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S2 M7 - The Two Wolves

Started by Solluk, May 18, 2020, 03:44:11 AM

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Eli Ferris

Quote from: Zex on July 05, 2020, 09:12:40 AM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Zex listed closely to Solluk as he conveyed several messages for her to relay.  He memory was pretty good.  So there was no need for her to take notes.

She took care of the messages in the order they were received.  First to the true Healy and other Star Fleet ships.  The she sent a message to Eydis and the Tholian's.

=/\-Katra to Eydis of Tholia.  The Captain welcomes your assistance is stopping the Healy that we have fired upon.  But only please help us prevent it from escaping.  Please do not take any measures that might result in the loss of life aboard that ship.  Our comms will remain open.  Katra over-/\= she said.

Then she send the secured message to Eli as instructed and the fighters.  She completed her tasks by open a channel.  =/\-Katra to all fighters.  Withdraw from fight.  Cease fire-/\= she said, preparing to 'yell' at them for disobeying.

Eli tapped out a small  =/\=Acknowledged  =/\=

=/\=Forget that... =/\= Eli growled over the open calm, tightening his voice to be the sound of a hunter out for prey. He rolled his fighter in to a hard turn, plasma streaking as his own squads turned to fire "at" his own ship. Even knowing they were meant to miss, Eli still felt his jaw line tighened up, as phaser fire lit up his own cockpit. Unsettling...

Their battle brought them tight upon the rHealy and then the tractors snapped on...

Eli swore in Romulan, and it sparked his squadrons to break off, uncertain in the face of the trap being foiled...

"No..." Eli thought. The Tholians would hardly be cowed by a mere tractor beam. Through a separate channel he relayed to his squad "Keep up the plan. Continue on until further notice."

He flew his own Cobra in route down beneath the imposter's ship. It was a delicate dance, as the Tholians entered the fray, apparently prepared to lend their own weight to the fight.

Quote from: Zex on July 08, 2020, 06:12:21 PM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Zex turned her full attention to Solluk as he issued orders.  She then turned back to her station.  She mentally prioritized the tasks and then set about doing them.

=/\-OCC to Medical.  The captain wishes to know if you have your equipment matter figured out.  Please respond.  Also, we are receiving damage report so you may see an influx of wounded-/\= she said over an open channel.

Then she turned to the battle.  =/\-All federation vessels and allies report in.  Mr. Ferris and the fighter squadron too -/\= she added over another cannel.

Next she relied to the various embassies.  Attempting to calm them without lying to them about the current status of things.   Not an easy feat, but she think she pulled it off.

Finally, she started to pull up the damage and casualties reports.  She expected Godspeed to get to it before her.  If not, she was ready to handle the task.

=/\=This is Ferris, acknowledging. Switching to tight band coded transmission. =/\=

Eli switched channels, opening to his squadrons own private comms. It was a secondary backup he had designed in the face of the Omega protocol locking out his ships systems.

=/\= =/\= All craft, take me around the horn, and let's prepare to stay with them if they escape. Keep on my six until we know to break off.  =/\= =/\=

Rayek trLhoell

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 08, 2020, 01:51:29 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant) and Replicant Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Bridge >>> Deck 6 - Sickbay]

"Keep an eye on both of them and target weapons." She glanced up as Rayek tried to move Hrafn out of the command chair. "I'll give them a few more seconds. Stand by to open fire on the cobra and on the Tholian vessel as soon as it is within phaser range."
With rRayek's warning that the Tholians had now successfully broke free of the station's tractor beam, rTess was about to specify her orders from earlier, but then noticed that rRayek had to say something to her in private, since his actual words were not be heard. Only to actually be heard by the com badge rTess' original was wearing. The message had reached both Tesses apparently.

=/\= "The Healy's weapons and shields are still powered. Rather than have my original power down.  Test him.  Have him fire on his allies. The Tholians are in torpedo range.  Have him intercede and hold them off while we escape. Our max speed is greater than the Klingon ship, if we can get clear of the Oort cloud before they catch up.  I recommend we go to warp until the edge of the Oort cloud.. 15 minutes at max warp... make our way through the cloud at max impulse and then return to Thinker HQ at a fair cruising speed.  They won't dare follow us all that way." =/\=

Before the fake or the real Tess could react to that, the chime of a transporter sounded and a beam took hold of both of them and their disappeared from the bridge.

Since he was mouthing the words.. it took a rather long moment to rRayek to become aware that what was intended to be a private message had been spoken openly... and thus heard over comms to the real Healy as well.   Fvadt how the Hell did that happen?  Ah, the captive Tess' commbadge.  He grimaced.  Of course she didn't use earbuds.. much like his own.  Ridiculous...
Quote from: Eydis on July 08, 2020, 09:49:41 AM

=/\=I'm commander Eydis of the tholian Star spanner cruiser the Arcux. It would be better for all if you surrender to the federation now. You may live to fight another day if you do. I suggest you do that =/\= Eydis would hail the false Healy on a open comm.

rRayek turned to face rTess giving an apologetic shrug while he waited for her answer.  When suddenly the shimmer effect of a transporter beam enveloped both Tesses' and they disappear.  Immediately, he suspected his original.

"Where have you beamed them? What have you done with my Tess? You think you've won? You've just ensured there is more blood on your hands. We are not permitted to accept defeat."

The weapons systems which had been ready and loaded since the start now targeted on the enemy.  rRayek didn't wait for any one else's orders.  They weren't Starfleet.  He didn't need a superiors permission.  In fact no doubt rHrafn would give in their programming and attempt to have the rHealy flee.  If rRayek had any chance at enacting revenge for the death of his wife, he had to take it now.  Phasers unleashed on the Healy, even as returning fire lanced out towards their ship.  He fired the quantums as well, but they flew off towards the approaching Tholian ship.

As he did this, the Tholian ship had their own plan.

