S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

"Oh, thank you Lieutenant" she said to Beja.  She held it up and turned it so that she could see both sides.  "Is there somewhere I can change?" she asked curiously.

Zex had arrived at the same time as Kalem.  Someone she had yet met.  "Hi, I'm Zex" she said after greeting Tess.

"Well now I know what to get you baby shower.  Or birthday.  Or holiday" she replied, half joking.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Quote from: Zex on June 07, 2020, 08:52:13 AM

[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

"Oh, thank you Lieutenant" she said to Beja.  She held it up and turned it so that she could see both sides.  "Is there somewhere I can change?" she asked curiously.

Zex had arrived at the same time as Kalem.  Someone she had yet met.  "Hi, I'm Zex" she said after greeting Tess.

"Well now I know what to get you baby shower.  Or birthday.  Or holiday" she replied, half joking.

Tess chuckled. "Oh, that's so sweet of you! I definitely will love it!", she smiled at Zex.
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on June 07, 2020, 08:39:21 AM

[OOC: I'm skipping tags sorry]

[Holosuite Bowling Alley]

Hrafn smiled as the children were most definitely accepted by the friends before her.  She giggled herself as 'Grandpa Saxon' stepped straight into that role and Rayek went off with them to get shoes for them.

She heard them discussing the fact that Tidu now had larger feet than Nerys by one whole size so they weren't identical anymore.

Shaking her head at them and grinning at the women she said "You know if they weren't so adorable they'd be a handful... and the kids too!"

At the Captain's words Hrafn grinned, then Tidu piped up "We're gonna beat you Mammy! We've got Uncle Captain Solluk, Uncle Rayek, Grandpa Saxon and ...and Auntie Tess's erm%u2026doctor, nurse, what are you?... what can we call you?!" he asked of Roberto

"Oh oh I'm scared!"  Hrafn said throwing her hands up in mock horror then glanced at Tess's belly.  "Well we have an extra player in %u2026 actually cuz I don't know what gender this baby is going to be, do you conform to the male or female if you are referring to a family? I mean like we are the Falleg-Tekins but you spell tr'Lhoell for Rayek and t'Lhoell for Tess.  So if like I was to have another baby... unlikely... 4 is enough!... but if I did then people would refer to my bump as 'Baby Falleg-Tekin'... But I digress!" she said with a grin.

"We have an extra player.."

"We have 2 extra technically!" Nerys said with an air of scientific and mathematic superiority, arms folded and an air of 'really Mother' to her stance, but it was teasing as she was totally a smaller version of Hrafn herself.

"You'd think being Chief of Science would mean you could count... although Lamar is small he's not that small.  Do we have one of those guider things he could use?"

Hrafn joined her hands and cracked her knuckles "Your Mammy isn't as bad at this as you might think.  I used to play bowling when I was at Uni... that was 3 children and several grey hairs, a damaged knee and a day job away but if your Grandpa Saxon can do it... I can! May the best team win, C'mon girls, and Kalem%u2026 let's show them a thing or two!"

Lamar tugged at Saxon's pant leg "Grandpa, I want to hear the story about the 'rocious Owl of Faltorian Five... I've been good.  I always am!"
"He's not the only one with his own ball Tess!! And you're doing very well!" Hrafn teased.  "Roberto... you're just sucking up to your boss now!"

When it came to her turn she got a 7/10 split and cursed in Bajoran. "Of all the splits... ok let's see if I've still got it..." she managed to curve the ball round and in and got both of them.  "Phew... argh... "

She sat down quickly as her knee gave way.  "Damn knee.  It's ok, I'll play on.  I should have that brace on that Amarande gave me, and if I hadn't given Crista the night off I'd get her to fetch it.  Ooof.  No... carry on I'm fine it'll stop aching in a few!  I knew losing my talisman pip was bad luck, I got it back but there was something strange about all of it.  There's something etched on it that I'm sure wasn't there before..."

When Hrafn mentioned her talisman pip - she had mentioned it before to Tess, her husband's pip she used to keep in her pocket - Tess looked over to her. "Oh?", she asked curious. "What do you mean, what was etched on it?"

At Hrafn's question regarding the Romulan names, Tess chuckled. "That's right. But when you're referring to a family, you say s'Lhoell. Pretty easy once you know it!" At the topic of the baby's gender, Tess replied, "We don't know the baby's gender yet. We want to wait til its birth. I admit I'm curious, I bet Rayek is as well", she glanced over to him with a smile, "but we have decided to have it be a surprise."

Roberto, who was sitting nearby while he waited for his next turn to play, joined the conversation. "Wait, you do know the gender by now, right? But want to keep it a secret til it's born", he tried to clarify for himself.

Tess looked over to Roberto in surprise. "No, we really don't." She then glanced briefly to Rayek while she wondered if he had checked on the baby's gender behind her back. But surely Roberto would be the last person he would talk about it ... unless it was him who had given Rayek the information and there was a misunderstanding about to keep it a secret from Tess. "Well, I don't."

Roberto looked at her in confusion. "But- ... I'm sorry if rat out your dad, but I spoke to him this morning and he was so happy about the news that he told me. And he said he knows it from you. You told him yesterday before the Healy had been called out to check on the distress call."

Tess frowned in utter confusion. She had told her father? How could she have told him something that she didn't know? She didn't even remember having spoken to him yesterday. She looked to Rayek, seeking help. Did he know? Had she forgotten?? She wouldn't forget about something like this. "You're kidding, right?", she asked, looking at Roberto. He must be joking.

"I'm not, I swear."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 07, 2020, 09:21:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Tess chuckled. "Oh, that's so sweet of you! I definitely will love it!", she smiled at Zex.

When Hrafn mentioned her talisman pip - she had mentioned it before to Tess, her husband's pip she used to keep in her pocket - Tess looked over to her. "Oh?", she asked curious. "What do you mean, what was etched on it?"

