S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

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Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 06, 2020, 11:49:37 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Bridge]

While rTess still waited, a couple of things happened.

First she noted that the Cobras seemed to withdraw but the leading pilot seemed to continue his course - that was unusual. Before rTess could find out what this was about, both the Tholian and the Klingon ship - undoubtedly to support the Healy in stopping them - were trapped by the station's own tractor beams. rTess looked over to rSaqa7 when she cheered about her successful sabotage. Excellent.

The ping of an incoming message at the control panel directed her attention to it. Her eyebrow rose in surprise when rRayek reported he had been unsuccessful to recruit the real Rayek. He should give in so easily in a situation with a phaser pointed at his wife's head!
Her face darkened even more when she read the news of Rhade being on the ship. She looked up sharply to rRayek. "How the hell did he get on board? Find him and make sure he won't get in our way no matter what it takes!"

Tess looked over to rHrafn at her suggestion with a clueless frown. What did that mean? She could not imagine this was what she meant, but she didn't like the sound of 'testing something out' on her. Was she suggesting some kind of human experiment on her?? Tess' stomach churned - mainly because she couldn't be sure they wouldn't really do it.

rTess glanced to the science officer. While she was surprised that the science officer would suggest such she could very well take this and build a little more pressure while she tried to ignore the feeling of knowing that it would scare her - that was the real Tess.
rTess looked back to the view screen where the real Healy's bridge could be seen. "Did you hear that, Rayek?"

Then Hrafn finally spoke, but it was just her asking for more patience. rTess frowned and watched as Hrafn typed something on the commad console ... then, she muted the channel.

rTess' patience wore thin. They were just stalling them. Knowing that the officers on the real Healy could still hear her since they only muted their end of the communication, rTess spoke up. "I am not willing to play your games any longer." She looked to the side to the two security officers who held their phasers to Tess' head before she looke back to the view screen. "I will give you ten seconds to make your decision to power down weapons and drop shields or this Tess will be killed. If that is not enough for you to let us leave, there is another officer of yours aboard this ship who will be killed as well should you or anyone else still try to stop us!"


Tess tensed up when at the false Tess' words the security officers took a step closer so the phasers were just inches away from her head. Her heart ached with the effort of continuing to pump blood through her body to keep her from fainting. Her breath hitched, her body rigid with fear - yes, it was pure fear now. Had she tried to sooth herself with brave thoughts, it was gone completely now. All she wanted was to not to be here.

A wave of thoughts rolled through her head. Should she try to plead with her capturers? Try to make her false self or the fake Rayek to have mercy with her? Or should she lunge herself on the fake Tess and cause confusion? No, not possible. Her hands were bound, she'd fail immediately.
Fear gripped her once more, more violent than before as she looked to the view screen. Was it right of her to plead in her mind for Hrafn to comply and let them escape? She was sure she had chances to escape if they would take her with her - or they returned her after they successfully escaped. But it would mean to let the saboteurs escape with sensitive knowledge. She realized ... they couldn't let them escape.

So she waited with bated breath, trying to wrap her mind around the notion that she could be killed now ... or die in an attack of the real Healy - with Rayek sitting at tactical it would even be him to initiate it. Tess squeezed her eyes shut to keep the upwelling tears from rolling down.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 06, 2020, 04:47:45 PM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]
Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Too much was happening all at once.  Rayek tried to keep his attention focused on his console noting Hrafn's message to him and his heart clenched.  He had nothing, every move he could possibly make was the wrong one.  He would lose Tess in every situation.  He forwarded on the Captain's orders like a man heading to the gallows.

rRayek gave a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to his console frowning; he was trying.  Who knew the Caitian hybrid could be so problematic?

The sharpness of rTess' voice drew his unwilling attention and Rayek glanced up from his console missing the Klingon cruisers launch of their shuttle.  His attention instead was on the viewscreen and the fact that there was some unexpected intruder aboard the enemy vessel.  Who? What were they doing?  And could this be used to help retrieve Tess?

Glancing away again he tried scanning the other ship as he heard rHrafn's threat of experimentation on Tess. Rayek couldn't help but glance then to his Hrafn, who was near to tears at the situation.   How could the same person be so different having such different values, or was that the inner Hrafn?

As much as he hated to admit it his doppleganger was very much true to his personality. Do what it takes to survive - and protect those dear to you?  Was it any wonder these fakes knew to use him as the weak link.

The scan of the other Healy showed only a single lifeform in engineering behind forcefields... that of a Felinoid.  Rhade?  Last Rayek knew, Rhade had been on the station.  He hadn't trapped with them in the subspace rift.  Thus he likely wasn't one of this fake Healy's crew.

Hope flared. Maybe his wife had a chance of being rescued.

Rayek grimaced as the fake Tess called to him, pointing out the threat to his wife.

Rayek needed to act fast.  This was likely going to get him court-martial again.. but his wife was worth that risk.

Glancing to Hrafn, Rayek slipped into her mind.  ~tele~ Rhade is aboard the fake Healy... sabotaging the vessel I think.  Contact him... my ability is too limited.  Tell him to drop his forcefield as he calls for a Medical beam out for himself and Tess to sickbay.   It is the most protected place on the ship.  If Tess has any chance at surviving a battle it will be there.   Tell him he'll need to take out the medical staff and the fake Tess as well.  I'm relying on him! And if he can help bring down the shields that would be a help as well. Then we can beam them out.  But first I need you to trust me no matter what I say or do.  Can you? ~tele~

Rayek stood up looking towards Hrafn.  The Romulan waited a moment until he felt the mental impulse of Hrafn agreeing to the plan, and then began his ruse.

He couldn't be sure if the fake Tess was counting out loud or not but Rayek jumped over the railing once more, to stand in front of Hrafn, looking towards the view screen towards his wife.  He needed to stall to give Hrafn time to contact Rhade and Rhade time to get Tess to safety.

He let his panic and turmoil show as he looked to the fake Tess.  "No! Don't harm her! Please! I'll do as you say." At this point, Rayek pulled his phaser and stunned the two security personnel stationed at the turbolift before pointing it toward Hrafn. "Give up the chair.  I'm in command now."

He then quick-glanced to Tess on the viewscreen.  "I'm sorry it's come to this e'lev.  I know you will not ever be able to forgive me but I am doing this for us.  For our family."

[USS rHealy (rHrafn) - Bridge]

rHrafn grinned evilly as she looked at the discomforted doctor in the XO's chair.  Part of her felt sorry for her, somewhere in her mind, however a hitherto dormant streak that might have been a lingering remainder from the time she'd been 'Evil Queen Hrafn' was getting aired.  Or it could be that somewhere she, like most people, had the potential for evil and that was being manifest.

She too was getting impatient with her other self, since when was she so dithering?  Was she really reeling from the effects of the small gift that rTess had sent over?  Possible she supposed.

When she noticed that real Hrafn was typing something on her arm console she turned to rRayek and said "Can you get into the internal comms over there?  I don't trust what she's doing, she could be sending a message to Katra, or to anyone on that ship or, might be actually ordering the shields and weapons powered down, but... I doubt it.  She's held that position on the Kir'Shara before, she won't back down that easily, I'm pretty sure of that!"

rHrafn's normal demeanour showed itself for a moment when she saw Tess's eyes filling with tears, part of the 'supplies' she kept in her tunic was a handkerchief, which she silently took out and surreptitiously pressed into Tess's hand then glared as if to show she was only doing it so that she didn't drip all over the arm consoles or something.

