S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 24, 2020, 06:46:38 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Rayek tipped is head a bit puzzled when Tess lowered the PADD without answering him. But a moment later she turned about in his arms to face him.  She was flushed with excitement and Rayek so desperately wanted to share in the news.  When she looked at him, he met her gaze with anticipation.  He was about to prompt again when she lifted the PADD for him to see.  It was impossible for his eyes not to be drawn to the image. Then she spoke - saying 'This is our boy. Your son'.

A son?  A son!  Rayek was overwhelmed with joy at the news... later he would tell Tess that his reaction would have been the same even if it had been a girl, however only time could that. Time and a second pregnancy sometime in the future.  But for now, Rayek was overjoyed at the news of a son.

He carefully tightened his hold on Tess even as she commented that he had been right.  While being correct was good, Rayek needed to express somehow just how ecstatic he was.  So he lifted Tess and spun them about, laughing!  A son!  They were expecting a son!

Caution about becoming dizzy and dropping Tess had Rayek cease his spin after just a turn or two but he continued to hold Tess close.  "E'lev, thank you... for allowing us to know. Knowing.. means... so much to me."

His words barely seemed able to express his gratitude and joy at the moment.  So he opted to try with kiss.  Tender, and loving and joyous, yet even that seemed barely able to share it adequately.  He lifted a hand to brush at her hair, moving it away from her face, before gently settling his long fingers into a very familiar position overtop of her psy point.

He held her eyes seeking permission.  "Share with me?" he asked.

He'd long ago read that Vulcans when they were betrothed a mental bond was formed.  At the time when he'd read about it, the bond seemed a terrible thing.  Now Rayek found he was envious.  He felt most complete when melding with Tess.  To have the feeling all the time would have been such a blessing.  But while Rayek had telepathic abilties, it seemed it didn't seem capable of forming of a mental bond with Tess.. unless that was something that a Vulcan priest was needed to do.  And if that was the case.. it was likely to never happen.

So Rayek cherished the times Tess would allow him into her thoughts.

Tess watched for Rayek's reaction with a huge grin and then, when she saw his overjoyed reaction - so overjoyed that he lifted her off the floor and spun them around - Tess let out a happy laugh. With her feet on the ground again she smiled up at her husband, her own face matching the smile on his. She shook her head once when he thanked her. She wanted to say that this was something that went without saying, but she was cut off by a sweet and loving kiss. Tess lifted her arms up to wrap them loosely around his neck to while she felt his hand brushing her hair back - but no, not only that but his fingertips moved to the familiar spots at her temple. Her heartbeat spiked with happy anticipation. Although they had shared their thoughts like this more than once during the time they had been together, it still was something very special to her. So when he asked if she wanted to share, Tess' eyes found his as she looked right into them and nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, let's share", she said quietly.
Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 24, 2020, 06:46:38 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge]

No sooner had he hoped that it would be Tess than he overheard from Hrafn comm, Tess stating that she was on her way.   A mix of elation and worry warred in him.  An opportunity to work near her again after a month and a half was something to look forward to, but the mission could become dangerous.  Rayek's first thought was that someone else should be put in charge.  It wasn't that he didn't believe in her capability to lead, it was just that his over-protective nature wanted to keep safe both her and his son.

But there was no one else to take Command of the Healy.  The Captain was needed on the Station.  Saxon wasn't of rank to be assigned command yet.  Becker had left ... there was no one else.  He sighed a bit in resignation.   Perhaps he should just be grateful to the Elements, or the Captain... for having him assigned in a role that could help keep his wife safe.

When she came aboard he would need to be sure he did not give her cause to doubt his presence at tactical or her role as Captain, that could have her hesitate at a crucial moment.  So Rayek buried his fears deep and prepared to support Tess.

When the lift doors opened, Rayek glanced back to see Tess arrive on the Bridge.  He smiled towards her and offered a nod as she looked over her bridge crew.  The nod was one such as he would have given Solluk - respectful, alert and ready.  She seemed to pause on him longer than either of the others, assessing.  He hoped she wasn't considering on switching him out for Saxon or some other like Saalik.  As the moment dragged, worry started to build.

But then she took in a deep breath, seeming to center herself and before moving to take the command seat.  Rayek let out the breath that he'd unknowingly been holding.  As she began her announcement, Rayek turned back towards his station, but not before offering a relieved nod to Hrafn.

At the request for report status Rayek was prepared, answering the call almost immediately.  "Tactical reports shields are currently offline with ablative armor intact.  Armaments consist of Six Type X Phaser Arrays with ACB Jackets for superluminal engagement, and two rapid fire torpedo tubes - one forward and one aft."

Others also reported in their departments readiness.  He heard Saqa7 call in for Medical sounding a bit confused.  Flight also called out all systems green. Yet when it came to Engineering the voice that came through was neither Rhade nor Goodspeed  but rather tr'Hava.  An interesting crew dynamic.  Rayek wondered what Tess thought of it.

Tess informed the bridge as to their expected role... and Rayek was relieved to hear that the Captain was no expecting Tess to go toe to toe with a Wanderer vessel.

Then she began issuing her orders getting the ship ready to go.   Hearing her call on Tactical,  Rayek straighten attentively while he continued monitoring his status board.  "Acknowledged, Commander." he called out  showing her the deference that she was owed.  But a moment later as she reference his own unfortunate experience, he felt obliged to add "Agreed.  Let's learn from past mistakes."  He glanced back to Tess briefly to offer a nod, then set to getting the sensors set up at their most optimal.