At Hrafn's question regarding the Romulan names, Tess chuckled. "That's right. But when you're referring to a family, you say s'Lhoell. Pretty easy once you know it!" At the topic of the baby's gender, Tess replied, "We don't know the baby's gender yet. We want to wait til its birth. I admit I'm curious, I bet Rayek is as well", she glanced over to him with a smile, "but we have decided to have it be a surprise."

Roberto, who was sitting nearby while he waited for his next turn to play, joined the conversation. "Wait, you do know the gender by now, right? But want to keep it a secret til it's born", he tried to clarify for himself.

Tess looked over to Roberto in surprise. "No, we really don't." She then glanced briefly to Rayek while she wondered if he had checked on the baby's gender behind her back. But surely Roberto would be the last person he would talk about it ... unless it was him who had given Rayek the information and there was a misunderstanding about to keep it a secret from Tess. "Well, I don't."

Roberto looked at her in confusion. "But- ... I'm sorry if rat out your dad, but I spoke to him this morning and he was so happy about the news that he told me. And he said he knows it from you. You told him yesterday before the Healy had been called out to check on the distress call."

Tess frowned in utter confusion. She had told her father? How could she have told him something that she didn't know? She didn't even remember having spoken to him yesterday. She looked to Rayek, seeking help. Did he know? Had she forgotten?? She wouldn't forget about something like this. "You're kidding, right?", she asked, looking at Roberto. He must be joking.

"I'm not, I swear."

[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Zex gave Tess a wink and a smile.  Yes, it was possible that she would be finding a reason to give the shirt to Tess at some time in the futures.  Likely in fact.

She turned to another person she did not yet know.  This was turning out to be more of a meet and greet for the Deltan.  "Hi, I'm Zex" she said to Hrafn. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Rayek trLhoell


Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra station - Deck 14 - Holosuites (Bowling Alley)](late Beta shift - Day 2)

Quote from: Beja on June 07, 2020, 01:20:33 AM

USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites
"I'm so glad that you all like them. They look great on you all!" Beja remarked to the others, and then she smiled over at Rayek, "Don't thank me for the bowling, it was all your idea. You invited us all here. Have you bowled much in the past? Where did you learn about this activity?"

Rayek looked to Beja in clear confusion at her words.  It was? He had? He had no recollection of any of that.  Fvadt  His pa'nar must be worsening.  He needed to let Tess know before he forgot to mention it. ignoring the first of Beja's comments because he didn't wish to draw attention to his lapse, Rayek focused on what he could easily answer.  "Um.. I was introduced to the 'sport' of bowling in the Academy, by a cabinmate.  I was forced to watch a championship game in payment for a favor."

Rayek could recall that time in clear detail... but not things more recently... or somewhat recently...  today events he had clear recall of... but not the mission prior.  This was very disconcerting.  He knew he should mention it to Tess, but put it off yet again.   He could deal with it later.  This was a time for entertainment, not worrying over something they already knew about.

Quote from: Zex on June 06, 2020, 05:05:09 PM

[USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites]

"Ah, hello, Rayek" Zex said to the Romulan.  He was another failure face she kept seeing on the station.  "Thanks for the tip" she said.

Then she wandered over to Tess.  If the women folk were on her team that would be where she would find Beja.  But the setting might not be appropriate for business talk - so she expected that she might need to schedule a meeting with the Klingon for tomorrow.

"I taking it that you need an extra person.  I don't know what we are playing and don't seem to be dressed correctly.  But I'm happy to join your team" she said to Tess.

Quote from: Zex on June 07, 2020, 08:52:13 AM

[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

"Oh, thank you Lieutenant" she said to Beja.  She held it up and turned it so that she could see both sides.  "Is there somewhere I can change?" she asked curiously.

Zex had arrived at the same time as Kalem.  Someone she had yet met.  "Hi, I'm Zex" she said after greeting Tess.

"Well now I know what to get you baby shower.  Or birthday.  Or holiday" she replied, half joking.

A little later when Zex arrived, Rayek paused as he finished tying Tidu's shoes to look to the Deltan that greeted him.  He looked at her quizzically.  While he knew this was an informal social gathering, he wasn't sure if he was comfortable with the Diplomatic officer assuming first name basis with him on their first time meeting.   Maybe it was a Deltan thing.  He opted to merely nod back.

How did she know his given name anyways?  Likely station gossip... Or perhaps Beja had been talking about him?

That the woman then went and introduced herself to Kalem but not him was a bit of a slap in the face.  Though he supposed if she already knew his name then she probably figured he did too... which he did but only because... Rayek frowned.  Normally, he knew the new staff because he vetted them... but he couldn't recall his vetting of Zex ...  none of it.  More memory lapses... But he had the knowledge of her.  How was that possible if he couldn't recall the process of the vetting in the first place?

Quote from: Solluk on June 07, 2020, 02:15:39 AM

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk had not been conscious of the larger ramifications of his decision-making process until Rayek pointed it out.  He had been busy aligning those persons whom he'd presumed to be the best suited for the game, as part of his strategy to win.  He had not stopped to consider that he was aligning all of the women on one team and all of the men on the other.

"Well, I wouldn't want this to be mistaken as a segregated activity," Solluk said, abashed that he'd set it up that way.  "Perhaps the obviously skilled and prepared Kalem should join Beja's team, while we take charge of the children under John's able tutelage?  This would avoid the archaic gendered blocks that Rayek was so astute to notice."

He typed in the proposed lineup onto the screen for everyone to see.

Team Orange         Team Green     
Beja                         Solluk
Zex                          Rayek
Tess                         John
Kalem                      Children (Collectively one player on rotation)
Hrafn                       Roberto

Solluk glanced around to see if this might be acceptable.

Distracted from his lapse in memory, Rayek considered Solluk's solution. He was disappointed that he was still on opposing teams to Tess, but figured it was all in good fun, so buried the disappointment as he turned to tie Lamar's shoes lastly.  He nodded at the Captain's suggested layout.  The Romulan couldn't help but wonder at Solluk's choice of having him on the same team.

