S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley] (late Beta shift)

Tess counted the fingers at her hand to memorize the orders. "Ennan VI Ale, Sapphire Vulcan Spiced Tea and ..." She looked to Rayek and smiled, "and a surprise for the handsome Romulan." With that she walked off, intending to get to the replicator once more anyways since she would not be able to carry all the drinks at once, not even with a tray. One by one she ordered the beverages and got a non-alcoholic cocktail for herself that contained cream, coconut milk and pineapple juice - just something very sweet and fruity how Tess liked it.

Returning with a tray to the group of people she handed out the drinks. "Ennan VI Ale ... Spiced Tea with a shot of Romulan Ale ..." Tess had been reading the ingredients at the replicator while she had waited, " ... and a hot chocolate with almond milk for you." She managed to keep a straight face as she handed Rayek the mug, but barely so. The grin tugged at the corner of her lips. To distract herself from it she held up her own cuvy shaped glass that had a slice of pineapple put on the thin rim of the glass. "Virgin Colada, wanna try?" Now the grin came through. If Rayek would try the beverage he'd notice that it wasn't neither chocolate nor almond ... but just chai tea with a shot of bourbon.

Tess then looked around for those who didn't have drinks yet. "Beja? John?", she asked with a smile. "What would you like to drink?" She then noticed that Saxon had changed into the tshirt Beja had brought for him. She didn't find that the slogan put emphasis on the fact that the man was old, but rather that he was still sharp and 'dangerous' despite that. If there was a person that should not be undererstimated then it was John 'Century' Saxon. "I love it!", Tess laughed cheerily. From John's expression she could read that he was sceptical about that. "I'm glad you're here. Come on, I'll get you your favorite drink. What would you like to have." She smiled at him, waiting for a response. The sound of the happy cry of children made her turn around and she saw the three Falleg-Tekin children rushing towards the group, followed by Hrafn. When then children arrived at her and Hrafn putting herself between them as some kind of protective shiled, Tess laughed. "Hello, sweethearts! So nice of you to join us!" She smiled at Hrafn. "Ah yes, Ensign Darrow and Ensign Fuller then. I will take care of that tomorrow. So, I'm just asking for drinks. What would you like to have?"

Roberto diverted his gaze away from Rayek to Solluk as he joined their conversation. However, Rayek beat him to answer it and he looked at him with a small frown. But really, he would have given the same reply. Tess came over to hand them their drinks and Roberto accepted the glass of cool Ale with a smile. "Grazie." Beads of condensed water were rolling down the glass and Roberto couldn't resist but to take a large gulp of the refreshing Ale. He watched the brief interaction between Tess and Rayek before he turned back to Solluk.

"So, this is your first time playing bowling, sir?", he asked but then was distracted by the happy squeal of children. He turned around and spotted Lt. Falleg with her children. He smiled. He had gotten to know them over the many months he'd been on Katra and knew how inquisitive they were.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 05, 2020, 10:33:58 AM

[Hrafn's Quarters]

Hrafn chuckled. It was just what she needed and since the kids were off school because of the training day for teachers she decided a late night could be permitted.

=/\=We'll be down directly, but I'm not telling them who's going to be there, let that be a surprise but be ready for invasion of the 3ft terrors! =/\=

Hearing that both Hrafn and her children would be able to make it to 'bowling night' prompted a smile from Rayek.  Though he was wary of how Tess perceived Hrafn and his relationship ever since the Numati incident.  She hadn't been pleased to learn - during their first meld as a couple -  seeing from his point of view his lapse of control and near intimacy with the Trill.  He had sensed at the time that it really upset.

Curious though, he couldn't recall how or if they'd ever resolved the issue.  Rayek frowned slightly... was this forgetfulness a manifestation of his pa'nar?  He really needed to find a time to speak to Tess about this problem.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 05, 2020, 10:41:37 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley] (late Beta shift)

Tess counted the fingers at her hand to memorize the orders. "Ennan VI Ale, Sapphire Vulcan Spiced Tea and ..." She looked to Rayek and smiled, "and a surprise for the handsome Romulan." With that she walked off, intending to get to the replicator once more anyways since she would not be able to carry all the drinks at once, not even with a tray. One by one she ordered the beverages and got a non-alcoholic cocktail for herself that contained cream, coconut milk and pineapple juice - just something very sweet and fruity how Tess liked it.