Tess tried to push the feeling of awkwardness aside that still came up in situations like this especially with Rayek. She caught his glance after his status report and the brief nod he gave her now and the small smile he had given her before eased her tension a litte bit.

"Thank you, Mr tr'Lhoell", she said in response to his detailed status report and then her gaze was on the view screen as Ensign Stewart took them out.

[A short while later]

As they neared the coordinates the transmission of the Karemma freighter had come from Tess' tensed up slightly. She hoped she would not hear Rayek calling out that they detected a Wanderer vessel. But she had to expect it.

She turned her head to Hrafn. "Lieutenant?", she asked in hopeful anticipation. "Any new hints on where the Obladai is?"

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



Katra Station - Embassy

"Bah," Beja's father said, returning from the feasting tables and leaving the Meridian President behind him.  Whatever they'd been discussing, they had apparently finished the conversation.  "I tried to get Grom to come, but he would not leave the Engine room of the Lod Qan.  He has been wrestling with that ship since we got it, trying to make it at least slightly useful for more than ferrying Ambassadors around like a long-range warp shuttle."

Behind Noh'Ves, the Meridian President collapsed again onto the floor.  Noh'Ves looked over his shoulder and shook his head.  "You would think he had never drunk alcohol before..."

But as they watched, Tarin began to convulse.

"He is not intoxicated," Noh'ves stated aloud what was increasingly obvious, "He is sick."

Katra Station - Outside Holodeck 3

"My pleasure, Ensign Zex.  If you need us, we'll be nearby.  Just say the word.  While this new Diplomatic Protection Section is part of Security, we take our cues from the Diplomatic Officer."  She dipped her head in deference to the Deltan.

There were special rules and regulations during diplomatic encounters that only the Diplomatic Officer was fully qualified to interpret.  Saxon was Suzette's Department Head, but the Diplomatic Corps Officer was effectively acting as field supervisor for these kinds of situations.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



USS Katra - Klingon Embassy

Beja laughed when her father responded with Grom�s whereabouts. She made a mental note to see if perhaps she could get an engineer to help out with the Klingon ship if Grom would like. After all it would all be in keeping with the diplomatic alliance between the Klingons and the Federation right? Perhaps she could even see about helping out with their medical bay area if there was such a place on the Klingon vessel. She knew Tolec would appreciate such a gesture, and would welcome the opportunity to have additional medical equipment.

Her laughter stopped when her father pointed out the Meridian President, and she saw him begin to have a seizure on the ground. Beja quickly set down her drink, and hurried over to the downed man. She tapped her commbadge,  =/\=Ops I need myself and the Meridian President to be transported to sick bay, now! =/\=

Beja then tapped her commbadge and spoke to medical,  =/\=Roberto and anyone in medical, the Meridian President collapsed at the Opera and appears to be having a grand mal seizure. We are transporting now. Be ready for us! =/\=

Beja moved Tarin on his side and talked calmly to Tarin, �Don�t worry sir, you are going to be just fine. I promise. We are going to get you to medical. Stay with me, I promise I won�t leave you.� She knew it was important to keep his airway clear and to make sure that his movements would not be impeded. She hoped that they would be able to quickly find the cause for what was happening to the Meridian president and that it would be something simple to correct.

John Saxon

Katra Station - Operational Control Center- a little earlier.

Quote from: Solluk on May 23, 2020, 02:03:04 PM

Solluk had only just relieved Tess at the OCC when Saxon arrived.  He swiveled to face the man.

"Precious few details, so far.  An unspecified number and type of Wanderer vessels are chasing down a Karemma freighter a couple of light-years from here.  Subspace interference is blocking long-range sensors, so we're going into this one blind.   I've sent Commander t'Lhoell to take the Healy out.  But I've given her orders not to engage the Wanderer carrier if it appears.  It's one thing to pit the Healy against their attack ships, but that carrier is out of her league."

Solluk found himself wishing that the Tempest had not already departed on its escort mission.  Having a Galaxy class ship on call would have been reassuring.  There was always the possibility of recalling the Tempest, but he didn't want to do that, either.  Having the Tempest race back here would leave the Vulcan cruisers unprotected, and for all he knew this could be a diversion intended to achieve that exact result.

Saxon nodded sagely in agreement at his Captain's assessment. The 3-mile long Carrier was indeed a danger several tiers above the New Orleans-class's none-too-shabby firepower. And that was even before the Healy had gone through her moderating refit to improve reliability.

Once again, StarFleet was facing a Threat Force that specialised in huge carrier vessels that supported large volumes of force-multiplying fighter craft; it seemed to be a trait largely unique to the Gamma Quadrant. Before the Dominion War, engagements with the enemy largely consisted of opposing battlegroups formed of sizeable capital ships flanked by smaller frigates and light cruisers. Even the Cardassian War, where the Union had possession of, and fielded, smaller 'assault destroyers', they were still of a size that could be classed as general warships, preferring firepower over size and agility.

But it was contact with the Dominion, and their huge numbers of 'just barely' fighters that reminded StarFleet that warfare policy was not a constant in the galaxy, and it was this short-sightedness that had put the Federation on the backfoot, so concerned were they with Leviathan threats such as the Borg or the Romulan Star Empire that they failed to appreciate the advantages of sheer numbers over fewer, but heavier, calibres.