[USS Healy - Bridge (Hrafn Prime)]

Hrafn's eyes opened wide momentarily but that was in keeping with the unfolding events on the Bridge of the Healy. To not show some emotion with Rayek taking over command, would have been out of character.

Outwardly, she spluttered and made a show of protesting while moving to the XOs seat.  She knew if Rayek was using their minds by way of getting a message to her, he had 'a plan' and while she didn't really have time to make any form of protest, she knew that the subtext to his mind message was 'Look, I'm using this method... trust me, please?!'

And she did trust him.

Sending back a message to him she said [MIND]'Welcome back, Commander! She's all yours, I'll try to get a message over to that brave soldier over there, we won't get any message back but I suppose, him being successful will be our answer!  And yeah... I trust you. Let's do this for our Tess, and Rayek or Tess Jnr!'[MIND]

Looking directly into Tess's eyes - the real one, her friend, for some sort of resolve.

She noticed that her counterpart had slipped her a handkerchief.  She was glad that there was some parts of her still recognisable in there and was glad of it.  She gave a sympathetic smile to 'their' Tess and hoped that she would understand what Rayek was doing.  'Trust us' she willed Tess to understand, although didn't send a message.

Part of the reason she was looking straight into Tess's eyes was so that it didn't look as if she was using telepathy to the fake Healy crew.  She cleared her mind and then sent a message to Rhade.

[MIND]'Ensign Rhade, this is Hrafn Falleg.  Forgive me for contacting you like this but it's all we've got that won't be detected.  Orders from Rayek...Drop your forcefield and call for a Medical beam out for yourself and Dr. t'Lhoell to Sickbay.   Medbay is the most protected place on the ship.  If the doctor and her baby have any chance at surviving a battle it will be there.   You'll need to take out the medical staff and the fake Lt. Cmdr t'Lhoell too.  We're counting on you buddy, drinks and any other favours on us if you can pull this one off!  If you can, bring down the shields then we can beam you out.  I realise that you can't answer me, your answer will be in your success, I have no doubt of that! Falleg out'[MIND]

[MIND]'It's done, now we wait.'[MIND] she spoke to Rayek beside her, her eyes never wavering from the viewscreen before her for fear of letting on to the fake versions of themselves that they were up to something.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and Replicant Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Bridge]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 06, 2020, 04:47:45 PM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]
Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Rayek stood up looking towards Hrafn.  The Romulan waited a moment until he felt the mental impulse of Hrafn agreeing to the plan, and then began his ruse.

He couldn't be sure if the fake Tess was counting out loud or not but Rayek jumped over the railing once more, to stand in front of Hrafn, looking towards the view screen towards his wife.  He needed to stall to give Hrafn time to contact Rhade and Rhade time to get Tess to safety.

He let his panic and turmoil show as he looked to the fake Tess.  "No! Don't harm her! Please! I'll do as you say." At this point, Rayek pulled his phaser and stunned the two security personnel stationed at the turbolift before pointing it toward Hrafn. "Give up the chair.  I'm in command now."

He then quick-glanced to Tess on the viewscreen.  "I'm sorry it's come to this e'lev.  I know you will not ever be able to forgive me but I am doing this for us.  For our family."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 07, 2020, 11:16:28 AM

[USS rHealy (rHrafn) - Bridge]

rHrafn grinned evilly as she looked at the discomforted doctor in the XO's chair.  Part of her felt sorry for her, somewhere in her mind, however a hitherto dormant streak that might have been a lingering remainder from the time she'd been 'Evil Queen Hrafn' was getting aired.  Or it could be that somewhere she, like most people, had the potential for evil and that was being manifest.

She too was getting impatient with her other self, since when was she so dithering?  Was she really reeling from the effects of the small gift that rTess had sent over?  Possible she supposed.

When she noticed that real Hrafn was typing something on her arm console she turned to rRayek and said "Can you get into the internal comms over there?  I don't trust what she's doing, she could be sending a message to Katra, or to anyone on that ship or, might be actually ordering the shields and weapons powered down, but... I doubt it.  She's held that position on the Kir'Shara before, she won't back down that easily, I'm pretty sure of that!"

rHrafn's normal demeanour showed itself for a moment when she saw Tess's eyes filling with tears, part of the 'supplies' she kept in her tunic was a handkerchief, which she silently took out and surreptitiously pressed into Tess's hand then glared as if to show she was only doing it so that she didn't drip all over the arm consoles or something.

[USS Healy - Bridge (Hrafn Prime)]

Hrafn's eyes opened wide momentarily but that was in keeping with the unfolding events on the Bridge of the Healy. To not show some emotion with Rayek taking over command, would have been out of character.

Outwardly, she spluttered and made a show of protesting while moving to the XOs seat.  She knew if Rayek was using their minds by way of getting a message to her, he had 'a plan' and while she didn't really have time to make any form of protest, she knew that the subtext to his mind message was 'Look, I'm using this method... trust me, please?!'

And she did trust him.

Sending back a message to him she said [MIND]'Welcome back, Commander! She's all yours, I'll try to get a message over to that brave soldier over there, we won't get any message back but I suppose, him being successful will be our answer!  And yeah... I trust you. Let's do this for our Tess, and Rayek or Tess Jnr!'[MIND]

Looking directly into Tess's eyes - the real one, her friend, for some sort of resolve.

She noticed that her counterpart had slipped her a handkerchief.  She was glad that there was some parts of her still recognisable in there and was glad of it.  She gave a sympathetic smile to 'their' Tess and hoped that she would understand what Rayek was doing.  'Trust us' she willed Tess to understand, although didn't send a message.

Part of the reason she was looking straight into Tess's eyes was so that it didn't look as if she was using telepathy to the fake Healy crew.  She cleared her mind and then sent a message to Rhade.

[MIND]'Ensign Rhade, this is Hrafn Falleg.  Forgive me for contacting you like this but it's all we've got that won't be detected.  Orders from Rayek...Drop your forcefield and call for a Medical beam out for yourself and Dr. t'Lhoell to Sickbay.   Medbay is the most protected place on the ship.  If the doctor and her baby have any chance at surviving a battle it will be there.   You'll need to take out the medical staff and the fake Lt. Cmdr t'Lhoell too.  We're counting on you buddy, drinks and any other favours on us if you can pull this one off!  If you can, bring down the shields then we can beam you out.  I realise that you can't answer me, your answer will be in your success, I have no doubt of that! Falleg out'[MIND]

[MIND]'It's done, now we wait.'[MIND] she spoke to Rayek beside her, her eyes never wavering from the viewscreen before her for fear of letting on to the fake versions of themselves that they were up to something.

When Hrafn moved over to her, Tess leaned back a little, not sure what she would do now. It was the creepiest thing to have someone in front of you who you know so well but now have to consider the fact that said person might want to hurt you.
The crease of fear and concern smoothed out a little when Hrafn handed her a tissue. Tess took it in her bound hands with a quiet "Thank you". It was good to know that there was a hint of the Hrafn she knew in this replicant.

Tess' eyes widened when Rayek suddenly pushed himself in view on the screen, announcing he would comply with the demands of the fake Tess. Surprise turned into shock when her husband pulled a phaser, stunned the security officers and demanded Hrafn to relinquish command to him. Mutiny. This time there was no way they could reduce the harm made - this time it would have serious repercussions, not only for Rayek but it would mean great damage for Starfleet if they let them escape.

Of course Tess wanted to be saved. But what if the escape of those replicants would mean death of many in the future? They couldn't know what the initiators of this planned to do. He couldn't do this! Disregarding the phasers that were leveled at her head Tess dipped her head down to try and tap her comm badge with her chin. "Rayek, no! Don't ...! There has to be another way!" Surely, Solluk and John wouldn't just sit and do nothing, right? They'd work on a plan to save her?