Returning with a tray to the group of people she handed out the drinks. "Ennan VI Ale ... Spiced Tea with a shot of Romulan Ale ..." Tess had been reading the ingredients at the replicator while she had waited, " ... and a hot chocolate with almond milk for you." She managed to keep a straight face as she handed Rayek the mug, but barely so. The grin tugged at the corner of her lips. To distract herself from it she held up her own cuvy shaped glass that had a slice of pineapple put on the thin rim of the glass. "Virgin Colada, wanna try?" Now the grin came through. If Rayek would try the beverage he'd notice that it wasn't neither chocolate nor almond ... but just chai tea with a shot of bourbon.

Tess then looked around for those who didn't have drinks yet. "Beja? John?", she asked with a smile. "What would you like to drink?" She then noticed that Saxon had changed into the tshirt Beja had brought for him. She didn't find that the slogan put emphasis on the fact that the man was old, but rather that he was still sharp and 'dangerous' despite that. If there was a person that should not be undererstimated then it was John 'Century' Saxon. "I love it!", Tess laughed cheerily. From John's expression she could read that he was sceptical about that. "I'm glad you're here. Come on, I'll get you your favorite drink. What would you like to have." She smiled at him, waiting for a response.

Tess' return a minute or so later with their drinks was met with a very Vulcan-like (though he'd scowl if anyone remarked on that to him) raised eyebrow and wary look.  Hot chocolate AND almond milk?  Was she trying to have him make fool of himself in front of the Captain?!  Yet as he accepted the drink and brought it closer to him, the smell of cinnamon, ginger and allspice greeted him with a scent of something else -alcoholic - he wasn't familiar with.

Rayek took a tentative sip before smiling at his wife. "Thank you, e'lev.  What alcohol is this? I've never tasted its' like before."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 05, 2020, 10:33:58 AM

[Holodeck Suite - Deck 14]

"What we doing here Mammy?" Nerys said suspiciously as they entered the Holosuite... only to spy Rayek, Tess, John Saxon, Beja, Solluk and a cacophony of calls of delight from all 3 children of "Uncle Rayek, Auntie Tess, Auntie Beja, Uncle Solluk, Grandad Saxon..." went up as a delighted 'battle cry' and the might of 3 small persons were hurled and hugs, kisses and general love given out the way only 5 and 3 year olds can convey!

Putting herself between the kids and Tess for a bit of protection (they still gave 'leg hugs' but it was safer for her tummy) she grinned.

"Loving the tshirt there, Tess!  Rayek... your message couldn't have come at a better time.  Kids are off tomorrow - Teacher Training day!  And sorry to talk shop Tess, but yes, send Darrow that's fine, just getting it covered!  I didn't realise we had special tshirts to wear!" Hrafn said, feeling more relaxed than she had for a long while.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 05, 2020, 10:41:37 AM

The sound of the happy cry of children made her turn around and she saw the three Falleg-Tekin children rushing towards the group, followed by Hrafn. When then children arrived at her and Hrafn putting herself between them as some kind of protective shield, Tess laughed. "Hello, sweethearts! So nice of you to join us!" She smiled at Hrafn. "Ah yes, Ensign Darrow and Ensign Fuller then. I will take care of that tomorrow. So, I'm just asking for drinks. What would you like to have?"

Roberto diverted his gaze away from Rayek to Solluk as he joined their conversation. However, Rayek beat him to answer it and he looked at him with a small frown. But really, he would have given the same reply. Tess came over to hand them their drinks and Roberto accepted the glass of cool Ale with a smile. "Grazie." Beads of condensed water were rolling down the glass and Roberto couldn't resist but to take a large gulp of the refreshing Ale. He watched the brief interaction between Tess and Rayek before he turned back to Solluk.

"So, this is your first time playing bowling, sir?", he asked but then was distracted by the happy squeal of children. He turned around and spotted Lt. Falleg with her children. He smiled. He had gotten to know them over the many months he'd been on Katra and knew how inquisitive they were.

He had just turned his attention back to the conversation between the Captain and Roberto when the happy squeals of children interrupted and Rayek could see the children come barreling towards the group.  Rayek set his hot drink aside and knelt to welcome the children with open arms.   He looked over their cherub faces with amazement.  "My how much you have all grown!  Has it been that long since I last saw you!?"

And this was no teasing question, Rayek was actually dumbfounded at how much the children, Lamar especially, had grown from what he last recalled.   Pushing his shock aside he gave each a welcoming hug before smiling up at Hrafn.  "Thank you for bringing them along."

News that the children had a day off tomorrow meant that they could actually stay and play awhile.  He stood and then realizing there was one aspect of their attire that none had addressed yet, Rayek offered out his hands to the children. "Come, we have special shoes to put on."