Quote from: Eydis on July 08, 2020, 09:49:41 AM

"Subcommander Kaoyu accelerate the tractor emitter that was gifted to us, at the fake federation vessel" Eydis would click and squeal over a open channel to hir widows. And indeed within several minutes the section of the tractor emitter hurtled through space just under the acrux and as Eydis slowed down hir cruiser just on the outskirts of phaser range for both. Shi would wait until the piece of space junk had made it about  25 percent of the way between the arcux and the false Healy. And then a torpedo leaves the arcux, sluggishly catching up to the space junk and exploding at the halfway part between the two vessels unleashing a storm of ions.

The flare of ions messed up sensors.

But at the moment rRayek had other things on his mind so he barely notices as he prepared the next salvo of weapons fire on the other Healy.  Everything was coming undone.  He had a Caitian stowaway that his security officers were having difficulty in containing. Their leverage in the form of Tess was gone.  His Captain and wife was gone - likely held captive and rRayek knew what that meant.  Tholians AND Klingons were on the way.

His programming was urging to flee before the Tholians and Klingons could engage, but the loss of rTess infuriated him.  We was going to make them pay.  "Stewart.   Set collision course with the Healy.  Max Warp on my mark!"

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Hearing what rRayek had planned for him as a test Rayek tried not to react.  How could he feign firing on the approaching ships?  He couldn't just miss.  His doppleganger would know what shots he was capable of.  Fvadt! How long could he stall and keep up the ruse before they threatened Tess again?

He waited for rTess and her response.

Yet before the fake Tess could give him the order to attack the Tholians... she and his Tess were enveloped by a transporter beam.

~tele~ Hrafn now!... Get to Tactical.. Target the Healy's Bridge! And fire at will. ~tele~

The fake Rayek was ranting at him off screen.  Though the other Romulan wasn't in view - being situated his ship's tactical station, Rayek could just imagine the scowl that would be on rRayek's face.

It seemed to Rayek that his doppleganger was a bit of a sore loser and didn't know when to accept defeat.

=/\= "Surrender now."=/\= He ordered his replicant self.

A moment later an exchange of phaser fire was made.  Both Healies rocked. Damage done to both ships' shields were comparable.

=/\= Our ships are evenly match, yet I have allies on their way to assist.  There is no way you can possibly escape.  All I have to do is keep you from running. " =/\=

Yet even as he made that boast the other Rayek was calling on his Flight officer to initiate a collision course.  Fvadt! He hadn't expected that!  "Evasive maneuvers!" he called out to Ensign Stewart hoping she'd follow his orders and not hesitate.  A moments hesitation could kill them all!

"Continue firing, Lieutenant! Target the nacelles with a full spread of torpedos."

The Healy suddenly banked portside dropping low in an attempt to dodge the impending collision course.  Rayek watched his console for the other ship's shields praying for them to drop. 'Come on Rhade... you got half the order accomplished.'

Quote from: Eydis on July 08, 2020, 09:49:41 AM

=/\="Federation tractor emitters are not on the same level as tholians. It was highly insulting to use that on my ship."   =/\=Eydis hummed as the widows broke away from behind the cruiser. One going above the other two to each side. And then the arcux would begin to push at quarter impulse on the Healy into phaser range. The resulting explosion had hopeful been enough of distraction and kept the focus on hir cruiser and widows.

There was a long hesitation from rStewart.  Her programming warring with her desire to live.  But eventually there came an "Aye sir." and the flight officer began setting in the coordinates.

rOloze called out about disruption of the sensors due to the Tholian's actions she'd lost sight of them and the rogue cobra, but rRayek didn't care.  Let them draw nearer... maybe the resultant explosion could swallow them too.

He didn't bother cutting the comm with the Healy... he wanted to see Rayek's face as oblivion descended on him.

rRayek would set the ships self-destruct to be sure none survived but his original no longer had that authority.  "Hrafn" he called to his ship's science officer, "You are the only one left with the self-destruct code authorization.  Use it.  We can't leave anything behind."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Solluk leaned forward, his hands clutching the edge of the holo-table as he observed the confluence of violence, deception, and maneuver that played out in three dimensions.  It was frustrating to stand here, unable to do anything to influence events.  All of the players were beyond weapons range.  All of them would succeed or suffer, experience triumph or trevail, without an iota of influence from him.

Had he understood the fullness of the conflict- the captures, intrusions, sabotages, and threats, then it would have been even more harrowing.  But even the glimpses he had from subspace messaging was enough to make him feel as though he was on the edge of a cardiac event.

At times like these, he craved the stoic calmness of his brethren on Vulcan.  At times like these, he cursed his damaged mind and all of its inequities.  He would gladly trade his current position, and all of his accomplishments, if it meant he could do something- anything- to save his people.

His friends.

Unfortunately, there was no enchanted desert spirit granting wishes.  There was only the harsh reality of command.  Sometimes, you could only issue orders and then watch, impotently, as others carried them forward without you.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Catherine Goodspeed

Quote from: Solluk on July 07, 2020, 06:52:30 PM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

"I want a report on casualties," Solluk ordered, and then added, "and find out if Medical has their equipment issues sorted, yet."

Normally, one should wait for answers to their queries before making new queries, but too many things were happening too quickly.  Solluk had to keep asking questions and giving orders, integrating responses to new information when it came.

"See if you can reach the Klingons.  And I need an accurate assessment of the systems we have control over."

The station's internal communication lines were just now beginning to blare with alarmed inquiries from the Dord, Numati, and Meridians.  Only the Wadi remained silent and content.  No doubt they'd elected to continue playing games in their embassy, and wouldn't place an urgent inquiry until events interfered with their simple pleasures.

Goodspeed was back on post now, and Saxon's plan was well in motion.  Solluk turned to her, "There was no time for a briefing," he allowed, "but I need to know: Does he need any support to make his plan work?  And is there any we can offer, anyway?"

Katra Station OCC

Cat strained her neck round automatically to the sound of Solluk's voice and then remembered she needed to move the rest of her body as well.  She wasn't an owl.