"I'll do my best to help ensure our win, Captain." he assured the Vulcan.

Padrini of course made the offer to switch teams - to Tess' team specifically and Rayek couldn't help the sharp look he threw towards the medic.  If anyone should switch to Tess' team... it should be her husband!  Thankfully it seemed others were happy with Kalem taking the spot and while Rayek wasn't ecstatic about the teams... he didn't feel that same stab of jealousy with Kalem.  But that was likely cause he knew Kalem hadn't once dated Tess.

His first throw of the ball was a mixed bag of amazing success and epic fail.  He'd bowled a strike... but landed on the floor when the lack of grip on his shoes had his feet slide out from under him in the process.

"E'lev be very careful" he warned and watched her in concern during her first throw.  But he worried for nothing.  She'd learned from watching him to step carefully.

Afterwards, he found he was not very consistent in his following throws as he focused more on not falling on his face and less on how and where to throw the ball - mostly he got splits or spares.  Sadly, his only strike was his first throw.  No doubt Tess would enjoy teasing him about that repeatedly since they got comparable scores... hers actually 10 pts higher than his.

Mid-game while he helped entertain the children by telling/teaching them what he knew of bowling he overheard Tess, Hrafn and Padrini's conversation.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on June 07, 2020, 09:21:19 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]
At Hrafn's question regarding the Romulan names, Tess chuckled. "That's right. But when you're referring to a family, you say s'Lhoell. Pretty easy once you know it!" At the topic of the baby's gender, Tess replied, "We don't know the baby's gender yet. We want to wait til its birth. I admit I'm curious, I bet Rayek is as well", she glanced over to him with a smile, "but we have decided to have it be a surprise."

Roberto, who was sitting nearby while he waited for his next turn to play, joined the conversation. "Wait, you do know the gender by now, right? But want to keep it a secret til it's born", he tried to clarify for himself.

Tess looked over to Roberto in surprise. "No, we really don't." She then glanced briefly to Rayek while she wondered if he had checked on the baby's gender behind her back. But surely Roberto would be the last person he would talk about it ... unless it was him who had given Rayek the information and there was a misunderstanding about to keep it a secret from Tess. "Well, I don't."

Roberto looked at her in confusion. "But- ... I'm sorry if rat out your dad, but I spoke to him this morning and he was so happy about the news that he told me. And he said he knows it from you. You told him yesterday before the Healy had been called out to check on the distress call."

Tess frowned in utter confusion. She had told her father? How could she have told him something that she didn't know? She didn't even remember having spoken to him yesterday. She looked to Rayek, seeking help. Did he know? Had she forgotten?? She wouldn't forget about something like this. "You're kidding, right?", she asked, looking at Roberto. He must be joking.

"I'm not, I swear."

Rayek noticed in his periphery that she was looking his way and so smiled back, paying closer attention to the conversation now that his name had been mentioned.   A moment later his jaw dropped at Padrini's suggestion that Tess knew the baby's gender. She looked to him questioning and he shook his head.  He didn't know the baby's gender.  However, in the back of his mind he wonder if he had and just forgotten.

When Padrini continued on insisting that Tess had told her father, Rayek looked to Tess in disbelief.   'No way! She would tell me first, not her father!  Would she not?'

"I think it's best to just drop the subject for now.  Whatever you think you know... just keep it to yourself, Padrini. Tess and I will address this with Fabiano later."  he declared firmly, his voice holding the familiar tone of authority.  He looked to Tess for confirmation of his decision.  "Does that sound good to you, e'lev?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk gestured to the restrooms in the back of the simulated hall, mildly surprised to find that the Deltan was conservative enough about their body to require a changing room.  It was either a gesture of respect for other, more modest species, or an example of the fact that you could not make assumptions about entire species of people.  Perhaps not all Deltans were as open with their bodies as rumors tended to favor.

"There are restrooms in the back of the simulation, or you can just call for a privacy screen.   I am sure the holodeck will accommodate any request."

As the bowling began, Solluk smirked at the initial missteps of other participants.  Not merely because the early errors of the other team might favor his.  No, more because the players were clearly entering the event with an unashamed gusto.  He imagined that sort of un-guardedness was important for having a good time.

When talk turned to the subject of Tess and Rayek's unborn child's sex, his smirk faltered.  There seemed to be some drama surrounding the sex of the child.  On the surface, the conversation seemed to indicate that the parents had somehow forgotten the sex of their own unborn baby.  But that was ludicrous.  More likely, there was some agreement to keep the sex secret.  An agreement that had been breached.

Hrafn's mention of an oddity with a piece of jewelry or insignia did not quite penetrate his consciousness to the same degree.

While Solluk waited for his turn at the end of the list, he approached Tess and spoke to her softly once the issue of the baby was settled between her and her husband.

"Tess.  I don't like to intrude on a fun team-building event with business, but I wanted to quickly inquire before it slipped my mind.  I noticed the Healy's readiness status had been extended.  Did some new information surface warranting the countermanding of my previous instructions on the matter?"

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Solluk on June 06, 2020, 01:06:14 AM

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

The large sliding door to the Tholian Embassy yawned open, and Yorno Das stepped through the portal.  He moved timidly, not unlike the ancient rodent from which his species had evolved.  The embassy was dark, with startling shafts of light descending like sunbeams through clouds after a storm.  But unlike sunbeams, these shafts of light seemed mirthless and cold.

In the center of the room, a huge crystalline structure stood atop some kind of stepped pedestal.  As near as Yorno could tell, it was a hecatontagon.  Patterns of light flashed on its surface, moving along the edges of the facets to form momentary shapes that dissolved almost as soon as they could be perceived.  In the shadowy far reaches of the room, Yorno could see airlocks along the bulkheads.  Doubtless, these airlocks led further into the Tholian Embassy, into rooms where the natural Tholian atmosphere and temperature accommodated their alien physiology.