Here, in the Gamma Quadrant, the trend of swarm tactics seemed to continue. Dominion. Wanderers. Doci. Gregari; all operated with the primary principal of overwhelming, small, fast, hard-to-target, multi-attack vector fighters mostly joined by Brobdingnagian, heavily protected, hard-hitting carriers. it was this reason, following lessons learned during the Doci assault,  Saxon had developed the Firechain Grid to account for increased numbers of smaller craft that threatened to defeat the station's weapon locks, but even then it only even the odds...not turn the tables.

One ship, out there, facing the Wanderer carrier? Even he himself would advocate discretion over futile valour. That was something that did not sit naturally with him.

Even so, John had spent some time contemplating battle tactics if they had to face these forces again. Calling out to the Tactical station, the old officer hoped to ensure the Healy's odds of survival. "Ensure the Healy's tactical database is fully updated to latest model, and flag the latest on Wanderer vulnerabilities."

He turned to Solluk. "Through examination, I believe the Wanderer technology demonstrates limited heat dissipation capabilities. If absolutely necessary, a simultaneous sustained maximum-power bust upon two specific points of the super-structure should cause a momentary reset of a primary power-grid. It may put the Healy on a stronger the front foot to withdraw safely."


Quote from: Solluk on May 24, 2020, 08:38:46 PM

Katra Station - Outside Holodeck 3

"My pleasure, Ensign Zex.  If you need us, we'll be nearby.  Just say the word.  While this new Diplomatic Protection Section is part of Security, we take our cues from the Diplomatic Officer."  She dipped her head in deference to the Deltan.

There were special rules and regulations during diplomatic encounters that only the Diplomatic Officer was fully qualified to interpret.  Saxon was Suzette's Department Head, but the Diplomatic Corps Officer was effectively acting as field supervisor for these kinds of situations.

"Certainly.  You will be the first person to know if I needy any additional help.  Thanks again, Ensign" she said.

Then her gaze turned back to the guards.  In all of their encounters, the neither guard had ever attempted to talk to her in the past.  Eydis had always been there though.

They did look dangerous given that they were displaying big and visible weapons.   She felt like the weapons were likely carries out of tradition and as such were more decoration than any thing else.  She didn't want to find out the hard way though.

She did test the waters of communication with them.  Not overtly thought.  Instead she simple offered both a nod and a smile.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Hrafn Falleg

[OOC skipping tags so that I get caught up!]

[USS Healy - Bridge]

Hrafn looked up as Rayek entered and smiled.  She was glad that they had Rayek with them, except for that one out of character incident, he was an excellent officer, and more importantly - her friend.

"How's the Father to be?!" she asked with a grin.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 23, 2020, 11:15:15 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)

While she was on her way to the Healy, Hrafn chimed in.

=/\= "I did and thank you, Hrafn, we can use some of your magic. I'm on my way now and will be on the Healy shortly. t'Lhoell out." =/\=

Hrafn chucked.  "Magic?!  And here's me thinking that was what she did in Sickbay!" she remarked to Rayek while they were still alone.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 23, 2020, 11:15:15 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)

[USS Healy - Bridge]

When Tess stepped out of the turbolift on the bridge she was found the bridge crew already complete, including Rayek, Hrafn and Ensign Stewart. However, her gaze lingered on Rayek a little longer as she tried to get a feel for if he was happy or unhappy in that position. Her chest clenched a little. They would need to make this good. Taking one deep breath Tess moved to sit in the command chair, the chair of the XO remaining vacant.

Thumbing a button at the chair, she opened a ship-wide channel. =/\= "This is Commander tr'Lhoell. We have received a distress call from a Karemma freighter, they are pursued by the Wanderers. We are going out to assist the Karemma. All departments report status." =/\=

She then passed on the Captain's orders to the bridge crew. "We are looking for the Karemma freighter Obladai to help them. We try to avoid the Wanderers, but if we encounter them we won't risk a battle. In case of confrontation evacuate as many Karemma as we can and then return to the station."

Checking her display at the chair console she saw that all departments had reported readiness. When she checked medical she recalled that the computer program had selected Saqa7 for sickbay. Tess knew that she was a capable doctor, but her license had been revoked last year. But she couldn't bother about that now. She surely was content with her in medical.

She then turned to Jessica Stewart. "Ensign, as soon as we have the go from Katra take us out. Set course for the source of the transmission. Tactical, keep an eye out for the Wanderers when we're out, I don't want to be taken by surprise by them. They have a preference for boarding ships, I wouldn't like a repetition of that."

"I have attempted several channels known to me Ma'am... I don't as yet have any response.  All other scans, normal." the CSO announced.
Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 24, 2020, 03:56:01 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Tess tried to push the feeling of awkwardness aside that still came up in situations like this especially with Rayek. She caught his glance after his status report and the brief nod he gave her now and the small smile he had given her before eased her tension a litte bit.

"Thank you, Mr tr'Lhoell", she said in response to his detailed status report and then her gaze was on the view screen as Ensign Stewart took them out.

[A short while later]

As they neared the coordinates the transmission of the Karemma freighter had come from Tess' tensed up slightly. She hoped she would not hear Rayek calling out that they detected a Wanderer vessel. But she had to expect it.

She turned her head to Hrafn. "Lieutenant?", she asked in hopeful anticipation. "Any new hints on where the Obladai is?"