"Sir, Saxon should be fine Sir. He's armed to the teeth and I suspect has more tricks up his sleeve than a Pleasure Cruisers resident children's magician."  Cat tried to smile.

"I would suggest however beaming Saxon, Tess... I mean the XO and Rhade out as soon as humanly possible once the shields are down... Just to be safe Sir".

And then blow that ship to space dust Cat thought to herself.  Blow it to the farthest corners of the void.

Cat swivelled herself back to the console.  "Emergency Shields are holding in the hanger bay.. I evacuated the adjoining rooms and corridor with emergency shielding in place in case they left us another little time bomb".  Cat sighed loudly "I'll go down with a Team as soon as it's safe to check out the damage in full.  Tractor beam damage is not affecting the overall shield capacity of the Station.. Just left a blooming great mess for me and the boys and girls to clear up Sir."

Cat waited silently for another Member of the Team to update on the casualties then as the seconds ticked away Cat ran her fingertips over the console again.  "Small casualty reports coming in from the areas where the Tractor beams were taken out but nothing major, just small bumps and bruises Sir.. Not like before....oh... "  Cat looked up and back at the Captain her face a mix of sadness and rage.  "Several bodies of the Security Team sent to disable the Fake Rayak have been recovered Sir..."

Never turn your back on a species with tusks, teeth or claws sharper than your own wit.

John Saxon

[USS rHealy - Deck 12 - Main Engineering]

"Pardon me", he said dryly, as 'Century' Saxon dragged the heavy body that was slumped lifeless, backwards, over the Engineering table. That had been quite the brawl - Petty Officer Petya Osipov was an absolute bear of a man, and his duplicate was no less so. His former colleagues were scattered around, recipients of Saxon's morbid gifts, but Osipov had been marginally more agile, depsite his size, and had closed the distance before the Tactical Chief had an opportunity to adjust his aim.

And yet...real or fake, the outcome had not been in question. John would ache for some time - perhaps even requiring some remedial skeletal work - but Engineering was now quiet again. Which was good because his isolation suit was now nothing more than a ripped red sack of cloth adorned with splatters of blood from both pugilists.

No signs of a further alerts had been noticed, so either the Bridge was distracted with something else entirely, or they were just waiting for a general update from the now-decomissioned team that lay about him. He hoped it was the latter, as he wasn't sure he could fake the thick, broad accent of Osipov with anything nearing stony-faced accuracy. Still, he collected their combadges and adorned his pack, arms and chest with them - their tight grouping and movement might temporarily serve to hoodwink any brief check on their position.

Using the still-open console that the squad had accessed before their timely demise, Saxon began checking the situation across the ship. According to internal sensors, the two Commander t'Lhoells and one Lt Rhade were in Sickbay and forcefields were holding for the moment. Good, the lad's initial plan worked, although it looked like the inexperienced Engineer had over-reached; one Tess was holding the other as a close-quarters hostage, a hypospray at the ready; Rhade was threatening said antagnosist with his rifle. It might have looked like he had the upper hand, but in fact all the cards were in the duplicate's favour. Rhade had everything to lose and the duplicate had her vicious determination to ensure that he would do so unless he capitulated. Saxon only prayed the Felinoid hadn't watched one too many holvids and read the situation correctly.

Clearly John needed to close out his mission before things descended into tragedy. He took the isowafer back out of his pocket, grateful it had survived the scrimmage, and felt around the table for a free socket. The thin storage device contained a special manual-prefix-overide tailored for the Healy - fake or otherwise - to gain access to every single command function; with it, he'd eject the Bridge and drop shields all from here. His Healy could then beam them all out, and blow the floating module to pieces.

While it would be down to Command to decide what to do with the then drifting duplicate Healy, or the benefits of having an entire spare New Orleans-class for parts (he could only imagine Goodspeed's excitement at the prospect) Saxon had his doubts that it wouldn't be a huge risk; every part of this ship had been fabricated by the enemy - every chip, line of software, every warhead. Who knew what buried Trojan horses still lay within; hacking StarFleet systems seemed to be a speciality and he'd prefer this technological plague ship be as far from Katra as possible.

But that wasn't his call. That would be for Captain Solluk and his conversation with Command. An interesting conversation to say the least.

The wafer was inserted, and Saxon waited a second or two for the integral interface to materialise. A finger hovered, ready.

"I'd just as soon you didn't."

John darted to one side at the voice behind him. There was something eerily familiar about the dry delivery as he spun around, ready to bring up his rifle, completely surprised someone had managed to creep up behind him. Great Bird I am getting too old.

That surprise melted away into icy terror as he looked into his own face, a beardless face of a year past, a bushy eyebrow raised in mocking askance, with eyes lacking in some glint of life, but yet full of confidence. At around the same time a gnarled fist thudded into his temple. "This reminds me of that time when..." rSaxon continued.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 09, 2020, 01:14:59 AM

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Since he was mouthing the words.. it took a rather long moment to rRayek to become aware that what was intended to be a private message had been spoken openly... and thus heard over comms to the real Healy as well.   Fvadt how the Hell did that happen?  Ah, the captive Tess' commbadge.  He grimaced.  Of course she didn't use earbuds.. much like his own.  Ridiculous...

rRayek turned to face rTess giving an apologetic shrug while he waited for her answer.  When suddenly the shimmer effect of a transporter beam enveloped both Tesses' and they disappear.  Immediately, he suspected his original.

"Where have you beamed them? What have you done with my Tess? You think you've won? You've just ensured there is more blood on your hands. We are not permitted to accept defeat."

The weapons systems which had been ready and loaded since the start now targeted on the enemy.  rRayek didn't wait for any one else's orders.  They weren't Starfleet.  He didn't need a superiors permission.  In fact no doubt rHrafn would give in their programming and attempt to have the rHealy flee.  If rRayek had any chance at enacting revenge for the death of his wife, he had to take it now.  Phasers unleashed on the Healy, even as returning fire lanced out towards their ship.  He fired the quantums as well, but they flew off towards the approaching Tholian ship.