In front of the huge glowing crystal, a Tholian stood in an encounter suit- one of the powered suits they wore everywhere outside of their native habitat.   A second Tholian was further off, standing behind some kind of mysterious console.  There was nothing to suggest what any of this might be.  The function of everything in this 'reception' area was mysterious.

The Tholians themselves, ensconced in their suits, were equally mysterious.

Nothing here was welcoming, or familiar.  There were no seats.  Just these odd shapes and odd figures in this odd, large room.

"I am here to see the ambassador," Yorno said.

There was no immediate response, and he added, "The one you call Eydis."

Eydis would enter the room from a doorway and began to crawl up the side of the room keeping her gaze locked on her visitor.  � I�m Eydis of tholian captain of the acrux. Why do you ask any audience with me?� Eydis was mildly surprise at seeing a stranger come seeking her. Another reason she preferred being on her cruiser instead of the embassy. But since shi was already there, she may as well see what this stranger wanted. � Who are you ? �
The tholians in the room were already discussing the stranger over the lattice. A connection that some assumed the tholians might have with one another but wasn�t a known fact.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 month pregnant)
NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical)
[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Quote from: Rayek tr'Lhoell

"I think it's best to just drop the subject for now.  Whatever you think you know... just keep it to yourself, Padrini. Tess and I will address this with Fabiano later."  he declared firmly, his voice holding the familiar tone of authority.  He looked to Tess for confirmation of his decision.  "Does that sound good to you, e'lev?"

Tess was both annoyed and relieved about Rayek's rigorous action of ending the topic. Her first impulse had been to further look into this discrepancy. But it probably wasn't the right time and place to do so. There must be a logical solution to this misunderstanding. So at Rayek's question Tess replied a little delayed with a nod of her head. "Yes, that's alright." But in her mind it kept her busy now.

Roberto shot Rayek a glance that was similar to the one the young Italian had received from the Romulan earlier when he had been offering to join Tess' team. Now, Rayek made it look like Roberto was telling some nonsense. Really?
The drop in rank for Rayek had made Roberto drop his respect for the Romulan. So he wasn't shy to give Rayek a glare now. But he knew better than to reply anything. Not in front of the Captain; and not in front of Tess. Pointedly turning away from Rayek Roberto spoke to Tess. "I'm sorry I brought this up. I didn't mean to upset you."

Quote from: Solluk on June 07, 2020, 04:24:06 PM

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk gestured to the restrooms in the back of the simulated hall, mildly surprised to find that the Deltan was conservative enough about their body to require a changing room.  It was either a gesture of respect for other, more modest species, or an example of the fact that you could not make assumptions about entire species of people.  Perhaps not all Deltans were as open with their bodies as rumors tended to favor.

"There are restrooms in the back of the simulation, or you can just call for a privacy screen.   I am sure the holodeck will accommodate any request."

As the bowling began, Solluk smirked at the initial missteps of other participants.  Not merely because the early errors of the other team might favor his.  No, more because the players were clearly entering the event with an unashamed gusto.  He imagined that sort of un-guardedness was important for having a good time.

When talk turned to the subject of Tess and Rayek's unborn child's sex, his smirk faltered.  There seemed to be some drama surrounding the sex of the child.  On the surface, the conversation seemed to indicate that the parents had somehow forgotten the sex of their own unborn baby.  But that was ludicrous.  More likely, there was some agreement to keep the sex secret.  An agreement that had been breached.

Hrafn's mention of an oddity with a piece of jewelry or insignia did not quite penetrate his consciousness to the same degree.

While Solluk waited for his turn at the end of the list, he approached Tess and spoke to her softly once the issue of the baby was settled between her and her husband.

"Tess.  I don't like to intrude on a fun team-building event with business, but I wanted to quickly inquire before it slipped my mind.  I noticed the Healy's readiness status had been extended.  Did some new information surface warranting the countermanding of my previous instructions on the matter?"

A little later Tess was still a little pensive about the matter and trying to figure out why there were gaps in her memory.
When Solluk approached her Tess smiled up at the Vulcan in anticipation of some small talk with him. But apparently the Captain had business on his mind. When addressed about the Healy's status her face became somewhat blank. "No new information, sir", Tess explained, "but since we are dealing with an unknown phenomenon that easily can become a threat I figured it better to keep rhe Healy on alert status until we found out what exactly we have encountered. Everything else could be a mistake we might regret in he end. Her tone had become dead serious all of a sudden.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno



USS Katra - Deck 14 - Holosuites

Beja nodded to Rayek and smiled at him, when he answered her question about where he had learned about the game of bowling. Oh man, Team Orange was going to have some competition for sure. He had learned by watching �Championship� games. He had learned from the leaders in the sport, that would be a real issue for Team Orange to battle against. She�d have to keep a close eye on his technique to see if she would be able to borrow some of it to help Team Orange.

Between Rayek and Beja the two of them were able to get the children in their shirts and shoes. She helped them get their special shirts on, while Rayek helped them to get the bowling shoes on. It hadn�t taken too long of time, the children were always joyful balls of energy. Beja smiled at them, and especially thought it was sweet how John Saxon interacted with them. She knew that John hadn�t ever found time to marry or have children of his own. A shame really since he had a natural ability with the young ones. He�d have made a good father. Hmm, that put an idea her mind, what she needed to do is maybe find a way to have John and Kalem interact more together. Kalem could use that kind of strong father figure right now, it would be something she�d need to think about more on, right now though the focus had to be on the game and relaxing with the others.

Beja hadn�t any issues with the team configured by Captain Solluk, but she could see where others might see it as the men vs. women. The Captain though quickly changed it up, so that it wouldn�t seem unfair due to gender bias. Once the teams were settled and the rooster was firmly set, Beja went and picked out her shoes. She jumped a few times in them, to make sure that she had gotten the correct fit. The multiple colors of the shoes made it feel even more festive and fun! The humans did come up with creative activities to do.