"No, Sorry Ma'am... the interference is crazy.  Not 100% what is causing it but while I've managed to get a warp trail signature, I haven't been able to clarify what or who it is, and if it was even the Karemma freighter. Something doesn't feel right, I'm hoping that's just me however.  It's like all comms are being scrambled, even my LCARs doesn't seem to be working right, almost like it's drunk!" Hrafn said

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 25, 2020, 09:22:52 AM

[OOC skipping tags so that I get caught up!]

[USS Healy - Bridge]

Hrafn looked up as Rayek entered and smiled.  She was glad that they had Rayek with them, except for that one out of character incident, he was an excellent officer, and more importantly - her friend.

"How's the Father to be?!" she asked with a grin.

Hrafn chucked.  "Magic?!  And here's me thinking that was what she did in Sickbay!" she remarked to Rayek while they were still alone.

"I have attempted several channels known to me Ma'am... I don't as yet have any response.  All other scans, normal." the CSO announced.

"No, Sorry Ma'am... the interference is crazy.  Not 100% what is causing it but while I've managed to get a warp trail signature, I haven't been able to clarify what or who it is, and if it was even the Karemma freighter. Something doesn't feel right, I'm hoping that's just me however.  It's like all comms are being scrambled, even my LCARs doesn't seem to be working right, almost like it's drunk!" Hrafn said

Hrafn's report about the interference distorting practically everything made Tess furrow her brows in concern. "The Wanderers apparently don't want us to find the Obladai, they must be jamming the freighter. Try your best to get through it, Hrafn."

Turning her head, Tess was just about to ask Rayek for a status update when suddenly the Healy came to an abrupt halt as if it just crashed against an invisible wall. Tess had been able to see the starscape disappearing from the main viewscreen before she was thrown forward with force, just like everyone else onboard. Crewmembers crashed against bulkheads and to the floor as the inertial dampeners struggled to equalize the forces that were tugging brutally at the ship.

Since there had been no warning - or nothing they had interpreted as a warning - Tess was thrown forward and out of the seat. She staggered a few steps in an attempt to regain her balance but finally lost and fell. She managed to roll on her side so she wouldn't land on her stomach. In that process she twisted her hand beneath her own body weight, but she was just glad that the fall had not been too bad.

"I'm okay", Tess announced quickly as she suppressed a pained groan, mainly because of her hand which she clutched as she waited for the pain to subside. "Report!", she called as she moved to get back on her feet.


Ensign Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Beja on May 25, 2020, 12:40:15 AM

USS Katra - Klingon Embassy
=/\=Roberto and anyone in medical, the Meridian President collapsed at the Opera and appears to be having a grand mal seizure. We are transporting now. Be ready for us! =/\=

Roberto was still dealing with the birds he had picked up from customs. Luckily he'd been able to save the intoxicated birds. The ones with the fractures would come next. Hearing Beja's incoming call he acknowledged immediately.  =/\= "Understood, we're ready. Padrini out." =/\=

That Beja came here with the Meridian President was like killing two birds with one stone - no pun intended. He had wanted to talk to Tess about seeing to getting a vet right away, but as he had learned she was out with the Healy. Another thing he had wanted was to get someone from Meridian to help him classify the species of the birds and for that he had wanted to talk to someone of the diplomatic corps. Both of which now was about to get to the sickbay. Of course the treatment was priority one, but he'd keep his requests in the back of his head.

Only a moment later after Beja had called, two figures materialized in one of the isolation rooms with President Tarin on the biobed. Roberto already stood ready with his tricorder in hand while the biobed too picked up on the vital signs of the man.

"Hello, President Tarin, I'm Ensign Padrini." He glanced briefly to Beja, giving her a friendly nod as a greeting. "Had anything indicated what might have triggered the seizure?", he asked while he focused on the readings he got from the tricorder.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 25, 2020, 01:14:27 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Hrafn's report about the interference distorting practically everything made Tess furrow her brows in concern. "The Wanderers apparently don't want us to find the Obladai, they must be jamming the freighter. Try your best to get through it, Hrafn."

Turning her head, Tess was just about to ask Rayek for a status update when suddenly the Healy came to an abrupt halt as if it just crashed against an invisible wall. Tess had been able to see the starscape disappearing from the main viewscreen before she was thrown forward with force, just like everyone else onboard. Crewmembers crashed against bulkheads and to the floor as the inertial dampeners struggled to equalize the forces that were tugging brutally at the ship.

Since there had been no warning - or nothing they had interpreted as a warning - Tess was thrown forward and out of the seat. She staggered a few steps in an attempt to regain her balance but finally lost and fell. She managed to roll on her side so she wouldn't land on her stomach. In that process she twisted her hand beneath her own body weight, but she was just glad that the fall had not been too bad.

"I'm okay", Tess announced quickly as she suppressed a pained groan, mainly because of her hand which she clutched as she waited for the pain to subside. "Report!", she called as she moved to get back on her feet.

[Bridge - USS Healy]

Hrafn was about to answer when she was thrown sideways almost toppling out of her seat if it hadn't been that the arm rests were there, they still jammed in her right side however.

She quickly turned to see Tess standing up clutching her hand, grateful that she wasn't clutching her stomach.  Hrafn put a hand around her friend's waist and got her back to the centre seat and settled.  "Should I get Medical to come have a look at that hand for you?" she asked quietly in case Tess didn't want to publicly make known that she was hurt.

She shot Rayek a look and gave a little shake of her head, if he cared to read her thoughts she was saying 'It's ok, it's her hand not the baby.'