As he did this, the Tholian ship had their own plan.

The flare of ions messed up sensors.

But at the moment rRayek had other things on his mind so he barely notices as he prepared the next salvo of weapons fire on the other Healy.  Everything was coming undone.  He had a Caitian stowaway that his security officers were having difficulty in containing. Their leverage in the form of Tess was gone.  His Captain and wife was gone - likely held captive and rRayek knew what that meant.  Tholians AND Klingons were on the way.

His programming was urging to flee before the Tholians and Klingons could engage, but the loss of rTess infuriated him.  We was going to make them pay.  "Stewart.   Set collision course with the Healy.  Max Warp on my mark!"

[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

"I can't trace them, Rayek..." rHrafn said alarmed.  "I don't know where they are gone."

She looked terrified when he ordered to ram real Healy at maximum warp.  "Rayek, this is suicide..."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 09, 2020, 01:14:59 AM

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Hearing what rRayek had planned for him as a test Rayek tried not to react.  How could he feign firing on the approaching ships?  He couldn't just miss.  His doppleganger would know what shots he was capable of.  Fvadt! How long could he stall and keep up the ruse before they threatened Tess again?

He waited for rTess and her response.

Yet before the fake Tess could give him the order to attack the Tholians... she and his Tess were enveloped by a transporter beam.

~tele~ Hrafn now!... Get to Tactical.. Target the Healy's Bridge! And fire at will. ~tele~

The fake Rayek was ranting at him off screen.  Though the other Romulan wasn't in view - being situated his ship's tactical station, Rayek could just imagine the scowl that would be on rRayek's face.

It seemed to Rayek that his doppleganger was a bit of a sore loser and didn't know when to accept defeat.

=/\= "Surrender now."=/\= He ordered his replicant self.

A moment later an exchange of phaser fire was made.  Both Healies rocked. Damage done to both ships' shields were comparable.

=/\= Our ships are evenly match, yet I have allies on their way to assist.  There is no way you can possibly escape.  All I have to do is keep you from running. " =/\=

Yet even as he made that boast the other Rayek was calling on his Flight officer to initiate a collision course.  Fvadt! He hadn't expected that!  "Evasive maneuvers!" he called out to Ensign Stewart hoping she'd follow his orders and not hesitate.  A moments hesitation could kill them all!

"Continue firing, Lieutenant! Target the nacelles with a full spread of torpedos."

The Healy suddenly banked portside dropping low in an attempt to dodge the impending collision course.  Rayek watched his console for the other ship's shields praying for them to drop. 'Come on Rhade... you got half the order accomplished.'

There was a long hesitation from rStewart.  Her programming warring with her desire to live.  But eventually there came an "Aye sir." and the flight officer began setting in the coordinates.

rOloze called out about disruption of the sensors due to the Tholian's actions she'd lost sight of them and the rogue cobra, but rRayek didn't care.  Let them draw nearer... maybe the resultant explosion could swallow them too.

He didn't bother cutting the comm with the Healy... he wanted to see Rayek's face as oblivion descended on him.

rRayek would set the ships self-destruct to be sure none survived but his original no longer had that authority.  "Hrafn" he called to his ship's science officer, "You are the only one left with the self-destruct code authorization.  Use it.  We can't leave anything behind."

[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Adrenaline had kicked in.  The telepathic messages from Rayek she'd obeyed without question, playing out the alarm as best she could, which wasn't all play-acting.  Hrafn knew he wouldn't use the phaser on her but that was about all she knew at the time.

When he called for her mentally to man Tactical she got there in lightning quick time and while she was no John Saxon, her aim wasn't too bad.

"Targetting... as requested" she said... that could mean anything if their counterparts were listening.  She held on as the Healy rocked.

Taking aim on the nacelles she managed to hit the port nacelle near where the joining arm came out of the main body of the ship.

"Booyah!  This Scientist can still kick ass!" she said with a grin that quickly turned to a grimace as she saw where the fake Healy was headed.

"Um, Rayek... ever got the feeling that we shouldn't be left in charge of Katra support ships?!" she said as the fake Healy started coming towards them directly at speed.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell and Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade
link=topic=12659.msg246282#msg246282 date=1594249881

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON-EARLY EVENING. ]

The moment the transporter effect ended, Rhade tapped the command button. The lockdown of Sickbay activated and now it is secure. As he watched rTess attempt to get the upper hand, Rhade reset his rifle to maximum stun. He settled his stance into a hunter-like posture as he held his rifle ready to fire at shoulder height.

He ignored the order and aimed at the hypospray rTess was holding, fired directly at her hand with sharp Caitian precision.

He started to growl. "Rrrreleasse yourrrr betterrrr and ssubmit Clone. Thiss izz yourrrr only warrrrrning." L'mar demanded, his words heavier with rolling sounds as he spoke, his physical pain coupled with his anger at how these replicants could fool the Captain and other senior staff as well as sabotage his home was pushing the human side deeper while pulling the Caitian side into focus.

rTess was not going to get any further mercy. "Computerr, Medical office forrcefield up." He grinned showing his fangs in a snarl as another energy barrier blinked into existence blocking the office and the other exit of Sickbay, now rTess is trapped in the main area of Sickbay. Not many places to gain cover with Rhade standing behind the Surgery Suite console.

Rhade had never been one to give into his Caitian urges of hunting, as they were not a regular part of Caitian culture since ancient times. The feline species had matured and become enlightened then joined the Federation after a brief misunderstanding. Though when manipulated and anger has taken hold, Caitians primal predator instincts have been known to bubble up, this was Rhade's first time that this has happened.

Though he could feel the rage, he also felt powerful, calm, steady, he was beginning to enjoy it. Pain was knocking on the fringes of his awareness but his adrenaline and instincts were keeping it at bay. Rhade simply stared at rTess, tracked her when she moved and he didn't blink.

Tess flinched when Rhade fired at them but apparently she underestimated the Caitian's ability with a weapon.

rTess flinched as well, but more violent and with a pained groan when the hypospray fell out of her hand and the phaser beam left a minor skin burn at her hand. The heavy stun was enough to send her to the floor unconscious.