And these damn bonds! She herself could do nothing. It was frustrating. With concern she stared at the view screen, waiting to see what Hrafn would do - realizing that her refusal to relinquish command of the ship might result in her death if the replicants see no other way. Tess glanced to her replicated self. Maybe there was a way she could wear her down verbally.

"You really would have me killed?", she murmured to her fake self. "Put me in the brig or anywhere else where I can't be a threat and the pressure of me being gone will be bad enough, there is no need to kill me to achieve your goal and you know it. We are doctors! We felt even sorry for a little worm that Rahul used to teach us fishing, can't you remember? And now you would kill a person? Yourself?! Don't do this to me ... to us. Please."


rTess had sat rigidly in her chair, avoiding to look at her bound original. Her stony face had finally moved when there was action on the other bridge all of the sudden. Rayek had pushed himself in front of Hrafn and tried to take over command of the Healy. Finally! rTess knew what kind of emotional turmoil it meant for both Rayek and Tess. But they couldn't have consideration for that.

While she waited for Hrafn to comply to Rayek's demand, Tess spoke up first to her husband at the viewscreen and then she addressed her. rTress didn't move her eyes away from the screen but her original's words got to her. She tried to get under her skin - successfully so. The whole time she had tried to distance herself from the emotions this stirred up inside her. With Tess now starting to appeal to them, it became difficult. Was she making a point there? Simply put her in the brig instead of kill her? rTess glanced over to her husband, letting all those emotions show for a moment.

NPC Ensign Roberto Padrini (Medical) and NPC Cadet Benjin Moreno (Flight)
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Beja on July 07, 2020, 02:15:49 AM

Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sick Bay

Beja wasn't exactly sure why they were doing things the 'old school' way, as the old human saying went. But now wasn't the time to question it either, Benjin's survival required their quick acting. She grabbed the dressings and hurried over to Roberto with the requested items. All of their ancestors survived without fancy hyposprays, tricorders, and advanced computer equipment. They would have to tap into their ancestral fortitude and survive again without such things.

"Here you go," Beja nodded her encouragement to Roberto, while she watched him work. "What else do you need? Let me know and it will be done." If anyone could get Benjin through it would be Roberto. She still wasn't sure exactly what happened. What had caused the explosions? And would there be more of them? Everything pointed to the station once more being under attack, but from whom? Had the Thinkers struck again? Or had the Atrosians found a new technology to enact their revenge?

"Thank you", Roberto said when Beja brought the things he had asked for. With her help he managed to stabilize Benjin. Then a nurse came over to them and handed them a hypo-injector.

"Please just use this hypospray", the Andorian female said and pointed at a mark at the end of the device - a little 'R'. "The other injectors have been malfunctioning and administering overdoses despite its setting with normal dosages", she explained and then moved on to distribute the other replicated hyposprays.

Roberto looked relieved. "Beja, please Tripdecederine and Carbazochrome", he asked her for an analgesic and an coagulant.

When that was done, Benjin started to stir from his unconsciousness. He gasped, the shock of disorientation scaring him. "Where- ....", he managed to utter but trailed off his bright blue eyes looked around fearful.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: John Saxon on July 07, 2020, 09:34:27 AM

[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

"I'm quite aware of the situation" he continued to growl, with voice low and cold. "What I want you to make me aware of is: what you are doing, and then we're going to think about how that is going to help me with what I'm going to do.".

"Don't remove that." he warned. "Now. Spill. Quickly."

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 12 - Main Engineering | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

Again his rebreather continued to slightly muffle his voice, he didn't turn around as he began programming various coding in order to facilitate his plan. "You guarrd. I prrogrram warrp corre ejection. I alterr my site-to-site algorrithm to pick, me, you and Commanderr t'Lhoell up and trransporrt to shuttlecrraft." L'mar had to speak in short blunt tones as his mask won't last much longer. "Once we all in Shuttle, I trriggerr ejection as a distrraction."

He quickly placed the tricorder he left on the console onto it so it would connect. Rhade input Campbell's codes and a quick feedback program to slow the clones down if they catch on. The thing on his back, he could feel it pull on his fur and he could imagine it was a transporter transponder.

Rhade did make some for this situation but it would need to be in Katra Station's transporter range to work. He hadn't had time to program Healy's transporters into the beacons software.

"We fly away and I thought we could instrruct the Cobrras to chain trransporrterr back to Katrra Station so we can beam back therre, unless the rreal Healy crew pick us up fasterr." L'mar said as he was nearly finished with the ejection macro. "How did you plan to get back?" Rhade waited for the computer to fill in the rest of the macro and he worked on his site-to-site algorithm while he waited.


[MIND]'Ensign Rhade, this is Hrafn Falleg.  Forgive me for contacting you like this but it's all we've got that won't be detected.  Orders from Rayek...Drop your forcefield and call for a Medical beam out for yourself and Dr. t'Lhoell to Sickbay.   Medbay is the most protected place on the ship.  If the doctor and her baby have any chance at surviving a battle it will be there.   You'll need to take out the medical staff and the fake Lt. Cmdr t'Lhoell too.  We're counting on you buddy, drinks and any other favours on us if you can pull this one off!  If you can, bring down the shields then we can beam you out.  I realise that you can't answer me, your answer will be in your success, I have no doubt of that! Falleg out'[MIND]

"I just got telepathic frrom Lieutenant Falleg, she said that -- that won't worrk, they alrready know I'm an enemy. Ensign Rrayek wants me to call forr medical beam out to the sickbay on this ship and we take out the medical staff. But Commanderr t'Lhoell is on the enemy brridge, they'd immediately counterr the medical call forr herr to be moved." L'mar said, wondering what kind of chaos is on the real Healy that they thought the clones would fall for it, he slowly turned to Saxon and waited for him to tell his plan.

Probably fighting his way to the Bridge, Rhade couldn't assist as he had been shot already in his hip and leg so he'd limp and slow the Lieutenant down. "We could rre-rroute this gas to the Brridge, I need yourr help to bypass securrity sirr!" L'mar offered.


[Tholian Cruiser Acrux] Day 3 -3pm

Eydis ponder hir next move as the Acrux hurtled towards the false Healy, hir widows in tight formation v behind hir. Shi had promised hir friend not to cause harm to the fake healy. Seemed that some federation personal had become entrapped over there. Staring at the holographic cube display in front of hir. Pondering hir next move as shi watches the Klingon cruiser disappear from hir sensors.

The widows were still towing the tractor emitter from the station behind them. Apparently Eydis was a little more then annoyed with that and was intending on using that same tractor emitter against the fake federation ship.

Catherine Goodspeed

Katra Station - OCC

Catherine Goodspeed was feeling something that rarely happened.  The feeling of complete and utter surprise and delight.

The plan to get Saxon through the shields and on board the fake Healy plus his own idea on how to get himself all the way there was a bloody reckless and damn foolish one but it had been surprisingly effective!

Cat knew deep down that Saxon was a devious old thing but she never thought of herself under the same category.

Devious... It had a nice ring to it.  Maybe she would add it as her middle name. She could even bring it up in casual conversation with handsome strangers in darkened rooms whilst sipping cocktails and wearing some daring dress.  You heard I'm devious? The name's Catherine Goodspeed... Devious is my MIDDLE name...

Cat allowed herself a wry smile at the thought of that as the scenario ran around her head.

But that small smile and fleeting happy thought was all she could spare at the moment to lighten her mood.