When the teams started to actually start the game, Beja made sure to really watch everyone bowl. Tess hadn�t started out great, but she ended up doing better and better with each time in the lane. Beja was pretty sure if Tess wanted to, she�d be a great bowler. Maybe this is something they should start doing on the station. They could start up a league and maybe even get the embassies to join in. It could be the crew team against the embassies, and they could do league rules.

Hrafn bowled next for Team Orange. Her Trill friend was actually good, Hrafn just needed to have moved over a couple of millimeters and it wouldn�t have been a spare, it would have been a strike. Luckily Hrafn picked up the spare on her second chance at throwing the ball. Though her friend�s knee issues were a problem. Not because the knee going out would hurt Team Orange�s chances of winning, no Beja was not selfish. She cared about Hrafn and it pained Beja to see her friend in pain. But luck was on their side since there was plenty of medical crew around.

Beja asked for Roberto�s help, as the two of them made a good medical team, in putting together a makeshift brace for Hrafn to wear if she so wanted too. It wasn�t as good as an actual brace would be, but it would do and hold up for the time that they were bowling. Beja recommended that Hrafn really wear the brace that Amarande had given her.

Beja reached under her bowling shirt, and her uniform that she was wearing underneath it and came out with a necklace with an amulet on it. Then Beja reached over and placed it around Hrafn�s neck, assuming her friend chose to allow her to give the gift. �Here, Hrafn, please wear this during the bowling game. Let this be an inspirational token for you. It should help to inspire the good luck that you are missing from your talisman. My mother gave it to me when I was accepted into Starfleet academy. You can give it back once the game is over. I�m sure Kahless� sword will bring all the inspiration of luck you are needing my friend!�

Beja smiled over to Hrafn, and hoped that between the brace and Kahless�s sword that her friend would be inspired to throw strikes and spares for the rest of the game. There was such a thing about a placebo effect and Beja very much believed it in. Sometimes all people needed was faith in themselves, in order to achieve greatness and the success they were looking for.

When Rayek bowled for Team Green Beja made sure to really focus on everything that the Romulan did. He had learned from the greats, she had to concentrate on it all. The strike was expected, since the greats had taught him, what wasn�t expected was the falling to the ground after. That wasn�t normal, she knew of that from her research. No one else ended up on the ground after throwing their balls down the lane. Perhaps it had been awhile since he had bowled? Or maybe he had exaggerated about learning from the greats.

Rayek had been in charge of security when he had been the executive officer of Katra. He had a very strategic and analytical mind. He was competitive as well. Beja should have known that he might stretch the truth of his abilities in order to �psych� out the other team, as the humans said. A very brilliant strategy for sure. She had to give him credit for that, and it had almost worked on her. But what he hadn�t planned on was her own cunning. She might not be a typical Klingon, but she was still a Klingon.

Her childhood had been filled with  disappointing and dishonoring her family. When she had gotten the invitation from Rayek for the bowling event, she had begun immediately to watch, read, and even do simulations of the game in order to train into the art and skills of bowling. Poor Mon had spent quite a few all-nighters with her, while she took notes, and tried out a variety of different techniques and styles to find the one that worked the best. She refused to let her team, and crew down. Her name would not bring dishonor to Team Orange. Not today it wouldn�t!

Thankfully, due to her studious nature, Beja already knew the perfect size and poundage of the ball that worked best for her. Though she did make sure that the holosuite program colored her ball orange in her team solidarity. She had the advantage to see others go before her from both Team Orange and Team Green, and had already deduced the perfect placement needed in order to get the strike needed. She took her time lining herself up on the lines marked on the lane. The best part she loved about the game itself, was one didn�t need to be a warrior on the field, they just needed to do the correct mathematical calculation and physical positioning to know where to hit the pins with the correct velocity and release of the ball in order to knock them all down!

It was mostly science and math, something Beja excelled at. Beja smiled brightly when her calculations had proven to be spot on, when her first throw was a strike! She even made sure to do the human first pump into the air in victory, and yelled loudly for all to hear �Qapla�!�

Unfortunately not every throw was a strike for Beja, but she got multiple of them throughout the game. She was able to compensate well when she didn't at least get spares or most of the pins down on the second throw. She was elated in the fact that if Team Orange didn�t win, it wouldn�t be because of her poor showing. Her house, her family, her team all would not be dishonored by her actions on the lane and that was what mattered most. Her friends would not have to hang their heads in shame for her, at least not today.



Celestial Harmony Starship 'Revelation' on course to the Atenis System

"Starship Commander's Official Log, Universal Calendar Date 3246.12.3, Chronomark 22:47

This is Commander Zheshil of the Celestial Harmony Scientific Frigate Revelation, entering my daily Starship Commander's Personal Log.  We are on course for the Atenis System at Warp 9.99, on a mission to deliver vital non-replicable medical supplies to fight the plague spreading among the natives of Atenis III.

I sometimes feel a certain reticence when interfering with the development of primitive pre-interstellar cultures.  I always worry that our interference may somehow push their development astray.

However, when I feel doubt, I remind myself about the First Order: We Must Help Those Who Cannot Help Themselves.  Without this aid, the entire civilization may expire.

Who knows how many similar cultures have died out, simply because no was was aware of their plight.  Or worse, there may have been no one willing to help.  Well, the Atenisians will not perish.  Not while the Revelation is able to help them.  We are twenty-four hours away.  This gives us plenty of time to halt the pandemic before it consumes the population.  End Log."

As she finished her log, Subcommander Sharom spoke up, "Commander, sensors are picking up a veiled subspace disturbance near an unexplored sector, designated Sector K based on intelligence reports."

Vorinia Zheshil turned to face her trusted Planessan Executive Officer.  "Sector K?  What does intelligence say about it?"