Tess spun around as soon as the grip around her neck slacked. She looked at her motionless self with wide eyes as she stumbled towards Rhade, almost losing balance with her hands bound. "I hope you didn't kill her", Tess gasped. "Are you on your own? And is there a way to get off this ship?" Her thoughts diverted to Rayek. She hoped he wasn't too worried. The desire was there to let him know she was okay but she didn't know what the situation between the real and the fake Healy was. She didn't want to spoil any chances. "How did we come here in the first place? Does Rayek know I'm here?", she continued to pester the Caitian with questions.
She tugged at her binds with a frustrated groan. "And I would be very grateful if you'd free me of these."

NPC Dr. Mokawa
[Katra Station - Deck 22 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Zex on July 08, 2020, 06:12:21 PM

Katra Station - Operational Control Center

Zex turned her full attention to Solluk as he issued orders.  She then turned back to her station.  She mentally prioritized the tasks and then set about doing them.

=/\-OCC to Medical.  The captain wishes to know if you have your equipment matter figured out.  Please respond.  Also, we are receiving damage report so you may see an influx of wounded-/\= she said over an open channel.

Then she turned to the battle.  =/\-All federation vessels and allies report in.  Mr. Ferris and the fighter squadron too -/\= she added over another cannel.

Next she relied to the various embassies.  Attempting to calm them without lying to them about the current status of things.   Not an easy feat, but she think she pulled it off.

Finally, she started to pull up the damage and casualties reports.  She expected Godspeed to get to it before her.  If not, she was ready to handle the task.

=/\= "Mokawa here. We have now distributed replicated hypo-injectors to the main medbay and the walk-in-clinics. We need to run a full analysis still but it looks like some injectors have been tempered with to make them inject overdoses. I will send a report and request for investigation to the security department." =/\=

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


Quote from: Eli Ferris on July 09, 2020, 12:36:22 AM

Eli tapped out a small  =/\=Acknowledged  =/\=

=/\=Forget that... =/\= Eli growled over the open calm, tightening his voice to be the sound of a hunter out for prey. He rolled his fighter in to a hard turn, plasma streaking as his own squads turned to fire "at" his own ship. Even knowing they were meant to miss, Eli still felt his jaw line tighened up, as phaser fire lit up his own cockpit. Unsettling...

Their battle brought them tight upon the rHealy and then the tractors snapped on...

Eli swore in Romulan, and it sparked his squadrons to break off, uncertain in the face of the trap being foiled...

"No..." Eli thought. The Tholians would hardly be cowed by a mere tractor beam. Through a separate channel he relayed to his squad "Keep up the plan. Continue on until further notice."

He flew his own Cobra in route down beneath the imposter's ship. It was a delicate dance, as the Tholians entered the fray, apparently prepared to lend their own weight to the fight.
=/\=This is Ferris, acknowledging. Switching to tight band coded transmission. =/\=

Eli switched channels, opening to his squadrons own private comms. It was a secondary backup he had designed in the face of the Omega protocol locking out his ships systems.

=/\= =/\= All craft, take me around the horn, and let's prepare to stay with them if they escape. Keep on my six until we know to break off.  =/\= =/\=

[Katra Station - Operational Control Center]

Zex had been watching the holotable for Eli to make his move.  He dramatically broke away from the group and headed for the imposter ship.

So now it was time for Zex to deliver a convincing performance.  She stood and gripped the console as if she were angry.  Her hope was that action would translate into tone.


She looked again at the board.  Then up to Solluk.  He looked a big greener than normal, but she hoped that her performance met his expectations.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Tholian widows] Would race around just on the edge of phaser distance with the imposter ship. Weaving the infamous tholian web to ensnare the fake healy. The acrux would fire upon the incoming torpedos displaying pretty good accuracy in n destroying them with 1-3 shots each. The arcux would also begin to move in on the now crippled fake Healy. Sending several energy blasts across the nose of the false Healy by mere yards. And then the acrux would turn and arch away from the false Healy at max sub light to escape the web itself. Which is complete just as the acrux pass through the web. Thanks to all the confusion the three widows were able to weave the web with speed.

=/\=Commander Eydis of the acrux the web has been formed. We have held fire on the imposter ship awaiting further instructions in this matter Solluk of the federation That was the hail sent back to the Katra station.

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 09, 2020, 04:21:48 PM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell and Lt. Cmdr. rTess t'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

Tess flinched when Rhade fired at them but apparently she underestimated the Caitian's ability with a weapon.

rTess flinched as well, but more violent and with a pained groan when the hypospray fell out of her hand and the phaser beam left a minor skin burn at her hand. The heavy stun was enough to send her to the floor unconscious.

Tess spun around as soon as the grip around her neck slacked. She looked at her motionless self with wide eyes as she stumbled towards Rhade, almost losing balance with her hands bound. "I hope you didn't kill her", Tess gasped. "Are you on your own? And is there a way to get off this ship?" Her thoughts diverted to Rayek. She hoped he wasn't too worried. The desire was there to let him know she was okay but she didn't know what the situation between the real and the fake Healy was. She didn't want to spoil any chances. "How did we come here in the first place? Does Rayek know I'm here?", she continued to pester the Caitian with questions.
She tugged at her binds with a frustrated groan. "And I would be very grateful if you'd free me of these."

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

In the haze of battle and anger Rhade unintentionally ignored Tess as he slowly approached the Clone of Tess, he put himself between the two Tess t'Lhoells and his tail whipping about wildly as to before it was wrapped around his injured leg so not to be in the way, his rifle still aimed at her. He really wanted to vaporise her but he had heard Tess' ask if he'd killed her, to him that meant don't kill her. He slowly circled the Clone assessing if they were safe or not.