Lt Rhade, the main Engineer of the station had taken it upon himself to sneak onboard the Healy like some black Ops Section 31 Agent to have a snoop around.  Cat knew she was getting old but she also knew they had been given specific orders from the XO, granted the fake XO, not to go aboard. She also remembered the orders from the Captain as well to stay away.

Bloody good thing she hadn't disobeyed a direct order from the Captain and gone gallivanting as well like a Ninja to have a peak around or there wouldn't be anyone left on the Station to sort out coordinating all the damage reports.

The explosion in the hanger bay by the rigged Work bee had come as an utter shock and the damage to not only to the hanger bay but the people working there fired up the rage that burned inside her that would take a long time to die down.

The emergency force-field currently in place was holding up but Cat had evacuated the 2 rooms either side plus rooms opposite and called up emergency shielding in those rooms and the hallway just in case there was another delayed trigger somewhere or the bombardment the Station had been under caused a failure in the hanger bay force-field causing more damage.

You could rebuild and repair almost anything mechanical but she wasn't prepared for any other people to have to be rebuilt because of this incident.

On top of that the Firechain had then decided to attack the Station.  She had suspected the fake Rayek to be the cause of both the explosion and the Firechain fiasco.  Cat secretly hoped Saxon wouldn't hesitate to retire that lab grown walking meat stick in the most painful way possible.  People were dead because of those.... Things...

Then just when Cat couldn't think things could get any worse the Klingons had destroyed a tractor emitter by ram speeding a shuttle into it and then the Tholians had gotten into the act and destroyed another tractor beam by their ship ripping it out by it's own blooming tractor beam!

Cat shook her head. Seriously.. If she relayed this in a bar people would think she was a drunk and making things up as she went along.

After this had all settled down she would be more than happy to go to the Klingon and Tholian Embassies with a lengthy and detailed bill for the cost of repairing the damage they had caused and she was quite ready to stand there, arms crossed and thin lipped and not move until they had paid it in full.  No one messes with this Station or the Healy and gets away with playing silly buggers.  Not on her watch.

And some people needed a good short slap on the back of the legs as well once the dust settled and screams died down.  Cat was more than happy to administer that as well.

And now... Now poor Tess was being held captive... Dear gods if they hurt ONE hair on her head Cat would use every single resource and personal favour owed to her across the cold blackness of space to find the creatures responsible and put a hole in each and every one of what they called a brain.

Cat sighed and glanced down at the floor on her right.  At least the Voles didn't seem too fussed by the action and noise but then they were used to worse.  They were asleep on the floor by the edge of the consoles in a line nose to bottom.  Out of the way and warm.  They were more like cats than rodents in that respect.

Cats eyes flicked to her left and at the cold congealing bag of what had been promising to be a delicious dinner.  And under all that mess was the small token to Saxon for making an untimely joke about mind probes.

That small act of kindness she had tried to convey seemed a million life times ago.

Cat rubbed a hand over her eyes and waited for the next problem to bubble up or shoot it's way to the surface. 

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

Rayek trLhoell


Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 07, 2020, 11:16:28 AM

[USS rHealy (rHrafn) - Bridge]

When she noticed that real Hrafn was typing something on her arm console she turned to rRayek and said "Can you get into the internal comms over there?  I don't trust what she's doing, she could be sending a message to Katra, or to anyone on that ship or, might be actually ordering the shields and weapons powered down, but... I doubt it.  She's held that position on the Kir'Shara before, she won't back down that easily, I'm pretty sure of that!"

rRayek had his hands full with directing the security teams down to Engineering to take out the Caitian, keeping track of the Cobras that while most were withdrawing one was seeming to not follow orders, observing the actions of the Klingons ramming a shuttle into the tractor beam emitters to free themselves - the Tholians also seemed to be trying to break free using their smaller black widow-like shuttles - and keeping an eye on the real Healy's weapons which despite his originals words were still powered.

"Captain, we have a rogue Cobra headed our way. And the Klingons and Tholians are moments away from breaking free of the tractor.

Having rHrafn ask for another task was an annoyance he didn't want to have to deal with, but she had a point it could be important. However, just the minute before Rayek finally gave in, the man had managed to reset the prefix code... so now he had to go through and see what new code the Romulan had inputted.  Which would take time - time he just didn't have.   "Ensign Oloze, can you deal with uncovering that message?  Once I get us back into the Healy, that is... They reset the prefix again." he muttered as he tried splitting his attention far too many ways.

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 07, 2020, 11:16:28 AM

[USS Healy - Bridge (Hrafn Prime)]

Hrafn's eyes opened wide momentarily but that was in keeping with the unfolding events on the Bridge of the Healy. To not show some emotion with Rayek taking over command, would have been out of character.

Outwardly, she spluttered and made a show of protesting while moving to the XOs seat.

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 07, 2020, 11:54:05 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and
[USS rHealy - Bridge]

Tess' eyes widened when Rayek suddenly pushed himself in view on the screen, announcing he would comply with the demands of the fake Tess. Surprise turned into shock when her husband pulled a phaser, stunned the security officers and demanded Hrafn to relinquish command to him. Mutiny. This time there was no way they could reduce the harm made - this time it would have serious repercussions, not only for Rayek but it would mean great damage for Starfleet if they let them escape.

Of course Tess wanted to be saved. But what if the escape of those replicants would mean death of many in the future? They couldn't know what the initiators of this planned to do. He couldn't do this! Disregarding the phasers that were leveled at her head Tess dipped her head down to try and tap her comm badge with her chin. "Rayek, no! Don't ...! There has to be another way!" Surely, Solluk and John wouldn't just sit and do nothing, right? They'd work on a plan to save her?

Rayek shook his head and motioned Hrafn out of the XO seat with the phaser.  "No. I want you to stand up front... beside the viewscreen...  where I can keep my eye on you." he stated motioning her towards the spot even as Tess began to call to him.

He looked back towards his trussed up wife, silent a moment, drawing out the time before answering.  "I can't take the chance that they will hurt you or the baby.  This is the best way I know how to protect you, Tess.  Please understand that."

Meanwhile, he hoped Hrafn was doing her thing.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 07, 2020, 11:16:28 AM

She knew if Rayek was using their minds by way of getting a message to her, he had 'a plan' and while she didn't really have time to make any form of protest, she knew that the subtext to his mind message was 'Look, I'm using this method... trust me, please?!'

And she did trust him.

Sending back a message to him she said [MIND]'Welcome back, Commander! She's all yours, I'll try to get a message over to that brave soldier over there, we won't get any message back but I suppose, him being successful will be our answer!  And yeah... I trust you. Let's do this for our Tess, and Rayek or Tess Jnr!'[MIND]

Looking directly into Tess's eyes - the real one, her friend, for some sort of resolve.

She noticed that her counterpart had slipped her a handkerchief.  She was glad that there was some parts of her still recognisable in there and was glad of it.  She gave a sympathetic smile to 'their' Tess and hoped that she would understand what Rayek was doing.  'Trust us' she willed Tess to understand, although didn't send a message.

Part of the reason she was looking straight into Tess's eyes was so that it didn't look as if she was using telepathy to the fake Healy crew.  She cleared her mind and then sent a message to Rhade.