Attempting some joviality to break the tension she could feel building.  "Well, I don't need to say but I think we've just found out what happens when an 'immovable object' meets an 'irresistible force'!  Unfortunately..." she said walking back to her console and trying to get anything up on the LCARs and coming up blank.  "...I can't tell you what... literally nothing apparently is out there, apparently, obviously there is, but it's jamming up our controls and scans and... well everything.  Someone out there really doesn't like us.  We can assume Wanderers but not necessarily.  They aren't everyone out there I'm betting that has some sort of grudge with Starfleet!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 24, 2020, 03:56:01 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

Tess watched for Rayek's reaction with a huge grin and then, when she saw his overjoyed reaction - so overjoyed that he lifted her off the floor and spun them around - Tess let out a happy laugh. With her feet on the ground again she smiled up at her husband, her own face matching the smile on his. She shook her head once when he thanked her. She wanted to say that this was something that went without saying, but she was cut off by a sweet and loving kiss. Tess lifted her arms up to wrap them loosely around his neck to while she felt his hand brushing her hair back - but no, not only that but his fingertips moved to the familiar spots at her temple. Her heartbeat spiked with happy anticipation. Although they had shared their thoughts like this more than once during the time they had been together, it still was something very special to her. So when he asked if she wanted to share, Tess' eyes found his as she looked right into them and nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, let's share", she said quietly.

Rayek's response to Tess' quiet accepting answer and smile, was a smile back as he began the meld.  "My mind to your mind.  My thoughts to your thoughts."

Technically, Rayek didn't need to have physical contact to read a persons mind.  He was capable of reaching unshielded minds easily if they were within the same room but he found that touch to the psy points did strengthen the connection, allowing the experience to be shared more fully.  This deep and intimate sharing was why Rayek preferred to meld with Tess.

Through the meld he could share with her exactly what having a son meant to him.  Since in Romulan culture the male took on his wife's clan name, it wasn't that Rayek was striving to continue the s'Lhoell clan - that was the role of a daughter... which he also hoped one day they would have.  No, to him a son was the child he felt he could connect to closer, share his experience with - and it was the model of his own lost family.  Rayek had been eldest of his siblings.  He wanted a son first so that they could be the same to the siblings that would follow.   Rayek openly shared this with Tess - expressing his love, joy and hopes for the future knowing now that their firstborn would be a boy.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge] (prior to Tess' arrival on the Bridge)
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 25, 2020, 09:22:52 AM

[USS Healy - Bridge]

Hrafn looked up as Rayek entered and smiled.  She was glad that they had Rayek with them, except for that one out of character incident, he was an excellent officer, and more importantly - her friend.

"How's the Father to be?!" she asked with a grin.

Hrafn chucked.  "Magic?!  And here's me thinking that was what she did in Sickbay!" she remarked to Rayek while they were still alone.

Rayek glanced over from this spot at Tactical and smiled wide at her question. A lot of the euphoria he felt last night showing in his expression now - just thinking about his son could bring a smile to his face.

He didn't have opportunity to answer immediately as that would have interrupted Tess' reply over the comm but afterwards he responded to both question and comment.

"I am 'over the moon' I believe is the phrase.  Tess relented and allowed us to know the baby's gender last night.  I would tell but I know she wants to make the announcement to her Dad and brother first.  As for magic... since it's all 'smoke and mirrors' - mere illusion - I find it a poor description of what the skill that is behind what department does.  But it you insist on a supernatural analogy... both might be better termed as 'miraculous'."

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 24, 2020, 03:56:01 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Tess tried to push the feeling of awkwardness aside that still came up in situations like this especially with Rayek. She caught his glance after his status report and the brief nod he gave her now and the small smile he had given her before eased her tension a little bit.

"Thank you, Mr tr'Lhoell", she said in response to his detailed status report and then her gaze was on the view screen as Ensign Stewart took them out.

[A short while later]

As they neared the coordinates the transmission of the Karemma freighter had come from Tess' tensed up slightly. She hoped she would not hear Rayek calling out that they detected a Wanderer vessel. But she had to expect it.

She turned her head to Hrafn. "Lieutenant?", she asked in hopeful anticipation. "Any new hints on where the Obladai is?"

Quote from: John Saxon on May 25, 2020, 07:32:29 AM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center- a little earlier.

Even so, John had spent some time contemplating battle tactics if they had to face these forces again. Calling out to the Tactical station, the old officer hoped to ensure the Healy's odds of survival. "Ensure the Healy's tactical database is fully updated to latest model, and flag the latest on Wanderer vulnerabilities."

He turned to Solluk. "Through examination, I believe the Wanderer technology demonstrates limited heat dissipation capabilities. If absolutely necessary, a simultaneous sustained maximum-power bust upon two specific points of the super-structure should cause a momentary reset of a primary power-grid. It may put the Healy on a stronger the front foot to withdraw safely."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 25, 2020, 09:22:52 AM

"I have attempted several channels known to me Ma'am... I don't as yet have any response.  All other scans, normal." the CSO announced.