The Romulan led the trio of children over to the automated shoe dispenser, taking the time to properly measure their feet before putting in the order and having shoes appear in the machine.  He also ordered shoes in his and Tess' size as well, before heading over with the gaggle of children to the chairs which were at the top end of the lanes.  He proceeded to switch off shoes for the children.  In the back of his mind, he could see himself doing exactly this with his own offspring.  The thought brought another smile and he glanced over to Tess.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Solluk on June 04, 2020, 11:07:59 PM

Counseling Office - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

The door to the Counseling Office opened, and Crewman Dali stood in the doorway, looking surprised to find Zex just outside.  She pressed a hand to her chest, and then chuckled at her own momentary fright.

"Oh!  Ensign Zex, you startled me.  I was just heading to a late lunch.  If you're here for Lieutenant Beja, you just missed her.  She's gone off to the Holosuites for a team-building exercise with some other officers.  I'm sure you'd be welcome to join them."

Crewman Dali smiled pleasantly as she made the suggestion.

[Counseling Office - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift]

Zex smiled when she saw Dali.  It was her natural response when meeting people.  It was sincere, though, given that she knew Dali.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to give you a scare" she said.  She withheld a chuckle, though.  She simply couldn't comprehend how a little petite woman like herself could scare another sole.

She stood.  "Thanks.  I will head down and see what I'm missing.  Thanks" she added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

The large sliding door to the Tholian Embassy yawned open, and Yorno Das stepped through the portal.  He moved timidly, not unlike the ancient rodent from which his species had evolved.  The embassy was dark, with startling shafts of light descending like sunbeams through clouds after a storm.  But unlike sunbeams, these shafts of light seemed mirthless and cold.

In the center of the room, a huge crystalline structure stood atop some kind of stepped pedestal.  As near as Yorno could tell, it was a hecatontagon.  Patterns of light flashed on its surface, moving along the edges of the facets to form momentary shapes that dissolved almost as soon as they could be perceived.  In the shadowy far reaches of the room, Yorno could see airlocks along the bulkheads.  Doubtless, these airlocks led further into the Tholian Embassy, into rooms where the natural Tholian atmosphere and temperature accommodated their alien physiology.

In front of the huge glowing crystal, a Tholian stood in an encounter suit- one of the powered suits they wore everywhere outside of their native habitat.   A second Tholian was further off, standing behind some kind of mysterious console.  There was nothing to suggest what any of this might be.  The function of everything in this 'reception' area was mysterious.

The Tholians themselves, ensconced in their suits, were equally mysterious.

Nothing here was welcoming, or familiar.  There were no seats.  Just these odd shapes and odd figures in this odd, large room.

"I am here to see the ambassador," Yorno said.

There was no immediate response, and he added, "The one you call Eydis."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk accepted his beverage with a, "Thank you, Commander" and sipped it briefly before sitting down to swap out his footwear.  The program provided a large array of gaudy shoes for use by the bowlers.  Solluk was not sure if these shoes constituted safety gear or some kind of ritual associated with the sport.

Whichever it was, he dutifully put them on.

"This is my first time attempting the game," Solluk said, "although I did catch a glimpse of it being played once.  Not enough to gain a firm idea of its machinations.  Is this an 'every being for themselves' kind of game, or do we array ourselves in teams?"

He smiled at the arrival of the Falleg family, and especially the children.  "Welcome to the 'alley,' Falleg Clan.  We are glad to have you join us."

Then Solluk returned his mind to the game.  "If this is team-based, I want John on my team."  It was a rare instance of Solluk using his acting Second Officer's first name.

The aged warrior had doubtless employed every variety of melee weapon, ranged weapon, and thrown explosive device ever devised by Starfleet.  If anyone was going to have the hand-eye and body coordination needed to lob a heavy ball down a long lane at a cluster of waiting targets, Solluk was certain it would be John Saxon.

"In fact..." he looked over the growing crowd, trying to pick players that might benefit him, "I believe I should draft Rayek and Roberto as well, if we are doing teams."  Roberto, for his familiarity with the game.  Rayek, because he had apparently watched a bowling championship.  That, and Solluk had long suspected that his former First Officer might have martial training to rival his own.

With no other way to judge suitability, it seemed to Solluk that martial skills were the best indicator of likely talent at this endeavor.

And of course, there was the other thing:  He needed to repair something of his relationship with Rayek.  The Romulan wasn't going anywhere, and they had once been good friends.

Or, Solluk had thought so.

They needed to at least become amiable again.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ens. Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 05, 2020, 01:29:49 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)
Tess' return a minute or so later with their drinks was met with a very Vulcan-like (though he'd scowl if anyone remarked on that to him) raised eyebrow and wary look.  Hot chocolate AND almond milk?  Was she trying to have him make fool of himself in front of the Captain?!  Yet as he accepted the drink and brought it closer to him, the smell of cinnamon, ginger and allspice greeted him with a scent of something else -alcoholic - he wasn't familiar with.