Rhade waited several moments to see if his enemy would awaken, he nudged the Clone with his boot as a test. He decided now would be a good time to further isolate her. Though the ship did receive a few hard hits that shook his footing but he kept steady, to his surprise. He put the rifle on the floor and picked up the Clone, though his hip, and his leg, was making it a little difficult but he growled through it.

After getting a good hold of the Clone, Rhade made his way over to the closest biobed. He laid her down and tapped at the console above, a forcefield blinked into existence just above her encasing her to the bed. Rhade was not going to allow her any freedom.

He limped back to the rifle and picked it up. "I am glad you arrrre uninjurrred Commanderrr." L'mar began, his words still heavy with rolling sounds but as he relaxed he fell to the floor and growled in pain. He immediately regretted moving around too much but he had to make sure his superior officer was safe, he wouldn't let Lieutenant Saxon down nor Rayek.

But now he couldn't fight the pain and injuries any further. He had forgotten to break Tess' bonds and reached out his other hand to help her but she'd have to come to him as he was down on the floor. Those questions he thought she had been throwing at him can wait a few minutes.

Tess tLhoell


Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on July 10, 2020, 02:37:49 AM

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

In the haze of battle and anger Rhade unintentionally ignored Tess as he slowly approached the Clone of Tess, he put himself between the two Tess t'Lhoells and his tail whipping about wildly as to before it was wrapped around his injured leg so not to be in the way, his rifle still aimed at her. He really wanted to vaporise her but he had heard Tess' ask if he'd killed her, to him that meant don't kill her. He slowly circled the Clone assessing if they were safe or not.

Rhade waited several moments to see if his enemy would awaken, he nudged the Clone with his boot as a test. He decided now would be a good time to further isolate her. Though the ship did receive a few hard hits that shook his footing but he kept steady, to his surprise. He put the rifle on the floor and picked up the Clone, though his hip, and his leg, was making it a little difficult but he growled through it.

After getting a good hold of the Clone, Rhade made his way over to the closest biobed. He laid her down and tapped at the console above, a forcefield blinked into existence just above her encasing her to the bed. Rhade was not going to allow her any freedom.

He limped back to the rifle and picked it up. "I am glad you arrrre uninjurrred Commanderrr." L'mar began, his words still heavy with rolling sounds but as he relaxed he fell to the floor and growled in pain. He immediately regretted moving around too much but he had to make sure his superior officer was safe, he wouldn't let Lieutenant Saxon down nor Rayek.

But now he couldn't fight the pain and injuries any further. He had forgotten to break Tess' bonds and reached out his other hand to help her but she'd have to come to him as he was down on the floor. Those questions he thought she had been throwing at him can wait a few minutes.

To Tess' growing frustration Rhade seemed to ignore her. Neither did he answer any of her questions nor did he free her so she could move freely which would have been nice since the ship rocked threaneningly. They were under fire. The real Healy? Rayek?? The Klingons, the Tholians... ? Who knew. What she did know was that they would have to get out of here as quick as possible.

Rhade fell, obviously in pain, he had been in some before, she had seen that. She looked at the Caitian on the floor - concern for him and frustration that he couldn't pull himself together until they were safe - right now they were not! - fought for dominance.

"What is it?", she asked while she looked around. The hypospray the fake Tess had used to threaten her was useless - broken by the heavy stun beam it had been hit by. Another hypospray was at the other corner of the med bay. Tess tried to determine what would waste less time: to get there with bound hands while the ship trembled and treat Rhade - or convince him that he had to get them out of here now.

"Lieutenant!", Tess addressed him to get his attention since he had ignored her before. "I will treat you as soon as we're off this ship but right now it's important to get us both to safety! Initiate whatever it is you need to do now." She took a step closer, intending to stretch her bound hands out to him to help him getting to his feet - when a forceful blast hit the ship. The force of it threw Tess off her feet and without her arm she had little possibility to catch herself to soften the fall. She stumbled trying to hold balance but failed and she smashed into one of the work consoles with her side. Pain shot through her that brought tears to her eyes as she landed on the floor. Oh no, she hoped the baby was okay! She was afraid her child might have get harmed.

But she couldn't give up now. Fate seemed to have mercy when she looked up and saw that the hypospray had made its way to her - no doubt having rolled off the tray while the ship rocketed and rolled in her direction. Thank you, she thought and moved to grab the hypo-injector.

Tess scrambled clumsy to her feet, the pain worried her but she had to think of saving their lives now. Taking a step towards Rhade she fumbled with the hypospray. Her hands shook. The device slid out of her bound hands. Tess swore in desperation as she picked it up again. Her trembling fingers made it hard to set the dosage but finally she did it and then injected an analgesic into Rhade's leg.

"It was a high dosage, it should help with the pain. We don't have time for more right now." She was panting as she spoke. The events wearing her out emotionally and physically.

"Now get us off the ship if you please!" She didn't even mind being still bound. She just wanted to be anywhere else but here.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

Replicant - Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 09, 2020, 03:57:40 PM

[USS rHealy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

"I can't trace them, Rayek..." rHrafn said alarmed.  "I don't know where they are gone."

She looked terrified when he ordered to ram real Healy at maximum warp.  "Rayek, this is suicide..."

rRayek knew what it was.  He glanced over to rHrafn and muted the comm on his end.  In his original's memories she had been the first to make him feel welcome and a part of the Katra team.  While he knew those memories were a lie, that connection remained.  Just like his connection with Tess, his wife; who if captured would be forced by her programming to self-terminate.  And there was nothing rRayek could do - nothing but make sure the man he knew was somehow responsible, paid.

"Take a look around, Hrafn" he gestured towards the portion of the view screen still showing the tactical display with the incoming craft. The Tholian ship had taken out the torpedoes on route.. and would be drawing within phaser range soon.   rRayek had the weapon and speed stats of an average Tholian vessel memorized.  There was no chance they could run, not without the real Healy running interference, stalling the Tholian cruiser.