[MIND]'Ensign Rhade, this is Hrafn Falleg.  Forgive me for contacting you like this but it's all we've got that won't be detected.  Orders from Rayek...Drop your forcefield and call for a Medical beam out for yourself and Dr. t'Lhoell to Sickbay.   Medbay is the most protected place on the ship.  If the doctor and her baby have any chance at surviving a battle it will be there.   You'll need to take out the medical staff and the fake Lt. Cmdr t'Lhoell too.  We're counting on you buddy, drinks and any other favours on us if you can pull this one off!  If you can, bring down the shields then we can beam you out.  I realise that you can't answer me, your answer will be in your success, I have no doubt of that! Falleg out'[MIND]

[MIND]'It's done, now we wait.'[MIND] she spoke to Rayek beside her, her eyes never wavering from the viewscreen before her for fear of letting on to the fake versions of themselves that they were up to something.

For a long moment it seemed like Hrafn wasn't going to leave the Command area... staring off at Tess, so he physically nudged her.  "I said move!" He moved to place his phaser to her temple like the guards were doing to Tess.  "Don't you dare test my resolve on this Hrafn, you won't like the result."

He hoped he wasn't being too blustery and giving away that he was planning a double-cross.

As he did this he messaged back to the science officer his acknowledgement of her replies.  ~tele~ The consoles immediately beside the viewscreen are of line of sight.  Head beside the viewscreen and then when things seem busy on the other Healy I'll prompt you to jump over the aisle barrier and you can take over Tactical. ~tele~

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 07, 2020, 11:54:05 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and Replicant Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Bridge]

And these damn bonds! She herself could do nothing. It was frustrating. With concern she stared at the view screen, waiting to see what Hrafn would do - realizing that her refusal to relinquish command of the ship might result in her death if the replicants see no other way. Tess glanced to her replicated self. Maybe there was a way she could wear her down verbally.

"You really would have me killed?", she murmured to her fake self. "Put me in the brig or anywhere else where I can't be a threat and the pressure of me being gone will be bad enough, there is no need to kill me to achieve your goal and you know it. We are doctors! We felt even sorry for a little worm that Rahul used to teach us fishing, can't you remember? And now you would kill a person? Yourself?! Don't do this to me ... to us. Please."


rTess had sat rigidly in her chair, avoiding to look at her bound original. Her stony face had finally moved when there was action on the other bridge all of the sudden. Rayek had pushed himself in front of Hrafn and tried to take over command of the Healy. Finally! rTess knew what kind of emotional turmoil it meant for both Rayek and Tess. But they couldn't have consideration for that.

While she waited for Hrafn to comply to Rayek's demand, Tess spoke up first to her husband at the viewscreen and then she addressed her. rTress didn't move her eyes away from the screen but her original's words got to her. She tried to get under her skin - successfully so. The whole time she had tried to distance herself from the emotions this stirred up inside her. With Tess now starting to appeal to them, it became difficult. Was she making a point there? Simply put her in the brig instead of kill her? rTess glanced over to her husband, letting all those emotions show for a moment.

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

rRayek listened to Rayek order Hrafn about and try explaining his actions to Tess. He watched every so ofter for her reaction... and while his originals explanation sounded plausible, rRayek's paranoia told him to watch his other self carefully... he'd be planning something.

Quote from: Solluk on July 07, 2020, 03:00:10 AM

IKS Lod Qan - Bridge

The flash of light died on the viewscreen.   The Lod Qan was no longer a prisoner of Katra Station.  A console on the bridge beeped, and Tolec went to have a look.

"HoD, the Tholians are transmitting a message."

"What is it?" Noh'ves asked, surprised that the Tholians had so recently become chatty and friendly towards them.  It was almost as though they wanted something.

Tolec read the message to himself, and paused.  Tolec took it upon himself to re-word the content of the message, deciding this was not the best time to antagonize his Captain. "They believe the Healy which just departed the station is an impostor vessel, and that the true Healy now intercepts those impostors.  The Tholians seem to think the tractor beam attack we both just suffered is part of some scheme involving these impostors.  And they... invite us to join them in an attack upon the false Healy."

Noh'Ves considered this for a moment, and then nodded.  "Agreed.  Something has gone very wrong with the station and its ship, but we can no longer sit idly by for an explanation.  Tell the Tholians we will come about the far side of the engagement."

With those words, he himself took the helm station.

"Vilka.  Initiate cloaking device."

"luq!" she acknowledged, and the lighting on the bridge changed to indicate that the cruiser was now operating in stealth mode.

It would take a couple of minutes for the Lod Qan and the Acrux to reach the position of the two Healies.  A lot could happen in that amount of time.

Quote from: Eydis on July 07, 2020, 01:45:35 PM

[Tholian Cruiser Acrux] Day 3 -3pm

Eydis ponder hir next move as the Acrux hurtled towards the false Healy, hir widows in tight formation v behind hir. Shi had promised hir friend not to cause harm to the fake healy. Seemed that some federation personal had become entrapped over there. Staring at the holographic cube display in front of hir. Pondering hir next move as shi watches the Klingon cruiser disappear from hir sensors.

The widows were still towing the tractor emitter from the station behind them. Apparently Eydis was a little more then annoyed with that and was intending on using that same tractor emitter against the fake federation ship.

With his attention divided it took a second for rRayek to date himself on the new situation.
The Tholian's were free and the Klingon's had cloaked! "Fvadt!  Captain, the Tholians have broken free of the station and are giving chase. They will be in phaser range in 3 minutes.  The Klingon's have cloaked and more than likely are going to engage us as well... attempting track them by their gaseous emissions but that's a known ploy and they'll likely be ready for that."

Then he had an evil thought.  He wondered if the original would have acted on it.  rRayek activated his discreet comm to rTess.

=/\= "You are doing an amazing job e'lev." =/\= The original Rayek wasn't the only one who cared for and supported his wife.

rRayek continued on quietly mouthing his report and his suggestion.  =/\= "The Healy's weapons and shields are still powered. Rather than have my original power down.  Test him.  Have him fire on his allies. The Tholians are in torpedo range.  Have him intercede and hold them off while we escape. Our max speed is greater than the Klingon ship, if we can get clear of the Oort cloud before they catch up.  I recommend we go to warp until the edge of the Oort cloud.. 15 minutes at max warp... make our way through the cloud at max impulse and then return to Thinker HQ at a fair cruising speed.  They won't dare follow us all that way." =/\=

Since rRayek didn't know the max speed of a Tholian ship it was best if Rayek destroyed it.  And if that caused some diplomatic issues between the Tholian Empire and the Federation.. all the better!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Katra Station - OCC

Zex continued to monitor the comm channels.  They had gone quite.  That could mean one of two things in her experience.

Option 1 was a glorious success and thus a glorious end to a mission.  The other option was a horrible defeat.  She looked back at the hologram to see if it could help her decipher the reason for the silence.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

John Saxon


[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

Saxon listened as Rhade laid out his original plan. Audacious, but he could already see several problems with it. At least it gave him the opportunity to ease the rifle away from the lad's head, taking a risk in trusting his instincts. The young Engineer was plucky, at least. John inched into the shadows and took off his backpack, drawing out the horrid red anthropological isolation suit. Needs must.

Rhade seemed to drift off for a moment before returning to the real world.

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade

"I just got telepathic frrom Lieutenant Falleg, she said that -- that won't worrk, they alrready know I'm an enemy. Ensign Rrayek wants me to call forr medical beam out to the sickbay on this ship and we take out the medical staff. But Commanderr t'Lhoell is on the enemy brridge, they'd immediately counterr the medical call forr herr to be moved. We could rre-rroute this gas to the Brridge, I need yourr help to bypass securrity sirr!"