"According to a Tulivian trader, who made purchases with an as-yet uncontacted interstellar species known as the Farangee, Sector K is dominated by a nation known as the Katrans.  Almost nothing else is known about them, except that they maintain a space station around a Class 3 planet in the Sector.  The planet is said to be called 'Medium.'  But all of this is second-hand, word-of-mouth.  The reliability of the information is Deep Purple.  Official Diplomatic Contact is not slated to be made with Sector K for another six months, according to the Office of Diplomatic Affairs."

"And you say there is a veiled subspace disturbance?"

"Yes, Commander.  It matches the signature of a subspace tesseract of the type employed by Thinkers, Incorporated."  Sharom passed the information to her console so that she could see for herself.

"Their meddling goes further every day," she noted, shaking her head, "They used to contract with the Drecacon when operating so far from their base.  I wonder if something soured between them."

"If we had to guess,"  Sharom opined, "We would guess that the Drecacon have become a known factor in Sector K, and the Thinkers have switched tactics.  The location of the tesseract bears a close proximity to the source of a subspace transmission we intercepted earlier: A distress call we determined to be false based on long-range sensor data.  We believe the most likely explanation is that the distress call was meant to lure a vessel from Sector K into the tesseract."

Section Commander Blomo spoke up from his tactical station,  "Commander.  It is possible that the ruse was already successful, and that a Sector K vessel lies trapped within the tesseract."

Vorinia sucked air in through clenched teeth.  "How much time would we lose if we investigate?"

"We estimate that this would take us six hours out of our way,"  Sharom replied, "but this could be a rare opportunity to add a Plus-Plus to our planned First Contact.  Diplomatic Affairs may not be pleased with being pre-empted, but they can not argue with a Plus-Plus."

Blomo nodded,  "I concur.  We should proceed with caution, but a subspace tesseract laid by the Thinkers... no one should be left open to such privation.  If it hasn't caught someone yet, it surely will, soon.  The plague on Atenis III is a serious matter, but given the incubation period, I think six hours is a small price to pay for a potential Plus Plus to a diplomatic encounter."

Vorinia nodded.  "Very well.  Lay in a course, maximum warp."

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Yorno Das went wide-eyed as the Tholian Ambassador herself entered the room.  Then, like some predatory spider taking position on a tree-branch, the Tholian crawled up the bulkhead towards the ceiling.

It was deeply disconcerting.

"I am a Yridian," Yorno said, "Perhaps your people know of us?  We are famous merchants.  Like the Ferengi.  But we do not cheat our customers.  We specialize in information."

He hesitated, glancing between the Tholians in the room.  There was a barely perceptible high pitched noise in the chamber, like glass that was being stressed and beginning to crack.  But this noise continued on, never elevating to the cacophony of ruptured crystal.  It simply continued at the periphery of perception, a haunting and chaotic melody.  Much like the Tholians themselves, it was an uncanny thing to experience.

"My name is Yorno.  Yorno Das.  I have come here because I have heard that the Tholians are in the market for information."

This was a sensitive moment.  It would be easy for the Tholians to become incensed that someone was intruding into their personal affairs.  Information Merchants always risked the ire of sensitive customers.  It was one of the reasons the profession was so lucrative.  Dealing in secrets was a many-edged blade, and the merchant was rarely the one with his hand on the hilt.

"Perhaps we should discuss this in private.  Yes?"

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

John Saxon


[Katra Station - Holodeck - Bowling Alley]

Walking up to the channel, John watched as the first few balls were thrown, with mixed results on both teams, and contemplating his own turn. Whilst he wasn't too familiar with the game - cricket was by far a more superior, if not prolonged, pastime - the basic goal and premise was simple. First, however, a selection of which weight class of ball was in order; Saxon thought this to be an important decision. Too heavy a weight, and his throw would lack speed or force, merely nudging the pins or careening off axis into the gutter. Too light, and an overestimation of the roll could just carve a neat hole between the pins, leaving the outer edges standing. The next crucial decisions would be style of roll, and angle of attack.

Eyes flicking between the selection of hard orbs, and the distant pins which stood sentry-like, John's old, but strong, fingers reached towards his choice, fitting into the provided grips neatly, and hoisting it aloft to chin height. His steps towards the permitted line increasing in speed, as the gnarly old wardog finalised his strategy. His pace almost became a run, and he swung the ball high behind him, ready to release, before reversing the pendulum, throwing it down the alley at the same time Saxon's footing adjusted for his aim.

The ball sailed...


[Orbit of Betazed, 2375]

The air was thick with dark smoke, a result of the emergency ventilation system being reduced to a network of useless blackened conduits and circuitry deep within the bulkheads, crushed by debris. Coughing was the soundtrack, with alarms as the backing singers. Eyes streaming due the acrid atmosphere, which did little to clear the build up of onyx residue on every person's face. And those were the eyes of that lived; around the walking wounded, bodies of falling comrades littered the traction carpet, being unceremoniously stepped over by friends - colleagues - as they desperately tried to ensure their ultimate sacrifice was not in vain.

All in all, the Bridge of the USS Heracles was not a place to be.

"Report!" called out Captain Lavine Halloway at her second attempt to get any words out of her dry throat.

A voice responded, but there had been so many changed in the Bridge personnel over the last hour, it was hard to keep up. The sad fact was, whomever was responding probably wouldn't be for much longer. "Shields at 16%!"

The Bridge shook, rattling teeth. Bones. Muscles. Something in Halloway's neck popped and an intense pain spread through it when she tried to glance to her left. I just won't do it then, she decided grimly.