Rayek took a tentative sip before smiling at his wife. "Thank you, e'lev.  What alcohol is this? I've never tasted its' like before."

Tess chuckled as she watched Rayek's sceptical expression. She thought it was funny, but Rayek didn't seem to be that amused by her little joke. When asked what was in there Tess replied readily, "That is Bourbon, American Whiskey." She watched his face. "Do you like it?"
Quote from: Solluk on June 06, 2020, 02:28:44 AM

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk accepted his beverage with a, "Thank you, Commander" and sipped it briefly before sitting down to swap out his footwear.  The program provided a large array of gaudy shoes for use by the bowlers.  Solluk was not sure if these shoes constituted safety gear or some kind of ritual associated with the sport.

Whichever it was, he dutifully put them on.

"This is my first time attempting the game," Solluk said, "although I did catch a glimpse of it being played once.  Not enough to gain a firm idea of its machinations.  Is this an 'every being for themselves' kind of game, or do we array ourselves in teams?"

He smiled at the arrival of the Falleg family, and especially the children.  "Welcome to the 'alley,' Falleg Clan.  We are glad to have you join us."

Then Solluk returned his mind to the game.  "If this is team-based, I want John on my team."  It was a rare instance of Solluk using his acting Second Officer's first name.

The aged warrior had doubtless employed every variety of melee weapon, ranged weapon, and thrown explosive device ever devised by Starfleet.  If anyone was going to have the hand-eye and body coordination needed to lob a heavy ball down a long lane at a cluster of waiting targets, Solluk was certain it would be John Saxon.

"In fact..." he looked over the growing crowd, trying to pick players that might benefit him, "I believe I should draft Rayek and Roberto as well, if we are doing teams."  Roberto, for his familiarity with the game.  Rayek, because he had apparently watched a bowling championship.  That, and Solluk had long suspected that his former First Officer might have martial training to rival his own.

With no other way to judge suitability, it seemed to Solluk that martial skills were the best indicator of likely talent at this endeavor.

And of course, there was the other thing:  He needed to repair something of his relationship with Rayek.  The Romulan wasn't going anywhere, and they had once been good friends.

Or, Solluk had thought so.

They needed to at least become amiable again.

Tess had watched with a smile as Rayek walked off with the children to get shoes for them. She accepted the ones he brought for her before she watched helping the children with changing the shoes. The sight made her smile as she could see the amazing father Rayek would be. When he looked over to her, their eyes met and she smiled back at him knowingly.

While she proceeded to change her own shoes - which wasn't easy since bending down with the growing belly became quite difficult - she listened as Solluk began to pick his team. Tess grinned. The Captain was ambitious.

Roberto nodded at Solluk's question. "You can play in teams, but it can also be played with everyone for himself. But teams are definitely more fun."

"I guess that leaves Beja, Hrafn and me in a team", Tess smirked once she had managed to put on the shoes. "Hopefully we'll find a fourth player so the team's size is equal." She looked over to the children. "I could play with the children simultaneously on a separate lane", she offered with a smile.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


[USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites]

Zex arrived at the holosuites.  She could see that her station mates were playing some type of game.  She could also see that they were out of uniform.

Dali had said they there was a team building exercise going on.  But this didn't look anything like the Deltan had imagined.  But she had been in odd situations before so she simply smiled and went with it.

There were a lot of people here.  Some she had not met yet, others she knew.  But given that she had come for business purposes, she first looked for Beja.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

John Saxon

[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

John smiled when Tess offered to grab him a drink. She was clearly determined to have this old dog enjoy this despite himself. Several options ran through his mind, but one kept coming back to the forefront, so he went with that. "I'll have a port, please Doctor" he announced, then realised the last time he had one around Tess, he had shattered the glass in her office. Hopefully that incident hadn't stuck with her as much as it did he.

As she made arrangements for the port, there was a chaotic tornado of motion and sound; Hrafn had arrived with her gaggle of goslings. Saxon didn't even try to suppress a grin as they shouted 'Grandpa Saxon' - the little tykes were very close to his cloned heart. Looming over them - hands clasped behind like he was reviewing a squad - as they swarmed about him, John adopted the pseudo-stern demeanour they seemed to enjoy so much - a thin veneer of grumpiness they relished bringing down with their overwhelming energies. "Children" he said slowly, looking at them one at a time as he did so. "I hope you've been good to your mother". He hammily glanced side to side and lowered both his voice and his knees. "Because if you have, I have a story to tell you about the time I met the Ferocious Feathery Fowl of Faltorian Five..."

