ Deck 22 - Medical | Katra Station ][/b]
"Hmm," she got him a PADD with a list of flavours, passed it to him, and frowned a little at his second issue. "I suppose I'll have a look at those rashes. We can always get you a Starfleet uniform made of a material that suits you. It doesn't all come in the standard weave. We can't have you breaking out all the time, that wouldn't be at all helpful when your attention is needed elsewhere."

She absolutely wasn't making light of the issue. Hybrid species tended to either be hardier or a little more delicate with certain issues, skin issues were rather common.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Solluk on May 23, 2020, 02:03:04 PM

Katra Station - Outside the Holodeck

Ensign Suzette Chastain was on the Diplomatic Security frequency, and tapped her com-badge to respond to inquiries about the Tholians.

=/\= This is Ensign Chastain to Lieutenant Saxon and Ensign Zex.  I'm on the Diplomatic Security Detail, Sirs.  We've been monitoring the Tholians since they boarded the station... from a discreet distance.

The Tholian ambassador made her way to the holodeck.  You could have tipped me over with a feather when I saw where she was headed.   She brought two bodyguards carrying some impressive crystalline bladed polearms.  We haven't interfered with them.  Since Tholians are so... unique... we decided we ought to get direction before approaching them.  Might be like asking a Klingon to give up their daggers. =/\=

Technically, ambassadorial staff benefited from a certain degree of diplomatic immunity.  On the other hand, Security protocols didn't allow people to be carrying weapons in public spaces without authorization.  Getting the Klingons to give up their disruptor pistols had already been a task and a half.  A compromise had been reached to allow them to carry their 'personal eating utensils.'

Where 'vicious Tholian crystalline halberds and swords' fit into the continuum of allowed 'utensils' was something that had not yet been firmly decided upon.

Katra Station - Outside the Holodeck

Zex arrived in the corridor outside the holodeck.  Her eyes immediately went to the two weapon wielding guards.  They were the reason she had been pulled away from the Klingon Opera.

Ultimately she felt like this was a failing on her part.  The Deltan should have reiterated the federation's 'no weapons' police to Edyis already.  But such conversations didn't go well when first meeting someone new - so it simply had not happened - yet.

"Suzette" Zex said by way of greeting.  "Thanks for standing by.  I appreciate you keeping everyone up to date" she said sincerely.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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