"No, Sorry Ma'am... the interference is crazy.  Not 100% what is causing it but while I've managed to get a warp trail signature, I haven't been able to clarify what or who it is, and if it was even the Karemma freighter. Something doesn't feel right, I'm hoping that's just me however.  It's like all comms are being scrambled, even my LCARs doesn't seem to be working right, almost like it's drunk!" Hrafn said

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck 1 - Bridge] (departure >> arrival close to distress call)

It was amusing being called Mr. tr'Lhoell by Tess while both were on duty. But not as endearing as hearing her call him ciccino.  However, that sort of thing was not appropriate at the moment so Rayek refocused his attention to his scans and the new set of tactical data that Katra sent.  He appreciated Saxon flagging of specific vulnerabilities.   This data could be of crucial use shortly.
Hrafn's response back to Tess about the interference was to be expected.  Jamming signals was a common tactic for most pirates.   The lack of communication only heightened the Romulan's alertness as he continued to scan for sign of the Karemman vessel or a Wanderer ship.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on May 25, 2020, 01:14:27 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge]

Hrafn's report about the interference distorting practically everything made Tess furrow her brows in concern. "The Wanderers apparently don't want us to find the Obladai, they must be jamming the freighter. Try your best to get through it, Hrafn."

Turning her head, Tess was just about to ask Rayek for a status update when suddenly the Healy came to an abrupt halt as if it just crashed against an invisible wall. Tess had been able to see the starscape disappearing from the main viewscreen before she was thrown forward with force, just like everyone else onboard. Crewmembers crashed against bulkheads and to the floor as the inertial dampeners struggled to equalize the forces that were tugging brutally at the ship.

Since there had been no warning - or nothing they had interpreted as a warning - Tess was thrown forward and out of the seat. She staggered a few steps in an attempt to regain her balance but finally lost and fell. She managed to roll on her side so she wouldn't land on her stomach. In that process she twisted her hand beneath her own body weight, but she was just glad that the fall had not been too bad.

"I'm okay", Tess announced quickly as she suppressed a pained groan, mainly because of her hand which she clutched as she waited for the pain to subside. "Report!", she called as she moved to get back on her feet.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on May 25, 2020, 01:36:38 PM

[Bridge - USS Healy]

Hrafn was about to answer when she was thrown sideways almost toppling out of her seat if it hadn't been that the arm rests were there, they still jammed in her right side however.

She quickly turned to see Tess standing up clutching her hand, grateful that she wasn't clutching her stomach.  Hrafn put a hand around her friend's waist and got her back to the centre seat and settled.  "Should I get Medical to come have a look at that hand for you?" she asked quietly in case Tess didn't want to publicly make known that she was hurt.

She shot Rayek a look and gave a little shake of her head, if he cared to read her thoughts she was saying 'It's ok, it's her hand not the baby.'

Attempting some joviality to break the tension she could feel building.  "Well, I don't need to say but I think we've just found out what happens when an 'immovable object' meets an 'irresistible force'!  Unfortunately..." she said walking back to her console and trying to get anything up on the LCARs and coming up blank.  "...I can't tell you what... literally nothing apparently is out there, apparently, obviously there is, but it's jamming up our controls and scans and... well everything.  Someone out there really doesn't like us.  We can assume Wanderers but not necessarily.  They aren't everyone out there I'm betting that has some sort of grudge with Starfleet!"

The tactical sensors had given no warning of anything when sudden the ship came to a dead halt.  Inertial dampeners tried to compensate but the abrupt stop was too much and with Tactical being more forward facing that most console Rayek was jolted forward and slightly to the slight ramming his right ribs hard against the console as his head was thrown toward the display screen.  Rayek just managed to raise an arm to cushion himself - his arm hitting the display as his face slammed into his right elbow.

A moment later and Rayek shook off his daze and turned in his seat, half coming out of it to look for Tess.  Panic flared seeing her  on the floor.  Yet before he could move to her side, Tess stated that she was okay then ordered a report.

Protective instinct warred with sense of duty.  Leaving Tess to stand up on her own seemed such the wrong thing to do, but the more urgent problem of what had stopped the ship needed to be addressed.  Hrafn helped put his mind at ease by leaving her seat instead of him.  Her look seemed to convey that Tess would be okay.

Sliding back into his seat, Rayek tried to determine what new danger this was.  The sudden stop was reminiscent of the Solanae swarms that had dragged the Healy into their subspace fold, yet no evidence of the creatures were apparent.  "Sensors are not picking up anything.  It's like a void out there."

This matched with what Hrafn reported out too.  If it were more Solanae lifeforms, they might have to use Beja's visual pattern to encourage them to be released.

"This could be more of the Solanae.  I'll begin transmitting the light pattern used by Beja - if it is a similar subspace fold, that might prompt for our release."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Katra Station - Medbay

Tarin's eyes futtered open, and his unfocused gaze bounced around medbay as his body gradually stopped seizing.  "What... where... where am I?"

The confusion was clear on his features.

"I am not drunk."  He made the declaration defensively, as he remembered trying out the Klingon blood wine at Captain Noh'ves' recommendation.  He refused to believe that one goblet of wine could have felled him.

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

A small smile found Solluk's lips.  No matter the situation, he could count on Saxon to have analyzed the tactical variables and come up with a well-reasoned plan.

"Excellent analysis, Mr. Saxon.  I think this is also information we can use locally, in case the Wanderers follow the Healy back here.  If the Firechain buoys are set to fire at individual Wanderer ships in pairs, from two different angles, we may achieve the same effect."

He considered the situation and added, "And let's increase the strength of all patrols until the Healy gets back."