"10%!" continued the voice. Just 10% of shields of the once-mighty Galaxy-class remained now. Every ounce of reserve power spent. Every shield generator depleted. Every impulse reactor squeezed empty. This was it. The battle to liberate Betazed from the enemy had, like so many attempts, failed. The Dominion was just too good. Whether it was better intelligence. Or better strategiests. Or just better technology; the fact remained the remnants of the Seventh Fleet had their flayed backs to the gravity well of the very world they had come to save, pinned between that and the demons in purple. Over a hundred ships, just over half now remained, and of those none were in a position to hold off the enemy fleet of twice that for any longer than a few more minutes. StarFleet had swept in to the system, so confident their task force was the most powerful possible. And for an important 60 seconds, it seemed as if the Dominion had been caught snoozing.

Until the reserve battle force came out from behind the local star in numbers that truly beggard belief.

Halloway closed her eyes, as repeated impacts rocked the pinnacle of Starfleet's designs. Even the new upgrades had not little to prepare the ship for the abuse it had suffered at the hands of the Jem'Hadar and their Vorta masters. She heard the numbers trickle down. "5%! 2%! Shields are gone!" Another blow rocked the Heracles. "Hull breach, Deck 10, Forward!"

She forced her eyes open. She, like the ship, would go down tooth and claw at least. "All weapons. Fire at will." That was a laugh; torpedoes had long been spent - much of them on just one of those Leviathan battleships the Dominion had just rolled out - and the only phasers capable of reply were the tiny arrays on what remained of the nacelle struts.

And then..like rain on a roof petering out... the impacts faded away. An odd calm descended. A stillness that she had not felt since her days exploring the galaxy as her career in the Sciences intended. Lavine struggled to her feet, turning her whole body around to catch any evidence on what was happening on the sootied face of anyone still alive. Perhaps this is death, she wondered.

But death shouldn't have been met with equal confusion. "What-?" she forced out, more terrified of the sudden quiet than she had been of the fire chaos moments ago.

Whoever stood at Tactical, she'd have to find out her name Halloway promised herself, wrestled with the remnants of the console, which was rewarded with the crackle of the Fleet comms channel - how could something so delicate be functional, the Captain wondered, realising - in parallel - the ridiculousness of that stray thought in the midst of all this.

Through the crackling speakers, the channel was flooded by voices shocked, baffled and - in some - joyous.

"-id you see that?!"
"Thei- lines ar- crumbli-"
"-ensors detecting massive dam-ge to-"
"What was tha-?
"-unched a hole straight through the left flank-"
"Multiple collisions-"
"I'm reading something but sensors too damaged to-"
"They're turnin-"
"All available ships, open fire on their sterns!"
"Abou- fifty ship- gon-"
"-as that a moon-?"
"-eed a tractor bea-"
"-his is Jo-n -axon of the US- Splend-d. Need a pick-up from-"
"Some odd warp sign-tu-e"
"I've never seen anything -ike-"
"-hank the Great Bird!"
"Save the cha-ter; lets finish th-s!"

"Helm" Halloway said softly. "Pursuit course. Maximum thrusters."

This time the tears in her eyes were from within.


Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk arched a brow at Tess' response.  There seemed to be a coldness in it that he wasn't accustomed to, and which seemed out-of-character for her.  He chalked it up to the possibility that she was still upset with her husband due to the kerfuffle involving the sex of their unborn child.  That, itself, was an oddity.  And though he elected not to pursue the matter further, he couldn't quite shake the shadow of it upon his mind.

Still, the day must go on.

Rayek's fall accompanied his excellent bowling with such proximity that one could almost imagine it to be an intentional act: Some bizarre form of the sport that involved a stumble after the release.  He nodded appreciatively to his former Executive Officer for the addition to the scoreboard, however it had been achieved.

Hrafn's issue with her knee was disheartening, but it was good to see everyone come together to help her out.  Such joint problems were unusual in this day and age, and Solluk could only imagine she was holding on to her faulty knee out of some strange artifact of sentiment.  Or perhaps it wasn't so strange.  What would he have given to get a small destroyed piece of his brain back?

Everyone was competent enough after some initial missteps.  The one who had surprised him was Beja.  Knowing that she'd abandoned aspects of her warrior culture, he had not expected her to excel at this sport.  Yet she demonstrated a toned, balanced body and a fierce warrior determination.  A demonstration, perhaps, that a person could define any task as a battle and prosecute it with fierce resolve.

Saxon certainly echoed that attitude, bowling with the focus of a man who was lining up a phaser rifle on a distant target.

For Solluk's initial bowling attempt, he chose the largest ball available, reasoning that he would increase his chance of hitting the pins.  Then he gave the ball a vigorous release.  It was disheartening to see his first ball slam into one gutter, and his second ball slam into the other.

He recovered after that, doing quite well in subsequent attempts, but the initial bad bowling had greatly impaired his otherwise fantastic team.  Even the children seemed to end with a better score on average than he had managed.  That had been somewhat embarrassing.

Finally, all frames were nearly spent.  Solluk would be the last bowler on his team.  Beja would be the last on hers.

But first, Zex.

He looked to Zex, waiting for her to to take her turn.

Then it would be him.

And then Beja would end the game.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Solluk on June 08, 2020, 04:47:23 PM

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Solluk arched a brow at Tess' response.  There seemed to be a coldness in it that he wasn't accustomed to, and which seemed out-of-character for her.  He chalked it up to the possibility that she was still upset with her husband due to the kerfuffle involving the sex of their unborn child.  That, itself, was an oddity.  And though he elected not to pursue the matter further, he couldn't quite shake the shadow of it upon his mind.

Still, the day must go on.

Rayek's fall accompanied his excellent bowling with such proximity that one could almost imagine it to be an intentional act: Some bizarre form of the sport that involved a stumble after the release.  He nodded appreciatively to his former Executive Officer for the addition to the scoreboard, however it had been achieved.

Hrafn's issue with her knee was disheartening, but it was good to see everyone come together to help her out.  Such joint problems were unusual in this day and age, and Solluk could only imagine she was holding on to her faulty knee out of some strange artifact of sentiment.  Or perhaps it wasn't so strange.  What would he have given to get a small destroyed piece of his brain back?