As that offer sank in, Tess returned with his drink and with that gratefully, and appreciatively, in hand, John took the opportunity to change his duty boots for the more appropriate footwear, and then looked up as Solluk announced his team choices.

That the Captain had selected him was quite the surprise (doubly so since he referred to him by his first name, a trend that seemed to be spreading of late) - a Vulcan certainly didn't need any assistance to achieve fast and accurate delivery in this game; in some ways, he was honoured to have been chosen.. but then he also chose Rayek, and John realised the strategy the canny Commanding Officer was making: by unifying the three most proficient combat personnel aboard the station, Solluk had already stacked the deck in his favour. Certainly John was confident that sending a moderately heavy ball down a narrow channel towards a small cluster of objects at the other end was well within his literally dozens of analogous experiences; the only difference there would be no fiery and cataclysmic devastation at the climax. Sadly. The addition of Roberto for his clear expertise in the game made for a formidable team.

But, in John's estimation, the Vulcan had merely levelled the playing field; the game of bowling was certainly down to hand-eye co-ordination, and while John was undoubtedly right up there with the precision of phasers, blades and thrown ordnance, Tess's skill as a surgeon was an equaliser; she could effortlessly slice a synapse from a dendrite as well as he could bullseye a Cyber-Lompmatt with a TR-116 back home. Not only that, Falleg had that quirky Trill physiology that seemed to be a treasure trove of surprising and useful talent, and while Beja was not a warrior among her people, her natural muscular build would handle this game with ease.

Unfortunately, Tess's team was still one down, and that didn't sit well with him. Saxon was about to suggest he form a third team with Hrafn's kids when Zex entered. The Deltan was still a mystery to him - personally speaking anyway; he had made a note to review the Diplomatic Officer's service record, and more, some time back - and what she would bring to the opposition was an unknown quantity.

Kalem Michael

[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Kalem walked into the bowling alley. He noticed that everybody else was there.

"Sorry, I'm late I have been very busy. Nearly had a rupture in one of the EPS conduits down on deck 22. Got it back up to full operational capacity now. So how are we playing this."

Kalem opened up the gym bag that he had on his shoulder and pulled out a pair of bowling shoes. and a 15-pound bowling ball.

"Don't know much about bowling but I have done some research"

Rayek trLhoell

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 06, 2020, 09:21:58 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ens. Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess chuckled as she watched Rayek's sceptical expression. She thought it was funny, but Rayek didn't seem to be that amused by her little joke. When asked what was in there Tess replied readily, "That is Bourbon, American Whiskey." She watched his face. "Do you like it?"

He took another sip. He already liked Jameson Whiskey.. this had a different flavor but now he could taste the similarity.  Nodding he answered with a smile just before the arrival of children "Yes, this is nice. Thank you, e'lev."
Quote from: Solluk on June 06, 2020, 02:28:44 AM

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

He smiled at the arrival of the Falleg family, and especially the children.  "Welcome to the 'alley,' Falleg Clan.  We are glad to have you join us."

Then Solluk returned his mind to the game.  "If this is team-based, I want John on my team."  It was a rare instance of Solluk using his acting Second Officer's first name.

"In fact..." he looked over the growing crowd, trying to pick players that might benefit him, "I believe I should draft Rayek and Roberto as well, if we are doing teams."

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 06, 2020, 09:21:58 AM

Tess had watched with a smile as Rayek walked off with the children to get shoes for them. She accepted the ones he brought for her before she watched helping the children with changing the shoes. The sight made her smile as she could see the amazing father Rayek would be. When he looked over to her, their eyes met and she smiled back at him knowingly.

While she proceeded to change her own shoes - which wasn't easy since bending down with the growing belly became quite difficult - she listened as Solluk began to pick his team. Tess grinned. The Captain was ambitious.

Roberto nodded at Solluk's question. "You can play in teams, but it can also be played with everyone for himself. But teams are definitely more fun."

"I guess that leaves Beja, Hrafn and me in a team", Tess smirked once she had managed to put on the shoes. "Hopefully we'll find a fourth player so the team's size is equal." She looked over to the children. "I could play with the children simultaneously on a separate lane", she offered with a smile.

Rayek didn't respond at first to the Captain's selection of team members.  First, because he was surprised the Vulcan would pick him for his team; and second, because he didn't know if he was able to opt out so that he could team with his wife instead.

The arrangement Solluk suggested pitted the men against the women which Rayek found odd since normally the Vulcan was very conscious of the Federations gender equality philosophy.   That at least was one philosophy that Rayek hadn't had trouble understanding when he'd defected.  Women in the Empire were just as capable if not moreso, given they were the Clan House leaders more often than not.  Many Senators were women and the role of Praetor had boasted several women over the centuries.