Sure, John thought to himself at the latter suggestion, I'll just input my critical security codes into an enemy-replicated operating system(!) More charitably, he said, shaking his head instead, "Won't work. The Bridge will already have counter-insurgency failsafes in place - standard practice when anti-personnel gas is deployed. For this very reason." Of course, that could be circumvented manually, but would take far too much time to arrange, not to mention at least four different species present in that area, all with various reaction times to neutralising gasses. Between them all, the fake Rayek or fake Hrafn would stand longest - certainly enough to take restorative, or worse retaliatory, action.

Saxon, glanced around, checking for signs that the reinforcements were on their way, and continued. "But you know what else is standard about the Bridge? That it's on top of the ship. Do you know why?"

Of course Rhade knew, being an Engineer. Most assumed it was purely aesthetic. Or psychological. To be on the highest vantage point. A feeling of being atop a hill looking over the field of battle. Made little sense aboard starships with sensors, scanners and duranium bulkheads. No, the real reason, Engineers liked to point out, was - really - because it was just convenient. Bridges, like the rest of a ship, needed regular refits. Upgrades. Benefits of new technologies. Nacelles could be removed, replaced and refitted. Same for the main deflector. Phaser arrays. Even the primary hull itself. And the same was true for the Bridge, which was, in fact, just a module; designed to be lifted out and replaced like an isolinear chip. Why bother ripping out vast lengths of cabling, consoles, floor plates, when you could remove the old and plug in the new with all the latest refinements. Connect them back to the awaiting and existing ODN and EPS relays, and you were done.

Now, there were many reasons why the Bridge wasn't so easy to remove. The two huge screws that buried down into the hull, mainly. But even they were designed to be convenient. Battle damage warping those securing-rods into uselessness? Fine, the emergency demolition charges were there just for that very eventuality.

Saxon pulled a rare smile and raised one hand from the foregrip, and reached into a chest pouch, retrieving a small isowafer. "This is the plan. Drop the forcefield and get yourself and our Commander t'Lhoell - the 'other' is a bonus but not necessary - to sickbay as you say Lt Falleg suggests; make up something - it's clear these copies didn't have time or access to medical records or personal, private, conversations. Something that risks the ship if not medicated regularly. Something Catian is a convincing start, but be vague if you get stuck and let our captive Doctor fill in the medical blanks. I'm trusting you to protect her, and her unborn child, until I secure the ship. Once I have confirmation you are both in position, I'll eject the Bridge, giving our Healy a decent pre-emptive strike upon it. And then I'll make my way to Sickbay and secure your extraction." Though he wasn't just going to sit and wait. He had other plates to spin in the meantime.

Now it all came down to Rhade's ability to successfully plead for medical assistance.

If not, and he had his doubts so at the very least this made for a half-decent decoy, he had a somewhat more aggressive back-up plan. He certainly preferred a straight fight to all this sneaking around...


Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I want a report on casualties," Solluk ordered, and then added, "and find out if Medical has their equipment issues sorted, yet."

Normally, one should wait for answers to their queries before making new queries, but too many things were happening too quickly.  Solluk had to keep asking questions and giving orders, integrating responses to new information when it came.

"See if you can reach the Klingons.  And I need an accurate assessment of the systems we have control over."

The station's internal communication lines were just now beginning to blare with alarmed inquiries from the Dord, Numati, and Meridians.  Only the Wadi remained silent and content.  No doubt they'd elected to continue playing games in their embassy, and wouldn't place an urgent inquiry until events interfered with their simple pleasures.

Goodspeed was back on post now, and Saxon's plan was well in motion.  Solluk turned to her, "There was no time for a briefing," he allowed, "but I need to know: Does he need any support to make his plan work?  And is there any we can offer, anyway?"

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: John Saxon on July 07, 2020, 06:32:39 PM

[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

Saxon pulled a rare smile and raised one hand from the foregrip, and reached into a chest pouch, retrieving a small isowafer. "This is the plan. Drop the forcefield and get yourself and our Commander t'Lhoell - the 'other' is a bonus but not necessary - to sickbay as you say Lt Falleg suggests; make up something - it's clear these copies didn't have time or access to medical records or personal, private, conversations. Something that risks the ship if not medicated regularly. Something Catian is a convincing start, but be vague if you get stuck and let our captive Doctor fill in the medical blanks. I'm trusting you to protect her, and her unborn child, until I secure the ship. Once I have confirmation you are both in position, I'll eject the Bridge, giving our Healy a decent pre-emptive strike upon it. And then I'll make my way to Sickbay and secure your extraction."

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 12 - Main Engineering | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

Was Saxon deaf? Rhade thought. "They want to kill me sirr. Why would they help me?" L'mar asked as he shook his head. He did grin at the Bridge ejection plan though, why didn't he think of it? Though he'd had to actually be on the Bridge or outside it to work the ejection sequence, clearly Saxon was planning on one or the other.

Rhade however didn't have much O2 left so he put up a transporter scattering field, dropped the forcefield and remotely opened the main doors so the gas would rush out into the corridors. He triggered a quick pulse to the ventilation system control node to push the gas out and replace it with O2.

One problem down, now the call. Rhade opened an intercom so the computer could hear him since he lost his combadge. He checked his visual feed from the Bridge and saw both t'Lhoells in the command chairs. Excellent! L'mar thought. "Computer Medical Emergency, Bridge, wide-beam transport lifesigns located center Bridge to Sickbay, 5 second delay." L'mar instructed putting effort into not sounding like himself but commanding.

He quickly refocused his site-to-site hack and only locked onto his lifesign, he gathered up his gear and put it all in his pack. He held his rifle in one hand while the other tapped the activate sequence for the S.T.S. "I'll be in sickbay." L'mar said, he tapped a few controls as he deactivated the transporter scattering field and the transporter effect surrounded him.

[ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

Moments past as Rhade materialised and found a few medical officers looking confused. Wasting no time, Rhade killed the medical officers. Once they were vaporised, he rushed to the Surgery Suite console and began a lockdown of Sickbay while he waited for the t'Lhoells to appear.

He programmed a layered forcefield, doors to lock and an encryption for the ventilation system connected to Sickbay so whoever was up on the Bridge couldn't pull that trick again. Once the t'Lhoells joined him, Rhade had his finger over the activation command. Though he started to sway a bit as his damaged hip and leg were now flaring with pain with the activity, he hoped once he'd help the Commander she could treat him.

"Come on!" L'mar grunted as he held his rifle up and hold his finger over the button to keep them safe as he waited.

John Saxon

[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade

"They want to kill me sirr. Why would they help me?"

John didn't share Rhade's pessimistic view; he was, in fact, a StarFleet Engineer, which made him a high-value asset, a prisoner-in-waiting to be interrogated by the Thinkers for his incomparable knowledge of a space station the enemy had worked hard to sabotage and infiltrate. Unless they were idiots, and while the general crew were no more than shadows of their 'real' counterparts, the fake senior staff had a competence that at least approached that of their originals and would have immediately known how fortunate they were one was scurrying around a ship they controlled on his own. Still, the threat of impending death would keep the young lad sharp. And while his suggestion to feign a medical emergency seemed a little ridiculous at the time, it would have tied up the two senior physicians, real and fake, in a needless debate over the possible risk to the entire mission or a harmless medical check with said Engineer in their clutches: Tess vs Tess? He'd buy tickets to that show.

As it was, the Engineer moved forward with the plan telepathically-suggested by Falleg. He only hoped it was the real Falleg, otherwise Rhade was about to find himself undergoing the aforementioned 'stern conversation'.

But Saxon had planned for that too.