At a couple of light years of distance, the Healy could potentially reach the beleaguered Karemma ship in just 12 hours.  But the Karemma ship was doubtless also racing to reach the station.  That could bring the encounter down to just 6 hours from now.  Maybe less, depending on how hard the freighter was pushing its engines.  The Karemma supplied military equipment to the Dominion, after all, and had a similar level of technical sophistication.  Warp 9 might be within the reach of even their civilian freighters.

However long it took, Solluk intended to sit here until he knew what the outcome of the rescue would be.

The hours trickled by, and his attention remained resolutely on the long-range scan information.  Any minute now... surely any minute now the Healy would make contact.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Catherine Goodspeed


Katra Auxiliary Drydock - Private Quarters

Cat looked around her quarters and checked she had packed everything she needed for her short return to Katra Station.  The voles had been sent ahead now their skills were no longer required.  They needed a rest before the next ships arrived.  It may only be a temporary return but she was hankering for a proper bed and a change of scenery.  And she missed the station... She missed the gentle vibration and hum which emitting from her continuously like a soothing heartbeat.

And she missed normal people and their noise and the constant coming and going of things. And proper cooked food.

Happy she had everything she needed Cat sat down with a cold iced tea at her computer terminal.

"Computer, open personal log. New entry"

She waited a few seconds to gather her thoughts.

" Well... between the DryDock crew and the excellent help from Falleg we've  managed to turn around 8 of the old and worn out Vulcan vessels.   They may not be pretty but they will run and should be at least be comfortable enough for the Etrosians on their long journey.  Luckily only the  Vulcan Science Vessel Sivok seemed to have been suffering from a severe case of plasmic particulate residue issues.  Would love to find out where she'd been and what she'd seen to cause that damage".

After weeks of  non stop work she had been privileged to watch the vessels leave and she had felt like a proud Mother Goose watching her fledgling's take flight for the first time over the calmness of the pond.  The remaining ships were almost complete with only a few more quarter modules to be added, final tweaking and test flights needed.   Until then she was able to leave the crew to complete the final refits.

Cat nearly drained her long glass in one go.

"With regards Ensign Gid, he did a great job and I�m sad to lose him; I hope he finds something to get his teeth going forward.  He could go far".

"The call to arms for refugee ships are coming in fast from the Alpha Quadrant since the Vulcans had been first to offer such a large fleet.  I can imagine other races deciding that they wouldn't or couldn't be seen NOT to assist now.  It was like a flurry of old men rummaging in their work sheds to find old tools to lend to their new neighbour because him from Number 2098 had lend him his old laser branch cutter last week."  Cat laughed to herself "Humanoids don't like to be outdone by another humanoid.  It's engraved in our bones. Pause log".

Cat got up and over to the replicator "Large Ice cold lemon tea please, semi sweet"

She sat down and resumed her log.  "resume log"

"I was surprised that even the Grand Negus had even responded that he would be sending two ships to add to the rescue fleet.  Not shocked though that they would be sent 'at a cost'.  But this was about as close to 'charity' that Ferengi came to.  Everything had a cost." Cat took another long gulp of tea  "Interesting to see what they  send.  Knowing the Ferengi  they would need a LOT of work to get it up to standard. Nothing like a free refit in disguise as 'helping'".   She paused and smiled to herself.  "Cheeky buggers".

"The Nyberrite Alliance, as a gesture of 'goodwill to the people of the Gamma Quadrant' are also committing a Class V transporter.  I must say certainly glad for the help. Between these three ships we may be able to cut a month or two; or even more off the evacuation time. Never MIND the Tellarite and Bolian ships that should be arriving over the next few weeks".

"Computer. End Personal log".

Cat drained the glass and returned it to the replicator, picked up her bag and headed for the transporter.

She could murder a Moussaka.

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters] (the evening previous)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2020, 04:52:46 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck 2 - s'Lhoell quarters](the evening previous)

Rayek's response to Tess' quiet accepting answer and smile, was a smile back as he began the meld.  "My mind to your mind.  My thoughts to your thoughts."

Technically, Rayek didn't need to have physical contact to read a persons mind.  He was capable of reaching unshielded minds easily if they were within the same room but he found that touch to the psy points did strengthen the connection, allowing the experience to be shared more fully.  This deep and intimate sharing was why Rayek preferred to meld with Tess.

Through the meld he could share with her exactly what having a son meant to him.  Since in Romulan culture the male took on his wife's clan name, it wasn't that Rayek was striving to continue the s'Lhoell clan - that was the role of a daughter... which he also hoped one day they would have.  No, to him a son was the child he felt he could connect to closer, share his experience with - and it was the model of his own lost family.  Rayek had been eldest of his siblings.  He wanted a son first so that they could be the same to the siblings that would follow.   Rayek openly shared this with Tess - expressing his love, joy and hopes for the future knowing now that their firstborn would be a boy.

Tess smiled when she felt Rayek entering her mind. Although the connection was initiated soley by him Tess his presence in her mind very comforting and beautiful. She knew that technically he could invade her mind without her even noticing it but she wasn't concerned for that to ever happen. Rayek had always been honest with her from day one and she had no reason to believe that it might change.

Tess didn't close her eyes but she kept her happy gaze on Rayek's warm brown eyes. She loved to read his facial expression together with the thoughts he let her read in his mind.
That he was so happy to have a son made Tess' heart glench with happiness. She understood that it meant a lot to him because with a son he had more to relate to his own family. That he wanted to have more daughter too made her smile.