With the idea of gender put aside, there must be some other selection factor Solluk was basing his choices on that Rayek wasn't aware of.  Rayek was skeptical of strengthening relationships as one of those factors.  Though he suspected that had been one of Beja's selling points of doing this holodeck program with such a large and varied group.

When Tess met his gaze while he finished up with Nerys' shoes he could see her approval in her smile.

As if to prove his thoughts correct, Tess seemed more than willing to accept the team lay out as suggested.  No doubt hoping that the game might build a bit of a bond between himself and Solluk once more.  So he too nodded his acceptance, just before the holodeck doorway opened to grant entrance to Zex.  "Tess, seems you have your fourth" he called over to her as he began on Tidu's shoes next.

But if he thought that was the end of those who would arrive he was mistaken for Kalem arrived next.  Rayek gave the man a nod, impressed at first that the man had brought his own shoes and bowling ball.  He anticipated that Solluk would select him for their team.

"We are playing two teams... archaically men vs women and children it seems." The Romulan had no qualms at calling it for what it was.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


[USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites]

"Ah, hello, Rayek" Zex said to the Romulan.  He was another failure face she kept seeing on the station.  "Thanks for the tip" she said.

Then she wandered over to Tess.  If the women folk were on her team that would be where she would find Beja.  But the setting might not be appropriate for business talk - so she expected that she might need to schedule a meeting with the Klingon for tomorrow.

"I taking it that you need an extra person.  I don't know what we are playing and don't seem to be dressed correctly.  But I'm happy to join your team" she said to Tess.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

Beja was overjoyed to see how well the shirts were received by everyone. She had been nervous about them, as she had put a lot of time and thought into them. She wanted everyone to feel that the shirt really reflected the person wearing them, and it was nice to see what they had appreciated the thought that had gone into them. Katra�s crew had ended up being an extension of Beja�s family. It was the first place that she had really felt at home. She wanted the others to know just how much she enjoyed them welcoming and accepting her into their fold.

�I�m so glad that you all like them. They look great on you all!� Beja remarked to the others, and then she smiled over at Rayek, �Don�t thank me for the bowling, it was all your idea. You invited us all here. Have you bowled much in the past? Where did you learn about this activity?�

Beja herself had never heard of it before, but she had been intrigued by it when she had done research on it. It was not just the uniform of the game, the special shirts and shoes, that had her curiosity up. The fact the game relied on strategy and hand and eye coordination was what had piqued her interest. She didn�t need to rely on fighting skills, but had to rely on the best placement for where the ball needed to contact the pins in order to knock down as much of them as possible. She had really done a lot of watching and might have practiced with Mon to get the motions just right. The last thing she wanted to do was bring dishonor to her team!

When Captain Solluk picked the teams for them, which was his right to do as the Captain, she was a little disappointed she hadn�t been picked on his team. But that disappointment quickly disappeared when Solluk picked Rayek on his team. She was glad to see that those two were going to be spending a little bit of time together, even if it was with others in a team. She knew that the rift that had grown between the two men had a deep effect on both of them. She had always been optimistic that their friendship could be salvaged and Solluk choosing Rayek was the first step in rebuilding that relationship.

When Kalem arrived Beja made sure to go over and welcome him. �Kalem it is good to see you! I�m glad you were able to make it. Here, this is for you.� Beja handed over the shirt she had made for him. She hadn�t been sure if Kalem would join them or not, she knew he was still grieving the loss of this father. The fact that he had made an effort to be here, was another good sign. He needed to be surrounded by love and support, and this might be a good way to show him that life does go on. The pain of his father�s loss would always be there, but his father�s memory could live on as Kalem found ways to enjoy his life.

While Tess was getting everyone drinks, Beja helped all of the children to put on their own special shirts. She had made sure that no one would be left off if they showed up. It was nice of Hrafn to bring them, with the issues with Tidu and the recent departure of Jada one of their favorite Aunts, it would be good for them to have some fun too. And honestly children always had a way to bring happiness to adults and others around. The way they looked at the world with their innocence was a reminder that there was hope for a better galaxy for all.

Right before they began to start the actual game Zex arrived. Beja smiled over at the Deltan, and greeted her. �Hello Zex, it�s good to see you joined us as well. Here is your shirt. It looks like you will be on our team if you do not object.� Beja handed over the shirt she had made for Zex. She hadn�t known if the Deltan would join them or not, but planned for it just in case.



Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk had not been conscious of the larger ramifications of his decision-making process until Rayek pointed it out.  He had been busy aligning those persons whom he'd presumed to be the best suited for the game, as part of his strategy to win.  He had not stopped to consider that he was aligning all of the women on one team and all of the men on the other.

As he pondered over how to address this, Beja pulled out more shirts for the new arrivals.  How many had she ordered to be made, he wondered?  The quantity, variety, and appropriateness of her selections was impressive.

"Well, I wouldn't want this to be mistaken as a segregated activity," Solluk said, abashed that he'd set it up that way.  "Perhaps the obviously skilled and prepared Kalem should join Beja's team, while we take charge of the children under John's able tutelage?  This would avoid the archaic gendered blocks that Rayek was so astute to notice."

He typed in the proposed lineup onto the screen for everyone to see.

Team Orange         Team Green     
Beja                         Solluk
Zex                          Rayek
Tess                         John
Kalem                      Children (Collectively one player on rotation)
Hrafn                       Roberto

Solluk glanced around to see if this might be acceptable.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess smiled. She was just happy being here. It was pretty much the first time that they all were together enjoying an relaxed evening together with game and drink. With regret she noticed that her dad wasn't able to attend. He had promised to assist Saqa7 with her experiment as it currently was in a crucial phase. Benjin ... well, why he wasn't here Tess didn't know. She was pretty sure he'd been asked to join them as well. Maybe he just couldn't be bothered tonight or he was out doing something with some friends. She believed he was pretty good with Ensign Stewart .. but no, Jessica was still on alert shift on the Healy as Tess herself had ordered despite Solluk's intentions otherwise.

The arrival of Zex and shortly after Kalem drew Tess' attention away from her inner monologue. Her face lighted up when she saw them and she waved with the cocktail glass in her hand. "Good to see you both", she smiled and then nodded at the Deltan woman. "Indeed, you both are the perfect addition! And I see Kalem even has his own bowling ball!" She lookd at the Bajoran with curiosity. "You have experience playing this?"
Once more the tshirts Beja had prepared for the children and Kalem and Zex were amazing. Tess especially loved Zex' one. "That looks cute. I might get myself one of those", she mused aloud. "Maybe when my belly won't resemble a bowling ball so much anymore", she added with a chuckle. She could totally see this becoming a regular crew event.

When Rayek wasn't shy to point out the seemingly archaic nature of the teams Tess chuckled. "I'm sure it was other criteria the Captain chose his team by."

Roberto looked up from the line of bowling balls he had been picking one for him to use from looked up when the topic came up. "I could join Tess' team", he offered and glanced over to her with a smile. But right after, Solluk suggested another solution which everyone agreed to. "Or we could build new teams in the second round", he suggested then. He expected they would play more than one game.

When the first game then started, Tess had chosen a ball that was not too heavy for her to carry and roll but at the same time was not too small for her fingers to fit into the holes. She had found a nice blue one that reminded her oh her home planet Ba'ku. After Beja and Zex' turn, Tess picked up the ball and approached the foul line. Her biggest concern for now was to avoid the ball ending up in the gutters. And not slipping. The sole of the bowling shoes was quite smooth and slightly slippery on the smooth approach area.

Tess' first roll didn't end up in the gutters but the path was so curved that it ended up knocking down just one pin at the far left side, which had Tess exclaim a "Nooo!", before she continued for her second attempt. That one was better, but she didn't got a spare - only six more pins fell.

Over the course of the game, her rolls became steadier. She managed a couple of spares and even one strike - which she knew was just beginner's luck - but it had her cheer happily with her team mates nonethless.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Hrafn Falleg


[OOC: I'm skipping tags sorry]

[Holosuite Bowling Alley]

Hrafn smiled as the children were most definitely accepted by the friends before her.  She giggled herself as 'Grandpa Saxon' stepped straight into that role and Rayek went off with them to get shoes for them.

She heard them discussing the fact that Tidu now had larger feet than Nerys by one whole size so they weren't identical anymore.

Shaking her head at them and grinning at the women she said "You know if they weren't so adorable they'd be a handful... and the kids too!"

At the Captain's words Hrafn grinned, then Tidu piped up "We're gonna beat you Mammy! We've got Uncle Captain Solluk, Uncle Rayek, Grandpa Saxon and ...and Auntie Tess's erm%u2026doctor, nurse, what are you?... what can we call you?!" he asked of Roberto

"Oh oh I'm scared!"  Hrafn said throwing her hands up in mock horror then glanced at Tess's belly.  "Well we have an extra player in %u2026 actually cuz I don't know what gender this baby is going to be, do you conform to the male or female if you are referring to a family? I mean like we are the Falleg-Tekins but you spell tr'Lhoell for Rayek and t'Lhoell for Tess.  So if like I was to have another baby... unlikely... 4 is enough!... but if I did then people would refer to my bump as 'Baby Falleg-Tekin'... But I digress!" she said with a grin.