He nodded and wished the Felinoid something about luck and Rhade disappeared into quantum mist, enacting his site-to-site transport. It had momentarily occurred to the old warhorse he could have joined him and levelled the odds upon materialisation, but Rhade's plan, if as successful as he had hoped, was just a repeat of the one already had down here: to find a secure spot, erect a forcefield, and hold out until help arrived. Personally, that just sounded a lot like putting your back against a wall; he himself had proven how easy it was to penetrate a forcefield when dedicated minds were put to it; that's why ship's had security teams: a forcefield could slow an enemy, or contain a plasma leak, but when all was said and done, that static EM barrier would eventually be no more impervious than the heavy doors of Main Engineering.

Those same doors that were now being forced open by the now-arriving Goon Squad. A gaggle of security crewmen, all he recognised, but lacked some spark in the eyes, swept in and glanced around. They tapped their badge and reported their quarry had vanished. John didn't hear a reply, but they seemed to acknowledge some instruction and generally stood down, moving to a console nearby to check on presumably what actions Rhade had taken while squirreled away.

In his isolation suit, which also secluded both his pack and weapon, John raised his rifle from the shadows. He'd prefer not neutralise them here, but needs must - various clocks were ticking.


 =/\=I'm commander Eydis of the tholian Star spanner cruiser the Arcux. It would be better for all if you surrender to the federation now. You may live to fight another day if you do. I suggest you do that =/\= Eydis would hail the false Healy on a open comm.

"Subcommander Kaoyu accelerate the tractor emitter that was gifted to us, at the fake federation vessel" Eydis would click and squeal over a open channel to hir widows. And indeed within several minutes the section of the tractor emitter hurtled through space just under the acrux and as Eydis slowed down hir cruiser just on the outskirts of phaser range for both. Shi would wait until the piece of space junk had made it about  25 percent of the way between the arcux and the false Healy. And then a torpedo leaves the arcux, sluggishly catching up to the space junk and exploding at the halfway part between the two vessels unleashing a storm of ions.

=/\="Federation tractor emitters are not on the same level as tholians. It was highly insulting to use that on my ship."   =/\=Eydis hummed as the widows broke away from behind the cruiser. One going above the other two to each side. And then the arcux would begin to push at quarter impulse on the Healy into phaser range. The resulting explosion had hopeful been enough of distraction and kept the focus on hir cruiser and widows.

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and Replicant Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Bridge >>> Deck 6 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 07, 2020, 05:32:54 PM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

rRayek had his hands full with directing the security teams down to Engineering to take out the Caitian, keeping track of the Cobras that while most were withdrawing one was seeming to not follow orders, observing the actions of the Klingons ramming a shuttle into the tractor beam emitters to free themselves - the Tholians also seemed to be trying to break free using their smaller black widow-like shuttles - and keeping an eye on the real Healy's weapons which despite his originals words were still powered.

"Captain, we have a rogue Cobra headed our way. And the Klingons and Tholians are moments away from breaking free of the tractor.

Having rHrafn ask for another task was an annoyance he didn't want to have to deal with, but she had a point it could be important. However, just the minute before Rayek finally gave in, the man had managed to reset the prefix code... so now he had to go through and see what new code the Romulan had inputted.  Which would take time - time he just didn't have.   "Ensign Oloze, can you deal with uncovering that message?  Once I get us back into the Healy, that is... They reset the prefix again." he muttered as he tried splitting his attention far too many ways.

"Keep an eye on both of them and target weapons." She glanced up as Rayek tried to move Hrafn out of the command chair. "I'll give them a few more seconds. Stand by to open fire on the cobra and on the Tholian vessel as soon as it is within phaser range."
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 07, 2020, 05:32:54 PM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Rayek shook his head and motioned Hrafn out of the XO seat with the phaser.  "No. I want you to stand up front... beside the viewscreen...  where I can keep my eye on you." he stated motioning her towards the spot even as Tess began to call to him.

He looked back towards his trussed up wife, silent a moment, drawing out the time before answering.  "I can't take the chance that they will hurt you or the baby.  This is the best way I know how to protect you, Tess.  Please understand that."

Meanwhile, he hoped Hrafn was doing her thing.

For a long moment it seemed like Hrafn wasn't going to leave the Command area... staring off at Tess, so he physically nudged her.  "I said move!" He moved to place his phaser to her temple like the guards were doing to Tess.  "Don't you dare test my resolve on this Hrafn, you won't like the result."

He hoped he wasn't being too blustery and giving away that he was planning a double-cross.

As he did this he messaged back to the science officer his acknowledgement of her replies.  ~tele~ The consoles immediately beside the viewscreen are of line of sight.  Head beside the viewscreen and then when things seem busy on the other Healy I'll prompt you to jump over the aisle barrier and you can take over Tactical. ~tele~

It was hard for Tess to watch Rayek doing this. She understood what Rayek was telling her, she really got it, but it was so wrong. Neither her pleading to Rayek nor to the false Tess showed any results and Tess felt incredibly helpless and useless. There was nothing she could do - sitting with her hands bound among her enemies. She wasn't sure if she had gotten through to her fake self, she gave her no indication whatsoever. But she thought her words had to have an effect on her. Maybe she just needed to continue as long as they didn't gag her.
Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 07, 2020, 05:32:54 PM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

rRayek listened to Rayek order Hrafn about and try explaining his actions to Tess. He watched every so ofter for her reaction... and while his originals explanation sounded plausible, rRayek's paranoia told him to watch his other self carefully... he'd be planning something.

With his attention divided it took a second for rRayek to date himself on the new situation.
The Tholian's were free and the Klingon's had cloaked! "Fvadt!  Captain, the Tholians have broken free of the station and are giving chase. They will be in phaser range in 3 minutes.  The Klingon's have cloaked and more than likely are going to engage us as well... attempting track them by their gaseous emissions but that's a known ploy and they'll likely be ready for that."

Then he had an evil thought.  He wondered if the original would have acted on it.  rRayek activated his discreet comm to rTess.

=/\= "You are doing an amazing job e'lev." =/\= The original Rayek wasn't the only one who cared for and supported his wife.

rRayek continued on quietly mouthing his report and his suggestion.  =/\= "The Healy's weapons and shields are still powered. Rather than have my original power down.  Test him.  Have him fire on his allies. The Tholians are in torpedo range.  Have him intercede and hold them off while we escape. Our max speed is greater than the Klingon ship, if we can get clear of the Oort cloud before they catch up.  I recommend we go to warp until the edge of the Oort cloud.. 15 minutes at max warp... make our way through the cloud at max impulse and then return to Thinker HQ at a fair cruising speed.  They won't dare follow us all that way." =/\=

Since rRayek didn't know the max speed of a Tholian ship it was best if Rayek destroyed it.  And if that caused some diplomatic issues between the Tholian Empire and the Federation.. all the better!

With rRayek's warning that the Tholians had now successfully broke free of the station's tractor beam, rTess was about to specify her orders from earlier, but then noticed that rRayek had to say something to her in private, since his actual words were not be heard. Only to actually be heard by the com badge rTess' original was wearing. The message had reached both Tesses apparently.

=/\= "The Healy's weapons and shields are still powered. Rather than have my original power down.  Test him.  Have him fire on his allies. The Tholians are in torpedo range.  Have him intercede and hold them off while we escape. Our max speed is greater than the Klingon ship, if we can get clear of the Oort cloud before they catch up.  I recommend we go to warp until the edge of the Oort cloud.. 15 minutes at max warp... make our way through the cloud at max impulse and then return to Thinker HQ at a fair cruising speed.  They won't dare follow us all that way." =/\=

Before the fake or the real Tess could react to that, the chime of a transporter sounded and a beam took hold of both of them and their disappeared from the bridge.