Rayek would be able to read in her mind how happy she, too, was with a boy. What really made her the happiest was that she was able to give a child to him - and hopefully more children in the future. That she was able to be a part of fulfulling that dream for him. And she couldn't help but recall their very first meld when she had been only an Ensign and was so shaken by the Numati delusion, just like he had been. That night when she had dared to share her - inappropriate - fantasy of having children with her XO. But now that dream had become true - and just like her fantasy back then when she had shared it with him for them to have a boy first it too was about to become true. Their baby even seemed to have caught the distinctive Romulan features like she had hoped back then. Maybe he'd have her blue eyes. But even if their son would have brown eyes like Rayek, Tess would be perfectly happy with a little perfect mini-Rayek.

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS Healy - Bridge - on the way back to the station]

Now, that had been strange. Tess took a deep breath after they had put enough space between the place they had been trapped in and themselves. She had ordered Ensign Stewart to take them home directly. She really didn't want to risk to get caught in such a trap again. Due to the heavy intereference an investigation was impossible.

Tess looked to the Ops officer at the console in front of her. "Ensign Oloze, open a channel to Katra Station." Nadia complied.  =/\= "USS Healy to Katra Station. We have been caught in some kind of subspace trap. We must assume that the distress call was false; there was no Karemma freighter and no Wanderer attack. However, we managed to escape the trap and are now heading back to the station. t'Lhoell out." =/\=

[Hours later ... arriving at Katra Station]

[Katra Station - Customs]

Tess had waited for Rayek and Hrafn to disembark with them together. While they were on their way, Tess tapped her comm badge.  =/\= "t'Lhoell to Captain Solluk. I'm reporting back on duty on Katra. I have ordered the Healy's crew to remain on board and on ready status for I'm not sure what to make of that subspace trap and the fake distress call. In case an attack might be imminent, the Healy will be ready. Do you wish a meetup, sir?" =/\=

Ensign Roberto Padrini
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]
Quote from: Solluk on May 26, 2020, 12:01:39 AM

Katra Station - Medbay

Tarin's eyes futtered open, and his unfocused gaze bounced around medbay as his body gradually stopped seizing.  "What... where... where am I?"

The confusion was clear on his features.

"I am not drunk."  He made the declaration defensively, as he remembered trying out the Klingon blood wine at Captain Noh'ves' recommendation.  He refused to believe that one goblet of wine could have felled him.

Roberto lowered his tricorder when the Meridian President stopped seizing. "You are in sickbay, sir. On Katra Station", Roberto answered the confused man. "You've had a brief episode of seizing", he further explained and briefly struggled to suppress the rising chuckle in his throat when Tarin was quick to assure that he wasn't drunk. Well, Roberto's tricorder had detected quite a level of intoxication, but given the drink the man have had - based on the readings - it wasn't surprising.

"Sir", Roberto said calmly, "let me assure you that getting knocked out by Klingon bloodwine is nothing to be ashamed of, it happens even to the hardest-drinking people." Roberto turned away briefly to call up the Meridian President's medical file to log the visit today in it. "That it resulted in a seizure could have been triggered by the intoxication in combination with a lack of sleep or general indisposition." He looked to Tarin to get a sense of reaction to thise premise.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



[holodeck] The doors part as Eydis steps out and stops between her guards. Her gaze already knowing where to look to find zex and other federation personal who had been tailing them.

�Greetings zex the deltan of the federation base Katra. Has my arrival been the source of some concern ? � Eydis translator would hum out as shi gazed at the pair.


[Katra Station - Outside Holodeck 3]

Zex maintained her smile when Eydis appeared from the holodeck.  Their meetings were starting become more regular.  So, there was a hint of familiarity growing between them.

As such, it did not shock the Deltan when Eydis asked such a direct question.  Eydis was pin point accurate.  But not for the reasons the Tholian likely thought.

"Can we walk together, without any guards?  I would like to show you the station the way I should have done before.  And while we walk, I will answer your question Eydis of Tholia" she said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



USS Katra - Sick Bay Area

Beja smiled over at Roberto once they were transported into the sick bay. She stepped aside for the medbay staff to do their jobs. She only helped out when Tess was not available, but now with more medical officers joining Katra station that would be less likely to occur.

�Can you do me a favor Roberto, and please just keep this between us until you get results, can you check to see if perhaps the President may have been poisoned?� Beja hated to even say the words out loud, but it was a possibility that, no matter how upsetting to her personally, had to be considered.

Beja was not aware of any issues that the Klingons had with the Meridians, or any of the other embassies on Katra. The only issues she knew of was the lingering one between the Numati and the Dord. The rest of the embassies and races appeared to be getting along just fine, why the Klingons would want to harm Tarin she couldn�t honestly say. It would be utterly out of character for a Klingon to assassinate someone with poison, but it had occasionally occurred. Or perhaps someone wanted it to seem like the Klingons had, to create issues between the embassies? She wondered who would benefit the most from such things?

It was best not to conjecture too much, they needed more information on what was actually wrong with President Tarin first. When Tarin began to come out of the seizure Beja gently patted his arm to comfort him as best as she could.

�Don�t worry Sir, I have no doubts that you are sober. And I�ve not seen bloodwine produce such an effect on anyone before,� Beja assured the Meridian leader, �You are in the sick bay area on Katra, and in great hands with Roberto here. Can you tell us if you have had seizures like this before? Do you have any medical problems that we need to be aware of in treating you?�

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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