Also on the view screen were the Cobras, the others following the lead ship.  rRayek could hear the comm chatter from Katra trying to call the rogue ship back, but his paranoia told him that those ships too, when scenting the fake Healy's weakness at being outnumbered, would also go rogue or be ordered to attack now that Katra's Captain could see that the original Tess was no longer their captive. "We can't escape."

rRayek had paused in his return fire to answer rHrafn, now he re-engaged, targeting the Healy's shield protecting engineering.  He would continue his barrage until the last second before impact.

Which should have happened by now...  he glanced over towards the Helm and could see Ensign rStewart attempting to engage the warp drive... repeatedly.  But nothing was happening.  What had the Caitian done?! Fvadt!  "Do we at least have impulse still?" he called over to her as another volley from the other ship took it's toll on their shields, at this rate they wouldn't have much time.

The flight officer glanced over at his call.  "Yessir. We still the impulse engines."

"It'll do.. I want every ounce of speed she's got to run down that faelirh ch'susse-thrai" The vulgar term slipping out unintentionally in his frustration.

That's when the Healy unleashed a full spread of torpedoes towards their nacelles. The shields flared as they began to deflect the explosion.  Then the EPS conduit that powered that section of the shield failed, what was mere shuddering became a violent shake...  an alarm sounded on the bridge.. indicating that their impulse engines were down.  They were adrift.

As if to prove his earlier point of no escape he heard on the still open comm to the original Healy, his original calling to them. =/\= "There's no place to run... by now the Klingons have flanked your ship, the Tholians have begun their web - trapping us both.  You can't escape.  So I'm giving you another chance to surrender before we simply take your ship by force.  Power down your weapons and have all security lay down their firearms and prepare to be boarded." =/\=

rRayek looked to Hrafn.  "Prepare the self-destruct. Now!"

Ensign Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on July 09, 2020, 03:57:40 PM

[USS Healy - Deck One - Bridge - Day 3 - 3pm]

Adrenaline had kicked in.  The telepathic messages from Rayek she'd obeyed without question, playing out the alarm as best she could, which wasn't all play-acting.  Hrafn knew he wouldn't use the phaser on her but that was about all she knew at the time.

When he called for her mentally to man Tactical she got there in lightning quick time and while she was no John Saxon, her aim wasn't too bad.

"Targetting... as requested" she said... that could mean anything if their counterparts were listening.  She held on as the Healy rocked.

Taking aim on the nacelles she managed to hit the port nacelle near where the joining arm came out of the main body of the ship.

"Booyah!  This Scientist can still kick ass!" she said with a grin that quickly turned to a grimace as she saw where the fake Healy was headed.

"Um, Rayek... ever got the feeling that we shouldn't be left in charge of Katra support ships?!" she said as the fake Healy started coming towards them directly at speed.
The first few shots towards the fake Healy's Bridge did nothing. Minor drain on the shields that was all... easily recharged after a minute or so.  Yet Rayek hesitated to have her target more vital areas.. knowing Tess was on the ship.

It took his doppelgängers threat of ramming for Rayek to get serious and order the torpedoes on the nacelles.  Even that was doubtful to work but it was their best shot.

For a moment the shields of the fake Healy flared as the first of two struck and looked like the shield would hold strong.  Rayek was about to order another two torpedoes - timed to avoid the Tholian ship which darted about daringly - when the enemy's shields suddenly cut out and the delayed second torpedo hit its mark.  The nacelle was nearly shorn off completely.

Inwardly, he was equally elated at Hrafn's success, and even smirked at her comment despite the seriousness of the situation.  He was thrilled now that he had a chance to get back Tess.   "Hold fire!" he called out and signaled Katra's allies to do the same, hoping they would listen to him.

He muted the comm and looked to Oloze.  "Scan the fake Healy for Ba'ku and Caitian bio-signs, beam them to Sickbay" He chose sickbay rather than the Bridge because as with the fake Healy, Sickbay on the real Healy was the most secure location.

He didn't imagine his doppelganger would give up without more of a fight.

While Oloze worked to find Tess and the Caitian, Rayek unmuted the viewscreen which showed a still empty command chair.  =/\= "There's no place to run... by now the Klingons have flanked your ship, the Tholians have begun their web - trapping us both.  You can't escape.  So I'm giving you another chance to surrender before we simply take your ship by force.  Power down your weapons and have all security lay down their firearms and prepare to be boarded." =/\=

There was no response from the other ship.

He noticed Oloze signal for his attention and Hrafn's attention and he muted the comm once more. "Sirs?" the Ops officer glanced between the two uncertain which she should be addressing - Lt Falleg with the higher rank, or Ensign tr'Lhoell.. who was had stolen command at phaser point.  "I'm sorry I didn't notice before.. but at some point when they had control, they must have thrown in some computer virus.. the transporter system is completely affected."

Rayek quickly thought of options... the Acrux was closest but their normal environment was lethal to humanoid life..  he could try contacting the Klingons for assistance..  or ... he nodded at the thought.

"Open a channel to Lt Ferris.". He hoped when he explained about transporters being down the rogue Romulan pilot, he would be more than willing to daisy chain the transporter signal from the rHealy to the Healy, or maybe the station.. since he was half expecting his other self to come up with some other plan.

He frowned.  He did he have to be so stubborn? 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Eydis on July 09, 2020, 09:57:29 PM

[Tholian widows] Would race around just on the edge of phaser distance with the imposter ship. Weaving the infamous tholian web to ensnare the fake healy. The acrux would fire upon the incoming torpedos displaying pretty good accuracy in n destroying them with 1-3 shots each. The arcux would also begin to move in on the now crippled fake Healy. Sending several energy blasts across the nose of the false Healy by mere yards. And then the acrux would turn and arch away from the false Healy at max sub light to escape the web itself. Which is complete just as the acrux pass through the web. Thanks to all the confusion the three widows were able to weave the web with speed.

=/\=Commander Eydis of the acrux the web has been formed. We have held fire on the imposter ship awaiting further instructions in this matter Solluk of the federation That was the hail sent back to the Katra station.

[Katra Station - Operational Control Center]

Zex heard the message from Eydis.  She slowly sat back in her seat.  Then focus back on her assigned task.