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on July 08, 2020, 03:59:24 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 12 - Main Engineering | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

Was Saxon deaf? Rhade thought. "They want to kill me sirr. Why would they help me?" L'mar asked as he shook his head. He did grin at the Bridge ejection plan though, why didn't he think of it? Though he'd had to actually be on the Bridge or outside it to work the ejection sequence, clearly Saxon was planning on one or the other.

Rhade however didn't have much O2 left so he put up a transporter scattering field, dropped the forcefield and remotely opened the main doors so the gas would rush out into the corridors. He triggered a quick pulse to the ventilation system control node to push the gas out and replace it with O2.

One problem down, now the call. Rhade opened an intercom so the computer could hear him since he lost his combadge. He checked his visual feed from the Bridge and saw both t'Lhoells in the command chairs. Excellent! L'mar thought. "Computer Medical Emergency, Bridge, wide-beam transport lifesigns located center Bridge to Sickbay, 5 second delay." L'mar instructed putting effort into not sounding like himself but commanding.

He quickly refocused his site-to-site hack and only locked onto his lifesign, he gathered up his gear and put it all in his pack. He held his rifle in one hand while the other tapped the activate sequence for the S.T.S. "I'll be in sickbay." L'mar said, he tapped a few controls as he deactivated the transporter scattering field and the transporter effect surrounded him.

[ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

Moments past as Rhade materialised and found a few medical officers looking confused. Wasting no time, Rhade killed the medical officers. Once they were vaporised, he rushed to the Surgery Suite console and began a lockdown of Sickbay while he waited for the t'Lhoells to appear.

He programmed a layered forcefield, doors to lock and an encryption for the ventilation system connected to Sickbay so whoever was up on the Bridge couldn't pull that trick again. Once the t'Lhoells joined him, Rhade had his finger over the activation command. Though he started to sway a bit as his damaged hip and leg were now flaring with pain with the activity, he hoped once he'd help the Commander she could treat him.

"Come on!" L'mar grunted as he held his rifle up and hold his finger over the button to keep them safe as he waited.

As they materialized again, they found themselves in sickbay. Tess still bound and rTess with an annoyed look of confusion on her face. She looked around and saw Rhade with a rifle. The real Tess noticed the Caitian as well, but also the remains of vaporized people.

Quickly, rTess darted to the side behind her original self, wrapped an arm around her neck to use her as a shield. She had quick reflexes and would move Tess in the path of the weapon's fire if Rhade would pull the trigger. "Drop the weapon!", rTess ordered Rhade while she inched close to one of the work stations they were standing nearby to, to grab the hypo-injector that one of the medics had left there while her eyes never left Rhade's.

Tess didn't move. She probably could manage to break away from her fake self, even with her hands bound, but she wasn't sure how Rhade would react. The Engineer could become nervous an in the confusion of the two Tesses target the wrong one - which was the right one, in this case.
She held eye-contact with Rhade while the fake Tess picked up the hypospray and Tess heard from the familiar sound that she was setting a dosage at the medical device. Tess couldn't see what vial was in there but she had no doubt that her fake self would threaten to harm her if she didn't get what she wanted.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Solluk on July 07, 2020, 06:52:30 PM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I want a report on casualties," Solluk ordered, and then added, "and find out if Medical has their equipment issues sorted, yet."

Normally, one should wait for answers to their queries before making new queries, but too many things were happening too quickly.  Solluk had to keep asking questions and giving orders, integrating responses to new information when it came.

"See if you can reach the Klingons.  And I need an accurate assessment of the systems we have control over."

The station's internal communication lines were just now beginning to blare with alarmed inquiries from the Dord, Numati, and Meridians.  Only the Wadi remained silent and content.  No doubt they'd elected to continue playing games in their embassy, and wouldn't place an urgent inquiry until events interfered with their simple pleasures.

Goodspeed was back on post now, and Saxon's plan was well in motion.  Solluk turned to her, "There was no time for a briefing," he allowed, "but I need to know: Does he need any support to make his plan work?  And is there any we can offer, anyway?"

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Zex turned her full attention to Solluk as he issued orders.  She then turned back to her station.  She mentally prioritized the tasks and then set about doing them.

=/\-OCC to Medical.  The captain wishes to know if you have your equipment matter figured out.  Please respond.  Also, we are receiving damage report so you may see an influx of wounded-/\= she said over an open channel.

Then she turned to the battle.  =/\-All federation vessels and allies report in.  Mr. Ferris and the fighter squadron too -/\= she added over another cannel.

Next she relied to the various embassies.  Attempting to calm them without lying to them about the current status of things.   Not an easy feat, but she think she pulled it off.

Finally, she started to pull up the damage and casualties reports.  She expected Godspeed to get to it before her.  If not, she was ready to handle the task.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 08, 2020, 01:51:29 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and Replicant Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)

As they materialized again, they found themselves in sickbay. Tess still bound and rTess with an annoyed look of confusion on her face. She looked around and saw Rhade with a rifle. The real Tess noticed the Caitian as well, but also the remains of vaporized people.

Quickly, rTess darted to the side behind her original self, wrapped an arm around her neck to use her as a shield. She had quick reflexes and would move Tess in the path of the weapon's fire if Rhade would pull the trigger. "Drop the weapon!", rTess ordered Rhade while she inched close to one of the work stations they were standing nearby to, to grab the hypo-injector that one of the medics had left there while her eyes never left Rhade's.

Tess didn't move. She probably could manage to break away from her fake self, even with her hands bound, but she wasn't sure how Rhade would react. The Engineer could become nervous an in the confusion of the two Tesses target the wrong one - which was the right one, in this case.
She held eye-contact with Rhade while the fake Tess picked up the hypospray and Tess heard from the familiar sound that she was setting a dosage at the medical device. Tess couldn't see what vial was in there but she had no doubt that her fake self would threaten to harm her if she didn't get what she wanted.

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON-EARLY EVENING. ]

The moment the transporter effect ended, Rhade tapped the command button. The lockdown of Sickbay activated and now it is secure. As he watched rTess attempt to get the upper hand, Rhade reset his rifle to maximum stun. He settled his stance into a hunter-like posture as he held his rifle ready to fire at shoulder height.

He ignored the order and aimed at the hypospray rTess was holding, fired directly at her hand with sharp Caitian precision.

He started to growl. "Rrrreleasse yourrrr betterrrr and ssubmit Clone. Thiss izz yourrrr only warrrrrning." L'mar demanded, his words heavier with rolling sounds as he spoke, his physical pain coupled with his anger at how these replicants could fool the Captain and other senior staff as well as sabotage his home was pushing the human side deeper while pulling the Caitian side into focus.

rTess was not going to get any further mercy. "Computerr, Medical office forrcefield up." He grinned showing his fangs in a snarl as another energy barrier blinked into existence blocking the office and the other exit of Sickbay, now rTess is trapped in the main area of Sickbay. Not many places to gain cover with Rhade standing behind the Surgery Suite console.

Rhade had never been one to give into his Caitian urges of hunting, as they were not a regular part of Caitian culture since ancient times. The feline species had matured and become enlightened then joined the Federation after a brief misunderstanding. Though when manipulated and anger has taken hold, Caitians primal predator instincts have been known to bubble up, this was Rhade's first time that this has happened.

Though he could feel the rage, he also felt powerful, calm, steady, he was beginning to enjoy it. Pain was knocking on the fringes of his awareness but his adrenaline and instincts were keeping it at bay. Rhade simply stared at rTess, tracked her when she moved and he didn't blink.

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