"We have an extra player.."

"We have 2 extra technically!" Nerys said with an air of scientific and mathematic superiority, arms folded and an air of 'really Mother' to her stance, but it was teasing as she was totally a smaller version of Hrafn herself.

"You'd think being Chief of Science would mean you could count... although Lamar is small he's not that small.  Do we have one of those guider things he could use?"

Hrafn joined her hands and cracked her knuckles "Your Mammy isn't as bad at this as you might think.  I used to play bowling when I was at Uni... that was 3 children and several grey hairs, a damaged knee and a day job away but if your Grandpa Saxon can do it... I can! May the best team win, C'mon girls, and Kalem%u2026 let's show them a thing or two!"

Lamar tugged at Saxon's pant leg "Grandpa, I want to hear the story about the 'rocious Owl of Faltorian Five... I've been good.  I always am!"

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 07, 2020, 08:20:46 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess smiled. She was just happy being here. It was pretty much the first time that they all were together enjoying an relaxed evening together with game and drink. With regret she noticed that her dad wasn't able to attend. He had promised to assist Saqa7 with her experiment as it currently was in a crucial phase. Benjin ... well, why he wasn't here Tess didn't know. She was pretty sure he'd been asked to join them as well. Maybe he just couldn't be bothered tonight or he was out doing something with some friends. She believed he was pretty good with Ensign Stewart .. but no, Jessica was still on alert shift on the Healy as Tess herself had ordered despite Solluk's intentions otherwise.

The arrival of Zex and shortly after Kalem drew Tess' attention away from her inner monologue. Her face lighted up when she saw them and she waved with the cocktail glass in her hand. "Good to see you both", she smiled and then nodded at the Deltan woman. "Indeed, you both are the perfect addition! And I see Kalem even has his own bowling ball!" She lookd at the Bajoran with curiosity. "You have experience playing this?"
Once more the tshirts Beja had prepared for the children and Kalem and Zex were amazing. Tess especially loved Zex' one. "That looks cute. I might get myself one of those", she mused aloud. "Maybe when my belly won't resemble a bowling ball so much anymore", she added with a chuckle. She could totally see this becoming a regular crew event.

When Rayek wasn't shy to point out the seemingly archaic nature of the teams Tess chuckled. "I'm sure it was other criteria the Captain chose his team by."

Roberto looked up from the line of bowling balls he had been picking one for him to use from looked up when the topic came up. "I could join Tess' team", he offered and glanced over to her with a smile. But right after, Solluk suggested another solution which everyone agreed to. "Or we could build new teams in the second round", he suggested then. He expected they would play more than one game.

When the first game then started, Tess had chosen a ball that was not too heavy for her to carry and roll but at the same time was not too small for her fingers to fit into the holes. She had found a nice blue one that reminded her oh her home planet Ba'ku. After Beja and Zex' turn, Tess picked up the ball and approached the foul line. It had not been that long ago since she had played with Rayek on DS9 and she tried to recall what she had learned during that first time playing this game. Her biggest concern for now was to avoid the ball ending up in the gutters. And not slipping. She recalled that the sole of the bowling shoes was quite smooth and slightly slippery on the smooth approach area. Rayek have had a first hand experience with that and the memory of it still made Tess chuckle.

Tess' first roll didn't end up in the gutters but the path was so curved that it ended up knocking down just one pin at the far left side, which had Tess exclaim a "Nooo!", before she continued for her second attempt. That one was better, but she didn't got a spare - only six more pins fell.

Over the course of the game, her rolls became steadier. She managed a couple of spares and even one strike - which she knew was just beginner's luck - but it had her cheer happily with her team mates nonethless.

"He's not the only one with his own ball Tess!! And you're doing very well!" Hrafn teased.  "Roberto... you're just sucking up to your boss now!"

When it came to her turn she got a 7/10 split and cursed in Bajoran. "Of all the splits... ok let's see if I've still got it..." she managed to curve the ball round and in and got both of them.  "Phew... argh... "

She sat down quickly as her knee gave way.  "Damn knee.  It's ok, I'll play on.  I should have that brace on that Amarande gave me, and if I hadn't given Crista the night off I'd get her to fetch it.  Ooof.  No... carry on I'm fine it'll stop aching in a few!  I knew losing my talisman pip was bad luck, I got it back but there was something strange about all of it.  There's something etched on it that I'm sure wasn't there before..."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.