Everyone was competent enough after some initial missteps.  The one who had surprised him was Beja.  Knowing that she'd abandoned aspects of her warrior culture, he had not expected her to excel at this sport.  Yet she demonstrated a toned, balanced body and a fierce warrior determination.  A demonstration, perhaps, that a person could define any task as a battle and prosecute it with fierce resolve.

Saxon certainly echoed that attitude, bowling with the focus of a man who was lining up a phaser rifle on a distant target.

For Solluk's initial bowling attempt, he chose the largest ball available, reasoning that he would increase his chance of hitting the pins.  Then he gave the ball a vigorous release.  It was disheartening to see his first ball slam into one gutter, and his second ball slam into the other.

He recovered after that, doing quite well in subsequent attempts, but the initial bad bowling had greatly impaired his otherwise fantastic team.  Even the children seemed to end with a better score on average than he had managed.  That had been somewhat embarrassing.

Finally, all frames were nearly spent.  Solluk would be the last bowler on his team.  Beja would be the last on hers.

But first, Zex.

He looked to Zex, waiting for her to to take her turn.

Then it would be him.

And then Beja would end the game.

Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

After changing, Zex returned to group.  It was her turn to go.  So she grabbed the ball and rolled 1 gutter ball after the next.  "Sorry" she said to her team.

When she returned to her table, she was able to relax for a moment.  For some reason she was getting that tingling feeling she gets before reacting to another person's feelings or thought.  It was that instinctual response that had kept the Deltan's safe for years.

But here with her co-workers, she was in no danger.   So she went to thinking of then next possible thing that might be causing this feeling and focusing on who might be causing that feeling her.  She looked around and landed on Rayek.

"Hi" she said after approaching him.  "It is good to see you again" she said sincerely.  "When you have time, maybe later, I wanted to talk to you about a romulan term I came across so that I can better understand it.  The term is absolute candor.  Have you heard of it?" she asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Solluk on June 08, 2020, 03:24:43 AM

Katra Station - Tholian Embassy - Reception - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Yorno Das went wide-eyed as the Tholian Ambassador herself entered the room.  Then, like some predatory spider taking position on a tree-branch, the Tholian crawled up the bulkhead towards the ceiling.

It was deeply disconcerting.

"I am a Yridian," Yorno said, "Perhaps your people know of us?  We are famous merchants.  Like the Ferengi.  But we do not cheat our customers.  We specialize in information."

He hesitated, glancing between the Tholians in the room.  There was a barely perceptible high pitched noise in the chamber, like glass that was being stressed and beginning to crack.  But this noise continued on, never elevating to the cacophony of ruptured crystal.  It simply continued at the periphery of perception, a haunting and chaotic melody.  Much like the Tholians themselves, it was an uncanny thing to experience.

"My name is Yorno.  Yorno Das.  I have come here because I have heard that the Tholians are in the market for information."

This was a sensitive moment.  It would be easy for the Tholians to become incensed that someone was intruding into their personal affairs.  Information Merchants always risked the ire of sensitive customers.  It was one of the reasons the profession was so lucrative.  Dealing in secrets was a many-edged blade, and the merchant was rarely the one with his hand on the hilt.

"Perhaps we should discuss this in private.  Yes?"

A shared sense of disgust at the mention of the ferengi was shared over the lattice.  Eydis would keep walking up the ceiling until she was a few feet seperated from Yorno. � Yorno the yridian be warned the Tholian assembly does not tolerate deceit. What infomantion do you believe you have that would be off any value to me. � Eydis was now curious as to how  and why yorno came to hir thinking he could trade infomantion. � I�m a member of the warrior caste, I have very little patience for those who want to be secretive in their dealings with others. As to talking in private, there is no need unless you want me to give you a tholian hug and hold you till your body cooks in this environment. My crew will know all that I know. And soon the assembly and ever tholian.�

Eydis thought space was already filling with annoyance at this mousey like individual. �Be careful yorno the yridian, If you mean to be a bad faith actor you will pay dearly for it. You will be hard pressed to escape the our web of ships. And once we capture you like a mouse in a web. I Eydis will hold you in my arms till you roast alive. However if you are of good faith you will be treated as such. � Eydis would pause and look to hir armed crew at there stations, each one with a short crystalline sword at their sides � The tholian assembly and I will be most agreeable in our relationship. Now Yorno the yridian what is this about let�s see if your name ends up in the song of my homeworld� Eydis perhaps wasn�t the best at diplomacy after all she was a warrior caste member. And shi was if anything bluntly honesty with all possible friends and foes alike. The way shi hung off the ceiling staring down at the yridian made it look very certain hir threat wasn�t a attempt to appear tough. It was a very certain outcome if Yorno was trying to deceive Eydis in one of the most important things to hir people in the last few centuries. Perhaps some more wiggle room would�ve of been allowed had this not been of such high importance. The survival of a species was at sake.


Katra - Holosuite running bowling program - Day 2 - Late Beta Shift

Zex' performance may have saved team Green, but it left Solluk wincing to himself after a while.  Well, not everyone could be good at everything.  Especially considering that this sport was likely entirely new to the Deltan.  She was a good-natured player, though, and he offered her an encouraging nod for facing the challenge stoically.  He'd had much less composure at his own early gutter-balls.

Now the final frames were here, and Solluk's aim and technique had steadily improved over the course of the game.  Taking his large, heavy ball to the lane, he paused.  Taking a deep breath, he centered himself.  Then he took two steps and rolled the ball out...

A strike!

In the tenth and final frame, that would enable him to add two additional rolls to his final score!

Or so the overhead display informed him.

He rolled again... not bad, but not so lucky.  Eight pins out of ten.  And then a final roll which caught the final pins... a spare between the pair!

That left Team Green with an overwhelming advantage.

Beja could only make a win for Team Orange by getting three consecutive strikes in her final frame.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.