"Captain Solluk, Eydis of Tholia says that a web has been deployed to capture the fake Healy.  Do you have any other orders for Eydis?  Or should the Tholian's stand down?" she relayed.

She then looked back to the hologram table.  Trying to see what was happening.  Tying to predict what Solluk may say.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 10, 2020, 05:01:20 AM

"Open a channel to Lt Ferris.". He hoped when he explained about transporters being down the rogue Romulan pilot, he would be more than willing to daisy chain the transporter signal from the rHealy to the Healy, or maybe the station.. since he was half expecting his other self to come up with some other plan.

He frowned.  He did he have to be so stubborn?

Eli's flurry around the rHealy had hardly detured the ship from its intended course-his rogue manuverings was for not, it seemed. But, as his Cobras rejoined on his wing, and the Tholians taking up a new position, Eli felt that grim sense that their replicants were hardly done, damaged though they were.
The ship was now headed directly for the Healy. Eli wished he had a moment to get aboard, or sabatoge their helm system. But, if the replicants knew them, inside and out, then his own counters would be largely useless.
Curse the luck...why did he have to be damn paranoid with the systems. He could hack regular systems...
Then the tight banded transmission from Rayek came through-and Eli almost dared smile. A daisy chain of transporters was the type of back door system play Eli appreciated. He still hadn't thought of a good nickname for it.

=/\= Cobras, begin to fan back, give the Tholians some room. I want inderdiction between the rHealy and the Katra. We are going to need to ferry some crew.  =/\=

L'mar Camili Rhade

Quote from: Tess tLhoell on July 10, 2020, 03:40:03 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess t'Lhoell (6 months pregnant)
[USS rHealy - Deck 6 - Sickbay]

To Tess' growing frustration Rhade seemed to ignore her. Neither did he answer any of her questions nor did he free her so she could move freely which would have been nice since the ship rocked threaneningly. They were under fire. The real Healy? Rayek?? The Klingons, the Tholians... ? Who knew. What she did know was that they would have to get out of here as quick as possible.

Rhade fell, obviously in pain, he had been in some before, she had seen that. She looked at the Caitian on the floor - concern for him and frustration that he couldn't pull himself together until they were safe - right now they were not! - fought for dominance.

"What is it?", she asked while she looked around. The hypospray the fake Tess had used to threaten her was useless - broken by the heavy stun beam it had been hit by. Another hypospray was at the other corner of the med bay. Tess tried to determine what would waste less time: to get there with bound hands while the ship trembled and treat Rhade - or convince him that he had to get them out of here now.

"Lieutenant!", Tess addressed him to get his attention since he had ignored her before. "I will treat you as soon as we're off this ship but right now it's important to get us both to safety! Initiate whatever it is you need to do now." She took a step closer, intending to stretch her bound hands out to him to help him getting to his feet - when a forceful blast hit the ship. The force of it threw Tess off her feet and without her arm she had little possibility to catch herself to soften the fall. She stumbled trying to hold balance but failed and she smashed into one of the work consoles with her side. Pain shot through her that brought tears to her eyes as she landed on the floor. Oh no, she hoped the baby was okay! She was afraid her child might have get harmed.

But she couldn't give up now. Fate seemed to have mercy when she looked up and saw that the hypospray had made its way to her - no doubt having rolled off the tray while the ship rocketed and rolled in her direction. Thank you, she thought and moved to grab the hypo-injector.

Tess scrambled clumsy to her feet, the pain worried her but she had to think of saving their lives now. Taking a step towards Rhade she fumbled with the hypospray. Her hands shook. The device slid out of her bound hands. Tess swore in desperation as she picked it up again. Her trembling fingers made it hard to set the dosage but finally she did it and then injected an analgesic into Rhade's leg.

"It was a high dosage, it should help with the pain. We don't have time for more right now." She was panting as she spoke. The events wearing her out emotionally and physically.

"Now get us off the ship if you please!" She didn't even mind being still bound. She just wanted to be anywhere else but here.

[ Provisional Junior Lieutenant L'mar Rhade ] | [ Deck 6 - Sickbay | USS rHealy ] - [ DAY 3. AFTERNOON. ]

Once the pain was not so strong, Rhade could focus his mind and smiled at Tess. "Thank you and please calm yourrself Commanderrr." L'mar began, his words were losing the rolling sound.

"Panic is counterrprroductive." L'mar commented as he slowly got to his feet. He had been really lucky to already have been on the floor when that last violent shaking. "If you will turrrn arrround Commanderr?" L'mar asked and aimed his rifle at the locking mechanism of the metal bonds that held Tess' arms together.

He fired and it fell to the floor. Rhade then made his way over to the Surgery Suite console after picking up his rifle. Checking the sensors, he grinned, it seemed that this Healy's shields had failed during that shaking. But why were they still here?

Hrafn's telepathic message had told him to get Tess to Sickbay and get the shields down. Although he'd only managed the first half of that, the shields were taken out by another way, they should have been beamed off by now. Something was different, maybe his real crewmates couldn't transport them to safety.

Rhade did a check of the fake Healy's transporters, they seemed to still be working but with the real Healy's shields still up as well as the fighting still going it was risky to ask for them to drop shields. Then he recalled the external sensors and found a Cobra still following them within Transporter range.

"Perrrhaps we can link this ship's trransporrterrs with the Cobrras and chain all the way back to Katrra Station." L'mar suggested though he was already on hacking the targeting sensors to connect with the Cobra. "I've opened a trransmission with the Cobrra and the brridge shouldn't detect it as I've rrrrouted it thrrrough the impulse exhaust."

"Cobrrra, this is Rrrhade, I have Commanderrr t'Lhoell and herrr clone. Can you please chain link with Katrra Station's trranssporrterr arrray so we can beam back giving the rreal Healy the opportunity to destrroy the clones. Find and lock onto Lieutenant Saxon as well if you can. He should be on his way to the Brridge."

🡱 🡳

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